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a leading developer of renewable-based microgrid solutions

Traditional renewable, distributed generation is dependent upon the grid and should the grid fail, distributed resources will cease operating. However, microgrids - which combine storage, automated demand response, building efciency and other balancing technologies - allow distributed generation to decouple from the grid and island in the case of a natural or man-made grid failure. This improves energy security while reducing costs. TimberRocks autonomous microgrids can be as small as a single building or as large as a small campus. Each is managed by sophisticated Distributed Energy Management & Aggregation (De-MAP) software that allows a plurality of microgrids to be managed as single block of energy capacity. These larger blocks of capacity - called virtual power plants (VPP) - deliver energy security, efciency and reliability. Also, because they participating in external energy and ancillary services markets, there are additional savings, which accrue to the benet of the building owner or operator.
Microgrid #1

Local EMS

Cyber security Reporting Data Retention Local Rules A g g r e g a t i o n
Virtual Power Plants Virtual Power Plants

Microgrid #2

Market Management System - ISO Integration - Bidding Strategy - Trading & Settlement


Local EMS

Microgrid #1,000

Local EMS

microgrid attributes & benets

Overcomes technical barriers associated with high volume penetration of renewables Deployed via Energy Supply Agreements (ESAs) with no up-front capital outlay Provides cleaner kWhs to system host or off-taker Has the ability to react to needs of the macrogrid Provides ancillary services to grid operators, participates in wholesale energy markets, and provides distribution level support to the local utility Additional revenue streams provide stronger project returns than traditional PPAs

for more information, please contact us at:

Emilee van Norden, Director of Client Relations

1.877.876.2588 | | 4539 Metropolitan Ct. Frederick, MD 21704

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