The Parametric Paradigm

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The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

back to WRITINGS Architecture of the self-organizing system - excerpt Parametricism - The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style Published in: Time + Architecture, 2012/5, China Extracts from: 'The autopoiesis of Architecture Volume 2 - A New Agenda for Architecture', John Wiley & Sons, March 2012 Author: Patrick Schumacher (Patrik Schumacher) Translator: Zhang Shuo Jiong, Rodin proofreading: Guo Lei

ABSTRACT: In the theory of autopoiesis of Architecture , Patrik Schumacher categorizes styles to epochal, subsidiary and transitional styles. of He looks back THROUGH history and aligns the epochal styles of architect with SOCIO-economic epoch, mainly based on Niklas Luhmann's theory. Four major The major epochal styles are distinguished, as Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism / Historicism and Modernism. Patrik argues here that Parametrism will be the fifth epochal styles of 21st century in architectural history. Parametrism is a solution to organise and articulate the increased complexity of post-fordist network society . It has a series of new concepts and methods, which are different from repertoire of traditional or modern architecture, that one is justified to speak of the emergence of a new paradigm within architecture. Parametrism has been explored through the world network researchers for over 30 years. It is maturing through a whole series of successful, high profile research and built projects on all scales and across many programmes. The concept of parametrism as an unified style of 21st century, initially as a unified avant-garde design research programme, and eventually as a unified system of principles, ambitions and values that constitute global best practice. Summary : Patrick Schumacher in self-organizing systems architecture book, divided into the style of the era, from the property and transitional. Niklas Luhmann's sociological theory, dialectical correspondence between the architecture in the style of the times, and belongs to the era of socio-economic background, and analysis of the four-times-style Renaissance, Baroque neoclassical / historicism and modernism. Schumacher parameterized doctrine will become the fifth of architectural history, belongs to the style of the era of the 21st century. The parameters of the 'post-Fordist network society organizations and clarify the increasingly complex solutions. It owns have a range of traditional, modern field of architecture is not the same new concepts and methods, people, thereby determining the architecture emerged of the new paradigm. The parameterized doctrine has network groups of researchers in the world to be explored for over 30 years. It membership by a series of successful, high quality, scale and function and the completion of the project matures. The parameters of the doctrine as a unified style of the 21st century, the original unified vanguard design research program, and ultimately become the principle of unity, vision and value system, constitute the best global practices. Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

11. parameterized doctrine - parameterized paradigm and the formation of the new style The recent Pioneer Architecture global convergence, this consensus has identified the generation of a new style: parameterized doctrine. The most significant external characteristics complex and the element clusters breeding the dynamic curve linear - membership change by the successive differences be stressed. In addition to the surface features outside, people can also identify a range of traditional, modern field of architecture is not the same new concepts and methods, and thus to determine the architecture a whole new paradigm of emergence. Shared concept, the form of language library, constructed logic and computing technology features real to the formation of a new style of brewing. The parameters of the doctrine is the great new style Following modernism. Postmodernism and deconstruction only long-term research and innovation cycle transition episode. Establishment of modernism is based on the concept of space, and the parameters of doctrine by the "field" (field) with whom distinction. The field is filling, as filled with fluid medium 1 . Unlike the understanding of classical and modernist design based on simple elements constitute the parameters of the 'design involves dynamic programming field, generated by the differences and associated interactive subsystem organization by a large number of scalable shaping unit body membership . New design tools for its realization is essential to create a new design process and methods. These new ways of working in the design process has been to promote and optimize. Parameterized doctrine therefore rely on absorption sophisticated computing technology. However, parameterized as a style, not only with new technology gorgeous dressed, has a new, unique value characteristics, these characteristics even in computing technology has generated able to mature prior to being applied. The book is the first volume 3.9 illustrates the style as a research project, pioneer style can be analog as a new scientific paradigm, and thus support a new conceptual framework to develop new goals and methods. Design research program that is style. The evolution of the internal architecture innovation with the style, or style to another style evolution forward. The style represents the cycle of innovation, design research activities are brought together for the collective effort. The vanguard design projects is a speculative hypothesis in a certain style. The style is a coherent research program, to build a series of systematic design of experiments. Stability characteristics of the self is a prerequisite for its evolution. The style may initially is the appearance of the concept or design results, but an operational definition - can reliably guide the design exploration of the design process - let the style to become a coherent pioneer the collective design research process is crucial. Style as a design study program should provide guidance to the understanding of the function / operation, as well as back to shape molding. Parameterized operational definition must have both functional rules and morphological rules: All functions for the parameterized activities / events scene all the space / activities / events interrelated parameters' function rules: negative principle (taboos): avoid rigid stereotypes encouraged to avoid the isolation of functional partition principle (Creed): Parameter 'morphological rules: negative principle (taboo): Avoid rigid shape of the (lack of the extended plastic) to avoid simple repetition (lack of diversity) to avoid an independent, not associated with elements of collage encourage the principles (creed): All forms are flexible (Intelligent: deformation (deformation) = information (information)) All systems are differentiated (gradients, ssthresh singularity) All systems are interdependent (interrelated) Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

Avoid taboo principles and adhere to the achievements of the complex social system under complex order creed principle. Its coherence as a collective research program is that the the unremitting insistence of these tenets and taboos. Carry forward such style and clear in recently, but its development has really become more than 15 years - a new generation of young architects added a lot of this movement, regardless of whether they claimed to belong to this style, they are active to comply with the principles of the taboo and creed. After 15 years and mature style, is leading with the current Pioneer building. It has established a far-reaching impact of systemic innovation, and is moving toward the mainstream style, to eventually inherit modernism in order to change the situation of the global construction environment. This is a style to end the the modernist crisis caused by uncertainty style transitional, this transitional period, including a brief episode based critique of modernism, postmodernism, new historicism and deconstruction. 55 55 Figure : the modernist Figure 56 56 : of postmodernism Figure 57 57 : the deconstruction Figure 58 58 : the parametric ' parameter 'appearance as (organic or inorganic) natural phenomenon, the result of self-organization and evolution process . Frei Otto (Frei Otto) is the only true pioneers of the parametric doctrine. To "form-finding" (formfinding), instead of the traditional drawing or Hard-made form of physical model as simulation and design engines. The complex contains the inherent laws of the physical process of exploration can not be reached otherwise, precise and elegant combination. The methods demonstrated amazing strength and beauty. However, the closely dependent on the physical model so that it is limited, you can not go further promotion within the discipline. I need to be simple and easy to do digitized analog to the larger and broader impact of Otto's pioneering work in today. Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

Figure 59 59 : Frei Otto (Frei Otto), soap film model of membrane structure tent contemporary parametric advocates the use of digital simulation and form-finding tool, by its very nature is open artificial modulus. Parameters can not only be extracted from the natural range can also be brand new, man-made force field and defined the rules of logic. Any object (geometry, position, color, transparency, etc.) of the parameter (attribute or relationship) with the other parameters of the object (or object groups) are interrelated. Relevance here to the very core of the concept, related to parametric architectural order. The correlation between existing is that the internal design, also design their external environment. Internal correlation includes both the interdependence between the various subsystems that constitute design, but also constitutes interdependence between subsystems within the unit elements. External correlation environmental adaptability and adhesion. This environmental adaptability a priori requirements for self-organizing systems. Reference number of 'exploration and technology contextualism (contextualism) raised to a new level of intensity.

11.1 as the parameters of the doctrine of the epoch-making style Participate in an innovative adaptation of the continuous cycle of pioneer architecture and urbanism argument 57 --- so that the re-processing of existing disciplines of architecture and urban environment more responsive to the socio-economic era of post-Fordism . Contemporary pioneer in building a major trend known as "parameterized ', which can sometimes be mistaken for mere fashion. A trend named "XX 'itself is a misleading behavior, despite initial purpose is the opposite: the definition of a phenomenon of the times. In order to emphasize the contemporary world pioneer building is a new style (likely is the significance of the times) molding and mature, we need the concept of style - though it is being marginalized in the past few decades - and remodeling Describe one of the important areas of the building. In the first volume of the "self-organizing system architecture, style theory expressed as: style aesthetic features and practical functions of the building is able to integrate the necessary systems together. The same time, they are also the vanguard of the building as a necessary precondition for a common design research program. The parameter 'global expansion is an epoch-making phenomenon, what it means? In the first volume, the theory of style distinguish the times, from the property and transitional style. One of the most critical classification is the style of the times. Means that the architectural style of the concept and the overall social era. Also need for the division of the social history of the development cycle theory as a prerequisite, for example, a theory distinguish between various social period. All social development cycle theory that social development the membership clearly differentiated from one stage, rather than a smooth, continuous process. The nature of this assumption is that the community to be Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

understood as an overall system, wherein the monomer and subsystem functions integrated and interdependent, individual differences, and therefore restricted. This in turn implies that the mutual stabilization of the monomer and the subsystem. At the same time, it also shows that the subsystem key elements of change and destruction of the normal operation of the system, then the other elements and subsystems are also susceptible to influence and interference that was forced to be changed. Therefore, this evolutionary model of the overall system can be inferred is not smooth, relative stability and accelerate the transition between swing. Draw on the theory of biological evolution, this phenomenon is usually performance and summarized as punctuated equilibrium. Therefore, social history and the history of the various subsystems of society can stage representation. Subsystem inside of the building society, the stage performance that is the architectural style of the times. Traditionally used to analyze the process of social development theory are philosophical category - the philosophy of history - an important contributor Vico (Vico), Hegel (Hegel), Marx (Marx), and Spencer (Spencer) . Marxism is by far the most mature historical period divided theory. Although the theory of self-organizing systems architecture is built in Niklas Luhmann (Niklas Luhmann) the mature historical period divided theoretically, developed in the framework of Marxism, historical analysis and can not be completely ignored. Therefore the next, must go in Luhmann's framework to clarify and integrate the concept of Marx. Luhmann core framework established in the dominant mode of social differentiation. It replaced Marx "social mode of production" as a historical era distinguished way. Luhmann identifies four main differentiation, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cell differentiation Center - peripheral differentiation Class differentiation Functional differentiation

Marx pointed out that the the four productivity development stage 2 , order: 1. 2. 3. 4. Primitive communist society Slave society Feudal society Capitalist society

Primitive communist society - communes share many (not all) resources - tribal economic form. At this stage, this original division of cell differentiation . The tribal family parallel to each other, as equal units without the class intervention or division of. The members of the division of labor within the family also do so. The economic situation of the slave society, feudal society class to become the main way of social differentiation, are class-divided society, and therefore can be merged. However, if we focus the history of the last 1000 years, considering only 500 years ago, the main changes of the times (usually defined as the seeds of modernism), then a merge point will appear. Stratification change society to functional differentiation time corresponds to the transition time of the feudal society to a capitalist society. Luhmann's more general than Marx, because he avoids the economic changes as the single basis for social change. Economic change from feudalism to capitalism, is just one of several parallel evolutionary changes in social subsystem. These changes can also be described as the growth of an enlarged main autonomous system under some of the main features of the system, the original fusion in under one main function of the system is clearly divided. Luhmann's concept of modern functionally differentiated Society describes the result of this process of separation and autopoietic closure. of Luhmann's modern function socially divisive concept that describes the results of this differentiation and self-growth and closing process. Contrast Marx theory here very important point is the theory of Luhmann attention many equally important aspect of parallel. He refused to highlight a particular aspect. No hierarchy between these autonomous systems respectively. The interaction between the political system, the legal system, the economy, science, media like the inside of a biosphere independent species. For Marx, the Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

economy obviously determine other aspects of social life. The difference between his foundation and the giant structure to prove it. Luhmann system to clarify this distinction, the stage of development of the economic system as a dimension of the multi-dimensional process, then it can be used Luhmann system to discuss the transition of feudalism to capitalism. The transition from feudal society to a capitalist society only from class differentiation to part 4 of the functional differentiation of social transformation . It can be inferred Marxist theory again to integrate them to become used to identify the social era and its parallel architectural style of the era is equally possible. The two core concepts of Marxism is very useful here: Fordism and post-Fordism. They discussed the rich Luhmann is very important, because Luhmann did not provide more functional differentiation of the elaborate details of the era of divided. Luhmann's theory of society to the conversion of the functional differentiation of society Stratification leads to the conversion from the the traditional leading building to the self-development of innovative building. Summarized the requirements of the architectural style of the era of functional differentiation of the self-evolution further subdivided. Luhmann's concept of functional differentiation of society - a functional differentiation of society as the main form of differentiation - For the first half of the 20th century is the most appropriate. The majority of the Group as well as national institutions have strict functional level of the Ford era, is the best example of the functional differentiation of society. In the recent 30 years, the new organizational trends and forms of communication emerge gradually, suggests a more liberal way of differentiation. Functional differentiation still continue but become short but persistent improvement, re-distribution of the mobile network and re-associate. Its domain is often fuzzy and briefly interact. Post-Fordist theory and some of the other recent management science theory also reflect this tendency. Parameterized 'i.e., the reaction of this new tendency. Captured and concentrated to these new phenomena key term is "Network" 5 . Therefore, the construction of self-organizing systems theory 'post-Fordist network society' to describe (and upcoming) social era. This is a still formed in the early stages of the planning era era. In many ways, the power of the computer and digital multimedia communications to promote the this dynamic exchange mode. Luhmann theory persists social way to distinguish between major social differentiation. Post-Fordist network society - the premise of the architecture of self-organizing systems - is still part of the functional differentiation of society. Perhaps again under a social form by functional differentiation of society was transformed into another differentiation, called networks differentiation. Speaking of excited by Luhmann, For lower a social vision of we can refer to the following Dick Baker, he is convinced that a social form only a selective network, high-risk and associated 6 . Social system theory is still in the theoretical framework of functional differentiation, network version or other theoretical speculation about a social situation. Building self-organizing system in Luhmann phased theoretical basis, as long as the self-organization of society Luhmann definition, the world community is still defined functional differentiation of society. This is the short-term future of the situation . New hierarchical communication network began to dominate a lot of organization and in the process of functional differentiation system inside, these functions are still no signs of decomposition. Therefore, the post-Fordist network society need to be grouped into the functional differentiation of society in an evolutionary stage. Building - from parametric design I updated to respond to the needs of post-Fordist society - is still an important functional systems in the world society. He relying on since the Renaissance used to distinguish the building the same communication structures (parameters) to update their existing operations and exchange.

11.1.1 History Synopsis: the context of the evolution of the built environment in the style of the times is a randomly generated by experiments and failures, as the material process of biological evolution. Walls tend to circle as compared to other graphics round are more wasteful and unstable. Medieval bunker out the development of the city center of the circle. Another important geometric shape is a rectangular unit, is very suitable for the dense arrangement of the different size of the space. Prehistoric architectural environment of the body does not need more insight and wisdom to explain. The stable performance standards, the experiment failed, and Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

time-consuming to explain prehistoric architecture. The evolution of the built environment is very slow. Stable replication lead to slow evolution. This is a prehistoric building, a traditional dominant period of the building. Since 600 years ago, it all began to change. Italian Renaissance building (architecture) was born (separate from the house (building) District), born at the same time, there are scientific and early capitalism. In the Middle Ages, the so-called Roman style is only a passive style: it is just a style distinguished descendants Recalling that period. During the Roman-style house is ruled by tradition. The Gothic style can be considered the first step from the traditional dominant house (building) architecture (architecture). Gothic style and the freedom of the city, as well as the rise of the feudal system is synchronized. The amazing achievements of the Gothic style makes it very difficult to be separated from the architectural concept. However, in the construction of self-organizing systems theory, the decisive element in building mature systematic separation of design and construction. And graphics performance, specialized theoretical disciplines, through pictures and Motion Debate aired building innovative publications support. Until the Renaissance, it appears to be responsible for the design of the entire project by the leading architects of individuals. Entirely on paper until the Renaissance was a construction project design and rendering. Therefore, until the the Renaissance building self-organizing system was able to project through the paper and pure theory of evolution. These elements are a decisive factor since the rapid development of the built environment. Renaissance marks the starting point of architecture. Renaissance building with the northern Italian city-states, the rapid development of early capitalism in the socio-economic environment is integrated.

Figure 60 : The castle is the center of the medieval town of origin Figure 61 : Palma Nova rational the medieval ideal for city

Figure 62 : The architecture was born in the Renaissance. Filarete's Sforzinda: fictional city - the architect as the creator of the innovative The second epoch style of Baroque 9 . It is consistent with the the political dictatorship heavy Mall Bang era. The construction of the Renaissance ideal city order beyond the city walls. Outside the walls of is still unknown wilderness of the Middle Ages. Order of architecture in the Baroque style across the Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

boundaries of the city to promote the authority of the monarch absolute rule of the territory, a symbol of the land together as a unified city-state territory. This process is already in the late Renaissance omen. Architecture is geometric, geometry is a basic form of the human appreciation of space. Based on Mark Corson (Mark Cousins) 10 based on space, human history can be described as a continuous internalization and concepts from the fact the surrounding environment into the scope of the city. Athens still has a border with the unknown and disorderly 'other outside' rendezvous. Greece the cosmological still discussion about the end of the world. Throughout the Middle Ages in the Aristotelian cosmology. The city is a closed boundary. Since then leave means an adventure. In all map surround in white unknown area. The architectural form of the system in the Renaissance began to conquer the surrounding geographical experimental. Italian castle can build their own defense project and included in the wilderness under control, using the method that is an extension of the building volume and geographical inclusion control. This expansion has been constructed by the perspective of performance out in space performance. Alberti said: Starting from a plane of the grid, ahead of all the space into the arm. All might occupy the space of all objects have been placed under a security. Areas of the Middle Ages has been surpassed. City, landscape, geography and the house with the 'integration of landscape'. Venice in the 16th century to recapture the Veneto is the construction of the the Palladio villas (Palladian Villa) political and economic background. This villa extends to the city's building system wilderness grid relies on the Roman land measuring system planning colony morphology : the land is divided into roughly 625-square-meter grid 11 . The important point of intersection of the villa is located at the intersection of two axes of this system, formally strengthen the intersecting axes. Palladio, suggests that the axial lift and on both sides of the street from the fields planting trees at regular intervals, and the second floor of the main room is the same intersection on the lift. This is the first clear statement of the modulus and hierarchical order. This process in the late Renaissance and reveal a large number of applications in the Baroque era and reached its peak in seventeenth-century French authoritarian period land construction as part of the country. In the era of despotism (economic integration), the height of the country only through the development of the Baroque style, building systems to spread through the the key commemorative landmarks and panoramic perspective to all visible surface. Under the rule of Louis XIV of France show baroque integration model of majority territory, a huge building capacity. Roads and canals throughout the vast geographical. The country's borders were strictly defined and the mapping of the national territory. A unified currency. Large administrative buildings are being built at an unprecedented scale. Versailles is to show the magnificent example of Baroque architecture and monarch dictatorship forces match. Another example is in Baroque Rome, Pope stationed in the complex and a quality of St. Peter's Basilica. Baroque style spread in Europe, to preach absolute authority and power of the Catholic Church. Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

Figure 63 : Baroque projected to absolute power, from Princely Architect or architectura Civilis Paul Texas (Paulus Decker) 1711 Body, the Baroque building with respect to the progress of Renaissance architecture lies in its relative integration of the different blocks of the large building or group of buildings become an integral Baroque style to the functional integration of large buildings. The typical characteristics of the Baroque style - the use of concave and convex arcs, strengthen the depth and plasticity, as well as dual-column split gable - all contribute to its integration capabilities. Afar, the arc system and plasticity highlights the overall volume, split gable help break the symmetry of the facade individuals and strengthen overall consistency. Such components made of non-symmetric, so that they become free body blocks echo the overall architectural symmetry effect is the most powerful integrated weapon. Robert Venturi specifically pointed out this phenomenon and give it the name 'bend' (inflection) 12 . Contrast ratio, the Renaissance all parts monomer are self-symmetric. They are self-sufficient and does not need the overall level of association, for example, they do not tend to constitute the center of the whole. Thus, the Renaissance constitute a way to increase the style, the Baroque is integrated planning. Herman. Rakshasa the (Hermann Rorschach)'s ink psychology experiments also reflects a similar phenomenon: in order to strengthen the overall symmetry through the destruction of local symmetry 13 . This has a strong sense of the overall symmetry in asymmetric to gain strong appeal

Local non-symmetry in Figure 64 : baroque, strengthen the overall symmetry. Bernardo (Bernardo Antonio Vittone), stepped official residence, 1760

Figure 42 42 : Ink Experiment 1 (Inkblot # 1), the from of Hermann Rorschach, Psychodiagnostik , 1921 The next style included lead historicism neoclassical. This style and classic middle-class capitalism in the Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

19th century concept of match, especially after the French Revolution, Napoleon's era. This the era marks with challenging colors needs of the community need to be reflected in each design. This one, which includes the change of the type of construction, there are changes in the individual. The neoclassical middle-class style, clearly Baroque and its branches Rococo style distinguish - Baroque belong to the old regime, the Rococo and the nobility frivolous linked. The simple neoclassical performance of the middle-class moral and civic values of the Roman Republic. Neo-classical historicism is also more common phenomenon of the opening, for example, the use of a large number of historical styles to create before the rich style expression, in response to the increasingly wide-ranging field of architecture. Functional categories to meet the increasing and diverse. Authoritarian period Construction limited to palaces and churches, and now a large number of public facilities need to be designed. Typical corresponding relationship between certain functional categories and specific historical style. Courts, banks and central government buildings tend to the new Greek-style church and town hall tendency of the neo-Gothic style, private villas and even row houses tend neo-Renaissance style. Thus, a loose system emerges, this system has the ability to sort out the diverse social systems. A new combination of diverse plane generic method has also been set up and spread - by John Durant (JNL Durand) reached. For planar organization, Durao building constitutes a system greatly expands the architectural forms. Durao it comes to "virtually unlimited building category, each and" may have to modify ", there is due to every building has its own specific requirements vary due to location, time, characters, venues, costs, etc. 14 .

Figure 65 65 : neo-classical, type of processing diverse combination of process, JNL Durand (Durand)

The next great node is the shift from historicism to modernism. And before all style, modernism characteristics constitute brought by the open form of an increasingly diverse and free. This openness from radical abstraction, before building specific boundary enclosure more abstract concept of space are replaced. This is a brand new abstract realm - constitute architectural design into space - a process that gave modernism more creativity and more broad application field of 15 . However, modernism such an open and diverse and rich - just before the architectural style relative terms. For various style after modernism, modernism is limited by the specific composition of the principles and form of constraint. The modernism released from the pursuit of the neoclassical symmetry, proportion, and complete, but still be orthogonal limited. Moreover, it is still based on the separated, level organizing principle of specialization and repetition . These strict limits and composition principles Fordist era of large-scale production of industrial standardization very applicable. This is also an era of social democracy, the masses of people to become customers body of the building, construction / design for the first time to become a general-purpose forces, is responsible for all of the built environment and artificial objects. "Fordism" the term was motivated by the Ford Motor Company, a broad category of social and Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

economic history. Ford Motor Company as an example of the first large-scale industrial production, the production affordable to the general public from the complex commodities becomes possible. Fordism based on a new scale of production and methods so that the workers can get the items they create such extravagant jewelry such as automotive workers can afford daily necessities. This system can generate its own market, and thus spontaneous strengthen economic expansion. Thus forming the material basis of modern society. Fordism as a production system based on Taylorism - along a production line, the workflow is the decomposition of science as a series of controlled operation. This allows the production of knowledge by craftsmen transformed into the mechanism of the production line. At each point, only requires repetitive work. The process is easy to learn and is equally simple, labor homogenization. Fordism should be understood as a socioeconomic class rather than a simple technological paradigm, it is the system of workers' creativity integration into the production cycle. Fordism fundamental progress so that the quality of life in the widespread commercialization of products essential to improve the productivity of the industrial workers to meet the basic needs (food, clothing, housing, transportation) rose to an unprecedented height. The internal logic of modern architecture and planning that is based on this whole concept of Fordism. In the First World War in Europe, the working class by the democratization of the right to share, Fordism urbanization become possible, and provide the basis of socio-economics of modern architecture: the national social welfare negotiations organized by trade unions and public welfare ensure the a universality consumer standards. More and more countries involved in the regulation of the economy and many departments are nationalized. This directly affects the development of the building, a lot of input in the construction of the Metro, social housing, schools, hospitals and recreational organizations. Modern building remodeling construction disciplines. It secular elevation of the status of the construction (large-scale residential, residential decorating, industrial production factories), making it a much-needed construction disciplines and meaningful concerns 16 . Modern urban planning the preceding line through the mechanisms of the democratic institutions of social welfare. The minimum living standard residential is a container of merchandise based on a series of large-scale production of globalization: the living room, tableware, kitchen, toilet, washing machine, and later, refrigerators, television sets, automobiles. The composition of modern architecture similar to the constituent principles of Fordism: separated, specialization and repeat. Its logic clearly different functions into their perfect optimized volume. The Dessau Bauhaus is the concept of a model (Figure 67). Here, accommodation, administrative, and work functions designed separately. Each function is independent of the optimization: for each function corresponding to the different proportions of depth-storey facade space body block, in line with the various functional requirements (not the same as the neoclassical stuffed all strong function a preset shape). In each partition, the repeatability is dominated rule. The lack of complete sense at the level of the overall layout. Moscow Lenin Library, designed by Wei Sining brothers design also reflects the principle of identical (Figure 66). Each individual block has a different scale. Each block of the internal order planning are repeated. Maintaining separation between different body block, and connected only by a narrow corridor. In the future can also be easily added to the new unit. Nicholas. Kusi Ming (Nicolai Kusmin) the Soviet miners residential design is demonstrated by independent minded series unit composed of more complex architectural composition. This constitutes the mechanical plant design has obvious similarities. The same organizational model also applies to contemporary government, industrial enterprises, the same principle applies to the standard concepts of the modern city. Corbusier the Radieuse residential (Ville Radieuse) (1933) is the complete and rigorous logic embodied: the concept of segmentation (partition), unique functional design professional (districts), and repeat the sequence of the (district internal / homogeneity). Another example is the design of (W. Kalmykow) in 1930, a Soviet industrial city (Figure 68). Fordism and its architectural supplement - modern urbanism - in the Soviet Union, the richest logical expression 17 . T all Western societies are immersed in such forms of social organization. Regardless of where society organizations are showing the same characteristics: the bureaucratic system to establish a strictly functional level, they will be separated from the different areas of work area. Each work has its own field of the functional,

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The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

repetitive tasks and command system. The various agencies of the modernist building is a reflection of this form of organization. Modernism urbanization patterns that functional differentiation of the social machinery space projection.

Figure 66 66 : Modernism organizations: separation - professional - repeat, Wei Sining Brothers (Vesnin brothers), Nicholas. Kusi Ming (Nicolai Kusmin)

Figure 67 67 : a modernist relations: separation - professional - repeat, Gropius, the Bauhaus 1929

Figure 68 68 : modernist city the separation - Professional - repeat, the industrial cities W. Kalmykow, 1930 about Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

In the late 1960s, large-scale industrial production, enterprises, the collective trade unions, global consumer standards, and government regulation of Fordism performance by the massive challenge 18 . At the end of the seventies, the social structure of the world crisis show that the society is calling for a new generation of political and economic strategy to ride out the storm 19 . Modernism also face a similar crisis. Modernism solutions applicable to a wide range in the 50 years before, such as the expansion-planning zones, "sleep" satellite cities and commercial headquarters in suburban green group, but almost led to the bankruptcy of the modernism. The modernist program was abandoned. A largescale real estate open Pruit Igoe in St. Louis, United States in 1974 were removed from the original building only 20 years. The development of the self-organizing of the building has not yet provided a new answer. Into the historic center of the most important social process new communication density. Fordism social and technical background to undermine the tremendous achievements of his own material. With the increasing complexity of the technical division of labor and white-collar workers in high-yield, salary requirements escalating. The affluence of the people so that their consumption far beyond the most basic needs for survival, the market began to be more and more diversified, status and individual consumption gradually rise, leading to the rise of the consumer cycle led to aesthetic. These advances are the best value for money is intended to be more innovative and flexible design rather than brought about by large-scale industrial production. Housing as the main platform of the consumer, is itself a manifestation of different income levels and personality. The problem with the rapid development of economic instability emerge. The health of the economies of scale due to product and market differentiation dependent on international expansion. The resulting international economic interdependence reduce the economic impact of individual nation-state, it can buffer the disturbance of the business cycle. With the globalization of markets, the economic level, the interests of domestic producers more and more difficult to protect, and the Keynesian macroeconomic regulation and control is difficult to implement. More and more global current assets means that the welfare state is difficult to avoid erosion. Finer division of labor and the high speed of response exacerbated this phenomenon. The Fordist regime premise is a long-term market stability, in order to focus on by huge production agencies establish economies of scale (but inherent rigidity). On the positive side, new product innovation to make low-cost computer-based production technology revolution made possible. The manual high cost once is limited to a factor beyond the current standard. An important material factors microelectronic products revolution: productivity improvement requires appropriate economic perspective, rather than scale. The flexible specialization technically realized liquidity generated after Fordism rigid fusion 20 workers and management . Fordist mass society into a more dynamic diversification in these new constraints and opportunities of the post-Fordist society 21 . The state-owned industries have been privatized, large groups split into the network from the loose coupling by the outsourcing company. Communicate the intensity of exponential growth: at all levels within the company, between companies, between companies and customers, and potential employees. Has a high density of life for all communication: continuing education, career transition, multiple occupation, single career with cooperation in a number of projects in the flow of participants 22 . Integrated urban fabric, architecture and space inside to assist communication situation, exchange density, the complexity of the social life and vitality. Post-modernism and deconstruction have begun to respond to new challenges, trying to capture and cater to the salient features of the new contemporary social life. Contemporary avant-garde architecture and urbanism must address the core issues, this can be summarized in one sentence: organization and to clarify the increasingly complex post-Fordist network society . In this regard, the re-positioning of the building theoretical eighties poststructuralist affected, especially the early 1990s Deleuze (Deleuze) and Guattari (Guattarid), "A Thousand Plateaus" ( A Thousand Plateaus ) . Since then, the re-positioning of the consequences is studied in detail. The task is to develop an architectural and urban areas of the mechanism to create a complex city market domain, to enable it to accommodate the participation of multiple events at the same time, means that a variety of different space quickly locate and contact. This challenge has been 30 years in a self- Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

organizing system architecture. Post-modernism and deconstruction made some attempts, these styles, however, can not be extended to the mainstream. Postmodernism seems ready to take over in the 1980s, but quickly returned to mainstream practical modernism (under the guise of the name of minimalism refined modernism). Deconstruction never take over in the real world, but its main form of advantage and its pursuit of complexity affect the formation of the early 1990s, the next wave of pioneer buildings (folding (folding) tab). During this period, the animation software applications and strongly influenced the direction of the design study. Calculated based on digital technology, the design process to explore the aesthetic, functional explore cross-cutting, complex geometric shapes became possible. The new design process and forms designed to address the growing complexity brought by the the rich parametric design technology. Of course, we are faced with a new style, rather than just a series of new technologies. Technology - animation technology into analog form-finding tool, and parametric modeling and programming - all inspire a new vision and values of the collective movement. This has led to many new systemic interrelated design issues, and a global network of design researchers groups are working to resolve these issues 23 . Through collective cooperation design parameters of neo principle gradually mature, confident to announce a new generation of young architects recognized the work of a priori premise. Parameterized doctrine has also completed construction of a series of successful, high quality, a variety of scales and functions. At the same time, there are a number of largescale urban planning projects makes Parametric Urbanism becomes credible. Thus, the parameters of the doctrine has become a strong contender in the current era as an epoch-making style. Including parametric doctrine, in building a self-organizing system in its nearly 600 years of evolution have produced five times style: Renaissance (fifteenth and sixteenth century), Baroque (the seventeenth and eighteenth century ), the neoclassical / Historicism (19th century), modernism (20th century) and parameterized doctrine (21st century). The Gothic style from traditional house led to the transformation of the building has paved the way. The table below summarizes the correspondence between the style of those times and the socio-economic development stage. The style of the times The traditional led the house Local architecture of the Middle Ages Roman architecture Transition Gothic architecture Order of the delivery of the history of architecture: style Renaissance Baroque Neoclassical / historicism Modernism Parameterized ' Correspondence of the style of the times Socio-economic environment of the times Feudalism Feudalism The rise of feudalism + city

The seeds of capitalism, the city-state Mercantilism, autocracy Middle class, the nation-state Fordism (socialist) welfare state Post-Fordist network society, globalization

11.1.2 The twenty-first century, the unified style of the 21st century still have a unified style? The answer is yes. In 2008, the authors first proposed: a farreaching impact of the new style has been in recent decades by the Pioneer building gradually evolve. This style is in urgent need of a self-perception and the name of the world cognition. In the 11th Venice Biennale, parameterized 'is thus proposed 24 . This vocabulary is followed widely circulated within the field of architectural theory and gain influence - largely through criticism and challenges 25 . Since the Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

incident is still confined to the internal architecture However, if, once the attention of the mass media, it may be spread rapidly. In the field of building professional, "style" is almost the only classification for observation, cognitive architects. Order architecture Declaration and action, you need the name of such a style. The situation becomes complicated, the concept of style in architectural theory community 26 long lost traction . So the parameters of the doctrine of the Declaration have both two discourses action: a novel and important architectural movement and reassert style concept - as an effective discourseoriented and self-described categories. Protect the style of the concept is worth. Despite this concept disappeared only architectural theory becomes barren. This architecture also like to miss the strong integration into the social dialogue opportunities. However, for this decline to the concept the revival still need today wisdom and reliable reconstruction. One of the obstacles to reconstruction is to style just as a kind of appearance, or as superficial, short-term kind of fashion. Despite the appearance of aesthetics in architecture and design, to occupy an important relationship, but whether it is architecture or architectural style is not to be reduced to a look. Same style phenomenon can not be simple assimilation fashion phenomenon. Therefore, the concept of style must be clear from these trivial misunderstanding of the meaning of distinguish. The style is the difference between the overall building era (Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, neo-classical, modernist). The architectural style historical introspection requirements as far-reaching historical phenomenon to be able to map the future. The architecture of self-organizing systems theory architectural style as the design research program , the analogy with the scientific paradigm architecture 27 . A new style of architecture / design is similar to the new paradigm of science: it redefines the category, purpose and methods of the basis of a coherent collective efforts. Innovation and progress within the framework of the architectural style or progress with style evolution. This means style progress within the accumulation period and style transition transform alternating period. Style represents the long-term sustainability of the innovation cycle, aggregation design research efforts into a collective movement, so that individual efforts are interrelated, the abandoned and enhanced. The architecture inside parameterized doctrine is divided into a mature pioneer movement, by the collective research and development efforts to accelerate progress and are ready to become mainstream. This is the least of expectations and motivation. The design study confirm the continuous accumulation of 10 years as a retrospective narrative and exposition, parameterized Manifesto. Looking to the future, the announcement of this style will further consolidate its already been achieved and is ready to transition into the mainstream by Pioneer. The authors believe that the parametric '30 years of style critique of modernism explore credible, sustainable answer. The parameters of the doctrine is the great new style after modernism 28 . Postmodernism and deconstruction is only a transitional chapter, like Art Nouveau and Expressionism as historicism to modernism transitional chapter. Chong age style and transition style distinction is important. During the transition period, the style quickly come and go, or at the same time more than one style coexist. The crisis of modernism and death led to a far-reaching transition phase, but there is no reason to deny a new unified disposable style will end this diversified. In fact, we are witnessing the unified potential. Outside the founding era style and transitional style, we can also identify the second level subsidiary style emerged Chong era style big umbrella to float downward. These subsidiaries style represents the the parallel diversity or the historical process, enrich and promote the style. Historicism, we can distinguish between the neo-classical, neo-Gothic, neo-Renaissance, neo-baroque and eclectic. Modernism, we can also distinguish between functionalism the the rationalism, organic doctrine, Brutalist, metabolism camp and high - tech - these subsidiaries style completely follow the modernist design principles: separation, specialization and duplication , such as the separation between the various specialized subsystem and subsystems within the repeat. Postmodernism and deconstruction, the former by the performance history of diversity, which is created through collage and juxtaposition of diversity, to reject modernism the separability and repeatability order (denial of the old order, but did not establish a new order). Parameterization the doctrine can restore and strengthen the deconstructionist ability to Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

absorb diversity in a complex order. Modernist separation and repeat the order parameters of the doctrine in continuous differences (in an interconnected system) instead. Many sub-styles have been given broad new paradigm, looking forward, to enrich and expand the upcoming era of parameterized. The experience brought about by the crisis of modernism and its results - and failed - discriminant invasive era style from a series of transitional style and subsidiaries style led many critics to believe that our civilization (in this case refers to today's globalized civilization) will form a unified style. Then, has a far-reaching impact in the architectural history of style (Gothic - Renaissance - Baroque - Historicism modernism such clear order) whether it will end? History Will it end? It will cause fragmentation staggered contradictions? If the answer is yes, then whether we are going to celebrate the efforts of diversification under the slogan of fragmentation? Architecture today is a global architecture. Any building project will be disseminated immediately and was compared to other projects. Worldwide convergence is possible. This is not the point of monotony and homogenization. It only means that the consistency of the foundation to build a principle, vision and values, so that the accumulation of different efforts together is relevant, constructive competition and gradual progress, rather than contradict each other, misunderstanding, denying to form a continuous struggle vicious cycle. The idea of a unified style, initially unified the Pioneer design research program, and ultimately become the principle of unity, vision and value system, constitute the best global practices. The Parametric Design Paradigm fast penetration into every corner of the disciplines, it is claimed that the general leadership. Systemic adaptive diversification and continuous differentiation (rather than just a variety) in all architectural design tasks throughout all functional areas and all scales - from urban scale to construct details.

11.2.1 parameter 'conceptual definition The following formula can be parameterized 'conceptual definition: the parameterized' means that all of the architectural elements and complexes are parameterized shaped. This means that the architecture within the basic constituent elements of a base, bulk transfer. Classical modernism are based on geometric shapes - cube, cylinder, four-sided pyramid, and (semi-) sphere in the ideal (independent, stiff), and the parameters of the basic elements of the doctrine is dynamic (adaptive, interactive) geometry - spline curve (spline), nonlinear the physicochemical curves and surfaces (nurbs), subdivision surfaces (subdivs). Compared to the old block geometry, "blisters" new dynamic "hair" fabric "," deformed ball (metaball) "instead of the interaction of these systems and attractors, echo each other through the program script.

Figure 73 73 : classical / modern body, F.Ching Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

Figure 74 74 : Parameters of body

Figure 75 75 : the Zaha Hadid Firm, Galaxy Project, Beijing 2009 In principle, each unit or complex each property subject to the parameters of change. The core technology of operation of these variables is a function of the programming scripts, the attributes of various elements of the correlation can be established through it. Of course, although the new style relies heavily on these new design techniques, style can not be simplified techniques and tools. Forms related to formation of a new style needs a new vision and a new value - both related to the function - of course, rely on new tools and techniques to pursue. General purpose parametric doctrine explore how the most advanced areas of post-Fordist network society organizations and the growing diversity and complexity of a clear social system and life. This task, the parameters of the doctrine is trying to build a complex spatial order. It uses scripting to create all the design elements and subsystems differences and associated follow certain rules. Its goal is to strengthen internal interdependence in the field of architectural design in a complex urban environment to strengthen external linkages and continuity . The new complex order parameters of 'nationality differences and associated principles. The text of the definition of the generic parameters can and must be supplemented by an operational definition. A style of intuitive value necessary to be actionable, so the hypothesis can be tested it spreads more systematically, to constructive criticism - also includes self-criticism. The operationalization process has been given by the parameters of the doctrine clear contraindications and creed. 11.3.2 implementation Parametric Urbanism Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

83 83 parametric urbanism, Zaha Hadid Architects, Appur Planning Competition, 2009, the system mutual emphasized: terrain, building body block the path network. The inherent advantages of the parametric doctrine is more significant in urban scale. Zaha Hadid Architects win design competition Cities Programme shows that the parameters of the doctrine can be considered rational design methods, this method can produce large-scale, high-performance Cities Programme. Parametric Urbanism initial victory in the society is a more radical design research background - this further study at the Architectural Association School Design Research Laboratory (AADRL) parameterized city 29 "nominal. Parametric Urbanism parametric design tools into urban areas. Strengths of the parameterized system is often used to handle a rapid succession of design changes, for instance, the creation of a building various changes, or to generate the constituent elements of the complex building geometry, these constituent usually can not pass the unit body repeatedly obtained. Parametric Urbanism application of these technologies to the construction group, resulting in a new style, the new style does not replace the old style, but to join and synchronization expand the field of complex urban environment. Construction group as a whole as the generating element to a certain law of differentiation thrive in the urban environment, and these laws are always closely related to the conditions and base the initial differentiation. By multiple city-level synthesis began at the same time, each adhering to its differentiation logic and other levels associated resonance. The project presented here use Maya (Maya software) fluid system as the basis of urban geometry generation tools. This tool simulates the typical properties of the fluid dynamic and fluid parametric control. The morphology of the particle flow response to environmental characteristics, such as borders, barriers. The two streams are interlaced to form a complex pattern of nested and mixed. This program is proposed to use a different fluid "on behalf of" a different level of urban functions. These different fluid initially distinguished by different colors, to be released to the key position of the venue. The imaginary venue is the base of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China. Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



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102 102 Figure : fluid dynamics - the diversity of parametric, Parametric Urbanism, AA Design Research Laboratory (AADRL)

103 103 Figure : two streams interact Parametric Urbanism the AA design research laboratory (AADRL) 2008

104 104 : expansion of the fluid - a simple geometric mobile Fluid interaction, but also by the role of the base boundary. Emerging pattern can be parameterized by the class nature rules control manipulation. The designer thus obtained control emerged structure (loose). He / she can be frozen at any time in the fluid process, and select from the series of dynamic process of pattern emerged. It should be repeated the series work. The determination of the final pattern (more or less) depending on whether they have the consistency, clarity mixed environment, limits the echoes thus selected a "beauty" of the pattern. The next step of the design is the interpretation of the threedimensional shape of the pattern (this pattern vector maps). The geometric interpretation of these fairly common data set output by the fluid can be any possible form. The particles and the vector field can be immediately drawn by the vector direction, the density and speed of analysis, the operation of the database can be further calculated. These three variables as programming scripts and geometry translation of the input parameters, most diverse translation possible. This radical openness translated these dynamic systems into Deleuze (Gilles Deleuze) design diagrams. Or more precisely, the design of Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



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media (provided by the fluid system of Mayan design world, the model space) become unusually parameterized diagram 30 . According to the analysis of the concept of "artistic language 31 ", Nelson Goodman (Nelson Goodman) , absorbed through building self-organizing systems theory and discussed architectural modeling spatial characteristics of 32 , Maya Fluid Systems sketch space at least as constituting style hand-painted Like non-character, ambiguity, dense and filling. Deleuze discusses the design process features a considerable, although the latter is not yet set curing translation rules. Fluid system is ambiguous, because of the possibility of infinite geometric translation; it is filling, because it has many potential measuring means may be provided for the next input parameter; It is intensive, because the difference can be measured and the registry critical ssthresh may be arbitrary. However, with the possibility of writing the translated script means designers the opportunity to modeling the space into a strict system of character. Seems to translation thinking is decided to be with into the script, the system itself is transformed into a character system, lost vagueness. "Meaning" every model run are determined in advance. However, the lack of precise control fluid performance is difficult to predict all translated from geometric possibility (depending on the script), makes this process and system procedures commonly used characters are not the same. In a way, this system still is generated. The chosen strategy here is very different geometric space translation of different fluids. Figure 104 shows the case of two different rendering the fluid interaction. Fluid, one is translated into a smooth flow of the terrain morphology, the fluid of the two contrasting translated into three-dimensional cell field. Although these two systems have different of the body, but the system interaction between them to ensure an overall consistency. Of course, translates more is to demonstrate the principle rather than the formation of a design. They produced an illustration of the performance of different systems interact. Even in such an abstract level, it has been criticized: both translation are not fully using the information provided by the vector field. The topographic interpretation using only one of the three variables of the vector field - and transformed into the height parameters. The stereo unit seems to use the three variables of the two - the density and size. Two translation methods are no entry / conversion of all three variables. Directionality of the vector has not been reflected. Comments on this abstract / morphological did not receive timely improvements in the next stage, because of the more stringent test than this is how to translate these architectural database prototype application to urban places. One difficulty is how to retain (or even strengthen) the initial fluid applications bring the feeling of elegance and interactive. Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

105 105 : the fluid space translates the courtyard morphology diagram 106 106 : Fluid 2 the space translates towers morphology

Implanted in the level of urban functions is planned for the two types of residential, public and cultural facilities, landscape and green area. Figures 105 and 106 show the two very different types of residential, each translational shows the fluid properties of the original illustrated. This commonality the two systems are common - even though they are very different. The two pictures juxtaposed to show the power of the design process to produce differentiated unified (and unified differences). Maya fluid system modeling space to show its powerful modeling capabilities, while maintaining an expected macro-order and features to maintain openness on the microscopic morphology.

107 107 Figure : fluid integration of three urban form, parameterized city, AA Design Research Studio, London 2008.: Ludovico Lombardi, Du Yu, Victoria Goldstein, Xingzhu, the Hu; Instructor: Patrik Schumacher. The third fourth Similarly also been developed based database translates morphological system. The resulting system has four fluid type, and each type of fluid is set at the base on the position of the particle generator. The translation of the four fluid types there is a significant difference: the a residence tower system, a residence courtyard system, a public building podium system and a landscape terrain system. Fluid system to ensure that they share these four types, despite their different forms, but it can synthesize a coherent, multi-faceted city spaces. It needs to be clarified is that the design results are not shown in Figure 107 is a simple and fast computing process. Such a result need the design process of high-strength, experience than the unusual design process (modernism or postmodernism) more trial and error over and over again. The difference Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



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is that the trial and error experienced here is mainly concentrated in the the script system development, rather than the direct effect on the unusual single design program. Once the system can be entered into the database and input parameters within a certain range for satisfactory operation of the coordination, then the result than the single program is rich. Or even if there is only one system instance, we should be clear that variable, complex and coherent portfolio - either from the organization or phenomenon impossible to leave the powerful capabilities of the digital calculation. Here to show the complexity of the order and elegance to rely on these new design tools and processes. Parametric doctrine only their tools, methods, joint development, undertake more and more oriented architecture challenges in the design of the research program to explore and hone in on all scales.

1 see the sixth chapter of the book 6.3.4 scene from the spatial domain (From Space to Field) 2 Marx also predicted a future stage: world communism 3 cell differentiation and functional differentiation like Durkheim's distinction between mechanical and organic. The functional differentiation more complex, more organized. It can become even greater social integration. This distinction can be likened to a primitive organisms - such as a segmented worms and mammals - many specialized organs distinction. The fundamental principles of the latter, the organism can (and must) far more than the former. In a field of biological or social unit, the unit body more autonomy, and can be cut off and the body, survival and reproduction in the case of social contact. 4 This shift another important moment in the emergence of science - the study of knowledge gained independence, does not depend on the political forces. . 5 See Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society: Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture, Volume 1 , Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, London 2010; also: Jan van Dijk, The Network Society: Social Aspects of New Media , Sage Publications, London 2006 Dirk Baecker the, Die nchste Stadt: the Ein Pflichtenheft , Unpublished Paper 2009/2010, See also: Dirk Baecker, Studien zur naechsten Gesellschaft , Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 2007 7 of the significance of the cultural phenomenon that postmodernism, such as art schools disappear, the emergence of an interdisciplinary research project being misunderstood grounds digestion of the tendency of the field to the functional differentiation. The continued ability of the ultra-stable is assumed that the function of the system compared to building self-organizing system. The ability of the disintegration of the nation-state in a globalized world generally tend coherence function (instead of segmentary or hierarchical) differentiation. The decomposition of the nation-state under globalization and its functional differentiation trend (rather than unit or class differentiation). 8 The authors also expected to further the function of the system will be treated as an aspect of the ongoing, functional specialization of the general trend. For example, we expect this booming career counseling psychology has established itself as the self-organization of functional systems. Social relations become more complex, dynamic and requirements of everyone, the consultation may become permanent universal demand service, similar to the use of medical services. Forming in this area of expertise exchange structure seems very vulnerable Luhmann systemic analysis: counseling psychology clearly demarcate itself from a medical model of psychiatry. "Customers" instead of "patients". The primary distinction is' the issues raised and the action plan is not a medical diagnosis and treatment, the Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

code is "coping / should not" or "adaptation / not suited" instead of "health and disease", its programs each kinds of psychological counseling method (cognitive behavior, people focused, psychodynamic, systemic), specific media treatment of communication or conversation, the social function of the complexity of the individual to adapt to the needs of society and opportunities. . 9 Renaissance through the practices' transition to the Baroque 10 of this follow Mark the Corson (Mark Cousin) some talks of the mid-1990s the Architectural Association School in London. 11 Clemens Steenbergen and Wouter Reh,, Architecture and landscape , Prestel Verlag, Munich 1996. article studies a different form of strategy through these strategies, geometric morphological control by the architectural rules. 12 Robert Venturi building of the complexity and contradictions of Robert Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture , The Museum of Modern Art Press, New York 1966 13 Figure 42: Experiment 1 dots, Herman. Mating Inkblot # 1, from Hermann Rorschach, Psychodiagnostik , 1921 14 Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, Prcis, des lecons d'architecturedonnes a la l'the cole Royale Polytechnique, Paris 1802-1805, English translation by David Britt, published by The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA, 2000, P.140 15 more specific spatial concepts outlined in See Volume 1,5.4.1 Chapter emergence of architectural space ( The Emergence of Architectural Space) and 5.4.2 Chapter dominance of the architectural space ( The Hegemony of Architectural Space) and 16 These developments also hinted that the architects of the revolution. Historicist architect of the academic self-growth architect Behrens, Gropius, Le Corbusier and Mies replaced. 17 Some people might think that socialism is the most suitable for this stage of economic development of the political formation Its stability on the premise that 18 - socio-economic environment of stability and predictability - split. Postwar prosperity fracture occurs the first time in the 1966/1967 recession. The political crisis in 1968, the 1973 oil crisis and the international exchange rate system collapsed in 1974 further recession. 19 See: United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Structural Change in Industry , Vienna 1979, and OECD OECD (Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development) the Positive Adjustment policies: Managing Structural Change , Paris 1983. 20 all these cross-technical, economic, social and political phenomena under the label of post-Fordist analysis. See: Ash Amin, Post-Fordism - A Reader, Oxford / Cambridge MA.1994; Robin Murray, Fordism and Postfordism, in S. Hall & M.Jacques, and New Times, London 1989; W. Ruigrok & R. van Tulder The Logic of International Restructuring , London, New York 1995; Paul Hirst. the the Jonathan Zeitlin, Flexible Specialization versus post-Fordism, London 1991. There two further books that QQ Search Widget nciku Mobile nciku Mini E-zine Games Store Store Postfordism in the context Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

of urbanism: David Harvey, The a Condition of Postmodernity Oxford / Cambridge MA 1989; Edward W. Soja, Postmodern Geographies, London, New York 1989. Concerning the introduction of the concept into architectural discourse see: Patrik Schumacher, Productive Patterns in: architect's bulletin, Operativity , Volume 135, - 136, and Volume 137 - 138, Slovenia; the the abbreviated German Version: Produktive Ordnungen , in: ARCH + 136, Your Office Is Where You Are, Berlin 1997 21 post-Fordism as a category of analysis is the Marxism unique provenance. The basic concept of "Fordism" was originally proposed by Gramsci (Gramsci), he summed up a post-war (World War II) is characterized by large enterprises and state capitalism. The concept of system economic analysis by the French regulatory School (Marxist), by Agnes Rita (Aglietta) "theory of capitalism provides." Agger Lita tried in the development of capitalism (free markets, monopoly state capitalism) context remodeling and systematic Marxist concept. He tried to the the queue organization under the following dimensions: technology industry Fan Cases (the production process), accumulation (cycle / growth cycle funds), and the regulatory approach (political and institutional framework). Each specific stage of the development of capitalism can be continuity defined by the three dimensions of the system. Follow Althusser (Althusser), Agnes Rita that these dimensions is a semi-autonomous state of Dialectic, despite the long-term development of the productive forces remains the last instance decision. If one or more dimensions to break this synchronized structural crisis that appears. The crisis continued to intensify class struggle, triggering the possibility of revolution, beyond capitalism to find a solution, or a can embody and the new regime to ensure the stable development stage of capitalism. See Michel Aglietta, A Theory of Capitalist Regulation - The U.S. Experience , London 1979 22 Patrick Schumacher Patrik Schumacher, Arbeit, Spiel und Anarchie in: Herbert Lachmayer & Eleonora Luis (eds), the Work & Culture, - Buero.Inszenierung von Arbeit Ritterverlag of, of Klagenfurt 23 Zaha Hadid firm and AA architectural design lab to form a node in the network in this fast-liter sing. 24 "parameterized advocates Declaration exhibited and published in the Biennale. 25 a theory of growth thriving membership endorsed by criticism rather than, it has long been predicted. 26 For example, in the Higgs Freed (Sigfried Giedion) "Space, Time and Architecture" introduced in 1967, it is recommended to remove the concept from the architectural theory: "when we describe contemporary architecture, we have to avoid the use of a word - style wall ring, since the concept of the style, we open the door of the formalism. "Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture 5th edition of the Harvard University Press, 1967, Pxxxiii Set forth in the following article 27 of this concept: Patrik Schumacher, Style as Research Programm e the DRL TEN - A Design Research Compendium, AA Press, London, 2008. This statement is not implied architecture as a science, with them quite On the contrary, the authors insist on architecture and design disciplines law and science, the arts are not the same. 28 of elaborated on this point in the following article: Patrik Schumacher, Parametrism: A new global style for architecture and withurban design , AD Achitectural Design, Vol79, No. 4 July / August 2009. 29 continuation of the study from 2006 to 2009 30 See the book 1,4.22 Chapter The Diagram Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

31 Nelson Goodman, Languages of Art , Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis / Cambridge, 1976 32 See section 7.7 Modeling Spaces 42 Figure 42: dots experiment No. 1, Hermann Rakshasa. Inkblot # 1, from Hermann Rorschach Psychodiagnostik , 1921 Source: Hermann Rorschach , Psychodiagnostik: Methodik und Ergebnisse eines wahrnehmungsdiagnostischen Experiments, (Deutenlassen von Zufallsformen) / Mit den zugehrigen Tests bestehend aus zehn Teils mehrfarbigen Tafeln. Bern; Berlin: H. Huber, 1932 2nd Edition: Dr. W. Morgenthaler 55 Figure 55: Modernism, Gropius MustersiedlungDammerstock (Modernism, Walter Gropius, MustersiedlungDammerstock) 56 Figure 56: post-modernism, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Koolhaas mania in New York. (Postmodernism, OMA, City of the Captive Globe in: Rem Koolhass., Delirius New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan , Oxford University Press, Oxford 1978) 57 Figure 57: the deconstruction, Berlin city boundary. (Deconstructivism, Daniel Libeskind, Berlin City Edge)


58 Figure 58: parameterized doctrine, Zaha Hadid Architects, SOHO City, Beijing 2004. (Parametricism, Zaha Hadid Architects, Soho City, Beijing 2004) 59 Figure 59 form-finding of Otto and Rush - leading to very few buildings (Frei Otto & Bodo Rasch, Finding Form - Towards an Architecture of the Minimal , Edition Axel Menges 1995, p.44 So close, yet worlds apart-) 60 Figure 60: Castle as the medieval city of origin, B. Leonardo, urban history (Castle as Origin of concentric medieval town in: the Benevolo Leonardo, The History of the City , MIT Press, in Cambridge Massachusetts, 1980) 61 Figure 61: the ideal city of Palma Nova - medieval towns. (Palmanova - ideal city as rationalized medieval town) 62 Figure 62: the ideal city, architects as innovators. Artist: Fra Csrnevale. (Ideal city, the architect as innovative creator, artist: Fra Carnevale (c. 1420-1425 - 1484)) 63 Figure 63: Baroque the projected absolute power. Baroque projection. Of absolutist power, from Princely Architect or architectura Civilis Paulus Decker, 1711, source: Architectural Theory, Taschen, Cologne 2003, p.568 64 Figure 64: Baroque: local asymmetric strengthen the overall symmetry, Bernardo, stepped Square. Baroque, local asymmetry enhances global symmetry, Bernardo Antonio Vittone, Palace with stairs, 1760, from Istruzioni diverse concernienti l'officio dell 'architetto civile, 2 Vols, Lugano 1766, source: Architectural Theory, Taschen, Cologne 2003, p.181 65 Figure 65: neoclassical, handling diverse types of combination process, JNL Durand (Neoclassicism, combinatorial process coping with typological between diversification, JNL Durand source: Durand, Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

Jean-Nicolas-Louis Prcisof the Lectures on Architecture, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA, 2000, plate 21) 66 Figure 66: Modernism organizations: separation - professional - repeat, Wei Sining brothers, Moscow Lenin Library Design Contest plane. Nicholas Kusi Ming, Anshero-Sudshenker miners living area (modernist organization: separation - specialisation - repetition, Vesnin brothers, Plan, Competition Design for the Lenin Library, Moscow, source: El Lissitzky, Russia: An Architecture for World Revolution, MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1984, p.123 Liu Shao-; Nicolai Kusmin Axonometry, the Residential Complex for Miners in Anshero-Sudshenker, source: the Selim O.ChanMagomedow Pioniere der Sowjetischen Architektur Loecker Verlag, Wien-Berlin, 1983 , p.311) 67 Figure 67: Bauhaus: separation - Professional - Repeat Gropius (Bauhaus Dessau, of separation specialisation - repetition, W.Gropius 1929) 68 Figure 68: modernist city, separated - professional - repeat, industrial city, W. Kalmykow (Modernist City, separation - specialisation, - repetition, W. Kalmykow, Industrial City, about 1930, source: Selim O. Chan-Magomedow Pioniere der Sowjetischen Architektur, Loecker Verlag, Wien-Berlin 1983, p.247) 73 Figure 73: Classical / Modern body, increase - abatement, Francis Qin (Classical / Modernist Ontology, in Additive - Substractive, F. Ching, diagrams by Francis DK Ching showing Andrea Palladio's Il Redentore Venice 1577-92, and Charles Gwathmey's ( of Gwathmey / Siegel) Dwathmey, Residence, New York 1967, source: Francis DK Ching, Architecture - Form, Space, and Order , Second Edition, Jogn Wiley & Sons, INC.., New York 1996, p.49) 74 Figure 74: the the parametric ontology, Zaha Hadid Firm (Parametricist of Ontology source: Zaha Hadid, Architects) 75 Figure 75: Galaxy SOHO, Beijing, Zaha Hadid firm (Zaha Hadid, Architects 2009, Galaxy, Beijing, 2009) 83 Figure 83 Parametric Urbanism, Amparo overall planning and design competition, the Zaha Hadid firms, mutually reinforcing systems: terrain, body mass and path (Parametric Urbanism, Zaha Hadid Architects, Appur Masterplan competition, 2008, mutually accentuating systems: topography, massing, path-network, source: Zaha Hadid Architects) 102 Figure 102: the fluid - parametric variables, Parametric Urbanism, AA Design Research Laboratory (of Fluid dynamic-parametric variations, Parametric Urbanism, AADRL tutor: Patrik Schumacher authors: Du Yu, Victoria Goldstein Xingzhu, the Hu, Ludovico Lombardi)

103 Figure 103: Two-fluid interaction, the Parametric Urbanism AA Design Research Laboratory (Interaction of two fluids, Parametric Urbanism, AADRL 2008, tutor: Patrik Schumacher, authors: Du Yu, Victoria Goldstein, Xingzhu Hu, Ludovico Lombardi ) 104 Figure 104: expanded applications of fluid - simple geometric mobile the (the Fluid under deployed - simple geometric translation, Parametric Urbanism AADRL 2008, tutor: Patrik Schumacher authors: Du Yu, Victoria Goldstein Xingzhu, the Hu, Ludovico Lombardi) Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style.html



The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a new Style

105 Figure 105: fluid 1 - the space translates yard morphology (Fluid 1 transcoded into content horizontalCompare morphology tutor: Patrik Schumacher authors: Du Yu, Victoria Goldstein Xingzhu, the Hu, Ludovico Lombardi) 106 Figure 106: fluid 2 - space translates Tower morphology (Fluid transcoded into tower morphology tutor: Patrik Schumacher authors: Du Yu, Victoria Goldstein Xingzhu, the Hu, Ludovico Lombardi) 107 Figure 107: the fluid integration of the three urban form, Parametric Urbanism, AA Design Research Studio (Fluid integration of a three withurban morphologies Parametric Urbanism, AADRL, London, 2008, tutor: Patrik Schumacher, a uthors: Du Yu, Victoria Goldstein, Xingzhu Hu, Ludovico Lombardi)

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