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To maintain the healthier relationship between their husbands

Concern about their children

1. Spending less time with your loved one. 2. Create misunderstanding problems between both husband and wife. 3. Some severe problems might end up with divorce if they do not get solution to these problems. 4. Even though working, women should also need to give enough attention to their husbands in term of love to maintain the relationship between their husbands.

Working mother is more concern about their children than mothers who remains at home.

Working mother want their children to be more comfortable, safety and healthy

Must make arrangements such as day-care centre or a reliable person to take care of their children.

The Hindus believe that the utmost respect must be paid to the mother, only than to the God. The Chinese says that a mother understands what a child does not have to say. The Muslims believe that the heaven lies on the sole of a mother

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