Cape Indigenous Societies

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October 6, 2008

CAPE History Grade 12 Theme: Indigenous Societies Topic: Maya and Taino societies
Duration ; 1 hour Goal of lesson: Students will appreciate the demands of !"# histor$ with respect to written responses to essa$ %uestions and be able to anal$se their own responses in li&ht of e'pected answers( Ob)ecti*es: Students should be able to : +"ro*ide e*idence on ,aino and ma$a socities to respond to %uestions( + "roduce a coherent and &rammaticall$ well crafted response( +demonstrate the or&ani-ational abilit$ to arran&e information effecti*el$ to produce a written response( +demonstrate the abilit$ to compare and contrast information to respond to a set %uestion( .esources and materials: Students essa$s+ mar/ed and &raded( 0otes+ pre*iousl$ researched and recorded b$ students ( 0orman, !( 112863 ,he "eople 4ho ame 5/( 1 0ewspaper !rticle 6

7esson Outline and instructional Se%uence Step 1 ,eacher will replace %uestions on whiteboard( 8uestions 1( #'amine the differences in the social and political structure in the pre+ columbian period of the 9a$a amd ,aino( 1: mar/s 2( ;or the 9a$a and ,aino, e'plain the similarities and differences between their a&ricultural practices beforetheir contact with the #uropeans( 1: mar/s( Step 2 lass &enerated model answers for each %uestion( 4ith reference to the literature a*ailable on the topic( <0 +=0 minutes

Step < Students will recei*e their mar/ed assi&nment( ,he$ will then compare their responses to the mode answers &enerated 10 minutes Culminating acti ity: Students will e'press thou&hts , feelin&s on e'ercise( 10 minutes


Notes for Model responses: 8uestion 1 "olitical or&ani-ation 7i*ed in independent cit$+states( >ad a ri&id class s$stem( #ach class had its own duties and ri&hts down to clothin& and accessories( #ach cit$ state had a leader called a halach unich or ?real man@ A hereditar$ leader( ;ather to son( 5rother of leader could be selected( Or the council of nobles can select successor( 7eader B 0obles were followed b$ farmers and artisans( "polms or merchants also e'isted( 9erchants had their own &ods( ,he$ had their own rules and did not pa$ ta'es or do a&ricultural wor/ or build roads( "erformed role in forei&n affairs and acted as spies in war( 9ade possible trade between cit$ states( 9a$as carried on trade b$ sea and land+ belie*ed to ha*e trades as far as uba and Camaica( 0obles wore a lot of )eweller$ o*er basic &arment( #ar and nose rin&s and &arment d$ed in different colours( On ceremonial occasions noblemen decorated themsel*es with feathered head dresses made on wic/er frames nearl$ as lar&e as themsel*es( Onl$ the leader and outstandin& warriors were permitted to wear feathers of the %uet-al bird in their head+ dress( "riest+astronomers+ foretold the chan&es of weather and season( .eli&ion was one of the most important foundation of the ma$a ci*ili-ation( alled ,emple+cities( ,he ma$a sacrificed war prisoners to the &ods but man$ wars were fou&ht with other ma$a tribes( ,he$ sometimes fou&ht to &et land for a&riculture or to &et sla*es( 4ealth$ 0oble built houses of stones( ommoners houses made of wattle and thatch ( 4omen responsible for carin& for house and children( >owe*er the$ were responsible for much of the a&ricultural labour , mainl$ sowin&, weedin& and reapin&( 4omen made the &arments and head dresses for the nobles( 4omen and &irls considered inferior and sociali-ed to accept this role( 4omen for e'ample had to lower head and step aside if the$ encountered a man ( ,he$ had to lower their &a-e in the presence of a man( 4omen were not permitted to loo/ directl$ at a man, or worse, to lau&h at him as this was considered a serious misconduct which was se*erel$ punished( !

mother mi&ht pinch her dau&hter, rub her e$es with red pepper or beat her it she failed to act 6properl$@ towards a man( 0o woman could inherit propert$( 9 en inherited e*er$thin&( 0o prisons e'isted in 9a$a societ$( ,hie*es were e'pected to wor/ off the *alue of their theft( ,aino Dilla&es built around ceremonial pla-a ( hiefEs house built ne't to ball court( 4ell planned, hi&hl$ or&ani-ed *illa&es( #ach *illa&e ruled b$ headman( "ro*ince ruled b$ caci%ue( >eadman ruled wor/ of *illa&e , decidin& when land should be prepared, crops planted and har*ested( Surplus stored for distribution in the communit$( !ll wor/ done communall$( ommoners and sla*es wor/ed( 0obles super*ised wor/( >eadman reli&ious leader of the *illa&e also )ud&e( ;ew laws ( 9ost serious offence+theft( aci%ue had 2 roles( >e was headman in his *illa&e but was top headman o*er the pro*ince( .uled in consultation with nobles or nita$nos+decided who should &o to war and when( ould le*$ land ta' could be in form of africultural &oods or weapons( >e could ta/e it in the form of warriors ( aci%ue was all powerful( Fnherited his position( 5ut reco&ni-ed matrilineal descent( aci%ue mi&ht be female( 0obles inherited their positions( ommoners could not escape their class( Stron& class structure( aci%ue had man$ pri*ile&es(.ecei*ed part of the har*est for himself and his famil$( Special cassa*a ca/es were made for him( >is bohio was made for him b$ the *illa&e men( 7ar&er than other homes(+ wattle and thatch( aci%ue and famil$ 4ore different t$pes of ornaments from commoners( Special transportation , special burial(

8uestion 2 1( Taino + ate a &reat *ariet$ of fish mainl$ shellfish, &rouper, snapper, &runt, )ac/, parrot, barracuda( Ob)ects resemblin& fishin& nets were found b$ archaeolo&ists ( ;ish were bred in artificial ponds( ,urtles were cau&ht usin& the remora 1 suc/er fish3 to which the fisherman attached a line as it swam alon&side the canoe( 5irds were cau&ht b$ nooses, snares, and nets( ,he$ cau&ht waterbirds as well b$ ma/in& holes in calabashes or &ourds and swimmin& slowl$ with it on their head( >untin& too/ place althou&h there were no lar&e animals( one$s were hunted at ni&hts usin& clubs and carr$in& torches( ,he &ian li-ard, the i&uanas were cau&ht b$ imitatin& their cries then stuffin& their )aws to pre*ent defensi*e action, then pluc/in& them off the trees( Gellow sna/es and manatees were also hunted( ,he women wor/ed in rows, each woman carr$in& a ba& of soa/ed &rain around hernec/( She made a hole with her di&&in& stic/, threw a few &rains of corn into it with her left hand( ,he$ planted cassa*a 1 $ucca or manioc3( ,he$ use fish and ash fertili-er mi'ed with the soil to prolon& its fertilit$( !rawa/s are belie*ed to ha*e used an irri&ation s$stem as irri&ation trenches ha*e been found in uba and >ispaniola( Some !rawa/ tribes were belie*ed to ha*e practiced a t$pe of intensi*e t$pe of a&riculture which made it possible to support lar&e *illa&es( ,his techni%ue was called the cunoco( ,his in*ol*ed heapin& soil into mounds in which a *ariet$ of plants were placed ( e&( Fn one mound cassa*a mi&ht be planted alon& with corn and climbin& plants li/e beans( ,he mounds helped to reduce soil erosion( !rawa/ a&riculture suffered from inabilit$ to store food o*er an e'tended period( ,his hindered their abilit$ to maintain *er$ lar&e populations , unli/e &roups li/e the 9a$a( Some arawa/ tribes practiced slash and burn a&riculture which chan&ed fields e*er$ few $ears and burnin& out new clearin&s twice a $ear when soil was damp and corn was planted on hillsides durin& the period of the new moon and after the start of the rains( hildren were in*ol*ed in a&riculture in that the$ were placed on platforms durin& the &rowin& season to scare awa$ birds( Fmportant crops were corn and cassa*a( Gam, beans, cotton and tobacco(

!&riculture de*eloed be$on& subsistence farmin&( Strict re&ulations related to land ownership e'isted in ma$a societ$( 7and use was also re&ulated( ,he$ had careful plans for stora&e of surplus foods and distributed stored food durin& times of need( 7and belon&ed to the whole tribeHclan as a &ift from God( #ach married man and his wife were entitled to onl$ =00 s%( ft( of land , called a hun unic( Surplus &rains or other non+perishable crops were collected and stored in storehouses called chultunes( ,here is no e*idence that the 9a$a practiced irri&ation( 9an$ &ods had to do with farmin& or the weather( ,he 9a$a had &reat waterin& holes formed b$ brea/in& awa$ the limestone crust of roc/ and e'posin& the under&round pools and streams underneath( 9ost ma$a cit$ state had two of these cenotes( One was used to suppl$ water the other was used as a sacrificial well into which $oun& &irls were ceremoniall$ thrown in order as the 9a$a thou&ht, to brin& rain( 9ost of the 9a$a soldiers were not professional warriors,but farmers so the$ could not lea*e their home for lon& periods to fi&ht wars( Sometimes the$ fou&ht wars to &ain land for a&riculture ( ,he$ pro*ided domestic water suppl$ b$ dammin& and cementin& ra*ines(

reated on IH2H2011 2<:<<:00 aIHpI E aluation: lass did not &o as planned as after step 1 teacher decided on a modification of strate&$: instead of doin& 2 model answers it was decided instead to write notes rele*ant to the topic on the board this was copied b$ students who were then instructed to write a new response to %uestion 1 for homewor/( ,his will be discussed in class then submitted on ,uesda$, October I, 2008( ! re*ised lesson plan will be created to complete the lesson on ,uesda$(

,uesda$, October 0I, 2008 Grade 12 ,heme: Fndi&enous Societies ,opic; 9a$a and ,aino societies : a comparaison Goal of lesson: ;or students to understand the si&nificance of ma/in& accurate, well or&ani-ed notes from multiple sources and demonstrate understandin& b$ usin& information in a *ariet$ of wa$s( Ob)ecti*es( Students should be able to: + ompare and contrast information on the ma$a and ,aino societies( +use information to create a table of information .esources and materials ,he "eople 4ho ame 5/ ( 1 + notes written on whiteboard re a&ricultural practices of 9a$a and ,aino( StudentsE completed assi&nment 1 table comparin& and contrastin& a&ricultural practices of &roups3( Fnstructional se%uence Step 1( ! table consistin& of 2 columns will be created on whiteboard( 1 coulumn labeled 9!G! and the other labeled ,!F0O( Step 2( Students will be selected in a random manner to write rele*ant information on the board( !fter each contribution, students will assess the accurac$ of the information and clarif$ or see/ clarification, as necessar$( ulminatin& acti*it$ ,eacher will as/ students to discuss differences in the e'ercisebetween the first and second attempt at answerin& the %uestion( Discuss possible reasons for these differences(

#*aluation( #'ercise went well as students participated willin&l$ in completin& table( Students lar&el$ *olunteered their responses so teacher did not ha*e to call on them, e'cept to ensure that a wide cross section of students were &i*en the chance to participate( ,he information supplied was &enerall$ accurate but some items were still contro*ersial, e&( 4hether the 9a$a practiced irri&ation( 4ith respect to culminatin& acti*it$, students lar&el$ supplied the responses hope for b$ the teacher b$ statin& that the second attempt at the %uestion was more comfortable for them as the$ felt better e%uipped with information, thus the$ were able to better or&ani-e and e'press their ideas as well as the data(

Home !or" assignment: Stdents are to re*ise their notes on the Di/in&s and !fricans in order to answer past paper %uestion on topic in 4ednesda$Es class(

4ednesda$, October 08, 2008 Grade 12 Theme # Pre$Colum%ian contacts Topic : Di/in& and !frican presence before 1=22: writin& the essa$ &uration o' session: 2 hours Goal o' (esson: ;or students to understand the mechanics of essa$ writin& at the ad*anced le*el and to wor/ co+operati*el$ to produce well written essa$s on the topic( )%*ecti es: Students should be able to : + Discuss the e*idence presented for and a&ainst pre+columbian Di/in& and !frican contacts( + !nswer essa$ %uestion on the topic + 4or/ in &roups to produce written responses to set %uestions( + share their wor/ willin&l$ and effecti*el$ with others(

+esources and materials: StudentsE notes from pre*ious class presentations( Students own notes on topic( !"# past paper %uestions(


Group 1 lasswor/ October 8, 2008 8uestion: omment on the claims that 0ordic and 4est !frican people came to the !mericas before olumbus( Students: Jaresha !llen 7a*onne Duffus Culiessa >eathe 9oni%ue 9itchell .omae .owe Group 2 lasswor/ October 8, 2008 8uestion: #*aluate the e*idence of 4est !frican presence in the !mericas in the pre+ olumbian period( Students; Sashel Shanna+Ja$ Shernei/a "h$licia ,iffan$ 5ennett Durrant Cac/son 9or&an Samuels


Group < lasswor/ October 8, 2008 8uestion !ssess the e*idence of Di/in& and !frican presence in the !mericas in the pre+ olumbian period( Students; .ashida 5i&nall ,ruddi+!nn D$ce "etrece 9artin ,ashaine 9orrison arl$n ,elfer Group = lasswor/, October 8, 2008 8uestion: !ssess the e*idence of Di/in& presence in the !mericas in the pre+ olumbian period( Students: Ja$an Dou&las Suelan ;ord Shenae 9c7aren Shaslanda 0icholson !rant'a lar/e


Fnstructional Se%uence Step 1 ,eacher will distribute papers each containin& 1 %uestion and the names of students in the &roup( ,here will be = &roups comprisin& : students each( : minutes( Step 2 Students will meet in &roups to discuss %uestion and to write a &roup response1 essa$3 1 hour Step < each &roup will present its %uestion and its answer to the class( = ' 10 minutes K =0 minutes ulminatin& acti*it$: Students will discuss the importance of the e'ercise and lessons learnt( ,he$ will reflect on the e'tent to which it has impacted both their understandin& of the topic and the demands of the !"# s$llabus, especiall$ with respect of essa$writin&( #*aluation: Groups too/ an a*era&e time of 2 hours to complete assi&nment and some &roups needed additional time( Step < was therefore postponed until ,hursda$Es class( Students demonstrated a hi&h le*el of dependence on the teacher for assistance althou&h &roups wor/ed better to&ether than the pre*ious &roup e'ercise( ,his aspect still needs much wor/( < of the = &roups produced essa$s of 2 pa&es but 1 &roup produced about a para&raph at the end of 2 hours( ,his is to be in*esti&ated as to cause , when presentation is to ta/e place( On ,hursda$, class was not held howe*er due to hea*$ showers which pre*ented mo*ement of students and teachers( ,his e'ercise is now scheduled for completion in class on 9onda$, October 1<, 2008( wpuse$ "a&e 12 <H2<H201=


Tuesday, )cto%er 1-, 2../ Lnit ,itle: Fndi&enous Societies 7esson topic: Spanish Settlements in the aribbean up to 1600 Goal o' (esson: ;or students to understand the ma)or issues related to Spanish settlement in the !tlantic world ( )%*ecti es Students should be able to: +identif$ Spanish settlements up to 1600 on a blan/ map of the !mericas( +Fdentif$ /e$ concepts related to Spanish settlements( +read and interpret information from a *ariet$ of sources( +distin&uish between primar$ and secondar$ sources( +wor/ to&ether in pairs to research and present information( 0ey concepts #conomic acti*ities 9oralit$ #ncomienda Sla*er$ .esistance 4arfare +esources and materials + 5lan/ maps of the !mericas( + rosb$, ! 112I23 ,he olumbian #'chan&e: 5iolo&ical and ultural onse%uences of 1=22 chaps( haps( 1 B 2( + 5ec/les, > B Shepherd, *( 1200=3 7iberties 7ost aribbean Sla*e Societies and Sla*e s$stems( hapter <( + 0ewswee/ Special issue Dol 12I 0o( :( ma$ 2000


+ Cohnson, S, Dreams of #mpire: ,he le&acies of ontact: ,he olumbian #'chan&e: ,he ultural and 5iolo&ical Lnification of the world( + Orlow, #( Silent /illers of the 0ew 4orld http:HHwww(millers*ille(eduH+columbusHpapersHorlow+e(html Lnfree labour in the atlantic 4orld+ ape resource material( +5ec/les, > Jalina&o 1 arib3 .esistance to #uropean coloni-ation of the aribbean in aribbean Sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld hapter 2, pp( 11I +5oucher( " ( ;irst Fmpressions: #uropean and island caribs in the "re+ olonial #ra, 1=22+162< F0 caribbean Sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld hapter 8 pp( 100+ Instructional Se1uence Introdution: ,eacher introduction of the topic: brief o*er*iew of issues related to Spanish settlements in the !mericas( 10 minutes( &e elopment Step 1 Students will be distributed with blan/ maps and instructed to identif$ areas settled b$ Spanish up to 1600( ,he$ will use class atlases to complete this tas/( 1: minutes( Step 2 Students will be distributed with readin& material in pairs and instructed to read and present information to class( 1 hour( Step < "resentations and class discussion( <0 minutes( Culmination


CAPE past paper 1uestions: 1( 5riefl$ describe 2)3+ methods of resistance used b$ Fndi&enous !mericans a&ainst Spanish con%uest( 8 mar/s 2( 5riefl$ describe TH+EE wa$s in which the aribbean was transformed b$ Spanish settlement up to 1600( 8 mar/s <( #'plain how an$ T4) factors contributed to SpainEs con%uest of me'ico and "eru b$ 1::0( 8 9ar/s =( Outline 2)3+ reasons for "ortu&uese and Spanish acti*ities in 4est !frica up to 1:00( 8 mar/s( :( #'plain T4) reasons for SpainEs rapid con%uest of 9e'ico and "eru( 8 mar/s( 6( #'plain T4) wa$s in which the encomienda s$stem affected the indi&enous people of the aribbean( 8 mar/s( I( #'plain 2)3+ wa$s in which Spanish settlements affected the population and econom$ of the aribbean up to 1600( 8 mar/s 8( Outline 2)3+ strate&ies used b$ the con%uistadores in the con%uest of either the !-tec #mpire and the Fnca empire( 8 mar/s 2( ;or an$ one natice !merican &roup briefl$ e'plain T4) t$pes of resistance used a&ainst #uropean con%uest( 8 mar/s( 10( Gi*e 2)3+ reasons wh$ Spanish coloni-ation in the si'teenth centur$ was successful despite the resistance of Fndi&enous !mericans( 8 mar/s( 11( #'plain how an$ T4) factors contributed to SpainEs con%uest of 9e'ico and "eru up to 1::0( 8 mar/s(


E aluation: ;irst hour of class was not held as man$ students were scheduled to participate in a .oute march in honour of CamaicasE Ol$mpic !thletes as the school continued our celebration of national herita&e wee/( ,eacher also had to attend an #ducation ,ransformation ,eam sponsored mathematics seminar off campus( !s a result onl$ Step 1 was achie*ed in the second class of the da$( ,he students used the entire hour to complete the classwor/ e'ercise which was to identif$ SpainEs !merican empire up to 1600 on a blan/ map of the !mericas( 1 attached3( ,he lesson plan will be continued on 4ednesda$, October1: !;,#. assessment M 1 and will be concluded on ,hursda$, October 16, 2008( 4ednesda$, October 1: Students used up the entire class time of 2 hours to complete test( ,he$ were punctual and prepared for class( ,hursda$, October 16, 2008 Duration 1 hour 7esson ,opic: aribbean settlements in the aribbean up to 1600 and mainland con%uest in 9e'ico and "eru up to 1::0( Goal of 7esson: ;or students to ha*e an o*er*iew of the topic and an understandin& of the t$pes of %uestions as/ed on the topic in !"# e'aminations( .esource material !"# >istor$ s$llabus1p(63 Fnstructional Se%uence: Fntroduction: ,eacher will introduce new theme from the s$llabus, outlinin& Je$ concepts to be co*ered and sub+topics( 110 minutes3


De*elopment: ,eacher will write list of past paper %uestions on the whiteboard for students to cop$ into noteboo/s( 1 2:+<0 minutes3

ulmination: >omewor/ assi&nment for mid+term will be &i*en: to read &enerall$ on the topic from at least ,4O sources and to return to class prepared to report findin&s and discuss topic( #*aluation: lass started late as we had to wait on Grade 8H8 to *acate their formroom at the end of school( ,his pro*ed particularl$ problematic as the form teacher detained her students in order for the room to be cleaned( ,he histor$ class e*entuall$ had to be re+ located to an a*ailable room, thus class started 1: minutes after the scheduled start( !s a result , the introduction had to be condensed into appro'imatel$ < minutes, with the remainder of the time ta/en up with writin& the %uestion on the board and students cop$in& into noteboo/( ,he assi&nment was &i*en but without elaboration( Students will procedd on their mid+term brea/ until 4ednesda$ , October 22, 2008(


4ednesda$, October 22, 2008 B ,hursda$, October 2<, 2008 Grade 12 >istor$ Duration : 2 hours B 1 hour 1 total < hours3 7esson ,opic: aribbean settlements in the aribbean up to 1600 and mainland con%uest in 9e'ico and "eru up to 1::0( Goal of 7esson: to encoura&e co+operati*e wor/ in order to enhance studentsE o*erall understandin& and /nowled&e of the process of Spanish coloni-ation of the !mericas up to 1600( Ob)ecti*es: Students should be able to: +wor/ co+operati*el$ in small &roups( +#ffecti*el$ read source material, e'tract information and ma/e presentation to class( +distin&uish between different sources with respect to content and perspecti*e( +respond effecti*el$ to past paper %uestions ( +demonstrate historical ima&ination and stor$ tellin& s/ills( .esources and materials + !"# past paper %uestions 1 pre*iousl$ &i*en3 + Sources listed in 7esson plan of October 1<+16, 2008 +StudentsE notes from sources( Fnstructiona Se%uence: Step 1 ,eacher will remind students of the status of the current topic 1 as students are returnin& from mid+term3 < minutes(


Step 2 ,eacher will instruct student to place themsel*es in &roups of < in order to complete assi&nment( 4hen &roups are identified , readin& material will be assi&ned( Step < Students will wor/ in &roups for the remainder of the session readin& assi&ned sources and ma/in& notes in an attempt to address rele*ant %uestionH issuesH concepts raised in the past %uestions( Step = ,eacher will &uide students into creatin& a chronolo&ical narrati*e of Spanish con%uest , from settlement, throu&h establishment of social , political and economic s$tems and the destruction of those of Fndi&enous socities( ,his will be done throu&h a step+b$+step account which will be built upon rele*ant information supplied b$ students from their assi&ned readin&( ulmination Students will be as/ed to write a stor$ which encapsulates all aspects of the topic co*ered ( ,he stor$ will be&in in a traditional wa$ e&(N((once upon a time N( !nd will include elements of a stor$ such as characters, dialo&ue and settin&(


#*aluation: Students accepted readin& assi&nment willin&l$ and were &enerall$ on+tas/ for 2 hours, readin& sources in their small &roups( Some complained about their inabilit$ to wor/ in &roups and their &eneral preference for indi*idual wor/( Some &oups wanted each member to complete wor/ independentl$ then combine notes at the end( 9an$ different t$pes of arran&ements were ne&otiated, but little co+operati*e wor/ was obser*ed( ,his was pointed out briefl$ b$ teacher who mentioned that students should wor/ at de*elopin& more effecti*e &roupwor/ strate&ies in order to utili-e the s/ills of each member and to minimi-e the amount of wor/ indi*iduals ha*e to underta/e( ,his issue will be followed up b$ teacher( Fn the second class students were enthusiastic in underta/in& the first sta&e of the narrati*e which started with the %uestions: >O4 did Spain con%uer the !mericasO 4h$ did it ta/e from 1=22 A 1600 for Spain to achie*e its con%uest of the re&ionO ,hese %uestions demanded some thou&ht and as a result the class mo*ed slowl$ towards a more anal$tic treatment of the topic( >owe*er at the end of class, some pro&ress was made( ,his e'ercise will be continued ne't wee/(

reated b$ wpuse$


7esson "lans for 9onda$, October 2I+ thursda$, October <0, 2008 >istor$ Grade 12 Duration: 6 hours Goal of lessons: ;or students to understand the issues in*ol*ed in the ma/in& of the Spanish !merican empire up to 1600( Ob)ecti*es( Students should be able to : + identif$ the different sta&es in the process of SpainEs domination of the !mericas: settlement pattern : establishment of political, social and economic institutions: responses to indi&enous resistance etc( + suppl$ detailed information from an assortment of sources( + Displa$ a willin&ness to anal$se all sides of an issue and to arri*e at reasoned conclusions( + Lse historical e*idence to create a narrati*e account in the form of a stor$( + Lse historical ima&ination and empathise with different &roups( + ;ormulate a successful strate&$ to address document+based %uestions in histor$(

.esources and 9aterials !"# past paper 1 document +based %uestions3 ompleted &roup wor/ assi&nments(


9onda$, October 28, 2008 Duration 1 hour 7esson &oal : to pro*ide feedbac/ from !ssessment M 1( Students will be able to : Lnderstand the demands of the %uestions and be able to appreciate indi*idual score recei*ed in li&ht of those demands( + correct mis+understandin&s , etc( + appreciate the need for detailed, well+formulated responses which directl$ address the %uestion as/ed( .esource materials +StudentsE mar/ed and &raded scripts( Fnstructional se%uence Step 1 ,eacher will e'plain re%uiredHpreferred responses to each test %uestion ( 1 0oteform on whiteboard accompanied b$ discussion3 Step 2 Students scripts will be returned( Students will scripts in li&ht of pre*ious notes and discussion( e'amine their

culmination Students will be pro*ided with the opportunit$ to as/ %uestions related to their wor/H &rade( #*aluation; ,he primar$ wea/ness in the assessment was studentsE failure to write responses which DF.# ,7G addressed the set %uestion( ,he$ wrote literall$ 6off the top of their heads@, not substantiatin&


their answers with the %ualit$ of e*idence demanded at this le*el( 9an$ as a result recei*ed &rades of around :0 P and under( ,he$ were in &eneral *er$ distressed and discoura&ed b$ their &rades , howe*er the$ appeared cautiousl$ hopeful after the discussion on the difference between ordinar$ le*el and ad*anced le*el studies( F sou&ht to assure them of their abilit$ to cope with the demands of the course and shared personal e'periences from hi&h school and uni*ersit$(


,uesda$, October 28, 2008 Duration 2 Q 1 hour Goal of 7esson: ;or students to ha*e a clear understandin& of the ori&in and establishment of the Spanish !merican empire up to 1600( Ob)ecti*es; Students should be able to +pro*ide information to assist in the creation of a class narrati*e on the topic( +identif$ the concepts rele*ant to the topic and articulate wor/in& /nowled&e of each( + Discuss cause and effect in relation to topic( +read and interpret sources with respect to content and perspecti*es( +empathise with the pli&ht of Fndi&enous peoples and #uropeans .esource materials Students notes from &roupwor/( Fnstructional Se%uence: Fntroduction; .ecap of topic from last wee/sE lesson( Fmpact of spainEs *o$a&es and settlement on Fndi&enous societies


De*elopment Step 1 ,eacher continues &uided chronolo&ical account of the ma/in& of Spanish !merica ;ocus %uestion for part 2 A >ow did Fndi&enous societies respond to Spanish actionsO + sub+topic: Fndi&enous resistance( Step < Group pre*iousl$ assi&ned source dealin& with Fndi&enous resistance to ma/e presentation( Step = lass discussion on indi&enous resistance( Step = "art < of narrati*e: ;ocus %uestion: >ow did the o*ercome Fndi&enous resistanceO Group presentation( Step : lass discussion and note ta/in&( #*aluation lass lar&el$ went as planned ( Group presentation went well as students were prepared for class( Fnformation was written on whiteboard throu&hout the presentation and class discussion was *ibrant( ,here were three obser*ers to the first hour of class from the Jinston School of 0ursin& ( Fn the second hour the class too/ the form of a teacher+&uided discussion which re*ol*ed around the focus %uestion in Step =( Students contributed information from a *ariet$ of named sources and points were written on chal/board( ,he class made producti*e use of the allotted time( Spanish


4ednesda$, October 22, 2008 ,opic : ,he document Abased %uestion Ob)ecti*e: Students will be able to : +.ead and interpret primar$ documents +de*elop effecti*e strate&ies to successfull$ master document+ based %uestion in !"# assessments( .esource materials !"# >istor$ s$llabus !"# >istor$ past paper %uestions !"# >istor$ Specimen paper Fnstructional se%uence Fntroduction: ,eacher &uided discussion on what document+based %uestions are all about includin& .eadin& from s$llabus( 1: minutes De*elopment Step 1 Distribution of indi*idual copies of past paper document Abased %uestion( < minutes( Step 2 + lass discussion+ !re $ou able to read the document easil$O +4hat challen&es mi&ht be encountered when usin& these documentsO +>ow mi&ht these challen&es be o*ercomeO +Do these documents contain all the information needed to answer the %uestionO Step < Students will wor/ in &roups of : to answer %uestion( <0 minutes


Step = lass discussion of %uestion+ responses (

students will *olunteer their

ulminatin& acti*it$: Students will e*aluate the e'ercise and discuss their thou&hts and feelin&s in relation to document+based %uestions( Students will recei*e a second %uestion to complete indi*iduall$ for homewor/( #*aluation Students participated full$ in the e'ercises planned ( Fnstead of &roup wor/ in Step < this e'ercise was chan&ed to a whole class discussion which produced a class response to the %uestion( Students also completed the second %uestion as indi*idual classwor/ instead of homewor/( ,his was completed and handed in at the end of the class( Students achie*ed some measure of understandin& of the document+based %uestion and of the techni%ues for effecti*el$ answerin& these %uestions( ,hursda$, October <0, 2008 Duration: 1 hour ,opic: Spanish !merican #mpire Goal of 7esson: Students will ha*e a clear understandin& of the impact of the #uropean coloni-ers on Fndi&enous societ$ of the ,ainos( Ob)ecti*es: Students will be able to : +compare historical information contained in a dramati-ation


.esource material DDD: ,F9# ,.F" #pisode 1 ,he #'plorers + appro'imatel$ 20 minutes in duration( Fnstructional Se%uence: Step 1 ,eacher introduction+recap of topic so far and discussion around the use of a audio*isual source in histor$( Step 2 lass will *iew episode from DDD( ulminatin& acti*it$( lass discussion based on perspecti*es and content of DDD( Students assi&ned >omewor/ to research the !"! and 97! formats used to indicate a filmHmo*ie source( #*aluation lass went well as students *iewed the DDD with interest and had li*el$ comments re( the content and its dramati-ation( Due to rain and the fact that the class was at the end of the school da$, students e'tended class time and watched another episode from the DDD( "ermission slips were also distributed for students to *iew a debate on the ,ainos at the Fnstitute of Camaica(


aribbean #'aminations ouncil !d*anced "rofienc$ #'amination >istor$ Lnit 1: ,he aribbean Fn the !tlantic 4orld ,eacher: 4insome 4atson+"use$ .esults of 9a$HCune 2008 #'aminations ,otal entered ,otal sittin& ,otal passin& P passin& Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade < Grade = Grade : Grade 6 Grade I <0 22 28 + + 2 8 11 1 +

reated b$ wpuse$


7esson plans for 9onda$, 0o*ember <, 2008 to ,hursda$, 0o*ember 6,2008 Grade 12 >istor$ Lnit 1+ aribbean Sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld Duration: 6 >ours 9onda$( 0o*ember <, 2008 Goal of 7esson: ,o continue class narrati*e related to Spanish settlements up to 1600, with emphasis on the impact of Spanish settlements on Fndi&enous societies( Ob)ecti*es: Students should be able to +Discuss the impact of Spanish settlements +present &roupwor/ information on topic from assi&ned sources( +interpret and anal$se historical information from named sources( +distin&uish between primar$ and secondar$ sources( +wor/ co+operati*el$ to research and present information( .esource materials +StudentsE research from sources pre*iousl$ assi&ned( Fnstructional Se%uence Step 1+ ,eacher summar$ of status of topic to date+ recap of topics co*ered and pre*ious presentations ( Students will be as/ed to pro*ide answer to %uestion posed for homewor/, namel$ how to reference a film usin& the !"! or 97! st$le ( 10 minutes


>omewor/: 97! format ,ime ,rip: #pisode 1 ,he #'plorers Directors: $nthia 4ilmot B >ilar$ 0icholson "erformer: hris 6 Cohnn$@ Dale$ Dideo ;or han&e( 200I

!"! ;ormat: ( 4ilmot B >( 0icholson 1 Directors3 , 1200I3( ,ime trip: #pisode 1+ ,he #'plorers 1 DDD3 Jin&ston( Dideo ;or han&e( Step 2+ ;ocus %uestions related to impact of Spanish settlements will be written on whiteboard( Step <( Groups assi&ned will ma/e presentation to class based on information from assi&ned sources( Je$ points will be written on whiteboard( 20 minutes( Step = lass discussion of information presented( Other members will be encoura&ed to contribute an$ additional information on the topic( ulminatin& !cti*it$ Students will recei*e assi&nment to research SpainsE con%uest of me'ico and "eru up to 1::0 and ma/e notes to ta/e to ne't class( #*aluation: !s anticipated, Students had 0O, done homewor/, in fact most as/ed , 64hat homewor/O@ (Despite this howe*er, the class proceeded and was producti*e as students demonstrated a satisfactor$ le*el of understandin& in the re*iew section of the class( StudentsE %uestions and clarifications went o*er the assi&ned time , therefore the culminatin& acti*it$ did not ta/e place(


,uesda$, 0o*ember =, 2008 Duration : 2Q1 hour ,opic: Spanish settlements in the aribbean up to 1660( Goal of 7esson : students should ha*e an understandin& of the specific issues related to SpainEs con%uest of the Fnca and !-tec societies( Ob)ecti*es Students should be able to: +.esearch information related to a particular topic( +Separate &eneral from specific information on a topic( +discuss causes and effects of Spanish con%uest in the !mericas( .esources and materials StudentsE completed homewor/ assi&nment( !"# .esource material: "eter 5a/ewell: 9ilitar$ 9e'ico and the andes ,eacher notes on fall of Fnca and !-tec societies(

on%uest of

Fnstructional se%uence Step 1 .ecap of pre*ious lesson and topic to date A teacher &uided %uestion and answer( : minutes Step 2 ;ocus %uestion will be placed on whiteboard followed b$ brief ,eacher presentation on the topic( Step < Students will contribute their own research findin&s on topic( Je$ points will be written on the whiteboard ulminatin& acti*it$ Oral class summar$ of information (


>our M 2 Step = Groupwor/ class e'ercise: Students will be di*ided into : &roups with each &roup instructed to write about the impact of the Spanish on the !-tecs and Fncas in one of the followin& formats: 1( ! dub poem 2( ! son& <( ! s/it =( !n inter*iew :( ! news report( =0 minutes Step : #ach &roup will be allowed : minutes to present and will be assessed under the followin& headin&s: historical content 10 mar/s #*idence of &roup wor/ : mar/s Dramati-ation : mar/s ,otal 20 mar/s ulminatin& acti*it$: class discussion on the e'ercise with respect to its usefulness to students understandin& of the topic( #*aluation: ,he &roup wor/ e'ercise planned was not assi&ned to students as the note+ta/in& e'ercise and presentation on the fall of inca and !-tec socities were not completed in the allotted time( lass discussions were e'tensi*e , thus allowin& time onl$ for the !-tecs( ,he Fnca &roup will be done in upcomin& classes(


4ednesda$, 0o*ember :, 2008 Duration 2 hours ,opic : ,he Fnternal !ssessment Goal of lesson: for students to understand clearl$ the elements and demands of the internal assessment component of the course and to be&in to formulate their own research topics( Ob)ecti*es: Students should be able to : +read and interpret information contained in the s$llabus +identif$ research topics in histor$ +be&in to formulate their own h$pothesis on a &i*en topic in histor$(

.esources and material !"# >istor$ S$llabus 1 re*ised 200=3 !"# !mendment to the s$llabus in >istor$ 1 20083 Samples of Fnternal assessments pre*iousl$ completed b$ past students( Fnstructional se%uence Step 1 Students will be instructed to read rele*ant sections of s$llabus 1 200=3 pp( 22+2I 10 minutes


Step 2 Students will be as/ed to e'plain information to classmates ( Step < lass discussion on *ariations in comprehension and interpretation( ,eacher input to ensure final accurac$ in information ( Step = !n e'amination of the components of the S5! as set out in the s$llabus ( Discussion and definition of each term( Step : Students will reflect on the topics contained in the s$llabus and will indi*iduall$ list 2 areas of interest( Step 6 Students will further define sub+ areas of interest under each area listed( Step I Samples of S5! assi&nments will be circulated in the class for students to *iew( ulminatin& acti*it$ Students will be instructed to conduct preliminar$ research on the 2 areas selected with a *iew to ascertain a*ailabilit$ of sources and to report in the ne't class(


#*aluation( ,his class went *er$ well as man$ students applied themsel*es dili&entl$ to identif$in& preferred themes, topics and research %uestions( Students submitted 2 %uestions each for *ettin& before final selection( 9an$ of these %uestions were satisfactor$ for research and need onl$ minor ad)ustments( 9an$ students brou&ht s$llabuses to class to enable e*er$one to read the rele*ant pa&es in class( ,his class represented a positi*e first step towards the completion of studentsE internal assessment( ,here was no histor$ class on thursda$ , 0o*ember 6, 2008 as school was dismissed earl$ due to rumours of abductions of St( >u&hEs Students(


7esson "lans for the 4ee/ of 0o*ember 10+1=, 2008 Duration: 6 hours Grade 12 Sub)ect: >istor$ Lnit 1 O*erall &oal of the wee/Es lessons: Students will ha*e a clear, accurate perspecti*e on indi&enous societies and Spanish settlements which the$ will be able to articulate in a *ariet$ of wa$s( 7esson 1 9onda$, 0o*ember 10, 2008 Duration ; 1 hour Specific Goal of lesson: Students will understand factors which led to the destruction of the Fnca societ$( Ob)ecti*es: Students will be able to: +identif$ factors which resulted in the defeat of Fnca societ$ b$ Spanish( +write own notes on the topic( + lin/ perspecti*e on topic to source ( +diffrentiate between the different perspecti*es presented on the topic( .esources and materials + ,eacher notes Adeli*ered orall$( + Student notes from pre*ious &roup assi&nment(


Fnstructional se%uence Fntroduction ,eacher will recap topic to date with emphasis on pre*ious lesson on the fall of the !-tec societ$( Step 1 lass presentation and discussion( ,eacher presentation+ the fall of the Fnca ci*ili-ation( Students will contribute an$ information from their own readin&Hresearch( Step 2( onstruction of a concept ma$ on the whiteboard information from the pre*ious step(

usin& the

ulminatin& !cti*it$ Students will compare H contrast Spanish attitudesHactions on different indi&enous &roups studies to date: ,aino, 9a$a, !-tec( Fnca( >omewor/ assi&nment: ,hursda$( &roup wor/ from lesson for last

#*aluation( lass went well ( !cti*ites were completed ahead of schedule and concluded with a discussion of topics and acti*ities for the ne't class(


,uesda$, 0o*ember 11, 2008 Goal of lesson: students should demonstrate their understandin& of the topic Spanish settlements and impact on indi&enous &roups( Ob)ecti*es: Students should be able to : +demonstrate the abilit$ to wor/ to&ether harmoniousl$ to accomplish an assi&ned tas/( +use creati*e means to displa$ their /nowled&e of a topic( +identif$ Groupwor/ class e'ercise: Students will be di*ided into : &roups with each &roup instructed to write about the impact of the Spanish on the !-tecs and Fncas in one of the followin& formats: 6( ! dub poem I( ! son& 8( ! s/it 2( !n inter*iew 10( ! news report( =0 minutes Step : #ach &roup will be allowed I minutes to present and will be assessed under the followin& headin&s: historical content 10 mar/s #*idence of &roup wor/ : mar/s Dramati-ation : mar/s ,otal 20 mar/s


ulminatin& !cti*it$: lass discussion on the usefulness of the e'ercise and assessment of the performance of &roups( Grades will be assi&ned to presentations(

#*aluation: ,hree &roups presented and one as/ed for a deferral as two members were ill( Groups presented a dub poem, a son& and a news report( ,wo &roups produced *er$ &ood performances and the third had potential but was not well rehearsed ( ,he news report was e'cellent( Groups loo/ed at different aspects of the topic and pro*ided accurate historical information, in the main( ,o/en will be pro*ided for the three &roups in the ne't class( 4ednesda$, 0o*ember 12, 2008 Grade 12 Duration 2 hours ,heme: 9odule 2: Sla*e S$stems: haracter and dismantlement ,opic: haracteristics Goal of 7esson; ;or students to understand and differentiate between s$stems of unfree labour( Ob)ecti*es: Students should be able to: ompare and contrast the encomienda s$stem, #uropean Fndentureship and hattel Sla*er$( +e'plain the philosophical and institutional foundations of sla*er$ ( +de*elop a wor/in& definition of sla*er$(


+understand in a &eneral sense the distinction between chattel sla*er$ and domestic sla*er$ which e'isted in 4est !frica prior to the transatlantic trade in !fricans( .esources and materials; !"# past paper %uestions 1( 2( #'amine the reasons wh$ #uropean Fndentured labour &a*e wa$ to !frican sla*er$ in the aribbean in the 1I th centur$( Discuss the *iew that s$stems of labour under the #ncomienda and #uropean indentureship were similar in some respects, but different in others( 1 200=3 !frican chattel replaced #uropean indentureship in the aribbean durin& the second half of the 1Ith centur$( Discuss ,4O factors that led to this chan&e(


lasswor/ essa$ topic #'plain the measures of control used b$ the earl$ Spanish colonists a&ainst the indi&enous populations in the aribbean( Fnstructional Se%uence Fnroduction: ,eacher presentation on s$stems of unfree labour Startin& with the encomienda s$stem then #uropean Fndentreship then hattel sla*er$( Step 1 lass &enerated notes on #ncomienda s$stem identif$in& elements which characteri-e it as a s$stem of unfree labour(


Step 2 lass &enerated notes on #uropean Fndentured s$stem Are*iew of pre*ious /nowled&e from S# aribbean >istor$(( haracteristics ( 4h$ is it classified as a s$stem of unfree labourO ulminatin& acti*it$ Students will be instructed to use last <0 minutes to write response to class wor/ essa$ indicated abo*e( Due for ,hursda$ ,0o*ember 1<, 2008+ students are to write a minimum of = sources for each of the S5! topic selected(+ 1assi&ned from 9onda$3 #*aluation lass went &enerall$ as planned( Students pro*ided ade%uate information on the #ncomienda and Fndentureship s$stems for the class to be based on their data( 2 charts were created based on their /nowled&e( Students were &enerall$ participati*e but for the culminatin& acti*it$ the$ were *er$ reluctant to write their classwor/ essa$( ,he$ were e*entuall$ soothed and encoura&ed to write the essa$ in the short time remainin&, which the$ did( ,oo much time was spent at the be&innin& of the class discussin& the LS "residential elections and other current e*ents( Students also recei*ed to/ens for &roup presentations and were thrilled b$ their pencils and boo/ mar/s( 9ore incenti*esHto/ens to be &i*en in the future(


,hursda$, 0o*ember 1<, 2008 Duration 1 hour ,heme: Sla*e s$stems: haracter and dismantlement ,opic: haracteristics of sla*e s$stems and other s$stems of unfree labour in the aribbean Goal of 7esson: students will understand the characteristics of two s$stems of sla*er$: chattel and domestic Ob)ecti*es: Students will be able to: +identif$ factors responsible for the introduction of sla*er$ in the aribbean( +compare characteristics of sla*er$ with other s$stems of unfree labour in the aribbean( +articulate their own definition of sla*er$ +students will demonstrate an awareness of the different s$stems of sla*er$ and the philosophical foundations of each( .esources and 9aterials: Students pre*ious /nowled&e of topic from S# le*el( ,eacher notes and /nowled&e( Fntroduction: ,eacher presentation on s$stems of sla*er$ e'istin& in 4est !frican societ$ before the transatlantic trade in !fricans( 1: minutes3


Step 1 lass discussion+characteristics of sla*er$( omparison between #ncomienda, Fndentured labour and sla*er$( +notes to be written on whiteboard( ulminatin& acti*it$ Students will write their own definition of sla*er$( #*aluation ,his class did not ta/e place as students were unable to attend class due to intermittent hea*$ downpour of rain( ,his lesson will be tau&ht on 9onda$, 0o*ember 1I, 2008(

#*aluation: 9onda$, 0o*ember 1I, 2008 lass achie*ed onl$ some of the ob)ecti*es as students too/ appro'imatel$ 1: minutes to arri*e and settle down( 5$ the end, howe*er, a semantic map based on the concept of S7!D#.G was completed on the whiteboard( #ach Student supplied one word which she would use to describe sla*er$( 4ords supplied included ;O. # 5O0D!G#( L0;.##( ,hese were discussed with a *iew to arri*e at a set of words which represented an accurate description of sla*er$, therefore words which were applicable in a &eneral sense were eliminated( >omewor/ 4hat is Sla*er$O + 4rite $our own definition to share in class tomorrow(


,uesda$, 0o*ember 18, 2008 Grade 12 >istor$ Lnit 1+ aribbean Sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld Duration: 2Q 1 hour ,heme: Sla*e s$stems: haracter and dismantlement( ,opic: ,he character of aribbean sla*e societies Goal of lesson: Students will understand the nature of sla*e societies in &eneral and aribbean sla*e societies in particular( Ob)ecti*es; Students should be able to: +identif$ features of sla*e s$stems with respect to wor/, &ender, reli&ion, famil$ life, race relations, etc( +empathise with the pli&ht of ensla*ed !fricans( + e*aluate the short, medium and lon& term impact of sla*er$ on each &roup in*ol*ed, on the aribbean and &loball$( + read and interpret different perspecti*es on sla*er$ contained in *arious sources( .esources and materials: 1( 5ec/les, > B Shepherd, D( 1200I3

,radin& souls:

#uropeEs transatlantic ,rade in !fricans( hapters 1,2,< 2( 4al*in, C 1200I3 ! Short >istor$ of Sla*er$ "art(11 and "art 111 <( 9or&anthau, , Sla*er$: >ow it 5uilt the 0ew 4orld pp( 66+ I= F0 0ewswee/ Special issue (



Dan Dant-i& , ! #ffects of the !tlantic Sla*e ,rade on some 4est !frican societies !"# .esource material(


Gates Cr, > 1#d3 1128I3 ,he lassic Sla*e narrati*es p(1 ,he interestin& narrati*e of the 7ife of Olaudah #%uiano chapter 2 B < pp 2=+:0(


.edi/er 9 1200I3 ,he Sla*e Ship : ! human histor$ hapter 1 pp(1=+=0, hapter <, pp I<+10I +2 persons apitalism and sla*er$ hapters 1


4illiams, #( 1 200:3 B 2 pp(<+:0


Smithsonian Fnstitution "ress 120023

apti*e "assa&e:

,he transatlantic Sla*e ,rade and the ma/in& of the !mericas( hapters 1 , 2 B < pp(1<+ I6 2( Fni/ori ,C 1=:1+18I0 10( ,he Sla*e ,rade and the !tlantic #conomies, pp 220+<08

5ec/les, >, ,he #conomics of the ,ransition to the blac/ 7abour s$stem in 5arbados Fn !tlantic 4orld pp 2<2+2:2( aribbean Sla*er$ in the



9air, 7( Sla*er$

4omen ;ield 4or/ers in Camaica Durin& pp( <20+<2I F0 aribbean Sla*er$ Fn the

!tlantic 4orld 12( Jni&ht , ;( Sla*er$ in a "latation Societ$ pp <28+=<6 F0 aribbean Sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld( 1<( 1=( 4illiams, #( ;rom olumbus to castro >all, D( "eople in Sla*er$ + ,he 128: #lsa Go*eia

9emorial 7ecture F0 5ec/les, > 1#d3 1 12263 Fnside Sla*er$: "rocess and 7e&ac$ in the aribbean e'perience( "p1<+<0 1:( omitas, 7, B 7owenthal, D( 1#d(3 112I<3 ;ree9en, pp =+20, iti-ens : 4est Fndian "erspecti*es( Sla*es, hapter 1

hapter 2 pp( 21+++=6, hapter < pp( =IR:2 +2 persons


"atterson, O( 112I<3 ,he sociolo&$ of Sla*er$ B 2 , pp( 1:+62

hapters 1



!u&ier, ;, B Gordon, S( 1 12623 Sources of 4est Fndian >istor$ Section: Sla*er$ and its abolition 112+122( pp( 110+11=,


>i&man, 5(1 12I63 Sla*e population Camaica 180I+18<=( hapter 2 pp=:+28(

and econom$ in


5ec/les, > 112223 enterin& 4oman : Gender Discourses in aribbean Sla*e Societ$(

Fnstructional Se%uence Fntroduction+ ,eacher will place %uestion from pre*ious class on the board( 4h$ did #uropean indentureship ma/e wa$ for !frican sla*er$O Students will be instructed to write < points which the$ would use to answer the %uestion( allowed( 0o discussion or reference to notes


De*elopment Step 1 A Students will suppl$ points( 9ain points will be written on the whiteboard( lass discussion will ensue after students ha*e completed this e'ercise( Step 2 Students will articulate their definitions of sla*er$ which the$ wrote for homewor/ A each students will be allowed to e'press her definition( ,hese will be written on the board in broad cate&ories On&oin& class discussion on the definitions pro*ided( =0 minutes ulminatin& acti*it$: Students will be pro*ided with the opportunit$ to discuss their S5! assi&nment indi*iduall$ with the teacher( Students were

pre*iousl$ re%uired to submit their topic and h$pothesis, for e*aluation( Fn the second phase the$ are re%uired to submit a list of at least = sources which the$ will use to research the topic( Sources should be both primar$ and secondar$ and should reflect a *ariet$ of sources(


,hese will be assessed and *erified b$ the teacher with respect to their *iabilit$ as sources in order for students to be&in the research phase of their S5!( #*aluation: ,his class went as planned up to the culminatin& acti*it$ which was started but not concluded as time elapsed ( Ft was &enerall$ *er$ disappointin& to reali-e that students had not &enuinel$ understood the areas co*ered in the topic to the point where the$ could e'plain clearl$ in their own words wh$ indentured #uropean labour made wa$ for !frican sla*er$( ,his was lar&el$ the conse%uence of their failure to re*ise lessons co*ered in class( Fn future, F ma$ need to do pop %ui--es or other re*ision e'ercises at re&ular inter*als to ensure consistent re*ision of content(


>our M 2 Step =

,uesda$, 0o*ember 18, 2008

Students will be assi&ned one of the sources listed abo*e and each student will recei*e a cop$ of the hand out attached which contains a list of past paper %uestion on the topic( Students will be instructed to create a handout of the information contained in her source in the form of notesHpoints( ,his assi&nment will be due ne't 9onda$, 0o*ember 2=, 2008 as there will be no class on 4ednesda$ as students and teacher will participate in rehearsals for !wards Da$( ,hursda$Es class will also not be held as the school will ha*e its annual pri-e &i*in& ceremon$ on that da$ and all classes will be suspended( !"# >FS,O.G L0F, 1 Sla*e S$stems: haracter and dismantlement 1( #'plain wh$ the sla*e populations in the &enerall$ did not reproduce themsel*es( 2( #'plain wh$ the aribbean sla*e populations on su&ar aribbean

plantations &enerall$ did not increase b$ natural means(



,o what e'tent were the roles of female sla*es in aribbean plantation societ$ determined b$ their ensla*ed statusO


#'plain how the economic s$stems that were de*eloped b$ ensla*ed people in the sur*i*al( aribbean contributed to their


!ssess the importance of the culti*ation and mar/etin& of pro*isions for the ensla*ed people in the aribbean(


#'plain wa$s in which ensla*ed womenEs e'periences were determined b$ their &ender(


#'amine the reasons wh$ #uropean indentured labour &a*e wa$ to !frican sla*er$ in the centur$( aribbean in the 1I th


Discuss reasons for the hi&h mortalit$ rate amon& ensla*ed !fricans in the aribbean durin& the 18th centur$(



9ore than :0P of Students submitted possible sources for S5! assi&nment ( ,hese will be *etted and returned durin& the ne't wee/ so that students can be&in research for S5!( Students

accepted their sources willin&l$ and man$ sou&ht clarification as to how to &o about their assi&nment(


9onda$, 0o*ember 2=, 2008 Grade 12 >istor$ Lnit 1: aribbean Sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld( ,opic: Sla*e s$stems: haracter and dismantlement Goal of 7esson: Students will complete 20 multiple choice on the topic under stud$ with minimum score of 60P( Ob)ecti*es: Lnpon completin& this lesson students will be able to: +identif$ the main concepts in the topic e&, encomienda, sla*er$, indentureship( +demonstrate their /nowled&e in a multiple choice format( +displa$ the s/ill of arri*in& at the preffered answer throu&h reason B elimination(

.esources and 9aterials:


1( 4or/sheet containin& 8 multiple choice items(

Fnstructional se%uence: 5rief teacher chronolo&ical recap of topic to date( 1 : minutes(3 Fnformation re classwor/ assi&nment( 12 minutes3 ,eacher will distribute wor/sheet to students( 1< minutes3 Students will complete assi&nment( 1 1: minutes3 lass discussion B &radin& of assi&nment( 110 minutes3

ulminatin& acti*it$: ,eacher will create a list of the sub+headin&s contained under the topic for students to cop$ into noteboo/s( 5rief class discussion , %uestion and answer, based on the e'ercise( Students will recei*e their S5! assi&nment pre*iousl$ submitted and *etted(



Students were &enerall$ able to answer the multiple choice %uestions correctl$( ;rom %uestionin& , students demonstrated a satisfactor$ le*el of understandin& of topic and were able to ade%uatel$ e'plain to each other reasonin& behind correct

responses( Fn de*elopin& the chronolo&$ for the topic , students were *er$ useful in pro*idin& information pre*iousl$ learnt in S# >istor$( ,he class &enerall$ went as planned and achie*ed the ob)ecti*es outlined, to a lar&e e'tent(
>istor$ Lnit 1 aribbean sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld 9onda$, 0o*ember 2=, 2008 Sla*e S$stems: haracter and dismantlement 1( 4hich of the followin& was the 9a)or factor which led to !frican chattel sla*er$ in the aribbean in the second half of the se*enteenth centur$O 1!3 !fricans were alread$ ensla*ed( 153 ,here was a &reater suppl$ of !frican labour for the plantations( 1 3 !fricans were alread$ e'posed to tropical conditions and diseases( 1D3 #uropean indentured ser*ants refused to wor/ alon&side blac/s( ,he #uropean indentured labour s$stem had the followin& wea/nesses #Q #", 1!3 4or/ers did not re+indenture themsel*es 153 >i&h mortalit$ rates worried #uropean &o*ernments( 1 3 9an$ wor/ers married Fndi&enous women( 1D3 4or/ers often ran awa$ from wor/( ,he #ncomienda s$stem resulted in all of the followin& #Q #", 1!3 an increase in population( 153 >i&h mortalit$ rates 1 3 7ar&e scale culti*ation



:I 1D3 =( hristianisation of Fndi&enous &roups(

4h$ did the Spanish colonists turn to !frican sla*esO 1!3 ,he$ were cheaper than other labourers 153 Fnfluential persons recommended this mo*e 1 3 Others had tried them and found them suitable ( 1D3 !ll of the abo*e( 4hich of the followin& factors mi&ht also e'plain the unsuitabilit$ of #uropean indentured labourers in the se*enteenth centur$O 1139an$ were unaccustomed to a&ricultural wor/( 1239an$ had different reli&ious *iews( 1<3 #uropeans were mainl$ interested in &ettin& rich %uic/l$( 1=3 9an$ had a criminal past ( 1!3 153 1 3 1D3 1 and < onl$ 2 B = onl$ 1, 2, < onl$ !ll of the abo*e(



,he two s$stems of Sla*er$ which e'isted in 4est !frica in th 1Ith centur$ were: 1!3 ,raditional and Domestic sla*er$ 153 Domestic sla*er$ and chattel sla*er$ 1 3 ,rans+saharan sla*er$ and indentureship 1D3 hattel sla*er$ and trans+ atlantic sla*er$( ,he first ,rans+atlantic trade in captured !fricans was conducted b$ the : 1 !3 !rabs 153 9oors 1 3 0orth !fricans 1 D3 4est !fricans
hattel sla*er$ has all of the followin& characteristics, # Q#", 1!3 153 1 3 1D3 "ermanent bonda&e .acial pre)udices .eli&ious e%ualit$ 7e&alised oppression



,uesda$, 0o*ember 2:, 2008


Grade 12 >istor$ Lnit 1: aribbean Sla*er$ in the !tlantic 4orld Duration : 2 Q 1 hour( Goal of 7esson: ,o pro*ide opportunities for students to teach each other about different aspects of the sla*e trade in !fricans(

Ob)ecti*es: Students will be able to: + read , understand and interpret sources( + #'tract rele*ant points from sources in relation to specific topics( + #'plain and or&ani-e information researched to create a primar$ and secondar$

hand+out for their classmates as well as field %uestions on the area co*ered( + Distin&uish between primar$ and secondar$ sources(

.esources and materials


!ll resources pre*iousl$ identified and distributed to students( "rimar$ documents:!le'ander ;alconbrid&e, ,he !frican Sla*e ,rade 1 1I883 Olaudah #%uiano, ,he 9iddle "assa&e 1 1I883 u&oano is Jidnapped and Sold into Sla*er$ !ll ta/en from ; 4or/shop and S$mposium on ,eachin& !frica ( ;ocus: the transatlantic ,rade in captured !fricans and its !bolition( ,he department of >istor$ and !rchaelo&$ B ,he department of #ducational Studies, ,he uni*ersit$ of the 4est Fndies, 9ona 1200I3 !lso Cames 5ardot 1 Cr3 a sailor aboard the #n&lish Sla*er Don arlos, describes a sla*e uprisin& that too/ place aboard the *essel( 1St( >u&hEs >istor$ Department >andout (3

Fnstructional se%uence:


"resentation M 1 A Shernei/a Cac/son+

5ec/les, >( , he

Economics of the transition to the black labour system in Barbados. >andout to be distributed to students after oral presentation. lass Discussion based on presentation+ ;ocus %uestions for discussion: what new information has been presentedO >ow has $our understandin& of the topic chan&edO

"resentation M 2 ,opic: Sla*er$ in !frica before the trans+atlantic trade in !fricans( "resenters:


#*aluation: Student to present had a sore throat so teacher made presentation based on the handout submitted( Je$ points were noted on whiteboard( Students were not able to recei*e indi*idual handout due to the non+functionin& of the schoolEs photocopier( >andouts will be pro*ided at the earliest possible date( >andout was detailed , students followed most points easil$( lass discussion was producti*e as students e'pressed their enhanced understandin& of the details of the topic as man$ had ob*iousl$ not followed up class discussions with detailed readin&( ,he presentation pro*ided specific information which will be useful to them in writin& essa$ %uestions( ,he second class did not ta/e place as teacher was in*ol*ed in a meetin& which went o*er the time allotted for class( ,he second presentation will be done in the ne't class, 4ednesda$, 0o*ember 26, 2008( 4ednesda$, 0o*ember 26, 2008


Duration : 2 hours >istor$ Lnit 1 ,heme: Sla*e s$stems: character and Dismantlement ,opic: ,he Sla*e trade in !frica

Goal of 7esson: Students will understand the operation of the sla*e trade in !frica (

&enesis and

Ob)ecti*es: Students will be able to: +read and interpret primar$ historical e*idence( + displa$ empath$ towards captured !fricans( +de*elop a chronolo&$ of the !frican sla*e trade( +

.esources and materials + Fndi*idual copies of source: Cugoano is "idnapped and sold into Sla ery5


Step 1 ,eacher will do brief recap of topic so far ( + lass discussion on "ortu&uese in*ol*ement in the !frican sla*e trade( Step 2 ,eacher readin& of e'cerpt from #%uianoEs account of his capture found in lassic Sla*e 0arrati*es( 8uestion and answer on readin&( ;ocus on information re capture, &ender, duration of )ourne$, in*ol*ement of !fricans etc( Step < Distribution of second account ( 1 ua&ano3 lass discussion around information contained in the e'cerpt(


ulmination: Discussion of presentations for ne't class and the headin&s under which information will be presented to create a 7iterature matri'( + Students to present: a( b( c( d( e( f(
>eadin&s for 9atri': Source ,$pe of capture "ersons in*ol*ed .esistance Fn*ol*ement of women Or&anisation of trade ,reatment of capti*es(

7a*onne Jaresha Sashel Ja$an Suelan Culessa


#*aluation: Some students were awa$ at 9O5 seminar( ;rom introduction it was clear that some students were %uite uncertain as to where the class was headin& with respect to the new topic( !s a result F had to spend about 10 minutes puttin& the lesson in conte't and e'plainin& the chronolo&ical se%uence to be followed in e'aminin& this topic( Students had cursor$ /nowled&e about the "ortu&uese and participated well in the class discussion which e'plored reasons for dominant role of "ortu&al in the !frican trade e*en before 1=22( Students participated with interest as the #%uiano e'cerpt was read and in the ensuin& discussion( ,he$ were much less enthusiastic when it came to readin& the e'cerpt on ua&aono and answerin&

%uestions posed( 9an$ appeared lethar&ic and some placed their heads on the des/( ,his was addressed and e*entuall$ most were able to participate in the class e'ercise outlined( Fn &eneral the$ pro*ed that the$ had paid attention to the e'cerpt as the$ were able to respond successfull$ to the %uestions posed( lass was


concluded with 1: minutes to spare and teacher remained in the class with students until class time had elapsed( ,hursda$, 0o*ember 2I, 2008 Duration 1 hr( Goal of 7esson: students will appreciate how the$ can create and use a literature 9atri' in histor$ to ma'imi-e their understandin& of a topic( Ob)ecti*es: Students should be able to: + ma/e notes from sources under specific headin&s( + "resent information in a clear and accurate manner to classmates( + !ppreciate the e'tent to which sources con*e$ different perspecti*es( + ompare and contrast information on one topic from a *ariet$ of sources( + Distin&uish between primar$ and secondar$ sources(

.esources and 9aterials


StudentsE notes on assi&ned sources(

Fnstructional se%uence: ,eacher will place format for 9atri' on white ( + lass will complete the first 2 colums b$ recappin&

information from the 2 documents used in the pre*ious class( #ach Student named in 4ednesda$Es lesson plan will pro*ide information from her assi&ned source usin& the headin&s

pro*ided as &uideline( Students will complete rele*ant columns on the whiteboard in turn(

ulmination: Lpon completion of table, a class discussion will follow, comparin& and contrastin& information presented, see/in& clarifications, etc(


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