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Assignment 1 (Video-Recorded Speech Presentation) (20%)

Make a video recording of a speech based on the topic given below. The speech should be 4-5 minutes in length. Do not do voice-over. When doing the presentation you must wear formal attire. lso make sure that the

background setting reflects the academic speech that you are giving. !t is up to you how to make the video recording using any of the !"T gadgets available in the market. However, on# o!r mar" wi## $e determined $ o!r speech presentation

and not the sophistication o% the video #$lease refer to the mark scheme for

further information%. &ubmit the video to the platform provided in My'uru #platform (%. Do not submit the te)t of your recording. Make sure that the video can be read by &indows 'edia P#a er and not password protected #if linked to *ouTube%. #!t is your responsibility to check on this and ()* the lecturers%. +o not post #postal services% your video, Make sure you do so before the deadline given #wee" -%. $lease $M your lecturer if you are unable to submit on time by providing valid reasons. *our tutor will evaluate the speech presentation based on the mark scheme provided. # ppendi) (% in +owever, if you read from te)t, your mark will be evaluated based on the mark scheme ppendi) -.


1ive a 2-min!te ta#" on how to maintain a hea#th #i%est #e,

3(+ )4 .(S*R5/*.)(S

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