Health Promotion Plan

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Personal Health Assessment and Health Promotion Plan Andrea Mygrants Ferris State Uni ersity

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN A"stra#t

$ithin this %a%er is the details o& ho' the author de elo%ed a %lan &or "etter %ersonal health( The %lan &ollo's the &amiliar and e&&e#ti e ste%s o& the nursing %ro#ess: Assess) *iagnose) Plan) +m%lement) and E aluate( Through assessment 'ith a Health ,elie&s Sur ey) and the identi&ied %riority nursing diagnosis o& +m"alan#ed Nutrition: more than "ody re-uirements) a %lan 'as made to lose 'eight( This %lan 'as aided "y the the tools o& a ,ody Mass +nde. #al#ulator &ound on the /enters &or *isease /ontrol 'e"site and a ,ody $eight Simulator &ound on the 'e"site &or the National +nstitute o& *ia"etes and *igesti e and 0idney *iseases( The %lan 'as im%lemented &or t'o 'ee1s 'ith the aid o& a &ood diary on the 2My Fitness Pal3 'e"site and i %hone a%%li#ation) and "y adding 45 minutes o& 'al1ing ea#h day( The %lan 'as e aluated and &ound to need more time to measure 'eight loss su##ess) "ut still loo1s %romising(

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN Personal Health Assessment and Health Promotion Plan

/hanging a ha"it or "elie& a"out %ersonal health #an "e #om%li#ated( $hat de&ines our "elie&s is a #om%le. mi.ture o& #ulture and edu#ation( Our health has #ultural as%e#ts) "ut also has geneti# in&luen#es( There&ore to ma1e a health #hange it is im%ortant to assess 'hat health "elie&s are %resent) then #hoose an area to #hange( For the %ur%ose o& this %a%er) the nursing %ro#ess 'as used to assess 'hat area o& health needed to "e im%ro ed) 'hat nursing diagnosis #ould "e made) 'hat %lan needs to "e made) 'hat tools 'ill hel% 'ith im%lementation) and lastly 'hat e aluation #an "e made a"out the health #hange( Assessment- Health Beliefs Survey The Health ,elie&s Sur ey is a "rie& -uestionnaire that as1s the user to ans'er 16 -uestions 'ith res%onses ranging &rom 2strongly disagree3 to 2strongly agree3( On#e s#ored the results then identi&y i& the user attri"utes health and illness to internal in&luen#e) #han#e) or the in&luen#e o& 2%o'er&ul others3 meaning lo ed ones) &amily) or do#tors( The results o& this sur ey &or the author sho's a s#ore in the normal range &or internal in&luen#e and #han#e) "ut a lo'er than normal s#ore &or the in&luen#e o& %o'er&ul others( 7see A%%endi. A8 Perha%s this is "e#ause the author is a health#are %ro&essional) and this de#reases the in&luen#e o& outside health o%inions( The results o& the Health ,elie&s Sur ey ga e the author the insight that to "e su##ess&ul in %lanning a health #hange) it 'ould "e im%ortant to #on#entrate on an area 'ith a great amount o& %ersonal #ontrol( +t 'ould also "e hel%&ul i& the author used tools that sho' ho' #hanges in %ersonal "eha ior #an in#rease or de#rease the magnitude o& su##ess and %rogress( $ith these thoughts in mind the author then loo1ed to the nursing diagnoses to hel% identi&y an a%%ro%riate area &or #hange( Nursing Diagnosis To determine an a%%ro%riate nursing diagnosis) the author &irst had to loo1 at 'hat signs and9or sym%toms are %resent that may #ontri"ute to %oor health( The author determined that the "iggest health

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN %riority 'as "eing o er'eight( +t 'as already 'ell 1no'n to the author that o"esity #an #ontri"ute to heart disease and dia"etes o& 'hi#h "oth are a %ro"lem in her &amily( There&ore the %riority nursing diagnosis that 'as #hosen using Mos"y;s <uide to Nursing *iagnosis !nd edition 'as) +m"alan#ed Nutrition: more than "ody re-uirements( 7Lad'ig = A#1ley) !5568 The de&ining #hara#teristi#s that 'ere %resent are: 2#on#entrating &ood inta1e at the end o& the

day3> 2dys&un#tional eating %attern> eating in res%onse to e.ternal #ues other than hunger3 7es%e#ially stress8> 2sedentary a#ti ity le el3> and 2'eight !5? o er ideal &or height and &rame3( The out#omes that 'ere #hosen are: 2identi&y "eha iors that remain under the #lient;s #ontrol3> 2design dietary modi&i#ations to meet indi idual long@term goal o& 'eight #ontrol3> 2lose 'eight in a reasona"le %eriod3> and 2in#or%orate a%%ro%riate a#ti ities re-uiring energy e.%enditure into daily li&e3( To rea#h the desired out#omes the author #hose to use three nursing inter entions that 'ould assist in "oth losing 'eight and im%ro ing nutrition( The &irst inter ention is to 1ee% a &ood diary( This 'as to "e done &or at least a 'ee1 to identi&y eating %atterns and gi e a "aseline &or ho' many #alories are "eing eaten in a day( The se#ond inter ention is to determine a "aseline ,ody Mass +nde.( This gi es a more a##urate numeri#al re%resentation o& 'eight related to health) and #an "e re@measured %eriodi#ally to tra#1 %rogress( The third inter ention is to read &ood la"els to ma1e "etter &ood #hoi#es( This hel%ed the author to 1ee% tra#1 o& ho' many #alories are "eing eaten ea#h day( Planning- Tools Used to Plan for Better Health Trans-theoretical Model The &irst tool the author used to assist in ma1ing the health #hange o& losing 'eight 'as the Trans@theoreti#al Model( This model 'as &irst introdu#ed to the author through reading the te.t) Health Promotion in Nursing Pra#ti#e "y Pender) Murdaugh) and Parsons( This introdu#ed the author to the &i e stages o& #hange: %re#omtem%lation> #ontem%lation> %lanning or %re%aration> a#tion> and maintenan#e(


,e&ore "eginning this %roBe#t the author has "een mo ing "a#1 and &orth "et'een the stages o& #ontem%lation) %lanning) and a#tion( The author has made %re ious e&&orts to de#rease "ody 'eight through diet and "ut had not made a %lan "e&ore that has e&&e#ted the desired goal( $hen this %roBe#t "egan the author 'as in the stage o& %lanning or %re%aration( This 'as e iden#ed "y 'hat Pender) Murdaugh) and Parsons des#ri"e as) 2An indi idual is seriously thin1ing a"out engaging in the #ontem%lated #hange 'ithin the ne.t month and has ta1en some ste%s in this dire#tion(3 7Pender) Murdaugh = Parsons) !5118 The ste%s that 'ere ta1en 'ere to Boin the CM/A and to sign u% &or the nutrition tra#1ing %rogram 2My Fitness Pal3( Body Mass Inde The se#ond tool used "y the author to hel% 'ith her 'eight loss goal 'as to #al#ulate her ,ody Mass +nde. or ,M+( The ,ody Mass +nde. is a #al#ulation made &rom "oth height and 'eight( The author used the ,M+ #al#ulator &rom the /enters &or *isease /ontrol 7/*/8 'e"site( 7/enters &or *isease /ontrol) !5118 This sho'ed that the authors "eginning ,M+ 'as 45(6( 7see a%%endi. ,8 This %la#ed the author in the #ategory o& 2o"ese3( $hile the author 1ne' that she 'as o er'eight) it 'as sho#1ing to her that she 'as no' #onsidered o"ese( As a nurse she 1no's that o"esity #an lead to many serious health %ro"lems) and she this ga e her more moti ation to ma1e a health #hange( Body !eight Simulator The third tool that the author used 'as the ,ody $eight Simulator( This is a 'e" "ased a%%li#ation that 'as #reated "y a resear#h grou% 'ith the National +nstitute o& *ia"etes and *igesti e and 0idney *iseases( The #reation o& the ,ody $eight Simulator 'as done &or resear#h and des#ri"ed in the arti#le) 2Duanti&i#ation o& the e&&e#t o& energy im"alan#e on "ody'eight3 7Hall) Sa#1s) /handramohan) /ho') $ang) <ortma1er = S'in"urn) !5118( +n using the "ody 'eight simulator) the author entered in&ormation a"out her #urrent 'eight) height) and a#ti ity le el( Then in&ormation is entered a"out 'hat the author;s goal 'eight is and o er 'hat time &rame she 'anted to lose the 'eight(

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN This tool 'as hel%&ul "e#ause it allo'ed the author to see ho' many #alories %er day 'ere needed to "oth a#hie e 'eight loss and to maintain it( +t also sho'ed ho' #hanging a#ti ity le el in "oth the 'eight loss %hase and the maintenan#e %hase #an e&&e#t ho' many #alories %er day #an "e added "a#1 into the diet and still rea#h the goal o& losing 'eight( This tool 'as &ound at the 'e"site: htt%:99"'simulator(nidd1(nih(go ( Im"lementation

The %lan de elo%ed "y the author is to eat 1)A55 #alories %er day) in#rease %hysi#al a#ti ity "y 'al1ing &or 45 minutes %er day and Bogging &or 45 minutes three times %er 'ee1) in#rease &ruit and egeta"le inta1e) and de#rease inta1e o& re&ined sugars( This %lan 'as im%lemented t'o 'ee1s ago( For the &irst 'ee1 the author did not introdu#e any ne' &ood #hanges or and only 1e%t a &ood diary to see 'hat the "aseline 'as &or #alories eaten %er day( The se#ond 'ee1 a &ood diary 'as also 1e%t) "ut this time 'ith the goal o& eating around 1)A55 #alories %er day( 7see a%%endi. *8 *uring this t'o 'ee1s the author also used the &irst 'ee1 to "e#ome a'are o& her general le el o& a#ti ity) 'hile the se#ond 'ee1 'as used to introdu#e 'al1ing &or 45 minutes %er day into her routine( The goal to Bog &or 45 minutes three times %er 'ee1 has not yet "een im%lemented( The goal to eat more &ruits and egeta"les and less re&ined sugar 'as also introdu#ed in the se#ond 'ee1 and so &ar has seen im%ro ing su##ess 'ith #ontinued %ra#ti#e( The three nursing inter entions ha e also so &ar "een im%lemented su##ess&ully( The &irst inter ention o& 1ee%ing a &ood diary has "een a##om%lished 'ith the hel% o& the 2My Fitness Pal3 'e"site and i %hone a%%li#ation( The se#ond inter ention o& determining ,M+ 'as also a##om%lished 'ith the ,M+ #al#ulator %re iously dis#ussed( The third inter ention o& reading &ood la"els has also "een a##om%lished also 'ith the hel% o& the 2My Fitness Pal3 i %hone a%%li#ation( +t has a &eature that allo's the user to use their %hone;s #amera to s#an a &ood item and instantly add the dietary in&ormation to their &ood diary( +t also has a data"ase o& thousands o& &oods that ma1es tra#1ing nutrition

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN in&ormation easy( 7GMy&itness%al)G !55A8 #onclusion

$hile the author has "een 'or1ing on this %lan &or t'o 'ee1s) there has only "een one 'ee1 so &ar o& dietary and #hange( This means that 'hile there has not "een any 'eight loss yet) there has "een some su##ess( The &irst measure o& su##ess is that the author has mo ed in the trans@ theoreti#al model &rom the %lanning %hase to the a#tion %hase( The se#ond measure o& su##ess is that the author has su##ess&ully im%lemented all three nursing inter entions that she set out to do( The last and most im%ortant measure o& su##ess is that the author has gained ne' 1no'ledge and moti ation to ma1e a lasting #hange( $ith #ontinued %ersisten#e and "y maintaining a high le el o& sel&@e&&i#a#y) the author 'ill #ontinue to ma1e %rogress to'ard "etter health and 'ellness( There&ore the e aluation o& this %lan 'ill "e to #ontinue and monitor &or 'eight loss su##ess(

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN Re&eren#es

/enters &or *isease /ontrol( 7!511) May :8( Heathy weight- it's a not a diet, it's a lifestyle! ( Retrie ed &rom htt%:99'''(#d#(go 9healthy'eight9 Hall) 0() Sa#1s) <() /handramohan) *() /ho') /() $ang) C() <ortma1er) S() = S'in"urn) ,( 7!5118( -uanti&i#ation o& the e&&e#t o& energy im"alan#e on "ody'eight( The Lancet) 3787HFH48) 6!E@4F Lad'ig) <( ,() = A#1ley) ,( I( 7!5568( Mosb'ys guide to nursing diagnosis( 7Hth ed(8( St( Louis: Mos"y( Myfitnesspal( 7!55A8( Retrie ed &rom htt%:99'''(my&itness%al(#om Pender) N( I() Murdaugh) /( L() = Parsons) M( A( 7!5118( Health pro otion in nursing practice( 7Eth ed(8( U%%er Saddle Ri er: Prenti#e Hall(

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN A""endi A Health Beliefs Survey

The questionnaire is designed to determine the way in which different people view certain important health-related issues. Each item is a belief statement, with which you may agree or disagree. Beside each statement is a scale that ranges from strongly disagree (1 to strongly agree (! . "or each item, choose the number that represents the e#tent to which you disagree or agree. This is a measure of your personal beliefs$ obviously, there are no right or wrong answers. %lease answer these items carefully, but do not spend too much time on any one item. &s much as you can, try to respond to each item independently. 'hen ma(ing your choice, do not be influenced by your previous choices. )t is important that you respond according to your actual beliefs and not according to how you feel you should believe or how you thin( we want you to believe. 1 - *trongly +isagree$ , - -oderately +isagree$ . - *lightly +isagree$ / - *lightly &gree$ 0 -oderately &gree$ ! - *trongly &gree 1 , . / 0 ! #

1. )f ) get sic(, it is my own behavior that determines how soon ) will get well again. ,. 1o matter what ) do, if ) am going to get sic(, )2ll get sic(. # .. 3aving regular contact with my physician is the best way for me # avoid illness. /. -ost things that affect my health happen to me by accident. # 0. 'henever ) don2t feel well, ) should consult a medically trained # professional. !. ) am in control of my health. 4. -y family has a lot to do with my becoming sic( or staying # healthy. 5. 'hen ) get sic(, ) am to blame. # 6. 7uc( plays a big part in determining how soon ) will recover # from an illness. 18. 3ealth professionals control my health. # 11. -y good health is largely a matter of good fortune. # 1,. The main thing that affects my health is what ) myself do. 1.. )f ) ta(e care of myself, ) can avoid illness.

# #

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN 1/. 'hen ) recover from illness, it2s usually because other people have been ta(ing good care of me. (doctor, nurses, family 10. 1o matter what ) do, )2m li(ely to get sic(. 1!. )f it2s meant to be, ) will stay healthy. 14. )f ) ta(e the right actions, ) can stay healthy. 15. 9egarding my health, ) can only do what my doctor tells me to do. These three subscales, and the items included in each, are as follows:

15 # # # # #

)nternal )tems: 1, !, 5, 1,, 1., 14 ;hance )tems: ,, /, 6, 11, 10, 1! %owerful-others items: ., 0, 4, 18, 1/, 15

The score on each subscale is the sum of the values for each item in that subscale multiplied by ,. *cores within each subscale can range from 1, to 4,. The higher the score on the internal subscale, the more personal control clients believe that they e#ercise over their own health. The higher the scores on the chance subscale and power-others subscale, the higher the beliefs in the importance of chance and others respectively in controlling personal health. 1ormative means for adults on each subscale are as follows: )nternal, 08./ ;hance, .1.8 %owerful-others, /8.6 My Scores: Internal, 54 Chance, 32 Powerful others, 22

Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN A en!i" B


Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN A en!i" C


Running Head: PERSONAL HEALTH PLAN A en!i" #


$ne #ay Sa% le of &oo! #iary Before Chan'e Brea(fast- two large eggs- 158 calories orange <uice, , cups- ,,8 calories toast- , slices white bread- 158 calories Brea(fast total 058 calories 7unch- %rogresso 7oaded Ba(ed %otato *oup, 1 can- .!8 calories *andwich (, slices white bread, ,o= sliced deli tur(ey,1 slice american cheese, 1tbs mayo - /.0 calories 7unch total 460 calories +inner- *paghetti (, cups spaghetti noodles, 1 cup spaghetti sauce, .o= ground beef, 1>5 cup %armesan cheese - 508 calories *(im -il(, , cups- 158 calories +inner total 18.8 calories *nac(- ;hocolate ice cream, 1 cup- ,50 calories *nac( total ,50 calories (otal for !ay) 2*+, calories $ne #ay Sa% le of &oo! #iary After Chan'e Brea(fast- three egg whites scrambled- 01 calories ? cup shredded cheddar cheese- 188 calories , tbs salsa- 18 calories 1 medium banana- 11/ calories Brea(fast total- ,40 calories 7unch- *alad (, cups lettuce mi#, @ cup chopped chic(en breast, 1 medium roma tomato, @ cup cucumber slices, ? cup low fat feta cheese, , tbs italian dressing A .1/ calories 7unch total- .1/ calories +inner- Thai ;hili *almon "ilet- ,!8 calories Breen Beans (18 beans - 14 calories 1 cup brown rice- ,1! calories 1 cup s(im mil(- 68 calories +inner total- 05. calories *nac(- &pple (medium - 58 calories , tbs peanut butter- 168 calories *nac( total- ,48 calories (otal for !ay) -442 calories #ifference .etween .efore !ay an! after !ay) -,24/ calories

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