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Forms of Energy (Review and Re-Teach)

Rationa e: The purpose o this lesson

is to review solar" thermal" li!ht" electrical" and sound ener!y; and to re/ teach electrical circuits#

Submitted by: Samantha Foltz /2rric2 2m !ntegration: Grade Level: 5th

)usic Social Studies Science Dritin! )ath >eadin! Theatre (rt ,1 Subject/Topic: Bealth


(ateria s0E12i3ment: Dires" batteries" li!ht bulbs" tennis balls" small piece o sand paper" elt" metal washers" text boo$ to use as a ramp" ruler" marbles" jeopardy smart board !ame# TE)# *chieved: < '(*/ explore the uses o ener!y" includin! mechanical" li!ht" thermal" electrical" and sound ener!y# < '9*/ demonstrate that the low o electricity in circuits re%uires a complete path throu!h which an electric current can pass and produce li!ht" heat" and sound# 1L, 5 '9*/ write usin! newly ac%uired basic vocabulary and content/based !rade/level vocabulary#


The students will explore all o the orms o ener!y that have been recently studied by usin! the materials at each o the ener!y stations" and recordin! their indin!s in their science journals# The students will demonstrate their $nowled!e o how electricity needs a closed path to travel in a circuit by buildin! their own series and parallel circuits at the teacher table# The students will write in their science journals usin! the newly ac%uired science vocabulary#

Lesson P an:

&ntroduction '(nticipatory Set/)otivation*:

Surprise+ ,op %uiz worth -.. points+ ////wait or !roans# 0ust $iddin!+ (ctually" you will have a district assessment tomorrow" and & want to be sure that you eel prepared or it# So" today you will be wor$in! at stations to review the orms o ener!y that we have learned about#


+ oom,s Ta-onomy:
=nowled!e/>emember (nalysis ?omprehension/@nderstand 1valuate (pplication ?reate

!nformation "iving: 1xplain to the students that they will be reviewin! all o the orms o ener!y that we have covered in the last ew wee$s# Go over the objectives or the lesson# Then" tell them they will be split into 2 !roups" and travel to each o the 2 stations with their !roup# 3ou will want to split the students by numberin! them o to ensure that the !roups are hetero!eneous# 1xplain each station to students" and have a student model appropriate and inappropriate behavior at each# Students will have -./-5 minutes at each station# #tation $: 4ewton5s Laws and the orces/ 6irections should be posted# Students will wor$ with the materials at the table" and decide which o 4ewton5s 7 laws are at wor$" and/or describe the orces at wor$# They must also describe the e ects o mechanical" potential" and $inetic ener!y on the items# They must record their observations and indin!s in their science noteboo$s" and explain the orces actin! upon the items# #tation %: Teacher table/ Students will build a series and parallel circuit and describe each to the teacher# They must be able to demonstrate their $nowled!e that electrical ener!y will only travel in a closed" or complete path# They must also demonstrate their $nowled!e that electricity can create thermal" li!ht" and sound ener!y# #tation &: Lenses/ Students will use convex and concave lenses to observe di erent items# They will do technical drawin!s in their science journals o how the ima!e appeared when loo$in! throu!h the di erent types o lenses" 'bi!!er or smaller8* and describe how the li!ht rays are transmitted throu!h the di erent shaped lenses# #tation ': 0eopardy Smart 9oard Game/ Students will brea$ into : smaller teams rom within their !roups" and play ener!y jeopardy+

.ifferentiated Learning:
(uditory =inesthetic Aerbal/Lin!uistic &ntrapersonal Aisual/Spatial Lo!ical/)ath )usical &nterpersonal

/ assroom #trategies:
?ooperative Groups Technolo!y &ndependent (ctivities ?harts/Graphs/)aps ,roblem Solvin! ,eer tutorin!

Bands/Cn ?enters Simulation Lecture Dhole/!roup ,airin!

(ode ing:

)odel how to use the materials at each station" point out the directions at each station as well# 9e sure to address actions that are inappropriate as well as the appropriate expectations#

/hec4 for 5nderstanding: ( ter !ivin! directions" and modelin! how to appropriately use all o the materials at the stations" as$ students i they have any %uestions# 1mphasize that once they !o to their stations" they will not be able to approach you because you will be at the teacher table reviewin! circuits# (ssi!n the !roup leaders who will be responsible or answerin! any %uestions within their !roup#

"2ided Practice: Split up the students into their !roups" chec$ a!ain i the students have any %uestions# 9e sure the !roup leaders $now who they are#

!nde3endent Practice: Students will !o throu!h each o the 2 stations" with -./-5 minutes at each# They will ta$e their science journals with them# / os2re 0 /2 minating *ctivity: >eview the objectives and discuss each o the stations#


-# For the student that is an 1LL" allow the use o his vocabulary and notes rom his science journal#


?ompare your indin!s with the people in your !roup" and see i there are any di erences or similarities# 6iscuss why you thin$ there may be variances in your data#

*ssessment0Eva 2ation:

Students will be in ormally assessed at the teacher table about their $nowled!e o series and parallel circuits# They must be able to describe that electricity travels in closed paths" and de ine series and parallel circuits# They must also describe that electrical ener!y !ives o thermal" li!ht" and sound ener!y#

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