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Age? Sensorimotor

Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development

Main phrases or terms that define this stage Defining Achievements / Limitations Critical Concepts / Milestones

Birth 2 yrs

6 substages (reflexes, circular reactions, coordination, beginnings Learn how to grow up in a of representational thoughts) certain environment, learn how ! to do specific things, learning Gaining control of their bodies. use how to learn body to interact with world Egocentric they can only view things from their perspective and think everyone knows what they know.

Preoperational 2-7 years Development of symbolic activity Growth in language Mental images

! !

Symbolic thought using Children use symbols Think about the world simply. Can language to describe ideas. (have meaning only to only identify one characteristic them) and signs (have (cant do conservation tasks) meaning to everyone) !

Static states cant understand transitions

Conservation cant do it.

Age? Concrete Operational

Main phrases or terms that define this stage 7-11 yrs

Defining Achievements / Limitations

Critical Concepts / Milestones

Conservation tasks you can do them. Formal Operational 12 + years (adolescence)

Cant think abstractly. no abstract reasoning, thinking about your own Able to represent thoughts. transformations they ! understand that things change Can perform mental operations over time (begin to think logically) Can think about relations among Interprets outcomes within the relations, and classes about classes context of logically possible ! outcomes can pick Metacognition. Thinking about conclusions from what you your own thinking. know is possible.

! Abstract reasoning !

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