Assignment One

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Assignment #1

Assignment One Michelle Orzel Wayne State University SW 3810 February 12 2012

Assignment #1

!hil"ren are the #uture $# everything% &hey 'ill be t$m$rr$'(s lea"ers athletes teachers an" )arents% &he '$rl" is a crazy )lace an" because chil"ren are such a vulnerable )$)ulati$n * believe it(s e+tremely im)$rtant #$r the a"ults $# t$"ay t$ "$ everything )$ssible t$ )r$tect these chil"ren% When * begin my career in s$cial '$r, * )lan $n '$r,ing 'ith chil"ren 'h$ have been thr$ugh traumatic e+)eriences an" m$st li,ely having s$me tr$uble "ealing 'ith it% *t '$ul" be great i# * c$ul" reach an" hel) chil"ren at ris, $# being abuse" s$ that * can hel) catch it in time an" the trauma "$esn(t nee" t$ $ccur% &here are many interventi$ns that aim t$ hel) )revent chil"ren #r$m abuse an"-$r neglect an" als$ many t$ hel) chil"ren a#ter the abuse-neglect has alrea"y ha))ene"% *(m curi$us t$ ,n$'. W$ul" it be bene#icial #$r chil"ren un"er the age $# eighteen 'h$ are at ris, #$r neglect an"-$r abuse t$ g$ thr$ugh #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing t$ im)r$ve their sa#ety an" 'ell/being0 * #$un" a great article t$ hel) me ans'er the ab$ve menti$ne" research 1uesti$n at '''%cam)bellc$llab$rati$n%$rg #r$m 2$vember $r 2003% &his )eer/revie'e" research article is entitle" 4Family gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing #$r chil"ren at ris, $# abuse an" neglect5% &his article by Ar$n Shl$ns,y 6ate Schuma,er !harlene !$$, 7avi"!ram)t$n Michael Saini 8lisabeth 9ac,e/:ansen an" 6rystyna 6$'als,i "iscusses the interventi$n 'hy an" h$' it might '$r, #$r the chil"ren 'hy it(s im)$rtant an" the many meth$"s use" t$ c$llect an" analyze the "ata% &his article 'ill assist me in #in"ing an ans'er t$ 'hether $r n$t the Family ;r$u) 7ecisi$n Ma,ing <F;7M= interventi$n 'ill hel) in )reventing abuse an"-$r neglect t$ at/ris, chil"ren% Alth$ugh the article "$esn(t c$m)are many interventi$ns it g$es int$ such "etail that *

Assignment #1 believe it 'ill be bene#icial t$ $btain a "ee)er un"erstan"ing $# this )articular interventi$n an" the e##ects an" $utc$mes it 'ill have $n chil"ren% Family gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing acc$r"ing t$ the article <2003= is the term given t$ all $# m$"els $# )ractice 4that shi#t )lanning #$r chil"ren a'ay #r$m >)r$#essi$nally "riven( t$'ar"s a m$re >#amily/centere"( a))r$ach5 <)g% ?=% &here are usually several meetings bet'een the #amily an" certain )r$#essi$nals 'here a )lan is create" t$

"etermine the care an" sa#ety $# the chil"ren inv$lve"% &here are several "i##erent m$"els that can all be inclu"e" in this gr$u) all 'ith many "i##erent names given t$ them% 4A central $b@ective $# all F;7M m$"els is t$ )r$vi"e the #amily 'ith a str$nger v$ice in "ecisi$n/ma,ing than has ty)ically been the case in tra"iti$nal <$#ten a"versarial= chil" )r$tecti$n services5 <Shl$ns,y et% al% 2003 )g% ?=% *t(s base" $n the i"ea that the #amily sh$ul" be 'ell inv$lve" in the )lans regar"ing the sa#ety an" 'ell/being $# their #amily by giving the #amily a str$nger v$ice in the "ecisi$n ma,ing )r$cess $# the #amily% &he article c$m)ares several stu"ies $n the F;7M m$"els $# interventi$n in $r"er t$ un"erstan" the bene#its an" )$tential ris,s $# the interventi$n% F$r this )articular revie' an" this article they use the interventi$ns that.
inclu"e all m$"els that inv$lve the c$nvening $# #amily an" e+ten"e" #amily members i"enti#ie" #rien"s an"-$r c$mmunity membersA chil" )r$tecti$n )r$#essi$nsA an" i# nee"e" $r re1ueste" $ther )r$#essi$nals in an e##$rt t$ c$llab$ratively "evel$) a )lan t$ maintain chil" sa#ety #acilitate stable an" )ermanent living arrangements an" )r$m$te chil" an" #amily 'ell/being <Shl$ns,i et% al% 2003 )g% ?=%

&his in#$rmati$n is im)$rtant because any$ne "$ing research an" using this article that * #$un" '$ul" nee" a c$m)lete un"erstan"ing $# 'hich interventi$n 'ere inclu"e" in the )articular revie'% 3

Assignment #1 &he #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing m$"el is an e+cellent interventi$n #$r

a""ressing the research 1uesti$n * #$rmulate" ab$ut the sa#ety an" 'ell/being $# chil"ren at ris, $# abuse $r neglect% 2$t $nly is my 1uesti$n s)eci#ic t$ the bene#its the chil"ren s)eci#ically '$ul" gain #r$m an interventi$n but my research 1uesti$n als$ s)eci#ically as,s ab$ut the #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing m$"el% * #eel li,e this interventi$n '$ul" be 1uite hel)#ul in the )reventi$n an" )r$tecti$n against chil" abuse an" neglect% My main g$al n$t $nly #$r this research but als$ #$r my career as a s$cial '$r,er is t$ hel) )revent chil" abuse $# any ,in" an" t$ )r$tect an" save the chil"ren $# this '$rl" t$ the best $# my abilities% &his interventi$n seems li,e a great start t$ that g$alC Acc$r"ing t$ Shl$ns,y et% al% <2003= 4the basic un"erlying assum)ti$n $# F;7M m$"els is that #$r a variety $# reas$ns s$luti$ns #$un" 'ithin the #amily are li,ely t$ be m$re acce)te" an" e##ective than th$se im)$se" by )r$#essi$nals5 <)g% D=% &he article lists an" "iscusses several im)$rtant reas$ns c$ncerning h$' the interventi$n '$r,s an" the e+)ecte" $utc$mes #r$m each time it is use"% * 'as )lease" 'ith these $utc$mes in regar"s t$ the 1uesti$ns *(m as,ing an" the chil"ren * 'ant t$ hel)% !hil" abuse an" neglect are seri$us s$cial )r$blems that * #eel are the m$st im)$rtant things #$r )e$)le t$ #$cus $n until a s$luti$n is #$un"% Acc$r"ing t$ the W$rl" :ealth Organizati$n <200D= 4each year milli$ns $# chil"ren ar$un" the '$rl" are victims an" 'itnesses $# )hysical se+ual an" em$ti$nal vi$lence5 <Shl$ns,y 2003 )g% B=% *t 'as estimate" that in 2$rth America al$ne chil" maltreatment victimizes ab$ut 13 )er every 1 000 chil"ren in !ana"a an" ab$ut B2 $ut $# 1 000 chil"ren in the Unite" StatesC Several )r$blems can arise #$r the chil"ren 'h$ are victims $# such abuse b$th imme"iate an" l$ng term e##ects are )$ssible% Acc$r"ing t$ the article 4!hil"ren 'h$ e+)erience abuse

Assignment #1 $r neglect are at ris,E)r$blems inclu"ing an+iety "e)ressi$n s$cial an" behavi$ral )r$blems )$$r e"ucati$nal )r$gress an" )arenting "i##iculties5 <Shl$ns,i et% al% 2003 )g%B=% &hat is an a'#ul l$t $# issues #$r a chil" t$ be "ealing 'ith 'hen they have barely g$tten a chance t$ e+)erience li#e% *t(s im)$rtant t$ )r$vi"e services t$ the #amilies an" chil"ren that can assist in )r$tecting the chil"ren(s cultural i"entity the clients i"ea $# 'hat the )r$blem is nee"s t$ be a""resse" s)eci#ically an" the #amily sh$ul" be ,e)t t$gether i# at all )$ssible an" sa#e #$r the chil"ren% &he #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing interventi$n is $ne res)$nse t$ ans'ering all these 1uesti$ns an" a""ressing all these )r$blems as an alternative meth$" $# chil" )r$tecti$n% Shl$ns,y et% al% <2003= state that 'hat is m$st im)$rtant ab$ut h$' the interventi$n '$r,s is 4that 'hen #amilies have a central r$le in )lanning #amily members 'ill be m$re li,ely t$ #$ll$'/thr$ugh an" maintain their inv$lvement 'ith the )lan $ver the l$ng term lea"ing t$ enhance" sa#ety )ermanence an" 'ell/being #$r chil"ren5 <)g% D=% &his is all s$ im)$rtant in ma,ing sure the chil"ren are sa#e an" )r$tecte" #r$m abuse an" neglect an" it a))ears that this )articular interventi$n an" the the$ry behin" it "irectly relates t$ the )r$blem $# chil" abuse-neglect 'hile )r$vi"ing an e+cellent )$ssible s$luti$n t$ the )r$blem% &he article "escribes in great "etail the ab$ut $# research that 'ent int$ this revie' #r$m c$llecting the "i##erent stu"ies t$ revie' "$'n t$ ensuring abs$lutely n$ bias 'as use" 'hen selecting an" evaluating the interventi$ns an" results% *t has been #$un" that the #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing interventi$n al$ng 'ith the many $ther interventi$ns that #it int$ this categ$ry an" 'ere inclu"e" in the revie' are 1uite e##ective in the )r$tecti$n against an" )reventi$n $# chil" abuse an"-$r neglect% &he research thus #ar $n e+)l$ring an" e+amining the #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing m$"els

Assignment #1 has n$t been t$$ e+tensive m$st e+isting stu"ies are saying that the F;7M m$"els are c$ntributing t$ a re"ucti$n in maltreatment #$r chil"ren an" a "e#inite increase in the

)$ssibility $# chil"ren staying 'ith their e+ten"e" #amily 'hen they are #$rce" a'ay #r$m their )arents an" )ut int$ $ut/$#/h$me care% &he article states that 4One )r$mising $utc$meEthe increase" rate $# )lacement 'ith relatives 'hen chil"ren "$ re1uire $ut/$#/ h$me )lacement an" the greater li,elih$$" that 'hen )lace" chil"ren 'ill remain 'ith their siblings5 <2003 )g% D=% &his is such an im)$rtant $utc$me because chil"ren 'ill m$st li,ely be terri#ie" $# all that is g$ing $n 'hen this ta,es )lace. being ta,en a'ay #r$m their )arents ans'ering a bunch $# 1uesti$ns )$ssibly m$ving t$ a ne' city an" sch$$l "istrict an" maybe even being m$ve" t$ live 'ith strangers% *# they are als$ ta,en a'ay #r$m their br$thers an" sisters * can(t even imagine the a""e" )ain they '$ul" #eelC An$ther im)$rtant $utc$me $# the F;7M m$"els that research is telling us is that the )artici)ants <)arents #amilies as a 'h$le chil"renE= are 4e+)ressing c$nsistently high satis#acti$n rates 'ith the F;7M )r$cess5 <Shl$ns,y et% al% 2003 )g% D=% An$ther im)$rtant as)ect $# the research that has )r$ven the #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing m$"els t$ be an e##ective interventi$n is that it 4su))$rts clients( sense $# aut$n$my relate"ness an" c$m)etenceEm$re li,ely t$ bring ab$ut c$m)liance 'ith treatment an" greater trans#er an" maintenance $# treatment gains5 <)g% D=% *t(s als$ im)$rtant t$ menti$n that n$ matter 'hat the results sh$' #r$m the revie' re)resente" in the article * #$un" Shl$ns,y et% al% als$ ma,e it a )$int t$ menti$n that 4"es)ite the 'i"es)rea" su))$rt an" investment in F;7M ,ey $utc$mes #$r chil"ren an" #amilies 'h$ receive F;7M interventi$ns are n$t 'ell "$cumente" )articularly $ver the l$nger term5 <2003 )g% F=%

Assignment #1

Family gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing is an interventi$n that is e+tremely a))r$)riate #$r the )$)ulati$n that is m$st im)acte" by the )r$blem. chil"ren% !hil" abuse an" neglect has been g$ing $n #$r a very l$ng time an" it(s a terrible s$cial )r$blem% &he m$re s$luti$ns 'e "isc$ver test $ut an" use t$ hel) these chil"ren the better $## they 'ill beC &he interventi$n is great #$r the chil"ren n$t t$$ "i##icult #$r the agency t$ use an" acc$r"ing t$ Shl$ns,y et% al% 4Family gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing m$"els are c$nce)tually c$m)elling an" c$nsistent 'ith s$cial '$r, values an" )rinci)les $# em)$'erment an" culturally a))r$)riate )ractice% &hese m$"els have been 'i"ely im)lemente" internati$nally in chil" 'el#are c$nte+ts5 <)g% F=% &his g$es t$ sh$' that n$t $nly is the interventi$n a))r$)riate #$r the s$cial '$r, )r$blem agencies an" chil"ren but it(s right in line 'ith the 2ASW !$"e $# 8thics an" it(s been use" an" has hel)e" in many "i##erent c$untries all $ver the '$rl"% F;7M '$r,s t$ )revent abuse an" neglect against chil"ren 'hile als$ trying t$ hel) ,ee) #amilies t$gether% &he evi"ence base" )ractice )r$cess is an im)$rtant as)ect $# '$r,ing in s$cial '$r,% &here are s$ many "i##erent s$cial )r$blems that nee" t$ be a""resse" an" the best s$luti$n #$r a )articular )r$blem is n$t al'ays rea"ily available n$r is it al'ays the same% S$metimes the >best a))r$ach( t$ a )r$blem 'ill change several times $ver the c$urse $# a #e' sh$rt yearsC &he evi"ence base" )ractice )r$cess is a c$ntinu$us cycle that is als$ al'ays changing/right 'ith the best a))r$ach t$ )r$blemsC With the )r$cess c$ntinu$usly changing it all$'s #$r s$cial '$r,ers t$ m$ve 'ith the times an" "evel$) ne' s$luti$ns t$ #i+ s$cial )r$blems% *t als$ all$'s #$r s$cial '$r,ers t$ accurately select an" use the best a))r$ach #$r 'hatever s$cial )r$blem they are '$r,ing t$ im)r$ve at the time%

Assignment #1 Acc$r"ing t$ the research an" revie' $# several stu"ies in regar"s t$ the #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing m$"els it is bene#icial #$r chil"ren at ris, #$r neglect an"-$r abuse t$ g$ thr$ugh F;7M t$ im)r$ve their sa#ety an" 'ell/being% * als$ #$un" that it im)r$ves the lives $# the chil"ren because a l$t $# the time they are all$'e" t$ live 'ith members $# their #amily in much $# the time an" they are all$'e" t$ remain in the same living arrangements as their siblings% &his last )art 'ith the siblings is es)ecially im)$rtant in my $)ini$n because * have siblings an" * ,n$' * '$ul" be "evastate" i# * l$st them 'hen * 'as y$ung an" a#rai" because my )arents 'ere abusing meC &he s$cial '$r, interventi$n #amily gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing a))ears t$ me t$ be a success#ul an" hel)#ul m$"el #$r )r$tecting chil"ren an" su))$rting #amily in general%

:ere is the lin, t$ my article.

Assignment #1

Shl$ns,y A% Schuma,er 6% !$$, !% !ram)t$n 7% Saini M% 9ac,e/:ansen 8% H 6$'als,i 6% <2003=% 4Family gr$u) "ecisi$n ma,ing #$r chil"ren at ris, $# abuse an" neglect5 &he !am)bell !$llab$rati$n S$cial Wel#are ;r$u)% *ssue 3%

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