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Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

Overview of Library Lessons Key Concept _ Princesses and Princes erm 1 Stage 1 2014
Library Skills
By the end of the term, students should be able to: 1. Identify the library and the teacher librarian within the school. 2. Know and follow the rules within the library. 3. Know and demonstrate the correct borrowin and returnin !rocedures. ". Know and demonstrate al!habetical shel#in of books in $unior %iction. &. Identify the title, author, illustrator, s!ine label and blurb of a book. '. Know 3 sections, and their com!onents, of the library ($unior %iction, %iction and )on %iction* Library +%% consists of 1 hour !er week, this time is broken u! into one ",-minute lesson and one 2,-minute lesson. .he abo#e skills will be achie#ed throu h acti#ities focusin on the theme /0rincesses and 0rinces1. .his su!!orts classroom teachin and learnin in the area of literacy, s!ecifically, the unit of work /%airy .ales1. 2k 1 2k 2 2k 3 2k " 2k & 2k ' 2k 8 2k = 2k > 2k 1, 2k 11 3hinese )ew 4ear 5cti#ity (classes not yet formed*. Introduction 9 3haracters found in %airy .ales. 0arts of a book 9 0rinces and 0rincesses characteristics. Book 3o#er knowled e - .itle, 5uthor, Illustrator 9 6escribe a 3astle. Book 3o#er knowled e : Label and Blurb 9 2ho li#es in a castle; 0remier<s +eadin 3hallen e. $unior %iction $unior %iction %iction )on %iction +e#ision
Si n 6ate

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

2891 392 1,92 1892 2"92 "93 1193 1=93 2&93 3193 89"

6ate refers to week be innin . 7 6enotes - lesson com!leted

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

!"stra#ian C"rric"#"m $ng#ish %ear 1

Year 1 Content Descriptions for Library Program 2014 Lang"age strand Literat"re strand Literacy strand
Text structure and organization &nderstand that the p"rposes te'ts serve shape their str"ct"re in predictab#e ways (!C$L!144)* Text structure and organization &nderstand patterns of repetition and contrast in simp#e te'ts (!C$L!144-* Literature and context +isc"ss how a"thors create characters "sing #ang"age and images (!C$L 1,-1* Texts in context .espond to te'ts drawn from a range of c"#t"res and e'periences (!C$L%1/,,*

Responding to iterature +isc"ss characters and events in a range of #iterary te'ts and share persona# responses to these te'ts0 ma1ing connections with st"dents2 own e'periences (!C$L 1,-2* Responding to iterature $'press preferences for specific te'ts and a"thors and #isten to the opinions of others (!C$L 1,-4*

!nteracting "it# ot#ers $ngage in conversations and disc"ssions0 "sing active #istening behavio"rs0 showing interest0 and contrib"ting ideas0 information and 3"estions (!C$L%1/,/* !nterpreting$ ana ysing$ e%a uating &se comprehension strategies to b"i#d #itera# and inferred meaning abo"t 1ey events0 ideas and information in te'ts that they #isten to0 view and read by drawing on growing 1now#edge of conte't0 te't str"ct"res and #ang"age feat"res (!C$L%1//0*

Text structure and organisation &nderstand concepts abo"t print and screen0 inc#"ding how different types of te'ts are organised "sing page n"mbering0 tab#es of content0 headings and tit#es0 navigation b"ttons0 bars and #in1s (!C$L!14,0* &xpressing and de%e oping ideas Compare different 1inds of images in narrative and informative te'ts and disc"ss how they contrib"te to meaning (!C$L!14,4*

&xamining iterature +isc"ss feat"res of p#ot0 character and setting in different types of #iterat"re and e'p#ore some feat"res of characters in different te'ts (!C$L 1,-4*

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

!"stra#ian C"rric"#"m $ng#ish %ear 2

Year 2 Content Descriptions for Library Program 2014

Lang"age strand
Language for interaction 5dentify #ang"age that can be "sed for appreciating te'ts and the 3"a#ities of peop#e and things (!C$L!14/2* Text structure and organization &nderstand that different types of te'ts have identifiab#e te't str"ct"res and #ang"age feat"res that he#p the te't serve its p"rpose (!C$L!14/4* Text structure and organization &nderstand how te'ts are made cohesive thro"gh reso"rces0 for e'amp#e word associations0 synonyms0 and antonyms (!C$L!14/4*

Literat"re strand
Literature and context +isc"ss how depictions of characters in print0 so"nd and images ref#ect the conte'ts in which they were created (!C$L 1,-)* Responding to iterature Compare opinions abo"t characters0 events and settings in and between te'ts (!C$L 1,-6* Responding to iterature 5dentify aspects of different types of #iterary te'ts that entertain0 and give reasons for persona# preferences (!C$L 1,60*

Literacy strand
Texts in context +isc"ss different te'ts on a simi#ar topic0 identifying simi#arities and differences between the te'ts (!C$L%1//,* !nterpreting$ ana ysing$ e%a uating 5dentify the a"dience of imaginative0 informative and pers"asive te'ts (!C$L%1//-* !nterpreting$ ana ysing$ e%a uating &se comprehension strategies to b"i#d #itera# and inferred meaning and begin to ana#yse te'ts by drawing on growing 1now#edge of conte't0 #ang"age and vis"a# feat"res and print and m"#timoda# te't str"ct"res (!C$L%1/)0* Creating texts Constr"ct te'ts feat"ring print0 vis"a# and a"dio e#ements "sing software0 inc#"ding word processing programs (!C$L%1/)4*

Text structure and organization Know some feat"res of te't organisation inc#"ding page and screen #ayo"ts0 a#phabetica# order0 and different types of diagrams0 for e'amp#e time#ines (!C$L!14//*

&xamining iterature +isc"ss the characters and settings of different te'ts and e'p#ore how #ang"age is "sed to present these feat"res in different ways (!C$L 1,61*

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

erm 1 Stage 1 2014 Library Program

Wk 1 Lesson 3hinese )ew 4ear Procedure / Activities +ead /+ace for the 3hinese ?odiac1 by @abrielle 2an . 3reate 3hinese dra on craft. Resources +ace for the 3hinese ?odiac 6ra on stencil Straws, cre!e !a!er streamers, lue. 2orksheet - %ind the %airy /.he 0a!er ba 0rincess1 I2B

Introduction - unit /0rincesses and 0rinces1 %airy .ale 3haracters.

0arts of a book 0rincesses and 0rinces characteristics.

+ead, /.he 0a!er ba 0rincess1 By +obert Aunsch. Brainstorm characteristics of 0rincesses B. . Kind, beautiful, loyal. +emind children of library rules, !it rules, introduce reward system connected to Calues Bducation. +emind children of the borrowin returnin !rocedures. +ead /0rince 3inders1 by Babette 3ole. Brainstorm characteristics of 0rinces. B. . bra#e, stron , handsome. 6iscuss with students: .he ' !arts of a book. +eDuest cardboard boEes for the creation of the library castle. 6emonstrate how to be in castle artwork on I2B.

/0rince 3inders1 5" 0a!er Stickers for correct answers (!arts of a book* I2B Smart )otebook /Fow to draw a 3astle1 /.he .ad!ole 0rince1 3astle 6rawin s (be un last week* I2B /3herry Blossom and the @olden Bear1 3astle 6rawin s I2B Smart )otebook.


Book 3o#er +ead /.he .ad!ole !rince1 By )ick 2ard. knowled e 9 +e#ise and discuss with students: .he 6escribin a castle; com!onents of a front co#er. Brainstorm - /2hat does the !erfect castle need<; Book 3o#er knowled e 9 2ho li#es in a castle; +ead, /3herry Blossom and the @olden Bear1 By 0amela %reeman. 6iscuss : 2ho li#es in a castle; +e#ise and discuss with students: .he .itle, 5uthor and Illustrator: .he location and !ur!ose of the blurb: Location and !ur!ose of S!ine Label and barcode. 3hildren colour their castle walls in !re!aration for 0aintin back round. +ead /Snow 2hite1 +etold by $ose!hine 0oole. +e#ise - !arts on a book 6emonstrate lo in into 0+3 website. 6iscuss 0+3 rules.



Knowled e consolidation 0remier< +eadin 3hallen e.

/Snow 2hite1 BEam!le of 0arts of a book. S!ine labels I2B Smart )otebook.

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

$unior %iction knowled e

3ontinue +eadin /Snow 2hite1 +etold by $ose!hine 0oole. 6iscuss with students: .he location of $unior %iction, the features of $unior %ictions books (easy to read, lots of !ictures, $ s!ine label* 3hildren !aint 3astle back round.

/Snow 2hite1 3astle 6rawin s 2atercolour !aint, brushes 3ardboard boEes. BEam!le of $unior %iction books I2B. Smart )otebook. 3astle 6rawin s 2atercolour !aint 3ardboard boEes. BEam!les of %iction books I2B Smart )otebook. /Bobble Fead1 0rinces and 0rincesses worksheet. BEam!les of %iction books I2B Smart )otebook /.he wild Swans1 /Bobble Fead1 0rinces and 0rincesses worksheet. BEam!les of )on%iction books (one from each 6ewey section* I2B Smart )otebook /.he wild Swans1 I2B Smart )otebook

$unior %iction knowled e consolidation +e#ise %airy .ale 3haracters

+ead book /)o Bears1 By Ae AcKinlay. 6iscuss and list /@ood and bad1 characters in %airy .ales. 3hildren be in to desi n /.he Library 3astle1 in !it. (5rran in boEes, Ars Shearer to use Aaskin ta!e to assemble*. +ead /.he .wel#e 0rincesses1 6iscuss - eEam!les of ma ic in %airy .ales. 6iscuss - location of %iction books, features of %iction books (harder to read, lots of words, cha!ters, % s!ine label* Be in colourin !rince9!rincess worksheet +ead /.he wild Swans1 By Fans 3hristian 5nderson 6iscuss with students: .he location of )on %iction books. .he features of )on %iction books (information, !hotos, dia rams, numbers and letters on s!ine label* 2hole class com!lete acti#ity on I2B 0aste /bobble head1 to com!lete !rince9 !rincesses. %inish readin /.he wild Swans1 By Fans 3hristian 5nderson. 3om!lete any unfinished acti#ities, bobble head, castle !aintin , find the fairy worksheet, buildin castle.


%iction knowled e Aa ic in %airy .ales.


)on %iction knowled e



.he followin !a es are recreated in Smart )otebook to be dis!layed on the Interacti#e 2hite Board (I2B*. 2hole class acti#ity will reDuire children to hel! com!lete the acti#ities on the I2B.

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

Princes and Princesses in the LIBRARY

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

1) draw flowers on the front cover 2) Trace over the pages 3) Colour the spine red 4) draw a prince or princess on the back cover 5) Colour the barcode orange 6) Colour the spine labels blue 7) colour the title purple

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer


Gse the arrows and the discri!tion of what they are !ointin to name the !arts of a front co#er. Gse the words in the star to hel! you.

.itle 5uthor Illustrator

.he !erson who wrote the words.

.he !erson who drew the !ictures.

.he name of the story.

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer


Gse the arrows and the discri!tion of what they are !ointin to name the !arts of a front co#er. Gse the words in the star to hel! you

Blurb Label


.his tells us where the book li#es

.his tells us what the story is about

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

JUN OR F CT ON BOOK! Gse the words in the star to fill in the a!s 5 $unior %iction book is a HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH book.

.hese books ha#e lots of HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in them.

I am allowed to borrow HHHHHH of these books each weekI

!ictures 2 story

6raw a !icture on the front co#er of this $unior %iction book.

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

F CT ON BOOK! Gse the words in the star to fill in the a!s 5 %iction book is a hard HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH book.

.hese books ha#e HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in them.

I am allowed to borrow HHHHHH of these books each weekI Gnless I !ro#e I can read it by myself.

, story cha!ters

6raw a !icture on the front co#er of this %iction book.

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

NON F CT ON BOOK! Gse the words in the star to fill in the a!s 5 )on %iction book is a HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH book.

.hese books ha#e lots of HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in them.

I am allowed to borrow HHHHHH of these books each weekI

2 true information

6raw a !icture on the front co#er of this )on %iction book

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