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Novel Portfolio Project For the past few weeks you have been completing response journal entries

related to your reading. For this assignment you will submit all your novel-related journals as a portfolio that will demonstrate the connections and interpretations you have developed from your novel study. You will also include a variety of short assignments that will be based on the understanding you have gained in your response journals. Your Novel Project portfolio must include the following elements: 1. An Alternative Cover Design Your cover design should create a unique book cover for the Great Gatsby that is closely connected to the climax of the story. I will be marking your piece on how well it visually represents the climax of the story, not on its artistic merits. 2. A table of contents 3. All nine novel-related response journals 4. 2-3 visuals that highlight the central themes of the story (your colour project may be included as one of these) These visuals are what allow me to identify that you understand the central themes of the novel. Reflect on major moments in the story, key details, or specific characters that are crucial to your understanding of the novel, and present them as visuals for this portfolio. A short, one or two sentence explanation may be included to explain your visual. 5. One creative text, written from the perspective of one of the central characters of the story (A 350-word minimum) This short piece should elaborate on one of the major moments in the story, but from the perspective of a character other than Nick Carraway. Get inside the head of that character. 6. A 1-2 page reflection on how your novel portfolio demonstrates your understanding of the novel This is your chance to explain to me how your work in this portfolio, specifically the response journals, demonstrates your understanding of the Great Gatsby.

Due Date: April 11th

/100 Marks

All Assignments must be submitted to me through fax or email.

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