Pipewall Thickness Calculation

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Engineering Encyclopedia

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Pipewall Thickness Calculation

Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services. Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramcos employees. Any material contained in this document which is not already in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco.

Chapter : Piping & Valves File Reference: MEX10103

For additional information on this subject, contact K.S. Chu on 873-2648 or R. Hingoraney on 873-2649



OVERVIEW: DETERMINING PIPEWALL THICKNESS ............................................1 Normal Operating Conditions............................................................................................2 Design Conditions .............................................................................................................2 Contingent Design Conditions...........................................................................................2 CALCULATING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS FOR THE INTERNAL DESIGN PRESSURE..................................................................3 Equation for Internal Pressure Thickness for Transportation Piping: ASME/ANSI B31.8 and B31.4..........................................................................................3 Equation for Internal Pressure Thickness for Plant Piping: Code ASME/ANSI B31.3.....4 Determining Design Pressure and Temperature ................................................................5 Determining Allowable Piping Hoop Stress and Joint Quality Factor ..............................6 Transportation Piping ........................................................................................................6 Plant Piping .......................................................................................................................9 Determining Design Factors and Temperature Derating Factor for Transportation Pipelines ..................................................................................................14 Design Factor ..................................................................................................................14 Temperature Derating Factor...........................................................................................18 Determining the Proper "Y" Factor for Plant Piping .......................................................19 ADJUSTING PIPEWALL THICKNESS FOR EXTERNAL PRESSURE .....................21 IDENTIFYING THE PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATING OTHER LOADS THAT ARE APPLIED TO BURIED PIPE .......................................................22 Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services. Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramcos employees. Any material contained in this document which is not already in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco.

Chapter : Piping & Valves File Reference: MEX10103

For additional information on this subject, contact K.S. Chu on 873-2648 or R. Hingoraney on 873-2649

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

SELECTING PIPE SCHEDULE THAT TAKES INTO ACCOUNT THE MANUFACTURERS TOLERANCES AND SAUDI ARAMCOS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PIPEWALL THICKNESS.......................................................23 CALCULATING THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OPERATING PRESSURE (MAOP) ......................................................................................................24 WORK AID 4: GUIDELINES FOR CALCULATING MAOP ......................................26 GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................27

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

OVERVIEW: DETERMINING PIPEWALL THICKNESS Given the design temperature, design pressure, pipe diameter, and pipe material, the Saudi Aramco engineer can determine the required thickness of the pipewall. Pipewall thickness is a function of the allowable hoop stress, established by each code and of SAES-L-003, Design Stress Criteria For Pressure Piping. Each code provides the equation that is used to calculate internal pressure thickness. Pipewall thickness is calculated by: Determining the applicable ASME/ANSI B31 Code, as discussed in MEX 101.01. Calculating the required thickness for internal pressure. Checking the calculated thickness to determine its acceptability for external pressure and other applied loads, as applicable. Increasing the calculated thickness, as needed, to account for corrosion allowance and mill tolerance. Selecting a thickness from an ANSI/API table of standard pipe thicknesses, and checking the thickness against the Saudi Aramco minimum thickness requirements.

The MAOP for the pipe can be calculated after the final pipewall thickness is determined. The text of MEX 101.03 refers to ASME/ANSI B31.3 for plant piping and B31.8, for transportation piping. The process discussed in this module is consistent for all the B31 piping codes. However, the equations, variables, and definitions or values for allowable stress differ. It is important for the engineer to keep in mind the design conditions, normal operating conditions, and contingent conditions of the piping system when determining the pipewall thickness. These conditions establish the necessary parameters for pipewall thickness calculations.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Normal Operating Conditions Based on SAES-L-002, Design Conditions For Pressure Piping, normal operating conditions are those expected to occur during normal operation per design, excluding failure of any operating device, operator error, and the occasional, short-term variations stated in the applicable code. Startup and controlled shutdown of plants, shut-in of wells at the GOSP, and similar foreseeable events also are included with normal operation. Design Conditions Based on SAES-L-002, design conditions are all conditions which govern the design and selection of pressure piping components, and are based on the most severe conditions expected to occur in service, in accordance with the code. A margin is used between the normal operating and design conditions to account for normal operating variations. Contingent Design Conditions Based on SAES-L-002, contingent design conditions are: Uncontrolled shutdown of plants. Improper operation due to a single act or operating decision. Failure of a device or function. Fire. Ambient conditions, such as storms, which have an expected average return interval of less than 100 years. Certain multiple, coincident, unrelated contingencies or failures.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

CALCULATING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS FOR THE INTERNAL DESIGN PRESSURE Calculating the required internal pressure thickness is the first step in determining pipewall thickness. To calculate internal pressure thickness given certain design conditions, the Saudi Aramco engineer must use the applicable code (as discussed in MEX 101.01), SAES-L-002, and SAES-L-003. Work Aid 1 outlines the procedure for calculating internal pressure thickness. The sections that follow highlight several aspects of this procedure. Equation for Internal Pressure Thickness for Transportation Piping: ASME/ANSI B31.8 and B31.4 ASME/ANSI B31.8, gives the equation for calculating the internal pressure wall thickness of gas transmission and distribution piping (transportation piping) as follows:
t = PD 2 SEFT

where: t P S D F E T

= = = = = = =

Internal pressure wall thickness, in. Design pressure, psig. Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS), psi. Outside diameter of pipe, in. Design factor. Longitudinal-joint quality factor. Temperature derating factor.

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-L-003 provides values for the design factor, F. The standard also should be referred to for other considerations for each value in the equation. The method for determining each of these values will be discussed in subsequent sections. ASME/ANSI B31.4 uses this same basic equation in a more simplified form. However, design requirements that are contained in SAES- L-003 require that this same equation be used for B31.4 systems.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Equation for Internal Pressure Thickness for Plant Piping: Code ASME/ANSI B31.3 ASME/ANSI B31.3 gives the equation for calculating the internal pressure design thickness for Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping (plant piping) as:
t = 2 ( SE + PY ) PD

where: t P D E S Y

= = = = = =

Internal pressure design thickness, in. Internal design pressure, psig. Outside diameter of pipe, in. Longitudinal-joint quality factor. Allowable hoop stress, psi. Wall thickness correction factor.

The method for determining each of these values in the equation will be discussed in subsequent sections. For thicknesses t < D/6, the internal pressure thickness for straight pipe shall not be less than that calculated in the above equation. For t _ D/6 or for P/SE > 0.385, calculation of pressure design thickness for straight pipe requires special consideration of factors such as theory of failure, effects of fatigue, and thermal stress. This module will not discuss this situation.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Determining Design Pressure and Temperature The design pressure and temperature are used to calculate the internal pressure thickness of pipe. The design pressure is used directly in the thickness calculation equation, as previously shown. The design temperature is used to determine the allowable stresses, especially for plant piping. The values for design pressure and temperature typically are determined by the process engineer based on process requirements. The values used for piping thickness calculations allow for the worst combination of design pressure and temperature. Piping system design conditions generally are determined based on the design conditions of the equipment to which the piping is attached. Determining the piping design conditions consists of: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identifying the equipment to which the piping system is attached. Determining the design pressure and design temperature for the equipment. Considering contingent design conditions, such as upsets not protected by pressurerelieving devices. Verifying values with the process engineer.

For example, a plant piping system that is attached to two process vessels, each with different design conditions, will have specified design pressure and design temperature based on the more severe design conditions of the two vessels. For a transportation piping system attached between two pump or compressor stations, normal operating conditions and potential contingent design conditions (such as pump failure at a downstream pumping station which causes a pressure surge) will be determined. The hydrostatic head in a liquid-filled piping system could also prove to be a significant factor in cases where there is a large difference in elevation between sections of the system.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-B-064, Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety, Paragraph 8, identifies design pressure considerations for transportation piping in which surge can occur. These are highlighted as follows: The design pressure used to determine the minimum pipewall thickness per ASME/ANSI B31.4/B31.8 in location class 3 and 4 zones shall be established by determining the maximum expected surge pressure from a single contingency, such as inadvertent closure of a valve, or failure of a sensing or regulating device. Self-actuated surge protection systems, if provided, shall be assumed to operate as intended, to mitigate the single worst contingency. Surge analysis shall be made for liquid-packed services. Surge protection systems shall be installed if surge pressures are calculated to exceed 110% of the MAOP. Surge protection systems shall include duplicate, critical subassemblies sufficient to overcome single-mode system failures. An installed, spare, surge-relief valve is required for each surge protection system. Surge protection systems shall be of fail-safe design.

Determining Allowable Piping Hoop Stress and Joint Quality Factor Allowable hoops stress (stress in the circumferential direction) is the allowable stress in tension for the pipe material, as modified by the joint quality factor. The joint quality factor depends upon the pipe manufacturing process. The allowable hoop stress is defined by each code. For plant piping, the allowable stress appears in tables in an appendix of B31.3. Transportation Piping For transportation piping, the allowable hoop stress is a function of the material's Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS). The SMYS for commonly used piping materials may be found by using Appendix D of ASME/ANSI B31.8. The joint quality factor, E, is determined by using Table 841.115A of ASME/ANSI B31.8 (or Table 402.4.3 of ASME/ANSI B31.4). The pipe material specification and grade, are required to determine its SMYS. The pipe material specification and grade are required to determine E. These tables are shown, in part, as Figures 1 and 2. ASME/ANSI B31.4 determines allowable hoop stress in a similar manner, as specified by the code.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

SPEC. NO. API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) API 5L (Note 2) ASTM A 53 ASTM A 53 ASTM A 53 ASTM A 106 ASTM A 106 ASTM A 106 ASTM A 134 ASTM A 135 ASTM A 135 ASTM A 139 ASTM A 139 ASTM A 139 ASTM A 139 ASTM A 139 ASTM A 333 ASTM A 333 ASTM A 333 ASTM A 333 ASTM A 333 ASTM A 333 ASTM A 333 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 381 GRADE A25 A B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80 TYPE F A B A B C A B A B C D E 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 CLASS Y-35 CLASS Y-42 CLASS Y-46 CLASS Y-48 CLASS Y-50 CLASS Y-52 CLASS Y-56 CLASS Y-60 CLASS Y-65 TYPE (NOTE 1) BW, ERW, S ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA ERW, S, DSA BW ERW, S ERW, S S S S EFW ERW ERW EFW EFW EFW EFW EFW S, ERW S, ERW S S, ERW S, ERW S, ERW S, ERW DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA SMYS, PSI 25,000 30,000 35,000 42,000 46,000 52,000 56,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 80,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 (NOTE 3) 30,000 35,000 30,000 35,000 42,000 46,000 52,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 75,000 46,000 35,000 42,000 46,000 48,000 50,000 52,000 56,000 60,000 65,000

Source: ASME/ANSI B31.8 - 1989. With permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

GENERAL NOTE: This Table is not complete. For the minimum specified yield strength of other grades and grades in other approved specifications, refer to the particular specification. NOTES: (1) Abbreviations: BW - furnace butt-welded; ERW - electric-resistance welded; S - seamless, FW - flashwelded; EFW - electric-fusion welded; DSA - double-submerged arc welded. (2) Intermediate grades are available in API 5L. (3) See applicable plate specification for SMYS. Source: ASME/ANSI B31.8 - 1989. With permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Spec. Number ASTM A53 ASTM A106 ASTM A134 ASTM A135 ASTM A139 ASTM A211 ASTM A381 ASTM A671 ASTM A672 API 5L Pipe Class Seamless Electric-Resistance Welded Furnace Welded Seamless Electric-Fusion Arc Welded Electric-Resistance Welded Electric-Fusion Welded Spiral-Welded Steel Pipe Double-Submerged Arc Welded Electric-Fusion Welded Electric-Fusion Welded Seamless Electric-Resistance Welded Electric-Flash Welded Submerged Arc Welded Furnace Butt-Welded E Factor 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.00 0.80 1.00 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00* 1.00* 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.60

*1.00 for classes 12,22,32,42,52 0.80 for classes 13,23,43,53


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

After determining the allowable hoop stress and the joint quality factor from the code, SAESL-003 must be checked to determine if there are any other restrictions on the allowable hoop stress. For transportation piping, SAES-L-003 states: For cross-country and submarine pipelines in hydrocarbon service within the scope of ASME/ANSI B31.4 or B31.8, near populated areas as defined and classified in SAESB-064, the maximum allowable hoop stress due to internal pressure shall not exceed the Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS) times the design factor, F. SAES-L-003 specifies values for F based on location class, and for other specific situations. Plant Piping For plant piping, the allowable hoop stress is a function of temperature and material, and considers the yield, tensile, and creep strengths of the material at the design temperature. Allowable hoop stress is determined directly from Table A-1 of ASME/ANSI B31.3. An excerpt from this table is shown in Figure 3. Table A-1 is used in the following manner to determine allowable stress for plant piping. Pipe material and design temperature must be known. Identify material Spec. No. and Grade in the table. Obtain the allowable stress by looking under the appropriate temperature column at the specified material, and use linear interpolation between temperatures if required. Using a pipe material at temperatures beyond the single solid line is not recommended. Going beyond the double solid line is prohibited.

Obtain the value of the joint quality factor, E, based on pipe material and manufacturing process from Table A-1B in B31.3, as shown in Figure 4. Once these values are determined, SAES-L-003 must be referred to for restrictions on the allowable hoop stress. For plant piping, SAES-L-003 states the allowable stresses as shown in Appendix A of the code shall be used for wall thickness calculations.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation


Source: ASME/ANSI B31.3 - 1990. With permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation



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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

51. Special P-1, Sp-2, SP-3, SP-4, and SP-5 of carbon steels are not included in P-No 1 because of possible high-carbon, high-manganese combinations, or microalloying, which would require special consideration in qualification. Qualification of any high-carbon, high-manganese grade may be extended to other grades in its group. 52. Copper-silicon alloys are not always suitable when exposed to certain media and high temperature, particularly above 212F. The user should satisfy himself that the alloy selected is satisfactory. 53. Stress relief treatment is required for service above 450F. 54. The maximum operating temperature is arbitrarily set at 500F because hard temper adversely affects design stress in the creep rupture ranges. 55. Pipe produced to this specification is not intended for high-temperature service. The stress values apply to either nonexpanded or cold-expanded material in the as-rolled, normalized, or normalized temperature conditions. 56. Because of thermal instability, this material is not recommended for service above 800F. 57. Conversion of carbides to graphite may occur after prolonged exposure to temperatures over 800F. 58. Conversion of carbides to graphite may occur after prolonged exposure to temperatures over 875F. 59. For temperature above 900F, consider the advantages of killed steel. Source: ASME/ANSI B31.3 - 1990. With permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation


Source: ASME/ANSI B31.3 - 1990. With permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Determining Design Factors and Temperature Derating Factor for Transportation Pipelines Up to this point, the pipe diameter, D, design pressure, P, allowable hoop stress, S (or SMYS), and joint quality factor, E, can be determined for use in the equation for internal pressure thickness. The last two values that need to be determined are the design factor, F, and temperature derating factor, T, which must be used for transportation piping systems. Design Factor For transportation piping, the procedure for determining the design factor, F, requires using SAES-B-064 to determine a pipeline location class, and then SAES-L-003 to determine the design factor. The procedure for determining the design factor for transportation piping is as follows: Refer to SAES-B-064 to determine a location class. Location class is based upon a population density analysis (PDA) of the population located within the Rupture Exposure Radius (RER) along a pipeline route. RER is the distance on either side of a pipeline that must be included in a PDA, and is a measure of the zone that could be potentially affected by a pipeline rupture. The PDA, as defined in Paragraph 6 of SAES-B-064, supersedes instructions in ASME/ANSI B31.4 and B31.8 pertaining to the population density index. Paragraph 5 of SAES-B-064 defines RER, as follows: For pipelines carrying liquid hydrocarbons having a true vapor pressure less than 100 kPa gauge (15 psig) and an H2S concentration of less than 1.5 mol %, the RER is 400 m (1,300 ft) for all sizes of lines. For pipelines carrying combustible gas or liquid hydrocarbons with a true vapor pressure of 100 kPa (15 psig) or greater, and an H2S concentration of less than 1.5 mol %, the following RER values shall be used: Pipe size less than 12 in. diameter: 12 in. to less than 18 in. diameter: 18 in. to less than 26 in. diameter: 26 in. to less than 36 in. diameter: 36 in. to less than 48 in. diameter: 48 in. to less than 60 in. diameter: 500 m (1,640 ft.) 800 m (2,625 ft.) 1,000 m (3,280 ft.) 1,200 m (3,940 ft.) 2,100 m (6,890 ft.) 2,200 m (7,260 ft.)

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

For pipelines carrying liquid hydrocarbons or combustible gas, with an H2S concentration of 1.5 mol % or greater, the following RER values shall be used: Pipe size less than 18 in. diameter: 4,500 m (14,800 ft.) 18 in. to less than 26 in. diameter: 4,700 m (15,400 ft.) 26 in. to less than 36 in. diameter: 5,400 m (17,700 ft.) 36 in. to less than 48 in. diameter: 7,100 m (23,300 ft.) 48 in. to less than 60 in. diameter: 11,000 m (36,100 ft.)

The RER for a flowline shall be equal to the RER of the well that is served, per SAES-B-062. For other producing lines, the RER shall be set equal to the largest RER of any well that is connected by that line.

The boundaries of areas in which building/development is present or planned within the RER of the pipeline shall be indicated or approved by the Land and Lease Department of the Saudi Government Affairs Organization. Approval for the use of such land for Saudi Aramco facilities shall be processed by the Facilities Planning Department. No Saudi Aramco-controlled land shall be developed or released for development unless the requirements of this standard are met. The population density index for a pipeline is the sum of the existing density index and the virtual density index for each segment of the line, and shall be used as the design basis of the line. Buildings having more than four occupied stories shall be included in the density index as a number of equivalent buildings. The number of equivalent buildings shall be calculated by dividing the number of stories in those buildings by three and rounding up to a whole number. The existing density index for a location shall be determined from a count of the number of buildings lying within the RER of the pipeline. An existing density index shall be calculated for each 1 km (0.6 mile) section of the pipeline. To determine the existing density index for a pipeline, establish a zone that extends 1 RER wide to each side of the pipeline. Divide the pipeline and associated RER zone into 1 km (0.6 mile) long segments. Count the number of buildings and equivalent buildings in each of the segments. The whole number count is the existing density index for each segment.

In areas where development is planned, the estimated number and function of future buildings are used to determine the virtual density index.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

A virtual density index shall be calculated for each specific 1 km (0.6 mile) of pipeline. To determine the virtual density index for a pipeline, establish a zone that extends one RER wide to each side of the pipeline route. Divide the pipeline and associated RER zone into 1 km (0.6 mile) long segments. Calculate the land area in square meters for any development planned for this segment. Multiply the included area by 0.00075 (exactly) and round up. The resulting whole number is the virtual density index for this segment.

Temporary facilities which will be in place for less than six consecutive months are not to be included in these calculations. The extent of RER zones, the boundaries between location class areas, and the location class designations shall be marked on plan drawings. Additionally, the population density index for each km of pipeline shall be provided in all pipeline project proposals. Pipeline location classification is determined using Paragraph 7 of SAES-B-064, based on the PDA: Class 1: Class 2: Locations are undeveloped areas for which the population density index for any 1 km (0.6 mile) segment is 10 or less. Locations are areas for which the population density index is 11 through 30. The portion of subsea pipelines located between Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) and points 0.4 km (0.25 mile) on the seaward side of the LAT-line shall be designated for Construction Type 2. Construction Type 2 shall be the minimum used for the portion of these pipelines located between the LAT-line and the onshore anchor. Locations are areas for which the population density index is more than 30, or which include primary or secondary highways as defined by the Saudi Arabian Government Ministry of Communications.

Class 3:

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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Class 4:

Locations are areas in which a school, hospital, hotel, prison, or shopping mall or similar retail complex is located, as well as any Class 3 areas which include buildings of more than four occupied floors.

A single transportation pipeline typically will have multiple location classifications associated with it, based on the PDA results along its length. Refer to SAES-L-003 to determine the design factor, F, based on the location class. For cross-country and submarine pipelines in hydrocarbon service, the design factor is an follows: Location class 1: Location class 2: Location class 3: Location class 4: F F F F = = = = 0.72. 0.60. 0.50. 0.40.

Check additional requirements regarding design factor in SAES-L-003, Paragraphs 3.2.2 through 3.2.8. For instance, Paragraph 3.2.6 of SAES-L-003 states that for any buried piping in hydrocarbon service within 150 m (500 ft.) of critical plant equipment, the design factor, F, shall not exceed 0.50.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Temperature Derating Factor The temperature derating factor for transportation piping, T, is a function of temperature and accounts for the reduction in pipe material yield strength as temperature increases. Table 841.116A of ASME/ANSI B31.8, which is shown in Figure 5, provides values for T. T may be taken as 1.0 for ASME/ANSI B31.4 systems. This is consistent with B31.8 at 120oC (250oF) or less, since the maximum permitted design temperature for a B31.4 system is 120C (250oF). ASME/ANSI B31.8 TABLE 841.116A TEMPERATURE DERATING FACTOR T FOR STEEL PIPE TEMPERATURE oC oF 120 OR LESS 250 OR LESS 150 300 177 350 204 400 232 450

TEMPERATURE DERATING FACTOR, T 1.000 0.967 0.933 0.900 0.867

For intermediate temperatures, interpolate for derating factor.

Source: ASME/ANSI B31.8 - 1992. With permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Determining the Proper "Y" Factor for Plant Piping The "Y" factor is a function of the type of steel and the temperature, and is determined from Table 304.1.1 of ASME/ANSI B31.3. This is shown in Figure 6. ASME/ANSI B31.3 TABLE 304.1.1 VALUES OF Y Temperature, oF Temperature, oC Ferritic Steels Austenitic Steels Other Ductile Metals
General Note:

900 and below 482 and below 0.4 0.4 0.4

950 510 0.5 0.4 0.4

1,000 538 0.7 0.4 0.4

1,050 566 0.7 0.4 0.4

1,100 593 0.7 0.5 0.4

1150 and above 621 and above 0.7 0.7 0.4

The value of Y may be interpolated between the 28 oC (50oF) values shown in the Table. For cast iron, Y equals 0.0.

Source: ASME/ANSI B31.3 - 1990. With permission from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

Identifying Corrosion, Erosion, and Thread Allowances Allowances for corrosion, erosion, or threads must be accounted for in determining the required pipewall thickness. This is more of a problem in plant piping because high fluid velocities or changes in the pressure of the fluid can corrode a pipe. Thread allowances apply only to smaller diameter pipes which may be threaded. Corrosion, erosion, and thread allowances are determined in conjunction with the corrosion or process engineer and are often specified in a pipe specification. The appropriate allowance is added to the thickness that was calculated for internal pressure to arrive at a total required pipewall thickness.
Calculating the Thickness Value

Everything necessary to calculate the required pipe thickness for internal pressure has been discussed. To determine the internal pressure thickness, substitute the values discussed into the appropriate equation. Work Aid 1 summarizes the overall calculation procedure.

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Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

ADJUSTING PIPEWALL THICKNESS FOR EXTERNAL PRESSURE A piping system may be exposed to an external pressure, and the required wall thickness may be governed by external pressure rather than internal pressure. This might be the case for large-diameter/thin-walled process plant piping that is subject to vacuum conditions, or underwater pipelines, which must withstand the hydrostatic head of the water above them. Therefore, the Saudi Aramco engineer must ensure that the pipewall thickness is adequate for a given external pressure. If it is not adequate, the thickness must be increased. Pipe is subject to compressive forces such as those caused by dead weight, wind, earthquake, and vacuum. These forces are often identified by the process engineer. For example, a submarine pipeline may be exposed to an external pressure due to the liquid head of surrounding water being greater than the internal pressure. Piping components behave differently under these forces than when they are exposed to internal pressure. This difference in behavior is due to buckling or elastic instability which makes the pipe weaker in compression than in tension. In failure by elastic instability, the pipe may collapse or buckle. This applies particularly to pipe that has a fairly low internal pressure, large diameter, and thin wall. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UG-28, provides a procedure for evaluating cylindrical shells under external pressure. Pipe geometry factors, (unsupported length, outside diameter, and thickness), material strength, and design temperature are used to determine the thickness required to resist external pressure. Work Aid 2 outlines the procedure for calculating the required pipe thickness for external pressure.

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Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

IDENTIFYING THE PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATING OTHER LOADS THAT ARE APPLIED TO BURIED PIPE Transportation pipelines often have buried sections of pipe. The required thickness of these buried sections will be affected by soil and traffic loads, in addition to the design pressure. These loads cause a circumferential bending stress in the pipe. The Saudi Aramco engineer needs to determine if the pipe is thick enough for these soil and traffic loads. Specific requirements for how traffic loads are determined are found in Paragraph 2.7 of SAES-L-046, Pipeline Crossings Under Roads and Railroads. The pipe must be designed for the traffic load, soil weight, and passive soil reaction. At railroad and highway crossings where the loads may apply, the pipe must be designed according to API Recommended Practice 1102, Liquid Petroleum Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways. It provides the formula for determining circumferential stress in a carrier pipe with internal pressure due to external loads at highway and railroad crossings. The equation gives a stress that is based upon the thickness, internal pressure and soil and traffic loads as follows:
S =

6 K b WERT


+ 24 K z PR 3

where: S = P = R = T = Kb = Kz = E = W =

Circumferential stress due to external loads, psi. Internal pressure, psi. Outside radius, in. Wall thickness, in. Bending parameter. Deflection parameter. Modulus of elasticity of metal. Traffic load (SAES-L-046), lb.

The stress calculated in accordance with this equation is limited to the Specified Minimum Yield Stress times the design factor, F, without considering the longitudinal joint factor. It should also be noted that SAES-L-046 contains criteria for when a protective casing is required, and how the casing should be designed. Saudi Aramco has a computer program that makes the calculation. This can be done through the Consulting Services Department (CSD.) All the load factors required by SAES-L-046 are in the computer program, as well as the required parameters. It is beyond the scope of this course to determine the stress.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

SELECTING PIPE SCHEDULE THAT TAKES INTO ACCOUNT THE MANUFACTURERS TOLERANCES AND SAUDI ARAMCOS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PIPEWALL THICKNESS After the required pressure thickness is determined, the next greater available standard pipe thickness must be selected, taking into account the manufacturer's tolerance. For transportation pipelines, it is sometimes advantageous to specify the exact thickness required rather than using a standard pipe thickness. Because a transportation pipeline can be many miles long, the cost increase associated with ordering a special thickness is far outweighed by the savings associated with not paying for excess thickness. Standard pipewall thicknesses are specified in the following standards: ASME/ANSI B36.10, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (for carbon and lowalloy steel pipe). ASME/ANSI B36.19, Stainless Steel Pipe. API/5L, Specification for Line Pipe specification). (only for carbon steel pipe that meets this

The maximum manufacturer's undertolerance for pipewall thickness is 12.5% for carbon and low-alloy steels. For high-alloy steels it is 10%. Most seamless piping systems will be in the 12.5% category. When pipe is supplied, the actual thickness can be minus 12.5% of the nominal thickness. This undertolerance must be accounted for in B31.3 piping, but does not need to be considered for B31.4 and B31.8 piping systems. The design factors used in B31.4 and B31.8 systems inherently account for the mill tolerance. In addition, piping that is used for transportation pipelines is often rolled from plate material specifications. Plate is manufactured to more stringent thickness tolerances than pipe manufacturing standards. The procedure for selecting pipe schedule is outlined in Work Aid 3.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation







MAOP establishes permissible operating limits to withstand internal pressure, especially for transportation piping. The engineer must determine MAOP for pipe as well as other piping components. This module discusses MAOP for pipe. The MAOP of a pipe or other piping component will be at least equal to the design pressure. However, the MAOP can be higher than the design pressure since use of a standard wall thickness will typically provide an additional margin. The procedure for calculating MAOP is outlined in Work Aid 4.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

SAES-L-006, PARAGRAPH 2.3 The minimum wall thickness (Schedule) of carbon steel pipe shall be as follows: Nominal Size mm _ 50 75 - 150 200 - 800 _ 850

Hydrocarbon Service SCH 80 SCH 40 6.5 mm (0.250 in.) Diameter /135

Low-Pressure Utility Service SCH 40 (see 3.9) SCH 40 6.5 mm (0.250 in.) Diameter/135

in. _2 3-6 8 - 32 _ 34

Schedule 160 nipples shall be used for 50 mm (2 in.) and smaller pipe sizes in vibration service where bracing cannot be effectively provided.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

WORK AID 4: 1.


Subtract mill tolerance, (expressed as a decimal fraction), x, from the nominal pipe wall thickness, T, for ASME B31.3 piping to determine the minimum possible as - supplied thickness, T , as follows:
T = (1 x ) T

x may be taken as zero for ASME B31.4 and B31.8 piping systems. 2. Subtract any other allowances, such as corrosion allowance, c, to calculate the minimum possible pipe thickness, t, as follows: t=T-c 3. 4. Reverse the applicable internal pressure equation to calculate a value for MAOP. Calculate MAOP with the factors identified earlier.

For ASME/ANSI B31.3, Plant Piping, use the following equation to calculate MAOP:

2 tSE D 2 tY

For ASME/ANSI B31.4 or B31.8, Transportation Piping, use the following equation to calculate MAOP:

2 St D FET

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Engineering Encyclopedia

Piping & Valves Pipewell Thickness Calculation

GLOSSARY allowable hoop stress ANSI API carrier pipe casing circumferential bending stress contingent operating conditions design factor location classification normal operating conditions The limit on stresses due to internal pressure. American National Standards Institute American Petroleum Institute The pipe used to transport any liquid or gas. A pipe through which the carrier pipe is installed. A stress caused by the bending of pipe caused by a circumferential moment applied locally to the pipe. Uncontrolled shutdown of plants. Improper operation due to a single act or operating decision. Failure of a device to function, fire, or ambient conditions. Factor used for transportation piping that depends on population density or other factors. A classification for pipelines going through populated areas, based on the actual or expected population density index. Conditions expected to occur during normal operation per design, excluding failure of any operating device, operator error, and the occasional, short-term variations stated in the applicable code. A value based on the number of buildings within the area defined by the rupture exposure radius. Used when doing a population density analysis. The distance on either side of a pipeline, used for conducting a population density analysis. Factor used for internal pressure calculations, that depends on the pipe material and the pipe manufacturing process.

population density index rupture exposure radius weld-joint efficiency factor

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


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