Static Distance Protection Relay: Quadramho

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QUADRAMHO Static Distance Protection Relay




Static Distance Protection Relay


Full scheme 3-zone distance relay with 18 measuring elements.

Characteristic shopes to suitall

line lengths and fault levels,

Fast operating limes over a very wide range of fault conditions. Digital synchronous polarising for close-upthree phase faults. Microprocessor scheme logic: with wide range of built-in schemes selected by option switches.

Ample input/outputfacilities - 5 optically coupled inpub, 2.4output contacts, 10 light emitting dio~. Full range of lest features for commissioning and routine testing. Interfacing enables automatic field lest equipment 10 be used if required.
Continuous self monitoring, on-

Figure I: QUADRAMHO relay.

Models available
Two models are available with the
following characteristics: Zone 1 and 2 Shaped partially cross-polarised mho with partially cron-polarised directional line. Zone 3 Offset lens, (adjustable to offset circular mho). Zone 1 ond 2 ground foulb: Quadrilateral with partially crosspolarised directional line. Zone 1 and 2 phase foults: Shaped partially cross-polarised mho with partially cron-polarised directional line. Zone 3 ground faults: Offset quodriloteral. Zone 3 phase foulb: Offset circulor mho.

The QUADRAMHO distance relay has been designed and developed for high speed protection of medium and high voltage transmission, subtransmission and distribution lines. The full scheme design offers many advantages over switched relays traditionally used in this application. The full scheme arrangement uses 18 comparators eliminating the need for starting relays and switchingcircuits, thus providing a high degree of reliability and foster operating times. The relay is suitable for both three pole ond singl&<lnd-three-pole tripping of the circuit breaker. Either busbar or line voltage transformers may be used and these am be either capacitor VT's or electro-magnetic VT's. CT requirements are moderote as the relay is highlytoleront of saturated current transformers.

demand and periodic self-lesting.

Built-in vollcge transformer supervision. Built-in power swing blocking feature.

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