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English Test

am / are / is
Complete the sentences with am, are, or is.

1 Where you from?

2 she a teacher?
3 What her name?
4 they married?
5 This my brother.
6I a student
Present Simple 1
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs.

1 Jack in Manitoba. (live)

2 He a fireman. (be)
3 He early every day. (get up)
4 His wife a small shop. (have)
5 They their life. (like)
6 They always busy. (be)

Adverbs of frequency
Click on the words in the correct order.
1 always I early. get up

2 to the She goes often cinema.

3 I don't breakfast. often make

4 I listen never to music.

5 tennis weekend. often at the play We

6 the In we to beach. always summer go

Questions and answers
Match the questions and answers. Type the letter in the box.

1 What do you like doing at A Twice a year, in summer and

weekends? in winter.
2 Where do you go shopping? B To our holiday home near
the beach.
3 Who do you go with? C My family.

4 How do you get there? D Nothing. I like relaxing after

the week.
5 Where do you usually go on E I take the bus, or sometimes
holiday? we walk.
6 When do you usually go F In the town centre.

Questions and negatives

Click on the words in the correct order.

1 Do you tennis? like

2 don't up early. I get

3 she tired? Is

4 don't smoke. They

5 to doesn't He learn want Spanish.

6 they Do speak French?

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