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Early Childhood

Language Development -A child at this age will improve in phonological awareness. -A child in this stage produces chronological narratives. Physical Development..
-At this stage the child will begin to walk up the stairs with alternating feet. -At this stage the child will begin to run smoothly.

Cognitive Development
In Early Childhood the child will begin to work on memory capacity. This will help the child process the speed increase. Also to use the ability to use multiple strategies. Moral Understanding At this age children are understanding good conduct and begins to show feelings to others feeling and judgments. Self-Regulation
-Working memory capacity and processing speed continue to increase

-In the Early Childhood field teachers are able to make observations to see if a child might have a learning or behavior disability. The teacher will be able to help the parents in seeking solutions to help the child and help the family through this transition.
A social factor to consider is the childs home environment. It depends on how the child is being raised and how they family is supporting the child.

Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson!

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