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Leandra Bambrick

5452 West 3400 South, West Valley City, U !4"20 !0"#300#34!$ bambi3%bam&'mail%com ()UC* +,.uman )e/elo0ment and 1amily Studies% (m0hasis in (arly Childhood (ducation Uni/ersity o2 Utah 3ay 20"4 Salt Lake City, Utah C(4 +1+C* +,Utah (lementary eachin' License 5 6assed 6ra7is ++ test8 (lementary Content 3ay 20"4

4(L(V*- (96(4+(-C( Co00er .ills (lementary School, :ranite School )istrict *u' 20"3#0resent Student eacher 3a'na, Utah 5 each *3 and 63 kinder'arten classes o2 20 di/erse students each, di22erentiate instruction 2or students ;ith autism, *).), and s0eech im0ediment at a lo; S(S school 5 Com0leted 2nd term re0ort cards, includin' comments, and conducted S(6 con2erences 5 Collaborated ;ith the other kinder'arten student teacher to create lessons to include the science and social studies core% 5 *ssessed literacy usin' )+B(LS 5 )e/elo0ed and im0lemented a classroom mana'ement 0lan that 2ocuses on ha/in' a 0rocedure 2or e/erythin' ;e do in the classroom% +t in/ol/es 0ositi/e rein2orcement as ;ell as re;ards and conse<uences 5 Created lesson 0lans that met the needs o2 each o2 my indi/idual students 5 (70erimented ;ith many methods o2 mana'ement 2or each student 5 6artici0ated in 6LC=s and school ;ide collaborations 5 Created an en/ironment ;here students 2elt sa2e to tell me anythin' and to sol/e 0roblems that arose bet;een them ;ithout my hel0 5 Con/inced 40 kinder'artners that math is used in daily li2e and is <uite the interestin' sub>ect Utah umblin' *cademy 3arch 20""#0resent umblin' +nstructor .olladay Utah 5 Coach children a'es 2#"! in basic to ad/anced tumblin' skills as one o2 the head coaches 5 Lead and mana'e my o;n classes, ran'in' in si?es 2rom @#"2 students ;ithout the aid o2 an assistant 5 Create lesson 0lans 2or mysel2 and other coaches 5 (/aluate a students tumblin' ability to create s0eci2ic 2eedback to make them better Uni/ersity o2 Utah Lab +nstructor 5 each colle'e students C64 and *d/anced 1irst *id 5 Create lesson 0lans 2or each o2 my labs 5 6lan the C64 and rauma 2inals 5 Create the <ui??es and tests .unter .i'h School Aan% 20"0#)ec% 20"3 Salt Lake City, Utah

Aun%#*u' 20"0

Volunteer Cheer Coach 5 6lan ;orkouts and eatin' routines 2or each member o2 the s<uad 5 6re0are stren'th trainin' e7ercises 2or the s<uad% 5 Coach 2or skills in/ol/in'B stuntin', tumblin', cheerin' and dancin'

West Valley City, Utah

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