Contents For Indusind Bank Final

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Summer training is a very important part of an BBA curriculum. It provides an optimistic iconography for Future existence through which students are able to see the real industrial environment which gives an opportunity to relate theory with practice. I undertoo two months training or !" days programme at Indusind Ban #A$mer% and wor ed on the pro$ect &'ustomer Satisfaction at I()*SI() &. +his report is the nowledge ac,uired by me during this period of training. FEATURE OF THIS REPORTSeveral features of this report are designed to ma e it particularly easy for professionals and students to understand the customers perception about the financial products and services offered by the ban . STRUCTURE: An empirical field approach complementing the text is followedEMPIRICAL APPROACH: +his report presents highly technical sub$ect matter without complex formulas by using a balance of text and figures. +he approximately ." figures accompanying the text provide a visual and intuitive opportunity for understanding the material. HIGHLIGHTED POINTS: Important points are highlighted at appropriate places to stress their importance. APPENDIXES: +he appendixes are intended to provide ,uic reference material or a review of materials needed to understand the concepts discussed in this report.

Contents S.No. ! & * . / 1 2 0 !3 !! Description Intro"#ction to t$e in"#str% Co'pan% pro(i)e C#sto'er Satis(action in In"#sin" +an, Researc$ 'et$o"o)o % Data Ana)%sis an" Interpretation Fin"in s Li'itations Suggestions / 0ecommendations Conc)#sion 4#estionnaire +i5)io rap$% Pa e No. ! * !&. &0 .* .. ./ ..1 .2

Ac,no6)e" e'ent
I thanks to Principal Mr. Amit Shastri for suggesting me time to time for this project. I am highly indebted to lecturer Maam Shubhra Jain who has provided me with the necessary information and also for the support and her valuable suggestions and comments on bringing out this report in the best way possible. I feel great pleasure to cordial thanks to all faculty members of management department of aryabhatta college Who sincerely supported me with the valuable insights into the completion of this project and I am thankful to that power that always inspire me to take right step in the journey of success in my life.

Sandeep Sawlani BBA (final year)

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