Assignment 6

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Sai Sameer Tammana (, Rohan Viswanath (rohanv@umich.


8.4) For our Example , we consider a Real life ASSIGNMENT problem. The description of the problem is as follows : PIZZA DELIVERY A pizza company owner wishes to open outlets across a region to cater to its customers in a particular region . In the region there are 6 small locations where the demand for Pizza is very high. The company now faces a problem to open their outlets in such a manner that the needs of all its customers are satised and the customers are happy with the service. Now for the customers to be HAPPY, the Pizza needs to be delivered in 30 minutes from the time it is ordered. If the pizza is not delivered within the 30 minutes from placing the order, the customer is unhappy. The direct consequences of which are that the customers switch to another company that provides Pizza. Thus on time delivery is one important policy that should be considered while selection locations for outlets. Now there are Six cities in the region R. The company wishes to setup minimum number of Pizza Outlets which could cater to all of its customers and also provide on-time delivery. The following matrix shows the time required to deliver the Pizzas from location i to city j where i = 0, 1, 2....6 and j = 0, 1, 2, ...6
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Date : December 8, 2013.


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