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Rube Goldberg Machine Your mission is to create a Rube Goldberg machine with a technical drawing, either on a given task

or one selected and approved by your teacher. The following items must be included: 1. Technical diagram design plan of your machine !a drawing of your machine that includes symbols for motions, forces, transmission systems, etc." #. $orking model of your Rube Goldberg %achine !while your goal is to accomplish your fi&ed task, your machine must contain all five simple machines, and the type of motion must change more than once". '. ( final write up that describes how your Rube Goldberg machine works at each step stage. )dentify the laws of motions !*ewton+s ,irst, -econd and Third .aw of %otion", types of motion !rectilinear, alternating, circular, oscillatory" simple machines !lever, inclined plane, pulley, wedge, wheel and a&le", transmission of motion !chain and sprocket, belt and pulley, gears, friction wheels, pulley" and transformations !the type of motion must change more than once".

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