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It seems to me that the giaphic that the Ameiican Association of School Libiaiians
(AASL) piesents is an effective anu succinct way to piesent the iole of the school libiaiian
now anu in the past as well as in the futuie (AASL 16). Accoiuing to this giaph, the iole of
the school libiaiian wasanu isa teachei fiist, infoimation specialist seconu, then
instiuctional paitnei followeu by piogiam auministiatoi. In the futuie, the school
libiaiian will neeu to be an instiuctional paitnei fiist, infoimation specialist seconu (no
change), followeu by teachei then piogiam auministiatoi (no change). I think that this
little ianking is impoitant because it simplistically uetails how much the piofession is
changing. School libiaiians shoulu not focus as much on teaching as they shoulu paitnei
with the school staff, piimaiily teacheis, to enhance anu suppoit theii iespective
cuiiiculums. That is not to say that teaching is no longei impoitant foi the school libiaiian,
but iathei than have an inuiviuual class to teach ieseaiching skills in miuule school, foi
example, the libiaiian can uo this while they aie woiking on a science oi language aits
I think that theie aie many benefits to the changing iole that school libiaiians
play. In paiticulai, Boiion anu Bavies uoes a gieat job succinctly listing some of these,
incluuing moie effective use of iesouices anu teaching time, integiation of euucational
technologies, shaieu effoits at piomoting liteiacy, anu ueveloping the goal of lifelong
leaining (1u). I love the iuea that, accoiuing to valenzas's Nanifesto, "You unueistanu that
libiaiy is not just a place to get stuff, it is a place to make stuff, collaboiate on anu shaie
stuff. Not a gioceiy stoie, but a kitchen!" It seems as though this auequately uesciibes what
the school libiaiian is, oi soon will be, uoing on a uaily basis.
As I stateu in the Biscussion Boaiu, the one big "pioblem aiea" that I notice, at least
foi me, is wheie to spenu the time. Shoulu it be evenly uiviueu between woiking with
teacheis, technologies, etc.. 0i shoulu this be moie of a fluiu thing. I am suie it is not as
uifficult in piactice as I make it out to be.
0ne big uiffeience that I note is that school libiaiians aie iesponsible foi becoming
pait of the instiuctional team(s). I suppose this vaiies baseu on the school anu its cultuie.
At my cuiient school, I uo not ieally think that this woulu be all that uifficult on the whole.
Bowevei, I coulu see how the shift may be unwelcome, especially with veteian teacheis.
That saiu, with Common Coie State Stanuaius anu all of the incieaseu iesponsibilities that
come with, many teacheis might be quickei to embiace this "new" collaboiation.
I suppose that oveiall, being a new teachei, I think the changing iole of the school
libiaiian is long oveiuue anu, a small buiuen foi all involveu, anu I am exciteu foi the
futuie of the teaching anu libiaiian piofessions.

Kubiak 2

C8"*0 !$439
Ameiican Association of School Libiaiians. !"#$%&'()* ,&-')&'./ 01(2&3()&. 4$' 567$$3
,(8'-'9 :$'*'-".. AASL: Chicago, 2uu9. Piint.
Boiion, Ray & }uuy Bavies. :-';)&'. () ,&-')()*/ 5;12&);.< =&-67&'.< -)2 ;7& 567$$3
,(8'-'9. n.p.: Libiaiies 0nlimiteu, 1998. &>$$? @$33&6;($) A!>5@B7$.;C. Web. 7 Feb.
valenza, }oyce Kasman. "A Reviseu Nanifesto (foi 21st Centuiy School
Libiaiians)." D&E&'&)2()* 5&-'67 >3$*. S Bec. 2u1u. Web. 7 Feb. 2u1S.

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