Comparative and Translation

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1. Choose the correct answer.

1) (large) Sarah's house is ____ Shannon's house. a) large b) more larger c) larger d) more large

2) (smart) Jason is ____ in math than his brother. a) smarter b) more smart c) more smarter d) smart

3) (sad) Today I was ____ I was yesterday. a) sad b) sadder c) more sad d) more sadder

4) (cute) I think kittens are ____ puppies. a) more cuter b) more cute c) cute d) cuter

5) (old) Germany is an ____ country than the United States. a) more older b) more old c) old d) older

6) (young) My sister Elaine is ____ my brother Fred. a) more younger b) more young c) younger d) young

7) (tall) Jack is much _____ his sister, Jennifer. a) tall b) taller c) more tall d) more taller

8) Monkeys and chimpanzees are _____ birds. (big) a) biger b) bigger c) more big d) more bigger

9) (wet) The grass is _____ the sidewalk. a) more wetter b) more wet c) wetter d) wet

10) My cat Neko is _____ my other cat, Sebastian. (soft) a) soft b) softer c) more soft d) more softer

2. Write the comparative and the superlative of these adjectives. big expensive red tall prett silly good bad slow little fast short

intelligent stupid lazy

happy beautiful

3. Complete con la forma comparativa o superlativa del adjetivo escrito entre parntesis. 1. William Shakespeare is (famous)__________________ writer in England. 2. The elephant is (big)___________________than the lion. 3. Sergio is (old)________________ than Malcolm. 4. Our house is (old)___________________ in the neighborhood. 5. That book is (interesting)_________________ than the newspaper. 6. This cake is (delicious)________________________ than that one. 7. This is (bad)__________________ programme in television history. 8. That picture is (clear)____________________ than this one. 9. This computer is (new)___________________ than your computer. 10. Lisa is (old)________________ than George. 11. George is (young)_______________________ than Lisa. 12. Lucy is (young)________________________ in the class. 13. That car is (expensive)________________ than this car. 14. That car is (expensive)___________________ in the market. 15. Your car is (fast)_____________________ than this car. 16. Your car is (fast)____________________ in the race. 17. This house is (big)___________________ than my house! 18. This house is (big)__________________ in the neighbourhood.

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