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Accoiuing to the venuoi's website, this piogiam is, "intenueu
foi stuuents who can wiite bettei with multi-sensoiy auuio anu
visual suppoit." Bowevei, this woulu also be appiopiiate foi
stuuents with uisabilities that iequiie such auuio anu visual
suppoit while they wiite.
When utilizing this piogiam, the letteis, woius, anuoi
sentences aie ieau alouu back to the wiitei. Each woiu that is ieau
alouu is highlighteu so that stuuents can see anu heai exactly what
they wiote. Theie is also a "talking spell checkei," helping stuuents
know which woiu is coiiect; anu a "homonym checkei," helping
builu homonym awaieness. Fuithei, a bibliogiaphei assists
stuuents one step at a time with cieating piopei bibliogiaphical
entiies, in a vaiiety of foimats. Lastly, many states allow the use of
this piogiam foi testing accommouations, with ceitain featuies
(e.g., spell check, uictionaiy, homonym checkei) tuineu off.
Bon }ohnston
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Papei clips (laige), sticky back foam, hot glue uots, anuoi soft
C .
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Nany stuuents have a pioblem with pages that get stuck
togethei. Bowevei, foi ceitain stuuents with uisabilities, it may be
next to impossible foi them to tuin the pages in a book. These
stuuents have no pioblem with compiehension oi vision, so miu-
oi high-tech options aie not neeueu. Since it is only a book with no
electiical components, a low-tech appioach is what is iequiieu.
Foi stuuents that may have pioblems with uexteiity anu
tuining the pages to a paiticulai book, the use of one oi a
combination of these can help. By putting these on the coinei of
the pages, they can be "fluffeu" to pioviue much neeueu space. This
is a simple, albeit time consuming piocess (uepenuing on the size
of the book), but well woith it if it allows a stuuent the ability to
ieau a book like eveiyone else.
These tools can be founu viitually anywheie, fiom Walmait
anu Taiget to ciaft stoies anu teachei supply stoies.
C .

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