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Student Name: _____________________ Book Title: ____________________ Date: _______________ 2-4 Pre-reading Activities Student only completed one

activity and werent engaged in the content Student only completed one activity and werent engaged in the content Student completed only one activity but werent engaged in the content 4-6 Student completed both activities but didnt quite grasp the main ideas of the content Student completed both activities but didnt quite grasp the main ideas of the content Student completed both activities but didnt quite grasp the main ideas of the content 6-8 Student completed both activities and presented proficient comprehension of the material 8-10

Duringreading Activities

Afterreading activities

Student went above and beyond expectations and really made a deep connection with the material Student Student completed went above both activities and beyond and presented expectations proficient and really comprehension made a deep of the material connection with the material Student Student completed went above both activities and beyond and presented expectations proficient and really comprehension made a deep of the material connection with the material

Total _______/30 Comments/Concerns:

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