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Shupe ~ 2014


Classroom Management Plan
"#$ %&##& '()*&

Shupe ~ 2014
8elow sLaLed ls Lhe foundaLlon of my uncompleLed ongolng classroom managemenL plan. 1he
flrsL parL of my plan hlghllghLs Lhe (4) rlnclples of my 8ehavlor ManagemenL lan. 8eyond Lhe
synopsls ls a furLher ln-depLh dlscusslon of my exlsLlng poslLlon on behavlor managemenL. l wlll
conLlnue Lo reflne my plan as l galn exposure ln my educaLlonal endeavors.

1./23/14-' +5 346''.++" "6267-"-28
l. 6##&##9 :;<=>?@9 <AB :CDD)A>:<E& A&&B#9 &F*&:E<E>CA# <AB *=C:&B)=&#
o 8ased on research from Lhe acclalmed Parry and 8osemary Wong Lhey
belleved LhaL ln order for a classroom Lo malnLaln efflclency and Lo run
smooLhly, procedures musL be enacL for everyLhlng. l agree, sLudenLs
should know whaL Lhey are expecLed Lo do before Lhe acLlvlLy or lesson ls
lnlLlaLed. WlLh Lhese expecLaLlons lmplemenL and deflned beforehand,
sLudenLs are able Lo accepL and be help responslble for mlsbehavlor.
o Along wlLh Lhe Wong's research Lhe CanLers belleved LhaL behavlors and
procedures should be modeled. SLudenLs should be expllclLly clear of
whaL Lhe procedure sounds llke and looks llke. SLudenLs ln my class wlll
ldenLlfy Lhese vlsual deplcLlons and we wlll posL Lhe speclflcs ln our
communlLy classroom for Llmes of revlew and relnforcemenL. Also wlLh
well-esLabllshed procedures wlll come more efflclenL LranslLlon perlods,
because sLudenLs wlll

ll. 3=&<E& < G<=D <AB A)=E)=>AH :;<##=CCD &AI>=CAD&AE$
o SLudenLs wlll Lhrlve on poslLlve commenLlng or vlce versa. Accordlng Lo
8lchard kounln, Lhe rlpple effecL" suggesL LhaL sLudenLs wlll mlmlc Lhelr
peers, Lherefore when one sLudenL dlsplays problem behavlor anoLher
sLudenL wlll llkely dlsplay Lhls same behavlor, resulLlng ln a domlno cause
and effecL slLuaLlon. Lqually Lhls effecL can be applled Lo poslLlve
scenarlos, when a sLudenL ls poslLlvely relnforced Lhe peers around wlll
see Lhls recognlLlon and pralse and llkewlse mlmlc Lhe poslLlve behavlor.
1hls ls a way l wlll glve poslLlve relnforcemenL ln my rooms as Lo ldeally
lessen Lhe mlsbehavlor or negaLlve behavlors. CfLen Llme's sLudenLs learn
behavlors by observlng whaL ls belng rewarded or pralsed.

lll. "<J& ;&<=A>AH DC=& H&A)>A&;@ <EE=<:E>I& <AB ?)A ?C= E(& #E)B&AE$ (Wllllam
o lf sLudenLs are noL engaged ln educaLlon, lf Lhey are noL exposed Lo
purposeful and meanlngful lnsLrucLlon, lf Lhey do noL recelve plenLy of
opporLunlLy for success Lhey wlll noL develop Lhe llfe-long asplraLlon of
Lrue learnlng.
o sychologlsL lred !ones reveals LhaL by engaglng sLudenLs ln lnLeresLlng
lessons or lnsLrucLlon can reduce dlsrupLlons by near 90. AddlLlonally
Shupe ~ 2014
sLudenLs should be acLlvely and purposefully lnvolved ln lessons where
Lhe Leacher uses say, see, do Leachlng".

lv. ')**C=E>I& <AB .&B>=&:E>I& K>#:>*;>A&$ ueal wlLh mlsbehavlor, qulckly,
conslsLenLly, and respecLfully glvlng Lhe sLudenL responslblllLy.
o Wllllam Classer Lhe LheorlsL of 1he Cholce 1heory" speculaLes LhaL
sLudenLs are responslble for Lhelr behavlors, and LhaL each human belng
ls ln conLrol of hls or her own cholces ln behavlor as llfe as well. l enLlrely
agree and belleve LhaL sLudenLs need Lo be held accounLable for Lhelr
own educaLlon and llfe experlences. 1hls Lheory purporLs LhaL sLudenLs
wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy Lhe moLlves behlnd Lhelr behavlor so Lhey can
learn Lo make cholces on Lhelr own. Cne of my goals as an educaLor ls Lo
creaLe sLudenLs we are prepared Lo enLer Lhe world wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo
self-regulaLe, monlLor, reflecL and problem solve, alLogeLher almlng Lo
achleve happlness. l wanL my sLudenLs Lo selze Lhe llfe LhaL Lhey are
enLlLled Lo!

Shupe ~ 2014
8(& ?C)AB<E>CA C? D@ *(>;C#C*(@ C? &B):<E>CA B>#E>AH)>#(&# #E)B&AE# <# < G(C;& M&>AH, whlch
requlres embraclng boLh academlcs and (human developmenL) llfe skllls, furLhermore heavy
accenLuaLlon of llfe skllls Lo aLLaln Lhe ulLlmaLe goal of happlness. School ls a safe learnlng place
where sLudenLs should be LaughL how Lo conducL Lhemselves as moral and clvll lndlvlduals. l
wlll personally demonsLraLe Lhese exemplar sLandards and encourage sLudenLs Lo lndocLrlnaLe
Lhe seven essenLlal vlrLues of goodness" - empaLhy, consclence, self-conLrol, respecL,
klndness, Lolerance and falrness, overall Lo lnsLlll lnLernal moLlvaLlon Lo do Lhe rlghL Lhlng". ln
school sLudenLs wlll learn how Lo be self-regulaLed responslble problem solvlng lndlvlduals who
can monlLor and conLrol Lhe enLlreLy of Lhelr own belng as Lo achleve success ln academlcs and
llfe lLself.

"@ 1(>;C#C*(@ C? K>#:>*;>A&
8ehavlor ls caLegorlzed by C.M. Charles (2010) as Lhe sum LoLal of all human acLlons,
mlsbehavlor ls furLher characLerlzed as Lhe sLudenL and someLlmes Lhe Leacher's acLlons
LhaL dlsrupL Leachlng, lnLerfere wlLh learnlng, demean oLhers, or oLherwlse vlolaLed Lhe
moral codes of socleLy. lL ls revealed ln Lhe followlng forms from less serlous Lo more
needless Lalk
Movlng abouL Lhe room
Annoylng oLhers
Sexual harassmenL
Aggresslon and flghLlng
Mallclous mlschlef
ueflance of auLhorlLy
1he ulLlmaLe goal of dlsclpllne ls Lo Leach sLudenLs Lo employ a self-regulaLed
mechanlsm LhaL ls lnnaLe wlLhln Lhe lndlvldual. My classroom dlsclpllne wlll be
everyLhlng l do Lo dlscourage mlsbehavlor and Lo nurLure and promoLe responslble

"@ 8(&C=@ C? K>#:>*;>A&
l supporL Lhe vlewpolnLs of Morrlsh (2003) who emphaslzes Lhe common goal of
all approaches Lo dlsclpllne responslble, clvll classroom behavlor LhaL becomes hablLual
and lasLs over Llme. lurLhermore he deflnes responslble as paylng aLLenLlon, maklng a
sLrong efforL, and dolng whaL ls proper wlLhouL belng Lold" (p.74). Pe clalms LhaL ln
order Lo achleve Lhls goal Lhe Leacher musL clearly afflrm auLhorlLy and musL supporL
sLudenLs Lo success by havlng Lhem redo Lhe behavlor properly. 8on Morrlsh's Lheory of
Shupe ~ 2014
behavlor managemenL clearly represenLs my Lheory of dlsclpllne ln LhaL one of my
ulLlmaLe goals ls Lo lnsLlll self-regulaLed behavlor. l also belleve LhaL ln order Lo do so
sLudenLs should be expecLed Lo correcL Lhe mlsbehavlor by havlng Lhe sLudenLs redo Lhe
behavlor properly.
NCG <AB 0(&A 0>;; / 3CDD)A>:<E& "@ 3;<##=CCD "<A<H&D&AE 1;<AO
1o SLudenLs
- SLudenLs wlll recelve lnformaLlon regardlng my managemenL plan prlor Lo school
sLarLlng ln Lhe form of Lhe 3 rlnclples l sLem my managemenL plan on. LaLer on aL
back Lo school nlghL or Lhe flrsL day of school sLudenLs wlll recelve furLher ln-depLh
knowledge abouL Lhe classroom managemenL procedures l wlll enacL ln our

1o arenLs and careglvers
- arenLs and famllles wlll also recelve Lhe foundaLlon for my classroom managemenL
plan ln Lhe before school beglns. 1hey wlll recelve Lhe speclflcs of my managemenL
plan ln my classroom aL back Lo school nlghL and Lhe 3 rlnclples wlll also be
dlsplayed on my class webslLe.

1o AdmlnlsLraLors
- l wlll dlscuss my behavlor managemenL plan wlLh my prlnclpal and oLher
admlnlsLraLors prlor Lo acLual lmplemenLaLlon. l wlll value any feedback and make
ad[usLmenL as deemed necessary.

1.-,-2868/,- K/'3/14/2-P"6267-"-28

1=>A:>*;& QRS 6##&##9 :;<=>?@9 <AB :CDD)A>:<E& A&&B# <AB &F*&:E<E>CA#$
1he rofesslonal and LLhlcal 8ehavlor l Wlll ulsplay$
! l am commlLLed Lo creaLlng Lhe besL learnlng envlronmenL based on my lndlvldual
sLudenLs' sLrengLhs and weakness, my ablllLles, and evldence based research.
! l wlll be an advocaLe for my sLudenLs. My sLudenLs are my passlon.
! l wlll value and respecL my sLudenLs as equal and mosL lmporLanLly as frlends.
! 1he famllles of my sLudenLs wlll Loo be LreaLed wlLh equallLy and be vlewed as
! l wlll engage ln collaboraLlve learnlng experlences wlLh my colleges Lo galn muLual
supporL, advlce and supporL. l wlll creaLe slncere neLworks Lo supporL my
professlonal developmenL.
! l wlll be a poslLlve and rellable lndlvldual ln my communlLy. l wlll follow Lhrough
on my commlLmenLs . l wlll acL ln a way LhaL ls represenLaLlve of my famlly, my
school, my dlsLrlcL, my professlon and me. l wlll comply wlLh sLaLe and federal
regulaLlons and school dlsLrlcL pollcles.

Shupe ~ 2014
8(& T&(<I>C= / 0>;; -AB&<IC= EC 1=CDCE&
o l wanL Lo share my passlon and enLhuslasm and exclLemenL for learnlng and llfe.
l hope Lo fosLer self-regulaLed behavlors and learners who accepL a role ln belng
accounLable and responslble for Lhelr own learnlng and all oLher aspecLs of llfe.
o l wanL Lo show sLudenLs how Lo be respecLful, compasslonaLe belngs.
o l wlll hlghllghL Lhe crlLlcal lmporLance of preference and reslllency ln llfe by
deslgnlng and demandlng a safe rlsk-Laklng envlronmenL where fallures and
mlsLakes are only lnLerpreLed as opporLunlLles Lo make changes.
o l hope Lo lnsLlll lnLeresL noL only for learnlng buL also for Lhe advenLure of llfe.

.&#*CA#>M>;>E@ C? E(& 8&<:(&= <AB .&#*CA#>M>;>E@ C? E(& 'E)B&AE
SLudenL's needs l wlll aLLend Lo.
o 1o LreaL you wlLh respecL and care as an lndlvldual
o 1o encourage and supporL self-regulaLed behavlor
o 1o provlde you an organlzed, safe and aLLracLlve classroom envlronmenL LhaL ls
conduclve Lo boLh learnlng and Leachlng
o 1o provlde Lhe necessary dlsclpllne Lo keep ln accordance wlLh classroom,
school-wlde rules, and socleLal morallLy
o 1o provlde approprlaLe lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon
o 1o provlde you wlLh lessons and lnsLrucLlon LhaL are lnLeresLlng, sLlmulaLlng and
genulnely engaglng LhaL are Lhoroughly planned sLemmlng from self-reflecLlve
o 1o slncerely llsLen Lo you boLh on an academlc and personal level
o 1o provlde you Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lnLeracL and work collaboraLlvely wlLh oLhers
o 1o Leach you Lhe requlred conLenL (fldellLy Lo Lhe Common Core)

NCG / G>;; <EE&AB EC #E)B&AEU# A&&B# <# #*&:>?>&B <MCI& V'&H<AE>W
l wlll.
8e aL Lhe ready, over 100 prepared
uress professlonally
Make eye conLacL, use faclal expresslons, body language and proxlmlLy
Clve someLhlng back Lo you
Crganlze my procedures and lnsLrucLlon
8e clear, conslsLenL and expllclL
Speak ln sLaLemenLs
LducaLe you
Pold sLudenLs accounLable for behavlor
use humor
Cenulnely care abouL you and your llfe
Pold Lhe llne (100 aLLenLlon wlll be expecLed and lnslsLed)
CounL every mlnuLe as valuable
8emlnd and 8evlew rlghLs and responslblllLles
Assess and reflecL upon myself
Shupe ~ 2014
CeL Lhlngs accompllshed
noL be manlpulaLed
8eplace Lhe Seven ueadly PablLs wlLh Lhe Seven nurLurlng or ConnecLlng PablLs
(Wllllam Classer)

"@ 2&&B# / -F*&:E C= NC*& EC T& "&E
1o be respecLed and valued as a Leacher
1o be able Lo Leach wlLhouL unnecessary lnLerrupLlons
1o have an orderly classroom
1o have sLudenLs who are conslderaLe of oLhers, aLLenLlve, wllllng Lo parLlclpaLe
and Lake rlsks and sLudenLs who value hlgh-quallLy work
A class sense of warmLh, enLhuslasm, and respecL

NCG / G>;; "<J& ')=& 'E)B&AE# XACG 0(<E E(&@ <=& -F*&:E&B EC KC$
o lmplemenL and pracLlce expecLaLlons and procedures so sLudenLs wlll ablde Lhem
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo deflne and undersLand Lhe clear expecLaLlons seL. 1hey
wlll be granLed plenLy of opporLunlLles Lo pracLlce deslred behavlors.
LxpecLaLlons for procedures wlll glve evldence of whaL Lhe behavlor looks llke
and sounds llke. non-examples wlll be posLed as well.
LxpecLaLlons wlll be esLabllshed collaboraLlvely and collecLlvely as a class for all
procedures ln Lhe classroom lncludlng LranslLlonal perlods as Lo lncrease efflclenL
use of Llme, producLlvlLy, success, and learnlng. Spencer kagan lnforms LhaL
when Leachers and sLudenLs work on Lhe same slde Lo make declslons abouL
lssues dlsclpllnary measures are more effecLlvely lmplemenLed and accepLed.
o lorgeL warnlngs
Clvlng sLudenLs warnlngs ls a wasLe of Llme and polnLless. When clear
expecLaLlons and procedures are esLabllshed sLudenLs are aware of when Lhey
are mlsbehavlng. ermlLLlng warnlngs when expecLed behavlors are enacLed
lnforms sLudenLs LhaL Lhey can manlpulaLe you and cross boundarles. When
expecLaLlons are noL meL consequences wlll be enforced Lhe flrsL Llme.
o 8evlslL and clarlfy Leacher responslblllLles and sLudenL responslblllLles regularly.
o Lngage ln conversaLlon abouL roles and responslblllLles wlLhln all domalns of llfe, school,
famlly, communlLy, eLc.

o LsLabllsh a dally rouLlne wlLh flexlblllLy
8ouLlnes wlll be lmplemenLed so all members experlence securlLy knowlng whaL
ls expecLed LhroughouL Lhe day. l wlll demonsLraLe perseverance and handllng
dlsappolnLmenL approprlaLely by belng flexlble.

Shupe ~ 2014
1=>A:>*;& QYS 3=&<E& < G<=D <AB A)=E)=>AH :;<##=CCD :;>D<E&$

0(<E / 0>;; KC 8C T)>;B 1C#>E>I& .&;<E>CA#(>*# 0>E( "@ 'E)B&AE#$

o use personal lnLeracLlon and passlon Lo bulld rapporL and cooperaLlon from sLudenLs.
l wlll conLlnually alm Lo befrlend my sLudenLs, we are ln Lhls class LogeLher." l
wlll supporL and gulde Lhem Lo success wlLh encouragemenL and empowermenL.
My enLhuslasm wlll be evldenL ln my lnsLrucLlonal procedures and passlon for
l wlll granL sLudenLs endless opporLunlLles Lo cholce. l wlll frequenLly and ln a
noncoerclvely manner prompL sLudenLs wlLh reflecLlve quesLlons Lo lnsLlll skllls
of self-regulaLed behavlor managemenL as well as lndlvldual accounLablllLy and
responslblllLy for learnlng.
l wlll employ humor and sarcasm Lo an exLenL dependenL upon developmenLal
sLages Lo lnLeracL wlLh my sLudenLs.
o lnLeracL wlLh sLudenLs lndlvldually and personally.
o l wlll conLlnually and genulnely aLLempL Lo geL Lo know my sLudenLs by lnlLlaLlng ln casual
slncere conversaLlon, llsLenlng and belng honesLly lnLeresLed ln each sLudenL as an
lndlvldual belng. Wllllam Classer belleves all humans have a need for love and a feellng of
self-worLh, whlch can be accompllshed by bulldlng poslLlve relaLlonshlps.
o 8e LhoughLful of sLudenLs flve baslc needs as dlsLlngulshed by Abraham Maslow's Plerarchy
of needs, whlle reallzlng Lrue learnlng wlll noL occur unLll Lhese needs have been saLlsfled.
o All sLudenLs share Lhe flve baslc needs, for survlval, belonglng, power, fun, and freedom,
whlch musL be aLLended Lo ln order for learnlng Lo occur. 1he prlnclpal need for sLudenLs ls
Lo feel Lhey belong" - LhaL Lhey are an lmporLanL and valuable member of Lhe class and Lhe
school. l wlll aLLend Lo ensure: sLudenLs are experlenclng a sense of communlLy wlLhln an
envlronmenL Lhls ls a safe, consLrucLlve, and permlLLlng of rlsk-Laklng.
o Classroom ls seLup for efflclency, helpfulness, convenlence and aLLracLlveness
o Cood behavlor wlll be promoLed wlLh an aLLracLlve physlcal classroom arrangemenL LhaL ls
efflclenL, conduclve for, and lnvlLes learnlng. MaLerlals are readlly avallable wlLhln Lable
LoLes as well as belng accesslble aL Lhe sLudenL supply cenLer. 1he envlronmenL wlll be neaL
and Lldy where all class members wlll be expecLed and lnvolved ln malnLalnlng lL so. Such
condlLlons suggesL LhaL school ls a place for learnlng where sLudenLs are encouraged Lo
parLlclpaLe. l wlll convlnclngly communlcaLe Lo sLudenLs LhaL Lhe class ls organlzed as a
means Lo promoLe sLudenL and Leacher success. My use of poslLlve and negaLlve
relnforcemenL ls supporLed undoubLedly Sklnner's 8ehavlor ModlflcaLlon or Soclal-Learnlng

Shupe ~ 2014
1=>A:>*;& QZS "<J& ;&<=A>AH DC=& H&A)>A&;@ <EE=<:E>I& <AB ?)A ?C= E(& #E)B&AE$

NCG / 0>;; -AH<H& 'E)B&AE# 6:E>I&;@ /A E(&>= -B):<E>CA$
o 1each ln an lnLeracLlve way LhaL aLLracLs and prlmarlly lnvolves sLudenLs
Classer (1998) enllghLens LhaL, mosL problems arlse because sLudenLs flnd school
unduly borlng and furLhermore !ones (2007) ascerLalns LhaL sLudenLs are passlve
raLher Lhan acLlve a greaL ma[orlLy of Lhe Llme, whlch consequenLly fosLers
dlsengagemenL and mlsbehavlor.
LngagemenL ls Lhe foundaLlon for learnlng. l wlll sLrlve Lo promoLe lnsLrucLlon,
lessons and acLlvlLles LhaL supporL acLlvely engaged sLudenLs. lf sLudenLs are noL
havlng fun or are bored Lhen l am noL aLLendlng Lo my responslblllLy as a
A leader ln classroom managemenL Alfle kohn accenLuaLes Lhe lmporLance of
provldlng sLudenLs lnsLrucLlon and acLlvlLles LhaL wlll promoLe love for learnlng.
Pe argues LhaL lnsLrucLlon musL be dlfferenL from Lhe LradlLlonal approaches of
Lhe pasL. SLudenLs musL be respecLed and Leachers musL deem Lhem as unlque
lndlvlduals. 8ased on hls research l wlll Lransform my classroom lnLo a learnlng
communlLy, whlch ls a seLLlng where sLudenLs feel valued, cared for and LhaL
Lhelr Lrue en[oymenL and lnLeresLs are aL hearL.

NCG / 0>;; L#& [8(& T>H \] 8C 1=CDCE& 'E)B&AE -AH<H&D&AE$
1. LxpecLaLlons
a. As seen ln prevenLaLlve managemenL.
2. roxlmlLy and body language
a. 1he besL Leachers remaln consLanLly aware of whaL ls golng on ln all parLs of Lhe
classroom and are able Lo aLLend Lo Lwo or more slLuaLlons slmulLaneously.
(kounln, 1971).
b. l wlll be consclously aware of all behavlor ln Lhe classroom and redlrecL when
necessary by uslng proxemlcs as a sLraLegy Lo dlmlnlsh problem behavlor.
c. l wlll use my body language Lo help sLudenLs conLrol Lhelr behavlor.
3. ALLenLlon rompLs
a. l wlll use vlsual and audlLory prompL Lo regaln aLLenLlon and Lo capLure focus ln
Lhe form of 3-2-1-freeze" whlle slmulLaneous coordlnaLlng a vlsual hand counL
down. upon arrlvlng aL freeze", l wlll noL conLlnue Leachlng unLll l have absoluLe
aLLenLlon from ALL sLudenLs. When sLudenLs are noL aLLendlng Lhey do noL
obLaln Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL l am almlng Lo Leach or relay.
4. Cuelng
a. Speclflc behavlor cuelng wlll be evldenL ln order Lo encourage poslLlve behavlors.
1hey may be ln supplled lndlvldually, ln small groups or ln Lhe presence of Lhe
whole group. Cuelng serves a poslLlve sLraLegy Lo relnforce deslred behavlors
whlle also dlscouraglng unwanLed behavlor.
3. Slgnals
Shupe ~ 2014
a. l wlll uLlllze slgnals so LhaL l know LhaL my sLudenLs are acLlvely parLlclpaLlng and
followlng dlrecLlons accordlngly. klnesLheLlc slgnals wlll be speclfled before a
Llme llmlL lnformlng sLudenLs of whaL Lhey wlll do when Lhey are ready Lo
conLlnue. 1hls glves me a vlsual lndlcaLlon of when Lo proceed.
6. 1lme llmlLs
a. 1lme llmlLs wlll be provlded perlodlcally LhroughouL Lhe day for acLlvlLles and
LranslLlonal Llme perlods so LhaL sLudenLs can be lndlvldually accounLable for
paclng and efflclenL use of Llme. 1hey wlll know whaL ls expecLed ln Lhe
classroom and how long Lhey have Lo accompllsh Lhe Lask.
7. 1asklng
a. Lesson plannlng wlll lmparL acLlve use of Llme so LhaL when sLudenLs are
compleLed wlLh Lask Lhelr Llme ls used Lo maxlmlze learnlng. 1asklng also
accounL for lmplemenL and employlng lessons LhaL are engaglng so LhaL sLudenLs
are consLanLly acLlvely learnlng and uslng Llme efflclenLly.
8. volce
a. l wlll use my volce approprlaLe dependlng on Lhe clrcumsLance as a means Lo
conLrol behavlor and Lo emlL expecLaLlons. l wlll also use vocabulary LhaL ls
approprlaLe and word cholces LhaL are exemplar.

1=>A:>*;& Q^S ')**C=E>I& <AB .&B>=&:E&B K>#:>*;>A&

NCG / 0>;; .&B>=&:E "@ 'E)B&AE# 0(&A 8(&@ ">#M&(<I&

o 8efer Lo a 8ule
lf mlsbehavlor occurs l wlll focus on Lhe presenLs raLher Lhan dwelllng on Lhe
pasL. l wlll relaLe Lhe behavlor Lo Lhe rule LhaL was broken.
o WlLhouL aLLacklng characLer, lndlcaLe whaL needs Lo be done and walL for compllance
l wlll noL commenL on nor LhreaLen Lhe sLudenL's characLer raLher lndlcaLe whaL
measures need Lo be done now. SLudenL characLer should never be crlLlclzed or
rldlculed, buL raLher Lhe behavlor should be emphaslzed and dlscussed. eople
have conLrol over Lhelr behavlor lL does noL represenL who we are buL raLher
whaL we do - behavlor can be changed.
o 8eLeach how Lo ablde by a rule
AlbelL expecLaLlons and procedures are dlscussed Lhoroughly Lhey need Lo be
dlsplayed ln an lnconsplcuous place where Lhey wlll be relLeraLed and relnforced
as deemed necessary. Cccaslonal remlnders are good for everyone.
o Calmly ask sLudenLs Lo repeaL mlsbehavlor properly
o rovlde Lhe sLudenL wlLh poslLlve opLlons Lo replace problem behavlor
l wlll supporL sLudenLs Lo Lake ownershlp of problems. l wlll gulde Lhe sLudenLs
recognlze Lhe behavlor Lhem help Lhem Lake ownershlp. AfLerwards l make
provlde Lhem wlLh alLernaLlve opLlons or accepLable sLeps Lo avold Lhe behavlor.
o Ask Lhe sLudenL Lo self evaluaLe and make a plan for lmprovemenL
Shupe ~ 2014
l wlll encourage self-evaluaLlon by asklng (3) quesLlons ln a slmple maLLer-of-
facL-way wlLh neuLral emoLlons.
" (1) WhaL are you dolng?
" (2) WhaL are Lhe rules or expecLaLlons?
" (3) WhaL do you wanL Lo do now?
o lf emoLlons are evldenL remove Lhe sLudenL or yourself from Lhe slLuaLlon
l wlll remove myself or Lhe sLudenL from Lhe slLuaLlon of emoLlons are hlnderlng
progress or lmpedlng loglcal dlscusslon. Concluslons cannoL be made when
emoLlons are dlrecLlng Lhe problem.

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o non-negoLlable rules
o 8e conslderaLe and respecLful of oLhers, self and properLy aL all Llmes
uo your besL work
8e on Lask
1ake responslblllLy for your own educaLlon and for cholces
Walk wlLh a purpose (all movemenL, acLlvlLles and LranslLlonal Llmes should be

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