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The peace proposals of the Chinese revolutionaries make it clear that real and personal property will be respected. Daily Paper

Bust is the dragon! All his horrid claws roop flabby weak. The pigtail is forsworn. !ierce Chows enlisted in holy cause" #ith freedoms flags the atmosphere adorn$ The times are wild with revolution rush" And fearful China trembles for her cash. #ith numerous rifle and a lot of knives". The %agan triumph thunders on its way The &andarins are shaking for their lives" The &anchus to a thousand 'osses pray. (t seems the yellow world s had done its dash" &ostly for lack of some imperial cash. Ah )in to splendid nationhood aspires$ A huge republic" vast as *ankeeland +ights up his dreams with crackers and blue fire And gives the raging battle to his hand. All Asia grows a mass of curried hash" !orlorn of law" peace" pigtails" mirth and cash. +o! To their council the wild patriots come" Their frown looks betoken awfal deeds$ ,nfurl the battle-flag and beat the drum" .o talk of rest until the tyrant bleeds! The mailed army is buried to bruise and gash$ #ith empires falling" who shall save his cash/ Te soft! The rise and prate of many things$ The fi0 the astonished calendar aright$ But glory lifts her voice and wonder springs ,p like a biplane through the !at mans fright$ The revolution does not use its lash To trouble property or scatter cash. Behold" the peace proposals hot and red! The 1mperor shall not be harmed at all. 2e can have tea and rice and beef and bread" And live within a palace proud and tall. And what is more" these patriots rude and rash #ill still provide him with his yearly cash.

%rinces and other persons of renown &ay keep their titles if they like the things" And all their property in bush and town #ith all the rental value that it brings. The revolution does not want to smash !at or his interest in land or cash. Banners shall still be given all their due. 4#hat this may mean only Confucius knows5 But clearly this throne-breaking warrior crew +ooks kindly on each fatted things that grows.6 *es banners where the merry cymbals clash" )hall be accommodated with some cash. +et dragons bust" let all their horrid claws Be pared and manicured to suit the time$ 7reat is the work and holy is the cause That will not steep its soul in bitter crime" That scorning )osh and all its ways as trash" Clings to the steadfast rock of solid cash Behold the renovated china rise" %urged of her stains and new baptised in gore. 8bserve the splendid purpose in her eyes" And read the noble record oer and oer" 2ow the great &ongo made his warlike splash" And still retained his interest in cash. .ow" shall proud capital arise and flee !rom land-ta0 bigots and trust-breaking laws$ A have open oer the shining sea" #here !at shall find a champion for his cause$ +et 9eferenda roll and combines clash. China shall guard the sacred name of cash!
%at 8&aori %seudonym of avid &c:ee #right ..).# The Bulletin 3st !ebruary 3;3<


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