Soi 15 Report Notes

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March 4Lh Make AcLlon lan and creaLe ouLllne abouL Lhe reporL 1. CnenoLe Web App 1.
Coogle 2.
March 6Lh Co on Sol 13 Walk 1.
1ake lmages 2.
1hlnk abouL whaL Lhe problems are/how l lnLend Lo solve
Coogle LarLh SLreeL vlew 1.
lorm for Laklng noLes 2.
March 11Lh llnlsh all exLra research 1.
WrlLe aragraph 1 2.
Coogle/8ooks/Ask Mr. hllllp 1.
CnenoLe Web App/Coogle/My noLes 2.
March 17Lh-18Lh WrlLe remalnder of essay 1.
LdlL and 8evlse ln class/ lf Llme runs ouL, aL home. 2.
CnenoLe Web App/Coogle/My noLes 1.
CnenoLe Web App/Coogle/Spell-Check 2.
CreaLe an acLlon plan (lnclude daLes, Lhlngs you need Lo flnlsh, and sources). 1hls ls graded so make sure lL ls Lhorough!
Choose an aspecL of 8angkok Lo focus on (ueslgn/MovemenL/LnvlronmenL)
8esearch abouL your chosen aspecL and 1AkL nC1LS: how does lL affecL Lhe clLy, alLernaLlves Lo conslder, and why lL ls
llnd lmages on elLher Coogle LarLh or by walklng around Lhe Sol, whlch prove your problem
WrlLe aragraph 1 (1alk abouL whlch aspecL you have chosen, how lL lmpacLs 8angkok, and how lL lmpacLs Lhe currenL
sLaLe of Lhe sol)
WrlLe aragraph 2 (ldenLlfy one parL of your aspecL, and Lalk abouL lL (e.g. Lalk abouL Lhe lack of pavemenLs whlch ls a
resulL of poor deslgn), 1alk abouL Lhe causes and effecLs of lL, how lL affecLs Lhe llves of Lhe local resldenLs...)
WrlLe aragraph 3 (1alk abouL posslble alLernaLlves for Lhe problem, how can 8angkok model lLself afLer oLher counLrles
who had Lhe same problems (Lalk abouL aL leasL 2 oLher alLernaLlves), how does Lhls lmpacL people ln 8angkok/Lhe Sol
you chose (poslLlvely and negaLlvely)?)
WrlLe aragraph 4 (WhaL can nlS1 do Lo solve Lhe problem? WhaL do you recommend Lhe school does?, Why ls lL
necessary Lo solve Lhls problem?, WhaL wlll be Lhe challenges/easy parLs of followlng your recommendaLlon?, WhaL
should be used/lmplemenLed for your suggesLlon(s) Lo work?, how would Lhls change lmpacL Lhe llves of resldenLs
(poslLlvely and negaLlvely)?
WrlLe a small concluslon sLaLemenL whlch summarlzes your polnLs and explalns Lhe necesslLy of flndlng a soluLlon
8evlse and LdlL your work
SubmlL your AcLlon lan, noLes, and 8eporL wlLh |mages (AcLlon lan and noLes= CrlLerlon 8, 8eporL wlLh lmages=
CrlLerlon C)
Iocus o|nt: ueslgn
Creen= My noLes
8lue= llrsL urafL aragraph
8eneflLs: CulLural ulverslLy, AvallablllLy, roxlmlLy Lo ubllc 1ransporL !
lssues: Space ConsLrlcLlon, no avemenLs (noL Walker lrlendly), roads des|gnedpoorly, no parklng space,
Loo many bulldlngs (cluLLered), poor plannlng
Compare beneflLs and lssues -
1alk abouL how all Lhese lssues llnk back Lo poor des|gn of lnfrasLrucLure -
Sect|on 1-
8angkok ls one of Lhe mosL densely populaLed clLles ln Lhe
world! uesplLe lL belng well known for lL's culLural dlverslLy
and cenLrallzed locaLlon, Lhere are many lssues ln Lhe clLy as
well. 1hese lssues are especlally prevalenL on Lhe road on
whlch my school (nlS1 lnLernaLlonal School) ls locaLed:
SukhumvlL Sol 13. Space consLrlcLlon, condlLlon of
pavemenLs, poor road deslgn, lack of deslgnaLed parklng
space, and cluLLered bulldlngs are all lssues whlch have
lmpacLed Lhe llves of many locals and resldenLs of Lhls road.
MosL of Lhese lssues can be Lraced back Lo poor deslgnlng
and plannlng of Lhe clLy. Cne would Lhlnk LhaL a road upon
whlch such a hlghly-esLeemed school ls locaLed, would be
well planned and safe. Powever, Sol 13 ls regarded as
unsafe and dlrLy and does noL have Lhe classlc 'school zone'
look LhaL would be vlslble ln wesLern counLrles! Pere are
some lmages of Lhe deslgn-relaLed lssues on Sol 13:
*lmages 4,6,9*
lor Lhese reasons, l have chosen Lo make cerLaln
suggesLlons regardlng Lhe poor des|gnof Lhe road, Lo my
school: nlS1 lnLernaLlonal School.
(1h|s paragraph= 182 words)
So Lhe deslgn of Lhe Sol has caused lnconvenlence and annoyance
Lo many
MosL people were unhappy abouL Lhe sLaLe of Lhe Sol !
Summarlze lnLervlew -
*Show some lmages* "
All are poor lnfrasLrucLural deslgns !
8enef|ts Issues
CulLural ulverslLy -
AvallablllLy -
roxlmlLy Lo ubllc 1ransporL -
Space ConsLrlcLlon -
no pavemenLs -
noL walker frlendly -
oor road deslgn -
Lack of parklng -
oor lannlng (overall) -
CluLLered 8ulldlngs -
uensely opulaLed ClLy "
8angkok !
<180 WC8uS*
Sect|on 2- Causes and effects of one aspect of your focus on movement, des|gn or env|ronment
lJeotlfy !"# %&'()* of yoot cboseo focos to oJJtess to moke tbe sol(s) mote sostolooble. lock of lovemeots
8/10 sald Lhey were laLe Lo work because of lncreaslng Lrafflc "
1/10 LhoughL Lhe Sol had been deslgned well and safely "
10/10 would prefer a new way Lo walk up and down Lhe Sol "
9/10 felL lL was dangerous Lo walk on Lhe road "
7/10 were annoyed by Lhe cars parklng on Lhe sldewalk (Lakes up Lhe sldewalk and
half a lane!)
8/10 would prefer Lo send Lhelr klds Lo a school wlLh safer walklng areas "
7/10 wouldn'L mlnd Llme belng Laken Lo flx Lhe lnconvenlences "
*lmage 7*
A ma[or lssue on Sol 13, whlch has been ldenLlfled by many resldenLs, ls Lhe
cond|t|on and |ack of pavements of s|dewa|ks. 1hal law sLaLes LhaL a
mlnlmum of 1 meLer of Lhe road musL be deslgnaLed for pedesLrlan sldewalks.
1he beglnnlng parL of Lhe Sol seems Lo be abldlng by Lhls law, Lhere ls a wlde
expanse of pavemenL (albelL a blL creaky) whlch lles on Lhe lefL of Lhe road.
Pere ls an lmage of Lhe good sldewalks aL Lhe beglnnlng of Sol 13:
Summary of lnLervlew/Survey: !
Powever, as Lhe Sol progresses, Lhe condlLlon of Lhe pavemenLs becomes
lncreaslngly worse. 1he sldewalks become much narrower, vehlcles and food-
sLalls have parked upon whaL llLLle sldewalk ls avallable, mlscellaneous ob[ecLs
have been placed on Lhe sldewalks, and sewer-waLer ls leaklng onLo Lhe
plaLforms (as can be seen ln Lhe lmages below)!
*lmages 1b, 3a*
8/10 sald Lhey were laLe Lo work because of lncreaslng Lrafflc "
1/10 LhoughL Lhe Sol had been deslgned well and safely "
10/10 would prefer a new way Lo walk up and down Lhe Sol "
9/10 felL lL was dangerous Lo walk on Lhe road "
7/10 were annoyed by Lhe cars parked on Lhe sldewalk (Lakes up Lhe
sldewalk and half a lane!)
1he sLaLe of Lhe pavemenLs has caused general lnconvenlences/annoyances
for resldenLs of Sol 13:
Sol 13 ls ln a dlsmal sLaLe as a resulL of space consLrlcLlon, poor consLrucLlon,
and mosL lmporLanLly, poor des|gn.
(1h|s paragraph= 239 words)
1hls law has been vlolaLed by Lhe numerous sLalls, sLreeL vendors, and vehlcles parked on Lhese
under 1hal law, a space of aL leasL 1 meLer musL be reserved solely for pedesLrlan sldewalks "
Causes Lffects
oor deslgn/plannlng -
vehlcles parklng -
Space consLrlcLlon -
oor consLrucLlon -
no space Lo walk -
uangerous Lo walk on road -
lncreases Lrafflc because of people walklng on roads -
Causes annoyance and lnconvenlence for resldenLs -
now Joes lt offect tbe poollty of llfe fot membets of tbe commoolty toJoy? use wlJet teseotcb of tbe lssoe to
soppott yoot lJeos. (hLLp://
xplolo tbe cooses ooJ effects of tbe ptoblem.
Sect|on 3- oss|b|e responses
now ote otbet cltles ooJ commooltles moooqloq tbls ptoblem? -
xplolo posslble woys lo wblcb tbe ptoblem coolJ be moooqeJ osloq speclflc, teol-llfe exomples.
compote ooJ coottost tbe effectlveoess of ot leost two Jlffeteot tespooses lo cltles elsewbete.
xplolo bow Jlffeteot qtoops of people lo tbe oelqbbotbooJ mlqbt be offecteJ.
Slnce Lhey have sLarLed Lo bulld verLlcally, lL doesn'L Lake up any exLra space whlle aL Lhe same
Llme, glvlng a safe envlronmenL for Lhe walkers
8eneflLs "
Lconomlcally unfrlendly -
needs Lo be sLable Lo ensure safeLy -
SLlll Lakes up space horlzonLally -
lssues "
8ulld skyscrapers above sldewalks !
Safe -
Lconomlcally LfflclenL -
Lasy -
8eneflLs "
Can cause Lrafflc Lo lncrease -
May noL be enough space for cars (mosL sol's are already 1 lane only!) -
lssues "
Cordon off areas of Lhe roads for sldewalks !
ManhaLLan (hLLp:// -
8alLlmore/WashlngLon uC
Lasy Lo lnsLall Lhe barrlcades -
Safe -
no space problem as lL ls Llmely -
8eneflLs "
unreallsLlc for 8angkok as mosL sLreeLs are only one lane -
uangerous lf Lhe barrler moves/rolls away -
lssues "
AfLer cerLaln Llmes, Lhe ma[or 3 lane roads are cordoned off Lo 4 lanes and Lhe 3Lh lane serves as a
no more cars parklng on Lhe pavemenLs !
Saves space -
LfflclenL Lo ark -
8eneflLs "
LnvlronmenLally unfrlendly -
noL economlcally frlendly -
unreallsLlc for Sol 13's landscape -
lssues "
8ullL mulLllevel car parks for blcycles, cars, buses, and moLorblkes !
1okyo/Csaka/Seoul (hLLp://[apanese-verLlcal-parklng/) -
Clves people Lhe opLlon of walklng beLween place Lo place wlLhouL havlng Lo avold Lhe
obsLacles on Lhe currenL pavemenLs
Wlll noL ruln Lhe llvellhoods of Lhe sellers on Lhe roads !
Wlll sLlll glve Lhe people Lhe opLlon of walklng on Lhe roads Lo experlence Lhe llfesLyle !
Wlll connecL and lnLerLwlne Lhe clLy lnLlmaLely !
8eneflLs -
Lconomlcally lnefflclenL !
1o solve Lhls problem of poor sldewalk condlLlons, many clLles have consldered
alLernaLlves whlch 8angkok can model lLself afLer. llrsLly, ManhaLLan has
lmplemenLed a creaLlve way of uslng pavemenLs. lf any clLy ls more cramped for
space Lhan 8angkok, lL ls ManhaLLan: Lhls new ?ork ClLy borough has a populaLlon of
over 1.6 mllllon people, over [usL 87 km
!uesplLe Lhls, Lhey have found an
lnnovaLlve way of lncorporaLlng sldewalks lnLo Lhe clLy plan. 1hey have bullL Lhelr
world famous skyscrapers oboveLhe sldewalks! MulLlple landmarks, such as Lhe
Lmplre SLaLe 8ulldlng are bullL above sldewalks as can be seen below:
*lmage A1*
1hls ls a greaL way Lo ensure safe, durable, and lnnovaLlve sldewalks as lL doesn'L
Lake up any more horlzonLal space! Powever, lL wlll cosL a loL of money and Llme
lnvesLmenL Lo ensure maxlmum safeLy when lL comes Lo bulldlng verLlcally. lL would
greaLly beneflL Lhe walkers by glvlng Lhem a safer envlronmenL, buL would pose as
an lssue Lo Lhe sLreeL-vendors as Lhey would have no place Lo seL up Lhelr
'buslnesses'. 8uL Lhls ldea ls cerLalnly one LhaL 8angkok should conslder Lo lmprove
lL's walker-frlendly aLLlLude. AnoLher example of a pavemenL alLernaLlve, ls
8alLlmore's ldea of cordonlng off lanes Lo serve as sldewalks. ln 2007, 8alLlmore
declded LhaL, Lo make Lhe clLy more walker-frlendly, Lhey would deslgnaLe one lane
of a 4-lane-sLreeL Lo be a pedesLrlan walklng-paLh from 7:00 M Lo 12:00 AM, and
from 10:00 AM Lo 2:00 M, dally. 1hls ls also a good alLernaLlve Lo conslder as lL
requlres nearly no exLra money Lo lmplemenL, and ls easy Lo seL up (all lL needs lL for
barrlcades Lo be seL up aL approprlaLe Llmes). 1hls would beneflL all walkers by
exposlng Lhem Lo a more walker-frlendly envlronmenL, buL may cause more Lrafflc
problems as each sLreeL ls loslng one lane! 1hls soluLlon does noL reallsLlcally apply
for 8angkok as mosL Sol's are already one-lane sLreeLs! Powever, lf Lhls plan was Lo
be modlfled, lL could be a greaL opLlon. Also, lf 8angkok were Lo follow 1okyo,
Csaka, and Seoul ln openlng up mulLl-level car parks, Lhey could encourage vehlcles
noL Lo park on Lhe pavemenLs whlch would free up a loL of space for walkers!
Powever, Lhls would noL be so good for Lhe Laxl drlvers Lhemselves, as Lhey would
lose a loL of buslness by parklng Lhelr cars somewhere else. LasLly, 8angkok
Lhemselves sLarLed Lo bulld alLernaLlves for sldewalks! LlevaLed sldewalks on Lhe
81S level are a greaL opLlon. noL only does Lhls lnnovaLlon offer an alLernaLlve for
walkers who do noL wanL Lo go on Lhe sLreeLs, buL lL also lnLerLwlnes Lhe whole clLy
and offers anoLher way of geLLlng around. AlLhough Lhls may seem expenslve, lL
beneflLs nearly everyone: sLreeL vendor do noL have Lo vacaLe, walkers have Lwo
areas where Lhey can walk, and Lrafflc wlll noL be affecLed! 1hese are all alLernaLlves
whlch should be consldered by 8angkok Lo propose a brlghLer walklng fuLure for
(1h|s paragraph= 499 words)
May noL connecL Lhe Sol's Lo Lhe maln area (SukhumvlL) !
lssues -
lf Lhey were Lo do Lhls for Lhe M81, and expand lL so LhaL oll sLaLlons are connecLed by Lhe brldge, lL ls
an alLernaLlve Lo Lhe pavemenLs
8angkok Lhemselves have connecLed Lhe 81S wlLh over-ground brldges for walklng !
8angkok -
Sect|on 4- A p|an for susta|nab|||ty
ConnecL all 81S (and lf posslble, M81) sLaLlons by a walklng-brldge "
Cordon off sldewalks ln "school zones" (Sol's wlLh schools) "
8ulld mulLl-level car parks whlch are l8LL for all Laxls (Lhls can prevenL Lhem from parklng on
Merge Lhese soluLlons Lo form one LhaL ls reallsLlc !
wbot ls yoot tecommeoJotloo fot bow to moooqe tbe lssoe? -
uangerous for sLudenLs and resldenLs Lo walk Lhe sLreeLs !
Pas been causlng lnconvenlences for resldenLs (8/10 sald Lhey would prefer a cleaner, and safer walklng
Can aLLracL LourlsLs wlLh lLs walker frlendly envlronmenL !
Can aLLracL people Lo Lhe school lf Lhey see lL ls ln a safer envlronmenL (more people=more money) !
wby ls moooqemeot of tbe ptoblem oecessoty? -
1here wlll be slgnlflcanL cosLs "
Money wlll fllLer back as a resulL of lncrease ln sLudenL numbers !
eople would wllllngly Lrade a small perlod of lnconvenlence for a beLLer fuLure (safer
pavemenLs Lo come)
ros ouLwelgh Lhe Cons -
Wlll Lake Llme and ln Lhls Llme, more lnconvenlences may be caused "
Wlll be falrly dlfflculL !
now eosy/Jlfflcolt ls lt to lmplemeot? -
SufflclenL Llme and efforL puL lnLo plannlng "
Cood plannlng and successful uLSlCn !
A commlLLee wlLh sLudenLs, Leachers, bullders, and parenLs Lo glve a balanced perspecLlve of Lhe
developmenLs ln Sol 13
An area whlch ls Lemporarlly consLrucLed for walkers durlng Lhe Llme of bulldlng !
wbot ls tepolteJ to Jo lt well? -
nlS1 beneflLs by an lncrease ln sLudenLs as a resulL of a safer envlronmenL "
CommunlLy ls exposed Lo a safer walklng llfesLyle "
Sol has deslgn problems whlch lmpacLs Lhe sLaLe of Lhe sldewalk. 8y conslderlng and
lmplemenLlng my suggesLlons, we can lmprove Lhe sLaLe of Lhe sol, and as a resulL,
lmprove Lhe resldenL's feellngs abouL Lhe deslgn of Sol 13.
(1h|s paragraph= 423 words)
Looklng aL all Lhe alLernaLlves LhaL we could use Lo change Lhe sLaLe of Sol 13, and
8angkok as a clLy, l feel LhaL one sloqle meLhod would noL be reallsLlc for 8angkok.
1herefore, l suggesL LhaL 3 of Lhe besL alLernaLlves be merged Lo form one whlch ls
boLh reallsLlc and efflclenL for Lhe clLy. lf we could connecL all 81S sLaLlons by Lhe
elevaLed sldewalks, cordon off Lhe pavemenLs on 'school zones', and bulld mulLllevel
car-parks whlch are slLuaLed around Lhe clLy, Lhe pavemenL problem would noL be
so prevalenL! 1he problem of poor sldewalk condlLlons, requlres urgenL aLLenLlon as
lL ls poslng a LhreaL Lo sLudenLs and resldenLs who walk up and down Sol 13, and has
been causlng annoyance Lo resldenLs for many years! noL only would solvlng Lhls
problem beneflL Lhe resldenLs, buL can also aLLracL LourlsL who are looklng for a
walker-frlendly envlronmenL, and can also aLLracL more parenLs Lo enroll Lhelr
chlldren aL nlS1 lnLernaLlonal School. 1hls ls because 8/10 of resldenLs surveyed,
sald LhaL Lhey would prefer Lo send Lhelr chlldren Lo schools whlch have safer
walklng areas! AlLhough lmplemenLlng my suggesLlons wlll have cosLs, and wlll Lake
a loL of Llme and efforL, Lhe ro's ouLwelgh Lhe Con's ln Lhls slLuaLlon. lL may cosL a
loL of money Lo follow and develop Lhese suggesLlons, buL as more parenLs are
aLLracLed Lo nlS1, more money wlll come lnLo Lhe school. AlLhough Lhese
suggesLlons may Lake Llme Lo lmplemenL, 7/10 of resldenLs sald LhaL Lhey wouldn'L
mlnd walLlng a blL longer Lo ensure safer walklng areas. As Lhe lnlLlal cause of Lhls
problem was poor deslgn, proper plannlng and Llme Laken Lo deslgn Lhe new
pavemenLs, would ensure lmprovemenLs. AddlLlonally, a commlLLee wlLh sLudenLs,
Leachers, bullders, and parenLs, would glve a balanced perspecLlve of Lhe
developmenLs ln Sol 13. 1he lasL key Lo ensurlng beLLer deslgn, would be Lo
Lemporarlly consLrucL an area for walkers durlng Lhe Llme of Lhe developmenLs.
lollowlng Lhese keys would ensure LhaL everyone ls happy afLer Lhe Sol ls
developed. nlS1 would beneflL by geLLlng more sLudenLs, Lhe Sol 13 communlLy
would geL new, safer, pavemenLs, and vendors would noL lose Lhelr buslnesses as
Lhe elevaLed sldewalk would [usL creaLe a new opLlon for walkers: noL Lake away
Lhelr area! ln concluslon, poor lnlLlal deslgn caused Sol 13 Lo have bad pavemenLs
buL by conslderlng and lmplemenLlng my suggesLlons, we can enhance Lhe sLaLe of
Lhe Sol, and as a resulL, lmprove Lhe resldenL's feellngs abouL Lhe deslgn of Sol 13.
Concluslon: -
SLalls/vendors don'L lose buslness as a resulL "
Sol would be lmproved from everybody's perspecLlves (wln-wln slLuaLlon): !
now woolJ tbe sol cbooqe os o tesolt? now woolJ tbe poollty of llfe fot tbe lobobltoots lmptove? -
now sboolJ Nl51 oJJtess tbe ptoblem? cteote o ploo fot sostolooblllty. nete ote some poestloos os o qolJe.
!"#$%& ()*& *&+ ,-#)$&.
1uesday, March 4, 2014 8:23 AM

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