XII Physics

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Where the energy of capacitor does resides? Do electrons tend to go to region of low or high potential? What is the net charge on the charged capacitor? A Gaussian surface encloses an electric dipole within it. What is the total flux across sphere? 5. ind the di!ension of 1"2#o$2. %. &n a certain l !3 of space' electric potential is found to (e ) )olt throughout. What is the electric field in this *egion? +. &f ,oulo!( law in-ol-es 1"r3 instead of 1"r2 dependence' would Gauss law (e still true? .. An electrostatic field line can/t (e discontinuous' why? 0. 1he gi-en graph shows that the -ariation of charge -ersus potential difference ) for the two capacitors ,1 2 ,2. 1he two capacitors ha-e sa!e plate separation (ut the plate area of ,2 is dou(led than that of ,1.Which of the line in the graph corresponds to ,1 2,2 and why? 1. 2. 3. 4.

,1 ) ,2

3 14. 1hree charges' each e5ual to 62, are placed at the corners of an e5uilateral triangle. &f the force (etween any two charges (e ' then what will (e the net force on either ,harge? 11. A point charge 5 is placed at 7 as shown in the figure. &s )89)3 6-e or :-e when ;i< 5=4' ;ii< 5>4? ?ustify your answer. 12. An electric dipole of dipole !o!ent 24 @ 149% ,.! is enclosed (y a closed surface. What is the net flux co!ing out of the surface? 13. Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an external electric field? 14. Write the !agnitude and direction of electric field intensity due to an electric dipole of length 2a at the !id point of the line Aoining the two charges.

15. A spherical portion has (een re!o-ed fro! a solid sphere ha-ing a charge distri(uted unifor!ly in its -olu!e as shown in fig. What is the electric field inside the e!ptied sphere? 1%. A charged particle is free to !o-e in an electric field. Will it always !o-e along an electric line of force? 1+. &f ) ;B5"4C#or< is the potential at a distance r due to a point charge 5' then deter!ine the electric field due to a point charge 5' at a distance r. 1.. ,an electric potential at any point in space (e Dero while intensity of electric field at that point is not Dero? 10. De-ise an arrange!ent of three point charges separated (y finite distances that has Dero electric potential energy. 24. $ach of the uncharged capacitor in the fig. Eas a capacitance of 25F . What charge shall flow through the !eter G when the switch H is ,losed? 21. ,harge of 2, is placed at the centre of a cu(e of -olu!e . c!3. What is the electric flux passing through one face? 22. A charged particle 5 is shot towards another charged particle 3 which is fixed' with a speed -. &t approaches 3 up to a closest distance r and then returns. &f 5 were gi-en a speed 2-' then find the closest distance of approach. 23. 1wo capacitors of capacitance % and 12 are connected in series with the (attery. 1he -oltage across the % capacitor is 2 -olt .,o!pute the total (attery -oltage. 24. A parallel plate capacitor with air (etween the plates has a capacitance of . p . 1he separation (etween the plates is now reduced (y half and the space (etween the! is filled with a !ediu! of dielectric constant 5. ,alculate the -alue of capacitance of parallel plate capacitor in second case. 25. i-e identical capacitors' each of capacitance , are connected (etween points @ and I as shown in the figure. &f the e5ui-alent capacitance of the co!(ination (etween @ and I is 5 . ,alculate the capacitance of each capacitor. 2%. An uncharged capacitor is connected to a (attery. Hhow that half of the energy supplied (y the (attery is lost as heat while charging the capacitor. 2+. What is the angle (etween the electric dipole !o!ent and electric field strength due to it on the e5uilateral line? 2.. ind the e5ui-alent capacitance (etween A 2 J' if capacitance of each capacitor is ,. 20. $ight identically charged drops are Aoined to for! (igger drop. Jy what factor the charge and potential change?

34. A unifor! electric field of 2 KL,91 is in the x9direction. A point charge of 3 F, initially at rest at the origin is released. What is the Kinetic energy of this charge at x B 4!? 31. 1wo identical !etal plates are gi-en the charges 31 and 32 ;32 > 31< respecti-ely. &f they are now (rought close together to for! a parallel plate capacitor with capacitance , then what is the potential difference (etween the!? 32. 1hree charges 3' 65 and 65 are placed at the -ertices of a right angle isosceles triangle as shown. ind the !agnitude of 3 for which net electrostatic energy of the configuration is Dero. 33. An infinite nu!(er of charges each ha-ing charge M5/ along x9axis at xB1 'xB2' xB4 'xB. an so on. ind the electric field at xB4 due to these charges. 34. A charge 3 is distri(uted o-er the two concentric hollow spheres of radii Mr/ and M*/ ;*=r< such that the surface densities are e5ual. ind the potential at the co!!on centre. 35. An electric dipole is held in an unifor! electric field. Nsing suita(le diagra!' show that it doesn/t undergo any translatory !otion' and ;ii<Deri-e an expression for tor5ue acting on it and specify its direction. 3%. 1he field potential inside a charged (all depends only on the distance fro! its centre as )Bar26('where a and ( are constants. ind the space charge distri(ution ;r< inside the (all.

,EA81$*92 ,N**$L1 $O$,1*&,&1I

1. 2. Gagnesiu! is used for !aKing standard resistors' why? 1he se5uence of (ands !arKed on a car(on resistor areP *ed' *ed' *ed' Hil-er. Write the -alue of resistance with tolerance. 3. A wire of resisti-ely Q is stretched to three its initial length' what will (e its new resisti-ely. 4. &f p.d.- applied across a conductor is increased to 2-' how will the draft -elocity of the electrons change? 5. A 14R thicK wire is stretched so that its length (eco!es three ti!es. Assu!ing that there is no change in its density on stretching. ,alculate the resistance of new wire. %. Iou are gi-en . R resistor. What length of wire of resistance 124 R!91 should (e Aoined in parallel with it to get a -alue of % R ?
7. Three resistance 3,6 and 9 are connected to a battery. In which of them will the power

dissipation be maximum if a) They are all connected in parallel b) They are all connected in series i!e reason. ". # sil!er wire has a resistance of $.% at $7.&'c and a resistance of $.7 at %(('c. determine the temperature coeff. of resisti!ity of sil!er. 9. i!e any two applications super conductors. %(. Two wire of e)ual len*th one copper and man*anin ha!e same resistance , which wire is thic+er,.

11. Why !anganin is used for !aKing standard resistor? 12. A copper wire of resisti-ity is stretched to reduce its dia!eter to half of its pre-ious -alue .What will (e the new resistances? 13. 1he -ariation of potential difference with length incase of two potentio!etres A and J is gi-en (elow.Which of the two is !ore sensiti-e. A 8otential difference J

Oength 14. &f the length of the wire conductor is dou(led (y stretching it ' Keeping potential difference constant (y what factor the drift speed of the electron changed. 15. &f the te!perature of the conductor increases' how does the relaxation ti!e of electron changes. 1%. A heater Aoined in series with the %4W (ul( .With change of (ul( with 144 W in the circuit' the rate heat produce (y the heater will !ore or less or re!ain sa!e. 1+. What will (e the change in the resistance of the circular wire ' when its radius is hal-ed and length is reduced (y S th of original length. 1.. 1wo 124) light (ul(s ' one of 25W and another of 244W are connected in series . 7ne (ul( (urnt out al!ost instantaneously ?.Which one was (urnt and why?. 10. A gi-en copper wire is stretched to reduce its dia!eter is half of its original -alue.What will the new resistance?. 24. A student has two wire of iron and copper of e5ual length and dia!eter.Ee first Aoins two wires in series and pass electric current through the co!(ination which increases gradually.After that he Aoins two wires in parallel and repeats the process of passing current.Which wire will glow first in each case?

21. A cylindrical !etallic wire is stretched to increase its length (y 5T . ,alculate the percentage change in resistances. 22. A wire of resistance 4* is (end in the for! of circle .What is the effecti-e resistance (etween the ends of dia!eter?. 23. 1wo wires A and J ha-e sa!e lengths and !aterial ' ha-e their cross sectional areas 1P4 ' what would (e the ratio of heat produced in these wires when the -oltage across each is constant. 24. 1wo (ul(s whose resistance are in the ratio of 1P2 are connected in parallel to a source of constant -oltage. What will (e the ratio of power dissipation in these? 25. 1otal resistance of the circuit is *"3 in which three identical resistors are connected in parallel. ind the -alue of each resistance?. UNIT -3 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENT & MAGNETISM 1. Huppose a helical spring is suspended fro! the roof of a roo! and -ery s!all weight is attached to its lower end what will happen to the spring when a current is passed through it?Gi-e reason to support your answer? Ans Hpring will contract due to the !agnetic field produced (y the turns of the coil and the weights will (e lifted up. 7ne alpha particle and a deuteron entered perpendicularly in a unifor! !agnetic field with sa!e -elocity. Which one follow the greater circle? Ans: As we Know for a charge particle !o-ing in a !agnetic field' the radius of circular pathP r B !-"5J As (oth the particles ha-e sa!e -elocity therefore rU"rd B !U 5d"!d 5U

2. i
i iiii i&&1 N I1E 1

1hus (oth particles will follow the sa!e 3. 7ut of )olt!eter and Gilli-olt!eter' which has the higher resistance? AnsP We Know the resistance connected to gal-ano!eter to con-ert it into -olt!eter is * B ;) " &g< 9 G Ho if * is higher' range of ) will also (e higher' so a )olt!eter has the higher resistance. 8roton is !o-ing along the axis of a solenoid carrying current of 2 A and 54 nu!(er of turns per unit length. What will (e the force acting on the particle. Ans: As the !agnetic field produced (y solenoid is always along its axis' so direction of -elocity of proton is along the direction of field' therefore B 5-J Hin 4 B 4 7ut of A!!eter and Gillia!!eter' which has the higher resistance? AnsP We Know the resistance connected to gal-ano!eter to con-ert it into a!!eter is



H B;&g"; & : &g<<xG Ho for higher resistance' the range of & should (e s!all' therefore !illia!!eter has the higher resistance. %. What will (e the direction of !agnetic field at point 7 , i A J 7 $ D i


Ans: 1he !agnetic field due to AJ and $ is as the direction of length -ector is along the radius -ector' Also the !agnetic field due to J,$ and JD$ are e5ual opposite and e5ual so they cancel the effect of each other. Ho the net !agnetic field at 7 is 4. ,an a Go-ing ,oil Gal-ano!eter can (e used to detect an A.,. in a circuit .Gi-e reason. Ans: As G,G detect only the a-erage -alue of current and the a-erage -alue of A, for a co!plete cycle is Dero. 1herefore G,G can not detect A, in a circuit. 1wo wires of e5ual length are (ent in the for! of two loops. 7ne loop is s5uare whereas the other is circular. 1hese are suspended in sa!e !agnetic field and sa!e current is passed through the!. $xplain with reason which will experience greater tor5ue? AnsP or a gi-en length' the circle has the greatest area' as V B L&AJ i.e. tor5ue is proportional to area' so circular current loop experiences the greater tor5ue. 1he pole of a !agnet is (rought near to a stationary charge. What will (e the force experienced (y pole? Ans: 1he force will (e Dero as the stationary charge particle does not produce any force.




14. A charge particle !o-ing in a !agnetic field penetrates a layer of lead and there(y losses half of its Kinetic energy. Eow does the radius of cur-ature of its path change? Ans: r B !-"5J 99999999999 ;i< Also 999999999999 ;ii< Jy e5u ;i< and e5u ;ii< As the radius is energy' so if the Kinetic energy is initial -alue. proportional to s5uare root of Kinetic hal-ed the radius (eco!e W1"2 ti!es of its

11. A )olt!eter' an a!!eter and a resistance are connected in series with a (attery. 1here is so!e deflection in -olt!eter (ut the deflection of a!!eter is Dero. $xplain why? Ans: As the resistance of ) is -ery high so the effecti-e resistance of circuit (eco!e -ery high' so the current flows in circuit is extre!ely low therefore the deflection is al!ost Dero' while the ) !easures the potential difference (etween the points so it shows the reading due to (attery.

12. A ,urrent M&/ flows along the length of an infinitely long straight thin walled pipe. What is the !agnetic field at any point on the axis of pipe? Ans: Xero. 13. 1he $arth/s core contains iron (ut geologists do not regard this as a source of Gagnetic ield' Why? Ans: 1e!perature in the core of earth is higher than ,urie te!perature of &ron. 14. &s the *esistance of )olt!eter larger than or s!aller than the resistance of Gal-ano!eter fro! which it is con-erted. Ans: Oarger 15. A Gagnetic ield dipole placed in a Gagnetic ield experiences a net force. What can you say a(out the Lature of Gagnetic ield? Ans: Lon9unifor!. 1%. $arth/s Gagnetic ield does not affect worKing of !o-ing ,oil Gal-ano!eter. Why? Ans: Gagnitude of $arth/s !agnetic field is !uch s!aller than !agnitude of the field produced (y poles of gal-ano!eter. 1+. Which type of Gagnetis! exists in all su(stances? Ans: Dia!agnetis!. 1.. or what orientation 8.$. of a Gagnetic dipole placed in unifor! Gagnetic !ini!u!? AnsP Y B 4 ;Dipole is parallel to field.< ield

10. Eow does a ferro!agnetic !aterial change its Gagnetic properties if it is heated (eyond its curie te!perature? Ans: Jeco!es 8ara!agnetic. 24. A (ar !agnet is cut into two pieces' along its length. Eow will its pole strength (e affected? Ans: G1 B G"2' GBG"2 21. What is the worK done (y a !agnetic force' in displacing a charged particle? Ans: Xero. 22. What is the net !agnetic flux fro! a north ;or south< pole of a !agnet ;dipole< ? Ans: Lil' (ecause the nu!(er of !agnetic lines entering the surface is e5ual to the nu!(er of lines going out of it. 23 An un!agnetised ferro!agnetic su(stance is !agnetiDed. Gi-en figure shows the J9E cur-e. &dentify the stage of saturation 're-erse region and irre-ersi(le region

stage of saturation is J to , . *e-ersi(le region 7 to A and A to J is irre-ersi(le region. 24. What is the !agneticfield at the centre of the following circular coils carrying current &?

Fo&6 Fo&Z 2* 2[ *

Fo& Z Fo&Z 2* 2[ *

25. 1wo long straight wires are set parallel to each other. $ach carries a current & in the sa!e direction and the separation (etween the! is 2r. What is the intensity of the !agnetic field !idway (etween the!? AnsP 1he fields of the two wires will (e in the opposite directions at the !idway point. J BJ1 :J2 B\4&"2Cr 9\4&"2 C r B4 2%. A proton is a(out 1.44 ti!es hea-ier than an electron. What will (e its Kinetic energy when it is accelerated (y a potential difference of 1])? Ans: ]inetic $nergy gainedB5-Bex1]-B1Ke) 2+. A circular loop of radius * carrying current & 'lies in @9I plane with its centre at origin.What is the total !agnetic flux through @9I plane? AnsP^ BJ.A B \o & _r2 2r B \7&*_ 2 ie ^ U * 2.. A hypothetical (ar !agnet is cut into two e5ual pieces and placed as shown in the figure. What is the !agnetic !o!ent of this arrange!ent?

!agnetic !o!ent of the arrange!entBW G126G22 62G1G2,7HY B WG2"46G2"462G"2xG"2 cos04 BW 2G2"4 BG"W2

20. A circular current carrying coil has a radius *. What is the distance fro! the centre of the coil on its axis where the !agnetic field is 1". th of its -alue at the centre? AnsP Jaxial B1". Jcentre \4 &*2 B 1x \4 & 2 2 3"2 2;* 6r < .x2* ;*26r2<3"2 B.*2 *26r2 B 4*2 Eence ' r BW * 34. A !agnetic needle suspended freely in a unifor! !agnetic field experiences tor5ue (ut no net force. A nail !ade up of iron Kept near a (ar !agnet experience a force of attraction and tor5ue .Gi-e reason. Ans9 Due to the non unifor! !agnetic field of (ar !agnet nail experience tor5ue and translatory force. 31. What is the worK done (y a !agnetic field on !o-ing a charge? Gi-e reason. Ans9 WB Hcos B Hcos 04B4 32. A particle with charge 5 !o-ing with -elocity - in the plane of the paper enters a unifor! !agnetic field J acting perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Deduce an expression for the ti!e period of the charge as it !o-es in a circular path in the field . Why does the Kinetic energy of the charge not change while !o-ing in the !agnetic field. Ans9 particle !o-es in circular path J5- B !-2"r r B !-"J5 1i!e period 1 B 2 r"- B2 !"J5 A solenoid of length 4.%! has a radius of 1c! and is !ade up of %44 turns.&t carries a 33. current of 5A.What is the !agnetic field inside and at ends of solenoid.? Ans9 ;i<At the centre LB1444' J B \4 ni B 4 x 149+ x 1444 x 5 B %.2 x 1493 1 ;ii< At the ends J B ` \4 ni B 3.1 x 14 93 1 An ele!ent dl B dx i is placed at the origin and carries a large current & B 14A.What is 34. the !agnetic field on the y axis at a distance of 4.5!' dJB \4 &dl Hin " 4 r2 B149+ x 14 x 1492 "25 x 1492 B4 x 14 9. 1 Direction of dJ is in 6X direction Iou are gi-en a copper wire carrying current & of length O. Low the wire is turned into 35. circular coil. ind the nu!(er of turns in the coil so that the tor5ue at the centre of the coil is to !axi!u!.

Ans: Oet the nu!(er of turns (e B n *adius B r OengthBl Oength of the wire B circu!ference of n turns of coil O B n x 2 r r B O"2 r Gaxi!u! tor5ue B n&JA B n&J r2 B n&J ;O"2 n< 2

1"n or !axi!u! tor5ue n should (e !ini!u! i.e. n B 1.

What is the !agnetic field produced at the centre of cur-ature of an arc of wire of radius r 3%. carrying current & su(tends an angle "2radians at its centre. Ans: J1 B J x "2 B ;\4 & "2r< x ;2 x2< J1B \4 &".r 3+. &f J is the !agnetic field produced at the centre of a circular coil of one turn of length O carrying current & then what is the !agnetic field at the centre of the sa!e coil which is !ade into 14 turns? Ans : J1 B n2 J B 142 J B 144 J. 3.. A copper wire is (ent into a s5uare of each side %c!.&f a current of 2A is passed through a wire what is the !agnetic field at the centre of the s5uare? Ans: J1 B 4 x \4 &"4 a"2 ; sin 45 6 sin 45 < B 4 x \4 2"4 x3 ; 1" 1.414 6 1" 1.414 < B 2 \4 "3 ; 1" 1.414 6 1" 1.414 < 1 30. ind the !agnetic !o!ent of a wire of length l carrying current & (ent in the for! of a circle. Ans: G B &A B & x r2 Jut l B 2 r ' i.e r B l"2 GB &l2"4 When current is flowing through two parallel conductors in the sa!e direction they attract while two (ea!s of electrons !o-ing in the sa!e direction repel each other. Why? Ans- 1wo conductors carrying current in sa!e direction produce !agnetic field and hence they attract. While two electron (ea!s !o-ing in the sa!e directions repel due to its electric field ;electrostatic force< Draw diagra!s to show (eha-ior of !agnetic field lines near a (ar of ;i< Allu!iniu! ;ii< copper and ;iii< !ercury cooled to a -ery low te!perature 4.2 ] Ans- ;i<Allu!iniu! 999 8ara!agnetic



;ii< ,opper and !ercury B dia!agnetic


1he hysteresis loss for a sa!ple of % Kg is 154 ?"G2"cycle. &f the density of iron is +544 Kg"!3' calculate the energy loss per hour at 44cycle. Ans: )olu!e of sa!ple B !ass"density B %"+544 !3 $nergy loss"cycle B energy loss per -olu!e"cycle x; -olu!e<B154x%"+544 $nergy loss"sec B 154x%x44"+544 $nergy loss "hour B 154x%x44x%4x%4"+544 ? B1.+2. x 144 ?


A current carrying solenoid of 144 turns has an area of cross section 1494 !2 .When suspended freely through its centre' it can turn in a horiDontal plane .what is the !agnetic !o!ent of the solenoid for a current of 5A.Also calculate the net force and tor5ue on solenoid if a unifor! horiDontal field of 14x1492 1 is set up at an angle of 34 degree with axis of solenoid when it is carrying the sa!e current. Ans: G B n&A B 144 x 5 x 1494 B544 x 1494 ?"1 Let force B 4 1or5ue B GJ sin B 5x1492 x 4.1x sin34 B 25 x 1494 L! E B * cos a B .4x ` B 4.2 G

44. 1wo concentric circular coils A and J of radii 14 c! and % c! respecti-ely' lie in the sa!e -ertical plane containing the north to south direction. coil A has 34 turns and carries a current of 14 A . ,oil J has 44 turns and carries a current of 15 A .the sense of the current in A is anticlocKwise and clocKwise in J for an o(ser-er looKing at the coils facing west. Gi-e the !agnitude and direction of net !agnetic field Ans: J due to the coils at the centre. ,oil A : *1 B 4.1! ' n1B34'&1B14A ,oil J9 J1 B \4 n1&1"2r1 B % x 1494 1 directed towards east *2 B 4.% ! ' n2B44' &2B 15 A J2 B \4 n2&2"2r2 B2 x 14 : 1 directed towards west Let field J B J2 9 J1 B ;24 9 % < 1494 1 towards west 45. 1he -ertical co!ponent of earth/s !agnetic field at a gi-en place is 3 ti!es its horiDontal co!ponent. &f the total intensity of earth/s !agnetic field at a place is 4.4 G ' find the -alue of horiDontal co!ponent of earths field and angle of dip. Ans: 1an a B )"E B 3 a B %4

As ) B W3E and J2 B )2 6 E2 B 3E2 6 E2 B 4E2 ;4.4<2 B 4E2 therefore E B 4.2 G An electron tra-eling west to east enters a cha!(er ha-ing a unifor! electrostatic field in 4%. north to south direction.Hpecify the direction in which the unifor! !agnetic field should (e set up to pre-ent the electron fro! deflecting fro! its straight line path. Ans- Due to the electrostatic field electron will (e deflected towards north. 1o Keep it neutraliDed the !agnetic force should deflect it towards south . or this purpose the !agnetic field is to (e applied perpendicular to the plane of the paper inward i.e -ertically downward. A straight horiDontal conducting rod of length 4.5 ! and !ass 54 g is suspended (y two 4+. -ertical wires at its ends.A current of 5A is set up in the rod sdthrough the wires.;i< What !ag(netric field should (e set up nor!al to the conductor in order that the tension in the wires is Dero?;ii<What will (e the tension in the wire if the direction of current is re-ersed Keeping the !ag(etic field sa!e as (efore?;neglect the !ass if wure a(d taAe gB14!"s2 < Ans: ;i< Gagnetic force B weight &lJ sin B !g &lJ B !g ; B04< J B !g"&l B 544x1493"2.5 B 244 x 1493 1 ;ii<When the direction of fidl is re-ersed an additional force which was e5ual to weight of rod will (e acting on the wires. Let tension in wires B !g 6 !g B 2 !g B2 x 54 x 1493 x 14 B 1 L A circular coil of 24 turns and radius 14c! is placed in a unifor! !agnetic field of 4.. 4.d141 nor!al to the plane of the coil.&f the current in the coil is 5a'What is the ;i<1otal tor5ue on the coil ;ii< total force on the coil ;iii< a-erage dsforce on each electron in the coil due to the !agnetic field.;coil is !ade of copper' AB 14 95 !2 'free electron density in copper is 1420 "!3< Ans: LB 24' rB .1 !' J B .11' & B 5A ;i<1otal tor5ue B n&JAsin ; B4< B4 ;ii<1otal force on the coil is B 4' (ecause force (eing e5ual and opposite and cancel eachother ;iii< A-erage force on electron B f B e-J ) B &"neA B &J"nA B 5x 4.1"1420 x 1495 B5 x 14 925 L A *owland ring of !ean radius 15 c! has 3544 turns of wore wound on a ferro!agnetic 40. core of relati-e per!ea(ility .44.What is the !agnetic field J in the core for a !agnetiDing current of 1.2 A? Ans: LB3544' rB 15 x 1492! n B L"2 r B 3544"2x3.14 x .15 B 3+15.5 per ! \4 B 4 x 149+ x 1!A91' \r B .44 ' & B 1.2 J B \4 \r n& B 4.4. 1


A straight wire of !ass 244g and the length 1.5! carries a current of 2A. &t is suspended in !id air (y a unifor! horiDontal !agnetic field J. What is the !agnitude of J in tesla? Ans: or e5uili(riu! of the wire in !id : air' weight of the wire B force exerted (y !agnetic field Gg B&lJ sin044 J B !g"&l B 244x 1493 x0.. B 4.%51 2x1.5

51. A rigid circular loop of radius r and !ass ! lies in the x9y plane of a flat ta(le and has a current & flowing in it. At this particular place the earth/s !agnetic field is J B Jxi 6JDK. What is the -alue of &' so that loop starts tilting? AnsP G B &A B& r2K J B Jxi 6JDK b B G x J B ; &C r2K< x;Jxi 6 JDK< B &C *2J@Kxi B & r2J@A 1or5ue due to the weight of the loop B !gr & r2J@ B !gr Eence & B !g"[rJ@ 52. &n an a!!eter' 14T of !ain current is passing through the gal-ano!eter. &f the resistance of the gal-ano!eter is G' then what is the shunt resistance in oh!s? Ans: &gB14T of &B4.1& HB&gxG"&9&gB4.1&G"&94.1&BG"0 53. 1he two rails of arailway tracK insulated fro! each other and the ground is connected to a !illi -olt!eter. What is the reading g of the !illi-ol!eter when the train passes at aspeed 1.4K!"hr along the tracK' gi-en that the -ertical co!ponent of earthcs !agnetic field is 4.2x14941 and rails are separated (y 1! e B Jl- B 4.2x1494x1x1.4x5"1. B 1493) B 1G54 A charged particle !o-ing in a !agnetic field penetrates a layer of lead and there (y looses half of its Kinetic energy.Eow does the radius of cur-ature of its path changes? *adius rB !)"5J Ans: &f is the Kinetic energy of the particle'then its !o!entu!' p B !-W2!$K *adius ' r BW2!$ "3( rUW$K 1his shows that ].$ is hal-ed' the radius is reduced to 1"W2 ti!es its initial -alue. 1he -elocities of two U particles @ and I entering in an unifor! !agnetic field are in the ratio 2P1.7n entering the field 'they !o-e in different circular paths .Gi-e the ratio of the radii of their paths? Ans: 5-J B !-2"r' r B !-"5J' rU rx"ry B -x"-y B 2"1 B 2



&n an exercise to increase current sensiti-ity of a gal-ano!eter (y 25 T ' its resisitance is increased (y 1.5 ti!es . Eow does the -oltage sensitit-ity of the gal-ano!eter (e affected. Ans: & s M B & s 6 25"144B 125"144 B 5"4 & s 999999999 1 */ B 1.5 * 99999999999 2 ) s 6 & s " * 2 )s d B &s/"*/ B5"4 & s"1.5 * 6 5"% ) s T decrease in -oltage sensiti-ity B ;19)s/") s< @ 144 ;195"%< @ 144 B 1%.+T

UNIT IV ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION & ALTERNATING CURRNT 1. 1hree identical coils A' J and , are placed with their planes parallel to one another. ,oils A and , carry current as shown. ,oil J and , are fixed. 1he coil A is !o-ed towards J with unifor! !otion. &s there any induced current in J? ANS: - I$H 2. 1wo coils are (eing !o-ed out of !agnetic field9 one coil is !o-ed rapidly and the other slowly. &n which case is !ore worK done and why? ANS: - 1E$ 7L$ WE&,E &H G7)$D *A8&DOI 3. 1he figure shows two identical rectangular loops ;1< and ;2<' placed on a ta(le along with a straight line current carrying conductor (etween the!. ;i< What will (e the directions of the induced currents in the loops when they are pulled away fro! the conductor with sa!e -elocity? ;ii< Will the e.!.f. induced in the two loops (e e5ual? ?ustify your answer. ANS: - ;i< ,O7,]W&H$ &L O778 1 ALD AL1&,O7,]W&H$ &L O778 2 ;ii< $G &LDN,$D &H G7*$ &L O778 2 1EAL &L O778 1 4. Gi-e the direction in which the induced current flows in the coil !ounted on an insulating stand when a (ar !agnet is 5uicKly !o-ed along the axis of the coil fro! one side to the other as shown. Ans: - AL1&,O7,]W&H$ 5. A (ar !agnet G is dropped so that it falls -ertically through the coil ,. 1he graph o(tained for -oltage produced across the coil -s ti!e is shown in figure ;(<. ;i< $xplain the shape of the graph. ;ii< Why is the negati-e peaK longer than the positi-e peaK?

ANS: - ;i< As !agnet approaches the coil the rate of change of !agnetic flux increases and the induced e!f also increases. As soon as one pole of !agnet enters into the coil the e!f decreases due to the other pole effect and also the induced e!f polarity re-erses due to the sa!e reason. ;ii< 1he longer peaK is due to increase in the rate of change of !agnetic flux as the !agnet co!es out of the coil. %. A coil A is connected to a -olt!eter ) and the other coil J to an alternating current source D. &f a large copper sheet , is placed (etween the two coils' how does the induced e.!.f. in the coil A change due to current in coil J? ANS: - D$,*$AH$H +. A cylindrical (ar !agnet is Kept along the axis of a circular coil' when the !agnet is rotated ;a< a(out its own axis' and ;(< a(out an axis perpendicular to the length of the !agnet' in which case the induced e!f will (e !ore? ANS: - &L ,AH$ 7 ;(< &1 &H G7*$ .. Eow does the self inductance of an air core coil change' when ;i< the nu!(er of turns in the coil is decreased' ;ii< an iron rod is introduced in the coil? A copper coil O wound on a soft iron core and a la!p J are connected to a (attery $ through a tapping Key ]. When the Key is suddenly opened' the la!p flashes for an instant to !uch greater (rightness. $xplain. ANS: - ;i< D$,*$AH$H ;ii< &L,*$AH$H. 1E$*$ &H AL 7887H&1&7L 7* 1E$ ,N**$L1 &L ,7&O DN$ 17 H$O &LDN,1&7L H7 1E$ JNOJ G$1H G7*$ $O$,1*&, ,N**$L1 &L&1&AOOI. 0. Eow is the !utual inductance of a pair of coils affected when separation (etween the coils is increased? 1he nu!(er of turns of each coil is increased? A thin iron sheet is placed (etween the two coils' other factors re!aining the sa!e? $xplain your answer in each case. ANS: - D$,*$AH$H' &L,*$AH$H' &L,*$AH$H. 14. A rectangular wire fra!e' shown (elow' is placed in a unifor! !agnetic field directed upward and nor!al to the plane of the paper. 1he part AJ is connected to a spring. 1he spring is stretched and released when the wire AJ has co!e to the position A/J/ ;t B 4<. Eow would the induced e!f -ary with ti!e? Leglect da!ping. ANS: - 1E$ *A1$ 7 ,EALG$ 7 A*$A &H G7*$ &L&1&AOOI ALD D$,*$AH$H W&1E 1&G$ ALD H7 1E$ &LDN,$D $G . 11. Why does !etallic piece (eco!e -ery hot when it is surrounded (y coil carrying high fre5uency alternating current?

ANS: - E&GE *$3N$L,I A, 8*7DN,$H ,EALG&LG GAGL$1&, 1E$ OA*G$ $DDI ,N**$L1H 8*7DN,$ E$A1.


12. 1hree students @' I' and X perfor!ed an experi!ent for studying the -ariation of alternating current with angular fre5uency in a series O,* circuit and o(tained the graphs as shown. 1hey all used a.c sources of the sa!e r.!.s. -alue and inductances of the sa!e -alue. What can we ;5ualitati-ely< conclude a(out the ;i< capacitance -alue ;ii< resistance -alues Nsed (y the!? &n which case will the 5uality factor (e !axi!u!? What can we conclude a(out nature of the i!pedance of the set up at fre5uency wo? ANS: - ;i< D$,*$AH$H *7G @ 17 X ;ii< D$,*$AH$H *7G @ 17 X &L ,AH$ 7 @ 3NAO&1I A,17* &H G7*$' &G8$DAL,$ D$,*$AH$H *7G @ 17 X 13. &n the circuit shown (elow' * represents an electric (ul(. &f the fre5uency of the supply is dou(led' how should the -alues of , and O (e changed so that glow in the (ul( re!ains unchanged? ANS: - O HE7NOD D$,*$AH$ ALD , HE7NOD &L,*$AH$ 14. An air cored coil O and a (ul( J are connected in series to the !ains as shows in the gi-en figureP 1he (ul( glows with so!e (rightness. Eow would the glow of the (ul( change if an iron rod is inserted in the coil? Gi-e reasons in support of your answer. ANS: - D$,*$AH$H 15. When a circuit ele!ent M@/ is connected across an a.c. source' a current of W2A flows through it and this current is in phase with the applied -oltage. When another ele!ent MI/ is connected across the sa!e a.c. source' the sa!e current flows in the circuit (ut it leads the -oltage (y C"2 radians.;i< La!e the circuit ele!ents @ and I. ;ii< ind the current that flows in the circuit when the series co!(ination of @ and I is connected across the sa!e a.c. -oltage. ANS: - ;i< @ &H *$H&H17* ;ii< I &H ,A8A,&17* 1%. ig shows a light (ul( ;J< and iron cored inductor connected to a D, (attery through a switch ;H<. ;i< What will one o(ser-e when switch ;H< is closed? ;ii< Eow will the glow of the (ul( change when the (attery is replaced (y an ac source of r!s -oltage e5ual to the -oltage of D, (attery? ?ustify your answer in each case.

ANS: - ;i< J*&GE1L$HH 7 *$GA&LH HAG$

1E$ JNOJ &L,*$AH$H HO7WOI ;ii< J*&GE1L$HH

1+. A circuit containing a .4 !E inductor and a %4 F capacitor in series is connected to a 234 )' 54 ED supply. 1he resistance of the circuit is negligi(le. ;a< 7(tain the current a!plitude and r!s -alues. ;(< 7(tain the r!s -alues of potential drops across each ele!ent. ;c< What is the a-erage power transferred to the inductor? ;d< What is the a-erage power transferred to the capacitor? ;e< What is the total a-erage power a(sor(ed (y the circuit? ANS: - ;a< ..24A' 11.+A ;(< )OB24+)' ),B43+) ;c< Dero ;d< Dero ;e< Dero. 1.. A series O,*9circuit with O B 4.12 E' , B 4.4 n ' * B 23 e is connected to a 234 ) -aria(le fre5uency supply. ;a< What is the source fre5uency for which current a!plitude is !axi!u!? 7(tain this !axi!u! -alue. ;(< What is the source fre5uency for which a-erage power a(sor(ed (y the circuit is !axi!u!? 7(tain the -alue of this !axi!u! power. ;c< or which fre5uencies of the source is the power transferred to the circuit half the power at resonant fre5uency? What is the current a!plitude at these fre5uencies? ;d< What is the 39 factor of the gi-en circuit? ANS: - ;a< 41%+ rad s91 ' 1.41A ;(< 2344 W ;c< %4.ED' %+.ED' &4B14A;d<21.+ 10. An O,9circuit contains a 24 !E inductor and a 54 F capacitor with an initial charge of 14 !,. 1he resistance of the circuit is negligi(le. Oet the instant the circuit is closed (e t B 4;a< what is the total energy stored initially. &s it conser-ed during the O,9oscillations? ;(< What is the natural fre5uency of the circuit? ;c< At what ti!es is the energy stored ;i< ,o!pletely electrical ;i.e.' stored in the capacitor<? ;d< At what ti!es is the total energy shared e5ually (etween the inductor and the capacitor? ;e< &f a resistor is inserted in the circuit' how !uch energy is e-entually dissipated as heat? ANS: - ;a<1 ?';(<150ED ;c<electrical at t B 24. Define self9inductance in ter!s of worK done against the induced e!f. ANS: - O B f Helf9inductance is defined as dou(le the worK done against the induced e!f in producing unit current in the coil itself 21. A circuit with a -ertical copper wire (ends as shown supports a s!all wooden piece W which floats in !ercury. What do you expect when Key is closed and current flows through the circuit? ANS: - 1he woodden (locK sinKs when current flows through the circuit' as parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite directions repel. 1he gi-en wa-e for! shows the input current of a

transfor!er. 22. Draw the wa-e for! of out put current. Hu(stantiate your answer ANS: - 1.44 phase difference due to OenD/s law 23. An electron (ea! is deflected in a gi-en field. &dentify whether an electric field or a !agnetic field in the following cases? ;i< 1he traAectory of the (ea! is a para(ola and its ].$ changes. it is

;ii< 1he traAectory of the (ea! is circular and its ].$. re!ains the sa!e. ?ustify your answer. 24. A resting electron near a stationery (ar !agnet does not set into !otion. Jut a !o-ing !agnet near an electron set it into !otion. Why? 25. An irregularly shaped flexi(le current carrying loop when placed in an external !agnetic field will assu!e a circular shape. Gi-e reason 2%. Alpha particles ;! B %.%. @ 1492+ ]g.' 5 B 62e< accelerated through a potential difference ) to 2 K)' enter a !agnetic field J B 4.2 1 perpendicular to their direction of !otion. ,alculate the radius of their path. ANS: -

2+. 1he a(o-e figure shows a horiDontal solenoid connected to a (attery and a switch. A copper ring is placed on a frictionless tracK near the solenoid' the axis of the ring (eing along the axis of the solenoid. What will happen to the ring as the switch is closed? ?ustify your answer. ANS: - 1E$ *&LG G7)$HAWAI *7G 1E$ H7O$L7&D 2.. A particle with charge M5/ and !ass M!/ is shot with Kinetic energy ] into the region (etween two plates as shown in the figure. &f the !agnetic field (etween the plates is J and as shown' how large !ust J (e if the particle is to !iss collision with the opposite plate? ANS: - ?ust to !iss the opposite plate' the particle !ust !o-e in a circular path with radius d so that J5- B !-2"d' J B ;2!]<1"2";5d< 20. or the circuit shown (elow' find the !agnitude and direction the force on wire A,' wire J, and wire AJ. Also show that net force is Dero.

34. A (ar 83 of !ass G is suspended (y two wires as shown (elow. Assu!e that a unifor! !agnetic field J is directed into the page. ind the tension in each supporting wire when the current through the (ar is &.

ANS: -According to the le!ings *ight hand *ule' the !agnetic force &OJ is directed upward. $5uili(riu! in the -ertical direction yields 21 6 &OJ B Gg' so that 1 B ;Gg : &OJ<"2 31. A (ar of !ass G is suspended (y two springs as shown (elow. Assu!e that a !agnetic field J is directed out of the page. $ach spring has a spring constant ]. Descri(e the (ar/s displace!ent when a current & is sent through it in the direction shown.

ANS: -Due to le!ings *ight hand *ule the !agnetic force &OJ is directed downward. 1his constant force shifts the e5uili(riu! position downward (y a displace!ent B ;&OJ<"2] 32. An e5uilateral triangle is for!ed fro! a piece of unifor! resistance wire. ,urrent is fed into one corner and led out of the other as detailed in the figure (elow. Hhow that the current flowing through the sides of the triangle produces no !agnetic field at its centre M7/ ;the intersection of the !edians<.

ANS: - Wires A and J are in series. &A B &J B &"3' &, B 2&"3.Wire , !aKes a contri(ution to the field at 7 whose !agnitude is twice that of A or J. Jy le!ings *ight hand *ule' directions of field due to Wire A and J are directed down into the page. 1hat due to wire , is upward. Let field at 7 is Dero 33. &n the following figure' the rectangular loop of wire is (eing pulled to the right' away fro! the long straight wire through which a steady current i flows upward as shown. Does the

current induced in the loop flow in the clocKwise sense or in the counter clocKwise sense ? ?ustify

ANS: -Due to OenD/s law' the !agnetic field produced (y the induced current !ust counteract the decrease in flux and hence it !ust (e directed into the plane of the figure ;within the loop<.Ho the induced current !ust (e clocK :wise. 34. Deter!ine the separate effects on the induced e!f of a generator if ;a< the flux per pole is dou(led' and ;(< the speed of the ar!ature is dou(led. ANS: - &n (oth the cases the induced e!f dou(les 35. An electro!agnet has stored %4. ? of !agnetic energy when a current of 0A exists in its coils. What a-erage e!f is induced if the current is reduced to Dero in 4.45 s? ANS: - $ B O B 1% E and e B 324 )

3%. A 44 7h! resistor is connected across a 15 ) -aria(le fre5uency electronic oscillator. ind the current through the resistor when the fre5uency is ;a< 144 ED and ;(< 144 KED. What is the current if the 44 7h! resistor is replaced (y a 2 !E inductor? ANS: -With resistor' current is sa!e (oth for 144 ED and 144 KED. With inductor' the current is 11.0 A and 11.0 !A respecti-ely 3+. 1he axes of two !agnets are collinear. 7ne has poles of strength .4 A! separated (y 125 !!' and the second has a !agnetic !o!ent of 12 A9!2 with poles of strength 1%4 A!. ind the attracti-e force (etween the !agnets if the north pole of one is 45 !! fro! the south pole of the second.

ANS: - *esultant force

B 2 attracti-e forces 6 2 repulsi-e forces B 524 !L ;attracti-e<

3.. A coil A is connected to -olt!eter ) and the other coil J to an alternating current source D. &f a large copper sheet ,, is placed (etween the two coils' how does the induced e.!.f in the coil A change due to current in coil J?

ANS: - 1he induced e.!.f in coil A decreases due to large copper plate introduced (etween the two coils as ,u is dia!agnetic !aterial 30. A !agnet is !o-ed in the direction indicated (y an arrow (etween two coils A and J as shown (elow. Huggest the direction of induced current in each coil O.

ANS: - Due to OenD/s law' end A will (eha-e as Houth 8ole and end J will (eha-e as Lorth 8ole. 1he end face A will ha-e clocK wise direction of current and end face J will ha-e anti clocK wise direction of current when seen fro! the !agnet side. 44. An electro!agnet has stored %4. ? of !agnetic energy when a current of 0 A exists in its coils. What a-erage e!f is induced if the current is reduced to Dero in 4.45 sec. ANS: - ,alculate O B 1% E. e B O di"dt B 324 ) 41. What is the !agnitude of the induced current in the circular loop9A J , D of radius r' if the straight wire 83 carries a steady current of !agnitude & a!pere?

ANS: - Xero &nduced e!f. 42. 1wo identical loops' one of copper and another of alu!inu! are rotated with the sa!e speed in the sa!e G. .&n which case' the induced ;a< e.!.f ;(< current will (e !ore and why? ANS: - &nduced e!f will (e sa!e in the (oth (ut &nduced ,urrent will (e !ore in ,opper loop. 43. Why is sparK produced in the switch of a fan' when it is switched off? ANS: - A large &nduced e!f is setup across the gap in the switch. 44. ,oils in the resistance (oxes are !ade fro! dou(led up9insulated wire. Why? ANS: - 1o cancel the effect of self &nduced e!f in the coil. 45. A gal-ano!eter connected in an A.,. circuit does not show any deflection. Why? ANS: - A gal-ano!eter !easures !ean -alue of a.c.' which is Dero o-er a cycle. 4%. A capacitor (locKs D.,. (ut allows A., to pass through it. $xplain. Why? 1 ANS: - @c B Bg 2 c 4+. ,an we use transfor!er to step up D.,. -oltage? &f not' why? ANS: - Gagnetic flux linKed with 8ri!ary coil does not -ary with ti!e so no &nduced e!f in secondary. 4.. ,alculate the r.!.s -alue of alternating current shown in the figure. ANS: - 2A. 40. 1he alge(raic su! of potential drop across the -arious : ele!ents in O,* circuit is not e5ual to the applied -oltage. Why? ANS: - )oltages across different ele!ents of the O,* circuit are not in sa!e phase. 54. A copper ring is held horiDontally and (ar !agnet is dropped through the ring with its length along the axis of the ring. Will the acceleration of the falling !agnet (e e5ual to' greater than or less than that due to gra-ity? ANS: - Oess than that due to gra-ity. 51. A !agnet is !o-ed in the direction indicated (y an arrow (etween two coil A J and , D as shown in the figure. Huggest the direction of current in each coil. ANS: - or ,oil AJP AnticlocKwise. or ,oil ,DP AnticlocKwise.

52. igure shows an inductor O and a resistance * connected in parallel to a (attery through a switch. 1he resistance * Which of the (ul(s lights up earlier' when ] is closed? Will the (ul(s (e e5ually (right after sa!e ti!e? ANS: -(i< 1he (ul( J2 will light up earlier. ;ii< 1he (ul( J1 will grow !ore (rightly. 53. Eow does the self inductance of a coil change' when Lu!(er of turns in the coil is decreased? An iron rod is introduced into it. ?ustify your answer in each case. ANS: -i. O U n2 B= O is decreased. ii. O will &ncrease. 54. igure shows two electric circuits A and J. ,alculate the ratio of power factor of the circuit J to the 8ower factor of the circuit A.

ANS: - 2 . 55. An inductor O of reactance @O is connected in series with a (ul( J to an A.,. source as shown in the figure. Jriefly explain' how does the (rightness of the (ul( change when ;a< Lu!(er of turns of the inductor is reduced and ;(< A capacitor of reactance @, B@O is included in series in the sa!e circuit. ANS: -;a< Jul( will grow !ore (rightly. ;(< Jrightness of the (ul( will (eco!e !axi!u!. 5%. When a series co!(ination of a coil of inductance O and a resistor of resistance * is connected across a 12 )954 ED supply' a current of 4.5.A flows through the circuit. 1he current differs in phase fro! applied -oltage (y radian. ,alculate the -alue of O and *. 3 ANS: - OB4.4%% E' *B12R 5+. An A.,. generator is connected to a sealed (ox through a pair of ter!inals. 1he (ox !ay contain * O , or the series co!(ination of any two of the three ele!ents. Geasure!ents !ade outside the (ox re-eal thatP $B+5 Hin ht ;in -olt< and &B 1.2 Hin ;ht6 <; in a!pere< 5 La!e the circuit ele!ents

What is the 8ower factor of the circuit? What is the rate' at which energy is deli-ered (y the generator to the circuit? ANS: - ;a<. Heries co!(ination of a register and a capacitor. ;(<. 8ower factor B cosi B 4..1 ;c<. 8a- B $-&-,osi B +2.0W 5.. igure ;a<' ;(< and ;c< Hhow three alternating circuits with e5ual currents. &f fre5uency of alternating e!f (e increased' what will (e the effect on currents &n the three cases. $xplain.

ANS: -;i< Lo effect ;ii< current will decrease ;iii<,urrent will &ncrease. 50. Does the current in an A.,. circuit lag' lead or re!ain in phase with the -oltage of fre5uency applied to the circuit when ;i< B r ;ii< > r ;iii< = r where r is the resonance fre5uency. ANS: -;i< ,urrent and )oltage are in the sa!e phase. ;ii< ,urrent leads -oltage (y 8hase anglei . ;iii< ,urrent lags (ehind -oltage (y 8hase anglei . %4. 1wo different coils ha-e self inductance O1B. !E and O2 B 2 !E. At a certain instant' the current in the two coils is increasing at the sa!e constant rate and the power supplied to the two coils is sa!e. ind the ratio of ;a< induced -oltage ;(< current and ;c< energy stored in the two coils at that instant? e1 I1 1 U 1 LdI 1 = ANS: - e = B 4 As 8B e& B const B B e2 I2 4 U2 4 dt UNIT-5 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES 1.Why is the 5uantity 4 d$"dt called the displace!ent current? 2. Nsing a d.c. source' a capacitor has (een fully charged. What are the !agnitudes of conduction and displace!ent currents? 3. What is the ratio of speed of infrared and ultra-iolet rays in -acuu!? 4. An electro!agnetic wa-e consists of oscillating electric and !agnetic fields. What is the phase relationship (etween these oscillations? 5. *adio wa-es diffract predo!inately around (uilding while light wa-es' which are also electro!agnetic wa-es' do not. Why? %. $lectro!agnetic wa-es with wa-elength ;i< 1 are used to treat !uscular strain. ;ii< 2 are used (y a G radio station for (roadcasting

;iii< 3 are used to detect fracture in (ones ;i-< 4 are a(sor(ed (y the oDone layer of the at!osphere. &dentify and na!e the part of electro!agnetic spectru! to which these radiations (elong. .Arrange these wa-elengths in decreasing order of !agnitude. +. ;a< Which of the following' if any' can act as a source of electro!agnetic wa-es? ;i< A charge !o-ing with a constant -elocity. ;ii< A charge !o-ing in a circular or(it. ;iii< A charge at rest. Gi-e reason. ;(< &dentify the part of the electro!agnetic spectru! to which wa-es of fre5uency ;i< 1424 ED ;ii<140 ED (elong to !icrowa-es. .<&f the area of the 1) telecast is to (e dou(led then what will (e the height of the trans!itting antenna ?. 0.Which of the physical 5uantity is L71 transported (y the e! wa-es? 14.What happens to the a-erage te!perature on the surface of the earth if there is no at!osphere?. 11. Gention the law' that which asserts that the electric field lines cannot for! close loops? 12.What are the characteristics properties of electro!agnetic wa-es? 13.1he energy of the electro!agnetic wa-e is in the order of 15]) . 1o which part of the spectru! does it (elong? 14. La!e e! wa-es are used in teleco!!unication. 15.what is condition for o(taining displace!ent current (etween the plate of the capacitor? 1%.Gention the pair of space and ti!e -arying $ and J fields which would generate a plane e! wa-e tra-elling in the D9direction? $x and Jy 1+. A plane electro!agnetic wa-e tra-els' in -acuu!' along the y9direction. Write ;i< the ratio of the !agnitude' and ;ii< the directions of its electric and !agnetic field -ectors. ;ii< or an electro!agnetic wa-e tra-eling along y9diretion' its electric and !agnetic field -ectors are along D9axis and x9axis respecti-ely. 1he direction of E B is sa!e as that of
j i j= j direction of wa-e propagation and k j.

1.. Huppose that the electric field a!plitude of an electro!agnetic wa-e is $4B124 L,91 and that its fre5uency is -B54.4 GED. ;a< Deter!ine' J4' w'K and . ;(< ind expressions for $ and J. 10. Answer the following 5uestionsP

;a< Oong distance radio (roadcasts use short9wa-e (ands. Why? ;(< &t is necessary to use satellite for long distance 1) trans!ission. Why? ;c< 7ptical and radio telescopes are (uilt on the ground (ut @9ray astrono!y is possi(le only fro! satellites or(iting the earth. Why? ;d< &f the earth did not ha-e an at!osphere' would its a-erage surface te!perature (e higher or lower than what it is now?

1.When a photon collides with an electron' which of the following characteristics of the photon increases? 2.Which of the following does not support the wa-e nature of light? 3.1he distance tra-elled (y the ray of light during the ti!e octagonal !irror rotates through klmnmmopqrqmosmtuvmwoxxyxmxytztvpmztm{mxv|y}~toymvxmpvymuztmopmtuvmpvvmysm}out 4. A star appear yellow . &f it starts accelerating towards earth' how will its colour appears to change. 5.1wo points A and J are situated at the sa!e distance fro! the source of light' (ut in opposite direction fro! it.What is the phase difference (etween the light wa-es passing through A and J? %.When the light is polariDed (y reflection ' what is the angle (etween reflected and refracted rays. +. or dou(le refracting crystal the refracti-e indices ' for the ordinary and extraordinary denoted (y \o and \e. What is the relation -alid along the optical axis of the crystal. ..What is the angle (etween planes of electric and !agnetic field oscillation in case of light wa-es? 0.What is the colour of the interference fringe nearest to the white central !axi!u! incase of white light? 14. What happens to the fringe pattern when IDH experi!ent is perfor!ed in water instead of air? 11. A !an stands in front of a !irror of special shape. Ee finds that his i!age has a -ery s!all head' a fat (ody and legs of nor!al siDe. What can we say a(out the shapes of the three arts of the !irror?

12. &n which direction relati-e to the nor!al' does a ray of light (end' when it enters o(li5uely a !ediu! in which its speed is increased? 13. or the sa!e angle of incidence' the angles of refraction in three different !edia A'J and , are 15 '25 and 35'respecti-ely. &n which !ediu! will the -elocity of light (e !ini!u!? 14. or what angle of incidence' the lateral shift produced (y a parallel sided galss sla( is !axi!u!?

15. &f a plane glass sla( is placed on letters of different colours' the red coloured letters appear !ore raised up. Why? 1%. Does refraction in a water tanK !aKe apparent depth sa!e throughout? 1+. 1he critical angle for glass9air interface is ic. Will the critical angle for glass9water interface (e greater than or less than ic? 1.. An air (u((le in a Aar of water shines (rightly. Why? 10.What happens to the shining of dia!ond if it is dipped in a transparent oil? 24.What type of a lens is a tu!(ler filled with water? 21.What type of a lens is an air (u((le inside water? Gi-e reason also. 22.A lens i!!ersed in a transparent li5uid is not -isi(le. Nnder what condition can this happen? 23. A lens whose radii of cur-ature are different is for!ing the i!age of an o(Aect placed on its axis. &f the lens is placed with its faces re-ersed' will the position of the i!age change? 24.What happens to focal length of a con-ex lens' when it is i!!ersed in water ? 25.Eow does the focal length of a con-ex lens change if !onochro!atic red light is used instead of -iolet light? 2%.1he radii of cur-ature of (oth the surfaces of a lens are e5ual. &f one of the surfaces is !ade plane (y grounding' how will the focal length and power change? 2+.A glass pris! is held in water. Eow is the angle of !ini!u! de-iation affected? 2..A ray of light is nor!ally incident on one face of an e5uilateral pris!.1race the course of the ray through the pris! and e!erging fro! it. 20. What will (e the colour of the sKy in the a(sence of at!osphere? 34. Why do clouds appear white? 31. Why do so!eti!es we o(ser-e haloes ;rings< round the sun or the !oon? 32. Jees can see o(Aects in the ultra-iolet light while hu!an (eings cannot do so. Why?

33. A chicKen waKes up early in the !orning and goes to sleep (y sunset. Why? 7* Why is a chicKen not a(le to see in the di! light? 35. Why is the focal length of an o(Aecti-e in co!pound !icroscope little shorter than the focal length of the eyepiece? 3%. Iou are pro-ided with four lenses of focal length 1 c!' 3c!' 14c! and 144c!. Which two would you prefer for a !icroscope and which two for a telescope? 3+. ,an we increase the range of a telescope (y increasing the dia!eter of its o(Aecti-e? 3.. A telescope has (een adAusted for the relaxed eye. Iou are asKed to adAust it for the least distance of distinct -ision' then how will you change the distance (etween the two lenses? 30. 1he distances of an o(Aect and its real i!age' !easured fro! the focus of a conca-e !irror' are a and ( respecti-ely. Hhow that f2 B a(. 44.A ray of light goes fro! !ediu! 1 to !ediu! 2. -elocities of light in the two !edia are c1 and c2 respecti-ely. or an angle of incidence in !ediu! 1' the corresponding angle of refraction in !ediu! 2 is "2. ;i< Which of the two !edia is optically denser and why? ;ii< $sta(lish the relationship (etween ' c1 and c2. 41.A (ea! of light con-erges at a point on the screen. A plane parallel glass plate is introduced in the path of this con-erging (ea!. Eow will the point of con-ergence (e affected? Draw the rele-ant ray diagra!. 42. A !icroscope is focused on a dot at the (otto! of a (eaKer. Ho!e oil is poured into the (eaKer to a height of y c! and it is found necessary to raise the !icroscope through a -ertical distance of x c! to (ring the dot again into focus. $xpress refracti-e index of oil in ter!s of x and y. 43. A ray of light while tra-eling fro! a denser to a rarer !ediu! undergoes total reflection. Deri-e the expression for the critical angle in ter!s of the speed of light in the respecti-e !edia. 44.$xplain the twinKling of stars. Why do the planets not show twinKling effect? . 45. 7nly the stars near the horiDon twinKle while those o-erhead do not twinKle. Why? 4%.Hhow that a con-ex lens produces an L ti!es !agnified i!age when the o(Aet distances' fro! the lens' ha-e !agnitudes ;f f " L<. Eere f is the !agnitude of the focal length of the lens. Eence find the two -alues of o(Aect distance' for which a con-ex lens' of power 2.5D' will produce a! i!age that is four ti!es as large as the o(Aect? 4+.Nse the lens e5uation to deduce alge(raically what you Know otherwise fro! explicit ray diagra!s. ;a< An o(Aect placed within the focus of a con-ex lens produce a -irtual and

enlarged i!age. ;(< A conca-e lens produces a -irtual and di!inished i!age independent of the location of the o(Aect. 4.. A (ea! of white light on passing through a hollow pris! gi-es no spectru!. Why? 40. Gi-e reasons for the following o(ser-ations on the surface of the !oonP ;i< Hunrise and sunset are a(rupt. ;ii< HKy appear darK. ;iii< A rain(ow is ne-er for!ed. . NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 54. 1he (otto! of a container is a 4.4 c! thicK glass. ;B1.5< sla(. 1he container contains two i!!isci(le li5uids And J of depths %.4 c! and ..4 c! respecti-ely. What is the apparent position of a scratch on the outer surface of the (otto! of the glass sla( when -iewed through the container? *efracti-e indices of A and J are 1.4 and 1.3 respecti-ely. 51. 1he refracti-e index of water is 4"3. 7(tain the -alue of the se!i-ertical angle of the cone within which the entire outside -iew would (e confined for a fish under water. Draw an appropriate ray diagra!. 52. A lens for!s a real i!age of an o(Aect. 1he distance of the o(Aect to the lens is 4 c! and the distance of the i!age fro! the lens is - c!. 1he gi-en graph shows the -ariation of - with u. ;i< What is the nature of the lens? ;ii< Nsing this graph' find the focal length of this lens. 53. A ray of light passes through an e5uilateral glass pris!' such that the angle of incidence is e5ual to the angle of e!ergence. &f the angle of e!ergence is ti!es the angle of the pris!' ,alculate the refracti-e index of the glass pris!. OPTICS 54. Htate the conditions which !ust (e satisfied for two light sources to (e coherent. 55. 1wo independent light sources cannot act as coherent sources. Why? 5%. Lo interference pattern is detected when two coherent sources are infinitely close to one another. Why? 5+. &f the path difference produced due to interference of light co!ing out of two slits for yellow colour of light at a point on the screen (e 3"2' what will (e the colour of the fringe at the point. Gi-e reason also. 5.. What happens to the interference pattern if the phase difference (etween the two sources -aries continuously?

50. *adiowa-es diffract pronouncedly around the (uildings' while light wa-es' which are e.!. wa-es do not why? %4. ,oloured spectru! is seen' when we looK through a !uslin cloth. Why. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS %1. Eow is a wa-efront different fro! a ray? Draw the geo!etrical shape of the wa-efronts when ;i< light di-erges fro! a point source' and ;ii< light e!erges out of con-ex lens when a point source is placed at its focus. %2. &n a young/s dou(le slit experi!ent' the position of the first fringe coincides with H1 and H2 respecti-ely. What is the wa-elength of light? %3. Draw the diagra! showing intensity distri(ution of light on the screen for diffraction of light at a single slit. Eow is the width of central !axi!a affected on increasing the ;i< Wa-elength of light used ;ii< width of the slit" What happens to the width of the central !axi!a if the whole apparatus is i!!ersed in water and why? %4. What two !ain changes in diffraction pattern of single slit will you o(ser-e when the !onochro!atic source of light is replaced (y a source of white light? %5. $xplain with reason' how the resol-ing power of a co!pound !icroscope will change when ;i< fre5uency of the incident light on the o(Aecti-e lens is increased. ;ii< focal length of the o(Aecti-e lens is increased' and ;iii< aperture of the o(Aecti-e lens is increased. %%. 1he critical angle (etween a gi-en transparent !ediu! and air is denoted (y ic' A ray of light in air !ediu! enters this transparent !ediu! at an agle of incidence e5ual to the polariDing angle;ip<. Deduce a relation for the angle of refraction ;rp< in ter!s of ic. NUMERICAL QUESTIONS %+. 1wo Hources of &ntensity & and 4& are used in an interference experi!ent. ind the intensity at points where the wa-es fro! two sources superi!pose with a phase difference ;i< Dero ;ii< "2 ;iii< . %.. &n a two slit experi!ent with !onochro!atic light' fringes are o(tained on a screen placed at so!e distance D fro! the slits. &f the screen is !o-ed 5 x 1492 ! towards the slits' the charge in fringe width is 3 x 14 95 !. &f the distance (etween the slit is 1493 ! . calculate the wa-elength of the light used. %0. A narrow !onochro!atic (ea! of light of intensity & is incident a glass plate. Another identical glass plate is Kept close to the first one and parallel to it. $ach plate reflects 25T of

the incident light and trans!its the rea!ing. ,alculate the ratio of !ini!u! and !axi!u! intensity in the interference pattern for!ed (y the two (ea!s o(tained after reflection fro! each plate.


1. &f wa-elength of electro!agnetic wa-es are dou(led what will happen to energy of

photon? 2. AlKali !etals are !ost suita(le for photoelectric e!ission. Why? 3. 7ut of !icrowa-es' N)' &* which radiation will (e !ost effecting for e!ission of electrons fro! a !etallic surface? 4. ,an @9rays cause photoelectric effect? 5. &f the intensity of incident radiation on a !etal is dou(led what happens to the ].$ of electrons e!itted? %. What is the -alue of stopping potential (etween the cathode and anode of photocell? &f the !ax ].$ of electrons e!itted is 5e)? +. &t is easier to re!o-e an electron fro! sodiu! than fro! copper' which has a higher -alue of threshold wa-elength? .. What is the role of photocell in cine!atography? 0. An electron and photon possessing sa!e ].$. Which one will ha-e greater wa-elength? 14. &n Da-isson : Ger!er experi!ent if the angle of diffraction is 524 find Glancing angle? 11. What is the energy associated with a photon of wa-elength %444 A4 ? 12. What is the effect on the -elocity photo electrons' if the wa-elength of incident light is decreased? 13. Hhow graphically how the stopping potential for a gi-en !etal -aries with a fre5uency of the incident radiation. 14. 1o worK functions 2e- and 5e- for two !etals x and y respecti-ely. Which !etal will e!it electrons' when it is irradiated with light and wa-e length 444n! and why? 15. A photon and an electron ha-e sa!e de9(roglie wa-elength. Which has greater total energy.$xplain? 1%. 1he de9(roglie wa-e length of a photon is sa!e as the wa-e length of electron. Hhow that ].$. of a photon is 2!c "h ti!es ].$. of electron. Where M!/ is !ass of electron'c is -elocity of light. 1+. Deri-e the expression of de9(roglie wa-e length in ter!s of energy of energy and te!perature? 1.. Oight fro! (ul( falls on a wodden ta(le (ut no photon electrons are e!itted why ? 10. ollowing ta(le gi-es -alues of worK function for a few photosensiti-e !etal. H.L7 Getal WorK function;e-< 1 La 1.02 2 ] 2.15 3 Go 4.1+ &f each !etal is exposed to radiation of wa-elength 344n! which of the! will not e!it photo electron. 24.An electron and alpha particle and proton ha-e sa!e Kinetic energy ' which ha-e shortest De9(roglie wa-elength? 21. 1he De9(roglie wa-e length associated with proton and neutron are e5ual.Which has greater Kinetic energy?.

22.A strea! of electron tra-elling with a speed at right angle to a unifor! electric field $' is deflected in a circular path of radius drc . 8ro-e that e"! B -2"r$. 23.&f the potential difference used to accelerate electron is dou(led ' (y what factor the De9 (roglie wa-e length of the electron (ea! changed. 24. 1he De9(roglie wa-e length associated with an electron accelerated through the potential difference d)c is . What will (e its wa-e length ' when accelerating potential is increased to 4-? 25.)isi(le light can not eAect photo electrons fro! copper surface' whose worK function is 4.4 e- ' why? 8ro-e !athe!atically. $@1*A 3N$H1&7LH 1. Leutrons' in ther!al e5uili(riu! with !atter ha-e an a-erage ]$ B 3"2 K1 .

,o!pute de9Jroglie/s wa-elength associated 2. A nucleus of !ass G initially at rest splits in two frag!ents of !asses G"3 2 2G"3. ind the ratio of de9Jroglie/s wa-elength of two frag!ents. 3. @9rays of wa-elength 4..2 A4 fall on !etallic surface. ,alculate de9Jroglie/s wa-elength of e!itted photoelectrons. &gnore of the !etal. 4. Wa-elength of photon and de9Jroglie/s wa-elength of electron has sa!e -alue. Hhow that energy of photon is 2!c"h ti!es the ]$ of electron. 5. ,o!pare energy of electron of de9Jroglie/s wa-elength 1 A4 with that of an @9ray photon of the sa!e wa-elength. %. ,alculate the ratio of de9Jroglie wa-elength associated with deutron !o-ing with -elocity M2-/ and a 9particle !o-ing with -elocity M-/. +. An 9particle and proton are accelerated fro! rest through sa!e 8D M)/. ind the ratio of de9Jroglie wa-elength associated with the!. .. ,alculate de9Jroglie/s wa-elength associated with an electron of energy 244e). What will (e the change in if accelerating potential is increased to 4 ti!es. 0. What is the ;i< !o!entu! ;ii< speed and ;iii< de9Jroglie wa-elength of electron of Kinetic energy 124 e). 14.Hhow that the wa-elength of electro!agnetic radiation is e5ual to the de9 Jroglie wa-elength of its photon. 11. An electron' 9particle and a proton ha-e sa!e ]$. Which of these particles ha-e shortest wa-elength? 12. 1he threshold fre5uency for a certain !etal is 3.31414 ED. &f light of fre5uency ..21414 ED is incident on the !etal. 8redict the -elocity of eAected electrons and cut9off -oltage. 13.1he worK function of two !etals A and J are respecti-ely 1.2 e) and 2.4 e). Oight of wa-elength %44n! falls on these !etals. ;i< Which !etal " !etals will gi-e photoelectric e!ission? ;ii< What is the !axi!u! -elocity and cut9off potential? ;iii< &f the source is !o-ed away' how does it affect the stopping potential?

14. 1he energy flux of sun reaching the earth is 1.3...143 W!92. Eow !any

photons per s5uare ! is incident on the earth per sec. Assu!e a-erage wa-elength of sunlight B 554n!. 15. &n an experi!ent on photoelectric effect' the slope of cut9off -oltage -ersus fre5uency of light is found to (e 4.1214915 )s. ,alculate the -alue of 8lanK/s constant. 1%.1he 8hotoelectric cut9off -oltage for certain !etal is 1.5). What is the !axi!u! ]$ of photoelectrons? 1+. 1he threshold fre5uency of !etal is Mf/. When the light of fre5uency 2f is incident on it the !axi!u! -elocity of photoelectrons is M-1/. When the fre5uency is increased to 5f' the !axi!u! -elocity of photoelectrons is M-2/ ind -1 "-2. 1..1he worK function of cesiu! is 2.14 e). ind ;i< threshold fre5uency ;ii< wa-elength of light if the photoelectrons are stopped with stopping potential 4.%). 10.&n a plot of photoelectric current -ersus anode potential' how does a. the saturation current -ary with anode potential for incident radiations of different fre5uencies (ut sa!e intensity. (. 1he stopping potential -aries for incident radiations of different intensities (ut sa!e fre5uency? c. 8hotoelectric current -ary for different intensities (ut sa!e fre5uency of incident radiations? ?ustify your answer in each case. 24. 1he radiations of fre5uency 1415 ED are incident on two photosensiti-e surfaces A and J. ollowing o(ser-ations are recordedP Hurface AP no photo electric e!ission taKes place. Hurface JP 8hotoe!ission taKes place photo electrons ha-e Dero energy. $xplain the a(o-e o(ser-ations on the (asis of $instein/s photoelectric e5uations. Eow will the o(ser-ations with surface J change when the wa-elength of incident radiations is decreased? 21. An electron' 9particle and a proton ha-e sa!e de9Jroglie wa-elength. Which of these particles has ;i< !ini!u! ]$ and ;ii< !axi!u! ]$ and why? &n what way has the wa-e nature of electron (ea! exploited in electron !icroscope? 22.,alculate the ;i< !o!entu! and ;ii< de9 Jroglie wa-elength of electron accelerated through a potential difference of 5% ). 7n increasing the potential how this can i!pro-e the resol-ing power of a !icroscope.
23. Oight of fre5uency 2.5 4 is incident on surface of threshold fre5uency 4 and

the photoelectric current is 1 !A. &f fre5uency of light is hal-ed and intensity is dou(led' find new photoelectric current. 24. or what ]$ of neutron' will the associated de Jroglie wa-elength (e 1.3214914 !?

25.1he worK function of three !etals La' ] and Go are respecti-ely 1.02' 2.15 and 4.1+ e). &f each of the !etal is exposed to light of wa-elength 344 n!' which of the! will not e!it photoelectrons and why? 2%.Jy how !uch would the Htopping 8otential a for gi-en surface goes up if the fre5uency of the &ncident radiation were to (e increased fro! 4 1415ED to . 1415ED? 2+. ,alculate de9Jroglie wa-e length of ;i< an electron ;!ass 3 14 :2 Kg !o-ing with speed 144 !"s. Eence show that wa-e nature in hydrogen ato!< !o-ing with speed 1"144 of speed of light in -acuu! and ;ii< a (all of radius 5 !! and of !atter is i!portant at ato!ic le-el (ut is not really rele-ant at the !acroscopic le-el. 2..1he de9Jrouglie wa-elength associated with proton and a neutron is found to (e e5ual. Which of the two has higher -alue of Kinetic energy? 20. Graph showing -ariation of )H with fre5uency for two G1 G2 !aterial is gi-en. ;i< What are the -alues of worK function for G1 and G2 )H ;ii<1he -alues of )H for these for fre5uency 3 ;3 = 42< are )1 and )2. Hhow that slope of lines e5uals )1 9 )2< " ;42 9 41< 41 42 34.1hrough what potential difference should an electron (e accelerated so that its de9(roglie wa-elength (eco!es 4.4 Ao. 31.Gonochro!atic light of fre5uency %x1414 ED is produced (y a OAH$*. 1he power e!itted is 2x1493 W. a< What is the energy of photon in the light (ea!. (< Eow !any photons per sec on the a-erage are e!itted (y the source. Ans. ;a< 2.40 e)' ;(< 5x1415 sec91 32.&f 5 T of the energy supplied to an incandescent light (ul( is radiated as -isi(le light' how !any -isi(le 5uantas are e!itted (y a 144W (ul(? Assu!ing the wa-elength of all the -isi(le light to (e 5444 Ao. Ans. 1.41x1410 ? 33.&f the wa-elength of incident light changes fro! 4444 Ao to 4444 Ao' then find the change in stopping potential. Ans. 94.2% e)

-.IT/0III #T12I3 .-345-6

%) what conclusions were drawn from the obser!ation in which few alpha/particle were seen reboundin* from *old foil, 2< which obser!ation led to the conclusion in the 7/particle scatterin* exp. That atom has !ast empty space, 3) 3ompare the radii of two nuclei with mass number % and $7 respecti!ely. 8) Two nuclei ha!e mass numbers in the ratio %9".:hat is the ratio of their nuclear radii, &) which ha!e *reater ioni;in* power97/particles or </particles, 6) The half life of a radioacti!e substance in 3( days. :hat is the time ta+en for = of its ori*inal mass to disinte*rate, 7) :hy neutrons are considered as ideal particle for nuclear reactions, ") >oes the ratio of neutrons and protons in the nucleus increase, decreases or remain the same after the emission of ? @ particles, 9) :hy is the ioni;ation power of ? @ particle of *reater than A @ rays, %() # radio isotope of sil!er has a half life of $( minutes. :hat fraction of the ori*inal mass would remain after one hour, %%) :hat chan*es ta+es place in the nucleus when a A @ rays is emitted, %$) 3an a sin*le nucleus emit ? @ particle, < @ particle and a A @ rays to*ether, %3) Two nuclei ha!e mass no. in the ratio %9$. :hat is the ratio their nuclear densities, %8) 5stablish the relationship between half life of a radio/ acti!e substance and decay constant. %&) 5xplain how ? particle scatterin* experiment led to Butherford to estimate the si;e of the nucleus. 1%< The acti!ity of a radio acti!e material drops to %/%6th of its initial !alue in 3( days. Cind its half life. %7) In a particular fission reaction, a -$3& nucleus captures a slow neutron. The fission products are 3 neutrons, a 4a %8$ and fission products D y ; .:hat is the !alue of E and F. %") Eou are *i!en two nuclides D b) :hich one of the two is li+ely to be more stable, i!e reason. %9) # certain radio acti!e substance has a half life of 3( days. :hat is the disinte*ration constant, Cind its a!era*e life. $() Cind the time re)uired to decay 3G8th of a radioacti!e sample whose half life is 6( days. $%) .eon /$3 decays in the followin* way

.e%( ///////////////$3.a%% H (e/% HA Cind the minimum and maximum +inetic ener*y that the </particle can ha!e. The atomic masses of $3.e%( and $3.a%% are $$.998&8 and $$.9"9"8 respecti!ely.


The disinte*ration rate of a certain radioacti!e sample at any instant is 87&( disinte*rations per minute. Ci!e minutes later the rate becomes $7(( per minute. 3alculate a) >ecay constant b) Ialf/life of the sample $3) 5xplain with an example, whether neutron/proton ratio increases or decreases durin* beta decay. $8) The half life period of radioacti!e element # is the same as the mean half time of another radioacti!e element J.Initially both of them ha!e the same number of atoms. The radioacti!e element J decays faster than #. 5xplain why, $&) 1btain the bindin* ener*y of a nitro*en nucleus from the followin* data mhK%.((7"38L mnK%.(("67L m.K%8.(3(78 i!e your answer in 2e0. $6) :rite nuclear e)uations for a) The 7/decay of $$6Ba"" b) The </ /decay of 3$M%& c) The <H decay of3$M%& $7) # neutron is absorbed by a 64i3 nucleus with the subse)uent emission of an alpha particle. i) :rite the correspondin* nuclear reactions. ii) 3alculate the ener*y released in 2e0, in this reaction. i!en mass 64i3K6.(%&%$68L mass Nneutron) K%.((966&88 2ass Nalpha particle)K8.(($6(888 and massNtriton)K3.(%(((((8

Ex !" Q#$s %&ns

1. ,alculate the energy released in the following nuclear reaction.

Oi + 6 4 n 1

Ee 4 6 1 E 3

2. When a deutron of !ass 2.4141a!u is a(sor(ed (y a

Oi % nucleus of !ass %.415a!u' the nucleus splits into two 9particles each of !ass 4.442%a!u. ,alculate energy carried (y each 9particles. La 23 undergoes 9decay to gi-e 11 La 23. Write down the nuclear reaction. ,alculate ]$ of electron. Gi-en !ass of 14 La 23 B 22.0044%%a!u' !ass of 11 La 23 B 22.0.0++4a!u.

3. A nucleus

4. A neutron is a(sor(ed (y 3 Oi % nucleus with the su(se5uent e!ission of a

9particle. ;i< Write the corresponding nuclear reaction. ;ii< ,alculate the energy released. G 3Oi% B %.41512%a!u' !;n< B 1.44.%%54a!u' !ass of triton B 3.4144444a!u. 1434 W. Eow long does it taKe to con-ert all Eeliu! to car(on at this rate. 12 3 2 Ee 4 6 +.2+ Ge) % ,

5. 1he !ass of the star is 5 1432 Kg. &t generates energy at the rate of 5

%. 8ro-e !athe!atically that the fraction L " L4 of a radioacti-e ele!ent left

o-er after a ti!e Mt/ e5uals 1 " x where x B 2 t"1. 1 is half9life period. +. 1he radioacti-e nuclei @ and I contain e5ual nu!(er of ato!s. 1heir half9life periods are 1 E and 2 E respecti-ely. ,alculate the ratio of their acti-ity after 2 Ers.
.. Eow !any disintegrations per sec will occur in one g! of

N 23.' if its

half9life period is 1.42 14 1+ sec.

0. A radioacti-e sa!ple contains 2.2!g of pure

period 1224seconds. ,alculate ;i< ;ii< Acti-ity when 5 g! of sa!ple is left.

14. 1he half9life period of

, 11' ha-ing half9life Lu!(er of acti-e ato!s


N 23. against 9decay is 4.5 140 years. What is the acti-ity of 1g sa!ple? ,o %4 necessary to pro-ide a radioacti-e source of . !,. 1he half9life period of ,o%4 is 5.3 years.

11. 7(tain the a!ount of

12. A 12.5 Ge) 9particle approaching a gold nucleus is deflected (acK (y

1.44. Eow close does it approach the nucleus

15. ,alculate half9life period and decay constant

1.4 .+5 4.5 4.25


144 214 2.4 ti!e ;days<

1%. 1he half9life period of radioacti-e sa!ple is 5544 years. &ts initial acti-ity is found to (e 15 decays per !in per gra!. &n how !uch ti!e would its acti-ity reduces to 14 decays per !in per g!? ;Gi-en log e3 B 1.40.% and loge2 4.%03<
1+. 1he decay constant for a gi-en radioacti-e sa!ple is 4.34%5 days91. What

T of this sa!ple gets decayed in a period of 4 days?

1.. 1he nucleus

N23.is unsta(le against 9decay with a half9life of a(out 4.5x 140 years. Write down the e5uation of this decay and esti!ate the ]$ of e!itted 9particle fro! the following data ! ;02N23. B 23..454.1

a!u' ! ;2 Ee4 B 4.442%4 a!u' ! ;041h234 B 234.443%3 a!u ;4.10 Ge)<

10. Eow !any and particles are e!itted when 02N23. changes into .28(24%.

24. 1he energy le-el of an ato! of ele!ent @ is gi-en (elow. Which one of the le-el transitions results in the e!ission of photon of wa-elength %24 n!. ?ustify your answer with proper calculation 4 91 e) A J , 93 e) D $ 914 e) 24. ,alculate the longest and shortest wa-elength of Oy!an series. Gi-en * B 140%++44 !91. ;011.% A4' 1215 A4<
21. 1he wa-elength of second line of the Jal!er series in hydrogen spectru!

is 4.%1 A4. ,alculate the wa-elength of first line. ;%5%2 A4<

22. Which state of the triply ioniDed (erylliu! ato! ;Je

< has the sa!e or(ital radius as that of the ground state of hydrogen ato!? rn n2 "X Ans n B 2. < has sa!e energy as the ground state energy of hydrogen ato!? ,o!pare the or(ital radius of two le-els. $n X2 " n2<


23. Which le-el of dou(le ioniDed lithiu! ;Oi

24. ,alculate the fre5uency of photon' which can excite the electron to : 3.4

e) fro! : 13.% e). ;2.4+ 1415 ED<

25.Hhow that the shortest wa-elength lines in Oy!an' Jal!er and 8aschen series ha-e their wa-elength ratio 1P 4P 0. 2%.1he potential energy of the electron in ground state is :2+ e)' what is its potential and Kinetic energies? 2+.Hhow that the wa-elength of electro!agnetic radiation is e5ual to the de Jroglie wa-elength of its photon.

2.. A radioacti-e sa!ple has L4 nuclei at t B 4. &ts no. of undecayed nuclei

get reduced to L4 "e at t B . What does the ter! stand for? Write in ter! of the ti!e inter-al M1/ in which half of original nu!(er of nuclei' of this radionucleide would ha-e got decayed? e5% splits into two nuclei of 13Al2.. Would the energy (e released or needed for this process to occur? Also calculate this energy. Gi-en ! ;2% e5%< B 55.03404 a!u' !;13Al2. < B 2+.0.101 a!u.

20. &f the nucleus

34.,alculate the ratio of energies of photon due to transition of electron of hydrogen ato! fro! ;i< second per!itted energy le-el to first le-el ;ii< highest per!itted energy le-el to second per!itted le-el. 31. 8ro-e that the instantaneous rate of change of acti-ity of a radioacti-e su(stance is in-ersely proportional to the s5uare of its half9life period.
32. 1he nucleus of an ato!

I235 initially at rest decays (y e!itting an 9 235 231 particle as per e5uation 6 2Ee4 6 energy. &t is 02I 04@ gi-en that J$ per nucleon of parent and the daughter nuclei are +.. Ge) and +..35 Ge) and that of 9particle is +.4+ Ge) " nucleon. Assu!ing the daughter nucleus to (e for!ed in unexcited state and neglecting its share of in energy of the reaction' calculate the speed of e!itted 9 particle. 1aKe !ass of 9particle B %.%. 1492+ Kg.

33. our nuclei of an ato! fuse together to for! a hea-ier nucleus. &f the process is acco!panied (y release of energy' which of the two parent or daughter nucleus ha-e higher J$"nucleon? 34.1he spectru! of a star in the -isi(le and the ultra-iolet region was o(ser-ed and wa-e9length of so!e of the lines were identified were found to (e .24 A4' 0+4 A4' 1124 A4' 2544 A4' 51+3 A4' %144 A4 Which of these lines cannot (elong to hydrogen ato! spectru!. ;Gi-en * B 1.43 14+ !91< and 1 " * B 0+4 A4. Hupport your answer with proper calculation.
35. Why a nucleus can eAect electron ;J particle< though it contain no

electron? 3%.Why nucleuses ha-e !ass less than the su! of !asses of indi-idual nucleons in the!?

3+.Eow wills the distance of closest approach changesP a< when the Kinetic energy is of the proAectile is dou(led? J< when the -elocity of proAectile is hal-ed.
3.. 1he second !e!(er of Oy!an series in hydrogen spectru! has

wa-elength 5444 Ao. ind the wa-elength of first nu!(er. 30.What is the effect of te!perature and pressure on the radioacti-ity?
44. What is the -alue of i!pact para!eter of alpha particle scattered through

an angle of 1.4o. 41.Draw the graph showing the distri(ution of electron/s e!itted during (eta decay.
UNIT-' ELECTRONIC DEVICES 1.What is the order of energy gap in a conductor' se!i conductor' and insulator?. 2.Why does the conducti-ity of a se!i conductor change with the rise in te!perature ? 3. &s the nu!(er of electrons greater than' less than ;or< e5ual to the nu!(er of holes in an intrinsic se!i conductor? 4.Hhow in a energy (and diagra! the donor le-el for an L9type se!i conductor. 5.. Draw in a energy (and the acceptor le-el for a 89type se!i conductor . %.what is Knee -oltage in a Aunction Diode? +. &n transistor a current controlled ;or<te!perature controlled de-ice?. .. &n a gi-en diagra! 'is the diode re-erse ;or< forward (iased?.

0.which gate is represented (y the following diagra!?.

14.1he ratio of nu!(er of free electrons to holes ne"nh for two different !aterials A and J are 1 and >1 respecti-ely. La!e the type of se!i conductor to which A and J (elongs. 11.&n half wa-e rectification ' what is the output fre5uency if the input fre5uency is 54 hD. What is the output fre5uency of a full wa-e rectification for the sa!e input fre5uency. 12. Eow can you relate drift -elocity and !o(ility of an electron? 13. Hhow (y the graph how does the current -ary with the -oltage change for a Aunction diode. 14. Why do se!iconductors o(ey 7EG/H law for only low fields? 15. Gention the factors upon which 1ranconductance of a transistor depend. 1%. or faster action which transistor is used and why? 1+. What are input and output characteristics of a transistor? Draw the graphs. AnsP

1.. A ger!aniu! diode is preferred to a silicon one for rectifying s!all -oltages. $xplain why? AnsP Jecause the energy gap for Ge ; $g B 4.+ e-< is s!aller than the energy gap for Hi ;$g B 1.1e- < . Goreo-er' the ger!aniu! diode is !uch !ore open to the danger of high te!perature affect than silicon at high -oltage. 10.$xpress (y a truth ta(le the output I for all possi(le inputs A and J in the

circuit shown (elow. 24. Write the Joolean e5uation and truth ta(le for the circuit shown (elow.What is the output when all the inputs are high?

21< ,onstruct ALD gate using LALD GA1$ and gi-e its truth ta(le. 23. or a co!!on e!itter a!plifier' current gain B 54. &f the e!itter current is %.%!A' calculate collector and (ase current. Also calculate current gain' when e!itter is worKing as co!!on (ase a!plifier. 24.1he (ase current is 144A and collector current is 3!A. a< ,alculate the -alues of ' &e' and (< A change of 24A in the (ase current produces a change of 4.5!Ain the collector current. ,alculate a.c. 25. &n L8L transistor circuit' the collector current is 5!A. &f 05T of the electrons e!itted reach the collector region' what is the (ase current? AnsP Eere &cB05T of &e B ;05 " 144 < &e &e B ;144 " 05< 5 !A B 5.2%!A &eB &c6 &( &( B 4.25 !A 2%. &n a transistor circuit shown the figure' the e!itter current is 5!A and collector current 4.+5 !A. ,alculate the (ase current and the -alue of *(. 2+.A circuit sy!(ol of a logic gate and two input wa-e for!s A and J are shown. A


a< La!e the logic gate (< Gi-e the output wa-e for! 2.. 1he diode shown in the figure has a constant -oltage drop of 4.5) at all currents and a !axi!u! power rating of 144!W. What should (e the -alue of resistance * connected in series' for !axi!u! current.? *

20. or a transistor worKing as a co!!on (ase a!plifier' current gain is 4.0%. &f the e!itter current is +.2!A' then calculate the (ase current. 34. or a co!!on e!itter a!plifier' the current gain is +4. &f the e!itter current is ...!A' calculate the collector and (ase current. 31.1he (ase current of a transistor is 145 A and collector current is 2.45 !A. a< Deterine the -alue of ' &e ' and (< A change of 2+ A in the (ase current produces a change of 4.%5 !A in the collector current . ind a.c. 32. &n a silicon transistor' a change of +..0!A in the e!itter current produces a change of +.. !A in the collector cur9 rent. What change in the (ase current is necessary to produce an e5ui-alent change in the collector current?

ADD&1&7LAO 3N$H1&7LH ;1< 7ut of electrons and holes' which has higher !o(ility?

;2< Which special type of diode can act as a -oltage regulator? Gi-e the sy!(ol of this diode and draw the general shape of its )9& characteristics. ;3< What do you !ean (y rectification? ;4< &f a se!iconductor has an intrinsic carrier concentration of when doped with phosphorous ato!s' calculate the concentration of at roo! te!perature . ;5< &n a co!!on e!itter circuit' if ),$ is changed (y 4.5 )' collector current ,hanges (y 4.442 !A. What is the output resistance? ;%< La!e the electrical circuits used to get s!ooth D.,. output fro! a rectified circuit. ;+< Eow does the energy gap of an intrinsic se!iconductor -ary when doped with a tri-alent i!purity? ;.< Draw energy (and diagra! of n9type se!iconductor. ;0< A se!iconductor has e5ual electron and hole concentration %14. "!3 .7n doping with a certain i!purity' electron concentration increases to .1412 "!3 .&dentify the type of se!iconductor after doping. ;14< Eow does the dc current gain of a transistor change' if the width of the (ase region is increased? ;11< Why are photodiodes used prefera(ly in re-erse (ias condition? 2 !arKs 5uestions ;1< &n the worKing of a transistor' e!itter (ase Aunction is forward (iased' while the collector (ase Aunction is re-erse (iased' whyP 1o !aKe transistor to act as an a!plifier. ;2< &n a transistor (ase is lightly doped and is a thin layer' why? 1o reduce the neutraliDation in the (ase e!itter Aunction. ;3<What is the condition for the state of saturation of a transistor? ;4<Write the truth ta(le for the following logic circuit shown in the figure (elow.

3 !arKs 5uestions ;1< Discuss how the 7* gate is realiDed fro! the L7* gate. ;2< Why is the (ase region of a transistor usually !ade thin?&n a co!!on e!itter !ode of transisitor' d.c. current gain is 24' the e!itter current is + !A. ,alculate ;i< (ase current' and ;ii< collector current. ;3< 1he input resistance of a silicon transistor is %%5 R. &ts (ase current is changed (y 15 FA' which results in change of collector current (y 2!A. 1his transistor is used as a co!!on e!itter a!plifier with a load resistance of 5 K . ,alculate ;i< current gain ' ;ii< transconductance g!' and ;iii< -oltage gain A- of the a!plifier. ;4< Draw the energy (and diagra! of a p9type se!iconductor. Distinguish (etween p9type and n9type se!iconductor.

;5<$xplain (riefly with the help of a circuit' how )9& characteristics of a p9n Aunction diode are o(tained in ;a< orward (ias ;(< *e-erse (ias. Draw the shape of cur-es o(tained. ;%<&n a co!!on e!itter transistor a!plifier' the input resistance of a transistor is 144 oh!. 7n changing its (ase current (y 14\A' the collector current increases (y 2!A.&f a load resistance of 5Kilo oh! is used in the circuit' calculate ;a< current gain ;(< -oltage gain of the a!plifier ;+< 1wo signals A' J as gi-en (elow' are applied as input to ;i< ALD ;ii< L7* and ;iii< LALDgates. Draw the output wa-e9for! in each case.

&nput A 4 t1 &nput J 4 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t% t+ t. t t2 t3 t4 t5 t% t+ t. t

5 !arKs 5uestions ;1< Draw a circuit diagra! to o(tain the characteristics of a n9p9n transistor in co!!on e!itter configuration. Descri(e how you will o(tain input and output characteristics. Gi-e shape of the cur-es. ;2< $xplain the function of (ase region of a transistor. Draw a circuit diagra! to study the input and output characteristics of L8L transistor in a co!!on e!itter ;,$< configuration. Hhow these characteristics graphically. $xplain how the current a!plification factor is calculated fro! these characteristics.

;3< $xplain the worKing of transistor as an oscillator with the help of a neat diagra!. ;4< A student has to study the input and output characteristics of a n9p9n silicon transistor in the ,o!!on $!itter configuration. What Kind of a circuit arrange!ent should she use for this purpose? Draw the typical shape of input characteristics liKely to (e o(tained (y her. What do we understand (y the cut off' acti-e and saturation states of the transistor? &n which of these states does the transistor not re!ain when (eing used as a switch? ;5< &nput signals A and J are applied to the input ter!inals of the Mdotted (ox/ set9up shown here. Oet I (e the final output signal fro! the (ox. Draw the wa-e for!s of the signals la(eled as ,1 and ,2 within the (ox' gi-ing ;in (rief< the reasons for getting these wa-e for!s. Eence draw the wa-e for! of the final output signal I. Gi-e reasons for your choice. What can we state ;in words< as the relation (etween the final output signal I and the input signals A and J?

UNIT-10 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. 1< Why are !icro wa-e used in radars? 2< Why sKy wa-es are not used in the trans!ission of tele-ision signals? 3< What should (e the desira(le characteristic of a diode detector? 4< Gi-e a -elocity factor of a line. 5< Why is delta !odulation a con-enient !ethod of digital !odulation. %< Where the two wire trans!ission line' ,oaxial ca(le' 7ptical fi(er are e!ployed. +<.what is heterodyning?. .<.What is population in-ersion? Eow is it achie-ed?. 0<.$nu!erate the -arious types of Oasers?. 14<Oists so!e of the applications of Oasers?. 11<La!e the pri!e ele!ents of a teleco!!unications networK. 12< Audio signal cannot (e trans!itted directly in to the space why? 13< What is pulse !odulation? 14< What is precisely !eant (y the ter! channel in a co!!unication syste! d? 15< Why does the electrical conducti-ity of earths at!osphere increase with altitude ? 1%< $xplain nu!erical aperture in fi(re optical 1+< Differentiate (etween ;i< 8AG and ;&&< 88G . 1.<Why the trans!ission of signal is not possi(le for fre5uency greater than 24GhD . 10<Eow does the effecti-e power radiated (y the antenna -ary with wa-elength? 24<what should (e the length of the dipole antenna for a carrier wa-e of 5 @ 14 .hD ? 21<Jy how !uch should the height of the antenna (e increased to dou(le the co-erage range *B %444 ]!. 22< A 1). tower has a height of l77! . Eow !uch population is co-ered (y the 1). (roadcaste if the a-erage population density around the tower is 1444"K!2

23<Ground recei-er station is recei-ing a signal at ;i< 5GE and ;ii 144GED trans!itted fro! a round trans!itter at a height of 344 !' located at a distance of 144 K! fro! the recei-er station. &dentify whether the signal is co!ing -ia space wa-e or sKy wa-e propagation or satellite transponder. *adius of earth B %.4 x 14% !. L!ax of the &sosphere B 1412 !3 24<A sche!atic arrange!ent for trans!itting a !essage signal ;24 ED to 24KED< is gi-en (elowP

Gi-e two draw(acKs fro! which this arrange!ent suffers. Descri(e (riefly with the help of a (locK diagra! the alternati-e arrange!ent for the trans!ission and reception of the !essage signal. 25< 1he !axi!u! peaK9to9peaK -oltage of an AG wa-e is 1%!) and the !ini!u! peaK9to peaK -oltage is 4!).,alculate the !odulation factor. 2%< An AG wa-e is represented (y the expressionP - B 5;164.%cos%2.4t< sin 221 @ 144t -olts ;i< What are the !axi!u! and !ini!u! a!plitudes of the AG wa-e. ;ii< What fre5uency co!ponents are contained in the !odulated wa-e. 2+< An audio signal of 1 KED is used to !odulate a carrier of 544 KED. Deter!ine ;i< Hide(and fre5uency. ;ii< Jandwidth re5uired. 2.< 1he antenna current of an AG trans!itter is .A when only carrier is sent (ut it increases to ..03A when the carrier is sinusoid ally !odulated. ind the percent9age !odulation index. 20< A 144 GED carrier is !odulated (y a 12 KED sine wa-e so as to cause a fre5uency swing of 654KED. ind the !odulation index. 34< 1he 1) trans!ission tower at a particular place has a height of 1%4!. What is its co-erage range? Jy how !uch should the height (e increased to dou(le its co-erage range? Gi-en that radius of earth B %444 K!. 31< A 1) tower has a height of 114!. Eow !uch population is co-ered (y the 1) (roadcast if the a-erage population density around the tower is 1444 K!92? Gi-en that radius of $arth B %.4 @ 14%!. 32<A !icrowa-e telephone linK operating at the cenral fre5uency of 14 GED has (een esta(lished .&f 2 T of this is a-aila(le for !icrowa-e co!!unication channel' then how !any telephones channels can (e si!ultaneously granted if each telephone is allotted a (and width of . ]ED . 33< Iou are gi-en three se!iconductors A'J', with respecti-e (and gaps of 3e)' 2e) and 1e) for use in a photodetector to

detect B 1444n! . Helect the suita(le se!iconductor. Gi-e reasons. 34< re5uencies higher than 14GED are found not to (e reflected (y the ionospere on a particular day at a place. ,alculate th !axi!u! electron density of the ionosphere. ADD&1&7LAO 3N$H1&7LHP 35< Draw a (locK diagra! of data trans!ission and a data recei-er. $xplain the! (riefly. 3%<. $xplain how the optical co!!unication syste! offers the possi(ility of !illions of channels with increased (and width. Gi-e an additional ad-antage of optical co!!unication syste! o-er a syste! e!ploying a co axial ca(le. 3+< Gi-e the na!es of the &ndian satellites launched fro! the erstwhile NHH* for re!ote sensing. 3.< $xpand the following a((re-iationsP A88O$' &LHA1' &*H' &H*7' AHO). 30< . What is the role played (y launch -ehicles in space exploration ? Eow is it different fro! a space shuttle ? Gerition any two facilities a country needs to de-elop to achie-e self9 sufficiency in space progra!!es. 44< $xplain how 1) progra!!es are trans!itted to re!ote areas through co!!unication satellites. 41< $xplain ;a< Gode! 1rans!ission ;(< Gode! *eception. 42< Eow does Eeterodyning distinguish fro! ,W signals?. 43< &n a diode AG detector the output circuit consists of * B14.R and , B 14 p . A carrier signal of fre5uency 145hD is to (e detected .&s it good?. 44< 7n a particular day !axi!u! fre5uency reflected fro! the ionosphere is 0GhD.7n another day it was found to increase (y one GhD.What is the ratio of the !axi!u! electron density of the ionosphere on the two days.EintsP L!ax " n!ax B ;c/"c<2B 1.23



HINTS FOR ELECTROSTAICS 1. &n the dielectric !ediu! (etween the plates. 2. Eigh potential' as electrons are negati-ely charged. 3. Xero 4. Xero 5. GO91192 %. Xero +. Lo. .. Jecause they are indicators of electric field' extending to infinite distance. 0. , is proportional to A ;area< 1herefore ,2 B 2,1 Hince , B 3") 'Ho the slope represents !ore capacitance. Eence 8 represents ,2'3 represents ,1

14. $ach charge experiences two forces each of !agnitude inclined at an angle of %44.1heir resultant is gi-en (y 2 6 2 62 2cos %41"2 B 3. 11. ;i<According to defn of 8.D.' )8=)3 .Ho )89)3 is 6-e for 5=4. ;ii< or 5>4' )3 =)8 .Ho )89)3 is 9-e 12. lux B 4' since 3en B 4 13. Due to polaraisation'opposing electric field is created. 14. $lectric field at the !idpoint of a dipole of length 2a is 2K5"a pointing towards the :-e charge or in the direction opposite to the dipole !o!ent. 15. &nside the ca-ity field at any point is unifor! and non Dero. 1%. Lo. &f the initial -elocity of the charged particle !aKes a certain angle with a line of force' then the charged particle shall not !o-e along the line of force. 1+. $B 9d-"drB 9d;5"4C#or<"dr B 5"4C#or2 1.. Ies' at the !id point of electric dipole. 10. N B K52"a9 K52"2a9 K52"2a B 4. 24. ,/ B ,6,6, B 3, B +5F 1herefore' charge B +5F x 4244 ) B 315 !, 21. 1otal B 54"#o B 2"#o ' flux through one face B "% B 1"3 #o. 22. 5 999999999999 3 1"2!-2 B K35"r 7r' -2 U 1"r 7r' r U 1"-2 7r' r/ B r"4 23. ) B )16)2 3 B,1) B % @ 149% @ 2 B 12, As ,2 is in series sa!e a!ount of charge will also flow through it. Low )2B 3" ,2 B ;12 @ 149%<" ;12 @ 149%< B 1 )olt 1otal (attery )oltage') B 2 6 1 B 3 )olt 24.,apacitance of parallel plate capacitor with air (etween the plates is ,4 B 4A"d When the separation (etween the plates reduced to half' ,1B4A";d"2< B 24A"d 1hus final capacitance is ,2B14 @ . p B.4 p 25.1he arrange!ent is of 5 capacitors in series.1herefore 1",/B ;1",< 6;1",< 6;1",< 6;1",< 6;1",< B;5",< 1herefore ,/B,"5 7r 5B,"5 or ,B25 . 2%. 1he charge gi-en to a capacitor is gi-en (y 5B,) Ho the re!aining energy'5)9 1"2 5) B1"2 5) is lost as heat 2+. 7n e5uatorial line 'the direction of electric field is re-ersed to that of axial line. Eence the angle (etween electric dipole !o!ent2 electric field strength is 1.44 2.. $5. networK is the $5.capacitance B ;2, series ,< ;2, series ,< B4,"3 3 20. 4"3 C* B . x 4"3 Cr3 34. d) B 9$ . dx B 92 x 143 x 4 ) B 9. x 143 ) $ B $1 : $2 B 31 9 32"2A #o Low' )1 : )2 B $ . d B 31 9 32"2, 32. N B K ;52"a 6 53"a 6 53"W2a<

Jut' N B 4 1herefore' 3 B 925";2 6 W2< 33. B 5"4#4161"461"1%61"%4 B 5"3#4. 34. Oet 5 2 5/ (e the charges on inner and outer sphere. Eence 5"4r2B 5/"4*2 5B3r2";*26r2< 2 5/B395B39 ;3r2"*26r2< Low potential at 7 is gi-en (y 35 ;i< Dipole has two e5ual and opposite charges. &n the unifor! electric field they will experience e5ual and opposite force. Let force is Dero. Ho there can/t (e any translatory !otion. ;ii< 1or5ue' B r B2l sin 5$ B p @ $ 1or5ue experienced (y the dipole will rotate it.Ho the direction of the tor5ue will (e outward fro! the surface. 3%. We ha-e )Bar26( 1he electric field'$r B 9 d)"drB92ar9999999;1< ro! Gauss theore!' $.dHB5"4' where H is the spherical surface containing the charge 5 7r $.4r2B;1"4 <;4"3< r39999999;2< ro! 1 and 2 B9%4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1hey ha-e high resisti-ely and low te!perature coefficient of resistance. 22142 R 14T *esisti-ely re!ains the sa!e. As )d U ). 1he different -elocity will (e dou(led. *BQ;l"A< B Q;l2"Al< B Ql2")< since' Q and ) are constants therefore' * U l2 ;*2"*1< B ;l2"l1<2B0 (ecause *2B0*1 B014B04 R Low' 1"*B1"*161"*2 (ecause l B 4."244 B 4.2 ! a< in parallel' power dissipation U 1"* 1herefore 3R wire will dissipate !ore power (< &n series ' power dissipation U * 1herefore 0R wire will dissipate !ore power *144"*2+.5 B ;16144U<";162+.5U< 7n sol-ing' we get U B 4.4430"c Huperconductors are the !aterials that lose all its resistance at -ery low te!perature ApplicationP Huper conductor are used

%. +.

.. 0. B4 ]

14. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1%. 1+. 1.. 10. 24. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

a< &n !aKing -ery strong electro!agnets (< &n producing -ery high speed co!puters . *esisti-ity of copper is less ' hence !anganin wire is thicKer. Eigh -alue of resisti-ity and low -alue of te!perature coefficient. *esisti-ity will (e unchanged (ecause it depends upon nature of the !aterials. J is !ore sensiti-e. *educed (y half. *elaxation ti!e decreases with increase of te!perature. &ncrease in heat. *eistance re!ains sa!e. 8U 1"*. ;i.e< 25Watts 1% ti!es of the original reisitance. ;i<Heries 9 &ron ;ii<8arallel 9 ,opper. * B O"A. ;i.e< 14.25T 8arallel;i.e< *. 1P4. 2P1 *.

Nnit95 E&L1H 7* $G WA)$.

1. Due to change in electric field. 3. Ha!e as -elocity of light. 4. 04 degree %. rays' radio wa-es' @9rays' N) rays +. i<@9rays ii<!icrowa-e. .. dou(led 0. ,harge. 14..&ncreases. 11. Gauss/s law mxzpmvz~pvmmml mn 14. Gicro wa-es 15.Jy -arying potential difference. 1%. $x and Jy.

UNIT-/ ALHW$* ]$I 7* 781&,H

1.AnsPWa-elength 2. AnsP8hoto electric effect. 3. AnsP4LO. 4. AnsP &t will turn gradually (lue. 5. AnsPXero. mpklmn +. AnsP\oB \e mpklmn 0. AnsP)iolet. 14. AnsP HhrinKs. 11. Ans.;i< 1he upper part of the !irror is con-ex. ;ii< 1he !iddle part of the !irror is conca-e. ;iii< 1he lower part of the !irror is plane. 12. Ans. 1he ray of light (ends away fro! the nor!al. 13. Ans. As B sini"sinr B c"- or - B sinr"sini c or a gi-en angle of incidence' - sinr' -A sin15 ' -J sin25 ' -, sin35 Jut sin15 > sin25> sin35. -A > -J > -, . i.e. the -elocity of light is !ini!u! in !ediu! A. 14 Ans. or i B 04' lateral shift is !axi!u! and is e5ual to the thicKness of the sla(. d B t sin; i : r <" cos r d!ax B t sin;049 r<"cos r B t cos r"cos r B t. 15. Ans.1he apparent shift caused (y a sla( of thicKness Mt/ is gi-en (y d B t; 1 91" <

As the refracti-e index of the galass is !axi!u! for red light' so red coloured letters are !ore raised up. 1%. Ans. Lo Apparent depth is !axi!u! for that part of the (otto! of the tanK which is o(ser-ed nor!ally. Apparent depth decreases with increasing o(li5uity. Due to this une5ual refraction' the flat (otto! of the tanK appears conca-e. 1+. Ans. or glass9air interface' sin ic B 1"ag 1he critical angle i/c for glass water interface is gi-en (y Hin i/c B 1" wg Low wg > ag' Hin i/c = Hin ic or i/c = ic 1.. Ans. Oight entering water is totally reflected fro! the air (u((le. or the o(ser-er' this light appears to co!e fro! the (u(le. Ho it shines. 10. Ans. As the critical angle for dia!ond9oil interface is greater than that for the dia!ond : air interface' so the shining of dia!ond reduces when it is dipped in a transparent oil. 24. Ans. &t (eha-es liKe a (icon-ex lens. 21. Ans. Air (u((le has spherical surface and is surrounded (y !ediu! ; water< of higher refracti-e index. When light passes fro! water to air it gets di-erged. Ho air (u((le (eha-es as a conca-e lens. 22. Ans.When the refracti-e index of the li5uid is sa!e as the lens !aterial' no light will (e reflected (y the lens and hence it will not (e -isi(le. 23. Ans. Lo' the i!age will (e for!ed at the sa!e position. ro! lens !aKer/s for!ula' 1"f B ; 91< 1"*1 :1"*2 ' it is clear that when we interchange*1 and *2' the !agnitude of Mf/ re!ains the sa!e. 24. Ans. focal lengthMf/ of a con-ex lens is related to its refracti-e index as

f 1"; 91< As wg > ag ' so focal length of a con-ex lens will increase when it is i!!ersed in water. 25. Ans. ocal length' f 1"; 91< As * > ) ' so the focal length of a con-ex lens will increase when red light is used. 2%. AnsP or the original lensP *1 B 6* and *2 B 9*' so we can write 1"f B ; 91< 1"* 61"* B 2; 91<"*. When one surface is !ade plane (y grounding' we ha-e *1 B 6* and *2 B 9 . 1herefore' 1"f / B ; 91< 1"* 61" B; 91<"* f M " f B 2 or f M B 2f 1hus the focal length (eco!es dou(le and power (eco!es one :half. 2+. Ans. When the pris! is held in water'

g B Hin ;A 6 !"2< "HinA"2

As wg > ag ' so the angle of !ini!u! de-iation decreases in water. 2.. Ans. 1otal internal reflection.

20. Ans. 1he sunlight will not (e scattered in the a(sence of at!osphere. Ho the sKy will appear darK. 34. Ans. ,louds ha-e large particles liKe dust and water droplets which scatter light of all colours al!ost e5ually' hence clouds generally appear white. 31Ans. When the sun or the !oon is seen through a thin -eil of high clouds' holes are seen. 1hese are for!ed due to reflection of light (y the icy crystals present in the at!osphere. 32. Ans. Nltra9-iolet light has wa-elength shorter than that of -iolet light. Jees ha-e so!e retinal cones that are sensiti-e to ultra -iolet light' so they can see o(Aects in ultra9-iolet light. Eu!an eyes do not posses retinal cones sensiti-e to ultra9-iolet light' so hu!an (eings cannot see o(Aects in ultra9-iolet light. &n other words' hu!an (eings are ultra9-iolet (lind.

33. Ans. &n a chicKen/s eye' the retina has a large nu!(er of cones (ut only few rods. 1he rods are sensiti-e to (right light only. 1hat is why a chicKen is not a(le to see in di! light. As it needs (right light to see' so it waKes up early in the !orning with the sunrise and goes to sleep (y sunset. 34. Ans. Gagnifying power of a si!ple !icroscope ' ! B 1 6 D"f as f) > f* so the !agnifying power is greater when the o(Aect is seen in -iolet light. 35. Ans. 1his is done so that the o(Aecti-e lens for!s i!age within the focal length of the eyepiece. 3%. Ans. ;i< We should taKe f4 B1 c! and fe B 3c! for a !icroscope. ;ii< We should taKe f4 B 144 c! and fe B 1 c! for a telescope. 3+. Ans. Ies' (ecause the light gathering power of o(Aecti-e will increase and e-en faint o(Aects will (eco!e -isi(le. 3.. Ans. or relaxed eye' O B f4 6 fe ;nor!al adAust!ent< or least distance of distinct -ision' O/ B f4 6 ue ' ue > fe 1herefore' O/ > O. so that distance (etween the two lenses should (e decreased. SHORT ANSWER T)PE QUESTIONS 30. Ans. Eere u B 9 ;f6a<' - B 9;f6(<' f B 9f As 1"f B 1"u 61"B u-" u 6 7r 9f B 9;f6a< x 9;f6(< " 9;f6a< : f;a6(< B f2 6 af 6(f 6a( " 9;2f6a6(< or 2 f2 6 af 6(f B f2 6 af 6(f 6a( or f2 B a( 44.Ans. ;i< Angle of refraction ;"2< in !ediu! 2 is less than the angle of incidence ;< in !edou! 1 i.e. the ray (ends towards the nor!al in !ediu! 2. so !ediu! 2 is optically denser than !ediu! 1.

;ii< ro! Hnell/s law' B sin i"sin r B sin " sin "2 B 2sin "2 cos "2 "sin "2 B 2 cos "2 Also B c1 " c2 hence 2 cos "2 B c1 " c2 or B 2cos91;c1 " 2c2< .

41. Ans. 1he point of con-ergence shifts away fro! the glass' as shown in the ray diagra! gi-en (elow. 1he screen has to (e !o-ed towards right to recei-e the point of con-ergence again. 42. Ans. *eal depth B y c! Apparent depth B y9 x c! *efracti-e index of oil' B real depth" apparent depth B y " y9x 43. Ans. Nsing Hnell/s Oaw for refraction fro! glass to air' Hin i"sin r B ga B - " c Where c is the speed of light in air and - is the speed of light in glass' &n the consition of critical incidence' we ha-e i B ic and r B 044 Hin ic" sin 044 B - " c or Hin ic B - " c 7r ic B sin 91 ; - " c< 44. Ans. T0%n12%n3 &4 s "!s. 1he light fro! stars undergoes refraction continuously (efore it reaches earth. Ho the apparent position of the stars is slightly different than its actual position. Due to -ariation in at!osphere conditions' liKe change in te!perature' density etc.' and this apparent position Keeps on changing. 1he a!ount of light entering our eyes fro! a particular star increases and decreases rando!ly with ti!e. Ho!eti!es' the star appears (righter and other ti!es' it appears fainter. 1his gi-es rise to the twinKling effect of stars. T5$ 62"n$ s 7& n& s5&0 0%n12%n3 $44$8 . As the planets are !uch closer to the earth' the greater and the fluctuations caused in the a!ount of light due to at!ospheric refraction are negligi(le as co!pared to the a!ount of light recei-ed fro! the!. 45. Ans. Oight fro! the stars near the horiDon reaches the earth o(li5uely through the at!osphere. &ts path changes due to refraction. re5uent at!ospheric distur(ances change the path of light and cause twinKling of stars. Oight fro! the stars o-erhead reaches the earth nor!ally. &t does not suffer refraction. 1here is no change in its path. Eence there is no 1winKling effect.

4%. Ans. Gagnification produced (y any lens' ! B -"u B f " f 6 u gi-en ! B L or f 6 u B f " L L B f " f 6 u or u B 9 f f " L

hence !agnitude of o(Aect distances' u B f f " L gi-en 8 B 1"f B 6 2.5 D f B 1" 2.5 B 4.4 ! B 44 c! Also L B 4 u B 44 44"4 B 44 14 B 54 c! or 34 c!. 4+. Ans. ;a< for a con-ex lens' f==4 and for an o(Aect on left' u>4. when the o(Aect is placed within the focus of a con-ex lens' 4 > u > f or 4> 1 " u = 1"f 1"- B 1"f61"uB1"f91"u>4 i.e. - > 4 so a -irtual i!age is for!ed on left. Low as u>4 and ->4' so 1"- B 1"f 6 1"u B 9 1" - B 1"f : 1"u or 1"u 9 1"- B 1"f As f=4 1"u 9 1"- = 4 or 1"u = 1"- or u>- i.e. -=u ! B -"u = 1 Eence i!age is enlarged. ;(< or a conca-e lens f>4 and for an o(Aect on left' u>4 1"- B 1"f 61"u B 1"f 9 1"u B 9 1"f61"u > 4 for all u. i.e. ->4 for all -alues of u. hence a -irtual i!age is for!ed on the left. Also 1"- B 1"f 6 1"u 1"- = 1"u 7r ->u ! B -"u > 1 i.e. the i!age is di!inished in siDe. 4.. Ans. A hollow pris! contains air which does not cause dispersion. 1he faes AJ and A, of the hollow pris! (eha-e liKe parallel sides of glass plates. 1he (ea! is laterally de-iated at each of the two refracting faces. Eowe-er' the rays of different colours e!erge parallel to each other. Ho there is no dispersion. 40. Ans. ;i< Goon has no at!osphere. 1here is no scattering of light. Hunlight reaches !oon straight co-ering shortest distance. Eence sunrise and sunset are a(rupt.

;ii< Goon has no at!osphere. Ho there is nothing to scatter sunlight towards the !oon. Lo sKylight reaches !oon surface. HKy appears (lacK in the day ti!e as it does at night. ;iii< Lo water -apours are present at !oon surface. Lo clouds are for!ed. 1here are no rains on the !oon. Ho rain(ow is ne-er o(ser-ed. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 54. Ans. 1he total apparent shift in the position of the i!age due to all the three !edia is gi-en (y d B t1191";1<6 t2191";2<6 t3191";3< Gi-en t1 B 4.4 c!' t2B%.4 c! ' t3 B..4 c! 1 B 1.5 ' 2B1.4 ' 3 B1.3 c! dB 4.4;191"1.5<6%.4;191"1.4<6..4;191"1.3< B 1.33 6 1.+1 6 1..5 B 4..0 c! 51. Ans. ,learly ' the fish can see the outside -iew of the cone with se!i -ertical angle' Jut 7r B 1 " sin ic 7r 1"3 B 1 " sin ic sin ic B B 4.+5 "2 B ic B sin91 ;4.+5< B 4..%4 52. Ans. ;i< As the lens for!s a real ia!ge' it !ust (e a con-ex lens. ;ii< ro! the graph' when uB24 c! ' we ha-e - B 24 c!. or the con-ex lens for!ing a real ia!ge' u is negati-e and - and f are positi-e. N B 924 c! - B 624c! Nsing this lens for!ula' 1"f B 1"- : 1"u B 1"24 : 1"924 B 1"14 or f B 6 14 c! 53. Ans. AB%44 ' !B344 i B e B A B 454 ' as A 6 B i 6 e %4 6 B 45 6 45 or B 344 *efracti-e index' B sin a6! "2 "sin A"2 B sin %446344"2 " sin %44"2

B sin 454"sin344 B 1"2 " ` B 2 B 1.414 WAVE OPTICS 54. Ans. 1wo light sources will (e coherent if ;i< 1he fre5uency of the two light sources is sa!e and' ;ii< 1he phase difference (etween the! re!ains constant. 55. 1wo independent light sources cannot act as coherent sources. Why? Ans. 1wo independent sources of light cannot (e coherent. 1his is (ecause light is e!itted (y indi-idual ato!s' when they return to ground state. $-en the s!allest source of light contains (illions of ato!s which o(-iously cannot e!it light wa-es in the sa!e phase. 5%. Ans. ringe width ' B D"d i.e. 1"d ' when d 4' fringe width is -ery large. $-en a single fringe !ay occupy the entire screen. 1he interference pattern cannot (e o(ser-ed. 5+. Ans. 1he gi-en path difference satisfies the condition for the !ini!u! of intensity for yellow light' Eence if yellow light is used' a darK fringe will (e for!ed at the gi-en point. &f white light is used' all co!ponents of white light except the yellow one would (e present at this point. 5.. Ans. 1he positions of (right and darK fringes will change rapidly. Huch rapid changes cannot (e detected (y our eyes. A unifor! illu!ination is seen on the screen i.e. interference pattern disappears. 50. Ans. or diffraction to taKe place the wa-e length should (e of the order of the siDe of the o(stacle. 1he radio wa-es ;particularly short radio wa-es< ha-e wa-e length of the order of the siDe of the (uilding and other o(stacles co!ing in their way and hence they easily get diffracted. Hince wa-elength of the light wa-es is -ery s!all. 1hey are not diffracted (y the (uildings. %4. Ans. Guslin cloth is !de of -ery fine threads and as such fine slits are for!ed. White light passing through these silts gets diffracted gi-ing rise to colored spectru!. 1he central !axi!u! is white while the secondary !axi!a are coloured. 1his is (ecause the positions of secondary !axi!a ;except central !axi!u!< depend on the wa-elength of light. &n a coarse cloth' the slits for!ed (etween the threads are wider and the diffraction is not so pronounced. Eence no such spectru! is seen. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS

%1. Ans. A wa-efront is a surface o(tained (y Aoining all points -i(rating in the sa!e phase. A ray is a line drawn perpendicular to the wa-efront in the direction of propagation of light wa-e. 1he wa-efronts of light e!erging fro! a point source are spherical' as shown in figure. When a point source is placed at the focus of a con-ex lens' the e!erging light has the plane wa-efronts' as shown in figure. %2. Ans. As shown in figure the (right fringes J1 and (2 on either side of 7 coincide with H1 and H2 respecti-ely. ,learly ' B d"2 As B D"d d"2 B D"d or B d2"2D %3Ans. or intensity distri(ution of light in diffraction at a signal slit' see figure Width of central !axi!u! is gi-en (y 4 B 2D"d ;i< When wa-elength of light used is increased' the width of central !axi!u! increases. ;ii< When width of the slit is increased' the width of central !axi!u! decreases. Wa-elength of light in water decreases' so width of central !axi!u! also decreases. %4. Ans. When the !onochro!atic source is replaced (y a source of white light' the diffraction pattern shows following changesP ;i< &n each diffraction order' the diffracted i!age of the slit gets dispersed into co!ponent colours of white light. As fringe width wa-elength' so the red fringe with higher wa-elength is wider than -iolet fringe with s!aller wa-elength' ;ii< &n higher order spectra' the dispersion is !ore and it causes o-erlapping of different colours. %5. Ans. *.8.of a co!pound !icroscope B 2 sin" B 2 sin x - "c ;i<When the fre5uency - of the incident light increases' the resol-ing power increases ;*.8. -<. ;ii< *esol-ing power does not change with change in focal length of o(Aecti-e lens. ;iii< When the aperture of the o(Aecti-e lens increases' the se!i9-ertical angle increases and hence the resol-ing power of the !icroscope increases. %%. Ans. According to the Jrewster law' when a ray of light is incident on a transparent refracting !ediu! at olarising angle'

B tan ip (ut ip 6 rp B 044 or ip B 044 9 rp B tan;044 9 rp < B ,ot rp B 1" tan rp As ic is the critical angle for the transparent !ediu!' so B 1"sin ic on co!paring ;i< and ;ii< we get tan rp B sin ic or rp Btan91;sin ic< NUMERICAL QUESTIONS %+. Ans. 1he resultant intensity at a point where phase difference is is & * B &1 6&262&1&2 ,os As &1 B& and &2 B 4& therefore & * B & 64&621.4& ,os B 5& 64& cos ;i< when B4 ' & * B 5& 64& cos 4 B 0 & ;ii< when B"2 ' & * B 5& 64& cos "2 B 5 & ;iii< when B ' & * B 5& 64& cos B & %.. Ans. 1he fringe width in the two cases will (e And MB D/"d 9 / B ;D9D/<"d or wa-elength B ; 9 / <d " ;D9D/< Jut D9D/ B 5 x 1492 ! And 9 / B 3 x 1495 ! ' dB 1493! B 3 x 1495 x 1493 " 5 x 1492 B % x 149+ ! B %444A %0. Ans. Oet & (e the intensity of (ea! & incident on first glass plate. $ach plate reflects 25T of light incident on it and trans!its +5T. 1herefore' &1 B& and &2 B 25"144& B &"4 &3 B+5"144 & B 3"4& B D"d

&4 B 25"144 &3 B S x & B 3"1% & &5B +"144 &4B x 3"1% & B 0"%4 & A!plitude ratio of (ea!s 2 and 5 is * B &2"&5 B &"4 x %4"01 B 4"3 &!in" &!ax B r91"r612 B 4"391 " 4"3612 B 1"40 B 1P40

1. $ B h Bhc" $ 1" energy of proton reduces to half. 2. AlKali !etals ha-e too low worK functions. $-en -isi(le light can eAect electrons fro! the!. 3. N) are !ost effecti-e since they ha-e highest fre5uency hence !ore energetic. 4. Ies. @9rays cause photoelectric effect in sodiu!' Dinc 2 copper. 5. ].$ of photons re!ains unaffected since they do not depend %. stopping potential )4 B ]!ax"e B 5e-"e B5 ) +. w4 B h4 B hc"4 4 1" w4 Hince sodiu! has lower worK functions than copper it is easier for electron eAection. As it is lower worK function' higher wa-elength. .. 8hotocells are used for reproduction of sound. 0. 1"2 !-2 B ;!2 -2<"2! B p2"2! According to De Jroglie wa-e length B h"p e" p B pp"pe B ;!p "!e < !e > !p e = p electrons ha-e greater De (roglie wa-elength than proton . 14. B 04 9 "2 B 04 : 52"2 B%4 11. B hc " B 3.314910 ? 12. ]$ of photoelectrons is gi-en (y $instein/s photoelectric e5uation. $K B1"2 !-2 B h 9 w4 ) U 1" W As wa-elength decreases -elocity increases. 13. stopping potential fre5uency 14. $B h c"%.%< B x 14934 x 3 x 14.<" ;4 x 149+< B 4.0. x 14910 A $B ;4.0. x 14910<" ;1.% x 14910< B3eEence' !etal x will e!it electrons. or a photon $1Bhc"

UNIT-9 E&L1H 7* DNAO LA1N*$ 7 GA11$*


or an electron Bh"!- or !Bh"$2"$1Bc"-=1 1herefore'$2=$1.thus' electron has total energy greater than that of photon. 1%. phBeBBh"!].$. of electrons $B1"2!-2B1"2 ! h"! 2 Bh2"2! 2 $phB$e;2!c "h< 1+ . $B1"2 !-2B!2-2"2!Bp2"2! pBW2$! Bh"pBh"W2$! ro! ]inetic theory of gases a-erage ].$.B3"2 ]1 Bh";W2!;3"2 ]1<Bh";W3! ]1< 1.. 1he energy of light o(tained fro! the (ul( is !uch less than worK function of the wodden (locK.Eence no photon electrons are e!itted. 10. Go will not e!it photo electron ' (ecause its worK function is !ore than 4 e-. 24. Alpha particles due to its largest !ass. 21. * U 1"5 22. $e B G-2"r 23. B "2. 24. "2. 25. B hc"mm m n


1< 1he entire positi-e charge and the !ass were concentrated at one place inside the ato!' called the nucleus. 2< A larger nu!(er of alpha particle went through undeflected. 3< *B*4A1"3 *1"*2BA11"3"A21"3B1 1"3"2+ 1"3B1"3 *B *4A1"3 *1"*2BA11"3"A21"3B;1".<1"3 B1"2 *1P *2B1P2 5< U9particles ha-e !ore ioniDing power than 9particles. %< L"L4B;1"2<n tB21 B234 B%4 days +< 1hey are neutral in nature and get a(sor(ed (y nucleus' thus distri(uting the neutron proton ratio. .< 1he ratio of neutrons to proton ratio increases' after the e!ission of a : particle. 0< 7wing to greater !ass and charge' it is a(le to KnocK out"pull out electrons which colliding with ato!s and !olecules in its path. 14< 1 B 24 !inutes t B %4 !inutes L"Lo B ;1"2<n B ;1"2<%4"24 B ;1"2< 3 B1". After one hour' 1".th of the original !ass would re!ain. 11< 1he nucleus looses energy' (ut re!ains sa!e isotope it was. 12< Lo a nucleus either e!its a : particle or a : particle and if left in the exited state' it !ay e!it : ray also. 4<

13< 14< 15< closest

1P1 ;independent of A<. At t B 1 ` L B Lo " 2 Nsing L B Lo e9 t Lo " 2 B Lo e9 t ` Hol-ing we get' 11"2 B ln2" B 4.%03" HiDe of nucleus can approxi!ately (e esti!ated using the concept of distance of

approach. 1he re(ounding particle is selected and its infor!ation is su(stituted in the expression *o B 1"4C$o x 2Xe2 " $ for particle where $ is its energy. A. Nsing L BLo ;1"2<t"C"2 L B1"1%Lo 1"1% B `;1"2<t"C"2 11"2 B 34"4 B +.5 days. 1+< 235 B 1426I63 I B 04 And 02 B 5+6X64 X B 35 1.< a< Ies. Hince @ 2 I are ha-ing sa!e ato!ic nu!(er. (< I4 3 is liKely to (e !ore sta(le (ecause for its neutron to proton ratio is s!aller. 10< Disintegration constant B4.%03"11"2 B4.%03"34x24x%4x%4 1herefore 1 a-g B1.44x11"2 B 1.44x34 B 43.2 days. 24< *e!aining a!ount ;undecayed< B1"4L4 Nsing LB L4 ;1"2<t"11"2 1"4B ;1"2<t"%4 Hol-ing tB2x%4B124days 21< Gass defect -!B ;22.0045922.0.0.< B4.444+4 $nergy 3B ;4.444+4< ;031.5< B4.4Ge) Eence the energy of (eta particle can range fro! 4 to 4.4Ge). 22< a< Nsing *B*4e9t 2+44B4+54 e95t B4.113!in91

(< Nsing 11"2B4.%03" B4.%03"4.113 B%.132!in 23< &n the process of (eta decay' a neutron gets con-erted to proton inside the nucleus . Eence nu!(er of neutrons decreases (y one whereas nu!(er of proton increases (y one. Eence n"p ratio decreases. 214 Ji.399999999999999999999 2148o.4 6 491 6 Jefore decay B12+".3 After decayB12%".4 24< Oet and / (e the decay constant of ele!ent A and J respecti-ely. Gi-en is 11"2;A< B 11"2;J< 4.%03"B1" / or " / B4.%03 Oet L (e the nu!(er of ato!s of each of the two sa!ples and * and */ their disintegration rate' then *"*/B L" /LB " /B4.%03 */ = * 25< ind -! using -!B ;+x1.44+.36+x1.44.%+914.4434+4< N ,alculate -$(B-!x031.5 Ge)

a< 22%*a..99999999999999222*n.% 64Ee2 (< 3281599999999999999999932H1% 64e91 6 c< 3281599999999999999999911J5 64e61 6 2+< i< %Oi3 61n4 99999999993E1 6 4Ee2 63 ;energy< ii< 3B-!x031 Ge) Where -!B%.4151261.44.%%5494.442%44493.4144444 2%<

NL&190 E&L1H 7* $O$,1*7L&, D$)&,$H

1. ,onductor 9 no energy gap He!i ,onductor 9 &t is of the order of 1 e-. &nsulator 9 % e- ;or< !ore than % e-. 2. When a se!i conductor is heated !ore 2 !ore electrons get enough energy to Au!p across the for(idden energy gap fro! -alence (and to the conduction (and' where they are free to conduct electricity. 1here(y increasing the conducti-ity of a se!i conductor. 3. &n an intrinsic se!i conductor the nu!(er of free electrons and holes is sa!e. 4. ,.J ;;;;;;;;;;; Donor energy le-el ).J 5. ,.J ;;;;;;;;;;;; ).J %. A(out 4.3) ger!aniu! .A(out 4.%+) for silicon. +. 1ransistor is a current controlled de-ices. .. *e-erse (iased. 0.LALD GA1$. 14.&f ne"nh B1 . Eence A is intrinsic se!i conductor. &f ne"nh >1 ' ne>nh hence J is 89type. 11. or half wa-e rectification 54 ED. or ull wa-e rectification 144ED. 12. Go(ility of an electron is defined as the drift -elocity of electron per unit electric field' i.e. FeB )e "$ Go(ility of a hole is defined as the drift -elocity of hole per unit electric field' i.e. F hB )h "$ 1he electrical conducti-ity;< is the reciprocal of resisti-ity ;p<' therefore ,onducti-ity' B1" Q B e;ne \e 6 nh \h < Where ne 2 nh are free electron density 2 hole density respecti-ely. 13. Diagra!
Acceptor energy le-el

14. 1he drift -elocity of a charge carrier is proportional to electric $. 1herefore ) B e$1"! ie. ) $ Jut ) cannot (e increased indefinitely (y increasing $ . At high speed relaxation ti!e ;1< (egins to decrease due to increase in collision fre5uency. HP so drift -elocity saturates at ther!al -elocity ;l7!s91<. An electric field of 14% )"! causes saturation of drift -elocity. Eence se!i9 conduction o(ey oh!/s law for low electrical field and a(o-e this field ; $ > 14% )"! < current (eco!es independent of potential. 15. 1he factors upon which transconductance of a transistor depend are as follows99 i< Geo!etry of the transistor ii< Doping le-els. iii< Jiasing of the transistors. 1%. or faster action L8L 1ransistor is used .&n an L8L transistor' current conduction is !ainly (y free electron 'whereas in 8L8 type transistor .it is !ainly holes Hince electron are !ore !o(ile than holes we prefer L8L for faster action as well as high conduction current. 1+. graphsP

P 1.. Jecause the energy gap for Ge ; $g B 4.+ e-< is s!aller than the energy gap for Hi ;$g B 1.1e- < . Goreo-er' the ger!aniu! diode is !uch !ore open to the danger of high te!perature affect than silicon at high -oltage. 10. 1he output of the ALD gate is I B A.J conse5uently the input of the 7* gate are A and A.J . 1hen the final I B A 6 A.J &nput for ALD gate 7utput of ALD gate &nput of 7* gate output of 7* gate

A 4 4 1 1

J 4 1 4 1

IB A.J 4 4 4 1

A 4 4 1 1

I 4 4 4

IBA6I 4 4 1 1

24. 1he output of 7* gate is A6J. ,onse5uently' the inputs of ALD gate are A6J 2 , Eence the Joolean e5uation for the gi-en circuit is IB;A6J<.,

21< ALD Gate using LALD GA1$P9

A J 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 22. L71 gate using LALD gateP9 1ruth 1a(leP9 A IBA 4 1 1 4 LALD acts as L71 gate

IB A.J 4 4 4 1

23. Eere B54 &e B%.%!A B&c "&(

&cB&( B54&( &eB&c 6 &( &(B4.120!A Eence' &c B54 %.%"51 B %.4+!A B " ;1 9 < B " ;1 6 < B 4.0. 24. Eere &( B 144A B 4.1!A &c B 3!A a< B&c " &( B 34 B " ;19 < B 4.0+ B &c " &e &e B 3.1 !A (< &( B 24A 4.42 !A a.c. B &c " &( a.c. B 25

25. Eere &cB05T of &e B ;05 " 144 < &e &e B ;144 " 05< 5 !A B 5.2%!A &eB &c6 &( &( B 4.25 !A 2%. H$!$ &e B 5!A &c B 4.+5 !A &e B &c 6 &( &( B +5 1495 A ) B &( *( ) B 5) *( B ) " &( *( B %.%+ K 2+. 1his is ALD logic gate 7utput wa-e for! A


1.5) Eere e.!.f of the source' $ B 1.5) )oltage drop across the diode ' )d B 4.5) Gaxi!u! power rating of the diode & B ;8 " )d< &B 4.2A 8otential drop across resistance * )B $ : )d B 1) * B ) " & B 1 " 4.2 B 5 B 4.0% ' &e B +.2!A B &c " &e &c B &e B %.01 !A &( B &e : &c &( B 4.20 !A. < 9&e B ...!A &eB &c 6 &( &( B ... " +1 &( B 4.124 !A -/ I= < 1-5 > 1- A I8 < ,.-5 > 1--3A B &c " &( B 10.5 Also' &e B &( 6 &c B 2.155 1493 A B &c " &e B 4.05 &( B 2+A B 2+ 149% A B &c " &( B 24.1 &e B +..0 1493 A &c B +.. 14 :3 A Low a.c. B &c " &e B 4.0..% We ha-e' Also' ac B ac " ;19ac< B .%.+2 ac B &c " &( &( B &c " ac &( B ;+.. 1493 < " ;.%.+2< &( B .0.04 149%A





NL&1914 E&L1H 7* ,7GGNL&,A1&7L HIH1$GH

1< &n a radar' a (ea! signal is needed in particular direction which is possi(le if wa-elength of signal wa-es is -ery s!all. Hince the wa-elength of !icrowa-e is a few !illi!eter' hence they are used in radar. 2 1he tele-ision signals ha-e fre5uencies in 1449244 GED range. As ionosphere cannot reflect radio wa-es of fre5uency greater than 44 G (acK to earth' the sKy wa-es cannot (e used in the trans!ission of 1) signals. 3< A diode detector should ha-e the following characteristic for proper detection a< high rectification efficiency. (< negligi(le loading effect on pre-ious stage c< low distortion. 4< )elocity factor ;) < of a ca(le is the ratio of reduction speed of light in the dielectric of the ca(le. )elocity of light in -acuu! is 3 x14. !"sec. &t reduces when light passes through a !ediu!. )elocity of light in a !ediu! is gi-en (y -Bc " W K 2 where' c9-elocity of light in -acuu! and K9 is the dielectric constant of the !ediu! )f. B-"cBl"WK or a line -elocity factor is generally of the order of 4.% to 4.0. 5< Delta !odulation in-ol-es si!ple pulse coding and decoding !ethods. A si!ple delta !odulation uses Aust one (it per sa!ple i.e. a Mnon9Dero/ sa!ple or one per sa!ple. 1hus' this !ethod is con-enient to use. %< 1wo wire trans!ission line and coaxial ca(le are e!ployed for A and NE region. or optical fi(er is e!ployed for optical fre5uency. +<. Gixing two fre5uencies across nonlinear i!pedance. .<. When light striKeds the ato!s of the Oaser !ediu!' it !ust sti!ulate e!ission rather than (e a(sor(ed. 1his !eans that !ore ato!s !ust (e in an excited state than in the ground state. 1his is an unnatural condition and is Known as population in-ersion. 0<. Holid Oasers' He!i conductor Oaser' Oi5uid laser' Gas Oaser. 14< Oaser surgery 'Oaser printing' 7ptical co!!unication . 11< 1<1rans!ission Hyste!' 2< Hwitching Hyste!s and 3< Hignaling Hyste!s. 12< 1 .1he length of the antenna re5uired is so large ;O B 5444! < that is practically i!possi(le to set up it. 2 1he energy radiated fro! the antenna in audio fre5uency range is 8ractically Dero 3 1he audio signals trans!itted fro! the different (roadcasting stations will get insepara(ly !ixed. 13< 8ulse !odulation is a syste! in which continuous wa-e for!s are sa!pled at regular inter-als. &nfor!ation regarding the signal is trans!itted only at the sa!pling ti!es together with any synchroniDing pulses that !ay(e re5uired. 8ulse !odulation is the process of trans!itting signals in the for! of pulses ; dis continuous signals < (y using special techni5ues. 14< 1he ter! channel is co!!only used to special the fre5uency range allotted to a particular trans!ission fro! a (roadcast station or a trans!itter eg a telephone channel is also used for a linK in a trans!itter and recei-er.

15< At!ospheric pressure decreases with in crease in altitude. 1he high energy particles ;ie 2 rays and cos!ic rays< co!ing fro! outer space and entering our earths at!osphere cause ioniDation of the ato!s of the gases present there . 1he ioniDing power of these radiation decreases rapidly as they approach the earth. due to decrease in nu!(er of collision with the gas ato!s . &t is due to this reason that the electrical conducti-ity of earths at!osphere increases with altitude recei-es the signal 1%< *efracti-e index p of core of core of optical fi(re is slightly higher than glass cladding . Oight propagates through and along the fi(re (y the series of (ounces caused (y internal reflection at the interface of the core and cladding. or total internal reflection the light should enter the fi(re at an angle Y in accordance with core of acceptance angle Yc LA B sinYc B W;\12 9 \22 < Lu!erical aperature depends upon dia!eter of the core &t decreases as the dia!eter of core decreases -ice -ersa 1+< i< 8ulse A!plitude Godulation P A!plitude of the pulse -aries in accordance with the !odulating signal.

;ii< 8ulse 8osition Godulation. P 8ulse position ;ie< ti!e of rise or fall of the pulse < changes with the !odulating signal.

. 1.<Dielectric loss increase (eyond this fre5uency. 10<Eow does the effecti-e power radiated (y the antenna -ary with wa-elength? 8ower is in-ersely proportional to wa-e length 24<what should (e the length of the dipole antenna for a carrier wa-e of 5 @ 14 .hD ? O Bc"2 . 21< four ti!es. 22< dB W2h* dB W2x 4.1x %444 B W12.4 K! Area co-ered (y (roadcaste' A B C d2 B 3.14 x 12.4 B 3010.2 K!2 population co-ered B Area x population density B 3010.2 x 1444 B 3010244 23< ;i< 5 GED >fc sKy wa-e propagation ;ionospheric propagation<.

;ii< 144 GED = fc satellite !ode of co!!unication. 24<

25< Gaxi!u! -oltage of AG wa-e' )!ax B 1% B .!) 2 Gini!u! -oltage of AG wa-e' )!in B 4 B 2!) 2 !a B )!ax 9 )!in )!ax 6 )!in B .92 B % B 4.% .62 14 2%< 1he AG wa-e e5uation is gi-en (y f - B 5;164.%cos%2.4t< sin 221 @ 144t -olts .;i< ;i< Gaxi!u! a!plitude of AG wa-e B $, 6 !a$, B5 6 4.% @ 5 B .) Gini!u! a!plitude of AG wa-e B $, 9 !a$, B5 9 4.% @ 5 B 2) ;ii< 1he AG wa-e will contain three fre5uency -iD fc9fs' fc' fc6fs 33%91 33% 33%61 335KED 33%KED 33+KED 2+< ;i< 1he AG wa-e has side(and fre5uency of ;fc 6 fs< and ;fc 9 fs<. Hide(and fre5uency B ;54461< KED and ;54491< KED 541 KED and 400 KED ;ii< Jandwidth re5uired B 400 KED to 541 KED B 2 KED 2.< 8H B ` !a2 8, 1.24% B 1 6 !a2 2 !a2"2 B 4.24% !a B ;2 @ 4.24%<1"2 B 4.+41 B +4.1T 20< Godulation index ' !f B Gaxi!u! fre5uency de-iation Gini!u! signal fre5uency


d B ;2 %444 @143 1%4<1"2 B 45255! ,o-erage range' d B ;2*h<1"2 h2 B 4h1 B 4 1%4 B %44!

31< *adius of the area co-ered (y 1) (roadcast is d B ;2*h<1"2 B 3+544! B 3+.5 K! B 4.4 14% 32< Gicrowa-e co!!unication channel width B 2 14GHz 144 B4.2 GED (and width of channel B . ]ED B 2.5 14 4 33< $nergy corresponding to B 1444n! B 1444 1490 ! is hc 1.42 14 10 eV $B B 1.% 14 10 B 1e) or detection $ !ust (e e5ual to greater then $g. Eence only suita(le se!iconductor is ,. 34< ,ritical fre5uency fc and !axi!u! electron density n!ax are related as
1" 2

fc B 0;n!ax< fc 2 H5uaring we get n!ax B .1 Gi-en fc B 14GED B

+ 2

14 14

B 14


;14 < 12 3 ie' n!ax B .1 B 1.23 14 m


HINTS FOR ELECTROSTAICS 1. &n the dielectric !ediu! (etween the plates. 2. Eigh potential' as electrons are negati-ely charged. 3. Xero 4. Xero 5. GO91192 %. Xero +. Lo. .. Jecause they are indicators of electric field' extending to infinite distance. 0. , is proportional to A ;area< 1herefore ,2 B 2,1 Hince , B 3") 'Ho the slope represents !ore capacitance. Eence 8 represents ,2'3 represents ,1 14. $ach charge experiences two forces each of !agnitude inclined at an angle of %44.1heir resultant is gi-en (y 2 6 2 62 2cos %41"2 B 3. 11. ;i<According to defn of 8.D.' )8=)3 .Ho )89)3 is 6-e for 5=4. ;ii< or 5>4' )3 =)8 .Ho )89)3 is 9-e 12. lux B 4' since 3en B 4 13. Due to polaraisation'opposing electric field is created. 14. $lectric field at the !idpoint of a dipole of length 2a is 2K5"a pointing towards the :-e charge or in the direction opposite to the dipole !o!ent. 15. &nside the ca-ity field at any point is unifor! and non Dero. 1%. Lo. &f the initial -elocity of the charged particle !aKes a certain angle with a line of force' then the charged particle shall not !o-e along the line of force. 1+. $B 9d-"drB 9d;5"4C#or<"dr B 5"4C#or2 1.. Ies' at the !id point of electric dipole. 10. N B K52"a9 K52"2a9 K52"2a B 4. 24. ,/ B ,6,6, B 3, B +5F 1herefore' charge B +5F x 4244 ) B 315 !, 21. 1otal B 54"#o B 2"#o ' flux through one face B "% B 1"3 #o. 22. 5 999999999999 3 1"2!-2 B K35"r 7r' -2 U 1"r 7r' r U 1"-2 7r' r/ B r"4 23. ) B )16)2 3 B,1) B % @ 149% @ 2 B 12, As ,2 is in series sa!e a!ount of charge will also flow through it. Low )2B 3" ,2 B ;12 @ 149%<" ;12 @ 149%< B 1 )olt 1otal (attery )oltage') B 2 6 1 B 3 )olt

24.,apacitance of parallel plate capacitor with air (etween the plates is ,4 B 4A"d When the separation (etween the plates reduced to half' ,1B4A";d"2< B 24A"d 1hus final capacitance is ,2B14 @ . p B.4 p 25.1he arrange!ent is of 5 capacitors in series.1herefore 1",/B ;1",< 6;1",< 6;1",< 6;1",< 6;1",< B;5",< 1herefore ,/B,"5 7r 5B,"5 or ,B25 . 2%. 1he charge gi-en to a capacitor is gi-en (y 5B,) Ho the re!aining energy'5)9 1"2 5) B1"2 5) is lost as heat 2+. 7n e5uatorial line 'the direction of electric field is re-ersed to that of axial line. Eence the angle (etween electric dipole !o!ent2 electric field strength is 1.44 2.. $5. networK is the $5.capacitance B ;2, series ,< ;2, series ,< B4,"3 3 20. 4"3 C* B . x 4"3 Cr3 34. d) B 9$ . dx B 92 x 143 x 4 ) B 9. x 143 ) $ B $1 : $2 B 31 9 32"2A #o Low' )1 : )2 B $ . d B 31 9 32"2, 32. N B K ;52"a 6 53"a 6 53"W2a< Jut' N B 4 1herefore' 3 B 925";2 6 W2< 33. B 5"4#4161"461"1%61"%4 B 5"3#4. 34. Oet 5 2 5/ (e the charges on inner and outer sphere. Eence 5"4r2B 5/"4*2 5B3r2";*26r2< 2 5/B395B39 ;3r2"*26r2< Low potential at 7 is gi-en (y 35 ;i< Dipole has two e5ual and opposite charges. &n the unifor! electric field they will experience e5ual and opposite force. Let force is Dero. Ho there can/t (e any translatory !otion. ;ii< 1or5ue' B r B2l sin 5$ B p @ $ 1or5ue experienced (y the dipole will rotate it.Ho the direction of the tor5ue will (e outward fro! the surface. 3%. We ha-e )Bar26( 1he electric field'$r B 9 d)"drB92ar9999999;1< ro! Gauss theore!' $.dHB5"4' where H is the spherical surface containing the charge 5 7r $.4r2B;1"4 <;4"3< r39999999;2< ro! 1 and 2 B9%4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1hey ha-e high resisti-ely and low te!perature coefficient of resistance. 22142 R 14T *esisti-ely re!ains the sa!e. As )d U ). 1he different -elocity will (e dou(led. *BQ;l"A< B Q;l2"Al<

%. +.

B Ql2")< since' Q and ) are constants therefore' * U l2 ;*2"*1< B ;l2"l1<2B0 (ecause *2B0*1 B014B04 R Low' 1"*B1"*161"*2 (ecause l B 4."244 B 4.2 ! a< in parallel' power dissipation U 1"* 1herefore 3R wire will dissipate !ore power (< &n series ' power dissipation U * 1herefore 0R wire will dissipate !ore power *144"*2+.5 B ;16144U<";162+.5U< 7n sol-ing' we get U B 4.4430"c Huperconductors are the !aterials that lose all its resistance at -ery low te!perature ApplicationP Huper conductor are used (< &n !aKing -ery strong electro!agnets (< &n producing -ery high speed co!puters . *esisti-ity of copper is less ' hence !anganin wire is thicKer. Eigh -alue of resisti-ity and low -alue of te!perature coefficient. *esisti-ity will (e unchanged (ecause it depends upon nature of the !aterials. J is !ore sensiti-e. *educed (y half. *elaxation ti!e decreases with increase of te!perature. &ncrease in heat. *eistance re!ains sa!e. 8U 1"*. ;i.e< 25Watts 1% ti!es of the original reisitance. ;i<Heries 9 &ron ;ii<8arallel 9 ,opper. * B O"A. ;i.e< 14.25T 8arallel;i.e< *. 1P4. 2P1 *.

.. 0. B4 ]

14. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1%. 1+. 1.. 10. 24. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Nnit95 E&L1H 7* $G WA)$.

1. Due to change in electric field. 3. Ha!e as -elocity of light.

4. 04 degree %. rays' radio wa-es' @9rays' N) rays +. i<@9rays ii<!icrowa-e. .. dou(led 0. ,harge. 14..&ncreases. 11. Gauss/s law mxzpmvz~pvmmml mn 14. Gicro wa-es 15.Jy -arying potential difference. 1%. $x and Jy.

UNIT-/ ALHW$* ]$I 7* 781&,H

1.AnsPWa-elength 2. AnsP8hoto electric effect. 3. AnsP4LO. 4. AnsP &t will turn gradually (lue. 5. AnsPXero. mpklmn +. AnsP\oB \e mpklmn 0. AnsP)iolet. 14. AnsP HhrinKs. 11. Ans.;i< 1he upper part of the !irror is con-ex. ;ii< 1he !iddle part of the !irror is conca-e. ;iii< 1he lower part of the !irror is plane. 12. Ans. 1he ray of light (ends away fro! the nor!al. 13. Ans. As B sini"sinr B c"- or - B sinr"sini c

or a gi-en angle of incidence' - sinr' -A sin15 ' -J sin25 ' -, sin35 Jut sin15 > sin25> sin35. -A > -J > -, . i.e. the -elocity of light is !ini!u! in !ediu! A. 14 Ans. or i B 04' lateral shift is !axi!u! and is e5ual to the thicKness of the sla(. d B t sin; i : r <" cos r d!ax B t sin;049 r<"cos r B t cos r"cos r B t. 15. Ans.1he apparent shift caused (y a sla( of thicKness Mt/ is gi-en (y d B t; 1 91" < As the refracti-e index of the galass is !axi!u! for red light' so red coloured letters are !ore raised up. 1%. Ans. Lo Apparent depth is !axi!u! for that part of the (otto! of the tanK which is o(ser-ed nor!ally. Apparent depth decreases with increasing o(li5uity. Due to this une5ual refraction' the flat (otto! of the tanK appears conca-e. 1+. Ans. or glass9air interface' sin ic B 1"ag 1he critical angle i/c for glass water interface is gi-en (y Hin i/c B 1" wg Low wg > ag' Hin i/c = Hin ic or i/c = ic 1.. Ans. Oight entering water is totally reflected fro! the air (u((le. or the o(ser-er' this light appears to co!e fro! the (u(le. Ho it shines. 10. Ans. As the critical angle for dia!ond9oil interface is greater than that for the dia!ond : air interface' so the shining of dia!ond reduces when it is dipped in a transparent oil. 24. Ans. &t (eha-es liKe a (icon-ex lens.

21. Ans. Air (u((le has spherical surface and is surrounded (y !ediu! ; water< of higher refracti-e index. When light passes fro! water to air it gets di-erged. Ho air (u((le (eha-es as a conca-e lens. 22. Ans.When the refracti-e index of the li5uid is sa!e as the lens !aterial' no light will (e reflected (y the lens and hence it will not (e -isi(le. 23. Ans. Lo' the i!age will (e for!ed at the sa!e position. ro! lens !aKer/s for!ula' 1"f B ; 91< 1"*1 :1"*2 ' it is clear that when we interchange*1 and *2' the !agnitude of Mf/ re!ains the sa!e. 24. Ans. focal lengthMf/ of a con-ex lens is related to its refracti-e index as f 1"; 91< As wg > ag ' so focal length of a con-ex lens will increase when it is i!!ersed in water. 25. Ans. ocal length' f 1"; 91< As * > ) ' so the focal length of a con-ex lens will increase when red light is used. 2%. AnsP or the original lensP *1 B 6* and *2 B 9*' so we can write 1"f B ; 91< 1"* 61"* B 2; 91<"*. When one surface is !ade plane (y grounding' we ha-e *1 B 6* and *2 B 9 . 1herefore' 1"f / B ; 91< 1"* 61" B; 91<"* f M " f B 2 or f M B 2f 1hus the focal length (eco!es dou(le and power (eco!es one :half. 2+. Ans. When the pris! is held in water'

g B Hin ;A 6 !"2< "HinA"2

As wg > ag ' so the angle of !ini!u! de-iation decreases in water. 2.. Ans. 1otal internal reflection.

20. Ans. 1he sunlight will not (e scattered in the a(sence of at!osphere. Ho the sKy will appear darK.

34. Ans. ,louds ha-e large particles liKe dust and water droplets which scatter light of all colours al!ost e5ually' hence clouds generally appear white. 31Ans. When the sun or the !oon is seen through a thin -eil of high clouds' holes are seen. 1hese are for!ed due to reflection of light (y the icy crystals present in the at!osphere. 32. Ans. Nltra9-iolet light has wa-elength shorter than that of -iolet light. Jees ha-e so!e retinal cones that are sensiti-e to ultra -iolet light' so they can see o(Aects in ultra9-iolet light. Eu!an eyes do not posses retinal cones sensiti-e to ultra9-iolet light' so hu!an (eings cannot see o(Aects in ultra9-iolet light. &n other words' hu!an (eings are ultra9-iolet (lind. 33. Ans. &n a chicKen/s eye' the retina has a large nu!(er of cones (ut only few rods. 1he rods are sensiti-e to (right light only. 1hat is why a chicKen is not a(le to see in di! light. As it needs (right light to see' so it waKes up early in the !orning with the sunrise and goes to sleep (y sunset. 34. Ans. Gagnifying power of a si!ple !icroscope ' ! B 1 6 D"f as f) > f* so the !agnifying power is greater when the o(Aect is seen in -iolet light. 35. Ans. 1his is done so that the o(Aecti-e lens for!s i!age within the focal length of the eyepiece. 3%. Ans. ;i< We should taKe f4 B1 c! and fe B 3c! for a !icroscope. ;ii< We should taKe f4 B 144 c! and fe B 1 c! for a telescope. 3+. Ans. Ies' (ecause the light gathering power of o(Aecti-e will increase and e-en faint o(Aects will (eco!e -isi(le. 3.. Ans. or relaxed eye' O B f4 6 fe ;nor!al adAust!ent< or least distance of distinct -ision' O/ B f4 6 ue ' ue > fe 1herefore' O/ > O. so that distance (etween the two lenses should (e decreased.

SHORT ANSWER T)PE QUESTIONS 30. Ans. Eere u B 9 ;f6a<' - B 9;f6(<' f B 9f As 1"f B 1"u 61"B u-" u 6 7r 9f B 9;f6a< x 9;f6(< " 9;f6a< : f;a6(< B f2 6 af 6(f 6a( " 9;2f6a6(< or 2 f2 6 af 6(f B f2 6 af 6(f 6a( or f2 B a( 44.Ans. ;i< Angle of refraction ;"2< in !ediu! 2 is less than the angle of incidence ;< in !edou! 1 i.e. the ray (ends towards the nor!al in !ediu! 2. so !ediu! 2 is optically denser than !ediu! 1. ;ii< ro! Hnell/s law' B sin i"sin r B sin " sin "2 B 2sin "2 cos "2 "sin "2 B 2 cos "2 Also B c1 " c2 hence 2 cos "2 B c1 " c2 or B 2cos91;c1 " 2c2< .

41. Ans. 1he point of con-ergence shifts away fro! the glass' as shown in the ray diagra! gi-en (elow. 1he screen has to (e !o-ed towards right to recei-e the point of con-ergence again. 42. Ans. *eal depth B y c! Apparent depth B y9 x c! *efracti-e index of oil' B real depth" apparent depth B y " y9x 43. Ans. Nsing Hnell/s Oaw for refraction fro! glass to air' Hin i"sin r B ga B - " c Where c is the speed of light in air and - is the speed of light in glass' &n the consition of critical incidence' we ha-e i B ic and r B 044 Hin ic" sin 044 B - " c or Hin ic B - " c 7r ic B sin 91 ; - " c<

44. Ans. T0%n12%n3 &4 s "!s. 1he light fro! stars undergoes refraction continuously (efore it reaches earth. Ho the apparent position of the stars is slightly different than its actual position. Due to -ariation in at!osphere conditions' liKe change in te!perature' density etc.' and this apparent position Keeps on changing. 1he a!ount of light entering our eyes fro! a particular star increases and decreases rando!ly with ti!e. Ho!eti!es' the star appears (righter and other ti!es' it appears fainter. 1his gi-es rise to the twinKling effect of stars. T5$ 62"n$ s 7& n& s5&0 0%n12%n3 $44$8 . As the planets are !uch closer to the earth' the greater and the fluctuations caused in the a!ount of light due to at!ospheric refraction are negligi(le as co!pared to the a!ount of light recei-ed fro! the!. 45. Ans. Oight fro! the stars near the horiDon reaches the earth o(li5uely through the at!osphere. &ts path changes due to refraction. re5uent at!ospheric distur(ances change the path of light and cause twinKling of stars. Oight fro! the stars o-erhead reaches the earth nor!ally. &t does not suffer refraction. 1here is no change in its path. Eence there is no 1winKling effect. 4%. Ans. Gagnification produced (y any lens' ! B -"u B f " f 6 u gi-en ! B L or f 6 u B f " L L B f " f 6 u or u B 9 f f " L

hence !agnitude of o(Aect distances' u B f f " L gi-en 8 B 1"f B 6 2.5 D f B 1" 2.5 B 4.4 ! B 44 c! Also L B 4 u B 44 44"4 B 44 14 B 54 c! or 34 c!. 4+. Ans. ;a< for a con-ex lens' f==4 and for an o(Aect on left' u>4. when the o(Aect is placed within the focus of a con-ex lens' 4 > u > f or 4> 1 " u = 1"f 1"- B 1"f61"uB1"f91"u>4 i.e. - > 4 so a -irtual i!age is for!ed on left. Low as u>4 and ->4' so 1"- B 1"f 6 1"u B 9 1" - B 1"f : 1"u or 1"u 9 1"- B 1"f As f=4 1"u 9 1"- = 4 or 1"u = 1"- or u>- i.e. -=u ! B -"u = 1

Eence i!age is enlarged. ;(< or a conca-e lens f>4 and for an o(Aect on left' u>4 1"- B 1"f 61"u B 1"f 9 1"u B 9 1"f61"u > 4 for all u. i.e. ->4 for all -alues of u. hence a -irtual i!age is for!ed on the left. Also 1"- B 1"f 6 1"u 1"- = 1"u 7r ->u ! B -"u > 1 i.e. the i!age is di!inished in siDe. 4.. Ans. A hollow pris! contains air which does not cause dispersion. 1he faes AJ and A, of the hollow pris! (eha-e liKe parallel sides of glass plates. 1he (ea! is laterally de-iated at each of the two refracting faces. Eowe-er' the rays of different colours e!erge parallel to each other. Ho there is no dispersion. 40. Ans. ;i< Goon has no at!osphere. 1here is no scattering of light. Hunlight reaches !oon straight co-ering shortest distance. Eence sunrise and sunset are a(rupt. ;ii< Goon has no at!osphere. Ho there is nothing to scatter sunlight towards the !oon. Lo sKylight reaches !oon surface. HKy appears (lacK in the day ti!e as it does at night. ;iii< Lo water -apours are present at !oon surface. Lo clouds are for!ed. 1here are no rains on the !oon. Ho rain(ow is ne-er o(ser-ed. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 54. Ans. 1he total apparent shift in the position of the i!age due to all the three !edia is gi-en (y d B t1191";1<6 t2191";2<6 t3191";3< Gi-en t1 B 4.4 c!' t2B%.4 c! ' t3 B..4 c! 1 B 1.5 ' 2B1.4 ' 3 B1.3 c! dB 4.4;191"1.5<6%.4;191"1.4<6..4;191"1.3< B 1.33 6 1.+1 6 1..5 B 4..0 c! 51. Ans. ,learly ' the fish can see the outside -iew of the cone with se!i -ertical angle' Jut 7r B 1 " sin ic 7r 1"3 B 1 " sin ic sin ic B B 4.+5 "2 B ic B sin91 ;4.+5< B 4..%4 52. Ans. ;i< As the lens for!s a real ia!ge' it !ust (e a con-ex lens. ;ii< ro! the graph' when uB24 c! ' we ha-e - B 24 c!. or the con-ex lens for!ing a real ia!ge' u is negati-e and - and f are positi-e.

N B 924 c!

- B 624c!

Nsing this lens for!ula' 1"f B 1"- : 1"u B 1"24 : 1"924 B 1"14 or f B 6 14 c! 53. Ans. AB%44 ' !B344 i B e B A B 454 ' as A 6 B i 6 e %4 6 B 45 6 45 or B 344 *efracti-e index' B sin a6! "2 "sin A"2 B sin %446344"2 " sin %44"2 B sin 454"sin344 B 1"2 " ` B 2 B 1.414 WAVE OPTICS 54. Ans. 1wo light sources will (e coherent if ;i< 1he fre5uency of the two light sources is sa!e and' ;ii< 1he phase difference (etween the! re!ains constant. 55. 1wo independent light sources cannot act as coherent sources. Why? Ans. 1wo independent sources of light cannot (e coherent. 1his is (ecause light is e!itted (y indi-idual ato!s' when they return to ground state. $-en the s!allest source of light contains (illions of ato!s which o(-iously cannot e!it light wa-es in the sa!e phase. 5%. Ans. ringe width ' B D"d i.e. 1"d ' when d 4' fringe width is -ery large. $-en a single fringe !ay occupy the entire screen. 1he interference pattern cannot (e o(ser-ed. 5+. Ans. 1he gi-en path difference satisfies the condition for the !ini!u! of intensity for yellow light' Eence if yellow light is used' a darK fringe will (e for!ed at the gi-en point. &f white light is used' all co!ponents of white light except the yellow one would (e present at this point. 5.. Ans. 1he positions of (right and darK fringes will change rapidly. Huch rapid changes cannot (e detected (y our eyes. A unifor! illu!ination is seen on the screen i.e. interference pattern disappears. 50. Ans. or diffraction to taKe place the wa-e length should (e of the order of the siDe of the o(stacle. 1he radio wa-es ;particularly short radio wa-es< ha-e wa-e length of the order of the siDe of the (uilding and other o(stacles co!ing in their way and hence they easily get

diffracted. Hince wa-elength of the light wa-es is -ery s!all. 1hey are not diffracted (y the (uildings. %4. Ans. Guslin cloth is !de of -ery fine threads and as such fine slits are for!ed. White light passing through these silts gets diffracted gi-ing rise to colored spectru!. 1he central !axi!u! is white while the secondary !axi!a are coloured. 1his is (ecause the positions of secondary !axi!a ;except central !axi!u!< depend on the wa-elength of light. &n a coarse cloth' the slits for!ed (etween the threads are wider and the diffraction is not so pronounced. Eence no such spectru! is seen. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS %1. Ans. A wa-efront is a surface o(tained (y Aoining all points -i(rating in the sa!e phase. A ray is a line drawn perpendicular to the wa-efront in the direction of propagation of light wa-e. 1he wa-efronts of light e!erging fro! a point source are spherical' as shown in figure. When a point source is placed at the focus of a con-ex lens' the e!erging light has the plane wa-efronts' as shown in figure. %2. Ans. As shown in figure the (right fringes J1 and (2 on either side of 7 coincide with H1 and H2 respecti-ely. ,learly ' B d"2 As B D"d d"2 B D"d or B d2"2D %3Ans. or intensity distri(ution of light in diffraction at a signal slit' see figure Width of central !axi!u! is gi-en (y 4 B 2D"d ;i< When wa-elength of light used is increased' the width of central !axi!u! increases. ;ii< When width of the slit is increased' the width of central !axi!u! decreases. Wa-elength of light in water decreases' so width of central !axi!u! also decreases. %4. Ans. When the !onochro!atic source is replaced (y a source of white light' the diffraction pattern shows following changesP ;i< &n each diffraction order' the diffracted i!age of the slit gets dispersed into co!ponent colours of white light. As fringe width wa-elength' so the red fringe with higher wa-elength is wider than -iolet fringe with s!aller wa-elength' ;ii< &n higher order spectra' the dispersion is !ore and it causes o-erlapping of different colours.

%5. Ans. *.8.of a co!pound !icroscope B 2 sin" B 2 sin x - "c ;i<When the fre5uency - of the incident light increases' the resol-ing power increases ;*.8. -<. ;ii< *esol-ing power does not change with change in focal length of o(Aecti-e lens. ;iii< When the aperture of the o(Aecti-e lens increases' the se!i9-ertical angle increases and hence the resol-ing power of the !icroscope increases. %%. Ans. According to the Jrewster law' when a ray of light is incident on a transparent refracting !ediu! at olarising angle' B tan ip (ut ip 6 rp B 044 or ip B 044 9 rp B tan;044 9 rp < B ,ot rp B 1" tan rp As ic is the critical angle for the transparent !ediu!' so B 1"sin ic on co!paring ;i< and ;ii< we get tan rp B sin ic or rp Btan91;sin ic< NUMERICAL QUESTIONS %+. Ans. 1he resultant intensity at a point where phase difference is is & * B &1 6&262&1&2 ,os As &1 B& and &2 B 4& therefore & * B & 64&621.4& ,os B 5& 64& cos ;i< when B4 ' & * B 5& 64& cos 4 B 0 & ;ii< when B"2 ' & * B 5& 64& cos "2 B 5 & ;iii< when B ' & * B 5& 64& cos B & %.. Ans. 1he fringe width in the two cases will (e And MB D/"d 9 / B ;D9D/<"d or wa-elength B ; 9 / <d " ;D9D/< Jut D9D/ B 5 x 1492 ! B D"d

And 9 / B 3 x 1495 ! ' dB 1493! B 3 x 1495 x 1493 " 5 x 1492 B % x 149+ ! B %444A %0. Ans. Oet & (e the intensity of (ea! & incident on first glass plate. $ach plate reflects 25T of light incident on it and trans!its +5T. 1herefore' &1 B& and &2 B 25"144& B &"4 &3 B+5"144 & B 3"4& &4 B 25"144 &3 B S x & B 3"1% & &5B +"144 &4B x 3"1% & B 0"%4 & A!plitude ratio of (ea!s 2 and 5 is * B &2"&5 B &"4 x %4"01 B 4"3 &!in" &!ax B r91"r612 B 4"391 " 4"3612 B 1"40 B 1P40

1. $ B h Bhc" $ 1" energy of proton reduces to half. 2. AlKali !etals ha-e too low worK functions. $-en -isi(le light can eAect electrons fro! the!. 3. N) are !ost effecti-e since they ha-e highest fre5uency hence !ore energetic. 4. Ies. @9rays cause photoelectric effect in sodiu!' Dinc 2 copper. 5. ].$ of photons re!ains unaffected since they do not depend %. stopping potential )4 B ]!ax"e B 5e-"e B5 ) +. w4 B h4 B hc"4 4 1" w4 Hince sodiu! has lower worK functions than copper it is easier for electron eAection. As it is lower worK function' higher wa-elength. .. 8hotocells are used for reproduction of sound. 0. 1"2 !-2 B ;!2 -2<"2! B p2"2! According to De Jroglie wa-e length B h"p e" p B pp"pe B ;!p "!e < !e > !p e = p electrons ha-e greater De (roglie wa-elength than proton . 14. B 04 9 "2 B 04 : 52"2 B%4 11. B hc " B 3.314910 ? 12. ]$ of photoelectrons is gi-en (y $instein/s photoelectric e5uation. $K B1"2 !-2

UNIT-9 E&L1H 7* DNAO LA1N*$ 7 GA11$*

B h 9 w4 ) U 1" W As wa-elength decreases -elocity increases. 13. stopping potential fre5uency 14. $B h c"%.%< B x 14934 x 3 x 14.<" ;4 x 149+< B 4.0. x 14910 A $B ;4.0. x 14910<" ;1.% x 14910< B3eEence' !etal x will e!it electrons.


or a photon $1Bhc" or an electron Bh"!- or !Bh"$2"$1Bc"-=1 1herefore'$2=$1.thus' electron has total energy greater than that of photon. 1%. phBeBBh"!].$. of electrons $B1"2!-2B1"2 ! h"! 2 Bh2"2! 2 $phB$e;2!c "h< 1+ . $B1"2 !-2B!2-2"2!Bp2"2! pBW2$! Bh"pBh"W2$! ro! ]inetic theory of gases a-erage ].$.B3"2 ]1 Bh";W2!;3"2 ]1<Bh";W3! ]1< 1.. 1he energy of light o(tained fro! the (ul( is !uch less than worK function of the wodden (locK.Eence no photon electrons are e!itted. 10. Go will not e!it photo electron ' (ecause its worK function is !ore than 4 e-. 24. Alpha particles due to its largest !ass. 21. * U 1"5 22. $e B G-2"r 23. B "2. 24. "2. 25. B hc"mm m n


1< 1he entire positi-e charge and the !ass were concentrated at one place inside the ato!' called the nucleus. 2< A larger nu!(er of alpha particle went through undeflected. 3< *B*4A1"3 *1"*2BA11"3"A21"3B1 1"3"2+ 1"3B1"3 4< 5< *B *4A1"3 *1"*2BA11"3"A21"3B;1".<1"3 B1"2 *1P *2B1P2 U9particles ha-e !ore ioniDing power than 9particles.

%< +< .< 0< 14< 11< 12< it 13< 14<

L"L4B;1"2<n tB21 B234 B%4 days 1hey are neutral in nature and get a(sor(ed (y nucleus' thus distri(uting the neutron proton ratio. 1he ratio of neutrons to proton ratio increases' after the e!ission of a : particle. 7wing to greater !ass and charge' it is a(le to KnocK out"pull out electrons which colliding with ato!s and !olecules in its path. 1 B 24 !inutes t B %4 !inutes L"Lo B ;1"2<n B ;1"2<%4"24 B ;1"2< 3 B1". After one hour' 1".th of the original !ass would re!ain. 1he nucleus looses energy' (ut re!ains sa!e isotope it was. Lo a nucleus either e!its a : particle or a : particle and if left in the exited state' !ay e!it : ray also. 1P1 ;independent of A<. At t B 1 ` L B Lo " 2 Nsing L B Lo e9 t Lo " 2 B Lo e9 t ` Hol-ing we get' 11"2 B ln2" B 4.%03" HiDe of nucleus can approxi!ately (e esti!ated using the concept of distance of

15< closest

approach. 1he re(ounding particle is selected and its infor!ation is su(stituted in the expression *o B 1"4C$o x 2Xe2 " $ for particle where $ is its energy. J. Nsing L BLo ;1"2<t"C"2 L B1"1%Lo 1"1% B `;1"2<t"C"2 11"2 B 34"4 B +.5 days. 1+< 235 B 1426I63 I B 04 And 02 B 5+6X64 X B 35 1.< a< Ies. Hince @ 2 I are ha-ing sa!e ato!ic nu!(er. (< I4 3 is liKely to (e !ore sta(le (ecause for its neutron to proton ratio is s!aller. 10< Disintegration constant B4.%03"11"2 B4.%03"34x24x%4x%4 1herefore 1 a-g B1.44x11"2 B 1.44x34 B 43.2 days. 24< *e!aining a!ount ;undecayed< B1"4L4 Nsing LB L4 ;1"2<t"11"2 1"4B ;1"2<t"%4 Hol-ing tB2x%4B124days 21< Gass defect -!B ;22.0045922.0.0.< B4.444+4 $nergy 3B ;4.444+4< ;031.5< B4.4Ge) Eence the energy of (eta particle can range fro! 4 to 4.4Ge). 22< a< Nsing *B*4e9t 2+44B4+54 e95t B4.113!in91 (< Nsing 11"2B4.%03" B4.%03"4.113 B%.132!in




&n the process of (eta decay' a neutron gets con-erted to proton inside the nucleus . Eence nu!(er of neutrons decreases (y one whereas nu!(er of proton increases (y one. Eence n"p ratio decreases. 214 Ji.399999999999999999999 2148o.4 6 491 6 Jefore decay B12+".3 After decayB12%".4 Oet and / (e the decay constant of ele!ent A and J respecti-ely. Gi-en is 11"2;A< B 11"2;J< 4.%03"B1" / or " / B4.%03 Oet L (e the nu!(er of ato!s of each of the two sa!ples and * and */ their disintegration rate' then *"*/B L" /LB " /B4.%03 */ = * ind -! using -!B ;+x1.44+.36+x1.44.%+914.4434+4< N ,alculate -$(B-!x031.5 Ge)

a< 22%*a..99999999999999222*n.% 64Ee2 (< 3281599999999999999999932H1% 64e91 6 c< 3281599999999999999999911J5 64e61 6 2+< i< %Oi3 61n4 99999999993E1 6 4Ee2 63 ;energy< ii< 3B-!x031 Ge) Where -!B%.4151261.44.%%5494.442%44493.4144444 2%<

NL&190 E&L1H 7* $O$,1*7L&, D$)&,$H

1. ,onductor 9 no energy gap He!i ,onductor 9 &t is of the order of 1 e-. &nsulator 9 % e- ;or< !ore than % e-. 2. When a se!i conductor is heated !ore 2 !ore electrons get enough energy to Au!p across the for(idden energy gap fro! -alence (and to the conduction (and' where they are free to conduct electricity. 1here(y increasing the conducti-ity of a se!i conductor. 3. &n an intrinsic se!i conductor the nu!(er of free electrons and holes is sa!e. 4. ,.J ;;;;;;;;;;; Donor energy le-el ).J 5. ,.J ;;;;;;;;;;;; ).J %. A(out 4.3) ger!aniu! .A(out 4.%+) for silicon. +. 1ransistor is a current controlled de-ices. .. *e-erse (iased. 0.LALD GA1$. 14.&f ne"nh B1 . Eence A is intrinsic se!i conductor. &f ne"nh >1 ' ne>nh hence J is 89type.
Acceptor energy le-el

11. or half wa-e rectification 54 ED. or ull wa-e rectification 144ED. 12. Go(ility of an electron is defined as the drift -elocity of electron per unit electric field' i.e. FeB )e "$ Go(ility of a hole is defined as the drift -elocity of hole per unit electric field' i.e. F hB )h "$ 1he electrical conducti-ity;< is the reciprocal of resisti-ity ;p<' therefore ,onducti-ity' B1" Q B e;ne \e 6 nh \h < Where ne 2 nh are free electron density 2 hole density respecti-ely. 13. Diagra!

14. 1he drift -elocity of a charge carrier is proportional to electric $. 1herefore ) B e$1"! ie. ) $ Jut ) cannot (e increased indefinitely (y increasing $ . At high speed relaxation ti!e ;1< (egins to decrease due to increase in collision fre5uency. HP so drift -elocity saturates at ther!al -elocity ;l7!s91<. An electric field of 14% )"! causes saturation of drift -elocity. Eence se!i9 conduction o(ey oh!/s law for low electrical field and a(o-e this field ; $ > 14% )"! < current (eco!es independent of potential. 15. 1he factors upon which transconductance of a transistor depend are as follows99 i< Geo!etry of the transistor ii< Doping le-els. iii< Jiasing of the transistors. 1%. or faster action L8L 1ransistor is used .&n an L8L transistor' current conduction is !ainly (y free electron 'whereas in 8L8 type transistor .it is !ainly holes Hince electron are !ore !o(ile than holes we prefer L8L for faster action as well as high conduction current. 1+. graphsP

P 1.. Jecause the energy gap for Ge ; $g B 4.+ e-< is s!aller than the energy gap for Hi ;$g B 1.1e- < . Goreo-er' the ger!aniu! diode is !uch !ore open to the danger of high te!perature affect than silicon at high -oltage. 10. 1he output of the ALD gate is I B A.J conse5uently the input of the 7* gate are A and A.J . 1hen the final I B A 6 A.J
&nput for ALD gate A 4 4 1 1 J 4 1 4 1 7utput of ALD gate IB A.J 4 4 4 1 &nput of 7* gate A I 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 output of 7* gate IBA6I 4 4 1 1

24. 1he output of 7* gate is A6J. ,onse5uently' the inputs of ALD gate are A6J 2 , Eence the Joolean e5uation for the gi-en circuit is IB;A6J<.,

21< ALD Gate using LALD GA1$P9


4 4 1 1

4 1 4 1

4 4 4 1

22. L71 gate using LALD gateP9 1ruth 1a(leP9

A 4 1 IBA 1 4

LALD acts as L71 gate

23. Eere B54 &e B%.%!A B&c "&( &cB&( B54&( &eB&c 6 &( &(B4.120!A Eence' &c B54 %.%"51 B %.4+!A B " ;1 9 < B " ;1 6 < B 4.0. 24. Eere &( B 144A B 4.1!A &c B 3!A a< B&c " &( B 34 B " ;19 < B 4.0+ B &c " &e &e B 3.1 !A (< &( B 24A 4.42 !A a.c. B &c " &( a.c. B 25

25. Eere &cB05T of &e B ;05 " 144 < &e &e B ;144 " 05< 5 !A B 5.2%!A &eB &c6 &( &( B 4.25 !A 2%. H$!$ &e B 5!A &c B 4.+5 !A

&e B &c 6 &( &( B +5 1495 A ) B &( *( ) B 5) *( B ) " &( *( B %.%+ K 2+. 1his is ALD logic gate 7utput wa-e for! A


1.5) Eere e.!.f of the source' $ B 1.5) )oltage drop across the diode ' )d B 4.5) Gaxi!u! power rating of the diode & B ;8 " )d< &B 4.2A 8otential drop across resistance * )B $ : )d B 1) * B ) " & B 1 " 4.2 B 5 B 4.0% ' &e B +.2!A B &c " &e &c B &e B %.01 !A &( B &e : &c &( B 4.20 !A. < 9&e B ...!A &eB &c 6 &( &( B ... " +1 &( B 4.124 !A





I= < 1-5 > 1--/ A I8 < ,.-5 > 1--3A B &c " &( B 10.5 Also' &e B &( 6 &c B 2.155 1493 A B &c " &e B 4.05 &( B 2+A B 2+ 149% A B &c " &( B 24.1 &e B +..0 1493 A &c B +.. 14 :3 A Low a.c. B &c " &e B 4.0..% We ha-e' Also' ac B ac " ;19ac< B .%.+2 ac B &c " &( &( B &c " ac &( B ;+.. 1493 < " ;.%.+2< &( B .0.04 149%A

NL&1914 E&L1H 7* ,7GGNL&,A1&7L HIH1$GH

1< &n a radar' a (ea! signal is needed in particular direction which is possi(le if wa-elength of signal wa-es is -ery s!all. Hince the wa-elength of !icrowa-e is a few !illi!eter' hence they are used in radar. 2 1he tele-ision signals ha-e fre5uencies in 1449244 GED range. As ionosphere cannot reflect radio wa-es of fre5uency greater than 44 G (acK to earth' the sKy wa-es cannot (e used in the trans!ission of 1) signals. 3< A diode detector should ha-e the following characteristic for proper detection a< high rectification efficiency. (< negligi(le loading effect on pre-ious stage c< low distortion. 4< )elocity factor ;) < of a ca(le is the ratio of reduction speed of light in the dielectric of the ca(le. )elocity of light in -acuu! is 3 x14. !"sec. &t reduces when light passes through a !ediu!. )elocity of light in a !ediu! is gi-en (y -Bc " W K 2 where' c9-elocity of light in -acuu! and K9 is the dielectric constant of the !ediu! )f. B-"cBl"WK or a line -elocity factor is generally of the order of 4.% to 4.0. 5< Delta !odulation in-ol-es si!ple pulse coding and decoding !ethods. A si!ple delta !odulation uses Aust one (it per sa!ple i.e. a Mnon9Dero/ sa!ple or one per sa!ple. 1hus' this !ethod is con-enient to use. %< 1wo wire trans!ission line and coaxial ca(le are e!ployed for A and NE region. or optical fi(er is e!ployed for optical fre5uency. +<. Gixing two fre5uencies across nonlinear i!pedance.

.<. When light striKeds the ato!s of the Oaser !ediu!' it !ust sti!ulate e!ission rather than (e a(sor(ed. 1his !eans that !ore ato!s !ust (e in an excited state than in the ground state. 1his is an unnatural condition and is Known as population in-ersion. 0<. Holid Oasers' He!i conductor Oaser' Oi5uid laser' Gas Oaser. 14< Oaser surgery 'Oaser printing' 7ptical co!!unication . 11< 1<1rans!ission Hyste!' 2< Hwitching Hyste!s and 3< Hignaling Hyste!s. 12< 1 .1he length of the antenna re5uired is so large ;O B 5444! < that is practically i!possi(le to set up it. 2 1he energy radiated fro! the antenna in audio fre5uency range is 8ractically Dero 3 1he audio signals trans!itted fro! the different (roadcasting stations will get insepara(ly !ixed. 13< 8ulse !odulation is a syste! in which continuous wa-e for!s are sa!pled at regular inter-als. &nfor!ation regarding the signal is trans!itted only at the sa!pling ti!es together with any synchroniDing pulses that !ay(e re5uired. 8ulse !odulation is the process of trans!itting signals in the for! of pulses ; dis continuous signals < (y using special techni5ues. 14< 1he ter! channel is co!!only used to special the fre5uency range allotted to a particular trans!ission fro! a (roadcast station or a trans!itter eg a telephone channel is also used for a linK in a trans!itter and recei-er. 15< At!ospheric pressure decreases with in crease in altitude. 1he high energy particles ;ie 2 rays and cos!ic rays< co!ing fro! outer space and entering our earths at!osphere cause ioniDation of the ato!s of the gases present there . 1he ioniDing power of these radiation decreases rapidly as they approach the earth. due to decrease in nu!(er of collision with the gas ato!s . &t is due to this reason that the electrical conducti-ity of earths at!osphere increases with altitude recei-es the signal 1%< *efracti-e index p of core of core of optical fi(re is slightly higher than glass cladding . Oight propagates through and along the fi(re (y the series of (ounces caused (y internal reflection at the interface of the core and cladding. or total internal reflection the light should enter the fi(re at an angle Y in accordance with core of acceptance angle Yc LA B sinYc B W;\12 9 \22 < Lu!erical aperature depends upon dia!eter of the core &t decreases as the dia!eter of core decreases -ice -ersa 1+< i< 8ulse A!plitude Godulation P A!plitude of the pulse -aries in accordance with the !odulating signal.

;ii< 8ulse 8osition Godulation. P 8ulse position ;ie< ti!e of rise or fall of the pulse < changes with the !odulating signal.

. 1.<Dielectric loss increase (eyond this fre5uency. 10<Eow does the effecti-e power radiated (y the antenna -ary with wa-elength? 8ower is in-ersely proportional to wa-e length 24<what should (e the length of the dipole antenna for a carrier wa-e of 5 @ 14 .hD ? O Bc"2 . 21< four ti!es. 22< dB W2h* dB W2x 4.1x %444 B W12.4 K! Area co-ered (y (roadcaste' A B C d2 B 3.14 x 12.4 B 3010.2 K!2 population co-ered B Area x population density B 3010.2 x 1444 B 3010244 23< 24< ;i< 5 GED >fc sKy wa-e propagation ;ionospheric propagation<. ;ii< 144 GED = fc satellite !ode of co!!unication.

25< Gaxi!u! -oltage of AG wa-e' )!ax B 1% B .!) 2 Gini!u! -oltage of AG wa-e' )!in B 4 B 2!) 2 !a B )!ax 9 )!in )!ax 6 )!in B .92 B % B 4.% .62 14 2%< 1he AG wa-e e5uation is gi-en (y f - B 5;164.%cos%2.4t< sin 221 @ 144t -olts .;i< ;i< Gaxi!u! a!plitude of AG wa-e B $, 6 !a$, B5 6 4.% @ 5 B .) Gini!u! a!plitude of AG wa-e B $, 9 !a$, B5 9 4.% @ 5 B 2)

;ii< 1he AG wa-e will contain three fre5uency -iD fc9fs' fc' fc6fs 33%91 33% 33%61 335KED 33%KED 33+KED 2+< ;i< 1he AG wa-e has side(and fre5uency of ;fc 6 fs< and ;fc 9 fs<. Hide(and fre5uency B ;54461< KED and ;54491< KED 541 KED and 400 KED ;ii< Jandwidth re5uired B 400 KED to 541 KED B 2 KED 2.< 8H B ` !a2 8, 1.24% B 1 6 !a2 2 !a2"2 B 4.24% !a B ;2 @ 4.24%<1"2 B 4.+41 B +4.1T 20< Godulation index ' !f B Gaxi!u! fre5uency de-iation Gini!u! signal fre5uency d B ;2 %444 @143 1%4<1"2 B 45255! ,o-erage range' d B ;2*h<1"2 h2 B 4h1 B 4 1%4 B %44!


31< *adius of the area co-ered (y 1) (roadcast is d B ;2*h<1"2 B 3+544! B 3+.5 K! B 4.4 14% 32< Gicrowa-e co!!unication channel width B 2 14GHz 144 B4.2 GED (and width of channel B . ]ED B 2.5 14 4 33< $nergy corresponding to B 1444n! B 1444 1490 ! is hc 1.42 14 10 eV $B B 1.% 14 10 B 1e) or detection $ !ust (e e5ual to greater then $g. Eence only suita(le se!iconductor is ,. 34< ,ritical fre5uency fc and !axi!u! electron density n!ax are related as
1" 2

fc B 0;n!ax< fc 2 H5uaring we get n!ax B .1

14 14 Gi-en fc B 14GED B

B 14


;14 +< 12 3 ie' n!ax B .1 B 1.23 14 m

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