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Interpret t!"n: From the above table it is in erre! that 98.3" o the res#on!ents are male an! 1.7" o the res#on!ents are emale. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents are male. GENDER WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS

3.1.1.#. $O% TITLE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Mana&erial Su#ervisory'technical S)ille! Semi+s)ille! -ns)ille! TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 4 12 131 24 ( 177 PERCENTAGE 2.3 (.8 74.* 13.( 3.4 100

Interpret t!"n& From the above table it is in erre! that 74" o the res#on!ents are s)ille! .or)ers/ 13.(" semi s)ille!/ (.8" su#ervisory'technical/ 3.4" uns)ille! an! 3.4" are mana&ers. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents are s)ille! .or)ers. 3.1.1.#. $O% TITLE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS AGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS S.NO 1 2 3 4 PARTICULARS -n!er 2, 2( to 3, 3( to 4, 4( to ,, TOTAL FREQUENCY 8 13* 28 11 177 PERCENTAGE 4., 73.4 1,.8 (.2 100

Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: From the above table it is in erre! that 73.4" o the res#on!ents belon&s to the a&e &rou# o 2(+3,/ 1,.8" to the a&e o 3(+4,/ (.2" to the a&e o 4(+,, an! 4.," to the a&e o un!er 2,. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents belon&s to the a&e &rou# o 2(+3, AGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS

3.1.1.'. EDUCATION WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Di! not com#lete hi&h school 1i&h school'e2uivalent Di#loma 3achelor4s !e&ree Master4s !e&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 11* 27 27 9 4 177 PERCENTAGE (2.1 1,.3 1,.3 ,.1 2.3 100

0nter#retation: From the above table it is in erre! (2.1" o the res#on!ents !i! not com#lete their hi&h school/ 1,.3" o the res#on!ents hi&h school'e2uivalent an! !i#loma/ ,.1 o the res#on!ents bachelors !e&ree an! 2.3 o the res#on!ents master !e&ree. . $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents !i! not com#lete their hi&h school.

3.1.1.(. INCO)E WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 5ess than 1*/*** 11/*** to 1,/*** 1(/*** to 2*/*** 21/*** to 2,/*** TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 8, (2 2( 4 177 PERCENTAGE 48.* 3,.* 14.7 2.3 100

0nter#retation: From the above table it is in erre! that 48" o the res#on!ents belon& to the income &rou# o less than 1****/ 3," o 11/***+1,***/ 14.7" o 1(/***+2****/ 2.3" o 21***+2,***. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents belon& to the income &rou# o less than 1****.

3.1.1.*. E+PERIENCE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 5ess than 1 year 1 to 4 years 4 to 8 years 8 to 1* years 6bove 1* years TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 81 4* 32 1( 8 177 PERCENTAGE 4,.8 22.( 18.1 9.* 4., 100

0nter#retation: From the above table it is in erre! that 4,.8" o the res#on!ents have less than 0 year o e7#erience/ WOR, CONDITIONS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 1 4 ,( 11( 177 PERCENTAGE .( 2.3 31.( (,., 100

Interpret t!"n& From the above table it is in erre! that (,.," o the res#on!ents stron&ly a&ree that their .or) con!itions are &oo!/ 31.(" a&ree/ 2.3 " remains neutral an! *.(" stron&ly !isa&ree. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents stron&ly a&ree that their .or) con!itions are &oo!. WOR, CONDITIONS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS

3.1.1.-. RECRUIT)ENT AND SELECTION WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 3 4( 128 177 PERCENTAGE 1.7 2(.* 72.3 100

Interpret t!"n& From the above table it is in erre! that 72.3" o the res#on!ents stron&ly a&ree that their recruitment an! selection #rocesses in this or&ani9ation are im#artial/ 2(" a&ree an! 1.7" remains neutral. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents stron&ly a&ree that their recruitment an! selection #rocesses in this or&ani9ation are im#artial. 3.1.1.-. RECRUIT)ENT AND SELECTION WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS

3.1.1... FA/OURITIS) WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 24 1( 22 47 (8 177 PERCENTAGE 13.( 9.* 12.4 2(.( 38.4 100

0nter#retation: From the above table it is in erre! that 38.4" o the res#on!ents stron&ly a&ree that their avouritism is not evi!ent in any o the selection #rocess in this or&ani9ation/ 2(.(" a&ree/ 13.(" stron&ly !isa&ree/ 12.4 " remains neutral an! 9.*" !isa&ree. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents stron&ly a&ree that their avouritism is not evi!ent in any o the selection #rocess in this or&ani9ation. 3.1.1... FA/OURITIS) WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS APPOINT)ENTS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 1 2 8 119 47 177 PERCENTAGE .( 1.1 4., (7.2 2(.( 100

0nter#retation: From the above table it is in erre! that (7.2" o the res#on!ents a&ree that their all a##ointments in this or&ani9ation are base! on merit/ 2(.(" stron&ly a&ree/ 4.," remains neutral/ 1.1" !isa&ree an! *.(" stron&ly !isa&ree. $hus ma%ority o the res#on!ents a&ree that their all a##ointments in this or&anisation are base! on merit. APPOINT)ENTS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS TRAINING WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 2 9 122 44 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 ,.1 (8.9 24.9 100 TRAINING AND DE/ELOP)ENT REQURI)ENTS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY , 133 39 177 PERCENTAGE 2.8 7,.1 22.* 100 WOR, PAYS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 2 13( 39 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 7(.8 22.* 100'. CO))ITTED WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 FREQUENCY 113 (4 177 PERCENTAGE (3.8 3(.2 100 STRONG RELATIONSHIP WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY , 123 49 177 PERCENTAGE 2.8 (9., 27.7 100

0nter#retation:*. WAGE IS FAIR WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 2 3* 2, 12* 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 1(.9 14.1 (7.8 100

0nter#retation: PAY AND FRINGE %ENEFITS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS S.NO 1 2 3 4 PARTICULARS Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL FREQUENCY 2 34 39 1*2 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 19.2 22.* ,7.( 100

Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: WORTHWHILE ACCO)PLISH)ENT WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 28 ,, 94 177 PERCENTAGE 1,.8 31.1 ,3.1 100

0nter#retation: SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 34 23 12* 177 PERCENTAGE 19.2 13.* (7.8 100

3.1.1.#0. DEGREE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 1 32 44 1** 177 PERCENTAGE .( 18.1 24.9 ,(., 100

3.1.1.#1. INDEPENDENT WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 34 3, 1*8 177 PERCENTAGE 19.2 19.8 (1.* 100

3.1.1.##. CHALLENGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 3* 3( 111 177 PERCENTAGE 1(.9 2*.3 (2.7 100

3.1.1.#3. O/ERALL QUALITY WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 38 1( 123 177 PERCENTAGE 21., 9.* (9., 100

3.1.1.#'. GREAT DEAL WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 3 77 97 177 PERCENTAGE 1.7 43., ,4.8 100

3.1.1.#(. )Y FRIENDS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 13 ,2 112 177 PERCENTAGE 7.3 29.4 (3.3 100

3.1.1.#*. LOYALTY WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 1 8 78 9* 177 PERCENTAGE .( 4., 44.1 ,*.8 100


3.1.1.#7. $O% ASSIGN)ENT WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 1* 77 9* 177 PERCENTAGE ,.( 43., ,*.8 100

3.1.1.#-. PROUD WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 9 ,* 118 177 PERCENTAGE ,.1 28.2 ((.7 100

3.1.1.#.. /ALUES WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 11 74 92 177 PERCENTAGE (.2 41.8 ,2.* 100 CHANGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 3 8 72 94 177 PERCENTAGE 1.7 4., 4*.7 ,3.1 100

0nter#retation: WOR, FOR O/ER OTHERS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS S.NO 1 2 3 4 , PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL FREQUENCY 2 2 14 71 88 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 1.1 7.9 4*.1 49.7 100

Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: STIC,ING WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 1, ( 22 32 1*2 177 PERCENTAGE 8., 3.4 12.4 18.1 ,7.( 100

0nter#retation: ORGANISATION POLICIES WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS S.NO 1 2 3 4 , PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL FREQUENCY 2 , 11 (3 9( 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 2.8 (.2 3,.( ,4.2 100

Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation:'. FATE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 1 18 ,9 99 177 PERCENTAGE .( 1*.2 33.3 ,,.9 100 %EST WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 18 ,( 1*3 177 PERCENTAGE 1*.2 31.( ,8.2 100*. DEFINITE )ISTA,E WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 2* (3 94 177 PERCENTAGE 11.3 3,.( ,3.1 100 %ELONGING WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS S.NO 1 2 3 4 , PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL FREQUENCY 2, 9 21 33 89 177 PERCENTAGE 14.1 ,.1 11.9 18.( ,*.3 100

Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: NOT FEEL E)OTIONALLY WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 28 7 19 3, 88 177 PERCENTAGE 1,.8 4.* 1*.7 19.8 49.7 100 ENCOURAGES SLOW WOR,ING WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 1( 9* 71 177 PERCENTAGE 9.* ,*.8 4*.1 100

3.1.1.'0. $OG RELATED PRO%LE)S WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 1, 117 4, 177 PERCENTAGE 8., ((.1 2,.4 100

3.1.1.'1. I)PRO/E PERFOR)ANCE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 1 21 12* 3, 177 PERCENTAGE .( 11.9 (7.8 19.8 100

3.1.1.'#. PAYS ATTENTION WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 22 119 3( 177 PERCENTAGE 12.4 (7.2 2*.3 100

3.1.1.'3. RESPECT YOUR OPINIONS WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 FREQUENCY 2, 112 4* 177 PERCENTAGE 14.1 (3.3 22.( 100

3.1.1.''. SUPER/ISES WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Stron&ly !isa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 4 28 98 47 177 PERCENTAGE 2.3 1,.8 ,,.4 2(.( 100

3.1.1.'(. FEEL /ALUED WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 2 37 8( ,2 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 2*.9 48.( 29.4 100

3.1.1.'*. ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS Disa&ree 8eutral 6&ree Stron&ly a&ree TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY 2 29 93 ,3 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 1(.4 ,2., 29.9 100

3.1.1.'7. LOT A%OUT LEA/ING WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 1i&hly !issatis ie! Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 2 3 74 82 1( 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 1.7 41.8 4(.3 9.* 100

3.1.1.'-. ALTERNATI/E WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 1i&hly !issatis ie! Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 2 3 48 1*3 21 177 PERCENTAGE 1.1 1.7 27.1 ,8.2 11.9 100

3.1.1.'..LEA/E THE ORGANISATION WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 1i&hly !issatis ie! Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 3, 1, 23 78 2( 177 PERCENTAGE 19.8 8., 13.* 44.1 14.7 100

3.1.1.(0. ANOTHER $O% WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 1i&hly !issatis ie! Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 34 17 (1 ,8 7 177 PERCENTAGE 19.2 9.( 34., 32.8 4.* 100

3.1.1.(1. O/ERALL SATISFACTION WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS PARTICULARS 1i&hly !issatis ie! Dissatis ie! 8eutral Satis ie! 1i&hly satis ie! TOTAL Source: Primary Data 0nter#retation: S.NO 1 2 3 4 , FREQUENCY 4 ( 2* 7* 77 177 PERCENTAGE 2.3 3.4 11.3 39., 43., 100

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