Letter of Transmittal

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Letter of Transmittal

Department of Banking MBA 7th Batch April 07, 2007.

Mr. Shibli Rubayat-ul-Islam

Assistant Professor Department of Banking University of Dhaka.

Dear Sir, ere is a report on !"ontri#$tion, Scope % &imitation of '(#anking in Bangla)esh* +hich +e have prepare) to go thro$gh classroom(#ase) e)$cation si)e #y si)e real +orl) corporate e,pos$re. -his report is prepare) to get real e,perience of ho+ electronic #anking is e,ec$te) or practice) in corporate area of Bangla)esh. .n preparing this report +e mainly follo+e) the g$i)elines yo$ )isc$sse) in classroom. -he e,perience of this report +e kno+ the "ontri#$tion, Scope % &imitation of '( #anking applie) in Bangla)esh to the B$siness /rgani0ations. 1e thank yo$ for provi)ing $s the opport$nity to con)$ct the st$)y.

Sincerely yo$rs,

M). Shahariar 2ahmat Ullah

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