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GORE VIDAL'S CALIGULA PENTHOUSE ROSSELLINI = PRODUCTIONS ROME July 1976 te 1. INT, CALIGULA'S BEDROOM ~ NIGHT The young man (@ligula is screaming in his sleep, The face is = normally = p. {the hair is thinning in front but thick in back, The body is slightly built. Caligula is in [M@@, naked beneath a [Sheet, Beside him is his oldest sister Drusilla, The room is typical of a wealthy Roman bedroom of the first century A.D., with beautifully painted walls, A oe leads to an atrium/courtyard, Except for the bed, [ae chest) a pair of wrought (silver Tense} there is no furnitures Coneation the walls, Caligula's scream awakens Drusilla, She sits up. Drusilla holds Caligula as if he were still a child, She soothe him, CALIGULA (half awake) He's going to kill me... DRUSILLA (crooning) Noes on0,eeyou're safe, You are with me, Silence, Caligula is now wide awake, face covered with sweat. He is breathing hard. He stares for a moment at the ceiling, Then he turns to Drusilla and smiles, DRUSILLA Was it the same dream? CALIGULA (nods ) At father's funeral,,,I'm at the doorway to the tomb, The Emperor's theressshe picks me upse. Caligula shudders, DRUSILLA And: then you wakeses 26 2. CALIGULA Then I wake up...just when he's going to kill me.,,as he killedse. Caligula starts to say "our father" but Drusilla puts her finger on his lips; indicates they are being spied on, INT, ADJACENT ROOM - NIGHT The room is dark except for the light from Caligula's room which shines through a small hole. nS) sits, ear to the wall, Avriting down what he hears. now he stops, frystrated, unable to hear, He stares through the hole. materishe scuvere 3. INT, CALIGULA'S BEDROOM -SPY'S POV, Caligula embraces Drusilla tight, more with a child's desperation than with lust, Their whispers cannot be over- heard, (ote: In this first section of the film (ending. with Tiberius's death), Caligula must appear to! be an appealing, frightened youth, hint of what he is to become, At worst, he must seem too adaptable to the moods of Tiberius. ), CALIGULA (whispers into her hair) As he killed our father...our mother... our brothers. DRUSILLA (low whisper) Sh-h-h. CALIGULA (matching whisper) I don't want to die,

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