Encyclopaedia of Chess Combinations

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BASE ESSENSE ANTHOLOGY ANTHOLOGIE ANTHOLOGIE ANTOCLOGIA SAHOVSKE KOMBINACIJE WAXMATHBIE KOMBUHALNK CHESS COMBINATIONS SCHACH-KOMBINATIONEN COMBINAISONS D’ECHECS COMBINACIONES DE AJEDREZ DRUGO IZDANJE * BTOPOE U3QAHUVE SECOND EDITION * 2. AUFLAGE ; DEUXIEME EDITION © SEGUNDA EDICION Odgovorni urednik * aanusii peaaxtop * Editor-in-chief « Chefredakteur Rédacteur en chef + Redactor en jefe Aleksandar Matanovié Zamenik odgovornog urednika + 3amectutens rnantioro penaxtopa Assistant of the Editor-in-chief » Assistent des Chefredakteurs Assistant du Rédacteur en chef’ Asistente del redactor en jefe Zdenko Krnié Redakeija + Peaakusomas Koaterus » Editorial board « Redaktion Collége de redaction * Colegio de redaccién Milan Bjelajac, Milutin Kostié, Zdenko Krnié, Miroslav Luki Aleksandar Matanovie, Dragan Paunovié, Tomislav Paunovi Dragan Ugrinovié, Saga Veligkovié, Nenad Vukmirovié Klasifikacija + Kaacencpukaunn + Classification + Klassifizierung + Classification « Clasification Slobodan Mirkovi Saradnici + Cotpyanuxit « Contributors + Mitarbeiter + Collaborateus « Colaboradores Slobodan Mirkovi Ivan Markovié, Miodrag Mihajlovi © Copyright 1998 Sahovski informator All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, magnetic tape. mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. fications of openings, endings No part of the Chess Informant system (cla: and combinations, code system, etc.) may be used in other publications without prior permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN: 86-7297-037-3 Izdavaé « Hanarens * Publisher » Herausgeber « Editeur « Editorial Sahovski informator 11001 Beograd, Francuska 31, PO Box.739, Yugoslavia hone: (381 T1) 186-498, 630-109;-Fax: (381 11) 626-583; mail: info@sahovski.co.yu; Internet: http://www.sahovski.eo.yu SOMMAIRE + SUMARIO Predgovor + Mpeantcaoune + Preface + Vorwort « Préface + Prologo Sistem znakova + Cuctesta saxon « Code system + Zeichenerklérung Systém de symboles * Sistema de signos Klasifikacija « Kaaccuduxauna + Classification Klassifizierung Classification « Clasificacién Ep or Registar « Munekc + Index * Register « Registre « Registro Registar/Klasifikacija © Humexe/Kaacenuxaunsa * Index/Classification Register/Klassifizierung + Registre/Classification + Registro/Clasificacién 391 419 Predgovor ANTOLOGIJA SAHOVSKIH KOMBINACIJA donosi izbor najvrednijih ostvarenja nastalih na takmicenjima tokom vise od 200 godina (najstariji primer je iz 1789. godine). Sigurno da svi primeri koji to zasluzuju nisu sakupljeni, ali veéina je tu. Ukupno 2001 primer. Sahovska kombinacija je forsirana varijanta sa Zrtvom koja vodi pozitivnom rezul- tatu, Klasifikacija kombinacija, tija osnova je ova definicija, otklanja nepreciznosti prilikom klasifikovanja, sto je nezaobilazni uslov, U primer AAGifra) 1,2, 311A (rtva) —_reé je 0 kombinacijama u kojima se Zrtvuju samo pefaci. Ili jo8 nekoliko primera: QA (sita) 4 (Zrwva) kombinacije sa Zrtvom samo jednog skakaéa; 2C (Gitta) 4% (arva) kombinacije sa Zrtvom samo jednog lovee i jednog skakaéa; 2G (ifra) 284 (enva) Kombinacije sa Zrtvom samo jednog topa, jednog lovea i jednog skakaéa; WM (Sifra) 1 WY (zrtva) kombinacije koje nisu obuhvaéene prethodnim Siframa sa Zrtvom dame. Ovakva numericka Klasifikacija ne oslanja se na karakter pozicije ili neke od motiva koji su nasli mesto u Sahovskoj teoriji. Dva dopunska kriterijuma otklanjaju ovu prazninu: 1. 1 Kombinacije sa matnim napadom I Kombinacije za postizanje remi IL Kombinacije za postizanje materijalne prednosti IV __ Sve ostale kombinacije Razbijanje odbrane Blokada Oslobadanje prostora Odvlagenje Otkriveni napad _ Vezivanje Razbijanje pesackog polozaja Usmeravanje Prekrivanje Dvojni udar oer ae anew Pojedini primeri sadrZe vise od jednog motiva pa su tako i obelezeni. Znak * pored imena igraéa ukazuje da je to pozi autentiéni tok partije. iz analize, efektna varijanta, a ne REDAKCWA Mpegnucnosne AHTONOTHA WAXMATHBIX KOMBHHALHA nxmowaer 8 cea HanGonee unrepecsie KOMOHHaUM, BCTpeTHBLIMECA B TypHUpHOH mpaKTHKe 3a MocaenHie 200 ner (camnil Panui MpuMep AaTHponaH 1789 roaom). PasymeeTes, HenoaMOxHO paccMorpere ‘Be RACAYAHBAOUUIE BHUMAHA MpHMepst, HO GORBUIKHCTRO H3 HUX Bb HalideTe B >TO Knutre. Oxia conepxut 2001 KomOMHaL. laxmaruan KomGunauna — 970 dbopenposannstit sapnant ¢ >xKepTBoit, KoTOpHIit npusoaNT K NOsMTHBHOMY pesyabTaTy. KaaccipHKauHA WaxMaTHbIX KOMOMHAUITi, B OCHORE KOTODOM EANT 970 ONpeaeAeHHe, YeTpAHReT BCE OLLHOKH, KOTOPME MOLyT BOSHHKHYTH HPI cosaaHHit anTOnOrHH — 3TO ABNAETCA HEOOXOAMMBIM yenOBIEM Hanpuxep SA (undp) 1,2, 3118 Gkeprsa) KomGutaunn, B Xone KoTOpsIX xKepTByIOTCA ToAbKO NeWKi Ewe Heckoabko mpumepos DA (wubp) 2 Ceepraa) KoMOHHaUHH, B Nome KoTOpKIX xepTByeTeR TOABKO KOH; 4 C (wnp) 24) (xeprea) KoMOuHaUHHt, B Xone KOTOpBIX KepTByIOTCA TOsKO OAMH CAON H OHH KONE; 2G (wip) BAD (xeprsa) KOMOUHAUHH, B XoNe KoTOpEIX KeprByIOTeH ToAKO OHA MadbA, OAH CROH H OAH KOH; WM (uinep) IY Oxeprea) KoMOnHaunit ¢ KepTBOit depsa, He BKMOWEHHDIe B ApyrHe pasaenb B ockose sroit “ancnonoi” KaacuuKaunn aexHT He Xapaktep MO3HUMH HAH KOMGH- HAUMOHHag TeMaTHKa, BeTpedaioUasica B WaXMaTHOH Teopiit. TlosTOMy cyulecTAyioT aBa AOMOAHTEABHLIX KpHTepHA: 1. 1 Marosste Kom6uHaunn Tl Kom6unaunn ana aoctixxenitn HWubH TH Kom6uxaunn at noayvenns Matepuanstoro nepeneca IV Bee ocransubie KOMGMHAUMIE Yerpanenue saute Baokana Ocso6oxneHHe AMHHH HAH Noma Orenevenne Bexpsitoe Hananenne Ceska Paspywenve mewexHoit crpyktypp Bannewerne Tlepexpurrie Alsoitnot yaap Hexoropsie NpHMmepst OTHOCATCA OnHOBPEMEHHO K HECKOABKHM MOTHBAM H OTMeyeHBL OMKHEIM OGPa30M. S3Hak * panoM c HMeHaMH HrpoKos o3HaNaeT, 4TO AaHHat MO3MUMA BOsHHKNA MPH akanu3e Kakoro-To BaxHOFO BapMaHTa, He CAVYMBUIeTOCA B MapTHH. - een eae ce -PENAKHHA [st Preface ANTHOLOGY OF CHESS COMBINATIONS brings a selection of the most valuable achievements made at the competitions for 200 years (the oldest example is from 1789). It is certain that all the examples which deserve consideration are not collected. But most of them are here. Total of 2001 combinations. Chess combination is a forced variation with a sacrifice which leads to a positive re- sult. Classification of chess combinations, which has this definition as its basis, removes all possible mistakes when making a classification. Which is an unavoidable condition. In the example AA (code) 1, 2,311A (sacrifice) it is the question of combinations with a sacri- fice of pawns only. A few more examples: DA (code) 4 (sacrifice) combinations with a sacrifice of only one knight; 2C(code) £4) (sacrifice) combination with a sacrifice of only one bishop and one knight; ZG (code) BAA (sacrifice) combination with a sacrifice of only one rook. one bishop and one knight; WM (code) | ¥ (sacrifice) combinations which are not comprised by the previous codes with a sacrifice of a queen. Such a numeric classification is not based on the character of a position or some of the themes that have found their places in chess theory. Two additional criteria remove this emptiness: 1.1 Combinations with mating attack II Combinations to reach the draw Til Combinations leading to material advantage TV All the others combinations Annihilation of defence Blockade Clearance Deflection Discovered attack Pinning Demolition of pawn structure Decoy Interference Double attack Gem ae ance Some examples have more than one theme, and they are marked in such a way. Sign * beside the players’ names shows that it is a position from the analysis of an impor- tant variation, and not the original moves of the game. EDITORIAL BOARD (6) Vorwort Die ANTOLOGIE DER SCHACHKOMBINATIONEN enthalt eine Auswahl der schdnsten Kombinationen aus Turnieren der letzten 200 Jahre (das alteste Beispiel datiert von 1789) Es konnten natiilich nicht alle Beispiele, die Beachtung verdienen, gesammelt werden, aber die meisten sind erfasst, Insgesamt sind 2001 Kombinationen enthalten. Eine Schachkombination stellt eine mit einem Opfer verbundene forcierte Variante dar, die 2u einem positiven Ergebnis fiihrt, Auf der Basis dieser Definition ist es moglich eine genaue Klassifizierung von Schachkombinationen vorzunehmen. In dem Beispiel AA (Code) 1, 2,314 (Opfer) _handelt es sich um Kombinationen mit dem alleinigen Opfer von Bauern. Einige weitere Beispiele: QA (Code) & (Opfer) Kombinationen mit dem alleinigen Opfer eines Springers; 2 C (Code) 22) (Opfer) Kombinationen mit dem alleinigen Opfer von Laufer und Springer; 2G (Code) E24 (Opfer) Kombinationen mit dem alleinigen Opfer von Turm, Laufer und Springer; ‘WM (Code) Ii Y (Opfer) sonstige Kombinationen mit dem Opfer der Dame. Eine solche numerische Klassifizierung umfasst jedoch nicht den Charakter der Stellung und die zugrundeliegende Thematik. Zwei zusitzliche Kriterien schliessen diese Lticke 1. I Mattkombinationen Il Remiskombinationen TIT Kombinationen zwecks Materialgewinn IV Andere Kombinationen Beseitigung der Verteidigung Blockade Réumung Ablenkung Abzugsangriff Fesselung Zerstérung der Bauernstruktur Hinlenkung Linienverstellung Doppelangriff Gm re ae eee Einige Beispiele beinhalten mehr als ein Thema, sie sind dann entsprechend gekennzeichnet. Das Zeichen * neben den Namen der Spieler bedeutet, dass die Stellung aus einer wichtigen Variante der Analyse und nicht aus der eigentlichen Partie stammt. DIE REDAKTION (7] Préface L'ANTHOLOGIE DES COMBINAISONS D’ECHECS rassemble les plus beaux sacrifices de ces deux cents derniéres années (le plus ancien datant de 1789). Nous en avons sans doute oublié mais la plupart sont la. Au total il y a 2001 combinaisons. Une combinaison aux échees, est une variante forcée avec sacrifice qui entraine un résultat positif. La classification des combinaisons d'échecs, selon cette définition, exclut toutes erreurs éventuelles. C’est une condition sine qua non. Dans I" exemple &A(code) 1,2,31A (sacrifice) il s'agit des combinaisons sans sacrifier que de pions. Quelques exemples supplémentaires: ®A (code) & (sacrifice) combinaisons avec sacrifice d°un seul cavalier; A&C (code) £4 (sacrifice) combinaisons avec sacrifice d'un seul fou et d’un seul cavalier; HG (code) H&S (sa ice) combinaisons avec sacrifice d'une seul tour, d'un seul fou et d'un seul cavalier; WM (code) II & (sacrifice) combinaisons qui ne sont pas incluses dans les codes précédents, avec sacrifice de a dame. Cette classification "numérique" ne repose pas sur les caraetéres de la position ou sur les thémes connus de la théorie. Deux critéres supplémentaires eliminent cette lacune: 1 1 Combinaisons avec attaque de mat II Combinaisons amenant la nulle IIL Combinaisons entrainant un avantage matériel IV Toutes les autres combinaisons Brise de la défense Blocage Création d’espace libre Dérivation Attaque & la découverte ~ Clouage Brise de position des pions Attraction Interception Jj Attaque double mem acne ce Certains exemples contiennent plus d’un théme et c'est ainsi qu’ils sont marqués. Le signe *, cdté des noms des jouers, indique qu'il s’agit d'une analyse et non pas de la partie “LA REDACTION [8] Prélogo La ANTOLOGIA DE LAS COMBINACIONES DE AJEDREZ contiene una seleccién de las més valiosas producciongs en este terreno, plasmadas en los uiltimos 200 aos de com. peticign (el caso més antiguo data de 1789), si bien no todos los ejemplos que merecen consideracién estan recogidos aqui. 2001 combinaciones en total. La combinacién es una variante forzada, con sacrificio de material, que conduce a un resultado positivo. La clasificacién de las combinaciones, basada en esta definicidn, nos ha permitido eliminar las imprecisiones de ordenamiento. El ejemplo A A(clave) 1, 2,31 (sacrificio) indica que se trata de las combinaciones con sacrificio de peén o peones sélo. Otros ejemplos: DAClave) B (sactificio) combinaciones con sacrificio de un caballo s6l &C (clave) 24 (sacrificio) combinaciones con sacrificio de un alfil y un caballo sélo; BG (clave) EAA (sacrificio) combinaciones con sacrificio de una torre, un alfil y un caballo s6lo; W M (clave) || W (sacrificio) combinaciones no incluidas en las claves ante- riores, con sacrificio de dama. Tal clasificacién codificada no se relaciona con el cardcter de la posicién ni con temas va asetador on la temas ajedrecistica. Dos clasificaciones adicionales colman este vacio: 1. 1 Combinaciones con ataque de mate I Combinaciones para conseguir tablas Il Combinaciones que conducen a ventaja material IV__ Todas las demas combinaciones Destruccién de la defensa Bloqueo Liberacién de espacio Desviacién Ataque descubierto Clavada Demolicién de ta estructura de peones Atraccién Intercepcién Ataque doble wane ean oe Algunos ejemplos.contienen més de un tema,-en cuyo caso asi se indica. El asterisco a continuacién de los nombres de los jugadores significa que la posicién es producto de un andlisis y no del texto real de la partida. ‘CONSEJO DE REDACCION [9] sistem znakova « cucmema sxaxos + code system zeichenerklarung + systéme de symboles « sistema de signos + spiegazione dei segni » teckenforklaring + MR825 © 590) ees £ bell stoji nesto bolje + y Genaix Heckonsxo nyuiwe « white stands slightly better « Weiss steht etwas besser « les blancs sont un peu mieux + ef blanco esté algo mejor « il bianco sta un po" meglio + vit stir nigot bittre © ecm # Gye delet cy F __ctni stoji nesto bolie + y vepuaix weckonuxo aysue « black stands slightly better » Schwarz steht etwas besser « les noirs sont un peu mieux « el negro esté algo mejor « il nero sta un po" meglio + svart stir ndgot bite « MOAB © Uy Gul apt es bli stoji bolje + y Geaux aysue * white has the upper hand + Weiss steht besser » les blancs sont mieux + el blanco estd mejor « il bianco sta meglio « vit stir battre + GB + AH oe crni stoji bolje « y vepusix aysme » black has the upper hand + Schwarz steht besser + les noirs Sont mieux + el negro estd mejor il nero sta meglio « svar stir battre « AEM © enrol bli ima odlutujuéu prednost + y Gensix pewarouice npenmywiecrao + white has a decisive advan- lage + Weiss hat entscheidenden Vortel « les blanes ont un avantage décisit » el blanco tiene luna ventaja decisiva « il bianco € in vantaggio decisivo « vit har avgbrande fordel + 6 Ree en + ctni ima odluujucu prednost + y sepxnix peuatoutce npenmywecrao « black has a decisive advan- tage + Schwarz hat entscheidenden Vorteil « les noirs ont un avantage décisif « el negro tiene luna ventaja decisiva « il nero € in vantaggio decisivo + svart har avg6rande fOrdel « Munters jednako « paso + even » ausgeglichen + égalité + igual « equivalente + likas HHH AM + yk co neiavesno + nevasectuo + unclear + unklar + incert = + incierto + incerto + oklar + EM EH « 2% kompenzacja 2a material + Kowencoua 22 saTepuan « with compensation for the material « ‘mit Kompensation fur den materielien Nachteil« avec compensation pour le matériel + con ompensacién por el material's con compenso per il vantaggio, materiale awversario + med ompensation for materiaet « wiRtRHG Uc rw G__razvojna prednost + npewmyutects0 » paseurin + development advantage + Entwicklungsvorsprung ‘ avantage de développement » ventaja de desarrollo + vantaggio di sviluppo + uveckling- Slorspring ME Us ypu wut © prostotna prednost + npenmyuiecrso » npocrpancrse + greater board room « beherrscht mehr Raum + avantage d'espace » ventaja de espacio » maggior vantaggio spaziale « terringfOrdel « MW Kee Oe > sa mapadom + ¢ araxoit « with attack + mit Angriff + avec attaque + con ataque + con attacco + med angrepp #0 8 ¢ yp — 1 sa inicjativom + © nununarnso ‘= con -iniziativa + med initiat with initiative © mit Initiative « avec it 2 EMRAD tive * con iniciative 55 sa protivigrom + ¢ xowrpurpoA + with counter-play » mit Gegenspiel « avec contre-jeu * con contrajuege=E controgioco + med motspel « Be tame we © © iznudica » uyrunanr « zugewing + Zugewang + zugrwang s-zugzwang:+ zugrwang + dragtving © TL IROL IG ETA Oa 7 | mat evtar’s mate © matt © mat + mate + matte s matte 4 4 Fe ur eur [10] vee A velo dobar potez * ovens xopowni xon + avery. good move » ein sehr guter Zug s ts BO coup + muy buena jugada » buona mossa + ett bra drag# HF Bias oe Tees oligan potez + oraMansii xox + an excellent move + ein ausgezeichneter Zug + excellent coup « excelente jugada + mossa ottima « ett uimarkt drag Be fe oe we slab potez + ena6siit xoa + a mistake « cin schwacher Zug + coup faible + mala jugada + mossa dobole + ett diligt drag * Wow) $e Ue a grubs greska + rpyGan oum6xa + a blunder + ein grober Fehler + erreur grave + grave error « grave errore sett gro fle Be ta wee potcz zaslutuje patnju + xon sacayxnsaiowni sHuManns « a move deserving attention » ein beachtenswerter Zug + coup qui mérite attention « jugada que merece atencion » mossa degna di considerazione ett drag som fSrtjénar uppmirksamhet » BF ev yng ae sumnjiv potez + commenti x0 + a dubious move + ein Zug von zwcifelhattem Wert « coup de valeur douteuse « jugada de dudoso valor» mossa dubbia « ett tvivelaktigt drag » eet op ceeee tora sa idejom + c waceit « with the idea + mit der Idee + avec Tidée « con idea » con idea + med idén « Beier eae jedini potez « eauncrscuuuii xon + only move « det eintig spielbare Zug le seul coup + unica jugida + unica mossa + enda draget'e #2} Fe tuny8 an bolje je + aysuie + better is « besser ist + meilleur est * es mejor + & meglio « battre ar « jes ay Een? pow eSuwrEaa linija © nuwwa s file + Linie » colonne + linea + linea + linje + #54 Uijagonala + avarowans » diagonal « Diagonale + diagonale « diagonal + eee) centar « uentp » centre » Zentrum « centre » centro + centro + centrum +s ¢ St kraljevo krilo + xoponescknit cpnanr + king's side » KénigsMigel « aile-roi + flanco de rey « lato i Re kungsflygeln e427 Mot cle damino krilo + dbepsestii gnanr + queen's side » Damenfligel + aile-dame + flanco de dama + lato di D 6 damfygeins 747m © ssn cum slaba tacka + caaGsid nynxr weak point « schwacher Punkt + point faible + punto débil + punto debole » svaghet' + + uae aka ravrénica * onauinnaw + ending + Endspiel « finale « final finale + slutspel + ti + ast lovaéki par + asa cnona + pair of bishops + Lauferpaar + paire de fous + pareja de alfiles + la ‘coppia degli alfieri » loparpare RU? a7 © wduat Faznobojai lovei « pasnousetubie caousi « bishops of opposite color » ungleichfarbige Laufer « fous de couleurs opposées « alfles de distinto color « alfieri di colore diverso « lopare med Olika Farge ROLY 977 + tbe ey oe het istobojni lovci « onnouserusie caowst bishops of the same color + gleichfarbige Litufer + fous de méme couleur « alfiles del mismo color « alfieri di colore uguale » ldpare med samma farg + REY 77 © te oH te vezani peSaci « consanusie mewn + united pawns » verbundene Bauern ¢ pions liés + peones ‘unidos + pedoni uniti « garderade bonder © M—7 + hoy Gal isolierte Bauern + pions isolés « razdvojeni pefaci + wsonmposanuute meurkn separated pawns eones aislados « pedoni isolati « isolerade bOnder «Wa Snlvojeni petaci » catocune newex + double pawes +-Doppelbauém « pions doublés + peones ~-dobles = pedoni doppi » dubbel binder « A= 2s wane once {ua}. slobodan petak + ‘npoxonwas newxa » passed pawn + Freibauer » pion passé » pedn pasado « pedone libero « fribonde « €.n xn. regime > Prednost u broju pelaka « npeweyuiccrao 8 diene newex « advantage in number of pawns «i Bauernmenrbesitz « avantage quantitaif en pions » ventaja en el numero de peones vantage + quanttativo dei pedoni » fOrdel | antal BOnder » ws rem ems ae ce © weeme + apoun « time + Zeit + temps « tiempo + tempo + tid» aymuin » ayn eowzEaa TIM13, 48/241... Sahowski informator + axwarwati nuhoparop _» Chess Informant + Schach- dinformator « lnformateur d'échecs » Informador ajedrecistico = Tnformstore scaccheaico Schack-informator « #4 26RR/IY © @deh AW. B17, C92... Enciklopedia Sahovskih otvaranja « Sraomroneaue wamiarwbe neGoTOR + Eney- clopaedia of Chess Openings « Enzykioptdie der SchacherOffnungen, » EneylopCdie des Quvertures d'échecs + Enciclopedia de aperturas de. ajedre2 » Enciclopedia. dele aper, ture negli scacchi « Encykloped! Over speloppningar | Schick's wWAm “s pe ert age 8 3/e3, Hd... Enciklopedija Sahovskih zaviinica » Snuwxaoneaws waxwarweix oxowsauni « Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings » Enzyklopidie der’ Schachendspicle ¢ Encreiopevie dee finales d'échecs + Enciclopedia de finales de sjedrez « Enciclopedia del final regi senecht + Encyklopedi. aver sluspel i schack « ate + semuIcC ue yn N novost « noumxa + a novelty « eine Neuerung + nouveauté + novedad + un‘innovazione « nyhet« fe ee ewaaes (ch) Sampionat + xeunnonar + championship » Meisterschaft « championnat « campeonato « campionato smisierskap © REZ EG Dg Uo . (iat) =ypimp » interzonal tournament « Interzonenturier + tournoi interzonal « torneo interzonal + torneo interzonale + interzonturmering © fs Pons ee (ct) TYpINP npereuaeToB + candidates’ toumament » Kandidatenturnier « tournoi des candidats « torneo de candidatos « torneo dei candidati « kandidatturnceng « WARRIRENL 6 neo Lt te (im) met + sara « match + Wettkampf + match « encuentro » match + match © 744 «ste (ol) _olimpijada + onunnnaaa « olympiad + Olympiade + olympiade + olimpiada + olimpiade + olympiad « PU7ey7 eset COFT. dopisna para + napnet to nepemcxs « coespondence gue + Fempate» patie par comespondance + Rartida' por comespondenea « para per corrispondenza « Korepondenspant Ziget UE note te RR _primedba redakeie + npwaevaime pesarapot + editorial comment + Anmerkung der Redaktion « 1 la rédaction + nota de la redaccién + nota redazionle redaktionens anmlskning © KRESIF. © et con ple R Tazni Potezi * pasubie xowbt + various moves « verschicdene Ziige « différents coups « diferentes movidas + mosse varie + olka drag eK ft fs up eae. L ‘St # © with © mit + avec con © cone med's FIFO EMETSED © = J bees 6e1 + without « ohne » sans « sin 6 senza « ulan + FO SME ES Zeb « woe Hind 6 nt + ete + usw. « ete. «ete + coc # O5vi# Fie age =~, vill + oworpn «see « sche « Wir ¢ ved ¢ vedi e ste BoaR eZ [12] KLASIFIKACIJA ¢ KIIACCH@®HKALLUNS KLASSIFIZIERUNG CLASSIFICATION & bA 1,2,308 ” Qa a 23 a aB Q+1,2,308 ac aa aD BO +1,2,318 OE 1a BA 66 & 2B ac aD aE SF = 26 ZA g 120 4 EB B+1,2,304 gc a | ab Ho * EE HO +1,2,308 HF Ha +1,2,318 EG HOD/HaD/ ERs gH HOO /H2D/HL2+1,2,318 Bl Wa waA w 283 u WB Wt 2,30 we a) wo we WE WO+1,2,31k WF WS +1,2,318 wG we WH WE+1,2,318 wt WAD/ WAH / WLS wi WAD /WAD/ WL +1,2,318 wK WHO / WES we WHO / WES +1,2,30B wM- iw [13] Razbijanje odbrane Yerpanenne sauutst Annihilation of defence Beseitigung der Verteidigung Brise de la défense Destruccién de la defensa 548. 1. Bda! Blokada Baokana Blockade Blockade Blocage Bloqueo 564. |... Bd3! Oslobadanje prostora OcaoSoxnenite HHI Han noAR Clearance Raumung Création d’espace libre Liberacion de espacio 1429. 1. Wb7! Odvlagenje Orsnewennte Deflection Ablenkung Dérivation Desviacién 1421. 1. Wes! Otkriveni napad Bexpstroe Hananenme Discovered attack Abzugsangriff, Attaque ala découverte Ataque descubierto e (ai ak Bae 6 aia es ie Bon yh ae A ke 2B SAB B22 8 By ge Aws fe ke ak i. 2. aa Bag li @ Bee wk we ia a 14] Vezivanye CenaKa Pinning Fesselung Clouage Clavada 1542. 1. BcS Ab6 2, wea! Razbijanje peSatkog polozaja Paspyulenne newesHoi ctpyxtypsr Demolition of pawn structure Zerstérung der Bauernstruktur Brise de position des pions Demolicién de la estructura de peones 540. 1. Heo! Usmeravanje Sasaewenne Decoy Hinlenkung Attraction Atraccién 1403. 1... Whi! Prekrivanje Tepexpurtie Interference Linienverstellung Interception Intercepcién 685. 1... Hal! Dvojni udar Dsotixot yaap Double attack Doppelangriff ~ “Attaque double Ataque doble vant. ha [13] a cat ee ae oi | @ fem wf a >i We > > Be et Se Ree Bell om Ree ce i a mo Bee | if © mee f SS ie cea il me pal fo S 8 & Sm Ce ee G8 em eo See ms Ge |e S mere ie > Iv Kombinacije sa matnim napadom Matossie KOMGHHaUHH Combinations with mating attack Mattkombinationen Combinaisons avec attaque menant de mat Combinaciones con ataque de mate Kombinacije za postizanje remija KoMOHHAUiK sis LOCTHKeHHA HUYBH Combinations to reach the draw Remiskombinationen Combinaisons amenant la nulle Combinaciones para conseguir tablas Kombinacije za postizanje materijalne prednosti KomGuwaunn 21a rioaywenna statepnarsHoro nepeseca Combinations leading to material advantage Kombinationen zwecks Materialgewinn Combinaisons entrainant un avantage matériel Combinaciones que conducen a ventaja material Sve ostale kombinacije Bee octanpibie KoMGunaunit All the others combinations Andere Kombinationen Toutes les autres combinaisons Todas las demas combinaciones [16] AA 1,2,314 1 1. HEGEDUS — MILU Romania 1991 Gia Rew a Maas a wie oy ik BAR i a awe 4. CAMARA ~ MARTINEZ Mar del Plata 1974 AA 2. SOUZA MENDEZ — FISCHER Mar del Plata 1959 5. J.C. PEREZ ~ B. LOPEZ La Habana 1995 3. ; LEHMANN ~ CORDOVIL Malaga 1970 6 NOGUEIRAS — MILES Linares N. L. 1994 — 62/17 1 8. 7 CORZO — CAPABLANCA. LASKER — PIRC — STOLTZ La Habana (m/8) 1901 CAPABLANCA Praha (ol) 1931 Peterburg 1914 ILIVICK — KOCIEV — TUKMAKOV LARSEN — TAL KASPARIAN SSSR 1972 — 14/451 SSSR (ch) 1952 3B. 4 15. JANOWSKI — LASKER DIMITRIESCU — NAGY DAHL — SCHULZ Paris (m/2) 1909 corr. 1936 BRD 1956 Mle 16. v. . F. OLAFSSON ~ BAZAN KIRPIGNIKOV — HuGUET ~ cERuseL f° Mar det Plata 1960 VEKSLER Monte Carlo I 1969 SSSR 1965 Mle xi a mei (it Wy Wl a fa sHal Bw eee AG Ban Am Bar Bas 1? ro 1. 20. a. RAZUVAEV — EGORD ~ LUNDIN BEDNARSK! — ZUCKERMAN Osto 1972 ORNSTEIN Poianica Zdrdj 1972 — 14/43 Malms 1977 Wh Me wx je we Ree wel atssam | agae oe eae lees me as my MARS | SEAM we EM Ore ae gine 1? — 1? —+ 22. 23. 24, OKRUGIN ~ CHANDLER ~ 1. FRANK ~ KUMIN FEJGEL'SON LITTLEWOOD Bad Ragaz 1994 corr, 1977 Commonwealth (ch) 1985 th 25. 26. 27. LAU — GLEK JUROSZEK — MALAHAT’KO — Salingee 1954 ERASENKOV A AANOVSEU Polska 1991 Kiev 1997 te me mh ae ze ke Eee 7 Wxase | fi a We ae a i lM we @ wae el a Meme oa a me i ee im wae oi ie me mise aw BWA A hn ee Be Boe AM Rom kA BABAR em BAB AMAR GS Bl © wor 6 B BAR Bw ae wee | ae 1 = | 17 = 28. 2. 30. VAGANIAN ~ WAHLS ~ YUSUPOV ‘A PETROSIAN ~ DVORECKU Deatachtond 1992 ANDRUET SSSR (ch) 1975 — 20/537 Bagneux 1982 uth ve we Eee a2ake i @ Baa @ a @ wo e Ames a Be fe AF Bweaag | ARG IAR oR am Big © m@ BrS 1? r. Le? V. 1... b3! 2. a3 [2. Wb3 Hbs 3. Wad Ab2 4. Sdl Hb4 5, Wa6 Ba3! 6. Bd3 He8 7. c3_Hb1 8. wd2 Hb2 9. Sdl HcbS—+; 2. ab3 Was 3. hdl Wal 4. 4,1, e6! WEB [l... £6 2. Wh7! Gh7 el Hb2—+; 2. c3 ba2 3. we? Hb8 4. 3. Gh3 de7 yf ANG h7 eer 2. Bal Hb2! 5. @b2 Bbs 6. Gc20 wn7i! oh7 3. a3 de7 4. Ah6 w6 5. ‘Wbst—+] Wer! 3. He2 He2 4. SIO Fg hes 6. Hel dG 7. AH «1:20 Hb? 5. wel He8 6. edi bi! 7. waz He2 8. G43 Hel—+ {Stoical 5. 1. ns! [A h6 Xeh8] ghSO Ul... =s5 Hel 2. h6+-; 1... Hab8 2. Hh7 &g8 3. 2. 1a. ad! 2, had b3! 3. ab3-Le3 Hog? Gf 4. ho+—] 2. Aha 2 (2... B18? 4. mar 14, Bg? Se5—+] Has [5. @b4 -3."Bh7 ches 4. Hbg7#4] 3. S61 (3. el R24] ~~ 021 4 Bettl 1:0 [J.C. Pérez] -> (20) 6. 1. e5! deS 2. d6 dG (2... Bd6 3. oS Hb8 4. Hi7!+—] 3. DS Seo 4. Ba5! [A Wed] Df6 5. Da7 wad7 6. Hal SHeB 7. DeB eff 8, Wes! [A 9. Hd8! Ads 10. Qd6#] 1:0 [Nogueiras} 7. . B12. g8 Of 3. Bes Hee 4.61 a 5. Bel Qd3 B. 1. eS! deS [1... fe5 2. Ded DdS 3. Hh7 A f6+—] 2. Bes Ads 3. DGS [3. Bh8 Eh8 4. Bh8 we7 5. Q6cS+—; 3. DAcS+—] Bc8 4, AA7+— 9. Ladd! 2. Wedd Wal Ol Bd7 2. Re6!+—; 1. Ed7 2. Qe6!+ gff 2. desy Wes 3. gf+=] 1:0 Te 1. £7! (1... Qdt7 2. Be74#; 1... ST 2. Qd6+—; 1... Def? 2. Hel Wel Q.. Whi 3. 2 Wel 4. Selt--) 3. Wel De5 4. Wg3 DM 5. SI2 Heb 6. Qd6+—] 1:0 12, 1... e2!! (2. We2? |B! 3. WH Hel 4. @f2 Hfl!—+; 2. Hee? AG 3. fl (G3. @h1? Ad4—+) Dds 4. Hg7 Lg7 5. He8 Whi 6. Hgl Hes 7. Wed Si7 8. Wid (8. Wd4 Wh2—-+) e7 9. Wadd BES 10. @el Hf6 11. Sd2 Wh2-+; 1... Of3?? 2. WES WH 3. He7 bf8 4. Hfl Wl 5. Sl e2 6. Sel+—] Ort [Tal] 13. 1... g4! 2. Be? [2. fed Dgs!—+; 2. @gl Dgs!—t+; 2. 05 Dgs!—+] gs 3. fg4 £3 4, Hg3 fe2 ae o1. We2 Bd? 4,-Hfdl Ad4!—+] ada 3. Wl Hd2 _ O:1 15. 1 6! Be6 2. fe (3... @f7 4. Bfel+—] SL 205 16, 1. fa! Bed 2. £5! 25 [2... Hel 3. Bel 2f5 4. He8 Wes 5. Afo+—] 3. Hed Led 4. D6 Gh 5. DeB Wes 6. We7 bed 7. Edd 1:0 17. 1. e6! Le6 2. Hes! (2... Des 3. Wes+—; 2... Wh7 3. Dc6 Wes 4. West+—] ea) 18. 1... d3!.2, 43 [2. W2 de2 3. Wh8 elW 4. Hel Wel 5. He} We2—+] Lg?! (2... D4? 3. Wb2!+-] 3. Dbz We! 4. Habl We2 5. &c2 Ha2 6. Bhel Dba! O:1 19, 1... Efe! 2. wh [2. hd DET! 2. Af4 h6—+] g5! 3. Wes (3: WhSe 4. Wes He6—+] Heo 4. wid go 20. da! 2. S44 Bad, Leb! 21. 1. DS! 2S [1... Yb6 2. De! Hc8 (2... Bd1 3. Hd1+—) 3. b3 WS G3... BbS 4. Qg7! Hea 5. Web+—) 4. Wh3! 25 5. Dgi+—] 2. Dds Hdl 3. Bal [3... Wes 4. Hd8 BPS 5. We6+—] 1:0 22. _ 1... £3! 2. De3 (2. ef3 Be3 3. @hi Bcl—+; 2. Wl Be3 3. Phi Eb3!—-+] 3 3. hi 23! 4. wel a 5. Bfl fe2 23. . 3! 2. &g2 (2. Ab3 Of3 fi Sg? Del-+; 2. Ab1 OB 3. whl Bd2—+; 2. es Dgs—+] cd2 3. Wd2 a3! 2. ed3. (2. Wd1 de2 5 Egil! 0: [Littlewood] 24, 21a G HI I, WIS 2. De5+-1 2. Bigs! 1:0 [21] wee ee 25. 1... DAS! 2. HddO (2. Dg? Oc3—+] He3!! 3. Ha7 (3. Het DdI— a Qa 4. Hdl He? 5. g3 He2 0: [Glek] 26. . ed! 2, Add [2. ded Ac3 3. Eal (3. Wd7 Qd7—+) Wa2 4. Ad2 (4. Rd2 De4—+) He2—+] He3! 3. De6 All 4. Q(B Hd? 5. Dd7 Aad 6. whl Dbl 7. D6 Ab6 8. Acd, 8. Db! Hal—+] ed3! [9. Qb6 He8—+] 0:1 [Krasenkov] 27. (1. g3! gs [1... OB 2. Be2 a) 2... Bed 3. Bd3 dS (3... BB 4. 215 A HAs) 4. Bc2 wed 5. De3t—; b) 2. Hg2 3. De3 Gh? (3... Gh3 4. MIE; 3... SQ 4. O|S+-; 3... Sel 4. 2 A Hed+—) 4. Adi og3 5. AfS SF 6. BR Sed 7. Qb3I+—] 2. hd HhS [2... Og6 3. Hd6 Gg7 4. Qn6+—| 3. Hast! fed 4. Se2! Bg70 5. ae Bed 6. Bret! [A Hs+-l 1: [Malahat’ko] 28. 1. ba! Sb4 2. Hest 2bS (2... Bd2 3. Df gf6 4. Wd2+—; 2. Ded 3. Abst] 3. Whi! a2 [B... Ded 4. Ab4 Qc3 5. fc3 He3 6. Wb4t—] 4. Adé! We7 [4... Web 5. DbS+—; 5. Bd2+—1 5. Dc8 Ee8 6. WbS+— [Vaganian, A. Petrosian] 29, 1..h3! [A BhS—+] 2. gh3 Wh7!! 3. bg? 3. Hg3 Wh3! 4. 8B (4. 2 Wh2—+) Bhs 5. Be7 (5. bf2 whi 6 WeS Hh2 7. de} Wel 8. od4 Wedtt) Whi 6. @f2 Hh2-+] Bhs 4. Hg3 [4. BhI Wc2=+] Hh3! 5. Hig7 Eh2 6. del (6. £3 WhS 7. He4 Bh3—+] Bhi 7. 2 (7. Sg2 Wh2—+] Wer 8. gs 8. We2 Hh2—+] Wh2 9. bys Whs 10. g3 wWhs 0:1 TYusupov] 30. 1. aS! BaS [1... &c5 2. Bb7 Hb7 3. Qc6+—] 2. Wad Zb6 3. Led ded 4, Dgat [Zal-h8] £5 [4... Bc6 5. Wa2 2d5 6. Wo2+-] 5. 216 Wes 6. Ah6 G18 7. Wa3! LcS 8. Wall! [A 9. £48, 9. Rh] Hdd7 9. Bhd He7 10. wee Bet7 11. Qf7 WET 12. Wes [A Wo8] Wes 13. ara 1:0 [A. Petrosian] (22) La] DA a 31-204 23 OB Q+12308 205-225 $5 ac aD 226-252 59 @D OO +1,2,31A 253-255 64 QE 1a 7 I OA 3 32. 33. FARWIG — LUNDIN SCHLECHTER ~ PORRAL — BULGARAT Stockholm 1964 HAVASI Santa Fe 1945 Kaschau 1918 Ib @ Gia @ ic ee aC @ ae & ES 4 2 A aoe oe BEeom Ln? — 34, 35. 36. C. TORRE — EUWE ~ ALEHIN RESHEVSKY — PERSITZ DUZ-HOTIMIRSKIS Zarich 1934 Haifa 1958 Moskva 1925 37. GOL"DSTEJN — TOMILIN: SSSR 1965 40. GARCIA MARTINEZ ~ VAGANIAN Moskva 1975 38. DURAO — ALSTER Mannheim 1965 39. ZIL'BERSTEJN — DEMENT'EV SSSR 1968 a. VILELA ~ SPIRIDONOV Varna 1977 42. KORTCHNOI — KARPOV Baguio City (m/17) 1978 = 38/653, hi th gz Be ae (aw Mase @ om Me 4a 2 wae Bie @ a wae Be AD Am i mse Big Be 12 = rer) — 43. 44. 45. DVORECKIS — BROWNE ~ RIBLI FISHBEIN ~ JELLISON GY. SZILAGYI Budapest 1978 — 26/437 - I Surakarta/Denpasar 1982 = 33/621 Bxe ke! 26 mi Bs | Ig USA 1988 46. AARLAND — SIROV Gausdal 1990 47. M. ARHANGEL'SKIJ — NOVIKOV. Berlin 1992 ° 50. ALEHIN~ YATES BARCZA ~TATAR London 1922 Debrecen 1931 im le <2 2 e 1? + 130 1. 132, BECKER — HERB — BELLAS SEPP — SIROV B. SCHNEIDER France 1978 SSSR 1989 DOR 1966 ite im me @ @ te em xe @ we ak Maa ioe i Wk ate i las Bi Bal i @ Bae ee @ 2 S68 ik aa) jam 2 i EA je ae AMOI AM 1x Gal @ a Ae @ BS a 2 2 oe ja AR Bs Bun RAg AAR WAR Re @ Bie) Sage la i se | La? —+ 1? + 1? + 13 134. 13s BOTVINNIK ~ SAROV BOTVINNIK — BATUEV NENAROKOV — SSSR 1928/29 SSSR 1930 FREJMAN SSSR 1936 - ima tte me ee xe Be ‘a Wawa small sie Gam @ @am@a aaa onan BAR 136. . 137. 138, ELISKASES ~ MORI CEHOVER ~ CEREPKOV LIBERMAN ~ IOFFERG” Birmingham 1937 SSSR 1952 SSSR 1961 md lhe mma Wxwake! xe Wem = jm oi kk [aki Sk TE a0 ial il sm Bi a A ee AS Og @ or | ja 2 Bam Bam BAR AR Mowe By @ Brmrgs) ne wr L? + La? —+ 1? + 139. vo. 141. KLEBANER ~ MALEHA 1.$ZAB0 - DoDa A. PETROSIAN ~ corr. 1965 Constanta 1969 PANCENKO SSSR 1969 mer mi xase ew Wik Be a Waee mse 22am i a0 A a8 a0) 6 ff Aa EA ye Gon a BABAR Boe ae AY MAWES ABS om BAR O2e B@ wise 1? + Lu? —+ 1? = 142, 143. 144, ROGOFF ~ BERTOK GUFEL"D ~ RAIKOVIC MILIC ~ WITTMANN Sarajevo 1971 SSSR — Jugoslavija 1975 Osterreich 1978 45. KASPAROV — LIGTERINK Malta (ol) 1980 ~ 30/635 Inj 146. KUDRIN - IVKOV Lone Pine 1981 ry 47. MOHRING — KNAAK DDR 1983, was. v9. 150. MATEO ~ R. BYRNE XIA NANLIN ~ DURIC — MARINELLI New York 1987 WANG ZILT Forli 1989 China 1988 mi me x ie Wwe awa mse eo se oe al i i tk. eam ay Bay Raa & ew 2 me Eee a Am a BB am A Bean @ 6 Bre Bus 1? - 1? + 151. 152. 153. DEEP THOUGHT — ROZENTALIS — BAHAR ~ GLEJZEROV ‘MEPHISTO-LYON TERREAUX Chalkidiki 1992 New York 1990 Biel 1990 154, 1s, 156, KASPAROV ~ SHORT KRASENKOV — ALMASI— Paden Garaiaes DVOIRIS V.KOVACEVIC * 8 Podot'sk 1993 ~ 59491 Balatonberény 1993 lllg Lj Mh 7 ° "a all Rwe,e (el Wa kU ak ee 1 i ie a ee a Amy Am 6 eS Ba @ A A 2 we fi lm Fs) oe 8 A we @ BS ne 1? = v? = 157. 158. 159, SPIELMANN ~ AGDESTEIN ~ KERES ~ UNZICKER HENLINGER BorMaTov ieee Wien 1929 160. ANTOSIN — KOVACS Sarajevo 1970 Tilburg 1993 — 59/621 uth 161. PEREZ GARCIA — KUUJF Nederland 1988 162. BURIC ~ MARJANOVIC Istanbul 1988 163. 164. 165. TAIMANOV = OSTOIIC Reykjavik 1968 — 5/550 = Ig KUPREJCIK ~ BABEV Dresden 1969 — 8/336 RAJKOVIC — ANAND — NISHIMURA — MOHD DAMLJANOVIC ILLESCAS CORDOBA Jakarta 1993 — $7/67 Jugoslavia 1991 Linares 1992 — 54/186 te mr te x Re’ 2x 2 Be Hm Brive ye Oe ‘Wk TS | jai sk aves Mw a Baw @ wae [fe WAM We a 8 @ i a A i 8 BAB me DEA BABE B Bon ff Omaha my ee Aa @ @ BAR Rey we Ae i SoBce Bem@eys! @ Bre rx ee i = in = 166. 7. 168. Z. VARGA — KUSTAR POLULJAHOV — SIUANOVSKU — Baers SxNDEMIROV SPIRIDONOV Rossija 1994 — 6/SI SSSR 1966 — 2/163 tg nur tg on kl x Bee Ee 2 Wawa aewe ae jae Mada ARAR 2 F 4a @ ae) Bw Ase i aw 7 moe ce ee AB WMoeagy Ai BABS ARAMA AR ‘Mums | BoB Se nae L? + 1? + 1? + KLUNDT — KESTLER BRD 1970 — 10/552 154. KASPAROV ~ SHORT London (m/7) 1993 373 = 59/37. Podol'sk 1993 ~ 59/491 uy 156, ALMASI = V. KOVACEVIC Balatonberény 1993 (Pe WR ADS i Gm ale 187. Wien 1929 SPIELMANN ~ HENLINGER 159. KERES — UNZICKER Hamburg 1936 ie Ge! ann, @ Mum. wy fm Mm RA ANTOSIN — KOVACS Sarajevo 1970 PEREZ GARCIA ~ KUUF 1? + 162. BURIC — MARJANOVIC Istanbul 1988 163. RAIKOVIC ~ DAMLJANOVIC Sugoslavija 1991 164. ANAND — ILLESCAS CORDOBA Linares 192 — 54/186 165. NISHIMURA — MOHD Jakarta 1993 — $7/67 166. Z. VARGA ~ KUSTAR 167. 168. POLULJAHOV — SUANOVSKI = Budapest 1993 JANDEMIROV SPIRIDONOV Rossija 1994 — 61/511 SSSR 1966 ~ 2/163 tte me us a Vee mt XK Ze i ze (228 MW sik aewe aa jew Make A2aZae © 44 @ Mae. 4G Ae a & @ Oe Boe GABA Bi ae NAR ae re Re marty ers Pees fara mee Bas 0 | @ Wipe i = i = i = ws. TAJMANOV ~ OSTONIC Reykjavik 1968 — 5/550 ea Ug v0. KUPREJCIK — BABEV Dresden 1969 — 8/336 KLUNDT — KESTLER BRD 1970 — 10/552 Tresepareeey SPASSKY — BELJAVSKIJ Reykjavik 1988 — 46/430 173. 174. SPORTKO — KASCENKO. PLATONOV — LOMBARDY — KUPREJCIK POLUGAEVSKIS a ee zee Wem x C ie ave oi ad ie a a i wae aia Bag lw a Swag Bawa naman es 1b biawole BA eee hae wan 6 |e Gwe a om te 2 Bee We ws , THORSTEINS — FTACNIK — WOLFF eo BuE ie ee mal es gon ol ie ft a @ BEE BILOHA ~ MIHAL‘CISIN SKEMBRIS — PRIEHODA Dortmund 1992 — 54/491 183. HEINICKE ~ GELLER Helsinki 1953 NALBANDIAN ~ STURUA Ww m. 12. DE RIVIERE ~ MORPHY SURADIRADJA — MATEO — POPCEV Paris 1863 JOHANSEN Prokuplje 1987 Hong Kong 1983 We ve fae we Pomere) Oe me a mee a Bee am mi BA om Am ARAM RAR AAG gag @ Bx Bugs 93. 198, ws. LEVENFIS — RAGOZIN KUSHPIL = KOLL KR. GEORGIEV ~— SSSR (ch) 1934 DDR 1976 MUJAGIC Uljme 1981 196. 197. 198. VAISSER — KNEZEVIC LJUBOJEVIC — V. RAICEVIC — Trnava 1983 SEIRAWAN D. VASILIEVIC NikSié 1983 — 36/167 Beograd 1991 — $2/627 Iv Vv 200. 199. 201. RIBLI — LOBRON VAGANIAN ~ CEHOV SOM — KINDERMANN Deutschland 1992 — 56/35 SSSR (ch) 1980 Biel 1986 ve Wh We 20 ee BE x ak @ Ba i aa @ ow we ae i ey Waea,m Bl s@aae® 6) a eS je 2 A @ WAG sa 24 10 MOB B woe @ ae es 2 ave Ag wm eve RAR Om SAB AG Anos noee & @ & 1? + 7 = 1? rs 202. 203. 204. D. GUREVICH ~ DEVICO PINTER ~ ARHIPOV SH. HAR-ZVI ~ BUS USA 1984 Balatonberény 1983, BRD 1990 = 36160 veg Vh veg ZA @ | au2vew kl Brae Siete Me ja eae ok fi) Waka au Baa 0 van @. |22 wale Bae ow x | a amags BS B Anam we CA Ban w Bou @ a ee @ Ase AE We BAR 2 | Sew Ba fH BweseE im Be 1? — 12 + 1? + 31.1... Qa2!! 2. Hd2 Bel 3. Get 3. HeS+—) 3. Wh8 Ags 4. Whose] 2. Belt 0:1 He8 He8 3. He We8 4. Aes Ge8 5. Wast— 32.0 1. Qh7! (1... Bb7 2. We6+—] 1:0 35. 1. DfT! We (1... 7 2. Whs he7 3. Heb Seb 4. Hel edo 5. Wes 33. . Be3! [A Ae24#] 2. Het (2, 247 6. WHS dé 7. Webst] 2. Hes Wes be3. aed 3. a2 Wa3H#] Wa3! 3. bad 3. Qd8 Wed 4, Be6+— Qe2! 4. Be2 Hbite O:1 : 36. 1, HSLIA 2, Ber, 2 2. Bh3; I... Qi6l--Wes- f1... WA 2. gfS 2. Bh3+—F 1... BFS 2. ef5- 86 3 gf 2. WHS Bh7 (2... eB Bh3+-] ~ [42] 37. 1. Df6! 2f6 2. B43 (2... Hes 3. 2h7 Gh8 4. Se6 des 5. Wh7 Hee 6. west) 1:0 38. 1. Ba7! wa7 (1... @hs 2 Df6l+—] 2. B66 26 3, Wes 1:0 39. 1. De8! (1... DeS 2. wWestt; 1. Efe 2. wfo+—; 1... bes 2. Qc7 A wret+—| 1:0 40. 1. af of U1. wr 2 Se6+—] 2. Be6 dog? 3. Bhi Hel (3... Ws 4, Wd2+—I 4, Wel gs 5, Wer Wes 6. S45 We8 7. Bh7 218 8. Le6+— [A wt, Bhs] 41. 1... Bf6t! (2, B48 Ads 3. Wal | Ol 42. 1... Of3! [2 ef Heo 3. bhi ANE 2. hl OH 0: eal 43. 1. Ded! Hed [1 Ded 2. Hhot] 2, 216 gf5 3. S48 1:0 44, 1. Dg! He (1... hes 2. wes @hS 3. Wh3 hes 4. Se6+-] 2. whs Bed [2... He5 3. De7+—] 3. Bed Hed 4, WIS! [4... We8 5. Was Heb (5... Wes 6 ®e7) 6. Af4 Heb 7. Hdel+—] 1:0 [Browne] 45. 1. Be7! Eds [1... Wh3 2. BET! Se8 3. We3+—] 2. WE Ee7 3. Bb7! 3. cd52? Wh3—+] We8 4. cd5 Wb7 5. Was 1:0 [Fishbein] 96. 1... Dedt 2. 213 12. hed WH 3. Gh3 (3. 95 WE4l—+) WB 4. £22 Wed—+; 25 We7! 3. 29 HN 4. bez Wh4 5. Bed Ded 6. We? O2—+] 2! B.— Be OQ—+ 3. Ber whee] irov] 47. 1. Ge3!! 2. Bes 2. O63 Hahl—-+] Ba2 3. gi Bah? [A 4. efi Bh 5. &e2 Beh24] 0:1 [Novikov] f 48. 1. &e7! Be7 Il... He7 2 HPQ+—] 2. Wed! Wes 3. 27d 0 49, 1. Sg! Efe 2. Ses! (2... Bee 3. Bh7 gs 4. Beg7s#] 1:0 50. 1. Ago! Hes [1.. fg6 2. De7 h8 3. Dg6t] 2. Ht7! we7 3. whs! Seb 4. Dge7 SS 5. Bl a6 6. Ate! gf6 7. Who Se7 8. wie: 1:0 ST. 1. &f5! cogs (1... gf5 2 West] 2. Wh6 DS 3. We7!! Ag7 4. Shox 1:0 52. 1, Abs! cbs 2. Wes! Heb 3. Wa6 We7 4. Bast 1:0 53. 1... HIS! 2. Ghd De7 3. g6 Des 4.5 Hho! O:1 54. 1, @g7! g7 2. An6 gs 12... Gh8 3. Be7 hg? 4. wh7 Siw 5. whe Gel 6. BF7+—] 3. Het Heo 4. 06! Dds 5. ef7 Ef7 6. Hg6 @h8 7. EO At7 8. gi+— 55. 1. Ded! ded [1... Wa7 2. Qd6 Ad6 3. ed6 Bg8 4. Rael Adeb. 5. AAB+—; 1... Wdd 2. Dd6 Bd 3. edb Dfe6 4. Had) Wh 5. Ad5+—] 2, Back (2, Hadl!? £6 3. Whs Dg6 4. ef6! Whs 5. £7 OE7 6, B74] Wh6 3. Hed! (3... Die6 4. Le6 feb 5. WhS+—] 1:0 WI 2. bad War! 3. Wel 0:1 56. bS 4. a5 b7! [A Ads] [43 57. . Ded! 2. hed Wha 3. eel Wg3 4. oh ny 58." 1. De6! Bed (1... fe6 2. Ye3+—] 2, @h6t [2... PhS 3. Be7s#; 2... gho 3. who+—] 1:0 59. 1. Des! bes 2. Ebi was [2 Gc8 3. Be8 Sd7 4. Hdl 4] 3. edt 1:0 60. Dhl! 2. Bhi (2. Gh3 BH] Hate! Or 61. 1. De7! SB (1... Be7 2. Wh7 BFS 3. WhSH] 2, \d7! WT 3. WHT 1:0 ee Qd5! (1. h6 Bho'=] Bd5 "ats, BE? hed (2... hg8 3. He7H#) 3. aera. ho! 1:0 63. Qo! 8 (1... Shs 2 We6lt—; 1... BF 2. We6 Ae7 3. DS+-] 2. D6! fg6 3. Da7 e7 4. We6+— 64. 1... Dd3! 2. Wd3 g3! 0:1 65. . De3! 2. e3 Aga! 3. a2 LB. Bg4 it 4, Se2 WAH] Wh 4. hel De3—+ [AAg2+#] 66. 1 ew i We3 Hbi-+; 2. hg3 Ha8! A Bhs: 0:1 67. 1, BeS! [1... deS 2. Hdl! wd6 =e ON &d7 4. Bd6+-; dB 2. e8t—] 1:0 [Minevl 68. - 1. f6! ngs 2. Wego! 1:0 69, 1... Of! 2. BR (2. 4s He3-+; 2. BB De3 3. wgl Ddl 4. Hdl Bf4—+; 2, 263 Qe3-+] wha! 3. Hg30 Whi 4. Bgl e3 5. 22 wh2 Or 70. 1... Hf! 2. Phd (2. BF Wert] ‘We3! 3. Qlgd Wh2!! 4. Dh? Hert 0 71. 1. Blot G8 (1... gf 2. hl B18 3. Wd6 He7 4. Sh6+—] 2. Wd6 eT 3. Bh6! Heds (3... gh6 4. @hi A Hestt; 3... Ded 4. Sf Ofo 5. Ag7 Ses 6. BF6 De6 7. He6 fe6 8. wd7+—I 4. hi! (4... Hd6 5, 2e73#) 1:0 [Gufel’d] 72, 1, Dest HeB [I... fed 2. BAS DIS 3. We3+—] 2. We3 We7 3. DgS hes 4. e4! Des (4... £45. gfd gt 6. Hfal+—l 5. EfS! £f5 6. HfS Qgo 7. gs! wh7 8. Bhs! L:0 [Tajmanov] 73. 1. @b7! Wad [1.. Sh7_ 2. WhS+—] 2. WhS g6 3. Wh4 Bal 4. Df6 (4... @g7 5. Of5! gf 6. Whos] 1:0 74, 1... @b3! 2. ab3 AcS!—+ 75. eee ee Qd4—+] Wes 3. Hh ef3 4. AM Ado! {A wea] O:1 {KajkamdZozov] 76. 1. He6! Mh6 (1... Hd3 2. BAT! ET (2... @f7_3. We64) 3. Hes Bhs G... @f8 4, Hesse; 3... oh7 4. whs ans 5, WnGH) 4. BeB h7 5. Wesis: ws. Wd3 2. Bd3+—; 1... De7 2. Ago! Ba Q... Bg6 3. HA+—) 3. 2A7+-5 1. D6 2. Helo (2. Lg6 Wed!) Hd3 3. Hes fg6 4. We7- Bho 5. WEB cogs (5... BhS -6, Hd3 Wd3 7..Wfs+—) 6. We7 hs (6... @h6 7. Hd3 Wd3.8. We3t+—; 6... [44], Sed 7. h3 Shs 8. Wh7+—) 7. Wh7 bes 8. h4+—] 2. Ego! 1:0 [Marjanovié] 1... Of4! 2, Wald He2 3, wal B. Be2 WH-+, 3. Wel Oa G We2—+) 4. 2d3 Wed—+] We2! 0: 1 [Nunn] 78, 1. Of5! gfS 2. WA He20 (2 Wf6 3. Hes+—| 3, We2 We3 4. Wb2! Wt Id... @hS 5. Bes Ghd 6. Bed! Ohs 7. Hh4! g6 8. Eh6!+—] 5. Hg3 (5... dhs 6. We2t—-] 1:0 {Akopian] 79. _ 1. Dgh6t Sh7 2. Wes g6 3. Af! ET DB... gf5 4. Whe es 5. We6+] 4. Who des 5. Wes HIB 6. Ade 1:0 [Hardicsay] 80. 1... Hh2! 2. #4 [2. He2 He? 3 Sf4 Wee 4. Gh2 Was 5. Hel Whit: 2 Hf2 Wg3 3. Bae? He2 4. He? AG 5 AB WH 6. Be? WE 7. bh2 ge5—+] fA! (2... Dg3!? 3. Sel Web (3... Bes 4. beStoo) 4. Hf Ded 5. B23 Af2-+] 3, Hf g5! 4. beS Wh6 5. WE Whs! 6. Red Ded 7, hel gfd 8. gid Hb8 9. He2 Hb6 10. cb6 Wes 0: 1 [Ernst] 81,1... OP! 2. d6 (2. A2 Bd 3 bg3 (3. SFl Hes!—+; 3. bf Hes!—+) Wes! (3... Wel? 4. Bh! A 4.. Bes 5. Af4 64 6. wea) 4. Of Hesi—+] wae 3. @f2 13. Bes We3—-+; 3... AHI—+] Add 4, O13 [4. Sf Who-+; 4. der He8—+] Wi6 5. ded He8 6. a3 we! 7. We20) c4 (7... We3 8. ded b5! 9. Sb5 (9. Sd5 We7!—+) Eb8 10. web (10. Bad Bb4—+; 10. as We7—+; 10. ed Hb4 11. @d5 Wes 12. co Hb6 13. Bd7 Wd6—+) Wes—+] 8. Wed 2b2 9. Ab? He3! 10. a4 [10... He2 11: ds ‘We2 12. dé Hb2—+F ~~ O:1 IMirkoviel 82. 1. Df6! [A We6] De7 1... wee 2. We8+—; 1... hgs 2. WhSHE; 1... gf6 2. Wh74; 1... Dgd 2. We6 DM 3. DL+—: 1... Qd5 2. Wgol+—] 2. We6!! wes 3. WAT! WhT 4. Qt7H 1:0 83. 1. Hho! hns 2. @e5 He7 3. 2d8! Oba7 (3... Was 4. Agr+-] 4, Wes! [4.. Wd8 5. Agi+—; 4... Be3 5 Ogi; 4... Dds 5. Wer! Be7 6 Dewitt; 4. Dgi7!? Bl 5. OT hes 6. Wed g6 (6... bS 7. Dh6 Hh8 8 We8!+—) 7. Des eT (7... G8 8. AB AB 9. A6+—)8. Ae6+—| 1:0 [Minev] 84. 1. Seat! O50 [1... waa? 2, Dgs+—; 1... ded 2. Hd7 Bg8 3. Be4+—] 2. gf5 Wad 3. Hg6! Hes [3.. det 4. 6 EE? 5. Bg7+—; 3... HES 4. Qf6!+—; 3... W2 4. 3! Hes (4... Wel 5. bg? Wer 6 Se3+—) 5. Dgs+—] 4. Des [4. @fo+—] Hg75.for 1:0 {Shamkovich] 85. 1. Oh7! Gh7 2. Bh7 h7 3. Des 2g (3... Sg8 4. WhS Bes+— — 3... Ag5] 4. hgs Sgs 5. Whs his 6. Wh8 Se7 7. We7 Hgs (7... Acs 8. Wi Se8 9. Bh8H#] 8. Whe we8 9. Bhs Hhs 10. Wh8 [10... Be7 11. WEE eB 12. Ehi!+—] 1:0 86. 1. Ac6! |d3 [1... Dc6 2. @d5!+—] 2, Sa? (2... Wes 3. ast) 1: 87. 1. Heb! Hf [1... Bes 2. We6 Hig7 3. We8tt] 2. Bh8! [2... eh8 3. Who Sek 4. Wert; 2... 7-3: HR heb 4. wads] 1:0 88. 1. DhS! ghS 2. Bh7 Sh7 3. Bg? eT. 4. Wes Sh7 5 WhS Sg7 6. Qs! 1: [45] 89. 1... Dgat_ 2. hed 2. bg? Ab7!—+] gd 3. Bhi (3. 222 who 4 gl Ac5 5, efl Wh2-+] Has 4. 7 Best! (5. Wes w24t] 0: 90. 1. Dest was LI... fe6 2. whs SIS 3. Ah6 Ses 4. fe6+—] 2. b4 Wad 3, Ad5! [A Ade?) feb (3... Bd5 4 Hc8 2d8 5. Ac7! de7 6. Ads hes 7 Wh4! Dc6 8. He7 SB 9. Lh6 wes 10. West; 3... Bf6 4. Bde7 Sd7 5. Ha8 $28 6, HoT Be8 7. Bc8+—] 4. De7 |. Hd8 5. Deb Hes 6. WhSH; 4... GIT 5. feet] 1:0 [Bellon Lépez] a1. Dns"! 2. hs (2. ha was 3. g4 (3. Det Hft—+, 3. Bhs g6 4. fe6 fost) WEE 4. Shs Wesst] WH 3. wh? 5 ed WEE] Wel! (4. 23 HA] id [Hardicsay] 92. 1. Das! was (1... eds 2. BES de4 3. Wg3+—; 1... Ad5 2. eds e5 3 HPS! ed44. wh4+—] 2. Be7 We7 3. Wh4 e501 4. Bfs! (4... ed4 5. Ef6 (A e5) West 6. BFS We6L 7. Bc4 d5O 8. Bes Bh89.ed5+-] 170 ~~ [Sznapik] 93. 1. Bed! wo2 [1.. wes 2 Hed!+—] 2. Bhd? (2. west+—] Wes (2. woe Hed! Wb2 4. Hf5+—] 3. Bed! [Gufer'd] 94. 1... Eha!! 2. ghd Hg8 3. oh3 [3. SB wae’ 4. Hel Wd3 5. Hed Ws 6 Ged Hgl—+; 3 wh? Wad 4. Hed Wed 5. Wd7 cofol—+; 3. hl Wad 4. £4 wad? (4... Wd3 5. Wd7 FE!) 5. gl Bhs—+] Wad 4. Wal (4. f4 Wd3—+; 4. 8 OE 5 ona Wd2—+] fs 5. bz wie! {[Dvoreckij] 9S. 1. A f6! hs 2.-WhS gf6 (2... he 3, Bel+—] 3. ef6 B48 (3... Ado 4. Hadl+— Xh7] 4. Bfet eS [4.:. Hes 5. WET+—; 4... Wd7 5, Badlt+—] 5. Hed! ran 6, Be5 Be5 7. Bhd &g7 8. Whe [Hjorth] 96, 1... Df212. Wh3 (2. 2 We3—+] 2d3 3. He6 We3 4. hl [4. Sh2 2g3! 5. &g3 Wis] 293 5. Bg6 [5. Afi eH £2 6. Sgl Dh3 7. Hhi Wel! {E. Vladimirov] 97. 1. Heb! Ab3 [1... fe6 2. Le6 8 3. Wd6+—] 2. Bh8! £h8 3. Bhs hs 4. Whe 1:0 [G. Camacho Martinez] 98. 1, ets IL. Bats, gf5. 2, cots ‘Web 3. Welt] gi fed 4. BS Web Ia. Wed S dal + 25 Lh8 6. g6 £96 [6... hg6 7. he6 WS 8. WES 8. Wh7 SAB 9. g7+—: 7. HAd7 8. gh7 @f7 9. He7+-1 1 {Szuhanek] 99. 1, Gast eds [1.. Bice 2 Bh3+—; 1... Bd5 2. Bh3 fa2 3. wad We? 4. ‘acd o§ 5. eS+—] 2. Ens! We? 3. Bc3! dd 4. Bad TOO. 1. Wel! a7 2. Hert! 1A 3. |S! BFF 4.3 Gh3 5. WH] 1:0 101. 1. Bhs! 6 [1... ghS 2. wes f6 3. Rda+—; 1... BF6 2. Hh7 des 3. Bg6! fg6 (3... Aes 4. Hh8!) 4. Hd7 Be7 5. He7 £e7 6, We6t+—] 2. Bdd hogs 3. Hfst! wa8 (3... &g7 4. wha! Wd8 5 Hafl gf5 6. Wes @hs 7. whs+—] 4. Who [A 5. &f6 2f6 6. HhS gh5 7. Wh74] 1:0 [Tompa] 102. 1, OheHsPh8 2. We7!! (2... Bg7 3. Ad4 BF6-(3... £6 4: gf Bho 5. Ses) 4gi6, Ghs 5. Hes! Hes. 6 afr: ~" {Tompal [46] 103. 1... DHS! 2. ghs Wes 3. g3 Wel 4. Sed Wh 5. SES Edo! (5... wes 6. g6 Hb6 7. h7 Wi7 8. Hh3=I 6. eS (6. Wes Wh3; 6. Hdd edt! a) 7. Wd2 Whs 8. wed Wes! 9. bE (9. a3 Hb3 10. c2 Wad~+) WHT! 10. Sea Hg6 11. ha ws 12. hh3 Wes 13. Bes hS—+; b) 7. hed Heb! 8. sds We7 9. c5 WITI-+; c) 7. BdS Wes 8. bed Heb 9 Sd4 WE 10. cS Wh2! 11. Hds Bes! 12, Bc6 WE 13. ed? Web 14. Se7 BeS4#t] Wid 7. bas wre 0:1 [Vyzmanavin, Kalinigey] 104, 1. Eh4! Sf 6 (1... 2h6 2. Bre ab3 3, Eh7+—] 2. Sg5! Bes (2... 207 3. Hh7 ab3 4. He7! dg? 5. £6! ef6 6. Wh6+—] 3. Bh7 2F6 (3... ab3 4. e5! des 5. Ded A Hh8, Wh74] 4. Whot es [4 ab3 5. eS! @e5 6. Dedt—] $, Has! [A £h3, hs] [Kuprejéik] 105. 1... D3! 2. gf WH 3. ef Wh3 4. he2 Bcd 5. dl Wd3 6. Sel Ad3 7. We7 Had 8. Bb4 Hal 9. a2 wba Or1 106. 1. a7! [1, Wa32? wos!—+] 2a7 2. Wa3 DhS |2... b6 3. Hb6+—] 3, WaT Df 4. Was we7 5. Eb7 as 6. Bd7+— 107. 1. 6! [1... Wb6 2. Ba5S+-] 1:0 TOS. 1. DL! tT 2. WEI! wes 3. Wh3+— (3... Ags 4. 2d7! SE7 5. Wo3] 109, 1... Hg4t 1A BeS—+] O:1 WO. 1. Wg3! feS 2. We7 He 3. Be7 ‘We 13:.. Wd6 4. Hb7 d3 5. Ha7 was 6 Wh7 A We6+—] 4. We7+— MNT, _ 1, De5! feS 2. Bes bes 3, wes 13. Hes A Ett] Ba ¢ Beat ders, Eg7+— 112, 1... Wh3t! 2. gh3 Oe 3, gl @hse orl 13. 1, Af6! gf6 [1 3. Wes Fs (3... g6 4. Who+—) 4. We7 eS 5. Wek Sd7 6. WIT eds 7. wes Bd 8. €6 Hd6 9. Heat] 2. Bh3 SB 3, Wh7 bes 4. 6 248 [4.. @d7 6. WHS eS 7. Wes HH 8. Hh7+—] 5. 97 (5. ef6+—] 227 6. We7 We? 7. Hed Hdl 8. Hf £5 9. ate (9... Sd8 10. Bh8 e711. BeS+—-] 1: 0 2f6 2. pf6 Ha3 M4, 1. OT! G7 2. Des wes [2 S63. WhS!+—] 3. Wed a6 4. ET 1:0 M5. 1. Qe6! fe6 2. Wad wos [2.. Ge7 3. Wh4 wed 4. Wes! HP (4... We7 5. Wad+—) 5. Web Se7 6. HAS St 7. Hd7+—] 3. Wed! Wee [3... BB 4. Wee Re7 5. HA GiB 6. c4! Wes 7. Hl be8 8. We8 £18 9. WET+—] 4. We7 Ete 5, Hf £18 6. Wh7 He8 7. We6 (7... e7 8. Ed6+—] 1:0 M6. 1. Baa! £5 [1 edd 2. W3+-] 2, Be6 (2... fe4 3. W8 WET 4. DeS+—] 1:0 V7. 1. @hg7! wae (1... Dg7 2. Wad He8 (2... es 3. Dh6 Gh8 4. Hf7+—-) 3. Dg7 Sd7 4. Wd3 Se7 5. Was has 6. DfS h5 7. Ad6+—] 2. De6 feb 3. Wa bg8 4. Wes 1:0 1. D7! tT 2. hes ots b hgSsoWes+—; 2... eB 3. 2d5S+-] 3. fs we 26 4. Wh7+—] 4. Wh7 86-5. WeIt—; 4... Be7-5. ~~ 5 Hel he7 6. He2 1:0 19. 1, Het! Wel (1... fe6 2. Wed @f5 3. WhsH] 2. bad fe6 3. Wade SIT 4. We7 Wes 5. Wa8 [5. 2e2!2+—] AbS 6. WHS! EO) 120. 1. He (1... Le6 2. Wha We7 3.d4+—] 1:0 W211. Ses! fe5 2. eS Hel 3. whstt 1:0 122. 1. Qed! (1. Be2? WH! 2. Wel ®e2 3. WHT Fd8=] 1:0 123. 1, Ad6! Ha6 (1... af 2 Of7+—] 2. Bes+— 124, 1. d6! Bd6 2. cd+~ 125. 1, Beds! ed5 2. Dds Aes (2. Rd6 3. Ac7 Be? 4. Bd6! Ado 5. Ec5+—] 3. He7! D8c7 13... He7 4. Qe7 Be? 5. Bd7+—] 4, Ae7+— 126. 1, ds! (1. Who Westoc] eds 2. Wh6 ded (2... Wes 3. Web+-] 3. We7+— [Gufel'd] 127. - Qe3! 2. fe3 We3 3. der Eh2 4, bai We6-+ Or1 128. 1, za Wad7 2, Be8 Hes 3. Wer! 1: [Judovis] 129, 1. ani7+— 1:0 130. n+ BAZ! 2. WA2 (2. HA Dg3 3. Sh2 af 4.h1 Wha! 5. Dh2 e344] Dg3. 3: Of 4. Shi gs s. Hh2 Or 131. 1. Qe6! Hg7 (1... Bc6 2. We74; 1. We6 2. Batt 1. Hd7 2, Dba7 st; . Dd6 2. Dba7 wed7 3. He7H#] 2. Dba7 bars Wes Le6 4. Ug? us 5. 1 5. Qd2 6. We7st] 20 132. 3! 2. gf [RR 2. Ohi We7! (2... &g4? 3. gf 2G 4. h2+—-) 3. OB (3. gf Afl 4. Hl Bfs+—) Bg2 4. 2g2 Wb2—+] We7 3. Hh2 Afi 4. aa EPS 5. Ded Hhs [6. de? W2—+] [Sirov] 133. 1. @f6! hs [1... WF 2. We2+—] 2. Des! Wes 3. We7 Hb2 4. Eadl+— 1:0 134, 1. DAT! BT 2. wes wees 2. 4. ds 2d5 5. . Ded Het (3... Beds 4. . Bed 4. fed Heb 5. Heb Bc6 6. d5 oa d6+—] 4. Hel @fds 5. Ba6 a8 6. Bel! g6 7. D7 Wi 8. We7 8... Me7 9."He7 2d5 10. Bf? f7 11 Beds 3 Aft+-] 1:0 [Botvinnik] 135. 1, Ddeo! Wad [l... feb 2 cSt] 2. Dg? 8 3. Red (3. Age6+—] Ac5 4. Ages! feb 5. Heb Les 6. DeS 1:0 136, 1, Ads! Bas [1... Wd8 2. Bb6 c7 3. De7 (3. Ac7!? Hb8 4. Dds Hb6 5. Bb6+—) We7 4. Wd6+—I 2. De7! 1:0 137. 1... b3! [1... Wb3? 2. Res Wa2 3. Wb4+—] 2. ab3 Wa6! 3. Wb4 Wal 4, Gd2 Wh2 5. Sel Lc3 Orn . Re6 2. B61 £52. Og7 a8 (2. SPB 3-Wh6+—) 3. B43 Wad 4. efS+—1 2. bat Abd 3. RA7 hd7 4. DB Als 5. Was 1:0 [28] 139. 1. @f6! gf6 2. Wed Shs 3. wha! 1:0 40. 1 OB! 2. g8 (2. BB ars 3 DES 3. WA 3. efS gf 4 g2—+] g3! 4. Wel [4 hg3 &g3 5 Wg2 We3 6. Ef Bc3 A Se2-+; 4 Wb2 gh2 5. dh? Ad4 A wg?7, Ens—+] gh2 S. @f2 (5. deh? gg7 A Eh8] Wes 6. be2 Ads orl V4. 1. OFS! Ehfo (1... Af 2. was Re6 3. WhS+—] 2. Heb! EFS 12... Wes 3. Wd5 Wds 4. He7+—] 3. AES HES 4. Wed Hes 5. He5 des 6. feS+— V42. 1. Dd5! Was 2. Wad! (2... Wad 3. Qe7H#] 1:0 143. 1. Bho! gh6 (1... Sh8 2. we7 Ad6 3. We8 Hes 4. D742. WIT hs 3. Hd7! He7 4. Wi6 dogs 5. Sh3! Wee 6. He? Wie 7. gf6 (7... Be7 8. Ac8+—| 1:0 144. 1, Df6! DFG 2. hgs Sed [2.. hes 3. Bes wes 4. Sf6 Hh3 5. Wh3 W6 6. g5+—; 2... Dg8 3. g6+—] 3. ded hgS [3... Bed 4. 26 &h1 5. gf7 B6 6. gslt—] 4. Sg5 WaT 5. 2II+— [A 6, g5] 145. 1. Dc8!!_ Des [1... Bes 2. WiSt—; 1... He7 2. Hb8 Bf 3. Dd! Hb8 4. Acd+—] 2. Ba7 a7 3. Rds B... Bf6 4. Hb7+-; 3. WPs!? g6 4, Wd74-] 130 [Kasparov] 146. 1, De5! We [1... deS 2. Wed! A 3. We7st, 3. Dh6] 2. Wed! Wes (2... Af6 3. Ad7!+—] 3. D6 HMB 4. wes+— 1:0 147.1. Bast. Bed Wes A Eh8F] €3! 2. Ge2! He3! [2... Wb4 3. He? bd8 4. Abs he7 5. Hest] 3. We7 Hd8 (3... Bcd4!? 4. bdl (4. OB &ds=) Ab3 5. Bel Bel=] 4. wh [4. Oda cd 5, Of 2 6. 2 BB 7. OB ely 8. Wes @b8 9. Wed He8 10. Aa6 bab 11. Wb3 Sa8—+; 4. Wes!? Bes 5, Bes b6 6. ab6 ab6 7. Qd3 Bcd! 8. he} we7! (4 Ha8) 9. Hb4 dS] Bed 5. SH Bas V2: V2 {Knaak] 148. 1. Qg7! g70 2. @rst! gon (2... £5 3. Wed+—; 2... h8 3. e64—] 3. De7 We7 4. H6 DhS (4... Sg7 5 WE De8 6. 6! Df 7. Wes+—] 5. wes Des 6. Ld2! Wie 7. ef6 h6 8. Ee A 26) 1:0 [Mateo] 149. 1... @b4! 2. eb4 WH! (2... WhI? 3. SR WH 4. el=| 3, de3 fa! {A Whi, fg3-+] 4. 4 14. Wa2 ber! (4... @h8 5. Wh2 Sh7 A fg3-+) 5. Wh2 fg3—+] Whi 5. G2 We? 6. bel Wel 7. Ge2 £3 8. d3 Ba8 9. ded Wed orl (Wang Zili] 150. 1, Dest! Bad [1... Wes 2. Wi7 Gh 3. BF4+—] 2. Seb feb (2... Adl 3. B17 Gh8 4. Dgo hg6 $. Wha Bhs 6. Ag6 Wes 7. EFS+-] 3. Haz! wa7 (3. Ad7 4. Wh7 A WH] 4. Qd7 Ha7 5. Wart+— [Duri¢] 151, 1. Ades! [1. Afesi+—I fes 2. Be5 S60 3. Was Aas 4. Abs! Bhs 5. Hb8 Eb8 6. Dd7 we7 7. DB+— 152. 1, @hESH! gf [1... BES 2. We7 Se7 3. AfS+—] 2. 215 WIE (2... AES 3. We? we7 4. HS+—; 2... 2e7 3. Whs Gg8 4. Hel ds 5. Be6 Ac6 6. Wh3+—; 2... Hd8 3. Whs bg? 4. Hel A Wed+—] 3. WhS e7 4. Leb wes 5. Hel dd7 6. 246 Ld6 7. Who! Ag6 (7. Wh6 8. DfS+—] 8, Wh: (Rozentalis] - - 0 [49] [DA 2. He6Q [2. be3 Dada! 4. Ha6 Wer! [Glejzerov] 153. Dc3!! He2—+] Ess 3. Be [XWe2] 0: 154. 1. Dh! F6 (1... DRG 2. Wes Bh7 3. 6 (3. Bc? f6 4. Wes PhS 5. Whe gs 6. 2b3 ds 7. Hed WES 8. Ads Was 9. We6 Shs 10. Bh4t+—) A 4. wf WS 5. WES DFS 6. c2 Seo 7. g4+—] 2.8m! oo [Kasparov] 155. 1. He6! [1... Hds 2 fe6 2. g5! We7 3. Leb Bhs é Wb2+-) 4. gh6+—] {Krasenkov} got; 1. a7 | . 156. 1. Dn! Hh7 2. hgs Ses 3. Eh6 Sg70 (3... We7 4. gf7 AS. Eh7, 5 He6+—] 4. Eh7 hg8 5. g7! Eres 6. Saht 280 7. gee St8 8. Zino! Wad 9. Wes a [Almasi] 157.1. @fS! Wes [1... gf5 2. 2FS £6 3. Be6 Gh8 4. Bd7+—; 1... We7 2. f6! A De7+—] 2. eS! Ad5 (2... We7 3. De7+—] 3, De7! We7 4. Wh7! on. a Fins bg8 6. Ens 158. 1. hdi! Wad [1... Wd2 2. hs hs 3, WET ed 4. Wee SEs 5. Who+—; 1. Det 2. WS ho 3. Wes wh7 4 Watt; 1.1, Bed 2. Bed Wel 3. wh? wer ahs “Bho 5. WES wh7 6. hor] 2. Bel! Wa3 [2... Ded 3. hS Sho 4. WIT LeS 5. We we7 6. h6 Hho (6... Gh7 7. WiR+—) 7. Wh8 bg6 8. LhIH; 2... Ded 3. hS Bh6 4. WAT Le8 5. Wes Sg7 6. We6+—] 3. nS Oho [3... DhS 4 AhS Gh6 5S. Wes wh7 6. Wes whs 7. WI Gh7 (7... QB 8. AI7+—) 8. Bob Gh6 9. BETH] 4, WIE Oh7 5. We7 Ono 6.Wd6 1:0 (Agdestein] 159. 1. Qg7! Be7 U1... Haf8 2. Deb HES 3. Wed Gh8 4-OeR+=; 1... Og7 2. Rho! dgs 3. Wet Shs 4. Wd4+—] 2. Qh6 We? [2... Hf7 3. Hes ohs 4. We3+—; 2... He8 3. Be7 We7 4. h4 h6 5. Hed Hel 6. @h2 @dl 7. Hfs! wes 8. Hed+—| 3. B97 We7 (3... &e7 4. We3 Ses 5. HG+-]4.hd hos. Hed 120 160. 1, Ac6! Bc6 2. edS ed5 3. ed5 Ab7 4, d6 Bg? 5. de7! We7 6. &g2+— 1:0 161. 1. Dg6t! fg6 [1... hg6 2. Bh4 £6 3. Ef6 B67 4. Bg6! 296 5. Bdst+—] 2. 2dS BAS (2... Wd7 3. HAB!+—] 3. Was hg7 (3... Bh8 4. d7+—] 4. WET Ghd 5. Hh4 hs 6. d7 Hel 7. Hel Hel 8. es 8... Bes 9. We8+—] (Perez Garcia] 162. 1. dS! We3C 2. eS Hes 3. Hes hd7 [3.. Be7 4. Be7 BiB 5, Hb7+—1 4. Bdl (4. Wg4!? A 4... Bc7 5, Wd 2d6 6. He7+—] we7 5. Hed! [A Hed] ScS 6. Hed Hae8 7. We8! He8 (7. Wed 8. Wh8+—] 8. He3+— [Durié] 163. 1... Qb4t! 2. wha Ha? 3. Wb10 Wi! (3... Hal 4. Wal Qb3 5 Sb2 Dal 6. Baloo] 4. Sb1 Bfas s. EclO Bal 6. Ge2 H8a2 7. Sdl Des—+ (8. Hal 2c3 9. Sel (9. Gel (244) Hal 10. @b2 Hfl 11. c3 2 12. Hh2 Hel 13. cl f1y-+] {Damljanovié] 164. 1. Qb6! Ab6 2. Das wa7 3. 5 de5 4, beS cB [4... AfA7 5. cb6 DS 6. Weg3+—] 5. c6 Bb6 (5... Ab6 6. Hb1+—] 6. Ebi [Anand] 165. 1. Df6! £6 2, wes eB 3. He8 @f7 4. Hf8 de7 5. Hel Be5 6. &g7! Wd6 (Nishimura — Mohd) 7. He5 Wes 8. ReS GB 9-Bd6+— Lb [Nishimura] [sol 1. QaS!! Was [1.. eds 2. DES Qd4 2. De7 De? 3 hi we7 4. Wd3+—] 2. Heb! fe6 3. Web GIB 4. BhS Des 5. Db6! We7 (5. Hc6 6. HdS A HeS] 8. Hd6 fed [6.. Web 7. He6 eS 8. Re8 AMR 9. f4 Ad3 10. Qd7 EhS 11. Bf8 deg? 12. Bhs ohs 13. Af6+—] 7. f4 He6 8. Heb 1:0 (Z. Vargal 167. 1. Seb! Hes [1... feb 2. Bg4 Hf 3. £06 Wee 4. des Hf 5. We? (A Hd7) He8 6. Hd8 HffS 7. He8 He8 8 WET+—] 2. Wh3 c6 (2... hS 3. &hS+—; 2... Bed 3. Hed!+—] 3. Wh6 [3... fe6 4. BeSt+—] 1:0 {Poluljahov] 168.1. Dg7! wg? 2. BE Ad7 (2... G6 3. Wh4 Se7 4. Bho hes 5 WI6+—; 2... DS 3. Bb3! Hes 4. what— A 4... Be2 5. 2h6 Bhs 6. Hed] 3. What Hes (3... Df 4. Bho wes 5. Wier] 4. &h6 Oh8 §, Bafl (5. 27+—] was 6. Ags Be7 7. Hg6 (7... fg6 8. HET AfE 9. Hf Hf 10. Re7 HfL. Agi] 1:0 169. 1. Al! HAT 2. Deb! Hee (2. We7 3. Of8! SFB 4. Whe We7 5. Ba3+—] 3. We6 g7 4. WIT Shs 5. Brel bS [5... We7 6. dS Sg7 7. He7!+—; .. We8 6. He8 He8 7. d5+—; 5... b4 é “d5 fel 7. Hel A Wd7+-1 6. a He7 7. d5 Des 8. Wi6! 170. 1. &f6! gf6 (1... hs 2. WeS+—] 2. Wes! Bhs 3. Wh4! be7 4. Hd3 He8 [4.. Bh8 5. Hes BiB 6. Wi6+—] 5. Bh3 hs 6. hs (6. Whs WE 7, Bfl Wes 8. He3+—] Hgs 7. Hg3 17. Edl+—] S18 8. Wis (8... He3 9. was &g7 10. hg3+—] 1:0 VW, 1. DSH [1... Ad1? 2. He5 Sd8.3.-Hdl bc8 4. Qd7!. Bes 5. Abo Sbs.6.. Wes ha7 (6... We7 7. We7 Sc7 8. Qa8+—) 7. Hd7+—] 2. BET We7 3. Wh8 we7 (3... WH 4. Bhs! we7 5. Wh7'+—] 4. Wha Wie [4.. hes 5. Bhs Qdl 6. 27 SE 7. Whst—; 4... dee 5, Hfl+—] 5. Bd7 (5. Yh7+—] wa7 6. WE QS [6.. De2 7. WET de8 8. Wes a8 9. We8+—] 7. Beatd— 172. 1. D5! [1... beS 2. Weat—; 1... hS 2, B47! Bd7 3. Was ps 4 wo 7#] 173. 1... @2! 2. BA hat 3. D1 . Sg? Wes—+; 3. SF hgi 4. BB Di—+] hes 4 Dg3 Dt 5. Set (5. BH We5!—+] Bes! 174, 1. Ded! fed 2. Bed He7 3. Ha8! Hee7 (3... Bbc7!? a) 4. c6 Heb al) 5. Wa2 (A Wad, Hd7) Bc8O 6. He8 Dc8 7. cS Ph8 8. Wes Af 9. c6+—; a2) 5. We? Hc7 6. Wee (6. WhS g6L] 7. Wbs SATO 8. Wh6+—; 6. c5!? be5 7. bes deS 8. WbS+—) Gh7 7. g4 g6 (7... Gh8 8. Edl+—) 8. Rd8+—; 6) 4. Ads @h7 (4... Gh8 5. Heb Hh7 6. We? g6 7. Bc6 Deb 8. Hee8+—) 5. Whi g6 (5... Gh8 6. Bc6 Hc6 7. He7! We7 8. Wg6+—) 6. hS Bhs 7. Wal Sh7 8. Bc6 Heo 9. WaT Bel Le We7+—] 4. Bg6! [Matanovié] 175. 1. QS! gfS 2. Whe Hes (2.. Hfe8 3. Dgs+—; 2... f6 3. Qa! wad G... Des 4. Deb+—) 4. He3 GET 5. ef De5 6. He7 wes 7. He7 (A Wel) wads (7... WaS 8, Bed+—) 8. Bh7 Hes 9. We7 Wes (9... DE 10. gf+—) 10. He5+—] 3. Dgs! Ded 4. Hes! (4. Hn7? Wi2!] Hg 14... Dgs 5. Hed! fed 6. Qn7! £5 7. We6 He? 8. Wes on? efS+—1 5. h7 Wad 6. 5 20 [Kuprejeitd 176, 2-1. 12, e3-WhS 3. gl _ 2: Hgs! (A 2d4+—].4. Bf [4. Wes Bd25. Bh7 Wh3 6. £2 Ad4!—+] Add 5. SEL “451t Wh3 6. 2g? Hf2 7. R12 We2 8. wer w+ + Hh2! (1... Ded 2, Sg2!oo] Wh? Wed 3. SR Ded 4 gl Dh2 5. Bh? Whi 6. we? we2—-+] wba 13. Hb2 Aes 4. de3 Afestt] orl (Ftagnik] 178. 1... Ded! 2. We2 (2. fed fed 3, sbg2 Whs 4. hl Bg3 5. We2 Hel 6, Bel g3 7. He2 (7. h3 Hf2 8. He? we7—+) Hl! 8. Hg2 wh—+] f4! 3 Hg20) fg3! 4. hg3 Eh 5. £4 [5, We2 AcS—+] £64! 6. gf4 Wid 7. Se2 He3 8. Wb3 Dg2 0:1 (Dohojan} 179. 1. Deo! hgo 2. Who [A We6] De7 (2... Be6!? 3. Bd3 £5 4. He3! (Tal) Hf6O 5. Bh3! G17 6. Wh7 SES 7. cf5! 2b3 (7... gf5? 8. Hg3!+—) 8. ab3 BFS (8... gf5? 9. He3+—) 9. b4! (A BcS+—) Web 10. BcS eS 11. WoT! A Bh8+—] 3. BcT! Df5 4, efS [4. We6 Dg7 5. Hd8 Reb 6. He8 fg6 7. Be6 Heb 8. He6+—] B15 5. g4! Bed 6.Helt+— —_[Kouatly] 180. 1. Qasi! eds 2. e6! Hf8 (2... fe6 3. He6 (A 4. Bc6, 4. WdS+—) dd 4. WH+—] 3. ef7 Oh8 4, Was 2b7 Id... Dd4 5. Be} Ales 6. Hdd Dds 7. Wa8lt+—] 5. He8!! Be8 (5... a4 6. Hael Das 7. Wd6+—] 6, feBW Bek 7. WIT! Wa8 [7... He8 8. Hel+—O A 9. &d5 Dg6 10. Be8] 8. Wh7+— —_[Vasjukov] Qec3! 2. be3_be3 3, Sal Ebi [4. Qb3 Hb3! 5. cb3 2—+] Bdd 5. edd Eb2! 6. Bcd ded 7. Hb2 cb2 8. b2 Hb8 9. wal [9. ml c3—+; 9... We5—+] Wad (Minaleisin} 182.1. g7!! hg? U1... 3 2. Bed He3 3. He8 Hed 4. Ato £16 5. We3t—l 2. DLS Bhs [2... Bh3 Det 5. Be4 Hed 6. Hdd SS 7. Hf4#] 3. Yh Hg8 4. De7 DbA7O 5. g6 3. Who HFS 4. D8! Hes 6. Ad6 Wh6 (6... Hh6 7 ar 17. Qed (7... Ws 8. WE+—; Hh6 8. DG ab6 9. 46 ees ia ie Bf6 11. &h3+—-] {Skembris] 183. 1... Dea! 2. Wed [2. fed Hc3! A Sgd—+] Bf5 3. Wb4 Abi 4. EbI Ee2 ol ‘Ab6 (5. Wel Hf2! 6. wh Wb1—+] Hh2! 6, @h2 We3-+ 184, 1. Debt! Le6 2. Ads! be [2.. Wd2 3. Ec7 &bs 4. Ba7 a8 5. ASH] 3. 2b6 (3... Ws 4. He7 Sb8 5. Ba7 a8 6, Ab6+—] 1:0 [Ink’ov] 185. 1, &f5! Hd7 [1... gf5 2. g3!+—] 2. Hadi! (2. g3 &c4!] Sed [2... gf 3 Hd7 Qd7 4. g3+—] 3. Wed gf5 (3... Bdl 4. &dl+~] 4. Hd7 4d7 5. g3! WB 6. dl Ddé6 7. Wi 1:0 186. 1. Hf5! 2f6 [1... A Weg5; 1... HS 2. efS!+—] 2. Dh6 &g7 3. Hfo! Of6 (3... Hgs 4. Hf7+—] 4. DFS! Qf5 [4... eS 5. Af6 Lf5 6. BeS+—| ie Lh6 dogs 6. 218 HB 7. efS [Nalbandian] ef 2. Bh6+— 187. 1. OT! BT U1... SFT 2. Ago e6 3. He? He7 4, d6+—I 2. Bg6 was (2... Wel 3. B£7 BET 4. WhS Ge7 5 Wes cg8 6. Hel Hel 7. dh2+-I 3. AIT GFT 4. Be8 Ac8 5. Wer! (5. Whs bg7 6. WeS+—] Bd7 6, Wh7 SF 7. He 1:0 188. 1. Qed4t Add 2. Who Le7 (2... Sf7 3. Des Be7 GB... SFG 4. WK begs 5 Widt—)-4- W_6 Wes 5. Le6+—] 3. Web We7 4. Dgs We7 5. Bhi [A 6. ae Leb De6 7. Hh8!+—] HB 6. Be6 [A Bhs) 1:0 [Skembris] 189. 1. Deol! Had U1... fe6 2. Wd3+—; |... Hes 2. WH+—] 2. Had fe6 12... Bd4 3. WH!+—] 3. Wes! Ye7 4, Hd7! Wad7 5. Wa8 Wd8 6. Wee Wd7 7. WeS Wh7 8. Was We8 9. Wd gS 10. a3 1:0 [Florian] 190. 1... &f3! 2. gf3 Wha 3. Eh [3 Dd2 Bh3 G.. Wh3!? 4. Sel BAS—+) 4 Bed Sed 5. Sg? Wh3 6. Sgl 2G—+] 2h3 4, £4? Bte Or 191, 1... Dh3!! 2. gh3 2f3 3. Be2 (3. We3 e4! A Bg6, Wh2, 2d6—+] AbT! 1A Web] 4. WIE gf6 5. 2 Ons 6. Bgl baS 7. 203 {5 O:1 [Rogers] 192. 1. Ags! fgs 2. Wes LIB 3. Ehd Wi6Cd 4, WH Al 5. Uns Dg8 6. £6 Has 7. g4 Edd 8. g5 [A h4-h5-h6-h7; 8... Hd "9. h4 HfS 10. hs Bes 11. h6 Hg6 12. h7 Hg? 13. a4 c5 14, bl cd 15. el Hed 16. €c2 Hg} 17. ded? He? 18, &c3 Hed 19. Be8+—] 1:0 [Mateo] 193, 1. got hg6 2. Hg6 Wh7 3. Wes [A Wi6+—] eS 13... d4 4. Bad! Qd4 5. Hg8+—] 4. Be5! Leo 5, WIE Af7 6. Hg8! We8 7. Hes des 8. whsit 1:0 194. 1... edt 2. Bbs (2. Ded Dc2!—+] Ba? 3. Sb1 abs 4. Ha? D3! [5. al WaS—+; 5. be3 Bc3—+] O:1 195. 1. Dest tes 2. Wes whs 3. Wie Ses 4. Had Hfe8 5. He3 B18 6. Bg7 265 7. ef5 He7 8. We5 18. Bh7+—] Ge8 9. Bad bs 10. Hed! Has [10:.. Bed 11, Bg8t+—] 11. Be7!! (11... Be7 12. AbS! Wbs 13. Bes bd7 14, Basit: 11... We7 12, Bb5+—] 1:0 [Tompa] 196. 1. Df6! gf6 2. Wes hs 3. whe Sg8 4. Wyo Lh8 5. Wis Dh7 6. ed eds] 7, Wh6 Ses 8. £4! [8. 25? Be7 9. wee Bh 10. 216 F611, WH Sh7 12. wha (12. Bd3 We?!) Sg7 13. Ed3 Best; 13, Wes=] DesO 9. West (9. fe5? Wesac. 9. £5 £e70) 10. £6 BF6 11. WHE Bea 12 Hd3 (12. Rho Wes!) Ae30 13. Be3 Weo+] Wh7 10. Wh4! hes 11. fes [11. £5 Be7 12. We3 Gh7 13. Wes+—] wes U1... Bes 12 2h6+—] 12, Bad Bes 112... We7 13. Bh Be7 (13... Wed 14 Wf6) 14, We7 Wh6 15, Hei Bhs 16. LA+—] 13. Bg3 Wg3 14. hg3 Bed 15. Wes Dh7 16. Whs g717.e5 1:0 [Vaisser] 197. 1. DS! WES [... Bab 2. Ya7 Aicd 3. He8 He8 4. We8 @h7 5. De7 h5 6. We8 Bh6 7. Wh cogs 8. fa! wed 9, &h3! FF 10. WhS Hed (10... He3 11. Wes+—) 11, Be? Sdd 12. HFS+—] 2. He8 Hf8 (2... Gh7 3. Re4t+—] 3. HB Gh7 4. Well! Wis [4... Dd3 5. Bed!+—] 5. We8+— [Minié, Sindik] 198. 1. Ded! fed 2. Bed h6 3. He3 Weé 4. Hell! We7 [4... Wed 5. Wh6 EET 6. Wh7 Sf8 7. Bh6+—] 5. Wh4 WI 6. bh? WI 7. 25! wh? [7... hgs 8. Wh7 Sf7 9. HA Wt (9... Hh8 10. Bg6 wfs 11. He8 He8 12. Hf6 2f6 13. WET) 10. We6! Se8 11. 213 BO 12. Bhs BR 13. £g4 Afo 14. He7+—] 8. Aho Ef2 9. hie nO) IV. Raitevié] 199, 1... OB! 2. gf (2. Bhl Bh2—+] gf3 3. des [3. De2 Wh4 4. Dg3 ~ Hh6-+] Wh4! [3... He6? 4-eh1-wWes 5: Bh3 Whs 6. AdSs+] 4. Be20 [4. Od5- [53] Eh6 5. h3 He6 A West; 4. Bad £4 5. fd Bf 6. eff Hho 7. h3 Bh3—+] Bh6 5. h3 fe2 (5... Hg6? 6. Dg3 Hg3 7. fg3 We3 8. Ber+—] 6. We2L) [4 7. e6 Hes 8. Gh2 £39. Wer Wes orl {Lobron] 200. 1. Qa7!! wb7 2. Hrd! £5 3. ef6 Bd7 4, Ebait [4 4 5. Web+—] 1:0 [Gufel'd] 201. 1. f6! gf6 [1... 26 2. Wes hs 3, AF6 gf 4. WE gs 5. Hed+—] 2. We6 g7 3. Bed [A Bed] hs 4. west! Was [4... Wb7 5. 11 b5 6. Wes SI 7. EeMt—| 5. Wes ets (5... Sf7 6. Whs Seb 7. Wh3 Sd6 (7... SFT 8. Bh4+—) 8, 223 Bc7 9. Be7 We7 10. Heb deb 11. We8+—] 6. Whs [A ea] Wa7 [6 We8 7. WhS G7 8. Wh7 Bee (8... LFS 9. Hgd+—) 9. Hedt+—] 7, Bed We8 8. WhO?! [8. Wh7!] SET 9. He7 Heo 10. Wh3 £5 11. ed WEB 12. ef5 GdS [12 WES 13. Hg6+—] 13. Wed Des 14. Wad 1:0 {Csom] 202. 1. Df61 [1. Re3+] Df 2. 216 Af6 (2... Bes 3. H3!+—] 3. We7 Be7 4. De6! Dc6 (4... Web 5. RAS+—; 4. 2d5 5. BFS+—; 4... Web 5. Bedit—] 5. B15 Le8 6, WT! (6. Ads? bs 7 Dcb Web; 6. Acs Se7 7. Db7 Hat¥! 8. We6 HfStoc] Hes 7. We3t! [7g3-b8] Db4 8. Dgs (8... ds 9. L7H] 1:0 (D. Gurevich] 203. 1. Qf7! SFT 2. Be6 heb 3. Wb3 Sf6 (3... bes? 4. WdS+—; 3... 4 4. Wed+—; 3... bd6 4. Abs wc 5. Web bs 6. a4 has 7. b4 cb4 8. WAS bb 9. Bb2! eS (9... a5 10. Bd4 e711. Hcl wbs 12. Les a7 13. Se7+—) 10. a5 wa6 (10... Sc7 11. Hel+—) 11. Wed bS 12, We6+—] 4. Dds GET 4... Hes 5. Dlat—; 4... Bes 5. Be7+—] 5. De7 Hg6 6. Deo! We (6... Was 7. ALs+—; 6... Wb6 7. Qf4t—] 7. Hed ys 7... B16 8. Web bes 9. hd fd 10. das; 7... @h6 8. Wh3 gs 9. Deb hg6 10. Wis Gh6 11. Wess] 8. hd Hh 8... Bid 9. d3 hes (9... wed 10. Wal Ht) 10. WdS BiG 11, WASH] 9. Wed Wes (9... g6 10. Des A West] 10. West! (10. Dgo+—] Wes 11. hgs gs 12. Bhs! fs (12... of6 13. BASH: 12. hed 13. 3 SEs (13... gd 14. De2s) 14, d4 gg3 15. Eh3s4] 13, d3 bed 14. Hgs Gh 15. g3 [15... Bh3 16. Bhs bed 17. Bhd @f3 18. Bf4st] 1:0 [Pintér] 204. 1. g6! fg6 Ll... Df 2. eff fg6 3. hg6 h6 4. £5 3 5. b3+—] 2. Dge! [2. hg6 h6!) We7 (2... hg6 3. hg6 (A Bhs, Wh2+—) We7 4. Bed A Wh2+—] 3. h6! c3 (3... gh6 4. Hh6 hg6 5. Wg6 We7 6. Wh7+—; 3... hg6 4. hg7 (A 5. Bh8 7 6. Wg6+—) He7 5. Bh8 hg7 6. Hd8 Was 7, We6+-] 4. He7!! (4... We7 5. Wh7 Qh7 (5... FB 6. Wh8 SIT 7. Bhs 26 8. Bg6st) 6. hg7 cogs 7. Hh8 we 8. hSH; 4... Be7 5. Wh7 hh7 (5... HT 6, BhS GfB 7. Wh84) 6. hg? gs 7. Hh8 G7 8. BSH; 4... £8 5. Wh7 cb2 6. Sb1+—] 1:0 [Bus] [54] AB 205. 206. 207. SKROBEK ~ 0. KALININ ALEHIN ~ ULSCHER SPIERS ~ DAVEY Warszawa 1989 Nederland 1933, London 1950 le 1a le G ae Re Oo 2 een i 2 ee jaa a @ Mae Wilke Wk D2 ewe wie i tase Baha @ maser a a @ me @ a8 a 2 oe @ Baw A in @ Ha ae a Aw AS) SEAM BA @ oe eA ag we ke @q @ Mee & La? + 1? - 1p + 208. 209. 210. PENROSE ~ BLAU 1, IVANOV ~ VINJE-GULBRANDSEN Hastings 1958/59 KAKAGEL'DYEV = 1SKOV SSSR 1979 Oslo 1980 au. ABRAMOVIC ~ ARVIT Athens 1981 212, LUGO ~ ELIZART CARDENAS La Habana 1992 213. SAJTAR — SZABO. Bucuresti 1953, qa oie Gime a el fais ma Mawama a 8 ew la a at Fa Bau a Gn mw Wan ws iS ee al oe a ale SAAS BB @ eo Be rere ne wn i AD a Gaye fa wie 2020 @al |o w @ama sHwih awe @ wan 10 x a ie ae BAm ARS @ Wan a Wa A om ee A Mt lor [Aram rar woes nmze a on Ee LIND — MIHAL’CISIN — POPOVIC ~ KOSIC Ae poate Pais ae coun 220. 221. 222, PERENYI ~ PINTER GOMES ~ NETTO VELIKOV ~ ARDUMAN Magyarorszig 1988 Rio de Janeiro 1942 Athens 1989 me Me Ma rosgae) faamemeae| foe a Qe Bia see Wa RX@awas fa BAA wi a ry eau el a a A Msi Aw AB AM Aly Ee A BVA TBARY A A ww ae @ RAB Res wee Boe Ae a & a Bae 22 LP = 1? =F 1? as 223. 224. 225. WIRTHENSOHN ~ WIJESURIYA ~ IVANCUK ~ NENASEV LINTA AL-MODIAHKI Frunze 1988 Novi Sad (ol) 1990 Manila (ol) 1992 le We We aw & eli Wx R2u ge pa a ak mak wale @a Ramo, a0) A Male B Aa RAI ars al Ban 2 @ BAR a a i am oe ae Am AO A RIA AG! WARY 2 ey ABO BAM AMS | Bums wi & 1? ro 1? —+ 1 - 205, 1... Delt (A Wil 2. Sel WA 207. 1... e2! 2. Be2 We3 3. ShI LB. 3. Ghd f4 (3... Bgl 4. g3 Wel 5. wes Wh4—+] 4, 266 HhG 5. hd DHS! (6. 4 fg3 7. Sg3 Alsi] O:1 (0. Kalinin] 206. 1. Dest! [1. 267 We6 2. Wed 45 3. Hh8 @f7 4. Des Wf6 5. ge ded 6. Df8_He8oo] deS.2. 261 We6 3. wed Hf7 4. Bnstt 170 Bl De4—+] D3! [A Wel] 4. gh3 Wes 5. Gl Bes 0:1 1, e6! fe6 2. AdS!! [2... WdS ... ed5 3. He7+—; 2... ed5 3. . Dd5 3. Bg6+—-] 1:0 “209. 1. 15! (1. Wes We7 2. -wE6. Hib6! 3. b3-(3. £5 Hb4x) Wie 4. gf6 {s7] e5!+] ef5 (1... gf5 2. Wes We7 3. Wh A Edh4+—] 2, a5! B45 (2... Wg7 3. Sf6+—] 3. Rds 1:0 [1. Ivanov] 210. 1... Hh4! 2, Hh4 Wal 3. Bes He?! 4. Wb7 Wad!! 5. Was WI 6. Sh3 Wh2 7. ded hS 8. ohS (8. he Wi 9. DB We3 10, ES West ] g6 9. ded tS 10. OFS [10. ft WA 11. DB Wess] Hed! [11. £4 Whsit; 11. G3 ers] O:1 [Iskov] 21. 1. cat! Wed [1... Ba6 2. Hb6 EET 3. cdS G3 4. de6 A Rd6+—; 1 ded 2. ef6 gf6 3. Wdd+—] 2. ef6 ef6 [2 Dc3 3. fg? Hes 4. Bes+—] 3. Hart! We (3... Ad2 4. WHET] 4. Ded ded 5. W16 Hg8 6, Begs Egs 7. wis a7 8. We7 (8... 2c6 9. Bel+—] 1:0 [Mili¢] 212, 1.e7! WeT [1.. Be7 2. AbS!+-; 1... Be7 2. BR+—; 1... Be7 2. Hdel das 3. QdS'+—; 1... Le7 2. eRW HB 3. HB WES 4. Web!+—] 2. Ads! IA Ba5] 1:0 [Elizart Cardenas] 213. 1... Df3! 2. BE Wed 3. wal hs! (3... B13? 4. WE WI 5. Was] 4. ghS B15! Ort 214. 1. Afor Fo 2. 5! (2... wes 3 fid4 SfS- 4. 2d3 Hea 5. HATH; 2... Sg6 3. Bd3 Bhs 4. Hh7H; 2... SS 3. fid3 Ges 4. Oda ea 5. HEH] 1:0 [Serper] 215. 1, Qde6! fe6 2. Aeé Wa7 [2... We6 3. DB BIB 4. Bf A Bd5+—] 3. CSS 4. DS AB 5. 216 gf6 6. HAs - 247 [6... We7-7. Wed g7 8, Wes Sh6 9: Bd5+—] 7, Wed! [7... £878. West 1:0 [Kasparov] (224. ~ 216. 1... Dfat 2. Hed [2. gf Wh3 3. £4 ef3—+] Wh3! [3. gh3 Dh34#) Or 217. 1... D3! 2. gB Hh3 3. bg? (B. Bhi AGH) 2G 4. gs Whe 5. Bes Hgs! 6. Af6 Hes 7. Wes Wes 8. h3 Age 0:1 {Miney] 218. 1. Agr! shg7 2. Bad Ses (2... f6 3. gf6 216 4. Ehgl+—] 3. got fg6 4. Wee 1:0 [Mihavéi 219. 1. gS! hgs 2. Dg 2... fg6 3. Wes WHT 4, 3 WH7+—] 3. Eh7! (3... Gh7 4. Whs Ses 5. Whst4] 1:0 220. 1. Ad6!! Ba6 2: eS Wes [2 AicT 3. Wh7 BfB 4. Wh6 de? (4... Ses 5. £h7 @h8 6. hed hes 7. Wes HE 8. d6+—) 5., Who bf8 6. He7! Hbe7 7. d6+~] 3, Bd7 Ba7 4. Wa7 £3 5. 23 Wb2 Is... Wd5 6. Bdl+—] 6. He6! Wal 7. Af 2g3 8. Wed f4 9. WhS 1:0 221, 1... Qh4! 2. ghd gS! 3. Bgl 213 4. WI ghd orl 222. 1. €5! fe5 [1... Ab7 2. WB+-; d5 2. cd5 edS 3. HdS+—] 2. Dd6! 2... ed 3. AfS+—; 2... Hed6 3. Hd6 Hd6 4. Wes+—] 3. Qb7 1:0 [Velikoy] 223. 1. dst! cd [1... &f7 2. Whé! Sg8 (2... Bho 3. DL? Hgs 4. Dhos; 2... B£6 3. do6+—) 3. We7 hg? 4. Ded A Dh6+] 2. Dg6! (2... hgé 3. Wh6+—; 2... Sg8 3. DB+=] 1:0 1... ef! 2, ded [2. Hed @f203.— GAZ Wed 4. ed Wh2-+; 2. f4 e3-+] (ss) Dit 3. GAP Wes 4. er We? 5. ds Ba7! De7 (2... HT? 3. Hb7 2b7 4. Hig3 6. De3 HaB! [6.. de3? 7. We2] 7. Web+—; 2... 247 3. Dds Dds 4. BAS Wel de3 8. Bc3 2 Or1 eds 5. e6+-; 2... De7 3. ed6 Wd6 4. IA. Kuz’min] Bdl+—; 2... B67 3. Bf7 @f7 4. wh7+—] 3. ed6 Wd6 4. We5! 14. Hdl?! We7!] 225. 1. f51! gf5 [1... He3 2. fg6hg6 Ph8S. Hdl Wes 6. Ags! We2 7. Has! 3, Wg6 wh8 4. Who gs 5. We3t—-] 2. 1:0 Uvantuk] AC 226, 227. 228. A. DIAZ ~ HECKERT — JOHN LiuBOJEVIC ~ PECORELLI GARCIA USA 1966 P* DEVSKI Cubs 1994 Nice (ol) 1974 — 17/229 1 229, 230. 231. PLISKIN — BORISOV HEBERT ~ FELMI KRECHMER ~ SHOLTIS SSSR 1975 BRD 1975 corr. 1976 232. 233, 234, WIESE-JOZWIAK — PINSKI ~ P. KANIA HAAKERT ~ JONES MURESAN Warszawa 1994 DDR 1966 Magyarorszig 1979 Ibe Igi Ide axkew] x en el Sim Oh a i 8 &@ A ma Hag Bae 2 ae Ae Ba a ak OSD @ Bag 22a 2 A Gam ABAD WAR AW AM Ha ners creo 235. 236. 237. SZNAPIK — DRASKO PELTOLA — JOUHKI PLACHETKA — PLANK. Polanica Z4r6j 1985 Suomi 1994 Hartberg 1991 Leb le Be a = @ Re Xie Rey jeee ® x im wale joe Walk Bae wun @ *® Way (£0 B wa @ mM ws we wi ws a ew BUOY fatetate’) teat AM WAG AMA MS BAmwe es a Bum | oe £| (i@ ne & | Lt = i= srs i 238. 239. 240. HANAUER — BARTA VUKIC — VELIMIROVIC LJUBLINSKI — New York 1929 Jugoslavija (ch) 1981 BATURINSKIJ iz SSSR 1945 r aa. 242. CIGORIN — BOLESLAVSKIJ — SCHLECHTER NEZMETDINOV London 199 sss 088 8 @ wx jes Mee a Gan @ Ba eo am See ia ie a ig SEAM Ale Ace wens awe e 1? — Ta? 244, (245. . SOROKIN ~ ULYBIN Mozeri¢ - SSSR 1986 G.M. TODOROVIC Venjatka Banja 1992 243, : GHINDA — CIOCALTEA Romania 1977 246. BELLIARD — NEVEDNICHY Moskva (ol) 1994 tgp i ke fei £09 i ak Bagsa@ Fl ry a eae a ee A Ag @ ew Bwens a cs 247, me 249. VASIL"EV — KOJFMAN, ZSU. POLGAR — VAISSER — SSSR 1964 KRUSZYNSKI I. MARINKOVIC Budapest 1983 Biel 1989 Ice (250. 251. 252. ARBAKOV ~ V. MILOV AVERBAH ~ KAEM FOSGEL' ~ Bad Ragaz 1994 SSSR 1950 BERENSTEJN SSSR 1979 lige We wike xe Ral @ a @ Ba a 026 & wa a alia ae £KAB27 a @e @ Bo BS Ag i a ia Bo Bs AW i mA A! B28 ewe AAR ewes Ee Ta? = 1? = 226. 1... Af3t! 2. g30 £413.13 233. 1. DeS! deS 2, Wa7 SIT 3. [3. Sgt h5—+] Wed 4. gd We3te Or [Nogueiras] 227. 1... Ded! 2. Hed Wa2 3. c3 Wal 4. Sc2 Abd! 5. ch [5. &b3 Wa2 6. &b4 a5 7. bs Wh3H] Wh? 6. es Wb3 (7. Ac3 A544] 228. 1. Afr 216 2. WHT Aer 3 Dg5! (3... hgs 4. h6+—] 229, 1. Ags! tgs LI... ees 2 De4+—] 2. Ogat hgs 3. Th 1:0 230. 1. @hs! ns 2. Hd5! Ba 3. Wh7 SFB 4. Whsie] 231, 1... Qg3! 2. 23 [2. fg DQds—+] Daa! (3. &b7 Ader; 3. ed4 Qe2—-+] Or 232. _1. De6!! Hf6 Il... fe6 2. De7! De7 3, HB; 1... Dc? 2. WRI+—] 2. WEB! (2... Hf 3. Dost] 1:0 ~[Zinser]-~ Eh3 Be4C) 4. EG hgs 5. Ads! [5 Eds? Ads 6. Qd5? Welt] £d5 6. BdS (A weet] 1:0 [Pinski] 234, 1... Det 2. Hed [2. Wd3 Ac3 3. be} Bc3—+] Wa2 3. c3 Wal 4. der Dba! 5. cb4 [5. &b3 Wa2 6. Sb4 a5 7. hb5 Wb3tt] Wh2 6. Sd3 Wh3 7. Ac3 RiSH Or1 235. 1. Sb6!! bsO [I... cb6 2 Ded! A 3. QE abs 4. Was Abs 5. WoBH; 1... ab6 2. Ded! wbs (2... D8 3. Qdb! cb6 4. Wed Abob 5. Webs; 2... Das 3. Q6!+—) 3. D6 Da7. 4. Od7 a8 5. Ac7 b6 6. Lg3!+—] 2. Bd7 ba80 (2... eB 3. Ded! A Dcb6+—I 3. Qed! a6 (3... Des 4. Ades feS 5. Les Hc8 6. Hd7+—] 4, £7 OFS 5. Lb6! [5. Dcb6 a7 6. Ads He8 7: Hb6 Las 8 AcSt—] g3 6. Re gf 7. A Hgs 8 Debs waT 9. QdS b6 (9... Ba8 10. QcTH#] 10. BE Hb7 11. DeS Hs 12. @a6 G7 13.25. - 1:0 (Sznapik] - [62] 1! 3. @b2 Ded 4. Sb1 Ads! c3 [5. al b: fet WI dB 4. Ba6 Qe7 5, Ba7 Ba7 6, 1:0 [Ciocaltea] 56. c3 2c3 7. bbl Dba3 8. Sel Ab24H#; 5. Bel ser 0: S244. 1... acest 2, des) Bb5 3, Hel (3. hed Wed 4. Shi Afl-+; 3. Wel Bf 4. WE Et 5. Be’ £7 6. des fics 2. hg6 7. Deb Hb4 &. hed Ber—+] ®t Dd5+—I 2. gf GhB 3. Ads! [3. Bh 4. SO da! [A Wh2H#] 5, Ba3 whe 6, Eg8 4. Dds Wdb!oo] ds (3... Wd @eT! (4. Dbo+— 64. SAME 0:1 -[Uiybin, Volovik] ) We7 5. Bh6+—] 4. rere 2as. 1 wast, 2g7? Qg7—+; 1. Lh6! 216 5. we 7. £16 2g 8. Wes Whe 9, 10. Wh6 feS 11. fg6 1. OAT! SH 2. Dest 0 gsr! eds 2. Bh7 dogs 3. 07 (3. Areé @hI-+) fl 4. SE Bes!—+: 1. Wer cd5 (1... h6!2) 2. Bh7 (2. 205? are 3. Dd7 DhS—+) Sys 3. cds (3. Bes a6 fe5 (2... 4, Ef6 Dgs!—~+) Bf6 4. deo (4. at BIS 13. whs @g7 4. Wh7 5. Ete DfB—+) Wess: | Eh7! bh7 2. - Gh8 7. Wd3 Gh8 3. Wh3 hes 4. Der wer 5. eS 3. whs!+—| BBS. Whe de Lg6 gk 8. Wh7 Sts 9. wre] 0 Be7 Qd4 6. BA+—} cds [1... h6 2. Wh3! (Xh6, Dg4, 7h3-c8) cd5 (2... DLE , 3. Ddf6+—; 2... 26 3. @df6+—) 3, fier Oe aaa Wed ded 4) Bho hes 5. Be74-] 2. ReS 4. ea [4 B84 HP Ef 7. Of2 W2 8. Shi Bes. £45, &f4 He2 6. gi wh3 7. +] Acs! Of 3. Ate 26 4. ad7 Bad 5. %e3 hI HIT 6. cds Be8 7. 23! He3 [7 0:1 Hell? 8. @g2 BR 9. wh3 Ors 10. gid He3 8. £2 Hbes 1... Qf3! 2. gf3 Wg6 3. hi 246. Or1 u Hc3 11. Hh7+—] 8, de6 Ha3 9. ef7 Ag7 10.2f3 1:0 IMozetié] 1... Dg3! 2. hg3 Whe! [3. gl @h3 A We3—+] O:1 7S, 3 207. 1. west t05 2. Was her he 243!+—] 2. Ber! De7 3. 217 we 4, S07 (4... S17 5. Wh. Gd8 3. Wes+—] 3. Ags bdo 4. Dea! 10 ded 5. de5 eS 6. Be3 bbs 7. Wer © BaS 8. 03! Be5 [8... 2a3!7 9. b4 bat 10. Haci!! a5 (10... Bel 11. We2 Ss vw Dig?! 2. dg? Al 3. hI 12. ad hed 13, Wad bd} 14. Bal bc3 Sog2 (4. Gh2 WA 5. 15. el ba 16. Hol was 17. Bd24-) @h3 Bd7 6. OF: We! 5. bh3 247 WE 8. bh2 Bd2—+] wer S15 7. ef WE—+) 11. We2 bs 12. 04 Gas 13. 65 fe6 2. de6 #46 [2... ~ Hfd1O (3. Bfel wh3: ee b4. £b6 10. 2c5 0: 248. 1... Dea! 2. ngs (2. oer" wh A 3... Off 4. ft gi hi dF 6 : bl A Bes+—]3. Wh7 Aha 6. Was QB—F]-wh3l4 Has Af6 3.65 S954, [63] ed5 5. 245 Ala! 6. ef4 Wes 7. Shi [7. Ag? 22 8. Sfl BcS—+] wh 7. £27 8. Wa3] 8. bg2 Wed 9. SI 9. @hl Whd 10. bg2 wh it. Shi Wo2—+] WE4 10. Se2 [10. 3 Wd2—+] Wes Or1 [Kruszyaski] 249. 1. Abd6! Ad6 2. AL! gto 12... @f8 3. Wh7! gf 4. Hel Bess gf6+—] 3. gf6 Shs (3... Sf 4. Wh7 Whe 5. Hel!t+—] 4, Be7 Wes 5. EB We7 (5... Bcd 6, Wes D6 7. Wed! Bal 8. Bh3 Hel 9. £2 We7 10. fe7 &e7 11 Wh7 O18 12. He3+—] 6. fg7 we? 7. Wb3! [X@a4] Hes 8. Wad 1:0 [Vaisser] 250. 1... Dea! 2. hgd Wh4 3, Sel fg4 4. £2 (4. Ha3 Qf4!'S. cfd Bd4—+; 4. 2d7 93 5. HG Zea! 6. eff Wh2 7. El dd 8 Be3 (8. Wad? cd4 9. AL He2—+) He3 9. He3 (9. Af Wel! 10. gl Bel) Bfa—+] g3! 5. 203 (5. Bel Wh2 6. @fl Ada!—+] whe 6. Sf Dai 7. eff Bdd & Be3 Be3 (8... He3—+] 9. He3 He3 (10. Wed Hea!—+] [V. Milov] 251. 1. Of! Baz [1... fT 2. Bd7 Hd7 3, Bd7 Gg8 4. We6 A6g7 5. Ded Wes 6. Efi+—] 2. wd2 bf7 3. Wa7 SHB 4. Yeo We3 5. g3! We2 6, Hd7 Wi 7. Dh2 Wis 8. We7 gs 9. Wh7 O18 10. Wh8ee 1:0 252. 1. go!! Hal (1... Dg6 2. a6 Sb8 3. Das! bas (3... Ol 4 @hi! Edl 5. Edt bas 6. Hasit—) 4. Hd8! Sd3 5. Ba7 has 6. Ad6+—] 2. Edl Hg8 3. Wa6 2b8 4. QaS!! Das 4... baS 5. Ba7!+—] 5, Bd8 [5... Ac8 6. @R+-] 120 |Gufel'd] AD 253. |. MOLNAR = BOTTLIK Magyarorszig 1989 254, BROOMES ~ KHAN Melbourne 1983 255. SAX ~ MINIC Rovinj/Zagreb 1975 253. Wad7!! 2. gf4 Of4 3. 30 wh3! (3... g5 4. Bh h5 5, Wel] 4. ta g5 5. dg5 [5. Ses f6—+] Hh8! 6. Aes [o 6. Sf4 Bes! 7. 13! Baes! (A whe) 8. hed! ef} 9. Ded (9. od3 WHS 10. Ded Wed 11. d2 Bg? 12. hdl We2—+) Bed! 10. ded (10. ded? He2—+) Hes . B43 (11. SF HSI-+) WAI (IL. Be? 12. @c2 He2 13. bb] 2 A Wel H Hg8 7. Sf4 Het 8. SS [8. wes He8—+] WH O:1 [Bottlik] 254. 1... £512. ofS Mest! 3. fe5 GH 4. a5 [4. wie Qf 5. We Bh3 6. WH Hdh8 7. &f4 Hh2 8. 2h2 We3!—+] Dg3!! 5. We3 2g3 6. ab6 Eh3 7. eel Hdh8! 8. gh3 Bh3 [Rogers] 255. 1. Ags! Dgs 2. e6 Wes 3. 22 Wd6 4. ed7 Wa7 (4... d7 5. Bdl+—] 5. fe! 1:0 [65] 2A a AB 2+1,2,318 ac aa aD aa E BD+1,2,31A AF 224+1,2,318 2G We 2A 256. 257. EUWE ~ THOMAS MAKARCZYK — SLIWA Hastings 1934/35 Polska 1953 256-381 66 382-402 90 403—492 94 493-510 Mt eB eee 11s eye) 117 See ee M7 258. ALEHIN — EUWE* Nederland (m/19) 1935, 259. 260. 261. BOGDANOVIC — SUETIN SCHOLL ~ ZUIDEMA PODGAEC ~1. IVANOV* Jugoslavija — SSSR 1967 Nederland 1967 SSSR 1975 th Ig Ez Bivgee® yw MeGas @ Res @ mime Gweas al am mo = me BB am © Oa a a @ BAg wae [wil ke B Mem @ mi ism BR @xean ARSE BAM All i Pia we ae | | i = 1? = Ta? + 262. 263, 264, URZICA — HONFI DORFMAN — STRIKOVIC — MARCOS Bucuresti 1975 ROMANISIN Espaiia 1993 A Cienfuegos 197 x x a Gal evak w [xa il elk @ 28 @ Gama i males me me Bve 8 @ BAa @ Bo wwe Bb OSAg SSG 5 SMAMCH FY EE @e et wy i | 1? = Ta? ee 265. 266. 267. ERBIS — KEMPF KELLER — TAL -N.N BRDTer NMEVERGELT Zirich 1960 288. 269. NIMZOWITSCH — BONDAREVSKII ~ MaTakoweR tpicev Keribad 1911 SSSR IG fs Ge a ete i ee en Ok @ae aw wo @ oe MomAm ce @ BO OAS @ A ewe om w AG AM BAR Sig ws Be © a a ns = o = 271. 272. KINNMARK ~ STREM TAL ~ UNZICKER Sverige 1935 Stockholm 1961 1 = SAM AMA 2247 VA wtetans Ae @ AMAR BAR ES as. zs. IVANCUK — RAUSIS — GOFSHTEIN TER MOLINSKY Soa Frunze 1968 270. KERES ~ PETROV SSSR (ch) 1940 273. RYTOV — MALEVINSKI SSSR 1969 276. PUGACEV — NAKONECNYJ SSSR 1989 BRODSKU ~ SAVON FORINTOS — ABATINO 279, B. LENGYEL — Eze _ xo mee @awemam ae Swe aa A0aR AR Gsm Bae Ye ee ao oe wi Gwe ws aa ame AAR A Ore = @ wee Sofetes| Metiehoa Maveta’ 2H2e @ 58 8 @ @ x 280. 281. 282. G. KUZ’MIN ~ AKOPIAN Rostov 1993 283, WITT ~ DONNER Nederland 1976 SANTO-ROMAN — VAN DER WIEL, Moskva (ol) 1994 — 62/218 SCHMID ~ BHEND Madonna di Campiglio 1953 284, BEDNARSKI ~ ADAMSKI 285. SPASSKY ~ TAL Montreal 1979 286. VASIUKOV — 288. MARIN = BOsDMAN FERNANDEZ GARCIA YERMOLINSKY SSSR 1991 Espana 1981 SSSR (eh 11982 Ig id Ice Fee Ra ja mn rel Bawag @ @ wwe MaGae a am wy 2 em @ M2820 a ee DaBAm oe eS me je 8 @ @ az wey i mA AGA Fag ARAB Ce Bom By te S@2Mn SHE Bee T? — 1? = 1? = 289. 290. 291. RAVISEKHAR — GAVRILOV = JAKOVIC J. COOPER — R. BATES NEELAKANTAN Sankt-Peterburg 1993 England 1994 Caleutta 1992 Ig are we a ee me ae ees Gageunarl oe 292, 293. 294, Karlsbad 1911 SSSR 1931 Reggio Emilia 1946 295. ARONSSON — WADLING Halmstad 1951 296. GELLER — PORTISCH Moskva 1967 — 3/330 297. FARAGO ~ NORDSTROM Dresden 1969 TaLarae ie_ Wake Was wal |oem Waa rcrey nee ao @ tai Oy Ban ne eae Gan a wm mA ARWwi BAe) 86 [AR ml EA @ ere Ge 1? + 1?) ra Nice (ol) 1974 — 17/264 301. GORELOV ~ MAKARYCEV SSSR 1982 302. FLIS ~ KSIESKI Polska (ch) 1984 Hastings 1978/79 303. A. LOPEZ ~ LEMUS Cuba 1984 304, 305. 306, CASA ~ ZIER ANDRES — SAVCENKO ~ SMAGIN Lugano 1985 CUESTA NAVARRO Moskva 1992 Cuba 1987 307. 308. 309. STRIKOVIC ~ TAL ~ K. GRIGORIAN DRAGOMARECKU — KURAJICA Ercan sao KRIVOSEJA Zaragoza 1994 Alusta 1994 tmomana fe aaa ARLES a el paeeegan 5 p=4 1a? —+ 310. an. 312. TOMPA ~ MAGRIN MOROZOV — OBUHOV — Metz 1983, MONOSTORI P. TREGUBOV corr. 1986 Rossija 1992 — 56/407 ith 313. ANDRES ~ LEBREDO La Habana 1993 314. 315. SHANTARAM — PRASAD SCHLECHTER — Madras 1994 LASKER Cambridge Springs 1904 1 Ue Gil fw 2M i We (a a @ wel @ Mae Bi os ® cA i ia 48 Aw a mae By ae a ex a i A mxw Ag we Ae ee G28 @ ae oa 7 = 7 . 36 317. ae JANOWSKI — BOTVINNIK — JUDOVIC — CEHOVER SCHALLOPP STEPANOY S89R teh) 1984 Narnberg 1896 mi x Bewan ae amaa @ ee 1 @ Aa @ Aue e = 319. RATNER ~ PODGORNY Moskva 1946 320. 321. HALBBAUER ~ MANDEL. KATALYMOV — BRD 1952 ILIVICKI SSSR 1959 322. 323. 3: STEJN — PETROSIAN TRINGOV — HOLMOV VASJUKOV — SSSR (ch) 1961 La Habana 1965 TAJMANOV, SSSR 1965 ie ig ih ge wee 2m Heel Ee @ 2m Gas Waka i awe B waza 40 i lax Bam 82%) aati wom Moma we eat Boe BA@aw ask REAL om mm mA eS es BAB Am oe AR ae 8 @ were og @ & mre w 1? a a? = 1? os 32s. 326. 327. KAVALEK ~ PFLEGER FUCHS ~ KORTCHNOI DELY ~ KERKHOF Den Haag 1966 — 2285 Erevan 1966 Sombor 1966 Mec mi eee aia Ram wawe ta a a ba a mae = Gca 2 ne mena ARS MAR je ow ee) GHEORGHIU — URZICA Romania 1967 OREHOV ~ PETRUSA SSSR I 967 SPASSKY — AVERKIN SSSR (ch) 1973 — 16/333 mj 331. 332. 333. PAOLI ~ ANDERSSON LUKIN ~ CEREPKOV JANDEMIROV — Dortmund 1973 SSSR 1974 SOROKIN SSSR 1976 mh Ee ae Ba a sem Mae je a Gl MAA Aske me Bam we Bae La? —F 334, 335. 336. YURTSEVEN ~ ONEY KAPENGUT ~ LERNER ~ LEHMANN Tiirkiye 1978 KUPREJCIK Kiev 1978 SSSR 1976 mi my U2 ge @ &| je Oi a ek jek ek a0 el & Ban a A a om oe Baewey wy wm sGary Wa A wae wi Aw A Bam AA Boe 1? i = 337. 338. 339. ‘A. RODRIGUEZ — HEBDEN ~ CESKOVSKU — PARAMOS TIMOSCENKO I POLGAR Cambados 1990 London 1992 SSSR 1968 340. 341, 342. PHILIDOR — BROHL CIGORIN ~ LASKER SIMAGIN — London 1789 London 1899 ZAGORJANSKIJ SSSR 1944 me ig xmee x xk @ je ka en Wom @ Bam a a we ma SS aA ew ry Ge @ LAM S AA Eo ae ABEZwWE B ee Soe on ye 1? = Te? as 343. 344. 345. KOTOV— FISCHER — CARDOSO BARCZA — ANTOSIN BOLESLAVSKI) New York 1957 Soti 1966 SSSR (ch) 1945 lWde mg xia @ =z x eats Baek Sm Wawa su wale s2uk @ ee ae Al ee Se AW Mo AB Gam An AAm Bre wx SB Bus 1? + 1? + 1? =+ 346. ‘347. 348. KERES ~ MECKING BERNARD — PORTISCH — RIBLI San Antonio 1972 ~ 14/592 FILIPOWICZ Montpellier (ct) 1985 Polska 1979 349. HELLERS — BAREEV 350, 351, KUZ’MINA — SAX — BELLON LOPEZ Gausdal 1986 — 42/351 SAPARGALIEVA Dubai (ol) 1986 — 42/197 my corr 1 Ig wee ial ie fk [a 2 1 a AAP 24 ia a se Anan ae ery ae ey a awe ei a (eas Me ABA BAW Bm WAM ameis) fw ee 1? = 1? = 352 59, 354, SHORT — ARNASON Reykjavik 1987 — 43/289, ma HOLMOV ~ ANTOSIN SSSR 1988. ARNASON ~ NUNN, Novi Sad (ol) 1990 = 50/377 Komotini 1992 — 55/485 im ee xm Bimmer fe awe a ae a ee Msiag i i imix cee le ms | a @ Ave oes he ene Vi a Bum 1 rm 1 = 355, 356, EHLVEST ~ SMIRIN — KURAJICA KI GEORGIEV Zagreb 1993 — 58/214 3 ALATORCEV — 359. ALATORCEV ~ RJUMIN 360, McK AY —HORT GOGLIDZE Moskva 1935 Luzern (ol) 1982 — 34/154 SSSR (ch) 1933 uur tte ute mee ct) terwems) |= ew mies am kia @ eo Ba Bama, x Bae ie A Bay By BA Aw SBODAB Ag A mwa a A Ei i ja Wee HA A woe BABve A Be BAe a 2 we oe @ & @ @re 1 = 7 = 1? + 361. 362 363. FAURE ~ ROZENTALIS BOLOGAN - ROGERS ~ DAVIES Genéve 1987 WESTERINEN ienrneean Gausdat 1991 ler wg eg @kBxie . ae ge F Bale ahd ke ke Py et aa A sae K &£2Rae nr, ae a @ @o@ @ gx we ES om) @ woe SABA Wy mam BAw ja a wees (Am BAR SBA BA AR Wl BA C8 © Boerw Mz mamas Be > ' = 364. 365. 366. SERPER — BALASOV LIANG JINRONG — TZERMIADIANOS — Beskidy 1991 Wane Zit KENGIS Beijing 1992 Komotini 1992 — 55/118 11 feateni ALEHIN ~ STERK Budapest 1921 KMOCH ~ RUBINSTEIN Wien 1932 Tarer teers 369, YERESOVSKIJ ~ SAPIRO i mn SSSR 1976 ‘ Ee tte Ey ke x Xmen XG Well OD Baka ja Wo 08 kU & jal oe ve A # 2 a A ia é i a Bae el Vale Ze Be AR a |_| @ Boe ce AM AM es ARS MWA RY Ag @ BAR Sgt MW ke E = @ Bree oo i? = 1? + na = a70. an. a7. SAKAROV ~ MONIN MESJERINA ~ AFANASIEV — JUNUSOV corr. 1983 UMANSKAJA SSSR 1986 Rossija 1992 un up Gia @ axe. fae Ow om ak 46 0 ae Ox@ @ @ ee Uk a wwe ai ee ba ey 2 Bom Bue Ag Le a8 6 it + 1? + ce ava 75. M. JAKOVLIJEVIC — BAGIROV — IMANALIEV EJNGORN — CVITAN Y. ZILBERMAN Pula 1990 SSSR 1983 Ober wart 1994 376. 377. 378. PINTER — SHAMKOVICH — CAMPORA — T. KAROLYI jr. ZALTSMAN MOROVIC FERNANDEZ Budapest 1989 — 47/139 New York 1983 Argentina 1982 Wi . ve Rete Be BG a 5 ic ma Do: Se et fe G ie] a 826, CHAJ ~ STARUHIN SSSR 1949 + r MIKENAS ~ POLUGAEVsKIs SSSR 1966 825, RAUZER ~ IL'IN-ZENEVSKIJ SSSR (ch) 1937 828, SAVON = LITVINOV SSSR 1976 829, MILES ~ A. MARTIN Birmingham 1977 830, KAUNAS ~ ROZENTALIS SSSR 1981 831. MORELLA ~ TROY Cuba 1994 832. EUWE ~ KERES Den Haag/Moskva (met) 48 833, NUNN ~ ZILI Hastings 1979) td 834, LIMA~ DA COSTA JUNIOR Brasil 1991 BER 180 a ee xe wi eel ja wae a oe ee a a ee B.B BAR Om foe) tetera A BARS me BAR oe te Bes 1? —+ 1? + 835. 836. 837. JOHANSEN — TESKE ~ TIBENSKY BALASOV ~ SABJANOV GEDEVANI Budapest 1986 Kstovo 1994 Sydney 1989 We veg vb a & Ben xe ik Be’ xw2wek 2 Giwit si fA aS al 20 oi wags ae as a mel a mane seareee) eatate (ata ate Ee | m: Ail Wh om ARAB BA Gre i i ne Swe 12 = 1? = 1? = 808. 1. Hho! ho 2. g7! e712... BI. 1... HdSt 2, Bd5 a2tt [2... 2g7 3. Wh4+—] 3. We6 Ghs 4. Whos a 1:0 809. 1. Hes! gf5 [1... WET 2. wh7! Wh7 3. £7 WET 4. BBs] 2. 6! hgé 3. £7 - 1:0 B10. 1. eS! deS [1... aes 6 Wd6 (2... Ad6 3. We7+=) 3. wet 2. WeS eB 3. HS! 3... ef6 4. Ded! Wa7 5. Qf6#] “1:0 fia] Wd5? 3. Hes+—] 3, waz ALS Or1 812. 1. £6! £f6 2. BE 297 3. BET! Sf7 4. Hl (4... Ses 5. Wes ed7 6. We7 Sc6 7. Bf cS 8. Wert; 4... heb 5. We6 bd7 6. HET dB 7. wd6 he8 8. We7 4] 1:0 B13. 1. gat hed 2. AR SH 3-HgI! “Ady d248; 3... ef 4, hI; 3-242? ees 4. Bgl bha!=] 1:0 {Smystov] 814. 1. Bg8! Sg8 2. was be7 3. h6! GHG 4. Ded DHS (4... cog7 5. Wis He8 6. Dh6HT'S. Df6 Hho 6. Hed 1:0 {Larsen} 815. 1... g5! 2. hgs Ee (3. w. whs 4. gl Whis] Or 816. 1. Bhs! ghs 2. g6! (2... hes 3. De6 feb 4, We6 SI 5. Bei+—| 1:0 817. 1. Bert! chg7 U1... 203 2. Bes Sh7 (2... Be8 3. hes Ses 4. Wes+—) 3. Whol! Bh6 4. Ehis) 2. haw! Ens (2... @h8 3. Who Ses 4. Wes dhs 5 Eh 2h3 6. B34] 3. wes Sr 4. SF AS 5. WIS hes 6. wes We7 7. Wes £8. Wee "1:0 [Ciocaltea] B18. 1. ET! 7 2. e6! £6 [2.. fe6 3. Bhi @g8 4. Wh8 O17 5. Bh7at: 2, Sg8 3. Bh] Wes 4. hb1 £6 5. Ded ded 6. Wd7+—] 3. Wa3 £5 4. Wad! [4... 95 5. WeS g6 6. Ads e4 7. Heal+—] 1:0 [Kiproy] 819. 1... Hb2t! 2. wb2 [2, Hb2 wri 3. Bgl WA 4. Bh2 Whi] was! 3. Sc5 (3. Wb8 Hh7 4. bel WH—+] wes! 4. @h2 |4. Sel Dh3 5. Hh2 Leste] ReSt 5. Dad Sb2 6. Hb2 Her! O:1 820. 1... H8d5! 2. edS e4 3. Ba2 (3. WIS Hed! 4. Bel (4. c3 be3! 5. bed Wé 6 Bel Wb2 7. dl c2-+) ed3 5. bed Wal 6, hd? We3 7. de3 ded 8, Sf2 Wes—+] e3! 4, We3 Heat! orl [Kovalév] 821, 1. f6t-hS 11... dS? 2. Bas Gd5 3. fe7- ~- €f6 2. Hed $5 (2... @d5 3. Bds! Bas 4. @f6+~) 3. afe Se7 4. Hts! h6 5. Wd4!+—] 2. a6t! edg (2... Hd6? 3. fe7+—; 2... ef6 3. tea £5 4 Ofo we? (4... wh8 5. EFS! A Bhs) 5, EfS! Bd6 6. Hd6 Wd6 7. Qhs!+—] 3, EMSt(A Bhs] -1:0 [Viteta] 822. 1. £5! 2f5 2. Bre! wre (2, Wes 3. BAS+—; 2... Bel 3. Si2!4+—] 3. @hs+— 823. 1. Hg?! og70 2. ef hs [2.. 216 3. We7 A Sf6+—; 2... eh7 3 Wel+—] 3. £7! [3. fe72 hI] Oh7 (4, fe8W Wes 5. We7+—| 1:0 [Prasad] 824. 1. He5! des 2. £7! HET 3. wes (3... Bf8 4. We7 we7 5. Bb4at—] 1:0 825. - d4!! 2, Bd4 He2! 3. 22 Qed 0:1 826. 1. £7! E72. Hed! Hea 3. Qes g7 4. Ded 1:0 827. 1... Ha3! 2. 8d3 ca! 3. Wao De8! (3... cd3? 4. We6! Bc6 5. Hb&+—] 4. Wb4 Wh4 S. cb4 cd3 [6. &F2 d2 7. Ed1 Bd8 8. Ha2 Hd4—+] _ 828. 1. He7! Be7 2. fe7 We?7 (2... Wd? 3. RET! we? 4. crew bee 5. Ads+—; 2... Hd2 3. 17! 7 4, Wal SNS 5. efBW hS 6. BAS+—] 3. HET! HAT 4. Bd8 (4... g7 5. 674-1 1:0 829. EbS! Wa3 4. Hb7 1. ad! Sad 2. Wad Obs 3. 1:0 1... Hd2! 2, Hd? 2631 3-Gh1 830. 2. O:1 Aid2 4, Wa? e3! f175] 831. 1. 5! WeS0) 2. Hel WeS0 (2... WaS 3. He7 he7 4. QdS+—; 2... WhS 3. Dd5 Le6 4. Dc7+—] 3. bal! Wee (3... Wb4 4, He7!+—] 4. ds Re6D 5. Abst [5... WbS 6. Ac7+—] [Nogueiras} 832. Bes! (3. 1... c6! 2. Wee He3! 3, WdS Hic2 4. Bd? We2 5. HA2 Wdl 6, Hal wa2 7, wd Had 8. BP 4. war [4. Wb7 He2!— [Keres] +] Hel! O:1 v WeS 2. Wh4+— wWh4 2b3 3. f4 5 Wes 5. db Wd6 6. Wel Web 7. Le6 feb 8. £5 1:0 [Cvetkoviél 834, 1. c5!! [A c6] deS 2. beS beS 3. d6t! [3. Bf4 Bfe7 4. Bg5 Wd6 5. Le7 He7Xs] Wd6 4. Was Hfe70 5. Bes Hest 6. Hest! was 7. 2d5! (7... Hes 8. Af] 1:0 [da Costa Jinior] 835. 1. d5!! Ab? [... cds 2 West—} 2. H3d2! (2. de6?? Hd3—+1 Dal 3. de6 We8 4. Hd [4. ef7 SIT 5 gs wes 6. Hd8 was 7. £7+—] was 5. 7 We8 6. Wd? (6... Bh7 7. Dgs+—] 1:0 [Rogers] 836. 1. Hf7! fT 2. Bfl wes 3. Was hs (3... 6 4. ALE Ghs (4. BHT 5. Ad7 he 6. Wo7+—; 4... g7 5. Wes Wa2 6, Sg3 Wb3 7. Sh4 Bhs 8. DhSt+—) 5. Wes Wh (5... 7 6. @hS+—) 6. What—] 4, HFT Wa? [4... Wd6 5. West+—] 5. gs Wb3 6. wh4 Wh3 (6... 6 7. Qf6!] 7. Gh3 Aged 8, hed Hd5 9. cd5 He8 10. dogs aS 11. d6 ees UL... ed6 12. Df+—] 12. Sg [Teske] 837. 1. e6! Be6 [1... £6 2. Dh4 g6 3. f4 A f+—] 2. He6!! fe6 3. Des Wb6 GB... g6 4, WB We8 5. WET bd8 6. Bes 2a7 7. Eel (7, B£612) Bb7 8. b3 c4 9. Ee3 Ha7 10. Bh3 (A 4g6) @c7 IL. Afo+—| 4. Wed Ha8 5. Web Has 6. WIT a8 7, WIS SeB 8. Ags! g6 18... ho 9. Bh4 g5 10. Hel ghd 11. Of7 Dh8 6 13. Wes das 14. OI+—] 9. WHT a8 10. WEI Wh? 11. DfT de7 12. Hel He6 (12... B27 13. Qd6 We3 (13... Bc3 14, Be7 ded6 15. Wg3 BeS 16. Hes!+—) 14. We2!+=] wee 113... Sd7 14. West-] 1: [Balagovi [176] Ec 838, 839, 840. ALEHIN — FREEMAN RUBINSTEIN ~ USTINOV ~ STEIN USA 1924 HIRSCHBEIN SSSR 1965 Lédé 1927 eat. 842, 843, GRANBERG — MALISAUSKAS ~ OLL BAREEV — KUPREJCIK GUBNICKIS Vilnius 1988 SSSR 1990 corr. 1986 N.N. = DADIAN 846. BLACKBURNE — LIPSCHOTZ New York 1889 845, Te COCHRANE — STAUNTON London 1842 844, 1 ae gee e284 Pere Sze 38200 < 4 > g 3 & Z s 3g t Z 3. 1g Bs z2 35 zo gee nae Ses 852 as moa’ Ra < 8 : Sm ele 2 é Bon 5 8 BS ae il St li Somme 78 ae a axe o zt 33! i me. Bs eee Gi“ E M- F228 828 [178] 5; SPASSKY ~ SMYSLOV Bucuresti 1953, 856. MEDNIS ~ WESTBROCK New York 1962 85. 55. GLIGORIC ~ FUCHS — UHLMANN SOFREVSKI DDR 1961 Jugoslavija (ch) 1959 857. ass. AITKEN ~ PEIN BOJKOVIC ~ ZAHAROV Great Britain 1962 Jugoslavija ~ SSSR 1963 859. ZAVERNIAEV — PAROMOV SSSR 1963 860, 861. FURMAN ~ WITKOWSKI LEVY — FELLER Polanica Zdr6j 1967 — 4/57 Praia da Rocha 1970 862. CORDOVIL ~ GARCIA MARTINEZ Siegen (01) 1970 863. HENNINGS ~ OETZEL DDR 1971 864, KISLOV - BEREBESOV SSSR 1971 ls tb a a ke Gi ew Gia Pa ala Ta je ae ee AB Gal 1B) bene i ee SAA@ wey Ail Wil OA By CHES Bel we 1? = 1 ro 1? 86s 866 867. K. MOLLER — PICHLER POLUGAEVSKIJ — HARTSTON — DURAO. BRO 1973 Gut Alicante 1975 B68. ZIDKOV ~ VITOLINS SSSR 1976 E. VLADIMIROV — AGZAMOV SSSR 1977 870. LUCZAK — FEDOROWICZ Naléczdw 1979 an. 872, 873. A. PETROSIAN ~ A, RODRIGUEZ ~ KUUF —F. GALLEGO K.GRIGORIAN RO. PEREZ Andorra 1986 Erevan 1980 — 30/675 Cuba 1981 874, 875. 876. KOSTEN ~ K, BERG POGORELov ~ HAN ~ A. IPEK Nestved 1988 — 46/171 JANOCHA Tirkiye (ch) 1989 Praha 1988 877. 878, 879. P. MEISTER — BRYNELL SHANTARAM — B. ALTERMAN ~ LEV London 1990 KAIDANOV Israel (ch) 1994 Gausdal 1991 880. 81. KRASENKOV ~ MEDINA PAZ ~ NIKOLENKO J. PADRON, Lubniewice 1994 Cuba 1994 = ae’ xe me fea By & a ae wa @ Mae nh Bane Pee ee a | in ae a 882. Y. PEREZ — NOGUEIRAS jr Cuba 1995 12 = 1? = 83. asa. ass. FAIRHURST ~ ATKINS KLOVANS ~ EREMIN ALBURT — SVESNIKOV Glasgow 1933 SSSR 1955 SSSR 1978 le @ Git az Bxe ja wie ik ee Mae aD Be 2. Aaa a AR ARS _ a Bomsm RAMS a ave Sat me el Ag Gee & See 12 + 12 886. 887. 388. PIRISI ~ SZALANCZY HAIK — SKEMBRIS JANOVSKI) — Magyarorszég 1981 Venjagka Banja 1981 KINDERMANN Biel 1991 — 52/252 MA. TSEITLIN — J. POLGAR — BAREEV CAPABLANCA — MOTSEASHVILI Hastings 1992/93 — 56/301 CHAJES _ za ew (2 awae Perm: aw Hane en | am Aw es 8 Gre 6 eo oce ieee ES ewe: Wal @aia) fyi eae ea a eee a) eee eee ee ee ee a ee cue 5) ees ae ABRAM BAR AB ARBAB BA gee 2 eee 895. 896, 897. BANNIK arraiese CAPLINSKID SSSR 1949 SSSR 1959 He Shreve 898, Sater USTELKY ~ MOFFAT Bognor Reggis 1966 901. SMIRNOV ~ ROTSTEJN corr. 1976 499. SIAPERAS — HUG Lugano (ol) 1968 902. BALASOV — L. GRIGORIAN SSSR 1976 reeves 900. . KUPREJCIK — TAMME SSSR 1975 903. BELJAEV ~ SILAEV corr. 1976, 904. CZERNIAK ~ RUETSCHI Biel 1981 905, HALIFMAN ~ ASEEV Borzomi 1984 906, PLACHETKA — KING Strasbourg 1985 W. ARENCIBIA — J. ARMAS Las Tunas 1987 0. USNUNC — NADANIAN Armenia 1992 908, W. SCHMIDT — M. KAMINSKI Warszawa (m) 1990 on. BUS ~ BASKov Olesnica 1992 909, FRANCO ~ TUKMAKOV Las Palmas 1992 — 56/439 912. K. BACHLER — A. MARQUEZ, USA 1991 a3. VASIL'EV ~ SUSLOV SSSR 197 a4. KOZLov— SULEJMANOV SSSR 1969 a5. DUEBALL — BURNET BRD 1970 — 9/176 919. HEBERT ~ ABRAMOVIC Hastings 1984/88 — 39/538 917. KANKO ~ KIVIPELTO Helsinki 1975 920. TIBENSKY — FRANZEN Stary Smokovec 1985 9 PIRISI ~ SAPL Magyarorszag (ch) 1980 Te ELDERHORST — VAN NIEUWKERK Nederland 1987 PRASAD — KANTILAL. RAL Rw ai a ee Boom wy ee fe Ba Baw © 922. 923. 924. MORTENSEN — LANKA ~ PISKOV KARLSSON SSSR 1988 Hyderabad 1992 Esbjerg 1988 925, MAJSTER ~ GROZDOV corr, 1954 926, A. RODRIGUEZ — [HERRERA La Habana 1990 ~ 49/300 9: PLANINC ~ GERENSKI Varna 1970 ~ 9/419 ew iz) arta i Ams G Bsn @ . & yy S| zaem Re aa 2 (2. a aa ak Gwe eietad etatas @ gio er fia GAn @ BO RAR ARUAR eA RME@ — wns 931. 932. 933. Moskva 1981 — 31/132 Miinchen 1994 — 60/587 8 RESHEVSKY — GLIGORIC New York (m/5) 1952 935. 936. . HOCHBERG — CANINA — OTANO AVERBAH Cuba 1993 Stockholm 1954 @ zg (ee sad Astana @ A Ae fe okt ws ABwe ee Si E MaRCcO New York 1924 CAPABLANCA ae es Puamama fa eS & Bel ke Bare of @ A wil Be AAR & Berlin 1929 BOTVINNIK* Nottingham 1936 Nottingham 1936 943, 945, TARTAKOWER — EUWE Venezia 1948 LYSKOV ~ sugTIN BENKO ~INEI SSSR 1948 Budapest 1949 946, 947, 948, GLIGORIC ~ szaBO. VOLKEVIC ~ Lyskov SZEPANEK ~ SERWA Venezia 1949 SSSR 1958 Polska 1962 949. GHEORGHIU ~ Momo Varna (ol) 1962 950. 951. SLIWA ~ JOHANNESSEN TAL ~MOHRLOK Varna (ol) 1962 BRD 1962 A. ZAICEV — ZUHOVICKU SSSR 1963 Ma DELY ~ BRZOZKA Keeskemét 1963 enue eo x i me BAROR bee Ce me me: a me | 1? > 955. GHEORGHIU — MOHRING Halle 1966 — 1/359 956. KAGAN ~ SPASSKY 957. CUARTAS — HUG Ecuador 1969 958. TODORCEVIC — JEAN France 1969 959. JONES — DUEBALL Nice (ol) 1974 — 17/649 960. PANCENKO ~ LOGINOV SSSR 1974 9 LILJEDAHL — JOHANNESSEN Sverige ~ Norge 1976 964, OSTOJIC ~ GHEORGHIU Val Thorens 1977 — 25/443 967. INK'OV ~ PRITCHETT Dubai (ol) 1986 — 42/200 962, J.C. DIAZ = V. NIKOLIC Venjatka Banja 1976 = 21/406 965. PEEV ~ TIMOSCENKO Déein 1978 968. LOBRON ~ KLINGER Biel 1986 963, GAL ~ HARDICSAY Magyarorszag 1977 966. PLASKETT ~ CABRILO: Trnava 1984 969. JONASSON ~ YRIOLA Reykjavik 1986 — 41/295, 970. on. 972, J, HORVATH — OMEL‘CENKO — BOUAZIZ ~ SALOV KULIGOWSKt BARCZAY Saicdle (iat) 1987 Nalgezéw 1986 corr, 1987 974, 975, JI. NUN ~ SAPIS TEMIRBAEV — Hradec Krélové 1987 MOSKALENKO SSSR 1987 976. 977. 978, B. ALTERMAN ~ LEGKU MALANCA — CHAVIANO — PUPO SSSR 1989 A. ARDELEANU Manati 1994 Romania 1994 FISHBEIN — FRIAS Philadelphia 1994 — 62/184 982. PHILLIPS ~ BIsMo New York 1951 985, RAZUVAEV — EINGORN Moskva 1986 — 41/587 981, NUNN ~ XIE JUN San Francisco 1995 984, STOICA ~ LARION Romania 1986 987, STRAUTINS — MOLLER corr. 1973 Ite RAJKOVIC — ABRAMOVIC Bela Crkva 1987 ROHDE-JENSEN — TYSKOVEC corr, 1987 — 57/54 aeane 990. ALEXANDER ~ SZABO. Hilversum 1947 991. 992, 993. SESTOPEROV — SAJGIN — VISTANECKIS OLSSON — HOLMSTAND. KAPELJUS corr. 1968 — 6/685 Stockholm 1969 SSSR 1961 uh Mei ee a wl eae mms Ae or Hi Tal SS a 2 (a i SM LBOm _ MEARWin ma wil Mt BA Goo mlm g G8 a me E 1? rs 1? “+ 994 995, 996, WACH — CASTRO GELLER ~ KAPENGUT ANDRE — BHEND Athens 1969 SSSR (ch) 1971 — 12/621 Bern 1976 Me 998, BUTURIN ~ KARASEV HOLMOV ~ 1. POLGAR SSSR 1978 HUBERT ~ MOROZOV Budapest 1979 — 28/270 corr. 1979 1000, 1001, 1002. LUNDIN ~ ToDoRCEVIE HERTAN ~ CURDO. BRAZKO ~ KOTKOV Lugano 1985 USA 1986 corr. 1988, 1003. 1004, 1005. DOLMATOV ~ LAUTIER GLUZMAN ~ V.L. IVANOV — Reykjavik 1988 B. AL'TERMAN JAGUPOV Pula 1990 SSSR 1991 1006. SHERZER ~ COLLIER USA 1991 + r 1009. BECERRA RIVERO — SPANGENBERG. Matanzas 1994 1007. VOLCOK ~ SUMKIN corr, 1992 1010. ABRAMOVIC — M. RAICEVIC Pernik 1979 1008. 1. KUZNECOV — MITENKOV Kazahstan 1992 ton. PALAC ~ LECHTYNSKY Rimavska Sobota 1990 = 49172 1012, UHLMANN ~ SCHONE Deutschland (ch) 1991 SUIT 1013, MILES ~ LIGTERINK Amsterdam 1976 — 22/741 1014, GARCiA-PALERMO — WOLFF Cala d’Or 1986 1016. LOZBANIDZE — MINASIAN SSSR 1988 1017. KATISONOK — GULBIS corr. 1989 — 49/512 SEIDMAN ~ SANTASIERE USA (ch) 1939 1019. SARKISOVA — NIZEGORODOVA SSSR 1976 1020. CHIBURDANIDZE ~ GOL’DIN Palma de Mallorca 1989 1021, TAL — BRINCK-CLAUSSEN La Habana (ol) 1966 1022. TUKMAKOV — MINENKOV SSSR 1969 1023. YUDASIN ~ CHERNIN Beer-Sheva 1993 — 59/319 SUuvusscsrsesssesssersesenesstaacecsscseeesececearqaaeecsseeeeeetttTeeey egy 1024. POLOVODIN — RUTMAN SSSR 1978 1025. PIREDDA ~ JOKSIC Milano 1980 1026, NUZMAN ~ TIMANIN SSSR 1981 1027. GHEORGHIU ~ SIROV Moskva 1989 — 47/715 Biisum 1971 1029. T. KAROLYI jr. — HODGSON London 1989 HODGSON ~ A. MARTIN Great Britain (ch) 1992 Eiwen en @ aga wana jmam Le a Gsm wx lca ma ese cae A sa” eS ARS ie Wil.2| i S Boe a? + Ex) = 1030. 1032, SPEELMAN — BIYIASAS Lone Pine 1978 VELIKOV ~ P. CRAMLING Reggio Emilia 1979 1036, MALISEV — VEREMEJCIK SSSR 1982 1039, SAX. EHLVEST Reggio Emilia 1988 47287 1034, 1035, DOLGOV = MIHAL’CUK EPISIN ~ GHEORGHIU corr. 1987 Genéve 1993 — 57/599 1037. 1038, DORFMAN ~ NAJDORF — SALAZAR KUPREJCIK Santiago 1980 SSSR 1980 — 30/738 1040. 1041. CAMACHO PENATE — OSMANOVIC = PRIBYL A.C, HERNANDEZ Praha 1984 Pinar del Rio 1994 — 61/254 838. 1. Dh! Wh6 2. HAs! fs 3. wast 1:0 839. 1, Hd7! £47 2. @f6 ws 3. ds! 1:0 840. 1... Bd7! [2. Wd7 Zg3! 3. hes what] Or 841. 1. Dart! [1.. 2470 2. BB Be6 3. Bth3 dogs (3... 2h3 4. BH344) 4 Bhs#] 1:0 [Granberg] 842. 1. De6t! (1... fe6 2. Be6 & 3. He6! We6 4. Wd8+—] 1:0 843. 1. Debt! DGhS (1... fe6 2. He6!+—; 1... De6 2. Wd2+—-] 2. Wes @h7 3. Des 120 [Bareev] 844. 1... Hh3! 2. gh3 Hed! (3. hed whl Or 845. 1. Hg?! g7 2. hs! Ehs (2... Bh8 3. g74+—; 2... Hes 3. Werl+—] 3. We7 Bi6 4. wae 1:0 846. 1... Hg3! 2. gs Bgl! 3. Sgt Zeltt orl 847. 1. Bg?! &g7 2. Het fn7 [2 SB 3. whet] 3. At7! 13... weT 4. Bd3+-] 1:0 848. 1. dS! edSC 2. edS Del 3. Zel Re7 (3... bd8 4. Be5+—] 4, og5 We6 5. He7 Gf8 6. Hes! bes 7. Wed 17... SA sewe7 es 9. West] 1:0 849... Hasr eas 2. a3! ed3 3. f4at 1:0 850. WEG! gf5 4. WIT+— [4... Bh8 5. WAH] 1. Hea! Hed 2. Wes g6 3. 851. 1... Hea! 2. Wed [2. gf Df4 3, d5 ed5 4. Wb6 d4—+] De3!—+ 852. 1. Hg7! g7 2. Heo! fe6 3. wg6te 1:0 853. 1. g7! Has (1... Sg7 2. Bg3 f8 3. Hfl+—] 2. Heb! Bd? 3. Hgs (3... @h7 4. Bhat] 1:0 854. 1. Deb! fe6 [1... 2c3 2. AcT SAB 3. Wd8+—| 2. Heo Le7 (2... L183. Hf6! gf6 4. Yh6 wes 5. wWhs+—] 3. He7! he7 4. Yd6 Hes 5. Wes [Gligorié] 855. 1... Dg3! 2. hg3 HES 3. g4 BhS! 4, ghS Wht Or 856. 1. Qb7! Dh7 2. He7! be7 3. 16 Df 4. Hel G8 5. Wi [A Bh6H] 2d5 6. 2h6 Se8 7. Hes La7 8. wi7 a6 9. Ege 1:0 857. 1. Wh6! Wt 2. Has! 248 3. wie 1:0 858. 1. Bhs! ghs 2. fs! (2... ef5 3. @d5+-] 1:0 859. 1, HeS! [1... deS 2. 2c4 fh8 3. go! hg6.4. Bhl+—; 1. He 2. Bes GFT (2... HEB 3. Bcd+—) 3. He8! He8 4. gf4+—l 120, 860. Hed! De6!+—] 2. &g7! He7 3. B08 #4: (1... BAT .2. 1:0 [200] 861-1. EF6! Efe [1 gf6 872. 1. agst Hes 2. Bed hea 3, Geer—] 2. Bas 27 3. Ags: ‘hes West | Hest Wa8 (3... Wes 4. Wes oh7 5. Wee A Bf6+—-1 4.16 1:9 [Boudy) 862. 1. Ba7! Ba7 2. are hs (2.. 973. 161 266 1... cd 2 S16 3. Wed Bh8 4. Whs be7 s. Bel dy £7 3 whe es feet wee, 3. Wed 26 4.5 e7 5, hge 1:0 Wede Lu g6 2 gs eer 3. Dgeb!+—, . Bhs 2. Hh6!+—-] 2, ate 863. 1, Def6! DL 2. Hest WH (2... hs 2... gf6 3, Wed+—] 3, Wed [3 He8 3. Wo des 4. QhowH] 3. ate Hoy Westt—] gS 13... g6 4. WE wer 5, B.. W864. Bes+—j 4. Oe4 Hes §. esr Wes+—] 4. Bh3 e7 5. Bho! (5... ong : 1:0 6 a6 Bes 7, whe He7 8. Wes Se 9. @n7#] 10 864. 1. Het! &g7 2. Deo! de6 3. [de la Villa Gareia, Romero Holmes] Ed7 130 874. 1. Af51 gf5 2. Heo! 1:0 865, 1, Dgh6! gh6 [1... dhs 2. @f7 [Kosten] Sg8 3. DSh6 gh6 4. Wed+—] 2. Wed Sh8 3. Be?! 3. B54. E74] 189 875. 1. &gsit [A Wds+—] fgs.2, Wad WAT 3. He8! I7 4. We7 wes 866.1. a6! 11... cd6 2, e614] wee 150 [Pogorelov] 1:0 76. Jose, 4! 2. Wa8 [2. We4 867. 1. Be6! be6 2. Ac5! [2.. Wes ool eu ceen aay eee Habis, S68 4 Roses 2. Bas 3; 2. Wed Wein 2 Oe 2933. wed e : b7! (Xg2) 4. O83 (4. Sf1 Whi 5, Wel fe2H#) 2B 5, gf3 Wh2 6. Sfl Whi—+] 868. 1. ga! Wis 2. 95 hs 3, BHT! Wel 3. 21 De2! 4. He2 2b6 Orr Sh7 4, Bn6st 1:0 [A. Ipek, N. Ipekl 869.1. e6! Hes II... fe6 2. £26 877. 1. ect! (2, be7 @b4! 3. aba 206 3. fe6 hs 4 Bho, 1) Guay Bas | 44] 0:1 O85 Gh8 3. Af+—s 1... Bd7 2. Ber] . 2. fe6 Web (2... fe6 3. Bes Hes 4. Wast+—] 3. Sed wae 4. ats Shs 5. 878. 1. went— U.. @h6 2. Hest! Bgl! (5... fg6 6. Bh6+—| 1:0 {5 (2... dS 3. Bd5 ed5 4. Oh4-+—; 2. ScS 3. WH Bhs 4. Wesit) 3. ei! Hes 870. J. Of6! U1, Hes? wari 2. gr 4. HG! Bdl 5. om Hes 6 ans : Dd3=+; 2... ae Be 2 sa ie 0 -Hb4 Bh4 8. Wee hs 9. wysde] [Kaidanov] 871. » HdS! Ads [1... cds 2, Dc6l+—] 2. LAS! (2. 6? wes!) @h7 879. FBT bt7 2. wH7 EB 3. (2. Wadd: “Ag6t4+—] 3, de4 120° b3t (3... We3.4, BAIS] 170 (A. Petrosian]-~ (B. Alterman} [201] 880. 1. Hg7! dg7 2. Ags Ghé [2. f7 3. D8! Bhs 4. wer) 3. what BB... 2g6 4. Wed ho 5. Se7H#] 120 881. 3. Wes Bhs 4. WhE+—; 2... HAT 4. Wi6 eB 5. Bg6+—] {An. C. Hernandez, Medina Paz] 1. EAS! ghS 2. De6! [2... Leb feo 3. Wes 1:0 882. 1. DhG! ghé 2. hE 247 (2. QDe7 3. Wib+—] 3. He7! Hg? 4. Wes SFB 5. We7 (5... BeT 6. WEB ear. WIT das 8. Be5H] 20 IY. Pérez] 883. 1. Deb! hg6 2. Ehs! gs 3. Hg6! Ege 4. Wes er 6. whe o is Eh7 See 7. West 884. 1. Dhol! gho 2. WH a8 3, Re7! &g7 4. Bg7! 885. 1. Kes! BcS 2. Wadd wis 3. Ole! hs (3... gf 4. WiE+—] 4. Wed! 4... gf6 5. 216 Sys 6. Wed+—-] 1:0 1. Bh6!! Bho [1... bad 2. Wh7 Si 3. We6! Gf 4. Bh7+—] 2, Bes 2g7 3. Deb Leb 4. Rad! [Bozié] 887. 1. Bf! £6 2. WhO He7 3. Af6 Bhs 4, He! (4... [e8 5. HA7+-1 120 Hat 2, f2 wh2 3. bed (3. ag2z divs 4. Se3 We2—+; 3. Sf Sh4 4. We3 Lal 5. Wel Hf 6. 2f3 HB—+] Bes 4. ba3 Abd! [A ded, We2) Ord [Kindermannj B89. 1. HES! efS 2. DFS was (2... Be 3. Wed! Des (3... Hh8 4. Heb Hes 5. WeT!t+—) 4. Hes Wes 5. Des whe 6. ‘We7 Wel 7. hg? de8 8. Dh6s: 8 Der] 3. Heb! Shs (3... fe6 4. Wed ‘[202} SFT 5. We7 Se8 6. Hdo+] 4. Wed! Fi . Ber! (5... Hg7 6. hg7 &g8 7. Aho] [Yudasin, Ma. Tseitlin} 890. 1. He7! g7 [l... Yg7 2. Bgit—] 2. Bet ns [2.. Gh7 3. gd We7 (3... Wg6 4. Wh4+—) 4. Dho+— ee fT Sh7 4. Hho! U. Polgar] 891. 1. DLT! SIT 2. wis gs 3. Wg6 De3 4. Wh7 7 §. 2b3 Hed [5... e7 6. We6 Ac4 7, Hfdl Ws 8. 6 (RR 8. Bcd Wb6 “9. Wb6 cb6_ 10. Qd5+—) W6 9. fl Ad6 10. Hd6! Wd6 11. WE Gd8 12. Bdl Le7 13. We7t—] 6. Bfdl Wb8 7. Hed! bed 8. hed e7 9. WIS! W610. Sf1 1:20 [Capablanca] 892. 1. He7! We7 2. wt3 dg7 3. Deed! ded 4. Ded Wes [4... Wed 5. WEG hg8 6. Bh6+—] 5. R16 Hes 6. wea! . 1:0 893. 1... Hd?! 2. Ad2 Add! 3. whs Wes! (4. fgs RA2tH; 4. WeS De2H#] 894, 1. af! fT Ul... Hgs 2. Wh7+—] 2. Hfl e8 3. HB! (3... BB 4. ea eee S. Web f8 6. Be7 aA 895. 1. Hdd! cd4 [1... Hds 2. Hd5 Wa5 3, |AG+—] 2. D6! Hes 12... af 3 Wh6+—] 3. Wh7 gf6 4. Hel! _ 896. 1. De5! hgs 2. hgs g6 (2... £6 3. g6 A Bh8+—] 3. Engi Geb. oe? 4. Wh3+—] 4. WET B97. _ 1. %FS! gfS 2. Heb! Heb 3. Reb Hh7 (3... Shs 4. He4!+—] 4. 7 hs 5. Lg7 We7 6. wh4 I: . 66! Wd6 2. BET es 3. 18! GB... Bf 4. BA bes (4... be7 5. EI7+—) 5. Wg6 Eg? 6. Wes bh7 7. Bed+—] 1:0 899. 1... DG! 2. A 2413. Se3 He3! 4. De3 Be3 5. We3 We2#] 071 900. 1. west ote M1... eee 2 Rh4l+—] 2. Bhd Ses 3. We7 hes 4.13 e3 5. Hel! Hel 6. We3 Ad3 7. AN fd 8. Whose 1:0 901. 1. Ab6! Ab6 2. He7! We7 (2... hS 3. Wh3 We7 4. Web she? (4... bh 5. 22 £g7 6. Ye6+—) 5. f4+—. 2. wes 3. Weo Gh8 G3... be7 4. Hb24~) 4. DM+—l 3. Wes g7 [3... dh8 4, db2 B87 5. Al Ses 6. Hho+—-] 4. 22 Bho 5. Wh3 cogs 6. £43 1:0 902. 1. Ags! hgs 2. Wes Acs 3. Haot! 1:0 903. 1. Deb! fe6 2. BAS! Was (2. 2d5? 3. We7##] 3. Hs! HIS 4. Wes 14. EPS 5. We6+—] 1:0 904, 1. He6! ws [1... Woo 2. Bho! Dh8 (2... HG 3. West) 3. Wes+—] 2. Bh6! (2. Heb6!? fe6 3. Hdl Hb7 4. Qd7+—] Dh 3, Heo! feo 4. -Dd7 Bad 5. Wee We (5... We8 6. Wdb Wb7 7. Hdl He8 8. Des! Whe 9. wa7 Af2 10. dg2+—] 6. Wad6! Wed 7. Af6! (7. wb42? Bf2—+] Wb7 8. a3! Hed 9, D3 We6 10. B97! dog7 11. We7 ho 12. Qg4 Bhs 13. What 1:0 (Czerniak] 905. 1. Bad7! a7-[1... wa7 2. Qf6l+—] 2. D6! Gh8 3. Whs ho (3. ~8f6 4. Be4+—] 4, we7 ~- ~[Halifman, Nesis} - 906. 1. Df6! gf6 11... & £8 2. Has Se7 3. Dg8H#] 2. Hed She 12... @£8 3. Wd6 We7 4. Be8!+—] 3. Wes! (3... chy 4. Bh4+—] 1:0 [Plachetka] 907. 1. f6! gf6 2. Hh7! Sed [2 Sh7 3. Whs eB 4. efo+—] 3. Bhs ys 4. WhS £6 5. ded We7 6. Wh8 oH 7. Eh7! go (7... 2h7 8. Wh7 Si 9. Whe SFT 10. Sh54] 8. Bn6 1:0 908. 1... Ded! 2. ted hed 3. gs Hed 4. Bb6 (4. Det Wh3 5. D2 wWe3 6, Wdl £8 A Bh7-+; 4. wal B A Sh7—+] Bn7! $. 2d2 wn2!! [6. Sh2 elwe] ort IM. Kamifiski] 909, 1. Hh7! [1. £512] oh7 2. £5 efS 3. BIS d4 (3... We7 4. e6!+-; 3... He6 4. S67 he8 5. Bg6 297 6. Whst+—] 4. Hdd S06 (4... @d5 5.-BhS £h6 6. Wh3+—I 5, Hd8 Had8 6. Wh4 hes [6... An6 7. Bhs+—] 7. Bert O17 (7... 217 8. c6+—] 8. WI6 gs 9. We6 fe7 10. Bast 1:0 (Tukmakoy] 910. 1... Bad! 2. Ha2 a2 (2... ba? 3. Wb2+—] 3, Qa2 Ha2! 4. a2 bd! 5. Wadd [5. Wes Wa7 6. bb2 Wadd: 5. Wal Wa7 6. &b2 Wh 7. cl We24] Was 0:1 [Nadanian] 911, 1. Af6! gf6 2. Des hs 3. whd Sg8 4. We3! [Xd3; 4. Df hg7 5. Wes We6 6. DhS Sh7 7. West] whs 5. He2!! Of [5... We2 6. Wh4 e7 ©... g8 7. Df6+—) 7. WIS h7 8. Wh4 (8. 2g52? he8—+) g7 9. Wes+—] 6. WHR Wa3 7. Wi6 h7 8. Wha des 9. es 20 [Bus] “912. 1. DS! BES 2. Bes! -Be63. WI6 Mp2 (3... Hae8 4. Wit Hed 5. wis -(203] Ec Ehs+ Ehs! 2 5. hr 5... Red (A Aess) 6. Wh8!+—-) 1:0 IK. Bachler] 913. 1. Hao! bao 2. 2d6! cd6 3, Was ed7 4. Wb7 wes 5. Zeit [A West] 20 1. Hd5! ed5 2. c6 28 3, 8.26 a8 (3... Was 4. ws a8 5. 2b7 Sbs 6 Bc8t—] 4, Ada Wes Id cats Ad4+—] 5. b1 Wes “[5.. Wed 6. Scl+—] 6.867 bs 7. Bul dey §. Ws 1:0 91S. 1. Att tT 2. wre =; Ea3! f4 (3... Bes 4, Eg3 h7 5. 3... Dai 4. wee & a3 5. He3 £e8 6. 916. 1... Bes! 2. des @f3! 3. Shr (3. gf We 4. hl Wh4—+] hd ahs £h3 5, 93 whs 0:1 17. 1. Bert! che7 2, wes SB 3. Qd7! Od7 4. 2e7 Se {6 6. Sf6+—] 3. Des re [3.. wos Bes GW 5. Dd7 he7 6. Wasi. 3 4, Dh6! Pho 5. Wh4 Seo (5... whs 6 Uf Wee 7. wha Whs 8 e7+—-) & Wie hs 7. WI] 4. Be7! her [4 7 5. DeS+—=1 5, wha 1:0 12. Bh7 g3 13, wes 1:0 [Tompa] 919. 1. Bas! De6 [1.. fd6 2. af6! gfé 3. We6+—] 2. Bho! Sts [2 gh6 3. @egs hes. 4. oe 2g5 5. We6 She 6. Whs &g7 7. Wes Lh7 (7... Shs 8. who Se8 9. 243 65 10. bea BH 4 Pe6+—) 8. Hd6 75 9. 4434+] 3, antl Alo 4. WES gho 5. Wis das 6. age [4 Wes] [Hébert] 8. a7 Hd7 (8... Hb6 9. d8W Bd8 10. Sd8s#] 9. Bd7 We6 10. Ef7 Se 11, Be? (11... 2B 12. Best. Th. ebhs 12, Eh7#1] 1:0 (Stohtj 921, 1. @h7! h7 2. Be! Bey 3. WHS Sg8 4. 206 Hl (4... Bes 5. wr BR 6. ‘he A Wh8#t; 4.0 Wes 5. wh7 BR 6. Sh6+~] 5. Ser SPB 7. 26 e6 8. Whs 18... e7 9. Bes 2f6 10. & £644) z 3, Sd2 (3. abs Bad—+) Wed 4. he] 1, Qec6!! We7 [1... Aco 2. 12. Be7!! age (2... g7 3. 87 3. De7! Ola 3... wes 3... We7 4. Wes Bhs 5. Des! We? 5. WEA Ac6+=] 1:0 (Glek] 3. whe 924. 1. Ben Se8 (1... SEB 2. gfe! Wad 3. Dd7 hes 4. Herd. 1... ber 2. Hb7 a8 (2... De8 3. We3+—: 2, bie 3 $6 Wad 4. 846 bee S. Ber Se 6, d7 gk 7. Be7H) 3. Heb Ge8:-4.Ag7 SPB 5. Deb Be6 (5. he8-6. Heist, s. Be8 6. WI6+-) 6. WHE E77. hei {204}. AB 12... Wdd 3. Be7 Sty 4. 8 5. He7+—] 3. Hbb7! fe7 4. He7 Hd8 (4... Wd4 5. Bo7 bf8 6. Bde Ge8 7. He7 SH 8. Ad7+-] 5, Hg7 &fs 6, De6! (6... Be6 7. Wass; 6... be8 7, Be7#] 130 [Prasad] 925. 1... Bh3! 2. gh3 £3 3. @h2 ed! 4. hgd h5! O:1 926. 1. SbS!! abso 2. Hem 17 (2... g5 3. Be7 gha 4. BhS+—] 3. Bhs 260 4. WIG eS 5. 206 Heo 6. whe! SAT 6... Ge7 7. Wh7 Ses 8. We7 Qd7 9. Hd7!+—] 7. Eft Se7 8. wre |g... Bd7 9. BF Sc6 10. Be7 Se7 11 Wd6=| om TA. Rodriguez] 7! We? [1... ee7 2. Hes 2. 35! WeT (2... wes 3. Ge8 5. WITH) 3. Bes! G89. B+] 120 Wes 4. wa7 928. Sb4! Wh4 [1 was 2 Dest—: 1... W6 2. Be3 Was 3. wh7! @h7 4. Dfo Gh 5. Bh4te] 2. Ate arte 3. ef6 242 4. Phi h6 5. Wed! [5, oho? Wha—+] 5 (5... £6 6. 26 eh8 7. Sb74+—] 6, Wh Wb3 16... Wad 7 Bfit+— wis 7. Who+-] 7. 2st U7... &7 8. £h6 Bp? 9, cog? was 10 WaS eds 11. Sf2 Hic8 12. Hel bhs 13, Eg7 Ec3 14. Bh7 hes 15. Be7 A Ehs#] 1:0 [Umanskij, Dreev] 929. 1. Bret Bf6 2. Bre 16 3. Oh7 g7 4. WHE! g8 [4 HT 5. WHT GbE 6. Bg5!4+—] 5. Bh Ads 6. We6 PhS 7. Ags ed 8. 07 WAT 9. we 1:0 [Hasangatin] 1. Qf5! gf5 2. Bh7! &h7 3. SS he (3... h627 4. Bhs &g7 5. Eh7 Des 6. we6 bt8.7. Bhett] 4. Wed G6 5. Wee be76. Wed 16 7. we oe 7+ 2:12 931, 1... Ha! 2. war wes 3. Wg2 (3. Be? Wil 4. Hel WH=] Des! 4. ngs Whs 5. Wh? WH 6. Be? Wal 7. Wel WhS 8. Hh? we 12:12 932. 1... De2! 2. Ber Hig2t 3. bg2 nS 4, PhIO Sed 5. her We3 6. Shi Wh3 1221/2 [Gelfand] 933. 1... He7!! (1... WR? 2. Shi! Ec8 3. d6+—] 2, We7 Agdt! (3. hed wre 4. @h2 Wh4=] W2:1/2 934. 1. BbS! cbS 2. We7 Be7 3, Ee7 Gc7 (3... Bed 4. BET Bats 5, ds ak 6. Ac7 Hs 7. ed+—] 4, Deb a7 5. Qd8 248 6. Sbs+— 935. | 1... Hel!! 2. Wel Aer! 3. Ber Wel 4. bf Bag—+ 936. - 1. He6! He6 [1... We 2. Hes Heb 3. Rc7+—] 2. Ags! [2. WES Bh6 3. AcT!+—] fg5 3. WIS Se7 4. Wes bt7 I4... Be8 5. We6 Se7 6. Bh4 has 7 Wer+—] 5. WES ce7 6. We6! hd [6... Hel 7. &h4#; 6... Hho 7. Sh4 bao 8 Wei+—; 6... We8 7. Bhd Sd6 8. Wed d7 9. He6+—] 7. Bh4 Hh4 8. Wes 179. 8e6 1:0 OL. Valdés) 937. 1. He6! eo 2. a5! Habs (2... edS 3. Bb6 bc? 4, WdS+—1 3. DE4 Gd7 4, Hb7 Hb7 5. Wb7 wes 6. an 938. 1. Hg5 th... BAB 2. Dgi7!. (2 Wet A Bh8+—) Bf7 3. Dgo+-; WeS 2. Hh8! hs 3. Af7+—] ed4 H8eS! (3. des +] O:1 (205] i He 7 940. Wh3 Dh6 4. fg6 1. Dg6! fg6 2. Hh7! Oh7 3. 1:0 941, 1... Qed! 2. We2 Had3! 3. Had ®b4—+ 942. 1. Af! BT ll... Sf 2 fd5+—] 2. 26 216 (2... Df6 3. Bt! B16 4. We8+—] 3. Has Web 4. Bd6!! [4. Be5? Bd4! 5. Rd4 Wes—+] Wes 5, Hd7 1:0 943. 1. Hho! f6 [1... gho 2. HET! ‘We3 3. Sf8 hg? 4. gh6+—; 1... We7 2. EA?! 217 3, We7 Qc7 4. DIT Ses 5. Qd8+—] 2. Hf6! gf6 3. wes feS 4. E68 Og7 5. EP chg6 6. hat 944, 1. Ba3! cd3 2. Deo! fe6 3. Be7 1:0 945. 1... Ded! 2. bed Had! 3, had War 4. Sb4 Wb2 (5. bas Wadtt; 5. eS WA 6. ob4 WG 7. da3 Bc2!—+] Orn 946, 1. Hdo! [Xe] &e7 2. Be7 We7 3. Bd7!14+— 947, _ 1. Qd5! edS [1... Hc2 2. De7 Gh7 3. Be2+—; 1... Wb7 2. De7!+-] 2. ‘We8! He8 3. eB wh7 4, Bhs! Shs 5. De6+— 948. 1. @h7! Gh7 [... Bhs 2. BE! SE 3. We6st] 2. HAT! (2... BET 3. wes Gh8 4. WET Wes 5. Whs Gg7 6. Lh6 Gh3 7. 218+—-] 1:0 =e 1. Hed! ded 2. Wg3 £6 (2... 26 Th3.-Wb3 hhs 4. Dg6 hge 5. 1, DES! WAS [1... Bc3 2. We3 . Hal 2. Wal &c3 950. 2g 3. BeT!+—; (2... WES 3. He6+—) 3. We3 WHE 4, WE Hf6 5. De3+—] 2. Heb! Web 3. 297 bes 4. 218 1:0 951. 1. Qe3t! was [1... ed4 2. Bf6! gf6 3. Wg6 we? 4. Qd5+—; 1... Wd6 2. Hfo! gS 3. Bho Wo2 4. bd2 edd 5, Ad4+—; 1... Des 2. Bho! Dh6 3. Heh6 Wes 4, AdS!+—] 2. Deb! (2... Wd7 3. Efo!+—] 1:0 952. 1. Ha8! a8 2. Dab! a7 [2... ed6 3. Wa8 Ld7 4. Ha7+—] 3. DeB 1:0 953. 1... Dgst 2. fed 12. Sed Ehl—+] Eh3t (2... 817 3. Sg3 De2-+] 3. Eh3 Wed 4. Gh2 Eh3 5. Wh3 DEB 6. WB wt O:1 954, 1. Hg7! g7 2. 2h6 gs (2... Gh8 3. AB+—] 3. Dds! cb6 4. Wed SIT 5. We7 eB 6. WIS ed7 7. Hdl (7... Ad4 8, ed4+—] 1:0 955. 1. Deb! Heb [1... fe6 2. We6 We7 3. Wee WIT 4. We8+—; 1... Wh 2. EhS! gh5 3. Wh6 fe6 4. Weo+—] 2. Bhs! (2... ghS 3. Wg5 Dh8 4. D+—] 1:0 956. 1... De3! 2. #e3 He3! 3. He3 (3. Be3 Add 4. odd wea 5. bd3 Wed 6. bd2 Wdd—+] WEA (4, dg? sae 0: 957. 1, QS! OhS 2. Hes! ohs (2... Bg6 3. Bgit+=] 3. Hdgl 2g7 4. . ~ We2 Ad7 5. Wes TS... Ddf6-6. | : (206}~ 958. 3. Sg6 ET 4. Wh7 Sf8 5. Sho! a 6. Wh Wg7 7. Hes! 20 1, Qh7! Qh7 2. Whs es 959. 1... Bel! 2. gel [2. Bel D2—-+] Hb 3. He3 Hdl 4, Bal Wer O:1 960. 1. Af Bf [1.. ef 2. Bb7!+—] 2. Hb7! Wb7 3. Ads 13... was 4. Bal+—] 961. 1. Heat! Het [1... Wed 2: We3 hs 3. DE! BAT 4. Bast+—] 2. wh? (2... Wed 3. We3 Shs 4, AE7!+ 42 3. We3+—] 962, 1. Hes! Wes [1... Hes 2. wi7 Hd8 3. WEG Bc8 4. Wh8+—] 2. WET Hd8 3. Des! Wes (3... Be6 4. Hdl+—] 4. Whst+— 963. 1... @b2! 2. Had (2. Hb2 Hdl 3. &dl Hel—+] cd4 3. Hb? Hel [3... d3 4. Ofl Has! 5. &d3 &b2—+] 4. eh? (4, Dfl d3 5. Hb1 HFl!—+] d3 5. Hb1 de2 6. Hel b3 0:1 964, 1. @f5! efS 2. Has Be8 (2... 2e6 3. Hd7! BP 4. Hd6+—; 2... Bc6 3. Ad7!+—] 3. Bd7! @f8 (3... Bd7 4, WaT BIBS. We8+—] 4. Bd6 Wes 5. ef6 Bh6 5. Ha8 dg8 (6... Hd8 7. Was Wed 8. Ad5+—] 7. GhS Qf4 8. Hes! Hes 9, Yd7 «1:0 [Minié, Sindik] 965." - Der! (2. Bc2 Hl! 3. fae 3. Hf walk) We3—+] 966, 1. Db4! Abd 2. Hest! fes (2... 1B 3847 WAT 4. Bc5 BET 5. Wed: 356.6, Wed £5 7. BAiS+—] 3. Whs e7 26 4: Wes Be7 5. Wh8 S18 6. wie 4. BET (4. WET do 5. Bal eT 6. Rd7+—] a6 5. Wal Dds [5... bc7 6, Hd7 bbs 7. Wd6 Ac? 8. W4+—| a e Ed7 wWd7 7. £7 [Plaskett] 967. 1, QdS! Bas [1... Bas? 2. WIT @h8 3. He8 He8 4. Wes wh7 5 EAH] 2. 2d5 Hf8 3. eB! Hes (3... Eds 4. WE7+— 3... We7 4. Bf SB 5. Wd4+—] 4, 267 &g7 5. Be8+— [nk’ov] 968. 1. Sf5! gf5 2. HES tes (2. no 3. eS de5 4. des Wal 5. afi HgS Gf8 4. Wh8 we7 5. Hes! des 6, is Wd6 (6... e6 7. kh3+—] 7. Wes [Lobron] 969. 1 HAT! Whs [I... Wed 2. EET! BET (2... eB 3. Wh8 SIT 4. Bad7H#) 3. Hd7 A We8+—] 2. Ha7! &d7 3. BET Se8 4. Wh8 [4... HET 5. 8 A Wa7t—; 4. Bh7 (A Wh8) Hgs (4... wea 5 Web!+—; 4... e5 5. Hh8+—) 5. Df6+—| 1:0 (H. Olafsson} 970. 1. Be8! Wa4 [1... He8 2. AS A WdS+—; 1... Wd7 2. Hdd was (2. fam 3. Wad! 2e6 4, QaS+—) 3. Das+—; . fie7 2. Ab6 ab6 3, WdS+—] 2. Bas as [2... Bd8 3. AG A He7+—] 3. aS! Lb4«@ [3... DaS 4, Wes Lbs 5. ne We7 6. We8+—] 4. De6 Wa? 5. Wes (J. Horvath] 971, 1. Dg6t (1... fe6 2. He7 BET 3. Ha7! Ha7 4. Wd4+—; 1... 212 2, BAD fg6 3. We7 We7 4. He7 gs 5. eh As 2. Bel [2. fed Wed! . Wd3 WwES—+] WhS — . Be3 (4. fed BcS—H BS 5 a3 Ba 16. Hfel [6. g4 Wh3 7. Des @gs—+; 6. Hdel B8f6—+] B63! 7. gf3 BS 0:1 [Salov] 973. 1. Qed! Be5 2. Ads AAS 3. He7! We 4, Bes des $. Has Hb6 (5... Hfa8 6. ef gfS 7. Hd6 Hd6 8. Ads SFB 9. WES+—] 6. Wdl Hd8 7. £b2 (7. efSt—] O07 [7... h6 8. ef5 (8. Wdd h7 9. e5 D7 10. Hd Wa8 11. Bd5 Ags 12, &g8 We8 13. Wot) gf 9 Bh3+—] 8, Wdd+— {Akopian] 974. 1, Of7!! B17 2. De3 Bed (2 De3 3. WIT Gh8 4. He7 He2 5. Gh Hg8 6. Hd7+—I 3. be3 [A cd] We6 [3... Hc8 4. He7!+—] 4, He7! De7 5. Wty Hh8 6. We7 1:20 {Sapisl 975. gst O:1 1... Hel! 2, Sel Wel 3. dh? |. Hal Of (5. eg Wal—+] [Moskalenko, Savéenko] 976. 1. Bel! Wel [1... Bb3 2. He6 Hb2 3. @a3+—; 1... Wd7 2. DF gf 3. Wo7+—] 2. Ager! gf6 [2.. whs 3. We8st] 3. Wh7 dogs 4. Wh8 LIT 5. We7 [5... We7 6. de7+—=] 1:0 IB. Al'terman, A. Vajsman]) 977. 1... DAS! 2. edS He3! 3. We3 Add! 4. Wad [4. Whe P-+ A 5. GN? Dd3 6, bg? WAH] Dd3 5. Wad cd3 6. 2d3 He8 7. dl Wad 0:1 [A. Ardeleanu] 978. Qa4! 2. cd4C] He3! 3. 23 GB. He3 We6—+] Wee 4. Ded Wed 5. Bhi We? 6. We2 fer O:1 {(Pupo] 979, 1. Qdat! edd (1... Bcd 2. DES WEs (2... We8 3. Wh4t+—) 3. We7 ded 4. Bho! S£7 (4..: WET 5. Wes bd? 6. ~ Hdl gc8 7. Bd8+—) 5: Hf Whs 6... Wd7 6. Hel We7 7. HET+=) 6. g4!'fg3 7: He6! &d7 8. Hf7 Heo 9. Ht6 ds 10: Sseereeeesreeeeeey: W7 gcd 11. Webs] 2. Bid £5 3. Ber fh7 4. Bff7 e8 5. Hh7 1:0 [Fishbein] 1... Dde5!! 2. deS Des 3. a2 0 Df3 4. gf BB 5. We2 Bh1 6. Hhl Hac8 7. bi d4—+] B83! 4. gts 213 5. WE Bhi 6, 0-0-0 £13 7. Het a3 8. Wd3 Bed Or1 [Bologan] 981. 1. DfT! SAT 2. Whs Ses 3. He6 HeS 4. hd h6 5. Hh6! gh6 6. Wg6 HHS 7. Who ges 8. Wee (8... HH 9: Bho He8 10. Hdl !+—] 1:0 982. 1... Df2! 2. HN Ags 3. Sgt Best 4. £e3 [4. hl Efi! 5. Bf wh24] £e3 5. He3 Efi! (6. wel Wh; 6 SF De3-+] Or 983. 1. Hd6! We7 [1... Ad6 2. @f6+—b 2. He6! be6 3. Hh7! £5 4. DB fed 5, gs Wa 6. Wed 1:0 [Vaisman] 984, 1. Hd6! Wedc) Il... 246 2. &g7+—] 2. Ag7! [2. b3? We3 3. Dg7 BAS 4. WH (4. Bd3 Wd3!) &c7 5. Bd7 @d7 6. WET Be7! 7. Hdl Gc7 8. We7 &b6F] Bg7 (2... de7? 3. WHes; 2... ed8 3. Wee Sc7 4. Hfdl Has 5. He8!+—] 3. b3! Wee (3... We3 4. WIT dB 5. Wd74#] 4. Be6+— {Stoica 985. _ 1. Sg6! He8 [1... Hb3 2. Bhs Mh8 3. Bh8+—; 1... fg6 2. Web HET (2... f8 3. Hh8 Qh8 4. Bhs be7 5. Eds _ Hibs 6. Wes+—) 3. We6 (A Bh8tt) bf 4. Bh8 2h8 5. Bhs he7 6. Hs Hb8 7. Wd6+—] 2. We2 Hdd (2... fe6 3. Wee SSP 4. Bhs Shs 5. Bh Ge7 6. Wer] # 3.He7! (3... He7 4. Bh8 oe7 4. Bhs ~ 5. Wh7 A Wh8t) 5. B1h7 BF6.6. got] _- 1:0 [Razuvaev] - 986. 1. Hdd! edd 2. DES! Ba7 (2... WIS 3. Ad4t+—] 3, Add es 4. wes We6 5S. Dh OB 6. wid (6... he7 7. Wes! Le6 (7... BfB 8. c5; 7... dB 8. Dl Be8 9. Adé+—; 7... Wes 8. ALS Hd8 9. WE cB 10. 2b6+—) 8. We7 2d7 9. Bc5 BF 10, Wa7+—] 1:0 987. 1. e6! Wes 2. AfS (2. WET? Bh8 3. WaT] WHS 3, WES+— 988. 1... Af2! 2. m2 £4 3. 5 [3 aff Bed 4. he2 (4. be Wes 5. wh2 HQ 6. Bel Bc7 7. bhi wha A wh3, Bh24) Wes 5. Hel HQ! 6, bf2 We3 7. Gf WH] fe3 4. Sel 14. hes Wes 5. Edd Wi 6. Sc} WHF] £7 5, Ded (5. Db3 Wes—+] e2 6 Bel ded 7. He2 (7. Wed Wed 8, Led 2939. 206 Bel—+: 7. Bed Wes 8. Wb3 Eh8 9. bg? Zack 10, &c6 He3-+] Ze? 8. We? Wes 9. ‘Wed Wed 10. hgd e3 11. Add e2 12. fe6 Eads 0:1 [Abramovié] 989. 1... HeSt! 2. Ded (2. fe5 g3 3. OPS HA 4. gf Wh2 5. Sf Ad? 6. 2d2 WH] Hed 3. Of! (3. 212 Bel 4. Hel g3—+] He3 4. De3 14. Hh4 Hel 5. Oh2 Hal 6. &c6 2f2 7. &b7 g3 8. bh3 h5—+; 4. He3 HES 5. We4 We3! 6. Web 7 7, Wes H&S 8. Wes Sh8—+] g3 5. Wed (5. 2d7 Hf4a—+] Sc8! 6. Bd3 Sfs—+ [TySkovec] 990. 1. Af6! gf6 [1... 216 2. ef6 2f6 3. We3 @h8 4. Wh4 e5 5. Bes! fe5 6, Des+—; 1... PhB 2. Wed 216 3. ef6 g6 4. Wh4 Bes 5. Wh6 WIR 6. Des+—] 2. We3 Gh8 3. ef6 B16 4. Des! [A 5. HIG Wi 6. Dcd+—] HeS 5. LeS 16 6. Hts! (6... Bf6 7. BAl+—] ~ 1:0 991. 3. Wed OF5 (3... Ph8 4 -Wh4 cops 5. d6!+=) 4. WES @h8 5. Be7-Ad6 6- 1. &g5! fed 2. Bh7!! (2... Oh7- Dea! 2. hes B63! 3, Des (3. ef We3—+; 3. Be3 He3! 4. war (4, fe3 We3 5. HM Be3-+) He3 5. ds Wa7!-+] Hb3 4. &b3 Whe! 5. Bea wb2 Or 993. 1. De6!! fe6 [1... 2e6 2. Bho! L£h6 3. de6+—; 1... Died 2. hed Des 3 BcS! Wd7 (3... A 4. Bd6 Hed 5. H2+—) 4. Wa2! Heb7 5. We2+—] 2. de6 We7 3. Hd8! He8 (3... Was 4. e7 2c6 5. Be6 Bh8 6. eds Has 7 £h6+—] 4. WET! [4. &h6+—] DET 5. ef7 WIT 6. He8 £18 7. Bho Be6 8. Hbs wri 9. QF 1:0 994. 1. Dg7! he7 2. ALS hg8.[2... B15 3. gf Wes 4. Whs!+—] 3. Bh7! Hh7 4. Whi Sys 5. Who! wes (5... wi 6. Bhl+—] 6. gf5 Ee7 7. Bel 1:0 995. 1, Hdd! Bf (1... Add 2, Bad Wadd 3. Dgo+—] 2. Hd8 (2. He8? B68 3. Hd8 2f8 4. Bf g7+] Hs (2... 268 3. HPS! Bf 4. Sd4+—] 3, Bee! AEs 4, Wed [4... Bed 5. Bd4 Eg? 6. He8+—] 1:0 {Kortehnoi] 996. 1... He3! 2. We3 [2. afed @hf4! 3. gf4 Of4 A Od3+—-] He3 3. Dle3 Wes!! 4. h3 Wed! [A g5-24] O:1 997. _ 1. DESI! He8 U1... De2 2. He2 De8 3. BB! c5 (3... £6 4. Qed! WET 5. ®g6! hg6 6. He3+—) 4. Bh3 £6 5. Aea! fet 6. Dg6!+—] 2. Bad Bad 3. Deo! Wd6O 4. ET! O47 5. Des he7 6. Wh7 Bd8 7. DL7+— [Ser] 998. 1... Of! 2. WAZ He3! 3. He3 Wid 4. Dh [4. Hes HeB 5. Wes Wel 6. O2 21! 7. gf (7. SB Wi 8. be3 Be6—+) Wel 8. dg? -He2-9. 2bh3- Wi—+] 263 5. WEL! &F3! (5... Bcl? 6. Whs Sg8 7. 248+] 1:0 @bd2! Bd2 7. Qd2 Wa2-8.-wWeal; {209} - EPS 6. Dbd2!] 6. WI (6. gf Bl 7. Wd3 He8—+] WIS 7. gf Acl 8. a4 Bes 9. a3 Ab2 10. Had 2c3 11. Ded Be2-+ [Florian] 999. 1. Ofa! eff 2. Be7! gz 3. Hg G18 4. wit WT 5. Wd6 Bes 6. Wes G18 7. dé Wye 8. We7 des 9. Hes hg6 10. &d4+— 1:0 1000. 1... Afds! 2. Ads Har! 3, Sad Was 4. b3 bs 5. Wh4 [5. abs 5 A Bb4, ed—+] Qd5 Or [Todorgevig] WOOT. 1. Sgort Deo 2. gts ats 3. Hg6! 2g50 [3... 2439? 4. Enos; 3 £g6? 4. We6 Shs 5. Wh6+—] 4. eesti £430 [4... hes 3, B6g5!+—] 5. £a3! hg 5... BAS 6. Bfol+—; 5... Bhs 6 Hh6 Og7 7. Bh7 Lf8 8. Bhs Sg7 9. A fo] 6. Bogs! (6. B1g5? wh3! 7. hi Ht A 8. Bes Hd3] ho 7. Be6 @hs (7... Gh7 8. Hog4+—1 8. fat! Heo 9. Be? @h4 10. Higd hs 11. Hogs 1:0 (Hertan] 1002. 1... Ded! 2. Hed a4 3. Hh1 Hed! 4. Ged Hes 5. Ef4 Bed 6. Bed Wh7! (6... We6?? 7. Hel gf5 8. We? Hed 9. 216 A We7-g8-d8-e74] 7, Bel gf5 8. Wg2 Hed 9, Eft (9. Hgl Beat ©... el 10, Bh6+~) 10. Wo7 Beis; 9, 26 FB 10. We7 eB 11. Wes cd? 12. Wd8 (12. WE? He7-+) de6—+] Wbzt ori [Kotkoy] 1003.1. De6!t be6 [1... #06 2 Hf6! (2. de6? 2c3!) Bb5 3. e34+—] 2. Bf6! edS 12... gf6 3. Wes he 4. Wes!+—] 3. Has i » We7 4. Wd4 fo 5. Wd5+—] 1:0 [Dolmatov, Glatman] 1004.3. oe th. Bh37 2. ha OB 3. Sfi Del 4. Welco] 2, ef ES 3. aT [3. Re2 Desi! 4: We? He3 5. Wh3 Qc2!—+] B63! (4. Wdd Des 5. Obs Eh itt; 4. WO Wa7 5. we Hhi—+] Ol {B. AV'terman, A. Vajsman] WOOS. 1. F311 Wes fl... ef 2, Bhel We7 3. £f6 gf6 4. e7 We? (4... Se7 5. Hel Sf 6. Who Wer 7. He8+—) 5. Belt —] 2, £f6 gf60 (2... Af6 3. Ded] 3. Heat! Wed 4, Dd6! Bde 5, Wd6 O65 [5... BET 6. Bes!! fe5 7, Bhfl+—; 5... Qd7 6. Hhel 7 7. He? e6 8. Hd7 A Hes+—] 6. Ehel Sf7 16... Bed 7. Heat! Wea 8. Ws! We3 9 Sbl+—I 7. He7 (7... Hg6 8. Des+—] 1:0 {V.L. Ivanov] 1006. 1. Abst! [1. £6? fg6 2. 6 Bhs 3. Ad5?? Bes—+] Bbs 2. fe6 g6 (2... hg6 3. S16! We2 4. He6! fe6 5. feo 76. fT SFT 7. Wh7 SEB 8. EB+- 3, Se6 Hf7 (3... Sh8 4. Wh7! hh7 5, Eh3 e7 6. 2h6 Sh7 7. Set] 4. AST O17 5. Wh7 Seb 6. Ht6 1:0 iSherzer} 1007, 1. Hed! Se4 2. Hest! (2... Wf 3. Des Wed 4. Hh6+—; 2... Be5 3. Who Ses 4. Die; 2... Hes 3. Bho! Bho 4. Who Wh7 5. WER Wes 6, Wes Sg8 7. D6 he7 8. Aes+— Efl 3. Afl Bes 4. fo! wes 5. Ene! t—] 1:0 [volgok] 1008. 1. Has! £47 [1... Ba5!7 2. ed5 He2 3. &h6! H2c7 G... 28 4. Se7!t—) 4. Be7 Be7 5. £07 he7 6. Wed A wo4+—l 2. ayer gf6 (2... Bhs 3. Whst—; 2... OFT 3. Bd7 Bf 4. Wed+—] 3. Wed Gh8 4. Bd7+— (4. Oe 5. Whs!! £g7 6. WET Hgs 7. Wed t+} {L. Kuznecov] 1009. 1. Qader! Ba6 [1 Hd6 3. Bd6 Od6 4. We6+—: 1... £67 2. We3 “do (2... Hd6 3> Wes Hf 4. Hd6+—) 3. Bd6 Hd6 4. Wes Hifo 5 f2r0}- =. ch6 2: wed . 3 1. Bd3 2. AFT Red (2... £7 3. Bd3) 3. Has We? (3... Wb4 4. Dh6 he7 5. Hd? Be7 6. Les SFB 7. Hd8! Bd8 8. Wd8 Hes 9. Wiss) 4. Dh6 Wg7 5. Agd+—; 1... Hd7 2. Bed Hd3 3. Bd3 Bcd 4, Bd8 Wb4 5. Well! Sf7 6. Wed Wed (6... Wel 7. Sh2 Wh 8. Be5+—) 7. bed Acs (7... Bd6 8. Bf8! BB 9. Ba3 he? 10. f4!1+—) 8. Ed7+—] 2. WeS Efd7 (2... Hff6 3. Bd6 Ed6 4, a3! Has (4... 5 5. BcS Hd8 6. Web @e7 7, Eds was 8. 2f8 See 9 Wabt+—) 5. Web wg7 (5... Gh 6. 2b2 287 7. B97 &g7 8. We7+—) 6. 2b2 Sh6 7. Whe+—] 3. Wh SH 4. EB Be7 5. We8t! (5... Hd2 6. 2a3+-] 1:0 [Becerra Rivero, Ale. Moreno] 1010. 1... AB! 2. ABP. WH Ded A Qd2—+] Hed 3, 3 [3. Hel Qc3!—+; 3. Ed3 Dg3 4. We? Dhl 5. Wh! Lea 6 2d2 Wb7-+] Ac3 4. Ae3 Wes 5. hal (3. Hel Se4—+] Hb2! 6. Hb2 a3 7. Ehbl 28 8.WG 295 O:1 [Kajkamdzozov] 1011. 1... Dh4! 2. gh4 Hf3 3. wal B. We2 Wh3!—+; 3. WH ED 4. BB Wed 5. 263 Wed—+] Wed 4, Ag3 Qg3! 5. hg3 (5. 26 Qe2—+] Br! orl [Leehtynsky] 1012. 1. got we7 (1... hg6 2. Weg6 hs 3. Bd8!Bds 4. Bas was 5. ‘We7t] 2. Hd8! e5 (2... hgo 3. Hes Wes 4, Bd8! Wa8 5. We6+—-13. des! fe5 4. He8 Wes 5. Hd3! Ha6 (5... dh8 6. Wes! Wes 7. Hd8+—; 5... 2186. Hes hs 7 SAS WIR 8. wWes+—] 6. Was! Wes [6... Gh8 7. Wes!+- He6 7. Ha3+—; 6... WIT 7. Hg3 He6 8. Wd8 £18 9. Heo hg6 10. We8+—; Le6 7. WeS+—] 7. Was OF7 8.85 1:0 (Uhimana] 1013. — 1. Qed6! Ha6 2. Qa6 Was 3. He6! Be6 4. Hee 1:0 1014, 1. Debi! fe6 2. Be6 BET [2. @h8 3. Ad7+—] 3. Ha7! Ha7 4. esii He? [4... De8 5. 27 G7 6. e6+—; 4... Ded 5. B17 BET 6. €6 Heb 7. Ded Wes 8. Wed WES 9. AcS Bc5 10. Helt—] 5, Bf7 Gf7 6. ef6 26 7. WhS (7. rai He30 8. Hel!+=] g6 (7. Afst— A 8... Be3? 9. He3!; 8, Hel+—j 8. Wh7 £e7 9. 2h6 Wh8 10. We7 wWe7 1. £g7 &g7 12. Bat 1:0 W015. 1... Dg2! 2. We2 (2. dg2 Sel-+] Whd 3. ei Bhs 4. whi La. Wd2 Hfo—+] Hers. @as (5. Bedi Sf! 6. 22 Wes 7. oh? Hh6—+] Has 6. Qd8 Hh6 7. Deo (7. 25 25 8. wh4 Bh4 9. Ac6 £h3 10. Hfdl e4! (10... Hg6 11. Gh2 Bg3 12. Bd3 a AB-+) 11. fed 3 12. Bd2 S93 A Hfo—+] We7 [A Wa7!—+] O:1 [Zsu. Polgar] 1016. 1... Dest! [7d4-h8] 2. feS (2. Hb7 whs! 3. fe5 (3. Hb8 @e7 4. Bb2 Wedl—+) BH 4. Bb8 he7 5. ed6 Sho +] HAS! 3.803 Wel 4. Bf Was 5, gr es 6. Sf1 Wh3 7. wel (7. del Hcl—+] whi 8. Ef Hel 9, Sd2 wri-+ IF. Levin] W017, 1. Aas! eds fl... was 2. Wh6 A Sc4+—; 1... Be6 2. Wh6 fT 3. Hf8 EES 4. Wh7 A &c7+-; 1... Wes 2. £4! We3 3. be2 Wed 4. Str}: Bes 2. Wh6 Sf7 3. Ac7 Hb8 4. Re4t+—] 2. Hel! We7 (2... He7 3. Wh6 Sf7 4. Bh7 Dh7 5. Wh7 Seb 6. Wes A f44t; 2... Ad? 3. Hd7 Wd7 4. Whe &E7 5.'Bh7 Gg8 (5... Dh7 6. Wh7 Seb 7. Weg6+—) 6. Ed7 @d7 7. Wg6 wh8 8. e6 DB 9. Wh Sg8 10. LF5+—] 3. Who HAT 4. HEB! BEB 5. Wh7 beB 6: We7 Ba7 7. W7 Be7 8. wads 1:0 [Kati$onok] =a 1018. - 1-Q 97 der2. Ba7t-wa7 (2... Hd7 3. Re6! Ge6-4- Wed WES [21] WE7+—] 3. Hd7 Bd7 4. WhS g6 5. Leo! eo (5... des 6. Web eds 7. Bd7 hd7 8. Wedt—] 6. Wee Af6 7. WIE dds 8. wis! 1:0 1019, 1... Hh2! 2. Hh2 Wh4 3. Het AN! 4. Of 4. HQ 43 5. Si 22—-+] BFS 5. WES Hg?! 6. Sg2 We3 O:1 1020. 1... Had!! 2. Had b2 3. Hel bIw 4. Hb1 [4. QeS Wb3 5. Qd7 Whe3—+] Hb1 5. Del Dd3!! 6. was Bel 7. Sg2 Bhi! 8. e5 (8. Shi WA ®g3—+] Bn2! O:1 {Goldin} 1021. 1. Dd5! BS [l... Eds 2. Af7!+—] 2. Ba8! 202 3. Bd8 17 (3... DB 4. Wa8+—] 4, Web! [4. W7? He7 5. HT £5 6. d5 we8 7. d6 Wel=| Ae7 5. We8 eb 6. Ee8! [A Eco] was 7. Hc3 Wd7 8. He3 dé 9. Yb8 eco 10. ad! Qd5 [10... AFS 11. Ya8 we7 12. Wa7 Sco 13. He3 ded6 14. Woo+—] 11, Hel Wa6 (11... Qb4 12. d5!4+—] 12. Bel bd7 13. He8 1:0 (Tal] 1022. 1, Hg3! £47 [1... be3 2. Bg7! Sg7 (2... Bh8 3. Hh7!+—) 3. £f6+-] 2. Hg7t! dg7 3. Wes of8 4. who! (4. Hf6? WEl!—+] des 5. HG! £e4 6. Wes SB 7. Wed! be3 (7... Dgd 8. HET Ses 9. BfS+—] 8. whst 1:0 1023. 1. Ad7!! [A 2. Bes+-, 2. He6+—] We6 ll... Qd7 2. Hes A Sf5, Hh6; Wh74; 1... Bd7 2. We8 Of6 3. Ws A 4. Of3, 4. Wes+—] 2. Hest! WAT (2... Deb 3. WES dogs 4. Wh7 HET 5. Ag6it] 3. 215 Os 4. Heo! (4. Bh6? gh6=5. Bes(5. B47 Dd7-0) LF6!-0] 1030. Se5-14.2 Geo 5. B47 BBO 6. Web - Iz. eds. Hd7 7. 3+—-15.4d7+—[Yudasin] 1024. ~ 1. Dc6! beG 2. Heo! da7 [ fe6 3. Bc6+—] 3. Be6 We7 4. bal [4. We3 Sd8 5. Hab Hc8 6. Hd6+—] Habs. 5. R fa! 1:0 1025. 1... He2t! 2. de2 Wa2 3. £43 [3. cl Bb3-+] Hb3 4. Ac3 Wg2 5. h4 (5. Bd8 @h7 6. h4 Bb2—-+; 5. We3 Des! 6. Wes WH-+] Hes! (6. Wes WH 7. d2 (7. We3 Bc3-+) Eb2-+] O:1 [Joksié] 1026. 1. Wh6! was [1... ef3 2. Ab3 Ef7 3. Hd7! Wd7 4. B16 A We74; 1... Sal 2. 2b3 Shs 3. Sg5+—] 2. 2d3 hs 3. Sd7! Bd7 4. Des [4 gS! We7 5. Dh7 We7 6. DiS! who 7. Lfo+-] eS 5. Bes Efe 6, Wa? We7 7. wad bg? 8. £16 [Chiburdanidze, Gufel’d] 1027. 1... Hd4! 2, Had Afgdt 3. El (3% fed Dgd 4. SFl Dh2 5. wel Wel-+] Qh? 4. og? |bl3 5. Afds \d4 6, eB Web! 7. We3 Dc? O:1 [Sirov] 1028. 1... gS! 2. Egt (2. BB Bh4—+] He3!! [2... D4 3. Sh1 |G 4. He6+—] 3. He3 He2 4. bgi wre! (5. Hel Hg2! 6. @hl Bh2! 7. &h2 wh2—+] Or 1029. 1... Bhi! 2. Bhi (2. Se H8h2 3. We2 Hs 4. Sf3 Of6—+] Eht 3. Ge2 (3. hA2 Wel 4. of WEI! 5. BA Hh3 6. ded Alo 7. Hts We2 8. fs ‘We34t} DcS!! (3... ded? 4. We2 A Wed] 4. de5 dea 5. Hd8 Wd8 [A Hh2] 0:1 [W. Watson] 1, OF! S70 2. dst Bed HaS+—; 2... BcB 3. d6 Was [e1af. 4. ef4+—] 3. de6 dg7 4. WeS Ac8 [4.. Hh7 5. Bd6! 246 6. Ad6 Ph8D 7. ef4 AQ f5-f6+—; 4... He8 5. Qd6 Bd6 6. Hd6+—] 5. Bd7! (5... 247 6. We7 A wit} 130 [Hodgson] 1031. 1... Dg3!_ 2. Dg3 (2. fg3 We2H; 2. 23 De2-+] Wal 3. Of Ehd (4. 0 g3 5. Ba2 Bhi! 6. Shi Wil 7, Wel Wd3 (Xb1, h7) 8. Wb6 Be2! 9. He2 We2 10. Wel Wd20 (Xcl, h6) IL. f4 e4 (11... We2—+) 12. Wad Wd4 13. cd4 e3—+] Or1 (D. Gurevich} 1032. 1... DFS! 2. Zg8 Ess 3. efS 1B. 2d7 Qd4—+] Abs 4, Dds cd 5. We2 Dd3 6. d2 Wes 7. Se} 17. Hb! WdS—+] Hgst! [A weast] Ort 1033. 1. 5! gfS [1... wre? 2. Hd6+—; 1... We5? 2. Ag7 Ge7 3. AI7 HT 4. De6+—; 1... Wh4 2. c3 Was 3. De7 Shs 4. S67+—] 2. Ba7! wa7 12... 247 3. Whs Hfds 4. 267 Ste 5. DH7H] 3. Hdl! £n6 (3... We7 4. whs+—] 4, WhS chg7 5. Hd7 2d7 6. dbl! fed Is £67. BF7+—] 7. 267 20 [Velikov] 1034. 1. Ago! hg6O [1... Ag 2. hg6 h6 3. Hh6 ho 4. Bhi Hfo 5. Bho gh6 6. 2f64] 2. hg6 Dh6 3. Hdel!! [A Hes] Hf6 (3... &b7 4. Hes ds 5. Hd5t+—] 4. O17 HIT (4... bes 5. DH6 SP 6. D7+—-] 5. AFT Leb [5... Bb4 6. HeSt+—] 6, eS! bat? 7. Bal 267 8. Hho [8... dogs 9. gf7+—; 8... gh6 9. Hest] 1:0 [Dolgov] 1035. 1. HeS! deS (1... Hh! 2. Bhl deS 3. BeS 16 4. 203 aad (4... es 5. dé 2d6 6. Dgd He4 7. B16 Le7 8, Bhs BE7_9> Hh7+—)-5. DES BFS (5... BFS 6 gf 216 7. Wh6t—) 6. gf 2f6 7. ef5 Qc3 8. be3 Hab 9. Who ses 10. Wes Bg7 11, Bho! df 12. £614] 2. Hes £6 3. Ac3! DadC 4. Had! Bhi 5. bhl Bad 6. Dgd Wh8 7. gl SFB 8. gf6 2d6 9. eS Se7 10. We3! Bab 11. e6 Ld6 12. e7 1:0 [Episin} 1036. 1. Hh6! 2h6 2. Hho Weg7 3. DgS! Dgs 4. Bgs Wes 5. Eh8 Of7 6. Wh7 We7 7. WhS we7 8. Wh4 WHE 9. Wo! Hf6 10. g5 Hg6 (10... HAS 11. 6 GET 12. AhSH; 10... HET 11. BhS has (11... Hd8 12. £6 &d7 13. Be4 Be7 14. eG Hfd7 15. He8! He8 16. g6+—) 12. ff? Hf7 13. g6 He7 14. f6 Bg6 15. £7+—] 11. 6! f7 12. @hS Hd8 13, Bh7 gS (13... SF 14. Be6 e615. Eh8+—] 14. &g6 2g6 15.Bg7 1:0 IMilié, Bozié] 1037. 1... &g3! 2. hg3 (2. BS wh3 3. Wd3 Bia! 4. WE (4. hgs &g3—-+) Qed 5. We2 Wh4 6. hg3 Hg} 7. He2 HQ-+] Wh3 [A Ded] 3. WH Ags 4. Wg2 WhS 5. Whi [5. He2 Haf8—+] HG! (5... Whi 6. hi DL—+] 6. whs (6. Wf3 Wh2 7. Sf Bf—+] Hg3 7. hi (7. fl Aw 8. wes gf5 9. Abs fed 10. e2 BA2 11. Bd He3 12. Hel Qc2—+] ghS [A |, LFA] 8. Be? [8. Had] O29. Sh? Af4 10. 2d2 Bd3—+; 8. He2 Bd3 9. Abs Eh3 10. &gl Re3—+] Hh3 [9. Ggl Be3 10. eg2 Bh2 11. &g3 Af4 12. Sf3 HA2H+] O:1 (Kuprejéik] 1038. 1... Qf! 2, Sf2 He3! 3. Hed He8 4. fel [4. bg He3 5. whl Le2—+] Wal 5. We2 £43! 6. wa3! [6. We6? He3! 0: 1 Najdorf — Salazar] Wel 7. Ddd Wh2 8. Hf3 He3 9. We3 oes [Salazar] © 1039. 1: ge! ga7 2. aie! B06 (2... gf6? 3. gf6 £6 4. Bgl £g7 (4... ~ [eia} Bhs 5, Hd3+—) 5. Who+-] 3. gf6 1 (3... gf6? 4. Bgl Bhs 5. Who+—; Hfd8? a) 4. Wg5?? Wal 5. &d2 Wall! 6, de3 (6. dl Be4—+) Wed 7. Wed ed 8. Egl Bhs 9. Be7 Shs A £g6; b) 4. 2d3! h6 (4... e4 5, Wes+—) 5. b3 Wa3 6. Bb2 Wd6 7. Hel wee 8. BeSt+—; 3... Wal? 4. bd? Wad 5. bal+— Sax — Ehlvest] 4. &h3! we 5. 2d7 Had8 6. Be5 Wi2 7. 2c6 Hd2 8. Bed h6 9. Wedt— {Sax, Hazai] as 5. wh3 [5... 260 —] 1:0 [Camacho Penatel 1041, 1. Ebat [1, &b5? coz] bd 2. &bs Be7 (2. 247? 3. 247 Wa7 4. Df+—] 3. Wall! 5 1... SI 4, Hdl We7 5. @f6 (A Bd5) e5 6. Dds Wes 7, WeS Hes 8. Db4t—] 4. Dest SPB (4... WE 5. Acé!+—] 5. Aol! Was 6. Ded7 Ad7 7. DAd7 Sgs 8. Wes! [A WeSH; 8... 2c3 9. Wg3 Ag7 10. Afe 1040, 1. Ehit! edd [1.. 26 2, Deo B18 11. Wat) 1:0 Web 3. DfEl+—] 2. go! h6L] 3. Bad (Pribyl] ED waa, 1043, 1044, CIGORIN ~ PILLSBURY BROER ~ LAURENTIUS MNATSAKANIAN — Moskva 1906 Reval 1935 J.C. DIAZ Varna 1985 Sinaeaenanneeee 1045. SIFFERS ~ CIGORIN Peterburg (m) 1897 Ih 1046. ALEHIN = N,N Antwerpen 1923 Geox Of a/R ial DLe Rely Krakow 1934 1049. HENNEBERGER — BERNSTEIN Zirich 1934 1 VERLINSKU — LEVENFIS SSSR (ch) 1924 1050, GELLER — NOVOTEL'NOV SSSR (ch) 1951 HAVIN ~ GUFEL'D SSSR 1956 1052. FORINTOS ~ TOMOVIC Budapest — Beograd 1957 1053, BAGIROV — NIKOLAEVSKI Erevan 1959 1054, GELLER ~ BUSLAEV SSSR 1959 1055. KRUTA ~ VASL SSR 1962 1058. KRAIDMAN — BERNSTEIN Tel Aviv 1967 PLATONOV — LAZAREV SSSR 1964 059. MANDEL ~ KURTZE Berlin 1968 1060. SAHAROV — CEREPKOV SSSR 1969 1061. BELLON LOPEZ — SMEJKAL Siegen (ol) 1970 1062. POLITIS — PETROVIKIS Athens 1977 106: SMOL'NIKOV — MITIN SSSR 1977 MILDENHALL — ARDIN Coventry 1978 1065, ZAHAROV ~ LITVINOV SSSR 1978 ae ee a Suomi 1978 TATEVOSIAN Commonwealth (ch) 1985 ei San a Xe ime: @_= mx a Gve_e ren a a ne ae Rae 22 ja aA rw a8 Be Ca om My hy Boe ene a ees) ee es ae sa Fy isl ae es oes iat ey bal Bre @ ws ae on oe a MEDUNA ~ HONSCH Bad Wérishofen 1987 GULKO ~ salDy Los Angeles 1987 VASSUKOV — HABA Eforie-Nord 1988 1072. ERNST — K. BERG Malmd 1988/89 1073. TOUSET - HIDALGO Espaiia 1989 1074. . HECTOR = PLACHETKA Gausdal 1989 — 48/249 1075. C. JUAREZ ~ LPUTIAN Manila (izt) 1990 1076. PETIEVIC ~ KASTANEDA Rossija 1994 1077. KOTRONIAS — KALESIS Karditsa 1994 1078, B. ALTERMAN — Moskva (ol) 1994 — 62/7 1079, AMMANN ~ F. OLAFSSON Schweiz 1958 1080, HOLZVOIGT ~ SUTA corr. 1978 181. 1082. DUCKSTEIN - UITUMEN ~ SAVON MATVIENKO ~ PACHMAN Krakow 1968 MEHRVOGEL Varna (ol) 1962 corr. 1973 1a fs eo xa ae 2 a we ek fal a A ee maa i @ Wabi. ow @ ja mame a) Bab 6 w a ee a ce Bom BAR ARYA RE @ Ee Wriee| nm ME 1? = 1? - 1084. 1085. 1086. MARIOTTI ~ ERUSLANOVA — SZNAPIK — TAIMANOV JUDASINA SOWIZDRZAL SSSR 1988 Polska 1987 Leningrad 1977 — 24/346 : Ta 1087. TAUBER ~ BACHMAYR Bad Wérishofen 1991 1088. 1089. SCHLECHTER ~ WOLF MIESES — CIGORIN Wien 1894 Hannover 1902 1090. 10 1092. BARCZA — KATALYMOV — MABS ~ ALEXANDER ZIMMERMANN MNATSAKANIAN esata Venezia 1949 SSSR 1959 Ig 1a xe eG Be Rvice @ (ele a) kT mes ating i ae ok a Bam ol Bae Bas oe A om fe we ee am | of nw BE ea He L? + 1? — 1093. 1094. 1095. MERTENS ~ EICHHORW ZIDKOV — KOGAN TAL — SOLMANIS Ybbs 1968 SSSR 1969 SSSR 1970 1096, NIKITIN ~ SAPARENKO SSSR 1975 1097. FATALIBEKOVA — MEDJANIKOVA SSSR 1975 1098. RUBENCIK — L BOTVINNIK SSSR 1976 1099. MANIN ~ RUDERFER SSSR 1979 Ti00, KR. GEORGIEV ~ ARDUMAN Athens 1981 LUKIN ~ HASANOV SSSR 1983 — 36/324 m02. GRIVAS — NORWOOD Oakham 1984 05. CUDINOVSKIH — MERSIEV SSSR 1987 moa. N. ALEKSIC ~ MANTOVANI Milano 1987 + i 107. KONOPKA ~ SCHRAMM Erfurt 1995 nos. MATANOVIC — S$. NEDELJKOVIC Beograd 1950 DONNER — GLIGORIC Eersel (m) 1968 ~ $/674 mo. PETURSSON — CAMPORA Groningen 197677 ™m. GHINDA - GOGILEA Romania (ch) 1981 ma, FERRERA — LAVINE USA 1985 Kobenhasn 1984 — 38 451 m3. SAX — REWITZ me. KENIN-LOPSAN ~ POLCANINOV SSSR 1961 m7. q m9. PARMA ~ RAMIREZ BRONSTEJN — BAKULIN FANCY ~ HODGSON Malaga 1963 SSSR 1965 London 1974 1120. nai. 1122. ZUK ~ BIYIASAS JAKOVL'EV ~ ANDERSSEN — Canada 1977 ZERNICKII JOHANSSON SSSR 1984 — 37/531 Sverige 1964 1 23. 1124, 1125. R. BATOR ~ BAREEV KARPOV — LENGYEL KOTKOV — SCERBAKOV SaltsjSbaden 1987 Budapest 1973 SSSR 1968 1126, SMAN — ORLOV SSSR 1958 1129, ADAMS ~ I. SOKOLOV Wijk aan Zee 1991 = 51348, 130, POLLOK ~ CIGORIN New York 1889 TAL ~ GHITESCU Miskole 1963 m1, Rotterdam 1933 SPIELMANN — LANDAU. 1132, STOCKL/ROHACEK — H. MOLLER/HABERDITZ Wien 1939 1133, JUHTMAN ~ GOL'DENOV SSSR 1950 1134, AVERBAH ~ PENROSE London 1954 uh Te 1135, ALMUS ~ HERMANN* DDR 1957 1138, SUANOVSKU ~ TAJMANOV SSSR (ch) 1962 man, BOTVINNIK — PORTISCH Monte Carlo 1968 — 5/44 : Ile RANGA RADAR oo 1136, ROTH ~ BAUMGARTNER Bern 1959 199, ¥, BORISENKO — ULTANOW SSSR 1964 uh & ‘an Bee sa SUE ia ry 1142, SZABO ~ 1. POLGAR Magyarorszig 1969 — 71476 137, DRIMER ~ POMAR SALAMANCA Leipzig (ol) 1960 2URAVL‘EV ~ KAPENGUT SSSR 1968 143, LANDSTETTER — JANOSH Kénigsfeld 1971 naa. PETRAN — BIRO Budapest 1971 147, F. OLAFSSON — QUINTEROS Las Palmas 1974 — 18/341 th 45. TUKMAKOV ~ GUFEL'D SSSR 1972 Star¥ Smokovec 1975 = 26°580 146. VANKE — WAGNER: corr. 1972 149, SALEKOVIC — HALMAL corr. 1977 HOBNER ~ TIMMAN Bugojno 1978 — 25/633, 52, TROSMAN — SALOV SSSR 1978 153. GYORFFY — BEHRENDT corr. 1978 1154, FELLER ~ TIMMAN Amsterdam 1978 155. BLANC ~ BARON France 1979 136. 57. 158. LEVACIC ~ HENTTINEN Y. NAGEL ~ WINKLER AL. GELLER ~ Halsberg 1980 BRD 1986 MI. CEJTLIN SSSR 1987 Wa ue Zao Bx WxmxmeZ ai W Ms awe kik 2 ae all ie ie Mibia Esmee | | (aI a Bm Roe AMA EIA nn a + Le? —+ 159. 1160. ne. VOKAC — MIRKOVIC — SCERBAKOV — VAN DER VEEN MIJAILOVIC. M. GUREVICH Dortmund 1989 Jugoslavija (ch) 1992 Helsinki 1992 — 55/550 ug nt ie wale xm el ‘eee ae a : aaa mae a es a oie ie ae ine @ Bwas a & e ws -& ep: 162. 1163. 164, SMUTER ~ PODAT VRAGOTERIS — BRUCE ~ HEEMSKERK Ukrajina (ch) 1992 RAJKOVIC Bad Neuenahr 1956 Iraklion 1994 6s. 166. 67. ZELEVINSKU — HUG — HORT DUARTE ~ SERRA BEREZIN Portugal 1976 SSSR 1957 1168. 1169. W170. BEREZJUK — JOCKS POPOVIC — Lazié S. GULIEV — BOLOGAN Erfurt 1993 Jugoslavija 1993 Ostrava 1993 — 59/612 Expo Fiesgeseseneeeseeeseeeseesneeeseteeeteeeee eece eee ee eeee eeeee ee eTeNceNwe Seer 17. 1172, 1173, . HELLING ~ GILG MUCNIK — ESTRIN VASJUKOV — LYSENKO. Berlin 1924 SSSR 1961 SSSR 1981 174, BYHOVSKU — D.OLTEAN Berlin 1990 075. FINKEL ~ E. LISS Israel 1993 SORIN — FRASCHINI Argentina 1994 1W7. UHLMANN — HENNINGS DDR 1968 — 5/495 mj n78, MORPHY — LIECHTENGEIN New York 1859 ay += 1179. TAL — KLAMAN SSSR (ch) 1957 LIP. HN KOPYLOV — TIMOFEEV. Stockholm (izt) 1962 corr. 1969 183. naa, gs. SCHONEFELD — ESPIG ~ MA. TSEITLIN LERNER ~ SIDEIF-ZADE MURASKO Trnava 1979 ~ 27/87 SSSR 1979 corr. 1977 186, . 1187. ngs. . ADORJAN ~ GLATT. KUPFER ~ JANIG SMIRIN ~ B. ALTERMAI Budapest 1982 — 34/39 DDR 1988 Haifa 1995 1189. SUETIN ~ NIELSEN Kebenhavn 1965 wa 1190, UHLMANN ~ V. KOVACEVIC Vinkovei 1982 — 33/539 192. 193. 91, AKOPIAN ~ KAMSKY SSSR 1986 Ile 1194, RO. PEREZ ~ MORELLA IVANOVIC — LARSEN GODZAEV — SUR Vueltas 1994 Niksig 1983 — 36/321 SSSR 1986 ug ite Ute a @ kee aa oe xe i me! pe ki ek fk Bsa @ 2 ae oa 2 aoe e ae @ 2 ak ake SS Aw Mz a 2 ee oo @ @ BAR i Woe BA oe 2 OU AS ARAM POAl AQAM AG whic! rm Ore Bre @ 1? = La? —+ La? + 1195. 1196. N97. KAKAGELDYEV ~ KR. GEORGIEV — PASCUAL PEREZ ~ MAKARYCEV IONESCU A. MESA SSSR 1982 Dubai (ot) 1986 — 42/212 Cuba 1996” 1198. N99. 1200, VAN DER WERF — UNZICKER — ANTOSIN RICHTER — 1. SOKOLOV Sofi 1965 ALEXANDRESCU ‘Nederland (ch) 1994 — 61/362 Mainchen 1936 ut : ENDERS — MALICH FARAGO — BOHLIG LILIENTHAL — LANDAU. Ea eee a ane mel ee | BA RAE mie FENSER ~ L. FISCHER RAUL PEREZ — M. LI VAGANIAN — PALATNIK corr. 1975 La Habana 1991 SSSR 1980 1207. PRODANOV — ZLATILOV Brigarija 1981 =z 1208. 1209. GELLER — PRIBYL J, POLGAR — Soti 1984 — 38/157 POLUGAEVSKIS Aruba (m/1) 1991 — 51/225 Ive + t 1210. HORVATH — KAPOSZTAS Magyarorszig 1977 wn. 1212. BOUDY ~ I. SZABO SMAGIN — SAVON Varna 1979 — 27/452 ‘Odessa 1989 — 48/336 1213. WILDER — LEIN Lone Pine 1981 — 31/103 m4. 1215. MAKARYCEV ~ LUTHER — YUDASIN TONG YUANMING Budapest 1989 — 47/324 Beijing 1988 1042, 1. &g7! [1 Hb6? we 2. He7 heT!oo] Sg7 (1... we7 2. We3 | Bd8 3. Was Bc7 4. d6+—] 2. We3 Les "12... gS 3. WH (A 217) Be8 4. Bes We8 5. Hb6+—] 3. fe5 [3. Hb6 who 4. feS+—] Hb? 4. 6 gs 5. 217 S18 6. WI6 He2 7. Ph3 Be8 8. e73 1:0 1043. 1. a7! &d7 [1... Bd7 2 BH7 Shs 3. DH] 2. Hh7! Hn7 3, WIT Gh8 4. D6 1:0 1044. . Be3!! 2. H6e3 (2. fe3 Wel-+; 2. He? @f2 3. Ef Bhi-+: 2. Bf6 @f2!—+; 2. Wh3 WA 3. Shi Wel—+] Ent 3. whi WE! Ort 1045, 1... Shi! 2. Hh1 She Gh? Bhs 4. Sy3 (4. Sel Hh] OFS 5. bi4 Bhat O:1 1046. 1. Af6! gf6 2. Ete! &f6 (2... Hg8 3. Hes Gh8 4. Bh6+—] 3. wes (3... 7 4. We7Ht] 1:0 1047. 1... Hg2! 2. gz WeS 3. Bhi 13. @f2 We3-+] Des 4. We? [4. Bel He8 5. bh? AG 6. HA He3-+] wes 5. Wer D3 6. 2c3 [6. Wes Ad2!—+] Dada! 7. WoT Wh3 8. bel De2 9. bf We3 10. wet (10. dg? We3 11. Shi Wh3 4] D3 Or 1048, 1... 2! 2. we2 Bh! 3. Bh? What orl 1049, 1. S97! He? 2. Hes Hes 3. Wet ied . A 20 TOSO. 1. fe! re [1... wis 2. 2h7 Sh8 3. Be6+—] 2. whe St7 3, get : Sg6 4..Wh5st] 4. Wes a7 5. T:0 1051. Aig7! e7 4. WIT 1. Hel! Wel 2. Be6 Shs 3, 1:0 1052. 1. Hh8! hs 2. WH hh7 3, WH Oh8 4. WIE Bh7 5. Re6! (5... ge 6. We8tt] 1:0 1053. 1... Bh3! [1... 2h3? 2. 8931] 2, gh3 Bed! 3. We? Wh3 Or 1054. 1. ef6! Wa3 2. 2h7! wh7 (2... @h8 3. Whs+—] 3. WhS (3... gs 4, Wg5+—] 1:0 1055. 1. Ef 2 Bh6!+—| 2. Hg7! 1:0 1056. 1... Bed! 2. Hed (2. Sel Qg2 3. d2 Bh6 4. he? He3-+] Bhi! 3. Ohi We? 0:1 1057. 1... Eb2!! 2, wb2 (2. Bb2 Wel—+] Add 3. SE Wed 4, We? Bh3! Or1 1058. 1. Ef! adi 2. BA we 2... Wad8 3. HfBst] 3. war! 1:0 1059. 1... HeS! 2. fe5 eS! 3. de5 We7 (3... We7—+] 4. OF6 (4. edd ‘Wg7H] We7 (5. he6 Ad7 6. Sd6 WR 7. GcT Wd8 8. Sd6 Be4—+] O:1 1060. 1. 2h7! oh7 2. Hao B46 3. Ehd gs [3... go 4. Wdl!+—] 4. Bhs! ‘DHS. Wh hes 6, WET 1:0 WO6T. 1... BG! 2.68 [2. add BR 3.82 WE 4-bdi Bed—+] Beat (3. ~ Bigs Wi2 4: ded WES. bd4 west) 1 (234h 1062. 1... Ef! 2. Heé (2. Aco Hd2—-+] Afi (2... Hd27? 3. Bho+—] 3. g2Hgi!! 0:1 [Siaperas} 1063. — 1. He6! be6 2. Rab! Was 3. welt 1:0 1064. 1. Hf6! wf6 [1... d4 2. Bafl Wb8 3. Wes de} 4. Ac3+—] 2. DdS Wh6 3. &g7! (3... We7 4. Df wh8 5. Wh3+—; 3... We6 4. De7+—] 1:0 1065. 1... WE6 2. Be6!+—; 3. £d6+—1 : Hb6 2. Hes!+—; eT 2. Acs dé 1066. 1... He7! 2. We7 2b2! 3. eb? Wer (4. Sad We3; 4. wal we3#] Ort 1067. 1. Hf6!! WH 2. Ags! We7 (2... We6 3. Afolt+—] 3. &f6 (3... Bat 4, Wh 7s] 1:0 {Eganian] 1068. 1. eS! HM [1... Re5 2. Hg8! Wes 3. Wes+—] 2. Hed (2. Af6 Hf6.3. We3+—] BeS 3. We7!! 1:0 [Nunn] 1069. 1, 2g6! hg6 2. HeS! Hg7 (2... fg5 3. Wh8 Gf? 4. Hh7 deo 5. Wess] 3. Hg6 Hig6 4. Wh7 cf8 5. We6 we7 6. Hh7 do 7. Wg3 deb 8. Db3 Bes 9. wea 1:0 1070. 1. Ba5! cd5 [I... ed5 2. £f6! (A Wh6) dog8 3. Wed 264. Be6 £26 5. Weot—] 2. Qf6! gs 3. Wed -g6 4. 226 1:0 1O71, 1, Ahr! (1... gh6 Z. Hest 1... £5 2. Bg7 wh7 3. Westaj 1... - 260) 2. We5' Dh7 (2... Wad6 3. Heb! Ree 4. We Bh7 5. fe6 wh6 6. He4+—) 3. gi! &g7 (3... He7 4. Be8 Hes 5. We6t—) 4. Wg6!+—] 1:0 {Habal 1072. 1... Ah! (2. gh3 He3!—+] el 1073. 1. 2d8!! Sd8 2. Bal Ade {2... &e7 3. Hd7 de8 4. Hb7 wd8 5 Hd7 des 6, Ha7 @d8 7. Hd7 wed 8 Hc?+—] 3. Hd6 we7 4. Hd7 [4. Heo! Sas 5. Hd6 he7 6. He6+—] iB 5. EET! @£7 6. Des Hg6O) 7. 2d3 Shs [7... oh6 8. £744] 8. g4 whe [8... Set 9. he? dh4 10. Weds] 9. DE wed 10. wed ons 11, What 1:0 1074. 1. Bh7! [1. Bho f6 2. Wes H7 3. f6+—] @h7 2. Ses! 1600 3. wns Sg8 4. He7! a7 7 Bf oes 7. Bio Hgot+-] 1:0 [Plachetkal 1075. 1... Hd4tt (2. cd4 AF! 3. gf3 (3. Hel 2f2st) ef3 (A Wert) 4. Bgl @f24] Ort 1076. 1. Ha8! Bas [1... 26 2. WF eS 3. WIRE] 2. WIE dog8 3. Led! [3... Wed 4. We74t] 1:0 [Kastafiedal 1077. 1. Ah6! ghé (1... WE 2. Wd7 gh6 3. Sc6+—; 1... Wf 2. Wd7 Bf 3. Ag7+—| 2. Bet [2... ReS 3. WEBI; 2... Wes 3. Wert] om 1078. 1. Hd6! Bd6 2, Wes BIB [2... @h8 3. Whot+—] 3. Hd6 We7 4. G97! (4... &g7 5. Who fT 6. Wh7 Ss 7, Biot] 1:0 {B. Alterman] 1079. 1... a8! 2, Wa8-H0 3. Of Bhs: . Wa2 (4. @h3 OB 5. Shl H2H! 4. Dh3 Be? 5. fl Bh2—+; 4. He2 He2 5. Dc? Hg? 6. Wa2 (6. ber We2 7. Gh WH 8. el We3-+; 6. Ha2 Re4—+) Wa2 7. Ba2 Be4—+] Hg! 0: 1080. 1... 23! 2. gf Had! 3. We2 13. Wd4 Wel 4. &g2 Wg3—-+] Wh 4, We? Bal 5. 12 We3! 6. We3 hg3 7. gz Bhs 0:1 [uta] 1081.1. Bad! ad 2. Wes bas (2... @f8 3. Hf! gf6 4. WE dees 5. Wes SB 6. Hfl+—] 3. Wa6 Sek 4. AES! 1:0 1082. 1. Ag6! g6 2. Sdgi 47 3. EIN7! Qh7 4. Whs Of6 5. Wego 1:0 1083. 1, &g7! g7 2. Wes whe 3. Wf6 Sg8 4. Hdd eS (4... He8 5. Hel+—] 5. Hd5 £6 6. He3! Hd8 7. Hg3 es 8. Eg? 2e7 9. Ef7! 1:0 1084. 1... Bed! [1... D6? 2. Wes Wd3 3. Bgl= Mariotti — Tajmanov] 2. 2d5 [2. 27 2g2! 3. het We3 4. be? WH 5. Sel Dh3H#] Wer! 3. Bed 3. Hg] We2! 4. Be? Brit] Aes 4. was @h7 5. Bel We2!—+ (Tajmanov} 1, dat! (1. Hbb7 Hes] Had Hbb7 Abs 3. He7 was 4, bS 2. cb6 Abs (2... Hdd 3. be7+~) 3. Ha8 db7 4. He8+—] 2. Ebb7 He7 (2... a6 3. c6+—] 3. 06 (A 4, Ee7! Bo7 5, Hastt] 1:0 IV. L Fedorov, Erustanoval 1086. 1. M36 ngs 2. Wes SSO 3. Hed! aSC 4. Hd Ha 5, Ags Wes 1 Wel 6. Dh7+—] 6. Hf6 HE6 7. Dh7 & 8. WEE 1:0 [Sznapik] 1087. 1. Eds! edS [1.:. was" 2, Df6+—] 2. Bh3 £5 3. Best WES 4. Was eB 5. Be8 (5... We8 6. OF] 120 1088. 1. Bh7! wh7 2. ngs hes 3. Eh8! S7 [3.. Ghs 4. hs hes 5. 96 Hes 6. Wh7 SFB 7. Wh8i] 4. WhS g6 5. Wh7 Ses 6. Wyott 1:0 1089. 1, He6! We6 2. We6 beb 3, a6 Ge7 4. Bb7 Se8 (4... Sd6 5. eS Des 6. Les#] 5S. Be5!! Des 6. Ha ‘Bb8 7. Bb7 [A Abst] 1:0 1090. 1. &h6! gho 2. E17! &f7 3. Des ff 4. Wh7 1:0 1091, 1. Hav! 2d7 2. Bho! (2... Bho 3. wis] 0 1092. + 1. Hast! eds 2. DS g6 3. QhIG £6 4. Df6 Sy7 (4... SHS 5. Wh4 hS 6, Ld4+—] 5, Wes! Bh8 6. Aho (6. Dh5 £6 7. We7+—-] Dc6 7. Lg7!! bg7 8. De8 Sho 9. Wid gS 10. WHE HhS 11. Dg7 Ghd 12, west 1:0 1093. 1... He3! 2. wa2 (2. We3 We2—+] He3! 3. We3 [3. bc} Bbs—+] Eb8 4. Wd3 AbS! 5. al (5. Hfl Qa3 6. cl Hb2-+] b2! 6. bb2 Ae3 7. Sel Wed 8. Wa2 Ebi Ort 1094, 1, Bd7! a7 [1... wa7 2. Af6 gf6 3. DES bh7 4. Bal (4. wh5? “Wd2) We8 5. WhS+—1 2, WhS! 28 (2... hgs 3. Ag6!+—] 3. DFS Af6 (3... hgs 4. We6l+—; 3... h7 4. Dg7+—] 4. B16 [4... &F5 5. ef5 gf6 6. We6! ehs Hes 8. Wes Hh8 9. wh h7 10. wh4 bg? 11. Wes h7 12. f6 Bes 13 whstt] {236} 1095. 1. &g6! ba2 [1... fe6 2. Eg?it+—] 2. Bf6 alW (2... af6 3. Who+—] 3. @h2 Wacd 4. 267 Sh7 5. Ago! 1:0 1096. 1. He8! Se8 (1... We8 2. Wd6+—] 2. Hel Sbs 3. Add! gs [3.. @h3 4. gh3 Bes $. Sh1+—] 4. Dc6 Be8 5. Ae5 (5... Lbs 6. Dd7H#] 1:0 1097, 1, &h6! Hho [1... Bes 2. Sg5 f6 3. Ale Hf6 4. weT'+—] 2. wes Dg7 3. D6 Wd6 4. Bd6 2e6 5, Hes! IS... We6 6, We3 dg6 7. West] 1:0 1098. 1, 2h6! Hho 2. Hes! Gh7 3. h6! fg6 4. Ego [4... EfB 5, hg7 gs 6. hs S77. g8w+—] 1:0 1099. 1, &h3! wh3 2. Beat+— M00. 1. Hg6! Db3 2. D6 ens 3. Hg?! Gg7 4. Bho! hws (4... Bho 5. We3 de? 6. We5+—; 4... bf 5. Wes A Wes+—l] 5, Wed 1:0 [Kajkamdzozov] M01. 1. Bh7! oh7 2. HET bes 3. Eg7 Gh8 4. Bg8 h7 5. Bas! 1:0 M02. 1... Beat! 2, Wed] BeS 3. n3 We3 4. bel (4. Df Shs 5. Hed hed 6. gl gh3 7. Wed hg2—+] Bad! 5, hI ABTA wn34] O:1 [Norwood] NOS. 1... Hb3!! [A He3, we2it] 2. Be2D [2. Hb3 &c4—+] Beat! 3, Hed] BPS (A Whitt] 4. ell wel [5. ed2 R-+1 Ord {Lobron] 104, 1. Best deS 2. Hes! [A 3. Hgs, 3. Wed] _h6 3, Wed He8 4. 262 [A Wh7, £26] Wes 5. Wh? Di 6. Lot! Hg6 (6... Wes 7. Wh8it] 7. EES EtG [7:.. WE 8. We6+—] 8. Whe OF7 8... gs 9. Hes+—] 9. Wh7 f8 10. Hes 1:0 IN. Aleksié] 1105. 1, &h6! gh6 2. g7 Be7 3. Hest! des (3... Og5 4. Hes hes 5. wes AS Wh6+—] 4, Wh3 Ph7 5. WIT (5... Bes, 6. Wg64t] 1:0 (Cudinovskih] M06. 1. £7! Dh7 2. g61 fg6 12... Des 3. h4 £6 4. hes tes 5. WwES+—] 3, Wes OO 4. WIT whs 5. Lage (5. Ehgl?! g5!] £f6 6. He7!! Se7 7. Bei Deb 8. Hg6! (8... We7 9. Bh6! 2h6 10, Dg6+ @h7 9. Bho! ho 10. We6t; 8... Hg8 9. Wes We7 10. Eh6! 2h6 11. Wh6 Wh7 12. ANH] 1:0 [Ruban] M107. 1. Be6! Heé [1... Wes 2. Heb He6 3. BeS DeS 4. Wa6+—] 2. HI g7 3, WIT! 13. BAT gs 4. EM whg7 5. Ef7® 1/2 : 1/2 Konopka — Schramm) Sho 4. Bd? gs [4... ShS 5. Wh7 bed 6, Wh44t] 5. it gs 6, Hg8 Age (6... Hig6 7. Wb3+—; 6... Bh6 7. We7+—] 7. WIS ho 8. Wh3 dogs 9. Wh4de UKonopkal N08, 1. Ah7! Hh7 2. hs Ses 3. Hg?! be7 4. Bel &f6 5. 15! 1:0 N09. 1... HAS! 2. wes (2, Bel HafS—+] Bed! 3, we 213! 4. Sel (4. Vana (5. Wh2 Bg8—-+; 5. fl wh3-+] OL TNO, 1... Bh2! 2. hI (2. wh2 We? A B—+] We7! 3, WhS Ly3!! 4. Ra3 Hfa! 5. ogi Bhd 6. WH Bhi! (7. bbl ‘Wh4 8, Sg) Wh2#] Ord. [237] W2. . 1. Hh7!! Qf4 [1... 2h7 2. Des, fg5 3. WhS dg8 4. Hh1+—] 2. Dgs! [2. Wh? 2h6 3. Bho gh6 4. Whe We7+—] Ags 3. Whs [3... 2h6 4. Bho gh6 5. We6 Lhé 6. Bhl+—] 1:0 [Sznapik] M3. 1. Bh3! g6 (1... fe5 2. &h7 Bhs (2... SET 3. WhS+—) 3. Lee wes 4. Bhsi+—; 1. 2. Whs ho 3. Be7+—; 1... h6 2. Bho! gh6 (2... feS 3. WhS+—) 3 Wet HhS 4. Weo+—] 2. Be6! hes 3. Wed be? (3... 25 4. Wht—] 4. Bg3 [4.95 5. WeSt-] 120 [Sax] W4, 1. Sho! gh6 2. Bhd Dgs [2.. h7 3. Hh6 (A Hh7) Wes 4. Ads! A Eh7+—; 2... @h7 3. Bc2 Bed (3... Ded 4. Wed A 5. Bho, 5. We74) 4. WH eS (4... Bc2 5. Hh6 bho 6. weat—) s. Wi6!! 2f6 6. Sed h8 7. Bhos] 3. Hho! Dho 4. hs (4... &h7 5. Bc2 156. We6 hs 7, e744] 1:0 {Rey, Ferrera] 115. 1. 2h6! gh6 2. Who gs 3. Hd3! 2h4 4. Hg3tt figs (4... SF7 5. Eg7 Ges 6. Wes Sd8 7. Hes Hes 8 Wes de? 9. We7 A hor] 5. Wg6 Shs 6. Des (6... HF 7. h6+—] 1:0 M6. 1. h7! Oh7 (1... 8 2. BEG 9f6 3. hot; 1... Sh8 2. WHT wh7 3. Ef6+—] 2. Ef6! gf6 3. WIT Shs 4. wis Ses 5S. Bho AcB 6. Hd3! He7 7. Hg3 Bh7 8. £481 1:0 WZ. 1. Ber! &g7 2. Bes h7 3. fg6! g7 4. 2h7! (4... @h7 5. Bh3+—] : 1:0 ae 1... &d3! gle? 4. De3 (4. hl wer! 5. wis Db8 6-Wh3 Hes—+ Hes 5. WES Hes 6. Shi wr: -- O:1 m9, 2. Wd3 Egi!!ssz= 1126, 1. @h6! whe [1... wg8 2. He8!+—] 2, HhS! whS [2... ch5 3. wredt] 3. We3! [A 4. g4 ch 5. Who] gS 4, Bd6! Bes 5. g4 1:0 1120. 1... Hg2! 2. We2 We3 3. WHT A! 4. Bas [4 Wal we!—+] was! Ort [Minev] N21, 1... Bddt! 2. ed4 (2. Da8 Hd2 3. He2 He2 4. &c2. Wf 5. Hb! We3 6. Sdl Wd3 7, cl Bb2 8. Bb2 We3 9, Hc2 Weld] OFS! 3. gf5 [3. Hc2 Bc2 4. Sc2 Bd8—+] Wadd 4. fg6 fg6 5. Acs Hd8! 6. Hed Wal 7, &c2 Wa2 8. Sct Wal 9. Sc2 We3 O:1 [Kotiev, Zernickij] 1122, 1. Hg6t! ego (1... fe6 2. Whs FS 3. et Sod 4. 13 eS 5. hat] 2. We8 Gh6 3. Whs Sze 4. 23! was (4. WIS 5. Bed+—] 5. BhS StS 6. Who! 216 7. Bed! gd 8. ed! 1:0 1123. 1... Bhat 2. hd Bas! (3. Bd5? e2—+; 3. Hed £6 G3... Bc6!? 4. Eg8 Ad5=) 4. g3 Hes 5. Gh3 2 6. Hh4 (6. 2c2 Be6=) wgs 7. Le? Sg2=] U2: V2 [Bareev] M124, 1... &g2! 2. cg? (2. B26? Hb2!—+] Eb4! 3. wha (3. Bd6 w=] WE 4. Sei Wal 5. fl D3 6. be? Del 12:12 1125, 1... Hb2t! 2. b2 (2. wWb2 Red=] Le5! 3. £6 GE7 4. Wes Ad3 5. a3 Hes 6. Hel He8 7. eB Ac8 8. Qd4 Hee 9. h5 Df4 10. Bal he V2: 12 Ju. 2h2! 2, Bh? Wh4 3. gl fg? 4: bg2 Hie 5. wer Wed 6. We3 [6. BhZ WhS 7, hg3 Wes 8. eh3 Wh5 9. Wh4 WH 10. oh2 We2 Il. &g3 Wed [238] 12. &g4 Wed 13. Bg5 h6 14. Bh6 gh6 15. Wh6 We3 16. &hS Wh3=] We? 7. bh3 Whs V2 31/2 M127. 1... Sc?! (2. We2 Hel!—+; 2. g3 Wed 3. Sgi Hel—+] Hl 1128. 1. &g6! [1. He5? Hes 2. De6 Hg5!—+] @h8 [1... fg6 2. Wes Lhs 3. Hes He5 4. Who+—] 2. 217 Add [2... WIT 3. Dgo+—] 3. Had Hel [3... edd 4 He8 He 5. Wg6!+—; 3... WAT 4. He8 He8 5. Hdl+—] 4. Wel Wi [4... cd4 5 Wes h7 6. Wed Ph8 7. Wes Wa6 8 Debt] 5. WeS We 6. Wes Les 7. Ed2 1129. HM! 2. &f 2. OP 223 3. Oh3 (3. Wg2 L2—-+) Hf—+ XOh3, Hail Bie 3, g2 Deel BA 4. Bel Wed! 5. Ado We3 6. Gh! wae~ +] Ef 4: fl We2 5. D2 &g3!—+ [. Sokolov] 1130. 1... Qh3! 2. gh3 (2. Bfel Hed! 3. Wa7 We4—+] H8e3! 3. Heel [3 fe3 Wh3 4. BA2 West] Wh3 4. Ber Be? 5. Hbi Hed! M31. 1. Hed! ded [1... Be5 2. Hes Hfo 3. Has cd5 4. Wd5+—] 2. Bfart+— (2... Hf4 3. Bdit—; 2... &d7 3. Hdl Be5 4. LeS Wed 5. beb+—; 2... Hes 3 Be5 Wd7 4. Hdl cbS 5. c6+—] 132, 1. Bev! 7 L... we? 2. “4, Le6! 4... Wes 5. Dgs+—] 1:0 133. eae 1:0 “1134 sHadt £4 [1.2 eas: @fS+—] 2. Bf4 “edd 2. Ada! 1:0 1135. Bh7! Oh7 4. WR+— 1. Ba8! £a8 2. Was WIS 3. 1136. 1... Hal!! 2. @e2 (2. Hdl e2 3. @f2 ed1D!—+] Hd2 3. Wa? (3. ofl 2.4. 20 elWiH] ed? 4. G2 AEs! 5. Qd6 (5. Sf3 Hel!—+] B68 0: . Hel! 2. &h7 (2. Wel is P; a7 3. Wh4 dg8 4. We3 Hel 4. egl wad 5. én Sone +] gn! ¢ Hg? oo 5. Hgl We6 6. Hg? eh7 138. Mb3! 2. cb3 Hb3 3. de? 13, a2 Li +) He3! 4, Be3 eer 5. Sd3 WAS 6. He3 Wal rl 1139. . Has! 2. ed} bs! 3. Be Belt [4, asi Wed—+] 140. 1... 2£3! 2, 263 Hh2! 3. h2 DPB 4, dog? Qdd—+ N41. 1. Bh4! Wh7 2. Des Hh7 3. Bed [A He7, West] Ld6 4. Hed g6 id... Bh8 5. DET hes 6. Ad6+—I 5. Bg6 e7 6. Aho! (6... Sh6 7. wh4 Se7 8. Wh7 Sf (8... SFB 9. W7F—) : 9. Ded des 10. Wo7+—] it (Botvinnik] N42. 1, Ba7! Ha7 2. Wed! (2... We 3. De7 wg7 4. Ack Df 5. Belt] 1: We7 2. 1:0 1143. 1. &e7! Wa7 [I.. Rd5!+—] 2. Heo! Wee 3. Des 1144, 1, Bho! gho [1... Hes 2. Wed gh6 3. @f7 (3. Bed? Be) bg7 4. Hedt—] 2. Heat. Hf8. (2... Be4 3. wis bg8 4. Ded 7 Wd8 3. Web He7 c Hg4+-13. He 1:0 [239], 145. _ 1... Ad4!! 2, Sf [2. Bad Bel 3. @f2 Hfl!—+] He3! [3. De3 oa 0: 1146. 1, He8! Se8 2. Wes og7 3. WS 6 4, Bada! Wad 5. WHS 1:0 N47. 1. Ba7! bd7 (1... wd7 2. WeS+—] 2. Le6! c6 3. Wad [3... dS 4. Bdl 2d4 5. Hdd dc5 6. 246 &b6 7. Bb4+] 1:0 N48. 1. Bg6! cbg6 (1... hes 2. Wh8it] 2. He8! O12 [2 He8 3. Wed Sh6 4. We8+—] 3. Ea8 Dd3 4. wb1 WE 5. g4 Wd 6. Eg8 1:0 1149, 1. QaSt! Ws [1.. Was 2 Qd6+—; 1... Bas 2. cB! Wes 3. AIS Sd8 4. Ack dhek 5. Wak+—] 2. Be7! (2... Wa8 3. Dd6 SB 4. Bas!+—] 1: INegyesy] M50. 1... £92! 2. Ads (2. ber Wh3—+] Wes 3. h3 (3. Wes Bh3 4B We2—+] 23! [4. bg2 Ad4—+] O:L M51. 1... Had! 2. Had Ded! 3, Bed B. We7 AN—+; 3. Bds DN 4. ogi We5—+] Begs 4. fe5 b4! O:1 52.1 Hig3! 2. fp3 £2 3. bg2 nw (3... 2h3!- e if ‘inst 4. 8fl Br 5. of Orn N53. 1... @n3!2. 23 2. 29 Det 3, Be4 Bed (3... Wed—+ X12) 4. del Eads A Ha2, 28-+] Ded 3. oer Ei! 4. el (4. Bf2 De3—+] wns 5. EM We3 6. He? Wes Or1 —s W154. 21. B02! 2, be? a2 3. Sbi “Was 4. -b3 [4- 2d3 Ac3—+] Hb3! 5. 2b3 WhF6. Lal Ac3 O:1 gh6 2. Se7 hs 3, 1155. Hf8! Wi8 (3... DB 4. West] 4, ee 1: 1. Ahi Hg7 5. DB HIB 6. West [KajkamdZozov, Blanc] 0 1. 2d5! ed5 2, Eb7! Wb7 [2. Ab7 3. Bis Bw 4. De7 we7 5. We2+—] 3. Db7 Bb7 4, We7 1:0 [Kajkamdzozov] M57. 1... Be6t! [2. deo £2! 3. BR Edl—+; 2. Qd2 gd 3. bh Heo—+] Orn N58. 1... Bh3! 2. De6 (2. ch3 Wh3 3. de? He3!! 4. he} Ee8 5, bd2 WH-+] Bc6 3. Hes Les 4. des Hg?! 5. Ser Fe6 6. Stl wWhs 7. wel (7. We2 Hei—+] was! O:1 IMi. Cejtlin} M159. 1, Se6! whi [I... feo 2. We7 Wo2 3. Web Ph8 4. He7! Be2 5. Hes! Hg8 6. Ses+—; 2, Bh6I+—; 1... Be2 2. WHB!! (2, We7 Wl 3. Bcl Wd3 4. 27 Shs A WdI-+) SR (2... BR 3. BET Bg7 4. Be8+— Vokss) 3. Ado Hes 4. Af7 Gh8 5. He8 BA 6. Rest 1: 0 Vokéé — van der Ween] 2. Hel [2. wWi8 £8 3. SF7 g7 4. Bd5 Be7-c] W3 3. Wb3 2b3 4. BeBe N60. 1. £7! oh7 2. whs Ses 3. WIT Gh8 4, He3! Deford (4... Qdr6 5. Hh3 Dh7 6. Witt; 4... 222 5. ber Wes 6. He3 Wds 7. Sei+—] 5. Bh3 Oh7 6. Wg6 HO 7. Hh7! (7. E71? Se8 8. 218 WH 9. Bh7 WET 10. Bhs hs 11. WE7+—] Dh7 8. DET hes 9. Dd8 Ha8 10. h4+— [A h5-n6) 120 [Mirkovie] M61, 1. Bg7! 97 2. Wes Sf8-3. -* Hes! Wes -[3.:. fe6 4. We7 we8 5. _ Sh7+-] 4. He 5: Hel. Hes 6. who Ge7 7.14 [Séerbakov] (240] 162. bs 3. 2b7 Hb7 4. WH+—; 1 1, Sa6! baé [1... Hg3 2. wes WaT 2, WIS Sd8 (2... Sb8 3. Ab7 Hb7 4. Wi7+—) 3. Wh7! He? 4. Wh8 e7 5. Wh4 S47 6. BbS hes 7, Wh8+—; 1... Hg7 2. Wes bs 3. &b7 Hb7 4. Eb7 Bb7 5. Wd7+—] 2. WIS Ha7 3. Bb7! 13... @b7 4. Wd7 Hb6 5. Bbl was 6. We? Sad 7. Eb4t—; 3... Wad 4. Efbl Bas 5, who+—] 1:0 [Smuter] 1163. . Bh3! 2. gh3 wh3 3. an Qed ds Wer Df Sith! [Rajkovi¢] 164. 1. kdst hs [1.. Add 2. Hed! hg? (2... We 3. Wd4+—) 3. Bes! wes 4. wd GiB 5, was bg7 6. Wot] 2. 27 Bg7 3. Wb2 Eh7 4. wo! 247 [4... WIE 5. gf6 &d7 6. He7+—] 5. He7 1:0 M65. 1, 2h7! h7 2. Kev! 7 (2... @f8 3. He7 Bh8 4. Bd7+—] 3. Wh7 Geb 4, Be7! Wa7 5. Bel 1:0 1166, . Bhd! 2. ghd Bot 3 Bes B. 28 eS Oil We2 5. & Wil We3-+] Hg3 4. Shi ae eH Whs—+] Be2t M67. 1. Bd5! edS 2. dS Was 3. Ec8! Wd7 4. bs! [A Dfo; 4. Bc7+—] Ba? (4... Wa7 5. De7 Wel 6. Ha8 Bas 7. Wd6+—] 5. He7 We7 6. Hf S18 7. Wa6 Ha7 8. wWe7 we7 9. £4 1:0 N68. 1. Hh6!! gh6 [1... &g8 2. es. Ef? 3. Bh8 Shs 4. we7+—] 2. whe ‘de8 3. Dd5! DeS (3... We7 4. De7 SIT 5. WhS Sf6 6. WES4; 3... Hb6 4. De7 S75. Wh7 We7 6. WhS Bg6-7. Des -We6 8. He7!4+—; 3... He2!? 4: Qe? be7. 5. Sg? We7 6. Wel el 7. AdS+—] 4. ~ De7 ST 5. DFS! We3 6. Hl! (6... Hes werversoreet 7. We7 heb 8, Add! Wd4 9. Beet; Hes 7. Web Sds 8. We7 hc8.9. wR he7 10. Wd6 cB 11. De7H#] 1:0 [Berezjuk] M169, 1. BF61 [1 Bes Ade3 2. Be3 Be3 3. fe3 Hdl 4. Hdl Wes 5. Weds] HS U1... gF6 2. DH (2. Hd5!7+—-) ale 3. ef6 Hdl 4. Hdl @h8 5. Wes Hoe 6. Hd8!+—; 1... g6 2. Wes+—] 2. Ags [2. £g7!? Se7 3. Ais Af6 4. ef6 Wie 5. Wie Sf6 6. Ed7+—] Afed 3. ef6 Bal 4. Hdl g6 5. Wf4! [5. £77 des 6. Dh6 hs} ho (5... Ses 6. Des A- whe] 6. Of! (6, Hd8!? He8 (6... Bd8 7. Of7 Ses 8. Ads+—) 7. We7!+—] hes 7. Hho h7 8. Dgd 1:0 IMirkoviel 1170. - Ef2tt 2. £2 [2. Aces Bg? 3. ni “Hg3 4. Zg3 fed 5. el Adi 6. Hdl We3 7. &g2 Bd4 8. Sada: Wd4—+; 2. He2 be3 3. BA cb2—+| Add 3. O13 Bed! 4. hed (4. bed hs 5. &f4 WASH] Bdl $. Dd1 2b2 6. Ded We5 7. Qdes Wes 8. HN Hes 9. 25 &g7 0:1 {Bologan] 171, 1, HeS! Wes 2. AbS! WI (2. WdS 3. Afor—; 2... BA 3. Bt] 3. Be Wes 4. 216 WIS 5. WHE SI 6. Gadi! 1:0 172, 1. Bb3! Wal [1... Wb3 2. ig] &g7 3. f6+—] 2. £6 &£6 [2... 26 3. fg6+— = 3. ‘Bg?! 2e7 4. Bh7 Shs (4... Gh7 5. Bal fal 6 Hh3] 5. Hal Bal 6. £e4! Be7 7. Hh3 gs 8.Hh7 1:0 1173. 1. &e7! He7 2. Df6! 2f6 3. ef6 @h7 (3... Hd7 4, Wh6 Hdl 5. Ags! Hel 6. @h2+—] 4. fe7+— - [Vasjukov, Pliseckij] TI74.- 1, not gho 2. Bast [2... Wd6 3. Wg6 Bhs 4. Who Our (4... {zark bg8. 5. Hg3+—) 5. Wd6+—] 3. We6 @h8 4. Wh6 Dh7 5. Hy3 5... Hes 6. Hg8 dogs 7. He6+—; 5... £5 6. Heé WET 7, He8? (A 7... Who 8 Hg8! Hes 9. BgSt) cl; 7. Be6+—] 1:0 1175. 1. Heo! feo 2. Sho! SO (2... gh6 3. Wyo Bh8 4. Who wes 5 Qh3!! Sf7 (5... BB 6. £e6 HET 7. We6 h8 8. BA7+—; 5... WeT 6. Be6 BIT 7. We6 HH 8. LA7+—) 6. Des hes 7. We6 Bd7 8. De6+—] 3. Ad? [3. eat? Bf6 G... BB 4. 263 gh6 5. We6 LB 6. c5+—) 4. Bd2 (4. BgS HPS!) Be7 5. g5 HPS 6. 2h3+—] 050) (3... Wd7 4. Bh3 Ef 5. Dgs Eh6 6. fe6 He 7. Wh7 PB 8. Wh8 Ee7 9. We7 dB 10. Deo We6 11. cS+—] 4. 2h3 WHE WES 6. WES ef5 7. Eel Hc8 8, d5! [Finkel] N76. 1. Be6! Be6 (1... Dbd7 2. He! Web (2... fe6 3. Aes Aes 4. ATH; 2... Wb4 3. HR! fe6 4. Be6 Ded 5. Hed hed 6. BI7!+—) 3. 26 f6 4. Dg6 Ded 5. DI Ags 6. Deb+—; 1... Wd8 2. Beb!! fe6 3. Be6 Bes 4. wee Bh8 5. Wh6 Dh7 6. Ag6+—; 1... Hb7 2. Dg6! fe6 3. Le6 Leo 4. Wes whe 5. Wh6 Dh7 6. Heo Wha 7. bf2! Ac8 8. Whs A Wes+—; 1... Wb4 2. &R! A Sg6+—] 2. 296! Oh7 [2... Og4 3. Wh5t—; 2... Ded 3. Whs De3 4. Wh7 SiG 5. Dest] 3. We7 He7 4. 217 Shs 5. Dg e7 6. De7T HI7 7.6 1:0 [Nogueiras} 77.1. Best! 1. 2 Hal 2. Adit Uhlmann — Hennings] Wes 2. Af7 Gh8 3. Wes Hal 4. Sf BM (4... Hd7 5. &e6+—] 5, Whs! Ha2 6. belt+— {R. Marié] =n N78. 1. Bat! baz EL... -fg5 2. Qe5+—] 2. Bc6 bes 3. Hdl wher Bs. SB 4. Web Abs 5. Bes fe5 6. HasHe! 4. DeS! Wes 5. HAT we8 6. Web Wes 7, Ec? G18 8. Wad We8 9. He8 We8 10, We8 SET 11. c4!+— (11... AS 12.05 Bas 13. 06 Eh6 14. c7 Qe7 15. Wd7 Bc7 16, We7+—] N79. 1. 865! efS (1... Wed 2. We7!+—] 2. He7! e7 3. Hel bd8-[3... Ae6 4. De6+—] 4. Wha £6 5. Who Was 6. Db3! (6. WIR? Sc7 7, WH b3—+] Wd5 7. WI8 Sc7 8. WIE+— M180. 1. 27! Bg7 [1... Bea 2, AB+-] 2. Oho Bho (2... Sw 3, Desi+—] 3. Who Bed 4. He3 d5 [4.. 2h7 5. Bgs Des 6. wes+—] 5. Des Wes [5... Ags 6. Wes Ghs (6... SEB 7. h6+—) 7, Sed ded 8. Whe des 9. h6+—] 6. Hed! Wes [6... det 7. Wh7 SES 8. WHT] 7. Heb! Wh6 8. Zh6 Bad 9. Bb6 Qd4 10. Hes 1:0 M81. 1. &a6! baé [1... Hb8 2. 27! Hb7 3.-Hf6! Bd8 4. c6+—; 1... HA 2. Ab7 (2. Bf6 Hf6 3. &b7+—-) Bad7 3. Hd7 Bd7 4. c6 ET 5. Bf6!+—] 2. 06 Gg7 3. c7 HET 4. He He 5. Hie! fo 6. d8y+-] 1 182. 1. Bf?! BET 2. OFT SFT 3. Wes StS 4. Dha! Ars (4... Bhd 5. Ab4+—] 5. Bg7! hes [5... be7 6. DS+—-] 6. Wed SET 7, Wis og7 8. He7! 1:0 1183. 1... &h3! 2. gh3 Hyg3! 3. fe3 We3 4. We? Wed 5. bh2 Heo! 6. wes (6. WF Wg3 7. Sh1 Bh6—+] hgo—+ M184, 1... He3! 2. wes (2. Wh4 fc2 3. Ed2 wf3—+] 2h3! 3. @h3 wes 4. Ghd gS 5. des [5. does BS—+] west. 1185. a 1, £b2! Wb2 2. HdB! 2d8 3. wb2 1:0 ‘aa 186. 1. Hest! DcB (1... Wes 2. ReS+—] 2. Bg6!! hg 3. We6 Las (3... BR 4, WH+—; 3... e7!? 4. Hel! d6 5 We7 Seo 6. wh8 de7 (6... Ob6 7. Whé BHT 8. Wh7 f6 9. h4!+—) 7. Who S7 (7... @d7 8. Bes des 9. Hdl Be8 10. Hd6!+—) 8. Wh7 be6 (8. Sf6 9 h4t+—) 9. gs A f4+—] 4. Wes De7 5. ReS Hes 6. WH! We8 16... dé 7. Ad6 We8 8. Be7+—] 7. Bel 1:0 [Adorjan] 1187, 1. Bf7!! SET [1... Bg? 2. We2 We2 3. bg2 B17 4. Bed HR 5. Bfl+—] 2. S04 Ba5 (2... Was 3. WH es 4. Wed+—] 3. WI3 deb 4. Bel! Ab4 5. Wh3 Se? (5... SF7 6. Wh7 SB (6. Se6 7. WTF) 7. Hl+—] 6. Wh7 dB 7. 27! (7... We7 8. He8t+—] 1:0 [Kupfer] M188. 1. Bc5! Sed 2. Bacltt R. cd5? Wd5 3. Hacl dod6—+; 2. wbs fda! 3. cds WAS 4. Wad wes; 2 wer hdd 3. cd5 Wes] ded [2... d4 3. We7 Sb4 4. Whe a3 5. Was b2 6. Hoi e2 7. Heclat; 2... ded4 3. cd5 was 4, Hed Wed 5. Wedt—; 2... Be5 3. cd5! Bel 4. Helt=; 2... Sd6 3. 5 heb 4. Was f7 5. Wd3+—I 3. Hed (3... Wed 4. We7t-] 120 {Smirin} 1189. 1. Bh6! gh6 2. Bd7!! Aa7 12... Wd7 3. Af &e7 4. wd7+—] 3. Wes Sts [3.. hs 4 Who wes 5. Des (S. Bdl!?) Wis (5... DB 6. DL Des 7. De5 We7 8. eo Heb 9. Web+—) 6. Bf7 WET 7. Af LET 8 WhS GEE 9. Wedt—] 4. wh! .-He5! 2. deS WA (2... wi dg! Was 4. edd Das. 5. 3. ETP 813: 4... De4—+] el Wes 6. Daz iA Waa] —~. LV. Kovaéevié] M91. 1, Leb! fe6 2. Wee HAO (2: ot 3. Wed! Bd8 (3... Be5 4, DcS+ £d6 4, Hd6 We2 5. balt—) 4. iin We2 5. hal+—] 3. Wis! Bas [3... 26 4. Hd4+—] 4. Wh HET 5. Bes Fa 6. He2 We7 7. HIB! {Akopian] 1192. 1. Bf5! gf5 [1... Bf5 2. AdS Wd8 (2... Ah2 3. Gh] Wd6 4. Bes Bes 5. BeS!+—) 3. &b6! 2h2 (3... Bf4 4, Wid We8 5. Who f60 6. Be7!+—) 4. Phi Wd6 5. He7+—] 2. Wes Hhs 3. Wb G8 4. Bh6 BeSO 5. Hes! Wes 6, Wes Ghs 7. £4! BBO (7... Wes 8- hi+—] 8. feS Egs 9. bes 1:0 [Nogueiras] N93. 1... Ha2! 2. Sb1 Be2! 3, Bed (3. a2 Ha8 4. Ba3 a3! $. bad Wa3d] Wa7 4. Qh7 [4. 223 Ba3 5, a2 Qb4—-+] Hh7 (4... Sh8—+] 5. We Abd 6. g6 [6. Wo4 Hc8!—+] fe6 7. Weé Efi il 1194, 1... Bb3! 2. ab3 a2 3. He50) de5 4. Bal @f7!! 5. Wa2 [5. Ha2 2h3 6. Bhl (6. h3 Eh 7. bes Wd7 8. Be5 We7—+) g2-+] Hh3 6. Sh1 (6. @h3 Bh8—+] g2 7. Gh2 gly 8. el War 0:1 (Sur N95. 1... Bd6! 2. Bd6 [2. dG De4—+] He3! 3. He3 (3. 218 Ded—+] Ded! 4. We? [4. Hed3 We2 5. hl Hc8 6. bS WE 7. ogi abs! 8. Wb3 (8. Wd4 He2—+) WA 9. whl He2—+; 4. Heel WA 5. hl WE 6. h2 We2! 7. whl (7. Bgl Wed 8. eg? Ad6—+) Hds! (A 8... Hd6 9. Hd6 WES 10. dh? WA2 11. @h1_Og34t) 8. We2-Al2 9. deg2 We2 10. Hc2 Qd1-+] e3 $. Hd3 Ge2 6. SN |el!! O21 [Makaryéev] 1196. 4. “Bh7t -Hh7-2. Bed [A gs, Whs} gs (2... Hg8.3. Des Phs (243] Ef? Q£7 5S. Bf7 Bh7 6. Ags Lh 7. We2t+—] 3. Dgs g6O] 4. Ded [A wH- h3] OfS 5. HfS!! efSO (5... gf5? 6. ALE f6 7. ef6-+— A whs] 6. WA! [A Wh4] Be7 (6... fg4? 7. 6 16 8. Wh4+—] 7. @f6 Af6 17... BF6 8. ef6 Wd6 9. Wha Df6 10. Ded fed 11. 2F6+—] 8. ef6 216 9. What+— [9... &b2 10. Wh7 BR 11 Hes! A wrt [Kr. Georgiev] 1197. 1. Eg61! dbg6 (1... hs 2. gat bg6 (2... Sh4 3. B6 Hh3 4. Bhotk) 3. Hg8 7 (3... Bho 4. 2c34) 4. He7 Ge8 5. Hb7+—] 2. Eg8 PhS 12... Sho 3 eB! Bhs 4. et Shs 5, Hyer! no (5 Hibs 6. £f4! a3 7. dy3! By3 8. fg34t) 6. £95! hgs 7. Hh8+—; 2... G7 3. He7 e8 4. Hb7+—] Sh 4, Sgr! EITC 5. Be3! ho (5... Za5 6. £4! Bf 7 Aft A 034] 6. S95! (6... hgs 7. Ehst+-] 1:0 [Pascual Pérez] TI98, 1... Be2! 2. €6 [2. e2 Wed 3. Bel EB—+] Hf3! 3. Wer Hast 4. cd6 We3 5. hdl Wd6 6. Sel [6. wel Wes 7. Sb2 Wh4 8. bel He3I—+] wos 7, Wd2 He3 8. edi Hd3 9. Wd3 ed3 10. Hel Wb2 0:1 IL Sokolov] 1199, 1. ST! ET 2. was ots 3. Ad6 He7 (3... Be7 4. He? He7 5. Weo+—] 4, Hes! Has 14... wa7!? 5. Hoel Hee8 6. Hf6! gf6 7. Weé!+—I 5. Re7 Be7 6. Hb6 aS 7. Hb2 1:0 1200. 1. Hg7!! he7 2. Shor des (2... h6 3. Wd2 g7 4, Wes Dh8 5. Wh6 Ses 6.-Dd7 wa3 7, Af BF 8. cd3+—1 3. Wi3 (3. Qc4!? Was 4. Hds ed5 5. Wd2+—] Aes [3... Wad 4. We3 Qed 5. Des Wal 6. SA+—] 4. Wea Bh8 5.257-g7-6. Wh3 Bhd 7, whd @hS 8. Whs 97 9. wes 1:0 1201. 1. Bg7! Bes. £g7 2. Bf7! WIT 3. Qdo+—] 2. Eley! HAT 3. Bes hel (3... Gd7 4. WET eco 5. Wes Wd7 6. Wd7 dT 7. Des He6 8. BAZ 2b2 9, De6+—] 4. Be5 kd7 5. WHT Seb 6. We8 Ob7 7. HS Wh6 8. WIT Ac7 9. Ae3 Wb2 10. Acs eG 11. Led ods (12. Bd8+—] 1:0 [Minev] 1202, 1. Bev! wey (1... fT 2. We6 wg8 3. ER!+-] 2. 296 Wes 3. gh6!! 2g? (3... BA 4. Sh7N4-] 4. SET! WETS. h7 Dh8 6. WIT Bh3 7. Der 28 8.Wb7! 1:0 [Faragé} 1203. 1. af7! S17 2. Bao! das (2... Wb7 3. Dh6! gho 4. Wes we7 5 Wit] 3. We7 heb 4. c1d6 Was [4.. HEB 5. Qc8 Heck 6. Who+r—; 4... Wes 5. WHT Bes 6. f4 kd6 7. Edit+—] 5. Des We8 6. Wi hds 7. wads wed 8. Hel BES 9. WEE gd 10. h3 PhS 11. g44t 1:0 1204, 1. Hh8!! hs [1... 17 2 Whs @f6 3. 243+—] 2. WhS des 3. We8 218 4. We6 Bg7 5. Wes LIB 6. WES [6. 2d5? Wa6—+] ged [6... BF6 7. Hh! eS 8. Wek was (8... wF7 9. Eh7+—) 9. 2b5+—] 7. Bal! 1:0 1205. 1... &h3! 2. gh3 [2. &d4 edd 3. gh3 He6 4. £4 (4. e5 Aes—+) Heo 5. @h2 Hg3—+] Wh3 [2... He6? 3. 2h?) 3. LcdO] He6t! 4. 2e6 fe6 5. W3 15. We2 HB 6. WB WB A Ofo-g4—+] Wed 6. Oh2 Ets 7. Bad edd [8. wi WE A DeS-g4—-+] 021 (M. Li] 1206. 1... 42! 2. SHAAN? 3. Hg? GB. &g2 wh4 4.-BFl Bed A 243-41 hd" 4." her He3-S. be3-AhS 6.'ed3 Wed 7.-Hd2 Hg? 8 Ber We? 9. Hel [244] : We3—+ (10. fl Ags! 11. Wes (11. a3 WES 12. gl We3 13. cg? £1—+; 11. Bbl Ab6-+) he7 12. Ba3 Blo 13. Wd7 WH 14. Sel Bhs A wWe24t] [Palatnik] 1207. 1. Ba7!! Ha7 (1... B47 2. Wh4 hS 3. BS! Sg7 4. Ae6!+—] 2. Wh4 hS 3. OHS! hy7 4, Seo! Ans (4. fg6 5. Wh7 QfB 6. DdS+—; 4... deo 5. WhS+—] 5. Bh7 Bf5 6. We3 Bg6 7. 2g6 fg6 8. d7 Wa7 9. h3 1:0 [Kiproy] 1208. 1. 2g5! wWe7 [1... hgs 2. Ds Ad! (2... BP 3.8 Sh5 4. Be6+—-) 3. LAT GIB 4. Be6!! A Dh74] 2. de7 Bal 3. Hdl f4 4. h3! 2c80 5. Dh4t [A as: 5, Hd8? @f8 6. Bh4 DHS] 1:0 [Geller] 1209. 1. &f6! Bel 2. Hel Bf6 (2... gf6 3. g7 &e7 4. Hh6!] 3. Hegi! [A Bh6!+—] (J. Polgar] 1210. 1. Hf! ef4 2. 2g6! fg6 3. He7 BPO (3... hS 4. Wes!+—] 4. HET hs 5, He7! wWh2 (5... Bc2 6. h3 Wd4 7. Hes h7 8. f7 Hel 9. Bel+—] 6. h3 Wel 7. Gh? f3 8. £7 g7 9. ew 1:0 211. 1... Bb2!! 2, &b2 (2. Ded ded 3, Bc3 a3! 4. £6 Hb3 5. ddl Hh3 6. Bh4 Hf 7. Hf ef3 8. Be5 (8. Bc3 Hb8—+) Hd8 9. el Ac5 10. £5 £2 11, e2 Hdl!—+] Ba3! 3. a3 (3. dal Hb8—+] Bbs 4. Ded (4. HS Hbs 5. b4 a5 6. c3 ab4 7. cb4 Wdd—+] Wh2! [ais We7?? 5. -Ad6! Was 6. bad+— Boudy ~ I. Szabé] 5. dad Wa2 6. Wa3 We2-7. Has Hbs 8. a6 Wed! [A Wes- asi] ~~ {Boudy! W212. 1. Bh7! @h7 2. Best Bes : (2... eS 3. BeS HS (3... des? 4. WhS+—) 4. Wh3 Bh4 5. BFS des 6. Wh4 kes 7, We3+—] 3. Wh3 des (3... HhS 4. HE Bho (4... &e8 5. Weo+—) 5. 2g7 Gh7 6. Af6 Hho 7. Wes gs 8. We7+—] 4, Wh8 SET 5. Wh7 ces 6. We6 was 7. HIS Wed 8. Agi! Hes 9. HET WaS 10. Wg8! c7 (Smagin — Sa- von) 11. Wg7! eb8 12. ed! [12, He7? Hest] Wed 13, He7 Hes 14. wh6+— [Smagin] 1213. 1. Gh6! gh6 2. He6t! oe [2... fe6 3. We6 FS 4. Bho Hhs 5. DeS!+—. 2... WoT 3. Tho 28 4. Sef Bh 5. Eh6+—] 3. Ah6! gs 4. Bhs! £5 4... EhS 5. BhS fe6 6. Yg6l+—] 5. We2 Sg7 6. Ze5! (6... Bh8 7. Whs+—; 6. Hes 7. whs! Heé 8. Hh7+—] 1:0 (Byrne, Mednis] 7 1214. 1. ds! [1. Bg3 Aes. A AGE! edS [1... BAS 2. ed5 De3 (2... €5 3. Wh7+—) 3. Bg7! wes (3... dg? 4. Wh7 Bf 5. fe34+—) 4. fe3-+—— XF7] 2. ed5 £f6! (2... De3 3. Ae7! Hes 4. fe3 Ab7 5. BET! A Wg6t+—] 3. Wh7! Les 1B... Qe3 4. Bf6 gf 5. Who! wed (5... Ge7 6. We3 SAB 7. Wh6+—) 6. Hell! bd7 (6... Ad5 7. cdS+—) 7. Wh3! £5 8. WHS+—] 4. Hest [4. Be5? destF; 4. Hed? Af6 5. Wh8 he? 6. HeS des 7. Sia3 Hd6o0] HeSO) [4... des 5. Ba3+— A 5S... Ge8 6. Wg8.ced7 7. £54] 5. £4! [5... &d5C 6. cd 5! WeS a) 7. dhl WbS! 8, Bgl (8. Hel Wb4) We2oo; b) 7. Hf2! Qd7 8. Bg7! Se7 9. West —] 1:0 (Makaryéev] 7 1215. 1... Hd3!! 2. Wd3 Bab! 3. £6 26 4. Wab We2-+; 3. Waect [3-6 | }. Wad c2—+] We2 4. bal WdT_ 7 4 be3 4 {245] - 5. Db1 Hel! (5... Wd7!? 6. Df6 2£6) 6. Sigs—+) Bf6 10. Hes Bb1 11. AbI Wa4- Bd2 (6. Di6 gf 7. Wee wh8 8. 12. de} We3 13, Sb1 Bes—+] hs 8, Wes Hbl 9. Wbl We2—+] a3! 7. Web bad [8. We? ab2 9. b2 We2 10. wal I7. ba3 Dedi! 8. Wes hf8 9. Hed (9. gs We34t] Dgs! O:1 [Yudasin] [ee] 1216, 127. 1218. BOLESLAVSKIJ ~ GRANT ~ SALOV SIPOV ~ SUL’MAN MOSIONZIK Groningen 1983 Alusta 1994 — 60/577 SSSR 1967 — 4:167 1219. 1220. 1221. PUCHELE ~ FEUSTEL BENKO — AHLBERG TISCHBIEREK ~ Gliicksberg 1977 Bad Wérishofen 1992 B. LENGYEL Budapest 1987 m 1222. 1223. 1224, SAMISCH — ENGEL ALBURT — MESTEL G. KUZ’MIN ~ Brion 1928 Thessaloniki (ol) 1986 GROSZPETER uD Kusadasi 1990 — 497290 ae Waker fa GS Wi ne x @ aeacan es Fe B Bye ae @ OES 7 co 1226. SITNIKOVA ~ LEL'CUK SSSR 1985 1216. 1. Dgss! efS 2. e6! WI (2... Le6 3. He6!+—] 3. WES [3... WES 4. BFS h8 5. Dg6 Hh7 6. Des Gh8 7. AL7+] 1:0 (Judovie] W217. 1... Hh3! LL... f4 2. £4 Bh3 3. Sgicc] 2. gh3 f4 3. e200 (3. &f4? Qd2 4. Wd2 Bh34t; 3. Dl fe3 4. Bed Rf—+] Dg3! [3..: fe3 4. Bel!i—t] 4. Bd2-fe3 5. fe3 Hed 6, He2 QeS!.7. 4 Hed 8, Hed Wet - {Salov] R. BYRNE ~ FISCHER USA (ch) 1963/64 1227. SIROV ~ KING Gausdal 1990 1218. 1... D3! 2. gf3 (Sipov — Sul’- man) ef3! 3. @h1O [3. DFS Wh3! 4. Dh4 Wh4 5. Hg6 Wh3-+] He3! 4. fe3 [4. DiS Wh3 5. Hgl Hel! 6. De3 Les 7. Hg6 h7—+] Les 5. Hee [5. Hd? 2g3 A f2] &g3 6. He8 Ac8 7, Wed (7. We2 BS 8. 04 £2 9. BA2 $£2'10. ef5 g3 U1. - g2 gh2 12. hi Wei—+] we7 8. Hie B29. We8 g3-+ [Sipoy] a 1219.1 Bt6t ef6 Hott 2B ‘Sg8 3. WeS+—] 2. OFS! gtS (2... g8 3: ~ a7} WaT+—] 3. WaT gé 4. WIT bes 5. We7 Ghd 6. Wie Sg3 7. Wes Sh3 8. WES gd 9. WES hI 10, Wh2 wed 11. Hd dogs 12. Wg3 1:0 1220. 1. dS! AdS [1... Aes 2. DFE Wi6 3. deS Wes 4. £6! 26 5. Wd7 e3 6. Lg6!+—] 2. £6! D6 (2... g6 3. DT!+—] 3. Hf6! Se5 (3... WH 4. Wh7 SI 5 Qd7+~I 4, deS! [4. Wh7!? SFB 5. Whs A Wg7] 6 [4... g£6 5. Wh7 FB 6. Wh8 Be7 7. Wi6+—-; 4... HeS 5. Wh7 die 6. Wh8 de7 7. We7 WIR 8. HAT!+—; 4... £e3 5. Hf7! He7 (5... £7? 6. Efl be? 7. Wd64) 6. He7 We7. 7. Wh7 fT 8. Hil Heb 9. WES dS 10. e6+—: 10. W+—] 5. Wh7 fB 6. Sh6! gh6 7. Who oes 17... e7 8. Ee6! fe6 9. Wo744] 8. 2h7 18... @h8 9. Le6 SeS 10. Yh7 SIs 11. B+] 1:0 [Benko] 1221, 1. Qhs! 6 [1... ghs 2. Bf Af6 (2... 6 3. e5! feS 4. Wd3 ATE 5. Bigs e4 6. Hedt+—) 3. e5! Hes (3... des 4. Wd3+—) 4, HeS deS 5. d6 Wb?7 (5. Wd6 6. Wd6 Dd6 7. HeS £6 8. Bf64) 6. WhS! Qc6 7. d7 De7 8. D7 wes 9. Bh7 Gf 10. Wes Wd7 11. |d8 Has 12. WE6 WET 13. Bd6+—] 2. Df4 218 3. e5!! deS (3... £6 4. Bg6! wg7 (4... hes 5. Lg6+—) 5. Bh6 Hh6 6. Wd2 &e7 7. ef6 Af6 8. He7 dogs (8... D7 9. Des!'+—) 9. Desi+—] 4. Age hgé 5. 26 Lh6 6. whs 1:0 1222, 1, eS! deS [1... fe5 2. Ah6+—] 2. Bhd hé [2.:. Ad6 3. Hh7!+—] 3. Bh! QDd6 4. He7! We7 5. Engr (5... Gh8 6. Whs Les 7. 2h7 Gh8 8. Be6 hes 9. aWh74; 5... f7 6. &g6! go 7. whsst] 7 1: 1223, 15, bt! Hu elt? 2. el Wd3 3. Wel Wed 4. Bc2 We2 5. Gc2 fel 6. Hel bgsF] 2. db2 [2. 22 Ad3 3. Hdl Bb7 4. &b3 Bb3! 5. ab3 QDel!—+] Hd6! [2... a3 3. wel A &e2; 2... Hb7 3. &b3 A Wh] 3. Qb6 a3! [4. el He7—+; 4. a3 wa3! 5. Ab3 (5. Sb2 Ac3—+) Kb6 (A Add) 6. Wh2 6. Hg? Bd4 7. He2 Sc3—+) Ad4 7. Bel (7. We2 Ha? 8. &b4 &cS—+) Ha7 8. Sb4 Hb7 9. ba3 Wa6 10. Bad 2b2—+) Or1 [Mestel] 1224. 1. f6!! 216 2. Hf6 gf6 3. Wed Bhs 4. Wha Wed 5, Hdd! we? (5... ed4 6. Ad4 Be8 7. £4 6, DFS Wee 7. Bt | Qg7! We7 (8... Sg7 9. Bh6 Gh8 10. BAB A Who+-; 8... Web 9. DhS Hus 10. &c5! Wes 11, Of Zf6 12. whe Sek 13. Hf3+—] 9. Se! Wes 10. DHS (10... Hd6 11. Of6 Hf 12. wi begs 13. EB+s] 1:0 [Smagin} 1225. 1. e6!! feb 2. Wes Shs 3. Hg?! cg7 4. He7 Bho (4... Shs 5. We7+—] 5. We7 WES [5... h4 6. We7 Bhs 7. Df4 gd 8. h3 hfs 9. Be7! Hae8 (9... Hfe8 10. 2f7+—) 10. wi!+—] 6. We7! [6. Og3? Wh! 7. &f2 Ads—+] eS 7. Og3 Wed 8. h4! Wh4 9. Heb! Wed 10. 2£6 Hf 11. WI6 gh6 12. DFS 1:0 [A. Geller] 1226. 1... D2! 2. P Ags 3. Sel De3 4, War Dg?! [4... Adl 5. Ball 5. og? d4! 6. Add Bb7 7. Hf (7. Sgl Ad4 8. Wd4 Hel! 9, bf? wdd 10, Bad Hal—+; 7. f2 wd7! 8. Hacl Wh3 9. QB Lh6 10. Wd3 He3 11. We3 He3 12. Ge3 Hes 13. er wWes!—t] wa7t 18. WA Wh3 9. hg] Hell! 10. Hel Bad—+; 8. Adb5 wh3 9. gi Bho-+} © 021 [Fischer] ‘[2a8] des [1 1227, feS 2. Bf? We6+—] 3. Bg3 Os 4. wes we 4... Gh6 3. Welt+—; 1... 5 2, ALS+—; 1. Wh 5. Bh3+—] 5. Wee Ha7 6, Hh3! HafS 2. QFS+—] 2. AS! gf5 (2... SF Hh3 7. Wes de7 8. dor 18... 2d6 9. WIT 3. Qd6 (3. He3 A Wes+—) Ad6 4. A810. Ed6+-]1 1:0 [Sirov] EF 1228. 1229, 1230. RAMAN ~ AARON HOLMOV ~ COLLAS BOLOGAN ~ India 1977 Legnica 1994 DAO THIEN HAI Moskva (ol) 1994 — 62/287 1231, 1232, 1233, MATULOVIC — A. RODRIGUEZ — VAGANIAN — PORTISCH. VASIUKOV BORGES MATEOS Reggio Emilia 1991 Skopje 1970 — 9/325 La Habana 1991 = 5147 1235. ZEZJUL’KIN ~ GULKO — M. KOZAKOV Polanica Zdr6j 1993 Ila 1... 3! 2. Of3 &h3! 3. eh3 . Sed Wd7 5. hd OF6 6. Hes Ses 7. Gg5 36! 8. g4 [8. Hi We7 9. Seo We6—+; 8. WhS We7 9. Bhd Bh6o—+; 8. @h4 Bho-+] We7 9. hs Bho! 10, Bh6 what Or1 1229. 1. b3! (1. Bhf4? af! A 2 Hf6 Hed] He3 2. Enf4!! Wes [2... Dh6 3. BAT! EET 4. We6 FR 5. Wht; 2.. Df 3. Bf6! cf6 4. We wes 5. Bg61 WaS 6. HAS! Weé 7. Qh7!+—] 3, Ef7! YT 4. We6 hs 5, BE 1:0 (Holmov} 1230, 1. gfs! ed3 2. Be6 (2. 2082? de2 3. Be6 Hf7!-+] Shs 3. cB Hc8 4. d7 Bes 5. Wd3 [A 6. Bes, & Qh6] fe7 6. BRNO gh6 7. Wes He7 8. E710 Ege [8... HI7 9. gf7+—1 9, He7 Hi6 10. He8 @g7 11. We3 Ege 12. Wes 1:0 (Bologan} 1231, 1... e3! 2. Wb7 ef? 3. fl edt! 4, Wed Hae8 5. as (5. 24 Wh3 6. We2 Hel! 7. Bel felw 8. bel We2—+] Has 6. Hd8 Wh3 7, We? W_2~ O:1 (Tajmanoy, Vasjukov] KREMENECKIJ Moskva (ch) 1982 — 33/129 1236, TAL — SPEELMAN Reykjavik 1988 — 46/73 ved 1. h6! 2h6 2. Hfet! ef6 WHT 13... WER 4. QhS+—; 3... WAT 4 Wh3 Qf8 5. Sh5+—] 4. Wh3 5 5. Whe We6 IS... ed4 6. BhS Bel 7. S2+—] 6. Shs! 1:0 [A. Rodriguez] 1233. 1. Bd5! edS [RR 1... Wb7 2. Red! eds 3. Ads Bgs 4. £4 des 5 De7+—] 2. Dds WaB 3. 6! (3. He7?! We7 4. 246 Bd6 5. ed6 WaT fe6 4. Basi+— [Vaganian] 1. g7! Hg8 [1... 297 2. 2f7 FB (2... @e7 3. Whs A Wh4+—) 3. dS Bf6 4. Bc6 Be6 5. Bddt+—] 2. RET! he7 (2... &E7 3. WhS we7 4. Ate! Bg7 5. Hafl Des (5... We8 6. Wha! de8 7, &h6 Hig? 8. Shi+—) 6. wWh4+——] 3. Hf6! @f6 4. WhS He7 (4... we7 5. Ah6+—] 5. Hf he7 6. Wh4 Ss 7, Le6 he8 8. WhS we7 9. HET wes 10. wast 1:0 {Zezjul’kin} 1235. 1... d5! 2, edS [2. &d5 h4 3. We2 Wdsi-+] h4 3. Hed . 2? @h34t; 3--Ge2 Be2 4. Be2 We7!—+]- Bea! fed Qh3 5. Be3 [250] Rast! 6. Add Bg? [A Dh3IH] 7. SE @Dh3 8. wel Al 9. LF Hes 10. Ac3 Wed 11. Bh3 Bedt—+ [Kremeneckij]} 1236. 1. @f7! [. Hb3?! hgs! 2 Hb4 ab4oo] 7 2. Hb3! Wad 3. Web SFB 4. Hb7 [A Ad6] Wed [4... Had8 5. 7. WeT bes 8. Wb7+—] 5. Ld6 Dgs 5... Qd5 6. Be7 He7 7. He7 Ae7 8. Wedt—] 6. He3! Af6 7. HAS de7 8. eT [8. Be5!7+—] He7 9. He? Qe7 (9... Be7 10. HT Sh 11. Wes Wel 12. Hh2 dG 13. g3! (13. Wb?! Wes) Bes 14, dg2+—; 9... Bh8 10. Hf6+—I 10. WHE gs 11. WHT! whs 12, We7 Was He7+—; 4... Ha6 5. b3 Wa2 6. He7 He7 13. an 1:0 {Tal} HG 12397. 1238. 1239. ZURAVL'EV — KOSKIN WINSNES — TARRASCH — CIGORIN SSSR 1963 KRASENKOV Peterburg (m/1) 1893 Stockholm 1989/90 BALK — BARNES New Zealand 1926 1241. KOTOV — BOTVINNIK* SSSR (ch) 1939, 2. CAREV - MALANJUK Kiev 1989 1243, KRAICER ~ DYMENT corr. 1952 1246. MIESES ~ CIGORIN Oostende 1906 1244, HOLASZEK — SCHWARZBACH Wien 1964 1247. BONDAREVSKIJ — ZAGOROVSKIS SSSR 1943 1245. SLOTH — W. WATSON Herning 1991 1248, GUTMAN — HOLMOV SSSR 1975 1249. 1250. SERZANOV ~ NIKITIN KALLAI — RADULESCU IN - GATINE SSSR 1978 Magyarorszig 1980 1252. 1253. 1254, MINASIAN ~ BOROWIEC ~ KARNER ~ MADL DUGUESNOL CHATELAIN Szolnok 1987 Val Thorens 1992 corr, 1978 1255. 1256. 1257. MANN ~ VAJTHO DOBOSZ — JANAK TAL — RANTANEN corr, 1983 SSR 1981 Tallinn 1979 1258, LEDERMAN ~ EPERJESI Biel 1981 KARPACEV — LYRBERG Gausdal 1993 1264. NEGYELY ~ BERTA corr. 1971 1259, SHERZER ~ H. OLAFSSON Philadelphia 1991 1262. WANG LIN — WANG LI China 1988 1265. LUKOV ~ TRIFONOV B" Igarija (ch) 1981 1260, an SAHAROV — HOLMOV. SSSR 1965 1263, PRZEPIORKA — STEINER Debrecen 1925 1266. SANIN ~ SARKOV. SSSR 1987 1267. BELJAEV — N. PAVLOV Rossija 1992 1270. 0. FOISOR ~ SMAGIN Nimes 1991 — 51/550 1268. HAMILTON — HAYGARTH England 1956 a7. GHITESCU ~ LJUBISAVLIEVIC Val Thorens 1988 BEGUN —CARENKOV SSSR 1974 1272. KISH — KOTLAR 1273. BONSCH — P. STEFANOV Bucuresti 1981 1274. KRAMNIK ~ ABRAMOVIC Biel (izt) 1993 — 8/444 u Ig 1275. LASKER ~ BOGOLJUBOV Ziirich 1934 ‘SHERZER — LUNNA Sonierset 1991 1279. VASIUKOV — RANTANEN Beograd 1988 — 47/422 1282, KOWALCZUK ~ BEISTEINER Litschau/Eisgarn 199] 1277, A. PETROSIAN ~ MuNoz Malaga 1991 1280. VERDUGA ~ MORALES Manzanillo 1981 1283, LUTT - KERES corr. 1934 1278, STUMPERS ~ EUWE Nederland (ch) 1946 1281. GULKO — ANIKAEV SSSR 1983 1284, LANKA ~ MALANJUK Odessa 1988 — 45/371 1237. 1... @f3! 2. DB Ded! 3. Ded Eb2 4. Sel Bb! 5. Sb1 Ws 6. bel Wh2it 0:1 1238. 1. Bc6!! £c6 2. afer gf6 (2... #8 3. Deh7 A Wh4+—] 3. Qh7! HT (3... £0517 4. Df6 wes 5. wie Ha6 6 Wes He8 7. WES!+—] 4. Wh4 cbg7 5. Wed Gh8 6. Hd3 Bes 7. Hh3 BHT 8. wis 1:0 1239. 1. Qd5! ed5 (1... £4 2. OF4 Hf 3. 2f4 Bel.4. Belt+—; 1. $42 2. Df! Hf 3. ef6 Sel 4. Be6 Wes 5 WeTt] 2. Ab4 Has 3. Ba6 Hbo 4. Ads+— 1240. 1... 23! 2. be3 He3! 3. fe3 2g3 4. hg3 wy34t Or 1241, <1. Beat 2. po 2. oh Sh3-+] 2313. Oh3 OA! 4. BM Bes 5. @h4 Who 6. Se4 Wh3 7, gs hot 1242, 1. Gh6!! 2h6 2. Bes oh7 3. Afel+— (3... WA 4. Bh8! ohs 5 West] 1:0 1243. 1. Ses! feS 2. Bh7! a7 2... Gf7 3. WhS+—] 3. hgs ge 4. Eh8! (4... Oh8 5. Whs gs 6. g6!+—] 1244, 1. Dg7! g7 2. Bh7! Hh7 3. WET h8 4. Bg5 (4. Hh4 5. Sha B §. &f6! WE 7. Bhi+—] on 1245. - galt [1.. Bh8? 2. 63] 2. hg4 Eh8 3. 2h3 Hh3! 4. h3 Wel! 5. WS (5. ermwh1 6. Wh2 WE 7. 253 Rgds, 5, We2 Bed! 6 Wed Whitt: 5, Sf eff 6. Wel Wdl-+] Bed! [6. wad Whi] Ord ~ EW. Watson] EG 1246. 1. & Dc4 2. Wa7 £6 (2... D6 3. WeT! hes 4. FS gh6 5. WH His 6. West] 3. Hf6! (3... gf6 4. Hts! ate 5. Bh6 begs 6. Wet] 1:0 1247. 1. @h6! [1. BFE? bns—+] gh6 2. Wh6 Dg6 (2... Qd3 3. Bd3 Bh4 4. Wh4+—; 2... £5 3. Be7 We? 4. Wht+—] 3, 296 fg6 4. Yeo Shs 5. Whe He8 6. Bd3 Lh4 7. Wee hs 8. He! 1:0 1248. 1. He7! Be7 2. Ago! fg6 3. We6 Des 4. 26! (4... Bh6 5. Wesst] 1:0 1249, 1... Af! 2. 2 [2. Wed—+] Hdl 3. Agi (3. Del el Higi! 4. bgl Ada! 5. Add wel 0: [udovis) En 1250. 1. @E7! SET 2. 26 wWe7 (2... ef6 3. WhS+-; 2... &f6 3. WB De5 4. Wes Ohs (4... Sie 5. wears) 5, Lg] 3. WhS LEB 4. He7! dg7 (4. Hz8 5. Weo+—] 5. Wes Sts 6. Whe SMT (6... Ge8 7. Lh7+—] 7. B96 wie 8. BhS HS 9. Wes fd 10. Weast 1:0 [Forintos, Kallai] 1251, 1... HAS! 2. 213 Baa! 3, Wad GB. Gh Af 4. be2 2h3 5. del Od1—+; 3. fl Dh2 4. bg2 OGB—+] Wh2 4, bF1 Des! 5, We3 Hh3 Ol 1252. 1. nS! hes 2. Bf61 Hite 3. fe Wi 4. Bes wae [4... WEB 5. 2h6+—; 4... We6 5. Wes A We7+—] 5.'HeT7!! (5... We7 6. We6 A We8tt; 5... Web 6. Wes. Gh7 7. S18! Deo 8. hes bes Bg8 9. We74t) 9. WES] i {Akopian} 4253. 1... Of4r 2. eff Bfs 3-00 Bi2it-4: Qce3 (4. f2 Wh4 5. Hel h2! bs) 6. Bh2 (6. whl SFl—+; 6. Dh2 Ye3-+) Afl 7. Sgl We3 8. Sfl H+] wha [4 &h2-+] oO: 1254, 1. Bd7! Ba7 (1... Qd7 2. Bh7 Gh7 3. Whs gs 4. Be7!+—] 2. 216 cd3 3. Bg3! (3. Wed? g6 4. Wes Hes!] He8 3... g6 4. Whs! A wh7, Hh3-h84] 4, Bg7 dots 5. Bg8t (5... g8 6. Wedt—] 1:0 1255. 1. 218! Ef (1... Bhs 2. fe7+—] 2. Hh8! whs 3. Whe Ses 4. cy 5. eT, 5. Of6; 4... AGS 5. 1:0 [Bottlik] 5. We6 th 1257. 1, &f6! gf6 (1. hS 3. WeS Hb7 4. Wg6+—] 2. hd B97 Adi 2. wha 3. Gh6! Bar (3... Hes 4. Ha6 Hb7 5. &g7 Be7 6. Hb7 wh7 7. Bags Bes 8. Eg8 hes 9. West—] 4. Be7 Ses 5. Lh8! 17 6. WHE dg8 7. WET 1:0 [Foldi] 1258. 1. DI! G7 2. Be6! Be6 3. HS we7 13... Sg8 4. Wes Hh8 5. Ad6 Qc2 6. Bd] Wa5 7. BeS!+—] 4, Hel! [4, &h4 d7 5. Bd8 Hd8ool wes 5. He3 £3 6. Heb. d7 7. He7 cdo 8. Ha71 (8... 47 9: We74] 1:0 IMuié] Ia ob, *1259. 1. nst! gs 1... el 2. fg5 26 [2... B.c6 3 i 1260. 1... Qed! 2. Hed Heo! 3. B68 ded!! [3... Bg3? 4. He8 Bh7 5. Dg3+=] 4. He8 Oh7 5. Wb8 Heg? 6. 2h1 Hh2!! 7. Wh2 (7. dh? Wa2—+] WH 021 1261. 1. QS! ghsC) 2. Hes! Hes 3. h7! @h7 2... he7 4. B16 SS. WeS+—] 4. WhS des 5. 216 Hed I... Dg6 6. Who+—] 6. Whstt : [Karpatev, Korolév] 1262. 1. 2h6!! gho [1.:. DhS 2. BDes+—] 2. Wg2 Hec8 3. We7 he8 4. WIT Has 5, Hes! Dgs 6. We8 Sd7 7. De5! des 8. Wes Led [8... ods 9. Edl Wd7 10. Wb6 He? 1. Hd7 Sd? 12. We6 bd8 13. 2ad+—] 9, Hel! Zd7 10. Bg8 Of 11. Bf! 1:0 (Wang Lin] 1263. 1. 2f5! gfS5 2. WES Hbs 3. He7 Hf8 4. Hg7! G7 5. Aho! Bho 6. Wess] a 1264, 1. Sf4! wes 2. &b7! Edo (2... 2b7 3. Hb7 was (3... &b7 4. Hb1+—) 4. Wc6 Bd6 5. Bb8!+—] 3. Be6 Hc 4. Sed Sas 5, Hbs hd7 6. Eb7 Se8 7. We8 Hd8 8. Bd5 Ded 9. Bf 1:0 [R. Marié] 1265. 1. &g6! hg6 2. Badd! Dad (2... We8 3. He4+—] 3. We6 Gh 4. 6! Was 5. 2d4 66 6. Ags! ed (6.. He? 7, @f7 Bef7 8. ef7 HE7 9. WET wad 10. Hel fc6 11. Be6+—] 7. Wed [7... We7 8..Of7 BET 9. Wha dogs (9... g7 10. Wes A ef7+—) 10. ef7+—] 1:0 {Lukoy] _ 1266. 1. Sg4! fea 2. feTlt eh [2... Wh6 3. Hedi+—] 3. Rea! geq-a- Wes-Dh6 (4... oh7 5. Bel!4+—1s. BES ‘We86. Wes h7 7. His ~ 1:0 (Sanin} 1267. 1. a3! wa30 [1... £6 2. 2d6+—] 2, Bh7! Hh7 3, Whs gs 4. Se7! Sg70 [4... £5 5. We6 A 5... Bt 6. Sh6+—] 5. Wes hs (5... Oh7 6. Eed+—] 6. Hed Wal 7, oh? Wb10 [A 8. Bh4 Wh7=] 8. Wh6! dogs 9. Eh4 160) 10. Hg4 G17 11. Hg7 de8 12. WhS dd8 13. WeS! 2d7 14. WI8 we7 15. Wes! [15... dB 16. gS Be8 17. Wade kek 18, HeB4t; 15. Wa8? Wb6! A a5-a4oo} 1:0 [Beljaev] 1268, 1... gat 2. fed (2. Hh Wed! 3. Wed Qe3-+] Bed! 3. Wed 3. WHI Bh3—+; 3. Wd3 Bh2—+] Bh2!! 4, h2 we (5. 2h1 2g3 A Bhs—-4] Or1 1269. 1. Hf6! Efe 2. Ded Heb (2... fed 3. Af6+—] 3. Wd4! Hed [3... fed 4. WhS SF7 5. Wh7+—1 4, Wh8 ETT 5. Wh7 Se6 6. Bed fed 7. £5! bdo 8. Sdl (8. fg6+—] Bc5 9. We7! Sb4 10. Ba3 Bad 11, was 1:0 1270. 1, He6! Deo 2. Wee HI (2... Of 3. Bes (A Af6) WesO 4. Af6 Ghs 5: We8 @b6 6. WI7 Dh7 7. He8+—] 3. Oho! [3. He6? WET] gh6 [3... Qf 4. He8! Wes 5. WiS+—] 4. He Ha7 5. Hi6 WIT 6. Who Sg8 7. Ht7 HIT 8. 216 Efb7 9. 2a3!+— [0. Foisor] 1271, 1. He?! We7 2. HIS WaT [2.. Wf6 3. 2d4 Wes 4. hd Wa2 5. Wed+—: 2... We7 3. Og?! Hd6 (3... bg7 4. Qh6!+—) 4. De6!+—] 3. D7! Ac? 13... Gg7 4. Bh6! Sho 5. Wee hs 6. BE Wed 7. Bed ded 8. h3 cg3 (8... Bh 9. adit) 9. WE ha 10. Wesel 4. She Dad 5. Wi Wed (5... Wd6 6. Deb! (6. Wad Wh6 7. Dts Wes 8: h4+—) Deb 7. de6 Wd4 8. ef7+—] 6. Wddt+— FA Of5, &g7, Qh6} 1:0 [Ghigescu] 1272, Leak?! @h7 2-WhS gs 3. Lg6! fg6 4. Bt8 Sf8 5.-Weg6 cS [5... a6 6. Bl &g8 7. Bh6+—] 6. BA des 7. Bf6t! (7... ef6 8. &h6+—; 7... BFS 8. We8 Wh7 9. Hb6 ab6 10. WhS segs 11 wst+—] 1:0 1273. Af61 hl 1... 2g3! 2. hg3 hg3 3. det + (4. @de2 gaat 5. ada 1274, 1. Hw7! cS (1... D7 2. Bh7!! (2. 286? Af¥oo) Bh7 3. Bg6! Hg7 (3... fg6 4. AeS+—) 4. £7! SAT (4... Bd6 5. We6 G8 6. Hhl+—) 5. Des wes 6. We6 ds 7. Web wc? (7... We7 8. We8t—) 8. Web Hbs 9. Ad 7H] 2. DB cd4 3. Wb3 218 4. B96! [4. ddd Wag 5. Wb4 £b4 6. &b5 Sb74) b4 (4... de3 5. AFT BAT 6. Dgs+—] 5. Ln7 g7 6. Bdd+— [Kramnik] 1275. 1... &g3! 2, He2 (2. hg3 We3 3. Bh (3. Ag? Bg? 4. Hg? Hel—+) Hel! 4. Wel £02! 5. &gl 28-4] Bh2! 3. Shi (3. Hh2 Wes 4. Ag? 2g2—+] Hed 4. We2 £46 5. Was g6—+ 1276. 1, Spgs! Wes 2. Re6! Leb 3. Ef! BPS 4, 88 Lf8 5. He6+— 1277, 1. Bd4! edd 2, Bh7 Lh7 3. He8 Gg) 4. Hhs! [A 5. Bh8! dhs 6. HES @h7 7. Whss#] go) 5. WES! ghs 6. Wes Gh7 7. BiB+— IA. Petrosian) 1278. 1... Qa4!! 2. Dh2 [2. We3 Bh3!—+; 2. He3 Ah3!—+; 2. Wad Bhd 3. Qe3 Hed 4. Wd2 He3! 5. fe3 We3 6. hI Oe2!!—+] Hed! 3. Ac? Hel 4. Del De? (5. ft B34] eee Olt 1279, 1, @f7!! BET [1... Bad? 2. We6! (A QSn6#t) HFZ 3. Bho Hh8 4. DET kes 5. Dgs+—12-HeS! es (2. WeS 3. Ab3 Dd8 4. Wes!t— A Aho] 3. - [259] We6! IB 13... HFS 4. efS HA 5. oho We7 6. Bb3 Bh8 7. Res+—] 4, Sher Hee7 (4... gh6 5. Wh6 Sg8 6. 2b3 (A We7Ht) 2187. Wee wh8 8. 217+—] 5. wh7! Se8H 5... HFS 6. Wh Sf7 7. efS+— A 2b3) 6. We8 bd7 (6... BIS 7. 2g7 He? 8. We7+——] 7. De7 her? (7... Be7 8. 287 A h4-n5+—; 8. 2g5+—] 8.285 1:0 [Vasjukoy] 1280. 1. bS! Abs 2. BET! S17 3. Wh7 Sed (3... SB 4. Weor—] 4. Wes Ld7 5. Reb he7 6. Abs! Sb6 6... Ss 7. Bc8 He8 8. abs+—] 7. Be8 Bes Babs 1:0 [Verduga] 1281. 1. 2g6! Dgo 2. who Dgts [2... @df 3. DhS He? 4, He6+~; 3... Oh4 3. DhS DS 4. Wes hs 5. Hes He6 6. WS+—] 3. Qd5! 13. DhS Be7-c] He7 (3... Bd5 4. ALS Deo 5, He6+—] 4. De7 We7 5. DhS [5. ds Wes 6. Bhi WdS 7. £4 Bf7 8. Hes fe5? 9. Ats+—; 8... Wa3toc] WI7 6. He3 Ba? (6... 2F3 7. f4 Gg6 8. £5 Bh5 (8... Wh7 9. Ato Sf6 10. Wes+—) 9. He} B26 10. fe6 Ug7 11. We3 (A W3) Ago 12. wes SEB (12... WIT 13. Be6-+—) 13. Ee6r—] 7. £4 1:0 [Gulko] 1282. 1. &f7! 7 2. Be! oe 2. £d4 3. Whs!! B63 G3... Af6 4. Br614—) 4. @h1 Of6 5. Hf6 BAR (5... He7 6. Bafl Ad7 7. Bf7+—; RR 5... Bd8 6. Hafl We7 7. HAT We6 8. WB+—) 6. ER bee 7. Bfl gs (7... Sg7 8. Wh6o+—) 8, We8+—] 3. WhS+— [3.. de7 4. De6!4—] [Lechtynsky] 1283. 1... 2g3! 2. ng3 Haes! 3, WeS WI 4, Wed [4 He2 We3 5. Shi g2! 6. Hg2 wh3-+] Wes 5. hi 22! 6. We2 Wel 7. Wel Wed 8. We? Wa3!! 9. cd Be8 10. Oc3 He6—+ [Keres] 1284. 1. Sh7!! h7 2. Be7! we7 (2... Sg8 3, Dgs!! £6 (3... Des 4. Les! A Wh5) 4. Whs fg5 5. Bes (5. Bd6? cd6 6. Heel Ae6!—+) Ba6 (5... DLS 6. Heel+—) 6. Be7 @g7 7. who! cys 8 Wee PhS 9. 2d8 Had8 10. Be3+—| 3, Des Gg6 [3... ho 4. Wed £5 5. wh3! G86 6. Adi Aces 7. Bes Wes 8. Wh7 BIG 9. Bes Hes 10. We7+—] 4. Dats! En8 [4... £6 5. Dh4 who 6. Deb! g5 (6... Gh7 7. Whs Ses 8. Dg6+—-) 7. BAG A AfS+—; 4... DS 5. g4+—] 5. Des bis IS... Wes 6. Be5 wes 7. £4 SIs 8. Hes! beS 9. We2 Bed 10. g4 ed 11. Wed dé 12. £5 @hS 13. h3+—-] 6. wes g6 6. Af5 7. Hes! A Ded-+—; 6... We8 7. Hel! Qb7 8. We3!!+—-] 7. Ac6! (7... deb 8. 2d6 £5 9. We3+—] 1:0 (Lanka, Kengis] [260] 1285. FILIPOWICZ — OZSVATH Budapest 1976 HH 1286, PRZEPIORKA ~ PATAY Merano 1926 1287. scipkoy — GYU. MEszARos Kecskemét 1993 eee tee sm ws 1288, DAUDZVARDIS — G. BOGDANOVIC SSSR 1989 1289, MAHIA — QUINTEROS Buenos Aires 1980 = 30/493 SSA RA aRO EEE 1285. 1. eb! feb 2. Aft Bd7 3. 1288, 1. Og?! coe7 2. BET! 17 3, Des OF 4. BG6l! fo 5. EN ees 6nd Wh7 OIG 4. e51! wes Id. eis S| feed 7. His e3 8. HOS Sed 9, BeS! wi7+—] 5, dealt hea [s.. base Ws6 (9... Wes 10. We6 wh4 11. Bh3ae] gS 7. De2t; 5... Aa 6. Hel bd (6... 1:0 f6 7. Ded es 8. We7 IS 9. De34t) 7, West] 6. HA cbga [6... Hes 7. We74—- 1286. 1. Ag6t! og6 2. a3 hE 3, 5. HES 7. Dedt+—; 6... be3 7. Wh34+—} Wh3 go 4. Ala! gid 5. Ohi! 2f6 6. Bgl (6... &f7 7. Wh7+-; 6... Bes 7. Hes! hes 8. Belt] 1:0 4989, 7.H3 [A Beate) 1:0 [Sandler] 1, Beat! Wed [1... Hed 2. Bhs £5 3. He3!+—; 1... @e7 2. EAT! bf7 3, 1287.1. b6!! dG [1... ab6 2. He6! _BOH+—12. Bhs Bayo) 3, Has! Acs [3.. Sc8 (2... be6 3. Ac6+—) 3. a7 Ss 4. 34. SET Dds gf4 5. Bb7! wb7 6. WaT cob 7. 14... Wedd 5 We7H#] 2. e6! a8 [2... be6 3. We fg7 7. &h7 Be8 4. Rc7!! Be7 5. Zabli+— A Hbs!, Si 8. wes SET 5. Wh7+—] 4. Dhl Ladd dd 6. 2£7! (6. 29617 PB 8. Web) HFT 7. BET LF6 9. S16! SF 10, Borst] 3. eT! Wes 4. 2b6 (4. WE —gBW+—] 5. B93! Ares 6. g6!! W600 7. 5. Habi+—] 1:0 Hg6 [A Wh7!] He7 8. Bt7! S17 9. gow! [Fominyh, Stipkov} @g8 10. Wh7 1:0 [Tajmanoy] 1290, 1291. 1292, WLK — DURAS ATKINSON — PRICE BRINCHMANN — Praha 1899 Manchester 1929 LLER Bad Oeynhausen 1939 1293. 1294, 1295. LOHMER — KARKNER HOROWITZ ~ MUFANG ~ DEFOS Nemeko 1940 STEPHENS Paris 1948 USA 1944 1? ra 1296. 1297. 1298. FILIP — UHLMANN KERES ~ SZABO HEEMSOT — Praha Marianské Lazné HEISENBUTTER 1954 BRD 1958 1299, 1300. 1301. MURATOV ~ MAROSI VIZANTIADIS — PFEIFFER — BLAU corr, 1963 SPASSKY Zarich 1972 Siegen (ol) 1970 1302. QUINTEROS ~ HENLEY Lone Pine 1976 1305. PECO ~ DURAO Benidorm 1979 1303. 1304, NAUMQV — BRINCK-CLAUSSEN — PETRUSANSKIJ JOHANNESSEN SSSR 1978 Oslo 1978 1306. 1307. BOTO ~ CURIS BOUDRE ~ PYTEL Jugostavija 1980 Bagneux 1981 1308, 1. IVANOV — REMLINGER USA 1982 1309. 1310. SAVCENKO — TOMIN'S SICK ~ GORELOV SSSR 1987 Budapest 1989 1320. 1321, 1322, MARTIUS ~ DARGA PIETZSCH ~ GOLZ DARGA ~ DONNER BRD 1959 Kobenhavn 1960 Beverwijk 1964 1323. 1324, 1325, BIELICK! ~ EVANS LARSEN ~ NAJDORF KAPENGUT — La Habana 1964 Lugano (ol) 1968 VAGANIAN Dubna 1970 1326, 1327, 1328, GELLER — LIEBERT POLUGAEVSKIJ — BOKUCHAVA ~ Kapfenberg 1970 — 9/193 GUFEL’D GURGENIDZE SSSR 1975 Tpilisi 1976 1329, 1330. GOL"DIN — ARBAKOV HAZAI — GYORKOS ROFENACHT — SSSR 1978 Magyarorszig 1984 MATTHEUS = 38/260, Thessaloniki (ol) 1984 1992. 1333. 1334, KINDL ~ Z. HORVATH BARBULESCU — PRASAD — KOUATLY- Eger 1985 B. ANDONOV Kolhapur 1987 — 43/198 Dubai (ot) 1986 — 42/203, Th 1335. 1336. 1337, HELLERS ~ DUKIC KOMLIAKOV — PODGORNY — Malmé 1989 GADJILU BERNDSON Nikolaev 1993, Praha 1930 1338, J, HORVATH — GY. HORVATH Kecskemét 1985, KOVALEV ~ CHUCHELOV Manster 1990 1339, GOLUBEV — LIPEKI Luzern 1994 1342. GUALA ~ SHAINSHWIT New York 1958 Seeerestees 1340. CHIBURDANIDZE — MALANJUK SSSR 1982 1343. SEIRAWAN ~ CHRISTIANSEN USA (ch) 1980 — 29 34 1344, V. KOVACEVIC — TIMMAN Bugojno 1984 — 37/400 1345, DE LA PAZ — PUJOLS Cuba 1993 1346, GAPRINDASHVILI ~ SERVATY Dortmund 1994 1348. : . MIKENAS ~ LEBEDEV CAMACHO PERATE — SHIPMAN ~ WEBER Tbilisi 1941 T. HERNANDEZ USA 1985 Pinar del Rio 1993 1347, 1350. 1351. 1352, N.N. = MASON AFIFI — BELJAVSKIS KONTIC — USA 1848 Tunis (izt) 1985, G.M. TODOROVIE Jugoslavija 1992 th le [ep wi 2 (xe Bem fas BW 1353, 1354, 1355, CARUSIN — PODGORNY DURAS ~ E. COHN SOUNDERS — WINTER corr. 1978 Karlovy Vary 1911 London 1934 1356. KERES ~ SHAPIRO corr. 1934 1357. SANDOR — NAVAROVSZKY Debrecen 1954 KOSANSKI — ARAPOVIC Jugostavija 1971 ue @ i Rs Ree a Boe A AR MAR @ BES i = 1359. 1360. 1361. . WOLMAN ~ SEIDLER RENARDS ~ DE CLAIRE SIGURJONSSON — Mar del Pata 1972 Belgique 1972 KUDRIN Gausdal 1983 ~ 35/286 mu me una Gh zx ae Beex ges gy vee fae 2 Ok Be Bw at i ie Gwe se 4G A a | Bag lo) 5 til Gil Ge we Bie Bi Am A ea ee @ BAG Fs om ABI oe A) SEAR MS Be Be i eS Sue ee 1? + 1 = 2 = 1362. 1363. 1364. KRAMNIK — V.L IVANOV ~ SIVOHO MOROZ ~ KONCA V..KOZLOV SSSR 1989 Rossija 1992 — 56/116 Porabka 1987 1365. 1366. 1367. STEINITZ ~ LINDGREN ~Iskov MATEAK — MONGREDIEN Gavsdal 1988 SZezEPANIAK London 1863 corr. 1990 mg x @ ke aon W248 & 42% wa a B a AR Awe! a - 1368. 2 1? BI. TUNIK = BAZIN Celjabinsk 1991 — 53/605 BWiae wie md 1369, RAGOZIN ~ VERESOV Moskva 1945 1370. GENDEL’ ~ SUSKEVIC SSSR 1956 «@- + URICKI ~ LIAPMAN SSSR 1986 1372. SLOBODJAN ~ STOHL Hamburg 1993 1373, SEHNER — KINDERMANN Deutschland 1994 1374. 1375, 1376, WESTMAN ~ WALTHER NIEDERMEIER — BOEY — FILIP La Habana (ol) 1966 BACHSCHMID Schilde 1972 corr. 1970 137. 1378, 1379, V. GUREVIC ~ HACHIAN — ASLANOV ENCH ~ HEISLER NEGULESCU SSSR 1986 corr, 1972 Wattens 1993 1380. 1381, 1382, KAIDANOV ~ MEDINA PAZ — PIEPER-EMDEN — DONALDSON G. GONZALEZ SO. MAUS USA 1992 Cuba 1994 BRD 1991 1383, TIMOSCENKO — WEBSTER London 1991 1386. GIPSLIS — HRACEK Brno 1991 — 52/190 1384, M. GRONBERG — SZUHANEK Timisoara 1993 — 57/589 IVa 1387. BRONSTEIN ~ KOTOV SSSR (ch) 1949 1385, Vv. LOWY — Y. ZILBERMAN Haifa 1994 1388. CATURIAN ~ NOVIKOV SSSR 1983 1389. MAKSIMENKO — MOLDOVAN Bucuresti 1992 1390, HARTSTON — BARUA New Delhi 1982 1391, SERPER ~ I. NIKOLAIDIS. Sankt-Peterburg 1993 7620 1290. Hf2 3. 2f2 c3 4. Sc3 Wait] Ebel! 3. el (3. 2b6 Wh4 4. del Bb2 5 Sbl 2c3 6, Hcl Wb2H#] Bb2 4. obi Rcd een Ebi! [6. bi Wb4 7. Sct 1... Ebi!! 2, @b1 [2. dz Wb2# O:1 1291. 1. Heo! Wee 2. Des We6 3. Eh?! Wh7 4, AEH 1:0 1292. 1. Hd8!! Bas 2. Eh7! (2... h7 3. WET A e741 1:0 1293, 1. Bh7! @h7 2. Hh 2h6 (2... Bh4 3. Wes+—] 3. Bh6! he 4. Wid g5 5. Wh? bg6 6. WhS Sf6 7. Wit 1:0 1294, 1. Ec8! Ack 2. Wes Ets 3. Egit! Sg7 4. We6 (4... Gh8 5. Wh74] 1:0 1295. 1. He7! We7 2. Has! 1:0 1296, 1. Be! Dh6 2. Rit! 12. Wh? Sf7] Bb30) 3. ab3 Wb3 4. QdI 47 S$. Bh7! (5... &h7 6. WET Bh6 7. ‘We7 Bhs 8. wh74] 1:0 1297. 1, Ha7! 247 2. 243 h6 [2... Wh4 3. Wes Wh2 4. a2 g6 5. h5+—] 3. Wid D218 4. He7! g7 5. Wie hts \s.. es 6. Wh6 f5 7. ef6+—] 6. £96 [Keres] 1298. 1. Hest!+— 1... Wes 2. Bh7! On7 3: wer ae 1299. 1... Bnait 2. eh Bhat 3. ghd Wh4 4. Bh3 we O:1 1: B86! 12. gf Hh2! 3. . @e2 Bh3 5 eh Seis] O:1 1301. 1. Bg6! fg6 (1... 8" 2, Egh6+—] 2. Wg6 297 3. Bhs! (3... hs 4, wh7] 1:0 1302. 1. Ego! fg6 2. Ego! (2... &g6 3. Bed bg7 4. We7+—] 1:0 1303. He3! 2. fe3 Bed 3. Err (3, Wes £2! 4. Wed flW—+] Ea? 4, Bett Wei! (5. Bfl £244] Ol 1304. 1, Hh?! h7 2. Bg7! Dg7 3. Wh6 bes 4. We7t 1:0 1305. 1... Qf! 2. S42 Ded 3. aed (3. gl Bh2! 4. Dh2 We3—+] fed 4, gl Efi! 5. Sfi (5. Efl wh2 6. er 2e34] HG 6.28 wh2 [A BB) 7. En 2g3 8. Wa? ef3 (9. ef BBI-+] 071 (Durao] 1306.- 1. Bd5! eds [1... 247 2. Hd7 Wd7 3. Wego We7 4. Wes HiT 5. Wh3 Wh7 6. We2 We? 7. e6!+—] 2. 6 Hf6 3. Wes HS 4. Bhs! h8s. whe - 1:0 [Boto] 1307. 1. BeSt WeS 2. Wi7 eb6 3. Wb7 Gas 4. c3 bd 5, Bd3!! Hdd 6. HeS5! Hdl 7. de2 Hd2 8. bd2 be3 9. be3 1:0 1308. 1. He6! Qe7 [1... 8 2. B16 Se7 3. Hed!+—] 2. He7 Sho 3. OT BhS 4. HAT! (A SdH] 1:0 U0. Ivanov} 1309. 1. Hf6! f6 2. wad of7 3. He7! e7 4. We7 wes 5. whs 15. Wes ds 6. WHF eB 7.2d6+—] LIT 6s Wh7 Se8-7.-We6- 17... Sd8 8. Wh wes 9. BA6+—] - nO [Moskalenko, Savéenko] - [274] 1310. 1... Bh3! 2. gh We3!—+] Whs 3. bet B 2d4 5, WR We3—+4] [Gorelov] 311. 1... He2!! 2. We2 Hb3! 3. bel (3. ab3 Wal 4. dc2 Wb2 5. bd3 We34+] We3 4. We2 Hb1! 5. bt Walt] orl {Nogueiras, Hernandez Ruiz] 1312, 1. Eh7!! Sh7 (1... Bb7 2. Wh6 De8 (2... Df 3. ef6 De8 4. Bh3 HFG 5. Wh8H#) 3. Wh7!! h7 4. Hh dys 5. Hh8H] 2, Bh3 DhS 3. Wes hes 3. We3 4. BhS ghd 5. We7d4#] 4. Bhs (4. ®h7 5. Hh7 (5) Wh6+—) Oh7 6, wha g87. Whee! 1:0 [Nataluceil 1313. 1. Bb7! &b7 2. He7! de7 3. WaT ee8 4.d6 1:0 [Halifmanl 1314.. 1. Hf6! gf6 2. Wed Hhs (2 Gh7 3. WES dg? 4. Hed We7 5. Hes Bhs 6. WhS Sh7 7. Be} B47 8. DKS Sf5 9. WES Ph8 10, Bc2+—] 3. Whs hg7 4. He3 We7 5. He3 @h7 6. De £5 (6... Hg8 7. AfS WI 8. Hes gs 9. Sf7+—; 9. Dh6+—] 7. Hei! bg7 8. DfS HIG 9. Wh6! (9... BFS 10. e4 wed 1 wWe34] 1:0 [Konikowski] 1315. __ 1... He3! 2. fe3 [2. ab6 a6—+] Wd6 3. Bgl Hy3! 4. Hy3 [4. e4 He2—+] Bhd 5. 263 Wes 6. Ohl Wel 7. bh? WR 8. Phi 2g3 O:1 (Légkij] 1316. _ 1. Haat Cy 2, Be6! @h7 (2... be7 3. Heo! dy fg6 4. Wb7+—) 4. WI6 Bh7 5. "En ‘Hes 6. WES dei 7. Weo Hh8 8.216 He7 9. Whos] 3. 217 He8 4: gs 1:0 [Alehial W317 az. Bb?! - Bb? Wa3 3. b1 Hb8 4, Hb3.Bb3! (5: cb3 HFS 6. Wd3 ~ Wb37. bal 2d3-+] Or1 1318. 1. Bhs! #h8 2. Bhs! ens 3.- B16 Gh7 4. WeS+— [4... Be4 5. fed @d3 6. &d3 Hes 7. Wh4 Bhs 8. gh5 g5 9. WeS Bes 10. wis+—] 1319. 1. Hg7! hg7 2. Wg2 ear : Gih7! Qh7 4. Hd7! 1320. 1. Hg3! Ahi 2. Bg7! whe (2... &g7 3. Wed Sf6 (3... Shs 4 DsTH; 3... Hh6 4, Bd? Bes 5. es#) 4, Qd7H#] 3. Hes! 1321, 1... @h3!_2. gh3 [2. @hl @f2—+] Hg3! 3. hg3 [3. Bg2 Hg?! 4 Gg2 Hdi—+] Wg3 4. 22 Bal! 0:1 1322, 1. He6! fe6 2. He6 Sf (2... d8 3. Hd6+—] 3. WES gs 4. Hes Wad8 [4... des 5. Hg7! bg7 6. Wis g8 7. Be6+-] 5. Be6 5... wh7 6. Hg?! be? 7. Weel 1:0 1323. 1. Bh6! gh6 2. WhS 4c7 (2... W7 3. WES+—; 2... Bh7 3. Wh6+—I 3. Wh6 hg8 4. 216 Deb (4... Hf6 5. Wie HS 6. Wes wh8 7. Hh4 Bh7 8. Wes gs 9. Hedt—] 5. Hyd! (5... Bed 6. We6t—] 1:0 1324, 1... WhS!.2. Wds bh7 3. Wa? Bh3! 4, gh3 Wh3 5. Wh2 Of2+ O:1 1325. 1... Hb?! 2. db2 We3.3. bel Host (4. Ha} Hb1! 5. @b1 WI] | 1326. 1. Hafst gf5 [1... &b7 2. HhSt ghs-3. Wd2+—] 2. Bho! h6 3. Wh8 bg6 4. ef5 [4..- BF5-5. 5. hs Sf6 6. west] 1:0 [275]. - 1327, 1. be6! AbI 2. c7! We7 3. dS Has 4, was g7 5. Add Hho 6. We6 Bf5 7. WI6 PhS 8. Le3 (8... was 9. BFS! gf5 10. WES eh4 11, Tr ° 1328. 1... EPS! 2. gf &h3 3. 63 (3. Hel Wf 4. Wed (4. Wd3 Bb2!—+) Hbd! 5. Wb4 WS 6. Wed 2244] WHE 4, Wed Ed! Or 1329. 1... HeS!! 2. feS Hed! 3. bhi eS 4. Wa2 [4. h3 Bg3 5, Wa2 23 6. Sh3 (6. Wh2 Wed! 7. Se? WES 8. Bs Qd5 9. WE Be? 10. We2 He? 11. dg? DA—+) Bh3 7. Sel Ehl 8. bg? Wh3 9. Eh2 10. Sel Wed 11. Si Bhi 12. @f2 Be3—+] dS! 5. Dds 2b7 6. He2 Haat! 7. Sas Sas 8. Set (8. He? Wh2#] fad 9. (9. Bed Wes 10 BA Be3 11, Wes WES—+] Wea! 0:1 [kojfman} 1330, 1. Egv! tT 2. Wh7 bes 3. Ag6 Sas 4. Bd5!! edS 5. Wes we?7 [5... Sd7 6. WdS he? 7. WIT ds 8. West] 6, WIT [6... €od8 7. We8st] 1:0 (Hazai] 1331. 1. 297! 7 2. Eg7! ¢7 3. Wed Of6 (3... eh8 4. Bel+—] 4. Whd SIS 5. Wh7 bi (5... 16 6. Wha bts 7. Bel+—] 6. Wh Dts (6... £3 7. We3 Hed (7... es 8. Wedtt) 8. We3 dl 9. 34] 7. Bet 1:0 1332, 1... @n3! Hg63. Sf wd7 4.243! wh3 5. e2] 3. £F1 3. Fl Wh3 4. det Whi 5. Sf1 Wt; 3. B43 Wh3 4. Ged ded 5. Bes (5. Wed Fy; 6—+; 5. We7 Eg6 6. @g5 Best A ripen) Hg! 6. Age Bh2-4;°3. De3 Hg6 4. Sf Ac6! A 3. Abd4 Hes 4. fl wh3 5, —] Hg6 4. 292 Wh3-s, sn DEI? A 6. BF2 We3 7. 2. gh3 WaT! (2... Tietee Sfl Bh2!—+; 5... Wh4—+] 6. Dg? hI! 7, @fl WH 8. a2 (8. Wel Dg; 8. Hc2 WdI—+] 2g3 9, et He3!! 10. fe3 (10. Be3 Whi 11. Qe WEI] WELst Or IZ. Horvath] 1333. 1... Egat! 2. fe 12. 2 Egs 3.07 &b7 4. Wb? Bh2 5. h20 Wh? 6. Be3 Wel 7. Sd3s wes—+] Bhi! 3, hl Wed 0:1 {B. Andonovi 1334," 1... Bg3! 2, hg3 Bg8 3. g4 gd 4. fed Wed 5. Sm dai! (6, Bed Dh34; 6. Wes Wh4—+; 6, Wed Led 7. Red Wh4 8. bel Ber—+] 0:1 [Kouatly] 1335. 1. dS! eds [1... WET 2. Db4 Db4 3. BO7+—] 2. Sds Ons 3. 71 [A Wie] Wa6 (3... Be7 4. Bh7! @h7 5, Hh] eS 6. Ses dog7 7, Bh7!+—] 4. Bn7! Dh7 (4... Sh7 5. Wh3 he7 6. Whot] 5. Ehi Gg7 6. Bh7! SF8 (6: @h7 7. Wh3 we7 8. whose] 7. wie 17... WE6 8. gf6 A Bhstt] 1 1336. 1. &h6! gho 2. Bho! Oho 3. Wh6 Ses 4. Led! Deé (4... £7 5. Do? Deb 6. WhIH: 4... BET 5. Ale B66 6. Biot] 5. Wg6 Dh8 6. 3 Ags 7. Hh3! (7... Dh3 8. Who des 9. DH 1:0 [Komliakov} 1337. 1. HeS! fe5 2. £6! ef6 3. Hf61 G... &g8 4. Bh6 Ba8 5. Bh8!+-] 1:0 1338. 1. BIT! £7 2. BA OE (2... Se8 3. Dg7H#] 3. Hes! gis 4. wes oes 5. We6 GIB 6. We7 6... we8 7. Af6 - fo 8. Bhstt] 1:0 (J. Horvath, Fogarasi] Acdt ded [1.. Ds 27. b42. &b3 A Sa4+—] 2. - Ge6 3. Wed bo 3. dS! ed5 [3... €5 4.. Wes HEhbs 5. Hel £6 6. Was wes 7. wie] 4. Hd6 [4... Gc8 5. We5 He7 6. WS+—] 1:0 1340. 1. Hb6! ab6 2. Bcd Se6 [2 Hel 3. Wel 2f6 4. D7 Ad7 5. Bgs Ag7 6. We Wed 7. Des Shs 8. Dd7+—] 3. Heb! fe6 [3... Heb 4. Deb fe6 5. We3 DfT 6. WH begs 7. Wed SFT 8 See Wb7+—] 4. Wid WaT 5. £bS 1: (Chiburdanidze] 1341, 1. cd! ded 2. Bed Gh8 [2... Dds 3. ER 218 (3... bi 4. Bas WAS 5. Wb4t—) 4. Wd4 BD7 5. HeS Be7 6. Wds Was 7. Eds!+—] 3. Ef6! (3. 2f6 fo 4. He7! We2!0 (4... hS 5. WgS!+—) 5, &g2 2b7 6. Hb7 &h4s] Sf6 [3 Ef6 4. Bfo 2f6 5. He8!+—] 4. Hes!! [4... BgS 5. Bf8 &g7 6. BA7t+-; 4. 2g7 5. Hf A 6. Wds O77 wds+—] 1:0 [Kovalév] 1342. 1. Hd6! Wa6 2. Hdl We7 3. Hd7! Ad7 4. Wha des 5. 2d7 26 6. dS! (6. 2£697 BhS—+] 1:0 1343. 1... 2131! 2. 93 [2. Hd6? Hg2! 3. £92 We6! 4. Hd8 Sh7—+] Ded 3. Wad HIB 4, Wao [4. 22 &g2 5. bg? f4! 6. eff Wa 7. £3 (7. Bfl @f2 8. Hd2 WR—+) Bg3!—+] We6 5. Hedi £4! (5... 2d17!F] 6. Hd6 (6. ef4 Dg3! 7. fg3 Hg3! 8. @f2 He?!—+] 93! 7. 297 17. Has gf24; 7. hg3 Hg3!—+] wh! [Byrne, Mednis} 1344, 1... fat! 1... Wh4 2. Wes Wh3 3. 234] 2. He8 [2. ef4 wh4 3. 4. He8 @h7 A Wg24+] Hh3! _.Hc8? 3. ef Wh4 4. d7 Has! 5, Bd3 Wh3 6. WFI—+] 3. dh? (3. dfl Bes 4. d7 Ed8 5. Hd4 (5. Wd4 Wh4 6. e4 -Hd7—+) Wh4 6. Wb2 25 7. Bel Deo 8. Hd3 We4—+] Wha! 4. He8 ch7 5. _ WeT hg? 6. Lb2 16 7. He7 (7. £16 errs oF 8. HfS he7 9. HF Als 10. del Wed 11. Hg3 Wdl 12. @h2 whs 13. el De2—+] Ghé 8. 216 Wir [V. Kovatevié] 1345. 1. He7!! We7 2. Hel was 3. Wh6 He8 4. Hh7! 2h7 5. Hest! [5.. wh4 6. We7H#] = 1:0 [Pujols] 1346. 1. Wadt! [1. 2f37 Bes] whi 2. od?! Wal 3. WH6!! [A 2h6, We75#] 1:0 -F a £e3.2. Shi Bel 3. oe7 Ih... 2f6°5. “wast ns [5... 216 6. Ded (6... Qg7 7. Wh7H) 7. Yd; 5... Wd8 6. BIT! Hf7 7. Weo+—: Wh7 @f6 7. Dest] 6. hd wi 7. SeS!i+—] G6 I6... Eh6+-; 6... Sel 7. Hf+—I 7. ett hgd 8. Ses! wes 9. Wait 70 [Minev] 1348. 1. Heo! ws [l... fe6 2. Hg6!+—; 1... Hed’ 2. Wh3! fe6 3. Bh7 G8 4. Hh8 gs 5. Wh7+—] 2. Begs! fg6 (2... Dgo 3. Hes! tS 4. BS Se7 (4... de7 5. Wh7+—) 5. BET! £7 6. Wh7 8 (6... Be6 7. 15 hd5 8. WET+-) 7. S6+—] 3. Hest es 4. ‘We6 his 5. Wis dg8 6. Lh7! : [Camacho Pefiate, Camacho Martine 1349, 1. He7! [1. 26? dé! (1... 45? 2. He7 wf 3. WhS Be6 4. Hel gf6 5. Hle6 He7 6. Hel) 2. He7 &f8—+; 1. Wh4 Wes (1... £62 2. Wh7 Was 3 f6!!+—) 2. He7 (2. He5?. Wes? 3. Wh7, Wes 4. WeS 218 5. Hel dds 6. b4.wde 7. BgT+—; 2... d5 A Be6—+; 2. b4? StS) We7 3. Hel Wel 4. Bel dé 5. _Wh7 Bf 6. Bc3 He6 7. h4 A hE] = eT 2. Wes Ha (2... Hf8 3. Helt=] 3-- “Wha! (6 4. 2f6! bes 5. Het HF7 IS... {279}. FB 6. B97! &g7 (6... Be? 7. wis+~) 7, He7 dg6 8. Wh7 fs 9. WIT cbes 10. We8+—] 6. He7 bg6 7. Le5! d6 (7... h6 8. Wedt—; 7... hS 8. He7!+—; 7... We2 8. He? He? (8... @f5 9. Wh7+—) 9. WIE HhS 10. WHS+—] 8. Wed Shs 9. wes Bh (9... 24 10. WET g6 (10... dogs 11. fd Sh4 12. g3 bys 13. hd Hho 14 Rf4t—) 11. Wh7 Sgs 12. hd SES 13. WET ed 14. Bc3+—] 10. Wes g5 11, W16 Eg6 12. Eh7! h7 13. whee 1:0 [Veliskovi¢] 1350. 1... @bS!! [1.. @a47 2. we Dd6 3. Hal] 2. abS Ohg3! 3. Dg3 Ags 4. hg3 hg3 5. gi Bhi!! 6. hi Ens 7. gl Bes! 8. Acs hl! 9. ht Whs 10. gl Wh2s Or 1351. 1... gat [... da? 2. fes Wed 3. SI 1. Qd7F] 2. We7 Oh? 12... Qda7! 3. Wh8 be7 4. Wh7 Bhs 5. Dc3! We2 6, Wed] 3. Wh8 we7 4. was We? 5. d3 [5. dl WI 6. &c2 Ad 7. Gc3 We2 8. hdd Wd3 9. cs Was 10. hb4 Ws 11. e3 W3 12. bd4 |G 13. ded Wd34] Dd4 6. Hf2 (6. Hc3 Wl 7. &d2 Db3 8. he2 Dal 9. Sb1 Db3 10. Ha2 Wer A wads] Wel 7. Sd? Ab3 (7... WA 8. dc3! De2 9. obs Aci 10. Wh8!F] 8. be3 Wel 9. Sb4 ‘Wb2! 10. e3 [10. €4 cS 11. Bad (11. ed a5 12. Sc5 bot) Ad2! A W44#; 10. Bcd Des (A He3) 11. Wa7 (1. Br Qal—+) b5! 12. ab6 He3-+; 10. Ha2 €5 11. Bad (11. ded Aas 12. es bos) Wa2 12. a3 Has 13. has W3!—+] Ba2 (10... cS—+] 11. Bed Ws [12. Sd4 Oh 13. BG AB 14. &c3 (14. Bes Wd St) WhIH] O:1 [Beljavskij} . 1352, 1. Bhs! ghS 2. Deatt [A Dfo+—; 2. Hd7!? Wad7 3. 26 &6 4. Ded Wel 5. 87 £6 6. AcS!A Be6-+—] WEsID- (2... Bf 3. Df6r4=1.3. whst_ 2650 4. 1 ~ Wh4—+] Hh3 3, cgi Wgs.4. Hg? Hh! verres Wi Af6! ef6 5. g6 [A 6. Bgl Be6 7. Be6 hg6 8. We6+—] 260 6. Hel We7!O (6... Wb4? 7. go iB 8. Hes!+-] 7, Wes! Wh6 8. bi HBO (8... WH 9. Wed Wd8Q 10. Hg6 iB 11. W4 des 12. Hgl! Wf6C] 13. Wed! d7 14. Wb7 Bd6 15. Bdl+—] 9. £410 a5 10. a3 ag 11, a2 bd 12. ab4 a3 13. ba3 [13.. Wh2 14. £7 EET 15. We BAB 16. Hee hg6 17. We6#] 1:0 [Konti¢] 1353: 1... He3! 2. a2 [2. fe3 We3 3. We2 We3 4. WD (4. hd2 We34t; 4, @fl Redi—+) Hdl 5. dl WH 6.847 We2 7. Bel Wed—+] Bait! 3. dl (3. Hdl Wad3 4. Sel Wed! 5. Sb1 (5. Wer Bc3; 5. Sd2 He24#) Gs 6. wal Wad 7, Wa2 Ha3—+] Wd3 4. Wd2 Bad 5. eel Wed 6. obi He2 7. We2 We2—+ 0:1 (Carugin} 1354. 1. Eh7! h7 2. We7 hg 3. Hes fs 4. B; . gs 5. WET BES (S... @hS 6. Wh7+—) 6. Wd7+-; 4, edl+—] iso 1355. 1. Bfg6! fg6 2. We7 Wi7 3. Hgo! bg6 4. eS+— 1356, 1. HeS! des 2. Ad5 Has 3. HfB!! (3... EB 4. Wde Wd7 5. WIE Wes 6. Wd6 Wd7 7. We8+—] 1:0 1357. 1... Hd5! 2. Has He6! 3. £5 (3. We6 Dg4!—+] Hes 4. Hes AcS A 0: 1358. 1... Hh3!-2. gh3 Bd?! 3. Ha2 OB 4. Sil d2 5. het [5 Wd2 Whi—+; 5. de? Ded A Wed—+] DB 6. Sadi Wed 7. We2 Wad 8: hel Wel 9. Wal We3 0: 1359.. 1... Bhh3! 2, @h3-[2. bel 278] 5. @f2 (5. Sh] Wh4 6. Sg Welt] wha 6. be? Wel O:1 1360. 1. Bd7! wa7 2. Hdl We7 (2... Wo6 3. Who! Hes 4. Bes hes 5. Bd5! WdS 6, Dgs+—; 2... Ad5 3. Bas! edS 4. e6! Wb7 (4... fe6 5. Des+—) 5 BbS+—] 3. BbS Lc6 4. West! 1:20 1361, 1, Hd5! ed5 2. Bs! ws (2... heb 3. eS! es 4. We3 wFS 5. 2d34#) 3. 2d5 Hes 4. WIS LAT 5. Ws Ads 6. wae [A wdst+—] [Wedberg] 1362. 1. He2! We2 2. Hg?! &g7 12... Sh8 3. Wh7H] 3. 26 Dho 4. We2+— 1363. 1. Le6!! Be6 [1... Be6 2. Whs (2, Ee6!?2) &e7 3. Des feb 4. We7+—3 1... fe6 2. Wh ge? 3. We7 dd 4. DLT a7 5, Hbdl! Be7 (5... Wh 6. g3+—) 6. Hdd!! (6. cd4? Wed 7. d5!? ed5 8. He7 BDe7? 9. Des Seb 10. We7! Be7 11 Dg; 8... He7!!00) Add 7. Wd4 Bes 8. jd Sd8 9. DT He8 10. Ad6 ds 11. Hdl! Wb6 12. Wf6o+—] 2. He6! fe6 3. Eb7!! Wb7 4. Wh8 de7 5. We7 wd6 6. Ded ods 7. Wh7 ved (7... Habs 8. Df6+—] 8. Web BFS 9. edd 1:0 {V. L Ivanov] 1364, 1... He3! 2. We3 [2. bc3 Da? 3. bal WaS—+] a2 3. wel (3. Pal Was!—+] wat! 4. Baht (4. Bh2 We3 5. Ed? Wel—t; 4. 2b7 We3 5. Hd2 Who 6, Wb4 Bb8 7. Wad Hb7 8. War Hc7—+] We3 5. di Ad3 6. Hh8 &g7 7. Hih7 @f6 8. HB Qb2! [8... D2? 9. he2 We2 10. Wd2 Ab3 11..hb3! Wd2 12. Hhf7 gS 13. Hf2o0o] 9. de? (9. -Wb2 Hb3 10. Wh3 WI 11. we2 Wed 12. @F3 e4—+] We2 10, Wa2 AbI!! 11. bt [11 Gb2 Wd2 12, bb1_wo4—+] Wa? 12. Bhe7 og513.-B02 Wot 0:1 [Koitea] 1365. 1. Qh7! Dh7 2. Hh [2. Whs!? (Euwe) Qf6 3. We6 Wed (A Wea) 4. Bh7! (4. Bh4 A Edhl+—) @h7 5, h6+—] Dh (2... bS 3. WhS! bed 4. He7 wg7 5. Who Sg8 6. Bhi Bes 7. BcS He7 8. Ded (A De5) We7 (8... Bed 9, Ge5!+—) 9. Dd! Wes 10. DFS+—] 3. whs gS 4. Bhi [4. Wego Wie 5. whs b5 6. Hhl Hfc8 7. 2g5! bed 8. Bf6 B16 9. Wh7 PB 10. Dcd+—] Hes 5. Wee WE6 6. BET! WIT [6... HB 7. ReB Hes 8. Bh8! Ah8 9. Bh6 Be7 (9... Vg7 10. Wi6+—) 10. 2g5+—] 7. Hh8! Phs 8. wir 1:0 [Nejstade] 1366. 1. Be7! He? (1... We? 2. DFS Wes 3. Be? Bh8 4. WhS+—] 2. 2h7 h7 (2... Gh8 3. Wds Heads 4..wWds Hd8 5. Bc2+—] 3. Wd6 Had8 4. Be7! Sh8 5. Hh7 Hh7 6. We Ses 7. 3 17... Hdl 8. @f2 Hd2 9. de3 Hb2 10. BES Bg2 11. Qho+—-] be 1367. 1. He6!! £6 [l... Hdl 2. Hdl Be6 3. Hd6 He8 4. We3 f4 5. We? (. Wed? WIS) Ad7 (5... B 6. Wedt—) 6. Hf6 He2 7. Hf8 gh7 8. n5!+—l 2. (2... g5.3. hgs Wad (3... hgs 4, Wh2+—; 3... Hdl 4. Gh2 hgs 5, Efot—; 3... WeS 4. Hh6+—) 4. Bh6 &e7 5. WeT Hd7 6. We6+—l 3. Hho! gh6 4. 217 Hdl [4... Hf7'5. Wh6 Bes 6. West—] 5. &h2 Hf7 6. Wh6 gs 7. We6! 218 8. Wee Hdd7 9. Wes 1:0 (Mattak] 1368, 1. Hed! He4 2. Hb6! Hel (2... wWa5 3. Hb8 BAB 4. Hie Bf 5. wH+—] 3. bh? Whe 4. a8 sh7 5. Wh4 Ses 6. Bed Hed 7. Waed Li7 8. WhS wes 9. Wees 1: 0- °. > (Tunik] ee a Ess! fg6 [1 he 3. Wis sbe7 4. After] 2. EAT! SAT 3, WT e6 B HAR 4. Ol Heck 5. Ags wes 6. west] [279] dh Wg6 wes wd7 We7 wed 6. D6 ef6 1:0 1370. ciate He8 Wo3—+; 3. £6 d7 4. Heb feb 5. Hg7 Ee7 6. fg7 We3 7. g8w Afo—+] Ort 1371, 1. Bfott we U1... gf6? 2 Deb+—] 2. Hl wWe7 3. Hs! SB 3 HES 4. @h7 h8 5. 2e6+-] 4. we Sg8 5. 2h7 obs 6. WhS (6. 2e6 Wert] Bg [6... g6 7. Ae6 wes 8. SET+—] 7. Wha (7. Wed? We2!ac} WIG 8. Bg6 (8. Red!2+—; 8. DM2+—] Ses 9. £47 St8 10. Wed Hed! 11. 7 SI 12. Of6 Hed 13. Agst— 1:0 [Bangiev} 1372. 1... Hfe8! [1... He2!? 2. Be2 He8 3, Hd? He2 — 1... Hfe8!] 2. Bed [2 Hd2 He2 3. Be? (3. He2 wad! 4. Hes Qc4 5. 3 Wd3—+) He?! 4. He2 wea 5. Whi (5. Bd3 d3 6. cd3 Wa3 7. Her Re3 8. We2 Wed 9. Wal g4—+) Sel! (.. Bdl 6. c3 Ac3 7. He3 be3 8. Sere) 6. Bd2 (6. Hel Qd3!—+) wd? 7, Wel Od 8. 6 Ac3 9. eal We? (9... Sh8!? 10. h7 We2 11. Bh2 e2—+) 10. Eh2 wWfs—+] Hed 3. Det (3. Hd? He?! >.2. Hd2] Bel 4. Had6 (4. Hd2 23 5. He3 We3 6. Whs Hel 7. wel Wel—+, 4. We2 fe3 5. Bhi (5, Bd2 Hdl!—+) Bel 6. Bel Sct 7. 6 (A Hes) We3!O 8. Whi Bd? 9. Bd6 Bc3-+ XebI; 4, c4 Be3 5. He3 We 6. Wd2 Wed 7. Wc? Hel 8. @cl Wel 9. Hdl Qd1 10. Wal Wal 1. Sadi Sh6-+] Be3 5. Hes Hel! (6, cl We3 7. wa2 Wel—+] Orr {Stohl] 1373. 1. Bal! war 2. He7 [A Wes] Wd60 3.807087 4.5 (4... Wee 5. Wd Bee 6 waz] 1:0 Ah2! 2. Oh2 [2. whi Hg2! 3. cb7 Gb8 4. We7 Bc7—+ A 5. 26? Hh2! 6. Qh2 #g2 7. gl 2b7 8. Sfl Ba6 9. He2 Bh2 10. £3 Hes 11. GA2 He? 12. be2 BHM4—+] Hg?! 3. Ag? Bg? 4. bf B21! 5. St2 wh2 6. ot We2 7. Hack Wg? Or 1375. 1. Bf6!! Hf6 2. Ba7 Ego 3. We7 We8 4. WIT Hh8 5. e7! Wes 6. We8 Hes 7. Hed! (7... h6 8. Acs A Bd8+-; 7... b6 8. Ad6+—] 1:0 1376. 1. £g6! hg6 [l... Bf 2. Be7+—] 2, Be?! He7 3. de7 Ge7 4. Bast! 1:0 1377, 1. Ef6! wre |... gf 2 De6'+—-] 2. Hed (2. Ef WeID (2... We? 3. O{7+—) 3. WEL 15+] We7 3. Les He8 4. A161 (4. VHS hs 5. Wes (61=] We7 5. Ad8 [5. DeS+—] Wa8 6. Hed! (6, &h7 @h7 7. Rds Bds+) We7 (6... We8 7. £67 Wh7 8. Hds 218 (8... Sh7 9. Wd3+—-) 9. WeS We7 10. O16 be7 11, Wg5#] 7. Ha! 1:0 (V. Gurevig] 1378. 1. Bh7!! h7 1... Bh7 2. DhS SB (2... Sh6 3. Whe Dge 4. DS+—) 3. WHE we8 4. Dg7+—] 2. WIE be8 (2... Dg8 3. Hh Dh6 4. AefS+—] 3, Bhi @h7 4, Bh7! &h7 5. WET Shs (5... @h6 6. DhS! Hes 7. Afo Hg7 8. Whst] 6. DhS! gs 7. AL Age 7... Hg7 8. whs+—] 8. Wa7 1:0 (Hachian, Sakaroy] 1379. 1... He3!! 2. fe3 Dg 3. Wd3 ‘Bf! 4. O13 Wh2t'5. Bel 26 6. He20 {6. ¢4? Se6! (0 » E Ench — Heisler) 7. e5 “Be5! 8 deS DeS=+] WhS.7. Hegl wha= ~ 7 : [280] 1380. 1. Qd5! ed5 2. e6 Ades 3. He6! Bc6 4, e7!! [4. 2h7? oh7 5. WhS hg8 6. eS Wb7 7. &g7 fe6!!—+] He8 5. 2h7! Gh7 6, Whs eg8 7. LeS Wes [7... Wb7 8. Bg7 f6 (8... dg7 9. Wes A Hd4+—-) 9. Bf6 Be7 10. fe7 A We6+—] 8. Bg7! (8. We5? 16 9. B16 Sfi—+] £6 (8... Sg7 9. Wes we Y Hdd A Bhad#] 9. 26 [Kaidanov] 1381. 1. He7! @e7 2. He7 wes 12... Sf 3. WB A WIT+—; 2... £8 3. Wh!+—] 3. Wis BRO 4. Dest! (4. Qd4?! Wo6! 5. Deé Wel 6. Hcl Wel! 7. &el 8, ded? fe6=] Wb6 5. DHS! Wel [5... We7 6. Af6 we7 7. Dds+—] 6. Hel Wa7 7. Of6 we7 8. He7! 1:0 [Medina Paz, An. C. Hernandez] 1382. _ 1. HgS! fgS 2. Wes (2. whs?! OFT 3. EFS he7 4, 2f6 bd7 5. Ads 2e7 6, Wd4 Bd8 7. Wh4 £16] coh7 3. Sgi!! He3 (3... Bh6 4. eS Hh 5. ed6+—; 3... Wg6 4. Bh3 £h6 5. Bho! Wh6 6. eS+—] 4, He3 Wego 5. Hh3 [5. Ec7+—] Bh6 6. Bho! [A e5] 1:0 1383. 1. He6! Acé 2. Ke6 EF (2... Bhs 3.6 A KeS+—] 3. He2! Das (3... Qd4 4. GF7+—] 4, BoB! WIR 14... gh5 5. Ad5! WEB 6. 2d6 He3 7. 218 SP (7... He8 8. Bh6 A f4-£5, g6+—) 8. fe3 Bd7 9. ¢4 He7 10. Ha8+—; 4... Deb 5. Hes Df8 6. Le5+—] 5. Eds! Has 6. hgs hgs 7, BeS (7... WeT 8. £66 A Wh3-h8tt; 7... We8 8. Af6 Hf8 9. Wh3 Hh70 10. Wh7 Wee 11. We7 es 12. Wg6 ed7 13. wh7 eB 14. We2 A Bd8+—] 1: {Timo8%enko} 1384. amix. Hed! 2. Bed Hed! 3. £7! B. Bet Wed 4. hdd WES 5. wer West] S180 4. Whe 2g7 5. We7! Eh7-@h7 7. £82 Gh6 [7... g7?- 8, Qd7 He7O (8... Hed? 9. D6 A Ha7) 9. Bb6 bes 10. ws A Ha7, Ded] 8. QDd7 Hed 9. Df6 g5 10. Ha7 dg6! [10... Hf 11. @g3 Efo 12. Hb7 b4 13. Hd7]) 11. Hb7 Of6 12. Bbs Ets 13. 3 Bb4-+ {Szuhanek} 1385. 1. Bf5! gf5 2. Bfs Bnso 3. Dgs WHE 4. Deb HAT 5. lel! Alo (V. Léwy ~ Y. Zilberman) 6. &g5!C) &g7 7. ‘Wes Hbe8 (7... Bho 8. We? Bhs (8... Sg8 9. Deb6+—-) 9. DB Sg7 10. Dho+—; 7... Lhe 8. WES Lhs 9. Wes Wd6 10. Whe egs 11. Bh7 Bhs. 12, AES gh 13. Leb Web 14. Deb Ef7 15. Wg6+—] 8. De eé (8... SF7 9. Be6 g6 10. Wes f7 11. Yg7H] 9. deo+— IV. Lowy] 1386. 1. Hot! ef6 2. Hd7 2e7 3. He7! Se7 4. QdS ds [4... S75. WHE wes 6. De74#] 5. Wd! WaT 6. WIG Se8 7. Wh8 wb7 8. Wes+— [8... He8 9. West—] [Gipslis] 1387. 1. Hg7! He6 [... &g7 2. HeS+—] 2. HeS!! HeS 3. Hg! Hes 4. Af6 Hg7 5. Be5+— (5... d3 6. SFl AdS 7, Bel a5 8. d2 a4 9. f4 A h3, g4+—] 1388. 1. Hf6!! Dal (1... gf 2. Who fg5 3. @f6+—; 1... Wes 2. Hh6 ghé (2.. g6 3. Hg6!) 3. Wh6 We7 4. Afor—] 2. Bho! gh6 3. wh6 (3. Af? &g7 4. West ‘WeS—+] £50 4. ef6 Ded [4... Wd7 5. We6 Gh8 6. £7 Wdd 7. Shi We7 8 WhS+—] 5. Wg6 hs (Caturian — No- vikov) 6. £7! Hf7 7. QE7 WAT 8. WE7+— [Gufer'd] 1389. 1. Hf6t [A Bg6+—] Af60 2. BY6 HEt7 (2... Hof7 3. Hg6! de6 4. Whs bg7 5. Who g8 6. Wes Hh8 7. 247 Bf7 8. WE7.d3.9. WB+—] 3. Bf7 EIT 4. Wadd gs 5. WET WHEL 6. gf6 f8 7- (asi. R17 LT 8. eS! deS 9. gs h4 10. dé eo [10... h3 11. d7 h2 12. doy hiw 13. We7 dg8 14. Wg7H#] 11. Sg6 (11... h3 12. £7 h2 13. Whi 14. We7 beds 15. Wb7+-] 1:0 [Stoica] 1390. 1... |dS!! 2. Was Wed! 3. We8 Gh7 4. Sh1O Wh3 S. Hel Ht6! {A 6... Wh2! 7. h2 Bhs 8. Wh3 Ags 9. @hl Bh3#] 6. g4O Hhs! 7. ghs We8—+ [Tajmanov] 1391. 1, &bS!! abS 2. abs Whs (2... Wb7? 3. c6 W8 (3... WbS 4. d7!) 4 b6l+—] 3. Ha8 We6O 4. fat £4 5, SENT Bla7! Od7 [5... £376. Wa5!! ef2 7. HAL WS 8. He84t] 6. HeB! We8 7. wads fe3 [7... Dhf6 8. We SH 9. Ded Wes (9... fe3 10. DgS We8 11. Ha8) 10. Wes! De8 (10... He8 11. Had HET 12. Dest) L1. Hd7 fe3 12. c6+—] 8. Web bf8 9, Hd7 ef2 10. Sf Wes (10... Wa 11 HAL We2! 12. He2 DL 13. SF Deo 14, 6 @g8 15. He7!+—; 10... Qg3 11. hg3 Wd7 12. Wad7 hg3 13. We7 des 14. Wes h7 (14... 2F8 15. Web A We3) 15. 47+—] 11, EET! [11 We8? Be8 12. He7 BAB! 13. c6 Dg3!!—+] WIT 12. Wes We8 13. d7 O17 14, de8y He8 15. Wb7 Se7 16. c6!+— [Serper] i282] WA w 1392-1604 283 WB W+1,2,318 1605-1637 319 we Wa 1638-1724 325 wD Wa 1725-1790 340 WE WHt+1,2,318 1791-1798 cb) WF WA+1,2,31A 1799-1801 354 wG WH 1802-1944 355 WH WH+1,2,318 1945-1953 379 WI WOAWLAW2S 1954-1959 381 ws WOD/YAAWES +1,2,31A - = wK WHA/WES 1960-1993 382 WL WHO/WHS +1,2,3114 - = UM Vy 1994-2001 389 WA 1392. 1393. 1394, SHULTEN — RETI — TARTAKOWER, EMMRICH ~ MORITZ KIESERITZKY Wien 1910 Bad Oeynhausen 1922 Paris 1844 | TiReer 1395. JANOWSKI — SAMISCH Mariinske Lazné 1925 1396, ALEHIN ~ COLLE Paris 1925 1397. ORAEVSKIJ — BUBNOV corr. 1926 1398, SERGEEV ~ LEBEDEV SSSR 1928 401. BUNGAN ~ CROWL Sydney 1933 1399. ALEHIN ~ FLETCHER London 1928 1402. RIEMANN ~ KRUGER Leipzig 1933 1400. ABRAHAMS ~ THYNNE Liverpool 1932 1403. SEITZ — RELLSTAB Bad Pyrmont 1933 1404, SIVERSEN — PODGORNY corr. 1933 1407. TOT ~ ASZTALOS 1405. RABINOVIC — CEHOVER* SSSR (ch) 1933 1408. ROSTER ~ OLLAND ee Sereteeerts 1406, AEE PARR — WAITKROFT’ + London 1938 1409. NIENER — WEISSINGER | core 1939 Karlsruhe 1984 hi Wx@ie @ eo i is ema @ Bae @ | Gm Bur 6 8 Bo 1 ra a0. un. wan. SUBARIC — CETKOVIC — WADE — BOKSALL TRIFUNOVIC MOLEROVIC England 1953 Jugostavija 1947 Jugoslavija 1951 BONC-OSMOLOVSKIJ — BARANOV Moskva 1953 116. MUREY ~ SACKES SSSR 1963 m4. NEI — PETROSIAN SSSR 1960 1417, GUTOP — ROSAL" SSSR 1963 wis. BRONSTEJN — GELLER SSSR (ch) 1961 18, ANTOSIN — RABAR Baku 1964 wi9, SPANIER — LORENZ Hannover 1965 1420, SUETIN ~N.N. SSSR 1965 1421. FISCHER — BENKO USA (ch) 1965/66 1422. CUELLAR — RESHEVSKY Sousse (it) 1967 — 4/832 1425. KRASNOV ~ AVERKIN SSSR 1969 1428. MALICH ~ HORT Amsterdam 1971 1423. MAGRIN ~ SAWIT Espafia 1968 1426. DASKALOV ~ P"DEVSKI BY lgarija 1970 1429. KOLOBOROT — BALBE corr. 1971 a GASS — TAKSIS Esslingen 1968 1427. MARTIUS ~ DUEBALL Kassel 1970 1430. LUKOVNIKOV — ALEKSEEV SSSR 1973 1431, KIRILENKO — MAEVSKAJA SSSR 1974 1432, LUCKOVSKIJ ~ GRIDNEV corr. 1976 ve 1433. ROMANISIN — POUTIAINEN Erevan 1976 1434. BEGUN — KAPENGUT SSSR 1978, xe @ me a me ax We a oe AG aM S| @ eek ls 1437. DIANO — ROSELLI Uruguay (ch) 1984 1435. LIU WENZE — DONNER Buenos Aires (ol) 1978 169 438. BAREEV ~ JAKOVIC SSSR 1986 1436. 7 RIBLI — ADORJAN Magyarorszig 1983 = 361615 1439. TISDALL ~ J. POLGAR Reykjavik 1988 1440. ANDRUET — SPASSKY Coblence 1988 wai. J, POLGAR = L. BO HANSEN Vejstrup 1989 1443. SUETIN — SCERBAKOV Warszawa 1991 — $1153, 1444, DVOIRIS ~ GY. FEHER Budapest 1991 1446. LEGKIJ ~ EFIMOV Asti 1994 ao fe! a a — ews ee @ BAG 1447. TERZNC — NURKIC Bosna i Hercegovina 1994 442. BOGOLJUBOV —N.N. 1935 1445. WEST ~ STEWART Melbourne 1993 144s, SIROV —J. POLGAR Buenos Aires 1994 = 62/201 a Tiseseescsesessssesteeeeeet 1449. 1450. 1451. TIVIAKOV ~ FORINTOS GALLAGHER — REINER ~ STEINITZ Porto San Giorgio 1994 SCHWEIZER Wien 1860 = 62/336 Bad Zurzach 1995 1452. 1453. 1454, URUSOV ~ KALINSKI SIFFERS ~ JUREVIC JANOWSKI — corr. 1880 Peterburg 1892 SCHLECHTER London 1899 eo i ke paaea 1455. ED. LASKER — THOMAS. London 1911 1457. BOCHOFF — HIRZ Aachen 1936 1458, 1459. 1460. TAUBE ~ FINOTTI FAILIC — WILDEGANS MADSEN — Hamburg 1939 corr. 1939 NAPOLITANO. Stockholm 1953 1461, 1462. 1463. SUTA — SUTEY POLJAK — HOLMOV. LISKOV ~ MUCNIK Bucuresti 1953 SSSR 1954 SSSR 1958 1464, 1465. 1466. STEJN — VAJSMAN DARGA — DUCKSTEIN GUL'DIN ~ BOGDAT'EV. SSSR 1962 Schweiz 1963 SSSR 1963 1467. E. LARSEN ~ ERLANDSON corr. 1966 470. 1468. 1469. S. SOKOLOV — KLAMAN ~ SERGEEV RUZNIKOV SSSR 1966 corr. 1966 — 2/222 an. 1472. BY igarija 1969 RESHEVSKY — SMEJKAL — DUKIC TESCHNER — IvaNovic Schweiz 1968 PORTISCH* Skane 17 — 2150 Monte Carlo 1969 — 7/189 B axe m Bae Aamatiaws| A moe Bi Bama Be & aS 1? + 73, 17s. urs, MECKAROY — WESTERINEN ~ PANNO ~ BRAVO KAJKAMDZ0Z0V MIYASAKA Argentina 1976 Skopje (ol) 1972 1477. MAKOV ~ VAZENIN SSSR 1977 1478, 0. RODRIGUEZ ~ F, OLAFSSON Las Palmas 1978 1480. ISAKOV — PICHELAURY SSSR 1978 1483. MARTINOVIC ~ MARJANOVIE Jugostavija 1980 — 29/190 1 vai. SEIRAWAN ~ BROWNE Lone Pine 1979 — 27/57 v4g4, PEREZ GARCIA ~ VAN DER WIEL Nederland 1980 AGAPOV — NEPOMNIASCII SSSR 1983 — 37/292 1486. MAKROPOULOS ~ KALLAT Caliminesti 1984 1487. - BECHER ~ BROCKNER BRD 1985 1488. 1489. 1490, VETEMAA — SHABALOV DONEV — DICEV ROMANISIN ~ IVANCUK SSSR 1986 Sofia 1986 Irkutsk 1986 — 42/321 ta la 4 xi ie, i @ wa Bek & 2 WE ge is amo We morse) famece jee ee Aeon & ne me a ee yt as Co a @ Aggy BA Soe By oS 8 Le fi + 1? = Lt = 1491. 1492, 1493, PIKET — DOUVEN DREEV — ROZENTALIS FARAGO — BJERRING ‘Nederland (ch) 1988 Vilnius 1988, Gausdal 1989 1494, PEDZICH — SIROV Santiago 1990 — 50/215 1497. Ss. SCERBAKOV — JAWOROWSKI Ukrajina 1991 1495. 1496, GEJZERSKIJ ~ MASBIC FERRAGUT ~ RABELO. SSSR 1990 Cuba 1991 1498. 1499. PASCUAL PEREZ — V. ROGOVSKIJ — CRUZ-LIMA BOROVIKOV Cuba 1993 Pavlograd 1994 N,N. — STEINITZ SIEGFRIED ~ HINEFELD USA 1890 Poznas 1941 KOZMA - ALSTER SSR (ch) 1953, 1506. L. PAULSEN ~ MORPHY New York 1857 ADORJAN ~ I. POLGAR Budapest 1973 1507. ROSSETTO ~ AGUILAR Bahia Blanca 1938 1505. HOFFMANN — PETROV. Warszawa 1844 1508. MACUKEVIC — BODYSKO SSSR 1950 1509. PETROSIAN ~ PACHMAN Bled 1961 1510. TROJNOV ~ POPOV SSSR 1962 asi, LARSEN ~ PETROSIAN Santa Monica 1966 Ig 1512. PONOMAR'EV — DEMIDOV SSSR 1976 1515. KRAJCSOVITS — KRISZTIAN Magyarorszag 1985 1518, SIMAGIN — ARONIN SSSR 1947 1513, 1514. KARASEV ~ LEGKU VAN BENTUM ~ SSSR 1978 BERNARD Rostock 1978 1516. 1517. TAIMANOY = WALBRODT ~ MIESES BELLON LOPEZ Berlin 1894 Bucuresti 1979 — 27/12 1 159. 1520. KOPAEY ~ STOJANOVSKI ~ GUZEL VISTANECKIS Jugoslavija 1958 SSSR 1949 SoU vev ee veD erste eT ewe eer ee Tee TT 1521. 1522. 1523, TAJMANOV ~ LARSEN SALLAI ~ SAHAROV SAX — MARIOTTL Kobenhavn 1966 corr. 1974 Las Palmas 1978 1524. 1525. 1526. SUBA — MIRKOVIC B. TOTH — KARL RJUMIN ~ VERLINSKIS Beograd 1984 Schweiz (ch) 1984 SSSR (ch) 1933 1527. 1528, 1529. MAZZONI ~ KRAIDMAN SISKIN ~ CEPUKASTIS LIUBOJEVIC — Tel Aviv (ol) 1964 SSSR 1969 GEL'FAND Novi Sad (ol) 1990 — 50/287 a NORWOOD — GELFAND. SALWE ~ RUBINSTEIN TARRASCH — ‘Arnhem 1987 Lédé 1908 TARTAKOWER Berlin 1913 1533, 1534, 1535. LASKER —N.N LEVICKU — MARSHALL VERLINSKIJ — 1920 Breslau 1912 RABINOVIC Leningrad 1925 1536. 1537. 1538, ADAM ~ DEMITRIESCU LILIENTHAL ~ KOTOV — BOTVINNIK corr. 1934 CAPABLANCA SSSR (ch) 1939 Hastings 1934/35 ! 1 1539, ~BENITES ~ EUWE San Juan 1948 MoNosToRI — FLORIAN Magyarorszig 1950 1541, LIUBLINSKIJ ~ NECIPEROVIC SSSR 1950 th 1542. 1543. 1844, BRUNDTRUP ~— VEWUAI— HODJA KONSTANTINOPOL'SKIJ) BUDRICH Albania (ch) 1954 = HOLODKEVIC Berlin 1954 SSSR 1984 : me ud em eee ma meal a Ae a @ Are Been a min el fj @ ws i Re Al i A Sa Aa a Be S fe Bees 1? = 1? LP = 1545. ‘1546. 1547. KERES ~ spassky TESCHNER ~ KERES ARONIN ~ Goteborg (izt) 1955 BRD — SSSR 1960 KANTOROVIC SSSR 1960 1548. . . KRAFFORD — TRAKER VARNUSZ — HONFI GELLER ~ USA 1960 Budapest 1961 POLUGAEVSKIS SSSR (ch) 1961 1551. 1552. 1553. CSANADI — POGATS FOSTER ~ BALOGH LEW! ~ ADAMSKI Magyarorszig 1963, Debrecen 1964 Polanica Zdréj 1969 ud md 1554. 1555. 1556. ANTUNAC — HUBNER CESKOVSKJ — MILES — UHLMANN Dresden 1969 KORENSKIS Hastings 1975/76 SSSR 1973 HAAG — LIVERIOS Magyarorszig 1976 1560. T. HORVATH — SAPI Magyarorsziy 1977 1563. BABULA — P. STEFANOV Varna 1984 155: SZMETAN~ GARCIA GONZALEZ Malaga 1976 1561. PANCZYK ~ SCHURADE Zakopane 1978 1564, PAGLILLA — CARBONE Argentina 1985 ma 1559. LEDERMAN — PYTEL Le Havre 1977 1562. SEIRAWAN — LOBRON Arnhem/Amsterdam 1983 = 36/479 1565. KASPAROV ~ KARPOV Moskva (m/11) 1985 = 40/687 1566. 1567. 1568. HELLERS — C. HANSEN 280. POLGAR — DEDES ~— Malmé 1987 DRESEN MAKROPOULOS Biel 1987 Greece (ch) 1990 1569. 1570. 1571. TIHONOV — TZOUMBAS SCHLECHTER — JANOWSKI ~ SALWE Rimavska Sobota 1992 GUNSBERG Oostende 1906 Monte Carlo 1901 a ea) il we La ete fa ak A ay weal os ee ao ei Ss ROGEe mx Bam AR | Ee Mos @ San Sebastian 1911 LEAL Moskva 1925 Cuba 1997 1575. AVERBAH — KOTOV Ziirich (ct) 1953 1578. ALEKSEEV ~ RAZUVAEV SSSR 1969 1581, WESTERINEN — SIGURJONSSON New York 1978 1576, TURUNEN — MAEDER Groningen 1968/69 1579. SOOS ~ TESCHNER Kassel 1970 1582. CSERNA — OZSVATH Magyarorszig 1979 1577, TOLUS ~ MITITELU Warszawa 1961 1580. PURCIN ~ RABKIN corr. 1974 1583. VOGEL ~ BARLOV BRD 1981 1584, YUSUPOV ~ SCHEEREN Plovdiv 1983 ~ 35/466 1587. KUUF ~ HODGSON Wijk aan Zee II 1989 1585. 1586, SIBAREVIC — BEREZOVSKIJ — MIRCEA PAVLOV RUZELE Pernik 1988 — 46/196 SSSR 1988 1588. R. VIDONIAK — FLUERASU Romania 1993 1590. PALOS ~ NAGLER Wien 1994 1591. TAL ~ J. MILLER + i 1589. BECERRA RIVERO — NOGUEIRAS Matanzas 1994 1592. SMYSLOV ~ AIRAPETOV SSSR 1948, “1593. NUTU-GAIIC - GROSCH Veliko Trnovo 1985 1594, KASPAROV — KRAMNIK Novgorod 1994 — 61/179 1595. J. SANTOS — PULIERI corr. 1978 1596. 1597. 1598. PEEV — HAIK TIMOSCENKO — GUTOP SABIROV — IL*IN Bucuresti 1979 SSSR 1984 SSSR 1975 ip ma Wr x2 ei G Ge xo xe a a el a (ae Oi aa Gl kU 8 een | ee an eee om aw @ BAg om oe my i ew ARS MART 8 Fe a 2 AG A mw ms “= 8 oe WES Ln? = 1? on 1? + 1599, 1600. 1601. GY. HORVATH — POLUGAEVSKIJ — ALATORCEV — DANTAR NEZMETDINOV BOLESLAVSKIS Magyarorszag 1981 SSSR 1958 SSSR (ch) 1950 ALEHIN — SAMISCH BENKO — WEINBERGER SOBEK — KLUGER Rwee_ we a_% G2 ew Be Wamaws aw eS m mals au kale a oe a wee Baal ew eam | m@ mAmAa GAG Da WACAR Am AG AB a ee A i me) | ABS i te a A mA ae mee ao ne nena fe fs awe eo 1? ra 1? + 1 1392. 1... Wh3! 2. Ph3 12. ogi 1399. 1. Wed! fed 2, 2e4 Bh8 3. @D34+] Hed 3. Hh4 g5 (3... |! 4. ShS Deo Sh7 4. DS Ons 5. Dge fh7 6. Rest] 4. SWS Bes 5. Hho Ve He5 Sh8 7. of 1:0 O:1 1400. We8! we7 (1... Sg8 2. 1393. 1. was! das 2. 2g5 (2. Sek 3. Hd 8H; 2... 7 3. RAs] 1:0 1394. 1 Dh3 4. Sf what 2h? Des 3.1 h2 +e ne 1, Wh6! [1... gh 2. Hg34e; 1... £6 2. Hg3 Be5 3. Bedl+-] 120 1396. 1. Wd7! Hd7 2. He8 @h7 3. Hees 1:0 1397. 1... Qd3! 2. We7 AN 3. Shi Bel [A e244] O:1 re 1, Wel! [1... deb 2. Ba3+—} 1 96 2. a3 d6 (2... E73. Wes GFT = a “we7#) 3. We8 he7 4.-We7 7 cE wWo7+-] ° Bg6+—] 2 “WIT ha8 3. Deo Wh2 4. Hdl (4... 2d7 5. Wes! wes 6. BhSH 1401, 1... Wed! [L... : Bh2? 2. Wes bf8 3. He8tt] 2. Bed Hh? O:1 1402. 1. We7! dg7 2. Bes des 3. Qnete 1:0 1403, 1... Whil2.oh1 2B 0:1 1404. 1... Was! 2. aS Had 3. bb4 aS ort 1405. 1... Weg3! 2. fg3 Hg? 3. Shl Had2—+ (A Bh2-h144] 1406. 1. Hns!! wa7 [1..- Wa 2. He Bho 3. Dest] 2. Ags. whe on Bho ‘pon 1407.1... Wh3! 2. Dh3 ABH ic 1408. 1. J f8! WHT LI... WH 2. Hg8+—] 2. Wo! (2... We 3. Best] 1 1409... 1... We3! 2. fe3 Dg3 3. h2 fl 4. hi Hg3 5. Hh? Hed 6. g3 HN 7. @hl Dgsit Or T410.. 1... Wad! (2, Ad4 DE 3. SF Abs-+1 O:l WM, 1 Ab7t [.. We2 2. Bost] 1:0 1412. 1, BA! (1... Wd4 2. Zeer; 1... HET 2. Dg6 Ses 3. Des+-1 120 1413. 1. Wd8! a8 2. Deo we7 (2... cB 3. Bd8it; 2... eS 3. Dg7! Be7 G3... Be7 4, Agstt) 4. B95 A aot 3. figs 16 4. Das 10 1414, 1, Wg8! [1... Sg8 2. Leb Hh8 3. He8#] 1:0 1415. 3. \eo#] 1, Wg6t [1... fg6 2. Hg? bts 1:0 1416. . WaT! (2, Hd7 Hest; 2 wee hee 2. gh3 wh3 3 bgl Whitt; 2. Hee7 Hdl 3. Ge2 Wasik] O:1 1417. 1... Wd5! (2, Bd5 Bd5—+] O:1 oe 1. De! (1, Wes 2. Bh3 whs : Hise) BSH; 1... fe6 2. WE 22 West; 1419, 1... WaSt [2. Was Db3#t; "2. Wal Db3 3. Wh3 wad24#; 2. Sd Ae2 3. Be2 Wd24] Or1 1420. 1. We6! hs 2. wi! 1:0 1421. 1, We8! [1... HeB 2. Bd5+—] 1:0 1422. 1. Hed! [1... Hd2 2. Be8st; 1... H8e4 2. Wgs+—] 1:0 1423. 1. Wh6! 26 2. Bh6 Gh7 3. 268 1:0 1424, 1. Wh7! Sh7 2. D6 Ss 3. Ago 1:0 1425. 1... Wha! [2. ghd Qh3H#; 2. eff 26 3. bfl Wh3dt; 2, wd7 Wh2! 3. h2 Bhé 4. bel Bh 14+] O:1 1426. 1. We6t [1... hg6 2. Bh34t; 1... gf6 2. We8tt; 1... AP 2. Ghl Ags 3. Wgst+—] 1:0 1427. 1... Wb6! [2, WE Re4—+; 2. Had Wb2-+] O:1 1428. 1, Wb2! We7 2. Wb7! was [2... Weé 3. WET! WET 4. HeB4t; 2... bf 3. Hd7 @8d6 4. Wa8 Wes 5. Hd8+—] 3. WAT [3... dh8 4. Westt] 1:0 1429, 1. WT! Qb7 2.-Ac6 Sas a ab7 @b7 4, Batt 1... Abst (2, Ba4 Da2dz; 2: 1430. a Ab4 Hdl 3. Hdl we2%; 2. wh3 - &bs-+] Ord [308] - 1431, 1. Wh7! h7 2. Dhgs oes 3. De7 G8 4. DSg64# 1432. 1. gat WH 2. Be8+—-; 1... He8 2. Wh3+—] : 1433. 1s Bagot Il. fo6 2. Qtbe dS 2. BdS We7 3. Bev! Bf7 4. HAey 1:0 1434, . Bh6! (2, Was ests 2. Bc3 Bd2 3 “has e344] 1 1435. 1. We6!! g6 2. AHS Hh7 3. SMT Qh6 4. g6! Se7 [4... Lh8 5. Bho Sg7 6. Sh74#] 8. £h6 [A 218s] 1:0 1436.1... an! O:1 1437. 1. Who! Gh6 2. 2f6 1A Hh de2 3. Ge2+— 3... Hdl 4. Hdl He? (4... Bh3 5. Dg3 g5 6. A+) 5. Re2 g5 6. £5 A Bhs] [iano] 1438. 1. Se6t! {1... fe6 2. Was 1... WhS 2. Dg? dB 3. HeSst] [Bareev] 1439, Wad!! (2. Had Bad 3. bl anit 1440. west! [2. gf — Pi Shi Bh3 a “Be24#] [Vaisman] W441, 1. Wet (1... Se7 2. Htt7 gs 3. He7 Gh8 4. Bh7 oes “i 70 Hbg74#] == 1442. <1. Beso wee (2. Be7! [2 We? 3. Hers] 1443. 1... Wg3!! 2. 28 ON 3. wR wrR-t+ 1444, 1, West! [1... Bes 2. Bhs Gg7 3. H3n74#; 1... BdS 2. Bhs! Shs 3. Wd8 eT 4. Ws] 1:0 1445, 1. WIT! A 2a 1:0 1446, 1. Bd5!! Was [1... Web 2. De7 Se7 3. Wed Deb] 4. Leo Wes (4 afte Wes+—) 5. WeS+—] 2. wos! 1: {Légkij] 1447, 1. We! Il... des 2. Bc5Ht; 1. fe5 2. Bg54#] 1:0 1448, 1... Det! 2. Wes 12. Wes 234] Wes 3. Dg3 De2 4. hdl Dal 5. Qb7 b3—+ (J. Polgér] 1449, 1... We3!! 2. He3 [2. £23? Bhi#] Bhi (2... 2632 3. fg3+—] 3. hed Wed 14. £3 We2H; 4. Sd2 Bas A Wd ls; 3... Wes 4. GB Web—+] 0:1 {Forintos] 1450. 1. whet 1:0 1451.1... Wha! 2. Be? (2. Bh4 Bgl it] wh2! 3. Bh2 Heidt Or1 1452. 1. West! tgs 2. Dn 12... fh8 3. &b2+—] 1:0 1453, 1 Who Wed 2. What! «1:0 1454. 1. Wh7! bh7 2. Bhs begs 3. Qe6! (3. BP6-4. Bhs 7 SHH z= =" 1: [309] 1455. 1. Wh7! bh7 2. Df6 Sno [2... Bh8 3. DesH] 3. Degd gs 4. hd [4. fa! a) 4... F4 5. 23 WE (5... Bes 6. h4a#) 6. O-O4E; 5) 4... Bhd 5. g3 Eh3 6. Afi (6. 0-017 A ANH) 2g2 7. DH] G14 5. g3 G13 6. Be? [60-0 A Hh24; 6. Sf1 A aes bg? 7. Eh2 Si 8. Bare [Mirkovié] 1456. 1. Bhd! ho [1... Ha3 2. 2f6 Dg? 3. Bg7 Hg8 4. HGIE] 2. WB! DB 3. &f6 (3... Gh7 4. Bg7 Gh8 Ss. Hf Og8 6. hos] 1:0 1457. Was! [1 Hd7! @d7 2 Ed7 asc) 3. west+-] Was 2, weet! WIS 3. Afort aif 1458.1. ae! Dns [1.. bab 2 LaGat] 2. Wee! [2... bc6 3. Labs] 1:0 1459. wat 2. He2 (2. BR Birt; 2. wo @g3—+] Wel! 3. Bet b Og! O34] QRH 1460. 1... Bel! 2. Bel wad! [3 Wadd del wae] 1461.1. Begs! wee [1... Wed 2. Ose; 1... Wes2. QFTH] 2. Wad! Hes 3. Hg6 1:0 1462, 1. war! wes (1... Wd2 2. He7##] 2. wast 1:0 1463, Wes! 2. wh2 (2. gs De2 3. oni “BATH; 2. Ded We3!—4] hfeg 3. We3 He2 4, Ae2 Le3 5. Shi ae 1 1464... 1... wh3t! 2. &h3 Bho 3. bee (3: oe Bre -Dh2 4. Ses a [AS... h6 6. g6 Hiss] 1465.” 1. wes | 2. Bhs “BGS 2. Bhi eg8 3. ants 4. Bg7! Eis We8 @h7 6. Hhlst] 1:0 1466. 1, Wh4! Hd8 2. Beds! 1:0 1467.1... Wh3tt (2. gh3 23!-+1 il 1468. 1. Wg5! h6 [l... bIW 2. Eel+—-; 1 nie. Hel+—| 2. Hb7! ioe hgs 3. Acé de8 4. He7+] 20 1469, 1. weat! ded Ses f5!+—] 3. 2 beds 5. dé! 1470. 1... Wh2! 2. Eh? Ehs 3. Sgt 2g3! orl 471, | 1. WeBl! 2e8 2. He8 dT 3. Dh7! Waa 4. Ohi [4. F127 Hesse; 4 Ele3+—] Dg3 5. Gh2 Ded 6. Ded 6 16... eB 7. Degs d7 8. HS a8 9. @fT Sc8 10. He8H#] 7. AcS deS 8. DB a6 9. Has 1:0 1472.1... WAR! 2. DgI (2. De3 Hc2—+] Wel!—+ 1473. 1... WES! 2. WH 2. WB Hal-+] Hal! O:1 1474. 1. Dho! hs [ 1... gho °2. Wi6+—| 2. Wi6! gf6 3. Ato 1:0 1475. 1... We2!-[2.- Edd wal! 3. dl Qe2—+] 1476. 1. Whst g6 [1... h6 2. We8!+=] 2. WHT! en? 3. Bes eer 4. Ele7 who 5. Eh74+ 70 [310] ~ 1477. 1. Wa8! bh7 2. Bhs! _ Eh! bho 4. Wie 1478. Wet! 2. Be? O1 3. hl Bai— “i 1479, 1, We7!_AfS [1... D2 2 We7H; 1... He? 2. B84] 2. Best 1:0 [Judovie] 1480. . We3!! 2. Was Hds 3. 23 Bh2! (4, oni BhS34] 0: {Gufel’d] 1481, 1... Wed!! 2. bed 2.06 3. DS DbS! [4. Wad Dad 5. Ses do 6. Seb De74; 4. Ads Ada 5. doc3 Be? 6. kd? Hb2 7. Sel Sc3 8. GF Als 9. wel Bg2t] 0:1 [Browne] 1482. 1. afs! Of7 [1.. AB 2. ®h6##] 2. Hh7! 1:0 1483. 1... what! 2. ghd (2, 2h3 £3 3. hl Whs; 2. HhI BB 3. Shi G. Qf3 Wh3 4. Sg gf—+) Whs— a Qd3 3. £4 gf3 (4. Gh3 ANH] O:1 (Marjanovi¢] 1484, 1. Hfst! Hfs (1... He2 2. 2 chg7 3. Hg8it] 2. West! 1:0 1485. 1. Wego! Be7 2. BE! (2... Qb3 3. ab3 We2 4, Gc2 Bed 5. He3 2g6 6. HAR h7 7. hss] 1:0 1486. 1. g3! Hes [1.. Bf2-2. HgBit; 1... Wd6 2. He? Be 3. We2 Wadd 4. S02! Sg70 5. BW! AEB 6. DITH] 2. We3 287 3. Age! We6 (3... hg6 4. Wh4 £n6'5. Who#] 4. bs 1:0 [Stoica] 2 =e 1487. 1... We6!! (2. fg6 hg6— HR 2 3. Wel 2b6! GB... Be3 4: WeSt+—) 4. Bfl (4. fg6 hg6 5. Wh2 Bh2 6. @h2 Hh8-+) Bdf8!—+] Or 1488. 1... wb5!! 2. Ha2 [2. abs @Db34t; 2. AbS Ab34#; 2. Hd2 Ac3 3. We3 Ad3—+] He3! (3. Lbs Hb3I4#; 3 be3 Wb; 3. We3 Db3-+] Or {Shabalov} 1489. 1. Wel! Was [1... Wel 2 Qd7H#] 2. Web! [A Od7; 2... Heb 3. HT es 4. Bf6tt] 1:0 1490, 1. bs! Abs [... Wed 2. aT] 2. &b7! [2 4, Web 1:0 Hb7 3. Wes be8 [vanéuk] T4911... We3!! 2. &g3 hgs 3. oe De! (A Heo] 1492, 1. wis! Bf [1... ef 2. 28 A Of74] 2. Wi6 dg8 3. Dge hgo 4. eG! ld. B43 5. Has Sig6 6. Bes Shs 7. Wh6 eB 8. D6] {Rozentalis} 1493. 1. bi! Ad7 2. wad! 2 WhS+—] Wad 3. Bb74 1: 1494, . Wb! 2, De7O he7! ie z 182? 3. Bes! hg6 4. HeB!!+— h8? 3. We2 Hel 4. Wel A 4.. weat 5. Wal+—] 3. We2 (3. DFS wh8—+; 3. Hfl Hf 4. fl Hel 5. Be2 Hel 6. bd3 (6. &f3 We3 7. He3 He3 8. fe3 Who—+) W3 7. d2 Hed (7... Hal—+) 8. Wed Bc4 9. wel We3 10. He2 Wh2! 11. wel d2—+] Hel 4. Wel Wed! Ort [Sirov] 1495. = 1... We3!_ 2. We2 (2. We3? We3 3 Hes Helv] Bhs! 3.3 (3. Ws ~ BH [wea 7 Welt] 2f4 4. gl Hh3 [A Hal, wh2#] O:1 (MaSbic] 1496. 1... Qh3! 2. get (2. who 2f24] 12! 3. Who (3. Bl fel 4. Wel Whs 5. Dd? Bed 6. Ded WAH; 3. WB felw (3... WIS—+) 4. Hel WF8!-+] fw! [4 Bf Sea—+] orl [G. Camacho Martinez} 1497. 1... We2! 2. e2 Dat! (3. Gd2 Dds! 4. Bel Hb2 5. He2 He2 6. Bc2 Hb 7. We2 Hb2 8. Sd! Ae3st; 3. Be2 Hb2 4. Sdi Hbi 5. Sd2 Hb2 6. be3 (6. Sd DdS—+) Hed 7. Wed He? 8. @d4 Zest; 3. EG Ads 4. eds Bb2 5. @d1 Bb! 6. &d2 Bb2-+] Or [Jaworowski] 1498. 1... g5! 2. fg5 hgS! [2... fe5? 3, Bhs A 3... Wh32 4. Wh3 be7 5 Hflt+—] 3, @hS Wh3t! 4. Wh3 g7! [A ATH) Ol {Pascual Pérez} 1499. 1, wast! 2b7 2. Hb6! Dds (2... @c7 3. Ba6+—] 3. Das 1:0 LV. Rogovskij] 1500. 1. Wg6! hhs [1... fe6 2 hg6+—] 2. £61 WH [2... f6 3. hee gf G... Bf 4. Bh2 gs 5. Behl gf6 6 ef6+—) 4. ef6 Hh7 (4... Hee? 5. f7+—) 5. £7 Egg7 6. gh7+—] 3. Hdg2! (3... fg6 4. hg6 ef6 5. Eh? e7 6. Bh7#4] 1:0 [Rogers] 1501. 1... Wh3tt 2. Sh3 (2. gl Bf2i-+] Be3 3. Bhd He? 4. es Hts 5. Gedhs 6. bh3 Brett Ol 1502, 1. wren [1. Bh7 des 2 Hdhl? 2g5—+; 2. Bhs) 216-2. Sh $g8.3. ef6 Has 4. Rah 1:0_- 1 15:.-We3 6. De3+—] 1503. . 1. Wh6l! Aho [1... Ha8 2: Wh8 2h8 3. Bh8 bg? 4. HIn7H#] 2. Hh6 gS 3. Hh8 wg7 4. Hih7 ogo 5. fa3 1:0 1504, 1. we5!! Hgs 2. ngs dT 3. Hh8 O08 4. 2g7 1:0 1505. 1... 0-0! 2. Qd8 [2. Wd5 BAT 3. 66 (3. WeS Wes) 212 A wWh4st] 212 3. @h3 [3. ded Hf 4. dhs (4. gs ho 5. BhS Hh4 6. bg6 Ae7#) Hh4 5. Ses h6 6. HFS De74#] d6 4. €6 [4. g4 Alas; 4. Wed Distt] Al 5. gd Deb! 6. Des (6. Yds BE A Bh4sH#: 6. Hd? Qd8! 7 Eh5 (7. Sys EMS 8. Set h5 9. Sh3 EUS) g6 8. chgs (8. Bho AH) BFS 9. Get hS 10. @h3 EAH; 6. g3 QdB! 7. Shs (7. Ses HS: 7. Sh4 Bea) SS 8. hs (8. Sed Bl 9. es He3 10. Sh4 Eh6 11. Whs g54) Be 9. hs (9. Sys De6) 26 10. Sg5 Deb 11. dh6 Bhd! 12. ghd Beds] Se6 7. cogs [7. ohS ES—+] ELS 8. dg hs 9. &h3 Ht3+ O:1 1506. 1... WAS! 2. gf3 Hg6 3. bhi Ah3 4. Hdl [4. Wd3 £55. Wed mB! 6. Wha (6. Wf Bf2!—+) BF 7. b3 Bg? 8. wh? Sf-+] Bg? 5. Sel 2B 6. Bll Bg2 (6... Hg2! 7. wd3 (7. whe Hh2 A his) Bf2 8. bg He? 9. dhl (9. Sf1 Bgl#) Bel] 7. ogi 2h3 (7... Red! 8. Sl BFS! 9. We2 #h3 10. wel Belt] 8. Shi 212 9. Wi Afi 10. Hl Be2-+ 1507. 1. Bc6!! He6 [1... Adi 2. d5! A £74] 2. dS! edS (2... dl 3. dc6+—; @e5 3. Ba7 Hb7 4. Bas aT (4... Bc8 5. W3+—) 5. Acé6 &b7 6. Ha? dc8 7. Ha8 gb7 8. Wb3 da8 9. Wad hb7 10. WaT bc8 11. Wd od7 2: Wd84t] 3. ed5 We7 4. de6-Hal 5.- “4:0 {312} 1508. Oh4 ded (3... Sg4 4. g3+—] 4. a (A £344] 0 1. Web! eb 2. cd HES 3. 1509. 1. WH6! 6 2. Bes Hg5 12... fs 3. Bi wes 4. Af6 A Ld 3. gt! a ea) 1510. wiTly (1, &d5? Qde5!] B72. BAS dog6 [2... HIB 3. Deb+—] 3. £5 GhS 4. 213 wha 5. g3 Gh3 6. ase bed 7. Etat ISll. 1. Wee! fs [1... Dc7 2. We7!t—] 2. Hf4 fg6 3. Be6 EF7 (3. Bh7 4. Bh4 £h6 5. Bh6 HES (5... 25 6. Hgs Wb6 7. cS+—) 6. HFS gf5 7. £f7 5 8. Bh3+—] 4, Bf7 whs (4... Hes 5 HfS+—| 5. Bgs! bs 6. Bg3 1:0 {Larsen} 1512. 1. Wd7! Hd7 2. Bb8 248 3. Bf61+— 1513. 1. Wh6! gh6 2. gh6 gf8. 3. Bg Sg8 4. 266 (4... £8 5. Hdg3!+—] 1:0 1514, 1... Wed! 2. @h2 Bho 3. wh Hed 4. d5 [4. Hh1 £g3! 5. fg3 He3 6. He2 Hel!—+] wh3! [5. Wh3 Heh4!—+]. O:1 1515. 1... Wh3! 2. eB £18! (2... De8 3. HeS V8 4. De3+—] 3. De3 Desi 4. WO (4. gh3 Dh3 5. Sl @h24+] HB 5. 2a3 Ses—+ 1. Hf6! Bed Ll... glit—; 1 Seit—l 2. Hest &e8 5. He? He2_2. 126 3.47! oh7 4. EET --[Tajmanov] “1518, We2 2. We2 He Se 1517. 1. fg6! Dc3 2. We3! be3 3. Qls dogs (3... Bh8? 4. g7 hes 5. DhoH] 4. De7 2:12 1... edt [1... Wdl?? 2, Bet] 2, Wad Gh2 3. whi As (4. gl fh2=] W222 1519. 1... WEI! 2, Bfl De3 3. Le? Bed 4. SF DI=I 122172 1520. 1... Wh2! 2, Gh2 Aga 3. oh3 2 12:12 1521. 1. HeS!! We2 2. Dgs Hh 3. Ale Hho 4. Det hs 5. Df6 who 6. Des W212 1522. 1. whot! &h6 2. Hh3 wes [2... g7 3. Bh74] 3. M7 13. B31 Sed 4. Hg3 (4... Sf 5. B=) 12:12 1523. 1... Be. @fl (4. Sgl De: 3! 2. He2 Bal 3. @h2 4/2: U2 1524, 1... Wha! [2. 242? Halt; 2. We8? Hd8 3. efl wbS—+; 2. W4 He2 3. fl Hfa=; 2. Hes des 3. 4 Be2 4. bfl Hf 5. dg Hg2—] 4/2: 1/2 (Mirkovié] 1525. 1... Wh2!! 2. @h2 Bhs 3. Wh4!C (3. &gl Dh3 4. h2 Ale 5. Sel @Dh3 6. Hh2 gs 7. g3 (7. Sgl BB—+) Qed 8. bf Hd2—+] Bhd 4. gl Oh3 5. @h2 Of4 6. bgl 12:12 1526. 1. Efi! d1w 2. We6! @h7 (2... We6? 3. HA+—] 3. OB hs (3... WIE 4. We6 tek 5S Web] 4: Des Wade [313] BNE (1... De8 2. =] 2. Qh6 wg7 (2... 12:12 ‘1527. d an 7 Gg] 3. Des! be 3. Kf6+)] 3. DfS Ses 1528. 1... Hfi! 2. He7 We7!! 3. ft Efl 4. e7 Sgi 5. gs 22 6. Hh2 [6 PB Bd6 7. He2 Bed 8. Hd2 Bas: 12: 1/2 1529.1. WGI gf6 LI... bc3? 2. ef7 AT 3. e6!+— A 3... Was? 4. Qg7 fg7 5. We7#] 2. dS WaT (2... Wo7=] 3. Df6 dB 4. Dd5 hes [RR 4... He7 5. Re7 He8 6. Ad6!+—] 5. ALG (5. Db5? abS 6. &bS &d7 7. ed7 Dd7 8. 0-0-0 (8. Df was 9. Ad7 Be7—+; 8. es Agr—+; 8... e712) B27 9. Ate 216 10. £6 Wb6—+; 5. @h5? Bh6!!—+; 5, ef7 B17 6. Bfl Sg8O) 7. Be3 wh7 8. fo hg7 9. De8=} as 6. Dds aise [Gel’fand, Kapengut] 1530, 1. was! (1. We7? Qa3! 2 Wd7 266 3. We8 7 4. 95 (4. Bd3 Wd3 5. 95 Qdd—+) We 5. gf6 dofb! 6. Sih4 &g7 7. Hd3 Wel Norwood — Gel'fand] Hd8 2. B48 218 3. g5!! og7 4. De8= [Norwood] 1531. 1... Well! 2. Het £2 3. wed felW 4. og2 waz Or 1532. 1. Wed! Wed 2, 2f5 Ha7 12... We 3. He6! fe6 4. Be6 Hd7 5. Bes Des 6. Bes eds 7. Bd7 a7 8. Ad4+—] 3. He8 Das 4. Des wos 5. Qd7 wd7 6. Be1+— 1533. 1. He8! He8 2. Wa7!! a7 3. beBAI+— (3... Ob7 4. De7+—] 1534, 1. We3!! (2. hg3 De24H;.2. ~ £3 De2 3. hi BETH; 2:-We3 Ded 3. Shi Der-4. bei BH] Od 1535.1. We7!! He7-2, Be7 8-3): Hcl @a7 4. Hal fa6 5, Haa6 Gb7 6. Bebé Sc8 7. Ha8 a7 8. 248 has 9. Bae 1:0 1536, 1... West! (2. Wes Qd3—+; 2. Bdl Wg3-+] Or 1537. 1. ef6! We2 [1... wha 2. fg7 Hes 3. £6 At6 4. WhS+—] 2. fg7 Hes 3. Qd4 Wed [3... Wb2 4, Hael Des 5. Hes Gd? 6. Eds de8 7. Hel+—; 3... Wes 4, Hael Des 5. Bes dod7 6.'Be7+-] 4. Hael Ac5 5. Bed Ded 6. Hel Hg7 7. Bed Sd7 1:0 1538, 1... Wg2! 2. We2 He2 0:1 1539. 1. Wa3! g6 11... War 2 We? 3. Beste; 1... £62. Hd8 we7 We8 4. Ad6+—] 2. Bas (2. Egs+—] 1540, 1... g3! 2. a5 [2. 4 Ber 3. Gh1 Del 4. eds Da2 5. deb Le? 6. Se2 fe6-+] He2 3. hg? ads 4. 3 @el-+ 1541, 1, Wb7! 8b7 2. £67 has 3. Abd Sb6 4. Bc3 Hes 5. Bad Had 6. Hdd Sa4 7. 2c8+— 1542, 1. &c5! Bb6 2. we! 1:0 1543.1... Well! (2, Hel Qf 3. Sgl Dh3 4. gh3 hg6—+] O:1 1544, 1, wasi! was 2. aI7 wes 3. Dd8 ALB 4. 218 L185. Hes 1:0 os 1545. 1. We! e7 2. Dd7 hogs 3. Df6 OF7 (3... Hh 4: Aes+—} 4-Dds ; ~ 1: [314] 1546. 1... Wad! 2. Hdd Bel 3. wel Hgl 4. Ogi 2c5 1547. 1. Hes! 1:0 1548. 1... Wh7! [2. &h7 Bch7 3. Wb8L Abs 4. Hd8 wF7 5. Bh8 Eh8—+] Ol 1549. 1... Wel! 2, Hel B8a2 3. de3 Bel (4. &d3 Absd; 4. He2 a 5 ‘We2 He2—H] ra 1550. 1. Who! &g8 II Sgr 3. Bd7+—| 2. Hes (2. Wd2+-] W551. - 1... Wh2! 2. Wh? 2h? 3. Lh? Eat Ort 1552, 1... Wh2t (2, Wal WR-+] 0: 1553. 1... We3!! 2, Bc3 Her 3. hi He3 4. W3 Dbl S. Whi 13! 6. 213 [6. Wb3 2d7 7. sgl fe2 8 be Ha6—+] gf3 7. Hgl 2h3 1554, 1. He7!! Wh5 2. He7 wis 3. Hb7 Be8 4. He7 Sf8 5. Hh7 wes 6. Bhst+— 1555.1. Wad! Sed [1... Wdd 2. HS HES 3. Héeit; 1... Wd6 2. West+—; 1... HAT 2, WeS Bed 3. Belt—] 2. Wes 817 3. Hel 1:0 1556. - Wh2! 2, Qh2 Bh 3. Wes 2 O66 [4. te Bhs-5, Wh3 HhS—+] | Ol 1. 1562, 1... fg6 2. Heb 7 3. BAT+—] 2. Ohi Wh8 3. Bh3 1557. = 1. Wg6!! Hh (1... Wh3 4. gh3 fg6 5. He6 1:0 1558. 1. Whs!! Dd3 2. Sb ghs 3. gf6 Gh8 4. fe7 DeS 5. efSW Ht 6. Bhs O27. af2 1:0 1559. 1... Wf3! 12, WA Held; 2. |h3 We3-+1 Or 1560. 1... We3!! 2. be3 Dds 3. ed De3 4. wb1 Ab3 (4... Hb3 5. Ab2 Eba3—+] 5, a3 (5. Hb2 La2—+; 5. Bb2 fia? 6. Sal Act—+] Aes! O:1 1561. 1. Wa8tt— [1.. Ea8 2. Be7 GAT 3. QeS+—; 1... HLT 2. De7 Be7 3 WbBt—; 1... Ads 2. Wa7 Dc 3. De7 ®e7 4, Hfdl+—] wat 2. @f2 (2. wh Hcl—+] Hb2 3. eB B: fe2, Bec? +1 Bel é Ort 1563. 1. Web! [A 2. WET BET 3. QA7 Oh8 4. Ag7H#] Wes (1... fe6 2 Be6 Hh8 3. Sg7H#; 1... ghS 2. EAV+—; 1... Wb6 2. dhl fg? 3. dg2 ds 4. We7 ghs 5. &d5+—] 2. &f8 (2. £7? WET 3. We7 d5!—+] Bf8 [2... fe6 3. Leb WIT 4. HE7+—] 3, WiT Wi7 4. Hf7 ghs 5. Be7+- 1:20 [Kajkamdzozov] 1564. = 1. Wa8t! [1... Ha8 2. fe7 A Hast} 1:0 [Franco} 1565. 1, WaT! Ha7 2. He8 Hh7 3. Red [3:0 64° HET £a6 5. Bc6+—] -- 1:0 [315] 1566. 1. Wast! [1... Ads 2. Bas hs 3. Be4+—] 1:0 1567. 1. Wh6! fh6 2. hg6 dg7 3. Hc8+—] Eh7 og8 4. gf7 (4... BET 5. 1:0 [Zs6. Polgar] 1568. 1. AfS!! 5 (1... efS 2. Hdsst; 1... &a3 2. Hd8i] 2. WaT efS 3. Was fd8 4. Wd8 (4... Wes 5. WoT! A Ed8+—] 1:0 1569. 1... We2!! 2. Wad [2. We2 Eft 3. Bfl Sfl 4. Sfl Ae3 5. SA De2—+; 2. Bfdl Sfl!—+] Eft 3. S41 wez 0:1 [Andrianov, Tzoumbas] 1570. 1. @as!! Bas [1.. Zhs 2. Qf6 Ghs 3. Bhs Bho 4. Hd7 Eh7 5 Ed6+—] 2. Rds £7 (2... Bds 3. gas Was 4. WeS+—] 3. WET! BA (3. be7 4. Bd7!+—] 4. Ba8+— 1571. 1. Wed! fed 2. d6 Bh7 [2.. ‘BT 3. HET WHT 4. d7+—1 3. B68 Wed 4. Re8 Sg6 5. 217 |S... Hh7 6. h5!+—] 1:0 1572. 1. wg3!! whe {l... Bg3 2. Hest] 2. Wh3 Wade (2... Wh3 3. dh3 Bhs 4. be? Bes 5. ofl ho 6. He8+—] 3. Gh1! Sg8 4, Hes 17 5. Bh8 1:0 1573.1. whst! hs 2. 241 g4 (2... Se6 3.5 Si 4. Deas] 3, Qe4 [A Dest] go 4. nS gs 4... Bhs 5. Des Se5.6. Bhd bt 7. Dd3 hea 8. Qg3! Sd5 (8... d3 9. @b3! A Bald) 9, Rd8 BERRI. 2 ced 11. 867 Sd3 12. Be4+—] 5, Het! (A 6. Bhd fs 7, 8344; 5. DHS 6. Des Ges 7. Bh4 be “8. @d3tt] 1:0 [Nogueiras] ~ 7 1574. 1. &f6! Whs 2, Be7 ons 3, HET hg8 4. Hg7 fh8 5. Hb7 hes 6. Hg7 Gh8 7. Hes! bh7 8. Ehs hes 9. Bh3 fo 10. Bh6+— 1575. 1... Wh3! 2. h3 Bh6 3. hes Ql6 4. &t5 Da7 [4... Ded! 5. Os Bes 6. QhS Bhgs—+ Stahlberg] 5. Hes He 6. Ged Alo 7. SES Ads 8. es ALE 9, BIS Dg8 10. hes Bes 11. hgs [I1. Ae3 e712. Bf eff 13. Ota Ehs 14, g3 Bhft—+] Bey 12. ana (12. arg Eg7 13. Ag6 Hege 14. SS Qe7H#] Ego 13. @hS Hfg7 14, Bgs Bes 15. Shy 6 16. Giy3 Eg} 17. Wde E3y6 18. wos Hgs 0:1 [Bronitejn] 1576, 1. Who! [A Wh7] Ea8 [1... gh6? 2. Dos] 2, Wh7 1B 3. Bez! eS (3... We7 4. H+] 4. 2g6 dd 5. Wes 1:0 1577. 1. we! gf6 2. Aged! [2.. Bhs 3. f+—] 1:0 1578. 1... was! 2. ws [2. was Rett] Wal! 3. bg? We2 4. hI ed 0:1 1579. 1... WS! 2. Bed [2. Bes Whi 3. @f2 Wh 4. ofl Be—+] Bt 3. Wil Efi 4. ft Abs! Or 1580. 1. Ges! Bf 1... hgS 2. DM4; 1... Hd7 2. Wg6l+—] 2. Wee! (2... fg6 3. Dgeat; 2... 26 3. Who des 4. Wi6+—] 1:0 1581. 1. we7! hg7 2. Bas! dhs (2... f7 3. BhSH; 2... Hh6 3. Bh34#]- 3. Hg8! Hg8 4. 2f6 He7 5. 297 dogs 6.- Add O7-78b2. 1:0 {316} 1582. © wat! 2. wi (2. Bf Dg34t] Wer! 3. Ba Qg3 4. Bh? ber 1583. 1. Abs! [A Bf6+—] Heo de6 [2... Hes 3. c7+—; 2... We7 3. Qd7 4. 2d7 Has 5, BF4I+—] 1: [Bozi¢] oy 1584, 1. WhS! £g5 2. Bg6! fo 3. £4 We7 4. fg5 Des 5. hd Ded (5... DHT 6. Hd4 f5 7. 2h7 Wh7 8. Hed fed 9. We5t+—] 6. Red ded 7. Hfd 1:0 [Yusupov] 1585. 1, Weg6!! hg6 2. hSt! HET 3. hg6 @g8 4. gf7 LB 5. Deo 1:0 1586.. 1, w7!! Bes LI... BET 2. OF A Qd8+—] 2. WHO TA AIH; 2... BeB 3. Be7 He? 4. We7 ADeot-] 1:0 [Berezovskij] 1587. 1... Wb3! 2. B43 (2. Ac3 Wa2!—+] Wa2 3. Whd He2! 4. Se20 Db3 5. Wh3 W3 6. Hd2 Wes orl 1588. 1. West! Had [1... Wes 2. ; 1. Bg5 2. Hd8 Ad8 3. este; .Wi8 2: Wha Bel 3. Hel He2 4. wi Ai "He8+—] 2. wit! (2... Wi6 3. HeBit; 2... WB 3. He8 A We74#; 2... Bh6 3. wds+—-] 1:0 IR. Vidoniak] 1589. 1... Wh3!! 2. gh3 e3 3. Hg? (3. QE Des—+; 3. Hg2 f3-+] Hg2!! [4. Qg2 £3 5. Wed (5. Age3 He3 6. Ac3 Be3 A (2-4; 5. Bde} DeI-+; 5. Sel e2—+) fg2 6. gl e2-+] 2.031 [Nogueiras] 1590. 1. Wad! [1... bad 2. BaS doce 3.-Hb6 dc7 4. fol! Wd60 5. Hd6 Sc8 6. Ha6 A Ba8+—] ~ 120 1591. What! [A 1... We2 2. Qc7H] W300 [A 2... Mal, 2... Bf2] 2. Bal (A 3. HdS, 3. Hd3) BAO (2... c6 3. Hd3 ee BB!+—] 3. WA @f2 4. Bast+— ‘Tall 1592. 1, We7!! Ll. e722 wal#] Be7 2. Hd8 He8 3. e7 Hh8 4, Be6 Ws 5. Q£7 (5... Wo1 6. Be2 Ws 7. SF wes 8. Sg? Wed 9. Fl Wh3 10. Hg2+—] 1:0 1593. 1... Dg3! 2. AdSO (2. Wes De2 3. whl Dei A Wer] Dder! 3. eg? dS! 4. WAS Ald §. Sg3 Das—+ [Ribli] 1594, 1, nS! @f4 [1.. Sed 2. Wed wWd6 3. We7#] 2. hg6 “do [2... Heb 3. Hh7 gs 4. gf7 SB (4... Sh7 5. Bb6+—) 5. Bh8 Bf7 6. Be6 Heb 7. Hb6+—] 3. Bh7 hg8 4. gf7 Dh7 5. feBY Deo 6. BES dog7 7. Wg6 S18 8. WIE de8 9. eG WEB [9... e3 10. fe3 Bg? 11. A£7 d7 12, Be e7 13. We7 wds 14. We? (14. RbS+—) wes 15. Wed+—] 10. 2d7 1:0 {Kasparov} 1595. 1. Hd5! [1]. BT We7 2. Wds 5 3. We4 Of 4. Wes Dds 5. We7 BeT4] BS (1... Bd? 2. Dde7 We7 (2... Bh 3, Ag7H) 3. De7 hs 4. Bd2+—; 1... ef5 2. Qb4 Dds 3. We3 Wes 4. £4! (4. hd Wed!) Wed 5. h3 We6 6. Bd! Bb7 (6... Ab5 7. QdS!+—) 7. Hes Be3 : Ber bg7 9. Bc3+—] 2. Wh6t+— {A. Pereira 1596. 1... WEI! 2. Ab1 (2. gf Of eat fl hI] We2 3. bd2 B. Des OB 4. he2 Red—+] WA 4. Hel Wed “5. Wd2-Wad2 6. &d2 Led 7. a3 Le7 8. “222 0-0-60 O:1 * [Halk] {a1 va 1597. 1. Wa8!! Ha8 2. c8W Hc8 3, He8 OS 4. Ef8 oh7 (4... ote 5, Dd7+—] 5. hS! [A Ags, HAS] g50 6. hg6 &g7 7. EE Sg8 (7... Wha &. Des Wd4 9. Bh7 Sg8 10. Hh6 SFB 11. BAT be8 12. g7+—] 8. Dd7 oo [Korolév] 1598. 1, fg6!_ hg6é 1... Ad4 2. Errs; 1... Be7 2. BET BET 3. wh8 be7 4. Bd5 eds 5. Wh2+—] 2. BET! Se7 3, Efl @e7 4. Qd5 edS 5. W2 d4 6. Wad d6 7. WE3 1:0 1599. 1. Wb5! abs 2. Has has 3. Ab7 (3... £8 4. Bbs 275. He8 b7 6. Bd6 b6 7. Hb1+— A 8. Hbs Sa7 9. Hb7 a6 10. asi] 1:0 [Bozié] 1600. 1... Beat 2. Bh2 (2. Bes BB—+: 2. Of Acd~+:2. ges Bi 3 Ofa (3. &d4 WA 4. &c3 West) Qc2~+] Ef3 3. Sd4 B97! 13... 05 4, de6 be6 5. d3! Aed3 6. Hho! Db2 7. Hd6 Qd1 8. Edi] 4. ad (4. dea bs! 5 BB AB 6. Ge3 2b2-+; 4. 843 Hedd 5, &c4 Db2 6. hb4 ‘Dal 7. Ed! Ee8—+; 4. Hel Hyg3! 5, De2 Hf 6. gl Ded3 7. ed (7. 5 Bes & Bed Ef! 9. &d4 Hdd 10. dc3 Dds 11. a2 Aff 12. He? He8 13. SF1 De3—+) Arb? 8. Bb4 Bc3 9. a3 b5! 10. Wad (10. b4 Qb2!—+; 6. "Wel bS! 7. We3 @b4! 8, dS Ac? 9, He3 De3—+) ad. Bcd Db2°8. bg c3 4 EN 8. Bed (8. bea Efs!; BE +) des 05 hes 9. Bed L3!) Db2 9. Sb4 B+; 4. BO C5! 5. de6 Ded3! 6. ded bS 7. bs Hbs 8 ad Bb2 9. a3 Dd! 10. Bl E+] c5 5. de6 be6 6. 2d3 Hed3 7, Sed 17. 5 Bes A d5#] d5! 8. eds cas 9. &bS Ebs 10. as eb Orr [Nezmetdinov] 1601.1... Sti! (1... Wes 2. BA] 2, fg5 He? 3. We3 [3 Wid Bh3 4. Wha (4, a7 Hg? 5. hi BgA—+) oe 5. Hel Ha2 6. Wed £3 7. Wee BAT 8. Wh3 Bc6 9. b4 EAS 10. b5 He? 11. We? de? 12. e2 Egs—+ Boleslavskij] £2 4, Wa3 4. 24 (0 Wes) Bc6 (4... 213? Efl Be? 6. hi B=) 5, wy Wh4 Sc3—+] 8635. Et 1S. seri 6. Wdd c5 7. We3 (7. Wd6 £06 8. Sel Hh1 9. ded2 Bal 10. Wee Hf7 | Se7-+) Aco 8. wel EB 9 Ehl—~ Suctin] Bg? 6. Ehi 2. 28 £08 8. wr EN 1602, 1. fe6! 223 2. ef7 Shs 3. DAS! (3... W7 4. Deb Bes 5. Ads+—; 3... Wes 4. Deb Be5 5. Bes des 6. Acs bes 7. Ac7 Eb8 8. Ae8i+—; 3... WaT 4, De6 ReS 5. Be5 des 6. a7 Hal 7 Dbo ER 8. Ack’ Hes 9. Ha7I+—; 3... Ws 4. Dc6 $e5 (4... Bhd 5. QS ES 6. g3 &g5 7. h4 Bho 8. g4+— Nejstadt) 5. BeS des 6. Abs Hbs 7. Ac7! HAR 8 De6 A BB+; 3. Deb? WE! 4. ads eS] 1: [Alehin} 1603. 1. wes: hgS 2. Hh8 8f7 3, HIh7 Of6 4. Bh6 g7 5, adtio [5... wd7 6. {6 Ef6 7. Hoh7 hee 8. Bd7+—; 5 Wd6 6. Hd6 Bhs 7. Heo +—] 1:0 1604.. 1. wast ghd 2, &f6 8 3. Hal! £6 4. de6 Wes 5. S07 we7 (5... We? 6. Ads A c7+—] 6. dS O18 7, 7 S278.b6 1:0 [Ambro?] Bis}- 1605. MACKENZIE — MASON Paris 1878 1606. KOTOV — BONDAREVSKU Leningrad 1936 1607. TORAN ~ O"KELLY Palma de Mallorca 1967 1a 1h x mx con A BB kal Bamocw @ A A aeons @ BSe 1? ns 1608. SCHULDER — BODEN London 1860 1609. PILLSBURY — MAROCZY Paris 1900 1? cam 1610. KUGENEK = ROMANOVSKU Peterburg 1912 BERNSTEIN ~ KOTOV Groningen 1946 1614, HARANDI ~ BALASOV Rio de Janeiro (izt} 1979 GEREBEN — TROIANESCU Budapest 1952 1615. LANNI ~ SARNO. Italia 1993 1617. ARHIPKIN ~ KUZNECOV SSSR 1980 618. KAIDANOV ~ F. LEVIN SSSR 1987 16 KRISTANOV — NIKOLOV B"lgarija 1978 1616. SCHREIFERT ~ FORASERI Stockholm 1949 1619. ANDRES ~ N. PEREZ La Habana 1987 V. VUKOVIC. DEUTSCH Zagreb 1920 TARRASCH ~ ALEHIN® Piestany 1922 2, O°KELLY ~ DEFOSSE Schilde 1937 & Ang ee 1? 1623. 1624, LARSSON ~ DOBIRCIN ~ BONSCH ANDERSSON DDR 1977 Sverige 1972 1625, VARAVIN ~ ZAVARNICIN SSSR 1991 1626, 1. BELov —~ JU. CIMMERMAN SSSR 1991 1627. LEVENFIS ~ GOTGIL'F Leningrad 1924 1628, VOGT ~ ALEXANDER Berlin 1962 1629. CIOCALTEA — RADOVICI 1630. NAIDORF — KURTIC Mar del Plata 1984 KOPAEV ~ ALATORCEV SSSR 1938 oe a a ais Oe ta m Mame «| mniams eae dal mame) lem a rel ri a a i | fA ta ae 6s | ee GoM AG Garo | a a i | a manors grec | BeBe e|) fee mi waa was soe BOKUCHAVA ~ S1S0V LEVITT — FAULAND. KOPAEV — NOVOPASIN seen eb Way Be Soar Hee_m Ee ken G_e Anam) ee ef Mal ale mie Gi Gam | mama. | Gam wil ac os | le wie mae wood mf | ef mom |e me ee coe eee) feeceene «© Cnteenoe e H ee © oo & 1635. 1636. 1637. SCHRANZ — HONFI Magyarorszag 1971 = 11313 SILVA ~ CARRION Cienfuegos 1977 SMYSLOV — KASPAROV SSSR 1981 ~ 31/66 1605. 1. Whol! Sho 2. Dhfs AS 3. OFS Bhs 4. 94 (4. Hh3 Dh4 (4... gd 5. Dh6i#) 5. Hh4 Gg6 6. Hh6t] eet . Hg3 h5 6. Le2+ 1606. 1... £4! 2, fs we 3. Sd3 Wad! 4, Sdd Ac5 5. bd3 Dest 0:1 1607. 1. Wh7!! @h7 2. Hh3 Hn4 3. Eh go 4. Bho dogs 5. £4 (5. oes 6 Qe3#] 1608. 1. d5! 2, Bd5 We3! 3. be3 Bade on 1609. 1. Wh6! Wes 2. Wh7! Sh7 3. grt 1:0 1610. 1. WAR! 2. BF2 (2. Gh} Wh2! 3. Bh2 H8e2 4. wh3 Hhl 5. Sed De5 a) 6. Ses ho 7. Hf4 (7. SF6 Dedtt) Hfl 8. HG; b) 6. fd BA 7. 5 (7. HB HG 8. des hor 9. bho Hh2 10. dg5 HhS#) ho! 8. bho Hh? 9. gs BhsHt] H8e2 3. SF3 Des 4. SE Hfl 5. gS ho! 6. oho Bh2 7. dgs Ens Or [Mirkovié] T6ll. 1. 5! efS 2. Wh6! ghé 3. Hag8st 1:0 1612. 1. Web! fg6 2. £7! WET 3. Bhsit 1:0 1613. 1. g6! fg6 LI... g6 2. Led] 2. Wb2! Lb2 3. Dgs Hho 4. Bhs 1:0 W614. 1. cd! 2, Bed (2. wad ed4—+] We3! 3. dc3 ef4 4. eS BeS—t- 1615. “g5-4. Bhs Sieat 5, Wed A674 | OTA {Sarno} - . bSt 2, £e5 Ph7 3. wha - Het 3: Bh6t—] 2. Bh6 Wad 3. He 1616. 1. Whol! HG 2. Bel! gS 3... Bhi WhS 4. Ghs Shs 5. Gh ded 6. Dadi AdS 7. £3 D3 8. DA 1:0 1617. 1. bat Wb4 2. WhS! ghs (2... h6 3. Wh6+—] 3. Hg3 £g7 4. Hg? 18 5. Hh7 1:0 [Gufel’a} 1618, 1. 51! gf5 2. Bed! Bc (2... Bcd 3. Bd7 Hc7 4..Hd8+—] 3. Wes HS 4. Lh6 Hgs 5. wes! 1:0 [Kaidanoy] 1619. 1. WaT! WAT 2. B65 ehE (2... g8 3. De7 We7 4. de7 A Edsl 3... g5 whS 4. Af [4. g4 hd 5. Sg2+-] hd 5, h2! 22 6. g3!! Bg3 7. dg? {4 Bail 1:0 [Andrés] 1620. 1. Wa8!! bd8 2. Ags wes 3. Had8 “hi7 4. e6! web 5. Ald LET 6. Dest: 1:0 1621. 1... HA! 2. Wed 12. g3 Bg3! 3. Qg3 Hyg 4. fg3 Wed 5. bh! Wh3 6. cgi Wg3 7. whl Ag4! 8. 2e7 hgs—+] BdS 3. Wad (3. hd We2!—+] Wer! 4, og? Hed 5. eh? Hg? 6. whi Bh? 7. gi hit 1622. 1... WRI! 2. HAZ Ded 3. SH 13. Bgl Reds] e4t 4. hed Dal 5. HB De5 6. wl? Digs 7. ogi Let 0:1 1623. 1, d5! edS [1... Wd8 2. de6+—] 2. Wie Wd8 3. whs! (3... hs 4, BAS des 5. Hh8tt] 1:0" 1624. 1, Wf6! Ba7 (1... Wd7 2. 2 Red {3:. Reb 4. ‘He6+—1 4. Bedt+— 323]: 1625. 1. WIT! HET 2. eb LI 3. e5! BeS [3... Des 4. Hesse] 4. Hal! [A 5. f4 Bf6 6. Destt] HF6 [4... 25 5. Bes A fait] 5. Ded eS 6, Lid! ed 7. 13+ 1:0 {Varavin] 1626. 1... h3! 2. Hh3 Wh3!! 3. @h3 Hh7 4. eyed [4. g2 Hh2—+] De7!—+ (Ju, Cimmerman] 1627. 1. WABI! SHB 2. HET gs 3. Be7 Qh8 4. HS hg? 5. Hif7 Sho Des hes 7. Sh2! We2 &. hd wes fd @h5 10. fh3! gS 11. 4 1: 1628. 1... 4! 2. bed (2. Wd! wds!— i Wa3! 3. Wal Wel! (4. Bel Efl—+ il 1629. 1... 3! 2. Of (2. 2B Wh2-+] Wes! 3. 2e3 [3. fe3 Doss] Led 4, Wd6 Bes! 5. Wa3 Wh?! (6. ane Oe34] eal 1630. 1... f6t! 2. WI Wh4! 3. Sha g5=)] W212 [Franco] 1631. 1. g6! h6 2. Wh! gh6 3. 27 Se8 4. SW LIB 5, Has Wes 6. ee 1:0 1. e6! fe6 [1... ALG 2. cb6 'b3 (3. Wel? 2b2!) £5 (3... Hb4 us) 5. Bed Sd8 6. Be5 Be7 7. Edl+—) 4, e7 Be7 5. We6+—] 2. = cb5 3. Qd6 Lbs 4. AbT 20 1633, 1. Wid! He3 [1... wd8 2. He6+—; 1... Hef? 2. Dh6+—; 1... e5 2 Dio+—] 2. Wie! 12. DV Hie 3. whe Hg3 4. £3 Hed!—+] Bf6 (2... He3 3: NGA] 3. DEG g7 4. Dds 1:0 (Levitel 1634, d3! 2. Wd3 [2. cd3 1. Dd4—+] Had8 3. We3 (3. We3 Add 4. Bel (4. Hd2 fa! 5. Qf40 He’ 6. Bes Bes! A @R-+) f4 5. Bf4 (5. Wid De2!—+) Qe2—+] f4! 4. Als Wea! 5. 2h6 [5. We3 WH-+] Edi 6. Hel 2, 7.3 OE 8. Sil West! 9, Wed Hel 1635. 1, Bhs! &c8 [1... h6 2. Bho! gh6 3. Wh6 Hfds 4. e6-+—] 2. e6 2e6 3. Hh7! 2h3 4. Ee7 Gh8 5. HAT 6 (5... Se8 6. Be? hs 7. Hge7+—] 6. 16 bg8 7. He Hf6 8. gh3+— 1636. 1. bS! abS 2. WET! ae ee DN (3... Web 4. He7+—; B17 Of 5. a6t—] 4. eel (4. oct : HH bed 6. Bed ded 7. a6+—] 1:0 1637. 1... WhS! 2. hd (2. cd6 Wh2!—+] Wed 3. Gh2 beS! 4. BHI Hg6! 5. bgl ana 6. Was [6. Hd6 £g3! 7. Bas Sf7 8. SF Bf2!—+] hor on [Kasparov] [324 1638. KOSOLAPOV ~ NEZMETDINOV SSSR 1936 we 1639. KIESERITZKY — DEMONCHE Paris 1844 1640. RICHARDSON — DELMAR New York 1885, 1641, CIGORIN — ZNOSKO-BOROVSKI Kiev 1903 1642. GEHRMANN — RAHNFELD* Plauen 1976 1643, ALEHIN ~ FELDT Tarnopol” 1916 1644. EUWE —- LOMAN Nederland 1923, 1645. S. ROZENBLAT — L. ROZENBLAT Lédé 1926 1646. LEBEDEV ~ VALDAEV SSSR 1930 Gen_@ Bene fea a be 2a i a iene a nae BARSTEN taza"n AG war [aig mwre ee @ w28e Bre 1647. 1648. 1649. ia a _ ie EEE Fiawe fiae © a 4G BAw!s aes,ie Gaawe e xB @ fon a wi Bann Ala wy MAB a wae Am A vee a Bag @ Are BE aby A Ba ByA Moe Bag Oe wae 2 eee a es oF mes BOLESLAVSKIJ — OSTROPOL'SKIJ — JEROSTROM — SSSR (ch) 1944 SSSR 1949 Ljusdal 1950 1653. FUCHS - NN. DDR 1955 1656. PRUCHA ~ KUBANEK SSR 1957 1654, 1655. DRUGANOV — RICHTER —N.N. PANTELEEV 1957 corr. 1956 1659. MOLBERG ~ FUCHS DDR 1965 1657. 1658. GOHIN ~ BENET KOJFMAN ~ FILATOV 1962 SSSR 1962 le = = ze an a Tae? + 1660. 1661. BULJOVCIC — FRIDRICH ~ BANTLEON BOGDANOVIC BRD 1967 Jugoslavija 1966 1671, E. TORRE — TIMMAN Hamburg 1982 — 34/458 1672. GASS — KINDI Stuttgart 1979 1674, KUPOROSOV ~ YUDASIN Kostroma 1985 1675. VITOLINS ~ SANDLER SSSR 1986 L. BRONSTEIN — PARICIO Argentina (ch) 1984 1676, MILES ~ NIKOLAICZUK Dortmund 1986 A B2Buaziw eat oa pee deel ee ee pe ree Moe cers 1677. 1678. 1679, Soti 1987 Bellinge 1991 KOVALEV — BODE Dresden 1994 a1, BLUHM ~ JAKOBS Wittenberge 1927 1683. AVERBAH — WILKINSOHN New Zealand 1967 1684, JANOVSKU ~ MURATOV SSSR 1988 Teer 1682. KORCMAR ~ POLJAK 1937 1685. PLATZ — JUST DDR 1972 1686. OSTERMAN — G.M. TODOROVIC Pula 1988 H. ODEEV ~ GERMANAVICJUS, SSSR 1988, 1688, HOBER — LEMKE Essen 1936 1689. VAN DEN BERG — SPANIAARD Amsterdam 1959 1690. 1691. MILEJKA — SELEDKIN SAX ~ BANAS SSSR 1971 Balatonberény 1984 = 38/457 1692. SULMAN ~ FEL'DMUS SSSR 1986 1695. SRIDHAR ~ PRASAD Palani 1991 1693. 1694. DJURHUUS ~ K. BERG RUDOLPH — PRIEPKE Kebenhavn 1988 corr. 1988 1696. 1697. FINE — DAKE POPOV ~ SMUTER Detroit 1933 SSSR 1988 1699. W700. TKACHIEV — PAP/LASAR ~ LEISER ~ BUSCAGLIA W. WATSON DUZ-HOTIMIRSKIS Genéve 1957 London 1993 Paris 1911 1701. 1702. 1703. McNAB — GROSZPETER BEREZIN ~ 2URAVL'EV STEINBERG — Mborg 1992 SSSR 1958 MAKAROV SSSR 1966 1704, 1706. BERNSTEIN ~ METGER HMEL'NICKU — KABJATANSKIJ Oostende 1907 5 SSSR 1989 1707. CAPABLANCA — FONAROFF New York 1918 0. ALATORCEV — KAN Moskva 1949 vos. BOGOLJUBOV — H. MOLLER: Triberg 1934 wn. TAJMANOV — ANTOSIN SSSR (ch) 1956 13. KAGAN ~ BURNEVSKIJ Volgograd 1964 m4, KAPENGUT — SERESEVSKU SSSR 1969 1709, SMYSLOV — KOTTNAUER Groningen 1946 2. BOISER ~ VOGT corr, 1962 ms. MILES — L.-A. SCHNEIDER. Philadelphia 1980 SUBE — RIETZ Berlin 1983 Tetesttrtieed stare v7. TAL ~ KOBLENC SSSR 1976 ma, TAJMANOV ~ LISICYN Leningrad 1948 9. 1720. 1721. TRINGOV ~ FALCON CUDINOVSKIH — NAGY — ELISKASES Luzern (ol) 1982 KONONOV vorr. 1937 SSSR 1987 Mg tite us a a xm Hea iz] Wek x amas Wailea (awe a lk Maal AMA 4Halie Waki & a A ew MAAR @ ae @ eA ee @ Gag preeecs| netats | BASatas [= =| Cre me amwers 1? = 17 ro Te? ry 1722. 1723. 1724. POMAR SALAMANCA — ‘PALACIOS Espaiia 1965 VAN DER STERREN ~ VAN DER WIEL Wijk aan Zee 1986 — 41/602 mt CREPINSEK — BOTO Jugoslavija 1980 1638. bg [3. eat “BHI fat Wh2! 2. bh2 Hg3! 3. 0: 1639. 1. Db6! ab6 2. Wes! be 3. Rast 1:0 1640. 1. Afr! gfe 2. we! H1B 3. Ah6 hog8 4. HeB: 1:0 1641. 1. Der! H8e7 (1... H2e7 2. Wel! He7 3. Hd8+—] 2. Hd8 (2. We72? ‘We24] Bek 3. WIS! BMS 4. RBH 1:0 1642. 3! 2. hg3 Hfe-+ (3. EP ef2 A Enos? 1643. 1. Of7! ST [1... 2F3 2. We S@h6+ We8 2. Web BeS (2... DB 3. Dho Gh8 4. WeS!+—) 3. West] 2. Web! og6 (2... He6 3. Dest; 2... His 3. Qes+—] 3. ga!.(3... Bed 4, Dhd +] 1:0 1644. 1. Badd [A wh?7, a 1 2d4 2. wei! 1645. 1... Dg3t 2. hgs What! [3. gh4 Eh34#] O:1 1646, 1... g3! 2. hg3 Wg3 3. Shi We! 4. Bg? hg? 5. ogi Bhs = 0:1 1647. 1, Be5! des [1... Wes 2. Wes deS 3. g6+—] 2. g6! [2... Wg6 3. Wed+—] 1:0 [Alehin} 1648. 3. Bc8+—] 1649, 1. @g7! bg7- Ll. Who! Sho 3. Bose} 2. who 3. R64] Bg7 2. nL bh 1, Wa6! cd6 2. Dgo! (2... hg6 1:0 _ Hest 1650. 1... Hhg8!! 2. el (2. 2b67 Heg2 3. Gh Af2! 4. BA (4. B2 Hh24) Hels] Hg2t! 3. Dg? Qd2! 4. Wasco [4. Bb6 Hg?’s. bhi Bh? 6. ogi Bhi] as 5. cd5 Wb2 6. 2d? Wal 7. 28 Ah2 O:1 1651.1. Wd7! Hd7 2. &e7! He7 3. Base 1:0 1652. 1. go! fg6 2. west! ees . De7 SB 4. Ago 1653. 1. We! Wes 2. Add! Dad 3. Be7it 1:0 1654. . Wdl! 2, Bdl Ser! 3. her baie” 01 1655. 1. Hgoi! [1 Hes?7 Wald; 1 Wh7?? Sh7 2. Bhs Wh6] go 1... Wego 2. Wd8+—] 2. Wh7! Bh7 3, Bhs 1:0 1656. 1. Wed! Wed 2. De7! He7 3. He8 1:0 1657. 1... Wed!! 2. Wed Ags! 13. hg3 Bhstt+] O:1 1658. — 1. cb! deb 2. Web! [2... feb 3. Ag+] 1:0 1659. Daz! 2. wd2 wns 3. rl Sh2 3 i “ber Bh2#] 1660. 1. A f5!-gfS0 2. gf5 bhs 3. Hh3 He8 4. Dh7 Hed 5. Of61 Is... ans 6. Bho] 20 ~1661. £335] 1. Qd7! Ba7 2, WeBt Rc8-3- | ~ 1:0 1662. 1... We2! 2. He2 Ab3! [3. £b3 Bast] O:1 1663. 1. we8! [1... He8 2. Df74#; 1... Sg8 2. DeT HB 3. D7g6! hgo 4. De6#] 1:0 1664. 1. Db! Abs 2. Wes! (2... Wes 3. Rg6%t 1:0 1665. 1... DHS! 2. Sh 6! 3. £4 hgS 4. fg5 West! 5. cogs 16 6. dee (6. Sh4 eSH] Hhedt 0:1 1666, 1. Hh6! gho 2. Bt7 Lao 3. WhS £47 (3... Bes 4. Wh6+—] 4. Wes!! Hess. Sta 1:0 1667. 1. Of5! Shs (1... gf5 2. wes PhS 3. Wyss] 2. Wh7! Dh7 3. gate 1:0 1668. 1. 2f6! 2f6 2. Wher! bho 3. Bh3+— 1669. 1... Ded! 2. fed (2. Sel Qe3—+] fed 3. Sel Wes! (4, Hes Bhi 5. Rf1 Bhfl 6. &e2 B71] Or1 1670. 1, We8!! He8 2. Df6! gf6 3. He8 hg7 4. 218 ek 5. Aho 91:0 1671. 1... 43! [1... 83? 2. 2e3) 2. Se? (2. ef WHI-+] WH! GB. Sf Bh3 4] O:1 [Ugrinovié] 1672. 1... Wed! 2. Wes DH, gz Ef (4. bh3 Bh24] O:1 1. Qe61 fe6 1... 05 2. Dg7! AR 3. Bas! Wd6 G3... Weo'd. We7 ae7 5. Hf7+—) 4. Bor! Web 4.2. Yel 5. De6+—) 5. Led Wed 6. Res Des 7. ~ Wh5+—] 2, WhS! dg7 (2. Wi DAbd7 8. Heb Ses 9. Wh8+—] 2. Wh7! (2... Bh7 3. Bg64¢] 1:0 1674. 1. Bc6!_be6 [1... Acé 2. be6+—; 1... a8 2. He7+—] 2. be6 Se7 3. WB! (3... Hs 4. c7H#] 1:0 {Kuporosov] 1675. 1... He2! 2. Hd7 2£2 3. ehi Hd7 4. Bd7 293! 5. Ha7 Hh2 6. ogi 27. Wf2 Bais O:l [Sandler] 1676. 1. Bh6! Bho 2. Sgit! [A Wh6, E24; 2... hed 3. who Wes 4. Bg?t-] 1:0 1677. 1... Qd3! (2. Yd3 Wel! 3. Hel Bel #] O:1 1678. 1. Af! HET 2. west! des 3. Dd6 Bes J3... Sd5 4. RI] 4. O15 [4. Hes hd7 5, B54] Sd5 5, Hest 1:0 1679. 1... Bg4t 2. hed 13 3. Bh3 (3. gl fe2! 4, Wer Wh4—+ A'S. f4 Ad 6. OH 2 7. 8 Wh3] wha! 13... fe2 4 Wer A+] 4. Dgl West! (4. WANT 5. fg3 Dg3 6. Hh? Afi 7. Ph Dg3 8. Bh2 Hed (9. Sh1 Af2++] O:1 1680. 1. 7! Wadd 1... BET 2. Was! Was 3. Be8tt] 2. Wad! (2. Hes Bcd] Add 3. 2d6+— [Kovalév] 1681, 1. ger go (1... Add 2. @hs a Of4H] 3. 26 We8 4, HES! Hts 5. Whose 1:0 1. ba! abd 2. wdet wa7~ (2... Hd6 3. He BA 4. Be7 Bhs 5: BiH] 3. Wast! re (3... Was 4, Be8+—; [336] - 3... 86 4. Hge3!+—] 4. Hg7! wds 5. Hg8! des 6. Hes HB 7. ARH = 1:0 1683. 1. Ags! Bes 2. Bes Wes (2... Wes? 3. WET! EFT 4, Be8+~] 3. HhI ad 4. Yad Le6 5. Wes Wes 6. c6 Had8 7. Se8!! (7... Hde8 8. WE7 Hf7 9. He8+—; 7... We6 8. 217 EFT 9. Wes+—] 1:0 1684. 1... Heit! (A Wall 2. Add wos! 3. SgiC) Had! 4. edd [4. wad De2—+] He2 5. Hil Dg3 6. Sel wnt 7. Bf Ger [Piskov, Janovskij] 1685. 1, Wh7! Gh7 2. Bhi vgs 3. Qh6 Lh7 4. DT hes 5. Lh8! SA 6. Hh7 Gg8 7. 297 (7... Shs 8. HhlH] 1:0 1686. 1... Dg3! 2. Hes Hg6 3. SA (3. Oh4 Wes—+] Be3 4. He3 (4. SF Whs!!.5. D2 (5. Qed Whi 6, Sf2 de34t) Wh1 6. Qh1 Egl4] de3 5. fl wes O:1 IG. M. Todorovié} 1687.. 1. ds! Be8 [1... eds 2 Wh6!!+—] 2. g6! [2... fg6 3. Hg6 hgo 4. We6t—] 1:0 [A. Odeev, H. Odeev] 1688. 1. Hes!! Ral 2. 217 we7 3. Ags bd6 4. Ded! Ses $. £4 hdd [5... SS 6. Dgsse] 6. Hadl! [A c34¢] wes 7. HS [7:.. Be2 8. Hd2 wel 9. Bist] 1:0 1689. 1. We7!! bg7 2. BAS! (2. p57. Sg8!_3..Ac7 Hack] g6 (2... Hg8 3. De7H#; 2. e5 3. De7 Hack 4. Od5+—; 2... RRDc7 Hack 4. He6+—] 3. QeT! [3.. BhS 4. Ded wh4 5. Def! ofS 6. BFS BhS 7- A deo 8. De74;~ 8. QnaHe] 1:0 1690. = 1. Wel! ded [l... g5 2. hs 2. Bhs! (A Whol) ehs . Whé! (2... £h6 3. Hh6+—] 1:0 1691. 1. Dfgs! hgs [1... H6e7 2. e6! fe6 3. WhS Ses 4. Dh7! E67 5. Bh6+—] a Bes g6 3. WhS!! [3... ghS 4. QF7H) [Sax, Hazai] 1692. 1. De6! Heb [1... Was 2. Qd4+—] 2. WdS!! DdSO 3. Bed hes 4. Hfs hdd $. Bas hed 6. Be2 Sb4 7. ast 1:0 [Sandler] 1693. 1. Ago! fg6 2. Wes Bhs I. BH 3. EeT+-'3. Ee? Hel 4. He7 Eee 5. Whs!! 1694, 1... Hf3! 2. GhI (2. 32 Wel 3. e2 Whl!! 4. Sil Bh3 5. del Belt] Qel 3. Wal (3. Wd2 &c3 4. We3 We2—+] Mc3 4. DeB Leo 5. fs Bd 6. cdS He8—+ (7. Hel Ba5 8. d6 ‘We2 9. We2 He? 10. cS Hf2 11. h3 Bb6 12. d7 &g7 13. Be7 Bfl 14. Hh2 Of3 15. &g2 Hf2 16. ehl Bh2+] (Priepke] 1695. | E51! 2. g3 (2. 2672? Dg; 2. G6 wh 3.3 (3. 2h3 aoe +) Wh3! 4. &h3 Bh3st] Was! 12... Qe3 3. Wd3 Was—+] 3. 2b70 LB. Bg2 Des] Wh7 4. He20 14. Wer Se3H#] De3 (5. Wd2 Hh2! 6. wh2 Dfl—+; 5. WAZ Bh2! 6. Hh2 Ded—+; 5. oe We2 6. We2 Ag? 7. dg2 He6— +] {Prasad] 1696. 1. Dio! HF6 2. Hes g7 3. Hc2 Wad 4. We5 £96 [4... dhs 5. Was | 5. He7 des (5... Ba7 6. 3! -Wb5-7. Who-wg8 8. Wes HIT 9. are 6. Wgelt bee 7. 2f6 (7... Ghs 8 nT (337). 1697, © 1. Whol! Bh LI... Ses 2. FS! gf5 3. AES+—; 1... Dh8 2. Ago fe6 3. Ag6+—] 2. AS HhS [2... Sg5 3. h4 -bf4 G... Sed 4. B SHS. SA g344) 4. g3 Sg4 5. Bit+—] 3. f4! gf 4. Ler hd 5, h2! [A 6. g34, 6. Bhd] 1:0 [Bangiev] 1698. 1. dS! ed5 2. eds Wad7 3. Bf6 gf6 4. Heg3 hs [4.. bf 5. Wh7+—] 5. Wh7! h7 6. Hdd (6... Wh3 7. gh3+—] 1:0 1699. wil! 2. BM S21 3. wes (3. WA Bh34; 3. 2 Bh2-+] Bho! 0: 1700. 1. eb! Seb 2. was! cas 3. Hdl Get 4. Bet 213 (4... be3 5. Ha3i#] 5. Hd3 Sg4 6. Be2 Sha 7. Hee3! [A Eh3+] 1:0 WO, 1... Af3! (1... Dh3? 2. Sh2 WEL 3. Wh7 Sed 4. Wh4tt] 2. Bg? 12. ef3 WEI 3. @h2 Whi 4. Shi=; 2. bf2 Wel 3. Sg2 (3. £327 WEI) We2!!=] Welt! 3. Her 2:12 [McNab] 1702, 1... Welt! [1... Ab6 2. Qb7!+—] 2. Hel Hel 3. bed Atat 4. eff Dd4 5. He3 ALS 6. we2 [6. hed? Hd4 7. beS 2974] V2: 1/2 1703. 1. De7! De7 2. west! wi 3. £d4 (3... Be5 4. Be3 hha 5. AP=] 12:12 1704. 1. Degs! fg5 2. Bd7 (2. Des Paci) WaT 3. Bes (3... WS 4. OFT 88 5 -Dhs ous 6, Wes Bes 7. Orr; 4, 5. Qd6 Dw 6. 8+] 8 aa 1:0 = 1 ont HIF 2. Wee! [2. Oh8 3. Web St 4. BT Sool Hd8 @f7 6. Bh8+—] Leb 3. a8 HE 4. Be6+— q 1706. 1. t [1.. Wed 2. Be7 We? 3. We8+—; 1... ef5 2. We8! 1:0 [Hmel’nickij] 1707. 1, Qh6 hs 2. Wes! Wes 3. OAT! (3... HAT 4. Hd8+—; 3... gs 4 De5+—] 1:0 1708. 1. ds! Wes [1... cd5 2. 3! @d5 2. eds Hds 3. WaT Bes 4. . Wadd! Wdd 3. De7 Ed8 4. BTe6 beb 5. Deo 1:0 1709. 1. &c5! des [1... Be7 2. Qd7 Ha7 3. Ba8+—] 2. S64! Ado [2 wes 3. We8 Se7 4. Wh7+—] 3. Bd6 Sd6 4. WaT! 1:0 1710. i. &7g6! ngo 2. We7 gs 3. WEB! S18 4. DAg6+— WM. 1. Qg6r fg6 U1... Yg6 2 Sd5+-] 2. Wa8! e3 (2. Has 3. Ad5+-1 3. £43 Ba8 4. Seo Gg7 5. Bd7 16 6. Lc4+— 1712. 1... WA2! 2. Wel He3! [3. Be3 Hdl 4. Wd1 We3—+] O:1 1713. 1... He3! 2. be3 Ba? 3. sod? WA 4, He? We2! [5. be2 Ac3-+] Or 1714. 1. Qe6! fe6 2. wis! Hrs 3. Ef8 dg7 (3... 218 4. c7+—] 4. c7 Wh 5. Hffi [5... Hefl? &e5!—+] 1:0 T715; 1. wet wre 2. eT HHT 3. Bes b2 [. ‘Hel 4. SS! g6- (4... b2 5. [338] Deo fg6 6. hg64:) 5. bes b2 as 7. hg6 Hed 8. @f6+—] 4. Dgo!! [Miles] Ef 1716, .. Dh2! 2, Wh2 Wel! 3. i Bel 4, ee Be2 rl 1717. _ 1, 6! He? UU... gf6 2. 97 He2 3. Bg5! Hes 4. Wgs We? 5. wel+— V2, 1g7 Hd? 3. 242 We2 4. det 1: 1718. 1. Qb7! Bb7 2. wb7! W7 3. He8 8 4, Hbs! We7 (4... wos 5. DdT+—; 4... WaT 5. Bec Ac7 6. Qe6+—]'5. Ea8 g6 6, Hec8 g7 7. He8+— 1719. 1, Qh7! Gh7 2. Des Hh (2... dg8 3. h7! be7 GB... ERS 4. Df7+=) 4. hw! Bhs 5. WET Sho 6. Deo Wes 7. Wis 958. WIA 2f5+—] 3. WIT! BAO 4. D7 BHT 5. Qd8+— (Tringov] 1720. 1. Qdb5! abs 2. DS We8 3. Wa7!! Wd7 4. Bd7 a7 5. Hal gcd 6. 2c6 Ea2 7. Sb1 Hab 8. a7 (8. Hd7!? He6 9. He7 bd8 10. HA7 Hes 11. Qd4 Ha6 12. c4+—] dbs 9. Ha! 1:0 [Cudinovskin] 1721. 1... Bh3! 2. Del (2. be6 Hg2 3. @h1 Wed (A Bh2) 4. Del Wg3!—4] Ag?! 3. Dg2 Bg?! 4. he2 Hes 5. bhi Dg3! 6. bel (6. hg} Wh3-+] OM 7. Bf Wh3 8. we? Hg? 9. 212 Bes Or 1722. 1... Dea! 2. 0-0-0 (2. fed Wes 3. Hgl Aes—+ A 4. 0-0-0 Wo14] BHe5!! 3. Wab (3. We7 Ad34t] WaT! 4. Sicd 14. Bf7 Bhs 5. Bcd Ws 6. 2b3 Wa8 7. fed (7. Bcd Acd 8. Wed Wa3—+) Waé 8. Lb2 Ad3 9. Hb1 c4—+] Ws 5, Ab3 Wa8 6. Sb2 [6. Act Acd 7. Wed Wa3!—+] Wab Or1 1723. _ 1... Bes!! 2. Bed Hast [2. dS 3. Bd5!] 3. Bas Bas 4. Hed (4. Hh4 Wh4 5, Wds Wy3—+] Bed 5, Bed Wad5! 6. Dd2 [6. Des Wdl 7. Bf Hels +] Hed 7. Wes Wa? 8. h3 Sa3—+ [Rajkovié] 1724, 1. &bS! abs [1... Dg3 2. he} abS 3. WhS!+—] 2. WhS!! ghs [2... h6 3. Bg6 fg6 4. We6+-; 2... Be? 3. de? Web 4. WH+—; 2... Af6 3. Wh4 h6 4. Of7!+—] 3. Bh7 hg7 4, ed6 Alo 5. de7 Hdl 6. Hdl He7 7. Bes - 1:0 [Bozié] [339]. 1725. CASPAR — GROTTKE Frankfurt 1977 1728. OSLOUHOV — NEDOBORA SSSR 1990 wb 1726. PRANDSTETTER ~ PANCENKO SSR 1978 1729, ANDERSSEN — ZUKERTORT Barmen 1869 1727. BAREEV ~ZSINKA Nestved 1988 1730, CIGORIN -=N.N, Peterburg 1894 1731, CIGORIN — MUND Ladi 1904 W738, GABROVSEK ~ AVIROVIC Jugoslavija (ch) 1933 1737, VAN SCHELTINGA — ORBAAN Nederland 1954 1732. KAHN — BERNSTEIN Paris 1926 1735. BALANEL ~ PYTLAKOWSKI Polanica Zdréj 1951 1733. B. ZARIC — MOJSOVSKI Pula 1967 1736. SMYSLOV - EUWE Ziivich (ct) 1953, 1738. TAIMANOV ~ SLIWA Moskva (ol) 1956 1739. BERNSTEIN ~ SEIDMAN USA (ch) 1959/60, 1740. 7 174 EVANS ~ KARAKLAJIC MARGOLIT — LARSEN — LJUBOJEVIC Reggio Emilia 1962 VASERSKI Milano 1975 — 20/126 SSSR 1967 7 Ie xe texee Ak al Aeatit GY Bae SBA AG Boe @ gas 1) — 1743. waa, 1745. KENGIS — VITOLINS G. KUZ'MIN ~ KOCIEV E. VLADIMIROV — SSSR 1975 SSSR 1976 HARITONOV SSSR 1977 i : Lb. ao ike! xe Ee fa i ale a @aeae prlana tasana® wil A Be A a | a | AM i lan Sil i Bary An oa @ wae Bi Be 1? = 1? — 1746. 747. 1748, VAISMAN — KOTENKO ~ VARAVIN ~ BABI P. STEFANOV A. MAKAROV Beeeiaed Roménia 1979 — 27/571 1749. GLEK ~ CERNIKOV SSSR 1990 1752. MARCO ~ SALTER Wien 1900 751. R, DIAZ PEREZ — P. REYES Camagiey 1994 1754, OSNOS ~ DELY Budapest 1965, 1755. ROMERO HOLMES — CUADRAS. Torrelavega 1986 ui [San wei je ak ‘eee eee aoe Ca: Be ee | 1? + 1757. TAL ~ P*DEVSKI Moskva 1961 SAHAROV — NEMET SSSR — Jugoslavija 1963 1761. BOSCH KACHEISHVILI Groningen 1993 1764, MARTORELLI ~— C. PANTALEONI Pinerolo 1987 1759. REINHARDT — PANNO Buenos Aires 1965 1762. STEJN = PORTISCH Stockholm (izt) 1962 765. CUDINOVSKIH — NIKULIN SSSR 1982 160. PETERS ~ J. BROWN USA 1982 1763, GURGENIDZE — KLOVANS SSSR 1959 1766. MADL — SUMMERMATTER Gendve If 1988 1767, RUBAN — J. POLGAR Groningen 1993 ~ 59/605 170. DELY ~ HAJTUN Magyarorszég (ch) 1954 1768, A, RODRIGUEZ — W. ARENCIBIA Cuba (ch) 1991 — 53/346 u vn. FURMAN ~ BATYGIN Kalinin 1950 1769. HAMPE ~ MEITNER Wien 1872 72. PETROSIAN — SIMAGIN Moskva 1956 1773, UHLMANN ~ DARGA Hastings 1958/59 W774, NOVOTEL'NOV — AVERBAH SSSR (ch) 1961 E # Wj La + am EM iy Ss a am em 1? += 175, UITELKY — KOLAROV Batumi 1966 wD 1776. VIZANTIADIS — PACHMAN Venjatka Banja 1967 179. VELIMIROVIC ~ CSOM Amsterdam 1974 778, JOHANSSON ~ MESSING BRD 1973 77. TARJAN — LJUBOJEVIC Dresden 1969 1780. SEIRAWAN ~ KOGAN Philadelphia 1986 uth vat, CESKOVSKU ~ E. VLADIMIROV CSKA ~ Trud 1986 CB wxxem af of xi x Be Wawa a Week @ Bae ee ae ial a a @ ak i ff aA Ol Boe wt oe | eet ea A mee EA Aw Ge ey mm: oe a! @ al Gin © 1 + 1? + Tn? — 1782, W783. 784, M. JOHANssoN — DANIELIAN ~ BORISOV I. MARINKovi¢ ~ WOITKIEWICZ Brno 1991 ABRAMOVIC* Limhamn 1990 Beograd 1991 1785, 1786, BAYONA — LIGTERINK — ARISTIZABAL PACHMAN Colombia 1993, Amsterdam I 1 1788. SZOLOSY — NAVAROVSZKY Magyarorszig 1972 1789. KERES ~ KAILA Tartu 1938 1787, STORE — JUDOVIC corr. 1959 994 Mdn 1790. TAL — HECHT Varna (ol) 1962 i + 1725. 1. He8! ANG 2. wWi!+— 1726, 1. ‘Whé6! [1... Wb6 2. Hd7 eS (2... Hg 3. £7 Hh8 4. Bg7!+—) 3. He7 bd8 4. Hd1+—] 1:0 1727, B13! [2g Bh6 3. Hel Wh2 4, ofl Wh3 5. gl Whit; 2.” Wd3 Bho 3. h3 Bg2!—+; 2. g3 Wh2! A Bh6-h14;-2. Wd2 Bho 3. h3 Ag? O:1- 1728, 1... Wh4!!O) 2. ghd [2. hd Hh24] He3 3. 213 He6 4. Wes HOI O:1 [Nedobora] 1729, 1. Wh7! Hh7 2. £6 [2. Bh3 Wh6 3. £6 Hd3 4, g8Wt] gs (2... Wd3 3. Hh3+—] 3. 2h7! Gh7 4, Bh3 gs 5. Bhstt 1:0 1730. Est ~ 1, Red! Wed 2. Wes! Des 3. 1:0 [347]. 1731. 1 a3 Dedtt] 1732.1... EM! 2. Be6 Wert! 0:1 1733. 1. &g6! We7 [1... hgS 2. Des We7 3. Wh7! Bh7 4. Bh7 Shs 5. Debt] 2. Ded hgs (2... €5 3. des hes 4, Des Les 5. QeS Wes 6. Wh7! Dh7 7. Bh7 Lh8 8. LBs] 3. Des eS 4. Bro! gf6 5. Dh6 &g7 6. DLS Seo 7. whe BFS 8. Hfl gd 9, h3 g3 10. BH 1:0 (B. Zarié] 1734, 1. Be7!! [1. Bb8? bs 2. Web Eb7 3. We8 Hbs 4. 2b8 Bas—+] He7 2. Qc6! Dd7 3. Zebl! (3. a7? @b6 A Ea7—+] Db 4. Zb6 2f6 5. Hag 1:0 [R. Marié] 1735. Bg6! 2. gh3 [2. g3 Afi 3. Efl Qed2—+] Wel! 3. Hel Ore 0 cat 1, BeS! Bes [1... AG 2 Wes He8 3. Hd8!+—] 2. West wes 3, Re6 Sb8 4. Bb7 Sas 5. Ebsst oo 1737. 1. Sc8! Wa8 [1... Hc8 2, We8 Ack 3. Hess] 2. We3!! AbS (2... Hc8 3. He8 Wes 4. wis] 3. Hegs Qas 4. Bd5 1:0 1738. 1. Bai! We2 [1... Was 2. c3 We7 (2... Bdl 3. Bd1 Was 4, Bad DMG 5, WeS+—) 3. Hd8 Was 4. WeS+—] 2, We7! Qg7 3. dB Des 4. Hesse 1:0 — 1. OfeS! Wer [1... Wh3 2. _Bh4+—5- 1.85 2. bh24+—] 2. wh7tt (2. 7 3. Bh4 Gps 4. De7H#] 1:0 1740, 1... We5! 2. Wes Bes 3. des h4t [A Bhs] Or1 1741, 1. BefS! Wad2 (1... Wd8 2. Dgi+—| 2. He8 218 3. De7 Hhs 4. Sass! (4... W2 5, HAR] 1:0 1742. 1... what! [1.. Hel? 2. Bds (2, Bal? wea!—+) Wes 3, Hd8 be7 4. WeS!+—] 2. Wes [2. Ack’ Wh24; 2. h3 Wh3!] WAR! 13. Bgl 2! 4. Bg? Hel-+] 0:1 1743. 1... &g?! (2. Hg2 Wes! 3. He3 Bd1—+: 2. h4 Wg3-+] oO: 1744, 1. de6t! S43 [1... Wa3 2. WAT! fe6C) 3. Web Eh8 4. Wes AM 5. HP Sg7 6. He8 eho 7: Hg6!! hes 8. Wh8 hes 9. h4 Ses 10. Be2 bg3 11. Wes Bh4 12. watt] 2. ef7 Dhs 3. Ab21 1:0 1745. 1. WE6! Af 2. BS! (2... Sic5 3. gf6 Sf8 4. Bn8tt] 1:0 1746. 1. we! gf6 [1... c3 2. WET Abs 3. We8! Hes 4. Qt74] 2. 216 2e7 3. Hd7! We (3... 2f6 4. Bh74#; 3... Bes 4. O74] 4. DT (4... Sg8 5. Des 2F6 6 &h7 Gh8 (6... Gf 7. Ager) 7. Deo#] 1:0 [Vaisman] 1747, 1... Wit 2. Sfl Bgs!! (3. We Bh3 4. gl Belt] O:1 TA. Makarov] 1748. 1. g6! ed3 [1:.. fg6 2. Bcd Wed 3, Wd gf5 (3... Hd8 4. Hd8 £7 5. Qd6+—) 4. WaT a) 4.867 5. Wad BES (5... £45 6.'b3 We3 7. dbl Aco 8. Has Hf 9.- BB. 218 10. fg7 bg7 11. Egl+—) 6. Hd8 BfS 7. Bhdl+—; b) 4... [348]- “WET 5. fg7 Sog7 6. Hhgl bhé (6...’oh8 7. WIT Ef7 8. Bd8+—) 7. Hd6 Ghs 8. Eg5 Ghd 9. He7! wa7 10. Bh6tt; c) 4. Hf6 5. W7 h6 6. Bhgl (6. Hd7 Bg6) Hf7 7. Wb8 EB 8. Wes WIT 9. WaS+—] 2 whe [2... gh6 3. Qh6 hs 4, g74#] 1: [Varavin] 1749, 1. Ad6! Wd6 2. deb Wh4 [2... We6 3. e7+—; 3. Bd5! A e7+—] 3. Hed (3. e7? Bed] We3 4. We7! [4. e7 WH 5. efW 28 6. gf 2f55] Shs $5. e7! B70 IS... 2f5 6. ef8W Efe 7. He8 A Wg8!+—] 6. Hd8! £18 7. Bf8 bg7 8. BI7+— (8... Bh6 9. BW Hed 10. We7+—] {Glek] 1750. 1. &h6! gh6 2. Wher She 3. Hg] whs 4. Hh6et 1751, © 1. Sho! g5 [1... gh6 2. Wa7! Hd7 3. Bg8st; 1... g6 2. Hg6! hg6 3. We6 Of (3... Bh? 4. Be7 wes 5. Rf6+—) 4. WEG Bh7 S. Bg7+-; 1... ld 2. Be7 Hg? (2... Ses 3. Bh6 Deo 4, Hg6!+—) 3. He7 Qg6 4. Bh7! dh7 5. We6t+-; Wh4 2. He7 Whé (2... Hg7 3. Be7 hes 4. Bfo+—) 3. Wa7! Rds 4. Wi7+—] 2. 2g5! B67 (2... fg5 3. Bes Eg? 4. BgS+—; 2... Hg7 3. 2f6 Df 4. Hg7+—] 3. Wee Hafs0 4. 2 £6! 1:0 IR. Diaz Pérez] 1752. 1. &bS! WhS [1... We8 2. De7+—] 2. Be7 Sh 3, Wh7! Sh7. ahi 1:0 1753. 1. B£7! [1. De5? Qed 2. Bed + He6 3. Hel He8 (3... b5? 4, Qd5!+—)-4. Wad bS 5. DbS abS 6. Ws Wd7] SIT 2.-Wh3 dg6 [2..; we8 dewdeS+—] 3. De GhS 4. De2! Wes [4... gh Dgst—] 5. WR fed 6. Bett De3 hd 8. OBIE 1:0 1754, D6d7 (2... beS 3. He7 Ph8 4. Hf+—) 1. eS! (1... BcS 2. Wes! 3. WI! QB 4. Qe7+—] 1:0 1755. 1. Wh7! @h7 2. Hh3 bg6 3. £5 cog5 4. Hed! (4. Be3 gd 5. He3 hs 6. 2F7 Bh4 7. gs! fe5 8. He4+—] eds 5. Hg3 @hs 6. 217 g6 7. &g6 She 8. Ens I8... g7 9. Be8 SFB 10. Bh8et] [Romero Holmes} 1756. 1. Bho! Bho fl... who 2. Wa3! Qd7 3. Wab AcS 4. Wa7+—] 2. Wad! edd 3. Bfbl 1:0 1757. 1. e6!! de3 2. ed7 2g7 3. De WI 4. DAS Sas $. Ag?! WH [... We2 6. Ac7 Ss 7. De eas 8. d8W+—] 6. Be7 2c6 7. He8! Hes 8. deBy (8... Le8 9. AGH] 1:0 1758. 1. @f6! We7 2. Was! A18 (2... Wd8 3. ETH; 2... WEB 3. OFTHE) 3. We8 &g7 (3... WH 4. Bl Qd7 5. Was Wes 6. HB+—] 4. He8 cogs 5. Hel [5. Ac4+—'e3 6. be3 c4 (6... a6 7. BB+; 7. BcT A Deb+—] 7. Wed 1:0 [Minev]} 1759. 1, Wha! Ab4 2. Has Lf7 3. 0-0 dhg6 4. hd! h6 5. Hh8 hgS 6. hSH+ 1:0 1760. = 1. 2g6! hg6 2. Hd7 We (2... W6 3. &g7 Sg7 4. Bf7 SET 5. Wh7 BfB.6. QA7H; 2... Wes 3. Ag7 Whs 4. WhS ghS 5. &f6+—] 3. Ded! Ons (3... He7 4. D6 SFB 5. Bes! DhS 6. Whs!! ghs 7. &h6#] 4. WhS!! WaT (4... ghS 5. Of6 Bhs 6. HET He7 7. Ag7H#] 5. Df6 =[5...@2h8 6, Wh4+—] 1:0 UPeters} (349] 1761. 1... Wadi! 2. dad a4 3, wr (3. Hf2 @f4! A 0-0-4] O64! 4. Wad Qb3H 0:1 [Kacheishvilil 1762. 1. Ag?! Led 2. Af6! Be7 (2... Be2 3. DFS Ses 4. Hhos] 3. WIS! (3... 216 4. WH Dd7 5. ar, I: 1763. 1. 26! gh6 [1.. Sho 2 Hhi+—] 2. Hdl! We8 3. Bf7 @hs 4, We3 Ags 5. Wes! hgs 6. Eh Ses 7. Bd7 1:0 1764, 1, WET! BET 2. Bed S16 3. he7 B15 4. 23 Ea 5. n3N Bad IS... We2 6. de? Des (6... Bf6 7. Bd6 Ses 8. EeS Eh4 9. Le6+-) 7. Sa8 Eas 8 Hed hfs (8. 9. F44—-) 9, Bdd+—] 6. 93 G3 7. Be? hed 8. 203 S15 [8... OP 9. 2d3+—19. deat 1:0 W765. 1. 2f5!) was [1.. wes 2 WES! GIB 3. Bh6 dogs 4. Het; 1... gf5 2. We5 Gh8 3. Whe Sek 4. Bh6+—] 2. Ags! 16 3. Bg6! WaT [3... hes 4. wes ShB 5. Hesi+—-] 4. Ato! Ht6 5. Hes Web 6, Wh7 S87. Whs 1:0 (Cudinovskih] 1766. 1. &g7! g7 2. Whe ohs [2... 298 3. e5 DPB 4. Des A @Of6+—] 3. eS AO 4. Ded! Ags (4... des 5. @f6+—] 5. DL6 A16 6. gf6 Hes 7. hs W88 (7... D8 8. Bdgit+—} 8. wh7! 1:0 [Mokry] 1767. 1... 2612, gf3 Hes 3. nz (3. Has Sfe—+) S98 4, hl Be5! 5. He2.[5. We2 Hdl 6. Wal We3 7. We2 Wel 8. Bel Bel] Bd7 6. dad (6. Ef! “W83—4] BPI A 7... whee. he Bh 0:1 ~ (J. Polgar| 1768. 1... &gd! 2. ga (2. bg3 Wel 3. Sed We3!] We? 3. hfs Wh3 4. deo whs! 1/2: 172 IA. Rodriguez] 1769. 1... Wad! [1... B66 2. d4!; 1 4 2. da2 Le6 3. b3] 2. dad Acs 3. Hb a 4. es [4. e3 dd 5. Hed b6 6 Sd5 f6 7. Sc6 Sd8—+] He7 (A d6, Ad74#] 5. 2bS hd 6. Ac6! b6 [6.. bc6? 7. DA] 7. Bbs Ac6 8. deo [8 Gad? Dd4!—+) 2b7! 9. v5! 19. b7 Sd7 10. Wes hd6 A Bhbste] B26 10, Seb! [10 a4?? Bcs!—+] £67 12:12 [Mirkovié] 1770. 1. Wht Wes 2. Ee3 WE 3. Sg6!! Wh6 (3... hgs 4. He8 wes 5 Welt] 4. Hes Wis 5. 2h7 Oh7 6. Fi £d5 7. He8 1:0 1771. 1... Bd3!! 2. Wd3 [2. Hd3 Wel 3..Afl Hb4 4. Ee} wha 5. £02 Baa! 6. Ret Wis 7. He? Wed 8. He? Wed—t; 2 Wad WA 3. Ohl Og3 4. hg3 Hel—+] WR 3. Shi Wel! 4. Hel |N—+ 1772. 1, wast [1. £7? Wal 2. Wel WE 3. We2 Wdl 4. Bel Whs 5. Sh? Wdl=] Sg7 II... e7 2. WaT SF 3. WET gs 4. WdS+—] 2. BeS!! Wes 3, Wh8!! hs 4. DIT 1:0 1773. 1, Hd6! Hd6 [1... 22 2. Hds @d8 3. Hd8 Wa8 4. e7+—] 2. Hd6 (2, Re? 3. 2F6! WIE 4. e7 dog7 5. e8A!: 20 W774, 1... @f2! 2. wea (2. @f2 BfS—+] wart. Or1 W775. 1... Red! 2. wal (2. &e2 QDcd3 3. We3 Wd4!—+] Aed3 3. de2 Waa! 4. wad Del 5. we3 5. Gel Dordt] Der 6. Ses Dds on Jaser 1776, 1... B£2! 2. 2 Ded 3. Sl 13. Sg WeS—+] Wea! [3... Bh! 4. Bel We3 5. We? Be6 6. Leb Wel 7 Bh2 Web—+] 4, Wed De3—+ W777. __1... e2! 2. De7 We! 3. Has (3. We7 Hdl-+] Wd8 4. e7 [4. Hel Hg2—+] &g2 5. wh? ef1D! 6. ogi Wd 7, Wi2 2d5 8. SH Wal Or1 1778. Whi! 2. Abi a 7 Wao Bbl a ‘Wel Bfl— +) 1779. 1. B47! HfT 2. We8 Hes 3. He8 HS 4. d7 Wa6 5. BAt+— 1780. 1. Be6tt (1... BIB 3. Deb he7 4. heb 2. WIS! 17 Bd6 5. Des+—] 1:0 1781. 1... Sa?! 2. Has Has 3. Har 13. h3_ 2b3-+] Hdl 4. Del Wh7! 5 ‘Was [5. We3 Wh 6. He? a3—+] Was 6. We3 War =O: 1 [E. Viadimirov] 1782. 1. 2g6! hg6 2. Wes! [2... fe6 3. Deb we7 4. Ads be7 5. Aes on 6. Bh8 eo 7. He8+—] 1:0 1783. _ 1. Bc6! be6 2. Acé WIE (2... Web 3. Hd8 He8 4. Ad4!+—] 3. Has De8 4. West! (4... &b7 5. He7 Hhs 6. XBe8; 4.161 5. WdS GS 6. Des! Ha7 7, wean Be7 8. Qc6+—] 70 (Danielian} 1784. 1... &g?! 2. Bed WABt! 3. h3 13. Wel Bd3 4. &d3 Wd3—+] We 4. oh? Wbi-+ [Abramovié] 1785. 1... WS! 2. Bdl Bad!! (2... Wd6 3. c5 (3. h3 We3—+) Wd5 4. h3 A We3t-] 3. Yad wart! [A Hel, We2-+] 0rd [Aristizabal] 1786. 1. We7! Led [1... We7? 2 26 PhS 3. Hes! (Ligterink — Pach- man) He8 4. &g7!!] 2. Wb7+ J En: = He7 (2. Bf 1B hl gs 6 ¥ 4. 2h? Bgl 5 1788. 1... WA! 2. Wd3 Bed! 3. fed WEL! 4. WE Has Or 1789.1... &g2! 2. g2 Wh3!! 3. Wed (3, ab3 De3—+] Was! 4. Dh Ohs 5. &f7 Bf7 6. WS De3—+ 1790. 1. ef6! bad [1... 0-0 2. Hael! wd (2... Wel 3. Hel bad 4. £96 fg6 5 He7 Hf? 6. d6) 3. We2 Hh4 4. Hes—] 2. fg7 Hg8 3. 2f5!! Dh B... Wed 4 Hfel We6 5. Heé feb 6. Ag6 ed7 7 Hdl gc7 8. £3 db6 9. bi hao 10. Ad3 has 11, Bc7H#; 3... WES 4. Dd6 Gd7 5. OFS Dh4 6. Hadi we7 7. Dh4 He7 8. Hfelt+—1] 4. Be6 a6 5. Dd6 Be7 6. Heats (Tal] [351] (@e] v91. . 1792. 1793. MATANOVIC ~ KOMAROV - VASIL'EV WEST — HACCHE GERMEK SSSR 1934 Ballarat 1984 Jugoslavija 1974 le le _ @xime xa & ase = ee (a ok x oe wa Bak & i Mate a, a ma eee @ mone Mcmam s oe a Bo A Bi Mn. Rom Wa ees A om me Sam i © Br 1? + 1? += 1? + 1794, 1795. 1796. ROGERS ~ ARAPOVIC BARENDREGT ~ WARMBIER ~ Biel 1985 GY. SZILAGYL BOGENSPERGER Amsterdam 1966 — 2/341 corr. 1993 1797. LEVENFIS — RJUMIN Moskva 1935 1798. MEDUNA — Gausdal 1988, W911. 1. eS! Be5 [1... des 2. Wedt—] 2. WES g6 3. Dh6 dg7 4. WIT Gh6 5. g4 We7 6. g5 Ghs 7. 25! [A Rett! 1:0 1792, 1. @fS!! efS 2. e6 Sh7 (2... £6 3. He6+—; 2... £6 3. WIS 203 4. Hg6+—] 3. h5! Deb (3... Bg5 4. Hes hgS 5. hg6 dg6 6. WiS+—; 3... Db3 4. 2b3 Hc} 5. be3 Wes 6. hg6 fg6 7..Hd7! Wa3 8. bd2+-; 3... Qd3 4. Hdd3 Be} 5. He3 2d6 6. hg6 fg6 7. Whd £3 (7... WA 8. Hc7 Bc7 9. We7+—) 8. We7 Sg8 9. He3+—] 4. hgé fg6 5. whe't! [5... Sh6 6. Bhl+—] 1:0 (Komarov] 1793.- 1. d6! cd6 2. Ags! fg5 (2... h6 3. Df? Ef? 4. W7+—] 3. hgs h6 [A 4. gh6 g6co].4. Whé!! [4... gh6 5. Bh6 &g7 6. DasH#] 1:0 - [Hjorth] 1794. - 1. d6! Qd6 2. Hdgi! [A 3. DhS ghS 4. g6 Bg6 5. BhS HhS 6. We7tt] Des!? (2... LE7 3. HHS oes Gaz. ghS-4 g6+—) 4. O16 B16 5. gf6 ig6+1 45 INK‘OV 2b3 6. fe7+—; 2... Bh8 3. DHS ghs 4. g6 2g6 5. BhS &h5 6. We5!+—] 3. @nS! (3. Aces Wd3 4. We2 We2d 5 Sc2 H+] De3 4. be3 ghs (4... Wd3 5. Bb2 gh5 6. g6 (6. Rc2+—) Bg 7. Bhs 2h6 8. Bh6 &g7 9. Bh7! Gh7 10. Wh2 bg? 11. Who SFG 12. Bes SES 13. ‘Wh34] 5. g6 2g6 6. Wego! [6... Agé 7. Bhs Sh6 8. Hh6 &g7 9. Hegstt] [Rogers] 1795, 1. D7! Gh7 2. Wha Ses 3. gs He8 4. He3! He3 5. Bh3 Ha3 (5... f8 6. Wh7+—] 6. Wh7 wf 7. A661! }f5 8. Wh8! Zh8 9. Hhsie 1:0 1796, 1. WhS! be3 2. Hd3! [A Bh3) eb2 3. bl Bbs [A We2!; 3... 2627 4. Wh7+-; 3... 5 4. Bh3 £6 5. Wh7 fT 6. Wg6 deg8 7. Hh Shs 8. Whs dogs 9. B6+—; 3... Hd8 4. 2g7!! (A g6) g7 5. Wh6 28.6. Hh3 +; 3... Hes 4. Bh3 £6 5. Wh7 £7 6. Wh5, gs 7. ! eS 5. Hh3 h6 6. gho @f6 £6 9. Bhs 7, gil DhS 8. Bhs £95 [8... {353]

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