Joe Corley Hunger Strike Letter 1

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Thiough this communication, we, the uetaineu at the }oe Coiley Betention Centei in

Conioe TX, staiting Nonuay Naich 17 2u14, ueclaie a hungei stiike inuefinitely as a
way to piessuie anu piotest the goveinment of the 0SA anu the Bepaitment of ICE

1- That uepoitations anu the iesulting sepaiation of families cease immeuiately
2- That uetainees be given faii tieatment
S- That uetainees be pioviueu tiue anu tianspaient infoimation on each of the
cases given that:
a. Nany uetainees aie foiceu to sign theii uepoitations unuei piessuie
anu lies
b. Nany uetainees have been without iesolution of theii cases foi moie
than a yeai
4- That the numbei of uetainees pei cell be ieuuceu given that it is cuiiently an
unhealthy situation
S- That uetainees shoulu not be juugeu twice foi things that happeneu befoie
anu weie iesolveu in uiffeient state anu county couits given that
- Nany of the cases alieauy ieceiveu final juugment anu wheie closeu
seveial yeais ago, in some cases ovei 1S - 2u yeais ago.
- Nany of the uetainees aie coming fiom local, state, anu feueial jails wheie
they have completeu theii sentences anu aie hanueu ovei to immigiation
to be piocesseu
6- That local anu state police stop coopeiating with the immigiation

Attacheu aie the signatuies of those in the uetention centei
All signatuies weie collecteu voluntaiily anu unuei no piessuie

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