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SAIL Sample Quantitative Aptitude Question Paper

1) Jagan went to another town covering 240 km by car moving at 60 kmph. Then he covered 400km by train moving at 100 kmph and then rest 200 km he covered by a bus moving at 50 kmph. The average speed during the who e !ourney was" a) #0 kmph c) $5 kmph b) 70 kmph d) $2 kmph

2) The area o% a triang e is e&ua to the area o% a s&uare whose each side is 60 metres. The height o% the triang e is '0 metres. The base o% the triang e wi be a) $5 m c) 65 m b) #5 m d) 80 m

() ) horse is tied at the corner o% a rectangu ar %ie d* whose ength is 20m and width is 16m with a rope whose ength is 14m. +ind the area which the horse can gra,ea) 156 s&.m. c) 164 s&.m. b) 154 s !m! d) 144 s&.m.

4) .am and /ita was sitting in a park in the evening ooking at the sunset to the hori,on. 0hat is the direction o% their right hand sidea) 1ast ") #orth b) 0est d) .outh

5) ) shopkeeper buys 144 eggs at '0 paise each. 2n the way 20 eggs were broken. 3e so d the remaining eggs at /s. 1.20 each. The percentage gain or oss is a) 14.#4 gain c) #.54 gain b) 1$!%& 'ain d) 4.#4 gain

6) 2t takes 40 men eight days to earn /s. 2000. 3ow many men wi earn /s. 200 in two daysa) 10 ") 1( b) 14 d) 20

$) ) pipe o% 2 inch diameter %i s the water tank in one hour. 2% the diameter o% the pipe is 4 inch in what time wi the pipe %i the same tanka) 10 minutes b) 15 minutes c) (0 minutes d) 45 minutes

#) Ten men can %inish construction o% a wa in eight days. 3ow much men are needed to %inish the work in ha %5a5daya) #0 c) 120 b) 100 d) 1(0

') ) shop gives 104 discount on the purchase o% an item. 2% paid %or in cash immediate y* a %urther discount o% 124 is given. 2% the origina price o% the item is /s. 250* what is the price o% the artic e i% a cash purchase is madea) /s. 200 ") )s! 1%8 b) /s. 1'5 d) /s. 1'0

10) 2t was 0ednesday on Ju y 15* 1'64. 0hat was the day on Ju y 15* 1'65a) *hursda+ c) +riday b) Tuesday d) 6one o% these

,eneral -no.led'e Questions /or SAIL 01am2

1) 2ndia has won the 70or d 8up 3ockey9 tit e" a) Twice c) Thrice b) 3n"e d) 6ever

2) 0hich pass was opened between 2ndia and 8hina %or tradea) #athula c) 8humbi b) :hardung a d) .o ang

() The argest continent is" a) .outh )%rica c) )%rica b) 1urope d) Asia

4) The ba used in which o% the games is usua y ova in shapea) )u'b+ c) <o o b) ;o % d) =o eyba

5) 0ho %ormu ate s the monetary po icy in 2ndiaa) .1>2 c) +inance ?inistry b) )4I d) < anning 8ommission

6) 2n 1#5# the %irst train %rom 3owrah ran to a) 3oogh y ") 4andel b) >ardhaman d) 8hinsura

$) 0ho was the <rime ?inister o% >ritain when 2ndia got independencea) 5inston 6hur"hill c) 0i son b) 8 ement )t ee d) 6one o% these

#) The highest rai way ine has been opened in Ju y 2006 in which countrya) 2ndia ") 6hina b) ?ongo ia d) /ussia

') 0hat is ear ier name o% the present @6ationa Aibrary in :o kataBa) Imperial librar+ c) /oya ibrary b) >ritish ibrary d) ) bert ibrary

10) The capita o% ?auritius is a) ?a e c) .uva b) :abu d) Port Louis

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