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Omensetters Luck by William H.

(1966) To the editors of Accent, when I most needed it, gave me generously of their friendship. The first two sections of this novel, in somewhat different form, appeared originally in their magazine, and although the magazine has ceased to exist, I like to think that I shall always be writing for it. The Triumph of Israbestis Tott Now folks today we're going to auction off issus !imber's t"ings. # t"ink you all knew issus !imber and you know s"e "ad some $retty nice t"ings. %"is is going to be a real fine sale and we "a&e a real fine day for it. #t may get "ot' t"oug"' later on' so we want to kee$ t"ings mo&ing rig"t along. (nd now #'m going to begin t"e sale wit" t"e t"ings back "ere by t"e barn. )ou'&e all "ad a c"ance to look at e&eryt"ing so let's bid rig"t out for t"ese fine t"ings and kee$ t"ings mo&ing rig"t along. %"e sale is cas" as usual and issus Grady is inside to take care of t"at. %"e ladies of t"e et"odist *"urc" are kindly $ro&iding t"e lunc". )ou can see t"eir tables across t"ere in issus +oot's lot and # know you'll want to "el$ all t"ese ladies ,ust as t"ey are "el$ing you. #t-ll be good # know. (ll rig"t #'m going to begin t"e sale back "ere so if you folks will follow me we'll get started. #t was "is first e.cursion. He "ad tottered about in t"e yard for se&eral weeks des$ite t"e "ig" grass' and for t"ree mont"s "e "ad $racticed in "is bedroom and in t"e li&ing room and "alls' but "e was going to try "imself in earnest now. He'd said "e'd see t"e summer under and "e "ad. %"e grass was burned. %"ere were flecks of yellow in t"e cotton trees. %"e weeds were wilted and long in seed. W"ere were all "is friends/ 0nce "e went out in t"e morning down t"e street and e&eryone was u$ and "e knew e&eryone. He could "ear t"e an&il ring and at's mild &oice between t"e ringings singing to t"e "orses. )ou could s"out from one end of town to t"e ot"er and be "eard. (nd in t"e morning at was like a bell. #srabestis rubbed "is c"eek. W"o was t"e man wit" t"e gold teet"/ He was out of touc". He used to sto$ at ossteller's $lace. ossteller was a 1uiet fellow but "e lo&ed to ,oke. He used to sto$ in 2loyd *ate's on t"e way. 2loyd would $ut "is foot u$ on t"e sto&e and say "e'd o&eret "imself and swear t"at it was cold if it was ay. He and 2loyd would talk until t"e train w"istled for Gilean. W"en t"e w"istle blew a second time' 2loyd would take "is foot down and t"ey would bot" go and stand in front of t"e store and stretc". Well' 2loyd would say' #'&e got to get at it. #srabestis would s"ake "is "ead sym$at"etically and walk off to t"e station. !eo$le $assed im$atiently around "im. %"ey walked so fast. ( crowd was gat"ering by t"e barn. #ts $aint was scaling badly. %"e roof sagged toward a t"orn tree. # caug"t a kite in t"ere' "e said. %"ee main door "ung by one "inge. Windows were broken and

t"e darkness ,agged. %"e "ouse' "owe&er' was s1uare and firm' beautiful e&eryw"ere' wit"out a crack' eac" brick made by "and and laid by a master. %"e sound of t"e crowd grew as "e came slowly along. (ll along t"e front were tall narrow windows 2ucy !imber s"owed candles in w"ile it snowed on t"e carolers. 3am raised "is "and and $eered between "is missing fingers. 4&erybody laug"ed. !eo$le inc"ed among t"e c"airs and couc"es on t"e lawn or sat in rocking c"airs and talked or leaned against di&ans and talked' s"ading t"eir eyes wit" t"eir "ands. %"ey "andled &ases' fingered sil&er s$oons' smoot"ed "and51uilted 1uilts. 0n t"e s"aded $orc" t"e women s1uee6ed t"emsel&es between card tables set wit" tilting towers of c"ina cu$s' bubbled colored glass and $ainted $lates. #n t"e back' by t"e barn' t"e men gat"ered in serious $airs to smoke' "eft "ea&y im$lements' and t"ink. 7nder t"e lam$s at a side of t"e "ouse' young c"ildren sat and fussed wit" t"e laces of t"eir s"oes. 3am !eac" yelled' looked at "is fingers gone' and s$at. 4&erybody laug"ed' and "e "eld u$ between "is missing fingers a ball of twine and wit" "is full5fingered "and a fine old saw' a ro$e' a rubber mat' a can of lime8 w"ile in "ig"5backed and formal c"airs' beneat" t"e scattered s"ade of "alf5dead elms' old ladies and old canes leaned toget"er and nodded ,erkily. %oo bad' t"ey said. %oo bad. %oo bad. Not muc" of a woman. "imself w"en bum$ed. ean' t"in' and silent. 3amant"a's friend. He e.cused

# saw t"is "ouse go u$' #srabestis said. 9irst on t"e street. %"at so/ # saw t"e cellar dug and t"e first brick laid. # was in t"is "ouse t"e &ery day :ob 3tout' w"o built "er' fell from t"e et"odist stee$le. %"at so/ He fell on t"e iron fence t"at used to go around it. !arson !eac"' "e'd ,ust come t"en;no' no' it was longer ago t"an t"at' Huffley's day it was;Huffley was a builder;took 9urber's $lace5anyway' Huffley "ad t"e fence torn down. %"at so/ #t was funny about t"e fence because; 2utie +oot/ #t was "er lot across t"e street. Was t"at t"e one "er old man got in a swa$ for a flock of geese/ )es. %"ere was a story. No. %"at wasn't 2utie +oot. 3"e "ad a "arder eye' as "ard an eye as "er old man "ad' like translucent rock. 3"e went in t"e winter. He'd forgot. Hard eye and all' $aler and $aler till it went out. W"o were all t"ese $eo$le/ 3am !eac" "eld u$ a set of ,elly molds' a lengt" of screen' an anti1ue drinking cu$ "e claimed was $ewter but was not' a bo. of bolts' a rake' ro$e in a tangled figure5eig"t. 3am wi$ed "is face wit" a s$otted clot" "e'd knotted to "is neck and nodded to t"e crowd. He e.claimed "ow "ot it was' remarked "ow "ard "e worked' in w"at re$air a wooden wringer was. His face was flus"ed from s"outing and t"e wa&ing of "is arms and w"ile "e talked "e switc"ed from c"eek to c"eek tobacco wit" "is tongue and w"en "e s$at "e made a wide and

running stain u$on t"e ground. 3am smiled "is dark brown teet". He $ointed to a flaw. He t"rew a$art "is arms. His nose twitc"ed wit" "armless "onesty. He told w"at "e would use a crooked miter for if "e "ad one' and said "ow muc" "is missing fingers broug"t t"e day "e'd knocked t"em down' and "ow "e'd sold t"e saw' too' for a dollar more. 4&erybody laug"ed and bid. 3am ti$$ed "is broad5brimmed "at. He winked' and t"e friendly lines by "is eyes drew in. His wife marked down t"e sale. %"ey bot" mo&ed on and wit" t"em mo&ed t"e crowd and e&erybody's laug"ter. # don't know t"at fellow' #srabestis t"oug"t. # saw t"is "ouse go u$' #srabestis said. 9irst on t"e street. 0"/ %"ey built t"ings t"ose days; %"e summer "ad been "ot. %"e ground was "ard. %"e dri&e was dusty. *ars "ad been dri&en in t"e dri&e and dust raised. %"e dust "ad settled on t"e grass by t"e dri&e and turned it gray. *"ildren "ad written t"eir names on t"ee to$s of dressers. Wasn't anybody going to s"ake "is "and/ <uite a sale' lsrabestis said. 2ot of ,unk. 0" no' not; He t"oug"t "e knew t"e fellow wit" t"e black c"eroot. God if "e didn't look like Hog :ellman. #srabestis felt "is stomac" tumble. Gas. #talians' "e'd "eard' "ad boug"t it. #t was suc" a big "ouse. 3ome"ow "e forgot t"ere were #talians. #n t"ose days t"ere weren't many. 3ometimes t"ey came to re$air t"e railroad. 0r were t"ey e.icans/ 3icilians/ =id it make a difference/ #t always seemed so far away for #talians. %"ere were #talians of course. ore and more. (nd now in t"is "ouse t"at used to bla6e wit" lig"ts. )ou seen W"o/ aybe c*ormick or 9ayfield/ %"ey used to come in a lot. iss 4lsie %odd/

Hog :ellman. ( "ig" w"ite "at on "im. y god. Hunting in t"e mars"es in t"e time of "ig" water. at making t"em be 1uiet. Not a bird but t"e rus" of water. Hog :ellman. y god. %"ere's t"e c"ief. Good. )ou get around $retty good' #srabestis said. # get around fine. # come to all of t"em. # ne&er miss a one. +ain or s"ine. # ne&er miss. =on't see anybody muc" any more. =on't see you muc"' %ott' been sick/ :een fine. >ust fine.

Wo$s got t"is $lace. Going to tear it down. # "ad no truck wit" t"em. %roublemakers. %"ey'd come to town nig"ts and make trouble. # got on to t"em 1uick enoug". W"en # was c"ief # ke$t t"ings $eaceful and t"e ,ail full. 3ee t"e $a$ers/ :ut :ob 3tout built t"is "ouse. # remember t"e time t"ey was t"e bridge down to Wind"am. ( clutc" of t"em was down t"ere;c"ea$ labor and all and # always said t"ey was c"ea$ too' like e.icans;and t"ere was a clutc" of t"em big ones. %"ey was big and burnt like niggers from working in t"e sun. 3ome of t"em e&en was niggers # guess. )es. We ne&er "ad any niggers in t"is town till now. %"ere was 9lack. W"o/ >efferson 9lack. 3oon as t"e sun came down t"ey was at it. *ame in "ere by t"e wagonload. # was "ere;# li&ed "ere t"en. )ou was/ 0f course you was. Well t"ey used to come in $iled u$ like logs on t"em wagons and w"en t"ey let t"e tailgate down it was like letting a load of logs loose. %"ey would ,um$ out of t"e wagons as soon as t"ey got to t"e edge of town. %"ere was one w"o; (ll at once t"ey would $our out. Har? %"ey was big ones? :ig ones' #srabestis t"oug"t. %"ere was only one big one. He and "is "uge "ee5"aw. W"o was it always called $oor :rackett 0mensetter t"at;t"e "uge "ee5"aw/ 3ometimes t"e walls in #srabestis' room closed at t"eir corners like a book and would not let "im remember. Now t"e sun dro&e "is eyes down. %"ere was not"ing to see at "is feet. #t could "a&e been >et"ro 9urber' but it wasn't. Hee5"aw. )ou don't look u$ to snuff %ott. :een sick/ Not a day. 3een *ate/ (";no. He's still ... / 3aw "im at t"e farm. %oo bad. %oo bad. He's real bad. !retty old you know. !retty old. 3"akes bad. 3"ook t"e w"ole time # was t"ere. %errible. Won't last long. # "ad a bitc" did t"at as soon s"e w"el$ed. Her ,aw bobbled and "er teet" clacked;constant . . . =ull old fool' #srabestis t"oug"t' "e's got no flair. # know t"ese stories. ost of t"em are mine' my mout" ga&e eac" of t"em its s"a$e' but #'&e no teet" to c"ew my long sweet yout" again. ( terse man years ago and s"eriff after *urt *"amlay

"ad angered "is badge in t"e snowy weeds' t"e fellow ne&er drew a breat" in "is old age' but watered e&eryone "e knew wit" words' "a$"a6ardly' like #srabestis did "imself' "e was afraid. 2ong/ sweet/ %"e "eat ... it was t"e "eat. %"ey "ad come to t"e train to meet t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber@ 3amant"a' Henry' 2ucy !imber' bot" 3$inks' Gladys *"amlay' ot"ers' +osa Ano. and Balient Hatstat. %"ere "ad been 1uarrels o&er t"at' o" god' suc" resourceful bickering. Well "e didn't sweat as muc" now as "e "ad t"en' t"at was one t"ing. %"e steam from t"e engine "ad seemed to issue from t"e ground. Neat' "e remembered t"inking as 9urber ste$$ed down' and t"en t"e +e&erend's arm reac"ed out and bit "im. Howd,u. He su$$osed "e flinc"ed. Neat. Neat' stiff' $ressed' black' burning. %"e +e&erend grabbed at Henry' Henry mumbling. %"e w"eels of t"e engine creaked' steam t"reatened t"e cars' and t"ey all retreated awkwardly toward t"e station' 9urber bowing briskly. He's tiny' "e's ,ust tiny, 3amant"a w"is$ered' and t"eir new minister suddenly ran into t"e station w"ere' t"roug" t"e window' t"ey saw "im climbing t"e stairs. ... well you was ne&er married was you/ Har. Well you got a $ension # "ear' and t"at "ouse. 7s men die before our women usually. )ou don't "a&e to worry about t"at. %"ere's 3amant"a t"oug"' ain't t"ere/ Well you got t"at $ension and t"at "ouse. )es. 2loyd's got t"e s"akes. %"ey would sit in t"e boat and fis" in t"e ri&er. %"e trees "ung o&er and s"aded t"e sides. %"ey would drift in and out of t"e s"ade' eddying wit" t"e ri&er' watc"ing t"e cork float' t"eir broad "ats tilted' s"ading t"eir eyes. #t would be $leasantly cool in t"e s"ady $laces w"ere t"e roots of t"e willows and t"e beec"es came mossy to t"e ri&erside' and t"e water was black by t"e boat. %"ey would get caug"t u$ in a curl of t"e ri&er' t"e water still and black by t"e boat' until 2loyd would reac" u$ and $ull on a limb and t"e boat would coast out into t"e sun again w"ere t"e water s$arkled and sla$$ed gently against t"e "ull. #t was warm and comfortable and t"ere weren't many fis"' but ,ust slow and easy drifting down t"e c"eckered ri&er. *areful 2acy. He'd nearly forgot. 9ord and >as$er and Willie (msterdam. ost $eo$le didn't know about t"at. *areful must "a&e been si.ty t"en. He foug"t organ's men. %"e fire was a great kite flying to t"e ri&er. *areful 2acy. He'd nearly forgot. Had an ass like an a$e. 2ike fis"ing' said #srabestis %ott. 3ome. 9is"ing's fun. # like sledding better. 3ledding's fun too. )ou're $retty old. How old are you/

!retty old. # bet. W"at do you do now you're so old. # was $ostmaster once. Not really. # was. # was $ostmaster for t"is w"ole town. # "ad t"e ,ob all by myself. # did it all. )ou ain't $ostmaster now. No. # was once. # used to be. y dad says #'m t"e busiest "e e&er saw. # bet you are. W"at do you do/ # li&e in a tree. W"at kind of a tree/ ( "ig" tree. #t goes way u$ into t"e air and you can see clean to *olumbus. %"at's a good way. 0" it's awful "ig". ( t"ousand feet. Well' good5bye. %"e boy "ad &aulted a benc". #t "ad Henry !imber's bullocks on it. #srabestis considered8 s"ook "is "ead. %"e sun' t o o . . . no s"ade anyw"ere. He could "a&e told t"at boy t"e story of t"e man w"o went to $ieces' "e'd "a&e liked t"at8 or t"e story of t"e "ig" and iron fence. He'd begin it' gently' and t"en t"e boy would say@ W"y'd t"ey want a fence' t"oug"' anyway/ (nd t"en "e'd say@ #t was t"e kind of fence t"at a good stick would make a good loud noise on if you was to run it along. 0". %"at was t"e kind of fence t"ey wanted;a "ig" iron one wit" tall s"ar$ $ickets close toget"er t"at would ring loud and "andsome wit" a stick. :ut not e&eryone wanted a fence ,ust like t"at. W"y not/ Well some t"oug"t it would be nice to "a&e a fence wit" deers in it or trees like t"e one t"at used to be around W"ittacker's' t"e undertaker's. # don't t"ink muc" of t"at.

# ne&er did eit"er' #srabestis t"oug"t. # ne&er did. (nd boys were all like t"at. !o$. Well. 4&en my own ears are weary. %"ere were rows of straig"ts and rockers' kitc"en and $arlor c"airs' bot" $ainted and u$"olstered' rows of em$ty old embraces. 4&erybody wants it new' "e said. %"en "e saw w"ere "e could sit@ on t"e slo$e of t"e cellar door. 3"e $ut u$ a lot of &egetables and fruit and t"ings' rs. !imber did. 4&ery year. Now for myself' #'d want a "ouse t"at "ad a little more t"an my weak $oo6ly tracks all t"roug" it. #'d want some corners ot"er folks "ad warmed. #'d sit in my c"air in t"e 1uiet by t"e window' and watc" t"e $ur$ling air' t"e la6y "ats and "orses' and #'d t"ink back on ... well' t"e seasons of families' t"e $assage of blood t"roug" t"e "ouse' ,ust like' you know' it $asses t"roug" me w"ile #'m standing "ere. #'m not too old for t"at. He s"ould $robably "a&e a$ologi6ed for "is teet". %"e man's slee&es were too long' t"ey needed an elastic. %"ere were good days' t"oug"' days w"en "e remembered mostly drugstores. ( bee flew by "is face. 0mensetter was a wide and "a$$y man. 9act. (t least "e "ad t"at straig"t. (nd in t"e mornings at was like a bell. :ut at "ad finally faded like a sound. 0kay' okay' ,ust let me ease C myself ... %"e sun slid from "is back' and it was like swimming for a moment;t"at moment of cool green coasting w"en you'&e ,um$ed. He closed "is eyes' but t"e lids flamed. 9urber ne&er listened eit"er. He declaimed. %ott sig"ed. 3wimming took away your weig"t. Was t"at t"e reason "e lo&ed t"e smell of drugstores' and all t"ose drawers/ #t was 0mensetter's luck. 2ikely. %o lose t"e "ea&iness of life. %"at 9urber fellow' for instance' was not"ing but bones' and e&en t"ose you could "a&e wra$$ed in a "ankie. )et "e weig"ed a ton. =idn't "e' by george? a ton. Now folks we'&e got four fine beds "ere and we're going to sell t"em all. Aids' don't bounce on t"e beds. %"ese are fine beds and t"e s$rings and mattresses all come wit" t"em. )ou can feel w"at s"a$e t"ey're in. #t's first rate. Here's your c"ance to get a real good bed. 3ay can e&erybody "ear me/ %"ere's too muc" talking' ladies' $lease. (ll rig"t' fine. We mig"t as well start rig"t "ere and go rig"t down t"e line. %"is "ere's solid c"erry' and isn't s"e a beauty? %"ere' ,ust feel t"at mattress. 2ooks like new. 2ot of use in t"em yet. 0f course if you don't want to use t"e s$rings and mattress t"at is on it' you don't "a&e to. )ou can $ut anyt"ing on it you want to. 2ook at t"at wood. Well now w"at'll you say to start for t"is c"erry bedstead and t"is fine mattress and good s$rings. W"o'll say twenty5fi&e/ Gaiety was continuous. =on't talk to dirty old men. Henry !imber "ad lain wit" lock,aw in t"at bed' and t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber "ad $lanted $rayers around it like a "edge' and later #srabestis "ad followed "im downstairs' t"e minister cursing Nature' an' and God' at e&ery ste$. #srabestis mo&ed "is feet wit" effort. He was tired and stiff. He made "is way slowly to t"e back of t"e "ouse t"roug" t"e crowd flung out now like a ragged s"irt and cu$$ed some water from an outside ta$' rinsing t"e dust from "is mout". He s$at and watc"ed "is s$it ball u$ in t"e dirt under burned5out marigolds. (t t"e frayed edge of t"e crowd t"e c"ief was gesturing to a man w"om #srabestis didn't know. %"e c"ief "eld out "is badge. %"e man craned to see 3am !eac". %"e

c"ief touc"ed t"e man's arm. %"e man mo&ed away' turning "is side' craning to see 3am !eac". %"e c"ief's badge gleamed. #srabestis counted balls of s$it and made' wit" difficulty' t"ree. His dark room now seemed cool and restfully confining. )ou could imagine ma$s in t"e wall$a$er. %"e roses "ad faded into &ague s"ells of $ink. 0nly a few sil&er lines along t"e &anis"ed stems and in t"e &eins of lea&es' indistinct $atc"es of t"e $alest green' remained;t"e faint suggestion of mysterious geogra$"y. ( grease s$ot was a mars"' a mountain or a treasure. #srabestis went boating down a crack on cool days' under t"e tree boug"s' bending "is "ead. He fis"ed in a c"i$ of $laster. %"e $erc" rose to t"e bait and were golden in t"e sunwater. 3$ecks stood for cities8 $encil marks were bridges8 stains and s"utter $atterns laid out fields of w"eat and oats and corn. #n t"e s"adow of a corner t"e crack issued into a great sea. %"ere was a tear in t"e $a$er t"at looked e.actly like a railway and anot"er t"at signified a range of "ills. 3ome tiny dro$s of ink formed a c"ain of lakes. ( darker decorati&e stri$ of Grecian $ediments and interlacing i&y at t"e ceiling's edge ke$t t"e tribes of God and agog from in&asion. 0nce "e "ad $assed t"roug" it to t"e ceiling but it made "im di66y and afraid. 3"adows mo&ed 1ui.otically o&er t"e w"ole wall' usually from left to rig"t in tall t"in bands' and sank be"ind a bureau or below t"e bed or disa$$eared suddenly in a corner. 2ying t"ere staring at t"e wall in t"e $artial darkness "our on "our' t"e $ain rising as $eriodically as "ig" water and lea&ing only a slig"t backwas" of relief w"en it receded' #srabestis lamented bitterly "is lack of education. He sent "imself on ,ourneys wit" an effort t"at broug"t sweat to "is brow and moistened "is $alms and t"e back of "is ears. He took s"i$ down t"e faint crack ri&ers. He cut "is way t"roug" matted' tortuous ,ungles designated by t"e $ale lea&es. He trudged across &ast blanks of desert and drank t"irstily at muddy "oles. %"e days t"at "e was in t"e wall "e t"oug"t of "imself $rimarily as a sailor. He con,ured u$ brig"t images of sail' green swells on t"e reac"es of t"e ocean' t"e brown slabs of ri&er mout"s and t"e awesome blue c"o$ and t"e trailing s$ray of troubled weat"er. *limbing t"e s"rouds' t"e s$rings of t"e bed s1ueaking like a rolling deck and "ull and like t"e tackle in t"e block' "e would sig"t a dark cloud $uffing from t"e "ori6on. 9unneling u$' it would run at t"e s"i$ and #srabestis would "itc" "imself on "is elbow' wa&ing "is ot"er arm free of t"e clot"es' and s"out' D2ook out' s"e's coming on' look out' look out'D for "e knew no nautical terms and not"ing of seamanly action. !ain would storm at "is eyes. 3weat would dri$ from "is nose. D3"e's a blower' ca$tain' aye' s"e's a roller' ca$tain'D #srabestis would cry. D%"e worst #'&e seen in t"ese seas.D %"e "iss of "is words was like t"e s$ray from t"e bow. #srabestis screamed in order to be "eard abo&e t"e wind in t"e rigging t"at was "owling in t"e s"rouds and t"roug" t"e $orts of t"e s"i$. %"en all of a sudden it would be gone. He would watc" t"e $aling cloud and t"e dim$led water disa$$ear before "e fell' for a moment' aslee$. #n t"is way "e &isited t"e $orts of t"e world. He was a *"inese' a Hindoo' a s"eik8 "e rode u$on wild (sian "orses and on t"e back of ele$"ants in #ndia' w"ile on camels "e crossed t"e (frican wastes8 but t"e fart"er "e tra&eled' t"e more bi6arre and remarkable "is ad&entures' t"e less satisfying was "is life in t"e wall. ore and more "is fancy bad to su$$ly "is &ision wit" its ob,ects' "ad to make u$ e&en t"e course and color of t"e sun' t"e feel of t"e ground' so different e&eryw"ere' and abo&e all' t"e smells t"at in"abited t"e corners of t"e eart". He was conscious' always' of t"e inade1uacy of "is details' t"e &agueness of "is $ictures' the false"ood in all "is im$licit etceteras' because "e knew not"ing' "ad

studied not"ing' "ad tra&eled now"ere. *onse1uently "e was ne&er fully in t"e wall' "e was $artly clenc"ed in t"e bedclot"es' clawing at t"e skin of "is legs and biting "is arms. He was only $artly bowed by rain or sand or sleet' crouc"ed before t"e attack of lions or wild tribesmen' swimming for "is life. %"e $ain struck wit"out obstruction t"en' and "e closed like a s$ider on it. 0n better days "e left t"e wall alt"oug" "e always began in it. Gently closing "is lids to allow an eyelas" of lig"t' "e would $us" off from t"e bank and coast by t"e torn "ills' $oling t"e grease5s$ot mars"' and by t"e time "e "ad baited "is "ook and dro$$ed "is line in t"e $laster c"i$ "e was in t"e "istory of "is life' out of t"e wall' in t"e old slow world. He sat by 2loyd *ate's sto&e or "e leaned back on a benc" on 2loyd *ate's $orc" in finer weat"er. He took "is early morning walk t"roug" t"e town' t"e an&il singing out' and "e went to t"e de$ot t"ree times a day for t"e mail. He would sto$ at ossteller's to talk or at t"e bakery' $assing t"e time in t"e $leasantest way wit" news of $eo$le' conditions of t"e land or cro$s' $redictions of t"e weat"er. (ll "is friends were clear in "is imaginings. He knew t"em by t"eir dress' by t"e mannerisms of t"eir walk' by t"eir c"aracteristic tilts and gestures. His dreams were not embarrassed by clic"Es' but in eac" "e always knew t"e $recise feel of t"e air' w"at manner of birds were singing' t"e $osition of t"e sun' t"e kind of cloud' t"e form of emotion in "imself and ot"ers' and e&ery felicity of life. (s "is friends a$$roac"ed "e called out gaily to t"em. DHi t"ere' !ete. ' orning' ic"ael' :illy. Well if it ain't *laude 3$ink' by god' and Nic"ol (mes.D %"ey came to &isit in "is illness. Hog :ellman. :ullet in "is back. *areful 2acy. !ants undone' silly grin on "is face. :ob 3tout wit" nails in "is mout". 3amant"a. 3ister. 2ike a rod in watered silk. %ale after tale "e told' eac" many times o&er' getting t"em rig"t or trying to' ama6ed at w"at "e forgot and w"at "e remembered. %"ere was a secret in e&ery one and "e tried to disco&er it. W"en t"e Hen Woods burned' for instance' t"e way "e told it you could taste t"e as"es in *areful 2acy's mout". #ndecision was $ut as $lain as a cow in a field. 2uke 9ord. :en >as$er. Willie (msterdam. (nd t"en ay *obb. 0f course "e "adn't' but "e knew w"at it was like to be t"e man w"o'd "ad "er. God. Not $retty. Not round in t"e rum$ or full in t"e bust' eit"er' but god? 4&ery line of "er was essential. He $ut t"at $lain too. He made it seem as if t"e ,uices of t"e body would all s1uee6e out. He often saw "er u$ to "er elbows in cream. Her twisted mout". ay # "a&e more $unc" s"e asked $olitely. =amn loud band. *areful 2acy was riding t"e back roads8 t"e fire was a cloud. He knew t"e secret to t"at. He walked t"roug" t"e w"ole of "is storied $ast' greeting e&eryone@ Aick 3kelton' 4li6a artin' ay *obb. He kissed t"e $its of "er neck. %"ere was :rackett 0mensetter' 2ucy !imber' 2emon Hank. (nd all t"e dogs. (nd all t"e cats and cattle. Hog :ellman wit" a knife. 3wine and s"ee$. adame =u!ont Neff' from !aris' and "er udders. 3omet"ing 9renc". :ut best of all ay *obb and t"e blades of "er s"oulders. His eyes would o$en sometimes and #srabestis would climb like a well young man from "is bed and walk down t"e ec"oing "alls. He would go all o&er t"e "ouse' in a fe&er' $utting "is "ands to furniture and geegaws until "is "ands were black. 3ometimes "e climbed to t"e attic and felt t"e relics. 0t"er times "e went to t"e barn in back or to t"e basement. :ut always "e would weary at last and dro$ to t"e floor on "is knees' w"ere&er "e was' wee$ing noisily. #t was t"en t"at "e would "a&e "is worst attacks. Now folks we'&e got t"is c"ina "ere. )ou all know w"at issus !imber did wit" $aints. ( lot of you # know been waiting ,ust for t"is. #t's $lenty "ot so we'll get rig"t along. We got "ere a decorated;t"is a toot"brus" "older' Grace/;a "and5$ainted

toot"brus" "older my wife says. #t's c"ina' and it's signed by issus !imber wit" "er name. 3ee t"ere/ Now e&erybody'll want t"is and so w"at'll it be' w"at/ (ll rig"t a dollar' a dollar # "a&e to start' one dollar' so # "a&e one' one' w"o'll say two' two' # "a&e two o&er t"ere' rig"t off' and e&erybody wants it' now do # "ear t"ree' t"at's t"ree t"ank you now four and w"o says four' four' and w"o says fifty t"en' fifty. # "a&e t"ree and w"o says fifty' t"ree twenty5fi&e;look' t"at's not muc" to ask for a "and5$ainted toot"brus" "older;once more and you're out. %"ree twenty fi&e/ twenty5fi&e/ %"ree' t"en' it's t"ree to t"at lady o&er t"ere t"ank you. Now we "a&e "ere a fine c"ina bowl' also "and $ainted' and it's a dilly. Hold it u$ t"ere George so t"e folks can see it. %"at's a "oney' ain't it' "ay/ W"at are t"em' birds/ %"at's signed by issus !imber' too' rig"t t"ere. Hold it "ig"er George so t"e folks can see it. 0" say now w"at'll it be to begin/ 3ee t"em birds/ (in't t"ey $retty/ W"at am # bid/ 2ots of mas"ed $otatoes go in t"at' boys. 3o' so' so now' let's begin' and w"at'll you gi&e for t"is "and5$ainted bowl/ 2onglegs' like a small smoot" $ebble walking' crossed a brick and sto$$ed on a line of mortar. #f "e walks anot"er row #'ll get "im' #srabestis t"oug"t' but t"e s$ider ran u$ t"ree and sat' wa&ing a t"read5t"in leg. #srabestis $ut t"e s"adow of "is "and o&er t"e s$ider. #t rubbed its feet toget"er. 9rom t"e wit"ered end of a marigold anot"er s$ider swayed on a stri$ of silk. %"is one was small and black wit" yellow s$ots. (nts milled by t"e wall' c"asing one anot"er back and fort". #srabestis wi$ed "is brow and leaned against t"e "ouse. He could feel t"e blood beating in "is stomac". =on't talk to dirty old men. !ardon me. aybe you can tell me "ow old t"at cradle is. %"e one by t"e c"urn t"ere;t"ere by t"e tree. %"e young man's s"adow darkened #srabestis' s$ider. #t ran swiftly u$ two courses and "alted in t"e sun. #srabestis followed t"e young man's finger and s"ook "is "ead. #'ll "a&e to see' "e said' t"oug" # most likely know it. =on't take any trouble. # ,ust t"oug"t you mig"t know. # watc"ed t"is "ouse go u$. 9irst on t"e street. +eally/ # saw t"e cellar dug and t"e first brick laid. (s a matter of fact # was in t"is "ouse t"e &ery day :ob 3tout' w"o built "er' fell from t"at stee$le o&er t"ere. +eally/ <uite a builder :ob was. )ou can see. 2ook at t"at brick. (ll "and made. He fell rig"t on t"e iron fence t"at used to go around it. #t was 3aturday. :etween Good 9riday and 4aster. %"e et"odist/ y wife and # go t"ere.

+eally/ Well' t"at's t"e one;t"e one "e fell from. :efore t"at t"e +edeemer's c"urc" stood t"ere. 0r &ery near... &ery nearabouts. :ending o&er t"e cradle was a young woman' $lainly $regnant' w"o $us"ed at it wit" a cautious finger' "er "ead swaying slig"tly as it rocked.

#t's awful cute' s"e said. #srabestis felt "is stomac" tumble. Gas' "e decided. #srabestis knew t"e cradle of course' but "ow "ad 2ucy !imber got it/ He struggled to reco&er "imself. %"at;t"at was :rackett 0mensetter's cradle' #srabestis said. woman of t"is "ouse;ne&er "ad any c"ildren "erself. issus !imber;t"e

(nd #srabestis continued to talk w"ile "e wondered. Had it lain in t"is "ouse all t"ese years/ (nd w"at could it mean to "er/ "ow "ad s"e got it/ How old would you say' t"e young man said. !retty old. # guess it's $retty old. # don't know "ow long it was t"at 0mensetter'd "ad it w"en "e wagoned o&er. %"at was ... t"at was '9F. %"ereabouts. :ut t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber filled %ott's skin and clot"ing. He stood by t"e cradle' as dark as a corner' reciting;,ingles. %ott's "ead "urt8 t"ere was $ressure against t"e inside of "is eyes. %"e c"ild "ad died. :ut t"e c"ild "ad sur&i&ed. He "ad a craftsman's "ands;0mensetter "ad. He likely made it. Hands 1uick as cats. (nd t"ere were two girls;"e "ad two daug"ters w"en "e came. 2et's see. #t must be ... %"e older one was nine. Wasn't s"e/ Nine. ake it 1GGF maybe. =o you remember t"at/ Not well' #srabestis t"oug"t. Not well. Not well. W"y/ %"e c"ild "ad sur&i&ed and t"ey "ad gone down ri&er. :ut if t"e c"ild "ad sur&i&ed' t"ey'd "a&e taken t"e cradle wit" t"em. # remember 0mensetter coming' #srabestis managed. 4&erybody w"o li&ed "ere t"en remembers t"at. W"at is it made of;$ine/ )es. !ine. :ut t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber fluttered in "is clot"es. #t was "ot' now' as winter. %"e stee$ sun was snowing. (nd "olding "is stomac"' >et"ro 9urber began singing a song for 3amant"a@ a greedy young s$inster ate' li&e' a lobster and now e&ery winter w"en s"e sits dinner as a kind of remonster "e $inc"es "er inner %"is' #srabestis remembered. %"is' "e "eard clearly.

#t's awful cute. # don't t"ink it'll go for muc". aybe we can get it. *ome on. Hon/

# don't imagine anyone w"o remembers it will bid' #srabestis said. W"y not/ #t's sweet. %oo old' "e t"oug"t. %oo dead. %oo s"ocked. 0mensetter must "a&e left t"e cradle be"ind;left it in t"e !erkins "ouse;and sometime' closing u$ or renting out' 2ucy !imber found it t"ere. (nd ne&er said a word. %"ese years. #t's a long story' #srabestis was saying' a long story. %"is is :rackett 0mensetter's cradle. #t's not a name t"at means anyt"ing to you' # imagine' but t"ere are a few of us left' like old lea&es' # guess #srabestis cackled des$erately;w"o were "ere w"en 0mensetter dro&e "is wagon into town. Not"ing's e&er "a$$ened like it. Not "ere. Not"ing e&er will'' is my guess. 0mensetter' now;"e was; Hon/ %oo old' "e t"oug"t. %oo dead. %oo s"ocked. %"e way "e'd told it always' it was luck. #t "ad been a wet s$ring' you know' #srabestis continued;well' wetter t"an most you'd want to call wet;and t"e road from Wind"am to Gilean was all mud and running ruts and dee$ brown "oles. %"ere was "ardly a day it didn't rain' but t"e day :rackett 0mensetter dro&e o&er was as warm and clear as t"is. He "ad e&eryt"ing "e owned $iled u$ in t"e wagon wit" t"is cradle tied to t"e to$ of it' and not"ing co&ered. %"at was t"e kind of fellow :rackett 0mensetter was. He knew it wasn't going to rain again. He counted on "is luck. =on't mind my teet"' my mout" is; 3am !eac" came suddenly and $eo$le s$illed around "im. #srabestis was $us"ed from be"ind. 3am was talking in a loud &oice and $ointing to t"e c"urn. He mo&ed t"e "andle u$ and down. #srabestis struggled against t"e crowd. %"ere were strange legs against "is. He $us"ed to t"e edge' "is stomac" turning. 3am laug"ed u$roariously. %"e crowd roared. %"e laug"ter fell on "im like blows. ( tall farmer cla$$ed "is "ands and "owled. !eac" was selling t"e cradle. %o $eris" wit" t"e owner' t"at was wise. #srabestis rested under an elm t"at was dying of disease. Was t"at abel 9o./ abel 9o.'s "ead was larger and "er ears were a fo.'s ears. W"en "e was a kid' and abel was a little girl' t"e boys used to say@ do you know abel 9o./ and t"en laug" raucously. %"ey used to c"ant@ abel 9o. "as ears like a fo.8 $ut "er "ead in a bo. and let's t"row rocks. %"at couldn't be abel 9o.. Her "ead was too small. W"at "ad become of abel' "e wondered. !ut "er "ead in a bo.. =ead likely;too. He stared at t"e ground until "is &ision blurred. =o you know abel 9o./ He saw a blade of dry grass' suddenly' as somet"ing strange' not grass at all. #t was like looking at a word until it melted. abel 9o. "as ears like a fo.. %"e world seemed to dwindle in "is &ision of t"e blade. %"en "e reac"ed down and sna$$ed it off. 2et's t"row rocks. He "eld it for a moment on t"e ti$s of "is

fingers. #t lifted' "alted in t"e air' dro$$ed between "is feet. He studied its eaten edge' its blunted $oint. He carefully set "is "eel on one dead end. 9urber5like be"a&ior. %ott laug"ed e.$losi&ely' in $ain. %"ere was t"e story of t"e man w"o went to $ieces' and t"ere was t"e story of t"e "ig" and iron fence. %"ere was t"e saga of 7ncle 3imon' t"e Hen Woods burning' and t"e "unt for Hog :ellman. He "ad t"em all. Hours' weeks' mont"s;a life; t"ey'd cost "im. Were t"ey all as wrong as t"e one about t"e cradle/ Well' "e'd said "e'd see t"e summer under' and "e "ad ... a small success. He'd see ... #t was on t"e morning of t"e si.t" of ($ril ... on t"e morning of t"e si.t" ... =ickie 9rankmann found two of "is %amwort" "ogs wit" t"eir t"roats cut. %"at made' between Huff and 3taub and Gustin' eig"t in si. days' and 4rnie said Hog :ellman' mad as a man can be' "ad done it. *urtis *"amlay rode out to 9rankmann's as "e'd ridden out to Huff's and out to 3taub's and Gustin's. 9rankmann riding by "im' standing in t"e stirru$s too muc". He looked at t"e carcasses and blood. %"ere wasn't a $rint t"oug" t"e sty was mud and *"amlay's weig"t forced water to t"e edges of "is boots. 3o far it's only %amwort"s' =ickie 9rankmann said' and t"ere ain't many of t"em. W"at "as a g"ost got against 4nglis" $igs/ %"e s"oes in front of "is were like "is own. :lack and cracked like "is' t"ey laced wit" "ooks and went abo&e t"e ankles. 3oiled w"ite cotton socks oo6ed out of t"e s"oes and $iled u$ into lim$ and s"iny gray serge $ants. %"e $ants were dotted wit" grease s$ots. =irt was caked in t"e wrinkles' t"e fly misbuttoned. 3us$enders of yellow webbing and brown leat"er "eld t"e $ants to a s"runken c"est w"ere a frayed' collarless' formal s"irt bunc"ed under t"em and under flowered blue elastic bands. =on't you "ear good anymore' t"e c"ief s"outed. ( car backed roug"ly out t"e dri&e. %"e c"ief retreated' fanning t"e air. #srabestis blew t"e dust from "is nostrils' but it lodged in "is broken teet" and filmed "is s"oes. #srabestis rubbed t"e stubble on "is c"in. He sank to "is back wit" a weary groan. How big of a cat "a&e you e&er saw' t"e boy asked. Well now #'&e seen some $retty big' said #srabestis %ott. How big/ 0" let's see. %"ere was ossteller's cat;"uge wit" yellow eyes;"e was near twel&e w"en "e died and t"e si6e of a dog. How big of a dog/ (s big as a $ony/ =on't be silly. No cat's as big as t"at. # swear' t"oug"' 3kelton's cat mig"t of grown u$ to it' gi&e "im time and rats enoug"' w"ere "e "unted by t"e station. #t was ali&e. (t nig"t stars were scattered in between t"e s"ed crates' all by twos' a mean red. W"y # remember if you rattled a stone in t"ere' t"ere'd be a scuttering like lea&es blown down a road by a strong wind. 3kelton's cat would snarl at you for s$oiling "is stalk' and you'd see "is eyes beam u$ sudden from on to$ of a bo. w"ere "e sat' las"ing "is tail' # figure' to t"e beating of "is "eart. )ou can't "ear t"at.

0f course you can't. # didn't say so. :ut cats "a&e got t"e "unter's "eart. #f you knew "ow to' minding it ain't easy' not to be $icked u$ like a marble and $ocketed to "ome' you can "ear t"em beat at dusk' ,ust at t"e time w"en you can see t"roug" t"eir swallowing eyes' if you look "ard and straig"t in at t"em as t"ey grow fat for t"e e&ening' and see backwards down t"eir tig"t cat strings to t"eir &ery "unger. Honest/ )ou ,ust listen. #t ain't easy. <uieter t"an $aws is all t"eir inner talking8 ,ust t"e same' t"eir "earts are s$eaking to t"e grass and to t"e falling dew and to t"e stone. W"at do t"ey say/ Not"ing you can $ut in words. :ut you'&e seen cats and "ow t"ey get low in t"e grass and $ut t"eir eyes on w"at t"ey're after. Ha&e you seen t"em wit" t"eir mout"s a1ui&er and not a sound coming out/ %"ey want t"e w"ole world to be still w"ile t"ey mo&e. 3o t"e rat won't run/ )es' certainly;so t"e rat won't run. 3o t"e bird won't fly eit"er. 3o t"e longlegged "o$$er will brus" "is teet" and t"e goldfis" float close to t"e claw water. How old was 3kelton's cat w"en "e was near to a dog's weig"t/ ossteller's cat/ 3kelton's cat. He was about t"e age # was t"en. How old was t"at/ 9ourteen maybe. %"at ain't &ery old. +eally/ %"at old/ Well twenty5nine or t"irty5t"ree. %"at's as old as # e&er "eard of. # knew it. :ut "e li&ed too long and got too fat. W"at "a$$ened to "im/ %"ere's a story in t"at. ine's twenty5nine.

# knew it. # know you knew it. %ell me t"e story' t"en. # like cats;soft ones anyway' t"at don't scratc". Here was no soft cat' boy. No sir. 2eat"er fur "e "ad' and as for scratc"ing' w"y "e could lea&e "is mark on brick as Guy' well' as a rake makes ruts in t"e s$ring dirt. :oy. # knew it. # know you did. !lease;tell me t"e story t"en' if "e "ad leat"er for "is fur;boy. # like t"at. # like stories about Aick 3kelton. =id # tell you about Aick 3kelton/ He's t"e man w"o went to $ieces. 3ure you did. No # didn't. )es you did;did "is cat go "unting wit" "im like "is dog did/ >ust wait. 2ike # said' Aick's cat li&ed by t"e station. He li&ed around it in t"e s$ring and fall and summer like birds li&e around t"eir nests. # su$$ose like rats around tras" too' because t"ey did. aybe Aick's cat didn't li&e by t"e station at all. aybe' because t"e dum$ was near' and t"e rats came to li&e around it' Aick's cat came to li&e around t"e rats' and t"e station ,ust "a$$ened to be t"ere. # was ne&er sure about t"at. (nyway' "e did' t"oug" "e was no $articular $lace e&er' w"en you looked. :ut it was all "is and "e was ne&er far. #f somet"ing "a$$ened strange@ if two t"ings different noised toget"er' or if someone laug"ed a way "e "adn't "eard before' or s1ueaked new boots or made a funny motion' like (ble Hugo w"o used to lea$ straig"t in t"e air sometimes' ,ust for t"e fun of it8 w"ene&er anyt"ing "a$$ened t"e least from t"e usual' for "e was terrible against t"at' "e'd be to see;and all t"e trains. W"en a train was late "e'd sit in t"e bed and stare down t"e track and las" "is tail until t"e w"istle sounded. 3till "e'd sit t"ere until t"e train came down on "im and at t"e last second' as slow and la6y as you $lease' "e'd turn "is back and walk away. Golly. #n t"e winter "e often sle$t inside t"e station. He knew to an inc" "ow far from t"e sto&e to slee$. He knew w"ere e&erybody s$at and w"ere we stam$ed t"e snow from our boots' s"aking t"e floor' and w"ere t"e wind came $ouring' snowflakes wit" it' rattling t"e $a$er s$ills we ke$t in t"e woodbo.. He knew w"ere a li&e as" from a $i$e mig"t land or a w"ittler's s"a&ings' and "e'd figured t"e fall and roll' #'m sure' of e&ery c"ecker to t"e corner w"en t"e board was s$illed' as it often was if >enkins $layed. >enkins. Now t"ere was a fellow . . . Howe&er . . . Aick's cat knew e&eryt"ing about t"e station. He knew w"ere most of t"e lig"t fell' and t"e talk' and w"ere t"e smoke went. He knew e&en' # bet' "ow many flakes would blow to t"e sto&e w"en Aick came in. He balled u$ on

a $iece of can&as under a benc" and co&ered "is nose wit" a $aw. He sig"ed and sucked in "is slee$ sometimes' and sometimes "e snored. Not really. #t's a fact. #f we "ad time # could s"ow you w"ere "e'd scratc"ed some bricks like # said "e could. Honest/ *ourse. Not really. 4&er watc" a cat stretc"/ *ats know "ow to li&e. # know it. *ats beat us at it bad. Now :rackett 0mensetter' t"oug"; # know it. =id "e stay t"ere all t"e time;in t"e station # mean/ Aick's cat/ He didn't slee$ t"ere often enoug" so you could say "e li&ed t"ere' for "e was sometimes out in t"e worst of t"e weat"er. #n t"e middle of t"e winter #'d find "is tracks in strange $laces' and in t"e winter most "e ke$t "is "abits secret. #'ll tell you about t"at later. =id Aick's cat "a&e a name/ ( name/ )es' a name. 2ike #saac' maybe' or :rineydee$. Gracious. :rineydee$/ #f # "ad a cat #'d name "im :rineydee$ or #sabel. # t"oug"t you said you "ad a cat. # ,ust said t"at. #f # "ad a cat "e'd be as big as a $ony and "a&e a long tail. =id Aick's cat "a&e a long tail/ ine would' and w"en "e did' #'d call "im W"iskers instead of :rineydee$ $robably. # don't follow t"at. W"at was Aick's cat's name/ His name was Aick's cat. #f "e didn't "a&e a name you couldn't find "im. # know a kid got "is name erased and "e went away fore&er. Nearly fore&er. 2onger t"an t"at e&en. )ou go bango' you know' bango? olly's turtle's 3am' w"ic" is dying.

W"at "a$$ened to "im/ He went away in&isible so no one could see "im. No one at all/ 0nly trees. %"ings like t"at. W"o told you so/ ( man. :ango? )ou go bango? ( monkey. aybe a monkey. 3ay. W"at was Aick's cat's name/ Aick's cat. >ust t"at/ >ust t"at. W"y/ :ecause t"at's w"ose cat "e was. # bet "e knew e&eryt"ing about trains and stations. He knew e&eryt"ing about trains and stations. # bet "e knew w"en trains got to *"icago #llinois. He knew w"en trains did anyt"ing. # bet "e was fierce as anyt"ing' like a turkey. %urkeys aren't &ery fierce. # "ate turkeys. %"ey gobble at you. Well Aick's cat was fiercer t"an t"at. # bet. # bet "e could fly. 0f course "e couldn't. He could. No. (t nig"t. (t nig"t "e could. 3ay' w"o knows about t"is cat' boy' you or me/

%ell me "ow "e knew about trains and stations. )ou going to listen or talk/ # want it to be a long story. #t is a long story. !ut e&eryt"ing in it. # always $ut e&eryt"ing in it. #s it good and long/ Good stories are long. Well' t"ey oug"t to be' anyway. 3o' let's see@ Aick's cat knew e&eryt"ing about trains and stations. He could gallo$ u$ a rail like it was a walk and ski$ across t"e tracks wit"out mo&ing a cinder in t"e bed. He $erc"ed on s$outs and dro$$ed sudden on unloaded crates to claw and sniff out t"e city wood. W"en a train was in "e would marc" t"roug" t"e cars' "is tail fluffed u$ and curled o&er "is back' rubbing against t"e $assengers and $urring t"e only time "e $urred' wit" a dee$ bass $urr' like a tractor's. %"e $assengers would gi&e "im t"ings to eat@ $eanuts and crackers and candies and fruit and sometimes t"e centers of sandwic"es. Aick's cat "ated bread. #'ll "a&e to tell you about t"at. #t came from t"e time some fool boys locked "im in t"e was"room w"en t"e train was lea&ing. %"eir names were 9rank and Ned and Harry and t"ey were fool boys $laying at bandits. # call t"at story t"e story of Aick's cat's fierce re&enge' or sometimes # call it t"e story of t"e boys w"o $layed at bandits. #t de$ends on w"ic" end # come at. :oy. (nyway' Aick's cat "ated bread. He would lick it clean if it was minced "am' but afterward "e'd "ook t"e slice wit" a claw and toss it down t"e car. He ate t"e inside of a lot of sandwic"es' come to t"ink of it. *ats "ate fruit. Not Aick's cat. He was no ordinary cat' "a&en't # been telling you t"at/ # "ate bread. )ou don't "ate bread. # do. )ou don't. Aick's cat "ated milk. He lo&ed milk. He doted on it. He drank t"ree gallons and a $int a day. He didn't.

aybe more t"an t"at. # couldn't say. Honest/ %"at's a way cats "a&e. %"ey'&e got to lo&e milk and fis" and c"ase mice and rats and birds. 0t"erwise t"ey ain't cats. #t's w"at t"ey call a law of nature. # "ate ice cream. No you don't. :ut t"at reminds me of old =oc 0rcutt. :a" on doctors. (" but 0rcutt was s$ecial. He "ad a beautiful beard. :a" on beards. Was t"at really "is name/ 0rcutt/ 3ure was. (nd you can bet "e "eard about it. :ut "e could tell wonderful ,okes on "imself. 2ord. %"ere was t"e time' well' it's t"e story # call t"e story of t"e cut5rate tonsillectomy. # don't want to "ear about it. #t's funny. #f it's tonsils it's not funny. #ce cream $ut me in mind of it. %"ink of it t"at way. y cat "ates milk. )ou don't "a&e a cat and if you did "e wouldn't "ate milk' but if "e "ated milk "e'd be a bea&er and bite you in "alf like a log. Aick's cat t"en. Well. He was big and tawny. He "ad a face as round as a barrel and great wide circle eyes. *"eese. # got to go. %"at's my ma. 3"e'll be awful mad if s"e sees me. :ut w"at about Aick's cat/ # got to go. :ut # "a&en't come to t"e story. )ou don't know about t"e rat eit"er. )ou see t"ere was a $articularly big gray rat' as big as a boot maybe' maybe bigger' and t"at rat wasn't afraid of anyt"ing. :oy. :ut # got to. # got to go. :ut t"e rat. #t was t"e rat t"at bit Aick's nose. +emember/ t was t"e c"allenge to

t"e fig"t. :ye. He'd arrange a fig"t between Aick's cat and t"e boot5big rat... a c"ase and a fig"t ... between cars' in t"e walls ... w"isker to w"isker C it would last all nig"t. )ou s"ould "a&e "eard t"e way t"e wind $assed between "is $aws. (rrange ... 3o #'ll arrange... Well' "e seemed a nice boy' one of t"ose our nowadays "a&e lost. %oo young for t"e story of ay *obb. (nd "ow would "e learn "is "istory now/ #magine growing u$ in a world w"ere only generals and geniuses' em$ires and com$anies' "ad "istories' not your own town or grandfat"er' "ouse or 3amant"a; none of t"e t"ings you'd lo&ed. No' # didn't finis" about :ob 3tout. :oy;your own lea&es are kee$ing your eyes from t"e trunk. # could arrange for $irates. 9ire at t"e Hen Woods. 7ncle 3imon' t"e ancient bony sycamore' burning and breaking my "eart. # could arrange t"at :ut t"e boy was gone' wra$$ed round by "is mot"er. )et # remember e&eryt"ing. Aick's cat. =ro$lets of cream along "is ,aws. 0mensetter swinging "is arms in a dance. 3urely t"ey s"ould be of use. No. (n odd lot. He couldn't e&en auction t"em off. 3till;su$$ose t"ey were sold/ *ould "e bear to li&e t"roug" t"at sweet weat"er again' t"roug" t"at $ur$le sky and lingering "a6e' t"e long clouds losing t"e sun' t"e twilig"t dee$ening t"e roads and lying in t"e tracks till dawn/ 0r so it seemed t"en;w"en "is fles" was young. %"e c"urn was sold. %"e cradle. He didn't see w"o got it. (ll t"e tools were gone. %"e ro$e. %"e canned goods. 4&en em$ty soda bottles dull wit" dust. 3am !eac" "ad cleaned t"e back and swe$t one side. 3ofas. *"airs. %"e row of ladies was em$ty. #t was t"e "eat. %"e sky "ad a &acant blue. Was t"at fellow t"e son of !arson !eac"/ *ould t"at be/ 9irst !ike. 2et's see. %"en eldon' +us"' and 9urber. #n t"e +edeemer's. Huffley after t"at' and !eac". 0" "e was out of touc". Well t"ere was no resemblance. 2am$s. 3atin s"ades and tassels. Now $lates and coffee mills and cu$s. %"e crowd was wit" "im in t"e front. #t seemed smaller. ore $ainted $lates by 2ucy !imber. !e$$er mills. Goblets of cranberry glass. *ut crystal bowls. 2inen. +ugs. 3"eets. %owels. <uilts. +ags t"at were old clot"es. %o $eris" wit" t"e owner. %"at was wise. 3amant"a. 3ister. 3"e would sell "is bones. W"at would "is bones bring/ #srabestis rose wit" effort. %o climb a tree so "ig" you could see *olumbus from it;w"at a wonder. #t was 0mensetter's luck. Not a story' an illness. He'd ne&er li&e its telling. Henry !imber died of 0mensetter's luck' too' one way or ot"er' e&erybody said. %"e boy "ad died at t"at;t"e infant. How lucky was "e/ anybody/ #f you ask me t"at minister is mad. Will you s"us"/ #n t"at garden' bless me' back and fort"' back and fort"' all "e does is walk. Well' # told old Harris if you use your "eart like t"at' you'll sto$' =oc 0rcutt said' but if you don't it'll ,ust $lug u$;you're ,ust as dead and t"ere's no effort in it. %"e doctor sla$$ed "is t"ig". %ott;you'&e s"ut your "ouse. #n effect' you'&e s"ut your "ouse. )ou can't forget' and you don't dare remember. # remember w"o said bless me. #n t"at garden' bless me ... )es. %"e darkie. 9unny

... 0mensetter was dark' "e was brown' a dee$ brown like $ot roast gra&y. #srabestis c"uckled. %"en 9urber was dark in "is clot"' small and dark' t"oug" &ery $ale of skin ... o"' &ery ... &ery $ale ... a moon out' somebody said' w"ere t"e stars "ad been. %"e ta$ w"en "e reac"ed it was warm. He searc"ed t"e bricks' aware of "is sweat. His eyes went o&er e&ery $it and crater. He saw "is s$it crusted flat in t"e dust and s$at again on to$ of it a cottony s$it. He $us"ed aside t"e stems of marigolds and ins$ected all t"eir rusty $etals. %"e $ungent scent cleared "is nose. He "unted $atiently t"roug" t"eir lea&es. %"ere' beside "is foot on t"e walk' stilting on its t"read5t"in legs' t"e $ebble stood. #srabestis bent down and it suddenly fled. He $ursued it down t"e walk wit" "is t"umb' ,abbing. #t nearly esca$ed "is reac"' w"ic" would "a&e been too bad' for t"ey were alone in t"e world' but "e $ut "is t"umb down and t"e longlegs went out like rays around it. %"en slowly t"ey curled u$. :ango' you go bango' #srabestis said' feeling t"e cement warm "is t"umb. W"at are you doing mister' killing s$iders' a little girl said. )es. Ailling s$iders' #srabestis w"is$ered' getting u$. Good. # "ate s$iders. %"ey crawl you u$. )es. %"ey're nasty. )es. Nasty' said #srabestis %ott.

The Love and Sorrow of Henry Pimber

:rackett 0mensetter was a wide and "a$$y man. He could w"istle like t"e cardinal w"istles in t"e dee$ snow' or w"irr like t"e s"y 'w"ite rising from its co&er' or be t"e lark a5c"uckle at t"e sky. He knew t"e eart". He $ut "is "ands in water. He smelled t"e clean fir smell. He listened to t"e bees. (nd "e laug"ed "is dee$' loud' wide and "a$$y laug" w"ene&er "e could5w"ic" was often' long' and ,oyfully. He said to "is wife w"en it is s$ring we'll go to Gilean on t"e 0"io. %"at is a fine $lace for t"e boy you're making. %"e air is clear. %"erefore' w"en t"e snow sank 1uietly away into t"e creeks8 t"erefore' w"en t"e ri&ers "ad t"eir bellies brown and urgent8 w"en t"e wind went "ungry about t"e bare5limbed trees and clouds were streamers8 t"en 0mensetter said t"e time is coming and we must be ready. %"ey was"ed t"eir wagon. %"ey ironed t"eir 3unday t"ings. %"ey braided t"e "air of t"eir daug"ters. %"ey did e&eryt"ing t"at didn't matter. #t made t"em feel good. %"ey brus"ed t"e dog. %"ey $iled t"e firewood left from winter neatly. %"ey $inc"ed eac" ot"er a good deal on t"e be"ind. 4&eryt"ing t"at didn't matter and made t"em feel good' t"ey did. #t rained a week. %"en 0mensetter said it seems t"at we are ready' s"all we go/ %"ey $iled t"eir belongings on t"e back of t"e wagon. %"ey "ea$ed t"em u$' one on to$ of t"e ot"er@ flaming tufted comforts and tattercrossed 1uilts' $lum$ bags of clot"ing and sacks of s"oes and sewing and a linen tableclot" wit" stains t"at were always "idden by t"e $lates8 two ladderbacks' a stool and a :oston rocker' a benc" of 1uite "ard and elo1uent oak' and a dro$5leaf table w"ose to$ was car&ed into faces and initials by no one t"ey e&er knew8 ,ars' a framed &iew of t"e *onnecticut +i&er' rubber boots8 and in wooden s$oons and $ans and sto&e lids and $ot"andle "olders and $ots' tin sil&erware and nickel5$lated medallions and a toot"$ick' somew"ere' t"inly tinted gold wit" a delicate c"ain' a me66otint of 3t. 9rancis feeding s1uirrels' some tools for s"a$ing leat"er' two $ewter goblets and t"irteen ,elly glasses' se&en books (t"ree of w"ic" were about birds by t"e +e&erend 3tanley *ody)8 a collection in tobacco tins of toy rings and rice5bead necklaces' amber5colored stones and tiny c"ina figurines and stam$ed5out metal dogs and cats and "orses and two lead "ussars in tall "ats and bent guns w"ose red $aint "ad all but worn away8 ten and twenty $enny nails' dolls made from sewn c"ains of stuffed clot"' small dis"es and large crocks' a $a$er cockade' four flat s$iders dead a long time and

sa&ed under a stone in t"e "eart"8 a saw' a "ammer' s1uare' a sledge' ot"er t"ings t"at were called dolls but were more like $ressed grass or $ine cones or strangely s"a$ed sticks or 1ueer rocks8 any kind of s"ell w"ate&er5turtle's' robin's' snail's8 and not in a tig"t bucket and an unassembled $low' a s$ade' a s"o&el and an a.' a c"urn' a wooden tub and was"board' and a great w"ite ironstone basin and a great w"ite ironstone $itc"er and a great w"ite enamel $ot wit" a c"i$$ed lid t"at was terribly cold in t"e morning8 a s"otgun and some "arness and a s$inning w"eel' a com$ass in a leat"er case t"at always $ointed to t"e west of sout"' and arrows for t"e unborn boy to s"oot at falling lea&es and s$arrows in t"e fall. %"ey $iled t"em u$' one on to$ of t"e ot"er' until t"ere was a tower in t"e wagon. 0n t"e to$ t"ey las"ed t"e cradle. %"e tower teetered w"en t"e wagon rolled. %"ey said maybe e&eryt"ing will fall into t"e road but t"ey really didn't t"ink so' and t"ey didn't trouble to co&er anyt"ing. 0f course t"e rain would sto$' t"ey said' and it did. 0mensetter "itc"ed t"e "orse to t"e wagon. He "o$$ed u$ wit" a great flouris" and addressed t"e world wit" "is arms. 4&eryone en,oyed t"at. 0mensetter's wife swung u$ too. 3"e rested "er arm on "is leg and s"e s1uee6ed "is knee. 0mensetter's daug"ters w"oo$ed u$ t"e back. %"ey snuggled under 1uilts. %"ey made a "ouse in t"e tower. 4&eryone said a $rayer for t"e snowman dead a week. %"en 0mensetter c"ucked' t"e dog barked' and t"ey set out for Gilean on t"e 0"io w"ere t"e air was clear and good for boys. %"ey left be"ind t"em' w"ere t"ey'd kissed and talked' water dri$$ing lig"tly from t"e ea&es of t"eir last and "a$$y "ome. %"ere were still a few $eo$le in Gilean w"en :rackett 0mensetter came. #t "ad been dry' for a c"ange' all day. George Hatstat's rig was mired down on t"e 3out" +oad e&en t"oug" t"e 3out" +oad drained into t"e ri&er' and *urtis *"amlay "ad turned "is wagon back from t"e western "ill t"at afternoon' being a stubborn man' t"ree "ours after "e started sli$$ing on its yellow sides. %"at meant t"e "ill s"ould be im$assable since t"e ot"er slo$e was generally worse. *onse1uently e&eryone was t"oroug"ly ama6ed to see 0mensetter's wagon come sliding down and draw its tilting $eak of furniture and tools and clot"ing into town be"ind a single wretc"ed "orse. %"ey looked at t"e un$rotected 1uilts' t"e and t"e stilting $oles' t"e muddy dog' t"e "ig"5las"ed swaying cradle wit" bewildered wonder' for all day' in t"e distance' c"oked gray clouds "ad dro$$ed t"eir water in t"e forests' and e&en as t"ey watc"ed t"e wagon coming' away abo&e t"e western "ill' suns"ine s"ining from it' t"ere was a clearly defined acre of rain. !ausing only to ask directions' 0mensetter dro&e ra$idly to t"e blacksmit"'s s"o$' bawling out "is name before t"e wagon "ad fully sto$$ed and announcing "is occu$ation in an enormous raw &oice as "e &aulted down' "is "eels sinking so dee$ly in t"e soft ground it "eld "im a moment' lurc"ing' w"ile "e rubbed "is nose on "is u$$er arm and att"ew Watson emerged from t"e doorway blinking and s"aking "is a$ron. 0mensetter rus"ed to t"e forge and bent o&er it eagerly' $raising t"e beauty and t"e warmt" of t"e fire. He teetered as "e $ummeled a leg t"at "e said was tingling' "is face flus"ed by t"e coals and "is s"adow fluttering. at in1uired "is business. 0mensetter groaned and yawned' stretc"ing wit" an effort t"at made "im tremble. %"en wit" a 1uiet e.clamation "e mo&ed by at and took a $iece of leat"er from t"e benc"8 wound it around "is fingers like a coil of "air8 let it straig"ten slowly. He "eld it gently in "is "uge brown "ands' rubbing it wit" "is t"umb as "e talked. He s$oke in a dreamy monotonous &oice w"ose flow "e broke from time to time by $eering closely at

t"e edges of t"e stri$ "e "eld or by bringing it s"ar$ly down against "is t"ig"' smiling at t"e sound of t"e crack. He was &ery good' "e said. He would start tomorrow. %"ere was no one in t"e town broug"t u$ on leat"er' and at "ad far too muc" to do. %"at was certainly rig"t' "e t"oug"t. at would see "ow "e was needed. His t"umb mo&ed r"yt"mically. His words were "a$$y and assured' and if at's doubts were any obstacle' t"ey calmly flowed around t"em. # s"all work out &ery well and you can easily afford me. :efore 0mensetter left' at ga&e "im t"e name and address of "is friend' Henry !imber' w"o "ad a "ouse w"ic" mig"t be rented since it was em$ty and dissol&ing and sat like a frog on t"e edge of t"e ri&er. Henry !imber smiled at 0mensetter's muddy clot"es' at t"e girls leaning o&er t"e side of t"e wagon' laug"ing8 "e was running' barking dog' t"e $lacid' remote wife8 t"oug" " conscious mainly of "is own wife' 1uiet in t"e kitc"en now' endea&oring to "ear. 3"eets of water still glittered in t"e road8 t"e sky muttered8 yet t"e wagon stood unco&ered' belongings $iled into a tower8 and Henry felt ama6ement mo&e "is s"oulders. %"ree flies walked bra6enly on t"e screen between t"em. 0mensetter was cross5"atc"ed by t"e wires. %o Henry "e seemed fat and "e s$oke wit" "ands w"ic" were t"ick and dee$ly tanned. His belt was tig"t t"oug" "e wore sus$enders. His dark "air fell across "is face and "e'd tracked mud on t"e $orc"' but "is &oice was musical and sweet as water' "is moist li$s smiled around "is words' "is eyes glimmered from t"e surface of "is s$eec". He said "e was working for Watson' mending "arness and "el$ing out. Henry noticed se&eral s1uares of screen clogged wit" $aint. %"ere was a tear in t"e fellow's slee&e' and "is nails "ad yellowed. *lay eased to t"e $orc" from "is boots. Henry's wife was in t"e $arlor t"en' ti$toeing. 3"e "eld "er skirts. He said "is name was :rackett 0mensetter and "e came from out near Wind"am. He was "onest' "e said. 9lies already' !imber t"oug"t' and t"e swatter in t"e barn. :ut t"ey were somet"ing to fi. "is eyes on and momentarily "e was grateful. %"en "is &ision sli$$ed beyond t"e screen and "e recei&ed t"e terrible wound of t"e man's smite. His weakness sur$rised "im and "e leaned "ea&ily against t"e door. He "ad a "orse' 0mensetter said. He "ad a dog' a wagon' a $regnant wife and little girls. %"ey needed a $lace to stay. Not large or fancy. ( room for t"e girls. 2and enoug" to &egetable a little and "ay t"e "orse. Henry listened for "is wife and s"ook "is "ead. %"e screen was no $rotection;futile diagrams of air. He s"ifted "is weig"t and t"e clogged s1uares blotc"ed 0mensetter's c"eek. %"ere was mud to "is t"ig"s. #t "ung on t"e wagon's w"eels and caked t"e belly of t"e dog. His teet" weren-t really clean. Henry reali6ed t"at "ea&y5,awed and solemn as att"ew Watson was' as slow and cautious' as full of dreams of geese as "e was' continually making t"e sound of a s"otgun in "is "ead' 0mensetter "ad ne&ert"eless instantly o&er$owered "im' set "is fears at rest' met "is doubts' and re$laced "is customary sus$iciousness wit" an almost "eedless trust8 yet to "a&e sent 0mensetter to see "im t"is way was strangely out of c"aracter too' for Watson knew $erfectly well t"at t"e ancient !erkins "ouse w"ic" !imber "ad so recently in"erited was &ery near t"e ri&er and a yearly casualty of flood. %"e $aint was $eeling and t"e $orc" would soon be s$lit by weeds. Henry sig"ed and flicked t"e screen. He "ad o&er$owered e&en att"ew. att"ew;w"o listened only to t"e "ig" "onk of t"e geese and "is own "ammer' and w"ose sig"t "ad been nearly burned out by t"e forge. He "ad a $lace' Henry finally said. #t was down t"e 3out" +oad near t"e ri&er' but "e "adn't t"oug"t of renting it on suc" notice' at suc" a time of year.

%"ere were difficulties ... 0mensetter o$ened out "is arms and !imber' trembling' laug"ed. %"ere' you see8 we'll care for it and kee$ it well in life. !imber clenc"ed "is fists u$on t"e curious $"rase. His wife was in t"e crook of t"e door' "olding "er skirts' breat"ing carefully. #t's down t"e 3out" +oad' t"oug"' "e said' and near to t"e ri&er. We all lo&e t"e water' 0mensetter said. 2ucy and # are good for "ouses and we will $rom$tly $ay. W"o knew w"at sort of boots/ 9i&e narrow boards between "is feet. %"ree flies regaining t"e screen. %"e s"adows of clouds on t"e $anes of water. His wife gently rustling. (nd t"e stout man is talking' "is "ands undulating. ( button on "is s"irt is broken. 7nder "is arms t"ere are stains. His stubby fingers clutc" t"e air as t"oug" to detain it. 2is5sen. 2is5sen. %"e dog runs under t"e wagon. We "a&e wi&es of t"e same name' Henry finds "imself saying. %"ere' you see' 0mensetter said' as if "is words included e.$lanation. !imber laug"ed again. #t's down t"e 3out" +oad' #'ll get t"e key. (s "e mo&ed away "e "eard "er knuckles sna$. :e"ind "im s"e stood stiff and motionless as a stick' "e knew. 3"e wouldn't like t"e mud on "er $orc" eit"er. He said t"e days of t"e week. (fter t"e "abit of "is fat"er. He said t"e mont"s of t"e year. %"en "e went t"e back way for "is "orse and $re$ared to "ear about "is crimes at dinner. 9i&e boards between "is boots. ud on e&ery ste$. ( "alf a button missing. How many down/ His face was broken w"en "e laug"ed. 3weetly merciful God' Henry wondered' sweetly merciful God' w"at "as struck me/ 0mensetter left t"e wagon out all nig"t' and t"e ne.t morning "e took "is "orse down t"e 3out" +oad and $ulled Hatstat's rig out of t"e mud w"ere t"ree "orses "ad skidded' kicked' and floundered t"e day before. %"en "e went to work as "e'd said "e would' bringing Hatstat's carriage on to town w"ile "is wife' daug"ters' and t"e dog mo&ed in t"e wagon t"ings and cleaned t"e "ouse. Henry rose at dawn. His wife was scat"ing. Wra$$ed in t"e bedclot"es s"e confronted "im like a g"ost. He dawdled along t"e road to t"e !erkins "ouse until "e "eard t"e c"ildren s"outing. He tried to "el$ and t"us to "andle e&eryt"ing "e could@ "e $eeked in on t"e sly and sat in c"airs and backed a$ologetically from room to room a"ead of brooms and mo$s and mo$5t"rown water' obser&ing and remembering' until' obedient to some o&erw"elming im$ulse' astonis"ed and bewildered by it t"oug" it filled "im wit" t"e sweetest $leasure' "e secretly t"rust one of t"eir tin s$oons into "is mout". :ut t"is action ultimately frig"tened "im' es$ecially t"e delig"t "e took in it' and "e soon a$ologi6ed once more for being in t"e way' and left. Hatstat t"anked 0mensetter graciously' and "e and 0lus Ano.' w"o' wit" "is "orse' "ad "el$ed Hatstat t"e day before and got mud rubbed t"roug" "is clot"es and lum$ed u$ in "is crotc"' said nice t"ings to $eo$le afterward of 0mensetter's luck and t"oug"t' at t"e same time' of flood. +ain fell a week and t"e ri&er rose' water mo&ing against water' a t"in s"eet of eart" and air between t"e meeting rise and fall. %"e rain beat steadily on t"e ri&er. %"e 3out" +oad drained. *lay banks slid 1uietly away' $ools grew8 runnels became streams' streams torrents. !lanks laid across w"o "ad street sank from sig"t. 4&eryone wore "i$ t"em. 4&eryone worried for t"e sout". )ou didn't tell "im about t"e ri&er' did you' s"e would suddenly say. W"ene&er

Henry was at "ome now "is wife 1uietly followed "im and in a &enomous low &oice struck wit" t"e 1uestion. 3"e waited for t"e middle of an action like filling "is $i$e or settling "imself to read' often w"en "e "ad no t"oug"t t"at s"e was near' w"ile s"a&ing or buttoning "is $ants. )ou didn't tell "im about t"e water' did you/ How are you going to feel w"en t"e ri&er's u$ and you're down t"ere in a boat' getting "im out/ 0r don't you intend to/ #s it dangerous t"ere w"en t"e ri&er floods/ ig"tn't you drown/ # mig"t' # mig"t. Would it $lease you/ #'d "a&e no "usband t"en to s"ame me ... )ou didn't tell "im about t"e ri&er' did you/ He knows' "e said8 but "is wife would would offer "im a sweet and gentle smile and sadly turn away. He would try to read or stro$ "is blade;continue w"ate&er it was s"e'd broken into;but s"e would suddenly be back again. ig"tn't "e/ :efore "e could direct an answer s"e'd "a&e $assed into anot"er room. He saw t"e waterline on t"e "ouse' you mean/ %"at's "ow "e knows/ 2ucy' # told "im it was down t"e 3out" +oad. 3"e laug"ed. He knows t"e 3out" +oad' does "e/ #sn't "e from Wind"am/ 3o you told "im it was down t"e 3out" +oad. =id "e see t"e line on t"e "ouse or t"e moss on t"e trees/ 0" for god's sake sto$. %"ose wretc"ed t"ings "e "ad $iled in "is wagon will be afloat. No t"ey won't. He didn't seem to care' t"oug"' did "e' if t"ey got wet or not. =oesn't strike me as a good sign of a res$onsible tenant. )ou'd want to know t"at kind more t"an a minute' # s"ould t"ink' w"at wit" mud on "is boots and clot"es and a wagon full of tras" wide o$en to t"e weat"er. 2ucy' $lease. %"em and t"at baby in "er ... t"e land so low. 3"ut u$. W"en "e rose from "is c"air or $ut down "is $i$e or slammed t"e stra$ against t"e wall' t"en s"e would go' but not before s"e'd asked "ow muc" "e'd got for it. %"e rain sto$$ed but t"e ri&er rose anyway. #t crossed t"e 3out" +oad wit" a rus". #t filled woods. #t drowned $onds. #t carried away fences. +eceding from its mark' it left silt sticking to t"e sides of trees. #t flung skeins of slime o&er bus"es. #t took more t"an it ga&e. 0lus Ano. re$orted t"at t"e water came wit"in t"irty yards of 0mensetter's side yard fence' and it seemed to Henry t"at more

rain "ad fallen t"an "ad in years' yet in t"e $ast t"e !erkins "ouse "ad always borne t"e stain of flood "ig" on its $eeling sides. %"ings are running for 0mensetter' "e said to *urtis *"amlay wit" w"at "e "o$ed was a knowing smile. *urtis said a$$arently' and t"at was t"at.

Henry !imber became con&inced t"at :rackett 0mensetter was a foolis"' dirty' careless man. 9irst 0mensetter ran a s$linter in "is t"umb and wit" amusement watc"ed it swell. %"e swelling grew alarmingly and at and Henry begged "im to see =oc 0rcutt about it. 0mensetter merely stuffed t"e t"umb in "is mout" and $uffed "is c"eeks be"ind t"e $lug. %"en one morning' wit" 0mensetter "olding close' at's "ammer sli$$ed. !us flew nearly across t"e s"o$. 0mensetter measured t"e distance it s"ot and smiled wit" $ride' was"ing t"e wound in t"e barrel wit"out a word. He stored "is $ay in a sock w"ic" "ung from "is benc"' went about obli&ious of eit"er time or weat"er' "abitually $ermitted t"ings w"ic" "e'd collected like a sc"oolboy to sli$ t"roug" "oles in "is trousers. He ke$t worms under saucers' stones in cans' $oked t"e dirt all t"e time wit" twigs' and fed s1uirrels na&y beans and sometimes noodles from "is "ands. :roken tools bemused "im8 "e often ate lunc" wit" "is eyes s"ut8 and' needless to say' "e laug"ed a lot. He let "is "air grow8 "e only intermittently s"a&ed8 w"o knew if "e was"ed8 and w"en "e went to $ee' "e sim$ly let "is $ants dro$. %"en 0mensetter boug"t some c"ickens from 0lus Ano.' among t"em one old "en w"ose age' as Ano. told Henry after' "e t"oug"t "is buyer "adn't noticed. %"e ne.t morning t"e "en was gone w"ile t"e rest ran fearfully and flew in "o$s. (t first t"ey t"oug"t s"e was lost somew"ere in t"e "ouse' but t"e girls soon found "er. %"ey were di&ing' 0mensetter said' "iding under t"e lifting fog' bending low to see beneat" it t"e su$ernatural world and one anot"er's bare legs stalking giants. %"e "en lay dead by t"e o$en well and t"e dog crouc"ed growling at its li$. Henry "ad come to collect t"e rent because "is wife insisted t"at "e go in $erson;face to face is safer' s"e said;and 0mensetter s"owed "im t"e eyes of t"e fo. reflect t"e moon. %"e girls swung in graceful turns around t"e "ole' t"eir dresses $alely &isible. His eyes are like emeralds' t"ey said. %"ey are green emeralds and yellow gold. %"at's because t"ey're borrowed from t"e fire at t"e center of t"e eart" and t"ey see like signals t"roug" t"e dark. %"en 0mensetter told t"em of' eyes@ "ow t"ey burn t"e bark from trees' $ut s$ells on dogs' blind "ens' and melt t"e coldest snow. %o Henry' kneeling gingerly u$on a rotten board' t"ey were dim $oints of red' and "is "eart contracted at t"e sig"t of t"eir malice. How do you $lan to get "im out' "e asked' rising in front of 0mensetter's c"est. )ou can see "ow bad t"e well wanted "im. He'll "a&e to stay w"ere "e's been $ut. %"at's t"e way it "a$$ened and maybe t"e well will tire of "im and toss "im out. Henry tried to laug". Aneeling "ad made "im di66y and a button was missing

from 0mensetter's coat. 0ur fo. is in our well' our fo. is in our well' our well was em$ty belly' now our fo. is in our well' t"e girls sang' w"irling more ra$idly. :e careful t"ere' "e said' t"ose boards are rotten and one's missing. %"e co&er s"ould "a&e been re$aired. #t was "is well really' and "e fell silent w"en "e remembered it. %"en "e tried a cautious' a$ologetic smile. #t mig"t be t"e fo. t"at "ad been stealing Ano.'s c"ickens' "e t"oug"t. %"at would be like 0mensetter's luck' certainly;for t"e fo. to sei6e t"e bitterest "en' gag on "er as "e fled' and t"en fall stu$idly t"roug" t"e ground. W"at an awful t"ing@ to "a&e t"e eart" o$en to swallow you almost t"e moment you took t"e "en in your ,aws. (nd to die in a tube. Henry found "e couldn't make a fist. (t best' t"e fo. must be badly bruised' terribly cram$ed' "is nose $ressed into t"e dam$ well wall. :y t"is time "is coat would be matted and "is tail fouled' and "is darkness would e.tend to t"e arri&ing stars. ( dog would bloody "is $aws and break "is teet" against t"e sides and t"en wear out "is body wit" re$eated lea$ing. :y morning;"unger' and t"e line of t"e sun di$$ing along t"e wall' t"e fetid smells;bitter e."austion of s$irit. No wonder "e burned wit" malice. )ou know w"at t"ose eyes are/ %"ey're a giant's eyes. %"e girls s1uealed. 3ure;t"at "ole goes t"roug" to t"e land of t"e giants. 0mensetter struck Henry "ea&ily on t"e back. (s a boy Henry "adn't been able to carry a bucket brimming from t"e well8 "e couldn't s$ade or "oe wit" strengt" or $low8 "e couldn't saw or wield a bea&eris" a.. He stumbled w"en "e ran8 w"en "e ,um$ed' "e sli$$ed8 and w"en "e balanced on a log' "e fell. He "ated "unting. His nose bled. He danced' t"oug" "e could ne&er learn to fis". He didn't ride' disliked to swim8 "e sulked. He was last u$ "ills' stayed "ome on "ikes' was always Dit.D His sisters lo&ed to tease' "is brot"ers to bully "im. (nd now "e couldn't e&en make a fist. Honestly;w"at are you going to do/ 0mensetter swung "a$$ily about t"e well wit" t"e girls' t"eir bodies casting a faint s"adow on t"e yellowis" grass. Naa5t"ing' t"ey sang' naa5t"ing. 0mensetter must feel t"e cruelty of "is mood' Henry t"oug"t' or was "e also free of t"at/ 3"ed of "is guilty skin' w"o wouldn't dance/ 0f course you can't do t"at' "e said8 you'll "a&e to get "im out. He'll star&e down t"ere. He'll "a&e to stay w"ere t"e "en "as $ut "im' 0mensetter said firmly. 3$ring will float "im to t"e to$. %"at $oor animal/;you can't do t"at. #t's dangerous besides.

:ut Henry t"oug"t "ow "e would fare if t"e eart" s$oke of "is crimes. 3u$$ose t"e instant you uttered a cutting word' your c"eek bled. (nyway' you'll "a&e to board it u$ ... t"e girls' "e said. 3u$$ose your tongue s$lit w"en you lied. %"is well' it's in a manner of s$eaking ... mine. # totally forgot;t"e e.istence of ... He sig"ed. urder would also be suicide. #'ll "el$ you close it u$' "e said. 0" t"ey en,oy it' 0mensetter said. %"ey'd cry if # co&ered it. %"e girls $ulled gaily at t"eir fat"er's arms. He began to w"irl like a ribboned $ole. How long... do you t"ink ... t"at giant's eyes ... will last/ Henry "eld unsteadily to a sa$ling. )ou could s"oot "im' # guess. )ou "a&e a gun. %"e well wants "im ... maybe "e'll get out ... "oo" ... it's getting dark' girls ... no ... w"oos" ... sto$. #'ll do it t"en' Henry said' and "e imagined t"e s"ot lea$ing from t"e barrels of "is gun to rus" at t"e fo.. 2am$s lit in t"e "ouse. Henry measured t"e walls of "is sky w"ile "e drifted away to t"e buggy. #t wasn't di$$ered yet' but soon t"ere'd be not"ing to aim by' for darkness would silence t"e fo.'s eyes. %"e grass "ad begun to glisten. (nimals felt $ain' "e understood' but ne&er sorrow. %"at seemed rig"t. Henry could crus" a finger' still t"e wound mig"t be a war in a distant country for all t"e concern "e could let it cause "im' "e li&ed so fearfully8 but suc" a creature as t"e fo. filled u$ t"e edges of its body like a lake t"e s"ot would da$$le as it entered. )ou could startle an animal' but ne&er sur$rise. %"e buggy's seats were slick' t"e dew "ea&y. He t"oug"t "e s"ould "a&e a clot" somew"ere' a $iece of toweling. %"ere were bats o&er"ead. )es' "ere's w"ere "e "ad it. Henry began to dry a $lace for "imself. 9luttering like lea&es' t"e bats flew securely. (nd would t"e stars be startled' looking u$' to find t"e fo. out burning in t"eir early skies/ %"ere you are' you'&e been reasonably careful' you'&e ke$t your butt dry. Henry s$oke crossly and t"e carriage began to bounce "im. 3o t"e well went t"roug" to t"e land of t"e giants. W"y not/ 3"ould "e turn away from t"at;t"at callousness and t"at romance;to rs. Henry !imber's firm $rim mout"/ "er festi&e unlatc"ing "ands/ 0mensetter's a natural5born $olitician' 0lus Ano. "ad said8 "e's w"at t"ey call t"e magnetic kind. How inade1uate t"at image was' Henry t"oug"t' w"en "e could

draw t"e "eart rig"t out of your side. >et"ro 9urber "ad been dramatic' as usual' $ainfully $inc"ing "is "ands toget"er. %"at man' "e declared' li&es like a cat aslee$ in a c"air. at smiled gently@ a &iew full of c"arity' "e said8 but %ott was laug"ing at t"e sig"t of 9urber actually "olding t"e $ieces of "imself toget"er w"ile "e tried to condemn 0mensetter's sim$ly "armony and ease' as Henry guessed' wit" suc" a tran1uil image. )et "ow could 0mensetter bear t"at terrible $air of eyes/ 0f;of course' 9urber stuttered. ( cat's a $retty t"ing' of course. How $retty a man/ #s it attracti&e in a man to slee$ away "is life/ take a cow's care/ refuse a s$arrow of res$onsibility/ %ott s"rugged. %"e cat's an unmitigated egotist' a slot"ful beast' sla&e to its $leasure. No need to $reac"' %ott said' nettled8 cats were "is idols. #'&e seen "im' 9urber swi&eled to catc" eac" eye' #'&e seen "im;wading. %"e memory made Henry grin' slowing t"e buggy' Wading/ He $ictured >et"ro standing in a $uddle' trousers rolled. %ott claimed afterward t"at 9urber filled a c"air like a leaky bag of $otatoes. No;no;an unsteady stack of $ackages' a teetery tower' an uncertain clutc";yes;a c"air full of $erilous $arcels;or;in sum@ a bunc" of unbundling bundles. (nd slee$/ slee$/ 3lee$ is like 3iam;"e's ne&er been t"ere. #t was true' Henry t"oug"t' t"ey were utter o$$osites. 9urber's body was a bo. "e li&ed in8 "is arms and legs $ro$elled and fended for "im like a cri$$le's crutc"es and a blind man's cane8 w"ile 0mensetter's "ands' for instance' "ad t"e same e.$ression as "is face8 "eld out "is nature to you like an offering of fruit8 and added t"emsel&es to w"at t"ey touc"ed' enlarging t"em' as ri&ers meet and magnify t"eir streams. Wading. (mused' Henry formed t"e word again' and allowed "imself to watc" t"e woods fill in. !asting kites' 9urber'd said. +olling "oo$s. Hollering in t"e street. 9ur5burr (Henry answered now as "e s"ould "a&e t"en)' 9ur5burr' you're ,ust an old lady ... yes;a lacy old lady. :ut t"e e&ening "ad filled in 9urber too' and "is fierce $uritan intensity. 9or t"at' Henry was grateful. He knew "e'd ne&er get used to t"e "ot dark w"ite5faced little man' always and seldom t"e same' w"o claimed one 3unday t"at t"e 2ord "ad made "im small and "ad gi&en "im "is suit of $ul$it clot"ing so "e could re$resent to e&eryone t"e "ollow inside of t"eir bodies. No' "ardly a lacy old lady. We're all niggers "ere;wit"in' "e'd s"outed. )ou "a&e a stomac" cram$' "e'd said' doubling' knotting "is arms about "is knees;t"en #'m its s"adow. 0nce # was eig"t feet tall' "e'd e.claimed' but God made me small for t"is $ur$ose. W"at sort of talk was t"at/ ... blackened body5"ollows. >esus' Henry t"oug"t' #ike t"e well's column. 3u$$ose "e'd fallen t"ere "imself/ =ing dong bell' !imber's down our well. Henry tried to urge "is "orse into a run' but on t"e badly rutted road' in t"e $oor lig"t' it refused. He cursed a moment' and ga&e u$. W"o $us"ed "im in/ 2ittle Henry !im. 0mensetter was no better t"an an animal "imself. %"at was rig"t. (nd Henry wondered w"at it was "e lo&ed' since "e t"oug"t "e knew w"at "e "ated. W"o'll $ull "im out/ Nobody's about. W"at 0mensetter did "e did so sim$ly t"at it seemed a miracle. #t eased from

"im' "is life did' like t"e smoot" broad crayon line of t"e man w"o drew your cartoon at t"e fair. He "ad an ease im$ossible to imitate' for t"e moment you were aware' t"e instant you tried ... W"at a naug"ty t"ing was t"at' %o catc" our little !imber at' W"o ne&er did "im any "arm' :ut... 0r did "e mo&e so easily because' des$ite "is si6e' "e wasn't fat inside8 "e "adn't $acked t"e $ast around "is bones' or $ut "is soul in suet. Henry "ad seen t"e engra&ings of t"e skeletons' dance. #t was' "owe&er' a dance . . . and if you "ad to die to dance .../ W"at were t"e c"ances of t"e fo./ %"e fo.' "e felt' "ad ne&er seen "is $ast dis$osed of like a fall of water. He "ad ne&er measured off "is day in moments@ anot"er;anot"er;anot"er. :ut now' t"rown down so dee$ly in "imself' into t"e darkness of t"e well' sur$rised by $ain and "unger' mig"t "e not re&ert to an earlier condition' regain ca$acities w"ic" formerly were useless to "im' $ass from animal to Henry' become "uman in "is $rison' H "is days' count' wait' listen for anot"er;anot"er;anot"er;anot"er/ W"en "e reac"ed "ome "is wife immediately asked "im if "e "ad t"e rent and "ow muc" was it' but "e $assed t"roug" t"e "ouse in a da6e' wild and frantic' and went off again wit" "is gun wit"out answering' so s"e "ad to yell after "im;w"at fool t"ing are you u$ to now/;but s"e would see' "e t"oug"t' bitterly obser&ing t"at s"e "adn't t"oug"t of "im as off to murder or to "unt but only as a fool bent on "is foolis"ness8 and in t"e back of 0mensetter's "ouse' not bot"ering anyone' "e s"ot t"e fo. out wit" bot" barrels. %"e s"ot screamed on t"e well sides and one $ellet flew u$ and struck "im on t"e arm so "ard t"roug" "is ,acket t"at it stuck8 but "e' wit" great effort' since t"e cool stars watc"ed' $aid no mind to "is wound' "earing t"e fo. t"ras" and go still. 9urt"ermore #'ll board it u$ tomorrow' "e t"oug"t. =ri&ing "ome slowly' "is ,oy draining away and lea&ing "im fearful and cold' Henry remembered "ow' as a boy' "e "ad waited at t"e to$ of t"e cellar stairs for "is fat"er to emerge' and "ow' w"en "is fat"er's waist was le&el wit" "is eyes' wit"out a moti&e or any kind of feeling t"at "e recogni6ed' "e "ad struck "im a terrible blow in t"e stomac"' dri&ing t"e air from "is fat"er's lungs and forcing "im to bend abru$tly' dro$$ing "is startled face near. Henry's mout" "ad filled wit" sali&a8 t"e base of "is tongue "ad tingled8 "e "ad taken breat". )et t"ank God "e "ad run' wee$ing instead. 3ali&a was"ed o&er "is teet" as "e fled. He remembered' too' t"e sound of a$$les falling slowly on t"e stairs. His legs "ad been t"e first of "im to be a$$alled. %"ey "ad fallen a$art like sticks. Ailling t"e fo. "ad gi&en "im t"e same fierce "eedless kind of ,oy' and now "e leaned back in t"e buggy' careless of t"e reins' weak' waiting "is $unis"ment. #ndeed "e did feel strange. He "ad sensed "is $ast too &i&idly. His "ead rolled wit" t"e road. He knew' of course' it was 0mensetter "e "ad struck at. He took no care wit" t"eir life' t"at man. 2uck like "is did not come naturally. #t "ad to be deser&ed. (nger began &ery faintly to stir in "im again' and "e was able to steady "is "ead. :ut t"e nig"t "ad blackened' t"e moon and stars were now under clouds' t"e world around "im "ad been erased. He sank wearily in "is clot"es and let "is "ead wag loosely in t"e circle of "is collar.

7$on t"e beac" Henry !imber rested' $assing fi&e w"ite carefully gat"ered stones from "and to "and. He could not see "is face w"ere it "ad fallen in t"e water. 0mensetter's darkened "ouse stood in "is "ead amid cli$$ed grass. *old dew struck "im and t"e sound of water in t"e dusk' soft and distant' like slow ste$s t"at reac" t"roug" slee$' $ossessed "im. %"e man was more t"an a model. He was a dream you mig"t enter. 9rom t"e well' in suc" a dream' you could easily swing two brimming buckets. #n suc" water an image of t"e strengt" of your arms would fly u$ like t"e lark to its singing. 3uc" birds' in suc" a dream' would s$eed wit" t"e s$eed of your s$irit t"roug" its body w"ere' in imitation of t"e air' fles" "as turned itself to meadow. %"e $ebbles fell' one by one' to t"e sand. Henry struggled wit" t"e urge to turn "is "ead. #nstead "e bent and $icked t"e $ebbles u$. %"e moon a$$eared. %"e $ebbles were t"e softest $earls;like sweetest teet". (nd 2ucy's lam$ went t"roug" "is "ouse and climbed t"e stairs. He flung t"e stones. %"ey circled out' taking t"e lig"t. 0ne sank in t"e water's edge8 one clicked on a greater stone8 one found t"e sand8 anot"er brus"ed t"e mars" weeds. %"e last lay at "is feet like a dead mot". He dro&e "ome slowly for a clouding moon. Henry lo&ed to tell of e&eryt"ing "e saw w"en "e $assed 0mensetter's "ouse' t"oug" "e was cowardly and 1uiet about t"e fo.' and neit"er "e nor "is listeners e&er t"oug"t "ow strange it was t"ey took suc" interest in t"e smallest t"ings t"eir newest neig"bor did' for 0mensetter cast an interest like a s"ade. #t was as t"oug" one could' by knowing w"en "is beans went in or w"en "e cut "is firewood for was"ing' "oed' or sim$ly walked a morning in t"e oak and ma$le woods like a tree among t"e trees "imself' learn "is secret' w"ate&er "is secret was' since it must some"ow be t"e sum of t"ese small t"ings all grown toget"er' for as =octor 0rcutt was so fond of $ointing out' e&ery measle was a sign of t"e disease' or as at Watson said' e&ery turn of wind or rift of cloud was a $arcel of t"e acreage of weat"er. Henry asked "im "ow "e knew it was a boy' for girls' "e said' were also known to kick' and 4dna' t"in enoug"' s"e said' to crawl inside and $ull a fat one out' sto$$ed by to offer u$ "er ser&ice for t"e time. :ut 0mensetter said "e knew. He said t"at birt"ing would be easy for a boy w"o'd learned to crawl already. =on't be disa$$ointed' :rackett8 0lus Ano. "as t"ree' Henry said. 4ac" time "is wife concei&ed "e "o$ed like you' and "e "as t"ree. He finds it "ard wit"out a boy' wit" t"ree w"o'll trade "is name away w"en now s"e's $ast "er time. #t could be ,ust t"e same wit" you. # "o$e not ... but it could be ,ust t"e same. )ou s"ouldn't count too muc" on w"at comes out of "er t"is fall or figure from "ow "ard t"e baby kicks or from "ow "ig" it rides. 3till 0mensetter laug"ed. He said "e knew. He'd read t"e signs. (t first t"e wound was merely sore and t"en t"e arm was stiff. Get =octor 0rcutt for t"e lo&e of God' Henry said' and slunk to bed. %"ere t"e stiffness s$read into t"e neck. 2ucy learned in Gilean t"at 0rcutt was wit" =ecius *lark at t"e bottom of t"e county. W"en Watson and 0mensetter arri&ed' Henry "ad ceased to s$eak and "is face grew tig"t as t"ey watc"ed. ( s"otgun wound/ %"en sli$$ery elm' # t"ink' at said. 2ucy we$t' running from room to room wit" balls of clot" in "er arms. %"e li$s drew back from t"e teet"' t"e eyelids flattened' 0$ium' # t"ink' at said. %"e body bent. %"e room s"ould be dark' # t"ink' at said. 2ucy stumbled u$ and down t"e

stairs and t"e ,aws at last com$letely locked. 3"e was drawn in by t"e w"ee6e and w"en 0menset ter asked "er suddenly@ "a&e you any beets/ t"e rags rolled out of "er arms. %"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber' "is twisted figure like a knotted string' was murmuring' immure "im' cure "im or immure "im;some suc" t"ing;if "e were really in t"e corner like a clot"es tree' was "e/ was it Watson w"ere t"e walls were willowing/ att"ew drew off 2ucy to anot"er room. How easily "e saw t"em. God"ead "id from "im His "oly farse. #mmure "im' 9ermy murmuring' cure "im or immure "im. %"roug" t"e wit"ering wall "e watc"ed "er try to kiss "im w"en "e "el$ed "er on t"e bed8 tear wildly at "er clot"es. (ll # lack is a little luck and #'ll lick t"at lock' w"o said/ at t"en ti$toed to t"e bellowing "all and s"ut "imself in its largest closet. (round "im linens' towels' and female t"ings were s"el&ed. 0mensetter made a $oultice of mas"ed raw red beet and bound it to t"e wound wit" rags and to t"e $alms of t"e "ands. Henry felt "is sig"t fail as "is li$s yawned and air strenuously $us"ed itself between "is teet". at obser&ed t"em from t"e doorway' a$$arently calm8 but t"ere seemed to be a button broken on "is s"irt and a tear in "is slee&e. %"en "is body melted. #t's u$ to Henry and t"e lock,aw now' 0mensetter said8 it's ,ust between t"em. #'ll stay' at said' "e needs some com$any. :ut 9urber "ung like a dra$ery demonstrating "im' "is "ollow;all could see it' billowing t"inly' t"e wall gau6e' and God's laws flickering. 0menset5ter's "ands were stained wit" beet. He doesn't care' "e said' "is body also dwindling. )ou loosened "er clot"ing' good' Henry "eard 0mensetter say as "is footste$s faded on t"e stairs' now s"e's aslee$. at "eld to Henry's "and w"ile Henry w"istled steadily like steam. 0rcutt came by e&ening' tore t"e $oultice off t"e wound' ga&e o$ium and aconite' forced lobelia and ca$sicum into t"e mout"' stared at t"e bandaged $alms but did not touc" t"e wra$$ings' waited for &omiting. Watson said to Henry afterward t"at in "is o$inion t"e ,aw "ad already begun to soften' and "e was not sur$rised w"en t"e &omiting began. #'d "a&e sworn it was "o$eless' =octor 0rcutt said. %"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber came to $ray and t"e ,aw was loose by morning. 4dna' midwife' bra6en' asked 0mensetter for t"e reci$e and bragged to e&eryone "ow easily s"e'd got it.

%"at 0mensetter "ad a secret no one doubted now. Gossi$ was continuous' o$inion s$lit' t"e atmos$"ere $olitical. 0ne would "a&e t"oug"t it 9rance. Henry's own sal&ation was t"e central t"ing' and Henry was fre1uently &e.ed to t"e $oint of tears' weak as "e still was' by t"e constant 1ueries' t"e noisy 1uarrels' t"e wild con,ectures of "is friends. Not"ing esca$ed t"em@ c"ance was re$ercei&ed as calculation' distant $ossibilities were carried briskly into likeli"ood' t"e flimsiest "y$ot"eses s$un into woolens for a ta$estry' and eac" conclusion was communicated to t"e town like a disease. (t first consigned by nearly e&eryone to God and so to t"e fait" of +e&erend 9urber' t"oug" always by a smaller grou$ to 3cience and "ence to t"e skill of =octor 0rcutt' t"e cur;e.ce$t for a scattered few w"o insisted u$on t"e will and constitution of Henry "imself; was now almost uni&ersally awarded to t"e beet root $oultice and t"e luck of :rackett 0mensetter. :ut w"at did t"is amount to/ %"is credited t"e cure to ... w"at/ 4dna "ad an increase of trade' t"oug" aggie 3canlon;unwedded' large;scoffed at t"e 1uestion. =on't "e always get w"at "e wants' s"e said.

He's "a$$y' ain't "e' t"e sonofabitc". # wis" to god # was. 9or Henry "is illness was a ,oy and agony t"at still went on. W"ole days it rained continually and water s$illed out of dry containers. He would sit in t"e sun wit" a blanket on "is knees and feel t"e rain come down on t"e stiff summer lea&es and fly from t"e dusty s$outs. He begged t"e fo.'s $ardon constantly' as weak and $alsied in "is c"air' as loose from "is will' as "e'd been during t"e first days of "is reco&ery. His arm would dart out' sei6ing a flood of lig"t in its fist. Well' "e'd e.claim in sur$rise' it still seems to be raining. 2ucy would s"riek at "im' t"e sun drum on "is c"est. His eye entered e&eryt"ing like a needle e&en yet; $enetrated' loo$ed' and t"en emerged;and "e "ung t"ese $ictures on a string like beads around "is neck. 9or "ours "e fingered t"e air obscenely' and w"en "e mo&ed' "e felt t"ey clicked. He would say to "is wife@ "ere's your &ul&a' it's ne.t to t"e nose of t"e beagle8 or "e'd say@ "ere's your blood' dark as wet bark8 or "e'd say@ "ere are t"e stools your bowels are s"a$ing8 on and on' until s"e struck "im. *ruelty broug"t no relief' as sig"t did not' and yet "e sometimes t"oug"t "is $ain mig"t sim$ly be t"e $ain of "is s"edding' since it often seemed t"at "e was sloug"ing like a snake t"e skins of all "is seasons8 "is w"ite fats and red fles" were lost in a luminous was". 3uns"ine la$$ed at "im' rose o&er "im' and soon t"ere were $ieces of "im drifting off;"is "ead like a "at' legs like logs. %"en gently "e toweled "is bones until t"ey s"one. %"ey made a fair tree8 t"ey weren't so bad. Henry "adn't been $re$ared for anyone like 0mensetter. He'd been content to belie&e t"at "e would always li&e wit" usual men in a usual world8 but "e'd li&ed wit" "imself all t"ese years like a stranger;and wit" e&erybody else. 3o on t"ese s"ining armatures "e fancied t"at "e s"a$ed a fine new unstreaked clay t"roug" w"ic" life lifted eagerly like moisture warming toward its "eat. %"ere was no mistaking 0mensetter's likeness8 Henry was newborn in t"at walt6ing body now8 "e "ad ,oined it as you ,oin a ri&er swimming8 surely 2ucy must "a&e seen ... but "e didn't mind if s"e "ad. !erce$tions no longer $ierced "is eyes;"is needles returning8 instead' "e $oured out giddily. #n t"is mood Henry could remember $iling u$ a mountain in t"e wagon@ t"e 1uilts and comforts' t"e toys' t"e tools and t"e utensils;tasting t"eir metals in "is mout". *louds were li&ing in t"e ri&er8 Gilean was resting by it' t"e air so clear. %"ere was e&ery "ouse out "onest and e&ery barn banked $ro$er to t"e weat"er. %"e trees were beautiful and bare' and t"e tracks of t"e wagons glistened. 0n t"e way t"ey'd sung Rose Aylmer. %"en sometimes t"ey counted birds. %"ere were rings in t"e $ools of water by t"e road and t"e air was clean as it is after rain. He t"oug"t it would be "ealt"y for t"e boy to li&e by t"e ri&er' to catc" fis" and kee$ frogs' to grow u$ wit" good e.citement. :ut "is wife would come and ,ar "im loose. (ge "ad beautifully lined "er ,aw. Her knuckles were "uge. 3"e rattled tins and sil&erware in drawers. W"ere "a&e you got to now/ w"at are you t"inking/ Not"ing. Not"ing/ )ou s"ould see your face. Not"ing?

Not"ing. #t's fatty. )ou s"ould see your face. #t's fatty. No. W"at do you go to t"e s"o$ for/ )ou can scarcely walk yet you're always off down t"ere' and in t"is weat"er w"en it's "ot. W"at do you talk about/ =oes %ott tell stories/ 0r is t"e 9urber $reac"ing at you' trying to fis" your soul out like t"e last $ickle/ 0"' # know w"at's "a$$ened. )ou'&e gone to t"e de&il. %"at's w"at's "a$$ened. No. #t's fatty. He would sit so 1uietly wit"in t"e s"adows be"ind t"e forge t"at &isitors scarcely noticed "e was t"ere. #t was like t"e effect of "is illness' for after a $eriod of $ain and confusion "e t"oug"t "is eyes "ad cleared and "e "ad watc"ed from "is bed as if from out of t"e world. #t "ad been as "e imagined it was like to be in&isible. )our eyes were o$en. !eo$le looked into t"em but t"ey didn't t"ink you saw. %"ey were less t"an a mirror' no more t"an a $ainting of eyes. %"e sickness was not"ing. any times "e "ad struggled to say t"at "e could "ear. :eing stretc"ed to $ieces was not"ing. any times "e'd tried to s"out # can see' # can see you;"issing instead. 9ig"ting for breat" was not"ing. :urning was not"ing. 2ocked in a s"rinking boot of fles"' "our after "our "e remembered >et"ro 9urber's $rayers. %"e c"ild of =ecius *lark' said =octor 0rcutt t"roug" bis beard' is &ery bad. ( bee stung "im si. weeks come %uesday on t"e neck. )ou ne&er saw a bigger swelling. %"e doctor's fingers formed an egg. *lark used to be a $otter. <uit. He's farming now;or trying to. Not muc" account. # won't collect. 0rcutt aimed "is s$it. 2et's see t"at finger att"ew smas"ed.

)ou're a bastard' %ru.ton' Watson said. )ou took on so' # t"oug"t #'d see. Well' :rackett/ No c"arge for curiosity. %"e nail grow back/ at told me t"at "e knocked it clean away;is t"at a fact/ 0mensetter "eld "is "and out silently. 0rcutt grinned. at's took u$ surgery' # see. He turned t"e t"umb. ig"t dri&e me s1uare from business.

( scar of great bra&ery' t"e doctor said. W"at do you c"arge/ at s"ook "is "ead "el$lessly. Well' it always "a$$ens' cut like t"at. 0rcutt dro$$ed t"e "and. %"e arm fell muscleless. ( sledge ain't a &ery t"oug"tful knife. %"e ne.t time you get stung like t"at you see me rig"t straig"t off and maybe you won't grow u$ suc" a swelling. # "it "im accidental' at e.claimed.

(ll round you're mig"ty lucky' mister' 0rcutt said. %"en "e asked Hatstat "ow t"e fis"ing was. +otten' Hatstat said. (lways is' t"is time of year' t"e doctor said. %"ey s"ould be u$. ("' George' t"ey ne&er is' you want t"em to. (in't t"at rig"t' :rackett/ #t isn't cool enoug"' said %ott. at rattled t"roug" "is tools. #t was stifling in t"e s"o$' and fiercely "ot by t"e forge. Well "e's a friendly sort' *lark is' said =octor 0rcutt' s$itting. Not muc" account. # won't collect. :ut friendly. His wife is taking on about t"e boy but *lark is calm' # will say t"at. He's calm. How's your infection' Henry/ #t all gone/ (in't you out a little early like a winter robin/ #t's been weeks' Henry mumbled' backing dee$ly in t"e s"o$. Home remedy;by god' it's killed an awful lot' Henry. *ould "a&e lost t"at arm' you know. 9i. your "orses"oe game $ermanent. =oes :rackett $lay/ We won't let "im' said #srabestis %ott. %oo bad' #'d like to see t"at. >uice oo6ed from t"e doctor's mout". He s$at a running stain. 4&eryone fell silent. %"e c"ild of =ecius *lark is &ery bad' said =octor 0rcutt once again' but =ecius is a friendly sort' and calm. ... %"en t"ere was #srabestis %ott entertaining "im wit" tunes@ ,igs' trots' $olkas;

Henry t"oug"t "is mind would break. %"en t"ere was att"ew Watson' w"o sat by "is bedside wit" "is "uge "ands in "is la$ like a $air of frogs8 t"ere were endless files of w"is$ering women8 t"ere was >et"ro 9urber in t"e costume of a witc"' t"reatening t"e di&ine wit" s$ells8 t"ere was 2ucy' lo&ely as a treeto$ in t"e door's grain' 9urber as a dra$e' at a lam$' %ott a s"riek' 9urber bot" frogs' 0rcutt t"eir lea$s ... ( "en's first egg is always female. 0rcutt burned "is s$it. ares w"o'&e seen t"e stallion late "a&e colts. 3cientific fact. 2ut"er Hawkins tested t"e blade of "is knife wit" "is t"umb' t"en sig"ted along it and winked at t"e ti$. (in't it t"e mont"' "e said. %"e women get t"e odd ones. 0rcutt s"ook "is "ead. (ll t"oug"t a w"ile in silence. %"e iron was a $ale rose. # read a 3wiss $rofessor ... "ell ... w"at was "is name/ ... %"ury. %"at's it' %"ury. He says t"e same =anielson;downstate;"as tried it. Works wit" cows. Works fine. 9act. 0rcutt s"owed "is teet". :ut # couldn't say' you mo&e t"e $roblem on from cows to ladies. Henry giggled against "is will. #t's out of my e.$erience' Watson said' and George Hatstat laug"ed like a w"istling train. 0rcutt "itc"ed about and $eered at Henry t"roug" t"e dark. How's 2ucy t"ese days' Henry/ :earing u$/ Watson $ut tongs on t"e iron. 0rcutt rolled "is c"ew. His li$s gleamed. 3"e oug"t to get out more. Wars' Watson said. He began "ammering. Wars' "e s"outed' more boys ... re$lace dead ones. 3$arks flew in arcs and s"owers to t"e floor.

=octor 0rcutt wi$ed "is mout" and stared at Henry t"roug" t"e rain of s$arks. %"e bar;reluctant;bent. %"e doctor leaned back' tilting "is c"air. He ga6ed solemnly at t"e ceiling w"ere a s$ider dro$$ed itself by ,erks from a beam. 0mensetter t"readed a needle. %"ere was a lull in t"e "ammering t"roug" w"ic" Henry's ears sang. #n $assing' 2loyd *ate wa&ed. 4ac" man looked morose and t"oug"tful. %ott $atted "is $ockets' "unting "is "armonica. 9inally 0rcutt said@ lucky to be ali&e by god;in a low but outraged &oice. %"e "ammering began again. %"e cool iron ,um$ed. 2ut"er Hawkins mo&ed t"e blade of "is knife wit" caution' rolling back a sli&er like a $iece of skin. Hatstat followed "im intently' w"ile 0mensetter stabbed a $iece of leat"er wit" "is needle. 0rcutt straig"tened8 s$at "ea&ily at t"e dro$$ing s$ider. %"e s$it bore it off. (t t"is t"e doctor sla$$ed "is knee and stood. (ut"orities #'&e read ... "onest scientific minds' remember' gentlemen ... claim males are made in s$ecial weat"er .. e t"ey result from s$ecial $ostures ... or de$end u$on t"e testicle t"at's em$tied. Honest scientific minds. #t's 1uite a $roblem for t"em. 3ome screw for science only in t"e afternoon' w"ile ot"ers kee$ t"eir fait" wit" e&ening;"ere 0rcutt c"uckled5it's a matter of lig"t' # understand' but w"ic" makes w"ic" # can't remember. He "efted "is bag. )ou rest easy Henry' "ey/ No lifting. No climbing. No s$ading. %"at sort of t"ing. :eneat" "is beard' 0rcutt loosened "is collar. 0r it's t"e lengt" of t"e dick;"ow far it t"rows t"e seed. %"e doctor carefully dusted "is trousers. W"ew5ee. %"us "e remained a moment. (ll t"at's manure' "e said. anure. %"en "e strode away.

Henry watc"ed t"e forge until it burned "is eyes. 2ater *urtis *"amlay looked in to ask if anyone intended fis"ing in t"e morning'

and 2ut"er Hawkins' admiring t"e $oint on "is stick' carrying on t"e con&ersation in "is "ead' c"uckled. =ogs don't care' "e said. #t's a fact. George Hatstat said@ know w"at :lender said t"at 4dna told "is wife/ douc"e wit" milk if you want a girl. (nd all s"e does is douc"e wit" t"e =utc"man. Hawkins $icked dirt from a crack. %"at fat =utc"man;"ow does "e get on/ %ake it easy' *"amlay said' laug"ing. %ott's ears are burning. W"y s"ould t"ey' Hawkins said. )ou listen at t"at $reac"er like "e does' "is ears "ears e&ery word t"ere is. %"at =utc"man' *"amlay said. #'ll bet "is cock is curly. !ig's cock' Hawkins said. :lenker isn't =utc"' %ott said. 3"it. says boys swell t"e rig"t teat more. (" s"it. No' "onest' *urt. Hatstat clutc"ed "is c"est. Girls make s$ecial ac"es in t"e left side. %"at's w"at s"e said. 3"e's full of s"it. #n t"e dust Hawkins began a drawing of t"e =utc"man mounting. #t's meat t"at does it' *"amlay said. :eef. #t's got some c"emical. %"e bar began to glow again. Hawkins scratc"ed "is drawing out. # saw one in a bottle at a fair' "e said. ( little t"ing' you know. !ink and $ur$ly ;w"ate&er color. #t was $ickled ... wrinkled ... real $ale and u$side down in t"e stuff ... looked like a $ig .. but dead ... ,esus. at "efted "is "ammer im$atiently.

Hawkins drew a mason ,ar. #t de$ends on w"at s"e eats' *"amlay insisted. %"en Hatstat made a disres$ectful noise. *ome on 0mensetter' w"at do you t"ink/ is it going to be a boy/ #f s"e lolls about and stuffs on candy' *"amlay said' s"e gets a sugar baby; Naw;s"it. )ou'&e got boys' George' rig"t/ :ut +osa Ano./ W"en +osa's $regnant all s"e eats is sugar buns. (sk 3$lendid %urner if s"e don't. 2ut"er Hawkins nodded. 9act' "e said. ( scientific fact ... # wonder w"at t"at little !erkins de&il filled aggie 3canlon's belly wit". %"at !erkins' *"amlay said. # know "im. #'ll bet it wasn't cock. )ou t"ink t"at belly's growing u$ from s$it' *urt' George said. W"at a bitc"' said Hawkins. 3"e'll gi&e birt" to dogs. at's "ammer rang t"e metal. (fterward' w"en at "ad "us"ed "is iron in t"e rain barrel' t"ey discussed fis"ing for a long time. 0lus Ano. "ad come and "e was always elo1uent about it. 4&eryone' t"at is' but 0mensetter did' w"o sewed on silently' a look of intense bewilderment on "is face.

# couldn't slee$. =id you notice "ow restless # was and wound in t"e s"eets/ %"e weat"er must be c"anging. #'m always restless t"en. 3"e filled "er c"eeks wit" air. Henry ignored "is wife's &oice8 di$$ed "is "and in t"e wind. %"e lea&es were learning of t"e cold. He turned "is $alm' allowing t"e wind to $ass between "is fingers. *ool as "ill water it seemed to flow from t"e $ale clouds. %"is is "ow it feels' "e t"oug"t' to run t"roug" t"e cu$ of 0mensetter's "ands. %ime goes coolly t"roug" t"e funnel of "is fingers 5click' click' click;like water o&er stones. W"en "e "ad lately felt t"e wind "e seldom "ad anot"er feeling8 yet t"ere were moments' as if in dream' w"en "e could $lunge "is "and into t"e air and feel t"e stream at t"e li$ of :eing' and t"e "esitating water. %"ere was a bat"er at t"e $reci$ice wit" breasts as great as God's' ni$$led as t"e berry bus"' brig"t as frost. *orn golden "air was gat"ered to His t"ig"s. Not in my image. Not"ing like me. :ut in t"e dream t"at disabled "im' "e was afloat on t"e brink' $oised abo&e t"e incredible gulf like a bird' w"ile eac" minute frig"tened "im by $assing o&er. Wit" "is "ands on "is ears "e could feel t"em falling.

:elow lay an em$ty $lain w"ere t"e brig"t stream dried. #t t"en became a road t"at t"inned to a rail in t"e cold "ori6on. He "eard t"e roar of a miracle coming' a long beak looking for snakes. ( soft $lo$. %"e air rus"ed out. #t's going to rain' you can see t"at. Henry wit"drew "is "and. %"e rent is due. #'ll walk. Walk. Walk. He'll walk too. )ou'll $ass. 2ikely' "e said' fetc"ing "is coat. #s walking w"at t"e doctor ordered/ W"oo. 0ur room was stuffy as a tomb last nig"t. =idn't you feel it/ # don't want "im "ere "ea&en knows' t"at beast. He's like an animal. :reat"es like an animal. (wf. 3mells like an animal. Hea&en knows # don't want "im "ere. %"at's w"y #'m going. He won't come. 0" no it's not. He'll come. He'll come along. )ou want to meet "im out of sig"t of me' t"at's all. )ou s"ould stay rig"t "ere and rest. He's ,ust a beast' a beast. (nd wit" "er big lately "e's been a w"ile wit"out "er;unless "e ne&er $aid any mind to "er $ain. 2ucy' $lease. Now t"ey'&e "ad t"at boy it'll be a bit before "e'll dare to come at "er again' #'d t"ink. #magine t"at fat creature s$rawled on to$ of you. #'ll bet t"ere's fur on "im t"ere like a tom cat's. 9or *"rist's sake. 0" $oo"' don't be a $rude. 3"e $lunged "er s$oon into a bowl. # wonder "ow $oor att"ew can afford "im' s"e said in a 1uieter &oice. He can't make as muc" as "is rent' #'m certain of t"at. # wis" to god; 3alt. Wasn't it last time # left out t"e salt/ )ou remember. %"ey were flat. )ou com$lained all e&ening and it was wretc"edly "ot. 3ometimes s"e made Henry t"ink of steam;of somet"ing dangerously &a$orous and w"ite;but s"e stood at t"e counter now as stiff and metallic as t"e s$oon w"ose edge s"e wore around and around in t"e bowl t"at s"e $ressed into "er stomac".

Well "e works "ard and #'m sure "e's wort" w"at "e's getting ... )ou're down t"ere most of t"e day since your sickness. 0mensetter sa&ed my life. )ou "ate "im for it. 0" for sweet sakes' Hen' you know you always denied it. )ou ne&er said "e sa&ed your life before. %"at sort of magic/ )ou only want to rile me. 3"e suddenly turned to "im wit" a weak sad face. #'&e a lot to com$lain of myself' Hennie' not ,ust about salt' Hennie;a lot to com$lain of. )ou know . . . our ... and' o" you oug"tn't to do me t"is way' Hen. Her face grew "ard again. Well. Wasn't t"at w"at you said/ #t was =octor 0rcutt' # t"oug"t' you ga&e your gratefuls to. Hoos". y arm tires easy. #n t"is' kitc"en. )ou s"ould "a&e seen "im in t"is kitc"en;my $ersonal $lace. *"o$$ing beets. %"ese counters aren't my "eig"t. Well t"ey weren't made for me but for your mot"er of course. He stained t"e wood in t"em badly' you can see it;t"ere;t"ere; No' t"ose; 3ee;o&er t"ere;and "ere;and t"ere;t"ere;a" t"e dirty beast. 3"e released t"e s$oon and $ut "er $alm on t"e counter8 began $atting t"e wood. )our mot"er' now' could stir a day and ne&er sig" more t"an "er usual. Well "e works. He's "andy. 0" #'m sure att"ew ne&er regrets "im. He is "andy.

3"e set t"e bowl down wit" a ,ar. %"oug" w"at an easy fool "e is to dance t"e tune for bot" of you. at $ays "im $ro$erly' and after all' "e's grown. Hoo. He's "uge. %akes care of "is c"ildren on t"at' does "e/ (nd "is wife too/ 3"e must be mig"ty sa&ing. W"at is "e owing you/ He $ays' "e $ays. 2alee. 0f course "e $ays. He's w"at' if # weren't suc" a well5raised lady' # would call a $oor stu$id bastard;a $oor stu$id bastard. Well' 2ucy t"at's one t"ing;you are a lady. 3"e looked at "im s"ar$ly. ore t"an you're a decent man' s"e said. %"en s"e began to cry and turned from t"e counter to blow "er nose.

=octor 0rcutt' t"oug"t Henry. # "ate "im. His teet" slide in "is beard and "is eyes cross. *ome out of t"e door. (re you "earing me/ Henry/ W"en "e was "ere "e stared at me like an owl. )ou s"ould comb your "air. #t was indecent;"ow "e stared. 3tared. He's ,ust an animal. Hairy as a bear. His "ead turns t"e w"ole way around. #'m going. Go t"en. Go. )ou'll $ass in t"e woods' t"e two of you. # know. )ou'll $ass. ust you be walking t"ere/ )ou're catc"ing cold again. # saw you s"i&er. No. 2ike an old dog going e&eryw"ere t"ere is a $atc" of sun to sit and s"i&er in. No one e&er comes to see us. !eo$le used to;Gladys' +osa' at. No one now since you were sick. He always takes t"e wood $at". W"y/ #t sa&es time. %ime/ 0" dear. %ime. %"e animal. 3mell "im. %"ere's no time to "im. %"ere's only "imself. 2ike a cow w"ose bowels are mo&ing. Hea&ens;time. W"at do you want from "im/ )ou'll ne&er get it' w"ate&er it is. He cares for no one' don't you know t"at/ Not e&en you' Henry. 0" look w"at you're doing;letting t"e wind in. 3"ut t"e door. %"e $at" took Henry !imber $ast t"e slag across t"e meadow creek w"ere "is only "ornbeam "ardened slowly in t"e sout"ern s"adow of t"e ridge and t"e trees of t"e se$arating wood began in rows as t"e lean road in "is dream began' narrowing to not"ing in t"e blank "ori6on' for train rails narrow be"ind anybody's ,ourney8 and "e named t"em as "e $assed t"em@ elm' oak' "a6el' larc" and c"estnut tree' as t"oug" "e mig"t "a&e been t"e fallen (dam $assing t"em and calling out t"eir soft familiar names' as t"oug" familiar names mig"t make some friends for "im by being s$oken to t"e unfamiliar and unfriendly world w"ic" "e was told "ad been "is $aradise. #n God's name' w"en was t"at/ W"en "ad t"at been/ 9or "e "ad "ated e&ery day "e'd li&ed. (s"' birc"' ma$le. 4&ery day "e t"oug"t would last fore&er' and t"e nig"t fore&er' and t"e dawn drag eternally anot"er long and em$ty day to lig"t fore&er8 yet t"ey s$ed away' t"e day' t"e nig"t clicked $ast as "e walked by t"e creek by t"e "ornbeam tree' t"e elders' sorrels' cedars and t"e fir8 for as "e named t"em' sounding t"eir soft names in "is lonely skull' t"e fire of fall was on t"em' and "e named t"e days "e'd lost. #t was still sorrowful to die. 4ternity' for t"em' "ad ended. (nd "e would fall' w"en it came "is time' like an unseen leaf' t"e bud t"at was t"e glory of "is birt" forgot before remembered. He named t"e as$en' beec"' and willow' and "e said aloud t"e locust w"en "e saw it leafless like a battlefield. #n God's name' w"en was t"at/ W"en "ad t"at been/ 0mensetter was in "is large coat today. !ieces a$$eared between t"e trees.

%"en tousled "air. +ound "ot face@ determined' s$lotc"ed. !ebbly teet". His arm was lifted in a wa&e. %"is disa$$eared. His "and s$rang out of a limb. Henry began to trot. 0mensetter crossed a small glade' "is feet "idden by bus"es. ( branc" lea$ed in front of Henry and s$lit "is &ision at its waist. His $ulse grew noisy in "is ears. We must take care' "e t"oug"t' e&eryt"ing is against us. %"e elder's $ods won't "ang t"roug" winter #'m afraid' 0mensetter said. %"e moss is t"ick and t"e cater$illar's' fur is dee$. # t"oug"t #'d walk your way' Henry said' for e.ercise. 0mensetter laug"ed. His teet" were bleac"ed. #t wasn't for t"e rent' # knew you'd be along wit" t"at ... (nd "ow's t"e boy/ %"e boy is fine. We "a&e "im slee$ing sout" to catc" t"e sun. W"at "a&e you named "im' # "a&en't "eard. (mos. 0mensetter lingered on t"e word. #'&e an uncle of t"at name w"o's ric". He c"uckled. 2o&ely' Henry said. (mos 0mensetter. )es. 2o&ely. (nd t"e girls/ %"e girls/ How are t"ey/ %"ey're fine' and 2ucy's fine. %"e dog is fine too. 3o am #. Good' said Henry. 9ine. %"e as$en's lea&es' "e saw' were yellow early. 0mensetter "eld money in "is "and. %"ere was a s$atter of red in t"e ma$les. %"ere me money was and t"ere t"e end was. #t would settle in "is "and and be good5bye. 0mensetter would $resent "is back and wa&e. %"e w"ite oaks' still green' would swallow "im' t"e sound already gone "e walked so softly in t"e forest. Henry bent and $icked an acorn u$. #f t"ere were any ot"er way. He filled "is "and wit" acorns' fli$$ed t"em idly. 0mensetter's fist "id t"e money and Henry was grateful for t"at' but "e saw "e "ad trimmed "is nails' and Henry felt terribly wronged. He tried to searc" 0mensetter's face for a dee$er sign but t"ey seemed to be standing in a cloud of gnats. Henry wa&ed "is "and in front of "is eyes. #'m glad to "ear t"at (mos does so well' "e finally said. #t would ne&er do' "e t"oug"t' to ask if "e would li&e t"ere free. # want to see "ow far t"e turning's gone. 2et's climb t"e "ill' it isn't far.

0mensetter "eld aside a $in oak's limbs and Henry followed "im. ( leaf would now and t"en detac" itself and sail into t"e &alley. Henry tried to s$eak but 0mensetter led. %"e wind (wed around "im as around a rock' and Henry didn't feel "is &oice was strong enoug" to salmon suc" a current. He watc"ed a broad leaf break away and di$ w"ile8 t"e woods sank below t"em like a receding wa&e. %"ey sto$$ed for a moment on t"e bare "illside and 0mensetter $ointed to t"e flare "is wife's was" made be"ind t"e trees. 0rcutt says s"e s"ouldn't do suc" work' 0mensetter s"outed' so #'&e taken to "anging it myself. He lifted "is s"oulders e.$ressi&ely. # can't get t"e girls to. %"en Henry reali6ed t"at "e could see t"roug" t"at massi&e green and c"anging tide as if to bottom. #t was since "is sickness ... 4&eryt"ing began wit";since "is sickness. 0nce to $etrify and die "ad been "is wis"8 sim$ly to $etrify "ad been "is fear8 but "e "ad been a stone wit" eyes and seen as a stone sees@ t"e world as t"e world is really' wit"out t"e least $re,udice of "eart or artifice of mind' and "e "ad come into suc" trut" as only a stone can stand. He yearned to be "ard and cold again and "a&e no feeling' for since "is sickness "e'd been $reyed u$on by dreams' slee$ing and waking' and by sudden rus"es of unnaturally s"ar$' in"uman &ision in w"ic" all t"ings were da66ling' glorious' and terrifying. He saw t"en' "e t"oug"t' as 0mensetter saw' e.ce$t for $ainful beauty. #f t"ere were ,ust a way to frig"ten off t"e $ain. %"e $at" was stee$. His "ead was nearly le&el wit" 0mensetter's marc"ing feet; "is softly $olis"ed s"oes. Henry felt abandoned. %"e blasted fellow understood "is luck. He knew. %"e wind blew strongly and streams of tears $rotected Henry's eyes. !er"a$s it was t"e "eig"t' $er"a$s t"e wind' $er"a$s "e was catc"ing cold after all' but Henry felt "is senses blur and merge' t"en focus again. 3omet"ing was trying to come u$;0mensetter was s"outing t"at t"e frost was finicky; somet"ing was lea$ing against t"e sides of "is skull. (";god;t"e fo.' Henry t"oug"t' knuckling "is eyes. He'd "ad t"e "en in "is mout"' life in "is teet"' sali&a running. 9eat"ers foamed o&er "is nose. (nd t"en t"e eart" "ad groaned. >ust a moment ago. He'd ne&er nailed t"e well s"ut' t"oug" now w"en "e closed "is teet" it all latc"ed. 3ome went early' said 0mensetter's s"out. %"e lea&es were minnowing. Had "e t"oug"t t"ey were $laying at (dam and 4&e/ t"ree c"ildren and a dog/ !(+(=#34 :) +#B4+3#=4. !er"a$s by 3$ringwater !ictures1uely 0&errun. 4.orbitantly leased from r. Henry God' a lesser demon' wit" insufficient s$unk to make a *"rist. No. Not 0mensetter. He'd always seemed in"uman as a tree. %"e rest;w"o &isited5ware "uman. %"ey made "im sick inside "is sickness. %"ere was rs. Henry !imber' "er untidy "air' dull eyes' "er fallen breasts and s"oulders e.claiming grief and guilt at "is demise' w"ile e&ery gesture was a figure in a tableau of desire8 t"ere was t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber' a blackening flame' and rs. Balient Hatstat' rings s$otted on "er fingers' a small w"ite scar like an unwi$ed w"ite of egg lying

in t"e corner of "er mout"8 t"ere was =octor %ru.ton 0rcutt of t"e rotting teet" and ,uice5stained beard' w"o looked like a "ouse wit" a rusting ea&e8 t"ere was rs. +osa Ano.' sofa5fles"ed and fountain5s$oken' wit" an intermittent titter t"at s"ook "er breasts' and also #srabestis %ott' toget"er beggar' "urdy5gurdy' cu$' c"ain' monkey8 and t"ere was rs. Gladys *"amlay' t"e scratc"ed rod' nose like a ,ungle5bird's' teet" like a beast's8 iss 3amant"a %ott' so tall s"e "ad to stoo$ in t"e sun s"e t"oug"t8 and all t"ose ot"ers' wit" t"eir "usbands or t"eir brot"ers' ' in&isible' be"ind t"em' making sounds to celebrate t"e deat" of tea5 weak Henry !imber8 w"ile r. att"ew Watson' neit"er $raying' s$eaking' crying' or e.claiming' uncomfortable in a corner' surre$titiously scratc"ed a ras" t"roug" "is trousers. %"ey "a&en't turned ... in earnest yet' 0mensetter said. Not (dam but in"uman. Was t"at w"y "e lo&ed "im' Henry wondered. #t wasn't for "is life;a curse' god knew8 it wasn't for t"e beet5root $oultice. #t lay somew"ere in t"e c"ance of being new ... of li&ing lucky' and of losing Henry !imber. He "ad always crammed "umanity in e&eryt"ing. 4&en t"e air felt guilty. 0nce "e would "a&e seen eac" tree along t"is slo$e boned "umanly and branc"ed wit" feeling like t"e black bile tree' t"e locust' des$ondent e&en at t"e summit of t"e "ig"est summer. How con&enient it "ad been to find "is friends and enemies embarked in tame slow trunks' in t"is or t"at bent tree' t"eir as$irations safely in "ig" branc"es and t"eir fires $odded into 1uiet seed. He could $at t"eir bodies wit" "is "ands and car&e "is name and make u$ animal emotions for t"em no fruit could contradict. #t was always easier to lo&e great trees t"an $eo$le. 3uc" trees were "onest. %"eir deat"s s"owed. *ome on Henry;w"at t"e "ell;let's get w"ere we can see. %"ey were sil&er in t"e s$ring. %"ey were still new green like t"e ri&er. %"e sun came to t"em. %"e wind turned t"em. (nd a dark dee$ glossy green grew on by t"e "ead of summer. #t was like t"e green "e sometimes saw w"en t"e sun was rig"t and t"e wind "ad died co&er a stone t"at was lig"tly under water. %"ere was "edge green and i&y' slick as sli$$ery elm and cool as myrtle. %"ere was slime green $ale wit" yellow8 some t"at was like moss or grass beneat" a rock or t"e inside of a s"uck of corn. %"ere was e&ery s"ade of green in t"e world. %"ere was more t"an t"e ri&ers "ad' more t"an any meadow. %"e wind rus"ed o&er t"e brow of t"e "ill' billowing Henry's coat and flattening 0mensetter's "air. :e"ind t"em in t"e &alley' t"e lea&es were 1uiet as if at t"e "illto$ t"ey "ad s$onged t"e wind. Here t"e rus" co&ered t"eir ears. mensetter s"outed somet"ing. Henry's toes curled in "is s"oes to catc" t"e ground. He sidled awkwardly' "is coat las"ing "is legs until "is body seemed to sing like wire. ... t"e notc". Henry ledged after "im. His coat ballooned. 3ome"ow' in t"is mad $lace' "e was losing e&eryt"ing. 0mensetter &anis"ed. %"e ground seemed to fall away. He "adn't known t"e sea "ad "oles but "ow else did you drown/ %"en "e saw 0mensetter's bus"y "ead and "e dro$$ed into t"e notc" w"ere t"e wind roared abo&e t"em like Niagara 9alls.

Henry sat on a rock and $ulled "is coat round "im. )ou don't like it' 0mensetter said. 0" no' it's fine. %"ey "ad to s"out. %"e cold stone $ressed against "im. 2o&ely &iew' t"ey said. #t was a terrifying wind. # come often' 0mensetter said. ( boat's out. # wonder w"ose. Henry s"rugged and "eld on. He t"oug"t of t"e wild beauty of t"e trees' "is own affection for t"em' "is romantic sentiments' "is wretc"ed illness wit" its lying clarity. Will you climb "ere in t"e winter/ 0mensetter made a face. %oo cold. 9ree6e. =on't you lo&e t"e noise/ No' Henry t"oug"t' # don't lo&e t"e noise8 t"e wind win was" my wits out. :ut in t"e winter' "e reflected' w"en t"e sun was in t"e west' t"e leafless trees would $rint t"e snow. *"amlay's snake fence would lace "is sout" fields. 4&ery bus" would blossom' eac" twig s"ar$ly t"rown' and e&ery $altry $ost embark for consciousness as "uge. %"e wind mig"t blow "ere constantly' it would alter not"ing8 but t"is was t"e season of c"ange' Henry's coat billowed out from "im' and 0mensetter's countenance esca$ed into t"e &alley. (n immense weariness took "old of Henry now' t"oug" t"e sun in t"e notc" was warming. 0f course;"e'd been a fool;0mensetter li&ed by not obser&ing;by ,oining "imself to w"at "e knew. Necessity flew birds as easily as t"e wind dro&e t"ese lea&es' and t"ey ne&er felt t"e cur&ature w"ic" drew t"e arc of t"eir $ursuit Nor would a fo. cry beauty before "e c"ewed. +emember/ ... remember coming' Henry s"outed finally' $ointing to t"e western "ill. 0mensetter $ut "is "ead u$ in t"e stream w"ere t"e wind blew away "is words. (" ... uddyC raid it would ray ... )ou were afraid/ ... ott/ Were you afraid of getting wet/

(" ...ur. )ou sa&ed my life. ... ott/ # said are you "a$$y in Gilean/ 0mensetter left t"e notc" abru$tly' and started down. 0bedient' Henry followed' and saw between t"em and t"e sun a broad5winged "awk like a leaf on t"e flooding air. %"e sailor of t"e wind is loose' "e t"oug"t8 my life is lost down t"is dead "ill. He "ad raised "is arms and now "e let t"em fall. #'m dreadfully sick ... stu$idly sick. ( scientific fact. <uiet giggles s"ook "im. (nd #'&e scarcely been ali&e. Henry Winslow !imber. Now dead of weak will and dis"onest weat"er. 3ome suc" disease. How would t"at look car&ed on my stone/ He stumbled. D. . for sweet sakes' Hennie' you'll ne&er "a&e a stone...D # s"all be my own stone' t"en' my dear' my own dumb memorial' ,ust as all along #'&e been my deat" and burial' my own dry well;"ole' wall' and darkness. # oug"t to be e.$osed u$on a mountain w"ere t"e birds can $ick my body' for no one could $ut "imself on $ur$ose in t"is clay. :esides' anyone w"o's li&ed so slow and stu$idly as # "a&e oug"t to s$end "is deat" u$ "ig". His mout" filled. !oor' foolis"' stu$id bastard' foolis" fellow ... foolis" wards ...:ut #'d "a&e made a wort"ier 0mensetter;all new fat' wild "air' and furry testicles like a tiger's. Henry s$at. ( scientific fact. %"e sali&a drifted against "is coat. (nd w"en # arri&ed in my wagon like a careless western "ero' clouds would be swimming in t"e ri&er. +ain would fall beyond us in t"e forest' t"e 0"io like a brig"t "air ribbon ... G il e a n ; a dream. 2alee. Naa5t"ing. 2alee. # "a&e to sit somew"ere. 0" no' kee$ u$. We'll go on down. 2ucky was "e/ Was "e' Henry wondered;wit" "is $olis"ed s"oes and all "is new concerns. %"e ri&er disa$$eared beneat" t"e trees. %"ey walked by t"e creek by t"e "ornbeam tree;0mensetter' "is "and in "is greatcoat $ocket w"ere t"e rent was' "is back indifferent as a wall;by elm and oak and ma$le' in t"e bowl t"at tamed by t"e ri&erside' toward Henry !imber's "ouse w"ere Henry followed' by t"e as$en' by t"e suede green sassafras' t"e beec". %"e sil&er morning grass was golden and resilient now. %"e slate was clean' t"e sandstones ric" as brown sugar' and t"e red clay' softer after suns"ine' moist' ke$t t"eir feet to t"e slate' t"e sugar rocks' and t"e roug"' resilient grass. #'&e got to rest' Henry said. %"e log was stri$$ed of bark and bleac"ed. #t lay by t"e creek like a $re"istoric bone. 0" say' you'&e been sick' t"at's rig"t. %"at "ill is sort of stee$. How are you

feeling now;good/ . . . fine' t"at's good. 0mensetter took money from "is $ocket. We'll "a&e to mo&e w"en we can find a $lace. #t's a little wet t"ere for t"e boy;you understand;it's a little low near t"e ri&er. Well ... )ou'&e been kind. %"e money em$tied into Henry's "and. #'d better see to 2ucy now' 0mensetter said. He swayed r"yt"mically a moment like a bear. 2ucy will be fine. 3ure;still' s"e must be watc"ed;t"e boy ... 0mensetter wa&ed. 2imbs di&ided u$ "is back. Good5bye. 3o' Henry t"oug"t' well . . . "e's going to lea&e t"e fo. w"ere "e "as fallen. (nyway' t"at's t"at. )es. %"at. :ecause it was im$ossible to s$eak in a wind. (nd t"ere was only weat"er in it' after all. Weat"er. 2ea&es. !ollen' "e'd been told' from infinite $lants. =ust' too' of course. (nd t"e grains t"at carry cooking' bloom' and $ine tree to t"e nose. 3eeds naturally. 9lies. :irdie song and t"e growl of bees. Himself;!imber;rus"ing along. )esterday it was t"e long nig"t rain t"at fell' mis$laced' t"roug" morning. %omorrow/ %omorrow mig"t be calm. (ll rig"t. #'ll "ide "ig" u$. #'ll do t"at. (nyway' w"y s$eak in a wind/ =idn't # wait for a wind to say@ you sa&ed my life/ =ing dong bell' !imber's down our well. =idn't # wait until a wind could blow away my lie/ W"o ne&er did "im any "arm' :ut wound "is soul t"roug" a slee&e of arm. >ust t"e same # t"oug"t t"e way you walked t"roug" town' Henry was w"is$ering ,ust barely aloud' carrying your back as easy and as careless as you would a towel' newly come from swimming always' barely dry you always seemed' you were a sign. +emember t"at first e&ening w"en you came/ )ou were a stranger' bare to "ea&en really' and your soul dwelled in your tongue w"en you s$oke to me' as if # were a friend and not a stranger' as if # were an ear of your own. )ou "ad mud beneat" your arms' mud sliding down t"e sides of your boots' t"ick stormy "air' dirty nails' a button missing. %"e clouds were glowing' a ric" warm rose' and # watc"ed t"em sail till dark w"en # came "ome. #t seemed to me t"at you were like t"ose clouds' as natural and beautiful. )ou knew t"e secret;"ow to be.

Henry cleared "is t"roat. (nd "ad "e sim$ly been mistaken/ 0r "ad 0mensetter been $ersuaded of "is luck so t"oroug"ly t"at now "e guarded it like gold' and feared being t"ie&ed/ Henry wra$$ed "is arms like a kerc"ief round "is "ead. 0mensetter "ad been robbed already. 4&erybody but t"e $reac"er stole from "im. 9urber merely "ated. :ut w"at # took was "o$e;a dream;fool's gold; 1uarrel;toot"some "en' Henry said. How weary "e was' and sorry ... sorry for e&eryt"ing. He was sorry about t"e rent' about t"e "ouse' t"e dam$' t"e o$en well' t"e ri&er. He was sorry for 0mensetter' sorry for 2ucy' sorry for t"e c"ildren' sorry for 2ucy again. He was sorry for "imself. %ears $ooled in "is eyes. >ust t"e same' Henry said' # t"oug"t you measured us by your in"uman measure like t"e trees' and we were busy ants in "ills or well5"i&ed bees w"ose lo&e was to $ursue t"e 1ueen and bring on deat". W"en you $ut my "ands in bandages and beets # t"oug"t # understood. %"ere was no s"ade between us e&er but t"e s"ade #'d drawn. )ou were t"e same to "uman or in"uman eye. Henry slid from t"e log and "us"ed "is w"is$ering. He $us"ed at low s"rubs until "e couldn't see t"e sycamores. #t was t"ick in t"is $art of t"e woods. He $arted t"e branc"es wit" "is arms. :rackett 0mensetter before "e left "ad "id be"ind "is face and made "is back a wall. %"e man "ad been a miracle. He "ad' Henry s$oke out angrily. ( miracle. Not to be belie&ed. (nd now "e took defense against t"e world like e&erybody else. No miracle' a man' wit" a man's mask and a man's wall. Henry c"uckled' unfastening t"e belt of "is coat. He tugged at it. #t would be strong. His $ooled tears ran. #f :rackett 0mensetter "ad e&er "ad t"e secret of "ow to li&e' "e "adn't known it. Now t"e difference was5"e knew. 4&eryone at last "ad managed to tell "im' and now like e&erybody else "e was wondering w"at it was. 2ike e&erybody else. Henry wi$ed "is eyes. =on't look for Henry "ere' my dear' "e's gone. He's full of foolis"ness' and off to kill a fo.. :ut #'ll not die as low as "e did' for # could ornament a tree like t"e lea&es of a ma$le. No. #t s"ould be tall. ( w"ite oak maybe' wit" its wide lobes. %"ere was beauty in t"e $un@ lea&e5taking. %"oug" it wouldn't be an easy climb for a man w"o'd been so sick so recently. 3till t"e sun would reac" "im early t"ere and stay t"e day' t"e win blow $leasantly. #t oug"t to seem like lea$ing to t"e sea. He went by c"erry and by black gum trees calling t"eir names aloud. He was t"e (dam w"o remembered t"em. %ears ne&ert"eless began again. How sorry for it all "e felt. How sorry for 0mensetter. How sorry for Henry.

The Reverend ,Jethro Furber's Change of Heart

+oug" dogs' barking' s$las"ed into t"e ri&er c"asing sticks. *oats and ties "ad been "ung in t"e trees and men were "urling stones at soda bottles or skimming $ieces of slate and loudly counting t"e ski$s. He $icked out s1uealing c"ildren and t"e laug"ter of t"e women. #f t"ere "adn't been a wall "e would "a&e seen t"em scuffling on t"e edge of t"e water. %"e land fell and t"e trees $arted so t"at seated w"ere "e was t"e 0"io mig"t "a&e made "is eyes blink' but t"e

wall was eig"t feet "ig" and wound in its &ines like a bottle of claret. %"e benc" was dam$ and cold' s"adowed all morning by t"e elms' and "e slid "is :ible under "im. #t was a $oor garden' gi&en o&er to ground i&y and $lants t"at $referred dee$ s"ade' for t"e sun reac"ed it only at t"e to$ of t"e day w"en it found an o$ening between t"e crowns of t"e trees and t"e "ead and body of t"e c"urc". (bsently' "e felt t"e $ores of t"e cement. %"e s"adows of t"e elm lea&es $assed gently o&er t"e &ines and grasses. #n winter one could see 1uite easily t"roug" t"e gate at t"e end of t"e garden to t"e ri&er lying $lacidly in its ice;leaden' gra&e' immortal. He "ad ne&er learned w"en t"e key "ad been lost but t"e lock was rusted now and t"e double gates were bound. :y s$ring' w"en t"e i&y leafed and t"ickly curtained t"e $ickets' "is blindfold was com$lete. Ne&ert"eless "e could see t"e sand rising in little $uffs and t"e brilliant water striking t"e s"ore. #t wasn't true' but >et"ro 9urber felt "e "ad s$ent "is life "ere. *ertainly "e "ad broug"t to t"e garden t"e little order it "ad' laying t"e walk wit" "is own "ands and clearing t"e gra&es of weeds and cree$ers' carefully scrubbing t"e markers. %"e roug" cold benc" was as familiar to "im as "is skin' and t"e garden' wit" its secret design and its "oly significance' was like "imself. He smiled as "e considered it ("e "ad considered often)' for t"e body of any symbol was absurd' as ridiculous as *"rist's body was' so lank and ribby. (nd t"ose crudely fas"ioned timbers t"rust clumsily in t"e eart" were foolis". %"e crucifi.ion was so far from lo&e. How far was "e from w"at "e meant/ ... $ale' $inc"5faced little man in Negro5colored clot"ing' t"e nail5eyed re&erend' >et"ro 9urber' fourt" in t"is c"urc" and a liar8 "ow far was "e from t"e conscience of "is $eo$le/ %"at 3canlon girl was turning around' blooming "er $ink skirt' and %"e Noisy 0ne was calling to "is dog. He saw t"e "air of %"e Noisy 0ne tossing like a girl's8 "is stones were s"attering t"e water. 9urber "ad told t"em w"at was due t"e 3abbat"8 "e "ad t"rown "is &oice on its knees before t"em s"amefully8 "e "ad warned and t"reatened8 "e "ad rounded "is words wit" brass and blown t"roug" t"em strongly like a c"oir of trum$ets. :ut w"at use was it to $reac"/ 9utile. 9utile. He could not face t"em down again. %"at' too' was futile. #n t"ree corners of t"e garden t"ere were gra&es' crookedly laid' w"ere t"e no longer li&ing $ersons of "is $redecessors "ad been $ut away' and t"ere was still an em$ty corner left for "im to lie futile and forgotten in. (ll was $ro$er and correct. 4&en t"e clic"Es of t"e $reac"er were correct@ t"e no longer listening ears' t"e no longer swelling lungs' t"e no longer laug"ing teet" or dancing "air' t"e no longer bitterly en&enomed $rick. He struck "is t"ig"' "alf rose' t"en settled slowly back again. 0mensetter's stones di$$ed and flew and lit like gulls u$on t"e water. 9urber rubbed "is teet" toget"er so t"ey s1ueaked' t"en s"i&ered at t"e sound. 3oon t"e sun will reac" t"e benc"' "e t"oug"t' and t"e lea&es will w"iten. He would wait w"ere "e was. He would "a&e to. *ertainly "e would not go out again. He "ad "is re"earsals "ere. 3lowly' "is "ead bowed' t"e :ible "eld firmly against "is c"est' "e would circle t"e garden. His eyes would swee$ o&er t"e ground near "is feet' o&er t"e bruised lea&es and bared roots' t"e grass stubble and t"e mud t"at oo6ed between stones. 2ilies of t"e &alley grew t"ickly near t"e wall w"ere trails of crumbled mortar' smears of ri&er dam$ and moss' were &isible under t"e &ines. Biolets' c"ickweed and t"e buck"orn $lantain flouris"ed. %"ere was $ri&et still ali&e from a feeble attem$t before "is time to di&ide t"e garden wit" "edges' and a rose w"ic" t"e wind burned to t"e ground e&ery winter s$rawled o&er a rotting willow stum$' its canes nearly leafless from disease' struggling to bloom. *"afers would feed u$on t"e buds' yet "e would stay "is "and'

&erifying' once again' t"e destructi&e course of nature. 0range yellow w"en it flowered' it was a climber' and "e t"oug"t "e recogni6ed its fragrance. ( neig"bor of "is mot"er grew it' or s"e "ad ..' like a dream of gold along "er fence ;R ve d!or " and golden "oneysuckle u$ t"e trellis of "er $orc"' wit" strident morning glories too and clematis as $ur$le as t"e robe of a king8 and t"ere were $earl5w"ite lily trum$ets' forsyt"ia and lilacs like so many fountains' four o'clocks and bleeding "eart' begonias s$illing out of baskets swung from c"ains' straw flowers' daisies' $ink "ydrangeas t"at s"e sometimes fertili6ed wit" nails to make t"em blue' weedy magenta $"lo. and columbine' &erbena' flo$$y red $etunias' bac"elor buttons' 6innias' round trans$arent $ennyroyal to dry and $ress between t"e $salms' rose geraniums in $ots along t"e rails' gentians' $inks' sweet $eas' nasturtiums of t"e clearest orange ... "e $eered at all t"is t"ick sweet beauty t"roug" t"e $ickets' frig"tened somew"at' for t"ey ke$t a dog' and at t"e roug" sweet lawn' so cool and moist' t"e walk around it edged wit" snowy ageratum and &iolet alyssum' $ansies $ink as li$s' stonecro$ s1uee6ing between t"e bricks' w"ile in t"e beds be"ind t"em t"ere were sky5blue asters on "oo$ing stems' $ale and met"odical' as $erfect as if t"ey "ad been grown by s$iders8 and "idden by "ig" grass and goldenrod and stock "e would watc" t"e woman' rs. Aermit Ha6en; aisie was it/ did s"e li&e beyond "er o$eration/ 9idel was t"e dog;stretc"ing "er garis" yellow $rint across "er rum$ and s"ow t"e roll of "er stockings w"en s"e bent to cut t"e stems and $ile t"e flowers in "er dusty a$ron. %ears would form in "is eyes' running t"e figures of t"e flowers and t"e woman toget"er' and "e would $ress t"e fence slats cruelly into "is c"eeks. 3"e'd "a&e $lanted marigolds nearby and t"roug" t"e fence "e would reac" one' u$rooting it roug"ly and rubbing "is face wit" its $ungent lea&es before "e went into t"e "ouse and ga&e "is c"eek to "is aunt to kiss so s"e would snee6e. (s "e walked "e meditated on some $assage of scri$ture or some t"oug"t "e'd found in 3t. >erome or (ugustine' trying to $enetrate and reformulate it. 9inally words would begin to rise' "is t"roat would mo&e' "e would begin to mutter and "is fingers drum on t"e book. (lt"oug" "e had taken t"e same ste$s many times;indeed "e "ad minutely organi6ed t"em and gi&en eac" a symbolic c"aracter;and t"oug" "is downward glance seemed &acant and "is $osture affected' "e did not miss t"e mo&ements of life at "is feet. #ndeed "e fed "is soul on t"ese sensations and t"ere t"ey mingled wit" "is t"oug"ts on e1ual terms' for >et"ro 9urber felt t"at Nature was t"e word of God as certainly as scr$iture was;"is task' t"erefore' to watc" and listen' to inter$ret and bear witness. We s"ould all be watc"men' and we s"ould $ray t"at God will o$en our eyes to e&il and burn our "earts to admonis" t"e ungodly. %"ink' "e often said' "ow t"e demons "owl. %"eir &oices are roug" and crude8 t"ey li&e in fire8 t"ey scream8 t"ey se&er t"eir words as t"eir "eads are se&ered8 but is not t"e ,ustice of it sweet/ #n t"e same way t"e worst of t"is world signifies t"e best of t"e ot"er. W"ile saying t"is "is &oice would rise' "is "ands flutter' "is eyelids s1uee6e ra$turously toget"er. +ancorous i&y. 0n t"e ot"er side of t"e wall' at t"e edge of t"e ri&er' t"e sand burned. %"e ri&er lay afire. Aingfis"ers fell like s$ots across t"e eyes and laug"ter was yellow. 4&ery 3unday 0mensetter strolled by t"e ri&er wit" "is wife' "is daug"ters' and "is dog. %"ey came by wagon' s$oke to $eo$le w"o were off to c"urc"' and w"ile 9urber $reac"ed' t"ey s$rawled in t"e gra&el and trailed t"eir feet in t"e water. 2ucy 0mensetter lay "er swollen body on a flat rock. 9urber felt t"e sun la$$ing at "er ears. #t was like a rising blus"' and "is "ands

trembled w"en "e "eld t"em out to make t"e bars of t"e cross. ay t"e 2ord bless you and kee$ you ... He closed "is eyes' drifting off. %"ey would see "ow mo&ed "e was' "ow intense and sincere "e was. *ause His lig"t to s"ine u$on you ....He would find t"e foot$rints of t"e dog and t"e im$rint of t"eir bodies. (ll t"e days of your life.... %"e bra6en $arade of "er infected $erson. Watc"man. +ainbows like rings of oil around "er. Watc"man. 3"ouldn't we be/ # s$y you' 9atty' be"ind t"e tree. He wanted to rub t"e memory from "is eyes. Glittering. :eads of water stood on "er skin and dro$ fled into dro$ until t"ey broke and ran' t"e streaks finally fading. Her na&el was inside out;sweet s$ot w"ere Keus "ad tied "er. 3"e was so w"ite and glistening' so... $ale' t"oug" darker about t"e eyes' t"e ni$$les dark. 0$en us to e&il. He made a slit in "is lids. :urn our "earts. 3"awls of sunlig"t s$illed o&er t"e back of t"e $ews. Nay5ked5nessss. %"e dro$lets gat"ered at t"e $oint of "er elbow and "ung t"ere' t"e sac swelling until it fell and s$attered on "er foot. Nay ... nay. %o enclose "er like t"e water of t"e creek "ad closed "er. Nay ... !ro$er body for a lo&er. >oy to be a stone. !lease' t"e $ee$5watc" is o&er. !lease "urry now. Hurry. Get out of my c"urc". %"oug" surely not now. Wit" t"e baby scarcely born s"e s"ould be "ome beside it8 yet s"e likely "ad it cradled in "er arm w"ere it would root for "er teats in t"e loose o$en folds of "er dress. (lways blue or yellow for some reason' it was lacy around the throat and fell like a golden fountain from "er c"in. >oy to be a t"read. 2ord. (nd all t"e ot"er mot"ers' e&en all t"e men' smiled' wis"ing "er breasts were t"eir own. =ee dum dee dum. How'd it gone/ #hile "is mot"er lay slee$ing' :ig >ack "ad come cree$ing ... Guilty of nessss. 7m ... some' somet"ing to ti$$le from "er mountainous ni$$le. *o&er "er nay ... No' t"at wasn't rig"t. 3"aymmm. He "ad mi.ed t"e days. 3o far a$art. )ears a$art. )et alike. )et t"e same. %"e sky was t"e same clear blue. %"ere'd been t"e same sweet bree6e;e&eryt"ing as cris$ as lettuce. Not years' of course. 3easons. 4.actly two. (nd t"ey were scuffling and s"outing down t"ere beyond "im' out of "is reac". %"e rolling brilliant blue and yellow balls' t"e stiff w"ite wickets' t"e dark sweet grass lay beyond t"e fence' and a large man in a w"ite s"irt' "is coat on t"e grass' was kneeling' s1uinting along t"e "andle of "is mallet' w"ile a girl in w"ite sli$$ers' $uffs of rabbity fu66 at t"e toes and "eels' in a gau6y dress as green as t"e grass was' as cool' turned &ery slowly about and swung "er mallet in a slow circle8 and rs. Aermit Ha6en was t"ere too' "er feet well s$aced' leaning forward a little and using "er mallet like a cane' s$eaking ra$idly to t"e man as "e sig"ted until brus"ing "is knees' "e straig"tened u$ and $ointed t"e grass5stained nose of "is mallet at "er' making "er teeter wit" laug"ter8 t"en' taking "is stroke' t"e beautiful brig"t ball rolled down a gentle slo$e t"roug" t"e wicket and struck t"e yellow wit" a resonant clack. %"ere was also a ferret5faced boy in a black suit and w"ite collar w"o ke$t clearing "is t"roat and s$itting and w"o was su$$osed to be $laying t"oug" "e didn't know "ow but only rubbed "is stomac" and com$lained of an ac"e. 9utile ...0" my deliberately dri&en "eels clattered on t"e s"ale and # "eld t"e :ible like a black stone tig"tly to my c"est' $ressing t"e buttons of my coat against me' and # said is t"is a 3unday t"ing and does t"e ser&ice come so easy off t"at you can laug" and s"out wit"in t"e "earing of t"e stee$le/ His "eart re$lied to t"e $ressure of t"e buttons' t"undering. %"e congregation "ad come by t"e ri&erside' going "ome' w"ile 0mensetter was t"rowing sticks for t"e

dog' s"attering images in t"e water' w"en a sudden gust blew t"e ragged straw "e always wore on 3unday into t"e 0"io w"ere t"e current swe$t it 1uickly out of reac". #t was studded wit" fis" "ooks and sat on t"e crown of "is "ead like an untidy nest. (s if it were a stick' "is yellow dog $ursued it. %"ere was conse1uently great e.citement and t"e betting and t"e bowling of t"e laug"ter rose to 9urber wit" suc" a ring of &ulgar' bra6en ,oy t"at "e rus"ed in anger from "is garden' as $ale5eyed and black as "e could make "imself' and flew down among t"em to stalk stiff5legged like a ,ackdaw' clacking futilely. #nitially' between t"e trees' "e caug"t sig"t of w"irling' ,um$ing bodies. Heya5 "eya5"eya. 3omeone climbing. +ocks $itc"ed after a board8 and on t"e ri&er' tilting $atc"es of reflection. Heya5fulla5"eya5"eya. :oys were sliding down t"e bank on t"eir buttocks' roug"ing t"e scaly sand. %"ey sailed a can lid on t"e water w"ere at first it turned' floating' t"en sank' burning like a mirror. Hiya"5 smila". Hee5mee/ *oltc". 3kirts rose slowly' slowly subsided. ( $arasol flew o$en wit" a sna$. 0r5rawk. Ga". Houf. Half buried in t"e s"ingle' a dee$ red brick was t"en awas". )o5yo giggy. %eetoo. 3"eek/ Nam? 2issa5lissa. ( willow leaned out' trailing its lea&es in t"e water. 3omeone was biding under t"e cano$y. ( stream of sand $oured down t"e *ate girl's back. %"oug" s"e wriggled suggesti&ely' "and to "er mout"' s"e "ad no $oints to "er c"est' and 9urber decided s"e still "ad a glabrous cleft. Ke5e5e5$. ( ribbon went u$' re&ol&ing' and fell o&er a branc". 3wee$ing t"e beac" wit" a broom of lea&es was a flimsy little girl in $ale green organdy frock' &ery stiff and frilly' &ery city. He couldn't $lace "er. W"ar/ :ally. Aarck? karck? karck? 3ome were crying for t"e "at8 some were s"outing for t"e ri&er8 ot"ers fa&ored t"e dog. :ut no one was really $re$ared to bet against 0mensetter. 9urber knew t"ey were $retending t"at. %"e current caug"t t"e "at' s$inning it round and round on its crown. %"e dog' "is nose cresting t"e water' swam faster' and t"e crowd's e.citement grew. *"ildren ran frantically about. %"e women tried to restrain t"em and restrain t"eir "usbands w"o were sla$$ing t"eir knees' wa&ing t"eir own "ats' and calling out encouragement to "at' dog' and ri&er. (rt"ur was clearly gaining and t"ere was c"eering for "im. 0mensetter smiled. He "ad t"e wide moist mout" "e bragged "is son would "a&e. %"e "at lea$ed a"ead t"en' finding its $lace in t"e blood of t"e ri&er. (rt"ur lunged' and t"e "at bobbed. %"ere was more c"eering. %"e fe&er was rising. %"e "at s$ed away' a s$eck in t"e $laster lig"t. 0mensetter yelled come back abo&e t"e s"outing and "is girls yelled too' come back' come back. His wife sat $lacidly' "er "ands folded on "er belly. %"is is t"e c"urc". %"is is t"e stee$le. 2ook inside and see all t"e $eo$le. %"e testaments against "is "eart' "e ke$t a firm gri$ on "imself. %railing kerc"iefs' &iolet and green' $ale "ands like iris out of slee&es' t"e young girls were turning. %"at nig"t "e would dream of maidenly garments. He smelled sac"ets of la&ender. !eo$le began s"ading t"eir eyes and leaning forward. 0mensetter was yelling come back. (rr5t"urrl His brick5red neck was netted wit" t"in lines. !iercingly' "is daug"ters yelled come back' se&ering t"eir words. %"eir bare feet were clenc"ing $ebbles and water ran down t"eir legs. !eo$le s"outed kum5 baack? "ey"ey"ey kum5baack? *"ildren ceased running and scuffling. ( few took "old of t"eir mot"ers' "ands. 0ne of t"e Hatstat boys was standing on "is "ead and "is brot"ers were cla$$ing. Aangaroo' 9urber t"oug"t. Aangaroo' "e almost s"outed. W"y in t"e world s"ould # want to do t"at/ )a6ebo "eenie' ya6ebo? %"e dog was tired w"en "e turned. He was dee$er in t"e water and

"is nose di$$ed once or twice. Hig"er on t"e bank' 9urber saw t"e "at go on. He felt it s$inning on its crown' t"e "ooks in its band "anging down in t"e water to t"e nose and teet" of fis"es. %"e dog "ad failed' and t"e "at t"at 9urber "ad so often seen and "ated' 3undays' on t"at t"ick unw"olesome "ead was finally gone. He regretted t"at "e "ad not fli$$ed it from t"ose $o$$ing eyes "imself' and sailed it off. Now "e felt no elation for w"at t"e wind "ad done. %"e dog bobbed and t"ras"ed. #f 0mensetter swam for t"e dog' would "e take off "is trousers/ 2ord sa&e us from t"at. 2ig"t streamed from t"e water and "e $assed "is "and wearily o&er "is eyes. %"e ri&er was a streak of red on "is lids. ( ,ay was calling. He de&outly "o$ed t"e dog would drown. #t was a mistake to "a&e come "ere. %"e women "ad red "ands and $easant bodies;legs as t"ick as trees. Not t"at it mattered. He'd forsaken all t"at. 9urber stirred' deliberately and $ainfully kicking "is ankles. %"e book was uncomfortable. Not nearly wide enoug"' it was biting "is t"ig"s. He slid to t"e benc" and immediately felt t"e dam$ t"roug" "is trousers. %"e *ate girl' for instance' or ay *obb. W"at would "a$$en to t"em/ %"ey'd grow dugs and "air like any woman. ay *obb already "ad. :lond doubtless' downy' curling under' $er"a$s a "int of red' of reddis" ... it was one of t"e laws of God. %"ey'd carry t"eir new mout"s about wit" t"em for a few mont"s;always moist' a bit inflamed. %"e farm boys would finger t"eir breasts wit" less skill' certainly' t"an t"ey milked t"e cows' $referring t"e unbuttoned flies of t"eir friends. %"eir t"ick stubby fingers were like c"ewed on sc"ool $encils' rows of dents like rings around t"em' t"e $aint broken and scaling' yellow mostly' w"y was t"at/ ..' t"ey "ad dirty' bitten' discolored nails8 t"eir "ands were roug" already8 t"ey "ad stu$id "ands8 t"ey "ad stumbling' bad5"earted "ands8 clumsily $awing "ands' clumsily un"ooking "ands' $oking' $ulling' $arting' ,erking' w"y/ . . to insert a cold wet nose/ a"' t"e dog wit" dam$ fur? say' c"uck c"uck *"arlie' a smart sla$ on t"e butt and bottom's u$ old girl' t"at's lo&e ... mmmn $et t"e lo&e dog' =ickie' nnnm/ 4eee' goody geedge? %"en to marry and settle down. How fares t"e t"umb' boy/ well/ (ye' merry' 'tis t"e sign of t"e $enis. Wit" t"e women' look you' obser&e t"e ear. %"e $arts a$$ear and come toget"er. 3o obesity and malice. 3o grumbling and nagging. 3o gossi$' en&y' s$ite' and a&arice. 3lowly settling into. 3o feminine weakness. Heartless $iety. 3a&age morals. %"ey come toget"er. No more goody geedge. +ut"less' lifelong re&enge. Krr. Grease in a cold $an. 3tay off from gingerly lobed and delicately w"orled ones. %"us a$$ear t"e $arts. ind your uncle' boy' w"o knows. (nd t"e men t"en. 2ewd s$eec" and slo&enly "abits. (nd t"e $easant's sus$icion' "is cruelty and rancor' "is anger' drunkenness' $ig5"eaded ignorance and bestiality. #ne&itable t"ey s"ould be $arts. Hooly"oo"oo. (ll in t"e normal course of nature. (nd t"ey were saying we "ad e&ol&ed. W"at did it mean/ :ut' "e said in a &oice t"at was clearly audible' # $rotest t"is world of unilluminated cocks. He caug"t t"e sense of "is own words;so absurd;and "is body began to s"ake; "alf in laug"ter' "alf in des$air. #t would nearly always end like t"is;wit" an outburst of s$eec". He would come to t"e benc" and sit 1uietly a w"ile' "is arms tig"tly folded and "is feet clenc"ed8 but after a time "e would be im$elled to ,um$ u$ "ugging "is book' "is li$s mo&ing as "e began to $ace' intently e.amining t"e ground. :efore long t"e r"yt"m of "is walk would alter' and w"ile "is free arm gestured grandly' a series of e.$ressions' eac" elo1uent of feeling' would $ass ra$idly across "is face. 9inally some real emotion would cause "is eyes to smart' e&entually to water' and "is mutterings would swell and s$rout and $ut out lea&es' taking t"eir

$lace in an oratory t"at was $ersonal' ornate' and &iolent. 3ometimes "e would go directly to a corner of t"e garden w"ere t"e gra&estones of w"at it amused "im to call "is ancestors were $laced' and t"ere "e would nonc"alantly rest "is foot u$on a marker and in a low' meditati&e &oice' wit" only an edge of sur$rise and wonder to it' like Hamlet's at t"e gra&e of )orick' e.ercise "is art u$on a multitude of sacred to$ics . . . t"e $ews $acked' t"e fans and "ankies still' t"e feet still as "e bore t"em on from t"oug"t to t"oug"t' as safely by t"eir $erils as a "are t"roug" a t"orn bus". $utile love, %oratio, futile love. y "and droo$s from its wrist. No lily better. )et t"ere's a finger stiffly t"rust. ark it. And the nail s"ine. %ow long had they loved one another .., m y smile's like a floating leaf ... this flesh on the bones of &ve, our lovely mother, and death in the fruit of the tree' %"e delicate wires of my "and' t"e delicate wrist5"inge' t"e s"ar$ cuff' t"e willow limbs ... %ow long had she lain all trouble full, so lankly haunched, disconsolate, the yearning in her, the apple burning' (r did she s)uat with reverently mingled hands beneath its branches while it bloomed, to wait . . . o" la' $atiently . . . her soul like a mollusk' y trunk is bending and my forelock's sliding. *he knew what she wanted. # oug"t to be "olding somet"ing w"ile # talk' a fragment of our 7ni&ersal ot"er' somet"ing not too foolis"' somet"ing common nonet"eless and sim$le alt"oug" ric"ly emblematic. ( $iece of !alestine $er"a$s. # laug"' my teet" a$$earing. (nd t"e moon. Well t"e rose is too common and t"e $"allus too foolis". (re you t"ere' in t"e tinkler' ot"er' ,ust as muc"/ Ne&ermind. y "ands will ser&e. 9ine t"reads t"roug"out bind t"e tubes. *ee her in there, in my palmist!s body+ see her, how she know' ,icture her, your parent, %oratio, your initial mother, wandering in the garden, far from her spouse- thin, hairless, hard, slat.limbed ... a child .., everywhere angular and skimped on, scarcely papped .., a smooth.loined boy. /ut hollow, my friend, oh so hollow. 0isten. There!s wind bottled in her. And what did the serpent promise1to be like a god, to know good and evil1what was that' It was the apple &ve ate of. It was the apple, the fruit, the fullness, she wanted. +ub u$ t"e lam$' lad. 2et's "a&e ,okes and $oetry. 2et $rogeny a$$ear. %"at's one for %ott if "e could gras$ it. Nell ate lettuce' and on its lea&es :el sat t"inking of enemies. Nell ate 9orcas' and on "er tongue "ell fell burning for *"ristendom. Nell ate 3atan' and in "er lust well was growing an incubus. Nell ate me' and u$ "er slee&es fell fall turning wit" all its lea&es.

9or an incubus' too tame. #ncubus@ #t ate Nell' and from its bum s"it fell forming :abylon. *"uckling' # slide my ne.t lines u$ t"e sli$$ery slee&e. #nky t"e coils of t"e darkness u$ t"ere. Hear "er' "ear/ %"ere's only a rus" in t"e listener's ear. It was for that she disobeyed. #hat did she know or care about gods or good or evil, when growing was her concern' *uppose she had been warned not to cross a certain line, or not to sit unmaidenly, or not to pick her nose, or not to yell in the park1would she have disobeyed' $or knowledge, for good and evil, would &ve have set her will against her $ather!s' Ah, %oratio, you and I know women. 2ot for that. /ut she!d have eaten the apple anyway1to be the mother of all living. And how perfectly the sign was chosen, think of it, %oratio. ,endent from a crown of leaves, this globe, so firm and smooth and red without, so soursweet and white within, holds at its core, like tears, its seeds. (h it is very moving, %oratio. It makes me weep like an aunt at a wedding ... or an uncle at a wake ... which' ... am I aunt or uncle, man or mother, %oratio' ... it!s too riddling. =ressed in black "ose and a loose w"ite doublet' "e was smiling gently' "is eyes were s"ining' "e looked directly at Horatio' wit" dee$ intent' $re$ared to go back o&er "is s$eec" to im$ro&e it' c"ange its meaning if need be' anyt"ing' so t"at it mig"t be elo1uent. $lesh, "e mig"t begin' flesh is male and female in one fabric, interlaced like fingers, good %oratio, and death!s their double shadow+ therefore there are four of them together in this wedding bed. 3traig"ten smiling8 on tiptoe turn. *weet my dancing clothes, sweet blossoms on my dancing branc"' my arm unrolls. /one cell, skin cell, gristle cell, blood cell ... bone ... bone ... r a $ against t"e w a l l like a sta&e. 3et since flesh is partly canine1mark the tongue, %oratio, the abundance of saliva, the lowered snout, the panting breath1we must add a fifth. /one ... oh love this glove of flesh contains1 t"e mot"er of t"e world. #hat kind of dog do you imagine serves this purpose best, one that nicely fits the hollow of the lap and has soft hair, do you vote for that' $inally, because death has a fat bald stubby nigger slave with neither genitals nor fingers, we must count to six ... in one love bundle all enwrapped ... and you will admit, %oratio, that only a god could have contrived such a tangle. 0utside t"e bedroom door t"e wedding $arty beats on $ans. /e fruitul. #asn!t %e a merry 4oker, the (ld 5an' 3ometimes w"ile "e walked "e would break into wild "alf5w"is$ered words instead' and turn wit" o$en arms to t"e walls and lea&es' "is ga6e fi.ed ecstatically on "ea&en' ado$ting t"e $osture of saints "e'd seen in $rints. I am the $rancis of this place. I feed these vines and they grow tame for love of me. 0r unable to stomac" "is own acting' "e would turn to mockery. (h give us a dramatic speech. (nd often "e would oblige' c"arming "imself wit" "is r"etoric like a snake $laying t"e flute. #hat is the holiest thing in 6od!s world' Hands lift to "is eyes as t"ey did eac" 3unday w"en "e s$oke from "is sacred stum$.

&verything is 6od!s1hearts, stars, and carrots, dry sticks and infinite spaces1 hah' #e start with that. #hat shows %is limitless glory' The private parts' 5ore dainty 4apery. ,un of 6od. And what do we say to that' /la. a.a.a.a.a1 He bends near t"e twigs of a bus" and stares at t"em fiercely. Ha&e you "eard we com$ete' you and #' like >acob and angel/ )ou're entangling my air. 2aug"ing coarsely' "e snatc"es t"e "ead from a flower. The good man' His mout" $ulls a$art at t"e corners. 6ah. He leans weakly against t"e wall. The loveliest river' His eyes lig"t' "is t"umbs $lug "is ears' "is fingers waggle. The sun when it burns in the heart of a cloud' He ski$s ..' la, la, la ... "is eyes turn u$ in des$air. 2o. 2o. (h no no no. There!s no reach for %im in these+ there!s no extension of %im here. #hy %e would soften with such exercise+ grow short of breath and weak. Wobbling' "e bends "is knees' cane feeling t"e flagstones. Are we more amazed when the strong man lifts his leg than when he lifts the chair he stands on' Impressed' Indeed. ( swift kick "as swit"ened t"e s$irit of lo&e. 3o stiffly military' a statue unstuck' "e s$eaks. 7onsider then that %e is present most in what seems fartherest from %im. )out"fully to t"e benc" soars' torc"es around "im' &ibrating arms@ oh this is %is greatest triumph1to turn dung into a monument. (" well' too bad. #'&e gi&en t"e game away. 7m/ # "a&e/ !ity. Hiccoug"s. *o then it is the 8evil, of course, the sly old snake, who is holiest .., think of that. %e fell, he was The $all itself, the suicidal star+ but he fell at the end of a fine elastic. It is the cord through which he even yet is fed and thrives. (bvious when you think about it. &h' 2onsense. (bvious. *he.e.e ... cluck, cluck, cluck ... Try to think. Try. 9uack, )uack, )uack ... *atan shows 6od!s power best. (h you!re cows. /rowse then, damn you. #allow. 8rink. 5oo.oo.oo ... %ow well %e wears the tragic mask+ how splendid perfect goodness is in such a role: #as 6od not ,ontius ,ilate' And everybody else' %e was the nails, the spear, the thorns, the soldiers asleep. $or christ!s sake, how can you disbelieve it' It!s yes now, is it' That!s better. 3es. A brilliant performance, you agree' 3es. (h yes. 0isten. It!s %& in that red clothing. %ah. 6ood day. It!s %e. It!s old *t. 2ick, the 4olly redman. 2ow then1applaud. Applaud. ,igs. ,ee.e.eegs: )ou and #;you' master builder' s$inner of t"reads' you and #' like >acob and angel' we;fig"t. %"e s$ider floats on a bit of web. 9urber follows grimly8 raises "is foot. 2evertheless pigs. (h yes. &vil is %is chiefest work. Take some delight in it. 8o. 8o do do. %e might well have set aside one of the six days of creation for it.

5an, woman, fawning dog, nigger, gnome and worm, then rest. #hich day would it have been' 6nomesday' 5anday or #ormsday' (r did it rain, keeping %im in, pruning the masculine crotch' 8ogsday' #ell no matter. Applause is due %im. 3ou ought to stand and cheer %im, hats in hand ... Ah, there %e is, at the top of the tent, in pink tights and carrying a striped umbrella. 2ononono nets: I hope you!re on to this. It is %is chiefest work. (h you!ll feel it+ you!ll get a taste of it. /ut listen. To have put %imself safely, entirely, in even that ... there my dears, there ... there is glory: /ut wait. The devil is a clever fellow surely. %e hides himself, eh' 6ood. #here' #here!s he hid' $ind his face in the picture. %e!ll have lit on the sweet cream like a fly in a dairy. #hy there he is, tree.twigged and woolly.swaddled, outspread to rise, grimace on his geezer ... oh ho: in the butt and body of the best ... ah ha: in the goody!s soulskin shoes, a comical surprise, who!d ever figure ... $lack' 6oody!s got gah.lory in his gut, $lack+ that!s what goody!s got, gah.lory 9lack/ W"ere are you' 9lack/ Hel$ me u$. %"e colored man would come wit"out a word and "el$ 9urber to "is feet w"ere&er "e "ad fallen and lead $alsied and weak' to "is room to rest. %"e 2ord succeed my $ink borders. )es sir. # "o$e so. )es indeed. He "ad gotten "is days confused. %"e air "ad done it. 9rom w"ere "e sat t"ere were easily &isible "i$s on t"e rose. %"at little girl "ad been from *le&eland' a guest of *"amlay's. He "adn't seen "er since. Her bloomers "ad been green too' a matc"ing s"ade' flowering beneat" "er skirt ... sweet and cool. W"o'd made t"e broom/ His legs filled wit" energy. Aangaroo? %"e o$ening curtain found "im to t"e left of t"e stage $oised on "is rig"t toe in t"e $osture of ercury. 3lowly "e folded "is limbs and sank to "is "aunc"es ... 7$? Wit"out warning "e was soaring' turning' wings$reading8 t"en "e was rising again' going u$ and u$' w"eeling' floating ... 9is" in t"e skywater' a glint of gold as "e $assed t"roug" t"e limbs of t"e seatrees' dee$ly &oyaging' e&en to t"e $ur$le s"adows along t"e bottom w"ere "e lay on "is side to wait for seamice' small luminous s"rim$s' and butterflies. Wasn't t"at t"e s"adow of t"e "at' t"e "ooks "anging/ 0r was it a moon in a green sky/ %"ere's t"e line come down' a "omemade s$inner' Ano.'s surely' a little rusty' t"e sinker's already clouding an inc" of t"e bottom. W"at's "e using' grubs/ 9ly maggots maybe. Not"ing "ea&es wit" life like t"ey do. %wo or t"ree are forked on t"e "ook like $eas. #s it c"annel cat "e's after/ #s t"at w"ere #'m lying. 7m. His s$inner's dancing. *atc"es t"e eye. +e&ol&ing w"ite "aunc"es. W"at if # bit/ %"e moment t"e mout" surrounds t"e grub' t"e t"roat will endea&or to swallow. 3ali&a will skid t"e grub along8 t"e "ook will be carried down. (" but t"e angler;t"at's t"e mark of "is boat $assing ..' see t"e streaks and bubbles of t"e di$$ing oars/;retracts "is line. %"e "ook $ulls free of t"e grub and lodges its $oint on t"e roof of t"e mout" or in t"e side of t"e c"eek or at t"e root of t"e tongue. %"en it's u$ ... turning' s$inning ... u$ ... and you're out and it's all o&er. 3weet world of air' anot"er element.

(nd t"is is t"e garden. *onstraint in "er &oice' a certain t"ickness' "ars"ness'

was it scorn/ 3"e wouldn't let t"e little colored man "el$ "er and now s"e struggled wit" t"e latc"' $us"ing at t"e door wit" "er bony s"oulder. 3"e knew Gilean society for w"at it was. )ou couldn't be muc" if you were sent to suc" a $lace' es$ecially if you were no longer young. 3"e was rig"t. #t was only too clear "e'd been banis"ed. %"e door yielded suddenly and s"e staggered t"roug" it wit" an embarrassed cry. #n t"e c"urc" it "ad been $leasantly cool and dark' e&en "is room "ad seemed restful' but t"e lig"t in t"e garden was $ainful8 t"e air was "ot and smelled of dust. %"ey "ad fastened walls of stone to a wooden bo.. %"is is your suite' s"e "ad said disdainfully. %"e c"urc" itself "ad a certain crude c"arm8 "e wouldn't mind it. W"at was it called;!ike's !eak/ 3"e was saying t"at +e&erend +us" "ad little interest in gardening. %"ere was a smudge on "er arm now and if s"e would only mo&e a bit "e mig"t edge by. %"e *"amlay woman "ad referred to 5ister +us"' o&er and o&er' &ery determinedly. <uite correct' of course' but in t"e sticks t"ey oug"t to say D+e&erend.D He was always so busy' $oor man' so busy' e&en in "is last days ... !rofessionally sad face. %"en sour' "ard rs. !imber' wit" a twitc". !retty once. ( distrubing woman' some"ow. Was it t"e way s"e walked or t"e stretc" of "er li$s/ umbling' mumbling' t"e 9lack fellow s"uffling;w"at sort was "e/ 3"e'd ,ust begun mumbling. )es' "er mumbling was new. 3elf5conscious/ 3"e "ad a $ermanent stoo$8 walked wit" slig"tly bent knees8 crick in "er neck. Her brot"er was not"ing like "er si6e t"oug" "e "ad "er lum$y nose. God if he wasn't a fatuous ass. %"at ,oke at lunc"eon about $utting "im out to $astorage. W"at was s"e saying/ ... you can see. He stared grimly at t"e garden. D... w"en t"e dew was still on t"e row56e66 CD We can't afford to $ay someone to kee$ it u$' t"oug" 9lack does dig about in it from time to time' don't you 9lack/ )es ma'am' now and t"en. 3"e was a little belligerent about t"e money' "e t"oug"t8 s"e was warning "im maybe8 and to t"e darkie s"e was t"reatening. )es. He was com$laining "e was old. No one "ad t"oug"t to donate t"e labor' of course8 t"at's "ow t"ings were done in t"e c"urc"' for c"rist's sake' didn't t"ey know/ %"at rear $ew's got a little rickety' r. Ano.. *"uckle. #'m afraid it'll colla$se in t"e middle of t"e offertory music. %ouc" "is s"oulder. !lease' not a r"eumatic com$lainer' anyt"ing else8 a liar' a $ee$er' a t"ief. (t lunc"' w"o seemed interested in money/ rs. !imber/ rs. !imber. #m$ortant to know. %"ey were sus$icious of "im' "e could see' "eld "is fork $ro$erly for one t"ing. 3tingy farmers' stinking of cows. 0" it would be dreary "ere;a wilderness' a desert. Well 3t. >erome "ad t"ri&ed in one ... and drawn t"e women to "im. %"e walk was o&ergrown wit" cree$ers and co&ered wit" dry green lea&es. #t would "a&e to be relayed. %"ere was a sundial but t"e gnomon was missing. ( $agan ob,ect' "e said' $ointing. 3"e smiled. 4ndless mout". He wondered if t"e c"ildren teased "er muc" as a girl. Not so long ago really. ( maiden"ead like a bass drum. %"ey mig"t "a&e called "er :ones. %"ere's 1uite a lot ... of 3amant"a %ott. 0at weed. >imson. Nettle. %"e trail of a garter snake in t"e dust' or a ro$e. *rabgrass and dandelion. (t least t"ere was a wall. !lantain. (" iss %ott' you're lagging. %"is mig"t be difficult for "er' after all. Here was 3t. 9rancis as a bird bat"' missing an arm' wit" a dented nose. 3t. 9rancis' for c"rist's sake5in t"is !rotestant yard. Watc" t"e t"orns' "e said' you'll snag your dress. He'd bet a r"ino couldn't $uncture it. (n im$ro$erly cut stum$ ne.t. *ouldn't t"ey do anyt"ing rig"t/ He dug into it wit" "is toe. (li&e wit" ants. Wasn't a muscle ,um$ing at t"e "inge of "er ,aw/ How "er brot"er did ,abber;la6y looking young fool. !ike's !eak. (nd t"at 2ut"eran language. He was t"e one. !er"a$s t"e $astor would a$$reciate anot"er cu$/ !astor "as a lum$ of gas as large as a $enny balloon lodged in "is lower intestine. He would like to fart but "e doesn't dare to. *owardly $astor. %"at *"amlay woman "ad unfriendly eyes'

and rs. Ano.' +osa was it/ didn't kee$ "er bust u$. He'd wade o&er t"ere. #n t"e corner bron6e c"rysant"emums were blooming. %"e unseasonable "eat "ad made t"em ratty. Nearby t"ere were $atc"es of bare ground t"ickly layered wit" dust. He c"uckled. %"is is w"ere you $ut t"em w"en t"ey're all used u$/ %"at was cruel. #s t"is ister +us"' "e said' looking down. 3"e was coloring. %"e blood's u$ for ister +us". +est "is soul. #f "e'd worn a "at;w"at a c"ance. (nyway "e bowed "is "ead. :ad form' no "at. 3ome sort of symbol. %"e dead ground in Gilean didn't look like t"is. %"is was a $au$er's $ocket. He "ad "alf a mind to say so. %"ere was a "ankie in "er "and "e "adn't seen. 7$ "er slee&e/ %"e dust. =ab at "er nose. ade of $utty. 3amant"a %otty ..' grew "er nose ... in "er $otty ... like a rose. He indicated t"e flowers. #n "is "onor/ %"at was cruel too. =id "e "a&e "is "at on w"en t"ey slid "im under/ %"e weeds do get about' don't t"ey/ 0" me o" my #'d like to cry and was" t"e e&il from my eye. )ou'd ne&er guess t"at all of t"is was dug in >une. 0r did "e die in >uly/ 2ast t"roug" t"e fourt"/ iracle of growt". 2id twitc". =ust again. %alking t"roug" "er "ankie. Not &ery $roud ..' discouraging C lack of ac5 tion ... years of ser&ice ... lo&ed "im t"oug" ... a fine inscri$tion on t"e stone ... )ou mig"t $oint out t"at t"e c"urc" ne&er mo&ed "im u$. 2eft "im to rot in t"is "ole in 0"io. W"at was "is weakness/ 2ittle girls wit" creamy underclot"es/ #t was a tradition to be "ung "ere des$ite t"e c"urc"ly laws. 9ore&er for t"eir sins. Gilean. 4nd of t"e line. Get off. %"e Negro man was blowing "is nose. He did it delicately and 9urber was sur$rised. 3"e did "a&e good brown eyes. :ut wore a bracelet. %"e ot"ers are o&er t"ere/ and t"ere/ # su$$ose we mig"t as well go. D. .. t"e son of God dis5clo"5o"56e66 CD %"at damn tune was "aunting "im. D0" He walked wit" me' and He talked wit" me' and He told me # was His o"5n5ne ...D 0ut t"at gate/ No/ %wo years of li&ing in t"is garden like a toad. %"ey didn't weed it for me' or cli$ t"e "edges' or mow' or reset t"e walk. # failed at t"at too. =idn't # touc" 0A's s"oulder nicely' $itty5$at t"e back of *. *"amlay/ W"ose knee did # fail to s1uee6e/ (nd now %"e Noisy 0ne. 9utile ... futile. %"ey're no longer listening. %"e bree6e seems gentler w"ere "e walks. W"ere "e stands t"e sun seems warmer. %"e ground grows easy for "is feet. 7seless for me ... "o$eless. 9urber "ad recogni6ed' almost at once' t"e drunken s$irit of t"e man' so #ndian5skinned and wild. %"e knowledge "ad run t"roug" "im like a fire. #t "ad been raining again' and blowing. He'd darted into Watson's s"o$' s"utting "is umbrella. :e"ind it a man like a range of "ills. :ut "e'd been greeted sim$ly wit" a smile. at "ad said@ ister 9urber' t"is is :ackett 0mensetter' ,ust come on to "ere from Wind"am. :ackett' ister 9urber $reac"es in our c"urc". :ot" of 0mensetter's "ands "ad reac"ed for "is' enclosing it warmly. His own "ad seemed terribly $ale and dam$' wrongly inside of t"e ot"er's' like a worm in fruit. He'd wit"drawn it in $anic' and $leading urgent business' "e "ad fled. He'd strode about t"e c"urc" in sodden coat and trousers' gesturing wit" "is umbrella. 0" t"is is no ordinary magician? %"en anger and c"agrin "ad o&erw"elmed "im. ister 9urber $reac"es in our c"urc". He "ad beaten "is fists against t"e wall until "e felt "e'd broken t"em. ister 9urber $reac"es in our c"urc". W"en t"ey ac"ed "e s"outed at t"em@ well' well' do you en,oy t"is/ w"at "a&e you bot" deser&ed/

#f # $layed t"e ban,o ... How's t"e fis"ing 0lus/ oats nicely/ "ay/ ain't it "ot

t"oug"' ain't it rainy' ain't it cold/ %"e wife/ t"in w"iny ar,orie for instance/ sour 3usan/ !at t"e fat/ curdled *arol/ bitc" *lariss/ Has *onstance come into "er awfuls yet/ and it don't scare "er/ god it did mine;$ut t"e terror to "er. How's your old bald ma' Willie (msterdam/ (nd t"at indian s"e's got li&ing wit" "er/ :oylee' your balls "as gone soft' t"at's all. :orers/ "o$$ers/ rust/ 4&er try tobacco/ 5way u$ "ere/ s"it' (mes' you're in for a sur$rise. !ork's a $oor $rice again. Well screw t"ose dirty assed $igs. ( "og's as mean as "ell' boy. # mean it. %"ey don't come any meaner. ( mean "og's real mean' all rig"t. %"at's no lie' let me tell you. ean. )eeee. (nd "ailstones as big as your fist a5slamming into t"e ground w"o$. )ar/ >udas t"e !rofiting !riest. Here's (l. %"at dog's got a tongue on "er' don't care w"at s"e licks. Aekekekekekekeke C 0" 2ord we $ray you not to forget your good ser&ants "ere in Gilean. %"ey're good fait"ful ser&ants' 2ord. #'&e been "ere all t"e time' watc"ing' watc"ing' watc"ing' like a toad in t"e "ig" grass ... God o" merciful God ... and t"ey're good fait"ful ser&ants' you bet t"ey are' and t"ey need rain' t"ey need rain bad. !reac"ers is ,ust $eo$le' ain't t"at rig"t *urtis/ *at"olics are cannibals;t"ey eat t"eir own. :abies5god' boy' do t"ey "a&e babies. 3ay' "ow t"ey "anging/ 2ike >udas !riest. Here's 2uke. #t's damn good manure' #'ll say t"at. :est s"it in t"e world. Get any geese/ *onnie's got a bloody bunny8 s"e'll not lay for lo&e or money8 !atrick t"inks t"at's awful funny8 "e "as neit"er doug" nor dummy. +um a dum dum' rum a dum. 3ay 2ut"er' "ow come you to break t"at wagon's w"eel/ ran o&er a stone' %urner' w"y/ you ran o&er a stone' 2ut"er/ didn't you see it/ naw' %urner' naw' t"e kid "ad it "id in "is fist. +um a dum dum' rum a dum. !astor astor faster faster' "as a cock "e cannot master' crows so loud "e always "aster' $astor astor faster faster. +um a dum dum' rum a dum. %"e god damn go&ernment. 2isten "e could "it a man "arder t"an anybody # e&er seen' e&en if "e was a nigger. W"o$. # mean really. :lam. Heemeny "eemeny "o "o "o' # took my wife to t"e carni&al s"ow. W"at did s"e see t"ere' "eemeny "ee/ 3"e saw a cunt on a male monkey. W"at did s"e t"ink of it' "eemeny "o/ Well w"at s"e t"oug"t of it' # don't know' since s"e's left me for t"e carni&al s"ow. +um a dum dum' rum a dum. W"at's your fla&or/ # lo&e orange. 0nly t"ing kee$s me sober is you can't $itc" "orses"oes drunk. *"amlay can. (lfalfa/ barley/ timot"y/ rye/ 3ing us anot"er song soon' sing5a5 ling' sing us anot"er song soon. 9la. corn clo&er. %"e god damn go&ernment. =ing dong bell' $ussy's not so well. :illy :utter "as a lo&er' w"om "e's taken to t"e clo&er8 roll me o&er' :illy :utter' and #'ll lea&e my "ome and mot"er. How t"ey "anging/ 2ike (bsalom;by t"e "airs. # lo&e c"er5rie. Here's 9red. #f you t"ink grass"o$$ers is bad in 0"io ... 3ay' w"at fun do monks "a&e' 2loyd/ W"y # don't know' :oylee' w"at fun do monks "a&e/ Nun' 2loyd' nun. W"oo5oo5 ee. %"e little ones' t"e little green ones' w"en t"ey mo&e t"roug" t"e grass you'd t"ink it was raining. W"eat's wet. %"at's an # t"ink about. W"eat. # slee$ awful. # lo&e lickerass. Well say now :oylee' w"at fun do nuns "a&e/ Gol5lee' # don't know' 2loyd' w"at fun do nuns "a&e/ Nun' :oylee' nun. W"oo5ooee. 0ff 3andy !oint t"ere's a "ole in t"e s"a$e of a "orse's collar and t"ey're all in t"ere' t"e "undreds of t"em' and some days you can see t"em' golden' lying in 1uiet bunc"es like $ieces of sun. =o you know able 9o./ (ll t"e same #'&e "eard t"em con&ent cemeteries is full of bastards. No lie/ %"ey use "air$ins. Ne&er was". *annibals. Anew a cat did t"at;ate "er own. Naw/ :illy :utter "as a lo&er8 wit"out no "ands "e lies abo&e "er' fucking lig"tly as a $lo&er' first "is sister' t"en "er mot"er. Here's :en. %"ere ain't no law in t"e +edeemer's c"urc" against a good fuck' is t"ere 9urber/ W"y of course not' 2ut"er' only it's got to be your wife' and beyond fi&e inc"es it's a sin to en,oy it. :y c"rist you're a good s$ort' 9urb. :y c"rist you are. !at. Hey boys' ain't 9urb a good s$ort/

31uee6e. :y c"rist. )ou can $lay at our $icnic. +um a dum. +um a dum. +um a dum dum.

9urber "ad come in t"e late fall following t"at enormous summer' now famous' in w"ic" t"e tem$erature "ad "ung in t"e "ig" nineties along t"e ri&er for weeks' $arc"ing t"e fields' drying and destroying8 weeks w"ic" "ad' unmindful of t"e calendar' fallen undiminis"ed into 0ctober so t"at t"e lea&es s"ri&eled before t"ey fell and fell w"ile green' t"e ri&er le&el fell' e.$osing flat stretc"es of mud and bottom weed' t"e 3iren +ocks were seen for t"e first time in twenty years' 1uite round and disa$$ointingly small' and an unmo&ing co&er of dust lay t"ickly e&eryw"ere' on fields' trees' buildings' on t"e ri&er itself w"ic" crawled beneat" it blindly like a mole. #n 0ctober t"e Hen Woods burned' towers of flame;burning willows' sycamores and beec"es;to$$ling into t"e ri&er and causing smoke and steam to co&er t"e lower bend like a fog. )oung #srabestis %ott' to t"e s"ame of "is sister' ran wildly u$ and down t"e bank o$$osite t"e fire' t"rowing "imself to t"e ground in a fit of des$air w"en a sil&ery' fine5limbed sycamore t"e ri&ermen called 7ncle 3imon' long a landmark on its $art of t"e ri&er and said to be nearly one "undred and t"irty feet tall' finally burst into flames and s$illed its branc"es on t"e water. Normally s"y and awkward' Henry !imber "ad embraced "im manfully. #n 0ctober' too' t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber' com$aring "imself to a dry wind' $reac"ed "is greeting sermon on a t"reatening te.t from >eremia". He wondered w"y it was t"at God was laying waste t"e land' and "e found t"e answer in t"e sinful Gilean souls "e scarcely knew. D:ecause t"e ground is c"a$t' for t"ere was no rain in t"e eart"' t"e $lowmen were as"amed' t"ey co&ered t"eir "eads . . .D :ut # didn't "a&e to know t"em' # knew t"em already' "e always said w"en "e tasted t"e bitterness of t"at disastrous day again8 but t"is e.cuse "ad ceased to ser&e "im. He sim$ly found it on "is li$s as automatically as "e found t"e formulas of wors"i$' and t"e bitterness remained. %"e c"urc" was still' wra$$ed in layers of "eat. !articles of dust blinked as t"ey sank $ast t"e gray windows. issus' w"at's "er name/ 3im$son/ not 3im$son' of course not' 3im$son's a widow woman . . . 3$ink' god8 3im$son ... 3am$son/ ... 3tinson/ no' 3im$son ... 3im$son's t"e *le&eland woman's name' t"e doctor's wife' t"is one doesn't lim$ at least t"oug" s"e looks like a bundle of rags ... rs. 3$ink' alt"oug" s"e'd finis"ed $laying' still "o&ered ner&ously o&er t"e keys. . . . t"inks s"e s"ould $lay somet"ing else and t"at's w"y #'m waiting ... *ool' black' immaculate' "imself silent' "e sur&eyed "is congregation. ... but #'m waiting for effect' madam' dramatic effect' and # wis" you wouldn't "o&er' rela.... Gray s"oes' gray floor' dry s$lintery wood' gray windows' creaking benc"es' dry coug"s' gray female faces. %"e women' e.$ressionless' were fanning t"emsel&es' and t"e men were mo$$ing t"eir brows and running large s$otted bandanas under t"e backs of t"eir collars. 9rom time to time one of t"e women would lean o&er and yank on a c"ild's arm' straig"tening it in its seat. issus 3timson/ "as it a $/ s"e also called me doctor' t"at's w"y # t"oug"t . . . no ... Ainsman ... w"ere in t"e world did # get 3tim$son' # don't know any 3tim$sons ... s"e married a surgeon w"o car&ed "er knee for not"ing' nine times s"e said . . . yes it's certainly Ainsman' w"ere did 3im$son come from/ . . . "ad two c"ildren' bot" abnormal ... funny ... Ainsman' Ainsman ..' my creati&e years are $assing' doctor' don't you t"ink/ face in "ankie' reddis" nose ti$' trace of tears ... (nd doctor;t"at was more like it. 3tiff' "ars"' unmo&ing' in t"e

continuing silence' "e counted t"em' e.amining t"eir faces' ac"ie&ing domination and command by staring' as one did o&er dogs. 9irst face@ fat and $uffy' $ale from t"e "eat' flickering be"ind its fan' eyes o$a1ue' a"' t"e tongue is darting like a snake's' tick' tick' tick' a strand of gray "air flo$$ing' tick flo$' tock fli$' tongue again' tick tick. #n front a line of s"oes well disci$lined' eac" flat on t"e floor' all dusty' one' two' fi&e' se&en' ten' t"at's fi&e to t"e left of t"e aisle' and on t"e rig"t' four' si. in t"e second row and t"e same left' t"e weak benc" em$ty' # figured t"at' t"en four' w"y t"at little bitc" is crim$ing $ages in "er "ymnal' t"en four more' s"e couldn't "a&e been any older w"en "er "usband fell out of t"e window and broke "is back ... didn't $aralysis set in/ $eo$le wondered did "e fall or was "e $us"ed/ 1uick' #'d better begin' si.' eig"t' #'&e drawn t"em as tig"t as # dare ... ,ust a bit ... a boot in eac" s"oe' dirty too' t"e dust "as surely sifted in' dry crinkled skin' gnarled yellowy nails' t"ink of t"ose toes w"en you $reac" ... and underneat" t"e blood about its business. He steadied t"e :ible stand and s$oke t"e first words of "is te.t. rs. 3$ink began to $lay. %"ey sto$$ed toget"er and 9urber glared at "er. W"y don't you teac" $iano' rs. 3im$son' you $lay t"e organ so well' #'m sure you could manage. (&erting "er eyes' rs. 3$inlk began again' gat"ering strengt" as s"e went along until t"e notes were ,ostling one anot"er and t"e $iano w"ined. =oes s"e t"ink #'&e forgotten my lines/ 9urber made a "el$less gesture and some of t"e congregation stood. W"at was t"e number/ one twenty5two/ 7$5down' undecided' "alf5u$5down. 2ike weat"er images in clocks. We'll sing number one forty5four. 3"it' t"at wasn't it. %"ey're standing8 t"eir toes are bending8 t"eir toes are rubbing t"e ends of t"eir all5in5line s"oes. ("' t"ank God' "ere it is. 0ne fifty5se&en $lease. DWe rise to $raise t"e li&ing God.D Great c"rist' was t"at rig"t/

He could "a&e set fire to it' t"e garden was dry enoug"' and burned it clean; $ri&et' &ines' and weeds8 but "e waited in "is rooms t"roug" t"e winter instead' wee$ing and dreaming. %"e congregation dwindled8 it was t"e "ig" snows' t"ey said' and t"en it was t"e s$ring rains' and t"en t"e $lanting' and t"e unseasonable "eat and strong winds' and t"en t"ey no longer troubled to lie' t"ey ,ust stayed away8 and 9urber climbed slowly to t"e $ul$it' and rs. 3$ink $layed and some sang' and t"en "e s$oke to a crack in a window' and crawled down after like a drunkard from a tree. He knew com$laints were being made about "im' but w"y "ad t"ey sent "im from *le&eland if not for t"is;to be a las" to Gilean' Gilean to be a rod to "im/ (nd t"en by god "e got t"em all back. :ut t"at was before %"e Noisy 0ne and %"e Noisy 0ne's nesting "at and dog. Now it was touc" and go again. :ark. 0" yes' bark away. %"ey were a family of a$ocaly$tic beasts. #t was t"e fore5edge of summer w"en "e started work in t"e garden.5 %"e work was idly begun' in a des$erate moment' and continued obsessi&ely' like a madman $icking imaginary lint from "is slee&e. He cleared t"e gra&es of weeds so t"eir mounds were defined8 tore t"e &ines from t"e stones' scrubbing t"eir faces8 and t"en read t"e labels aloud as well as "e could' beginning wit" !ike's' for !ike was t"e first and demanded t"e "onor. +e& ( dy !ike w"en "is c"urc

was a cabin die o "is lo&e 1G9 %"e ot"er inscri$tions were stu$id and dull' lines of sweet memorial cant' but t"is one ne&er failed to lig"ten "is s$irit. (ndrew !ike "ad been t"e first to $reac" along t"is stretc" of t"e ri&er' and among t"e dead in t"e garden' "e "ad t"e only g"ost w"o mattered. 3tories were told about "im still' by %ott and ossteller mainly' by 2loyd *ate sometimes' by Watson rarely8 t"ey were &ague' confused tales' anguis"ed and full of disaster' $assionate as t"e legend on "is monument8 and 9urber began coming to !ike's corner often;to redeci$"er t"e lines and $onder t"em. %"e +e&erend (ndrew !ike' w"en t"is c"urc" was a cabin' died of "is lo&e' eig"teen nine. He was surely only "is skeleton now' wra$$ed u$ in t"e eart" like bones in butc"er's $a$er. 9urber wondered w"at it was "e'd struck;grub or worm most likely' "ardly fly. #t was strange t"e stone didn't call "im brot"er. !er"a$s :rot"er !ike would a$$reciate anot"er cu$. *ookie/ issus Hatstat made t"em. Her first name's Balient. %ott says s"e was named for "er stays. !oor !ike must "a&e bitten "ard. %"e stone seemed to say so. (nyway5 "e's altered8 !ike's fis"er now. %"ere's t"e s"adow of "is boat' floating 1uietly in t"e corner' bulging t"e water. (nd "ere's "is line come down' a little curly. 9urber bent o&er and tore off a ti$ of i&y. %"is is :rot"er !ike w"o $reac"es in our c"urc". He "as t"e &oice of an indian' :ackett' you oug"t to like "im. Howls w"en "e feels t"e need. We're $roud of "im. %"ose are t"e scal$s of twenty de&ils at "is belt. >ust gi&e "im into 0mensetter's "ands' t"en we'll see w"o t"e darkie is. Ha&e anot"er brownie' t"ey'&e nuts all t"roug" t"em' # $ut in $lenty. %"anky kindly' issus 3$ink' but if # do #'ll surely sink. 3econd face@ t"in and $olis"ed' nose like a $ick' brows like woolly cater$illars' $ale bluis" li$' eyes closely ringed like t"e first years of a tree or like $ebbles newly fallen in a $ond or like . . . a"' "e "as t"e low blood . . . cold feet' undoubtedly' all year round. ister !imber' isn't it/ "usband of t"e money one/ in trut" s"e "as an iron "aunc" and t"ig". 2et's see' w"o was it/ Gra&e !yt"agoras... w"o ate t"e gold "is con&erts ga&e "im. Nine $lus si.teen e1uals twenty5fi&e. (nd turned base fles" into a gold "y$otenuse. %"e $astor "aster. #t's t"em beans. D:ut "e t"at is of a c"eerful "eart "at" a continual feast.D 0n w"om' o" ,ackal's mu66le/ 0n "is c"eerful "eart' kite's beak. :ag of gas in t"e ass. !ike baked bears "e "ad t"rottled wit" "is toes. #ndeedy' we com$ete. %ry to remember $lease t"at $lants' in warm *"ristian friends"i$ and fall c"erry5 lea&ed coo$eration contrary to t"e &icious allegations of t"at damned 4nglis"man' $urify and re$lenis" t"e air. 2ies' lies. %"ey soak u$ lig"t and e.ude s"adow. 4nter %oit talking. Hand cla$s. 2o&ely. W"at you'&e done. =on't you t"ink' 3amant"a/ %"is garden "as been $ositi&ely;refurberis"ed. Want to wrestle/ *are to s"are a ,oint of cougar !ike "as s1uee6ed t"e life from wit" "is knees/ Giants in t"ose days8 now g"osts' now you and me. 9urber rose and began to walk' rubbing "is buttocks. %"e "our was $assing. %"en t"ey'd draw t"eir wagon off. %"e ot"ers; eldon' +us";bragged of t"e number of t"eir years. %"irty5fi&e in t"is c"urc" unc"anged since its building8 t"en +us"' e.ceeding e&en eldon's strengt" of ,aw wit" forty5one ... forty5one years in t"e wilderness ... and ne&er a lion. 0rdinarily t"ey mo&ed t"eir ministers around;a &ery irregular $roceeding' t"is interminable tenure. (lways conscious of w"at "e stood for' w"at "e meant and oug"t to mean' 9urber roug"ed t"e dark clot" of "is coat

wit" "is fingernails and $aced off t"e flagstones carefully. =usk "ad fallen. 3e&eral fireflies' by glowing toget"er' "ad "aloed t"e "ead of t"e c"i$5nosed saint. He "ad smiled in "is grief. #n t"e "alf5lig"t' t"e stone was faintly s"owing ... it was (ndrew !ike in "is g"osting curtain ... and "e remembered leaning toward "im drunkenly to say' a" !ike' breat"e your s$irit into me. 3i. years "ad failed to dim t"at memory. 3i./ #t was si.' surely/ 3ome"ow it seemed an eternity . . t"e moment of "is birt". He'd sat t"ere se&eral "ours in a kind of stu$or' rousing to wee$ and to bite "is "ands' occasionally to $ress "is fore"ead $ainfully against t"e ground' sincerely miserable yet &aguely conscious' too' t"at 9lack' "is nigger soul and s"adow' mig"t be watc"ing. %"is intensified "is $erformance and greatly increased its range. He was boisterous' t"en silent8 "e cursed and begged8 "e confessed and t"reatened. He crum$led to a ball' like $a$er. He marc"ed' c"eering@ "ey"ey"ey. He snickered w"ile "e we$t' and ,oked w"ile "e $rayed. 3$itting' "e offered u$ "is soul. Bain' "e was "umble. !roud' "e was as"amed. # sign my $etition' "e cried' carried 1uite away' wit" my t"irty million names. (nd # am lonely among my &oices' t"ese &oices roaring in me. (t last "is strengt" began to fail "im8 "e wearied of it all' and finally caring 5for not"ing' went "alf to slee$. %"roug" "is "ead' to t"e tunes of c"ildren's songs' "is $itiful beliefs' "is little sentences of wisdom' danced foolis"ly as "e do6ed' t"e meters t"ey were forced to ski$ to reducing t"em to a &ulgar gibberis". He tried to rally "is t"oug"ts and form t"em in unassailable s1uares' but not a line would "old' t"ey broke a"ead of any s"ooting' and t"e 2ogos wandered disloyally off' alone' rudely "iccoug"ing and c"ewing on $ieces of raw $otato' looking surly and dangerous. No book but Nature is t"e word of God. 2ogos. No g"ost. W"irled. 3creec". Hisssst. Willie t"e w"iny' "is nose nice and s"iny' will die' die' die8 as illie t"e silly' "er belly so "illy' will die' die' die8 and innie t"e bunny' w"ose buttocks are yummy' will die' die' die8 so 2ily t"e beauty' "er bust absolutely "ig"' "ig"' "ig"' must ,ust as fully fall willy nilly' and die' die' die. 0nce before' but in an entirely different manner' "e "ad recei&ed a re&elation. He was ele&en' still a se.less c"ild' weak e&en t"en' wit" signs of $alsy and an affinity for fear so $ronounced t"at "e "ad dri&en "is $arents nearly out of t"eir wits wit" it. (t t"at time "e soug"t out terror as t"oug" it were a sweetly scented flower. :lack and w"ite' bowlegged wit" a blind eye' rs. Aermit Ha6en's bulldog would rus" across t"e lawn from "is customary $lace beneat" a bus" to sna$ at 9urber's s"adow w"ere it fell between t"e $icket. (ll too often

t"ey found >et"ro lying unconscious t"ere' and t"en "is mot"er and fat"er would embrace one anot"er' wee$ing' wondering w"at in t"e world t"ey were going to do wit" t"eir c"ild and w"y "e "ad been taken wit" t"ese strange demented ways' so cruel and unnatural. %"ey denied "im e&ery book t"ey "ad not carefully e.amined t"emsel&es' ,ust as t"ey forbade "im t"e Ha6en's fence and later t"e stone 1uarry and t"e bluffs beyond town' and finally all farmyards because of t"e geese and railroad stations because of t"e engines' t"en funerals' cemeteries' 6oos' and circuses' cellars' closets' attics' dee$ woods and &acant "ouses' at"letic contests' fires' rallies and re&i&al meetings;indeed any form of $ublic e.citement;and t"ey tried to s"elter "im from t"e noise and &iolence of storms too' as well as from e&ery ot"er remarkable e.ertion of nature8 but none of t"ese $ro"ibitions $ro&ed of any use for "e wantonly disobeyed t"em' and "is fat"er's t"reats' "is mot"er's "ysterical sei6ures' t"eir "ours of mourning and commiseration' since t"ey were t"ings "e greatly feared' "e soug"t as eagerly as "e soug"t t"e bulldog' or accounts of cannibals in books' or t"e di66iness w"ic" always o&ercame "im in "ig" $laces. %o forbid "im t"e :ible was unt"inkable' and since it was a book "e mig"t be safely seen wit"' >et"ro 9urber's knowledge of it was com$lete at an early age. He read "ow t"ey stoned a man for gat"ering sticks on t"e sabbat". #t was easy to imagine "imself in a circle of stones and im$lacable faces;t"e faces t"e worst;for "ad "e not been stung by $ebbles and knocked down by a clod of dirt and beaten' too' by "is com$anions/ %"ird face@ small and dainty' nearly smoot"' t"e features barely $inc"ed out on t"e surface like t"e decorations of a cookie ... tremulous smile ... tiny ,aw t"at ,iggles. W"en "e fell' t"e sticks "e "ad gat"ered were some"ow scattered all around "im. %"e $eo$le t"en s"ared out "is clot"es and ot"er belongings' and "is family dro&e t"e memory of "im from its mind as "e'd been dri&en from t"e &illage. His wife' too' forgot "im' e&en t"e touc" of "is "and. W"y not/ a "and's a "and. Was "e a "ero/ 3tanding disdainfully in t"eir midst' did "e say@ come now' w"o s"all be t"e first/ (nd t"en@ well t"rown' good Aora"' son of #6"ar' $laymate of my yout"' friend in my man"ood' neig"bor and lo&e. 0r did "e run till a rock broke "is knee/ !er"a$s "e beseec"ed t"em. !er"a$s "e fell at t"eir feet and t"ey dro$$ed a boulder on "is skull. No' "ere we are@ "e begins by begging. %"e stones come anyway and t"ey sting. W"y t"e ama6ement/ ( fair trade;stones for sticks. He ne&er belie&ed t"ey would t"row at him. Good friends' my kinsmen. :ut "e must $rotect "is face. He "uddles' making "imself small. %"e stones begin to "urt and now "e's running. ("' t"e fun's begun. Go faster. 9aster. Hurra". Hero/ 7nlikely. (nyway;to w"om/ 0nce you're dead t"ere's no difference' t"e kites aren't fastidious. He read "ow Aora"' son of #6"ar' son of Ao"at"' son of 2e&i' was swallowed by t"e eart" wit" all "is followers' w"ile fire consumed two "undred fifty more. He read "ow 2ot's daug"ters lay wit" t"eir drunken fat"er8 "ow t"e 2ord destroyed 3odom and broug"t t"e flood. He read "ow t"e 2ord smote t"e firstborn of t"e 4gy$tians' and "ow' at t"e be"est of oses' t"e sons of 2e&i slew t"ree t"ousand of t"eir brot"ers' and later e&ery male of t"e idians' and t"eir male c"ildren' and also all of t"eir women w"o "ad sle$t wit" men' kee$ing only t"e young &irgins for t"emsel&es. He read "ow #srael' at t"e order of >os"ua' slew all but a "arlot in >eric"o' and "ow >os"ua "ung fi&e kings from fi&e trees before destroying t"eir cities' and "ow a certain 2e&ite' w"ose concubine was ra&is"ed in "is stead by men in Gibea" (for t"ey were $ederasts and would "a&e

$referred "im)' afterward di&ided "er in twel&e $arts like a $ie and sent a $iece to eac" of t"e tribes of #srael t"at t"ey mig"t make war on :en,amin. He read "ow 3aul and "is sons and "is armorbearer and all "is men died on t"e same day' and "ow 766a" was stricken for touc"ing t"e ark w"en t"e o.en faltered' and "ow (mmon ra&is"ed t"e sister of (bsalom so t"at (bsalom "ad "is brot"er slain' and t"en "ow (bsalom stole t"e loyalty of t"e $eo$le from "is fat"er w"o was king' and to &e. "is fat"er lay wit" "is fat"er's w"ores' and at last led t"e $eo$le away. He read "ow finally (bsalom was defeated' and "ow "e :ed on an ass and was caug"t in t"e branc"es of a tree ere >oab' "is fat"er's ca$tain' bled "is "eart for t"e dogs wit" darts. He read "ow >oab s$illed t"e bowels of (masa on t"e ground and recei&ed t"e "ead of 3"eba w"ic" was t"rown from t"e walls of "is town to turn away t"e wrat" of Aing =a&id. He read "ow t"e 2ord $ut a $lague u$on #srael' His anger consuming se&enty t"ousand' and "ow (masa was re&enged' for 3olomon "ad >oab slain' and "ow muc" in lo&e 3olomon was wit" foreign women so t"at t"e 2ord took ten of t"e tribes of #srael from "im and ga&e t"em to >eroboam' w"om' "owe&er' He later cursed wit" a terrible curse' causing "is son to die. %"ese and many ot"ers. He saw (bsalom ali&e in t"e oak and me "ead of 3"eba falling from t"e wall and >oab's sword entering (masa. He heard t"e 2ord curse >eroboam t"roug" t"e mout" of His $ro$"et ("i,a"@ t"e dog s"all eat t"ose of t"e "ouse of >eroboam w"o die in t"e city' and t"e birds s"all eat t"ose of "is "ouse w"o die in t"e country' and all of "is "ouse s"all be consumed as a dry cake of dung is consumed in t"e fire. He imagined t"e men of Aing =a&id at t"e foot of t"e wall' t"e "ead of 3"eba loo$ing o&er' and >oab running to catc" it before it smas"ed on t"e rocks' s$oiling its features' for t"e king liked to "a&e t"e "eads of "is enemies broug"t into "is $resence since "e "o$ed to find t"e meaning of t"eir deat" in t"e final arrangement of t"eir faces. Here is t"e "ead of a foolis" man' y does "e smile so wisely/ 9ourt" face@ small moustac"e and triangular c"in' ner&ously winking eyes ... somet"ing in t"em/ a"' "e's c"ewing on "is tongue ... wink tick c"ew tock' wink wink. )ou'&e waited too long' now w"at's "er name's begun' de dum de dum de dum de dum@ we rise to $raise t"e li&ing God. 0" no indeedy. #ncorrect. %"e t"ird stone' reddis"' small' flat wit" rounded edges and a glacial nick5t"e first two "a&ing fallen grie&ously s"ort;was t"rown by a ferrety boy in a sailor suit. #t ski$$ed twice before turning toward its target' t"en twice more' 1uickly' striking t"e giant between t"e eyes so t"at "e fell wit" a groan' s"aking t"e eart". %"ere was generous a$$lause and considerable s"outing. ( $illar of dust rose from beneat" t"e body' two t"ousand snee6ing. Wit" t"e clangor o f ar ms t"e armie s collide d. )ar . )ar. )ar. He saw (bsalom ali&e in t"e oak. %"e locusts flew u$ in a cloud and t"e ser&ants of Aing =a&id saw t"em rising and knew w"ere (bsalom was. W"ile >oab $ierced "is "eart and ten men struck "im' "is mule was gra6ing. (bsalom said' a" my fat"er's friend "as come' my kinsman8 but >oab did not s$eak' t"e darts. %"e "ead of (bsalom t"en was like t"e "ead of 3"eba tossed from t"e wall to$ and like (masa's w"o was murdered on t"e "ig"way8 it was like t"e "ead of t"e 2e&ite's concubine sent as a message to >uda"8 it was t"e "ead of Goliat" and t"e ot"er stone man8 it was like t"e "ead of 3aul and t"e fi&e kings >os"ua "ad "ung in t"e trees8 it was like t"e "eads of t"ousands broug"t one by one into "is dreams and "eld by t"eir "air as t"e oak "ad "eld (bsalom' all t"ose w"om war and $lague and treac"ery "ad slain' eac" in t"e griff of a warrior' and all t"e "eads were smiling in t"e same way... wisely... and

9urber "eard Aing =a&id muttering' w"y are t"ey smiling/ w"at is t"e meaning/ for "ead after "ead' e&en t"ose wit" sad eyes or $oor teet"' t"ose w"o met deat" wee$ing' were smiling. 4&eryone stood in a grou$ near me tree' e&en >et"ro' w"o was s"ortest. (bner' wearing t"e ringlet of lea&es' "ad already "id. +ut"' t"e fat girl' began t"e c"ant. "ingle5dy dingle5dy t"is is so sing5a5ly if we go single5ly we'll find t"e crown %"en t"ey all ran' >et"ro screaming' bringing "is $arents running from t"e "ouse. #n t"e tent wit" t"e king t"ere were $eo$le on benc"es' wailing. %"e king said@ s"all # cut t"is c"ild in two/ >ust so. 3omeone was $laying t"e $iano and e&eryone rose to sing. 0" # do belie&e you 2ord' # do. >et"ro ran to t"e front' saying@ # "a&e seen (bsalom ali&e in t"e oak. 9rom t"ere "is fat"er dragged "im' s1ualling. Ne&er again. No more religious circuses' you understand/ Not e&en a $salm5singing acrobat/ ( little introductory music $lease. 2adies and Gentlemen. 2et me call your (ttention to t"e %o$ of t"e %ent@ t"e 2ord of Hosts? all t"e way from 4gy$t? floating? in %"in (ir? and wit"out Nets? wit"out any 3u$$ort? of (ny Aind? No one 4lse in t"e World is *a$able of suc" a 9east? =um diddy dumm dum' dum daaaa. :ut it was t"e stoned man "e saw most. W"en t"ey began t"rowing "e ran to a small "ill. 9lies drank "is sweat. #t was only a game called king of t"e mountain. ( stone came out of t"e sun and struck "im ,ust back of t"e ear. =eat" in e&ery direction. He staggered drunkenly down t"e slo$e into t"eir arms. ringlet ringlet w"ere's our kinglet king "as run away 9urber did not stay long wit" t"e later books. He was disa$$ointed wit" t"em. 0f Revelation "e was e&en a little disdainful. W"at t"is saint "ad dreamed of' oses and >os"ua "ad done. His book was filled wit" t"e wind of trum$ets and t"e insubstantial wings of angels' and w"ile t"ere were cataclysms of all kinds w"ic" t"e em$eror's $risoner $romised would destroy a fift" or a fourt" or a t"ird of t"e eart"' "is t"reats were like t"ose >et"ro "imself "ad sometimes s"outed from "is yard at t"e bullying fat girl wit" w"om "e often $layed and w"o "ad s"owed "im' as +ome "e su$$osed "ad s"owed >o"n' "er $ri&ate $arts8 and in conse1uence no one w"ose foot would raise real dust in t"e road was de$ri&ed of "is bowels by t"e sword8 for 9urber "ad already read "ow Aing =a&id "ad numbered #srael' angering t"e 2ord' and "ow t"e 2ord "ad offered "im a $unis"ment for "is $eo$le@ eit"er t"ree years of famine' t"ree mont"s of flig"t before t"eir foes' or t"ree days of $estilence broug"t by an angel' and "ow Aing =a&id "ad wisely c"osen t"e latter' saying@ let us fall into t"e "ands of t"e 2ord' for His mercy is great8 but let us not fall into t"e "ands of man8 so 9urber felt' e&en as a boy' t"at if t"e 2ord really wis"ed to bring t"e world to a terrible end' He would not toss eart" and "ea&en toget"er or bring fort" fire from t"e ground or roll u$ t"e sea like a scroll' but sim$ly wit"draw Himself so t"at t"e w"ole eart" and t"e "ea&ens beyond t"e eart" would settle 1uietly into t"e "ands of man.

# "a&e seen (bsalom ali&e in t"e oak8 # "a&e seen "is neck between t"e branc"es8 locusts flew from "is "air. %"en a ser&ant of =a&id saw "im also and ran to tell >oab. 0" $re&ent it ... $re&ent it? :ut >oab "as come in "is gown of blood to bare t"e breast of (bsalom' w"ile (bsalom watc"es' and find "is "eart. # "a&e ne&er seen t"e 2ord God. :ut # "a&e seen (bsalom ali&e in t"e tree. >et"ro was a $riest of idian' fat"er5in5law to oses' and a wise ad&iser. 9urber' too' determined to li&e for t"e c"urc". :ut at first it was only t"e wild times and "is own terror t"at attracted "im@ t"e immense stretc" of t"e o$$osing "osts and t"e "ars" cries of battle' t"e $lagues and t"e engulfing sea' t"e cloud and t"e $illar of fire. %"en one morning' "is eyes still ac"ing from an un$leasant slee$' "e came into t"e $arlor w"ere t"e :ible lay o$en on a table before a window' its $ages turning in t"e morning bree6e' and glancing idly down "e saw t"ese words of 3t. !aul w"ic" seemed to lea$ from t"e $age to strike "im@ D9or t"e in&isible t"ings of "im from t"e creation of t"e world are clearly seen' being understood by t"e t"ings t"at are made' e&en "is eternal $ower and God"ead.D (nd "is "eart sto$$ed. %"ere was an immense silence inside "im. #t was a silence like t"at w"ic" o&ertook t"e world w"ile "e sle$t. D%"ey are wit"out e.cuse.D (ll nig"t "e'd been in t"e tent of =a&id' before t"e rows of benc"es and t"e cla$$ing $eo$le. Heads "ad been broug"t in' and =a&id' $eering at eac" closely' "ad asked "im again and again@ w"at do you see/ w"y is "e smiling/ w"at is t"e meaning/ %"e "ead of Goliat". 2aug"ing' =a&id "ad t"rust "is finger in its mout". )ou're a fis" $ast biting' old friend. 3aul. %ears "ad soaked 3aul's beard t"oug" "e was smiling. =a&id assaulted t"e "ead wit" "is s$ear. How long "as t"is been "a$$ening/ 3aul;dead;is wee$ing. (nd no one dared to tell me. %"e "ead of 3"eba' caug"t by >oab's running awkwardly' and >oab's own' and many more of =a&id's ca$tains' smiling. W"at is t"e meaning/ %"e $age curled and blew o&er. 9urber "ad cried out@ yes' t"at's so8 w"ile $ans slid noisily in t"e kitc"en. %o >et"ro t"ey were trum$ets. 4&en now' as "e remembered it' "is fles" $rickled. %"at terrible nig"t of "eads. %"ere was a $lague among t"e $eo$le in t"e tent. %"ey began to groan and fall forward on t"eir faces. =a&id said@ let us sing a song of my own com$osition. red red maiden"ead >anet's no longer a boy5o" ( man and a woman o$ened t"e fla$. >et"ro rose' s"outing angrily@ t"at woman is a woman of idian. W"o $lays t"e "arlot wit" t"is daug"ter of oab' bringing t"is $lague of "eads u$on us/ (nd "e took u$ =a&id's s$ear' for =a&id was wee$ing;(bsalom's "ead was swinging by its "air;and rus"ed down t"e aisle to s$it t"e man and woman on it beautifully5bra&o. =a&id $raised "im' saying@ you "a&e turned back t"e wrat" of God from t"e $eo$le of #srael. %"en a strange "ead was broug"t in' a "ead wit"out features' smiling' wit"out c"eeks or li$s or c"in' and 9urber said@ w"o is t"is/ w"at is t"e meaning/ and =a&id answered@ t"is is t"e "ead of >et"ro' a $riest of idian' once fat"er5in5law to oses' and a wise ad&iser. His mot"er came from t"e kitc"en w"ere s"e was $eeling cucumbers. W"at is t"e matter' >et"ro' s"e said. %"is too' "e t"oug"t' is a sign' e&en t"e smell of cucumber' and # must try to understand it. (t t"e end of "is dream' w"ile "e'd

sat $araly6ed beside Aing =a&id' anot"er "ead "ad been broug"t. %"is is t"e "ead of 3olomon' your son' a &oice said to =a&id. Aing =a&id rose slowly' "is wea$ons falling from "im. :ut # die before 3olomon' "e said. 3"all # cut t"is c"ild in two' said 3olomon's "ead. # die before 3olomon' =a&id said' "is garments falling from "im. %ell me #'m not smiling. %ell me. # can't "ear you' "e s"outed' "is body falling from "im. %ell me #'m not smiling not smiling not smiling . . . :ut "is "ead wore a smile as sweet and mild and rosy as t"e "eads' for$le' of 3aul and (masa' as t"e "eads' for instance' of Goliat" and >oab' or as t"e "ead of t"e foolis" 3"eba w"ic" >oab caug"t so awkwardly ,ust in time. >et"ro ga&e "is mot"er a reassuring $eck and asked for breakfast@ sugared $eac"es in cream' fres" milk' sweet rolls wit" sweet butter' w"ole strawberry ,am.

)ou'd "a&e lo&ed my mot"er' !ike. Ha$$y/ !roud/ Bisiting ladies in elaborate 3unday "ats s"aded my face from t"e sun t"at came streaming t"roug" t"e $arlor windows in t"e summer afternoons. ot"er "ugs me. He's decided' s"e says' and t"ey;t"e ladies wit" smoot"ed cosmetic faces;smile and sig". 3o young. (nd mot"er would always misunderstand t"em. :ut not too young to decide' s"e'd insist. aybe (unt >anet would come away from t"e fis"bowl. 3"e "o$ed t"e fis" would nibble at "er finger. 3"e said s"e t"oug"t it would tickle. #f s"e did sto$ it was always to ram t"at finger' dri$$ing' into my ribs. Her wide "at would darken my eyes and # would blink at t"e t"ings w"ic" "ung from t"e brim. 3o you'&e c"osen *"rist' my boy' s"e would say in a low soft &oice' $utting "er face close to mine so # always saw t"e $owder at t"e bottom of "er wrinkles. %"at's5s"e dri&es t"e finger into my side;fine. ot"er "auls me to "er bosom in an o&erflow of lo&e' denting my nose wit" one of "er buttons. He doesn't say muc" about it ... but >anet' # t"ink "e's "ad an e.$erience. !ike' w"at if #'d said@ yes mot"er' #'&e seen t"e $ri&ate $arts of fatty +ut"/ Would my life "a&e c"anged/ uc"/ 0" # s"ould "a&e s$oken out. 3"ame. Not to $raise t"e $arts of fatty +ut". (" if #'d "ad your s$irit' !ike' w"en "er skirts were "oisted u$. :reat"e your s$irit into me. wiggle o" gigolo we'll li&e so bungalow in my soft down below until you drown !ike s$eaks@ ladies lo&e religious little boys. :y god !ike' you're rig"t. # was lo&ed. # was "eld' $inc"ed' s1uee6ed' encom$assed by beads. %"en orton' too' sanctimonious old $im$' s"ook my "and and ga&e me a "ymnal wit" a broken s$ine. W"at number was it/ Ninety5two/ we rise to $raise ... no' nineteen' no' t"at's t"e number of t"e $salm@ Dt"e "ea&ens declare t"e gloryD;but !ike' it's w"at # learned as a boy from !aul' t"oug" # was a long time understanding it. D=ay to day utteret" s$eec".D W"at is t"e meaning/ God s$oke t"at day between t"e lower li$s of fatty +ut" but # missed t"e meaning of "is $ro$osition. Well e&en oses was slow witted wit" t"e burning bus". # missed t"e meaning again of (untie >anet w"o "as ,ust now cocked

"er t"umb and taken aim wit" "er rig"t forefinger blam? "ug c"est 1uick;too late it's into t"e rib ,ust under my arm and t"e moon is falling near' see t"e mountains and t"e craters and t"e lines of snow and ice. %"ere's a c"a$$ed mouse s1ueaking indistinctly c"eeses $riced at sss5blam? dime. *"eeses. Holey c"eeses. >anet' # belie&e "e's "ad an e.$erience. Well t"e boy's "ig"5strung. :ut "e's c"anged8 you'&e no idea. (nd so young' dear c"ild. He doesn't s"ake. He may' again' t"ere's $lenty of time. # s"ould "a&e reminded "er' !ike' t"at >esus was a God already as a fetus' but #'&e no s$irit' no $ro$er s$irit. *"rist. No g"ost. W"irld. 3"reec". one a $astor two a $arson "ot cross bun t"ree a doctor four a brot"er bake t"em done fi&e a re&erend si. a s"e$"erd eat eac" one se&en a $reac"er eig"t a teac"er we're not done nine a minister ten t"e sinister end "as come 2isten' !ike' you are a stone g"ost now' a trick of t"e lig"t' and $er"a$s you know already w"at #'m trying to say' for you'&e been t"roug" it all and died of lo&e' t"e best deat". y face is muffled in my mot"er's clot"ing. Her r"inestones in,ure me. 3ee@ my feet are going. 9is" flee t"e forefinger of my aunt. %"e sun streams o&er t"e geraniums. W"at "as t"is to do wit" w"at # feel' wit" w"at # am/ (unt >anet sits carelessly on t"e edge of "er c"air' "er "ands like fruit t"at's fallen in "er la$. Her ga6e is soft and watery. %"e $ast "as o&ertaken "er' ,ust as you' !ike' "a&e o&ertaken me. # was nearly twel&e' you understand' and # would searc" "er eagerly like a lo&er. :ut "er grief was all inside "er' !ike. 3"e mig"t as well "a&e been of stone or $laster like t"at sentimental saint. (nd w"en in my room # would wee$' for # was fond of wee$ing in t"ose days' # reali6ed my grief "ad no connection wit" my tears. (nyone mig"t see "ow t"ey streamed' but no one could know "ow t"ey burned. %"en # tried t"e $ri&ate $arts of fatty +ut" on my aunt and mot"er. 0" # was like t"e searc"ing $rince in *inderella' "iking e&ery skirt. :ut t"ey'&e been badly

misnamed. %"ere's not"ing really $ri&ate to t"ose $arts w"ic" # later "eard t"e boys in seminary call t"e banks of t"e ri&er 7rine' nor did t"ey "a&e t"e sli$$er's si6e8 for alt"oug" all t"e girls and ladies wore it' none of t"em seemed nicely fitted. 0ne day;it was sometime after my De.$erience'D $er"a$s t"ree weeks or a mont"' and >anet "ad come according to "er custom to nose our fis" and stir t"em u$;after "er kiss "ad smeared cosmetic on my c"eek and s"e "ad cocked "er fist and $ainfully s$eared my side' congratulating me because #'d ceased my s"aking (a $illow for your mot"er's "ead' s"e said)8 after s"e'd lit on t"e edge of t"e sim$le ladder c"air s"e fancied because it was as lig"t and delicate as "erself' and "ad taken breat" toward one of "er fa&orite Dticklis" to$ics'D since "er con&ersation consisted entirely of $refaces' forewords' and introductions to $ink tumescent sub,ects w"ic" s"e safely ne&er touc"ed8 and w"en s"e "ad' following an es$ecially long and de&ious $reamble to w"at # guessed was t"e $roblem of t"e unwed mot"er' sunk be"ind t"e sea w"ic" rose suddenly in "er eyes as it always did' # saw "er;mind t"is !ike' are you awake/;# saw "er' $oised on t"e edge of "er c"air as #'&e said "er "abit was' let go and slowly to$$le o&er. We "el$ed "er u$ at once' of course. 3"e didn't seem "urt or e&en ill. 3li$$ed off' my mot"er said' because s"e "as to $erc" and ne&er minds w"at s"e's doing. )ou may t"ink it's my diseased imagination;it "as a beggar's body;# freely admit it;but # see "er still' w"ene&er # wis"' letting go and falling' "er skirts flattening and streaming be"ind "er and t"en ballooning as s"e turns in t"e air. # "ad $enetrated t"e 1uality of t"e act' !ike' and # was dreadfully s"aken by my knowledge' t"oug" # tried not to s"ow it and got away as soon as # dared. 3"e'd "ad too muc" of life' and s"e'd let go of it at last and left t"e wire. #n my dreams sometimes # see "er too' sli$$ing from a window sill or off a windy mountain ledge' "er skirts rising about "er as s"e descends and re&ealing beneat" t"em t"e $ri&ate $arts of fatty +ut". 0n s"e somersaults until #'&e lost t"e sense of "eads or tails and s"e "as s$un "erself into a single' broadly grinning' comic mask. !ike s$eaks@ t"at was t"e face of trut" on fatty +ut". :y god !ike you're rig"t. %"e "ead of edusa' wit" edusa's softly w"iskered grin. Were you turned to stone by suc" a sig"t/ orton' # remember' rubbed my back. Humility' my boy' is also im$ortant. %"e "ymnal "e ga&e roe was dog5 eared at all t"e customary $laces and it always fell o$en at ( ig"ty 9ortress #s 0ur God. Now t"ere was a man w"o made a downy $illow. !ike ... w"en # sto$$ed trembling and fainting' t"e ladies wra$$ed me in t"eir warm arms and cooed in my ears and gently ruffled my "air. (unt >anet's c"air "ad skidded' ti$$ing w"en s"e fell. :ot" were lig"t but my aunt was &olu$tuous. # "eld "er like a lo&er' recei&ing "er soul. #t was t"en # felt my w"ole interior s"udder. #t was not"ing like t"e $alsy of t"e body. # "a&e t"at still. #t was a frig"t of t"e s$irit' a terrible g"ost5fear. Hats s"aded me. %"e $etals of t"e $otted $lants were turning $ur$le. 3"e rose t"roug" t"e circle of my gras$' rubbing "erself ecstatically against me. Well w"y not/ # was t"e &ulgar fles" recei&er' wasn't #/ (nd wasn't it all o&er' t"e "ars" $ress and scru$le of life/ %"ere oug"t to be some sweet to console "er for t"e fall. 3o s"e t"oug"t. :ut it was "er lim$ s$irit # "eld' as "el$less' flung o&er my arm' as a wra$. %"is was my first use of t"e godly eye' !ike' and in t"e beginning # was no better for it. :eads and cameos and buttons cut me. orton s1uee6ed my arm' t"e dirty old butt. #n t"e moment t"at we lifted "er' # saw "er estimate t"e age of t"e 6innias. G"ostfallen' !ike. )ou know w"at t"at means. 3"e was g"ostfallen' yet s"e troubled to guess "ow recently my mot"er's flowers "ad been cut. Well #'d declared for God' my mot"er

said' and smartly dressed au.iliary ladies came to look at me and w"is$er about >esus. ( fat lot of good it would "a&e done to insist # "adn't c"osen "im' #'d c"osen t"e 2ord of Hosts' His %ent' %ig"ts' and %ra$e6e' not t"e aime t"ing at all8 so # refrained. y $rematurely wrinkled aunt "eld out "er "ead. #ts li$s were s$read wit" lo&e. Now w"at do you make of t"at/ !ike s$eaks@ in women re&enge takes t"e form of religion. :y god !ike you're rig"t. (nd # "ad mine. 9ait"fully # went to :rot"er orton's ser&ices and sat a$art' not $roudly or disdainfully' but in an absent mind' as if ra$t8 and # dare say t"ere were eyes t"at saw wis$s of $ink c"erubic cloud like straw in my "air. # bent my "ead and $rinted in his "ymnals wit" a $encil end' w"ic" you can bet # ke$t most carefully concealed' e&ery dirty word or line' e&ery bawdy ,ingle # could remember or make u$ on t"e s$ot (# "ad an a$titude' but ele&en isn't an accom$lis"ed age)' w"ile t"roug"out #'d note t"e $ages of t"e "ymns #'d written on' referring t"e reader to t"em' or # would ad&ise t"e de&out to sing $salm one ele&en if you would see "ea&en but for a good time sing $salm si.ty5nine. !o$ $o$ $o$' #'d crack t"e s$ines. 0" !ike' my s$irit was lig"t t"en. How "ea&y it is now. :reat"e your s$irit into me@ # don't know w"at to belie&e. y luck "as left me. # $reac" and no one listens. 0nly t"e crack in t"e window widens. Nar. Nar. Nar. !ike s$eaks@ belie&e not"ing t"at does not sound well. :y god !ike you "a&e somet"ing t"ere. :ut # "a&e a ringing in my ears' and all t"ose noisy faces.... %"e fift" face is a $ig's' its nostrils aimed like eyes' its c"eek skin moistly glistening' teet" like $ebbles o&ergrown wit" moss' t"ey'&e stood so long in sali&a' stiff w"ite "air in rows abo&e t"e brow. Hardly *ircean. 2et us "a&e anot"er number' rs. 3amson' say' %"e 0ld +ugged *ross. #sn't it nice "ere in t"e yard' t"e fres" bree6e and t"e w"ite wickets/ y boy' to follow *"rist is nice' you will en,oy it. Ha$$y/ !roud/ (slee$/ !ike/ =on't lea&e me' #'m lonely. 0" lord you weren't a ,ew's5"ar$ religionist/ you didn't s1uee6e an accordion/ sla$ your knee/ ,ig/ Not 3amson' damn it' but my Ainsman' t"e stoned man' w"ose cor$se is blind. W"at's "a$$ened to t"e lig"t/ ("' !ike' t"e flies "a&e failed us. %"at rs. !imber "as a strenuously knuckled "and' it ,ust occurred to me to t"ink so' not like rs. *laude ... um ... 3$ink' t"e fidgety' w"o is losing "er "air but goes bra&ely anyw"ere t"ere's music because of "er calling. How about a bit of %"row 0ut t"e 2ifeline' t"at's rousing. (not"er muffin/ =on't dri$ butter' t"e clot"'s so w"ite' a beautiful e.$anse of somet"ing clean' and t"e blue s"adows of t"e sil&er calm me wonderfully' and don't you feel t"e coolness of t"e crystal and t"e silence of t"e $orcelain/ No/ (not"er muffin/ coffee/ $lease cream and sugar. 3ee t"e g"ostly s$irit s$ill into t"e darkness' clouding. =unk/ 0nly on occasion. rs. *"amlay fries t"e greatest doug"nuts8 you'll lo&e t"em' r. 9urber. %"ere's not"ing like country cooking. Well #'&e always lo&ed w"at's large. %"e c"urc" must "a&e a sale' a way to get going. 9or sweet"earting c"arity. *akes' clot"es' and kisses. !ri6es of c"astity. #ce creams are suc" fun in >uly. %"ink of t"e long w"ite $a$ered

tables under t"e trees. %"e cool mout" of watermelon. !ike' !ike? rally? rally to me? +owdies a rarity alt"oug" known to "a$$en. %"rew stones in t"e $udding of old rs. >as$er. W"ic" was boug"t by *arl 3kelton to sicken "is dog. #t was 1uite entertaining. # remember t"e bowl8 it went in "er auction. =idn't s"e "a&e some lo&ely t"ings' $oor dear. ( s"ade of blue not too $leasing for c"ocolate. W"o was it t"at got it/ (3amant"a "as darkened8 "er li$s are se&ere.) %"at fat rs. (rt"ur w"o mo&ed back to Wind"am. (nd not a mont" "ere. !ike? ( desert' !ike' a wilderness >erome would not "a&e dwelled in. He'd "a&e gat"ered u$ "is books and gone to +ome. )ou li&ed wit" #ndians;&ery well;but #'&e fallen among $eo$le. #s t"ere no one w"o will $ity me/ 3$eak and say' o" great recumbency of sky' &ast c"est and "ollow water bottle' would you s$it u$on your image' e"/ Ho' :arlar/ Grunn/ !et&ic"/ Hooloo/ Ais"is"/ <uarckaling/ 3ull )ully/ Nannerbantandan/ %uA/ %oo rooky' won't re$ly' all tweetered u$ wit" ra&ens' swifts' and fowling "awks. (nyway let's "a&e an answer ... some bird of omen ... no g"ost ... s"reeeeeee ... %"e moon is falling near. Here are t"e deserts and t"e mountains. %"ere # am' t"e raisin5eyed' cross5legged on a stone. #s t"at a lion feeding from my la$/ y s$irit dines on salt and water. # don't su$$ose you know t"e desert fat"ers' !ike' you were ne&er a sc"olar. Well listen' you'&e muc" to learn. ( monk w"o li&ed in one of t"ose 4gy$tian monasteries found "imself set u$on by t"oug"ts of distant $laces' and t"e desire to lea&e t"e dry "ole w"ere "e was and &isit t"em began to torment "im se&erely as you mig"t e.$ect' for "e was $ut toget"er in t"e same way as t"e rest of us;weak eyes and "airless knees. He told t"e abbot of "is troubles' muc" as # am telling you of mine' !ike' and t"e abbot said@ go to your cell and gi&e your body in $ledge to its walls8 let your t"oug"ts roam as t"ey will but forbid your body to stir. 3o t"e monk did as "is abbot suggested and a$$arently "is desires were 1uelled@ Now do you see "ow wrong t"at was/ =ear me. 3atan "ad t"at abbot by t"e "eels. He "ad t"em all by t"e "eels' e&en acarius and !aul and (nt"ony. He swung t"em like a storm t"roug" t"e desert. !ike s$eaks@ $ounding t"e $i$e won't $unis" t"e $lumber. :y god !ike you're 1uick. # $reac"ed in *le&eland once u$on t"at t"eme. )ou can't feel t"e s$irit t"roug" t"e body' it's far too t"ick and woolly. %"at monk s"ould "a&e fastened "is mind to t"e wall and let "is body go "ang. %"ere's a better story' t"oug"' about t"e saintly (rsenius w"o was willed some $ro$erty by a kinsman of "is' a senator. !ay attention' !ike' you'&e a good deal to learn. W"en t"e magistrate broug"t "im t"e will' ceremoniously $"rased and $iously laced as our wills in&ariably are' "e indignantly refused it' sending t"e magistrate away. # died before "e did' (rsenius said' and now "e's dead' "ow can "e make me "is "eir/ )es sir' t"at was t"e ticket. He sli$$ed t"e =e&il t"ere' and got scot5free. (nd so it was # saw t"e fall of my (unt >anet from t"e 3"aker c"air. 3"e died' $oor soul' in t"e ,um$. Not "owe&er like a saint but like a suicide. W"at did it matter if "er body bloomed for t"irty years and "er face dried/ (ge made trenc"es for "er eyes. #t mig"t "a&e been t"e source of some annoyance as t"e years went by' t"is sa$ling body and t"is wit"ered face' but # t"ink s"e saw w"at was coming. )ou "a&e to $eek under t"e co&ers' !ike8 t"en by t"e "oly rood of oses w"at you see? #t was only surfaces' before' t"at frig"tened me. # $ledged my body to t"e fence but my lo&e fell beyond it. (nd w"en # read of war in #srael' it was t"e banners and dust in t"at 4gy$tian desert t"at mo&ed me' t"e miss"a$en trees in w"ic" t"e kings

were "ung. (ll wrong. %"en afterward' w"en t"e armies mo&ed and t"e warriors grimaced at one anot"er and s"outing struck t"eir swords toget"er' # did not linger among t"e s"ields and wea$on edges like a coward in t"e cam$' but my eyes rode in wit" t"e s$ear. !ike s$eaks@ o "emulous blars"? cole s"emly kitc"? ra" $offomouse twild? =on't mock me' !ike. (fter #'&e furnis"ed you wit" life' it isn't fair. :esides #'m being bitten by t"ese insects for your sake. W"at's t"at/ #s someone s$eaking/ #'ll ask 3amant"a %ott to teac" a 3unday sc"ool;now t"ere's a mo&e ;a c"arming t"oug"t t"at's ,ust t"is minute come to me. 0" #'m ill' #'m ill' #'&e c"i$$ed my nose' and not"ing will restore me. %"en make a clean breast' e"/ %"row myself' you know' like t"e bride's bou1uet' into t"eir arms. y fat"er $rints a $a$er' !ike. (ll t"ose words. ("' #'ll "eel t"em "ome and make myself lo&ed like a stray. ( miracle' !ike;life out of ink. W"y' it frees me. 9eees"/ W"o's wise/ W"o is it w"o kee$s buffo"oing me/ #s it you 9lack' or t"ese bloody fe&er bees/ Well' He's a great comedian;t"e Aing of t"e Hig" Wire' and He's surely made a fool of me. #ll. #ll. # no longer feel' # only remember. 2ook@ He's lost His trousers. 3ay' fatty +ut" "ad a face on bot" "er knees. erciful "ea&en' He's wearing red5"ot :B='s. *"erubic wind$uffers' t"ey looked like' wroug"t of "inge5wrinks by a genius@ little mum$5c"eeked Nort"' cruel smiling West. %"us a$$ear t"e $arts. W"at a "owl by all t"at's "oly. 2uff/ W"o said so/ 0" breat"e your s$irit into me? !ike/ =on't lea&e me. #ll. #ll. #ll. =on't lea&e. 2isten. #'m in your debt for si. sentences of wisdom' but se&en is t"e sacred number. )ield anot"er and #'ll "a&e no ot"er g"osts before me. :e 2ombardy !eter' !ike. 3e&en metals' se&en wonders' se&en ages ... %"at sentence of !aul's;#'d almost forgot "ow it transformed me w"en # was nearly twel&e and $icked u$ >anet's "air s"irt from t"e floor. %omorrow #'m going to dig u$ t"e sundial and beat t"e body from t"at $laster 3t. 9rancis. !ike s$eaks@ t"e way t"e world is' you "a&e to look down to see u$. )ou do by god. %"e t"oug"t turned "im to$sy5tur&y. #t seemed to summari6e t"e w"ole wort"less way of t"e world;if t"ere was one. (nd &ersions of it began to flutter wildly t"roug" "is "ead. )ou "a&e to look round to see straig"t. Good enoug". 7seful. (nd t"e roug" $laces $lain. :ut all t"at's geometry. :ut it measures t"e eart". )ou "a&e to go slow to catc" u$. 4at to get t"in/ no' but fast to grow fat' t"at was a fine one. %"en lose to win/ fail to succeed/ +isky. 3to$ to begin. %"e form made noiseless music;lumly lum lum or lum5lee5lee lum;like fill to em$ty' e&ery $"ysical e.treme. =ie to li&e was a bit old "at. :ut default to re$ay. (nd lie to be "onest. He liked t"e ring of t"at. 9lack? #'m w"ite in order to be black. 3in first and saint later. *ruel to be kind' of course' and t"e "urt's in t"e "urter;t"at's w"at t"ey say;a lot of bla$. %"at's my name' my nomination@ 3aint 2ater. Now t"en@ "umble to be $roud8 $oor to be ric". 4nsla&e to make free/ %"at mo&ed naturally. (lso multi$ly to subtract. =ee dee dee. )oung 3aint 2ater. ( list of t"em' as old !yt"agoras "ad. 4&en engenders odd. How would t"at be/ 4ig"t is fi&e and t"ree. %"ere were no middle5aged saints;t"ey were old men or babies. ("' god;t"e wise fool. %"e sim$leton sublime. :abe in t"e woods' roac" in t"e $udding' $rince in t"e $au$er' enc"anted beauty in t"e toad. %"is was t"e wisdom of t"e folk and t"e $"iloso$"er alike;t"e disorder of t"e lyre' or t"e drawn5out bow of t"at sane madman' t"e "oly Heraclitus. %"e $oet Keno. %"e logician Aeats. =isco&ery after disco&ery@ t"e more t"e mice eat' t"e fatter t"e cats. %"ere were tears and

laug"ter' for instance;"ow t"ey s"ook and ran toget"er into one gay grief. =umb elo1uence' swift still waters' s"allow dee$s. 2et's see@ im$enitent remorse' careless an.iety' "eedless worry' tense re$ose. 3o true of tigers. %"en t"ere was t"e friendly enmity of sun and snow' and t"e sweet dis"armony of e&ery union' t"e greasy mate of cock and cunt' t"e cosmic $oles' t"e war t"at's $eace' t"e stumble t"at's an e&erlasting $oise and balance' s$ring and fall' lo&e' strife' "ealt"' disease' and t"e cold du$licity of Number 0ne and all its warm di&isions. %"e sameness t"at's in difference. %"e limit t"at's limitless. %"e $ermanence t"at's c"ange. %"e distance of t"e near at "ome. 3o;to roam' stay "ome. %"en $ursue to be caug"t' submit to con1uer. et"od;ancient ; of *"inese. %o $acify' inflame. 2o&e' "ate. Aiss' kill. #n' out' u$' down' start' sto$. (" ... from $leasure' $ain. 2ike circumcision of t"e "eart. >udgment and mercy. 3in and grace. #t little mattered8 e&eryt"ing seemed to 9urber to be magically rig"t' and "is "eart grew fat wit" satisfaction. %"erefore t"ere is good in e&ery e&il8 one must lower away to raise8 seek w"at's found to mourn its loss8 concei&e in stone and e.ecute in water8 turn $rofound and ob&ious' miraculous and common$lace' around8 sin to sa&e8 destroy in order to create8 li&e in t"e sun' t"oug" underground. )es. =oubt in order to belie&e;t"at was an old one;for t"us t"e s1uare is in t"e circle. 0 !"aedo' !"aedo. 0 endless ending. 3oul is immortal after all;at last it's $ro&ed. :etween dead and li&ing t"ere's no difference but t"e one "as w"iter bones. 9urber rose' t"e mos1uitoes swarming around "im' and ran inside.

#t was si.' surely. *ounting from t"e moment w"en "e took a s$oon to "is melon and looked along t"e row of faces' li$s wrinkling' ,aws in gentle motion' all in greeting' it was se&en8 so si. from t"e nig"t at t"e stone was correct. (ndy !ike didn't $ut u$ t"e c"urc" as s"e stands' of course' :rot"er +us" did t"at8 some of us t"ink t"e original location was a little west of w"ere it is now' ossy and me mainly' # guess;you'll meet ossteller later' first5rate fellow' "e was sorry "e couldn't make it;but $eo$le around "ere call it !ike's !eak ,ust t"e same' on account of t"e stee$le' out of lo&e for "is memory' you know' not disres$ect ... 9ly near t"e butter. ossy and me. e and ossy. #f # ti$ my cu$ # may get a $eek at t"e maker. Would "e look like a lic"en/ Nice s"a$e to t"e bowls' t"ey're feat"ery8 my fingers s"ow t"roug" t"em. 0" God w"at must be eaten in )our Name;not counting )ourself. %"at stee$le didn't look any more t"an elm "ig" to me and ,ust a little s"o&el5nosed. Now t"at :rot"er !ike "as rotted out "is clot"es and g"osts to t"e let of "is "alter' "e's old (ndy to t"is bung5mout". #'m to see "is gra&e too. W"at bores t"e dead are. #'ll bet a bible ribbon it's !ike's !enis to t"e barn boys. Well' like 3ir %"omas :rowne' #'m great on resting $laces. 0" yes re&erence really. # saw it from t"e train. #m$ressi&e. ( round of watermelon slid from "is s$oon as "e raised it to "is li$s. 9alling' it tumbled from t"e mound of fruit and sli$$ed o&er t"e edge of t"e glass w"ere "is deft s$oon $inned it ,ust in time. 3illy lie. %"ey $robably knew you couldn't see a t"ing a"ead of t"e "ills. W"y "adn't "e said "e'd $eeked from t"e second story of t"e station/ #m$ossible. %"ey t"oug"t "e was taking a leak. %"ere was' t"ank god' salt' but t"ey'd ne&er "eard of lemon. (ctually' it s"ould "a&e been ser&ed o&er ice wit" a t"in slice of lime. Now t"e melon was warmis" and sli$$ery. !oor season/ %"ere wasn't muc" ,uice. %oo little rain/ (nd t"e fruit s"ould "a&e been laced wit" kirsc" or drowned in w"ite wine. His name was %ott' remember' somet"ing :ester. %elegra$"er/ ticket5 taker/ grocery clerk/ drygoods maybe' or real estate and insurance. He was

some sort of $encil5licker certainly. 2ocal oracle. Billage idiot. %own $um$. (ll kinds of containers sat about t"e table in sullen disconnection. 3ome steamed des$ite t"e "ot day8 ot"ers enclosed $ools of green brine w"ere $ickles drowsed like crocodiles8 still ot"ers "eld u$ mounds of melting ,ellies. 9ans of "am and meat loaf lay on $latters let to drift among conser&es and c"eeses' and bowls of candied carrots' scallo$ed $otatoes and baked beans bulged abo&e t"e clot"' scra$ing sides' w"ile baskets "ea$ed wit" rolls were set among trays of cake and tins of $ie and s"eets of slicing cookie. God curse t"e co&ered dis". *urse t"is $easant %rimalc"io beside me. !easant food was $oison. ost of t"em' all of t"em maybe' ,ust look at rs. Grimmout"' were tem$erance 1uacks' t"e worst kind. !iety of t"e $alate. He remembered 3t. >erome's fa&orite $ro&erb@ w"en an ass eats t"istles u$' "is li$s "a&e lettuce like t"emsel&es. %"ere was a little embarrassment at t"e $latform w"en "e went so briskly off to $ee but really it was all rig"t because "e was in a sweat to see t"e tower of God;t"e s$ike t"at was to s$it "im. Natural function' ladies' like t"e menses. :y t"e stools of >esus' as t"ey used to say at sc"ool. Here sir' in t"is anti1ue metal bo.' all &erdigris' # "a&e se&eral curious relics of 0ur 3a&iour. W"at an awesome beauty swells t"at notion. %oo bad t"e better sermons can't be $reac"ed. =ebilitating "eat . . . terror of tra&eling . . . ri&ers of dust. Would "e like to was" before lunc"/ 0f course "e ,ust . . . but $er"a$s t"e ride . . Has s"aken me u$/ o" yes !24(348 beneat" t"e stairsL "ow cle&er and amusing' $erfectly c"arming' t"ank you kindly. >ust waste s$ace says r. %ott. %o was". 9licker of unease@ was"5u$. =irty word. Hee. 3lo$ing ceiling' coffin close. +ound sil&er mirror to e.amine your teet". 3"akes wit" a ste$ on t"e stair. +oses on t"e slo$ing ceiling. 3il&er lea&es matc" t"e sil&er mirror. %"e latest im$ro&ements. Heig"t of lu.ury. >esus #'m going to "a&e t"e ,erks. :utton your $ants and $ractice dee$ breat"ing. Not built for bowels' t"e gas o&erw"elming. :reat"ed "is last. =ung dead. %"e body of 0ur 3a&iour s"at but 0ur 3a&iour s"at not. Would it be a$$ro$riate to say' t"en' t"at t"e body of 0ur 3a&iour saw but 0ur 3a&iour saw not' swot but swot not' swinked but... %"e bowl was dee$ly stained. :lood of martyrs. D# will was" mine "ands in innocency...D He co&ered "is eyes8 "is stomac" gurgled8 "e still "eard t"e train. He'd seen e&eryt"ing t"roug" a "a6e@ t"e stack s$itting cinders' t"e dirt smears dancing' t"e im$atient flies. %"ere was a landsca$e of flaws in t"e glass' foot$rints of fingers' and "e found "imself tra&eling along t"em' ticking eac" off carefully as t"oug" t"ey were s1uares com$osing t"e $erilous wandering $at" of a c"ildren's game. #t wound o&er blue5gray wastes and sticky ri&ers. %"e mirror bleary' t"e roses grinning' "e s"ook as t"oug" riding. =ust on t"e sills' boot marks in t"e aisles' t"e car close and still' t"e "eat $rofound ... a $assage to Hell;"ere' under t"e rose5smiling slo$e and t"e s"oe5creaking stair' in com$any wit" t"e sound of water and t"e o$$ressi&e smell of "is urine' loud and orange8 w"ile t"e mirror ,iggled "is image and "e bent abo&e t"e basin !ro$osing to !urify Himself in !re$aration for a 9east of 2o&e8 "e began to understand t"e nature of "is destination and t"e e.tent of "is $unis"ment. 3o far t"ere were significant absentees@ t"e "usband of t"e ledge5c"ested lady' for instance' and t"e "usband of t"e woman wit" t"e fatuous first name ;neit"er was $resent. 7ndoubtedly t"ey scorned "im8 t"ey "ated "is a$$ointment' "is "a&ing been so "astily t"rust u$on t"em' so immoderately s1uee6ed between t"e rails of t"eir ob,ections8 and "e was cityis" too' 1uite $lainly' sour and runty' wit" a "ands"ake far from "earty' e&en' one mig"t say' unmanly (better t"at a $reac"er stutter)8 and "e "ad a noticeable general s"i&er' t"oug" t"ese sei6ures seemed infre1uent8 and "e was $ale'

truly $ale' like one w"om ca&es "a&e s"aded . . . yes' o&erall "e ga&e t"e im$ression of somet"ing unw"olesome and "idden8 "e was t"e same s$ecies as t"e s$ider' bat or beetle' com$anions w"o;a class w"ic" ...5or t"ey scorned %ott' t"ey mig"t' "e was a determined gabbler' w"o knew w"at else/ 0r t"ey were not scorners but t"e scorned t"emsel&es8 or rat"er' being "usbands w"o;no' t"ere was "anky5$anky somew"ere certainly' and rancor' you could count on it;$etty local $ride and fancied in,uries' little intrigues like snarls of twine. Well "is "ost was $leased wit" "is' a" ... dear me ... "is di&ers la&ers. :etter make no mention t"at direction. Wit and $edantry were out of $lace among t"ese dreary &illagers. %rees' "ills' ri&er ... yet life was monotonously flat' straig"t ... $lankis" ... wit" a dreadful sameness e&eryw"ere like dust. .. a climate wit"out any real e.tremes' de$ri&ed of &irtue e&en in its mean . . t"oug" t"ere were trees' t"e slo$ing fields' t"e ri&er' still life was "ard' le&el ... wooden ... ine&itable ... and moments ran on mindlessly like dri&en cattle' and young men struggled in t"e net of t"eir friends' relati&es' and ot"er connections for a w"ile like dri$$ing fis" before wearing out t"eir wills and settling down to li&e wit" t"e rest of t"e gently $oor' t"eir $ets' and t"eir obse1uious diseases ... w"ere bitterness grew u$ on e&ery5 t"ing like i&y. )et t"e fact was "e wanted t"eir good o$inion. 2ord' lord' "e was a dreadful creature. W"y did "e mind/ %"ey were suc" small $otatoes. How could t"ey nouris" "im/ 9urber gras$ed t"e c"ain. DGat"er not my soul wit" sinners' nor my life wit" bloody men...D :owels u$' bladders down. W"ere "ad t"ey got t"eir money/ anot"er "a$$y conse1uence of $a$a's $assing on/ %urreted' scallo$ed' t"e cla$boards $atterned' t"e roof5tree edged wit" iron tracery' t"e "ouse was "uge' wit" wide cur&ing $orc"es and a stained5glass window on t"e landing8 it "ad been built to be grand. He unsnicked' and stoo$ing grotes1uely' emerged. 3omebody gras$ed "is newly $urified;D#n w"ose "ands is misc"ief . . . D !eo$le stood about in t"e "all' bum$ing w"en t"ey mo&ed. :etween t"em' beyond t"e door' "e saw t"e table' anot"er landsca$e' "ars"ly w"ite' already cluttered wit" bowls and goblets. Were t"ere really so many or was "e failing to sort t"em/ He smiled and nodded and dro$$ed "is ,aw like a &isor. %"e ceiling slowly turned. !er"a$s t"ere would be bli66ards now' tornadoes in t"e s$ring' and floods8 for "e "ad always $erc"ed on t"e end of t"e teeter' weig"ing it down. %"e air felt like wool. Was it somet"ing "e'd broug"t wit" "im from *le&eland/ %"e staircase wra$$ed itself around t"e inside of t"e tower. 0f course. %"ey were in t"e foot of t"e turret. #t "ad a to$ like a !russian's "elmet and s"one dully in t"e sun like lead. %"ese $eo$le couldn't lift t"eir feet. #n t"e $resence of t"e "oly' t"eir &oices fell to a murmur' and "e could scarcely understand a word. =eat"' doubtless' did it. +e&erence really. %"at girl "ad broug"t it wit" "er. No' s"e "ad gotten off a station a"ead of "im and loosed clouds of stinging 3$ites w"ic" flew from Wind"am@ 0ld (ge' 2abor' 3ickness' Bice. 9or $rying into t"e mysteries of women. !assion. adness. :lind' lying Ho$e;"emmed in. *lick of ,ewelry' buttons maybe. +ub of clot"ing. (nd t"e s"eriffy $erson "e'd met for a moment in *le&eland was missing too. Held at t"e elbow' "e was being steered. Hold on' you don't touch t"e minister. Way u$ "ere/ at t"e "ead/ dear me. #n t"e bo.@ fallen air' $rostrate winds' unmo&ing steam. %"e ladies struggling not to sweat' t"eir "airy $arts a"ead ne&ert"eless. =ee$ in t"e tank' dee$ in t"e cage ;descending. %"e lig"t is failing. *ourage' old friend. Waiting' "is "ands resting lig"tly on t"e back of "is c"air' "is "ead alert to ti$' w"at would "e say about t"e food t"e good 2ord of t"e ladies "ad $ro&ided/ /enedictus benedicat ,ro 7hristum 8ominum ;esus 2ostrum. No loa&es' no fis"es. >ust co&ered dis"es. 2et t"y grace lig"ten t"e $otatoes but relie&e us of t"e beans. =e&il take them . No dam$ cast5u$onwater bread eit"er. (fter all' "e was t"e water

in t"is case. ay t"is food form an image of t"e twin ends of our li&es8 may it be as $eaceful and resigned on $arting as it's no.ious and rebellious starting. #s all in order/ ready to begin/ s"all # bow now/ #'&e come "ome to rolls and biscuits' mom' to "ugs of butter and kisses of berry. 3tay off foot was"ing and all blood and body. *at"5all5o"5ci6656um. 2o&e's no sort of food t"oug" "ate's a tasty nettle. 2o&e your mot"er/ "a&e anot"er. His "osts intended to sit on eit"er side of "im' a$$arently. His "osts ... W"at would t"e $oint of it be/ How would it be taken/ Would it be a cut t"e town would talk about for years/ or was it sim$ly unrestrained conceit/ black s$ite/ mere "onest gauc"erie/ Aick your bru&&er in "is mu&&er. 4n&y somew"ere. alice. Greed. %"at's t"e way we ... lo&e our bay5bee. 9it of $i1ue. +ely. %"e Husband of "is Har$ist in t"e Holy House was "ere' "olding on "is "ead and s"oulders t"e "ead and face of some small mammal 9urber couldn't $lace8 "ea&ily cinc"ed about t"e waist' no bones in "is "ands8 o" yes' t"ere was t"e fellow wit" crM$e o&er "is eyes' t"e one w"o "ad t"e face of a man' as t"e books of magical secrets say' destined to die by drowning. %"at made two of t"em "e knew. %"e %otts were two. Numbering is knowing. :less t"ese bounteous $ro&isions. #n an unctuous bis"o$'s &oice. #t was *"rist's own blood "e was blus"ing. No doubt "e'd get t"e blame for being in between t"em. :etter to cry@ # see s"it in t"e sou$' turds in t"e cream8 be "onest and be out of it;free. 3tudy t"eir faces for a moment. 4n,oy t"e re&elation of t"e word. )es. >oy. %"en smoot"ly $ass t"e $ortals and away. :ut no' god no' flatter like t"e coward' c"ew weeds. oistened by "is tongue' "is words crossed t"e burning linen safely. 3$arrowing t"e corner of t"e table "e clenc"ed 3amant"a's c"air' but "e "eard wingbeats be"ind "im' by god' as t"e ot"er %ott flew swiftly to sei6e "is. =e&il boil "is $ee. 3amant"a bent $oorly8 "e bum$ed t"e back of "er legs. Not an old woman but an old woman. %"en it became necessary to re,oin aster %ott. 9urber was trembling wit" maledictions but t"ere was a smile on t"e greengrocer's face. #t was t"e face of a... disci$le. 3mile matc"ed smile ... s"ared flame ... dead "eat. Well for c"rist's sake are t"e legs stuck/ He gras$ed t"e seat and ,erked t"e c"air forward. 3unny grin and $leasant murmur. Honey bees. 3torm of curses. +eluctant to touc" t"e "ot clot"' "is "ands "id in "is la$8 t"e raw melon waited "is s$oon. y toes are dry t"oug" it rains in my "eart. %"at's t"e tune' all rig"t. y s"oes are s"ined t"oug" ... %"e fellow was still scra$ing and s1uirming. Was "e t"e "allfoot s"uffler/ !raise be' at last "e's comfy. ... t"e sole's come a$art. 0r "as it come in "oles/ w"ere's t"e r"yme go/ =amn. =um dee. =um dee. 2ord sa&e us' "e's clearing "is t"roat. 4m$ty' useless curses. ( scalding stream or t"ere's no god. How'd it go/ my $ants are $ressed' my s"irt is clean/ %"ere's not"ing like t"e old songs' but w"at's t"e good if you can't remember t"em. em. em. emory. !ike' t"e bearded bea&er5skin $ro$"et' scal$s of t"e lost modestly s"ading "is $ri&y members' ti$toed sa&age5like from &ale to glade' "atc"et and :ible "is only wea$ons t"oug" "e "eld lo&e in "is teet" like a dagger' and "e broug"t >esus to t"e #ndians of t"e 0"io country so t"at on 3undays t"ey collected at t"e cabin !ike "ad built on t"e brow of a low "ill w"ic" 1uietly slo$ed to t"e ri&er close by a clearing w"ere "e'd $re&iously set u$ a cross cut of sa$lings and a *"rist formed of clay' and t"ere t"e #ndians' "olstered in t"e eart"' t"eir loinclot"s dragging' knelt to $ray by wringing t"eir "ands and groaning' e&entually recei&ing a few brig"tly colored beads before t"ey went away. +e&erence really. He ga6ed on t"e steaming $lain ... t"e smoke of "ea&y industry@ meats' beans' taters ... 0 des$air. =e&il take t"ose seeds. 2et t"em "a&e rebirt"

in ot"er bodies. %"eir s$irits seek too swift release' all out of season and intem$erate. Haunt ot"ers. 0ff. %"ere were some nice $ieces s$otted "ere and t"ere' some lo&ely brown birds on an ironstone $itc"er. ( bree6e in t"e foliage' t"eir "eads erect' $er"a$s t"ey felt t"e well water t"roug" t"e gla6e. %"eir beaks were in line and t"ey seemed to be actually in sig"t of one anot"er. rs. %ig"ts1uee6e was eyeing "im. W"at if my t"oug"ts s$illed out' madame' w"at would you do/ a"' w"at if yours did/ Her dress "eld "er fiercely braced. ( regular full5bellied tumbletit' aren't you/ fat of lo&e. 0o$s C a" C caug"t. #s t"at mustard on t"e tableclot"/ No ma'am' # s$illed some t"inking. %o be a bird at t"e edge of t"e $ond like t"ese ... a sweet cool bree6e ... t"e $ebbles would moisten my toes... so muc" at ease. %"ey'&e twiggy feet' and ironstone birds "a&e no mites in t"eir feat"ers. #nstead # "a&e t"is windy comedian beside me' and iss 3amant"a getting dark. Hell's t"e ti$ of an in&erted stee$le. %"e lift's descending. *all it 9urber's 9iddling 9inger. *all it %"e Gilean :um Hoist. Here # am and # am innocent. :utt me :illy' :illy :utter' bang me like a windy s"utter. W"at kind of $leasure from "er bony lo&er/ =amn' w"at's "er name/ Na' na ... Ano.. :y co&ertly scratc"ing "er underarm not far from t"e $it s"e caused t"e cantalou$e still on "er s$oon to roll so se&erely 9urber feared an accident like "is own. 3omeone said "ow elegant;w"at was/ w"at/;w"ile iss %ott' sitting straig"t as "er stoo$ would let "er' di$$ed "er utensil down and t"en away like t"e bucket of a ferris w"eel' bracelet meanw"ile s"aking. ( salad of canned $eas and bits of c"eese. #nnocence no antidote. %"at em$eror's name/ "e was a si.t" but not t"e one w"o $referred t"e windu$ metal singing bird. !oisoned "imself by bits and by degrees. 9urber's ga6e sli$$ed by t"e ti$ of ;"ow to remember it; rs. Ano.'s nose and lea$ed "er $early ear and swam into t"e s$ace be"ind "er. %"ere were dogs on t"e wall' rusty setters smiling graciously' dead $"easants' se&eral 1uail' lurc"ing fences. :roug"t from abroad at cons$icuous e.$ense. 4nglis" country5"ouse and 4nglis" "orses. 9urber disco&ered "e "ated t"e :ritis". Was t"at a c"ewed on fo./ ... a co$se of yellow fur6e. 0" yes # "a&e &arious $lans for t"e c"urc". #n t"e e&ent ... %H(% ... it becomes necessary ... %0 ... :7% C far too soon to say ... WH(%. 3ome sort of dry $od mounted on a stick s$oke from t"e distant end. (nd %ott would ne&er sto$. He'd ne&er sto$. Ne&er ne&er ne&er. %"e *"inese water torture. =ribble of reddis" fruit ,uice on t"e c"in of t"e s$eckled $erson ... now s"e's dabbing. )oung' yet ancient like "is sister' "e was a button collector already' a museum director' a digger of dry eart"' a $eeler of $rint from old $a$er' feeder u$on t"e $ast' des$oiler of t"e slain' bugger of cor$ses. 3a&e o" sa&e. !reser&e. 0" redigest. (nd "ere's one t"at fell from t"e fly of !rince (lbert once w"en bored' uncomfortable' "e crossed "is legs too closely at a musicale. Note t"e coat of arms embossed. %"at milkweed woman was s"outing somet"ing' seeds were winding from "er mout"' "eads were turning' all but mine' we are in line like birds' #'m smiling' see' # understand' s"e nods' s"e understands' s$oons clas"' "ead swing to mine' #'ll dro$ my eyes' dear god' more words and more re$lies. 3omew"ere "is baby s"oes are nailed to a wall' ticket attac"ed. (sk attendant for t"e story. %"at fles"y Ano. female ... t"oroug"ly middle5aged' not ot"erwise so "uge' rat"er rosy5c"eeked t"oug" it looks like tucks "a&e been taken in "er c"in ... t"e kind of breasts to lay a cock between. +ad "e seen "er "usband/ was "e one of t"ose in *le&eland/ local c"ief/ %ry one of t"ese' you dirty old man. God # am. =on't say old' t"oug"' it smacks of affection. )ou were w"ee6ing on t"e station stairs. +an to see t"e blue sky sickened by' t"e grime. #f # were only a $iece of c"eese' # could disso&e in "er mout". %"ere it was' smearily between t"e trees' t@5be teetery tent5to$' flying flags. Heartsfallen' # cre$t down 5t"e stairs. 3link now if you like but on t"e bottom look buoyant.

+emember' you'&e ,ust been relie&ed. %"ey'd fold nicely o&er. +oly$oly $uddings. 3weet cool cream. )es' # felt t"e same w"en rs. Ainsman s"owed me "er knee. Nine o$erations s"e said. y Har$ist is s$eaking. #ndeed. #ndeed. :ra6enly s"e drew up "er skirt. :ut "ow cowardly are t"e clergy. Ne&ert"eless # ran my finger down a scar and nearly burst. =oes it still "urt/ (" w"at a liar. Aee$ your eye on t"e aerial "orses. (nd t"e dogs w"ose mout"s "a&e broken o$en. %"ere goes my $late. #t's been terribly "ot in *le&eland. =ry. Well we'&e 5't"e lake. (nd you'&e t"e ri&er. =ry. )es' ma'am. =ry. 2ike la&a. )es ma'am' indeed. 2ike lead in t"e sunlig"t. )es indeed. ( !russian "elmet's "ead. 2ike t"e ri&er 3ty.. 0" like ... 0" &ery like ... t"ey'll find us in our $ederastic $ostures like !om$eii. 3omebody called "im Henry ,ust now/ w"o/ illicent/ %"e milkweed &irgin/ Naming is knowing. # can see from "ere s"e's got bad teet". %"ey'&e a coon clearing' w"o's "e/ adame' do you know t"e old tune@ Golly olly' 2ife is >olly in )our :awdy House/ Her naked knee. Nicest t"ing about w"ores would be t"eir willing sus$ension of taste. 3amant"a's si66ling sin "ouse. 0" t"ere's always room for im$ro&ement. #sn't t"ere t"oug". #n all of us/ 4"/ 0";room. # said t"ere was room' said room said rrrrrooo .......... ooooooooo ......... oommmm. :enc"es would be $leasant facing t"e ri&er. 3"aded resting $laces. *omfy5dumfy. Wit" t"is swelling #'ll ne&er dare rise. Ainsman's come o&er me. *oncentrate on t"e $anting setters. %"ere's doubtless a town $ig' t"e Gilean w"ore' outcast on t"e outskirts' one w"o's lost "er way' "as "ad "ard use' now only narrowly su$erior to s"ee$' w"o mig"t ,ust welcome a regenerating screw. #'ll $ray for you if you'll lay for me under t"e green bay tree. y god 9urber' you;you're bra&e. +esting $laces. W"ere' for god's sake' were t"ere resting $laces/ He "ardly knew t"em' t"eir features dissol&ed as "e looked8 yet "e knew t"ey were no more at "ome t"an "e was. %"ere was "air and nose and na$kin clot" and $ainted trim along t"e stair. He $eered t"roug" "is eyes at t"e ot"er boys at $lay' afraid of t"e cool glass' "is incom$lete reflection like a boogie watc"ing' or like God' trans$arent' e&anescent' "ere and t"ere. Good t"e skull "eld t"e "ead in' t"e caged c"est in safety. He was master of t"e resting $laces. How/ W"ere/ %"ese $acing cats' t"ese bears' t"ese songless singing birds' t"ese slaty cases . . . #f t"e soul "as a body for its gra&e' gra&es are no resting $laces. # am afloat in "ere. %"e $anes are smeared8 t"ere's steam in t"e air and t"e litter of &oices. %"ey do not touc" me. %"e world cranked by "is window. *inders flew and flags of smoke8 t"e grass was gray8 t"e sun seemed large and orange t"oug" it was morning8 "e bobbed lig"tly in "is ,ar and t"e s"adow of "is "and descended on t"e la$ of t"e t"ick young lady sitting ne.t to "im. %"ere it fluttered gently des$ite its $assion' scratc"ing t"e smoot" clot" of "er skirt w"ere a stri$e like one u$on a $e$$ermint began describing t"e am$le s$read of "er t"ig"s;t"ig"s w"ic" widened beneat" "er weig"t' "e felt' like $uddles of "oney. He was sure s"e'd seen "is g"ost alig"t and felt its brus"ing. Wit" inflated c"eeks' wool "air' sewn eyes' s"e seemed as tran1uil as a do&e' as $ink and $lum$ and smoot" besides. 9urber fle.ed "is fingers. %"e "ead of a rabbit fell asunder. Her eyes were warming' weren't t"ey/ Had "e seen a slackness in "er li$s ,ust t"en/ "er breat"ing 1uicken/ *ornering' "e watc"ed "er c"est lift slowly w"ile "is "and $aled out at "er waist. (gony. He began again at t"e knee ... t"umb' forefinger at a wrinkle' delicately $inc"ed toget"er. %"ere was a storm inside "im' gusts of desire' inter&als of weakness' rain ... "is "and flew off' t"en rea$$eared . . . again ... He watc"ed it an.iously' eac" time willing it under until "e felt it sink to "er skin. ( sig" esca$ed "im. !retty $udcums. 3"e stirred8 "er legs mo&ed lig"tly under "is fingerti$s' down tickling' and "is undulating flower bird settled in t"e "ollow of "er la$. !et my bunny. 4ee' sweet fig. His back

was ac"ing. He "ad broug"t "er to t"e limit of "er nature8 "e was s"owing "er un&entured seas beyond8 s"e wi$ed "er brow wit" "er arm. 3eecrees"un ;o" my lo&ey5dolly. His fingers startled' t"en burrowed toward "er $ri&acy. %"e train lurc"ed and as it w"istled s"e rose clumsily' bum$ing "is leg. His "and fell from t"e window' a" ... "e s1uee6ed "imself' weary. %"e girl edged u$ t"e aisle' "atbo. rocking' "er buttocks fastened moistly to "er dress. ( w"ore at "eart for all s"e is a cow' 9urber t"oug"t' and as t"e sun turned "e tried to t"row "is outline under t"e w"eels of t"e train' but w"en "e $eered out all "e saw were t"e s"adows of t"e cars and in t"em gray oblongs of window' irregularly s$lotc"ed. %"us t"e c"ina smutc"ed t"e clot". His own $late "ad esca$ed "im and was $assing wildly now from "and to "and. aster of t"e resting $laces. Hadn't "e t"is blackened clot"ing/ "adn't "e by "eart t"e words for setting out/ God cast His s"adow o&er "im8 "e was di&ine in "is darkness8 somew"at' like t"ese &illagers' an ardent agriculturalist' a s$ecialist in eart". %"at $aten douse could "a&e sa&ed me/ W"y not/ !ut your "and "ere' re&erend' ,ust w"ile we tra&el' s"e could "a&e said' and take your rest. Wrong/ (unt >anet "ad succeeded w"ere "e'd failed. #t was only luck "is image would not lea&e "im. +est/ !eace/ %"ere/ He'd be a cutout creased by t"e brilliant rails' cinders would $ucker "is c"est. :ut s"e bum$ed me most unkindly8 waddled off. He s"uddered8 "eard t"e sil&er clatter. *areful. *are o" care. %o sink down rest. =uckie. %o touc". %"ese faces all in tatters' words $assing' glasses clinking' steam and condensation ... He drew a line on "is goblet. =ewy' cool' a dro$ "ung from t"e ti$. %"ere was no law un$roclaiming it. 4nd to "is li$ t"en. 0ff "and. %"e taste of life. !roof of t"e labor in t"e glass. 3ad testimonial to lo&e.

0mensetter's luck' t"ey said. 9urber t"oug"t "e could distinguis" 0mensetter's noises from t"e rest. W"at good was a wall t"at didn't blind and deafen/ He could see and "ear t"em as well as if "e were on t"e beac" beside t"em' smoking like a green branc" against mos1uitoes. 9ingering t"e i&y "e touc"ed t"em more closely t"an if "e "eld a still attac"ed "ank of t"eir "air in "is "and. #t was a strange met"od of communication' ski$$ing s$ace and contra&ening causal laws. He remembered' on t"ose rare occasions w"en "is family entertained in t"e e&enings after "is bedtime' "ow t"e sounds of t"eir &oices would tease and draw "im' "ow t"e laug"ter seemed to "im so wondrously musical' so ric"ly di$$ed in somet"ing sweet' like ,elly in c"ocolate sometimes' t"at "is mout" filled' and "e would cree$ to t"e stair"ead' straining to make it all out' t"en smelling t"em too' t"eir $erfume and tobacco' t"e fragrance of warm cakes and coffee rising wit" t"e click of t"eir cu$s and s$oons and t"eir low bubbling s$eec"' and once in a w"ile a word would stand out clearly amid t"eir scra$ing c"airs and rustling garments' bewitc"ing "im. How "e "ated slee$. %"e world;"ow did it dare;went on wit"out "im w"ile "e sle$t' went on "a$$ily;t"is was $roof;for e&eryt"ing "e wanted and missed and felt s"ould e.isted ,ust beneat" "im' as close at "and w"ile out of reac" as "is own insides' yet tomorrow w"en "e was released and woke and went downstairs t"e rooms would be stale and unfriendly' a forgotten saucer' maybe' would disgust "im' and "is $arents would be let"argic' cross' and awkward wit" ob,ects. #t "ad finally occurred to "im t"at "e was t"e figure t"at altered t"e sum' ,ust as "is $resence on t"e beac" so muc" later "ad subtracted from e&eryone's $leasure. 3o "is family and "is family's friends were "a$$y because "e sle$t. #f "e died in t"e nig"t as "e sometimes "o$ed' t"inking to $unis" t"em' t"ey would not wee$ but would $ass t"e "ours of "is deat" di$$ing cookies in t"eir coffee' c"uckling' and

swirling cream in t"eir frail scallo$ed cu$s. %ree' ball' wagon@ t"ey were greener' firmer' smoot"er wit"out "im. Hoo$s' t"e street@ it was intolerable t"ey did not need "im' but w"en "e lay in "is bed t"ey were more com$letely. 3lee$ was bearable only if t"e w"ole world sle$t' "e'd decided8 yes' we must all slee$ toget"er' t"at was ,ust8 and t"ese t"oug"ts' t"e words Dslee$ toget"er'D wit"out "is in t"e least understanding w"y at t"e time' "ad suddenly awakened t"e monster in "im. %"en "e'd cruelly scra$ed "is ears and listened at t"e stair"ead like a deer. He t"oug"t "e "eard t"eir clot"ing $arting. *ertainly t"ey giggled at t"e fles" t"ey s"owed. He saw t"roug" t"e barriers of wall and floor t"e $ale tangle of t"eir limbs. 2ater "e understood w"at $eo$le feared in fearing g"osts. 3trange forms smoked along t"e stairs. 3"a$es mo&ed &aguely in s"eets. Holding "is t"roat "e'd risen and wobbled to "is bed and soug"t slee$ as "e'd soug"t it e&er since@ as a friend and lo&er;furt"er@ as a medicine and god. Watc"man. W"at a monstrous liar. He "adn't sto$$ed t"eir games at all. %"ey'd sto$$ed t"eir ears' so "e made useless noises. *om$osing sentences "e flew down. Aek. #s t"is a 3unday t"ing/ Ae5kek. Now w"en "e closed "is eyes ... "ullabilly"ooly ... w"at went on/ ... t"at/ *ree$ away' sneak away' leak away;"ide. %"ere are animals "unting in 9urber's inside. W"at will t"ey find t"ere/ W"at will t"ey eat/ 2ungs' li&er' t"e kidneys' and watery meat. uc" later t"an t"at lying moment on t"e stair' in t"e flower5decked $a&ilion of "is dreams' "e'd made lo&e too;to "andsome monsters &irtuous as witc"es' t"eir bodies flung full lengt" u$on di&ans' rows of mout"s along t"eir limbs beseec"ing kisses' bald &aginas drawing wind8 for "e was constantly decei&ed by slee$. 0f course it would not gi&e "im $eace' and as "e'd gradually come to reali6e it was "is own "eart "e'd "eard on t"e stairs' t"ese &isions "ad entered "is dreams to take t"eir $lace. 3ometimes' gratefully' "e was a long silk multicolored "andkerc"ief a magician drew wit" tantali6ing slowness from "is fist. %rium$"antly' no butterfly more beautiful' "e would emerge' and wit" a sna$' unfurl. He was so slender t"e wind made "im wiggle. %"en t"e face of t"e magician would fall near. *osmetic smoot"ed "is c"eeks. %"e "andkerc"ief would fold about "is nose. :e"ind t"e wall' fart"er t"an t"e stair "ad been' "e t"oug"t "e "eard t"em clearly@ 0mensetter and "is dog' t"e c"ildren and t"e ,ays' floating sticks and s$las"ing' t"e slow la$ of t"e water on t"e s"ore. Well my watc" won't run wit"out me. #'m t"e works. (not"er one for %ott. G"ost' gnome' witc"' com$anions of t"e nig"t's mare (as %ott insisted' eyeing "im eagerly to see "ow "e took it' disa$$ointed eac" time)@ at least t"ey needed "im if t"ey wanted to at all. *ruel' frig"tening' wicked as t"ey were t"ey waited like a sc"ool of $laymates underneat" "is window. 0ften' awake' "e would "ear t"em call. Here # come a5riding like a wild west scout' if # s$y you "iding' !ike' you're out out 07%. Ne&ert"eless' and it ga&e 9urber courage to remember it in all of Gilean's ama6ement at 0mensetter's luck t"ere was sus$icion8 in all of t"eir t"anksgi&ing

t"ere was a measure of ingratitude8 in all t"eir admiration;yes' it would not be too strong to say t"eir fe&eris" lo&e;t"ere was no little en&y. Well w"y not/ Natural. W"o "adn't en&y of t"e animals/ He "ad' certainly' "is s"are. %"ey were t"e trunk of "is life;t"ese en&ious feelings. He'd made "is return on suc" a t"eme@ 7ncle 3imon burning;t"e same t"eme t"at "ad earlier been "is ruin' a $oetically a$$ro$riate reco&ery' "e t"oug"t. He'd $ulled out "is $ockets. # am s"owing w"at's inside me@ look. +ig"t "ere. %oot"$ick. *orner of a cou$on. !enny. :all of lint. %"en "ow "e'd $reac"ed;$reac"ed burning; and got t"em back. !ride;confessed. (rrogance;confessed. 4rror;confessed. (nger;confessed. 3orrow' des$air' failure' s"ame;confessed. *ontrition' o" yes t"at;confessed. He mig"t as well "a&e ad&ertised u$on "is sign@ %"is 3unday@ )our Well5lo&ed !reac"er's !ersonal !arts 4.$osed8 Ne.t 3unday@ ( 3ooty 3coundrel's 3elf(buse. Humility' lo&e' fait";confessed. 3o well confessed "e was in&ited to do t"e toot"$ick bit in Wind"am. 7ncle 3imon' of course' was too local5ri&er reference8 but w"at a large career its burning "ad. 2imb after limb' "e said' t"e great $roud c"urc"' "e said' ulcerous and scaling' burned in t"e "eart of t"e water. :urned on t"e skin of t"e ri&er. 3ank. :urned in t"e belly of t"e water. :urned. o&ed in t"e blood of t"e ri&er. 3ank. 2odged in t"e muddy bottom' burning. :urned and burned. ("' and t"ey came like cattle' in dro&es' butting and s"o&ing. 9urber $ulled at "is s"irt' undid "is cuffs' released "is collar. (nd you know more of God t"an #' "e said. (nd "e recited as muc" as "e dared of "is nig"t at t"e stone;o" legendary !ike' o" wort"y soulcollector;and of t"e w"ole des$erate time $receding' and "ow "e'd dragged "imself before t"em' week after week' and watc"ed t"em dwindle. #as I a king of ;udah all that time' < was. I was. $or I chattered like a swallow. 0ike a crane, I clamored, waving my arms. I moaned like a dove. 5y eyes were worn with weeping, with staring at my feet and at the floor, with the effort of going forth against new things. 5y hands were pinched with prayer and my ankles bruised. /ut %e broke my bones like a lion. 8ay to night. %e brought me to my end . No' by god' no tub5t"um$ing for "im' no rattling tambourines. He got t"em' e&en in&ented as it mostly was' wit" large words largely $ut;not a syllable of low s$eec";and "e let t"is ac"ie&ement 1uiet "is conscience. W"en "e "ad s$oken' slowly' wit" long silences between t"em' "is closing words (t"e same for eac" sermon in t"e series)@ %e brought me to my end+ "e "eard sniffling' and often saw a run of tears. 2ike a sc"oolboy released to "is summer' "e ca$ered in t"e garden. He knew "ow t"e orator' t"e actor' felt8 w"at t"ey soug"t in t"eir success. He could tickle t"em and t"ey would laug"8 "e could s$ank t"em and t"ey'd "owl8 "e could caress ... and sig"ing' t"ey'd res$ond. He was an "onest $reac"er at last. %"roug" t"is t"icket' now' "e could t"rust "is stick to stir t"e soul. #t was better' "e felt' touc"ing t"em t"is way' t"an all t"e ways "e "ad imagined would bring on ra$ture if "e "ad only dared to reac" out to em$loy t"em' boldly to stare or boldly s$eak' "ars"ly to gras$ and greedily to sei6e@ t"at knee' for instance' for w"ic" "e'd known suc" bitter regret' "e mig"t "a&e moistened wit" "is li$s w"ile "is delicately socketed accom$anist $retended t"at "is $assion was merely $ity for "er suffering and gently tangled "er "ands in "is "air;"ow "e mig"t "a&e made an altar' "ow "e mig"t "a&e wors"i$ed t"ere?;or t"e cris$ green girl w"o'd called one day like an eminent *le&eland lady to carry on suc" a sweet and "oly con&ersation wit" "im "e felt licked clean and wis"ed gratefully to embrace "er8 or all t"ose times' "is nose in t"e weeds' "e "ad lain at t"e fence' watc"ing t"e cro1uet' unable to ask if "e mig"t $lay8 for fatty +ut"' or t"e $lum$ girl on t"e train w"om only "is s"adow "ad $etted8 or any of t"e

t"ousand sim$le im$ulses t"at "urled t"emsel&es "el$lessly against t"e walls of "is "eart@ to finger t"e lobe of a strange ear or sniff on "ands and knees a $atc" of somet"ing wet' make bawdy &erses u$ and sing t"em loudly' lea$ in t"e air' c"ew on t"e t"umb of a leat"er glo&e' $lay soccer in t"e street ... any sudden gesture of ,oy or lo&e ... but w"o could know' w"en "e "eard "is "eart' w"at t"e beating was/ and w"o could be e.$ected to understand t"ese gestures' so out of c"aracter' so t"reatening' for weren't t"ey t"e same mo&es t"at went wit" rage' wit" lust' wit" any molesting/ well' no matter' it was all a dream' t"is ra$ture of touc"8 you'd taste t"e knee's roug" co&er wit" your tongue8 t"e little girl would s1ueak and click "er eyes8 your sweet"eart would wet on your "and8 yes' words were su$erior8 t"ey maintained a su$erior control8 t"ey touc"ed wit"out your touc"ing8 t"ey were at once t"e bait' t"e "ook' t"e line' t"e $ole' and t"e water in between. He' 0lus Ano.' *"amlay and at were fis"ing' not getting muc"' but fis"ing8 trying t"e rocky $oint $ast t"e big bend' not getting muc"' but fis"ing in t"e &ery early morning8 t"e boat $assing across t"e long s"ale cro$ o$$osite t"e clay 'bank' bringing t"eir bait from t"e dee$ to s"allow' but wit" no success but fis"ing8 and "e' 0lus Ano.' *"amlay and at "ad nearly gi&en u$ "o$e of fis" and "ad got to t"at fine $oint of en,oying' as muc" as any fis" t"ey mig"t "a&e caug"t' t"e dro$s of water clinging to t"eir lines' and t"e slowly widening rings t"ey made on t"e surface of t"e ri&er8 w"en of all t"ings to see floating on t"e ri&er t"ey saw a large straw "at bobbing on its crown' s$inning &ery slowly' mo&ing &ery $atiently down between t"e lines toward t"e boat8 and 0lus Ano. said immediately my god it's 0mensetter's "at' but >et"ro 9urber said immediately o" no it's not' it's not "is "at' w"ile t"e "at drifted to t"e boat' its brim brus"ing against t"e side *"amlay and at were fis"ing from' >et"ro 9urber and 0lus Ano. craning to watc" it' no one saying a word more or mo&ing to $ick it u$8 and t"e "at $assed under at's front line and $assed under *"amlay's and rubbed t"e side of t"e boat as it $assed away around t"e stern8 t"en >et"ro 9urber took from *"amlay's tackle bo. t"e largest' "ea&iest sinker "e could find and lurc"ing in t"e boat stood and "urled it into t"e "at as it went away. %"en t"ey drew in t"eir lines and rowed in silence. >et"ro 9urber scrambled out wit" t"e mooring ro$e and crouc"ed awkwardly on t"e dock wit" t"e ro$e in "is fist t"inking of *"amlay's sinker lying in t"e bottom of t"e "at and "ow t"e brim "ad curled like a yellow water flower. W"en t"e ot"ers "ad gat"ered t"eir gear and t"e boat was tied' "earing t"e c"ild in "is &oice' yet unable to $re&ent it' 9urber turned to t"em wit" an angry face. Wait' "e said' trembling all o&er' wait;,ust wait. %"us. 4&eryt"ing so bitterly won' lost. His words "ad flown like finc"es. %"en t"e tra$ of t"ose "ands. W"y/ #t "ad been raining "ard' t"e wind dri&ing t"roug" e&ery $rotection into "is face. He "ad untented "is umbrella' darting for t"e door. %"ere was t"e glow of a w"ite s"irt ... not at's... and a rum$led burla$5colored man. :ut no one was wearing a w"ite s"irt' "e remembered. )et a $aleness t"atc"ed by s"adows from t"e forge floated before "im like a cloud' and t"ere was at' reassuringly familiar' "is figure fringed by t"e lig"t of t"e fire. Had "e been able to reco&er t"e w"ole of t"at scene' e&en as dull as "is senses "ad been w"ile fleeing t"e down$our' "e'd "a&e found t"e sign on it somew"ere' unmistakably stuck like a $oster announcing t"e +inglings8 but it was all so $ro&okingly &ague8 "e'd been taken unfairly unaware8 and t"ere remained wit" "im now only a few scattered im$ressions;t"e drifting lig"t' t"e delicate lattices of s"adow and

t"e o&erw"elming sense of 0mensetter's si6e' of "is boundless immensity' wit" t"e astonis"ment w"ic" followed on it' and t"en t"e sudden ine.$licable s"ame and fear;and e&en t"ese "ad an unfortunate "abit of with t"ose of later meetings ... in t"e o$en air' in t"e "ot sun' "is "uge feet s"o&eling dust' $atc"es of sweat on "is s"irt like ma$s of t"e Great 2akes' t"e smell of weeds... so t"at sometimes "e wondered w"et"er t"at ghostly $resence wasn't sim$ly a flas" from t"e lake or a limestone ,ut or a ma$le re&ol&ing its lea&es em$loyed by t"at earlier time to enli&en it' as if t"at $eculiar brig"tness were t"e sign "e was "unting' t"e clown w"o burst t"e brig"t $a$er ring or t"e acrobat in sil&er tig"ts' an "ysterical smile $ainted on "is face' w"o dangled from t"e tra$e6e by "is knees. 0ne 3unday' before t"e ser&ice and against "is custom' w"ere t"e $eo$le gat"ered' "e went out to 0mensetter' 0muenster's dog' "is wife and daug"ters' and "e said' t"e crowd around "im listening on' w"y don't you come to c"urc"' you come to town' w"y not attend t"e ser&ices instead of t"rowing stones at t"e water/ and 0mensetter smiled and said' w"y if you like' we will8 so $resently t"ey did. He'd been a fool' a fool;for "e lost "is fire. 3in sweetened in "is mout". %"e climate of t"e $it grew tem$erate and t"e great damnation day drew furt"er off. *onse1uently 9urber was con&inced t"at e&il dwelled wit"in t"e $ew w"ere 0mensetter sat' and "e resol&ed to s$eak against it. No longer merely a grim $"i66ed comedian' "e saw "is arm outstretc"ed to God' "is finger $ointing like a t"orn u$on its branc". He saw "is o$en "and before "is face' s"ielding "is eyes from "orror' "is "ead t"rown back and slig"tly turned away. He "eard "is &oice ec"o from "is mout" as from a well t"at drew its water from t"e center of t"e eart". :e"old' o" 2ord' your c"am$ion "ere' your fond belie&er' for 9urber felt "is body fill wit" resolution' and "e stood in "is study to make t"e gesture. He ,erked "is "ead and "e arc"ed "is back and "e raised "is arms' and w"en "is eyes lay naked on "is face' "e s"rieked wit" ,oy. )et w"en "e came before t"e congregation and took "is $lace and book abo&e it' $re$aring "is words for bearing on t"e sub,ect' s"a$ing "is li$s for strong sounds' "is certainty grew a "esitation' "is strengt" a meekness' and "is sounds came down as softly as t"e gray birds building in t"e stee$le. He listened to "imself as to anot"er man. He $reac"ed a God' a law' "e ne&er knew. He saw t"e faces of t"e $eo$le widen wit" sur$rise and re&elation' and "e reali6ed t"at "e was already antici$ating t"e moment w"en "e would stand at t"e c"urc" door awaiting 0mensetter's laug"' recei&ing "is felicitations as "e stood in line;you sure s$oke my mind' +e&erend 9urber' first rate;w"ile "is own "and sank in 0mensetter's to its wrist' and "is "eart turned. # am in"abited' # am $ossessed' "e t"oug"t. W"en t"e o$$ortunity came "e broke off and wit" great effort drew "imself into "is study w"ere "e swore at t"e walls and damned 9lack for a sooty nigger. :ut t"e com$liment "e dreamed "e "ad recei&ed from 0mensetter' $ersistent as a fly' $ursued "im droning' t"oug" now t"e words were misc"ie&ously altered so "e "eard;you sure s$oke my mind' 9at"er 9urber' first rate;re$eated like a c"ant of suc" s$iritual $rofundity its significance could not be caug"t t"e first time' and t"is furt"er increased "is already intolerable feeling of futility and des$air. )et by god 0mensetter was a stu$id fellow8 "e "ad too large a mout"8 "e was wrinkled badly about t"e eyes8 fat $added "is face8 "is "air was always flying. His face was ,ust anot"er;t"e si.t" face' t"at was all;broadly smiling' widely cracked across. %"e rain "ad been rebounding w"en "e'd ducked into t"e s"ade of Watson's s"o$ and nearly s$itted 0mensetter on t"e $oint of "is umbrella. Was t"e man wet to t"e skin/ No... but t"at was t"e feeling "e ga&e. (ctually ... w"at/ %an s"irt/ o$en t"roat/ button

missing/ dry certainly ..' yes' wet to t"e skin' beaded' draining' flowering in t"e water like a s$las". ( curse on t"e gray lig"t' on t"e rain t"at dro&e "im in' on t"e foolis"ness t"at dro&e "im out in it again to run so unbecomingly' so erratically and wit"out "eart' w"ile "e wrestled wit" t"e catc" on "is umbrella and stumbled t"roug" $uddles' "is dignity drowning in t"e tub of "is trousers' t"e rain filling "is s"oes too and crawling down "is back like a $arty of ants so t"at w"en "e tried to scratc" between "is s"oulders "is "at was s"aken loose o&er "is fore"ead and blown beyond a t"in wire fence w"ic" "e at once c"arged angrily and angrily s"ook' and it was t"ere' wit" t"e wire res$onding in "is fist' t"at some sense of t"e im$ro$riety of "is $erformance reac"ed "im' its futility struck "im' and its folly ... for "e could be as easily obser&ed' "e su$$osed' as "is "at could' caug"t on a stalk of last year's cabbage (indeed "e imagined t"e signs brus"ed u$' ,umbles of brig"t red and blue letters t"at announced "is a$$earance locally' from 9riday to 3unday5"e was t"e darkie on t"e yellow ground;in "is famous role as a c"ea$ buffoon' t"e small black "el$less clown t"e ot"ers drenc"ed wit" water' tickled wit" unrolling $a$er tubes and de$ri&ed of trousers' so t"ey mig"t im$lant t"eir grotes1ue cardboard s"oes on "is flamboyantly c"eckered be"ind' t"en to goose to t"e accom$animent of $iercing w"istles and terrify wit" firecrackers and $acks of little ya$$ing dogs tricked out in tissue $a$er skins to look like tigers) ..' its folly was of 4gy$tian $ro$ortions' it nearly broug"t "im to "is knees wit" s"ame8 and "e "alted "imself like an army' folded "is umbrella wit" a great s"ow of com$osure' and $roceeded "omeward in a suit of t"e driest unconcern' "ead erect' "air knotted' las"es "ea&y' as if t"e s$ring sun were "is co&er' until' on reac"ing t"e c"urc"yard at last' "e bolted like a rabbit and t"rew a tantrum in t"e &estry' s$illing "is cuffs and denying t"e 2ord. 2ooking back "e reali6ed "e "ad unwittingly mimicked 0mensetter's "abitual manner' for "ow ot"erwise would 0mensetter "a&e gone "ome t"roug" t"e rain' if "e "ad wis"ed to' but like one in "is natural element' gently at ease' calmly collecting "is $leasures. #f t"is was a conse1uence of sim$ly s"aking "ands' it made "im a kind of deadly infection. # am in"abited' 9urber said. (" god' # am $ossessed. He would sit in "is study for "ours' searc"ing "is mind for some clue to t"e nature of t"e creature' t"e source of w"at "e grimly called D0mensetter's magic'D w"ile from "is window "e would watc" t"e $igeons w"eeling to occu$y "is eyes. 9inally "e soug"t out 0mensetter "imself w"en 0mensetter was strolling in t"e fields. W"y do you in"abit me' "e cried' w"y do you $ossess my tongue and turn it from t"e way it wants to go/ 2ea&e me' 0mensetter' lea&e us all. He came abru$tly on t"e man' blurting out "is s$eec" before "is resolution left "im and s"outing in "is e.citement' t"oug" t"e words came ,ust as "e'd $re$ared and fre1uently re"earsed t"em. 0mensetter "alted and turned slowly to face 9urber' w"o must "a&e seemed to "a&e lit like a crow be"ind "im. %"e fellow's eyes were "uge' t"eir ga6e steady8 "is w"ole body was listening' $ointing toward 9urber like a beast8 yes' like a beast' a cow' e.actly@ wary' stu$id' dumb8 yes' as "e t"oug"t back t"ere was not"ing in "is manner t"at could be ascribed to an animal "ig"er' and "e "ad ne&er re$lied8 yet 0mensetter "ad not come to c"urc" again' "e "ad returned to ski$$ing stones on t"e ri&er w"ere t"e $eo$le saw "is$le and said "e was a godless man' w"ile 9urber $reac"ed against fri&olity wit" "eat. #t was truly astonis"ing t"e way "is stones would lea$ free of t"e water and disa$$ear into t"e glare. 0mensetter always c"ose t"em carefully. He took t"eir weig"t in "is $alm and recorded t"eir edges wit" "is fingers' ,uggling a number as

"e walked and tossing t"e failures down before "e curled "is inde. finger around t"eir rims and released t"em as birds. 9urber c"ose "is own stones carefully too. #n t"e beginning' w"en "e "ad failed so miserably and lost "is congregation' "e "ad fallen u$on t"e garden like a besieger and torn away its weeds. )ou'&e been in mourning long enoug"' "e declared' en,oying "is ,oke sufficiently "e re$eated it to 9lack w"o nodded wit"out smiling and res$onded in "is ric" contralto@ yes' "e was a gentle man8 a remark w"ic" enraged 9urber so muc" t"at like oses "e flung down t"e rock "e was carrying and s"outed@ let t"at be noon and midnig"t;t"ere8 following "is words wit" laug"ter to co&er "is confusion. Now "e strode briskly from stone to stone' circling t"e si.ty. How differently we gi&e t"e semblance of life to t"e stone' "e t"oug"t. (nd it did seem a stone until it ski$$ed from t"e water ... effortlessly lifting... t"en ski$$ed again' and ski$$ed' and ski$$ed . . . a mar&el of transcending ... disa$$earing like t"e brief rise of t"e fis"' a s$irit e&en' bent on esca$e' lifting and lifting' t"en almost out of sig"t going under' or rat"er ne&er lifting from t"at side of t"ings again but embraced by t"e watery element ski$$ing t"ere' ski$$ing and ski$$ing until it accom$lis"ed t"e bottom. !ike's not"ing but a s"adow "imself' merely a t"in dim swimming somet"ing alongside t"e boat' a momentary tangle' a w"istle of lig"t. %"e "at too;$assing around t"em' turning' wetly bobbing was due' e&entually' to absorb too muc"' to sag' close u$ and sink. 0mensetter t"rew "orses"oes t"e same way. He sent t"em aloft and t"e "eart rose wit" t"em' wondering if t"ey'd e&er come back' t"ey seemed so lig"t. ( soft tis" ... and t"e s"oe mig"t sli$ beneat" t"e surface of t"e air like t"e *"inese sage' or $ainter was it/ w"o disa$$eared into "is $icture' e.ce$t t"at 0mensetter managed t"is miracle for t"ings' for stones and "ores"oes' w"ile doing not"ing to untie or lig"ten "imself;no' "e "ea&ily and com$letely remained. !ike died of "is lo&e' "is stone said. 0mensetter's stones did not ski$ on fore&er eit"er' t"oug" t"ey seemed to take "eart' or did t"ey renew t"eir fear/ from t"eir encounter wit" t"e water8 but des$ite t"is urging eac" s$an was less' like t"at s"ortness of breat" w"ic" grows t"e greater' t"e greater effort is re1uired;and $li$ ........ $li$ ... $li$$li$$li$lis" was t"eir "earts' register and all t"ey were. %ell me' r. +us"' in t"at uncustomary country' are you comfortable by t"is time/ ( c"ild' for all "is frig"t at first' grows used to life too' swells to a fondness e&en' and sucks on its sweets till t"ey loosen "is ,aws. 0r do you worry w"et"er your bones will be u$ to t"e ne.t lea$ w"en it will be t"e end of you again' $oor t"ing ... o" well' t"e water will take you on' or t"e fire' t"oug" t"ere'll be new res$onsibilities as always' new risings re1uired' you'll ne&er esca$e those;but weren't you one' w"en you li&ed on air' w"o badgered t"e body about s$irit/ G"osting's w"at we'&e always called for. :e abo&e yourself' t"at's w"at we'&e urged;!ike' you and #;t"e "anker for t"e ot"er side. We'&e no reason to com$lain' t"en' if our crotc" is cracked by a "urdle. :ut # wonder;you mig"t know now;is it a lie/ W"at ease instead to melt into t"e body's arms and be one's own sweet concubine. (nd 0mensetter/ #s "e' in "is fas"ion' like us/ #s it cruel to tease stones so/ W"at's your &iew now you'&e s$las"ed under/ W"ate&er "e gi&es t"em' it lasts only a moment. %"ere's no "el$ for it' t"ey "a&e to come down to a stone's end. 9urber's "eels registered loudly on "is walk. Not too 1uick' "e mo&ed wit" t"e sun8 "e t"rew "is s"adow like t"e gnomon' "is absence warming' "is $resence cooling' t"e face of "is clock.

Name "is name' t"e missing fellow' so t"ey said' sick so long' w"o ran from "is wife' well almost certainly' "ardly sur$rising' w"o could stand "er/ after all t"ese years not to remember' tongue ti$$ed' yet... w"o could stand "er/ t"oug" s"e "ad a strange body under t"ose clot"es' breasts wit" buttons' "e imagined' stranger soul8 it was Henry ... Henry ... and s"e was . . . s"e was . . . an effect like fallen slag ... s"e was ... t"ere was no suc" t"ing as flaccid stone or s"e'd seem made of it ... s"e was ... no connection to Ainsman' wit" t"e crum$led knee and t"e dainty lim$' w"y do t"ey esca$e me/ o" s"e's strange' strange' w"o could stand "er/ t"e way "er teet" sna$' like a toy lock' well t"at's w"at "e "ad' a stone ,aw' "e;!imber?;and s"e went to $ieces ,ust as t"oug" s"e lo&ed "im t"e nig"t "e $assed t"roug" t"e &alley of t"e s"adow scared to deat"' t"at ,uice5s$ewing doctor $erc"ed beside "im like a nig"t5 s"itting bird' and t"e god5calling going great guns beneat" "im' as t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber;a"' 'twas #' in my gra&e5colored clot"ing' long a small dear friend of t"e nearly de$arted5name "is name;in low5$itc"ed swallowy $rayers beseec"ed our gentle God to s$are' o" s$are' and $led wit" Him to sa&e' o" sa&e. His Henry' our "umbly c"eris"ed' t"at "e not be let to cross t"e limit of t"e li&ing yet or t"at "e cross 1uite $ainlessly if t"at were t"e wis" of "is 9at"er or t"at "e find some comfort among t"e dead' and merciful rewards' and rest. .. from "is wife' one t"oug"t' for w"o could stand "er/ it would "a&e been no bot"er to "is bones if "e "ad died' t"ey were stiff in t"eir ,oints already' w"ile t"roug" "is skin "is skull was glowing' nearly safe "is teet" were smiling' for "e no longer "ad to stand "er' or stand anyt"ing' sloug"ing "is sensiti&e $arts8 and t"ese' t"ese $rayers and t"ese $etitions' $at"etically strung like beads of kisses round t"e fore"ead of a fe&eris" c"ild' our feverish child, "e "ad at a critical moment' as t"oug" di&inely breat"ed on' in confidential w"is$ers' touc"ingly described "im;#' t"at is' t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber' "e' t"e sweetly s$eaking' o" t"e c"arlatan melodious ... name it' name it' name "er name ... ,ust fake' ,ust liar;s$rung tears from t"e eyes of@ w"o first were t"ey/ rs. *urtis *"amlay' rs. George Hatstat' and rs. 0lus Ano.' w"ic" were a matc" for t"e beads ... c"atoyant '.. like *"rist's eyes ... my soul's eyes ... and from rs. Hesiod Harmon' too' in for t"e weekend from :ridge' w"o ke$t "er "eart enclosed in "eelskin normally' w"ile residing wit" t"e 2ut"er Hawkins family still at "ome' also from iss illicent (ndrew and iss Grace *ate and rs. <uentin artin only mo&ed to town a mont" yet socially as well ancestored as anyone in Gilean' and "er daug"ter 4li6a' lo&ely as lilac' w"ose "and s"e "eld' t"en rs. 4mory +oot wit" 2utie on t"e 3"eraton settee' fres"ly reu$"olstered in beige wool re$ by rs. !imber working e&enings till "er eyes were sore' and furt"er r. and rs. *laude 3$ink' as well as 4dna' fly t"at deat" drew' and r. #srabestis %ott' of course' w"o won t"e wee$ing8 w"ile later' as t"e nig"t wore on and t"e watc"men wearied' ginger cookies rs. *"amlay "ad baked were ser&ed wit" coffee by iss 3amant"a %ott' serious t"roug"out and' 9urber t"oug"t' se&ere8 well t"ere was some sense t"ere' t"e mumbo ,umbo didn't stir "er' unless it was t"e stain of t"e beets' for it wasn't Henry's life t"at was t"e t"oug"t of t"e "ouse but t"e bandaged "ands t"e doctor wouldn't touc"' t"e red $ulse underneat"' and t"e su$erstition t"at would catc" it if "e died' if 0rcutt's didn't' since deat" meant t"e trium$" of t"e clergy's' t"ey were t"e masters of t"e resting $laces5and s"e was ... t"at ot"er was... s"e was ... full' smoot"' glistening' w"ite ... w"ile life meant' in t"is case ... 0mensetter's luck ... and it would be ,ust like t"e 2ord to raise u$ Henry in t"e circle of t"e

beet's s$ell ... name "er' name "er' name "er name ... w"ile additional refres"ments were offered isters Ano.' 3titt' Hatstat' ossteller' and *"amlay' w"o $o$$ed in and out looking gra&e' smelling of s$irits and rubbing t"eir faces' for w"o could stand "er/ no wonder Henry was going away' t"e lucky de&il8 and 9urber felt "is $rayers smoke u$ to t"e god of t"e witc"es@ deat" is better for you' Henry' better for me too' of course' better for Gilean8 defeat "im' fig"t "im for us all' wrestle "im down like >acob t"e angel' $er"a$s 0mensetter will recei&e t"e blame' t"at's wort" dying for' *"rist's cause8 listen' you can't stand "er anyway' ,ust t"ink' no more nig"ts and days8 listen to me' your s$iritual ad&iser' no more li&ing' w"at a $ri6e? look' ask +us" or eldon ... !ike' yes' ask !ike' "e'll s$eak' "e will ad&ise' "e's stone "imself now' and knows w"at it means to "a&e relief from feeling... Henry/ remember? it's 0mensetter ot"erwise ... t"en t"e dark "ollows of "is eyes and t"e woolly eyebrows were menacing' "is smile was menacing' t"e $illow glowing in t"e $ale lig"t was menacing' and 9urber "eard t"e w"istling of witc"es or t"e god of t"e witc"es' was it wind t"roug" Henry's teet"/ but "e ke$t on bra&ely closing in' "is "ands sanctimoniously clas$ed' li$s s"a$ing words of lo&e and life and lig"t and 2ord;but crying die' s"outing die t"roug" "is w"ole inside' lungs ec"oing' li&er ringing' belly t"undering' die' it's best you die ... but it was as if Henry's body "ad sunk beneat" "im' or "is bones "ad risen' for only t"e bones were s"owing' luminously s"ining' g"ost lit' and 9urber fell back' frig"tened terribly... out of the body, then, as out of a cave covered with stones, %e rose alive, a net of thongs and wires %is nature now, imperishable, a 6od... and lea&ing t"e room to Watson and t"e watc"ing to Watson' "e flew below stairs ... our fe&eris" c"ild' "e said' to oo6e t"e tears ... and name t"e liar C liar C name t"e liar C loudly ... listen ... 2 u c y . . . it's 2ucy ... looo ... seee ... look ... "ow fat s"e is and unattracti&e' "er dress "iked abo&e "er knee to cross a log' and w"ere am # all t"is time' w"ere's t"e watc"man/ "e's waiting God's cruel sign like a weasel in t"e woods. . . o" # lea&e not"ing mo&ing t"oug" # breat"e wit" difficulty' my c"est "ea&es ... #'&e scratc"ed my "ands and ankles' "a&en't #/ lying be"ind t"ose young elderberries and t"ese knuckles of granite . . . Henry' if you'd seen . . . s"e was . . . s"e was . . . w"o'd belie&e me/ #'m t"e $er,uring $reac"er' only my lies "a&e t"eir ears' yet to touc" ... ,ust to . . . # tell you # saw t"em bat"ing in t"e creek like two cows ... indescribably smoot" and full and s"ining . . . not a $ig's bladder' not a stone t"e sun's bleac"ed ... you'd "a&e run away to "a&e a sig"t of "er ... s"e sna$$ed in my face like a twig . . not like a mus"room' eit"er' e&en fres" and $erfectly $uffed ... "er son inside "er ... w"o'd belie&e me/ t"at s"e was ... He stood uneasily in t"e door as t"oug" an un$leasant t"oug"t "ad caug"t "im by t"e slee&e. %"e $ortentous 1uestion still "eld t"e air. (fter a moment "e sig"ed to signify "is resignation and turned toward Watson' flinging out "is "ands to indicate a kind of facing5u$ was taking $lace' anot"er kind of defeat. He measured "is tone as carefully as a car$enter and struck on "is o$$ortunity like a clock. 9or suc" a 1uestion' a monstrous answer' and "e $us"ed "is words by e&ery ob,ection' maneu&ering "is &oice and body elo1uently in t"e small s$ace' bending' turning' s"rugging' "issing.... #t will be a boy if "e says so. #f "e says so' it will surely be a boy. 3ometimes' att"ew' sometimes t"ere's a certainty in t"ings of t"is kind;from sources of t"is sort;t"at's like t"e certainty t"at streams from God;like t"e certainty' # say' like it' only like ;for t"is man's in no way godlike;"ard5ly;but it will be a boy if "e says so. (s # belie&e my God' because "e says. # fancy #'m

considered one w"o stri&es to tell t"e trut" in e&eryt"ing. #s t"ere only &anity in t"at/ 2isten att"ew' w"en 0mensetter came into t"e c"urc" # could not s$eak in my usual way. # s$oke in "is. )ou "eard. Weren't you ama6ed to "ear me s$eaking in t"is way and not in mine' my "ard and "onest way of s$eaking/ 2isten att"ew' # s$ent "ours in my room beseec"ing God. (nd t"en # went w"ere "e was walking in t"e new fields' t"e corn a foot into t"e summer;let me continue' $lease?5# $ut it frankly to "im' # asked "im w"y "e "ad $ossessed my tongue and turned it from t"e way it wis"ed to go. # said $ossessed' yes. %"at was my word. 2isten att"ew;and "e said@ Dyou would "a&e s$oken "ard against meD;# admit it' t"is was so;Dand t"at is w"y #'&e taken all your words away. #'ll not be talked against.D 0" no? 0" no? %"ere was a glow around "im' att"ew' as "e s$oke' and "is "air rose straig"t abo&e "is "ead and "is face was flus"ed and full of t"e kind of anger # "a&e no knowledge of. 0" no? 0" no? %"at's w"at "e said. 2isten att"ew' "e was in t"e young corn walking and # said lea&e us 0mensetter' lea&e us all. 0" # accused "im@ # did. )es' # said' you are of t"e dark ways' 0mensetter' lea&e us all. He sto$$ed;wait ;"e sto$$ed' "is "air on end' abus";wait now' wait;"e laug"ed noisily. D# am of t"e dark ways' $reac"er'D "e said. 0" no? 0" no? # fancy #'m considered one w"o stri&es to tell t"e trut" in e&eryt"ing. #s t"ere only &anity in t"at/ %"en "e laug"ed in t"at terrible long way. He said@ D# am of t"e dark ways' $reac"er.D )es' "e said@ D# walk t"e dark $at".D %"ose were "is words. No no' t"ose were "is words. %"ey are engra&en on me. 2isten att"ew' listen' # went "ome t"en to our c"urc" and $rayed to God.

%"e days were turning back from t"e frost8 it would be warm again in #ndian summer. %"e walk "ad lost t"e last traces of dew' "is s"oes were dry now' t"e grass no longer glistening t"oug" t"e wall was dam$ in se&eral $laces. %"ey were drawing off. He "eard t"e ungreased w"eels' t"e dog barking as it ran beside t"em' and "e felt "is anger subside. He oug"t to &isit rs. !imber' $er"a$s t"is e&ening. 3"e'd be ner&ous' of course' worried' and inclined to $our "er "eart in "is ear. W"at s$iritual work mig"t "e recommend/ 9urber allowed "imself to smile as "e marked t"e time. He knew w"at would be on "er mind. 3"e'd groan and s$utter. 0wf. 7g". %wenty bus"els' "alf s$oiled. !um$ing "er rocker. %"is settee. %"at c"air. >ars of watermelon $ickles' $eac" $reser&es' s$iced $ears. 3"e'd number s$aces in t"e air and ,ab at t"em wit" "er forefinger. Glasses of gra$e and a$$le ,elly;"ow many/ :lueberries earlier' beans' beets' corn. Now it was $um$kin. ore t"an last year;by $recisely "ow many/ *om$leting "er in&entory' s"e'd absently crack "er knuckles. !ints of $lums and c"erries. <uarts of a$$lesauce. :eside t"e stewed tomatoes' t"is many of t"e ,uice. (ll under wa. and glass. !ut u$;t"e fa&orite $"rase;$reser&ed. 2eft from last year;"ow many/ %"en r"ubarb and ras$berries. Gi&en away;"ow many/ Henry doesn't care for elderberry ,elly' "e $refers strawberry ,am;ne&ert"eless' "ow many/ 3a&e. *onser&e. #n t"e stiff dry grass ... t"roug" t"e elder bus"es' t"eir berries filling' green' t"e stream ... 9urber wa&ed "is t"oug"ts away. (lways "e foug"t to kee$ t"at image out@ "e standing' s"e beside. 2ust was not t"e feeling. 2ust was not"ing' t"oug" in "is lust "e smelled continually of c"eese. 2ust was for little girls wit" scratc"y underclot"es. 2ust was not"ing ... not"ing. He s"ould try to remember t"at 0mensetter was a man like all men. >ust anot"er c"est wit" matted "air. D4&ery one of t"em is gone back8 t"ey are altoget"er become

filt"y8 t"ere is none t"at doet" good' no' not one.D 3"e too;2ucy;so bra&ely named. D*an two walk toget"er e.ce$t t"ey be agreed/D %"at was from (mos. (mos. %"ey named t"e c"ild (mos ... bra6enly ... (mos 0mensetter ... "urtled from "is fat"er's $enis like t"ose angels w"o were s$at from t"e mout" of "ea&en' bad seed t bitter fruit' to to$$le t"roug" eternity. 0ut. 2ike an acrobat t"roug" $a$er. 0ut. 0ut altoget"er. W"at luck. 9or t"e blas$"emous t"oug"t "e struck "imself. %"e garden was sti$$led wit" sun let t"roug" t"e elms. %"ere' 9urber t"oug"t' was t"e real fruit of life. #n&oluntarily "e stretc"ed out "is "and to take t"e bait. (not"er gesture. 9utile. (nd sometimes "e failed to understand w"ere "is safisfaction came from;marc"ing off t"e minutes on "is clock;for to was dri&ing "is own life under' too' wit" e&ery ste$ "e took. 9urber is a sticky $ill "e will make you sick "e will Was suc" s$ite in "im/ He sig"ed. (not"er gesture. 3$ite/ t"ere was enoug". %"is' t"oug"' "e would like to "a&e remain@ t"ese $ieces of s"ade8 was t"at asking too muc"/ He sto$$ed abru$tly but "is "eart went on' "e felt it laboring. He eased "is gri$ on t"e book and tenderly felt of "is c"est. (t any time' if "e wis"ed (and "e always did) "e could fill "is eyes wit" "er. Was t"is t"e kind of &ision t"at was sent t"e desert fat"ers/ Well it was too muc"' too muc" for mere mortality; t"ese $er&erse figures in a $ainting of t"e $aradise. ("' rs. !imber. Greetings. #'&e boiled u$ si. buckets of s$ying in windows wit" si. cu$s of sugar and canned t"ree 1uarts of bac"elor lo&e to warm me t"is winter. %"at s"ould last nicely if # don't ser&e it to com$any' it's calorific. :ut $er"a$s Henry really "ad run away and s"e did need t"e clergy's ad&ice and consolation. *"amlay "ad begun to s$eak of $ainful duty;a bad sign. %"ey were worried' yet somet"ing ke$t t"em off' a fact remarkable enoug" by since ordinarily t"ey'd "a&e "ad t"eir noses down like dogs. Now it looked as t"oug" t"ey "ad waited as long as t"ey were able. %"is morning Ano. and *"amlay "ad come to stir "im u$' to tell "im "is business by god' and t"e "o$e "e'd "eard in t"eir &oices "ad made "im cringe. *urtis "ad been wra$$ed in "is large coat t"oug" t"e grass was only lig"tly streaked wit" rime. W"ile Ano. talked' *"amlay $eeled dead skin from "is li$ and flew it from "is tongue. !er"a$s #re s"ould go out. He was' after all' t"eir re$resentati&e. He wore t"eir colors' bore t"eir $owers' e.ercised t"eir rites. *onsolation for %ott. )et "e "ad t"e fear t"at s"e would merely $ause in "er rocking and w"ile "umming t"oug"tfully tilt "er face to t"e ceiling to calculate 1uart of currants and transform t"em into ,ars of ,elly. 7nder t"e circumstances "e doubted "is ability to bear it. Was t"at it really/ He mig"t suggest s"e $aint $lates' s"e was fond of decorating c"airs. *urtis' "e said' w"at are you u$ to/ *"amlay looked away t"roug" t"e trees. 3omeone "as to go out t"ere' "e said mournfully' s"e "asn't said a word or been around to see a soul. %"at's mig"ty funny' you know t"at. He wore a fur "at like a "unter's. %"in "ot face. =etermined. 3$lotc"ed. Ano. on "is arm like a cane. !ride' 9urber suggested. !ride. =omestic tiff. !rotect "er feelings. Wait. W"at s"e $retends does not;for "er friends s"ould also not' "e said. 9or "er friends. 3"rewd t"rust t"at missed. 4&eryt"ing missed. %"en "e saw t"e badge;damn tinlig"t;and "is "eart fell. %"ey re$eated t"eir words;in effect' t"eir demands. Not"ing else mattered. %"ey re$eated t"em. 0$5 $ortunity like a "and to be sei6ed and s"aken. %"eirs. His. 3"ake. %rue enoug"' s"e "ad not com$lained' yet s"e ke$t wit"in "er "ouse' t"e s"ades all drawn'

t"e door locked tig"t' and Balient Hatstat said s"e knocked and knocked to no a&ail. (t nig"t' at t"e back of t"e "ouse' t"e curious said t"ey saw a lig"t $ass t"e s"aded windows or "eard t"e $um$ s1ueak once or twice' t"e back door bang. ( few' more credulous' maintained t"e barn was sometimes lit' across its u$$er face' by t"e same $ale and $assing lam$. %"ese were boys' entirely' w"ose fat"ers fetc"ed t"em in. !ride. !rotect. #f s"e $retends' $retend. %"e fact is t"at Henry !imber "as run away;out of Gilean' out of t"e world maybe;and "is wife "as gone strange. # didn't know you were a de$uty. 3"ines $retty. W"ere'd you get it/ 3omet"ing new/ *"amlay's arm e.tends. 9ur "at. W"istles "is li$ skin. 3omeone "ad to. Ano. is s$eaking. 3"e won't let you in' but it's $ro$er $rocedure. 2ig"t frosts "is glasses. 0"' $rocedure? He's gone off' t"ere's not"ing of "im anyw"ere. 9ur at "is boot to$s. Well it's not t"at cold. 4.ce$t inside. W"y didn't t"ey go away/ #f "e ,ust t"oug"t about it "ard enoug";go away? *"amlay sla$s "is glo&es. Well it's not t"at cold. Warm really. 4.ce$t inside. 3"amed and weak' 9urber settled to t"e benc"' t"e sun was cool. 7$ and down. 3la$. :oot gleam. 3la$. *oat fur. 3la$. Hat fur. 3la$. Go away. :adge glitter. ( decision of t"e town board re1uesting aut"ority from t"e county seat. Ano. frosted eyes. 0nce taking tea wit" +osa Ano. "e'd "ad t"e same feeling. %"ere were t"ree little girls ... running ... and s"e'd said@ don't c"ew your s"oes. 0&er and o&er. 3la$. #t's madness. He "as !imber under "is coat. Henry's not been rig"t since "is sickness. (nd so 1uiet. He used to sit like a g"ost in a corner of at's s"o$. Now... "e's gone. 2ike a g"ost. Go away. )es yes yes yes. Go away. His wife was ill t"en too. 3la$. Not 1uite rig"t in "er mind remember. %"ere' in t"e dark room' emerging from t"e frot" of s"eets' Henry's eyes as "ard and s"iny as a teddy bear's were fi.ed on "im w"ic"e&er way "e mo&ed. Ano. nod. 0fficial frosted glass. !lease. W"at is s"e doing out t"ere/ w"at is s"e u$ to/ w"at in "ea&en is going on/ w"at "as "a$$ened/ w"at/ %"um$. :oot ends. W"at w"at w"at. 0lus Ano. said ask "er. )es yes yes. W"y not/ w"y doesn't someone/ w"y w"y w"y. :ecause of t"e ,ars in rows' t"e $otatoes in bins' t"e a$$les in barrels' t"e crocks of $ickles and sauerkraut' t"e drying onions ... =on't be absurd. :ecause of t"e gourds . . . =on't be a fool. #nter&iew. %"e local cause. %"e sun was cool. (nd s"e was like an after5image still' a scar of lig"t' a sailor's dee$ tattoo. 3"e ste$$ed from a $ool of underclot"ing. 0" (nt"ony "ad it easy? :ecause "e'd seen t"e ot"er 2ucy mot"er5naked (buck5naked' !ike' # guess you'd say)' yet w"o'd belie&e "im/ #'m afraid t"e +e&erend 9urber's not rig"t in "is "ead. #t wasn't lust t"at tumbled "im. 2ust was not"ing . . . for sc"oolboys really. #t "ad been; $erce$tion. His rage rose' filling "im. %"ese inter&iews? t"ese damnable suggestions? He would like to "a&e beaten :rot"er *"amlay flat as a footed a$$le. 2isten. %"en t"ey kissed like needles. (nd "e "as a member' gentlemen' you mig"t en&y. #t looked ... infinite. :eneat" it ... a "ea$ of t"underous cloud. #t "ad risen wit" "er rubbing as t"ey s"ambled in t"e water. :y its measure it mig"t "a&e been t"e massi&e ram and "ammer of t"e gods. )ou could see it would beget men c"ildren only. Well' 4gy$t was easy on >erome. (nd lucky for acarius "e was not wit" me. #s sin w"at # saw/ is t"at w"at burned my eyes and left its brutal image in t"em/ %"en;listen;t"en' so full "erself' s"e s$illed "is seed' and t"ey bot" laug"ed like gulls. 9urber slammed t"e :ible on t"e benc". No' "e said aloud' rising. %"is is a matter for t"eology' not for feeling. His anger made "im tremble. Ne&ert"eless "e straig"tened and turned to address a "ost of c"erubim' s$eaking in le&el measured tones@ early in their paradisal life the 0ord 6od blessed %is man and womankind and said be fruitful, multiply. /ut how could man beget unless his flesh could rise and what was there in innocence to move the simplest muscle in a

gesture of desire' #ere men to love unmindful, below the beasts, like flowers' It is impossible to know, of course. That moment has passed for all time. 3et watching (mensetter I sometimes think I=m trembling on the lip of understanding it. It!s then I think I recognize the nature of his magic. $or whatever (mensetter does he does without desire in the ordinary sense, with a kind of abandon, a stony mindlessness that makes me always think of &den. The thought is blasphemous, I realize. And this of course is the clue, for more than any man I!ve ever known, (mensetter seems beyond the reach of 6od. %e!s truly out of touch. 9urber $aced a moment wit" "is arms symbolically fle.ed. *in!s nothing but exile. It occurs when 6od withdraws. *hould exile seem so blessed and free' He strode forward &igorously. *hould everything seem fine beyond the fence, while we ... 0isten to me, listen, "e cried' coming to a sto$ and "olding out "is "ands' we know that men are evil, don!t we' 8on!t we' (h god haven!t we observed it often' haven!t we bruised our eyes and stunned our hearts to discover the hardness of that truth' 3et (mensetter doesn!t seem to be. %e does not seem. *eem. Is this correct, this1.seem' (h you!re cows: Is this the feeling' I re)uire an answer not a hiccough. 2annerbantan' Tu>' #ell he does. %e does, doesn!t he' #ell' #ell' And what' And what shall we conclude from all of this then' #e must conclude he is the worst. %e is the worst. Therefore. N %wilig"t was mo&ing t"roug" t"e woods u$on t"e fields w"en t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber' $ebbles in "is s"oes' sand $us"ing between "is toes' lim$ed down t"e +i&er +oad to Henry !imber's "ouse. %rees di&ided t"e $ale s"eet of water on "is left' w"ile on "is rig"t loomed a bank of darkness like a battlement. %"e air was 1uiet' t"ere was cloud' and all t"e sounds t"at "uman silence s"ar$ens were' uneart"ly' sto$$ed. %"e "ouse seemed a dee$ e.tension of t"e trees' and 9urber began to wonder w"at fool conceit or cowardice "ad dri&en "im. He decided it was bot"@ t"ere was cowardice in "is coming at all8 t"ere was conceit' certainly' in t"e melodrama of t"e moment "e "ad c"osen. Now and t"en t"e moon a$$eared and bleac"ed a $at" across t"e road. He "eard a "orse' and far away' $er"a$s in town' a lonely bark. %"e $ebbles $ressed against t"e bottoms of "is feet. #t "ad been a delicious $air of $ains at first but now it made "im wobble awkwardly. adame' t"e clergy "as come to call@ gi&e greeting. He looked about. %"e long lane was silent. %"e Holy 3$irit "as no better emissary@ loose loud "urra"s. His mout" twisted sourly as "e "eard "imself. 9urber turned $ast t"e forsyt"ia' wading in a trenc" of s"ade to $enetrate t"e darkness t"at lay beyond t"e lilacs' and soon "e reac"ed t"e ste$s w"ere "e could see t"e neig"borly gift of rs. Gladys *"amlay glimmering 1uietly in t"e moonlig"t and groaning from neglect. %"oug" its s"ining is silent' t"ere's s$eec" in t"e s$oiling. 9urber considered w"et"er t"is e.$ression was wort" recording and decided against it. He raised t"e na$kin co&ering t"e $icnic basket and in t"e moonlig"t ants s$las"ed like $e$$er $ast "is feet. 2eaning s"ame against fear' "e remo&ed one s"oe at last' and in t"e moonlig"t em$tied it of sand and stones' roug"ly dusting "is sock. 3ince t"e leat"er "ad a tendency to wad' "e s"o&ed "is foot back t"roug" t"e s"oe's "ig" neck wit" difficulty. He t"en drew from t"e ot"er an easing stream. :ot" feet' comfortably

s"od again' "e trom$ed noisily across t"e $orc" and $ounded on t"e door' startling a bird w"ic" rose angrily from its bus". %wice "e called "er name' t"en waited' feeling absurd. %"e ac"es in "is feet were subsiding. He felt "e oug"t to sto$ and tie "is s"oes' but "e "ad com$unctions about kneeling. #n t"e morning "e'd "a&e more t"an a bruise. (ttem$ting to listen' "e went carefully down t"e ste$s and 1uickly toward t"e back of t"e "ouse. #n t"at moment t"e resting branc"es turned t"eir lea&es. :rilliantly' t"e still grass glittered. He found t"e side door locked' t"e rear door bolted. %"e cellar door seemed "ooked. #neffectually' "e tugged and "auled at windows' beginning to w"ee6e. His "eels were rising in "is s"oes' t"e laces sla$$ing. Nor could "e tolerate t"e funk "e was in. Were t"ere goblins in t"e gumtrees' g"osts in t"e cu$boards/ He "ad no fear of s$irits surely;of brooming witc"es' of gnomes' el&es' s$rites. :ear in mind@ "ate finds not"ing "ard. He oug"t to make a note of t"at. Ne&ert"eless "e could not ignore t"e figure "e was cutting. =istraug"t' "e wandered aimlessly about until "e stumbled on a stick w"ic"' w"en "e disco&ered w"at it was' "e sei6ed in a fury' attacking t"e "ouse. :y $rying wit" it' "e made a window s1ueak. Ne.t "e balanced a rock on a bo. and stood on t"ese' t"e better to s"o&e and "ea&e. )es indeed' "e was an accom$lis"ed comedian and entrancing e1uilibrist' fa&orite of 1ueens. (t last "e was able to s1uee6e inside. 3omet"ing fell as "e entered. W"ate&er it was' it did not break' but rolled slowly across t"e floor@ a5runk' a5runk' a5runk. He couldn't remember "ow t"e furniture was arranged or w"ere in t"e "ouse "e was. %"e c"ildren w"o "ad s$ied on "er' as "e'd been told' claimed s"e roamed t"e building wit" a lam$' but t"e $lace was cold' t"e air unstirred' t"e darkness unrelie&ed. He snee6ed;curtain across "is face. Now w"ere are you' 2ucy' "e yelled' as"amed of t"e 1ua&er in "is &oice. :ut "e mig"t come on "er cor$se. 3wimming in t"e dark' "e mig"t bum$ it wit" "is nose' or "is foot mig"t crus" its fingers. %"en Henry's "ead mig"t moon' "is fierce eyes stare' t"e co&ers close about "is neck like foam' and 9urber would "ear "is own &oice singing die in a relentless monotone;die die die. He turned back to t"e window' terrified' bum$ing a c"air w"ic" slid on t"e unrugged floor. (bo&e "im' on w"at "e later decided were t"e back stairs' a figure a$$eared wra$$ed in gau6e' "olding a faintly burning lam$. 3agging. 9urber uttered an uncoura5 geous groan. :ackett' is t"at you' 2ucy !imber said in a w"is$er. #t was' no one could doubt it' a great stroke of luck' and t"e sense of "er words broug"t "im to "is feet in a moment. #t is #' t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber' "e formally announced. 3"e fled u$ t"e stairs. %"e $ale lig"t danced as "e stumbled after "er. =on't be frig"tened. =on't be frig"tened. 3"e e.tinguis"ed t"e lam$ and "e t"oug"t "e would ne&er find "er. :efore "e did' t"e w"ole business "ad gotten t"oroug"ly on "is ner&es' "is old illness "ad returned' and e&en "is bones s"ook. He cradled t"e rail in "is arms. He was blind;a bu66ing in "is eyes. =es$ite t"e grotes1ueness of t"e wis"' a $art of "im wanted to be mistaken for t"e "uge "ide5wetter w"o was so mar&elously fitted and so uni&ersally desired. (not"er $art didn't care at all about t"at' but would "a&e been immensely gratified to "a&e "er fall beneat" "im' o$ening easily' w"oe&er s"e t"oug"t "e was. 3o w"at if "er breasts were like $ancakes. Nor was t"at all "e wanted' for "e was in a t"ousand careening $ieces like a s"attered army. Howe&er' w"en at last "e dragged 2ucy from t"e linen closet and obtained t"e lam$;s"e was a torn and dirty s$irit' certainly' for s"e'd fouled "er clot"es;"e was nearly sickened by t"e smell of "er' it was so strong and fecal. He $ossessed t"e lam$ but "ad no way to lig"t it' and while he stood stu$idly considering t"is' s"e flew t"roug" t"e darkness again' w"ining weirdly

like a bat. #n $ursuit' 9urber fell on t"e stairs' smas"ing t"e mantle. +attled' "e s"outed t"reats. )ou're to tell no one # fell' you "ear' smell5belly' "e roared. )ou're loony' you "ear me/ )ou're loony 2ucy. He was beginning to see 1uite well now' and "e found "er "unc"ed under t"e table in t"e kitc"en mewing and s$itting like a cat. %wisting a great knot in "er nig"tdress' "e $ulled "er out' saying e.$erimentally' D# am :ackett 0mensetter'D in a dee$ bass &oice. W"en "e "eard "er c"uckle "e struck out blindly' "itting "er se&eral times on t"e "ead and s"oulders. %"ese blows rendered "er docile' and t"oug" e."austed by "is own emotions' "e was able to restore "er to t"e care of "er friends wit"out furt"er difficulty or e.ertion. Not many days after' at t"e Hatstat's w"ere 2ucy "ad been taken to reco&er' "e was e&en able to offer "er a good deal of e.cellent ad&ice concerning t"e management of "er life in t"e future. He was aware' at t"e time' of "is stiffness' of t"e e.treme correctness of "is de$ortment all in all8 but 2ucy !imber' t"oug" s"e seemed as large5eyed as an owl and nearly as watc"ful' listened to "is lengt"y and somew"at elaborate monologue' des$ite t"e cold remoteness of its tone and t"e unflinc"ing directness of its message' wit" a steady' calm' and sober mien t"roug"out' for w"ic" 9urber' more t"an once in t"e weeks t"at followed' ga&e grateful t"anks to g"osts' el&es' s$rites' gnomes' witc"es;all of t"e disloyal angels' eac" of t"e fallen gods.

#t was an afternoon of weak sun' t"e "our was late' and at a$$eared slowly on t"e end of t"e street. 0utside "is s"o$' as lig"tly as a water bird' >et"ro 9urber waited' and so obser&ed reluctance enter t"e blacksmit"'s knees. #t's lo&ely to be lo&ed' "e t"oug"t bitterly' rising to ti$toe and $ulling t"e collar of "is coat around "is neck. 2o&e ... "ate ... w"at did it matter w"ic" it was/ He was ready for eit"er. His $lans were made. His s$eec"es "ad been well re"earsed. He "ad "is courage and "is anger u$' "is makeu$ straig"t' "is costume fres"' its creases s1uee6ed so ardently t"ey ga&e "im edges like a knife. 9urt"ermore' "e knew "is man. %"at was a terrible t"ing;to know your man8 terrible' t"at is' for t"e man known' if it was true. (nd in t"is case' it was true. He did know. He knew. at's imagination would undo "im. %"ere was coming toward "im now' its body $ondering' its tem$les glowering' a beast' burt"enous wit" s"adow. 9urber winked. at's s"oulders were too "ea&y for "is buck. 9rowns $inc"ed "is eyes. 7ndo;and a totter of limbs' a clatter of bones in collections. 0" "e was always s u c " a weig"ty man. D)et His burt"en is lig"t.D :ut at dragged "is s"adow like a sled and fragments of dance"all song $ierced 9urber's "ead. #magine my distress if you undo my dress. for if you do' o" me? undo; for if you do' o" my? untie; t"en #'m undone' # must confess8 #'ll sim$ly die wit"out my dress.

He felt strangely adrift again. ( s"adow flew under "is feet. #t was curious;t"is floating. :etter watc" it. Hair la$$ed at's ears. 3o if you do' o" me? undo; so if you do' o" my? untie; at was "abitually "ea&y5"earted' morosely kind' distinctly dull in t"at sense' slow and gloomy8 "is center of gra&ity seemed to 9urber near "is knees. consider t"at my dress fits tig"t across my c"est8 "as "ooks and eyes' and bows and ties' "as $ins and cli$s clear to my "i$s' 9urber "ad wit"drawn from "is skin but "e was still cold. 7n"a$$y "ands' fallen out of $ockets' fluttered in greeting. Greeting/ %"e sky fled wit"out mo&ing. at came slowly on. and is difficult to $ress so &ery difficult to $ress. )et somew"ere in t"at $onderous $erson li&ed a li&ely fancy ... yes;as a mouse mig"t nest in a bear or a bird in a bea&er. %"us at was curious' t"oug" a dreadful $rude' and if "e would gossi$ only w"en "e felt obliged' "e was fre1uent and unfalling in t"e disc"arge of "is duties. He was fond of $o$ular $"iloso$"y w"ic" "e badly misconstrued' and once "e "ad embarrassed 9urber wit" a gift of some tracts on 4astern mysticism and t"e occult w"ic" "e "ad ac1uired w"ile a carter in *"icago in "is yout". #f you insist t"at # di&est t"e dress t"at clas$s me to its breast' and guards my "onestness' and s"ields my "onestness' =es$ite at's re$utation for "a&ing w"at barbers' s"a&ing' call a lig"t touc";a 1uality unusual' e&en irrele&ant' in smit"s;"e regularly broke t"ings@ c"airs' crocks' dis"es' cooking $ots and tools. t"en w"ate&er you may do do to yourself too; He was $roud' in addition' t"at "is t"oug"ts were sometimes dee$8 t"at "is mind was' on occasion' de&ious8 t"at "e saw t"roug" $eo$le' or around t"em' w"ic" was often t"e greater feat8 and t"at "e "ad a flair for finding affinities' "owe&er different and bi6arre t"eir outward forms (!imber and 0mensetter were a natural $air' "e always said) w"ic" "is friends $ronounced bot" e.act and remarkable.

for t"at's t"e golden rule' t"e golden' golden rule; %o 9urber' watc"ing at's unwilling $rogress u$ t"e street' "e re$resented t"e $erfect $ulley' for a gentle tug at one end would mo&e a mountain at t"e ot"er' or raise an unwilling 2a6arus from t"e dead. and w"en we're finally t"roug"' t"is maid s"all ask of you' t"at w"ate&er "as been done' as a gentleman' w"ate&er "as been done' you redo. 9irst' "owe&er' it would be necessary to get in. 9urber "ad been standing for some time motionless' "is mind aslee$' and now bot" men leaned toward one anot"er like two sticks t"rust weakly in t"e eart". %"e street was strangely em$ty' t"e store fronts seemed $ainted on a dro$' and 9urber "ad t"e feeling t"at t"ey mig"t rise out of sig"t any moment' t"e scene c"ange suddenly;and t"en w"at/ a desert mig"t surround t"em or a ,ungle ... "ummocks of snow or t"e restless terrain of ocean. %"roug" "is uneasiness "e recogni6ed t"e need for strengt" and motion' and gras$ing "imself' regained "is stature. Normally small and t"in' "e seemed $ulled by "is own will t"roug" "is black coat slee&es and trouser legs and stiff w"ite tube of collar until "e was as tall as "e t"oug"t "e oug"t to be' t"e total of "is body and "is s"adow so com$letely cast toget"er t"at at could scarcely "a&e distinguis"ed t"e se$arate figures t"at made t"e sum. ("' att"ew' "ere you are at last. # feel a c"ill' "e said.

%"e lengt"y ah, at's name swimming in "is breat"' t"e ladybook language' t"e $reac"er's tone@ t"e stage. 3tanding too long' "e'd struck a false note8 "is determination drained away t"roug" "is feet. *onse1uently Watson $ut "is back to 9urber's eye. at's s"irt was stained and t"e sides of "is face were streaked. att"ew' 9urber crooned. att"ew' "e bellowed. att"ew' att"ew' "e c"anted' filling "is "ead wit" t"e sounds t"at meant smit"' as if t"ese sounds would gi&e "im some "old on t"eir ob,ect. =idn't a man grow like "is name in t"e long run' and wasn't t"ere a $iece of "im wedged in it' between t"e syllables' like meat in a sandwic"/ How else could you know t"at t"e noises fit/ #t's w"at finally does t"ose famous $eo$le in' "is fat"er used to say' wagging a long' $lum$' finger8 e&ery time you're t"oug"t of' a $art of you gets used. #t's slow erosion. =eat" from sim$le use. =ouble 7 and %. %"at was "is fat"er's life' "is fat"er's motto. Wear and wear. (nd t"en we're t"roug". #t's sim$ly =ouble 7 and %. %oo muc" =ouble 7 and %. ( "ole $okes t"roug"' "e used to say' as t"roug" a s"oe. (nd t"en we're t"roug". 0&er and o&er and o&er "e'd say it' wearing t"e edges of "is teet" away. W"at s"all we do/ w"at s"all we do/ 9urber was remo&ed;giddy;all awobble. (not"er of "is fat"er's news$a$er trut"s@ w"ere are li1uor and tobacco/ w"y' t"ey li&e in "abit's "ollow. 0&er and o&er and o&er. #f eac" man were in "is syllables somew"ere' "e could be reac"ed t"at way. (nd touc"ed. 0&er and o&er. 2o&ed/ W"at did it matter/ He could be c"ewed and swallowed. >et"ro' for instance ... or att"ew. He knew true "abit's "ollow. 0men5W"at if +omeo's name were :ob/ 0r >et"ro. W"at if >et"ro's name were;w"at/ a wise ad&iser' a fluent liar' a sli$$ery s$ier'

a loud woe5crier' a God5denier wit" "is soul on fire5no5w"at if "is name were ;w"at/ :ut you couldn't wear out +omeo. He grew wit" eac" re$eating. 0mensetter. 3im$son. 3u$$ose it were 3im$son. 0r Henry !imber. 0r 0lus Ano.. ( $ig wallow 5 t " a t w a s "abit's "ollow. 3titt. %ott. *"amlay. #'&e your name "ere' bucko' wit" my s$it around it;"ow do you like t"at/ Hatstat. 9lack. *o.. Hawkins. *obb. Well t"ere mig"t be somet"ing in it. 3till anot"er of "is fat"er's news$a$er trut"s@ t"ou s"alt not take t"e name of t"e 2ord t"ey God in &ain. Were t"ere one' He s"ould "a&e slain ... Had t"ere been' He would "a&e ... y will be done. (nd t"rust t"e lig"tning "ome. 3u$$ose God's name was 3im$son. 3u$$ose' all t"is time' t"roug" all t"is "oot and "ollering' He was 3im$son. 7n"earing. %"at would e.$lain.. . e&eryt"ing. Hey t"ere' 3im$son? Hey "ey? Not o$$ortune. y name's not >et"ro 9urber. )ou'&e t"e wrong man once again. #t's >oe !ete (ndy. #t's !"illy Ainsman. W"at would t"at be like to be/ Ainsman. (ny. %o sli$ away to a new life. (nd so be safe' from =ouble 7 and %. (". %"ere was :ackett 0mensetter' t"en. He'd worn t"at man to a s"adow' if t"is was true8 "is name could only call a g"ost. 3illy :illie "as a belly big as arge and large as Nellie. att"ew 0mensetter. %"e two of t"em were twins of a kind' 9urber saw t"at now8 t"ey $ossessed a terrible similarity' and "e felt furt"er weakened. ... t"e treasures t"at s"e carried were mostly dee$ly buried ... %o be !"illy Ainsman ..' to swim in a ri&er of trees ... t"e sun aslee$ on t"e grass' in t"e weeds ... o" god' "e was going to die and ne&er ... t"e belle of t"e 3$anis" ain ...

att"ew 0mensetter. :ot" were large5bodied gentlemen' always moist like ri&er clay' darkening t"eir s"irts wit" designs as t"ey worked' s$eaking in streaks and s$lotc"es. # s"all ne&er marry a maid w"o is a fairy8 s"e'd be too military' and #'&e no taste for war' or C.. or C..' for #'&e no taste for war. :ot" were clay5skinned' too' t"eir dee$ tans yellowy8 and t"ey "ad t"ick tro$ical "air t"at fell untidily o&er t"eir fore"eads' t"oug" at's was oftener cut and not so coarse;t"at was t"e difference. (nd # s"all ne&er tarry wit" a girl w"o's lost "er c"erry8 of "er &irtue #'d be wary' des$ite my taste for w"ores' ors C.. ors C..'

des$ite my taste for w"ores. :esides t"ere was a looseness about 0mensetter's fles"y $arts' not e.actly un$leasant' "e "ad to admit' not $uffy or like skin t"at's bubbled from t"e bone as $a$er does sometimes from $laster' but rat"er as if t"e muscles were at ease t"ere' c"ildren aslee$ in t"eir comforts; DW"at do you want/D #s t"at it/ #s it t"us "e addresses "is minister/ wit" a you. W"ile # cry@ a"' a" att"ew' a" ... w"ile # cry@ a"' t"e gos$el aut"or's name' that name' you' instead' say@ Dw"at do you want/D Well' "e would not answer. He'd to$$le silence on t"em like t"e tem$le. He would not answer to a you. 3im$le 3amson went to t"e fair' all of t"e !"ilistine $eo$le were t"ere. # want;# want to be !"illy Ainsman. 0rcutt. *ate. osstel ler. >enkins. (msterdam. He recogni6ed t"e wickedness and strengt" of t"e tem$tation' but "e was sometimes o&ercome by t"e incredible sweetness of life' t"e warmt"' t"e softness of "is imaginary women' t"eir skin so w"ite and luminous wit" comfort. :ut a wise a$ot"ecary bid me once be c"ary of girls w"o ti$$le s"erry and slee$ t"e day indoors' ors C.. ors C..' and slee$ t"e day indoors. #n order to sur&i&e t"e silence "e would "a&e to t"ink of darkly distant and dissimilar t"ings@ t"e (ntarctic' camels' :ogota. at's t"umbs were "ooked to t"e to$s of "is trousers' so 9urber tried to turn "is t"oug"ts to t"e wood t"rus"' t"en to 3ardana$alus t"e king. %"e blacksmit"'s belly was large for all "is laboring and it was $uffing faintly beneat" t"e clot". Her ni$$les brig"t as berries' my maiden's great mammaries' will yield milk like t"e dairy's' till #'&e no taste for more' or C.. or C..' till #'&e no taste for more. %"e silence was a cross' but 9urber resol&ed to s"are it' and "e saw wit" $leasure t"at at "ad begun s"ifting "is weig"t' leg to leg' like a bear. #t was God's work' God's good work' 9urber t"oug"t8 "e'd stand like t"is fore&er if necessary' like a "oly image' t"oug" "is c"urc" denied "im images;well damn t"em and t"eir dreary doctrines for t"at;all rig"t t"en' like a mute accusing witness' an e&erlasting reminder ... (nd down w"ere s"e is "airy' #'ll cage my wild canary' a songbird legendary' till it can sing no more'

or C.. or C..' till it can sing no more. at's left "and flew to "is face and clawed it roug"ly' t"en fell to "is side wit" a sla$. His rig"t still clung to "is $ants like a bat to a rafter' :ogota ... :ogota' *olombia. #t would be futile to say@ as a man' # don't matter. # don't. # don't matter. :ut remember w"at # mean' for t"e body of e&ery symbol is absurd. %ell me@ "ow did >esus $ee/ W"o will $reac" on t"is $oint/ W"o will address "imself to t"is 1uestion/ =id He/ 0" yea' 3isters and :rot"ers' He did. He $eed t"e same as you do. *ertainly t"e same' :rot"ers. 9ully as well' too. )ea' fully as often. ( $ale straw5yellow stream. #t's more likely He was circumcised t"an He was wis$y bearded' weakly blond' girl w"iskerless' a boy at twenty t"oug" a man at ten' a car$enter eac" inc" a king. He was' in sum' an ordinary 3on of God' t"e a&erage kind' in all ways $ious' meek' contentious' t"in. 9ood wedged in His teet"' for instance8 His skin blistered. 4m$ty' His belly rumbled8 stones cut His feet. *onsider a moment t"e c"emistry of %"e 2ast 3u$$er. (nd w"en "ung on t"e cross' between t"e t"ie&es' He felt no differently t"e kiss of His nails t"an t"ey did t"eirs. # can assure you of t"at muc". Ha$$y to do so' 3isters8 "a$$y ... so "a$$y' :rot"ers. 3o muc"' too' you're t"is God's e1ual. He made His wind like anyone. His buttocks coug"ed' and # can imagine He was tem$ted' relie&ing Himself' to s$atter t"e s$ider w"o'd bit Him. His body made Him "umble' yet He was $iss $roud. W"at sense to say HE "ad one ot"erwise/ W"at sense/ :ut futile. )ea' :rot"ers;bombaddybast. %"ey'&e scrubbed Him' drained His fluids' wi$ed u$ His colors' ironed out His creases. :eautiful >esus;t"e embalmer's $ride. (nd 9urber t"en' to $ass t"e time' t"oug"t salt' t"oug"t dill' t"oug"t &inegar. (t least "e s"ould look at me' "e s"ould "a&e t"e courage. yrr". yrr". Watson drew air "ars"ly t"roug" "is nose. #f "e s$its ... :ut 9urber could not take t"e risk. # want to s$eak to you about a matter' "e said' briskly folding u$ "is arms. #t's late. # know it's late. %"ere's time. #s t"ere/ #t's late. #'&e got a lot to do. %"ere's time enoug"' all t"e same. #'&e got to was" and eat. #'&e "ad a "ea&y day. %"ere's time' # say. Well w"at t"en/ about w"at/ :ut 9urber secured "is c"est in "is arms. =o not answer 1uestions. He wrote DrudenessD on one side of a line. %"ere was !tolemy' 3eleucus' !erdiccas' Gonatus' *assander;all kings' and 9urber cast "is eyes down t"e em$ty street. %"ey weren't real' t"ey were ec"oes of buildings. #t was as t"oug" t"e morning "ad

been so e."ilaratingly cool and clear and sunny t"at t"e boards "ad s"outed away t"eir substance' and now' from t"ose earlier "ours' only t"ese images "ad been reflected to t"e afternoon. # t"ink #'d better was". #'&e got a lot to do. Got. )ou'&e got. at swung about and stared at 9urber' blood coloring "is face. Well' "e said in a moment' s1uinting' # really "a&e. He $aused to tilt. W"at was it you wanted/ )es' blink' 9urber t"oug"t. )ou'&e ne&er seen me before. #'m new' a stranger' and my dark clot"es da66le. at's tone "ad altered;t"at was somet"ing. 9urber warned "imself to mo&e cautiously' not to carry matters too far. %"is was a contest "e didn't dare lose' and "is man was restless' uneasy and restless' an.ious' worn' not ,ust $"ysically' but s$iritually strained' worn and an.ious in "is "eart. )et "e'd "a&e to go far to win' fantastically far' and "is confidence was gone. #t "ad disa$$eared t"e moment it was called on' des$ite "is careful $re$arations. =oubt made "is &oice weak and at did not res$ond to 0mensetter's name. (s"amed' 9urber re$eated it' but Watson did not answer. His "ead wagged and t"e tail of "is s"irt fluttered. How muc";t"e 1uestion flew in 9urber's ear;"ow muc" was Watson $aying 0mensetter for "is "el$/ *ould "e afford suc" a man/ #t mig"t be a matter wort" $ursuing. :ut # want to be !"illy Ainsman. 9urber allowed "imself a sig". %"ere'd be loyalty to be undone' rectitude' at's sense of 0mensetter's use' "is antagonism (and now t"at t"is "ad s"own itself so $lainly' it $ro&ed to be so muc" greater t"an "e'd guessed;but w"y/ w"y/)' and "ow many buttons more/ ... fait"/ trust/ belief/ eac" less' eac" easier' t"at' too' was somet"ing8 t"en $lenty of straig"tout foolis"ness and ignorance' "e could be sure of t"at. Not. so sim$le' eit"er' to free "im from t"e mulewood "e was made of. #t was well at was weary' it would be will against will. *enti$edes' "e sang wit"out con&iction5waiting. ($"ids' slugs. %"en 4glon came;a oab king. >eroboam. Nadab. :aas"a. 4la". Kimri. 0mri. ("ab. D(nd 4glon was a &ery fat man.D He was surrendering again. #t's treac"erous weat"er. =on't you feel a c"ill/ %"e forge is banked. at's &oice remained weary and dis$irited' scarcely $olite. 2et's stand beside it' att"ew. #'ll be warm enoug".

( double5edged dagger of cubit lengt" was well de&ised and gartered cunningly to t"e t"ig" of 4"ud t"e assassin' deli&erer of #srael. W"en 4"ud was $ri&ately wit" 4glon in "is summer $arlor' bringing as "e said a message to t"e king from God' "e drew t"e dagger from its nest and wit" "is left "and' for "e was an utterly left5"anded man' buried it beyond t"e "aft in t"e king's belly' a belly so enormously fat t"at it was not $ossible to draw t"e dagger fort" again' and it "ad

to remain t"ere instead' deat"'s bone dri&en dee$ly' w"ile t"e king's stools s$illed on t"e car$et in t"e king's sur$rise. (t first no "ue and cry was raised' for 4"ud fastened t"e c"amber w"en "e fled so t"at t"e king lay s"ut from "is ser&ants in "is arbor as t"oug" (as t"ey t"oug"t) "e were answering to a call of nature. 3uc" was t"e ,oke God made of 4glon t"en' and t"us was #srael deli&ered t"at time. %"e doors' yielding slowly to t"e $ressure of Watson's s"oulder' s1uealed. %"en at was s"outing abo&e t"e noise. 0... 0mensetter didn't come to work... "e didn't come to work today . . . "e's sick ... # say "e's sick ... "is daug"ter came to tell me. .. came to say "e's sick ... "e's sick s"e said. 0"/ 9urber gat"ered to t"e forge. *oals lit t"e bottom of "is c"in. (s t"e door rus"ed in;scra$s of s"adow' birding $atc"es. +e"oboam' (bi,am' (sa;kings in >uda". (ll of a sudden at a$$eared willing to communicate;good. He $us"ed "is "ands toward t"e fire. %"e coals were friendly. #t didn't seem at all as if t"ey'd sear you at a touc". He tumbled "is "ands' scrubbing t"em roug"ly. %"e darkness was a comfort. =im as a c"urc"' at t"e moment as 1uiet' t"e s"o$ seemed a "a&en' and 9urber' yawning and swallowing' smelled straw' t"en wood and leat"er' oil and old metal' manure and cooling water. He wanted to sink down and "ug t"e coals to "is c"est. 9lamboyant. ...coins of lig"t ... oil' wood' tatters ... fumes from acids' soa$' smoke. .. t"e sunlig"t s"attered. He briefly wondered "ow it felt to Watson;t"is wild ric" $lace;w"et"er "e found any $eace in its confusion. #t was sad' but c"urc"es rarely li&ed so largely. %"ey were seldom $ermitted suc" e.tra&agance of feeling. #n' fact' t"ey were ;at least "is was;a sour denial of t"e "uman s$irit. He caug"t "imself 1uickly. He'd meant' of course' t"at t"ey were a sober condemnation of t"e e&il in "uman nature.. . somet"ing different. Howe&er "e was a notorious liar. #n t"is sort of $lace' 9urber could feel life o$ening out to "im' t"e roof of t"e "ea&ens rising in t"e darkness8 but it was t"e darkness' t"e dee$ obscurity of t"e s"o$ t"at was res$onsible8 it was an illusion of s"adow' and "e reali6ed wit" "is customary bitterness t"at w"ate&er "is lo&e was "e could ne&er s"ow "imself "onestly to it8 "e would always undress in t"e dark. o&ing about t"e forge' "e saw t"at at "ad remained in t"e doorway' and made out "is fingers swimming in t"e barrel. 9urber's im$ulse was to fly against "im like a girl and "ammer t"e blacksmit"'s c"est wit" "is fists. (s you'&e doubtless guessed' 0mensetter is t"e matter #'&e come about. #t's rat"er confidential;in my $ro&ince as a $reac"er' 9urber said' using t"e word wit" distaste' but' "e t"oug"t' wit" skill. He'd lost "is s"adow now' was small' not e&en t"in' leaning o&er t"e fire. 0"/ #ndifferent as a stick' at rested against t"e ,amb. His rudeness was com$lete' and t"oug" 9urber struggled against it' "e found t"at rage "ad swe$t "im away. %"ere were ancient cities. %"ink. !almyra. Nine&e". *orint". at's indifference was a $ose. (cre. %yre. ( $erformance for my $erformance. #ssus.

=amascus. Ga6a. +"odes. Now gone. (ll lost. He's sim$ly afraid. !erse$olis. Nor do # a$$ear angry' t"oug" #'m burning like t"is "ill of coals. 4&en t"e slee&es of my coat are calm. er&. Ne&ert"eless 9urber cla$$ed "is "ands so s"ar$ly and so suddenly' at ,um$ed. #'&e "ad in1uiries' "e said' concerning 0mensetter's signs. # meant to ask you before but # saw you weren't rece$ti&e. 0"/ at's eyelids droo$ed8 t"ey seemed to close. W"at makes you t"ink #'m rece$ti&e now/ 3igns of anot"er kind' 0"/ (ll t"ose cities' t"ose "ollow "ouses' all t"ose li&es' t"ose gra&es' t"e gra&es of "o$e ... Wit" a madness like t"e madness to bury t"at sei6es men' a cra6e to co&er t"at o&ercomes all of t"em' t"e cities co&ered t"emsel&es wit" sand and mud' &ines' grass' la&a' wit" noisier cities' com5 $leter ruins' furt"er gra&es and furt"er grasses. # am t"eir $ro$er lords"i$' 9urber t"oug"t. y credentials make me master of t"e resting $laces. %"at was t"e way;burial to burial' s"ame to s"ame;it "ad always been since (dam's fig "ad "idden "im' "is se. and deat" toget"er and t"e same' and surely t"at was t"e way it would continue. He;9urber;would be lost in a swallow of $ersons. %"e stone in t"e corner of "is garden would not truly s$eak of "im' t"e great 2e&iat"an would "a&e "im' "e'd be buried in t"eir bodies;co&er after co&er coming;for t"at was t"e w"ole of life on t"e eart"' our bodies for a time at"wart anot"er's middle' our li&es like lea&es' generation after generation lifting t"e le&el of t"e land' t"e aim of eac" new layer t"e efficient smot"er of t"e last. +ubbing "is c"in' at alters t"e closure of "is eyes. He also $ulls t"oug"tfully at "is nose. 2ike an actor. )es. =ee$ in meditation. 0" yes. :ut in fact "e "as t"e fidgets. ay "is t"oug"ts be $itc" and smoke "is wits out. #t seems to me' if # remember rig"tly' we'&e; :een o&er t"is before/ )es' in a manner of s$eaking' we "a&e' but #'m afraid t"at we must go o&er it again' t"oug" more carefully t"is time' more t"oroug"ly you know' more t"oug"tfully. 0"/ (n enormous yawn burst into flower on at's face. att"ew' said 9urber' smiling mildly.

3o #'m to be t"e gra&e of my fat"er and mot"er. #n an agony of embarrassment' 9urber co&ered "is mout". %"ese damnable fancies were t"e curse of "is life. :esides' "e merely wis"ed to be !"illy Ainsman' an imaginary friend' or$"aned for con&enience' t"oug" no doubt a ducal "eir. :ut t"ey aren't dead yet' t"ey li&e in t"e 3out". He $us"ed "is fingers between "is teet". He'd be t"eir marker' ne&ert"eless8 "is s$eec" was t"eir inscri$tion. H4+4 2#43. How

could "e "a&e known "e'd rattle so/ 4 4N%0. # "ad a letter last week. 9riendly. *om$lete. %"e usual sort of news. No concern. No cause. 4 0+#(4 3(*+7 . 3cum. !ee bottles. :ut bot" are really 1uite well' and &ery acti&e in t"e c"urc". 4 0. Wit" "is tongue "e'd wet "is fingers. 4N=(*4 4 0+4 4334 0!0+%4%. W"at was $assing t"roug" att"ew's "ead/ Wind s"adows/ t"e language of t"e dead/ Not t"e s$ecters of "is $arents' certainly. Well damn t"em' if #'&e got to "a&e t"em' t"ey deser&e me. 0+3 >(N7( B#%(4. %"en t"e memory of "is mot"er's enclosing arms and fragrant garments o&erw"elmed "im. 9lowers bloomed along "er like a fence. His eyes were smarting. #'&e been waiting for at' "ere' too long. #t's t"e s"ade t"e weat"er's taken' and t"e time of day. 4 0+#( #N (4%4+N(. #'&e lost my ner&e. y god' # don't t"ink of t"em once in a mont"' and "ere #'m bundled in blue and fluffy flannel like a c"ild in a crib. He started to c"uckle but coug"ed instead. )ou'll be t"e deat" of me' s"e'd often said8 w"at am # going to do wit" you/ w"at will you turn into/ w"at will you be/ 3$ittle flew t"roug" "is fat"er's teet". (ll rig"t' all rig"t' die down' die down' but you'll find no rest in me. 0+3 0 N#( 302B#%. ( lie. 9urber groaned' securing remember t"e occasion; # remember it. ;but you seem to "a&e forgotten w"at was said. # don't remember # said muc". (ll rig"t;w"at I said. )ou do remember/ )ou "a&en't forgotten/ No. :ut you didn't understand it/ No' # understood it well enoug"' # t"ink. )ou refused to belie&e it/ No' t"at wouldn't be e.actly rig"t. )et you did not"ing. W"at was t"ere to do/ Watc"? 9urber drew back' collecting "imself' silent' noting t"at "is rus" "ad not made Watson budge. He "ardly needed t"e forge now. His c"ill "ad been followed by a fe&er. *amels. %"at was an idea. *amels. *ircumstances com$el me' "e said8 circumstances' you know;circles surrounding;t"ey make it necessary to;t"ese t"ings w"ic" lie;w"ic" are so circumambient;to take t"e matter u$ again. # wasn't clear. (m # clear now/ # fear not;no. (las. ("' but in a moment. # s"all be t"en. Well ... t"ese cincturing affairs' e"/ t"ey force me' you see' t"ey make me' as a... missionary;for at's attention' and t"en "e said@ $er"a$s you

a$$arently # wasn't clear before' and; 0" you were clear enoug". # was/ #'m sur$rised. # can't belie&e # was. *onstrained as by a cingulum ... Was # really/ )es' you were clear enoug"' t"oug" # don't follow now. 2ook >et"ro;$lease;we're bot" tired and it's t"e end of t"e; )es' yes. (greed. %"e; 2ook;it's a difficult time. #t's been a long day. #'m tired. =one in. ( tired body makes a ready mind. at began to $rotest but 9urber cut "im off. He "ad t"rust bot" $alms forward' and at's &eiled eyes "ad seen t"em. #f one $erson is t"e gra&e of anot"er' "e wondered' w"at $art is in t"e arm' for instance/ %"ere could be a corres$ondence' # su$$ose' of arm to arm and nose to nose' but w"at if t"e deceased is a muc" larger fellow/ (nd ,ustice would be better ser&ed in many cases' # s"ould t"ink' if t"e "ead of t"e dead one were "ung down in t"e buttocks of t"e ot"er' or if t"e "eart of t"e cor$se could be seen t"roug" t"e eyes;t"at would tell you somet"ing. *amel. Hum$ w"ere t"e "ead is. %"at's w"y. %wo "um$s@ two "eads. %"e "eads of infants;se&eral. 0r embracing lo&ers. ( camel's good dry ground and t"us to be $referred for lying at any lengt" in. *reatures of t"at kind will come "ig"' likely' once it's known. 0n suc" a c"ance' t"oug"' it would be wise to reser&e one now. 0f course cas" in "and in a case like t"is is certainly essential. (lso you could s$ecify t"e $lace t"e camel' w"en it dies' s"ould be laid to rest. #t's t"e sort of transmigration w"ic" mig"t "a&e $leased !yt"agoras "ad anyone "ad t"e wit wit"in "is time to t"ink of it. *lod"o$$er. !ee bottle. y name is !"illy Ainsman. # am a famous bandsman. y fife's my wife' but on my life' w"en # unease my trum$et' all t"e ladies ... (in t"ese $arts) all t"e ladies . . . (bless t"eir "earts) all t"e ladies "um$ it. Hell you say;W"at was wa&ering/ =arkness s$inning like t"e seed of a ma$le. y name is !"illy Ainsman. # am a famous bandsman. %"oug" my trombone gi&es 1uite a tone w"ene'er t"e ladies $um$ it'

it's &ery sore from $laying more music t"an it bargained for' and still t"e ladies $um$ it. at sniffed' lifting "is arm to "is face. 2ig"t s$read o&er t"e floor. )ou s$ent t"e day "unting Henry' # su$$ose' 9urber said' "is &oice lig"t and 1uiet' calm and low' scarcely in motion w"ile "e searc"ed at's face' alert as an animal for any c"ange. How'd it go/ a day of stubby fields' e"/ %"ey twist your ankles. # know "ow t"at is. #t's wearing w"en it's all for not"ing. Weeds and burrs;t"ey're e&eryw"ere t"is time of year and &ery trying too' as sig"ting endlessly down rows of corn is' and $oking in t"e little ca&es along t"e ri&er; you looked t"ere/;de$ressing w"en it's all for not"ing8 and along t"e fences' t"e s"ocks and "ay"ills5you in&estigated t"em/ for not"ing/ Well your clot"es look $icked and t"ere's a mean scratc" on your c"in;"as it been stinging/ Hawt"orn t"ickets would account for it' #'ll bet' and berry tangles;damnable t"ings;and t"at mars" ground' too8 did it wet t"roug" your s"oes and was" your ankles/ a bit c"illing' e"/ Well a nasty business all around;so &ery tiring w"en it's all for not"ing. 3ure. #t makes a long day. Gay songs and &ulgar catc"es ... deat" ... )ou don't t"ink t"at "e's run off t"en/ )ou're not of t"at o$inion/ He was an unra&eled man' a doll's sort' t"oroug"ly unticked' unstrung' wit" no "eart for flig"t' t"rown by disease5is t"at your t"eory/ and "is wife all t"e w"ile a flail' a "andful of stones;o" # know8 # know' "e's a friend still' t"oug" "e's wra$$ed "imself in fronds to winter o&er like an ambitious "o$eful worm' to see t"e s$ring' e"/ but as a man "e was sunken in s$irit like t"ose rowboats you see rotting by t"e s"ore' aslo$e wit" ri&er water' or like t"at "ouse "e rented 0mensetter' gone to moss and weeds and soft besotted boards . . t"at's t"e &iew you're taking/ # know 1# know your feeling. Ho". #'m a man of feeling too. )et w"at was "e but some &egetable t"at "adn't reac"ed "er canning' some $arsni$ or $otato/ 0"' and "is wife's a friend' # know;# know. #t's distressing. (nd you're o$$osed to e&eryt"ing #'m saying. %rust me' att"ew. 6oodness. 3o am #. :ut $eo$le "a&e t"eir fears ... and att"ew;t"ese fears must be $ut by. at was s$eaking. His collar "ad c"afed "is neck. His tongue a$$eared. %"e lord kinkle it. )ou can "el$ me' at. at's rig"t eye rose' "is "is$idulous c"eeks bulged wit" air@

(t t"e friendly note' $uff $o$' "e s$oke.

)ou are;# confess it' obser&e t"at' # confess it;you are essential to me. # "a&e to "a&e you' at. y frankness "as dis$ossessed "im. #'m faced by $u66lement;o" "oo "a; $er"a$s by fear/ :ug beneat" t"e rug. at rubs "is ear. %ick talk. =on't mock me' att"ew.

%"at t"rew "im off. His eyes slid. W"at to make of it. He'd gi&e anyt"ing to get away. Well t"at's my $rice. #'m two "ours late for t"e Nones myself. 2ittle dot" "e reali6e #' am t"e $o$e's $an,andrum in disguise. His mass is s"ifting. Watc" "is feet' o" 9urb t"e' "e may be big' but "e's no =on't you trust me' att"ew/

#t's not;it's not a matter of trust. ("' isn't it/ 9urber t"rew u$ "is arms and darted toward t"e rear of t"e s"o$. =arkness see$ed from att"ew's mout" and s$illed like smoke on eit"er side of 9urber. ( dream. (n idol breat"ing steam. He was running blind and struck somet"ing. *onse1uently. >ust t"at' said 9urber' dwindling. 9ears of Hea&en. 2ord lo&e us. 4&eryt"ing abo&e us. 2o&e us. 9urber returned to t"e forge and flung "is arms o&er it. Hea&en forsaking fears. 0" all rig"t' all rig"t' w"at else/ 4lse/ 4lse/ W"at do you take me for/ #sn't t"at enoug"/ 0" well now nonsense' >et"ro. )es indeed' you're 1uite rig"t' certainly' nonsense. 9urber sna$$ed "is fingers s"ar$ly. Nonsense ... but/ He o$ened out "is "ands. He slum$ed. %"e $o$e's c"ief $an,andrum. ( genii. 2ook at t"e lion. # ... # ... s"aken to t"e roots. %owns begining in *@ *olumbus' *le&eland' *incinnati' *"illicot"e ... *ome and confess/ W"at was "e daring/ all t"is god a'mig"ty amounting/ to my making t"em u$/ >esus. 2ook at my coat's color;is it not "onest/ (". 9urber $laced "is $alms against "is c"eeks. # get no trust. 0" look "ere' don't be silly' # don't distrust you. 7nder menacing eyebrows' $ebble5smoot" att"ew's s$eec" stream burbled. nose' o&er s"ar$ening fingers'

>ust t"e same' you know you tend to ... well' you're' always sort of making

mountains' you know' making mysteries out of mole"ills' always warning and willying t"e way you do and carrying on ... %owns beginning;towns beginning in;god # can't t"ink of any. 0f course #'m not against t"at. #'m not ob,ecting. aybe t"at's your business and you know your business and you're doing w"at you're su$$osed to' but ... well' after all' w"at are t"ey anyway/ %owns;towns ... W"ere "a&e # nestled t"at dagger/ # s"all kiss "im now and eat "im later. 2eft or rig"t' it does not matter if # contaminate my sacred "and wit" t"is $ig's blood. W"o "as t"em;t"ese fears' # mean/ )ou "a&e t"em' is all' >et"ro. %"at's all. )ou. )ou "a&e t"em. #n "is face a "andful of coals;could "e manage/ 3coo$ t"em 1uickly;t"ere? No $lace for t"at "ere' bruise t"e ser$ent' e"/ att"ew. No $lace and time for t"at now. :ut we must

He $eered 1ueerly $ast "is s"oulder. %"ere aren't any c"ildren about. %"at accounts for it. %"at's strange. W"ere are t"ey/ %"ey $lay around "ere' don't t"ey/ e&ery day. at nodded. %"e door was forcing itself into "is back. +oll "oo$s/ 0n one foot' 9urber began ,um$ing. Ho$scotc";remember/ Warily' at mo&ed in from t"e door as 9urber lea$ed $ast.

4&er ski$ ro$e/ kick t"e can/ "ow about "ide and seek/ He sto$$ed' noisily "uff5$uffing "is c"eeks. He "ad ne&er uttered an untrut" in "is life. (ll "is lies "ad been ... necessary. >acks/ He faced toward Watson to demand an answer' but "is man was dee$ in bewilderment now. at made a &ague gesture' s"owing "is teet". !"os$"orescent' t"ey lit "is lower li$. 9urber was back on bot" feet. %"is seemed to reassure Watson' w"o steadied' so 9urber began "o$$ing again. 3ince 05men5set5ter ... more5of5t"em ... wouldn't5you5say/ "e said among bounds.

*amel and kangaroo. )ou could be sewn in t"e $ouc". %o take to t"e air. %"e day "ad seemed so clear t"ere'd been not"ing to swim in. Now s"adows crisscrossed it like t"e bodies of di&ers' and t"ose ot"er brig"t blue days returned to "im' clamoring. He stumbled. at leaned forward' saying somet"ing 9urber couldn't understand. y name is !"illy Ainsman. # am a famous bandsman. )ou ladies may "a&e "eard of me. # can "old a note ,ust like a ro$e t"at's "anging from a balcony. 3too$ing' 9urber dro$$ed an imaginary ball' and wit" remarkable reality swe$t "is "and down for t"e ,acks. *ree$ away' sneak away' leak away;"ide. %"ere are animals "unting in 9urber's inside. )ou know' at' "e said' delig"ted wit" "is $erformance' w"en # was a kid # was ne&er $ermitted to $lay wit" ot"er c"ildren. %"e trut" is' t"e ot"ers ke$t me out. He smiled@ t"ere were no "ard feelings. :ut # watc"ed t"em;"ow # watc"ed t"em5"our after "our@ running' ,um$ing' ski$$ing' swinging' dancing' yelling' "o$$ing' singing ... =id you like $laying "ouse/ Ne&er/ 3c"ool/ No/ 3"i$s and sailors/ #'m sur$rised. # certainly wanted to;wit" all my "eart. 3o t"en #'d imitate t"em' go t"roug" t"e motions # saw' $retend # was outside running wit" t"em' s"outing wit" t"em' running and s"outing and dancing about like one of t"em' no differently made. Well. %"e 0lden =ays. %"ey s"ouldn't occu$y us now. (ctually' # $layed ca&es and craters. (nd "a&e t"ere been more' would you say' since 0mensetter came/ He's suc" a "and wit" kites. at struggled wit" "is words. He sla$$ed "is t"ig"s. # su$$ose. aybe' "e said.

Good. We are agreed at last. # knew we would. W"at/ W"at/ (greed about what' 9urber smiled. (greed' t"at's all' "e said. (greed. y "ar$ is "ig"ly rated' and my flute is celebrated' as for my drum' it's e1ual fun' "owe&er it's berated ... 9urber mo&ed to 0mensetter's benc" and began ins$ecting it.

y li$s are "ig"ly rated' and my fingers celebrated' as for my tongue' it's e1ual fun' "owe&er it's rotated ... %annin' "e said' makes "im seem brown. 9rom oak bark' isn't it/ Gall nuts. Well' an illusion. He'll be yellowis"' by and by. #'&e "eard it enters $oisonously t"roug" t"e fingers. y balls are 1uite inflated' and my ass "ole's lubricated' w"ere&er it's located ... as for my $rick' it's ,ust as t"ick' He s"ifted a knife. =on't; =isturb. No. )es' my name is !"illy Ainsman' and # am t"at famous bandsman' but silent now my sym$"ony' y fife' my "orn' my tim$ani8 He "eld u$ a lengt" of leat"er. t"ey'&e $layed t"eir last for any lass e.ce$ting $resent com$any. :reasting t"e feculent flood ... W"at # want to know' in strictest confidence' 9urber said' is "a&e you seen "im strangely any time/ He mo&ed a rule. Ha&e you seen "im strangely/ He crossed abru$tly to t"e forge. *atc" your deat" of cold ... day like t"is' "e muttered. Now "a&e you seen "im strangely any time/ 0" my god ... well' "onestly' >et"ro; Ha&e you seen "im strangely is w"at # asked@ burning $iles of tiny twigs and new ;$ulled grasses' say' or singing to "imself in numbers' one two se&en four or so' back and fort"' si. or nine' or crooning' you mig"t call it' to some ob,ect

;rock' a branc"' a swatc" of clot";or doing t"ings by e&ens or by odds' walking in a circle or a&oiding certain sig"ts' like t"at of a goose' a cracked glass' or an em$ty bowl/ gir5affe? 9urber went on slowly' s"yly almost' wagging t"e meaning of "is words away' smiling t"em off' w"ile "is eyes searc"ed along t"e rafters and t"e $oint of "is s"oe dug at t"e floor. )ou mean that kind of sign' Well you mig"t in&oke Him' 3weet c"rist; )es. %"at would be wise. He too. 3weet. # t"oug"t by signs you meant ,ust "ow "e knew t"e baby'd be a boy. How did "e know/ #t's a 1uestion t"at will do. How/ 9urber floated to ti$toe' "is face alig"t. cam5el? kang5a5roo? # don't know. # mean;"ow should # know/ He guessed. How s"ould I know/ He wanted a boy bad. )ou know "ow t"at is. W"y ask me/ He was lucky' t"at's all. 0mensetter's luck. at made to mo&e outside but 9urber didn't stir. He "eld "is "ands abo&e t"e furnace and t"e faint lig"t lat"ered "is c"eeks. )our answer isn't good enoug"' "is $osture said' w"ile "is eyes and li$s said it was e&eryt"ing' and confirmed "is fears. 2uck. #s t"at really your o$inion@ luck/ %"e silence of t"e street was intimidating. "i$5$o? cam5el? kang5a5roo? %"e buildings were of $a$er. Now against a benc"' at stood $ro$$ed. =amn t"e fat dackering dunce. (gain 9urber broug"t "is "ands' like boards' toget"er. "iiii5eeeee5naaa? =oes "e make swirls in "is "air wit" "is fingers/ =oes "e $ull at "is ear/ =oes "e turn "is "ead from reflections/ #s "e frig"tened of gnats/ !oison was once $laced in t"e glass of a saintly $riest' but as t"e $riest blessed t"e meal' intoning latinly t"e name of t"e 9at"er' t"e glass s"attered and t"e $oison flew u$ like a rainbow. No $rot gawd could $ull t"at off;ne&er fear. +ome "as a first5rate finagler ... at said. att"ew. y god;

baa5boon? monn5goose? ga665elle? %"e 1uestions went on' 9urber in t"e same $osition as before' t"e same e.$ression on "is face' t"oug" now "e "ad a terrible desire to laug"' to s"out gir5affe' and t"en suc" a sweating fear of doing so t"at t"e noise turned in "is t"roat like a mouse "e mig"t "a&e suddenly confronted on t"e stairs. #t was $ro&ing too easy' too damnably easy. at mig"t remain in e&erybody's eye t"e $ermanent and same Good Watson but "is soul was sinking t"roug" t"e mire of t"eir filt"y $ri&ate con&ersation toward t"e central ice. lyn.? %"ere's no longer any $ower in t"ose legs and arms or "e would t"row me out' 9urber t"oug"t. He's in to "is knees already. "orse loris ci&et seal (nd t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber' guide for t"e tour' master of t"e stee$le' s$okesman for t"e dead (t"ey "a&e an eye in me' "e'd often said)' was going too. Would t"e ground groan like a rotten $lank and send "im straig"t to "ell/ 0r would "e go down slowly (bitter foolis" image) like a $roud s"i$/ o. fo. lyn. $ig lion ,ackal ass giraffe gir5affe? His soul scaly ... furfuraceous scal$ ... %o regain $ossession of "imself' 9urber began mo&ing &iolently about' fla$$ing "is arms. 4&eryt"ing abo&e us ... lo&e us. :at. at was bending o&er' coug"ing. %"at $ainted $a$er body;coug"ing. 9rog in your t"roat/ a mouse in mine. W"at in t"e world' was all at finally said;somet"ing like t"at.

)es' yes' you mig"t well say so' 9urber said' darting u$ to "im. 3o # say myself. )ou may laug"' but so # say myself. )ou see # em$"asi6e t"e idiotic in it all' t"e su$erstitious;t"e insane' you could call it if you liked. Go t"at far. 0bser&e t"at # don't a&oid it. # em$"asi6e it. # insist on it. at nodded "ea&ily. 3cal$s at "is belt by t"e dangling do6ens C furry midriff ... a kind of $ubicle $ossession' !ike ... soul stra$s ... g"ost clouts ... )et t"is is t"e substance of t"eir fears.

at mumbling nonnys ... Go on;c"ew your knarry knuckle u$. ass as$' fo.? <uite so. No doubt. :ut "a&e you seen anyt"ing unusual' anyt"ing to gi&e t"em rise' some yeast/ 0mensetter's not t"e same as e&erybody ... "e's different; 0f course "e is. 0f course. 9urber smiled in celebration. ass as$ fo.;snake? berar666 o.? He's most unusual' our noisy friend' 1uite different;"air' nose' teet";1uite striking' 1uite remarkable. (" well' "e's a "uge en,oyer. Ha&e you e&er seen "im eat/ He's 1uite original' as you say;uni1ue. (nd most strange' too. His comings and goings. <uite unaccountable. His attitudes;1ueer. His ste$' "ad you noticed/ is not t"at of an ordinary man. (nd so you "a&e seen somet"ing t"en. # knew you "ad. Naturally. #n t"e course of work' you would. %oget"er so muc". *lose and close and close about' e"/ %"en t"ese fears # s$eak of;t"ey're not wit"out foundation w"olly/ %"ey are un"oly. 0" e.5cellent. Good. Bery good. 9urber mimed a$$lause. li665ard 9ret fret fret' 9urber t"oug"t' delig"ted8 t"ere were mice in t"e cloud of "is mane. o. fo. lyn. snake catamount and swan ( cle&er witticism' "e said' c"uckling. (ll around 0mensetter' like a monstrous "alo' t"e un"oly burns. antelo$e and swam centi$ede and swan Watson lurc"ed toward 9urber' t"reateningly. W"y do you turn e&eryt"ing ... 2ook;0mensetter's fine. He's okay. # like "im. His work's good; His wor k;

His work' sure. 9or god's sake' let "im be. ake u$ ot"er mysteries. 2ook;a" god5look' #'&e been listening a long tune. #'m $layed out. W"at "a&e you got against "im/ W"at did "e e&er do to you/ He's a sim$le enoug" fellow and better t"an most of us. ("' t"at; W"at did "e e&er do to you/ W"at "a&e you got against "im/ He's a bit better and a bit luckier' maybe' t"an most of us; )es' att"ew' t"e $oint;

3o w"at's t"e matter/ W"ere's t"e $roblem/ (nd me too' for all of t"at. W"at "a&e you got against me/ W"at did # e&er do to you/ #'&e "ad a long day. #'m tired. #'&e been listening a lot. 9urber' #'&e been a long time listening. #'m worn out and #'m sick about Henry. #'m "ungry and # want somet"ing to eat. %"ere. %"at's all t"ere is. Growing near' t"e smoot"5nosed' bristle5crowded moon of att"ew's face' its lines of weariness and worry' its by george brig"t green eyes ... w"at/ smaragdine ... small yellow in t"em too/ $ressing t"emsel&es u$on "im' $ressing "im back. ay you guttle brittle glass' you galligaskins. Gu66le oil or acid' all kinds of iridescent $oisons. )es' you're like your sweet $eculiar friend' t"at fatling 9aunus' e.ce$t about t"e eyes' and t"en t"e nose ... lord' lord' let's see ... t"e n o se ;t "e nose i s; 9urber nodded' wa&ing Watson off. )ou're tired. %"at's it. )ou're tired' or you'd see better. %ired feet make tired eyes. 9urber was getting tall again. He backed and t"e forge lig"t flew against t"e ceiling. His work' now;t"ere's "is $ay' for instance; His $ay/ How can you afford "im' att"ew/ W"at do you $ay "im/

#s t"at w"at you want to know/ w"at # $ay/ is t"at w"y you'&e come "ere/ # "ad no idea you "ad so large;so o$ulent;a business. #s w"at # $ay your business/ ("' now' easy C because "e's better' isn't "e/ )es' and luckier t"an most' too; ,ust as you say' so; 3"it. 3o you say s"it to a minister. 3"it' e"/

0" well #'m sorry. 0kay. 0f course #'m sorry. )ou t"ink s"it's an ugly word for a man of God to "ear. =oubtless you do. 3till uglier for "im to say. (nd you'd "ide your own s"ame under it;under s"it. W"y/ :ecause # asked you w"at you $aid' you t"rew t"at word at me. Well 2ut"er could s"out s"it' if "e was a mind to.... 3"it? 3o can #. (s you "ear. # can say it. 3"it.... 0" #'m ac1uainted wit" t"e ma,or $roduct of our days' att"ew' w"at we $rinci$ally manufacture' w"at we s$ool out;stand to $ool and sit to stool is w"at t"ey say' don't t"ey/;our; (ll rig"t' okay. #'m sorry;but #'m tired' like # said' you know;worried. #t sli$$ed. %"at's t"e way it goes.... No offense unless offended8 my cruelis" words for lo&e intended' were wit" "ate intensely blended ... "a "a "a "a C an error $"armaceutical's an easy one to make. Well now. (nd you're tired. Worried. 0f course... ( careless tear is soonest mended' so if you'd wound your fond intended' mortal blows are recommended ... "a "a "a "a an error gymnoso$"ical's an easy one to make. Well. (nd you're t"e only one w"o t"inks of Henry. # ne&er do. >ust you. )our friends. #'m out' well out. %"ere's none of t"at concern in me. #n you. )our friends.... Well now w"at foolis"ness' att"ew. 3orry to "a&e to say so' but; foolis"ness. # t"ink of no one else. %"at's w"y #'m "ere. %"at's w"y # ask my foolis" 1uestions. W"at do you take me for' # wonder/ ( $eck of foolis"ness' # su$$ose. Well don't take conceit from your weariness' $lease don't take $ride. No;no;# mean w"at # say' and so # mean to say it.... )ou take me lig"tly. (ll of you take me lig"tly. (ll t"ese years. )ou. )our friends ... God?;to be taken lig"tly. . . (m # a gossi$' e"/ an old s"awled lady/ =oes t"e rocker mo&e my blood/ 3orry to say;more foolis"ness' att"ew. ( $eck of foolis"ness. No. #'&e said #'ll "a&e my say' and so # s"all.... #'m merely meddlesome' t"at's w"at you and your friends t"ink. # know. No. # will not listen now. 0" no.... )ou'&e been out "unting Henry all day;t"at's w"ere e&erybody's been;all day;out "unting Henry. #t's been an effort of t"e community like a barn raising or a 1uilting $arty or a "usking bee. =ear god;w"at am # going to do wit" you/ (nd # "eld you all at ears' lengt" once like so many "ares. Well w"ere "a&e you looked/ along t"e ri&er/ t"ere's mud on your s"oes. #n anot"er contingent' t"en;wit" *"amlay/;well "i$ "i$ "ooray;wit" Ano.' too' on "is rig"t arm "andy like a coil of ro$e;o" # know' # know;and it was meadows for you' was it/ or woods/ =ear god;it's futile for me to $reac". (nd to t"ink' once;s$eec"....

)ou ne&er t"oug"t to searc" a single s$irit' turn out a single skin' to bring a lung' a bowel' a "eart' to &iew. :ut #'m a meddler' not t"e master of t"is c"urc" ;one of t"e ladies' regular in attendance' not so strong as # once was and now strenuous in "earing;only t"at. (nd if # tell you someone's swallowed Henry like a "ungry animal' like a wild beast' w"y #'m ,ust $reac"ing' making u$ my mysteries' and t"e beast is an image #'&e drawn in t"e air. No;# will not listen anymore.... (nd w"ile you "unted' did you swa$ stories' by any c"ance/ =id you rest a bit on a warm stone' say' and s$eak of t"e old times' and of Henry' and "is foolis" life and "is foolis" ways/ %"ere was t"e $leasure of com$anions"i$' t"e walk o&er t"e old s"ooting trails' t"e air' t"ese late fall days' so moderate' sweet "ow often did you c"uckle/ %"ere;you see/ # "o$e so. # de&outly "o$e so. y god w"at must # do to make you see/ ( sla$ on t"e back at $arting;t"e friendly sting of a friendly "and. D%omorrow' at' tomorrow' we'll try again tomorrow.D 3ure. :etter luck tomorrow. #t was fun. #t was like catc"ing fis". #t was like "unting deer. No;you're rig"t. #'ll forget it. # wasn't e&en t"ere. How could # know/ .... (lready #'&e forgotten;as # $romised. :ut you s"ould remember t"at my "eart's large too' t"at it contains my $eo$le;my w"ole congregation ... my dear $eo$le. )ou. *oals in "is eyes ... in "is face' a scoo$ful' t"e s$eakbacker. 9air/ W"at does "e know of5 3$eak back. )ou're ,ust a ,ocose cusser' ain't you/ >oe t"e ,osser. <uite a ,ouker. y life for a knife . . . 9air is mostly made of air. )ou know t"at little $oem/ 9ffair.... Well. No matter... Ha&e you ins$ected rs. !imber's fruit cellar' att"ew/ # e.$ect you'll find "im t"ere' "eels u$' in a stone ,ar;$reser&ed. 0" yes. !ositi&ely 4gy$tian. 0r $er"a$s s"e $ut "im u$ in $arts' year after year' as $ieces broke off. W"o knows "ow many of eac"/ 4asy;mind now;take it easy. =on't misunderstand. We'&e "ad enoug" of t"at. :ut it's im$ortant t"at you see t"em@ 1uarts of feet and fingers o&er t"ere5a new batc"' t"e ca$s are clean and s"iny;t"en ,ams of li&er and kidney ,ellies' brains and lungs like cauliflowers floating "alfway u$ t"eir ,ars' eyebuds bleac"ed like little onions or' if bloods"ot' like baby beets;o" no' # "old my "ands u$ to you;you'&e got to take t"e tour' w"y' it's instructi&e;brains' did # say/;well suc" a store@ glands and tongues and teet" like w"ite corn' $early ear lobes and li$s in soft $ink sauce' crocks of $ickled $ricks5 3o' att"ew' now it's your turn to flinc". %"at's not a word a minister s"ould use. :rot"er >et"ro s"ould not say $rick8 "e s"ould not say $eter eit"er' or e&en t"ink ... Well' to t"e s"aded ladies' att"ew' and dis"onest men' # s"ade my words' but we needn't fear. We'&e been burned so many times' you and #' our "ide's tanned now' dark as my suit and toug" as 0mensetter's leat"er. ... 3o #'m unfair/ #t's mostly air but # don't care. )ou don't know t"at little $oem/ :ut #'m unfair/ 7n,ust' unfair;good god no1precise. 4.act as $lain geometry. !lease remember t"at # always s$eak in figure' att"ew' t"roug" emblem and design' you understand. %"ey enlarge my &oice like cu$$ed "ands. 0nce' in *le&eland' # called suc" $urity in s$eaking' suc" $recision and force of $"rase' t"e measure of s$iritual s$ace' t"e algebra of t"e inward life. No use to do t"at "ere. #'m ne&er so grand now' t"oug" #'&e my $lans. :ut for c"rist's sake' face u$' you know "ow s"e is. How often did s"e geld "im' # mean/ 3o many times;so many ,ars. 0r did s"e want "im differently unable/ %"ere' in "er memory;don't you see it/ 5like a storing cellar' sna$$ed off as t"ey grew ... all t"at growing life. %"oug" t"e watc"ed $ot wouldn't;now t"ere was a bubble;somet"ing stirring' t"e woolly mammot" mo&ing' "is face ecli$sing 1ueerly.

)ou follow me/ Nudgewinkbum$' as crude as' nearly. :im. (m # making myself out/ %"e c"ristmas cookie. aking it clearly/ 3oon # s"all. Ha&e $atience t"oug" $atience is $ainful. :am. Winken and :linken and Nod one nig"t crawled under t"eir underclot"es. :um. !lease "a&e $atience. Wrat"fully bitten c"ristmas cookie' cur&ing according to t"e mout". (nd "e bulks bigly still. ($e. 2ike w"at did "e say # talk/ like w"at/ *ock5a5doodle5do/ (n owl' a cat' a kangaroo/ He doesn't understand my anger' my$eration. 3uc" $"rases as@ bottled body fluids;t"ey mean not"ing to you/ (" well' you're "ard. y dame "as lost "er s"oes. # see a balloon in t"e day sky;God's $lae face. 3miling. W"ic" comes from going about unlaced. *inderella's was of glass' a glass sli$$er. None of t"em was nicely fitted. Glass lets you know. 3"all # e.$licate t"e figure for you' att"ew' as # mig"t a "oly $arable/

y master's lost "is fiddling stick and w"at's my dame to do/ !our t"e $ebbles out. 9ace of trut". 0n fatty +ut". No wit"y smit"y' not "e. ( gloomy Goliat". 2et's go out =a&iding. W"om can we da$ into dim deat"' do you t"ink' wit" our stoning/ Well. (s # say5"is5wait5Henry's $ulsing stalk;"old u$ now; onday t"roug" 3unday5contain yourself' let me e.$lain;s"e;2ucy;sni$$ed as often as it s"owed itself;as often, as often;no' no' easy' wait' d it' wait # say' be easy?; t"en s"e boiled t"e sni$$ings' w"en s"e "ad enoug"' bound in u$rig"t bunc"es; wait a moment $lease' one more moment ... like as$aragus in t"eir canning glasses;you're making me s"out?;to cool and s"el&e and count t"em later' contem$late and $onder;you wouldn't wouldn't ,o s t l e ; 3"o&ed' $us"ed' well5touc"ed . . . ,esus . . . bum$ed' banged' bimmied by god' brus"ed ... c"rist ... so' struck' struck ... you don't touch t"e minister ... )our action's clear enoug". )ou don't relis" t"e e.$lanation t"oug" it was im$ortant to me to com$lete it. %"ere's no anger in you' att"ew' e.ce$t your anger against me. Hardly fair' if fair's u$. # s"all $ee you like rain on a window. # s"all dissol&e' dis$erse.. .'%"e 2ord s"all bless my labor. # s"all s"it you like s"a&ings ... # s"all s$read' dis$erse ... %"e 2ord s"all bless my labor. Here are all t"e ,ars for >une. His fa&orite time. Wonderful cro$. We "ad a lot of rain. How t"ick and straig"t t"ey are8 "ow sweetly s"a$ed8 $ut u$ so well' if # may $raise myself as o$enly as bees do' t"eir bra&ery still swells in t"em;o" # know;c"rist;all rig"t. 9or you # s"all desist. #'m done. 3till # make a s$lendid ; all right: =isgusting if you t"ink so. 7n,ust if you like. :ut intolerabilius nihil est )uam femina dives ... Not so near? # "a&e a "orror ... a"' god. #'m cold. ... Well t"en w"at's strange about "im' att"ew/ # come back to our s"ee$8 t"at s"ould $lease you. W"at is it/ ind' it's not for me to say ... %"ank god "e's turning away. %"ank god.

#t's not for eit"er one of us to ,udge its meaning. 0wl am #/ no' kangaroo "e said. Well. =id "e/ He's still stuttering ... %"roug" "is back now # can "ardly "ear t"e grunting. Not fo.. Not likely. !y5t"on. 31ueeeee6e. 3$eec"/ 4"/ W"at/ %"en 9urber feared "e mig"t dissol&e in giggles. at was folding u$' "is $leats were touc"ing@ kiss me on t"e eyes before t"ey close' good5bye' sweet lo&e' # "ad my "and at "unting in my time and read t"e dung of moose;$at"finder' man of double5barreled gun. 9urber touc"ed at's arm. %"ere' t"ere' "e said soot"ingly' ,ust let me be t"e ,udge. %"under under t"e mountain ... 0wl o.. Hus". 9urber $ut "is "ands o&er "is ears. He rocked back on "is "eels. <uick 1uick 1uick t"e sand t"e softening sand t"e bursting board t"e bog of dreams. He knows t"e future' att"ew' admit t"at.

9anfaronade ... goose coot. Hus". 9urber s"ook "is "ead. #t's $lain and clear' "e said. 0mensetter's knowledge' not 0mensetter's luck. 2isten for a minute ,ust t"is once; gibbon "are? # am listening' att"ew.

2ook;if you' *"amlay' or 0lus Ano.' or #' or anyone like t"at;someone' say' wit" kids' all girls maybe like 0lus "as' and like 0lus wanting a boy to bear "is name on; Banity. Well anyway su$$ose Ano. was e.$ecting anot"er; His wife's $ast t"at. drill bull gull sni$e #t doesn't matter' does it/ >ust su$$ose' can't you/ 3u$5$o5sit5ion . . . mule' rail.

He's waiting for t"e kid to come' t"inking t"is time it must be a boy' it ,ust must be a boy' and t"en "e talks and talks and talks about it' "e talks to eac" of us about it' all t"e time talking and talking to us' and to "imself' too' of course' and lie listens to t"e women going on about t"ose signs t"e way t"ey do sometimes' and to t"e men' too' w"o are interested in cal&es' t"e way Ano. is "imself' in colts and cal&es' and t"en "e starts looking for t"em because "e's so concerned' like # said' so full of t"e desire to see t"em' and because "e wants to see t"em' w"y;"e does8 and t"en "e t"inks' it's true' a boy is coming down to me' a boy is coming out of "er' and t"is goes on' you know' like $eo$le do go on' and soon "e's ,ust as sure as if "e'd crawled inside like 4dna said s"e could and looked. 3o 4dna said t"at. #f Ano. went on t"at way; =isagreeable woman. We;we wouldn't t"ink twice about it' # mean if "is luck "eld out and "e got t"e boy "e wanted. 2aug"ter carried 9urber off' flus"ing "is c"eeks and bringing tears to "is eyes. He drew a "andkerc"ief from "is coat and co&ered "is face. No' "e said in a muffled &oice' because it's;because it's 0lus Ano. we; wouldn't;but ... 9urber t"rew u$ a su$$licating "and and wit"drew t"e "andkerc"ief momentarily from "is face. :e;because it's t"at fellow 0505a"... %"e "andkerc"ief flew back and 9urber folded s"ar$ly o&er' s"uddering. :ecause it's t"at;t"at fellow;o";we do ;and;t"at's t"e "oe;w"ole of it' att"ew;you couldn't "a&e $ut it better. 7nclas$ed and straig"t again' "e filled "is lungs and dabbed at "is eyes. Watson's body settled slowly. Hadn't it mo&ed/ :linking' "e restored t"e face and its embarrass5 ment;or was it bewilderment/ or anger/ or sur$rise/ W"o knew/ ( little sim$le annoyance/ no more/ at was drifting toward t"e back of t"e s"o$ out of sig"t. Well #'m warm now' 9urber said' still gas$ing a bit. #f # laug"ed like t"at;if;as often as 0mensetter does' w"y;"oo;it would kill me' like as not. He's sick' you say/ ... "is daw said. W"ic"/ W"aa/ W"ic" daug"ter/

...o"lderan. W "o/ ... older ... )es' W"at's "er name/ Name/ )es. =id you e&er "ear "im say/ %"e baby's name is (mos. # know. (mos. #nteresting. :ut t"e ot"ers/ %"e girls'/ No. # don't know t"e girls'. #t isn't t"at you'&e forgotten/ No. # don't belie&e # e&er knew. 5atthew. W "at' s ; %"ey don't "a&e any. %"ey "a&en't any names. %"ey are wit"out names. =oesn't t"at strike you as strange/ 0" # guess t"ey "a&e names. W"at names/ Well # don't know w"at names. %"ey "a&en't any names. (sk "im. #'ll ask "im. W"en will you see "im/ W"en "e's feeling better. W"en "e's well. )ou won't go out to see "im/ He'll be back w"en "e's better. )ou won't go out to see "im/ # mig"t. # don't know. Ha&e you e&er been out to see "im/

No' not yet. Not yet/ %"e dog "as a name' "ad you noticed/ %"e dog does/ (rt"ur. 0". )es. # guess # knew t"at. W"en you go' ask "im. # will. #'ll ask "im. #t doesn't matter. #t doesn't matter;not to "a&e a name/ Well you're weary' # can see t"at' so #'ll say my lea&es. :ut att"ew' before # go # want to make myself;# want to make my meaning;my intentions' my continuous intention;clear to you. # t"ink you can understand and a$$reciate my an.iety' my &ery great worry' my desire to do t"at; to make myself a crystal in your "and. # want to be really clear' "onestly clear;direct' you know. # want to be frank' $lain as $lain' $recise;all t"at' you know;sincerely straig"t' e"/ since' as you're aware' your aid and' dare # say/;esteem;weig" in t"e balance. # fear' from w"at #'&e said' from w"at #'&e "ad to say you'&e made me say it;most of it;you "a&e' you "a&e;well' #'m afraid t"at you may t"ink t"at # belie&e;"a";all %a"iti mean;o"' about t"e signs@ t"e looking glass' t"e large feet' t"e soft dark skin' t"e s$orting "air' t"e moist eyes ... dear me no' belie&e me' trust me;no8 t"at's to belie&e in witc"ery;imagine;witc"ery;late in our old century;w"en t"ere is no suc" t"ing as witc"ery' is t"ere/;any longer/ no;and it's insulting to God;a sin' # s"ould say' att"ew5it's a sin to belie&e suc" a t"ing. )et $eo$le;good "ea&ens;a year's turn does not c"ange t"em any' a decade's ending does not c"ange t"em any' twentyfi&e' fifty' t"e use of a "undred or a t"ousand years ;not"5ing;t"e same;time does not c"ange t"em any' and t"ey;well;,ust as one mig"t e.$ect' t"ey will wors"i$ anyt"ing t"at s$arkles' take frig"t at any s"adow' sin out of witlessness and lo&e of $leasure' from s"ame of slot" start into &iolence against t"e innocent;o" t"ere's no end;no need to tell you t"at;no end' no end. 3o finally you may "a&e your dinner. y a$ologies for t"at. ( long day. 9unny t"at we know (mos' (rt"ur' 2ucy' :ackett; :rr5ackett. 0"/ :rackett/ )es. +eally/ Well. #'m "a$$y to know. ( t"ing like t"at. W"at' by t"e way' did "is daug"ter say "e was sick of/ 3"e didn't say. 0r # don't remember. 3"e didn't say. %"at must be it. )our friend' after all. #f s"e "ad said' you would remember. %oo bad. (t a time w"en all "ands;e.ce$t mine' # fancy;were badly needed' e"/ unfortunate moment for it. Well illness will. )ou'd t"ink s"e mig"t "a&e said. 9riend and em$loyer. How did s"e $ut it/

... don't remember ... u$set. 3"e was u$set/ W"y/ =id it seem serious/ No;#;# was u$set. 0"/ 3o you didn't ask. 3"e didn't say. Not serious. :ut not u$set "erself/ *"ildlike/ Gay/ No;not;$er"a$s' a bit ... natural. (t "a&ing to lie/ #hat' %"at. )ou're cra6y; We're w"ere we began. )ou s"ould go out. %o see "im. 9riendly interest. #'m 1uite sane. (nd in t"e future; watch. 9urber gat"ered "is collar toget"er across "is neck and ste$$ed out into t"e street. ( din. =o not ,udge me "ars"ly' att"ew' "e said. # work as # can for God.

3"i&ering' 9urber $resumed a bree6e. ( large $ale smiling moon. gull $elican coot kite ind' att"ew' "e said' turning toward t"e doorway and Watson's form looming in it' if you notice anyt"ing' remember it. %"e yeast' you know. :ut don't worry about me. #'m sound. loris lemur He struck "is c"est. God"ead. :alloon. )east can be killed. s$arrow' s$arrow He went to ti$toe' releasing "is collar' about to continue' w"en Watson drew t"e doors in wit" a s1ueal and "id "imself be"ind t"em. a lion c"eeta" goose' t"e cat stork ,ackal $lo&er toucan giraffe' bat newt fo. finc" lyn. t"at skink cow "og ass o.

Here t"e ladies and t"e gentlemen were' bum$ing t"roug" t"e door' lining u$ in. "is study. 3uc" bra6en c"eek. 3tanding in rows;9urber "ad difficulty' now' remembering w"o'd been t"e s$okesman or e&en if t"ere'd been one since like rubber dolls t"ey'd all s1ueaked;re1uesting;nod5bobbing;but not e.actly begging' not at all res$ectful;s1uee6ing in "is study;ner&e' ner&e' ner&e; t"ey said' w"ile folding elbow into elbow;a"' t"e brass;t"at t"ey re1uired from "im a more moderate tone. Here t"e ladies were and t"ere t"e gentlemen' &ery stiff and embarrassed' entering. %"ey nodded &aguely' smiled wanly' looked elsew"ere. %"e ladies first and t"en t"e gentlemen;all catty5cornered. 9ast old friends' t"ey scarcely knew one anot"er. %"ey oug"t to be as"amed' it was s"ameful work' a s"ameful business' yet t"ey warmed to it;ne&er a great deal;yet t"ey warmed' t"ey warmed enoug". ( more moderate tone. %"ey were Greeks' were t"ey/ t"ese/ t"is stingy beaked crowd/ =orcases maybe. ore like. Well t"is is an "onor' ladies. 3orry # can't ask you to be seated. <uite a $leasure' gentlemen' indeed. %"e recollection s"attered "im. He swirled in "is room like a storm of snow' striking t"e wall wit"out feeling. 9or t"e *"ristmas season' for t"e ,oyous time' it was t"eir desire t"at "e s"ould $ut on fles" and a red coat' cry "o "o "o from t"e $ul$it. %"ere would be snow for *"ristmas and t"e lig"t sound of bells' and caroleers would gat"er at t"e comers of "os$itable "ouses. How "e'd "ad to struggle to "ide "is sur$rise and "is dismay. 9or t"e birt"day of t"e *"rist' t"ese words were in t"eir mout"s' t"ese words5now. Wet' red' "owling' He arri&es in t"e world. We are ready' o" mewling Aing' t"ey say' for tables of food and newly molded candles and finely burning fires' for red wool stockings and sweet wine and burned beer. >esus;may )ou remember' t"oug" so small a God' )our giant fat"er t"roug" t"is time. %"e words $o$$ed from t"eir rounded c"eeks like "alfeaten figs w"ile t"eir small eyes ro&ed u$ and down searc"ing for somet"ing unwas"ed on "is $erson' t"eir ,aws re&ol&ing slowly on t"e sounds of moderation 9urber turned to "isses in "is own mout" now' and t"eir fat moist $alms gesturing at t"eir ears to "ear no e&il' begging "im to $rotect t"e young at least for t"e ,oyous season' season of t"eir +edeemer' t"eir dear 3a&iour' t"eir sweet 2ord. Well it was not his +edeemer8 it was not his 3a&iour or his 2ord. He bit "is "and in "el$lessness and anger. Had "is ministry been to swine and cattle8 "ad it been to dogs and "orses' goats and s"ee$/ Now it seemed it "ad;or worse;was still to $eo$le@ to issus Balient Hatstat' rings glittering across "er knuckles' "er t"roat ro$ed wit" clicking beads8 and to issus +osa Ano.' "er fles" straining to be $eeked' "er c"eeks dim$led' "air in knots8 and to issus Gladys *"amlay' $arrot5eyed' "ead cocked' a $ur$le birt" smear slo$ing down "er neck8 and to iss 3amant"a %ott' t"e doggerel muse;w"at did "er c"ildren sing/ iss 3amant"a %ott if s"e were straig"tened out would be found to $ossess beneat" "er dress as long a crack as t"e 4rie track

... any"ow' a lo&er of t"e !salms8 and to all t"ose ot"ers' wit" t"eir "usbands or t"eir brot"ers' in&isible' be"ind t"em' making cautious music for t"e ,oyous season' for t"e season of t"e 2ord's deli&ery;aug"? # s"all be sick' 9urber t"oug"t' #'ll &omit in a moment' # surely s"all;or # s"all wee$. His ministry. 0ut t"e window t"e 0"io cre$t between t"e trees and a $ale sun softened t"e snow beneat" t"em. He could' "e t"oug"t' "a&e $reac"ed in *le&eland to a congregation from brick "ouses;to beautiful women on wealt" and e&il. %"e ric" will $ay to "a&e t"eir souls re&ealed. He could "a&e "ad tea in t"e great "ouses8 drank tea $oured from scul$tured sil&er $ots to $orcelain cu$s as lig"t as flowers. %"ere would "a&e been clot"s of linen and $lates of cakes and tiny sandwic"es arranged in tiers. He would "a&e sat by t"e window in a dee$ c"air wit" laug"ter and wit like a lig"t around "im t"oug" "e was dressed in "is dee$ gown of disaster. %"ere would be silk falling from full bosoms' silk s"immering in t"e firelig"t and reflected in t"e window$ane' and "is eyes would fill wit" t"e w"ite arms and bare s"oulders of women and "is nostrils wit" t"e delicate fragrances of t"eir $owders and $erfumes as t"ey fluttered near "im w"is$ering. %"irty boys would com$ose "is c"oir' eac" ric"ly arrayed. 3tained glass would color all t"e lig"ts and t"e air would be fused wit" singing. Well5robed acolytes would ser&e "im as "e raised t"e sil&er c"alice to "is li$s and blessed its scented wine. 3tately t"ey would bear before "im down t"e aisle t"e cross of burnis"ed sil&er wit" *"rist wroug"t beautifully u$on it at t"e moment of His cry. Wors"i$ers w"en t"ey entered would dis$lay t"e re&erent knee and w"en "e mounted to t"e $ul$it "e'd lift "is eyes and see t"e dust5filled traceries of lig"t ,ust beneat" t"e dome w"ile "is "ands ran on ric" woods like oli&e' teak' and ebony. (t eac" ste$ t"e &oices of t"e c"oir would rise and swell until "e turned' left "and lig"tly on t"e massi&e book' rig"t "and "ig" toward "ea&en' w"en t"ey would mar&elously burst to silence. #ntercourse' "e could "a&e s"outed in t"at silence;adultery. !iss e&en/ )es. !iss too. He could "a&e cried $iss at t"e stee$le and been a$$lauded during tea. Ne&ert"eless t"ere'd be no use' no sense to it. %"at's w"at t"ey $ayed for' t"e ric" in t"eir ric" "ouses wit" t"ose dee$ $ile car$ets and t"e dra$es of &el&et "e so &i&idly imagined. %itillation. %"e wealt"y ladies would come from c"urc" e.cited and w"ile t"ey sle$t beside t"eir obese "usbands dream of t"e "ard distended $enis of t"eir coac"man "ung wit" ,ewelry. #n t"e $ri&acy of t"oug"t and t"roug" t"e secrecy of image' t"ey would en,oy eac" sin "is $reac"ing "ad suggested. %"ey would wallow safely in t"e worst sensations8 concei&e t"e most obscene de&ices8 $lace "im' t"eir $reac"er' in &ulgar $ostures8 ra&is" "im on ornate altars or on t"e floors of $ews8 urge u$on "im t"e caresses of small boys' naked under c"oir gowns' still moist and warm from bat"s. 9urber stretc"ed' yawning and rising on "is toes. 0nce t"ese "ad been "is secret fancies too. #n former times. #n good old bygone days. He remembered rolling on t"e floor' wra$$ed in t"em' in $ain' in ecstasy. He'd fled t"em "ere and so "is ministry was "ere' "ere in t"e wilderness of conscience8 t"is sodden dor$ and ri&er midden w"ere "e $reac"ed eac" week from a tee$ee as t"e +e&erend (ndrew !ike "ad doubtless done' s"aking a crucifi. like a toma"awk' stam$ing "is feet' and in e&ery a$$ro$riate way $laying missionary to t"e forsaken and sa&age Gileans. 2et bygones be. No use. He'd fled "is c"ild"ood "ere' all t"ose flowers and sweet "oney' "is fears' t"e e&il smell of ink' t"e s"riek of $rint ... no use. %"e wealt"y women "e was $resently imagining would lo&e as muc" e."ibiting t"eir naked souls as t"eir naked bodies' and 9urber was aware t"at "e "imself as often in "is dreams

found a naked soul to be a naked body t"at "e took t"em now toget"er in one glance. 9or terror you looked to t"e teet". +age lay in t"e muscles of t"e legs and arms' "y$ocrisy weig"ed on t"e lids of t"e eyes' w"ile ot"er dis"onesties rang around t"e $u$ils like s"oes t"rown true to t"e stake. %"e ladies egged "im on8 in 4&e's name' t"ey dared "im8 so "e made lo&e wit" discreet &erbs and lig"t nouns' delicate con,unctions. %"ey begged8 t"ey defied "im to define ... define e&eryt"ing. %"ey could not be scandali6ed;im$ossible' t"ey said. #ndecent $re$ositions suc" as in' on' u$' merely made t"em smile' and t"e roundest e.clamation broke u$on t"em like a bubble's kiss' a butterfly's. 3moot" and creamy ad,ecti&es enabled t"em to lick t"eir li$s u$on t"e crudest story. How c"armingly you s$eak' +e&erend 9urber' "ow muc" you'&e seen of t"is wicked world' and "ow ali&e you are to it' t"ey said. (nd wit" rs. Ainsman "e "ad gotten to a $oint w"ere' by s$eaking indirectly' "e could ... well . . . say anyt"ing. %"e missionaries' madame' w"en t"ey reac"ed t"is remote and isolated $lace' found t"e nati&es gi&en o&er entirely to t"e most "orrible indecencies' utterly sunk in t"em ... %"ey ran about naked for one t"ing. #t was 1uite a task' let me tell you' to win t"em for *"rist. %"ey $racticed t"e most elaborate ritual com$etitions w"ic" t"ey $retended were also "ig"ly magical and religious. ( man' to reac" t"e inner councils of t"e king and be a $riest' during t"e moon's dark 1uarter' "ad to bring a maiden "onestly and safely on t"roug" se&en tourneys undertaken o&er se&en nig"ts until s"e felt t"e se&en se$arate e.citements' "eig"ts' and swooning conclusions t"at were considered customary8 t"ese blissful moments to be accom$lis"ed on a consecrated can&as dais under smoking $ublic lig"ts' and t"e ra&is"ing fulfillments come to in eac" of t"e se&en now celebrated ceremonial ways w"ic" t"e earliest tribal sages' no doubt di&inely guided' "ad some"ow "it on and in mo&ing r"ymes t"en mo&ingly indited@ t"at is' by $osture' s$eec"' eyes, "ands' tongue' feet' and finally uninserted member8 t"us lea&ing "er as muc" a maiden at t"e end as s"e "ad been in t"e beginning. W"en you know furt"er' madame' t"at t"e &irgin in t"e contest was always t"e same;an angular' man5"ating "ag;alas' com$letely incorru$tible 5and t"at s"e "ad been $erforming in t"e round arena forty years already w"en t"e mission beac"ed its boats u$on t"e island' you will understand no ordinary co6y cli$ or buss or $rance or greasy s1uee6e could mo&e "er. %ruly' in t"at country' t"e $riest"ood was a $eerless calling' and guaranteed t"e king s"ould always be ad&ised by t"e noblest' best and wisest men t"e little nation could command. (s #'&e said' it was 1uite a task to win t"em for *"rist' but $raise t"e 2ord and t"e strengt" of t"e 9ait"' for it was done. Here's "ow@ it occurred immediately to one of t"e mission' a stra$$ing young cleric named 9rederick' t"at if t"e *"ristians could only come u$ wit" a c"am$ion of t"eir own' one w"o "ad outdoug"tied all ot"ers' t"ey s"ould t"en "a&e a man near t"e ear of t"e king w"o could claim "is skill and &igor from "is ba$tism. *on&ersion would follow "ard u$on. %o ac"ie&e t"is e.traordinary end' young 9rederick "ad a $lan. %"is is "ow "e $ut it into $lay ... (nd t"en s"e "ad offered u$ t"at knee' frig"tfully scarred' and "e "ad gone so far as to touch it. ( kiss u$on t"at s$ot' a "ealing kiss' and "e could "a&e marc"ed along "er t"ig" to bliss;suc" as bliss is. %"ese words of "is;for "er t"ey were only t"e $relude to 0ohengrin, but for "im t"ey were t"e t"ing' t"e actual o$era' itself. #t was ,ust like a woman to want t"e $erformance. )et "e was like t"em' t"e ric" ones not t"e real ones' "e' t"e +e&erend;wit" darkness for "is dress. #n t"e t"eater of "is "ead' in t"e $ri&acy of !"illy 9urber's 9ancy 9oto*abinet;w"at t"rilling "orrors were enacted' w"at lasci&i5

ous scenes encranked. *ome to t"e skull s"ow' "oney. Gets no babies out of it' ,ust fun ... fun t"in as tis"5ee $a$er' and all rum$ly crum$ly. %"e difference as it lies t"ese days' $rofessor' between t"e *"ristians and t"e early Greeks/ *"ristians soa$ t"eir balls' # t"ink;correct' my boy' 1uite rig"t; w"ereas t"e $agans' it is my o$inion' always oli&e5oiled t"eir $enises. )es' lad' yes' and t"e reason for t"at is' you see' t"at in our modern world' we' wit" wider "ori6ons' steams"i$s' co$ra' c"emistry ... %"ere was a time' # belie&e' w"en a *"ristian didn't dare to was" downstairs for fear "e'd find some $leasure in it. He didn't care to' eit"er' # sus$ect. His sort was not dis$osed to water. %"ey drew t"eir substance mostly from t"e baser' denser' massier elements' and one brief wade and gentle s$rinkle was enoug" for t"em. Go on' go on' t"at's s"rewd8 t"oug" Gibbon said it' still it's s"rewd. Well all danger of $leasure's $ast' t"ere's no risk now. %"e *"ristians' too' always imitating >ews' t"oug" always $oorly #'m afraid' t"oug" t"ey were always >ews' t"ese *"ristians were' t"oug" fallen # fear' "a&e lately cut t"e ends of t"eir cocks off wit" consecrated scissors. # s"ould like to $ut it to t"e class' sir@ w"at Greek would countenance disfigurement like t"at' and encourage suc" a loss of feeling in a fellow/ 0nly t"at damn >ew' (ntist"enes' $er"a$s. *ertainly not 3ocrates;wit" "is ambide.trous bat and balls. )ou'll go far' 9urby. )ou'&e a "ead' c"ild. (ll t"e lines on t"ose am$"ora would go wrong' sir;"ow t"ey'd uglify. (m$"orae;all t"e lines on t"ose am$"orae;don't forget one sub,ect w"ile reciting on anot"er. :esides t"at' aster 9urber' uglify is a barbaric and ugly word. :esides t"at t"ere's not"ing in +obertson or Hume or Gibbon on t"is sub,ect' aster 9urber' watc" your ste$. %"e $enis in re$ose' $rofessor' wit" t"at little "at of skin' w"y it's a lo&ely c"ildlike t"ing' and eac" man's gentle baby"ood is in it. Nor Boltaire' acaulay' or *arlyle. !lease get on. Nor ic"elet. :ut continue. Nor any of t"e Germans. # remember reading "ow on one am$"ora a satyr is de$icted balancing' w"at/ ;a cu$/ bowl/ $late/ one of t"ese' at any rate' u$on t"e $oint of "is $rick. W"ere are your aut"orities/ !rescott/ !arkman/ dumb. #t's not in +enan' surely/ (ren't you forgetting %acitus is silent' *ornelius Ne$os e1ually' and %"ucydides likewise/ Heno$"on notes not"ing' not"ing. 4&en Herodotus' or gossi$s like !lutarc" and t"e !linys ... #'d $ay a t"ousand drac"mas to see a trick like t"at' and sell my soul a t"ousand times not to feel as"amed attem$ting it myself. 0" "e was like t"em' like t"ose laced5u$ ladies;warm from words. ( man' "e still c"ewed t"e ni$$le' titillation' and risked no freer' dee$er draug"t. 9earless in s$eec"' "e was cowardly in all else ... a"' to be ric"' lu.uriant' e$isco$al ... well' "e'd con1uered t"at by flig"t. )et to s$read sim$licity more dee$ly t"an cosmetic.... %"ese steaming images' rs. Ainsman' t"ese strange wants' we must fig"t t"em off. )ou'&e been gi&en back to maiden"ood. =o not des$air. >erome re,oices;"e w"o $raised marriage because it made more &irgins;good >erome' "is dog' "is lion. %"e in,ury to your "usband was a gracious act of God. His first announcement "ad said t"at t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber would $reac" on Godless Ways' a customary t"eme' and surely disa$$ointing. He t"oug"t t"at considering t"e circumstances most would t"ink somet"ing more $ointed was $ro$er' and "e knew e&eryone entertained a $icture of 2ucy !imber's disarranged and dirty clot"es. *ertainly t"ey would "o$e t"at "e would $reac" u$on t"at $icture8 define t"e c"aracter of t"e disaster8 say' in s"ort' w"at ailed t"e $resent time8 warn, as $astors "ad of old' wit" a trum$et. Godless ways were numberless' and e&en t"oug" "is congregation knew "is r"etoric could skirt t"e nature of eac" sin so skillfully t"at selfsame skirt was flung abo&e t"e "ead and c"aste

discretion tumbled' "ow muc" easier it was to follow t"e outline of general woes w"en colored by your neig"bor's troubles' and "ow muc" easier to take to "eart t"e lessons of man's uni&ersal flaws' "is little misc"iefs' if t"ey were enli&ened wit" local$les and t"e recital of Gilean names. Well "e'd not fail t"em' "e would name a name' but t"ey would "a&e to wait' for it was in t"e mind of t"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber to $reac" a series' and t"e t"oug"t of its sim$le form filled "im wit" radiant $ower. His outward mo&ements were in contrast stiff and s"ort like s"afts and $istons t"at run in ra$id ,erks from steam. His ends and surfaces trembled continually8 "is tongue darted from "is mout" and slid its lengt" to disa$$ear8 "is dark curly "air seemed tig"tened into knots and forced flat against "is "ead. #ndeed "is a$$earance mig"t "a&e gi&en alarm "ad "e not ke$t entirely to "is study' re$ulsing e&ery effort to communicate' including t"ose of >efferson 9lack w"o broug"t t"e +e&erend 9urber's su$$er and left it by "is lunc". %"e +e&erend 9urber's designing figure was a slowly circling "awk' its orbits tig"tening until wit" s"ut5u$ wings' it dro$$ed. 0nly t"e 1uietness was out of $lace. #n "is $lan t"ere was no 1uietness. +at"er "e would make t"em like t"e windings of "ell' noisy wit" flame. He "ad in mind to $reac" a series' eac" one a wind of "ell' a circle of t"e "awk' a coil of snake. He $aced t"e room' "is body rocking' s"outing at God. (lways' too' "e foug"t to kee$ t"at one brig"t image out@ "e standing' s"e beside. He foug"t it furiously. He damned t"e meadow grass t"at seemed to lie along "is c"eek all nig"t and t"e stream t"at ran like music t"roug" "im' "is &oice growing "oarse' lost in "is com$osing' yet always fig"ting t"e cool sweet air' t"e de&ilis" calm' t"e loosening t"at followed "im. 0n "is s"oulder' sometimes' t"ese sensations seemed. 7$ "is slee&es "e found "e must $ursue t"em' t"roug" "is clot"ing' underarms;air like t"e first of s$ring' infinitely $romising. %"en "e would s"out' writ"ing' "is "ands "unting t"em like crawling t"ings' clawing t"roug" "is clot"es' striking at s$ace' $ounding against "is ears until "e t"oug"t t"e drums would break. (ll t"is until "e was e."austed and "e fell in $illows' "iding "is face. 7$ again "is arm described a circle. He floated out' alig"t be"ind "is glowing eyes' t"e "awk' $redatory of mice. He searc"ed eagerly for "is te.ts' reading eac" one "e t"oug"t suitable aloud in a &oice t"at s"ook wit" emotion. He was silent afterward listening to "imself. %"en wit" angry mutters "e always s"uffled on. W"en "e finally bent t"e corner of a $age and s"ut t"e book' it was suddenly' wit"out a reading or a silence after' like t"e "awk's wings come toget"er. He stacked t"e :ible in t"e cu$board wit" se&eral ot"ers t"at des$ite t"eir e.cellent condition were deemed by +e&erend 9urber to "a&e t"eir $otency e."austed. %"ey were only fit to ser&e as $ri6es for good be"a&ior and dutiful attendance' now' for feats of memory and recital as iss 3amant"a' in eac" case' decided. He was constantly renewing "is su$$ly of $ower. 3ome demands dis$elled it 1uickly' and "e'd seen' in "is trouble wit" t"e te.ts' t"at t"is one was running down. He "ad in stock' es$ecially for t"e series' one of s$lendid si6e and $a$er' of multicolored ty$e and softest leat"er. He reac"ed in t"e cabinet and touc"ed t"e to$. %"ere' "e t"oug"t' was force and elo1uence8 "e could feel it swelling against t"e co&er. He was troubled' "owe&er' by t"e immanence of "is success. He met it e&eryw"ere. #t was in t"e air like t"e smell of a$$les;troubling' sweet. 4&ery

day of Henry's disa$$earance was a day of re,oicing' and as t"e year drifted slowly toward its winter' >et"ro 9urber s$ed to "is trium$". )et "is &isions "ad increased;in &i&idness' in number' in t"e s"amelessness of t"eir delig"ts. He rolled in $ubic "air and woke wit" semen sliding down "is leg. 3in and sin and sin again. He knew t"e names. :ut no name damned t"is clean and innocent relief. #t seemed' God "el$ "im' like t"e action of successful $rayer' t"e momentary $re&enience of grace. 9or some time t"e ferocity of "is sermons "ad increased. He was leading t"em u$ ... u$. (nd "e was winning. He knew t"is to be true des$ite t"eir disa$$ointment at t"e general' abstract tenor of "is remarks at first' des$ite t"eir uneasiness at "is "eat' t"eir mystification' too' since t"e $itc" of "is language was stee$. 3o t"at w"en t"e delegates of moderation broke u$on "is $ri&acy' t"ey broke "is confidence and $eace. *ould "e trust "is ,udgment/ trust "is eyes/ for "e'd been certain t"ey were fattening on "is words. %"e sense of "is success rose from t"em like a warm wind from a field' bending t"e "airs in "is nose. Had "e only felt "is own $ulsebeat/ G o d ; m o r e m o d e r a t e ; a more moderate tone ... Were t"ey frig"tened/ t"en of w"at/ of t"e trut";was t"at it/ s"ould t"at affrig"t t"em' a sim$le bugaboo/ well for w"at cause/ or worse;were t"ey merely afraid of w"at "e mig"t say' t"e embarrassment of it' caug"t in t"e $ews' wit" no $age to t"umb for res$onse/ (nd e&ents' too' wit" a kind of fatality' "ad fallen in "is fa&or. !us"ed against "is will toward 2ucy !imber;w"o could "a&e imagined t"e e.tent of "is trium$" t"ere/ %"en summoning all "is $owers' like an ancient *eltic lord' a German c"ief' an "eroic Greek' "e "ad struck down Watson' dri&ing t"e lig"t from "is eyes so t"at "e to$$led into darkness and "is bones clattered about "im. Henry' moreo&er' "ad cle&erly esca$ed t"e combing net. 0ne could only conclude t"at e&eryt"ing was c"anging in fa&or of 9urber' e&eryt"ing was mo&ing to t"e tune of "is wis"es' e&eryt"ing was c"anging ... W"at was it "e "eard/ trum$ets/ tambourines and timbrels/ c"urc" c"imes/ balustrades of bells/ 3uccess' t"e tide turned once again' t"at's w"at "e sensed' and no mistake. >ust as "e'd won t"em in t"e $ast by turning out "is $ockets on t"e stage' "e'd win t"em again wit" a great $erformance;a series of t"em;an e.tended run;trium$" to$$ing trium$". :rig"t $osters $osted o&er town ... bells and banners ... ding5a5 ling' ding5a5ling dong. He'd gi&e t"em *"ristmas by god8 "e'd fill t"eir stockings for t"em8 and turn 0mensetter into candle tallow. Well t"is is an "onor' ladies. <uite a $leasure' gentlemen. *an you all fit in/ W"y were t"ey w"ining t"en/ ... w"ining' damn t"em' w"ining ... :ecause t"ey'd "a&e to gi&e u$ t"eir "o$e of li&ing like an animal and return to an "onest' conscious' "uman life. %"e $ros$ect was "ard.

%"e +e&erend >et"ro 9urber rose t"at 3unday to t"e $ul$it wit" e.citement bla6ing from "im. %"ere was a stirring in t"e c"urc" at late arri&als' and t"e broken "um and stutter of interru$ted w"is$ers filled it. He omitted t"e customary rites and s$oke at once.

0ur Hea&enly 9at"er' we s$eak wit"in )our Hearing. ay we s$eak wit" )our %rut"ful Boice. ay we listen to )our Boice in us. ay we "arken to )our %"under. He'd s$ent a slee$less nig"t. ore t"an once' in com$lete darkness;it was better for t"e darkness;"e "ad $arted t"e curtain and s"uffled to t"e stand and recited "is $iece' saying se&en different t"ings' belie&ing eac". %"ere was no way to call back t"e words as t"ey rus"ed out' "e'd ne&er remember t"em' and "e was using' in t"ese $ri&ate sides"ows' all "is energy@ yet before t"e $ale geometry of t"e windows and in t"e $resence of "is own &oice' "e felt "e "ad been mo&ed to $oetry. His fles" "ad $rickled' tears "ad formed in "is eyes' and "e t"oug"t t"at at last "e'd o$ened "is "eart out "onestly. :ut "e'd o$ened it to no one' really;to an audience of g"osts and c"urc"mice. #t was $ossible' of course' t"at in some corner' 9lack' in&isible in suc" surroundings' nigger like "imself' was listening8 and one $retended always t"at God' too' took an interest8 but in t"is case;God' mice' Negro' wee$ing $reac"er;t"ey came to not"ing. He was e."austed' all ner&es' disorgani6ed8 yet "e meant' ne&ert"eless' to try to fill t"eir ears wit" fire. #t was futile to "o$e t"at "e could bring t"ese creatures u$' yet;yet "e meant to try. Now "e e.amined t"e s$ace "e intended to $reac" to. #t lay ,ust abo&e an irregular terrain of "eads and e.tended to t"e gray crossbeams of t"e na&e wit" t"eir $ale dark a. marks and black s$ots of iron. :eginning at a $oint in front of "im as far as "e could lea$' it reac"ed t"roug" crisscrossing blades of lig"t to t"e o$$osite wall w"ere "is melting sig"t com$osed t"e s$ace's outer edge. He could imagine' looking at it' "ow c"aos was before t"e first word. #t was a stri$ed waste' a &isibly starless nig"t. =ust' c"ambered in rods' la6ily settled in no direction. #ndistinctly "e could see t"e to$s of t"ose fles"y cabinets w"ic" would com$artment "ell' w"ile abo&e' s$anning t"e $eak' were t"e long bars of "ea&en and t"e $erc"ing c"oirs of lo&e. He t"oug"t of "is &oice $assing into it' dust dancing to its tune. %"ere'd be land in t"e s"a$e of "is syllables' a sea singing' sky like an ec"o' $lants in bloom burning wit" s$eec"' animals wit" yellow answering eyes' and finally men taking form from t"e c"ant of t"eir names and gat"ering in crowds to enlarge t"eir re$ly to t"e laments w"ic" "ad created t"em. He didn't dare dro$ "is eyes beyond t"eir "air5ca$$ed fore"eads. He'd slide off a nose or suffer a c"in sli$. 3kid more t"an $lummet;no $osturing could mask it;"e'd ti$' dum$? into s"oes at t"e end. %o find and utter t"e $ro$er words' t"e logoi spermatakoi ... t"at was !lato's game' $oor >o"n's ,est. !imber was t"e word t"ese creatures wanted. !imm5burr. He "ad at least one better word t"an t"at. %"e magic words' if "e could utter t"em' would free t"em from e&ery eart"ly t"ing. %"e stee$le5ti$ of wise !lotinus. (lone like a bird. 9arewell. Ne&ert"eless "is eyes bu66ed in t"eir ears and bit t"eir ankles. 0ne' t"en two ... one' two' one two;t"e usual line of s"oes;a $air' a $air' anot"er $air. .. 3o farewell to faces. 9or god's sake' rs. 3$ink' be silent. Wait wait wait@ screw. Gnawing at "is ner&es. =o not t"ink of old ties;t"e desert lo&es t"e naked. 0ne last look at faces. God. y God. Nose' c"eek' c"in' "air foresting t"e brow' ears at t"e edges' eyes like wells' t"e wrinkles running off' t"e raw li$s' flaking skin ... farewell. *"rist' w"at an im$robable design. 3crew t"em down. DW"at are you doing in t"e world' brot"er' you w"o are more t"an t"e uni&erse/D %ig"t. %ig"t. 9irst;sweet gentle >o"n@ D"e t"at lo&et" not knowet" not God.D %"en; full furious >erome@ D# am $re$ared to cut a foul5smelling nose.D %ig"t down. 9urber's rig"t arm sailed. He watc"ed it (n sur$rise. His &oice w"en it began' was calm and lig"t' smoot" and $recise.

#'&e intended for some time to tell you t"at # understand. He $aused' "is eyes closed. None of us wanted t"is world to begin wit". We were or$"aned into it. (nd we were ne&er fooled. Not fundamentally. We'&e always known we "ad no $lace. #'m not s$eaking sim$ly of our common *"ristian &iew. (nyone' "owe&er far from us in custom or in country "e ot"erwise may be' so long as "e is "uman' "as a soul' and t"roug" t"at soul can sense' t"e same as we' "is strangeness to t"e life t"at "e's been sent to. *onfidently' 9urber strode t"roug" t"e dark. How # we$t and s"rieked' t"e saintly Greek' 4m$edocles' "as written' w"en # was born into t"is world' my gra&e. (nd fallen in fles"' all infants "owl. 4m$edocles belie&ed t"at "is soul' for its sins' must $ass from body into body as water $asses many sie&es8 t"at it must li&e t"roug" e&ery form of dying and suffer e&ery kind of end. #t was "is o$inion t"at "e "ad been a boy already' a girl' a $lant in t"e woods' an eagle "unting in t"e mountains' and "ad s$ent' in t"e ocean' t"e glancing life of a fis". (ll t"e elements' "e says' were united in re,ecting "im. %"e air "ad c"ased "im to t"e sea' and t"e sea "ad s$at "im out on t"e eart"'s edge' and t"e eart" "ad +ung "im toward t"e sun. We are "ere;yes;yet we do not belong. %"is' my friends' is t"e source of all religious feeling. 0n t"is trut" e&eryt"ing de$ends. We are "ere' yet we do not belong8 and t"oug" we need comfort and "o$e and strengt" to sustain us' anyt"ing t"at draws us nearer to t"is life and $uts us in desire of it is dee$ly wrong and greatly decei&es us. # ask you now to ask yoursel&es one sim$le foolis" 1uestion;to say@ was # born for t"is/;and # ask you $lease to face it "onestly and answer yea if you can or nay if you must. 9or this' )ou rise in t"e morning' you stretc"' you scratc" your c"est. 9or t"is/ (ll nig"t' w"ile you snored' t"e moon burned as it burned for >esus or for *aesar. )ou was"' you dress. 9or t"is/ (t breakfast t"ere are $ancakes wit" dollo$s of butter and you dri$ syru$ on your &est. 3o it's for t"is. )ou lick your li$s.

("' t"en it's t"is. )ou slide your $ants to your knees and you grunt in t"e ,akes. #t's for t"is/ 2ig"t's lea&ing a star w"ile you stare at t"e weeds centi$edes li&e in t"e cracks of t"e floor8 and t"e sun' t"e says' s"ines on good and e&il e1ually. 3o you were meant for t"is/ )ou'&e your eyes' your "uman consciousness' for t"is/ Well you're not entirely easy in your mind. %"e weat"er's been $oor. %"ere are t"e cro$s to get in' $ayments to make on t"e farm' ailing cal&es to tend. 9riends "a&e $romised to "el$ wit" t"e "aying' but t"ey "a&en't' and you'&e got to kee$ your eldest son some"ow away from t"at bargeman's daug"ter5a bitc" wit" cow's teats. %"e mind's for t"is/ We yourself now. Hang your $ants from your s"oulders. %"ere are glaciers growing. :ut you wis" your wife weren't so fat and gi&en to malice' and your t"oug"ts are angry and troubled by t"is. %"is/ Bery well;you can com$lain t"at #'&e c"osen tri&ialities in order to embarrass you. 4at' slee$' lo&e' dress;of course you were born for somet"ing better t"an t"is. 9urber's eyes drew slowly to a smile. %"e c"urc" s$rang into being' unrelated colors first' s$arks of lig"t' t"e world seen from a mountain8 t"e delineations' corridors' retreats ... solidities and meanings. ar&els' t"ey were' all of t"em' a moment' before t"ey became w"at t"ey were. He "ad got off on t"e wrong foot. Wrong foot;feet made "im laug". His laug"ter' w"ic" was loud and gay' "e closed by ' coug"ing. 0ur life is one long stream of $iss' "e s"outed' were we born for t"is/ 3"aking' "e sank on "is "eels. How long "ad "e been a5ti$toe/ 9ine beginning. 4m$edocles indeed. Had "e said or "ad "e only t"oug"t t"e name/ #n Gilean. 4m$edocles. (s strange as >esus. !er"a$s "e s"ould "a&e t"em stand and sing' t"en after t"e singing start all o&er. He smiled' s"owing "is $alms' but "e was stuttering and could not utter a number. He drew "is "ands be"ind "im w"ere t"ey flew at one anot"er. #'m not a man of many con&ictionsC No no no ,esus. %"ere were $eo$le lea&ing. :ut "e kited "is eyes. #n t"e balconies; c"oirs. How many/ w"o/ one' two ... He felt t"e ric"ness of "is robes and t"e weig"t of "is res$onsibilities. 2ig"t rained t"roug" t"e windows. #n t"e be5 #n t"e be5 He signaled rs. 3$ink to $lay and cus"ioned "is "ead on t"e :ible. ( des$erate

gesture' it would crick "is neck' but $er"a$s it would im$ress t"em. +attle of notes;s"e'd begun. He must "usband "is resources. Husband. W"at a word. 9or t"e sense of our fles" #s slow;"ow did it go' t"e old sing5song of 3t. (ugustine/;e&en because it is t"e sense of our fles". He must gain control. %"e sense of our fles" is slow. Tardus est enim sensus carnis, )uoniam sensus carnis est ... yes' ... its own measure ... ipse est modus eius ... o " sufficient enoug"; claws' "alls' $rick;for t"e end it was made for ... sufficit ad alius, ad )uod factus est ... yet insufficient;,aw' cunt' li$; ad illud autem non sufficit, ut teneat transcurrentia ... lo&ely ... transcurrentia ab initio debito us)ue ad finem debitum. e sign is in t"e word. #s rs. 3$ink t"e signal/ %"e finger's lasci&ious ti$ ... w"ore's "i$ ... In verbo enim tuo, per )uod creantur, ibi audiunt- ?hinc et huc us)ue.? No' no fart"er ... abuse' abuse ... my god. %"e number of t"e noise ... so numerous ... numberless numbering ... numb ... numb ... w"at was t"e numb .../ %"ere was t"e faint smell of $rint and $a$er. %"e $ages felt cool to "is c"eek. He cuddled "is "ead in "is arms. #t would be good to remain "ere and slee$. :ut in a moment "e would "a&e to straig"ten and face t"em. He couldn't &ery well confess t"en t"at "e "ad no con&ictions "imself and cared not"ing for w"at t"ey belie&ed' for "ow t"ey adored confessions. Go "ome' go "ome' # "a&e not"ing to tell you. ;!adore ... 4!adore ... %"at would nail t"em in. 3$ink'll soon tinkle "er tune to a sto$ end in a ,iffy "er ,iggery "o$ Here;"ere;look;in t"is trouser $ocket #'&e greed like a tree toad. :ut "e really wasn't mean or greedy. He wasn't la6y or lustful' ambitious or lordly. He wasn't gluttonous or co&etous or swollen wit" &anity. (nd w"ere were en&y and anger and cruelty in t"e manner of "is life/ Wasn't it wonderful "ow easily t"e words came. >ust lies u$on lies on t"e cooling $a$er' t"e faint' faint odor of leat"er' t"e darkened "eart be"ind "is eyes... en&y and en&y and en&y and anger ... en&y and anger and ac"ing desire ... "ere;"ere;# s"all raffle off my $enis as a $ri6e ... no' let me tell you w"at #'&e "eard@ tree roots "a&e been known to &essel t"e grimmest granite;t"at's &irtue &ersus &ice in one brief "omily ... o" go "ome' go "ome and strike at one anot"er;eac" so well deser&ing . . . # don't know' myself' w"at to do' w"ere to go ... # lie in t"e crack of a book for my comfort . . . it's w"at t"e world offers ... $lease lea&e me alone to dream as # fancy. %"en bend to your "omes. %o dream as # fancy@ a lady $lum$ and c"arming' lig"t t"roug" lemon lea&es' "onorable and distinguis"ed wounds. (" well now' rs. 3$ink' so you'&e c"ewed u$ your sour little "ymn. 9urber tugged at "is s"irt slee&es and $ressed "is coat smoot". 2et me;like c"ildren;as t"oug" you were c"ildren5let me tell you about it again. Now t"en;t"ank you' t"ank you all' yes' t"ank you;as you will remember' in t"e beginning' you remember' God;God;#hat had 6od done' God "ad labored fi&e days w"en He created man. God "ad sent His $resence t"roug" t"e darkness w"ic" was lying softly on t"e surface of t"e water fast aslee$' t"ere to take $art' clea&ing nig"t from nig"t to make day. %"en God

had sent His $resence down into t"e middle of t"e sea' w"en t"e sea was aslee$' se$arating t"e sweet "alf and lifting it like a cano$y abo&e t"e rest. (nd t"en again He'd sent Himself to t"e sea to gat"er it' and He'd caug"t u$ t"e remaining water like fis" in a net' so t"at land a$$eared w"ere t"e water "ad been carried away. %"us He labored till t"e t"ird day. #t would be wise to remember w"at it was of li&ing t"ings God made on t"e t"ird day' for He fa&ored t"e fruits first. He made all seeds;seeds of tender grass and trees of gracious s"ade. %"en He made t"e mo&ing sun' t"e alternating moon and brilliant stars' and He a$$ointed some to regulate t"e nig"t' and ot"ers to design and rule t"e day. 9inally' on t"e fift"' 6od fastened life in t"e water and at t"e water's edge and in t"e air;w"ales and seals and salaman5 ders' darting birds. %"en as t"e sea "ad formed fis" after its own' and t"e air "ad fas"ioned e&en eagles and wild gulls on t"e model of t"e wind' so t"e eart" was let to bring fort" animals in t"e li&ing likeness of itself5cattle and snakes and bears' eac" and e&ery kind. (s you remember ... you surely remember ... W"en t"is was done' and t"e first fi&e days "ad $assed beneat" t"e eart" fore&er' and w"en God saw w"at He "ad made was good' only t"en did He consider creating man' w"o was to "a&e' as t"e sun "ad in t"e brilliant "ea&ens' and as t"e moon "ad among t"e stars' dominion o&er life. 3o He $re$ared. He formed dust about His own breat" like a c"rysalis. He $re$ared;blowing in His fist' making man a "ollow &essel and s"a$ing eart" about His breat" wit" His own "ands. He $re$ared;$ouring His breat" like a $recious li1uid t"roug" t"e nostrils of t"e "uman ,ar. *onse1uently man "ad a likeness in "im t"at was great and "oly from t"e first' sacred and terrible. >ust as God in t"e beginning "ad di&ided t"e darkness to make lig"t' stealing on it w"ile it lay aslee$' and ,ust as God "ad taken t"e sweetness from t"e sea as it rested to &ault t"e sky' so mankind was also di&ided in slumber' and t"e darkness taken' and a $ortion of t"e di&ine breat" too' to make a wife. #t was only rig"t t"at t"ese di&ided "al&es s"ould come toget"er' $art and come toget"er' so t"at w"at "ad once been mi.ed mig"t mi. again' so t"at w"at "ad once been sundered mig"t be sundered again' ,ust as God "ad done t"ese t"ings during t"e si. days of His labor. 4&erlastingly now' t"e sea yields u$ its "ea&en. W"at was eart"' soon enoug" again' is eart". en and women mingle' and are lonely after. )et t"ere was already enmity between t"e dark and t"e darkness' between salt and fres"' t"e sea and its fis"es' t"e air and its eagles' t"e unmo&ing eart" and its teeming kinds' man and "is woman8 for nig"t "ad lost "alf of itself to day' as t"e sea "ad to t"e "ea&ens' and t"e eart" to its millions. an could not endure alone' wit"out a likeness of "imself' and some say' t"oug" # belie&e t"ey are mistaken' t"at (dam beseec"ed God for "is mate. )et w"en 4&e was lifted from "is side and t"e skin tied at t"e na&el' "e was not com$letely "a$$y. (dam yearned' wit"out knowing w"y' and felt en&y' since beside "im now lay man $erfected' "is $oorest $art ennobled' glorified. # defy you to find w"ere in Holy Writ it says "e was satisfied.

(dam wis"ed t"e return of "is softer "alf. He wis"ed to be w"ole again as "e was in t"e beginning. (las. %"e eart" also wis"ed "im back. %"e sea wis"ed to swallow t"e land again' and dee$ nig"t groaned against t"e lig"t. 3uc" is t"e lesson;listen carefully to it;of t"is remarkable creation. Now t"ere was in "ea&en' as you know' an angel' $rince among t"em' t"e !rince of =arkness. (nd "e felt "is wife drawn $ainfully from "im' out of "is "oly body' fully "alf of "imself' and gi&en a $lace of da66ling s$lendor. How "e "ated it' and suffered "is loss loudly. %"en at t"e end of t"e si.t" day' after God "ad created man and dri&en "is beauty from "im like a s$ecter8 w"en at t"e end of t"e si.t" day man's beauty was dri&en from "im as t"e day "ad been dri&en from slee$ing nig"t and t"e sky loo$ed o&er t"e slumberous sea and life drawn from t"e nodding eart"' God ordered t"e w"ole Host of Hea&en to kneel to t"is wondrous $air' so to signify t"eir admiration of t"em. :ut t"e !rince of =arkness said' lamenting@ my 2ord' )ou made t"e sun and moon to rule t"e "al&es of my former kingdom' and )ou grew $lants to su$er&ise t"e eart"' and t"en )ou ga&e t"e animals t"ese. Now finally )ou "a&e made t"is frail $otter's figure' man' to multi$ly and feed and fatten on t"e beasts. :ut God ordered t"e w"ole Host of Hea&en to kneel to t"e images of Himself He "ad created' so to signify t"eir admiration of t"em. :ut t"e !rince of =arkness' grie&ing' said@ my 2ord' )ou did not mean t"e moon to $lay "a&oc wit" t"e daytime' or t"e sun to rise for t"e $ale canary or set for t"e remorseless cat. %"erefore it is not fitting t"at we' immortal lords"i$s' s"ould $lay t"e camel to man' w"o "as no $ro$er $ower or dominion o&er us. :ut God ordered t"e w"ole Host of Hea&en to kneel' ne&ert"eless' and to indicate t"ereby t"eir admiration for t"e 2ord' Himself' w"o "ad created man' t"is mar&el among e&en t"e mar&elous. :ut t"e $roud !rince of =arkness refused. #t was at t"e close of t"e si.t" day t"en t"at 3atan' for disobedience and a broken "eart' was dismissed wit" "is com$anions from t"e loyal Host of Hea&en' and like a burning streak of &a$or fell by t"e sun's face into "is element. Hus" ... "us" ... W"at's ne.t/ 2ike a waterstrider' 9urber rode a t"in film of sense. 2ater God made 4den wit" its ri&ers and $ut (dam and 4&e to $aradise t"ere' t"oug" some say He made 4den earlier' before 4&e' as it a$$ears in t"e :ible. %"e tree of life grew in t"e garden' and also t"e tree of t"e knowledge of good and e&il. #t was t"is latter tree of w"ic" God forbade (dam and 4&e to eat' but t"ey ate of it all t"e same' as we know to our sorrow. %"e finer "alf fell first; t"e last and best of all creation;so now s"e brings fort" "er c"ildren in $ain and labor' and ser&es t"e $oorer $ortion as "er $unis"ment.

God created always by di&ision' taking t"e lesser $art' transforming it into its o$$osite' and raising it abo&e t"e rest. 3o s"ould we c"ange our worst into our best. 9urber sna$$ed "is fingers. %"ere was a good one. %"at was t"e kind of t"ing t"ey liked. 3"ould "e say it again/ :ut "e was losing t"e t"read. %"ere is e&eryw"ere in nature a $artiality for t"e earlier condition' and an instincti&e urge to return to it. %o succumb to t"is urge is to succumb to t"e wis" of t"e !rince of =arkness' w"ose aim is to defeat' if $ossible' t"e $ur$oses of *od's creation. We do on occasion forget' fo course' t"e clay we're made of. We do sometimes deny our animal nature and our origin in t"e eart". :ut t"e "eroic life is like t"e t"ie&ery and $unis"ment of !romet"eus' bot" $ainful and lonely' and we do not $ursue it long. 9or t"e most $art men look u$on t"eir "umanity as a burden' and call t"e knowledge of w"at t"ey are a sim$le conse1uence of sin. en' like all t"ings' resist t"eir essence' and seek t"e sweet obli&ion of t"e animal;a rest from t"emsel&es t"at's but an easy counterfeit of deat" ... )et w"en (dam disobeyed' "e lit t"is sun in our "eads. Now' like t"e slowest worm' we sense8 but like t"e mig"tiest god' we know. 2o&ely lig"ts and swoo$ing swallows' car$eting t"e distance ... 3o we do not belong. We're "ere. 2ike t"e "unc"back is "ere in "is "um$' t"e crow in "is caw. 0" god' we're "ere. )et we do not belong. %"e eye of t"e animal o$ens. %"ink. He sees. W"at a strange t"ing seeing is to in t"is world. His eye o$ens;t"e ferret's eye' t"e tiger's eye' o$ens;and t"ere are in t"at moment and for t"e first time ... images ... #magine we o$en t"e eye of a man. %"oug"t lies on t"e ot"er side of t"at t"in lid. He sees wit"out blinking. :lind' "e still sees5t"e $itiful creature. 0f course. He's t"e wondrous watc"man' isn't "e/ Watc"ing ... watc"ing like a weasel in t"e weeds; W"at's skittering/ #t's t"is sun in my "ead. %"ey are naked and e.$osed' # said. N5n5nay5kidd. W"ere;let's see;yes. W"o is "onest in t"e dark/ !romet"eus/ 4m$edocles/ Holy >esus. He bent "is "ead and saw $rint running down t"e $ages. %e.t. He "ad a te.t. W"o was still "ere/ 3$ace. 4mbroidered wit" lig"t. %"e $rint was flowing. %e.t. He "ad a te.t. %e.t to kee$ talking. #nward;in a word;inwardly;in "is innards;large guards' were t"ey/; sourly;s"ards of "eart;of $ottery;of clay $iercing $eo$le;in "ollowware;in terror of s$irit;to fall so inwardly ... D(nd t"e &oice said' *ry. (nd "e said' W"at s"all # cry/ (ll fles" is grass' and all t"e goodliness t"ereof is as t"e flower of t"e field@ D%"e grass wit"eret"' t"e flower fadet"@ but t"e word of our God s"all stand for e&er.D

... but fall down inwardly ... )ou t"en' t"e scri$ture says' are t"e $eo$le. )ou are the grass. )ou are t"e fles"' t"e grass. =o you imagine t"at t"e grass' by growing' can become t"e cow/ Was t"ere snickering/ ... was t"ere tittering/ snickering/ W"o was out t"ere/ 4mbroidered space. % "is life ; %"is life $asses like a day in fertile country all too soon. %ouc" t"e book. %ouc" t"e book. His fingers skidded on t"e $ages. !ews were ti$$ing em$ty. We'&e slid to "ell? t"e boards "a&e broken? (re t"ose t"e dancing ladies/ :e"old "im wit" "is eyes trans$orted to "is buttocks. :etter t"ere "e may $ercei&e t"e concourse of t"e anus. (nd t"e fiend ... He will a$$ear wit" a$$le5rosy c"eeks and friendly tousled "air ... wit" candid eyes and o$enended s$eec". 2ead us out of t"is $lace' o" 2ord' t"at we may "a&e reason to $raise your mercy. %"ose w"o remain ... 2et us $ray.

#t began to snow as *"amlay and 9urber reac"ed t"e "ouse. %"e flakes fell slowly out of a close sky' clinging to t"e ti$s of t"e "ig" grass and breaking gently on t"eir faces. #t was t"e middle of t"e morning but t"e "us"ing snow and gray lig"t ga&e to e&eryt"ing a 1uality of e&ening. ( daug"ter let t"em in. 4ac" "esitated to $recede so t"ey s1uee6ed t"roug" awkwardly' bum$ing toget"er. (mos was at t"e breast and t"e room was full of t"e sounds of "is feeding. He's out wit" (rt"ur' s"e said' attending to "er son' "er face e.$ressionless' "er &oice as cold and aimless as t"e snow. 9urber's ga6e fled o&er t"e room to "ide finally in t"e bottom of "is "at. He saw beyond t"at t"e cracked and s$lintered fir board floor' t"e wood grain nearly gone under a grime of years t"at turned t"e w"ole floor gray. *"amlay stared bra6enly about' otionless and tense' t"e brown5eyed daug"ters' t"eir faces $ale and drawn' sat leaning forward in ladder c"airs set close toget"er against t"e wall' touc"ing t"e lower rungs wit" feet as tentati&e as birds'' and "olding "ands. ( $atc"ed and faded yellow comfort dra$ed o&er a cradle in t"e corner. (bo&e "ung a landsca$e containing a ri&er. ( table w"ose to$ was "ea&ily scarred and car&ed stood une&enly by t"e front window' a long benc" beside it. 9urber took out "is watc" and looked at t"e $"otogra$" fastened to its lid;a $icture of "imself and two distant cousins' girls of ten' w"ose names "e'd long ago forgotten. 9urber a$$eared

strangely w"ite and $lum$ beside t"em' and "eld a smile to "is mout" w"ic" "e "ad always found beguiling. Now "e ins$ected "is cousins again. 0nly t"en did t"e dresses on 0mensetter's daug"ters seem "omemade and t"in' tig"t and s"ort on t"em' too fre1uently and too furiously was"ed. 9urber sig"ed and sna$$ed t"e watc" s"ut. He'd ne&er been a $lum$ one. %"ere was a w"ite ironstone tea$ot on t"e table wit" a wooden s$oon beside it and a trail of crumbs. %"e girls ga6ed at somet"ing out t"e window but ga&e no sign t"ey saw. %"ey seemed about to issue into flig"t. ( dented and badly tarnis"ed co$$er $an sat on t"e "eart". #t was likely 4nglis"' "e t"oug"t' and of considerable age. 9rom time to time wood settled' sending s$arks u$ t"e c"imney. (t last "e turned from t"e dark stones and $ut "is watc" away' smiling at t"e girls. (not"er $icture "ung from string and nearing it "e made out 3t. 9rancis feeding s1uirrels. Bery nice' *"amlay was saying circling briskly' &ery nice indeed. 0n t"e way t"ey'd scarcely s$oken. *"amlay "ad wanted 0lus Ano. to accom$any "im' but 0lus s"owed no "eart for it' and 9urber' "a$$ening by c"ance to $ass' "ad come along instead. *"amlay was in a rage. He now suggested t"at t"e moment wasn't rig"t8 t"at "e'd return anot"er time8 but silence recei&ed "im' and as t"ey s"ifted in t"e room t"ey failed to draw an eye. %"en *"amlay began to 1uestion "er in a &oice t"at was soft and deferential. 9urber mo&ed in front of t"e girls' smiling still' about to s$eak' w"ile t"eir mot"er rocked on cautiously. %"e girls' li$s were $ale and $arted slig"tly o&er clenc"ed teet". 9urber faltered' t"en went around t"em and be"ind t"eir mot"er to $eer into t"e "all. *"amlay $ut "is 1uestions again. 3"e didn't know w"ere "e'd gone' s"e said. 3"e didn't know w"en "e would return. *"amlay and 9urber drifted $rotecti&ely toget"er' "olding to t"e brims of t"eir "ats. 3"e c"anged breasts wit"out concern' slowly co&ering t"e em$tied one' w"ic" was surfaced wit" goosefles" like a lake in a s"ower. %"e older girl' 9urber noticed' "ad an elbow c"afed. )ou may stay if you like. # don't know "ow long "e'll be. #f you decide to' t"ey'll get c"airs. *"amlay's gesture of regret went unobser&ed. )ou don't know w"y' "e said. 3"e blew on t"e baby's "air and rubbed "is scal$ wit" a moistened finger' settling "erself a little' twitc"ing "er s"oulders. %"e infant's red c"eeks worked. 9urber touc"ed *"amlay's slee&e and motioned to t"e door. 3"e carefully kneaded "er breast. He feels "e's got to find Henry. %"ey mo&ed uncertainly as s"e looked u$. *"airs' s"e said. %"e girls rose' but bot" men $ut out t"eir arms. No' t"ey said. %"e girls' "ands were clas$ed' t"eir ga6es steady' t"eir mout"s e.actly car&ed. 9urber c"ewed "is c"eek. %"e baby loudly smacked "is li$s and t"e ni$$le esca$ed' standing out long and wet.

W"y try' s"e said' w"at difference will it make/ w"at good/ (mos foug"t to find t"e ni$$le' $uffing' about to cry. *"amlay's face was brig"tly flus"ed. He "eld "is "and demurely across "is badge and 9urber failed to catc" "is eye. %"ere's 2ucy' for one t"ing' *"amlay said. %"e ni$$le skidded o&er t"e baby's c"eek. #t caug"t in t"e corner of "is mout" and t"en sank in' lea&ing a trail of milk. ot"er' t"e older daug"ter w"is$ered' startling t"e men. He means issus !imber' "er mot"er said.

Well' t"ere's t"at t"en' *"amlay said. =ead' s"e said' w"at good/ 3"e rocked more ra$idly. W"at's any body good for' em$tied out/ %"e law' you understand' "as an interest' said *"amlay firmly. 2ess use t"an a barrel' its bottom sto&e in' s"e said. *"amlay s"ook "is "ead. )ou misunderstand. %"ere may "a&e been some &iolation in "is deat". He $aused. (bsence' # s"ould "a&e said;disa$$earance. He can't be $unis"ed now for t"at' s"e said' "e's dead. How is it you're so sure' *"amlay said urgently' and "er "ead sna$$ed. =on't $lay t"e fool. *"amlay cleared "is t"roat w"ile 9urber went to t"e door and $ut "is "and on t"e knob. %"e daug"ters' standing yet' fi.ed *"amlay and t"eir mot"er wit" an intense blank stare like t"e stare of $laster statuary. We don't want to get caug"t in t"is snow' 9urber said. #t was t"e well' # t"ink' s"e said in a moment' returning "er attention to "er son. #t was t"at sim$le circle in t"e ground. He sure acted 1ueer about it. 9urber came forward and tugged at *"amlay's s"oulder. We ne&er did "im any "arm # know of' and w"en "e "ad t"e lock,aw' "e li&ed

for :rackett's sake' it seemed to me. 3"e t"oug"t a bit. %"en;s"e s"rugged;"e killed "imself. 3"e sto$$ed rocking and looked o&er "er s"oulder down t"e "all. # t"oug"t # "eard (rt"ur but it must "a&e been anot"er dog . . . He killed "imself. #t's "ard to belie&e. W"at "arm "ad we done "im/ 2i&ing in t"is "ouse/ =o you know/ %"e baby belc"ed and s"e $atted "is back' rocking once more. Not (rt"ur # guess. Hours "e's been out t"ere at it and w"at "arm "ad we done "im/ (nd to die as "e must "a&e' don't you t"ink/ in t"e lea&es and all t"at wind' cold and away from e&ery friend and e&eryt"ing "e lo&ed. How could "e do it/ ... (re you t"e s"eriff/ # didn't know we "ad one ... (rt"ur's bark is "ars"er ... (nd w"at "arm/ to anyone/ # can't belie&e it. #t runs rig"t o&er' it runs rig"t o&er me. # can't stand crawling t"ings' can you/ Well it ,ust comes o&er me like t"at. %errible. 3"e s"i&ered. )ou want to was" t"ings like t"at out of your clot"es' off your body;rub t"em away ... #t turns you cold ... Well' it's terrible to li&e' for some' # guess. 3"e let some s$it to "er finger and began carefully scrubbing be"ind t"e baby's ear. How does it feel' (mos' s"e said' c"uckling' is it good to suck a soft teat/ 3"e looked u$ at *"amlay. He "as a $owerful draw. 3"e blew gently on t"e baby's "ead. Well we'&e all forgotten' # guess ... big as we'&e got ... old. (mos;"e ,ust wants to slee$ and eat. Henry's in t"e woods somew"ere' somew"ere in a field' or rum$ u$ under water' maybe' some$lace. (mos;t"e mister says we'll call you (mos. W"y' do you su$$ose/ 3"e laug"ed. ot"er' t"e older daug"ter said' mot"er' $lease. 3"e slowly subsided. )ou little muffin' s"e said' nu66ling "im. %"en "er face was smoot" and worn and w"ite again. %"e fo. died better' s"e said. #'&e seen a s$oiling mouse t"at still "ad dignity

;but men ... %"at fo. now' *"amlay said. #t was funny about t"at fo.. 3trange' # mean. )ou were going to let "im star&e down t"ere' # "ear. W"y/ W"at was t"e $oint of t"at/ (ny fun in it/ *ome on' *urtis' 9urber said' s"e doesn't know anyt"ing. (fter a w"ile' you know' it mig"t "a&e begun to w"ine and w"im$er. )ou're t"inking of a dog' s"e said. ( fo. dies 1uiet. Well w"at was so funny about it/ %"at gets me. W"at was so funny/ (nd now you s"rug. Well it's easy for you to s"rug' # su$$ose;w"at wit" 0mensetter's luck. 0" we'&e ne&er "ad muc" luck. *"amlay cackled brutally. How do you t"ink 2ucy !imber feels;"er "usband gone' lost' no one knows w"ere;sitting at "ome w"ile we walk t"roug" t"e woods looking for "im;and in $laces w"ere no li&ing man s"ould be/ 3"e smiled. W"en # was twel&e # "ad a rabbit for a w"ole day. ot"er. #s "e wort" all t"is fuss and marc" about/ 9or "ea&en's sake' "e's a "uman being. He's got more feeling t"an a fo.. )ou oug"t to be able to see t"at. How "ard did you "unt for "im w"en "e was still ali&e/ *"amlay swore and turned away. %"e baby's "ead fell from its breast' curd on its li$s' eyes closed. 0$en t"e door for t"ese men' s"e said. *"amlay and 9urber filed out' immediately $utting t"eir "ats on t"eir "eads and drawing dee$ s"uddering breat"s. %"e door s"ut be"ind t"em wit" (mos coug"ing. %"e air "ad a ni$ now t"oug" t"e snow "ad ceased and flakes were melting on t"e ground. %"e sky seemed' if $ossible' e&en nearer. %"roug" t"e bare trees t"ey could see t"e calm 0"io. *"amlay stood some moments in t"e yard' 9urber 1uietly beside "im until "e took to s"i&ering. %"en t"ey rode off. Now and t"en a cris$ bree6e felt its way t"roug" t"e woods from t"e ri&er. %"ey left t"e $at" and "ad gone a little on t"e road w"en *"amlay sig"ed. His face "ad

cooled and t"e determination of "is body eased. He s$oke out of dee$ t"oug"t' as t"oug" alone. =id you e&er see' "e began' breaking "is 1uestion suddenly as 9urber turned to study "im. No' 9urber finally answered w"en "e t"oug"t "e understood' # ne&er did8 t"oug" "e lied' since "e knew one ot"er time "e "ad.

W"en 0mensetter s"ook t"e door wit" $ounding' t"e +e&erend 9urber s"outed no' and dro&e "is fists toget"er. #t was si. in t"e e&ening' "e was in "is nig"ts"irt yet' "is &oice was "oarse' and "is eyes were badly $uffed. (ll day "e'd t"ras"ed about and we$t and yelled at !ike. Now "e sat in t"e dark' mooning dimly' cursing "is tears and knotting "is bedclot"es. %"e room was cold. %"e coals in t"e grate "ad t"ick co&ers of as"' and moisture "ad fro6en on t"e windows. He'd risen early' in t"e gri$ of a dream' and stumbled to t"e &estry w"ere 9lack "ad begun "is swee$ing. )ou'&e been telling $eo$le t"ings about me' "e'd said bluntly. %"e colored man "ad clung to "is broom w"ile 9urber cruelly accused "im. )ou know all about me. )ou'&e gi&en me away. oments later' 9urber "ad tried to drown "imself in a basin. 0f course it was an act' anot"er futile gesture' and "e'd flung t"e basin t"e lengt" of t"e "all;carrying it carefully from "is room first' so as not to wet "is belongings. :ack on "is bed "e "ammered t"e wall' wailing and wee$ing. #t was true t"at t"e day "ad $assed 1uite 1uickly' yet "e didn't t"ink "e'd snoo6ed. He'd been in a genuine delirium' t"en' and "e took some comfort from t"e momentousness of t"at conclusion. 0ut "e was "ardly $re$ared for t"e $ounding w"ic" suddenly assailed "im;$ounding not "is own;from wit"out' not wit"in;re$eated' t"underous' im$erati&e. %"e lummo. is "ere' "e t"oug"t' and "e dro&e "is fists at one anot"er so &iciously "is knuckles skinned. # must see you' 0mensetter said. 9urber almost laug"ed. %"ere's no lig"t' no fire. #'m sitting in t"e dark. He needn't "a&e answered. 0mensetter "ad no way of knowing "e was t"ere;unless 9lack "ad gi&en "im away again. He was immediately as"amed. 9lack came by "is color "onestly. %"e little Ngero would ne&er "a&e betrayed "im. #t was inconcei&able. He "ad cared for t"e c"urc" w"en +us" was its master' and "e "ad suffered wit"out com$laint t"roug" its terrible $lague5time under 9urber t"e 9urious' >et"ro t"e !retender' always ser&ing loyally and wit" e1ual lo&e' 9urber felt certain' t"oug" eac" day' lately' "e "ad seemed to s"rink a little' and to go about "is work still more in&isibly. =uring all t"is time' 9urber "ad actually learned not"ing about "im8 "e "ad ne&er taken t"e slig"test trouble for "im or s"own t"e least real interest. %"e fellow "ad remained a ser&ant' a Negro' a mystery. (nd w"y s"ouldn't "e be a mystery/ No one is sim$le' "e was about to say' yet "ow would "e know/ W"at "ad t"e watc"man seen on "is rounds/ 3urfaces. 3catters. He'd ke$t e&eryt"ing at a word's lengt"' and it was words "e saw w"en "e saw "er;tig"t' and w"ite' and s"ining8 it was words "e felt w"en "is anger burned "im' w"en "e s"ook and wailed and struck about wildly. 0ut of t"e world "e could safely take ,ust t"e ra&elings@ t"e color of t"e bruise on "is toe' for instance' or t"e isolated croak of a frog w"ic" sur$rises t"e afternoon' or t"e &ision of an intense green slo$e w"ere a ball coasts under a wicket. %"oug" mankind was "is "obby;so "e'd often said;"e knew not"ing of men. Negro

seemed more $ro$erly t"e name of a $atent medicine' ,ust as mankind' des$ite "is study' was only a com$ound ,oke to "im. 9urber ac"ed' for a c"ange' from t"e blow "e "ad struck t"e friend of "is c"urc"' but t"ere was no "el$ for it now' and "e would not bandage eit"er wound by begging for forgi&eness. #n one way Gilean was more $unis"ed t"an 4gy$t' "e t"oug"t' since 4gy$t was ne&er &isited by a $lague of lies. # "a&e to see you' 0mensetter said. W"at can # do now' 9urber t"oug"t' $us"ing "imself to t"e edge of t"e bed. #'m not all dressed' "e said. He was worn out' defeated. His "ead bu66ed. His feelings were s"redded' and "e was s"aking badly;out and in. He knew "e must look a sig"t. %"e last few days "e "ad grown increasingly careless. He "ad refused to s"a&e. He "ad "owled for !ike and got no answer. #ncredulous' "e "ad walked around "is clock in t"e garden. 3unday would come soon. %"ere'd be no sermon. He watc"ed t"e snow w"istle t"roug" t"e gate and sink in t"e 0"io. 3ince "e was done for in Gilean; done for e&eryw"ere in t"at case;9urber wondered w"y 0mensetter could not lea&e "im alone. W"at do you want/ # want to s$eak to you' but # can't s"out t"roug" t"is door. #t's late. # know it's late. %"ere's time enoug"' t"oug". #t's im$ortant. # "a&en't "ad my dinner. 0mensetter rattled t"e knob. (ll "is s$eec"es ... "is beautiful barriers of words ... He t"rust a $a$er s$ill t"roug" t"e as"es and t"e room rolled in its flare. (fter t"ese sounds' would t"e door come down/ %"e bolt rattled at 0mensetter's urging and 9urber's "and s"ook. Wrinkles a$$eared in t"e wall$a$er8 t"e walls t"emsel&es seemed to wa&er8 corners of t"e room crum$led8 t"e ceiling swoo$ed8 t"ere were bats on "is $illow. #t took a certain sort to undertake suc" banging;,ust t"e sort of loud muscling oaf "e was. #f "e let "im in ... t"en t"ere "e'd be' filling t"e door' "uge' breat"ing "ea&ily' t"e edges of "is fists red' li$s wet' body rocking' e&ery bit as real as;as w"at/ t"e bats on "is $illow/ t"e c"asm yawning by "is bed/ t"e "ungry "oles in t"e wall/ (s t"e lam$ lit' t"e room grew8 its ob,ects steadied. 9urber dro$$ed a smoking fragment of $a$er. He gently mooed and blew u$on "is fingers. %"e comedy is finis"ed. %"e floor was icy. *oming;take it gently;coming' coming ... Hoo. +elief and frig"t at silence. %o mortify t"e fles"' 9urber "eeled t"e as"' t"en soug"t "is sli$$ers. %"ere was no "arm done. He needed a nig"tca$ to go wit" "is nig"tgown. %"en "e t"oug"t "e knew "ow "e felt like someone facing e.ecution. * o ming.. .

#t was true. He was too e."austed to contain any greater emotion. ( nig"t's grief' a nig"t's waiting' and now t"e warden wit" "is keys. 9urber's "ead ac"ed. )es' "is eyes were surely swollen. !ale' t"e $risoner from "is cot ... %"e gray wet wall of t"e garden. .. forlorn i&y ... dri$$ing trees ... %"en scorn for t"e "ankie blinding. 2ift fist forward;defiant to t"e last. *ry deat" to trut" and long li&e liars. :angedy bang. )ou were in bed. 0mensetter ga&e "im a s"ee$is" grin and sla$$ed snow from "is s"oulders. %"at's w"at # said. %"en it's good # $ounded. 0mensetter's "air was in a des$erate tangle. His face was $ale from e."austion and filt"y from t"e woods. 9urred wit" a week's beard' it was dee$ly creased and t"ere were lines of windburn across t"e c"eeks. His clot"ing was badly $icked and burred' $ulled out and twisted on "im' and "e struck at "is body re$eatedly wit" "is "ands. 9urber retreated to a c"air. #'&e found "im' 0mensetter said. Ha&e a seat' said 9urber weakly. 0mensetter ad&anced' buffeting "is ears. #'&e found "im. )ou'&e; +ig"t. :oy. )es # "a&e. 4&er seen weat"er so bad so early/ Henry/ +ig"t. W"ew. # "a&en't been in;# "a&en't been in to work muc";w"at wit" "unting "im. He's dead/ 3ure. %"e nig"ts"irt rose a moment;sat. Now' wit" God's "el$' 9urber would look at "im' flat on' for "e was all new8 "is face no longer suited "im' nor did "is "ands. His nose was ina$$ro$riate' "is words weren't rig"t. %"ere was t"at false "ailfellow tone' t"e w"a$$ing and bas"ing ... new. (nd 9urber began to feel "is bones gradually burning wit" s"ame. # see' "e said. Ha "a. )ea".

0mensetter $ulled off "is "at. 9or *"rist's sake' did "e c"ew' 9urber wondered. #n a moment "e would sna$ "is sus$enders. 0mensetter turned &ery slowly around in t"e room. %"en "e ... #n t"e woods. %"ere was a little red in t"e stubble of "is beard' 9urber noticed. He was wi$ing "is mout" wit" a wool rag of "at. )ou didn't bring "im "im in/;bring "im back/ (t t"is moment' 9urber t"oug"t' Henry mig"t be $ro$$ed like a statue in t"e &estry t"e new5found saint and s$irit of t"e woods. :oy' you s"ould see. 0mensetter looked dramatically at t"e ceiling. # mean;"oley oley;"e's u$ "ig". #n a tree. Way u$ t"ere;a terrible climb. Hea&ier in "is c"air' 9urber tried to kee$ "is "ead clear. Ha&e a seat. He tried to imagine w"at would "a&e to be gone t"roug"' but "e could s1uee6e out only a little' it was too grim@ t"e glints from Ano.'s glasses afflicted "im' t"ere were long slo$ing woodrows' smoked wit" frost' furry mittens ice "ad beaded' s"outed curses and intem$erate commands' s1ueaking tree boug"s' loo$ing &eils of snow8 yet e&en t"ese $altry tatters were s"ameful;Hawkins w"ittling a wooden $enis;for "e was burning8 "is ears and c"eeks were aflame from t"e $ast' since 0mensetter seemed so different t"an "e was' or ot"erwise t"an "e "ad been' as "e was altoget"er slow and sad and s"y now' or embarrassed;rueful/ worried/ scared/ god knew. DHis watc"men are blind@ t"ey are all ignorant' t"ey are all dumb dogs.D )ou mean "e's still t"ere' 9urber said finally. 3ure. %"at's w"at "e wanted. :esides; :ut "ow in "ea&en; He "ung "imself. :ut;t"e 1uestion cre$t t"roug" 9urber's fingers;w"y did "e "a&e to do it in suc" a silly;in suc" a circusy way/ Ha "a. )ea". W"y/ :oy. 0mensetter began roaming around t"e room.

(unt >anet "ad teetered' soul in "er eyes;"e could read. %"roug" t"is damn back and woody s"oulders;not"ing ... c"rist. D%"e in&isible t"ings of "im from t"e creation of t"e world are clearly seen.D (not"er lie. How long "as Henry;been u$ t"ere/ 9urber asked in a $ro$er mourner's &oice. 0mensetter "esitated. # couldn't say. 3ome time. #'m not a real good ,udge. He fiddled wit" t"e lam$' reducing t"e lig"t. W"o "a&e you told/ Nobody;not e&en 2ucy. 3"e's still at t"e Hatstat's. # mean # "a&en't been "ome. # came straig"t "ere. 3traig"t' straig"t' straig"t. %"e crooked' straig"t. He "ad to scratc" "is foot. )ou wouldn't t"ink anyt"ing so cold could itc"' "e said' a$ologi6ing' but 0mensetter wasn't really aware of "im. :eside t"e little table' rubbing t"e edge' "e waited. %"ey could forget t"e w"ole business' of course' and let Henry "ang t"ere;t"at would be easiest. 3o you want me to break t"e news/ 9urber sig"ed' restoring t"e sli$$er' and t"oug"t suddenly of !erse$olis and rows of granite lions. lt's my business' # guess' "e said. # "adn't t"oug"t about t"at. )ou "adn't/ %"en in c"rist's name w"y did you $ick on me/ Not because #'m a $reac"er. (m # so close/ con&enient/ friendly/ 2ook;#'m not t"e by5your5side sort' you know t"at. 9or you' #'m neit"er $erson nor $arson ... Well was nobody "ome in t"e w"ole town so you were left wit" me/ %oo bad. #'m not "ome eit"er. #'&e ,ust gone out. %"e man you're talking to is 9urber's g"ost. (nd #'m not going to crawl u$ a tree to bum$ "im down eit"er' if t"at's w"at you e.$ect;#'m not all t"at "andy. 2ook $arson' don't you belie&e me/ 0mensetter made a gesture of entreaty. # did. Honestly; 9urber groaned wit" annoyance. He's "anging from a limb. 9rom a limb like a leaf' #'m sure' 9urber said' ,um$ing u$. %"at's $oetry;sweet immortal $oetry;it really is. %"e symbolic clown.

0mensetter rus"ed to t"e door. *alm and t"reatening by turns now' "e was like a $iece of weat"er in t"e room. %"e curtains seemed to lift a little as "e $assed. 3orry' 9urber said' $rom$tly sitting. # kee$ forgetting you're a "ero. Ha&e a seat. 9urber carefully measured t"e air into fis" lengt"s. Gilean searc"ed' but 0mensetter found' "e said. (m # correct/ # know # was wrong' 0mensetter said' "is "and on t"e knob' but # "adn't figured ... well # was mistaken' # was wrong ... 2ucy said you wouldn't fa&or; 9a&or/ fa&or w"at/ 0mensetter drifted from t"e door. )ou/ )es. )ou "a&en't been "ome. No. :ut you discussed it wit" 2ucy. No. We talked about it earlier. W"at # s"ould do. %"en >et"ro 9urber wondered w"et"er 0mensetter wasn't an actor. W"at do you kee$ in t"at/ W"at/ %"at. %"is/ )es. :ibles' 9urber said' still disconcerted;"oly t"ings. ( $retty $icture. y god' "e's maneu&ering' 9urber t"oug"t. We'&e one of 3t. 9rancis feeding s1uirrels. # know. 2ucy said t"at you'd been out. Wit" t"e s"eriff. e.

*"amlay's no s"eriff. He "as a badge. :adge. %"at's a story. He "as some aut"ority. 9urber let it $ass. %"e gos"5boy business was gone. 0mensetter was s$eaking calmly now' but wit" almost des$erate intensity. (nd "e was absolutely still. #t was uncanny. Well "e's way in t"e woods and "ig" in t"e air. No wonder t"ey ne&er saw "im. Nobody'd t"ink to look straig"t u$. )ou did. No # didn't. #t was luck. # ,ust "a$$ened to. # got a crick in my neck and was working it out. 0mensetter clas$ed "is "ands be"ind "is neck and began to roll "is "ead about wildly. (nd now "is soul's w"ere it ser&es "im. # can't do anyt"ing. 9urber was knitting "is fingers. %"e w"ole t"ing was absurd. He tra$$ed "is tongue be"ind "is teet". 0mensetter doesn't notice my $uffy eyes. He doesn't notice anyt"ing. 2ong li&e t"e $retty s$eec". Ha&e a seat. 0mensetter riffled a book. )ou "a&en't seen "ow "ig" "e's "ung "imself. He $icked a w"ite oak. #t's "uge; a "ard climb in t"e cold. #'d like to borrow t"is. # read sometimes' t"oug" not in t"e winter. %"e lig"t isn't well for t"e eyes. 9urber made a low sound of disgust. He's wearing t"at gray wool coat wit" t"e wide $ockets "e used to stuff duck s"ells in. He "as "is "ands down t"em now' and "e's "anging by t"e belt so "is "ead tilts to t"e side some w"en "e s$ins. =oes "e seem well rested/ # couldn't tell. 0" come on;,esus. 0mensetter stared at "im. He turns' you said. He turns some. )ou don't intend to lea&e "im u$ t"ere/

Ha "a. :oy. Ha&e you got any books on birds/ )ou do' t"en. 3ure. :ut t"ey won't lea&e "im "anging w"en #'&e told t"em w"ere "e is and e&eryt"ing. # was a friend of Henry's' so you know;in a way # wis" t"ey would. He's u$ t"ere' ister 9urber. :oy. # "ad a notion not to say a word and lea&e "im be' but # guess # can't. y feet are cold' 9urber said firmly. We need a fire in woo. #'m cold all o&er. 3omew"ere t"ere's a little scuttle; %"ey'll ne&er find "im wit"out a dog' "e's "ung so "ig". 3ometimes it gets slid under t"is stool. Wit" t"e wind taking e&ery scent' it took my (rt"ur time out of mind' $lus my wise crick in t"e neck besides' alt"oug" (rt"ur's got t"e finest kind of tracker's nose. 3ometimes it gets $us"ed into t"e corner t"ere. aybe t"ey'd "a&e a little luck like mine wit" t"e :enc"er "ound. # don't know. 0r kicked under t"e bed. #'&e got a terrible bruise on my toe. #t's bad weat"er for it' t"e wind's in your eyes all t"e time. )ou know5a fit of $i1ue. # notice t"ey'&e been slow to go to dogs;t"at *"amlay fellow doesn't like t"em. # ,ust don't know. Hog :ellman. %"ey remind "im' t"at's w"y. 3ay' # want to s"ow you t"at toe. %"e nail's black. (nyway' t"ey'll ne&er t"ink to look so "ig". He's "ung way u$. +i&er or field or floor of t"e woods is all in t"e world t"ey'll t"ink of. ("' "ere it is;would you t"ink of t"at;back of t"is stack of books. #'d ,ust as soon kee$ s"ut. 2et me ,ust $oke t"is u$ a bit. )ou read all t"em books/ Hum. (fter a w"ile' t"oug"' t"at belt will rot or t"e limb "e's "anging from will break. # t"oug"t as muc".

#'m sur$rised "e found a branc" as "ig" as t"at to "old "im so far out; enoug" to be abo&e anot"er tree' a little "ackberry it is' co&ered wit" t"ose witc"es' brooms. Henry must "a&e "ad a real desire to die t"ere. # climb easy and t"at climb near finis"ed me. #ts smoking some. %oo bad #'&e no kindling. farted and flew u$. ustn't $ut on too muc". aybe "e

9urber felt sorry for "im. %"e forceful ends of 0mensetter's fingers "ad left red lines on "is face. %"e corners of "is mout" twitc"ed8 "e blinked8 "e e.amined "is coat slee&e. 9urber "ad cranked "is "ead around. Now it turned back to t"e fire. He couldn't "a&e done any better if "e'd "it "im wit" t"e $oker. W"en # first saw Henry # t"oug"t "e was a great "orned owl. =amn t"is !ennsyl&ania coal. 9urber was s1uatting in front of t"e grate. 0mensetter leaned down to touc" "is s"oulder. 0ne day certain' if # lea&e "im t"ere' t"at boug" or t"at belt will break and "e'll come down t"roug" t"e "ackberry' branc" by branc"' and be mostly in bones at t"e bottom. W"o'll know t"en' for sure' "e "ung "imself u$ t"ere; beyond anybody else's doing/ #n front of 9urber@ a landsca$e of coal and as" and faint smoke. )ou don't touch t"e minister. His nose needed blowing. W"at a godforsaken t"ing t"is was. (nd you'&e c"osen to tell me. )es' 0mensetter said' # know # "a&e your trust. %"e imbecility of t"is remark was so immense t"at 9urber found it im$ossible to res$ond to it. He s"ook "is "ead and rose. %"e new coals would not ignite. He "eld t"e $oker. aybe "e s"ould. %ell me;w"at's your idea/ W"y did Henry turn so strange/ He "ung "imself a way t"at suited "im. 0" sto$ it. # couldn't safely come to anyone but you. W"at a t"ing to say to me;a man of God. 0mensetter looked at "im strangely. W"ere "a&e you been' 9urber said' now out of control. )ou're in t"e wrong farce.

)ou "a&e to belie&e me. )ou know t"e trouble #'m in. # couldn't safety come to anyone but you. 9inding Henry w"ere # did was great luck' but Ano.' you know' and Hatstat' and *"amlay; )es indeed' Ano.' t"e Hatstats' and *"amlay' said 9urber furiously' you're rig"t8 and Hawkins' 0rcutt' 3titt' and 9yle;not out of ,ealousy' if you're t"inking t"at5 %ott e&en' 2emon Hank' my 9lack and 4dna' all t"e wi&es and 3$lendid %urner' *ate and :enc"er' (lfred *andle' t"at fool >ess #&ry' o" and ossteller' t"e dutc"man :lenker' (msterdam' t"at 3canlon woman' at Watson too; Not Not at. at/ 0"' you;you fool.

!lease. !lease/ )ou ask a $lease of me/ 9urber w"istled "is wind out and regarded 0mensetter steadily a moment before s$eaking again. %"en "e s$oke &ery slowly and carefully. :ut at especially, "e said. He especially will t"ink you t"rottled !imber and "auled "im u$. y guarantee. 0" yes;2ucy !imber too;no trouble t"ere; e&erybody;your own wife' maybe; No' not at. at.

0f course'

9urber c"uckled bitterly and sla$$ed "is left "and smartly on "is c"eek. W"y not at/ at first of all. W "e re ;"a&e ;yo u;be e n/ ( friend' e"/ Hooey. ( friend. 9riends all. Hatstat too. *"amlay. %"ere's a friend. (ll t"e ladies. (ll t"e friendly women. Aindly Ano.. %ott' w"o lo&es stories. %"e dear dear =octor. 3titt and Hawkins. %"ere's a $air. 4&erybody. 2o&able 2ucy. Ha&e you "ad "er/ 3"e's eager. (nd >et"ro 9urber' t"at sweet"earted cuss. 4&erybody. He dro$$ed t"e $oker wit" a clatter and formed two elo1uent fists. Go away. Go away' you idiot. W"at are you making me say/ His nig"ts"irt swirled around "is knees as "e turned and began to $ace between t"e table and t"e wall. *ome safely' "e said. %"e fool. *ome safely to me/ %"e idiot. #'m safety/ W"ere ;w"ere "a&e you been/ y god. y god. ( friend. #'&e s$ent my life s$reading lies about you. ( friend' e"/ a friend' a friend; 0kay. #t's okay. )ou;you know not"ing of t"e life you li&e in. 3weet c"rist' w"at a booby;"ow can # con&ey;"ow;"ow could you be so;so stu$id;so imbecile;li&e so long; know so little;"ow/ Well' it's too late to learn now.

(rms slack' 9urber leaned back into t"e angle of t"e walls and stared at t"e ceiling. (t last "e let "is eyes dro$. 2ook@ if a bird were to rub its beak on a limb' you'd "ear it;sure;and if a $iece of water were to mo&e an unaccustomed way' you'd feel it;t"at's rig"t; and if a fo. were to steal a "en' you'd see;you'd see it;e&en in t"e middle of t"e nig"t8 but' "ea&en "el$ you' if a friend a friend;god;were to slit your t"roat wit" "is;"is lo&e;"o"' you'd bleed a week to notice it. 9urber tottered weakly across t"e room. He "ad ac"ie&ed a s$lendid effect. #t sickened "im. He sank on t"e bed and t"rew "is "ead in "is "ands' yet e&en t"at seemed t"eatrical. He "ad no knowledge of t"is man. None. He'd ne&er seen "im before. (nd all "e wanted to do was "it "im;"it "im. W"en 9urber looked u$' "e was still t"ere;waiting. 3een many "angings' 0mensetter/ =o t"eir tongues loll out/ =o t"ey turn blue like e&erybody says' and ,erk a lot/ How many struggle before t"e tra$'s s$rung' or do t"ey go out $raying or cursing t"e crowd/ !er"a$s t"ey're broug"t drugged wit" t"eir "eads in a sack. W"at's your o$inion/ 0r were t"e "angings you attended all at nig"t' of niggers maybe' sla$$ed u$ from t"e rum$ of a "orse or ,ust ,erked away communally and left to c"oke. ; )ou won't answer. W"y not/ 9urber beat "is knees. #t's not true of at' 0mensetter said. =on't you belie&e me/ Henry's "ung "imself in "is coat. No' 9urber said. No. 0f course # don't belie&e you. 0b&iously. God. :elie&e you. No. )ou c"oked "im wit" your great "ands as easily as you mig"t lift me u$ and t"en you fetc"ed "im to t"e to$. No one else could "a&e done it. 0mensetter laug"ed. 0"' "e said w"en "e "ad got "is breat"' t"e "ands;# see;wit" my great "ands;yes. (nd "e began to laug" again.

:y all means;tee "ee. Ho "o "o. (nd so "e's dead in some tree and looks like an owl. Well' t"at's fine. He turns in t"e wind and gets t"e sun. 3$lendid. He made a fine fatuous fool of "imself and is now in "ell. #n a $it of "issing' $issing t"eologians. (ll t"at matters is you trust me. W"at a godforsaken soul # "a&e. :a;:rackett;w"at a s"it # am. Will you go to *"amlay/ # can't. # can't do t"at. %ell "im w"at #'&e told you' t"at's all. # sim$ly can't. 3ay # s"all s"ow "im w"ere Henry's "anging and "el$ to take "im down. )ou don't understand. #t's im$ossible. 4.$lain ,ust "ow # am;my worry. *on&ince "im t"at #'m telling t"e trut". ake clear t"e "eig"t t"at Henry's "anging;all t"at;and "ow sure you are it's suicide. How sure # am' said 9urber wearily. 9or me. 9or you. )es. )ou're offering me a king of bargain/ )ou said it was your business. %"ere are bargains in business. >ust tell "im. (nd good business in bargains. :ot" of us are tired. #'m sorry;you know;to "a&e bot"ered;wit" you so sick' you know;but you can see # "ad to;you can see "ow it is. )ou were 1uick to wonder yourself w"en # told you t"at #'d found "im. 9urber let "is "ead wobble on "is neck. We;2ucy and me;t"e girls;we aren't used to li&ing by t"e side of $eo$le. # guess t"at's it. 2ucy t"oug"t t"e girls oug"t' well' to meet;you know;t"oug" neit"er (ngela or 4leanor seems to care about t"at;well;$er"a$s in time you learn "ow ... 9urber "ugged a $illow in "is la$.

# t"oug"t t"e weat"er would be fine for t"e boy' too' you know' and t"e e.citement of t"e ri&er . . . # didn't figure rig"t. (nd so t"ere'll be a co&enant between us. We'll be going ... w"en Henry's down and buried. %"at would be rig"t. (re t"ere $eo$le li&ing all along t"e ri&er/ #f we went sout" could we find an o$en $iece of woods t"ere/ #'m to con&ince t"em' t"en you'll go' is t"at it/ W"ere will you be/ "ere/ 0" no. (mos "as a cold . . . somet"ing. 2et t"em come by' it's on t"e way. #t'll "a&e to be tomorrow;morning would be wisest;an early start. #t's su$$er time now' and dark. 3u$$er time. %omorrow's time enoug". %ime enoug". #t's dark' you say/ #'ll sure be grateful. #t's t"e business of t"e minister ... to intercede. Well; y (unt >anet was a different sort of suicide. Golly. I'm sorry. 9urber $ut t"e $illow beside "im. Golly. 0ld (unt >anet. W"o t"rew "erself from a s"elf made of wicker. W"at $oints "ad s"e t"oug"t to consider' t"e $ros and cons of deat" and life/ He turned inside and recogni6ed at once t"e $assage of t"e belly' t"e tra&erse of t"e loins' t"e na&igation of t"e t"ig". Now folks' we'&e reac"ed' in "ere' t"e cat"edral of t"e t"ora.' a natural ca&ern. No rare woods "ere' no $erfumed wine' no c"oirs of boys' but :ael wit" t"e "ead of a man and a s$ider's body' cat and toad growing out of "is neck' commanding forty5si. legions of de&ils8 :e"emot"' full stomac"ed as 0mensetter's wife "ad been wit" "er skin like s"ining satin' but ot"erwise an ele$"ant de&ouring grass like t"e o.en' "is w"ole strengt" in "is loins and "is &irtue fitted in t"e button of "is belly' commanding t"rice se&en regiments of furies8 (starot"' t"e ugly angel' &ulgarly astride a dragon' leading forty legions8 9orcas on a donkey8 arc"ocias vomitin ! "uer in a w"eel of "oo&es re&ol&ing8 (smodeus8 %"eutus! Incubus #$emon after demon drawn delig"tfully by %n e&o' (ho ma$e )o$'s finger like an amorous engine for t"e Batican. W"at "e really needed was a year abroad to study $ainting. =o you know &ery well t"e words of >eremia"/ 9urber rose as "e s$oke. 0mensetter s"ook "is "ead.

# used a te.t of "is for t"e first sermon # $reac"ed in t"is c"urc". 0mensetter smiled $olitely. #t was "ot t"en. ; 9urber $ulled "is nig"tgown about "im. (nd &ery dry. We "ad a terrible fire. :urning trees fell in t"e ri&er. ; 9urber sig"ed. ( catastro$"e. W"at was Henry's reason8 do you "a&e any idea/ 0mensetter s"rugged. He was "a$$y w"en # saw "im last' 0mensetter said. We'd been to t"e "ill and "e was resting on a log. # don't know. #t was a good day. 9urber smiled. ( good day. Well t"en no reason. )ou'll tell *"amlay/ O%ake ye "eed e&ery one of "is neig"bor' and trust ye not in any brot"er.D %"at's >eremia". Gee. )ou'll be cold wit" ,ust a ,acket. )ou can con&ince "im/ )ou'll "a&e no trouble/ 3"a$es were crowding toward 9urber's eyes. D9or deat" is come u$ into our windows ...D 0"' "e said' *"amlay/ and "e wa&ed "is "and airily. %"at will be easy' ne&er fear8 it will be easy for me.

4ig"t came by "orseback wit" a wagon' "urrying against a late sun already weakened by its clouds. *"amlay came' and 0lus Ano.' >et"ro 9urber' #srabestis %ott' Hawkins wit" t"e Hatstats' George and enger' t"en 3titt some"ow;all a"ead of ilo :enc"er's wagon. #t was a strong wagon' t"oug" small8 one t"at could be ,ounced o&er meadows and got between trees. %"e men could see 0mensetter $eering t"roug" t"e window w"en t"ey arri&ed' wi$ing back t"e glass wit" "is "and. (s t"ey entered t"e yard 0mensetter rus"ed from t"e "ouse to s"out;t"e boy is

sick;turning from man to man as "e did so' trotting an.iously along. His face was $ale' bearded8 t"ere were bubbles on "is li$s w"ic" $o$$ed w"en "e s$oke. =amn near dark' *"amlay said. We got to mo&e. %"e boy is sick;t"e baby's sick. Gray and frantic' 0mensetter mo&ed from man to man w"ile t"e dog ran 1uickly around "im. Was w"at you said to 9urber true/ %"e "orses were ner&ous. %"e dog $lunged t"roug" 0mensetter's legs and t"e "orses turned' t"eir "oofs destroying $atc"es of snow. #t's all true' yes. :ut # t"oug"t you'd be "ere t"is morning. =isa$$ointed' 0mensetter turned to 9urber. =idn't you; Hey's it true/ w"at did "e say/ )es' )es' 0mensetter s"outed' yes' it's true. We'&e got no time t"en8 it's no ,ob for t"e dark. Going to come "ard' Ano. said' $eering at t"e sky. 0mensetter wound "is fingers in t"e mane of *"amlay's "orse. Was w"at you said to 9urber true/ :etter of been' said Hawkins. # s"ut t"e store. #t's going to "it t"ick. 2et's mo&e. W"ere's W"o/ at/ He didn't come. *"rist' :rackett' come on;you got somet"ing to ride/ He's got t"at "orse. He's got a "orse all rig"t. Will t"is cart5assed wagon make it' enger asked. at/

*ome on' can we ride t"ese "orses in' or will we "a&e to walk/ %old 9urber a lot of cock' # bet;a lot of s"it. :etter not of. *"rist' come on;it's going to turn on cold.

%"e baby's sick. 0mensetter blotted "is nose. Well' you s"ould find "im easy if # tell you "ow' but you can't take your "orses in' or any wagon eit"er;not all t"e way. %"e "orses tig"tened about "im until t"e dog barked from between 0mensetter's feet. %"en t"e "orses s"ied but t"e men reined close again' leaning "ea&ily from t"eir saddles. We'&e got no time' *"amlay said. We're getting old wit" t"is waiting. #t's going to snow;,ust look at t"at;we're due. We're going to get it good. Well' you know t"at long w"ite log t"ere by t"e creek' 0mensetter said. (ll rig"t' go straig"t; *"amlay interru$ted wit" a meaningless s"out of anger and instantly t"e ot"ers were s"outing too' leaning close around "im yelling until 2ucy came running out of t"e "ouse' t"e girls be"ind "er wee$ing brokenly' so t"at t"e dog in a fren6y lea$ed at Hawkins and Hawkins s$rawled "im wit" a blow. He's t"rowing u$ again' :rackett;awful;an awful somet"ing;"e can't breat"e. 0mensetter broke out of t"e circle and ran "ea&ily into t"e "ouse. <uickly' in tig"t aimless $atterns' t"e "orses mo&ed. %"e men rubbed t"eir noses "ig" on t"eir slee&es and watc"ed t"eir streaming mout"s. %"e dog crouc"ed' ears flat' t"reats s"aking in "is t"roat. %"e "orses backed and turned and reared and 3titt cursed w"en "e scra$ed "is leg on ilo :enc"er's wagon. Ano. dismounted. #t's not"ing to fret about #'m sure' "e said. #'&e seen t"is often8 t"e least little t"ing will $ut t"em off. 2ucy's way was blocked by t"e Hatstats' "orses and s"e &ainly tried to go around t"em. We'&e ot"er c"ildren too' s"e said' $us"ing against t"e "orses. #'&e "ad kids sick before' but ne&er;!lease? George winked at "is brot"er. l'll look if you don't mind' Ano. said' $assing t"e reins to %ott. %ell "im "e's got fi&e minutes' 0lus' 2ut"er Hawkins said. >ust fi&e. Ano. followed 2ucy 0mensetter running u$ t"e ste$s' Ano. nodding nicely to t"e girls w"o seemed intent on t"e "orsemen be"ind t"eir tears.

Ano. came out in a moment;t"e men were standing by t"eir "orses;to ask *"amlay w"ere 0rcutt was. He was at t"e (msterdams' t"is morning' %ott said. 4m's bad. Way o&er t"ere/ God damn t"is god damn dog' Hawkins said. #s t"e kid real sick/ 3titt said it was ,ust a stall' and *"amlay went in' Ano. after "im. We'll ne&er get old Henry down today' 3titt said sadly. #'ll "a&e to $ull t"is wagon back to :enc"er em$ty. W"ere is :enc"er anyway;in bed wit" "is s"ee$/ (in't t"e +e&erend been 1uiet' t"oug". )ou fro6e your teet"/ # don't care' by god' it was 1ueer;w"at t"is fellow 0mensetter told you' 9urber' George said. # don't mind saying it gi&es me t"e trots. enger w"istled "is breat" toward "is brot"er' and e&eryone watc"ed t"e stream mo&e between t"em;boil out' widen' disa$$ear. 3"it. George rubbed "is nose again u$on "is slee&e. Hee5"awing bastard. Henry's not in any tree' any more t"an me. enger said' any more t"an George is' "ey George/

3titt said t"at t"ey were fools for being t"ere' and 9urber snee6ed' %ott saying after@ bless. )ou e&er "ear a tale like t"at' 3titt said. # understand one time' %ott said' t"at Got stuck in Granny (msterdam. 0" s"ut' will you. # don't care' # ne&er "eard a tale like t"at. 4&er "ear a turd talk/ Hawkins tied "is "orse. # know w"at it'd say #t'd say $lo$. ilo :enc"er;

#'d say' let's "ang t"e mot"er5fucking bastard by t"e balls' said Hawkins. *ut it out;t"e kids. 9or now t"e girls were 1uiet' t"eir "ands tig"t to t"e $orc" rail' t"eir eyes at t"e "orses. )ou kids got names' (gnes and 4merald. No kidding/ 9inally t"e men laug"ed a little and walked u$ and down in t"e yard crus"ing $ieces of snow. ( "orse warmly relie&ed. *louds of moisture swirled o&er its dung. :y t"e balls' Hawkins said. 9orty feet in t"e air. Wit" a lengt" of barb from a rusted fence. enger asked;and t"ey ran inside.

%"en 0mensetter and *"amlay a$$eared wit" Ano. be"ind t"em and 0mensetter was saying yes yes in a "oarse &oice as t"ey came down t"e ste$s;"e needs a doctor;w"ile t"e dog ran u$ to "is boots. *urtis was stern and 0lus angry. 3omebody oug"t to go for 0rcutt' *"amlay said. # said "e was sick' said 0mensetter dully. 0rcutt was o&er to t"e (msterdams' t"is morning' %ott said. No telling w"ere "e's got to by now. He was broug"t in smaller t"an "is sisters ... but a bawler. He's 1uiet now' t"oug" ... so;clouded o&er. )ou s"ould "a&e sent for 0rcutt long ago' Ano. said fiercely. aybe' 0mensetter mumbled' "olding t"e sides of "is ,aw. # "ad to go see 9urber first' you know. W"y/ (nyway you'&e "ad all day' god damn it. #f Henry's "anging w"ere you say' Ano. said' t"en w"at's t"e "urry/ y god man' your son is sick;sick serious. W"at's a lifeless body by "im/ #f "e was mine; Hell' if Henry's w"ere you say; =o t"ey do a lot of good/ doctors/ #'&e always wondered if it wasn't better to let t"ings run along t"eir natural way.

God's will' 9urber muttered. %"at's been my feeling. 0mensetter smiled weakly and s$read "is arms. W"at a lot of s"it' George Hatstat said. )ou'&e let t"ings run too far already. Ano. gestured angrily wit" "is glasses. )ou s"ould "a&e gone for 0rcutt rig"t away' "e said. )ou didn't;you couldn't;you and your damn fool ideas. )ou'll "a&e t"at c"ild on your conscience' 0mensetter' *"amlay said. *onscience/ conscience/ Ano. carefully $ut "is glasses on and $eered at 0mensetter closely. W"at "a&e we seen s"ows "e "as a conscience/ Hey' 3titt said' did you guys ,ust come out "ere to dro$ your $ants' or s"all we get/

0mensetter went about t"e yard among t"e "orses and $ost t"e men' looking at t"em dumbly as "e $assed t"em like a beast "imself' and at t"e tram$led ground between t"em wit" suc" sorrow t"at "is w"ole face "ad to twitc" w"en "e ralsed it to t"eir faces to form it for t"e animal $assi&ity it wore. His eyes were rimmed and seemed so dee$ly sunken t"ey must "a&e seen continually t"roug" s"adow' and "is formerly full c"eeks now "ad t"e look of crum$led $a$er. His breat"ing was audible and slow' "is mo&ements "ea&y' remote from any mind. # can still remember coming' *urtis' 0mensetter said 1uietly at last. *louds;t"e ri&er;Gilean by it;t"e air so clear ... %"ere was e&ery "ouse out "onest and e&ery barn banked $ro$er to t"e weat"er. .. %"e trees were bare' # remember' and as we came down t"e "ill we could see t"e tracks of t"e wagons glistening. )ou could see w"at your life would be. )ou know;like t"e gy$sy woman w"o can take your fortune from your "and. Well # took t"ose tracks to be a $romise to me... (nd on t"e way we'd all been singing. Rose Alymer. # "eard it sung so strangely once # ne&er forgot it. %"e words are "ig" and fine beyond my understanding but # like t"eir sound. (nd we counted kinds of birds... # guess you t"ink;well' w"at does it matter/ # don't know ... # remember t"ere were rings in t"e $ools of water by t"e road' and # t"oug"t "ow e.citing for t"e boy to li&e by t"e ri&er' to catc" fis" and kee$ frogs' you know8 grow u$ wit" good e.citement. Now "e's gone sick' *urtis' in t"is low $lace' and t"ere's no "onest snow to co&er it or cold to "old it firmly e&en' and t"e "ill we came by is still a sli$$ery yellow. %"e boy is going to die' *urtis. # ,ust feel; #'m scared "e's going to die. He's dreadful sick' # know. )ou'&e seen "im' you and 0lus know "e's going to die. W"y;"e's barely been ali&e ... %"e boy;t"e boy' too;

"e was a $romise to me. # "old "e was a $romise to me. #f "e dies;well you were all ;too;$romises. *urtis/ 0lus/ George/ +emember/ Wasn't t"ere a $romise to me/ He'll die soon' my son will;soon "e'll be dead of t"is low ground and its dis"onest weat"er. #'ll cut t"at on "is stone. #f "e e&er "as a stone. # don't t"ink t"at # can bring myself to $ut "im in t"is clay. #'ll $ut "im on a mountain maybe' w"ere t"e birds can $ick "is body. W"oe&er li&es so little and so low as "e "as s"ould s$end "is deat" u$ "ig";like Henry's doing. *"amlay rose on "is "orse. #n "is life "e only knew "is mot"er. Ano. rose. # "old t"ere was a $romise;Gilean was. enger rose. George rose. (ll rig"t;it doesn't matter. 3titt rose. %ott rose. Hawkins rose. # "o$e no one will send for =octor 0rcutt now. He'll not be needed. #'&e c"anged my mind. He's worse' :rackett' 2ucy s"outed from t"e $orc". !lease won't one of you find =octor 0rcutt/ :rackett/ !lease. His tongue;"e doesn't breat"e;someone; $lease;t"ere's blood;# t"ink t"ere's blood. No' 0mensetter said' no' and "is wife faintly ec"oed "im' astonis"ed' no/ our c"ild/ :rackett/ y son' said 0mensetter wearily. He drew "imself toget"er wit" an effort. %"ere was a $romise to me and it was a lie. His wife fell weakly against t"e railing. W"at's t"is' s"e w"is$ered. #'ll go' missus' #srabestis said8 #'&e a notion w"ere =oc is if "e saw 4mma (msterdam t"is morning. No' 0mensetter cried' rus"ing at %ott and gras$ing "is arm. :essie' you know "im' you know "ow "is teet" slide in "is beard' 0mensetter said' leaning close8 no' # don't want "im. 2ucy groaned. ot"er' one of t"e daug"ters called' and t"e girls' cries drew "er in. 0mensetter ke$t "is gri$ on #srabestis.

:essie' "e said' don't go' don't go' # "ate "is eyes' t"ey cross. )ou know "is eyes. %"ey're stitc"ed to "im. %ott twisted away. Ha&e you looked' 0mensetter roared' straig"tening' glaring angrily' wa&ing "is arms' "is long "air tossing abo&e "is brow. Go off and find your friend w"ere "e "as "ung "imself. *urtis knows t"e way now' and can lead. (nd take your wagon to t"e w"ite log by t"e creek. %"en you won't "a&e so far to drag "is bones.

%"e fire and t"e lam$ made $airs of crossing s"adows' one steady and firm' one lea$ing and &ague. Her s"adow s$otted t"e wall and disa$$eared' drawn magically back beneat" "er c"air as s"e rocked' t"en darting fort" to climb t"e wall as ra$idly again. He found "imself marking t"e "eig"t. #ncredibly swift' it bent itself u$ from t"e floor' $assing t"e $icture' t"e long "ead reac"ing a mar in t"e $a$er and co&ering a cluster of lea&es w"ile t"e lengt"ening finial t"at followed be"ind struck a rose. 4ac" time it was t"e same. 0mensetter's s"adow dwindled under "im and 9urber "ad t"e #m$ression of somet"ing being $oured steadily t"roug" a "ole in t"e floor. %"e girls sat mute in ladder c"airs' t"eir stiff and strangely twisted figures fastened to t"e wall like ill5cut $a$er sil"ouettes. (not"er corner was darkened by t"e cradle w"ere t"e baby' ominously 1uiet now' lay dying of a closing t"roat' an occasional wis$ of its breat" crossing t"e room like a little draft of air or brief creak of t"e "ouse. # s"all make a rabbit wit" my fingers. # s"all make a tiger. # s"all make a bird. His own t"in outline oo6ed t"roug" generous cracks and "ung alongside wintering ants and modest s$iders between t"e boards. # s"all make a goose. # s"all make a bear. %"ere were foolis" men in t"e woods' deat" in t"e trees. W"at did a body matter/ #t was suc" a dam$ low $lace' "ardly fit to $ut a s$irit in. W"at did t"ey t"ink t"ey were rescuing/ #n seminary t"ey'd been called %"e Great Hy$ot"eses. %"e 0ne and %"e 0t"er. %"e 3$irit and its 4nemy. )es and No. ( and :. %rut" against %"e (d&ersary' 9at"er of 2ies. ( always won' w"ile :.... #f # enumerated all t"e contents of my soul' "e t"oug"t8 if # made a t"oroug" list of t"em8 if # o&erlooked not"ing8 if # counted twice8 if # wrote eac" down carefully wit" a s$it5wet $encil end like 2ut"er's accom$lis"ed clerk8 would # find an item # could say belonged to me' made me' formed my core and "eart/ %"us %"e 0t"er always argued. #f you were to $lace a lam$ before a wall and $ut your "and in t"e lig"t t"at flows between t"em' you would make a s"adow. !urse your fingers $ro$erly' t"e s"adow is a duck' w"ile wit" t"e t"umb t"rust u$' a "orse. %"en on mastery of t"ese you may try to make a "awk fly slowly wit" bot" "ands. 4nd of t"e lesson. W"o was teac"ing/ =eat" was only anot"er arrangement. 9or su$$ose' and mind it narrowly' t"at life is sim$ly a s"adow bodies cast inside t"emsel&es w"en struck by all t"ose 1ueerly &arious bits and $articles' t"ose $ieces' streams of;w"at/;of science. =eat" in suc" a case would be only anot"er arrangement.

He said@ t"e fire needs wood8 we must kee$ t"e room warm. W"y was it sorrowful' %"e Great (lternati&e/ No "ell afterward' but blessedness. W"at could be more blessed t"an to rest in a coil of silence;not to be/ He'd meant to $reac" to t"at. His w"ole life' "e'd eant to $reac"' to $reac" ... W"ere was "is $reac"ing and "is $reac"ment now/ Would Henry's body' "anging in its tree' be dreaming/ Would it be canting in itself anot"er kind of s"adow' a goblin s"adow' to be feared/ :ut no dream could wound as cle&erly as t"e $ainful edges of $erce$tion. ... w"ile : $ersisted like a monstrous sus$icion. )es and No. ( and C =id t"ey t"ink "e was $raying' "is "ead so "oly' "is "ands so discreet in t"e folds of "is $riestly clot"ing/ !er"a$s "is li$s were mo&ing. %"e fire sank under t"e added log. #f t"ere were only somet"ing in t"e room beside it' anyt"ing;s$eec";but not t"is ac"e of silence. )ou can smoot" t"e bruises from our bodies8 )ou can swee$ off t"e sickness t"at's infected t"em. :reat"e gently on t"is infant' t"at "e may one day carry in "is lungs t"e fragrance of )our "eart. *ra$. ( and ... #t could &ery well be. W"at kind of s"adow would strangulation cast/ How fares t"e s$irit of t"e t"rottled man/ %"e soul was once belie&ed to from t"e mout" and nose and return on t"e insucked air' but ,ust su$$ose' t"e breat" cut off' belt grimly crim$ing in t"e $i$e' t"at w"ile t"e soul struggled to esca$e' t"e bungling body died/ #magine' t"en' t"is messy bit of business 1uickly buried wit" t"e soul still stuck like an animal inside. W"at sounds would funeral s$eec"es make in a dead ear8 w"at meaning would t"ey carry for a skull/ %"e body swells down t"ere' takes water on' t"en $o$s;t"e s$irit's out. :ut w"at' by t"is time' is it/ W"at's t"e s"adow in a swelling cor$se/ a c"orus of s"outs/ 3"ut in t"e eart"' it dies eac" minute' eac" minute is re$laced by t"e reflection of a new arrangement. 3o it is wit" us. 3o it is wit" me. 3o. 3o. #t is so like. :uried in t"is air' # rot. oment by moment' # am not t"e same. (nd all # desire is to esca$e;get out. %"en notice;look carefully on it;w"at "a$$ens w"en t"e body s$lits. %"e snow5w"ite wormlings of t"e flies seet"e out. %"e soul' t"e immortal $rinci$le of life' in its last condition' "as come to t"is;t"is transmigration. %"ey are rescuing somet"ing t"en@ Henry !imber somew"at rearranged;w"o knows for worse or better/ Get "im down and smartly under. !lay it safe. )ou ne&er can tell. 7$ and down' yes and no' ( and :. 3"e rocked. 3uddenly it struck "im;added u$. #t was as t"oug" "e "ad been ,um$ed at from t"e dark. *"illed. %"e rocker creaked. #ts legs rubbed in t"eir sockets. (ll t"is time a sound;eac" time t"e same;"ad issued from its motion. )et "e'd ne&er "eard it. W"ere was it w"en "e'd watc"ed t"e s"adow $ulsing' "er "ead to t"e lea&es and t"e finial to t"e rose' t"e knurl at its blotting/ Now t"e s1ueal tore at "is ner&es. #t became difficult to see. 9or t"e boy;s"all we $ray/ How/

He got u$ slowly' sweat gat"ering coldly on "is c"est and under "is arms' and began to $ace. 3oon "e would $rickle. 3"e was only an ear' not "alf ali&e' reduced to one e.$ectation. How ali&e was "e;t"e great s1uare 0/ 9urber risked "is name' sailed it across t"e current of t"e s1ueak. 05men5set5ter. Now "is name "as entered "is ear. #n w"ose $orc"es # $oured t"e $oison. #t "as $enetrated to "is brain. :ut/ Not"ing. :lank. =ead t"en' to t"at. =ead by so muc". Ne&ert"eless ali&e in some ways;mo&able. #n stumbling s"amble. +ocky5walky. :ear s"uff. (nd in t"e woods t"e breat" of t"e men as t"ey climb t"e trees will be floating from t"eir noses ,ust as always. 7n$ercei&ed. %"e s$irit. %"e Holy 3$irit. #s it two falls out of t"ree/ God wins t"e first but t"e =e&il takes t"e ne.t one. %"ere "as not yet been a t"ird to anybody's knowledge. He "ad a desire to dance' to w"irl w"ile kicking "is leg in t"e air' crying kangaroo. He would w"irl and w"irl and slowly mount toward t"e ceiling;w"irling. %oo bad "e'd ne&er made a study of ballet. He was mo&ing;stately;like a sailing s"i$. He saw t"e woodwork and t"e $a$er sliding. %"en s$ots by. (not"er instance of it. 3o life and deat" were ranges of degree and no more o$$osite t"an snow and sleet or $ie and $ain. Note t"at. 9our and twenty black 9lacks. 4&eryt"ing ali&e. W"o was t"e fellow w"o first said it/ #t was a matter' merely' of awake. (wake. Ho? t"e guard? Ho? t"e kee$? 3o surely t"e "ouse' and t"is' t"e stomac" of t"e "ouse' and t"ese' t"e flickers of its feelings. (larm wit"in. %urn out t"e watc". 3o surely t"ese are s"adows cast inside. :y. %"en t"e bitter rocker. :itterly ali&e to scra$e sensations t"roug" its feet and s$eak. (rouse wit"in? %"e treasure of t"e tem$le's stolen. 3o t"en dead;and t"en ali&e. %ick5teek. %ick5teeek. %ickteeeek. %ick5teeeeek. 4&eryw"ere u$on "im. 3oles of "is feet' be"ind t"e lids of "is eyes' beneat" t"e roots of "is teet". 9urber sank into t"e "allway' itc"ing intolerably' and like a "airy s$ider' e&ery twitc" meant &ictim. att"ew' # lied. (m # not belie&ed as one w"o stri&es to tell t"e trut" in e&eryt"ing/ He did not say@ # am of t"e dark ways' $reac"er. He did not use t"ose foolis" words. He was merely stricken by my turns of s$eec" and by my mad religious ways. 0" w"at a meager ad&ersary after all? # could "a&e $reac"ed in *le&eland' att"ew; in *le&eland in great cat"edrals' in robes so "ea&y t"ey would weary my arms. :ut # was fearful and &ain of my rig"teousness' att"ew' fearful for my soul' and # came to Gilean to flee tem$tation' to $ut 3atan be"ind me' as t"ey say on 3unday. ore terrible t"eology. 2ike Henry's in t"at. Wit" my ad&ersary' t"e +ed *"ief' all t"e time inside me' $erc"ed on my li&er' feet crossed' meeting wit" t"e rest' making "is s$iel. W"at sayet" t"e $salmist/ DHe sittet" in ambus" wit" t"e ric" in secret to murder t"e innocent' "is eyes are $ri&ily set against t"e $oor. He liet" in wait secretly as a lion in "is den8 "e liet" in wait to catc" t"e $oor.D !oor Henry. !oor att"ew. !oor >anet. 3o our wort"y >erome also warns us' w"ose belly wants to be god in *"rist's $lace. (s # recall' it was t"e crotc" in auntie's case. #f only "e could be like 3$lendid %urner' "e t"oug"t' w"o "ad a soul like a s$onge soaked in greed and fornication w"ic" 3$lendid sim$ly s1uee6ed out w"en "e got contrite. #n seminary t"ey used to say t"at >esus "ad an u$rig"t !eter' but # always said t"at swearing by t"at soft a$ostle made a lim$ a$$eal. W"oo5oo5 ee. !ur$le t"istles in di66y rows. He laid "is "ead against t"e wall' t"e $a$er wall' and s"ut "is eyes. =ead to t"e t"istles' t"e darkness' t"e golden wood. usty' cool ;t"e $a$er wall. #f "e "ad an eye at t"e end of a line and $ayed it to t"e bottom

of t"e ri&er' w"ile "e stared wit" "is own $air at t"e sky' w"at sort of world would "is t"ree eyes $ut toget"er/ y eyes com$rise ... 2ittle $im$les of $laster' t"e weig"t of "is body in "is soles' old $a$er' dam$ $a$er' cold ti$s of finger' clot" cooling at t"e corners of "is s"oulders and elbows' &ague $ale rings against "is closed lids ...0r an eye like an aggie;rolling to t"e corner. %o s$in into illness. No' t"e soul a balloon. #t was "ow muc" air you got. ( 9renc" in&ention. ont$ellier was it/ 2ike t"e town. (nd t"en stirring be"ind "im. (nd &oices. He swung around. Heat rises. %"e soul swells and sails to "ea&en. :ye baby bunting. No. #t is t"e cor$se w"ic" obliges. 9irm fles" refines itself to fearful fumes by water. W"o was t"e fellow/ Goes off like a cannon. %"e ca$ture of !aris. ( 9renc" in&ention. He was ali&e to t"e firelig"t' to t"e mo&ing rows of t"istles. #f # kick my feet and w"irl' # s"all rise to t"e ceiling. # s"ould "a&e studied dancing' # mo&e so gracefully sometimes. )ou're 1uite a s$ort' 9urls8 you can $lay t"e $icnic on our ban,o. Great and mig"ty God' w"o "as broug"t us down to t"e gra&e as careless c"ildren to t"e sea' bring us back from t"ere' for now we are afraid' for we "a&e seen our own deat" in t"e "ea&y water' in t"e sand our toes "a&e s1uee6ed t"e $rint of our own end ... att"ew' listen' belie&e in t"e =e&il. # know you for a man w"o merely belie&es in God. :ad t"eology and careless obser&ation' att"ew. )ou can belie&e me' for # "a&e seen "im. He and # are on familiar terms. He "as a s"ar$ tongue and strange ideas' like myself. We are friends in fact. en "a&e no ot"er.

%"e s"adows of t"e lam$ were steady but t"e fire was like dark lace. %"eir &oices were low and intense and filled wit" sur$rise8 a continual t"read of bewilderment and wonder "eld t"eir words toget"er. )ou are letting "im die' s"e said' and it seemed to 9urber "e was "earing somet"ing t"at "ad been re$eated already wit" an agoni6ing regularity' like t"e s1ueak of t"e rocker. 0mensetter's $rotests were dri&en from "im. Wit" e&ery word "e seemed to wit"er and diminis". 3oon s$eec" would be beyond "is strengt". ... you are letting "im die. 2uce; )ou are. 0mensetter swayed r"yt"mically a moment like a bear. # am letting "im be. # am gi&ing "im a c"ance. ( c"ance to die' s"e said in a flat cold bitter &oice. 2ucy; 3"e was wasted too' but like a wire. 3"e "ad lost t"e fullness of "er $regnancy8 "er skin was $ale and drawn' "er bones lay like s"adows under it8 e&en "er astonis"ing breasts seemed drained' t"oug" wit" t"e c"ild not feeding' t"ey s"ould "a&e been swollen $ainfully.

. . . ,ust letting "im. %"ere's no ot"er way. 3"e rose from t"e rocker like an angry gesture. W"ere is my "usband' s"e said in a w"is$er. %"en s"e slid back to t"e c"air. %ick' it said. 0mensetter s1uatted by "er' reac"ing out. 3"e brus"ed at "is "ands as t"oug" t"ey were bugs in "er la$. 2uce; %"ey "a&e forgotten t"e c"ildren as t"ey "a&e forgotten me' 9urber t"oug"t. He turned toward t"e girls' and t"ey fro6e "is "eart. How can # know w"at to do/ 9etc" 0rcutt/ =oes a "en gi&e "er eggs to a weasel/ 2et "im die' t"en. Her fingers flew in "er "air. )ou'd take more trouble for a cat' s"e said. %"ere's not"ing anyone can do. He may "a&e taken deat" already ,ust from "earing you. He mustn't. usn-t C We'&e got to trust my luck. We'&e a baby;sick. #sn't t"at enoug"/ W"at do $eo$le do w"en t"eir baby's sick/ %"at's all # want;w"at anyone would want;w"at you'd "a&e wanted once;not"ing strange ornew or $ut on;,ust w"at's ordinary;decent;"uman. Now # look at you;t"e way you'&e been;all set on somet"ing # can't understand;so cra6y; "unc"ing in your self w"ere # can't feel you;and # t"ink it can't be true;your c"anges;t"ey ,ust can't be true. # don't want to c"ange. #'m trying not to. # t"oug"t # knew w"at # lo&ed. # want to;#'m trying to do w"at #'&e always done; #t's worse;:rackett' will you belie&e me/;it's worse t"an losing t"at $oor baby; losing you. :ut # can't trade t"e baby for you' can #/

0" no;no;no trade; )ou won't be t"e same. #s t"at a trade/ W"at's t"is now/ # don't want a trade. W"at will # do w"en you're dead too/ =on't talk t"at way. %"is is t"e son # t"oug"t you wanted. =on't; We lo&ed eac" ot"er once. W"y don't we feel t"e same lo&e now;now w"en we need to/ W"y must we li&e in t"ese lonely $ieces/ We "ad it on my luck. (ll our life till now is not"ing;luck;a raindro$ "itting. (nd our beauty/ :rackett' is it a weed' annoying you w"ere it comes u$/ (ll our life till now # could li&e in easy' breat"e in easy;swallow easy;lo&ing you. #t was as t"oug";as t"oug" you'd taken room in me;wit" t"at # could be "a$$y. :ut it was luck' you say' ,ust luck. (nd w"en # came to you wit" my arms before me like a $resent of flowers/ (nd w"en # said sweet "eart' dear lo&e ... do you remember/ Ne&er a foolis" name. =ear "eart' # said' dear lo&e; 0mensetter attem$ted to t"row "imself in "is wife's la$' but t"e arm of t"e rocker $re&ented "im and "is "ead slid onto "er c"est' w"ile "e flung one arm awkwardly around "er. 9or Henry. )ou are letting "im die because of Henry. No. (nd you are killing me. # lo&e you. )ou are killing t"em. 2ucy; (ll of us. # lo&e you. 9or Henry;is t"is for Henry/ =id you lo&e Henry more to kill "im sooner/ 0mensetter clumsily reac"ed "is feet. %"ose men;t"ey sus$ect you' don't t"ey/ # could see it. %"ey "ate us. W"y/

# am no mur5der5er' 0mensetter "owled' raising "is arms like wea$ons abo&e "is "ead. # am no mur5der5er? *an't you see/ 3"ould # tear away my skin/ Would you see inside me t"en' and see "ow my life ceases w"en you s$eak t"is way to me/ %"e daug"ters stirred' beginning to wee$' and 0mensetter turned' remembering t"em. 9urber e.tended "is arms' but t"ey careened down t"e "all' blindly striking t"e walls as t"ey went like bewildered birds. 9urber sank' groaning' to "is knees. He "ad fat"ered e&ery folly' e&ery sin. No goat knew gluttony like "is' no cat "ad felt "is $ride' no crow "is a&arice. He "ad said t"e $salm against en&y' t"e $salm against anger' t"e $salm against slot" and t"e loss of "o$e' but t"ey were no defense. He "ad wanted women. He "ad imagined t"em in e&ery $osture. He "ad wanted men. %"ere was no $er&ersity "e "ad not t"oug"t to $ractice wit" t"em. 9urt"er' "e "ad wanted little girls. He "ad wanted boys. He "ad wanted most of all "imself. He "ad stolen. He "ad blas$"emed. He "ad c"eated. He "ad lied;"is single skill. He "ad been cruel and contem$tuous' malicious and willful. He'd lacked courage' $iety' loyalty' "o$e. Wit"out moderation or c"arity' wit"out relis" or ent"usiasm' "e'd led a wanton' "eedless' selfis" life. #n meanness' in darkness and s1ualor of s$irit' "e "ad $assed "is time. 9ait"less "e'd $rofessed a fait". 9ait"lessly' "e'd $reac"ed. #ndeed' "e'd labored on t"e =e&il's side as if t"e 2ord Himself "ad begged it of "im' and in t"e line of duty $ro&ed t"at bigotry needs no beliefs' for on be"alf of Hea&en "e'd been intolerant wit" dis$assion' $uritanical for $leasure' and 6ealous out of boredom. %ouc" me nor' "e'd always cried8 do not burden me wit" lo&e. 4&en now "e made "imself a monster' o&erblew "is &ices so "is c"arge would lack con&iction. Was t"at not' admittedly' t"e maneu&er of a monster/ 3o often cle&er. Note "ow sweetly # $ronounce "er' musically wig5wag my ringalingling tongue. ay # not admire my skill like any harlot' Am I not 1uite "onestly dis"onest/ 3o in all "is mirrors' fair and s1uare' "e t"rew "is errors. (ll t"is' of course' God knew. God knew' as "e addressed Him;mewl5ing' kneeling;"is "oly clot" and $osture were disguise8 t"at did not belie&e. %"en w"at did "e deser&e/ Wasn't it $unis"ment enoug" t"at "e $er$etually disgrace "is feelings/ Had "e sinned so muc" t"at innocence s"ould suffer t"is from "im/ #t seemed darker' doubtless' t"an it was. 0mensetter mo&ed along t"e stee$ beac" on all fours like some nocturnal animal. He a$$eared to be gat"ering stones. %"e snowflakes were scattered still' but t"e wind was stinging. %"ere would "o bitter weat"er before morning. 9urber "ad followed 0mensetter from t"e "ouse' forgetting o&ers"oes and glo&es' but gat"ering "is coat' scarf' "at;"is $riestly rigging;and $utting t"em on as "e blundered toward t"e ri&er. He "ad no $ur$ose. !er"a$s "e knew some genuine disgust. 0nce again' n' $lace of feelings; s$eec"es. 0n a $atc" of cleared ground abo&e t"e beac" 0mensetter set t"e stones in $iles to form a circle. 3e&eral times "e returned for more' scuttling $ast 9urber wit" "is "ead down' "is body bent awkwardly' one s"oulder ,utting forward. %"ere was a faint s$las" as "e ste$$ed in t"e edge of t"e ri&er. %"e $ale stones lay in t"eir $iles like luminous faces. %"en 0mensetter stood in t"e middle' swaying' as dark and &ague as any of t"e trees. %"e $oor fool doesn't know "ow' 9urber t"oug"t' "e "asn't t"e cast idea. %"e wind blew t"e sound of s"outing u$' and t"en wit"drew it. 9urber called to "im and 0mensetter cried out an.iously@ 9urber/

W"at in god's name are you doing/ 9urber;will you $ray for t"e boy/ (nd t"is' 9urber asked' restraining a gesture useless in t"e darkness. W"at comes ne.t/ W"at do # say/ 9urber ran about t"e circle kicking at t"e $iles. %"ere was a s$atter of stones in t"e water and a rus" of ot"ers in t"e weeds. )ou'll $ray for t"e boy' won't you' 9urber/ )ou'&e not"ing against "im;a little boy ;a baby;you'll $ray for "im/ =o you know w"at your wife belie&es/ 3"e t"inks' like any decent man' you'&e gone for 0rcutt. No. 3"e knows # can't do t"at. )ou call t"is feeble nonsense trusting to your luck/ #s asking me to $ray;is t"at trusting to your luck or ,ust more madness/ Neit"er's t"e least use. )ou'&e got to go for 0rcutt' t"e baby's nearly dead of your confusion. )ou wouldn't listen to your wife;w"at are my c"ances/ Well # don't lo&e you' t"at oug"t to "el$. # t"ink you're a monster and you are $ro&ing me rig"t ... #'&e been rig"t about e&eryt"ing all along ... if only # "ad belie&ed myself. %"ere was more s"outing;angry tones. 2isten' 0mensetter;it won't be endurable. No;wait now;wait for me. 3"e'll "ate you. =on't be a;a ,ackassed donkey' damn you' you don't want t"at. #t's di$"t"eria' it's no t"eological disease. No witc"es' brew or number you can roll will cure it. )ou'&e got to go;t"ere's no luck in t"is world and no god eit"er ... )ou stu$id selfis" fool' you blind dumb bastard' w"en you come to;it won't be bearable. %o "a&e "ad w"at you dreamed you "ad;and let it go Hey' sto$ t"at. *"rist. )ou'll ne&er understand. 0rcutt can't cure anyone. He can't do a t"ing. %"at's not t"e $oint. #t's your going for "im t"at counts' not w"at he does8 it's "ow your girls will feel;after;"ow (gnes and 4merald will res$ond; 4leanor ... and (ngela. (nd 2ucy;"ow s"e'll; 0mensetter turned and blundered off down t"e beac"' away from t"e s"outing. #'ll $ray' 9urber yelled after "im' #'ll $ray ... for w"at it's wort"' "e finis"ed bitterly' knowing t"at "e wouldn't $ray at all8 real $rayer would embarrass "im. +eally' "e knew no more about it t"an 0mensetter did about "is stones. 9urber retreated u$ t"e slo$e. %"e snow was falling t"ickly now and "is feet and "ands were cold. ($$arently "e couldn't s$eak wit" "is "ands in "is $ockets. 4&en in t"e dark' t"ey'd been out gesturing' fluttering about like mot"s. 3o it was coming true' and "e "ad $layed t"e c"orus to "is own *assandra. %"at

was $ut nice' $reac"er. 3"it. 3wearing was also an em$ty "abit. W"at "ad "e said;made u$;t"at wasn't coming true/ (unt >anet "urls "erself from t"e di66y "eig"t of "er ladder5backed 3"aker. ( $retty t"oug"t. ( $layt"ing like a "orse on w"eels. %"e c"oir of "ea&en and furniture of t"e eart"' all t"ose bodies w"ic" com$ose t"e mig"ty frame of t"e world5t"e snow now' "is streaming eyes;were t"ey ,ust words' too' ,ust c"aracters' as "e "ad always $retended/ #t was coming true. God was coming true' coming slowly to lig"t like a message in lemon. ("' and w"at was t"e message/ in yet anot"er lingo/ %rut" is t"e fat"er of lies8 not"ing sur&i&es' not"ing dies8 only t"e wicked can afford t"e wise. (nd s"outs t"roug" ga$s in t"e wnid. :las$"emers are belie&ers. (nd t"ere were sermons in stone' as "e'd fre1uently said. Wasn't it w"at "e'd always wanted;God to =ee$ in t"e weeds' $eering between t"e $ickets' "e'd dreamed "is re&enge ... %"ey were closing in8 t"ere was a wagon creaking. %"e snow fell on "im as on a tree. :ut "e really wanted to embrace t"e body of t"e symbol. :ut t"e body of e&ery symbol was absurd. :ut not w"en t"e gods were Greek. :ut t"ey ne&er' ne&er were ... (ll t"e w"ile' He was' and only He "as been' and only He "as t"e brass to continue. )ou "ere 9urber/ 9urber/ )ou/ W"at's u$/ Hey. Here/ Hell. >ust "ell. We'&e wagoned 3titt and !imber bot" toget"er' all oursel&es. #t was too damn dense t"ere for "orses. ( bit rig"t. y leg's broke' 9urber' broke in two. +ig"t. ;lost t"e "orses. 4&er "ear of;rig"t # said' # said rig"t. 0" go to "ell. 9urber/ %"at really you/ 0ur goddamn "orses; ;easy in t"e morning.

Ho' listen at "im' listen at t"e $i66ler. Go to "ell. W"ere's %ott/ w"ere's t"at tit/ w"ere's %ott/ # can't see a t"ing wit" t"is snow in my eyes. W"at/ ... w"at w"at w"at C 5all t"e time drifting. 2isten # got my nose fro6e' my fingers fro6e' my feet and eyes and $ri&ate $eter' and # ain't about to finis" anot"er fuckin' foot of t"is buggy5w"eeling wagon o&er t"ese goddamn rocks and ruts and tree roots in all t"is goddamn snow and all t"is dark and cold;not one more w"eel around' you bet;not for me ;no sir . We were lucky t"e wind died. !ee t"at out a $ig. 2ost t"e w"ole lot;you want to know "ow/ (" s"ut u$. His "ouse is "ere' we'll get 3titt in. 5e in; me , bo ys' me . Well t"en come on' "urry u$. Will you listen at t"at/ He's goddamn *leo$atra in "is goddamn barge. !ee it out a $ig. *ome on' t"en' since your cock's so curly. 3"it. 2end a "and' 9urber' for c"rist's sake. )ou really "ere/ We're on a fuckin' slo$e. We'&e always been on a fuckin' slo$e. #'&e s$ent my life on a fuckin' slo$e.

(ll rig"t t"en' don't drag your ass' $us". 3ou $us";you $us"5 5# been a5$us"ing;$us"' for c"rist's sake;yo u been t"e w"ole way yelling $us"' $us"' $us";ain't you got ,aws to s"ut your mout" wit"/ How about you/ )ou been dragging your ass t"e w"ole way. #t must be sore. 3till got skin on/ :iggest ass in t"is state' too. 7gliest ass in t"e country. Hea&iest ass in t"is ass"ole world. )ou been doing a lot of e.amining to t"at ass/ (";a" s"ut u$. #s t"at you' %ott/ you tit' you titter. Hey;owwwww. *ome on;careful. =on't bounce "im;lift. Hear t"at/ 9urber says "ow's Henry. >ee6. !us". Hear t"at/ Henry. How is "e' :oylee/ t"e +e&erend wants to know. ;no stiffer t"an # am. *ome on' you suckers. *old as a snowman's dick' ain't t"at rig"t' :oylee/ Wait. Hold u$. :us" ... Wait' goddamn' goddamit' bus"' # said ... Now ... easy... okay. 3ay 9urber' lend a "and back "ere. 9ell out of t"e tree like a stone' t"e bot" of t"em' one after t"e ot"er. ( little left. Haul away easy' # can't see. *ouldn't tell if "e "ung "imself u$ t"ere or not. %"ere it is;come on;"ea&e. ;branc" broke. =ro$$ed like a rock' t"e bot" of t"em. # cut my eye;bad; t"ere's blood all o&er me.

%"ere's lig"t t"ere;see/ # can taste it' it's salty. %"at's your $ee. # "o$e t"ey got a fire as big as a woods in t"ere. %"en #'m going to s1uat rig"t down in t"em lea$ing flames' smack in t"e middle of t"em like a nesting "en. )ou'll smot"er it and lay smoke. George t"inks "is s"it won't burn. # know damn well my $iss won't. Anow w"at # want/ # want my "ands around a cu$ of coffee. %"at's w"at # want. %"at's all # want. How we going to get $ast t"is/ Hot and steaming;#'ll ,ust wra$ t"em rig"t around' and t"en #'ll lower;#'ll ,ust di$;my nose in. 0" for c"rist's sake' let "im walk' it ain't far. :ack;back u$. :ack/ )ea"' back' e&erybody back. W"at # want's a drink. #'d sell my soul off. #t wouldn't bring t"e $rice of $iss5in5your5face. (" s"ut your s"it. #'ll tell you one t"ing;t"at sonofabitc" didn't get u$ t"ere by "imself. y eye' 9urber' # got blood in my eye still. :ack' you guys' will you back/ God damn and c"rist;it's lots of rocks ... How's it look now' *urtis' can you see/ :y god' no more for me' not anot"er fuckin' inc". eng's got diarr"ea of t"e dingus and all "is strengt"'s leaked out. 4asy '.. ,esus. He kee$s sliding o&er on me. 2isten' # ain't staying in t"is t"ing if "e kee$s sliding o&er on me. )ou got to kee$ "im from sliding o&er like t"at. 3weet c"rist' "e's cold' # tell you' cold' sweet ,esus' "e is;o" god' my leg;my leg "urts.

#f you can feel it' you still got it. #f you'&e still got it' w"at's your bitc"/ (c"e your belly out and bust. )ou can't go far' :oylee' wit" t"at leg of yours' # guess you'll lie t"ere nicely w"ere you are. #'ll tell you one t"ing' >et"ro' "e didn't get t"ere on "is own;not way u$ "ere' "e didn't;not on your life ... (ll rig"t now' George;$us". 0ww. Hey. 0wwwww. )ou bastards. # climbed u$ t"ere for you damn you dirty bastards' w"en none of you dirty bastards would. )ou're all bastards all rig"t' all bastards. 4asy :oylee' we're almost t"ere. %ie your tail on. )our ass may feel easy' but # tell you t"e world's been s"itting t"roug" mine. He's been dragging "is. #t don't feel easy' eit"er. 3ay' my eye' it "urts awful' 9urb' it really does ... )ou'&e no glo&es on. W"at are you doing out "ere wit"out no glo&es on/ Hey' 9urber's got no glo&es on. 9ait"'s a furry mitten' 9urber' ain't it/ )ou s"ould "a&e "eard "ow t"ey sang' it was so sweet' like c"oirs@ only you can do it' :oylee' t"ey sang8 fine work' :oylee' t"at's t"e boy' :oylee' climb u$ t"at ice5 cold tree in t"e cunt5colored dark and ,ust let down t"at little "anging man. %ott's a fine so$rano. Well we missed t"e road someway. issed it;"ell' you ne&er e&en s"ot at it. 0" s"ut your s"it. He came down like a rock. :ranc"es sna$$ed like $o$corn' didn't t"ey George/ 3titt didn't care to come down t"e w"ole way by "imself. Go to "ell. He "eld u$ a bit near t"e bottom. Go to "ell. 2it on a branc" like a bird. # broke some ribs' # swear # broke some ribs' it "urts to breat"e. W"at did Henry break' # wonder. He broke "is $rick.

2ike a rock. =own. W"am $o$ bang. )ou s"ould "a&e "eard "im;t"unk. 2ook out for t"at goddamn dog. %"at goddamn dog;"e's somew"ere around. #-ll $oison "im wit" a stick. +eally;"onest;t"unk. Here we are. 0kay. do. %ake "is "ead' 2ut"er. George at t"e middle. 0ut of t"e way' :essie' damn it' out of t"e way. 4ase "im u$. =on't bitc". 4&erybody knows it's cold. #'ll do t"e bitc"ing. 4asy' easy' slow ... )ou bastards. Howl your "ead off. Henry'll kee$ nicely' anyway. W"o'll take care of me/ %"e c"urc" will' George. )ou're for c"urc". %"e c"urc" is "ere. %"e c"urc" will care for you. # sure "o$e 0lus s"akes a leg. Now slide "im out. enger;t"e door.

!lease kee$ t"e noise down' gentlemen' 9urber said' t"at c"ild is sick to deat"' remember;"e can barely breat"e 3weet sweat of ,esus' # forgot' 2ut"er Hawkins said' and "e stood on t"e $orc" "olding 3titt by t"e s"oulders and t"e "ead' swearing long and dee$ly and wit" lo&e.

9urber crawled carefully into t"e wagon. Henry' "e w"is$ered. His stomac" ac"ed and "is face and ears burned' "is "ead felt lig"t' "is "ands and feet were numb. 3now was ca$tured in "is eyes. Henry/ %"e coat was stiff and "ard as stone;soaked wit" melted snow and rain' t"en fro6en. 0mensetter "ad said "e was wearing it' a gray wool wit" wide $ockets. 9urber ran "is t"umb on a twig and wit"drew "is "and wit" a cry. %"ere were a number of twigs t"rust t"roug" t"e coat like nails and t"e clot" was torn. 0f course;t"ey'd been dri&en in w"en "e fell. *autiously "is "ands felt along :e arm to t"e s"oulder' brus"ing away snow. (re you in t"ere' Henry/ We can still be friends. He wit"drew "is "and again w"en it touc"ed t"e belt. %"e cut end' "ow dece$ti&ely strong it was' cut "alfway t"roug" and t"en torn t"e rest of t"e way by "is weig"t ... "ence ... to dro$' "e t"oug"t. Henry's in t"ere' but "e's in t"ere differently. 9urber $laced "is "ands on Henry's "ead. 3now lay t"ickly in t"e "air. (nd all t"e w"ile "e'd "ad t"e fore"ead of a man w"o was destined to be drowned. %"e face was roug" and icy ... $ale moon5s"a$ed face. 7ns"a&en' 9urber decided' and t"en "e wondered w"et"er' e&en after deat"' it grew. He still "ad "is woolly eyebrows. :ut cold ... so cold. )ou'&e $ut on weig"t' old friend' deat"'s diet suits. #t was true t"at Henry was fuller in t"e;$ecked? 9urber recoiled' cracking "is elbow against t"e side of t"e wagon. 0f course. :irds $ass. %"ere were s"a$ely limbs

and dancing lea&es. He slid t"e lengt" of t"e wagon and lay t"ere' s"i&ering. He was furious wit" "is disease and cursed it fer&ently. )ou're an old man already' 9urber. )ou'&e been s"aken "alf out of life by t"e effort of li&ing in it. ("' t"at would do to $reac". 0" s"ut your s"it. W"en "e lifted "is face' t"e snow struck it smartly' and in t"e lig"t from t"e "ouse "e saw t"e flakes dri&en swiftly on t"e wind. %"e lig"t was anot"er kind of s"adow' "e t"oug"t' a s"adow for a dry' brig"t soul. #t s$illed on t"e $orc"' running t"e snow5' and "e noticed' looking closely' t"at wit"in it t"e darker lig"ts of t"e fire drifted. 0f course no soul is sim$le' t"oug" if t"at were true' if no soul were' w"at of !lato's grandest argument/ %"e elemental sim$les cannot decom$ose. (nd w"y not/ 0f course t"ey cannot come to $ieces' but w"at is sim$ler t"an t"e s"adow of a stick/ %"ere' for instance@ t"at tuft of weed struck t"roug" t"e snow like a knife' de&iously edged8 t"e soul it casts is blue and s"ar$' t"oug" bent a little toward com$assion by a "ollow in t"e crust;a soul like *"amlay's maybe. #s com$assion's line in *"amlay anyw"ere/ !er"a$s not. :ut t"e wind $uffs' t"e s"adow mists. %"e weed bends a little' and t"e soul of *"amlay $ales and widens into 0lus Ano.. #t alters altoget"er' not in $arts. )et cold ... so cold. %"e wind blew &iciously and 9urber turned "is face toward Henry. ( sim$le t"ing but com$le. in its cause. +age warmed "im a little. He felt a familiar $ressure on "is c"est and "e remembered standing by t"e ri&er and narrowing "is eyes at t"e sunlig"t t"at was so merciless from t"e water w"ile (rt"ur swam for 0mensetter's "at. )esterday "e s"ould "a&e eaten. 9lack? W"ere was t"e fellow/ He tugged roug"ly in "is anger and folds of clot"ing $arted. Hea&enly 9at"er' )ou may call our soul our best' but t"is' our body' is our lo&e. He lifted one of Henry's legs and let it fall like wood. How sim$ly is our fondness for it guaranteed@ we can't li&e outside of it' not as we are' not as we wis". 3o t"is is someone else's body now. He banged a s"oe against t"e bottom of t"e wagon. W"o/ %"e snow softened t"e sound. (slee$/ No. He was no longer li&ing t"e life of slee$. #t was t"e snow t"at was slumbering' coasting t"roug" t"ese dreams. W"at $ower "a&e )ou' if )ou can't continue us' and w"at cruel nature "a&e )ou to refuse/ %"e moist soul "angs about t"e body' too "ea&y to rise. How cle&erly' Henry' you a&oided t"at. Henry' listen' 0mensetter was not"ing' only anot"er man. Now "e is gi&en to des$air beyond any of yours. Well t"ere you are; we all des$air. Were you listening/ Not"ing but des$air. %"ey are in des$air' and you're t"e one in luck. 3ay' you s"ould listen. 9urber s"ook t"e body. 0bser&e "ow we build our cemeteries by you and s"a$e our bodies like yours. We wis" to be so like t"e dead' we li&ing. :ut we s"i&er from t"e cold in s$ite of oursel&es' and we "ate your liberty of lying like a stone enoug" to en&y t"e birds w"o $ecked your eyes. ost of all' we en&y you;t"at you s"ould o$en t"em unfeeling to t"eir bills. y god? my eyes are e&ery minute $ained by w"at t"ey see. # s"ould take strengt" from being blind' if # were you. Bision is no kindly in,ury. 9urber touc"ed Henry's "ands t"ey're cold as mine;t"en t"e ridges of "is ears. Well no "uman s$eec" can reac" you now. # en&y t"at too. 9urber dangled "is feet o&er t"e end of t"e wagon. He t"oug"t of aggie 3canlon' w"ose legs always "ung like cracked sticks' and "e swung t"em to and fro. W"y "a&e )ou made us t"e saddest animal/ He $us"ed "imself off and felt t"e ,ar in "is bones. He cannot do it' Henry' t"at is w"y. He can't continue us. (ll He can do is try to make us "a$$y t"at we die. +eally' He's a $retty good fellow.

Here's 9urber' finally. 0ut wit"out a boot on. 9ire u$' 9urber. )our ears look ni$$ed like t"e end of your nose. Watc" for your collar or you'll "a&e water down your back.

3titt's &oice welled from t"e "all. =on't bring "im in "ere'#'&e "ad enoug"' # don't want to see "im any. (nd *"amlay said of course not' :oylee' we'll lea&e "im outside' it can't "urt "im any. %ott' you look old. %"en *"amlay came to t"e front room unbuttoning "is coat. George sat on a ladder c"air "olding a green $olka5 dot bandana o&er "is eyes and "is "ead in "is "ands w"ile 2ut"er and enger warmed at t"e fire. %"ey "ad fed it until it flamed and crackled furiously and now t"ey "eld out t"eir "ands in fists' slowly unfolding t"eir fingers and s$reading t"em slowly into fans' solemnly and slowly re&ol&ing' kee$ing t"eir "ands in front of t"em and rubbing t"em toget"er carefully w"en t"e bla6e was at t"eir backs' ,igging t"eir feet in a trot' wrinkling u$ t"eir noses' wiggling t"eir ears and making dreadful faces to loosen t"e skin. %"ere was a $ile of outer clot"ing in t"e corner by t"e woodbo. and *urtis t"rew "is fur coat down on to$ of "is "at. Gobbets of snow were melting into slus". %"e slus" fed $ools w"ic" finally burst and ran in streaks toward t"e low side of t"e room' c"anneled un$redictably by t"e roug" floor. 9i.ed in "er rocker' u$rig"t' all "er blood in "er stomac"' dark5eyed and staring' 2ucy 0mensetter watc"ed. 9rom time to time t"e baby mo&ed and coug"ed in its corner and all t"e men looked toward it wit" $lainly angry faces' George e&en raising "is and wit"drawing t"e bandana. %"ey returned to t"emsel&es as soon as t"ey could manage to. *"amlay smoot"ed "is "air. His badge glittered brig"tly from "is left sus$ender. #t t"rew a brilliant dot abo&e a $icture on t"e wall' and as "e brus"ed "is "air wit" "is fingers' t"e dot danced' and w"en "is body twisted' it fled on t"e wall across enger's c"est to $lunge un"armed into t"e fire. enger began sucking noisily t"roug" "is teet" and $utting "is "ands o&er "is mout". (c"e ac"e ac"e' "e muttered. 2ut"er $ried "is boots off on t"e woodbo.. %"ey fell wit" a "ea&y $ossessi&e t"ud and 2ucy started u$ wit" a cry t"at s"e stifled wit" "er fingers. W"at time is it/ %wo' said *"amlay. %"ey all murmured. 9urber walked unsteadily to t"e middle of t"e room. W"ere's t"e dog' "e said. 2ut"er swore in a w"is$er. # wis" we "ad somet"ing to eat. He "eld a red5stockinged foot to t"e fire and wiggled its toes. eng' see t"em red ones/ 9irst grade. %ott entered. 0ug"t to get yourself some. 2ast like "omemade. # wis" we "ad somet"ing "ot;some coffee maybe. He "o$$ed. New t"ing' socks like t"is. 9urber followed t"e boot tracks like a "unter' bobbing "is "ead. George began to groan and sway. 9lecks of ice still clung to "is collar' flas"ing like brilliants. 3omeone come back "ere' 3titt was saying' # don't like to be alone. %ott sat slowly to t"e table and 2ut"er s$at in t"e fire. #t "ad been a mistake' "e said' because 3titt t"oug"t of "imself as a "ero now' and 3titt was sim$ly a no account bastard. *urtis wondered w"et"er 2ut"er would rat"er "a&e met all t"ose limbs "imself' bot" going and coming' and *urtis laug"ed at "is ,oke wit"out $leasure. He rubbed "is eyes and felt tenderly of t"e lobes of "is ears. enger t"oug"t t"ey s"ould "a&e taken 0mensetter wit" t"em. %"at was t"e real mistake' "e said. :rackett doesn't seem to be around' %ott said "oarsely' and t"en looked u$ in sur$rise. #'m "oarse' "e said. No' George said' "e ain't around' is "e/ No # don't belie&e "e is. # ,ust guess "e isn't. No. He ain't. (nd *"amlay wondered w"et"er "e wasn't out tending "is cro$s8 it was t"e middle of t"e morning. )ea"' "e's out' George said. He's fertili6ing snow. He's sowing ... 2ut"er beat "is belly' indicating "unger. He stared o$enly at 2ucy. He balanced on one foot' arms outstretc"ed. 2ucy "eld "erself on t"e edge of t"e rocker. 3"e bowed like a doll from t"e waist' canting "er c"in and lifting "er arms' about to s$eak' w"ile "er eyes' unblinking' lea$ed from man to man wit" "ardly a turn of "er "ead. Her &oice wandered a moment and t"en sank out of "earing' "er eyes teetered fearfully back and fort" until' wit" a sig"' s"e sli$$ed and "er ga6e fell between t"em to t"e floor w"ere it was"ed from side to side' re$eatedly' like water in t"e bottom of a boat. *"amlay brus"ed by 9urber'

w"o tottered 1ueerly' and

enger lifted a stick of wood' measuring t"e fire.

=ear lady' 9urber began' gesturing strangely. *"amlay sat stiffly at t"e table' drawing bills from "is $ocket and laying t"em down wit" meticulous care@ smoot"ing t"em out' $ressing t"em flat. !lease us and ,oin your daug"ters' madam' 9urber went on' rolling "is eyes and looking wildly around. %"ey are caged like birds in t"e backyard room. He clutc"ed "is c"est dramatically. We s"all make your cares' our cares. W"at s"a$e s"all you "a&e t"em in/ 3"all t"ey be bats/ 0" sto$ it' 9urber' will you' 3"ut my s"it' is t"at it/ >esus; (ny animal' 9urber s"outed' and all t"e men stared at "im' astonis"ed. We s"all take it 1uickly to our bosoms t"oug" t"ey're bitten eac"ly; 0kay' *"amlay said' and "e continued laying down t"e bills. (ntelo$e' ga6elle' giraffe; 0kay? We s"all form' 9urber made a swee$ing gesture' one brot"erly and se.less c"est' a $lain of duty' madam. (nd we' from t"e towers' s"all' and stee$les of our eyes' inform you' madam' surely' on t"e instant t"at' s"ould any incident' untoward' or;a"' t"e money? 9urber rus"ed to *"amlay's side and $eered across "is s"oulder. How muc"' "ow muc"' "e "issed. *"amlay swe$t u$ t"e $ile and "eld it out to 2ucy. %"e rent money' missus' wouldn't you say/ 9urber leaned weakly against t"e table' 1uiet e.ce$t for "is "ands w"ic" $assed frantically o&er "is body;rubbing "is face' $icking lig"tly at "is clot"ing' stretc"ing "is collar' $lunging from t"ere into $ockets' $ulling on buttons. )ou com$re"end t"e significance of t"is' # trust' *"amlay went on in "is solemn interrogator's &oice. #t was found in Henry's $ocket. (ll ones. #n fact we "ad to $ry "is fingers loose. # take it' missus' t"at "e died a s"ort w"ile after getting it. Would t"at be reasonable' you t"ink/ 9urber reac"ed *"amlay wit" a trembling finger. enger said.

4asy' "e w"is$ered' but *"amlay s"rugged. Henry "ad "is "and in 1uite a stubborn fist' "e said. 2ike t"is money mattered to "im. 2ike it was a message to us' 2ut"er said. 9urber was instantly w"ite. No' "e said. Well' w"at do you say/ 4asy' *urtis' s"e's not "erself. %"is is no time;s"e's sick wit" worry;wouldn't you be/;my god' be kind. 9urber s$oke to *"amlay's ear' but *"amlay sim$ly waggled "is "ead. #t's im$ortant' missus' *"amlay said. %"e law "as an interest' you know' "e went on' a faint smile rising. .. interest of t"e law .. .. #'d forgot' 2ucy murmured' 1uite to "erself. %"e law "as an interest. We all "a&e an interest C ... law. )es. (nd w"y would a $erson w"o was about to "ang "imself "ang on so "ard to a little money/ 0" yes... and t"is ... you said somet"ing of t"is' 2ucy said &aguely. Well now we "a&e more information. Now we "a&e Henry' and Henry's money. Henry ... 3"e drew "er arms in a tig"tly $rotecti&e H across "er c"est. George remo&ed "is bandana and e.amined it. W"en did 0mensetter $ay t"e rent' "e said. #n c"rist's name' gentlemen' anot"er time. )ou'll "a&e to tell us' missus' you know' and w"ile we're waiting "ere we'&e $lenty of time. %ime ... yea". We'&e $lenty of time. *"rist' yes' time' we'&e sure got t"at. We'&e got no damn "orses but we'&e got time. enger finally t"rew t"e log.

3omeone come on back "ere' 3titt yelled. %"e lam$ is smoking. W"at # want to know is w"y would Henry "ang "imself so "ig"' Hawkins said. W"at would be t"e $oint of it/ 9unny. # s"ouldn't be "oarse. #t's maybe my tonsils' %ott said. =id 0rcutt e&er tell you about "is cut5rate tonsillectomy/ Hawkins $ulled tenderly at "is nose. 3ay' "ow's t"e 1uality of t"at $oky5dot' George/ %"at was a fine lot. %"ere's no more green in t"e store. # t"ink t"at's rig"t. %"ere's no more green. #t's ,ust a s$otty snot rag' like any ot"er' George said sourly. Now we "a&e Henry and Henry's money ... )es . . . you "a&e t"at. 0" no it's not. %"e green/ George;on my "onor' t"ose were first class. W"at would "e "ang "imself at all for' enger said' blowing "is nose in t"e fire wit" a cris$ sna$ of "is fingers. His life was all rig"t. He "ad no com$laints. (" t"ere you are gra&ely mistaken' enger' 9urber said ste$$ing toward "im. %"e great t"eological 1uestion' gentlemen' "e said' turning gently around' is not t"e e.istence of e&il;no' gentlemen' "ea&en forbid;t"e great 1uestion concerns' rat"er' t"e real $resence of good8 and t"e great moral 1uestion' gentlemen' "e said' still swinging slowly' is not t"e e&idence of freedom' gentlemen;lord lo&e us' we'&e a lot;but t"e &ery $ossibility of law itself. W"at's "e saying now/ 3"ut u$' >et"ro. 3"ut. 3"ut. 3"all #/ 3"all # s"ut/ )es' godammit' s"ut. #'m ill C ill ... 1uite ill. >esus. W"y would "e go t"at far in t"e woods' like "e ne&er wanted to be found/ George tenderly co&ered "is eye. 0ut of t"e cold' it was swelling badly. 3omeone come back "ere for god's sake. ( sim$le fracture' it looked like to me' *"amlay rose and flouris"ed t"e bills. enger muttered.

Here is t"e money' missus' "e said. He ran a t"umb under "is left sus$ender. %"e dot flew. #t was in Henry's $ocket;t"is money' "ere' was. He "ad "is fist real "ea&y on it w"en "e died. 2ike 2ut"er says' t"ere was a message in it' a message Henry wanted to send to "is friends;at t"e moment of "is deat". *"amlay $aused. +ig"t in t"e &ery middle of "is dying' you mig"t say. Now Henry;you follow me' missus/ you don't seem to be following;Henry was "anging in a tree w"en we found "im' considerable "ig"' far in t"e woods. He "ad your rent money in "is $ocket. )ou don't deny t"at's w"at it is;t"is money/ (nd "is fist was closed tig"t o&er it;a sign' #'d say' ,ust like 2ut"er says. *lenc"ed ... %ig"t ... <uite a $iece in t"e woods "e was' and "ig"' w"ere no one would t"ink to look' &ery "ig"' in a tree "ard to climb. *urtis' for t"e lo&e of god; )ou com$re"end t"e significance of t"is/ W"ere's 0rcutt' 3titt s"outed. W"ere is "e/ W"at's kee$ing "im/ 0rcutt' 2ucy said' rising stiffly' releasing t"e rocker to s$ill its s"adow u$ t"e wall. 3"e was still "olding "erself tig"tly by t"e s"oulders and $acking "er breasts beneat" "er arms. %"e gentle doctor' said >et"ro 9urber. He's coming/ He's been sent for' yes' but "e "ad to be "unted u$ ... it's cold and now it's snowing. :rackett went/ #'m sure "e "ad t"at t"oug"t' "e; Ano. went. W"en :oylee fell. He took our "orses too' # "o$e' w"at "e could gat"er u$' *"amlay said. %"at was "ours ago now. (nyway Ano. went and not your "usband to my knowledge )ou don't know' *urtis. 9urber s$read "is "ands. %"ey fluttered uncontrollably. *urtis doesn't know. # talked to "im and it was in "is mind. # talked to "im myself and # could tell. #t was surely "is intention; %"at murdering bastard' Hawkins said. )ou detestable ,ackal' filt"y swine?

9urber wobbled across t"e room and fell on Hawkins w"o "eld "im away in sur$rise and t"en wit" a laug" $us"ed "im down into t"e $ile of clot"ing w"ic" s"ifted and ga&e way under "im' rolling "im off. :y' you'&e c"anged t"e roll on your $iano' "e said. *"amlay was angry. George took down "is bandana and said@ # can't o$en my eye; see/;it's swollen s"ut. enger faced t"e fire' muttering ra$idly. 9inally 9urber turned u$ and sat 1uietly' sali&a running from "is mout". )ou s$eak too $re&ious' 2ut"er' not"ing's $ro&ed' *"amlay said. 2ike # said' missus' w"ere we found "im "e was "ig". He "ad no reason to "ang "imself. (nd "e "ad your rent. W"y don't you ask "er w"ere "e is' *urt/ W"at t"e "ell' let's find out somet"ing. Wait now' enger' "old a moment. #'m doing t"is' and t"at was coming u$.

*"amlay fluttered t"e money. 0nes' "e said. Now w"at would your o$inion;missus;be/ # say' and 2ut"er says' it was a sign. W"at do you t"ink' missus/ W"at would you t"ink if you was us/ W"at do you say/ 3"e fell 1uietly' uncaug"t. 3titt began to s"out and George to rock in "is c"air' cradling "is "ead. #'m not used to t"is;it "urts. # know' Georgie' ,ust rela.' enger said.

# t"ink # "eard t"e back door' 2ut"er said' # t"ink t"ose kids went out. )ou'&e boots on' enger' go and see. y brot"er's "urt' enger said resentfully.

*"amlay $ut t"e folded money neatly on t"e table and $laced "is "ands gingerly o&er "is ears. 9urber was carefully gat"ering "er u$. 3"e's too "ea&y for me' "e said' but e&eryone ke$t t"eir eyes a&erted and no one offered to "el$. >ews tear t"eir clot"es u$' 9urber murmured' struggling. Wise. He wa&ered in front of *"amlay. )ou know "ow long it's been since #'&e eaten/ *"amlay did not re$ly. He tenderly touc"ed "is eyes wit" t"e ti$s of "is fingers. We're well met' madame' 9urber said' may # make a lewd suggestion/ 3to$ babbling' 9urber' Hawkins said' you make me sick. ( flag5switc"er;you sonofabitc".

# am !"illy Ainsman' t"e celebrated bandsman' 9urber sang' you fellows may "a&e "eard of me. Hel$ >et"ro wit" "er' 2ut"er' will you' *"amlay said' "e's unable. No "el$ from swine' 9urber cried' beginning to mo&e. # didn't belie&e' "e w"is$ered to "er' # only imagined8 # ne&er knew' "ow was # to know t"at w"at # said was true/ *"amlay ,erked about and leaned o&er t"e table to $eer t"roug" t"e front window' rubbing circles on t"e glass wit" "is slee&e. %ott "ad "idden "is "ead in "is arms. 3inging' 9urber lurc"ed down t"e "all. (nd #'&e a dick t"at's like t"e stick # use to beat t"e boom5a5lay. Hawkins laug"ed. Nuts ,ust nuts. 3titt began obscenities. 0lus Ano. and =octor 0rcutt' red5faced and tig"tly wra$$ed' burst in' snow swirling around t"em' snow on t"eir ca$s and collars' snow in t"e creases of t"eir mittens' snow u$ t"eir legs to t"e t"ig". Well 0rcutt' *"amlay said' it's good you're "ere. Good' is it' 0rcutt said' stam$ing "is feet and s"aking "imself. #'&e ne&er been so cold. 4&erybody best be dead or in t"at neig"bor"ood. Ano. $ut 0rcutt's case on t"e table' sniffing and $uffing and milling "is arms. 3now fell in clouds from bot" of t"em. 0rcutt? #'m bled out and broke u$ and no one comes to sit by me' t"e bastards. 0rcutt? %"ey are no damn good' 0rcutt' none of t"em. =ear me' t"at's :oylee' 0rcutt said' uncoiling "is scarf. y eye;it's my eye;# ran it on a branc";it's swollen;look. Well George' morning. (nd 2ut"er. about coffee/ #'ll see if t"ere is some. *ome on back "ere' =oc. Well easy for a moment till # warm' 0rcutt s"outed. #s t"at dear Henry's carcass in t"e snow/ (aa". y noble beard is fro6en' look at t"at. ( bad sign. ( $oor beginning. #t's really Henry' e"/ 0lus told me a liar's story. (nd so "e eng. 4&erybody "ere' "ey' waiting. How

enger' "unt t"em girls. )ou'&e boots.

de$arted' as our good friend 9urber would say' muc" mourned' but not missed. W"ew. (nd w"ere is 9urber/ =idn't "e come out "ere wit" you/ #s t"at "im lurking in t"e "allway/ 0lus said ... um ... and t"ere's t"e c"ild/ Well. No noise from "im. How's old 4mma' =oc/ # "eard t"at you was out along "er some t"is morning. Well s"e's sad' 2ut"er. Not so sick as sad. 3"e's took sy$"ilis from t"e 3iou.. 3truck down in t"e $rime of "er age. 2ut"er roared and struck t"e wall wit" "is fist. #'d ne&er "a&e trusted t"at #ndian on my $lace' "e finally managed. )ou could tell "e'd "a&e a dirty5feat"ered s"aft. Well' like t"ey say t"ese days' 2ut"er' t"e only good #ndian's a lead one. Hawkins roared again and rolled off down t"e "all. 9urber ste$$ed back to let "im $ass. Hawkins' come in "ere' 3titt yelled. #'&e lost my glasses. %"ey're in my case' # t"ink' remember' 0lus/ 0rcutt stood in front of t"e fire for a moment' enduring a s$asm of s"i&ering. How is 4mma' really' =oc/ 3"e's old' is all' *urt' merely old. 0rcutt kicked off "is boots. %"en "e tugged at "is beard' leaning into t"e fire' combing t"e beard wit" "is fingers. 2et me toss on anot"er. %"e wood fell in t"e fire wit" a cras" and a s"ower of s$arks flew u$ t"e c"imney. 0rcutt bent o&er t"e cradle' silent a good w"ile. How long' "e said 1uietly. No one answered. How long "as t"is been going on/ =ammit. He knuckled "is eyes. W"ere are t"e $arents/ He straig"tened 1uickly. :ring me my case' $lease' 0lus' t"ank you. =i$"t"eria all rig"t. (s early as #'&e seen it in an infant. (nd bad' 0lus;you were rig"t. W"ere are t"e $arents/ 3"e fainted and 9urber $ut "er somew"ere. 0mensetter's outside somew"ere; gone.

0rcutt "esitated. W"at are you saying' *urtis/ 3omew"ere/ $ut "er somew"ere/ *"amlay s"rugged. #n t"e ot"er bedroom' # su$$ose. 0rcutt blinked. 9urber's "ere t"en. Well. He bent o&er t"e cradle again. =amn t"ese eyes. %"e wind like to blown t"em out. Gone' you say/ out' "ey/ somew"ere. 3o 9urber's "ere t"oug". He'll be needed' like as not. W"ere'd 0mensetter get to/ # don't know. 9urber t"oug"t "e mig"t "a&e gone for you. 0rcutt $aused a moment in "is mani$ulations' t"en went on. %"e baby s1ueaked. ( sim$le infant' "e said. 7tterly neglected. #t's criminal. (nd all t"is t"um$ing about in "ere ... you He s"ook "is "ead and slum$ed wit" weariness. :ad' %ru.ton/ 2ike # said' 0lus. (ny c"ance at all/ Not really. =i$"t"eria ... it's a terrible t"ing. 0rcutt sig"ed. en' in my e.$erience' are t"e worst disease' "e said. %"en "e slowly bent again to "is ins$ection.

0rcutt was not dis$osed to be $leasant. He ignored t"e 1uestion. He si$$ed "is coffee. We'&e business "ere oursel&es' %ru.ton. %"e self5a$$ointed.

3omeone "as to. #t's no $leasure. (in't it/ Well' you'll not mind if #'&e no $atience for it;fres" out of t"at. :ut # can figure w"at you're u$ to' you been "itc"ing to it5all along. #t ain't com$letely usual in you' *urtis ... #'ll say it ain't good eit"er. %"at sort of t"ing can wait' don't $ile it u$ on to$ of all of t"is. )ou must be numb inside and t"at's a fact. None of us is numb' we'&e got our feelings;t"e w"ole town "as its feelings; and #'m sur$rised at w"at you say. y feelings;e&erybody's;t"ey're ,ust t"e same;you know t"at. W"y' we harbored "im. 9rom t"e time "e dragged "is "orse and bragging wagon into town' "e made "imself at "ome "ere. We took "im in. 3ure;Henry and Watson mainly;but e&erybody some. )ou'&e got no memory for it/ t"e little time it took and w"at "e's done/ 3o you mig"t say my feelings; all ours "ere;are ,ust for e&erybody. )ou're doing e&erybody's feeling for t"em' "ey/ edically' t"at ain't easy.

=ammit' %ru.ton' you know w"at # mean. %"e $roblem's $lain enoug"' and so's our duty. )ou s"ould "a&e "eard t"e way t"at bastard talked w"en we came out "ere. =uty' "ey/ =elig"tful word. %"e mons &eneris of morality. 3o considerately s"ort a noise too' duty is. 0rcutt blew on "is coffee. W"at a curious t"ing you are' t"oug"' *urtis' to s$eak of duty "ere so early on suc" a snowy morning w"en e&eryone is t"ick5eyed from sitting by t"e fire all nig"t and ti$$ed down in t"e mind. 0r is t"at your notion/ W"at's eating on you/ *urtis;know w"at a doctor's duty is/ He swears to it' you know. He takes a sacred Grecian oat". %o do "is duty. 0rcutt wi$ed "is mout". Well it's two t"ousand years old;t"e oat" is;but t"at don't "el$ it any. W"at can a doctor really do' *urtis5e&er t"ink about it/ #'&e been at it a long time now' and # know w"at # can do. Not"ing. # sit around and drink coffee. !ass t"e time of day. #t's a damn silly oat"' really;$retentious and silly. 0" well' %ru.ton; 3awed bot" legs off a boy once t"at was smas"ed by a wagon. His mot"er says to me before # lea&e; # got "is legs in a burla$ bag "is fat"er kindly lent to me;you must be tired' do "a&e tea. +ed "air s"e "ad like a forest burning' and dee$ green eyes. 3o # did. # "ad tea. #t was good tea' *urtis' most e.cellent of t"e green kind' carefully cooked' one of t"e best cu$s # e&er drank;like t"is coffee now t"at 2ut"er "as so nicely boiled for me. 2ook' really %ru.ton;,esus;

0nly t"ing bot"ered was t"e blasted bag. He gi&e it to me and "e says@ get t"em off t"e $lace' get t"em away. # drank my tea wit" t"e sack resting on my feet. # don't know w"at s"e t"oug"t it was' maybe s"e knew. # ,ust $rayed it wouldn't leak onto "er rug. #t didn't t"oug";a little blood on my socks was all. 9or god's sake' %ru.ton' we'&e been t"roug" enoug". # remember anot"er time w"en # was "olding t"e "and of a fellow in a coma; not"ing to do but sit and look wise w"ile t"e organs of "is body ate on one anot"er; a long nig"t' it was' too' before "e died;well' "is son was sitting in a c"air o&er by t"e door;"e was maybe fifteen' maybe more;and "e and # were t"e only ones in t"e room wit" "is $a and "is $a's snore;and t"e w"ole time' t"e w"ole time' mind' t"e w"ole time t"is boy sit t"ere by t"e door looking down' "unting a $icture of "is "ate in t"e floor' # don't know' but looking down and muttering o&er and o&er ,ust loud enoug" for me to get it@ # "o$e you die you bastard' die8 # "o$e you die8 die die die. 9inally' you know' # ,ust u$ and screams at "im;t"um$ t"um$ t"um$' "e'd been going' die die die;# yell to s"ut u$' but "e wasn't a $erson' "e was a dri$ from a $um$;t"unk t"unk t"unk;5die;t"at's all;and # "ad to get u$ and tilt back t"at c"air and "aul "is ass out of t"at room like "e was "ea$ed u$ in a barrow ... singing "is little tune. God. %ell t"em about t"e cut5rate tonsil; %"e old man died of course' like "e'd been told to' and t"en t"at cra6y fool kid went in t"e barn and fired a s"otgun at "is "ead. =oc/ Hey' it's "urting again. 2et me tell you somet"ing funny about $oor :oylee;we'&e lots of time. %ime ... yea". We'&e $lenty of time. *"rist' yes' time' we'&e sure got t"at. We'&e got no damn "orses but we'&e got time. =oc;tell t"em about t"e; Well se&eral years back w"en t"e tail of t"e Hen Woods burned;remember/; :oylee was out t"ere fig"ting t"e fire and one of t"e =ulut" c"ildren;t"ey'&e mo&ed since' remember t"em/;climbed u$ a tree to watc" t"e bla6e;and it was somet"ing to see' too;so anyway' w"ile "e was watc"ing "e caug"t "is foot in a crotc" and got it stuck t"ere. Well' as you can bet' "e was "owling somet"ing fearful as t"e fire burned down to "im. :oylee was t"ere too' running wild around t"e bottom of t"e tree and yelling like a fool w"en # rode u$ wit" Watson. at climbed u$ t"ere easy and took "im down. #t wasn't "ard' but :oylee;well' # ,ust figure :oylee was afraid a little. 3ur$rising' ain't it/ +eal scared' "e must "a&e been. #t's interesting ... 0f course it wasn't snowing t"en' t"e twigs weren't fro6en into nails and t"e bark icy' and of course it was broad day and t"e boy was a mere fifteen feet u$' maybe' if t"at' and t"e climb;well;t"e kid "ad got t"ere. 9unny' ain't it' "ow t"ings "a$$en. :oylee's been mad at me e&er since' ,ust because # was t"ere to see "im do "is dance' and maybe because # laug"ed so "ard. *ourse t"e c"ild was ali&e too' not s"it on and bit u$ and "ung out like Henry !imber.

3o you felt "im o&er. (";morning' >et"ro;"ow's it feel to be awake/ Good na$/ )ou touc"ed "is eyes. W e ll ;no ... no;did you/ # ,ust figured it. ( dramatic note. ( lie' in s"ort' t"at's $erfect trut". # can understand t"at. 2ook' %ru.ton' #'&e been asking you a natural 1uestion. )ou know it's natural. %"ere's $lenty of reason for wondering. W"at do you t"ink/ *ould "e "a&e/ 0" well;"ow "ig" was "e/ 3e&enty5fi&e' eig"ty' wouldn't you say' 2ut"er/ Hey;you aslee$/ No;c"rist. #'d say eig"ty easy. (bout se&enty's rig"t' %"at "ig"/ 0rcutt t"oug"t a w"ile' "is nose o&er "is coffee' in"aling t"e steam' "is "ands warming t"emsel&es at t"e cu$. %"at's "ig". #t's more a matter for t"e $reac"er' seems to me' "e said' nodding at 9urber w"o was s$rawled on t"e coats in t"e corner like a dead crow. He could "a&e seen clean to *olumbus from u$ t"ere. #t's "ard to tell w"at a man will do if "e's warmed u$ to it;:oylee for instance. W"y work so "ard to kill yourself' w"y sweat/ (nd w"y so "ig"/ =idn't "e want to be found/ %o get s"it on by birds like you said. He'd "a&e fell out of t"ere some time' w"at was left of "im. %"e rain would "a&e run rig"t off "im. Well t"e wind would "a&e dried "im good. )ea". (nd t"e cold would "a&e come on and "eld "im a long time ,ust in t"e s"a$e "e was. He'd "a&e been well ke$t and damn near sound till summer. %"at coat wouldn't "a&e "eld "im. %"e belt would "a&e broke. Well "is branc" did. Was :oylee nesting on it/ enger said.

No' # don't t"ink so. He was on t"e one below it. He cut Henry loose and t"en "e lost "im;a cold load' # bet;and w"en Henry went "e busted :oylee's branc" off too. Well' 0rcutt said' #'m sorry # missed t"at. %"at must "a&e been somet"ing. (ll my life #'ll be sorry # missed it. %"at's all rig"t;%ott'll tell you about it till you're sick of it. W"at do you su$$ose "e went along for/ Wit"out a single reason # can see to do it;t"at's w"at gets me. He was getting well. He was okay;rig"t' =oc/ 3ure. W"at t"e "ell was t"e $oint/ He was okay;rig"t/ #f "e goes to e.ecution in a c"ariot' and # in a cart or by foot' w"ere is t"e glorious ad&antage' 9urber 1uoted. 0rcutt felt of "is beard and brus"ed it wit" "is slee&e' "a$$ier now it was soft. #t's "ard to figure' "e said. %"at's "ig". 4ig"ty's "ig". No ladies "ere/ (" t"en #'ll c"ew. # must "a&e a c"ew "ere somew"ere. He felt "imself. )ou know # took t"at sack away on my mare;s"e could smell it too' s"e reared around and fis"ed to beat t"e de&il;and # was maybe a mile on t"e road w"en # "ear gallo$ing be"ind me and it's fat"er in a lat"er. %"e c"ild is dead' "e says' and # say t"at's too bad;it sure was no sur$rise5so # say t"at's too bad;w"at do you say' anyway' time like t"at/;and # get ready to gi&e "im back "is money as # figure t"at's w"at "e's come for' and well' # don't mind if it makes "im feel any better' you know. :ut "e says' "olding out "is "and in a smart5ass way' gi&e me back t"e bag. %"e bag' # say' sur$rised' w"y/ We want to bury "im toget"er' "e says back' furious wit" me for being witless. )ou wouldn't want us to bury "im in $ieces' would you' se$arated like t"at from "imself' "e says' "orrified. (nd "e snatc"es t"e bag and gallo$s away' "olding it out at arm's lengt"' t"e t"ing beginning to wet its bottom and to swing and kick about by itself like "e "ad a li&ing c"icken in it. (in't t"at a funny one/ (". 0rcutt finally dredged a $iece of tobacco from "is &est and carefully $icked off t"e lint. Wit" one "and "e unclas$ed "is knife and deftly sliced a generous "unk. >ust from t"e $"ysical side you understand' "e said;t"e ot"er's outside science; my guess would be "e wasn't strong enoug" to do it. Not by "alf. He'd been greatly sick' $oor Henry "ad' and "e was ne&er w"at you'd call a $owerful man' not in body surely' or in s$irit eit"er # s"ould say. Not enoug" strengt" in "im and not enoug" gum$tion. 0rcutt began c"ewing' closing "is teet" slowly' and sig"ing as $leasure took $ossession of "im. He leaned into t"e wall. Well wind didn't blow "im u$ t"ere. Well maybe Windy' Wise' and Noisy did.

Wit" a fireman's carry. %"e s$irit mo&ed "im. +e&erend' w"at do you t"ink/ Henry's out t"ere' w"y don't you ask "im' =octor/ (nd "e's smiling. 9urber sat u$ in a tumble of clot"ing. 2ut"er' $lease bring "im kindly. %"awed' "e'll s$eak. He was as "ard as *"ristmas candy once before' w"en "e was sick' remember/ 3et "im rig"t t"ere nicely;by *"amlay t"e :eastly :adger' or by 46ra and :essie' w"o'&e crossed t"eir "earts in t"e table;or t"ere' w"ere 0rcutt's leaning so in solemn silence' sunk in "is dirty $leasure. 9urber rummaged in t"e $ile. Henry's eyes are out' but "is tongue's in' # t"ink. .. #nk. He $icked at a mitten. 3o t"e 2ord says ... a" ... # am t"e 2ord' says t"e 2ord8 # make all t"ings. # stretc" fort" t"e "ea&ens alone. # frustrate t"e omens of liars. Ha "a. # make di&iners mad. # turn wise men backward and t"eir asses inside out' and make t"eir knowledge foolis" ... (t last "ere come t"e monkeys on t"e "orses. Hold yourself toget"er' >et"ro' don't go to $ieces. )ou "a&e res$onsibilities "ere. =o # go to $ieces' =octor/ Here's a riddle@ w"y am # so cold u$on your faces/ %"at's most unseemly in a man of my $osition' e"/ ... No answer. %"en # s"all kee$ my own good com$any. =ra$ed in "ats and scar&es and o&ercoats' 9urber struggled to "is feet. 2et's see@ t"ere'll be ( to admire me' "e said' ticking ( off on t"e finger of a glo&e "e "ad drawn only $artly on so t"e finger flo$$ed w"en "e touc"ed it. %"en t"ere'll be : to bless me8 * to c"eris" me8 = C to undress me8 4/ to encourage me8 9 to;fondle ... fondle ... w"at an odd word. (s ink. (ll as in ink. #nk's odd. Hawkins laug"ed. )ou look a sig"t. He sounds a sig"t. # s"all recite a limerick of my own com$osition. #t's &ery to$ical. He "eld u$ an admonitory finger. %"ere was a young man of =e !auw;

%"e originality' my c"urc"ling smirkers' does not reside in t"e first line. !ffitt. %"ere was a young man of =e !auw' w"o begot a giraffe wit" "is ,aw. W"en com$elled to admit it' "e said t"at "e did it' to re$eal t"e endelian law. #t don't mean anyt"ing to me. 3it down' >et"ro' we'&e still got business. :ut my dears;t"ere's more@ (ll mankind now started to wonder' concerning t"is cosmical blunder. #f giraffes' by t"is $ass' can be got by an ass' W"o's t"e $a$a of lig"tning and t"under/ 3ay' 9urb' t"at's $retty good. %"at's not so bad. %"en cried t"e (rc"bis"o$ of 2ondon' we are all 1uite certainly undone. W"at suc" a ,aw can' an (nglican can' by belling "is balls wit" a bludgeon. W"oo5ee' man. W"oo5ee. :y blowing "is balls t"roug" a blowgun. W"oo; 9urber' you're disgusting. =on't be a $ill' 0lus. 9urb' # didn't know you "ad it in you. 0lus is a sticky $ill' "e will make you sick' "e will. Hey;good;"e caug"t you rig"t off' 0lus. Howe&er t"is fraud from =e !auw' w"o claimed to "a&e broken t"e law' broke down and admitted 'twas not "is ,aw did it' but "is god fat"er's beastly guffaw. Ha"; %"ank you' your gracious a$$reciation is a$$lauded.

#'d like to settle some t"ings in my mind' 9urber' if you don't mind' *"amlay said. ( minister/ ( clown' %ott said. 2ots of times we'&e "ad "im in our "ouse. )ou smut mu66ling mutt' 9urber s"outed. 3it down' 9urber' sit down? :ut 4's "ere to em$ty me;watc";"e's wearing $ink and "as a $assion to enter me. ='s "ere to dis$arage me;t"ere's not"ing "e can say' #'m black inside my clot"ing' black as ink. (nd t"en *;to c"astise me' send me to Gilean' stri$e my back. : to blame' to bully' to bluster' to bitc" ... (/ ('s last;to admonis" me; no' surely more t"an t"at;no' $er"a$s to administer' not"ing comes after. Hey "ow do you t"ink u$ t"ose t"ings/ :ut draw near "ere' you sons of t"e sorceress' t"e seed of t"e adulterer and t"e w"ore. 9urb; )ou didn't know # knew t"e table of t"e elements. #t's 1uite a trick to make u$ $oems like t"at. 0" art is e&eryw"ere admired. (nd ( is anger' or anguis"' or ague' or agony ... <uick a trick. (s in ink. How do you t"ink u$ all t"at/ 3to$ baiting "im' 2ut"er' and let's get on. %"e +e&erend (ndrew !ike's my muse. W"at's "e saying/ w"o/ 0" it's t"at $reac"er' 2ut"er' years ago' w"o was scal$ed by t"e #ndians' %ott said. :ait/ =id someone say' bait/ 3"ut; %"e rig"teous man $eris"es and no one takes it to "eart. He was 1uite a ladies'; well' an #ndian5maiden man' you mig"t say. % is for %ott and for tattletale. ( greedy young s$inster;"ear t"at' %otty/ a greedy young s$inster

ate' li&e' a lobster and now e&ery winter w"en s"e sits dinner as a kind of remonster "e $inc"es "er inner. 3it still' :essie. How about it' =oc/ erciful men are taken away and no one minds. Wit" *urt t"ere glaring at me/ ("' no t"anks. *urt's "ea&y in "is "ead and #'m "ea&y in my eyes. 7nfortunately' 0lus said' 9urber's t"e one t"at's lig"t of tongue. =o somet"ing wit" "im' %ott yelled. Wra$s' said 9urber' s1uas"ing a "at on "is "ead and w"irling a muffler around. God is kind... Hello ... Good day ... %"e weat"er's fine ... Good "at. Good coat. Good glo&e. 0" God is kind. 3ay' against w"om are you s$orting yourself' $ink $ants/ against w"om are you making a wide $ink mout"' and drawing out t"e tongue/ are you not a c"ild of transgression' a seed of false"ood/ 2ook =oc' *"amlay said' let's try to get on in s$ite of t"at. He gestured. # intend to get on' "e said. H is for snots$ittle. >esus. 3omeone s"ut "im u$. Aind cat. Aind do&e. Aind dog. Aind gnat. 0" God is lo&e. )ou s"ould "a&e listened to me. %"en you s"ould "a&e "ad $eace like a ri&er. Henry's "a&ing some. He's smiling ... smiling ... 2o&e t"is. 2o&e t"at. 2o&e li$. 2o&e la$. #'m "ere to settle t"is !imber business in my mind' and #'m going to;no matter w"at. H is for gorges$ew. (aa". =ear sweet kind cow. =ear sweet good goat. =ear black blind bat. *ome off it' 9urber. %"at's enoug". =um$ all t"at stuff and settle on it. W"y am # so cold u$on your faces/ (nswer@ because # am t"e master of t"e resting $laces.

#s "e drunk or somet"ing/ He's trying to kee$ *urt from "is 1uestions' %ott said. # know "im. 9eed t"e fire now. Aee$ eac" your $laces. 3often Henry's mout". His g"ost will s$eak. #t's out t"ere now' "anging stiffly in "im like a drying onion. 9etc" me my bag' 0lus' will you/ # don't know w"ere it's got to. Here's a fur "at for a "unter. !ros$er t"e beetles. 2ea&e t"at stuff off' 9urber. ( muffler from mot"er. #t's like kitten co&er. (nd body is to s$irit as;t"ese glo&es to a lo&er. #'ll see if # can gi&e "im somet"ing;calm "im some;"e's "ad a sei6ure. =on't worry about "im' "e's a toot"less little weasel. % is for trut"lessness. % is for tickle my tummy and #'ll tickle your testicle. % is for touc" me not or for tit for tat. 2et "im be' "ell settle. He's all done in. %"is 0mensetter t"en;# say we s"ould go out and get "im. =on't fire off "asty' *urtis. Hasty' "ell' # go by natural ste$s' by god' one at a time. #'ll bet "e's lit out. #'ll bet t"at's w"at "e's done. He's lit. (nd lea&e "is wife/ #t's "is neck;w"y not/ W"y not' says %ott. :essie' will you draw your breat" in $ain to tell our story/ #t's 0mensetter's neck. (nd a neck's a neck. #t's 1uite a lot. W"y not/ 3ays %ott. Will you s"ut u$' god damn it' will you/ 0" you are "oarse' you're very "oarse. # belie&e you'&e caught somet"ing. :oylee's strong' and :oylee "ad a time u$' *"amlay said' "olding out an o$en "and to 0rcutt and folding in a finger. (nd like you say' Henry "ad no strengt" at all' "e said' folding in anot"er. 3o # conclude t"at Henry didn't get u$ w"ere we found "im by "imself. *"amlay formed a t"reatening fist. W"at do you say' =oc/ Want to bet' "e said' fanning "is ot"er fingers. 2ucy !imber says t"e last time s"e saw Henry' "e was off to 0mensetter's to collect t"e rent. *"amlay bent a finger. %"at rent was on Henry w"en we found "im. He folded back anot"er. 3o' "e said;t"ey met. :ot" fists drew angrily toget"er' t"oug" *"amlay grinned.

3te$ by ste$' e"' *urtis' =octor 0rcutt said. 0ne more ste$' by god' and you'll be standing on "im. Gi&e u$ if you want' George. )ou was always 1uick to fold' but # t"ink #'ll call "im. (". %"ank you 0lus. #'&e got some sort of $ill in "ere. %o $our in t"e $orc"es of my ear. 3omew"ere ... Ne&er mind "im. ... if # can find it. We got all t"ese 0mensetters "ere now. "im' Hawkins said. # say "e's lit. 3o you can "unt "im' :essie' like you "unted for Hog :ellman/ W"at do you know about t"at/ #'&e "eard you tell it. Hawkins laug"ed and said@ you e&er "ear a tale t"at %ott told "onest/ He's a glory awful liar. ... a liar ... )ou like to talk about t"e law' *urtis;a"' "ere it is;but t"e law won't like it. Here t"ey are. 0ne is all you take now;maybe' in a bit' anot"er.... >et"ro/ 9urber said@ t"en you s"all bring fort" t"at man or woman w"o "a&e committed t"at wicked t"ing' you s"all bring t"em fort" to t"e gates' and t"ere you s"all stone t"em wit" stones until t"ey die. Will you gi&e off groaning' George' said "is brot"er. 0rcutt mig"t as well "a&e s$it in my eye for all t"e good "e done me' George said. )ou said you were calling' *urtis said. #'&e more cards. ("' maybe. :ut you're not all t"at strong. %"ere's cards you ain't got' for one t"ing ;not yet any"ow. Now t"e way Henry's "anging;u$ so "ig";t"at's a "ig" card' *urtis' like you say' but w"ose "and's it sitting in/ :oylee's strong' you say. :oylee "ad a time. 0kay. How strong would a man "a&e to be to climb u$ t"at tree wit" a dead man "anging to "im some"ow/ # "o$e you don't t"ink Henry was ali&e t"en/ W"y are you $laying "is "and/ enger got t"em girls in. # say let's find

9urber said@ at t"e mout" of two witnesses' or t"ree' s"all "e t"at is wort"y of deat" be $ut to deat"' but at t"e mout" of one witness "e s"all not. He'd be a dead weig"t' *urtis' all t"e way. (nd t"en "e'd "a&e to be "ung out t"ere and tied. *"amlay slammed "is $alm down. >et"ro;t"at $ill now... We'&e "earts like t"e teet" of dogs' said >et"ro 9urber' crouc"ing in t"e clot"ing. 2ike # said' t"ere're facts you "a&en't got yet. Ha&e you looked our Henry o&er careful/ Was "e strangled/ broke "is neck/ Ha";maybe "e was s"ot. 0r cut "is t"roat wit" a ra6or' or died of t"e dri66les and t"e trot. (";s"it =oc; %"ere'll "a&e to be an auto$sy;t"at's w"at #'m saying. 2isten' 9urber said' w"en # was a little boy and learning letters;( ...' : ...' * ...' lo&e was ne&er taug"t to me' # couldn't s$ell it' t"e 0 was always missing' or t"e B' so # wrote lo&e like li&e' or lure' or late' or law' or liar. 9urber wi$ed "is nose noisily on someone's slee&e. 2ook' "e said' if it comes to law' #'ll testify. #'ll tell t"e trut" for t"e first time. Get out of t"em coats' god damn it. #'ll say # lied. # lied and lied. # s$read "atred against "im;all by lies. # turned myself against "im5wit" my lies. # folded "is own "eart back against itself' and burned it black wit" lies. (nd after my lies' "e s$elled lo&e@ luck. Get "im to swallow t"at' will you' =oc. # turned t"e land against "im;$lanting it wit" lies. His wife was turned against "im8 "is c"ildren turned against "im;from my lies. # turned at' and all "is friends' and all of Gilean' against "im t"roug" my lies. # $ut it in your minds to be against "im;all by lies. # turned e&en God against "im by my lies. %ake =oc-s $ill' >et"ro' said *"amlay gently' you're ,ust not well now. 4&erybody knows it's not in you to lie' w"ate&er else; Wit" lots of water now;it's like a s1uare one. )ou need any "el$ to get to t"e kitc"en/ enger's aslee$' t"at sonofabitc". *areful' George' you'&e bot" t"e same ma. #'&e a fuckin' eye.

# wis" l could slee$. #'m dead' but #'m ner&ous some"ow' Hawkins said. Well $ut' !uker;dead but ner&ous;yes. Henry "as a li&ely twitc". Hawkins swore. He'll lea&e' 9urber now said earnestly. He $romised me. He'll lea&e. (ll t"ose 1uestions you'&e been asking. *urt@ w"y would "e kill "imself/ w"y would "e c"oose t"e middle of a woods/ w"y would "e "ang "imself so "ig"/ w"y would "e "old so tig"t onto t"at money/ w"y t"is/ w"y t"at/ well you can ask t"ose 1uestions new again' if you t"ink 0mensetter killed "im. %"ere are ,ust as many' and t"e same ones. 3o no one would find "im. #t's sim$le' =oc. He ,ust "id t"e body. %"at's rig"t' you're no bait' bodiless ... Hey;"e's by t"e baby. )ou okay' 9urber/ 0aky... # am oaky ... )es' yes' coming ... (nyway' 0mensetter found "im' %ott said' sitting u$. No $oint to "anging "im so "ig" in t"at case' seems to me. %"row off sus$icion' *urt said. =idn't t"row yours off' did it' 0rcutt said. #t t"rew yours? 0"' *urt's sus$icion's all inside "im' %ott said. !ast "is underwears. @ery good' :essie. W"y you're growing? %"ere's no end; 3"it. )ou say s"it to a $reac"er/ s"it/ (ny"ow' it would "a&e been lots easier to bury "im' seems to me' Ano. said. 2ots of easy $laces. %"at's it' >et"ro;in t"e kitc"en;get some water. #n a fis"' 9urber said. # also know a man w"o's buried in "is brot"er. (nd t"en # know anot"er ... enger's aslee$' t"at sonofabitc". #f t"e ground was fro6en' *urt said' t"en "ow easy/ if t"e ground was fro6en/

... anot"er ... "ere's anot"er' # know;"is tablet reads@ ary was my wife' and ary was my mot"er' merry was my life' until # met my brot"er. 3till' *urt' t"ere are a do6en better $laces@ rocks' brus"' ri&er; He stole from me my wife' "e stole from me my mot"er8 "e stole from me my life' lest # s"ould lo&e anot"er. :ra&o' >et"ro;not a bad tune' boy. Not wit" t"e ground "ard as marble. :ut *urt' for god's sake' it wasn't' 0lus said. We'd "ad only a few frosts w"en Henry disa$$eared' and t"e ground was easy. %"is $ill will s$ell lo&e literally' and slee$ my bittering tongue' but s"ould # swallow/ How do we know' t"oug" "ow do we know t"at Henry was murdered t"e moment "e disa$$eared. *ome on' *urt;come on. 0kay;so 0mensetter waited wit" t"e body. He "ad Henry "id somew"ere;a barn' a basement. 0r maybe Henry went away;*incinnati' *olumbus;and t"en w"en "e came back' 0mensetter; ... towns beginning in * ... ("' na". 3traws' *urtis. %"ey won't "old you. *"amlay flatted t"e table. :esides' you cut t"e knot. 3"it on you %ott. 9urber s$oke t"roug" "is "ands. %"ey curtained "is face. %"e ri&er' t"e boy' t"ey beckoned "im to Gilean;and now "e's done;lo&e's out between t"em like a candle. *urt' you weren't "ere' # was' # sat in a corner like a sensiti&e c"air' like t"eir daug"ters' dressed t"inly in des$air. No ;come to Gilean' t"e c"ild' t"e ri&er' told "im;come to Gilean' t"e ca$ital of "uman nature. (nd now "e knows. %"ere's no furt"er in,ury t"at we can do t"em;"is wife or t"e girls. %"ey will li&e on like we li&e' most likely ... # knew a woman once w"o fell from a c"air and died. We can't kee$ t"em anymore in Gilean;1uestion or try t"em. %"at will merely in,ure t"ose of us w"o'&e any

feelings left;not t"em. (nd *urt' we "a&e a trust;as a ca$ital city;we "a&e a res$onsibility. Gi&e it u$' *urtis. 9urber's rig"t t"is time. %"ey'll soon be lea&ing' 0rcutt said. (fter t"ey bury t"eir boy as t"ey'll be needing ... 0mensetter didn't kill Henry' t"oug" "e may "a&e t"e c"ild on "is conscience. He "ad no eart"ly reason. +eason/ )es' 0rcutt said im$atiently' a reason' a reason w"y. #'&e got t"is fuckin' eye. +eason' 9urber murmured in sur$rise. He "ad no eart"ly reason ... %"en 9urber's body s"ook wit" t"e s$asms of uncontrollable laug"ter' "is mout" ga$ed and "is c"est "ea&ed as if "e were :rackett 0mensetter "imself in t"e dee$ bend of "is luck' t"oug" not a sound emerged' only t"e w"istle of "is breat"' and a few tears s1uee6ed from t"e corners of "is eyes. %"e sei6ure $assed before anyone could raise a "and' and 9urber' gi&ing t"em a frig"tened look' t"rew t"e doctor's $ill in "is mout". 0rcutt rose and went to t"e window. *ome on. %"e snow's sto$$ed. #t's lig"t. 2et's see w"at we can do to clear oursel&es away.

>et"ro 9urber's illness lingered into 9ebruary' a kind of ,oint $neumonia and madness' =octor 0rcutt said8 and r. *lifford Huffley "el$ed wit" *"ristmas and was e&en now arranging for Good 9riday. He was a large ruddy man wit" sandy "air and "e would $reac" "is ordination sermon on t"e first arc" 3unday. 2ucky t"ing to get "im' e&erybody said' a boy so near and s1uarely $ut toget"er. He "o$ed to remodel8 $er"a$s "e'd add. %"ere was also talk of a new affiiation. iss 3amant"a %ott would "a&e a tea ne.t week' in&iting only ladies' and r. Huffley' t"en' would tell t"em "ow "is fat"er' as a missionary' died in Haiti. *ancer bleac"ed $oor 9lack's skin gray. =runk' t"e Hatstat brot"ers "ad a "armless fig"t. %"en t"e :enc"er "ound' to e&eryone's dismay' dro$$ed t"roug" t"e soft 0"io ice in broad daylig"t. %"e 0mensetters "ad mo&ed down ri&er;c"ildren' "orse' dog' wife' and wagon; no one knew 1uite w"ere8 and it was #srabestis now' no longer =octor 0rcutt' w"o claimed it "ad been Henry's $ur$ose all along' in "anging "imself in t"at tree like a trinket' to t"row sus$icion on :rackett 0mensetter. Nearly e&eryone agreed t"at wit" *"amlay so furious against "im' 0mensetter "ad been fortunate indeed to esca$e t"e blame. %"e infant lingered on ali&e' an outcome altoget"er outside science' =octor 0rcutt said' and #srabestis swore t"at 0mensetter's luck would be a legend on t"e ri&er;1uite a w"ile' "e claimed;$er"a$s fore&er. r. Huffley "ad a busy winter8 ne&ert"eless "e sat wit" +e&erend 9urber often' $raying earnestly. *onse1uently "e was at >et"ro 9urber's elbow' gently steering'

w"en one sunny afternoon' t"e sick man went out walking. %"e +e&erend 9urber's cane $oked t"e crust' and once' w"en "e sli$$ed' "e swore like a sailor. r. Huffley' smiling &acantly' looked away toward Kion. # wonder w"at will become of me' H ey' 9urber said8 but at once "e went on "astily@ no' t"at's silly8 w"at's going to become of me' "as become. r. Huffley' "owe&er' was bracing. 9urber's only &isit was to rs. 2ucy !imber' also con&alescing. 3"e "ad cut "er "air and s"orn years. He offered "er t"e money t"at was found on Henry's body' but s"e refused to touc" it' leaning toward "is $alm and counting. 3o t"at's w"at "e was getting for t"e $lace' s"e said' at last radiant. =octor 0rcutt' w"o was also treating :rackett 0mensetter's frost5eaten feet and fingers' "ad suggested to r. Huffley t"at "e mig"t $ay a call of c"arity u$on Dt"at $lace of desolation'D but r. Huffley re$orted t"at two wild girls "ad twice flung stones t"roug" t"e woods at "im. 9urber c"uckled. +eally' "e said. 3tones' e"/ Were t"ey real or &irtual/ %"ey didn't "it me but t"ey "urt my feelings. ("' well' t"ey were s$iritual' t"en' t"e worst kind. #t was one of t"at sort t"at broug"t darkness to Goliat". #n 9urber's o$inion t"e new man "ad small management of words' little imagination' no gift for $reac"ing' and a narrow c"est' but from "is bed' 9urber "eard a boisterous c"oir' and t"e lusty &oice of "is re$lacement leading. %"is determined "im to sli$ w"at "e called Henry !imber's "anging money in one of r. Huffley's brig"t new offertory en&elo$es before "e left.

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