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MEDIA RELEASE LABOR FORMS GOVERNMENT IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA Today, Labor has formed Government in South Australia. I congratulate Premier Jay Weatherill and the Labor team in South Australia on this remar able achievement. !any had "ritten off Labor in South Australia # Jay $roved them "rong "ith an outstanding cam$aign fought on %obs, health and education. Jay has a strong vision for South Australia # building on t"elve years of Labor that has seen the South Australian economy nearly double in si&e. I no" that Jay "ill stand u$ for South Australians against Tony Abbott's cuts %ust li e (ederal Labor "ill stand u$ for all Australians. Tony Abbott must share res$onsibility for the Liberal Party's failure in South Australia. )is last*ditch visit to Adelaide a fe" days before the election hindered * rather than hel$ed * Steven !arshall's cam$aign. South Australians sa" the man "ho shrugged his shoulders "hen )olden announced it "as sending their %obs overseas. South Australians sa" Tony Abbott's refusal to release the +ommission of Audit before the election for "hat it "as # snea y, cynical $olitics. )e must not ma e the same mista e again. Tony Abbott must release his +ommission of Audit re$ort before the WA Senate ,lection so Western Australians no" "hat his Government has in store for them. The Liberal Party too South Australians for granted, o$enly boasting that a Liberal Government in SA "as inevitable.

This election $roved that there is no such thing as an un"innable or an unlosable election. This is a shoc defeat for the Liberal Party. SUNDAY, 23 MARCH 2014

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