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Cinderella Stories and Culture Studies Overview: Cultural values are aspects of a culture that portray what is important

and acceptable in the lives of people, such as honesty, respect, belief in a higher power, etc. As a result of these values, many popular stories develop differently from culture to culture. From these differences we can discern what each culture values. Prompt: How are a cultures values reflected in literature? After reading versions of Cinderella from different cultures, write an essay that discusses the similarities and differences between each story and evaluates how the stories reflect which values are most important in that culture. Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. Make a Plan: IN YOUR OWN WORDS briefly explain what the prompt is asking you to do?

What do you need to know and know how to do to accomplish this task? What materials will you need to accomplish this task? Which text structure best fits this task? Readings/Cultures: Culture Title Yeh-Shen, The Chinese Cinderella (author unknown) The Egyptian Cinderella, Rhodopis (author unknown) Tattercoats by Joseph Jacobs Cinder Maid by Joseph Jacobs Cinderella by Charles Perrault Cinderella by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (1812, 1st Edition) Ashputtel by Jacob and Wihelm Grimm (1857, 7th Edition) Cinderella by D.L. Ashliman Korean Cinderella by Shirley Climo Katie Woodencloak by Peter Christen Asbjrnsen and Jrgen Moe Vasilissa the Beautiful by Heidi Anne Heiner The Babba Yaga by Aleksandr Afanasyev The Wonderful Birch by D. L. Ashliman Rashin-Coatie by D. L. Ashliman The Old Man and His Daughter by Marguerite L. M. Wolf The Story of Tam and Cam by D.L. Ashliman

Chinese Egyptian British European French ( traditional version) German German Italian Korean Norweigan Russian Russian Russian Scottish Romanian Vietnamese

Comparing Cultures in Cinderella Stories

Record the title of your assigned story and use the graphic organizer to record facts about each culture. Cinderella by Perrault Geography o Set in France o Used horses/carriages for transportation Geography

Culture and Customs o Slept on a straw mattress o Women wear only dresses; men dress elaborately (coats, vests, stockings, etc.)

Culture and Customs

Government and Economy o Had a rich monarchy (king, prince)

Government and Economy



Outline Introduction: What are three main similarities and differences between your assigned version and the traditional version of Cinderella? What do these similarities and differences tell you about your assigned culture?

Thesis Statement:

Body 1: State three main similarities and support your position with evidence from the texts.

Body 2: State three main differences and support your position with evidence from the texts.

Body 3: What do these similarities and differences tell you about your assigned culture? Support your position with evidence from the texts.


Comparing Cultures in Cinderella Stories

Your Partner: ______________________________ Peer Review Checklist Directions: o o o o LISTEN to your partner read his/her letter ALOUD to you. As you listen, point out any words or phrases that are unclear, and help your partner FIX them. READ your partners paper QUIETLY to yourself. Place a YES or NO on each blank according to whether or not its included in the paper. Peer Reviewer (You): ______________________________

Organization: ____Is there a heading with a name and date? ____Is there a centered title? ____Is there an introductory paragraph? ____Are there three body paragraphs? ____Is there a concluding paragraph? Content: Introductory Paragraph: ____Is there a clear topic sentence that addresses the prompt? ____Does the paragraph explain what culture is? ____Does the paragraph explain what a fairy tale is? ____Does the paragraph end with a clear thesis statement? Body Paragraph 1: ____Is there a topic sentence that addresses similarities? ____Are there at least three similarities provided? ____Does the paragraph end with a transition sentence? Body Paragraph 2: ____Is there a topic sentence that addresses differences? ____Are there at least three differences provided? ____Does the paragraph end with a transition sentence?

Body Paragraph 3: ____Is there a topic sentence that addresses culture? ____Are there at least three examples of culture? ____Are the examples supported with evidence from the text? ____Is there a concluding sentence that sums up the essay? Concluding Paragraph: ____Did the writer restate the thesis statement? ____Does the paragraph restate what culture is? ____Does the paragraph restate what a fairy tale is? ____Does the paragraph end with a concluding sentence that addresses the prompt? Conventions: ____Does each sentence have a capital letter and the correct end punctuation? ____Are all words spelled correctly? (Circle any misspelled words.) ____Is each paragraph indented? ____Are there any sentences that begin with AND, OR, BUT, SO, or BECAUSE? Provide two suggestions for improving the organization, content, or conventions of the paper. 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Give this page to your partner so he/she can make revisions for the items you marked as NO.

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