Film Review Guide - Student Copy - March 24

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Film Review Guide

Name:__________________________ Title of film:_____________________

After we watch the film:

The audience for your review consists of people who have not seen the film. Your job is to critically review the film in order to help your readers make a decision about seeing it. Therefore, your review must not reveal so much about the film that you spoil it. In other words, do not reveal the ending. You may reflect enthusiasm or disdain for the film in your review, but save your strongest language for the conclusion.

1) BRAINSTORMING: Gathering Information for our Film Review

THE BASICS: 1. What is the title of the film !. Who are the main actors in the film ". Who directed the film #. Who wrote the screenplay $. What is the genre %. Who produced the film &. Who wrote'played'sang the music (. If you plan to mention any technical aspects of the film, you should find out the name of the people responsible for those aspects )such as editor, costume designer, and so forth*. DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY OF THE FILM: 1. What other movies is this movie like !. Who are the main characters ". What is the setting )time and place* of the film #. What is the main situation or source of conflict $. +ummari,e the plot )wit o!t t e e"#i"$%& in no more than five sentences. REMEMBER- Your reader wants to know enough about the movie to make a decision about going to the movie, but not so much that there.s no need to go/ LITERARY ANALYSIS OF THE FILM: 1. What themes do you discover in the movie !. 0o you notice any symbols or images that recur in the movie E'ALUATION OF THE FILM: A( D)amati* A+,e*t+ 1. 1haracteri,e the plot'story of the movie. Is it confusing, simplistic, realistic, unbelievable, highly unlikely, well2structured, unresolved )3dd to this list if you need to.* !. 4ow would you characteri,e the dialogue 0o people talk this way in real life Was the dialogue amusing, poetic, or moving ". 0escribe the acting. 0o you believe that the actors are the characters #. 0escribe the sets, costumes, and make2up if these elements of the film.s design are significant. B( Ci"emati* A+,e*t+ $. 0oes the movie use any special effects If yes, describe them. %. What do you notice about the film.s sound effects and music What do they add to the overall effect of the film

!* !R"#$RITING%O&T'IN" ( organi,e your thoughts before you write by creating an outline of

what you are going to say in each paragraph. 5se the film reviews that you already have to help guide you and 'or follow this general outline. The more details you include here, the easier it will be to write later. 6ake choices about what to include based on what makes sense for this film.

-& Pla" .o!) i"t)o#!*tio"( U+e a / oo01 2a" o,e"i"$ ,a)a$)a, t at *at* e+ .o!) )ea#e)3+ atte"tio"&( Fo) e4am,le:

0escribe a scene, incident, or bit of dialogue from the film, 7emind your reader of 8the basics. 1onnect the movie to something happening in society today.

5& Afte) t e i"t)o#!*tio"6 w)ite a ,a)a$)a, fo) ea* of t e followi"$ to,i*+: 1. 0escription'summary !. 9iterary 3nalysis ". 0ramatic and cinematic evaluation 7& Co"*l!+io": 2+ o)t a"# to t e ,oi"t 8 li0el. o"l. a *o!,le +e"te"*e+& This is the moment of truth where you tell your reader whether they should see the film or not. You could give it a rating out of $ stars.

+) Rough ,o*- ( hand write or t-*e u* the fir.t draft of -our do/ument 0) Revi.ion ( u.e the /he/1li.t 2whi/h will 3e given to -ou Tue.da- or $edne.da-) to revi.e -ou rough draft and ma1e note. a3out ne/ /hange. 4) Good ,o*- ( 5ue Monda- Mar/h +1.t

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