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Core study Revision ~ Complete one of these for each study.

Title of study Author and date Technique-self report, experiment, Observation, correlation Independent/rep Measures design PerspectiveBehaviourist/psychodynamic Aim: Type of study,lab,field Etc. Methodology Sample method: Procedure: controls, conditions (groups), standardised instructions? Extraneous variable? Confounding variable? Hw did they control the above? Results: StrengthWeaknessIVDVStrengthWeakness-


Conclusions: show further understanding, a further comment linked with theory, time to show off your wider knowledge about the subject.

Ethics: Debrief, informed consent, harm to participants, confidentiality, right to withdraw.

Ecological Validity: high or low? How would you change this?

Longitudinal or Snapshot Demand Characteristics?

Usefulness/application Who is this research useful too? Are the conditions nature or nurture? How do you know this? Qualitative or quantitative If you had to change the design how would it change your results? Validity-reliability What if??????? Suggest 2 changes and the implications of those changes. 1.


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