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CHILD SONG Fifty miles from Christmas I met with Monday Week Pulling on a kite-string That played at hide-and-seek.

The wind was snowing gum-bloom Up and down the reek ! Pull" pull the kite-sring" Pull" Monday Week# Fifty miles from Christmas The sun shines at night. I saw the long kite-string $ut ouldn%t find the kite. & star was in the green tree" The moon was big and white ! Pull" pull the kite%s tail" The wind will put it right. Fifty miles from Christmas The sun and moon went down' &nd then I saw a glow-worm &s big as half-a- rown. It limbed up a tall tree &mong the bran hes brown To show me where the kite-string (an all the way to town. Fifty miles from Christmas The night began to sing. I alled to pretty Tuesday To help to pull the string' &nd esterday and Friday They all helped to bring & ross the sky of Can%t )ee The kite of *+erything.

Fifty miles from Christmas (est sleep head# )omeone brought a kite-string &nd ties it to the bed' Tied it to the brass rail" &nd then the big sun said -.ere%s the kite of *+erything ! The Christmas bush is red.

/.M.W. 0/a+id M 1ee Wright2 3.).W. The Bulletin ,st 4anuary ,567 /MW%s Third notebook

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