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East K-7 PTO Meeting Minutes Date: Monday, 3/3/14 Time: 6:00pm Location: East Cafeteria Agenda prepared

by: Gina Glines/Notes taken by: Adriann Divozzo

Old Business:

February: Pajamas and a Movie Night Only heard one complaint from multiple parents/staffs and that was on the tickets for cash confusion

Not sure how to handle this, as it happens every family event. We note high theft with multiple cash boxes especially when I have more student help than parent help (ex Santas Secret Shop!) However, one line for one cashbox gets complaints over time consuming, not wanting to wait, etc. Many parents do not want to exchange cash in one spot for tickets to be used at concessions and raffle. Its a no win situation, open to suggestions on how to improve! VP complaint, I forgot all about start-up cash and cash boxand noted 4 new volunteers who abused the perk/incentive. (receiving perk but not following through with their shifts

Solution? Buying 1-3 cash boxes for PTO events which will be left in the PTO room at all times. Also suggested/decided that PTO treasurer utilizes the safe and has petty cash at least one day before all events deposited. Attendance was counted at 176 around 7pm. Profit? $25. Had we not given away the free pizza, we would have profited $325!!! The pizzas cost $300 exactly. Regardless, a great night! Spring Fundraiser $6,825 dollars sold. $1,000 was our goal, so this is great! 92 sellers (12%)

Black light reward party date/time to be announced by our Fundraiser Company. They do set up and break down, which takes 1-2 hours. Only 30 kids can attend and its currently divided into grade levels. Only one 3rd grader can go to the party, so maybe we can combine grade levels (K-3, etc.). I do not expect to hear anything until after Spring Break- Heights is using the same company/reward and their sale is just starting.

New Business: Principals Report:

A Tech Night is important to help parents understand the technology that their children are using and how to act safely and responsibly with it. Josh VerHelst is willing to come and help with this with one other co-worker. Other community organizations may also help with being present and helping set up stations and offer food. There is one section that is best for parents only. Ann Thompson has offered her many Easter Eggs for a hunt with the students while they are in a different room for the Internet safety discussion. Lets have the X-Men help with this!

Box Tops/Labels Report:

East is leading the district! Blue Hall is leading East, followed by Red, Yellow, Green. 6 classes have over 1,000: Edington, E. Voss, Van Ark, McFarland, Bartone, EHA. A dunk tank award is in order and it can be at Spring Carnival! The winning hall will get a sundae bar and the winning classroom will get a trophy. We are encouraging community by awarding halls verses classrooms.


We appreciate when Box Tops are trimmed and many teachers have been helping with this. It sure saves us time; thank X-Men:

Keeping it low, writing up a plan for roll out in September 2014. Will team up with John Vega starting with Carnival on April 24th, the campout off school time in June for those interested and a late summer event. Staff Representatives:

The survey that I sent out to staff in February is now due and I have 18 responses so far! I will organize for those interested in looking over details but the biggest requests ARE things that PTO could, should, and will begin working on providing. Classrooms: Personal dry erase boards, pencils, pens, tissues, anti-bac wipes, crayons, dry erase markers, $ for holiday party budgets Specials: Art cart, flip-style wheeled dry erase board for PE, additional ease of access/handicapped playground/in class toys/equipment

School wide: Colored paper closet, pads for the die cutter, combs for the book binder, general supplies in bulk, healthy snack stash, monthly event lists a month before/master PTO plan calendar PTO Volunteers: We are in a slump, which is why Januarys event was tabled, and Movie Night came close, and Marchs Health & Wellness Fest was cancelled. Thank you to those that have spoke up offering help! Enough interest was expressed by new volunteers that a volunteer meeting was set for Tuesday, February 11 at 6pm. One person actually showed up. Parent survey feedback indicated if meetings were changed, more would attend. Upcoming Events:

Book Fair Monday, March 10th: Staff preview (Books and Breakfast) 7:45am-8:15am. This is optional for teachers. Classroom previews by sign-up only (sign-up is on the lounge door) 8:15am-2:50pm Shopping hours: 3pm-7pm Tuesday, March 11th: Students may shop only with teachers permission. Shopping hours: 3pm-8pm Thursday, March 13th: Shopping hours: 12pm-4pm Book Fair Incentives/Week Activities

All for Books- Scholastic will match any change/donations we collect during book fair exactly so I want to push this! Its free money, really. All for Books donations and matched funds will be used solely for the purchase of books for our students at East. Heres what we will try for spare change activities: Taco bout books VS Nacho average book war will run every day of Book Fair week, all day long. Two right fit books for different classrooms/grades will be picked EACH lunch hour of Book Fair Week. In front of each book is a see through can one with each slogan. Students (and anyone else!) will be encouraged to drop l oose changeevery penny not only counts but doublesinto the can of their choice for the book behind it. At the end of each day/book fair shopping time, the can/slogan w ith the most change will win the book behind it for the classroom/grade associated with the book!

Cactus Sucker will be open only on Book Fair week during library check-out. We have a 4 foot inflatable cactus with attached bucket. The bucket will be filled with suckers (lollipops) that will sell for 25 cents each. 100% of the change goes to All for Books. This is also a ring toss, so for $1.00 donation, one can have a turn to get two rings on the cactus and win a mystery ( book) prize or just a consolation sucker.

Orange All for Books donation box will be set up by the cash register as well.

Shopping Incentives- only on shopping days/times, the 50th paying customer will receive a $5.00 credit (no cash back) and the 100 paying customer will receive a $10.00 credit (no cash back). Our contract selling goal is $3,000, at which 50% comes back in the form of Scholastic Dollars. Other option is 20% back cash. Week-long Incentives- the above Taco VS Nacho change war will run all week as will a guessing game with Skippyjon Jones. A jar will be put out every day of Book Fair week with some amount of candy in it. Students can make a guess of how many candies are in the jar. At the end of school/shopping time every day that week, the student(s) with the correct guess will win a free book!

Junior Crew is something that Scholastic encourages. This is allowing students to help first hand with the book fair- the idea is for the students to showcase their reading skills, take ownership in their school through a fundraising activity and to earn free books. I would like to open Junior Crew up to 4th through 7th graders this year, they will only be helping during shopping hours. One hour will be rewarded with a free poster and 4 Carnival tickets. Two hours will be rewarded with a book $10 or less and 4 Carnival tickets.

Parent Volunteers will follow a similar incentive scale. We are in need of many more volunteers! Sign up on Doodle and earn the below rewards: 1 hour = 1 entry in basket raffle 2 hours= 2 entries in a basket raffle and a goody bag 3 hours= 3 entries in a basket raffle, a goody bag, and a book $10 or less Spring Carnival: Trying to form a committee!

Thursday, April 24th. Time suggestions are start 5-5:30 and end 7-7:30. Prizes are leaning towards Chuckee Cheese Stylesave your tickets and pick something better than a plastic bug! Thinking of using Junior Crew in addition to parents and the staff that are volunteering their own time to make this years

event even better now that we have a budget! Staff is no longer required to put in hours like last year, so were hoping for a big parent turn out for volunteering.

Family Leaders have been a huge help in the past. NHS may be an option to tap into; Mrs. Yoder emailed Sarah LeFaber about this. Question: Should we serve dinner? We have in the past, but its time intensive and not profitable. Maybe we release this and put all energy into the rest of carnival. Parent Suggested Events: PTO Luncheon/Volunteer Appreciation by PTO

Taking shape! Aiming for mid-May, this will allow title-holding PTO members to formally recognize PTO volunteers who gave any amount of time this school year. Volunteers with over 20 hours logged will receive a small gift. I do not intend for this event to compete with the annual Volunteer Breakfast- this is specifically for PTO members and volunteers- I want to get this as an annual event that volunteers look forward to attending and volunteering extra hours for. We have a large volunteer pooland a very small active volunteer committee. Recognition in all forms is what keeps the volunteers com ing back.

Moms Appreciation (Mothers Day) XMen Campout (End of Year) Teacher Appreciation Meal during conferences

Tuesday 3/11 is the longest day of parent/teacher conferences and we'd love to show teacher appreciation by providing food for our 50-75 member staff. The PTO would like to use funds for a catered meal, however it would be great if parents also brought in snacks, desserts and drinks. Baja Grill is a meal option, but the cost has us considering different options. At the last conferences, the food was appreciated but it disappeared quickly and before dinnertime. Let's provide a full table of goodies this time around! I've created this link for sign up and you'll find more information there:

Bringing food does count towards volunteer rewards. We hope to find more people willing to bring food. If you know of someone who may be excited to help out, please mention this to them personally. Looking Forward: March: 10 (Monday): PTO/Family Connections Meeting, 7pm, Cafeteria 7 (Friday): Popcorn Friday, 25 cents, 8-10am 10, 11,13 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday): Scholastic Book Fair 10 (Monday): P/T Conferences, 3:30-6:30pm 11 (Tuesday): Teacher Appreciation Meal 11 (Tuesday): P/T Conferences, 5-8pm 13 (Thursday): Day, P/T Conferences 12-3pm 21 (Friday): Popcorn Friday, 25 cents, 8-10am 22 (Saturday): Math Pentathlon Competition, East April: 4-13 (Friday-Sunday): No School, Spring Break 14 (Monday): PTO/Family Connections Meeting, 7pm, Cafeteria 18 (Friday): Popcorn Friday, 25 cents, 8-10am 24 (Thursday): Carnival, Western Theme, multiple locations (midway in Gym), 6-8pm 25 (Friday): No School, PSD May: 2 (Friday): Popcorn Friday, 25 cents, 8-10am 8 (Thursday): Day, Kinderpaarade at Tulip Time 12 (Monday): PTO/Family Connections Meeting, 7pm, Cafeteria 16 (Friday): Popcorn Friday, 25 cents, 8-10am 26 (Monday): No School, Memorial Day 30 (Friday): Popcorn Friday, 25 cents, 8-10amlast of the school year! June: 9 (Monday): PTO/Family Connections Meeting, 7pm, Cafeteria 10 (Tuesday): Last Day of School for the 2013-2014 Year!

The remaining time is now open for parent/guardian/staff/adult comments, questions, and concerns!!! Please do so in a respectful manner! Please be thinking about any thoughts on if we serve dinner at Carnival or not. Well decide in one week and encourage feedback.

Next Meeting: Monday, April 14, 2014. 7pm. East Cafeteria

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