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Unit: Instrument Families ! ! ! ! ! !

Topic: Percussion Family!! ! ! Teacher: Miss Sowder !

Grade: 1

Standard (s):! !

Lesson Objective(s):! !
The students will be able to define characteristics of percussion instruments and identify specific instruments by sight and sound.

pitched and ! 3.3! Identifying ! non pitched instruments using sight and sound Intro:! ! Main Content:!

Materials Needed Smart Board loaded with blank page and Orchestra Safari Percussion instruments


Students enter and sit in circle

Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra Percussion:Percussion/Conclusion

Quick review of the four instrument families introduced this week

Teaching Approach:!! Teacher will greet students and review set expectations for behavior Introduce topic of the day Transition to SmartBoard Di"erentiation:! !

Teaching Approach:!

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Teaching Approach:!
Teacher will ask students to show on their fingers how many families there are. Think, Pair, Share on how to tell which family and instrument belongs to.

Teacher will guide students through Safari activities, elaborating on specific instruments. Students will be invited to the SmartBoard to take part in adventure. Teacher will demonstrate the use of instruments. Students will think pair share to form hypotheses about what hits in each instrument to make its sound.Students will engage in movement to gain deeper understanding of how to perform the instruments.

Di"erentiation:! !

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Respectful behavior is a focus for this group. Expectations will be reinforced throughout duration of class.

There are several ELA students in this class; I will allow for more think time and vary vocabulary to suit multiple levels of language. Use of extra visual support and kinesthetic reinforcement will be included. Student A may require use of cube chair to reinforce focus and personal space.

Teacher will informally assess student understanding during SmartBoard activities based on accuracy and number of tries required to attain success. Guided questioning will provide individual formative assessment. All students will take part in a summative assessment on Friday that incorporates all families and identification by sight and sound.

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