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Parents: Please review this study guide with your child. There will be a test on Matter on Monday, 10/21.

Your child will receive extra oints i! they return this a er with your signature. "incerely, Ms. Molle

Matter Study Guide

Matter: Anything that takes up space. Everything around you is made of matter. Examples: desk, chair, pencil, you, block Mass: iny parts that make up matter Solid: !as its o"n shape, it does not change shape Examples: pumpkin, rock, desk, block Liquid: akes the shape of its container, it can change shape Examples: "ater, milk, #uice, rain Gas: $an change its si%e and shape, it takes the shape of its container Examples: cloud, steam, smoke, fog Dissolve: &hen a solid spreads through a li'uid Example: (emonade mix spreads in "ater and dissolves to make lemonade Evaporate: to change from a li'uid to a gas Example: &hen the sun shines its heat on a puddle the puddle "ill evaporate to a gas Boil: "hen "ater gets very hot on the stove it "ill boil and become a gas Water Vapor: the gas that is made "hen "ater boils
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Melt: A solid can be heated until it melts Freeze: A li'uid can be cooled until it freezes Ice: )ce is a solid. !eat melts ice. he ice changes to "ater. s!es: *aper and "ood can burn from fire. &hen they burn they become as!es, as!es "ill not change back into paper +,ot all matter can change back to "hat it "as--

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