19 Water Quality Management

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Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook


Effective July 1998

Integrated Wastewater Management

Appropriate wastewater management within an overall water resources management pro-

gram is essential for responsible use of the environment and affordable provision of services.
Such management programs are best developed at a river basin or subcatchment level. An
approach is outlined for developing a wastewater strategy and an implementation plan for a
river basin.

Integrated Management been neglected because of perceived adminis-

trative or political problems.
The World Bank promotes a systematic approach Failure of investment projects to achieve the
to water resources management, incorporating design goals is often blamed on lack of institu-
water resources planning and management is- tional capacity or on financial weaknesses. A fre-
sues into policy discussions at the national level. quent cause, however, may be an insistence on
Water quality protection and appropriate waste- inappropriate technologies and a failure to take
water management are two essential elements in into account the socioeconomic circumstances in
an integrated scheme. which the plant must operate.
The overall goal of water quality management
is to protect the resource. Formal management Basic Principles
normally becomes necessary when there are in-
creasing and competing demands on the resource
In order to protect the quality of a water body, it
and when uncontrolled access or certain uses are
is necessary to address the problems on at least
likely to cause (or have already caused) unaccept-
the same scale as the water body itself, whether
able deterioration in water quality. The develop-
a lake, a river, or a coastal ecosystem. A focus on
ment of a realistic and practical management
individual discharges without an understanding
plan requires discussion, consultation, and ne-
of the broader context is likely to lead to ineffi-
gotiation, involving not just government and mu-
cient and often costly interventions. Comprehen-
nicipal agencies but also industrialists, local
sive water resources management, of which
communities, NGOs, and representatives of
wastewater management is one component,
nonpoint sources such as agriculture and trans-
should be based on several broad principles:
port. In many cases, the plan should be regarded
as a process rather than a single document or • Water can be considered an economic good.
agreement. (This is a basic principle of the World Bank’s
There are, unfortunately, numerous ex- water resources policy; see World Bank 1993.)
amples worldwide of poor wastewater plan- • Water management must recognize the social
ning and management—of poorly targeted aspects of water uses and therefore must in-
government investments that addressed low- volve the stakeholders at all levels.
priority problems or tackled problems piece- • Maintenance of ecosystems is a legitimate goal
meal and ineffectively. As a consequence, of water management.
predicted benefits were not achieved, funds • The institutional framework and legal frame-
were diverted from other possible investments, work must be as broad as the physical water
and more cost-effective measures may have system.

Integrated Wastewater Management 109

Wastewater Management Approaches eral subsidies provided much of the capital in-
vestment in municipal wastewater treatment.)
A wide variety of wastewater management ap- Earlier legislation had established a system un-
proaches are practiced throughout the world but der which states set water quality standards for
they can be classified into three broad categories: different bodies of water and then set limits on
discharges at loads consistent with the quality
Decentralized local action
standards. This approach was found to be un-
Coordinated regional action
workable, primarily because of the difficulties of
Uniform national standards systems.
apportioning total allowable loads among dis-
The first is essentially the project-by-project chargers and of determining responsibility for
approach, driven by individual initiatives. While breaches of water quality standards. The EU has
it may solve local problems, it is often inefficient adopted uniform wastewater treatment require-
and is not capable of dealing with widespread ments without regard to local conditions, except
problems or large systems. It is typically the for imposition of stricter requirements in “sensi-
first stage of development in wastewater con- tive areas.” As the costs of implementing this
trol but cannot be considered a desirable long- policy—never seriously considered during
term approach. preparation of the legislation—become clearer,
The second approach appears to be the most opposition to the high charges and state subsi-
attractive, in principle, because it can lead to com- dies required to finance the required works is
prehensive, cost-effective programs. However, increasing. The practical consequence of the high
although a regional or river basin approach is costs is delay in compliance with the require-
used in a number of European countries, it is by ments.
no means the norm in the industrial world.
The uniform national standards approach is River Basin Approaches
the system currently used in the United States
and was essentially the model underlying the EU The EU approach is, in fact, a departure from the
approach. (Recent legislation, however, is mov- river basin approach that was widely used in
ing toward an approach that allows more basin- national systems in Western Europe. Germany,
level flexibility.) The national standards approach France, Spain, and the United Kingdom all have
has the advantages of simplicity and uniformity river basin authorities of one kind or another. All
of application. have systems of fees and charges that provide
In broad terms, the existing models that should financing, to a greater or lesser degree, for waste-
be considered by developing countries are the water investments. Those systems are now
uniform standards approach and the river basin changing to come into compliance with EU re-
approach. quirements. Nevertheless, they still have some
flexibility within their own areas of authority.
Uniform Standards Approach Such flexibility to set appropriate local stan-
dards within some national framework pro-
The standards-based approach is currently used vides the possibility of setting priorities and
in both the United States and the EU countries, realistic targets consistent with available re-
but there are concerns in both areas about high sources. However, the implementation of a river
costs, and questions have been raised concern- basin approach requires a level of institutional
ing the efficiency of the overall system in meet- sophistication that may take time to develop.
ing water quality goals. Therefore, practical systems are often a mixture
The uniform standards system used in the of basin management and standards.
United States since 1972 has achieved significant In practice, a combined approach may be best,
improvements in levels of wastewater treatment using both control of pollution at source through
but at a cost higher than for alternative ap- emissions limits and environmental quality stan-
proaches. (It is noteworthy that, for a decade, fed- dards for individual pollutants.

Options for Developing Countries Lead Organization

Many developing countries have established For progress to be made, there must be general
uniform national discharge standards, but these acceptance of the importance of the problem, and
are often ignored. Whatever may be the chosen there must be an organization or agency that
long-term system for a country, in most cases lack takes the lead in the process. Ideally, this would
of financial and institutional resources will im- be an existing river basin agency, but in practice,
pose a cost-minimizing, priority-setting approach the problems may have arisen because there is
in the short to medium term, and this must be no such body.
carried out on a water body basis. The lead organization must have access to all
the relevant ministries and agencies and must
Practical Framework have enough influence to ensure the involvement
of key private sector stakeholders. It must also
In many developing countries, inadequate waste- be sufficiently persuasive to promote discussion
water control and rapidly growing populations and consensus among the many parties involved.
have led to deterioration of natural water sys- It does not have to have all the powers and func-
tems, public health impacts, and increased eco- tions necessary for implementation, and in fact
nomic costs, as well as broader losses of it may be better for it to be given only technical
environmental benefits. The development of a so- and coordination functions, as this will reduce
lution requires numerous decisions on the area concern that it is driving a particular agenda.
to be served, the technology to be used, the loca- However, it must have sufficient support at all
tion and standard of discharge, and the alloca- government levels and with other stakeholders
tion of the cost burden. Solutions must be sought so that all the relevant bodies cooperate in the
on the same scale as the problems, typically on planning process and are held to the agreements
the scale of a river basin or a lake catchment. reached.
Although it would be desirable to have a fully
objective method for comparing and ranking al- Goals
ternative upgrading programs, there are difficul-
ties in valuing the environmental impacts of Broad agreement must be reached on the overall
wastewater discharges. More important, perhaps, goals of a water resources strategy or of a waste-
the distribution of costs and benefits will vary water management program. These goals can
with different programs, and a process approach include social concerns (improving public health
is required to reach a consensus among the par- conditions or extending services to groups that
ties involved. are presently outside the system); economic is-
The framework suggested here is a practical sues such as reducing costs of water supply, pro-
approach that quantifies the issues wherever tecting fisheries, or encouraging development;
possible but allows for identification of alterna- and environmental goals such as protecting or
tives, followed by discussion and selection of a restoring certain ecosystems.
preferred option. Because no approach will be All these goals are important, and they will
perfect, there must be mechanisms for monitor- conflict to some extent. None can be given abso-
ing, review, and adjustment over time. lute priority over the others. The aim of planning
The key steps are to: is to find the strategy that allows significant
• Establish a lead organization and involve progress toward achievement of all the goals.
• Identify broad goals Measurable Objectives
• Define specific, measurable objectives
• Formulate and assess possible strategies The agreed goals must be translated into specific,
• Select the preferred strategy, and then imple- measurable objectives so that different strategies
ment and monitor it. can be developed and assessed. This is an itera-
Integrated Wastewater Management 111

tive process that may also include staging the as dissolved oxygen levels and nutrients (see
objectives to reach a realistic program. the Annex).
Depending on the scope of the planning pro- Given an agreed classification, an initial step
cess, the objectives could include coverage of is usually to map the basin into classes or uses
municipal services, specific levels of service for based on estimates of current water quality.
water and sanitation customers, protection and From this baseline, the broad goals can be
provision of treated water, and the like. For the translated into desired beneficial uses for all
purposes of this discussion, however, the focus the waters of the basin. The key point of de-
is on water quality objectives. bate will be the realistic long-term achievement
of high-level uses for areas that are now very
Water Quality Objectives polluted. (The return of salmon to the formerly
very heavily polluted Thames River in London
Management of water quality should focus on is often quoted as an example of what can be
the ambient state of the water. Typically, the first achieved with consistent effort over a long pe-
step is to develop water quality objectives riod.) Once a first set of quantified goals has
(WQOs) that define target values for key ambi- been prepared, the critical step is to develop
ent quality parameters. These numerical WQOs an improvement strategy that specifies the
can then be used to evaluate existing conditions; costs of and constraints on achieving the goals.
as a basis for the establishment of load limits for This should be the beginning of an iterative
inputs to the water body (if this approach is process aimed at reaching agreement on short-
adopted); and as a yardstick against which to to medium-term goals that can be achieved
measure changes over time. with the resources to be made available.
The concept underlying WQOs is that of the
beneficial uses of the water body (be it a river, Strategy Formulation
lake, coastal zone, or whatever.) These uses rep-
resent the ways in which the community would A management strategy is a set of decisions, poli-
like to make use of the water body. They include cies, regulations, infrastructure investments, and
ecological uses such as preservation of species in other activities that, if implemented, is expected
the wild and fish breeding, as well as more di- to reach the selected goals. A wastewater man-
rect uses such as drinking water. The clearest ex- agement strategy would typically include con-
ample of such uses is the goal set down in U.S. trols on industrial and nonpoint sources
legislation of making surface waters “fishable (including standards, charges, and other instru-
and swimmable.” In practice, most systems adopt ments), development of reuse, redefinition of
four to six main uses for which clear numerical municipal sewer catchment boundaries, up-
parameters can be agreed on. graded treatment, relocation of discharge points,
A typical set of uses (in more or less descend- changes in regulated water flows, and a range of
ing order of water quality) would be: other actions.
Strategy formulation should include the
• Source of potable water
preparation of a number of dissimilar options
• Maintenance of fishery ecosystems
that are all relatively cost-effective but that may
• Agricultural uses (irrigation and livestock)
depend on nonquantifiable factors such as the
• Amenity and conservation.
degree of industrial discharge realistically attain-
These uses are sometimes also presented as able within the time frame or given different dis-
a classification, with Class I (potable water, in tributions of the cost burden through taxes and
this example) typically having the highest stan- charges. A key variable will be the rate of progress
dards and with the lowest category represent- that can be achieved at different levels of resource
ing those waters that fail to meet even the availability. All reasonable configurations of tech-
lowest of the desired uses. For each of these nologies, regulations, and system components
classes, a set of basic numerical parameters can should be included, with realistic costs assigned
be defined, often focusing on key factors such to each configuration.

The stakeholders need to be involved both in advisory group can be a good mechanism for
the determination of the options to be analyzed providing such reviews.
in detail and in the selection of the preferred strat-
egy. (Documents available from the World Bank Resources
Group offer advice on public involvement in en-
vironmental assessment and similar projects.)
The preparation of a comprehensive river basin
The development of the strategy should involve,
strategy can require significant time and re-
where necessary, the examination of existing in-
sources. However, the first steps—acceptance of
stitutions, regulations, and fiscal constraints to
the need for a comprehensive approach, desig-
determine the benefits and costs of possible
nation of a lead agency, and identification of
changes in these constraints. Achievement of sig-
broad goals—-require breadth of vision and po-
nificant progress may require changes in some
litical commitment more than financial resources.
of the existing systems. The arguments for such
The level of detail in the analytical work re-
changes must be made clearly and persuasively.
quired to define the objectives and to evaluate
The outcome of the process should be the se-
the strategies will depend on the complexity of
lection of a preferred strategy that is acceptable
the river basin and of its problems. In some cases,
to all the key stakeholders and that sets out
a simple model using estimated loads from a few
clearly the actions to be taken, the resources re-
critical sources may be adequate. For large, com-
quired, and the legal and administrative respon-
plex water bodies the exercise can cost hundreds
sibilities for each action.
of thousands of dollars. (For further information
see the chapters on Water Quality Models and
Optimizing Wastewater Treatment.)
Normally, specialist modelers (consultants or
The agreed strategy should include an implemen-
academics) need to be involved. It is important,
tation schedule covering not only the adoption
however, that the analytical work be used a tool
of standards, regulations, and policies and the
for the development of the strategy rather than
construction of new facilities but also the gen-
as an end in itself.
eration of long-term political and financial sup-
port for the operation and maintenance of the old
Annex. Some Examples of Classification
and new systems.
Chile has a national system of classification of
waters that covers surface water, groundwater,
The design of the strategy must include the ca-
and coastal waters. Surface waters are generally
pability to monitor its implementation. Monitor-
divided into three categories:
ing should cover the progress of both the
implementation of the agreed strategy and im- • 1C. Noncontact recreation; propagation and
provements in the overall condition of the envi- maintenance of aquatic life; fishing; agricul-
ronment as the strategy is put in place. A ture and any other uses not given a higher clas-
successful monitoring program requires time, sification
money, and appropriate expertise. The location • 1B. Contact recreation and all uses under 1C
of the responsibility for monitoring has to be • 1A. Source of water for drinking, cooking, food
given careful consideration so as to achieve an processing and all uses under 1B.
independent review while taking advantage of
existing operational expertise. There are two exceptional categories:
The strategy should include formal reviews of • 1EB. Uses beyond 1A—water for which an ex-
progress as implementation proceeds, to allow ceptionally high quality is desired
for adjustment in response to changing circum- • 1EM. Uses below 1C, describing waters that
stances or improved information. A high-level fail to reach the basic classification.
Integrated Wastewater Management 113

Poland generally uses three classes for surface oxygen, and nutrients are used to define the
water: classes. The values used are broadly similar but
can vary. Care must be taken in making compari-
• III. Industrial water supply and irrigation
sons, particularly in relation to the conditions un-
• II. Water for animals, recreation, and water
der which the parameters are measured. For
example, in Poland, the parameters are set in rela-
• I. Potable water and support of salmonoid
tion to mean-low flows, rather than average flows.
China has a similar classification but with five Reference
In each case, a number of key parameters such World Bank. 1993. Water Resources Management. World
as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved Bank Policy Paper. Washington, D.C.

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