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Reading Month Surprise!

The class is well on their way to meeting their reading goal, so I have been busy planning their reading month surprise.!!! Along with the first and second grade class our class will be treated to a movie and going out to lunch, on Thursday,, April 3rd courtesy of the St. Stans Home and School. Please help us keep it a surprise. Mrs. Francomb and I will not be telling the class exactly what we will be doing until a few minutes before we get ready to leave. This is a reward for all the good reading they have done during the month of March. Permission slips will not be able to be sent home until Monday or Tuesday of that week because movie times are not released until then. Thank you for understanding and returning them back to school promptly. We would also like to bring them out to lunch after the movie. Parents are being asked to send in money to cover the cost of their childs lunch. Along with your childs permission slip, an envelope will come home on which you can mark what kind of Happy Meal your child would prefer. We will also need a few parent volunteer drivers to help us get to and from the theater, restaurant, and back to school. Thank you for helping us make this a special day! Please email me with any questions you may have. We are thinking of leaving around 9:15 and returning around 1:00, but it all depends on what time the first movie of the day is scheduled. Thank you for your support, Angie Mulder

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