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Article Title: Down Go The Dams Author/Source: Jane C.

Marks A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point Fossil Creek provided less than .1% of power supply 800000 dams operate 45000 are large dams Hydroelectric power make up 20% of globes electric supply Dams control flooding, reservoirs supply water for irrigation, recreation, and drinking Structures ruin vistas, trap sediments, destroy ecosystems Dams affect fish populations because of migration Trapped sediments wipe out insects and algae after dam is cleared Dams separate invasive species

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Thinking that destroying a dam will solve the ecosystems problems is wrong. Dams are known for their ability to gather energy and store water for the future. However, more dams are now being put down due to their inefficiency to keep up with societys demands. There are also potential problems with the lack of dams. Dams are known to separate invasive species that are now common to ecosystems worldwide. The potential of sediments wiping out insects and algae, food for the fish. Disassembling of dams will have its effects shown to the world soon. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views

I am surprised by the negative effects of dismantling a dam. I expected much of the river or stream to become well and restore to its original state instantly. Trapped sediment is the most harmful in my opinion due to its potential to leave toxic environment for other exotic species. The fish and ecosystem must suffer from our dams in which we use selfishly. So What? It is important to know the positive and negative effects of disassembling a dam. What if..? What if dams were not created at all? Says Who? The author and the various sources. What Does This Remind Me Of? This reminds me of the water footprint.

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