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International Journal of Play Therapy, (8) 1 pp.


Copyright 1999, IAPT, Inc.


Terry Kottman University of Northern Iowa
Abstract: The author predicts three possible paths play therapy could take over the next 100 years, depending on the evolution of civilization, culture, and technology and on the efforts of the professionals in the field.

Picture this if you will: a large auditorium in a hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, filled with chattering play therapiststhe last session of the last day of the International Association for Play Therapy Conference in the year 2000. A spotlight slowly comes up, revealing an ornately carved table and chair in the center of the stage. In the middle of the table is a very large glistening crystal ball. The audience quiets, waiting. In the background, music starts to play, too faint to be heard the volume gradually swells so that the audience can identify the music as "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the Rolling Stones. The audience begins chattering again, anxiously wondering what the significance of the music is . . .waiting. Finally, onto the stage glides a short, plump woman whose hair is a naturally impossible color of red. She is wearing a long flowing tie-dyed dress and sneakers with rainbow shoelaces. She smiles at the audience mysteriously, sits down at the table, and begins to move her hands over the crystal ball as she peers into its depths. Just as the audience begins to get restless, she begins to speak:

Terry Kottman, Ph.D., RPT-S, University of Northern Iowa, College of Education, Cedar Falls, Iowa.


"I am Madame Terrifique. I have been asked to predict the state and nature of the field of play therapy 100 years from now. As I look into my crystal ball, I am picking up three possible scenarios . . . three separate paths play therapy could follow, depending on how life in the world and efforts in the field progress over the next century and depending on how play therapists work together to guide the course of history. I will reveal all three visions of these potential futures to you now. I will call them the Techno-Future, the Fugitive Future, and the Utopian Future/' TECHNO-FUTURE "In the Techno-Future, technology has continued to burgeonbecoming so infused into daily life on the planet that is becoming impossible to separate the biological entities from the technological creations. Artificial intelligence has progressed so far that machines are literally running the world. "In this future, people have very little to do because machines are much more competent than they are at many different tasks. Both children and adults frequently avail themselves of therapy because of the very high levels of boredom and meaninglessness that pervades society. Therapy is offered as a free service by the government in practically every country in the world as one of the benefits of being a citizen. Since therapy is the 'right' of every individual, there are no managed health care companies or insurance companiesthey are obsolete! "Psychologists, social workers, counselors, and psychiatrists are also obsoletethey fought with technology rather than working toward a synthesis with technology and they lost. Holographic therapists have replaced flesh-and-blood therapists. The new breed of therapists can instantly access data banks with encyclopedic information about every theoretical approach and therapeutic technique. These holographic therapists also have instantaneous access to extensive information about psychological disorders; the psychological ramifications of traumas, developmental problems, and life events that can affect individuals; and research about treatment efficacy. They can match the presenting problem, underlying issues, and family dynamics to the best

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intervention available for that particular difficulty and adeptly (without making the kinds of mistakes in diagnosis and treatment application that humans make) apply the treatment strategy for maximum results." Here she looks up from her crystal ball, smiles at the seats where the dignitaries are seated and says, "Well, Dr. Schaefer, sounds like the ultimate in eclectic prescriptive therapy to me!" She continues: "In this future, the field of play therapy is flourishing, even in the absence of any live play therapists. Play therapy has finally been acknowledged throughout the world as the treatment of choice for children. Younger children entering therapy can choose from a vast pictorial menu of potential play settings and play therapists. Older children can either use this option or describe for the holotherapy unit the environment in which they would prefer to work and the type of 'person' (both in terms of looks and personality) they would like as their therapist. The specified place and person are then projected in a holo-suite for them. They can change the setting and the therapist at will, providing them with the ultimate in clients' right to influence the therapy process. Although not exactly adhering to the general principles laid down by Virginia Axline, this process is truly centered on the needs of the child." Madame Terrifique looks at the audience and frowns sadly. "Unfortunately, no 'real' play therapists were involved in the evolution of this system because they refused to participate in anything related to computers. They let their fear and loathing of technology stop them from guiding the development of this synthesis. Because of this, the system lacks a human element, which frequently causes problems especially when a child needs genuine understand, empathy, and caring that can only come from a 'real,' (flawed and imperfect though we may be) human being." Madame Terrifique stops to take a sip of water from a goblet that suddenly appears on the table, slowly stroking the crystal ball and absently smiling at the audience, which is sitting in stunned silence, reacting to her vision of their entire profession being replaced by machines. As the shock begins to wear off and the auditorium starts to hum with a sullen response to her words, Madame Terrifique turns again to the crystal ball and intones, "And now the Fugitive Future...."


FUGITIVE FUTURE "This vision of the future is dark . . . dark . . . dark . . . for people such as you and I. In this future, the political movement toward the right has gained so much momentum that fun and play have been outlawed. Over the past hundred years, those who believed in freedom and individuality have been apathetic and politically inactive, without putting their time, energy, passion, and resources into defending the rights and privileges they had in the year 2000. Meanwhile, those who believed that they must control the actions, thoughts, and feelings of everyone in the world, that they must suppress freedom and individuality, have worked passionately and diligently to take over the political process. Democracy has faded, and most countries in the world are governed by despots who refuse to share power with anyone who sees the world differently than they see the world. Those in charge of the world are afraid of any behavior that they believe might encourage the populace to be out-of-control. The ultimate goal of all citizens is supposed to be rigid adherence to all governmental rules and social mores. Conformity is the desired societal norm, and any form of individuality is discouraged or punished. It is considered an extreme social infraction to express feelings openly. Those who express an interest in gaining insight into the dynamics of their own behavior or the behavior of others are considered to be abhorrent and aberrant and are frequently shunned by other members of their communities. "In this future/' Madame Terrifique continues, "anyone who seeks psychological services is considered suspect. This type of help is difficult to access. Long-term psychological intervention (defined as more than eight sessions) is simply not allowed. The designated "gatekeepers" of psychological services (managed health care case managers) gleefully deny services that they believe might encourage clients to be more free or expressive." "As I look in the crystal ball, I see that play therapy is illegal, and anyone caught practicing play therapy or any other form of counseling that might encourage individuals to engage in playful activities is subject to fines and imprisonment. Play therapists must conceal their professional identities or abandon their beliefs about the importance of play in working with clients. Many play therapists have

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gone into hiding rather than giving up using play and fun as a modality for change. These individuals are fugitives from the Fun Police, who try to track them down and stop them from sharing their expertise or providing empathic understanding to children and adults alike. They have established Underground Play Rooms, where they can use play as a way to understand and help others, but these establishments must be kept secret, with dire consequences if they are revealed. These fugitive play therapists curse the actions of their forebearers in the profession for not being more politically astute and active, for believing that the profession would simply naturally evolve in a positive way without effort and diligence on their part." After this reading, Madame Terrifique pauses briefly, her energy seemingly depleted as a result of her grim vision. The audience is again silent, this time in a subdued, almost depressed, manner. The fact that this version of the future still has play therapists struggling to make a difference in the world against irrational prejudices, managed health care case managers, and the Fun Police seems to have discouraged them. They want to deny that they have been inactive and naive about the political process, taking for granted that things will get better for their profession. However, most of them realize that this is an accurate picture of what they are currently doing to combat the encroachment of the conservative political right, and they are feeling ashamed and guilty. As the first shock wears off and the audience begins to talk among themselves, Madame Terrifique once more looks into the crystal ball and begins to smile. She turns to the audience and says, "I think you will like this visionthe Utopian Futurebetter perhaps." UTOPIAN FUTURE "In this future, civilization has followed a different paththe road to harmony, peace, and interconnectedness. Many of the principles espoused by the advocates of the so-called New Age of the 1980s and 1990s have continued to flourish, and a truly new age has evolved. The citizens of the world who believe in freedom, personal responsibility, individuality, and expression of feelings have worked long and hard to


make their vision of the world come true. The entire world follows a democratic pattern of governance, with citizens in every country actively participating in making decisions about how to allocate resources and solve problems. Individuality and expression of feelings are encouraged. Freedom and fun are considered to be essential rights for all human beings. The interconnectedness of all life on earth is acknowledged and honored, resulting in a high level of social consciousness, social justice, and spiritual awareness and commitment. Play therapy professionals and play therapy associations have been active participants in this process, working for the rights of children and acknowledgement of the importance of fun and play in the lives of every person on the planet. "During the first 50 years of the 21st century, play therapy professionals have developed instruments that accurately measure change occurring in their child clients and conducted empirical research to demonstrate the efficacy of play therapy. In addition to this development, play therapists have proven that play therapy (even for those without any kind of problem situation in their lives) can increase the quality of life for those who participate in it. In the second 50 years of the century, they have developed more creative and exciting intervention strategies, integrating ideas from other fields such as therapeutic recreation, leisure services, computer science, sociology, occupational therapy, and physiology. They have also perfected methods for working with people from all the different cultures of the world and with an assortment of presenting problems. They have also abandoned their narrow definition of what play therapy isincluding many different approaches to using play and fun therapeutically as being 'legitimate' forms of play therapy. "In this vision of the future, play therapy is among the most valued professions throughout the planet. In their continued efforts to grow emotionally and cognitively, all citizens engage in various forms of play therapy, frequently to the exclusion of any other type of psychological intervention. Whether they are struggling with psychopathology, normal developmental problems, or just want to participate for the purposes of increased self-understanding and personal enhancement, children can spend as much time as they wish in play therapy relationshipsboth in school and in their communities.

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Similarly, adolescents and adults are able to participate in more traditional forms of play therapy if they wish. They will also have unlimited access to activity therapy and adventure/challenge therapy, forms of play therapy that are designed for older individuals. The skills and concepts inherent in play therapy will pervade civilization, encouraging the populace to incorporate the benefits of play and fun in their lives. "Since play therapy is such an integral part of life in this future, play therapy is a benefit provided for employees by their employersjust as retirement plans and health insurance are in the here-and-now. Those who are not employed by companies big enough to hire a play therapist receive these services from a special branch of the government of each country created to provide play therapy services to its citizens. Play therapists receive high salaries and social status currently given to physicians, attorneys, and business executives. Because everyone has unlimited access to play therapy, managed health care programs related to psychological services for children and adults have been phased out, replaced by a organization dedicated to the advancement of play therapy." Madame Terrifique stops to take another sip of water and smiles warmly at the audience, which bursts into spontaneous applause, delighted with this vision of the future. Members of the audience begin to shout questions about how they can avoid the two grim visions of the future of the field of play therapythe Techno Future and the Fugitive Futureand move toward the optimistic vision of the Utopian Future. Madame Terrifique silences them with a sweep of her hands and says, "I only prognosticate the futuremy precognitions do not provide guidelines for prevention of gloomy possibilities. You must take responsibility for molding a future that is consistent with your values and beliefs about how the world and its people should evolve. Your job is the planting of the seeds that will blossom and grow into the future you want/7 As she utters this final sentence, the spotlight illuminating her and the crystal ball abruptly disappears. And so does she . . . leaving her challenge for the play therapists in the audience and throughout the planet.

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