Matter Closure Lesson 10-21-2013

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Sara A Molle Mott Elementary School Robinson/First Grade Science 2:25-3:05 pm ctober 2!" 20!

3 Standard NJCCCS/WIDA: Science 5#2#2#A#2 Matter e$ists in se%eral di&&erent states' the most commonly enco(ntered are solids" li)(ids" and *ases# +i)(ids ta,e the shape o& the part o& the container they occ(py# Solids retain their shape re*ardless o& the container they occ(py# Objective S-.A/ disc(ss" analy0e" and predict ho1 a li)(id can chan*e# Materials -small bo1l -small yo*(rt container -plastic 1rap -r(bber band -t1o small stones -des, 2to (se as demonstration3 -1arm 1ater Procedure !# 4ntrod(ce the materials to the children and as, them to problem sol%e ho1 these materials 1ill help learn abo(t ho1 1ater can chan*e# 2# St(dents 1ill be sittin* at their seats# 3# -ith the children 1atchin*" place the small container into the lar*e bo1l and 1ei*ht it 1ith one o& the stones# 5# 6o(r in 1ater *ently into the bi* bo1l 1itho(t *ettin* any in the container# -ater that is room temperat(re 1or,s &ine and yo( can ha%e the children to(ch the 1ater to set the sta*e &or their obser%ations# 5# 7o%er the lar*e bo1l 1ith plastic 1rap and sec(re 1ith the elastic band# 8# 6lace the second stone in the middle o& the plastic 1rap 9(st o%er top o& the small container# :# 6lace the bo1l in a s(nny spot &or a &e1 days" chec,in* e%ery day# ;# Questions to ask: --hat do yo( thin, 1ill happen to the 1ater< -=o1 lon* do yo( thin, it 1ill ta,e &or the 1ater to e%aporate< ->o yo( thin, e%aporation needs hot or cold 1ater< --hat is the s(n doin* to the 1ater< --here do yo( thin, the droplets o& 1ater 1ill *o<

-=o1 m(ch 1ater do yo( thin, 1ill collect in the small container< ?# @eep a chart (p to mar, do1n 1hat predictions the children ma,e abo(t the e$periment and also on 1hat the o(tcome 1as# Assess ent St(dents 1ill be assessed on their participation d(rin* the lesson# Di!!erentiation/Modi!ications: !# E$tra time 1hen needed 2# Repeat directions/)(estions 3# /h(mbs (p as a chec, in 5# /eacher monitorin* &or st(dents that may need e$tra s(pport

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