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Why do children sometimes have difficulty distinguishing pretence from reality?

Intro Play represents cognitive stages in children Piaget stages pretence play introduced What is pretense play? What is its significance? Separating pretence from reality important. In the following essay Pretend play Lillard 2 !. Studied through cognitive development" innate" demonstrates theory of mind" sym#ol use $evelopmental course %ultural variations %onnection with cognitive s&ills such as social referencing and understanding intentions. 'he most critical is separating pretence from reality Separating pretence from reality (ffects of )ge. $eLoache * Plaet+er Insufficient ,nowledge. $awn -.. )ppearance /eality $istinction 0lavell -.12 Supernatural entities Parents deceptive Scary pretense. 3arris et al


!5 also pointed out that even though pretend play is universal there are

some cultural differences. 6oth the amount as well as the themes of pretense play can vary across different cultures and several studies have demonstrated these differences. ) study conducted #y 0arver * 3owes 4-..75 showed that children in the 8nited States and 'ur&ey displayed more pretence play that children in 9uatemala" India and

:e;ico. 3aight et al 4-...5 demonstrated differences in pretend play themes #etween the 8nited states and 'aiwan with 8S children engaging more in fantasy pretense play whereas 'aiwan children engaged more in social role pretend play.

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