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Geysers & Hot Spring

What is Hot Spring???????

A hot spring is a spring that is produced by the emergence of geothermally-heated groundwater from the earth's crust. There are hot springs all over the earth. There is not exact definition for hot spring that is accepted by world wide.

What is Geysers??????
A geyser is a type of hot spring that erupts periodically, ejecting a column of hot water and steam into the air. There are two types of geysers: Fountain geysers- erupt from pools of water Cone geysers- erupt from cones or mounds of siliceous sinter.

Geyser fields around the world

Where are the Hot Spring???

There are hot springs on all continents and in many countries around the world. Countries that are renowned for their hot springs include Iceland, New Zealand, Chile and Japan, but there are interesting and unique hot springs in many other places as well.

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