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Community-based PA Programming

Identification of Learners
-There are two types of learners for this strand. 1. Students P-12 (particularly ES) 2. Parents of those students -Parents play a key role in this strand due to transportation and other financial resources that may be needed to participate in certain programs.

Description of Key Learning Activities

- Flyers or posters hung throughout the school promoting up coming events in the community. (examples: 5k runs, Bike races, golf tournaments, etc.) - Newsletters sent home with the students that give information on when, where and how much to register for recreational sports. (examples: Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading, etc.) - Partnering up with local programs such as the YMCA to offer discount memberships to students. - Guest speaker from the local Recreation department describing all the activities that the community can offer. - Hang up pictures in the gym of students who are actively participating in community PA. (examples: a female student who is running the local 5k, a male student playing in a local flag football game). - Parent class or meeting explaining and describing the steps to register their child for local PA throughout the community. The class will discuss the local activities available, the process in registering and the cost of such activities. - Have Field Day at a local club such as the YMCA, and allow parents and students to tour the facilities at the conclusion of Field Day.


Schedule for Learning Activities

- Flyers or posters can be done year round, especially before upcoming events that are taking place in the community such local 5ks or PA events. - Newsletters or emails can be sent out quarterly that give information about what recreational sports are available for one to register for. Emails can be sent out more frequently because of the low cost rate along with their mass production capabilities. - Partnering up with local programs would be a year round relationship. Summer months would also apply because we want the students active all the time just not during school months and hours. - Guest speakers from local community organizations could come in and student to the students twice a year, once each semester. By doing this students can get a broad few of what is and is not available in the community. - Hanging up pictures of the students in community activities would be posted year round. A new board would be posted at the beginning of each year and stay up until the end. - Parent classes would be held twice year, once at the beginning of each semester. Classes would last approximately one hour. - Field Day activity would be held once a year at the end. For maximum exposure you could combine a guest speaker with this activity or even have a tour guide escort students and parents through and around the facilities. - Facebook- Have an HPE Facebook page for your school. On that page post information on upcoming events both in school and community. Use social media to get the word out.


Description of Resources
- Community Leaders- Speak to leaders of the recreation department to get information about community based PA. (How, Where and When certain activities take place) = Web-based Information- Go to organization websites such as, (which is for joining Boy Scouts). These types of websites can answer almost any question one has and if you can find the answer there is a contact number you can call to assist you further. - Social Media- Use social media to promote upcoming events. It is free and easy to do and you can reach an unlimited audience. - Others- Talk to other individuals that have been through the process already. Speak to parents who already have kids involved in community PA. Just ask questions, networking is key. * Research, Research, Research Research is your best resource because it is basically how one will get the information in the first place. Ask questions, search the Internet, do whatever means you think is necessary to gain knowledge about this strand.

Process Assessments
- Registration- I would use the data from registration as an assessment tool. By looking into how many students or children actually registered for a community PA, one could gauge the effectiveness of the social marketing for that particular activity. - Participation- I would also use participation as an assessment tool. I would gather the data on how many students or kids actually went through the registration process and are keeping up pace in the activity. Many kids sign-up or register for certain activities and events but never actually follow-through. *Once I have the data from both assessments I can cross-reference it and find the actual names and phone numbers of those who dropped out. With that information I can call them and ask follow-up questions as to why they were not able to participate. I can use the information collect to improve the situation for the nest time around.


Outcome Assessments
- Interviews- Interviews will be conducted with directors or others involved in coordinating community PAs. I would ask them open-ended questions about the effectiveness of the PA and did it meet their expectations. With it being an interview the individual will be able to elaborate more on his answer then if on a survey. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Did the turnout of people/students meet your expectations?

2. If you could start the event over again what would you do differently?

3. As a physical educator, what could I do to help with PA in the community?

4. Do you feel the marketing strategies for this event was well planned?

5. In your opinion was the event a success? Yes or No? Why?

- Questionnaire to Students- a written questionnaire would be given to the students. It would be administered at the beginning of the class on the last class day of the semester/quarter. The questionnaire would contain questions that ask the effectiveness in marketing of community PA, would you like to participate in community PA and other similar question types.


- Survey to Parents- A survey will be given to the parents that have attend the parent classes. This assessment will give feedback as to how effective the class was, in addition to answering their questions.

DISAGREE 1. The class was beneficial. 2. The instructor was very knowledgeable 3. I learned a lot from this class 4. This class was a waste of time 5. I can now explain the registration process to someone who doesnt know 6. I would recommend this class 7. I feel all my questions were answered 8. I feel well informed about community PA 9. I will register my child for community PA 10. I feel confident that I can register my child without a problem 11. I enjoyed my time in class 12. I found out a lot about my community that I didnt know before 13. My community has a lot to offer 14. My kids feel safe in the community 15. It is important that my child participates in community PA 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

AGREE 3 3 3 3

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

1 1

2 2

3 3

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3


Training Needed
*This strand is somewhat tricky due to the fact that there isnt any CK or PCK

- Answer Questions- One will need to be able to answer any questions about community PA that both students and parents will have. When? Where? How? How Much? - Explain the Process- You will need to have the knowledge and understanding of what it takes for one to get involved in community PA. This could be a number of things, from where to sign-up to when the activities actually take place. In my opinion the best and most efficient way to gain the knowledge needed is through research. Research, Research, Research. Ask questions, surf the Internet, speak to those already involved in community PA and network. If you dont know the answer make sure you can direct one to someone who does. It is a lot of work but you get involved in community PA yourself you should already be ahead of the curve.


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